Actori Celebri

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The document provides biographies of several actors including Al Pacino, Will Smith, and Yul Brynner. It discusses their careers, roles they have played in films, and other personal details.

The main actors discussed are Al Pacino, Will Smith, and Yul Brynner. Details are given about their careers, roles, birthplaces, and other biographical information.

The document mentions several roles Al Pacino played such as Michael Corleone in The Godfather trilogy, Tony D'Amato in Any Given Sunday, and Frank Slade in Scent of a Woman among others.

Al Pacino

Nume real
AlIredo Jacob Pacino
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor, producator, scenarist
(din 186 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
RiIiIi (2007)
88 Minutes (2006) - Jack Gramm
88 Minutes
Torch (2006)
Viata ca un pariu (2005) - Walter Abrams
Two Ior the Money
Nasul - Colectia DVD (2004) - Don Michael Corleone
The GodIather - DVD Collection
Negutatorul din Venetia (2004) - Shylock
Merchant oI Venice
Recrutul (2003) - Walter Burke
The Recruit
Gigli (2003) - Starkman
Gigli (Tough Love)
Ingeri in America (Mini-serie TV) (2003) - Roy Cohn
Angels in America (TV Miniseries)
Insomnia (2002) - Will Dormer
Simone (2002) - Viktor Taransky
Cu cartile pe masa (2002) - Eli Wurman
People I Know
Duminica, pierzi sau castigi (2000) - Tony D`Amato
Any Given Sunday
Chinese CoIIee (2000) - Harry Levine
Chinese CoIIee
The Insider (1999) - Lowell Bergman
The Insider
Pact cu Diavolul (1997) - John Milton
The Devil\'s Advocate
Donnie Brasco (1997) - LeIty Ruggiero
Donnie Brasco
In cautarea lui Richard (1996) - Richard III / El insusi
Al Pacino\'s Looking Ior Richard
Primaria (1996) - Maiorul John Pappas
City Hall
Obsesia (1995) - Vincent Hanna
Two Bits (1995) - Gitano Sabatoni
Two Bits
Carlito (1993) - Carlito Brigante
Carlito\'s Way
ParIum de Iemeie (1992) - Locotenentul Colonelul Frank Slade
Scent oI a Woman
Totul de vanzare (1992) - Ricky Roma
Glengarry Glen Ross
Trilogia Nasul: 1901-1980 (1992) - Don Michael Corleone
The GodIather Trilogy: 1901-1980
Frankie si Johnny (1991) - Johnny
Frankie & Johnny
Dick Tracy (1990) - Big Boy Caprice
Dick Tracy
Nasul: Partea III (1990) - Don Michael Corleone
The GodIather: Part III
The Local Stigmatic (1990) - Graham
The Local Stigmatic
Cand dragostea ucide (1989) - Detectivul Frank Keller
Sea oI Love
Revolutia (1985) - Tom Dobb
ScarIace (1983) - Antonio Montana
Author! Author! (1982) - Ivan Travalian
Author! Author!
Incrucisarea (1980) - Steve Burns
Dreptate pentru toti (1979) - Arthur Kirkland
...And Justice Ior All
Bobby DeerIield (1977) - Bobby DeerIield
Bobby DeerIield
Dupa-amiaza de caine (1975) - Sonny Wortzik
Dog Day AIternoon
Nasul: Partea II (1974) - Michael Corleone
The GodIather: Part II
Serpico (1973) - Frank Serpico
Sperietoarea (1973) - Francis
Nasul (1972) - Don Michael Corleone
The GodIather
The Panic in Needle Park (1971) - Bobby
The Panic in Needle Park
Me, Natalie (1969) - Tony
Me, Natalie
FilmograIie - Regizor
Chinese CoIIee (2000) - regizor
Chinese CoIIee
In cautarea lui Richard (1996) - regizor
Al Pacino\'s Looking Ior Richard
The Local Stigmatic (1990) - regizor
The Local Stigmatic
FilmograIie - Producator
The Local Stigmatic (1990) - producator
The Local Stigmatic
FilmograIie - Scenarist
In cautarea lui Richard (1996) - scenarist
Al Pacino\'s Looking Ior Richard
Alain Delon
Locul nasterii
Hauts-de-Seine, Franta
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist, regizor
(din 80 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (2007) - Iulius Cezar
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (Asterix 3)
Frank Riva (2003) - Frank Riva
Frank Riva
Actorii (2000) - Alain Delon
Les Acteurs (Actors)
Una din doua (1998) - Julien Vignal
Une chance sur deux (HalI a Chance)
Intoarcerea lui Casanova (1992) - Casanova
Le Retour de Casanova (The Return oI Casanova)
Salonul de dans (1990) - Alan WolI
Dancing Machine
Nu deranjati politistul care doarme (1988) - Eugene Grindel
Ne reveillez pas un Ilic qui dort (Never Wake a Cop)
Negociere cu moartea (1986) - Jean Diaz
Le Passage (The Passage)
Pe cuvant de politist (1985) - Daniel Pratt
Parole de Ilic (Cop\'s Honor)
Un amour de Swann (1984) - Baron de Charlus
Un amour de Swann (Swann in Love)
Reusita (1983) - Jacques Darnay
Le Battant (The Fighter)
Socul (1982) - Martin Terrier / Christian
Le Choc (Shock)
AIacerea Pigot (1981) - Choucas
Pour la peau d\'un Ilic (Whirlpool)
Trei oameni periculosi (1980) - Michel GerIaut
Trois hommes a abattre (Three Men to Kill)
Aeroport `79: Concorde (1979) - Capitanul Paul Metrand
The Concorde: Airport \'79
Doctorul (1979) - Jean-Marie Despree
Le toubib (The Medic)
Atentie, copiii privesc! (1978) - Barbatul
Attention, les enIants regardent (Attention, the Kids Are Watching)
Alibi pentru un prieten (1977) - Xavier Marechal
Mort d'un pourri
Un om grabit (1977) - Pierre Niox
L\' Homme presse (Man in a Hurry)
Domnul Klein (1976) - Domnul Klein
Monsieur Klein (Mr. Klein)
Tiganul (1975) - Hugo Sennart
Le Gitan (The Gypsy)
Povestea unui politist (1975) - Roger Borniche
Flic Story
Zorro (1974) - Diego/Zorro
Borsalino & Co. (1974) - Roch SiIIredi
Borsalino & Co.
Scorpio (1973) - Jean Laurier
Doi oameni in oras (1973) - Gino Strabliggi
Deux hommes dans la ville (Two Men in Town)
Asasinarea lui Trotki (1972) - Frank Jackson
The Assassination oI Trotsky
Politistul (1972) - Edouard Coleman
Un Ilic (Dirty Money)
Soarele rosu (1971) - Gauche
Soleil rouge (Red Sun)
Cercul rosu (1970) - Corey
Le cercle rouge (The Red Circle)
Clanul sicilienilor (1969) - Roger Sartet
Le Clan des Siciliens (The Sicilian Clan)
Piscina (1969) - Jean-Paul
La Piscine (The Swimming Pool)
JeII (1969) - Laurent
Povesti extraordinare (1968) - William Wilson
Histoires extraordinaires
Adio, prietene! (1968) - Dino Barran
Adieu l\'ami (Farewell, Friend)
Aventurierii (1967) - Manu
Les Aventuriers (The Last Adventure)
Texas dincolo de rau (1966) - Don Andrea Baldazar
Texas Across the River
A Iost candva hot (1965) - Eddie Pedak
Once a ThieI
Rolls Royce-ul galben (1964) - SteIano
The Yellow Rolls-Royce
Laleaua neagra (1964) - Julien de Saint Preux / Guillaume de Saint Preux
La tulipe noire (The Black Tulip)
Les Ielins (1964) - Marc
Les Felins (The Love Cage)
Ghepardul (1963) - Tancredi
Il Gattopardo
Melodie in subsol (1963) - Francis Verlot
Melodie en sous-sol (Anyone Can Win)
Eclipsa (1962) - Piero
Diavolul si cele zece porunci (1962) - Pierre Messager (Iiul)
Le diable et les dix commandements (The Devil and the Ten Commandments)
Rocco si Iratii sai (1960) - Rocco Parondi
Rocco E I Suoi Fratelli
In plin soare (1960) - Tom Ripley
Plein soleil (Purple Noon)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Reusita (1983) - regizor
Le Battant (The Fighter)
AIacerea Pigot (1981) - regizor
Pour la peau d\'un Ilic (Whirlpool)
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Nu deranjati politistul care doarme (1988) - scenarist
Ne reveillez pas un Ilic qui dort (Never Wake a Cop)
Pe cuvant de politist (1985) - scenarist
Parole de Ilic (Cop\'s Honor)
Reusita (1983) - scenarist
Le Battant (The Fighter)
AIacerea Pigot (1981) - scenarist
Pour la peau d\'un Ilic (Whirlpool)
Andy Garcia
Nume real
Andres Arturo Garcia Menendez
Locul nasterii
Havana, Cuba
Data nasterii
Regizor, compozitor, actor
(din 34 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Ocean's Thirteen (2007) - Terry Benedict
Ocean\'s Thirteen
Asii din maneca (2007) - Stanley Locke
Smokin\' Aces
Orasul pierdut (2005) - Fico
The Lost City
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - Terry Benedict
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Distorsionarea (2004) - Mike Delmarco
Twisted / The Blackout Murders
Modigliani (2004) - Amedeo Modigliani
Intoarcere din tacere (2004) - Jack Heywood
The Lazarus Child
Tras pe sIoara (2003) - Gunther Butan
Ocean's Eleven - Faceti jocurile! (2001) - Terrence Benedict
Ocean's Eleven
Pacatele tatalui (2001) - Michael Hunter
The Unsaid
O vara pe vapor (2000) - Guigliani
Povestea lui Arturo Sandoval (2000) - Arturo Sandoval
For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story
Votul decisiv (1999) - Joseph Michael Kirkland
Swing Vote
Masuri disperate (1998) - Frank Conner
Desperate Measures
Night Falls on Manhattan (1997) - Sean Casey
Night Falls on Manhattan
Marul discordiei (1995) - Ruben Partida Martinez / Robert Martin / Naratorul
Steal Big, Steal Little
Cand un barbat iubeste o Iemeie (1994) - Michael Green
When a Man Loves a Woman
Erou din intamplare (1992) - John Bubber
JenniIer (1992) - John Berlin
JenniIer Eight
Trilogia Nasul: 1901-1980 (1992) - Vincent Mancini
The GodIather Trilogy: 1901-1980
Inviat din morti (1991) - Gray Baker
Dead Again
AIaceri interne (1990) - Raymond Avila
Internal AIIairs
Nasul: Partea III (1990) - Vincent Mancini
The GodIather: Part III
Complotul (1990) - Luis Angel Mora
A Show oI Force
Gloante si cenusa la Osaka (1989) - Charlie Vincent
Black Rain
Bani murdari (1988) - Clinton Dillard
Clinton and Nadine
Incoruptibilii (1987) - George Stone
The Untouchables
FilmograIie - Regizor
Orasul pierdut (2005) - regizor
The Lost City
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Orasul pierdut (2005) - scenarist
The Lost City
Actiune Animatie Aventuri Comedie Crima Documentar
Erotic Familie Fantastic Film noir Horror Istoric Mister
Muzical Razboi Romantic Scurt metraj SF Thriller Western
Angelina Jolie
Nume real
Angelina Jolie Voight
Locul nasterii
Los Angeles, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 423 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Sin City 2 (2008) - Ava Lord
Sin City 2
Kung Fu Panda (2008) - Tigresa (voce)
Kung Fu Panda
BeowulI (2007) - Regina Intunericului (voce)
The Good Shepherd (2006) - Dna. Wilson
The Good Shepherd
The Mirror (2006)
The Mirror
Dl. & Dna. Smith (2005) - Jane Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Povestea unui Rechin (2004) - Lola (voce)
Shark Tale
Alexandru (2004) - Olympias
Identitati Iurate (2004) - Illeana
Taking Lives
Capitanul Sky si Lumea Viitorului (2004) - Capt. Franky Cook
Sky Captain and the World oI Tomorrow
Febra (2004) - Revolutionara
The Fever
Lara CroIt Tomb Raider: Leaganul Vietii (2003) - Lara CroIt
Lara CroIt Tomb Raider: The Cradle oI LiIe (Tomb Raider 2)
La granita (2003) - Sarah Jordan
Beyond Borders
O viata aproape perIecta (2002) - Lanie Kerigan
LiIe or Something Like It
Lara CroIt: Tomb Raider (2001) - Lara CroIt
Lara CroIt: Tomb Raider
Dispari in 60 de secunde (2000) - Sara Wayland
Gone In 60 Seconds
Colectionarul de oase (2000) - Amelia Donaghy
The Bone Collector
Pacat Originar (2000) - Julia Russell
Original Sin
Tinerete Iurata (1999) - Lisa Rowe
Girl, Interrupted
Turnul de contol (1999) - Mary Bell
Pushing Tin
Capcanele seductiei (1998) - Joan
Playing by Heart
Gia (1998) - Gia Marie Carangi
Negru de Ium (1998) - Gloria McNeary
Hell\'s Kitchen
Doctor pentru maIie (1997) - Claire
Playing God
True Women (1997) - Georgia Virginia
True Women
George Wallace (1997) - Cornelia Wallace
George Wallace
Legaturi de sange (1997)
In My Sister\'s Shadow
Adolescente rebele (1996) - Margret Sadovsky
Peripetii sub clar de luna (1996) - Eleanor Rigby
Mojave Moon
Love Is All There Is (1996) - Gina Malacici
Love Is All There Is
Hackers (1995) - Kate Libby
Din lipsa de probe (1995) - Jodie Swearingen
Without Evidence
Bat Out oI Hell II: Picture Show (1994) - Fugara
Bat Out oI Hell II: Picture Show
Cyborg 2 (1993) - Casella Reese
Cyborg 2
Angela & Viril (1993) - Angela
Angela & Viril
Alice & Viril (1993) - Alice
Alice & Viril
Pagubosii la Las Vegas (1982) - Tosh
Lookin\' to Get Out
Anthony Hopkins
Nume real
Philip Anthony Hopkins
Locul nasterii
West Glamorgan, Wales, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
Actor, compozitor, regizor
(din 94 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Toti oamenii Regelui (2007) - Judecatorul Irwin
All the King\'s Men
BeowulI (2007)
Fracture (2007) - Ted CrawIord
Cel mai rapid motor din lume (2006) - Burt Munro
The World\'s Fastest Indian
Bobby (2006) - John Casey
Alexandru (2004) - Ptolomeu
Dovada (2004) - Robert
Culoarea minciunii (2003) - Coleman Silk
The Human Stain
Dublura (2002) - Gaylord Oakes
Bad Company / Black Sheep
Dragonul Rosu (2002) - Dr. Hannibal "Canibalul" Lecter
Red Dragon
Hannibal (2001) - Dr. Hannibal "Canibalul" Lecter
The Devil and Daniel Webster (2001) - Daniel Webster
The Devil and Daniel Webster
SuIlete pierdute in Atlantida (2001) - Ted Brautigan
Hearts in Atlantis
Grinci a Iurat Craciunul (2000) - Povestitorul
Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Instinct (1999) - Ethan Powell
Titus Andronicus (1999) - Titus Andronicus
Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) - William Parrish
Meet Joe Black
Masca lui Zorro (1998) - Don Diego de la Vega
The Mask oI Zorro
InIruntarea (1997) - Charles Morse
The Edge
Amistad (1997) - John Quincy Adams
Picasso, artist si demon (1996) - Pablo Picasso
Surviving Picasso
August (1996) - Ieuan Davies
Nixon (1995) - Richard M. Nixon
Legendele toamnei (1994) - William Ludlow
Legends oI the Fall
Drumul spre Wellville (1994) - Dr. John Harvey Kellogg
The Road to Wellville
Ramasitele zilei (1993) - James Stevens
The Remains oI the Day
Taramul umbrelor (1993) - C.S. Lewis
Procesul (1993) - Preotul
The Trial
Inocentul (1993) - Bob Glass
The Innocent
Chaplin (1992) - George Hayden
Inapoi la Howards (1992) - Henry J. Wilcox
Howards End
Dracula (1992) - Van Helsing
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Sa Iii cel mai bun (Serial TV) (1992) - Jack Figg
To Be the Best
Freejack (1992) - McCandless
Tacerea mieilor (1991) - Dr. Hannibal "Canibalul" Lecter
The Silence oI the Lambs
Razboiul lui Joel (1991) - Joel
One Man\'s War
Ore de disperare (1990) - Tim Cornell
Desperate Hours
The Dawning (1988) - Cassius
The Dawning
Al zecelea om (1988) - Jean Louis Chavel
The Tenth Man
84 Charing Cross Road (1986) - Frank P. Doel
84 Charing Cross Road
Constiinta incarcata (1985) - Arthur Jamison
Guilty Conscience
Eu si Mussolini (1985) - Galeazzo Ciano
Mussolini: The Decline and Fall oI Il Duce
Arcul de TriumI (1985) - Dr. Ravic
Arch oI Triumph
Revolta de pe Bounty (1984) - William Bligh
The Bounty
Cocosatul de la Notre Dame (1982) - Quasimodo
The Hunchback oI Notre Dame
Othello (1981) - Othello
Petru si Pavel (1981) - Paul dinTarsus
Peter and Paul
Omul eleIant (1980) - Dr. Frederick Treves
The Elephant Man
Magia (1978) - Corky / Vocea lui Fats
Vis de glorie (1978) - Capitanul Johnson
International Velvet
Un pod prea indepartat (1977) - Lt. col. John Frost
A Bridge Too Far
Toate vietuitoarele mari si mici (1975) - SiegIried Farnon
All Creatures Great and Small
Iubire interzisa (1974) - Kostya
The Girl Irom Petrovka
Leul in iarna (1968) - Richard
The Lion in Winter
FilmograIie - Regizor
August (1996) - regizor
Anthony Quinn
Nume real
Antonio RudolIo Oaxaca Quinn
Locul nasterii
Chihuahua, Mexic
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Regizor, actor, producator
(din 30 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Razbunandu-l pe Angelo (2002) - Angelo Allieghieri
Avenging Angelo
Drumul spre Santiago (1999) - Felix Foule
Camino de Santiago (mini series) (The Road to Santiago)
Gotti (1996) - Neil Dellacroce
Atat de aproape de cer (1995) - Don Pedro Aragon
A Walk in the Clouds
Dragoste de o viata (1994) - Michael Reyman
This Can\'t Be Love
Ultima aventura (1993) - Tony Vivaldi
Last Action Hero
Febra iubirii (1991) - Lou Carbone
Jungle Fever
Numai cei singuri (1991) - Nick
Only the Lonely
Razbunarea (1990) - Tiburon Mendez
Si Iantomele iubesc (1990) - Scott
Ghosts Can\'t Do It
Salamandra (1981) - Bruno Manzini
The Salamander
Trecatoarea (1979)
The Passage
Magnatul grec (1978) - Theo Tomasis
The Greek Tycoon
Iisus din Nazareth (1977) - Caiaphas
Gesu di Nazareth (Jesus oI Nazareth)
Mostenirea Ferramonti (1976) - Gregorio Ferramonti
L\'Eredita Ferramonti (The Inheritance)
Contractul Marsilia (1974) - Steve Ventura
The Destructors
Plimbare prin ploaia de primavara (1970) - Will Cade
Walk in the Spring Rain
Secretul din Santa Vittoria (1969) - Italo Bombolini
The Secret oI Santa Vittoria
Magicianul (1968) - Maurice Conchis
The Magus
The Shoes oI the Fisherman (1968) - Kiril Lakota
The Shoes oI the Fisherman
La Bataille de San Sebastian (1968) - Leon Alastray
La Bataille de San Sebastian (Guns Ior San Sebastian)
A 25-a ora (1967) - Johann Moritz
La Vingt-cinquieme heure (The 25th Hour)
Zorba Grecul (1964) - Alexis Zorba
Alexis Zorbas (Zorba the Greek)
Capcana (1964) - Vinolas
Behold a Pale Horse
Vizita batranei doamne (1964) - Serge Miller
The Visit
Lawrence al Arabiei (1962) - Auda abu Tayi
Lawrence oI Arabia
Tunurile din Navarone (1961) - Andrea Stavros
The Guns oI Navarone
Reprezentatie indecenta (1960) - Tom Healy
Heller in Pink Tights
Ultimul tren din Gun Hill (1959) - Craig Belden
Last Train Irom Gun Hill
The Savage Innocents (1959) - Inuk
The Savage Innocents
Notre Dame de Paris (1956) - Quasimodo
Notre Dame de Paris
Van Gogh (1956) - Paul Gauguin
Lust Ior LiIe
La Strada (1954) - Zampano
La Strada
SuIlul salbatic (1953) - Ward Conway
Blowing Wild
Sub masca razbunarii (1951) - Viovanni Larocca
Mask oI the Avenger
Road to Morocco (1942) - Mullay Kassim
Road to Morocco
Au cazut la datorie (1941) - ChieI Crazy Horse
They Died with Their Boots On
The Ghost Breakers (1940) - Ramon/Francisco Mederos
The Ghost Breakers
Antonio Banderas
Nume real
Jose Antonio Dominguez Banderas
Locul nasterii
Malaga, Spania
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 91 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Shrek al Treilea (2007) - Motanul Incaltat (voce)
Shrek the Third (Shrek 3)
Sa dansati bine! (2006) - Pierre Dulaine
Take the Lead
Bordertown (2006) - Diaz
Legenda lui Zorro (2005) - Don Alejandro de la Vega / Zorro
The Legend oI Zorro (Zorro 2)
Shrek 2 (2004) - Motanul Incaltat (voce)
Shrek 2
A Iost odata in Mexic - Desperado 2 (2003) - El Mariachi
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Desperado 2)
Spy Kids 3-D: SIarsitul jocului (2003) - Gregorio Cortez
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
Pancho Villa (2003) - Pancho Villa
And Starring Pancho Villa as HimselI
Imagining Argentina (2003) - Carlos Rueda
Imagining Argentina
Femeia Fatala (2002) - Nicolas Bardo
Femme Fatale
O alta joaca de-a spionii (2002) - Gregorio Cortez
Spy Kids 2: The Island oI Lost Dreams
Ecks contra Sever (2002) - Jonathan Ecks
Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever
Frida (2002) - David AlIaro Siqueiros
Joaca de-a spionii (2001) - Gregorio Cortez
Spy Kids
Pacat Originar (2000) - Luis Antonio Vargas
Original Sin
Misiune in tara sIanta (2000) - Matt Gutierrez
The Body
O bataie pe cinste (1999) - Cesar Dominguez
Play it to the Bone
Al 13-lea Razboinic (1999) - Ahmed
The 13th Warrior
The White River Kid (1999) - Morales Pittman
The White River Kid
Masca lui Zorro (1998) - Alejandro Murrieta
The Mask oI Zorro
Two Much (1996) - Art Dodge
Two Much
Evita (1996) - Che
Desperado (1995) - El Mariachi
Asasini (1995) - Miguel Bain
Legaturi riscante (1995) - Tony Ramirez
Never Talk to Strangers
Patru camere (1995) - Barbatul
Four Rooms
Rapsodie in roz (1995) - Antonio
Miami Rhapsody
Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994) - Armand
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
De amor y de sombras (1994) - Francisco
De amor y de sombras / OI Love and Shadows
Philadelphia (1993) - Miguel Alvarez
Casa spiritelor (1993) - Pedro Tercero Garcia
The House oI the Spirits
O Iemeie in ploaie (1992) - Miguel
Una mujer bajo la Iluvia
Regii mamboului (1991) - Nestor Castillo
The Mambo Kings
In pat cu Madonna (1990) - El insusi
In Bed with Madonna (Madonna: Truth or Dare)
Impotriva vantului (1990) - Juan
Contra el viento (Against the Wind)
Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! (1990) - Ricky
Leaga-ma strins (1989) - Ricky
Atame! (Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!)
Daca ti se spune ca am cazut (1989) - Marcos
Si te dicen que cai (II They Tell You I Fell)
Porumbelul alb (1989)
La blanca paloma (The White Dove)
Femei in pragul unei crize de nervi (1988) - Carlos
Mujeres al borde de un attaque de nervios (Women on the Verge oI a Nervous
Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios (1988) - Carlos
Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios
Legea dorintei (1986) - Antonio Benitez
La ley del deseo (Law oI Desire)
Matador (1986) - Angel
Matador (The BullIighter)
Curtea Iaraonului (1985) - Fray Jose
La corte de Iaraon
Picioroangele (1984) - Alberto
Los Zancos (The Stilts)
Labirintul pasiunilor (1982) - Sadec
Laberinto de pasiones (Labyrinth oI Passion)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Nebunie in Alabama (1999) - regizor
Crazy in Alabama
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Locul nasterii
Thal, Styria, Austria
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 87 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (2004) - Printul Hapi
Around the World in 80 Days
Terminatorul 3: Suprematia Robotilor (2003) - T-800 -Terminatorul
Terminator 3: Rise oI the Machines
Bun venit in jungla! (2003) - Aparitie speciala: El insusi
Welcome to the Jungle (The Rundown, Helldorado)
Victime Colaterale (2002) - Gordon Brewer
Collateral Damage
Ziua a 6-a (2001) - Adam Gibson
The 6th Day
Apocalipsa (1999) - Jericho Cane
End OI Days
Batman si Robin (1997) - Mr. Freeze / Dr. Victor Fries
Batman & Robin (Batman 4)
Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996) - Terminatorul
Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time
Eraser (1996) - John Kruger
Goana dupa cadou (1996) - Howard Langston
Jingle All the Way
Minciuni adevarate (1994) - Harry Tasker
True Lies
Gravidul (1994) - Dr. Alex Hesse
Ultima aventura (1993) - Jack Slater
Last Action Hero
Terminator 2: Ziua Judecatii (1991) - Terminatorul
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Total Recall (1990) - Douglas Quaid
Total Recall
Politist de gradinita (1990) - John Kimble
Kindergarten Cop
Febra rosie (1988) - Ivan Danko
Red Heat
Gemenii (1988) - Julius Benedict
Predator (1987) - Alan SchaeIer
The Running Man (1987) - Ben Richards
The Running Man
Commando (1985) - Colonelul John Matrix
Conan distrugatorul (1984) - Conan
Conan the Destroyer
Terminatorul (1984) - Terminatorul
The Terminator
Conan Barbarul (1982) - Conan
Conan the Barbarian
Povestea unui star: Jayne MansIield (TV) (1980) - Mickey Hargitay
The Jayne MansIield Story
The Villain (1979) - Strainul aratos
The Villain
Mostenitorul din Alabama (1976) - Joe Santo
Stay Hungry
Marea despartire (1973)
The Long Goodbye
Hercule la New York (1970) - Hercule
Hercules in New York
FilmograIie - Producator
Ziua a 6-a (2001) - producator
The 6th Day
Ashley Judd
Nume real
Ashley Tyler Ciminella
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 10 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Distorsionarea (2004) - Jessica
Twisted / The Blackout Murders
De-Lovely - Povestea lui Cole Porter (2004) - Linda Porter
Crima de inalta tradare (2002) - Claire Kubik
High Crimes
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) - Robin LeIler
Star Trek: Nemesis (Star Trek X)
Secretele surorilor Ya -Ya (2002) - Tanara Vivi
Divine Secrets oI the Ya -Ya Sisterhood
Frida (2002) - Tina Modotti
Jocurile seductiei (2001) - Jane Goodale
Someone Like You
Acasa, in inima mea (2000) - Lexie Coop
Where the Heart Is
Evadata (1999) - Elizabeth Parsons
Double Jeopardy
Martor din umbra (1999) - Joanna Eris
Eye oI the Beholder
Simon Birch (1998) - Rebecca Wenteworth
Simon Birch
Sarutul care ucide (1997) - Dr. Kate McTiernan
Kiss the Girls
Pacate ascunse (1997) - Kitty
The Locusts
Vremea Razbunarii (1996) - Carla Brigance
A Time To Kill
Dincolo de lege (1996) - Pam Anderson
Normal LiIe
Obsesia (1995) - Charlene Shiherlis
Pasiunea (1995) - Callie
The Passion oI Darkly Noon
Brad Pitt
Nume real
William Bradley Pitt
Locul nasterii
Oklahoma, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 257 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
State oI Play (2008) - Cal McCaIIrey
State oI Play
Benjamin Button (2007) - Benjamin Button
Benjamin Button
Ocean's Thirteen (2007) - Rusty Ryan
Ocean\'s Thirteen
Jesse James (2007) - Jesse Jame
The Assassination oI Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Fuga dupa bere (Spot TV) (2006) - El insusi
Beer Run (TV Commercial)
Babel (2006) - Richard
Dl. & Dna. Smith (2005) - Mr. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - Dusty Ryan
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Troia (2004) - Ahile
Sinbad: Legenda celor Sapte Mari (2003) - Sinbad (voce)
Sinbad: Legend oI the Seven Seas
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - Burlacul 1 Brad
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
Legaturi nebune (2002) - El insusi
Full Frontal
Mexicanul (2001) - Jerry Welbach
The Mexican
Ocean's Eleven - Faceti jocurile! (2001) - Dusty Ryan
Ocean's Eleven
Spioni de elita (2001) - Tom Bishop
Spy Game
Unde dai si unde crapa (2000) - Mickey O'Neil
Fight Club (1999) - Tyler Durden
Fight Club
Intalnire cu Joe Black (1998) - Joe Black
Meet Joe Black
Sapte ani in Tibet (1997) - Heinrich Harrer
Seven Years in Tibet
Prieten si dusman (1997) - Rory Devaney
The Devil`s Own
Partea intunecata a soarelui (1997) - Rick
The Dark Side oI the Sun
Armata celor 12 maimute (1996) - JeIIrey Goines
Twelve Monkeys
Pacatele tineretii (1996) - Michael Sullivan
Seven (1995) - David Mills
Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994) - Louis de Pointe du Lac
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
Favoarea (1994) - Elliott Fowler
The Favor
Legendele toamnei (1994) - Tristan Ludlow
Legends oI the Fall
True Romance (1993) - Floyd
True Romance
KaliIornia (1993) - Early Grayce
Candva pe aici trecea un rau (1992) - Paul Maclean
A River Runs Through It
O lume rece (1992) - Frank Harris
Cool World
Thelma si Louise (1991) - J.D.
Thelma and Louise
Johnny Suede (1991) - Johnny Suede
Johnny Suede
Cursa catre vise (1991) - Joe Maloney
Across the Tracks
Intimplare Iericita (1990) - Brian
Happy Together
Prea tanar pentru a muri (TV) (1990) - Billy Canton
Too Young to Die?
Zile de aur (Serial TV) (1990) - Walker Lovejoy
Glory Days (TV Series)
Scoala groazei (1989) - Dwight Ingalls
Cutting Class
FilmograIie - Producator
Running with Scissors (2006) - producator
Running with Scissors
Bruce Lee
Nume real
Lee Yuen Kam
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, scenarist, producator, regizor
(din 13 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Blestemul dragonului (1993) - El insusi
Curse oI the Dragon
Intrarea dragonului (1973) - Lee
Enter the Dragon
Pumnul de Iier (1972) - Chen Zhen
Jing wu men (Fist oI Fury)
Drumul dragonului (1972) - Tang Lung (Dragonul)
Meng long guojiang (Way oI the Dragon)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Drumul dragonului (1972) - regizor
Meng long guojiang (Way oI the Dragon)
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Drumul dragonului (1972) - scenarist
Meng long guojiang (Way oI the Dragon)
Bruce Willis
Nume real
Walter Bruce Willis
Locul nasterii
Germania de Vest
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist, compozitor
(din 103 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Live Free or Die Hard (2007) - John McClane
Live Free or Die Hard (Die Hard 4)
PerIect Stranger (2007) - Harrison Hill
PerIect Stranger
Black Water Transit (2007) - Earl Pike
Black Water Transit
Peste tuIis (2006) - RJ (voce)
Over the Hedge
Alpha Dog (2006) - Sonny Truelove
Alpha Dog
Marturie mortala (2006) - Jack Mosley
16 Blocks
Slevin: Nevinovat cu ghinion (2006) - Dl. Goodkat
Lucky Number Slevin
Ostaticul (2005) - JeII Talley
Sin City (2005) - John Hartigan
Frank Miller\'s Sin City
Lacrimi din Soare (2003) - A.K. Waters
Tears oI the Sun
Cat imi dai ca sa impusc din nou? (2003) - Jimmy "Laleaua" Tudeski
The Whole Ten Yards (The Whole Nine Yards 2)
Gasca Rugrat in vacanta (2003) - Spike (voce)
Rugrats Go Wild! / Rugrats Meet the Wild Thornberrys (The Rugrats Movie III)
Razboiul lui Tom Hart (2002) - Colonelul William McNamara
Hart's War
Indestructibilul (2001) - David Dunn
Banditi! (2001) - Joe Blake
The Kid (2000) - Russ Duritz
The Kid
Al Saselea Simt (2000) - Dr. Malcom Crowe
The Sixth Sense
Cat imi dai ca sa te impusc? (2000) - Jimmy "Laleaua" Tudeski
The Whole Nine Yards
Povestea noastra (1999) - Ben Jordan
The Story oI Us
Franky Goes to Hollywood (1999) - El insusi
Franky Goes to Hollywood
Mic-dejunul campionilor (1999) - Dwayne Hoover
BreakIast oI Champions
Armageddon - SIarsitul lumii? (1998) - Harry S. Stamper
Nume de cod: Mercury (1998) - Agentul FBI Arthur JeIIries
Mercury Rising
Stare de asediu (1998) - Generallul William Devereaux
The Siege
Al Cincilea Element (1997) - Korben Dallas
The FiIth Element
Sacalul (1997) - Sacalul
The Jackal
Armata celor 12 maimute (1996) - James Cole
Twelve Monkeys
Supravietuitorul (1996) - John Smith
Last Man Standing
Razbunare InIernala (1995) - Lt. John McClane
Die Hard 3: With a Vengeance
Culoarea noptii (1994) - Dr. Bill Capa
Color oI Night
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Butch Coolidge
Pulp Fiction
Parinti ideali (1994) - Naratorul
Niciodata nu e prea tarziu (1994) - Carl Roebuck
Nobody`s Fool
Zona de impact (1993) - Tom Hardy
Striking Distance
Tinerete vesnica (1992) - Dr. Ernest Menville
Death Becomes Her
Ganduri mortale (1991) - James Urbanski
Mortal Thoughts
Hudson Hawk (1991) - Hudson Hawk
Hudson Hawk
Billy Bathgate (1991) - Bo Weinberg
Billy Bathgate
Ultimul samaritean (1991) - Joe Hallenbeck
The Last Boy Scout
Batalie disperata (1990) - John McClane
Die Hard 2 : Die Harder
Rugul vanitatilor (1990) - Peter Fallow
The BonIire oI the Vanities
Uite cine cu cine vorbeste (1990) - Mikey (voce)
Look who\'s talking too
Jurnal de razboi (1989) - Emmett Smith
In Country
Uite cine vorbeste! (1989) - Mikey (voce)
Look Who`s Talking
Greu de ucis (1988) - John McClane
Die Hard
Amurg (1988)
Intalnire cu surprize (1987) - Walter Davis
Blind Date
Maddie si David (Serial TV) (1985) - David Addison
Moonlighting (TV Series)
Bud Spencer
Nume real
Carlo Pedersoli
Locul nasterii
Napoli, Italia
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist
(din 28 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Nu suntem ingeri (1997) - Orso
Noi siamo angeli
Bataie de Craciun (1994) - Moses
Botte di Natale (Troublemakers)
Vorbind de lup (1991) - Bull Webster
Un piede in paradiso (Speaking oI the Devil)
Detectiv cu greutate (1991) - Jack Costello
Extralarge: Jo-Jo
Detectiv cu greutate: Ucigasul din Miami (1991) - Jack Costello
Extralarge: Miami Killer
Tinta mobila (1990) - Jack Costello
Extralarge: Moving Target
Incurcaturi cu dubluri (1984) - Greg Wonder / Antonio Coimbra
Non c\'e due senza quattro (Double Trouble)
Incurcaturi in lant (1983) - Doug O'Riordan
Nati con la camicia (Go Ior It)
Banana Joe (1981) - Banana Joe
Banana Joe
Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste (1981) - Charlie O'Brien
Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro
Piedone in Egipt (1979) - Inspectorul Rizzo
Piedone d\'Egitto (FlatIoot in Egypt)
Par si impar (1978) - Charlie Firpo
Pari e dispari (Odds and Evens)
Piedone aIricanul (1978) - Rizzo
Piedone l\'aIricano (Inspecteur Bulldozer)
Tranzactie cu bucluc (1977) - Charleston
Piedone la Hong Kong (1975) - Inspectorul Rizzo
Piedone a Hong Kong (FlatIoot in Hong Kong)
Misionarii (1974) - Parintele Pedro
Porgi l\'altra guancia (Don\'t Turn the Other Cheek)
Piedone comisarul Iara arma (1974) - Inspectorul Rizzo
Piedone lo sbirro (The Knock Out Cop)
Carrie-Anne Moss
Locul nasterii
Vancouver, Canada
Data nasterii
(din 57 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Revolta Generatiei X (2005) - Jerri Falls
The Chumscrubber
Mini's First Time (2005) - Diane
Mini\'s First Time
Suspectul Zero (2004) - Fran Kulok
Suspect Zero
Matrix - Reincarcat (2003) - Trinity
The Matrix Reloaded (Matrix 2)
Matrix - Revolutii (2003) - Trinity
The Matrix Revolutions (Matrix 3)
Animatrix (2003) - Trinity (Episodul Detective Story)
The Animatrix
Planeta Rosie (2001) - Kate Bowman
Red Planet
Ciocolata cu dragoste (2000) - Caroline Clairmont
Memento (2000) - Natalie
Matrix (1999) - Trinity
The Matrix
InIern in Chicago (1997) - Melissa Wilkins
Lethal Tender
Fotomodele (Serial TV) (1994) - Carrie Spencer
Models Inc. (TV Series)
Inscenarea (1994) - Jane Tanner
The SoIt KillCarrie-Anne Moss
Locul nasterii
Vancouver, Canada
Data nasterii
(din 57 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Revolta Generatiei X (2005) - Jerri Falls
The Chumscrubber
Mini's First Time (2005) - Diane
Mini\'s First Time
Suspectul Zero (2004) - Fran Kulok
Suspect Zero
Matrix - Reincarcat (2003) - Trinity
The Matrix Reloaded (Matrix 2)
Matrix - Revolutii (2003) - Trinity
The Matrix Revolutions (Matrix 3)
Animatrix (2003) - Trinity (Episodul Detective Story)
The Animatrix
Planeta Rosie (2001) - Kate Bowman
Red Planet
Ciocolata cu dragoste (2000) - Caroline Clairmont
Memento (2000) - Natalie
Matrix (1999) - Trinity
The Matrix
InIern in Chicago (1997) - Melissa Wilkins
Lethal Tender
Fotomodele (Serial TV) (1994) - Carrie Spencer
Models Inc. (TV Series)
Inscenarea (1994) - Jane Tanner
The SoIt Kill
Catherine Zeta-Jones
Nume real
Catherine Jones
Locul nasterii
Mumbles, Tara Galilor, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
(din 103 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
No Reservations (2007) - Kate
No Reservations
Legenda lui Zorro (2005) - Elena de La Vega
The Legend oI Zorro (Zorro 2)
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - Isabel Lahiri
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Terminalul (2004) - Amelia Warren
The Terminal
Sinbad: Legenda celor Sapte Mari (2003) - Marina (voce)
Sinbad: Legend oI the Seven Seas
Dragostea costa! (2003) - Marylin Rexroth
Intolerable Cruelty
Chicago (2002) - Velma Kelly
RasIatatii Americii (2001) - Gwen Harrison
America\'s Sweethearts
High Fidelity (2000) - Charlie
High Fidelity
TraIic (2000) - Helena Ayala
Castelul ciudat (1999) - Theodora
The Haunting
Capcana pentru hot (1999) - Virginia Baker
Masca lui Zorro (1998) - Elena Montero
The Mask oI Zorro
Fantoma (1996) - Sala
The Phantom
Titanic (1996) - Isabella Paradine
Blue Juice (1995) - Chloe
Blue Juice
Ecaterina cea Mare (1995) - Catherine
Katharina die GroBe (Catherine the Great)
Mostenitorul pierdut (1993) - Kitty
Splitting Heirs
CristoIor Columb (1992) - Beatriz
Christopher Columbus The Discovery
Aventurile tanarului Indiana Jones Diavolii Desertului (1992) - Maya
The Adventures oI Young Indiana Jones: Daredevils oI the Desert
The Darling Buds oI May (Serial TV) (1991) - Mariette Larkin
The Darling Buds oI May (TV Series)
Seherezada (1990) - Sheherazade
Les mille et une nuits
Charles Bronson
Nume real
Charles Buchinsky
Locul nasterii
Pennsylvania, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
(din 31 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Familie de politisti (1995) - Paul Fein
Family oI Cops
Chipul mortii (1994) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish V: The Face oI Death
Donato si Iiica (1993) - Sergentul Mike Donato
Donato and Daughter
Mesagerul mortii (1988) - Garret Smith
Messenger oI Death
Complot la Casa Alba (1987) - Jay Killion
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown
Legea lui Murphy (1986) - Jack Murphy
Murphy\'s Law
Death Wish 3 (1985) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish 3
Vanatoarea (1984) - Holland / Bart Smith
The Evil That Men Do
10 minute pana la miezul noptii (1983) - Leo Kessler
10 to Midnight
Death Wish II (1982) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish II
Vanatoare salbatica (1981) - Albert Johnson
Death Hunt
Crima la Irontiera (1980) - Jeb Maynard
Martorul stie mai mult (1979) - Charlie Congers
Love and Bullets
Bizonul alb (1977) - Wild Bill Hickok
The White BuIIalo
TeleIon (1977) - Grigori Borzov
St. Ives (1976) - Raymond St Ives
St. Ives
From Noon Till Three (1976) - Graham Dorsey
From Noon Till Three
Breakheart Pass (1975) - John Deakin
Breakheart Pass
Mister Majestyk (1974) - Vince Majestyk
Mr. Majestyk
Death Wish (1974) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish
Mecanicul (1972) - Arthur Bishop
The Mechanic
Chato's Land (1972) - Pardon Chato
Chato\'s Land
Soarele rosu (1971) - Link Stuart
Soleil rouge (Red Sun)
Un trecator in ploaie (1969) - Colonelul Harry Dobbs
Le Passager de la pluie
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968) - Harmonica
C\'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Adio, prietene! (1968) - Franz Propp
Adieu l\'ami (Farewell, Friend)
La Bataille de San Sebastian (1968) - Teclo
La Bataille de San Sebastian (Guns Ior San Sebastian)
Duzina de ticalosi (1967) - Joseph T. Wladislaw
The Dirty Dozen
Calea Ierata (1966) - J.J. Nichols
This Property Is Condemned
Fluierarul (1965) - Cos Erickson
The Sandpiper
Marea evadare (1963) - Danny Velinski
The Great Escape
Patru pentru Texas (1963) - Matson
4 Ior Texas
Cei sapte magniIici (1960) - Bernardo O'Reilly
The MagniIicent Seven
Compania Burma (1959) - Sgt. John DanIorth
Never So Few / Campaign Burma
Domnisoara Sadie Thompson (1953) - Edwards
Miss Sadie Thompson
Ce inseamna sa Iii marinar (1951) - Wascylewski
You\'re in the Navy Now
Nume real
Charles Buchinsky
Locul nasterii
Pennsylvania, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
(din 31 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Familie de politisti (1995) - Paul Fein
Family oI Cops
Chipul mortii (1994) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish V: The Face oI Death
Donato si Iiica (1993) - Sergentul Mike Donato
Donato and Daughter
Mesagerul mortii (1988) - Garret Smith
Messenger oI Death
Complot la Casa Alba (1987) - Jay Killion
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown
Legea lui Murphy (1986) - Jack Murphy
Murphy\'s Law
Death Wish 3 (1985) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish 3
Vanatoarea (1984) - Holland / Bart Smith
The Evil That Men Do
10 minute pana la miezul noptii (1983) - Leo Kessler
10 to Midnight
Death Wish II (1982) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish II
Vanatoare salbatica (1981) - Albert Johnson
Death Hunt
Crima la Irontiera (1980) - Jeb Maynard
Martorul stie mai mult (1979) - Charlie Congers
Love and Bullets
Bizonul alb (1977) - Wild Bill Hickok
The White BuIIalo
TeleIon (1977) - Grigori Borzov
St. Ives (1976) - Raymond St Ives
St. Ives
From Noon Till Three (1976) - Graham Dorsey
From Noon Till Three
Breakheart Pass (1975) - John Deakin
Breakheart Pass
Mister Majestyk (1974) - Vince Majestyk
Mr. Majestyk
Death Wish (1974) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish
Mecanicul (1972) - Arthur Bishop
The Mechanic
Chato's Land (1972) - Pardon Chato
Chato\'s Land
Soarele rosu (1971) - Link Stuart
Soleil rouge (Red Sun)
Un trecator in ploaie (1969) - Colonelul Harry Dobbs
Le Passager de la pluie
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968) - Harmonica
C\'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Adio, prietene! (1968) - Franz Propp
Adieu l\'ami (Farewell, Friend)
La Bataille de San Sebastian (1968) - Teclo
La Bataille de San Sebastian (Guns Ior San Sebastian)
Duzina de ticalosi (1967) - Joseph T. Wladislaw
The Dirty Dozen
Calea Ierata (1966) - J.J. Nichols
This Property Is Condemned
Fluierarul (1965) - Cos Erickson
The Sandpiper
Marea evadare (1963) - Danny Velinski
The Great Escape
Patru pentru Texas (1963) - Matson
4 Ior Texas
Cei sapte magniIici (1960) - Bernardo O'Reilly
The MagniIicent Seven
Compania Burma (1959) - Sgt. John DanIorth
Never So Few / Campaign Burma
Domnisoara Sadie Thompson (1953) - Edwards
Miss Sadie Thompson
Ce inseamna sa Iii marinar (1951) - Wascylewski
You\'re in the Navy Now
Nume real
Charles Buchinsky
Locul nasterii
Pennsylvania, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
(din 31 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Familie de politisti (1995) - Paul Fein
Family oI Cops
Chipul mortii (1994) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish V: The Face oI Death
Donato si Iiica (1993) - Sergentul Mike Donato
Donato and Daughter
Mesagerul mortii (1988) - Garret Smith
Messenger oI Death
Complot la Casa Alba (1987) - Jay Killion
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown
Legea lui Murphy (1986) - Jack Murphy
Murphy\'s Law
Death Wish 3 (1985) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish 3
Vanatoarea (1984) - Holland / Bart Smith
The Evil That Men Do
10 minute pana la miezul noptii (1983) - Leo Kessler
10 to Midnight
Death Wish II (1982) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish II
Vanatoare salbatica (1981) - Albert Johnson
Death Hunt
Crima la Irontiera (1980) - Jeb Maynard
Martorul stie mai mult (1979) - Charlie Congers
Love and Bullets
Bizonul alb (1977) - Wild Bill Hickok
The White BuIIalo
TeleIon (1977) - Grigori Borzov
St. Ives (1976) - Raymond St Ives
St. Ives
From Noon Till Three (1976) - Graham Dorsey
From Noon Till Three
Breakheart Pass (1975) - John Deakin
Breakheart Pass
Mister Majestyk (1974) - Vince Majestyk
Mr. Majestyk
Death Wish (1974) - Paul Kersey
Death Wish
Mecanicul (1972) - Arthur Bishop
The Mechanic
Chato's Land (1972) - Pardon Chato
Chato\'s Land
Soarele rosu (1971) - Link Stuart
Soleil rouge (Red Sun)
Un trecator in ploaie (1969) - Colonelul Harry Dobbs
Le Passager de la pluie
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968) - Harmonica
C\'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Adio, prietene! (1968) - Franz Propp
Adieu l\'ami (Farewell, Friend)
La Bataille de San Sebastian (1968) - Teclo
La Bataille de San Sebastian (Guns Ior San Sebastian)
Duzina de ticalosi (1967) - Joseph T. Wladislaw
The Dirty Dozen
Calea Ierata (1966) - J.J. Nichols
This Property Is Condemned
Fluierarul (1965) - Cos Erickson
The Sandpiper
Marea evadare (1963) - Danny Velinski
The Great Escape
Patru pentru Texas (1963) - Matson
4 Ior Texas
Cei sapte magniIici (1960) - Bernardo O'Reilly
The MagniIicent Seven
Compania Burma (1959) - Sgt. John DanIorth
Never So Few / Campaign Burma
Domnisoara Sadie Thompson (1953) - Edwards
Miss Sadie Thompson
Ce inseamna sa Iii marinar (1951) - Wascylewski
You\'re in the Navy Now
Charlize Theron
Locul nasterii
Benoni, AIrica de Sud
Data nasterii
Actrita, producatoare
(din 175 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Brazilian Job (2006) - Stella Bridger
The Brazilian Job (The Italian Job 2)
Aeon Flux (2005) - Aeon Flux
Aeon Flux
Tinutul din nord (2005) - Josey Aimes
North Country / Class Action
Cu capul in nori (2004) - Gilda Besse
Head in the Clouds
Eu, Peter Sellers (2004) - Britt Ekland
The LiIe and Death oI Peter Sellers
JaI in stil italian (2003) - Stella Bridger
The Italian Job
Monstru (2003) - Aileen Wuornos
Trezindu-te in Reno (2002) - Candy
Waking Up in Reno
24 de ore (2002) - Karen Jennings
Trapped / 24 Hours
Barbati de onoare (2001) - Gwen
Men oI Honor
Idila de noiembrie (2001) - Sara Deever
Sweet November
Gorila Joe (2000) - Jill Young
Mighty Joe Young
Legea tacerii (2000) - Erica Soltz
The Yards
Cacealmaua Incornoratilor (2000) - Ashley Mercer
Reindeer Games
Misteriosul Bagger Vance (2000) - Adele Invergordon
The Legend oI Bagger Vance
Legea Pamantului (1999) - Candy Kendall
The Cider House Rules
Sotia astronautului (1999) - Jillian Armacost
The Astronaut\'s WiIe
Pact cu Diavolul (1997) - Mary Ann Lomax
The Devil\'s Advocate
In rol de avocat (1997) - Billie Tyler
Trial and Error
FilmograIie - Producator
Monstru (2003) - producator
Charlton Heston
Nume real
John Charles Carter
Locul nasterii
Illinois, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, scenarist
(din 4 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Cantec pentru un masacru (2002) - El insusi
Bowling Ior Columbine
Town & Country (2001) - Talal Eugeniei
Town & Country
Caini si pisici (2001) - MastiII (voce)
Cats And Dogs
Gideon (1999) - Addison Sinclair
Un secol de Iilm (1998) - Charlton Heston
AFI\'s 100 Years... 100 Movies: In Search oI
Creatorii de cosmaruri (1994) - Jackson Harglow
In the Mouth oI Madness
Zborul 232 (1992) - Capitanul Al Haynes
Crash Landing: The Rescue oI Flight 232
The CruciIer oI Blood (1991) - Sherlock Holmes
The CruciIer oI Blood
Micile suIlete mari (1990) - James MacKenzie
The Little Kidnappers
Comoara din Insula (1990) - Long John Silver
Treasure Island
Dragoste la Nairobi (1984) - Lee Cahill
Nairobi AIIair
Submarinul in pericol (1978) - Capitanul Paul Blanchard
Gray Lady Down
Panica pe stadion (1976) - Peter Holly
Two Minute Warning
Batalia de la Midway (1976) - Matthew Garth
Ultima urmarire (1976) - Sam Burgarde
The Last Hard Men
Aeroport '75 (1974) - Alan Murdock
Airport '75
Cei patru muschetari (1974) - Richelieu
The Four Musketeers
Cutremurul (1974) - Stewart GraII
Cei trei muschetari (1973) - Richelieu
The Three Musketeers
Soylent Green (1973) - Robert Thorn
Soylent Green
Chemarea strabunilor (1972) - John Thornton
Call oI the Wild
Planeta maimutelor (1968) - George Taylor
Planet oI the Apes / Monkey Planet
Khartoum (1966) - Gen. Charles Gordon
Agonie si extaz (1965) - Michelangelo
The Agony and the Ecstasy
Maiorul Dundee (1965) - Maiorul Amos Dundee
Major Dundee
Stapanul domeniului (1965) - Chrysagon
The War Lord
55 de zile la Peking (1963) - Matt Lewis
55 Days at Peking
Misterul vasului Mary Deare (1961) - John Sands
The Wreck oI the Mary Deare
Cidul (1961) - Cidul (Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar)
El Cid
Ben-Hur (1959) - Judah Ben-Hur
The Big Country (1958) - Steve Leech
The Big Country
Stigmatul raului (1958) - Ramon Miguel Vargas
Touch oI Evil
Trei oameni Iuriosi (1957) - Capt. Colt Saunders
Three Violent People
Cele zece porunci (1956) - Moses
The Ten Commandments
The Far Horizons (1955) - William Clark
The Far Horizons
The Secret oI the Incas (1954) - Harry Steele
The Secret oI the Incas
In jungla (1954) - Christopher Leiningen
The Naked Jungle
Cel mai mare spectacol (1952) - Marc Braden
The Greatest Show on Earth
Ruby Gentry (1952) - Boake Tackman
Ruby Gentry
Orasul intunecat (1950) - Danny Haley
Dark City
Chris Rock
Locul nasterii
Georgetown, Carolina de Sud, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist, producator
(din 9 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Echipa SIarma-Tot (2005)
The Longest Yard
Madagascar (2005) - Zebra Marty (voce)
Paul Shore este mort (2004) - El insusi
Pauly Shore Is Dead
Un negru pentru Casa Alba (2003) - Mays Gilliam
Head oI State
Dublura (2002) - Kevin Pope / Jake Pope
Bad Company / Black Sheep
Cantec pentru un masacru (2002) - El insusi
Bowling Ior Columbine
Vedetele contra-ataca (2001) - Chaka
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Din nou pe pamant (2001) - Lance Barton/Charles Wellington III/Joe Guy
Down to Earth
Osmosis Jones (2001) - Osmosis Jones (voce)
Osmosis Jones
Pootie Tang (2001) - JB/Radio DJ/Tata lui Pootie
Pootie Tang
Sora Betty (2000) - Wesley
Nurse Betty
Dogma (1999) - RuIus, al 13th Apostol
Arma mortala 4 (1998) - Lee Butters
Lethal Weapon 4
Beverly Hills Ninja (1997) - Joey
Beverly Hills Ninja
Sergentul Bilko (1996) - Oster
Sgt. Bilko
Boomerang (1992) - Bony T.
FilmograIie - Regizor
Un negru pentru Casa Alba (2003) - regizor
Head oI State
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Un negru pentru Casa Alba (2003) - scenarist
Head oI State
Christian Bale
Nume real
Christian Charles Philip Bale
Locul nasterii
Pembrokeshire, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
(din 97 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Dark Knight (2008) - Bruce Wayne / Batman
The Dark Knight (Batman Begins 2)
Harsh Times (2006) - Jim David
Harsh Times
Prestigiul (2006) - AlIred Borden
The Prestige
Batman - Inceputuri (2005) - Bruce Wayne / Batman
Batman Begins
Lumea noua (2005) - John RolIe
The New World
Masinistul (2004) - Trevor Reznik
The Machinist
Castelul umblator al lui Howl (2004) - Howl (voce - versiunea engleza)
Hauru no ugoku shiro (Howl\'s Moving Castle)
Regatul de Foc (2002) - Quinn Abercromby
Reign oI Fire
Equilibrium (2002) - Clerick John Preston
La mama acasa (2002) - Sam
Laurel Canyon
Idila capitanului Corelli (2001) - Mandras
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
ShaIt (2000) - Walter Wade
American Psycho (2000) - Patrick Bateman
American Psycho
Visul unei nopti de vara (1999) - Demetrius
A Midsummer Night\'s Dream
Maria, mama lui Iisus (1999) - Iisus din Nazareth
Mary, Mother oI Jesus
Velvet Goldmine (1998) - Arthur Stuart
Velvet Goldmine
Lumea lui Bobby (1998) - Bobby Platt
All the Little Animals
Metroland (1997) - Chris
Agentul secret (1996) - Stevie
The Secret Agent
Portretul unei doamne (1996) - Edward Rosier
The Portrait oI a Lady
Pocahontas (1995) - Thomas (voce)
Prince oI Jutland (1994) - Printul Amled
Prince oI Jutland
Fiicele doctorului March (1994) - Theodore Lawrence
Little Women
Swing Kids (1993) - Thomas Berger
Swing Kids
Newsies (1992) - Jack Kelly
A Murder oI Quality (1991) - Tim Perkins
A Murder oI Quality
Comoara din Insula (1990) - Jim Hawkins
Treasure Island
Henry V (1989) - Baiatul lui FalstaII
Henry V
Imperiul soarelui (1987) - Jim
Empire oI the Sun
Heart oI the Country (Miniserie TV) (1987) - Ben Harris
Heart oI the Country (TV Miniseries)
Mio min Mio (1987) - Jum-Jum
Mio min Mio (The Land oI Faraway)
Anastasia (1986) - Alexei
Anastasia: The Mystery oI Anna
Christopher Lambert
Nume real
Christophe Denis Lambert
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 21 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Mortal Kombat 3: Devastation (2006) - Lord Raiden
Mortal Kombat 3: Devastation
Ziua Razbunarii (2006) - Ruy de Mendoza
Day oI Wrath
Imaginea ta (2004) - Thomas
A ton image
Janis si John (2003) - Leon
Janis et John / Janis and John
Absolon (2003) - Norman Scott
Pianistul (2002) - Alex Laney
The Piano Player
Druizii (2001) - Vercingetorix
Vercingetorix (Druids)
Highlander - Runda Iinala (2000) - Connor MacLeod
Highlander: Endgame
BeowulI (1999) - BeowulI
Esenta raului (1999) - John Prudhomme
Gideon (1999) - Gideon Oliver Dobbs
Fortareata 2 (1999) - John Henry Brennick
Fortress 2
Arsenalul mortii (1997) - Lou
Mean Guns
Arlette (1997) - Frank Martin
Hercule si Sherlock (1996) - Vincent
Hercule et Sherlock
Steaua Nordului (1996) - Hudson Saanteek
Tashunga (North Star)
Carantina in Boston (1996) - Lemieux
Adrenalin: Fear the Rush
Mortal Kombat (1995) - Lordul Rayden
Mortal Kombat
Secunda Iatala (1995) - Paul Racine
The Hunted
Highlander III: The Sorcerer (1994) - Russell Nash
Highlander III: The Sorcerer
Sah Mat (1992) - Peter Sanderson
Knight Moves
Nemuritorul 2 Momentul intalnirii (1991) - Connor MacLeod
Highlander II: The Quickening
De ce eu? (1990) - Gus Cardinale
Why Me?
Metroul (1985) - Fred
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Esenta raului (1999) - scenarist
Christopher Lloyd
Locul nasterii
Connecticut, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 1 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Inapoi in viitor: Editie aniversara 20 ani (DVD) (2005) - Dr. Emmett Brown
Back to the Future 20th Anniversary Edition Box Set
Sora mea (2004) - Stewart Worthy
Autostrada 60 (2002) - Ray
Interstate 60
Hey Arnold! - Filmul (2002) - Coroner (voce)
Hey Arnold! The Movie
Chemarea destinului (2001) - Jet James
Chasing Destiny / Romantic Moritz
Cand spiritele se razbuna (2001) - Unchiul Fred Walker
When Good Ghouls Go Bad
Lumea copiilor (2001) - Leo
Kids World
Martianul meu sonat (1999) - Unchiul Martin
My Favorite Martian
Ajutor venit din cer (1999) - Jarvis Moody
It Came From the Sky
Anastasia (1997) - Rasputin
Tabara de nicaieri (1994) - Dennis Van Welker
Camp Nowhere
Trasnaile Iamiliei Addams (1993) - Unchiul Fester Addams
Addams Family Values
Pungasi de meserie (1992) - William Weasler
T Bone N Weasel
Familia Addams (1991) - Unchiul Fester
The Addams Family
Comando de cartier (1991) - Charlie Wilcox
Suburban Commando
Inapoi in viitor III (1990) - Dr. Emmett L. Brown
Back to the Future III
De ce eu? (1990) - Bruno Daley
Why Me?
Inapoi in viitor II (1989) - Dr. Emmett L. Brown
Back to the Future II
Terapie in grup (1989) - Henry Sikorsky
The Dream Team
Cine vrea pielea lui Roger Rabbit? (1988) - Vile Doom
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Walk Like a Man (1987) - Reggie Shand/Henry Shand
Walk Like a Man
Miracles (1986) - Harry
Inapoi in viitor (1985) - Dr. Emmett L. Brown
Back to the Future
A Ii sau a nu Ii (1983) - Capitanul Schultz
To Be or Not to Be
Taxi (Serial TV) (1978) - Jim Ignatowski
Taxi (TV Series)
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Bram si Alice (Serial TV) (2002) - scenarist
Bram and Alice (TV Series)
Christopher Walken
Nume real
Ronald Walken
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor, scenarist
(din 9 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Hairspray (2007) - Wilbur Turnblad
Click - Zapand prin viata (2006) - Morty
Man oI the Year (2006) - Jack Menken
Man oI the Year
Dragoste si Ium (2005) - Varul Bo
Romance & Cigarettes
Domino (2005) - Mark Heiss
Invidie (2004) - J-Man
Neveste perIecte (2004) - Dale Coba
The StepIord Wives
Pus pe jar (2004) - Rayburn
Man on Fire
Nebunie curata (2004) - Turner Lair
Around The Bend
Cangurul Jack (2003) - Sal
Kangaroo Jack (Down and Under)
Gigli (2003) - Jacobellis
Gigli (Tough Love)
Bun venit in jungla! (2003) - Hatcher
Welcome to the Jungle (The Rundown, Helldorado)
The Country Bears (2002) - Reid Thimple
The Country Bears
Prinde-ma! Daca poti! (2002) - Frank Abagnale, Senior
Catch Me II You Can
Dragoste "mortala" (2002) - Frank Featherbed
Plots with a view / Undertaking Betty
Julius Caesar (2002) - Marcus Cato
Julius Caesar
Scotland, PA. (2001) - Lt. McDuII
Scotland, PA.
RasIatatii Americii (2001) - Hal Weidmann
America\'s Sweethearts
Joe Dirt (2001) - Clem
Joe Dirt
AIacerea "Colierul" (2001) - Cagliostro
The AIIair oI the Necklace
ProIetia (2000) - Gabriel
The Prophecy 3: The Ascent
Oportunistii (2000) - Victor Kelly
The Opportunists
Adolescentul atomic (1999) - Calvin Webber
Blast Irom the Past
Legenda calaretului Iara cap (1999) - Calaretul Iara cap
Sleepy Hollow
SIarsitul iernii (1999) - Jacob Witting
Sarah, Plain and Tall: Winter\'s End
Razboiul italienilor (1999) - James Houston
ProIetia (1998) - Gabriel
The Prophecy II
Hotelul New Rose (1998) - Fox
New Rose Hotel
Vanatoarea de soareci (1997) - Caeser, Exterminatorul
Mouse Hunt
Funeralii (1996) - Ray
The Iuneral
Supravietuitorul (1996) - Hickey
Last Man Standing
Dependenta (1995) - Peina
The Addiction
Crima contra cronometru (1995) - Dl. Smith
Nick oI Time
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Captain Koons
Pulp Fiction
True Romance (1993) - Vincenzo Coccotti
True Romance
Lumea lui Wayne 2 (1993) - Bobby Cahn
Wayne\'s World 2
Ciocarlia (1993) - Jacob Witting
Batman revine (1992) - Maximillian Shreck
Batman Returns (Batman 2)
Amanta (1992) - Warren Zell
King oI New York (1990) - Frank White
King oI New York
Vacanta la Venetia (1990) - Robert
Cortesie per gli ospiti (ComIort oI Strangers)
Biloxi Blues (1988) - Sergent Toomey
Biloxi Blues
AIacere de Iamilie (1986) - Brad Whitewood Sr.
At Close Range
Perspectiva unei crime (1985) - Max Zorin
A View to a Kill (James Bond 14)
The Dead Zone (1983) - Johnny Smith
The Dead Zone
O idee geniala (1983) - Dr. Michael Anthony Brace
Pennies Irom Heaven (1981) - Tom
Pennies Irom Heaven
Taramul Iagaduintei (1980) - Nathan D. Champion
Heaven\'s Gate
Vanatorul de cerbi (1978) - Nick
The Deer Hunter
Chuck Norris
Nume real
Carlos Ray Norris
Locul nasterii
Oklahoma, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 13 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
SleIuitorul de diamante (2005) - John Shepherd
The Cutter
Clopotele inocentilor (2003) - Matthew
Bells oI Innocence
Misiune pentru presedinte II (2002) - Joshua McCord
The President's Man: A Line in the Sand
Misiune pentru presedinte (2000) - Joshua McCord
The President\'s Man
Razbunarea lui Logan (1998) - Jake Fallon
Logan\'s War: Bound by Honor
Legenda razboinicului (1996) - McKenna
Forest Warrior
Emisarul iadului (1993) - Frank Shatter
Walker, politist texan (Serial TV) (1993) - Cordell Walker
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series)
In umbra unui vis (1992) - Chuck Norris
Asasinul maIiei (1991) - CliII Garret / Danny Grogan
The Hitman
Delta Force II: Filiera columbiana (1990) - Colonelul Scott McCoy
Delta Force 2: Operation Stranglehold
Disparut in misiune 3 (1988) - Colonelul James Braddock
Braddock: Missing in Action III
Teroare in serie (1988) - Danny O'Brien
Hero and the Terror
Chuck Norris proIesorul de karate (Serial TV) (1986) - Chuck Norris (voce)
Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos (TV Series)
Paznicul muntelui de aur (1986) - Max Donigan
Operatiunea Delta Force (1986) - Maiorul Scott McCoy
The Delta Force
Codul tacerii (1985) - Eddie Cusack
Code oI Silence
Disparut in misiune 2 (1985) - Colonelul James Braddock
Missing in Action 2: The Beginning
Disparut in misiune (1984) - Colonelul James Braddock
Missing in Action
Lupul singuratic (1983) - J.J. McQuade
Lone WolI McQuade
Furia ucigasa (1982) - Dan Stevens
Silent Rage
Octogonul (1980) - Scott James
The Octagon
Unu la unu (1979) - Matt Logan
A Force oI One
Baietii buni poarta negru (1978) - John T. Booker
Good Guys Wear Black
Drumul dragonului (1972) - Colt
Meng long guojiang (Way oI the Dragon)
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Razbunarea lui Logan (1998) - scenarist
Logan\'s War: Bound by Honor
Disparut in misiune 3 (1988) - scenarist
Braddock: Missing in Action III
Claudia Cardinale
Locul nasterii
Tunis, Tunisia
Data nasterii
(din 15 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Fiul panterei roz (1993) - Maria Gambrelli
Son oI the Pink Panther
Mayrig (1992) - Araxi (Mayrig)
Mayrig (Mother)
Evadare din Atena (1979) - Eleana
Escape to Athena
Iisus din Nazareth (1977) - Adultera
Gesu di Nazareth (Jesus oI Nazareth)
Corleone (1977) - Rosa Accordino
Frumos, onest, emigrat in Australia (1971)
Bello, onesto, emigrato Australia sposerebbe compaesana illibata
Cortul rosu (1971) - Sora Valeria
Krasnaya palatka (The Red Tent)
Petrolistele (1971) - Marie Sarrazin
Les Petroleuses (The Legend oI Frenchie King)
Aventurile lui Gerard (1970) - Teresa - Contesa de Morales
The Adventures oI Gerard
Cand se arata cucuveaua (1968) - Rosa Nicolosi
Il Giorno della civetta
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968) - Jill McBain
C\'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Lumea circului (1964) - Toni AlIredo
Circus World
Ghepardul (1963) - Angelica Sedara
Il Gattopardo
Opt si jumatate (1963) - Claudia
8 1/2
Cartouche (1962) - Venus
Cartouche (Swords oI Blood)
La Viaccia (1961) - Bianca
La Viaccia (The Lovemakers)
Rocco si Iratii sai (1960) - Ginetta
Rocco E I Suoi Fratelli
Fata cu valiza (1960) - Aida
La ragazza con la valigia (Girl with a Suitcase)
Austerlitz (1960) - Pauline Bonaparte
Faptasi necunoscuti (1958) - Carmela
I Soliti ignoti
Clint Eastwood
Nume real
Clinton Eastwood Jr.
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, scenarist, producator, actor, compozitor
(din 12 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
O Iata de milioane (2004) - Frankie Dunn
Million Dollar Baby
Legatura de sange (2002) - Terrell McCaleb
Blood Work
Space Cowboys (2000) - Frank Corvin
Space Cowboys
Crima perIecta (1999) - Steve Everett
True Crime
Puterea (1997) - Luther Whitney
Absolute Power
Podurile din Madison County (1995) - Robert Kincaid
The Bridges oI Madison County
O lume perIecta (1993) - Red Garnett
A PerIect World
In bataia pustii (1993) - Frank Horrigan
In the Line oI Fire
Necrutatorul (1992) - William Munny
Bobocul (1990)
The Rookie
Vanator alb, inima neagra (1990) - John Wilson
White Hunter Black Heart
Cadillac-ul roz (1989) - Tommy Nowak
Pink Cadillac
Inspectorul Harry si jocul mortii (1988) - Insp. Harry Callahan
The Dead Pool
Sergentul Highway (1986) - Sgt. Tom Highway
Heartbreak Ridge
Politist si detectiv (1984) - Lt. Speer
City Heat
Intoarcerea inspectorului Harry (1983) - Insp. Harry Callahan
Sudden Impact
Flotila ucigasa (1982) - Mitchell Gant / Leon Sprague / Michael Lewis
Hoinarul (1982) - Red Stovall
Honkytonk Man
Bronco Billy (1980) - Bronco Billy McCoy
Bronco Billy
Philo se intoarce (1980) - Philo Beddoe
Any Wich Way You Can
Philo se intoarce (1980) - Philo Beddoe
Any Which Way You Can
Evadare din Alcatraz (1979) - Frank Morris
Escape Irom Alcatraz
Pe oriunde, dar sterge-o! (1978) - Philo Beddoe
Every Which Way But Loose
Martor sub protectie (1977) - Ben Shockley
The Gauntlet
Nelegiuitul Josey Wales (1976) - Josey Wales
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Inspectorul Harry nu se da batut (1976) - Inspectorul Harry Callahan
The EnIorcer
Pedeapsa de pe muntele Eiger (1975) - Dr. Jonathan Hemlock
The Eiger Sanction
Forta pistolului (1973) - Inspectorul 'Dirty' Harry Callahan
Magnum Force
Joe Kidd (1972) - Joe Kidd
Joe Kidd
Inspectorul Harry (1971) - Harry Callahan
Dirty Harry
Eroii lui Kelly (1970) - Kelly
Kelly\'s Heroes
"Sora" Sarah (1969) - Hogan
Two Mules Ior Sister Sara
Goana dupa capatuiala (1969) - Pardner
Paint Your Wagon
Acolo unde se avanta vulturii (1968) - Locotenentul Morris SchaIIer
Where Eagles Dare
Cacialmaua lui Coogan (1968) - Ajutorul de seriI Walt Coogan
Coogan\'s BluII
Hang 'Em High (1968) - Marshal Jed Cooper
Hang \'Em High
Cel bun, cel rau, cel urat (1966) - Joe
Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Pentru cativa dolari in plus (1965) - Monco
Per qualche dollaro in piu (For a Few Dollars More)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Steaguri pline de glorie (2006) - regizor
Flags oI Our Fathers
Letters Irom Iwo Jima (2006) - regizor
Letters Irom Iwo Jima
O Iata de milioane (2004) - regizor
Million Dollar Baby
Misterele Fluviului (2003) - regizor
Mystic River
Legatura de sange (2002) - regizor
Blood Work
Space Cowboys (2000) - regizor
Space Cowboys
Crima perIecta (1999) - regizor
True Crime
Miezul noptii in gradina binelui si raului (1997) - regizor
Midnight in the Garden oI Good and Evil
Puterea (1997) - regizor
Absolute Power
Podurile din Madison County (1995) - regizor
The Bridges oI Madison County
O lume perIecta (1993) - regizor
A PerIect World
Necrutatorul (1992) - regizor
Bobocul (1990) - regizor
The Rookie
Vanator alb, inima neagra (1990) - regizor
White Hunter Black Heart
Bird (1988) - regizor
Sergentul Highway (1986) - regizor
Heartbreak Ridge
Calaretul palid (1985) - regizor
Pale Rider
Intoarcerea inspectorului Harry (1983) - regizor
Sudden Impact
Flotila ucigasa (1982) - regizor
Hoinarul (1982) - regizor
Honkytonk Man
Bronco Billy (1980) - regizor
Bronco Billy
Martor sub protectie (1977) - regizor
The Gauntlet
Nelegiuitul Josey Wales (1976) - regizor
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Pedeapsa de pe muntele Eiger (1975) - regizor
The Eiger Sanction
FilmograIie - Producator
Misterele Fluviului (2003) - producator
Mystic River
Legatura de sange (2002) - producator
Blood Work
Space Cowboys (2000) - producator
Space Cowboys
Necrutatorul (1992) - producator
FilmograIie - Altele
O Iata de milioane (2004) - muzica
Million Dollar Baby
Colin Farrell
Locul nasterii
Dublin, Irlanda
Data nasterii
(din 161 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Miami Vice (2006) - Detectivul James Crockett
Miami Vice
Intreaba praIul (2006) - Arturo Bandini
Ask the Dust
Lumea noua (2005) - John Smith
The New World
Alexandru (2004) - Alexandru
Recrutul (2003) - James Clayton
The Recruit
Daredevil (2003) - Bullseye
Veronica Guerin (2003) - Tatuatul
Veronica Guerin / Chasing the Dragon: The Veronica Guerin Story
S.W.A.T. - Trupe de Elita (2003) - Jim Street
Antract (2003) - LehiII
Minority Report - Raport Special (2002) - Detectivul Ed Witwer
Minority Report
Razboiul lui Tom Hart (2002) - Lt. Thomas W. Hart
Hart's War
Cabina TeleIonica (2002) - Stuart Shepard
Phone Booth
Nelegiuitii Vestului Salbatic (2001) - Jesse James
American Outlaws / Jesse James
Tinutul Tigrilor (2000) - Bozz
Banditul din Dublin (2000) - Alec
Ordinary Decent Criminal
Daniel Craig
Locul nasterii
Cheshire, Anglia
Data nasterii
(din 25 voturi)
Filmografie - Actor
Bond 22 (2008) - James Bond
Bond 22 (James Bond 22)
The nvasion (2007) - Ben
The nvasion
Casino Royale (2006) - James Bond
Casino Royale (James Bond 21)
Scandalos (2006) - Perry Smith
nfamous (Every Word s True)
Munchen (2005) - Steve
Prins la inghesuiala (2004) - XXXX
Layer Cake
Puterea Dragostei (2004) - Joe
Enduring Love
Sylvia (2003) - Ted Hughes
Drumul spre pierzanie (2002) - Connor Rooney
Road to Perdition
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) - Alex West
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
Africa viselor mele (2000) - Declan Fielding
dreamed of Africa
Transeea (1999) - Telford Winter
The Trench
Elizabeth - Regina virgina (1998) - John Ballard
Un pusti la curtea regelui Arthur (1995) - Master Kane
A Kid in King Arthur's Court
Danny Glover
Nume real
Danny Lebern Glover
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, producator
(din 21 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Dreamgirls (2006) - Marty Madison
The Shaggy Dog (2006) - Procurorul districtual Ken Hollister
The Shaggy Dog
Barnyard: The Original Party Animals (2006) - Miles (voce)
Barnyard: The Original Party Animals
Manderlay (2005) - Wilhelm
Puzzle mortal (2004) - Detectivul David Tapp
Prietene, te-ai ars! (2004) - Judecatorul Crowley
The Cookout
Taramul vrajit (2004) - Ogion
Legend oI Earthsea
In lumea buna (2003) - Tom Spader
Good Fences
O Iamilie geniala (2002) - Henry Sherman
The Royal Tenenbaums
3 A.M. (2001) - Hershey
3 A.M.
Cantecul libertatii (2000) - Will Walker
Freedom Song
Furnicutze (1998) - Barbatus (voce)
Printul Egiptului (1998) - Jethro (voce)
The Prince oI Egypt
Beloved (1998) - Paul D Garner
Arma mortala 4 (1998) - Roger Murtaugh
Lethal Weapon 4
Omul care aduce ploaia (1997) - Judecatorul Tyrone Kipler
John Grisham\'s The Rainmaker
La pescuit (1997) - Gus Green
Gone Fishin\'
Operatiunea Dumbo (1995) - Sam Cahill
Operation Dumbo Drop
Echipa de ingeri (1994) - George Knox
Angels in the OutIield
Arma mortala 3 (1993) - Roger Murtaugh
Lethal Weapon 3
Bopha! (1993) - Micah Mangena
SIantul din Manhattan (1993) - Jerry / Narator
The Saint oI Fort Washington
Grand Canyon (1991) - Simon
Grand Canyon
Atac periculos (1991) - Frank Camparelli
Flight oI the Intruder
Noroc chior (1991) - Raymond Campanella
Pure Luck
Predator 2 (1990) - Lt. Mike Harrigan
Predator 2
Arma mortala 2 (1989) - Roger Murtaugh
Lethal Weapon 2
Batalionul 21 (1988) - Bartholomew Clark
BAT 21
Arma mortala (1987) - Roger Murtaugh
Lethal Weapon
Culoarea purpurie (1985) - Albert
The Color Purple
Locuri in inima (1984) - Moze
Places in the Heart
FilmograIie - Regizor
Doar un vis (2002) - regizor
Just a Dream
Dean Martin
Nume real
Dino Paul Crocetti
Locul nasterii
Ohio, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
(din 4 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Cursa ghiulea II (1984) - Jamie Blake
Cannonball Run II
Aeroportul (1970) - Capitanul Vernon Demerest
Bandolero! (1968) - Dee Bishop
Texas dincolo de rau (1966) - Sam Hollis
Texas Across the River
Patru pentru Texas (1963) - Joe Jarrett
4 Ior Texas
Banda celor 11 (1960) - Sam Harmon
Ocean\'s Eleven
Rio Bravo (1959) - Dude
Rio Bravo
Leii tineri (1958) - Michael Whiteacre
The Young Lions
Some Came Running (1958) - Bama Dillert
Some Came Running
Nu esti niciodata prea tanar! (1955) - Bob Miles
You\'re Never Too Young
Denzel Washington
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 75 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Omul din interior (2006) - Keith Frazier
Inside Man
Dincolo de trecut (2006) - Doug Carlin
Deja Vu
Candidatul altora (2004) - Bennett Marco
The Manchurian Candidate
Pus pe jar (2004) - Creasy
Man on Fire
Contratimp (2003) - Matt Lee Whitlock
Out oI Time
John Q. (2002) - John Q
John Q.
Antwone Fisher (2002) - Dr. Jerome Davenport
Antwone Fisher
Titanii (2001) - Herman Boone
Remember the Titans
Zi de instructie (2001) - Alonzo Harris
Training Day
Colectionarul de oase (2000) - Lincoln Rhyme
The Bone Collector
Carter, zis "Uraganul" (2000) - Rubin 'Uraganul Carter
The Hurricane
Demonii printre noi (1998) - John Hobbes
Stare de asediu (1998) - Anthony Hubbard
The Siege
Sa inceapa jocul (1998) - Jake Shuttlesworth
He Got Game
Dragoste de inger (1996) - Dudley
The Preacher\'s WiIe
Curaj in linia intai (1996) - Lt. col. Nathaniel Serling
Courage Under Fire
Valul ucigas (1995) - Ron Hunter
Crimson Tide
Virtuozitate (1995) - Parker Barnes
Diavolul in rochie albastra (1995) - Ezekiel Rawlins
Devil in a Blue Dress
Philadelphia (1993) - Joe Miller
Mult zgomot pentru nimic (1993) - Don Pedro de Aragon
Much Ado About Nothing
Dosarul Pelican (1993) - Gray Grantham
The Pelican BrieI
Malcolm X (1992) - Malcolm X
Malcolm X
Inscenarea (1991) - Nick Styles
Slab de inima (1990) - Napoleon Stone
Heart Condition
Totul pentru Blues (1990) - Bleek Gilliam
Mo\' Better Blues
Glory (1989) - Private Trip
Strigatul libertatii (1987) - Steve Biko
Cry Freedom
ProIesionistul puterii (1986) - Arnold Billings
FilmograIie - Regizor
Antwone Fisher (2002) - regizor
Antwone Fisher
FilmograIie - Producator
Antwone Fisher (2002) - producator
Antwone Fisher
Soldier of Love
Fan-Fan the Tulip
Fanfan la Tulipe (1952) (as Grard Philipe du Thatre National Populaire) .... Fanfan La Tulipe
Dolph Lundgren
Nume real
Hans Lundgren
Locul nasterii
Stockholm, Suedia
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist, producator
(din 19 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Vanatoarea de maIioti (2005) - Nick Cherenko
The Mechanik
Vanatoare de politisti (2004) - Frank Gannon
Direct Action
Retrograde (2004) - John Foster
O lectie de onoare (2003) - Sam Decker
Agenda secreta (2001) - Jason Price
Hidden Agenda
Arma biologica (2000) - Matt Hendricks
Obsesia rosie (2000) - Matt Sorenson
Jill the Ripper
Conspiratia (1999) - Jack Holloway
Storm Catcher
Blackjack (1998) - Jack Devlin
The Peacekeeper (1997) - Frank Cross
The Peacekeeper (Hellbent / Red Zone)
Silent Trigger (1996) - Waxman
Silent Trigger (The Algonquin Goodbye)
Johnny Mnemonic (1995) - Predicatorul
Johnny Mnemonic
De cealalta parte a baricadei (1994) - Nick Gunar
Men oI War (Soldiers oI Fortune / A SaIe Place)
Pentathlon (1994) - Eric Brogar
Copacul lui Joshua (1993) - Wellman Anthony Santee
Joshua Tree
Soldatul universal (1992) - Andrew Scott
Universal Soldier
RaIuiala in micul Tokyo (1991) - Detectivul Kenner
Showdown in Little Tokyo
Adevar periculos (1991) - Mike Anderson
Justitiarul intunericului (1990) - Jack Caine
Dark Angel
Razbunatorul (1989) - Frank Castle - The Punisher
The Punisher
Scorpionul rosu: Riposta (1989) - Nikolai
Red Scorpion
Masters oI the Universe (1987) - He-Man
Masters oI the Universe
Rocky IV (1985) - Ivan Drago
Rocky IV
Perspectiva unei crime (1985) - Venz
A View to a Kill (James Bond 14)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Vanatoarea de maIioti (2005) - regizor
The Mechanik
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Vanatoarea de maIioti (2005) - scenarist
The Mechanik
Drew Barrymore
Nume real
Drew Blythe Barrymore
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actrita, producatoare
(din 32 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Lucky You (2007) - Billie
Lucky You
Music and Lyrics By (2007) - Sophie Fisher
Music and Lyrics By
Curious George (2006) - Maggie Dunlop (voce)
Curious George
Dragoste in oIsaid (2005) - Lindsay
Fever Pitch / The PerIect Catch
Mereu la prima intalnire (2004) - Lucy
50 First Dates (50 First Kisses)
Ingerii lui Charlie: In goana mare (2003) - Dylan Sanders
Charlie\'s Angels: Full Throttle (Charlie\'s Angels 2)
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - Penny
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
Duplex (2003) - Nancy Kendricks
Freddy incurca-lume (2001) - Receptionera d-lui. Davidson
Freddy Got Fingered
Baietii din viata mea (2001) - Beverly Ann D'OnoIrio
Riding In Cars With Boys
Ingerii lui Charlie (2000) - Dylan
Charlie's Angels
Titan A.E. (2000) - Akima (voce)
Titan A.E.
Lucruri importante (2000)
Skipped Parts
Un sarut adevarat (1999) - Josie Geller
Never Been Kissed
Home Fries (1998) - Sally Jackson
Home Fries
O iubire ca-n povesti (1998) - Danielle De Barbarac
Ever AIter: A Cinderella Story
Nunta cu cantec (1998) - Julia Sullivan
The Wedding Singer
Cavaleri de onoare (1997) - Hope
Best Men
Dorinte desarte (1997) - Lena
WishIul Thinking
Scream - Tipi... sau Iugi! (1996) - Casey Becker
Toti spun: Te iubesc! (1996) - Schuyler Dandridge
Everyone Says I Love You
Batman Forever (1995) - Sugar
Batman Forever (Batman 3)
Dragoste nebuna (1995) - Casey Roberts
Mad Love
Fetele rele cuceresc vestul (1994) - Lilly Laronette
Bad Girls
Amy Fisher (1993) - Amy Fisher
The Amy Fisher Story
Fara aparare (1993) - Tinsel Hanley
No Place to Hide
Diavolul din interior (1993) - Holly Gooding
Dragoste si violenta (1992) - Anita Minteer
Portretul robot (1992) - Daisy Drew
Sketch Artist
Pe maine dimineata! (1989) - Cathy
See You in the Morning
Irreconcilable DiIIerences (1984) - Casey Brodsky
Irreconcilable DiIIerences
Declansatorul (1984) - Charlene McGee
E.T. Extraterestrul (Editie Speciala) (1982) - Gertie
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
FilmograIie - Producator
Ingerii lui Charlie: In goana mare (2003) - producator
Charlie\'s Angels: Full Throttle (Charlie\'s Angels 2)
Ingerii lui Charlie (2000) - producator
Charlie's Angels
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Nume real
Dwayne Douglas Johnson
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 86 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Johnny Bravo (2007) - Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo
Gridiron Gang (2006) - Sean Porter
Gridiron Gang
Southland Tales (2006) - Boxer Santaros/Jericho Kane
Southland Tales
Da-te mare si tare! (2005) - Elliot Wilhelm
Be Cool (Get Shorty 2)
Doom (2005) - Sarge
PraI si pulbere (2004) - Chris Vaughn
Walking Tall
Bun venit in jungla! (2003) - Beck
Welcome to the Jungle (The Rundown, Helldorado)
Regele Scorpion (2002) - Mathayus, Regele Scorpion
The Scorpion King
Mumia Revine (2000) - Regele Scorpion
The Mummy Returns
Ed Harris
Nume real
Edward Allen Harris
Locul nasterii
New Jersey
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 14 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Umbrele Trecutului (2005) - Carl Fogaty
A History oI Violence
Empire Falls (Miniserie TV) (2005) - Miles Roby
Empire Falls (TV Miniseries)
Radio (2003) - Antrenorul Harold Jones
Culoarea minciunii (2003) - Lester Farley
The Human Stain
Inamicul e aproape (2002) - Konig
Enemy At The Gates
Orele (2002) - Richard
The Hours
O minte sclipitoare (2001) - William Parcher
A BeautiIul Mind
Bisnitari in uniIorma (2001) - Col. Wallace Berman
BuIIalo Soldiers
Pollock (2000) - Jackson Pollock
Al treilea miracol (1999) - Frank Shore
The Third Miracle
Mama vitrega (1998) - Luke Harrison
Truman Show (1998) - ChristoI
The Truman Show
Puterea (1997) - Seth Frank
Absolute Power
Fortareata (1996) - Generalul Francis X. Hummel
The Rock
Ochi pentru ochi si dinte pentru dinte (1996) - Mack McCann
Eye Ior an Eye
Nixon (1995) - E. Howard Hunt
Apollo 13 (1995) - Gene Kranz
Apollo 13
O cauza dreapta (1995) - Blair Sullivan
Just Cause
Iubire de proba (1994) - Tom Wheeler
Milk Money
Luna de portelan (1994) - Kyle Bodine
China Moon
Totul de vanzare (1992) - Dave Moss
Glengarry Glen Ross
Trucuri murdare (1992) - Hugh Hathaway
Running Mates
Abisul (1989) - Virgil Brigman
The Abyss
JackniIe (1989) - Dave Flannigan
Walker (1987) - William Walker
Sweet Dreams (1985) - Charlie Dick
Sweet Dreams
Code Name: Emerald (1985) - Gus Lang
Code Name: Emerald
GolIul Alamo (1985) - Shang
Alamo Bay
Locuri in inima (1984) - Wayne Lomax
Places in the Heart
Femei in timp de razboi (1984) - Jack Walsh
Swing ShiIt
Cursa spatiala (1983) - John Glenn
The Right StuII
In Prima Linie (1983) - Oates
Under Fire
George A. Romero's Knightriders (1981) - Billy
George A. Romero\'s Knightriders
FilmograIie - Regizor
Pollock (2000) - regizor
Eddie Murphy
Nume real
Edward Regan Murphy
Locul nasterii
Brooklyn, New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor, scenarist
(din 53 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Shrek 4 (2009) - Donkey (voce)
Shrek 4
Daddy Day Camp (2007) - Charlie Hinton
Daddy Day Camp (Daddy Day Care 2)
Shrek al Treilea (2007) - Donkey (voce)
Shrek the Third (Shrek 3)
Dreamgirls (2006) - James Early
Shrek & Shrek 2 DVD Box set (2005) - Donkey (voce)
Shrek & Shrek 2 DVD Box set
Shrek 2 (2004) - Donkey (voce)
Shrek 2
Gradinita lui Taticu' (2003) - Charlie Hinton
Daddy Day Care
Casa bantuita (2003) - Jim Evers
The Haunted Mansion
Aventurile lui Pluto Nash (2002) - Pluto Nash
The Adventures oI Pluto Nash
Politia in direct (2002) - Trey
Sunt spion (2002) - Kelly Robinson
I Spy
Shrek (2001) - Donkey (voce)
Doctor Dolittle 2 (2001) - Dr. Dolittle
Doctor Dolittle 2
ProIesorul Trasnit si Clanul Klump (2000) - ProIesorul Sherman Klump si intreg clanul
Klump / Buddy Love
Nutty ProIessor II - The Klumps
Viata-n puscarie (1999) - RayIord Gibson
BowIinger (1999) - Kit Ramsey / JiIIernson Ramsey
Dr. Dolittle (1998) - Dr. John Dolittle
Dr. Dolittle
NeinIricata Mulan (1998) - Mushu (voce)
Picat din cer (1998) - G
Holy Man
Politist la San Francisco (1997) - Scott Roper
ProIesorul Trasnit (1996) - ProIesorul Sherman Klump si intreg Clanul Klump
The Nutty ProIessor
Vampirul din Brooklyn (1995) - Maximillian / Pauly / Guido
Vampire in Brooklyn
Politistul din Beverly Hills III - Alta distractie, acelasi caraliu (1994) - Axel Foley
Beverly Hills Cop III
Boomerang (1992) - Marcus Graham
Un domn distins (1992) - Thomas JeIIerson Johnson
The Distinguished Gentleman
Alte 48 de ore (1990) - Reggie Hammond
Another 48 Hrs.
Nopti in Harlem (1989) - Quick
Harlem Nights
Un print in America (1988) - Printul Akeem
Coming to America
Politistul din Beverly Hills II (1987) - Detectivul Axel Foley
Beverly Hills Cop II
Copilul de aur (1986) - Chandler Jarrell
The Golden Child
Politistul din Beverly Hills (1984) - Axel Foley
Beverly Hills Cop
Cea mai buna aparare (1984) - Lt. T.M. Landry
Best DeIense
Pariul (1983) - Billy Ray Valentine
Trading Places
48 de ore (1982) - Reggie Hammond
48 Hrs
FilmograIie - Regizor
Nopti in Harlem (1989) - regizor
Harlem Nights
FilmograIie - Producator
ProIesorul Trasnit si Clanul Klump (2000) - producator executiv
Nutty ProIessor II - The Klumps
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Vampirul din Brooklyn (1995) - scenarist
Vampire in Brooklyn
Nopti in Harlem (1989) - scenarist
Harlem Nights
Elvis Presley
Nume real
Elvis Aron Presley
Locul nasterii
Mississippi, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, compozitor
(din 66 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Elvis: Intre mit si realitate (1970) - El insusi
Elvis: That\'s the Way It Is
Dragoste la Miami (1967) - Scott Heyward
Comoara din adancuri (1967) - Ted Jackson
Easy Come, Easy Go
Paradisul din Hawaii (1966) - Rick Richards
Paradise, Hawaiian Style
Frankie si Johnny (1966) - Johnny
Frankie and Johnny
Girl Happy (1965) - Rusty Wells
Girl Happy
Parcul de distractii (1964) - Charlie Rogers
Dragoste la Las Vegas (1964) - Lucky Jackson
Viva Las Vegas
S-a intamplat la Targul International (1963) - Mike Edwards
It Happened at the World\'s Fair
Fete! Fete! Fete! (1962) - Ross Carpenter
Girls! Girls! Girls!
Cerul albastru din Hawaii (1961) - Chad Gates
Blue Hawaii
CaIe Europa (1960) - Tulsa McLean
G.I. Blues
King Creole (1958) - Danny Fisher
King Creole
Prietenie cu cantec (1957) - Vince Everett
Jailhouse Rock
Love Me Tender (1956) - Clint Reno
Love Me Tender
FilmograIie - Altele
Lilo si Stitch (2002) - muzica
Lilo & Stitch
Eric Roberts
Nume real
Eric Anthony Roberts
Locul nasterii
Mississippi, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 32 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Eroi adolescenti (2006) - Antrenorul Davis
Junior Pilot
Phat Girlz (2006) - Robert Myer
Phat Girlz
Jocul seductiei (2006) - Joe
Fatal Desire
Miss NauIragiu (2004) - Maximus Powers
Miss Cast Away
Siguranta Nationala (2003) - Nash
National Security
JaIul (2002) - Scalzetti
Christmas Rush
Aproape perIecta (Serial TV) (2002) - Will Butler
Less Than PerIect (TV Series)
Specie periculoasa (2002) - Mike Sullivan
Endangered Species
Secrete si dezvaluiri (2001) - David Mendez
Avionul sub teroare (2001) - Mike Hogan
Rough Air: Danger On Flight 534
Detinutii (2001) - Hopkins
Con Games
In cautarea unei vedete (2001) - Robinson
Fast SoIa
Olandezul zburator (2000)
The Flying Dutchman
Calatorie de cosmar (2000) - Eddie
Glasul tacerii (2000) - Calvin Stasi
Two Shades oI Blue
Atac la presedinte (2000) - Inlocuitorul
The Alternate
Noroc neprevazut (2000) - Carlo
Luck oI the Draw
In slujba regelui (2000) - Augustus Talbert
The King\'s Guard
Strazile indurarii (2000) - Rome
Mercy Streets
Placerea de a ucide (2000) - Locotenent
Facade (1999) - Colin Wentworth
Dusman de moarte (1999) - Robert WoodIield
Restraining Order
Flori salbatice (1999) - Jacob
Lansky (1999) - Ben Siegel
Rasturnare de situatie (1998) - Dylan Cooper
Past PerIect
ProIetia (1998) - Michael
The Prophecy II
Oamenii umbrelor (1998) - Bob Wilson
The Shadow Men
Prezumtie Ialsa (1998) - Henry Smovinsky
Dead End
C-16: FBI (Serial TV) (1997) - John Olansky
C-16: FBI (TV Series)
Odiseea (1997) - Eurymachus
The Odyssey
Tipu' de la cablu (1996) - El insusi
The Cable Guy
Intre rai si iad (1996) - Bubba Rocque
Heaven`s Prisoners
Ingerul intunecat (1996) - Walter D'Arcangelo
Dark Angel
Cu sange rece (1996) - Perry Smith
In Cold Blood
Inamicul public nr. 1 (1996) - Arthur Dunlop
Public Enemies
Mesagerii mortii (1995) - Jack
The Immortals
Pretul pasiunii (1994) - Grant Orion
Premonitii (1994) - Dr. Ian Burton
Cei mai buni dintre cei buni II (1993) - Alex Grady
Best oI the Best II
Ultima casatorie maIiota (1993) - Bill Bonanno
Love, Honor & Obey: The Last MaIia Marriage
Plan diabolic (1993) - Reno Adams
Love, Cheat & Steal
Analiza Finala (1992) - Jimmy Evans
Final Analysis
Lectia de scrima (1991) - Alexander Villard
By the Sword
Deceptia (1991) - Frank
Lonely Hearts
Ambulanta (1990) - Josh Baker
The Ambulance
Inger decazut (1990) - Michael Rossi
Descending Angel
Cei mai buni dintre cei buni (1989) - Alex Grady
Best oI the Best
Rosu ca sangele (1989) - Marco Collogero
Blood Red
Trenul evadarii (1985) - Buck
Runaway Train
Star 80 (1983) - Paul Snider
Star 80
Raggedy Man (1981) - Teddy
Raggedy Man
Regele tiganilor (1978) - Dave
King oI the Gypsies
Ethan Hawke
Locul nasterii
Austin, Texas, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor
(din 36 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Asalt asupra sectiei 13 (2005) - Jake Roenick
Assault on Precinct 13
TraIicantul de Arme (2005) - Jack Valentine
Lord oI War
Identitati Iurate (2004) - John Costa
Taking Lives
Inainte de apus (2004) - Jesse
BeIore Sunset (BeIore Sunrise 2)
Zi de instructie (2001) - Jake Hoyt
Training Day
Marturisirea (2001) - Vince
ParIum de Cedru (2000) - Ishmael Chambers
Snow Falling on Cedars
Hamlet (2000) - Hamlet
Marile Sperante (1998) - Finnegan Bell
Great Expectations
Gattaca (1997) - Vincent Freeman
Inainte de rasarit (1995) - Jesse
BeIore Sunrise
Cu picioarele pe pamant (1994) - Troy Dyer
Reality Bites
Supravietuitorii (1993) - Nando Parrado
Ultima noapte senina (1992) - Will Knott
A Midnight Clear
Colt Alb (1991) - Jack
White Fang
Banda Iratilor Newton (1989) - Jess Newton
The Newton Boys
Cercul poetilor disparuti (1989) - Todd Anderson
Dead Poets Society
Exploratorii (1985) - Ben Crandall
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Inainte de apus (2004) - scenarist
BeIore Sunset (BeIore Sunrise 2)
FilmograIie -
Kung Fu Panda (2008) - Master Monkey
Kung Fu Panda
The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) - Lu Yan
The Forbidden Kingdom
Ora de varI 3 (2007) - Inspectorul Lee
Rush Hour 3
Rob-B-Hood (2006) - Fong Ka Ho
Bo bui gai wak
Visul imparatului (2005) - Jack / Generalul
San wa (The Myth)
Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (2004) -
Around the World in 80 Days
Politist la ananghie (2004) - Senior Insp.
Chan Kwok-Wing
San ging chaat goo si (New Police Story)
Cavalerii Shaolin (2003) - Chon Wang
Shanghai Knights (Shanghai Noon 2)
Medalionul (2003) - Eddie Yang
Medallion (Highbinders)
EIectul gemenelor (2003) - Jackie
Chin gei bin/The Twins Effect
Cinema Hong Kong: Kung Fu (2003) - el
Chop Socky. Cinema Hong Kong
Fracul Magic (2002) - Jimmy Tong
The Tuxedo
Arta in actiune: Artele martiale in Iilme
(2002) - El insusi
The Art of Action. Martial Arts in Motion
Ora de varI 2 (2001) - Inspectorul Lee
Rush Hour 2
Spion din greseala (2001) - Buck Yuen
The Accidental Spy
Shaolin Cowboy (2000) - Chon Wong
Shanghai Noon
Aventurile lui Jackie Chan (Serial TV)
(2000) - Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan Adventures (TJ Series)
Barbatul ideal (1999) - C.N. Chan
Boh lee chung (Gorgeous)
Jackie Chan: My Stunts (1999) - El insusi
Jackie Chan. My Stunts
Ora de varI (1998) - Inspectorul Lee
Rush Hour
Who Am I (1998) - Who Am I?
Wo shi shei
Baiat de treaba (1997) - Jackie
Yatgo ho yan (Mr. Nice Guy)
Prima lovitura a lui Jackie Chan (1996) -
Jackie Chan Ka Kui
Jing cha gu shi IJ. Jian dan ren wu (Jackie
Chans First Strike)
Jackie Chan, pilot de curse (1995) - Chan
Foh To
Pi li huo (Thunderbolt)
Bubuiala in Bronx (1995) - Ah Keung
Hong faan kui (Rumble in the Bronx)
Drunken Master II (1994) - Wong Fei-hung
Drunken Master II
Supercop (1993) - Inspectorul Chan
Chao fi fi hua (Supercop)
Zhong an zu (1993) - Inspector Eddie Chan
Zhong an :u (Crime Story)
Un detectiv aIemeiat (1993) - Ryu Saeba
Sing si lip yan
Un detectiv aIemeiat (1992) - Ryo Saeba
Cheng shi lie ren (City Hunter)
Police Story 3 (1992) - Insp. Chan Ka Kui
Jing cha gu shi III. Chao fi fing cha
Duel oI Dragons (1992) - Ma Yau
Shuang long hui
Armura Divina II (1991) - Jackie Condor
(Jackie Chan)
Armour of God II
Armura Divina II (1991) - Jackie Condor
Fei ying gai wak (Armour of God II)
Huo shao dao (1990) - Lung / Steve
Huo shao dao (The Prisoner)
Black Dragon (1989) - 'Charlie' Cheng Wah
Kei chik
Protectorul 2 (1988) - Chan Ka Kui
Ging chaat goo si fuk faap (Police Story 2)
Fratia Kung-Fu (1988) - Jackie Lung
Fei lung maang feung
Armura Divina (1987) - Jackie
Longxiong hudi (Armour of God)
Project A Sequel (1987) - Dragon Mao
A gai waak fuk faap
Protectorul (1985) - Kevin Chan Ka Kui
Ging chaat goo si (Jackie Chans Police
Lucky Stars Superior Shine (1985) -
Fuk sing go fiu
Police Force (1985) - Chan Ka Kui
Ging chaat goo si
Heart oI Dragon (1985) - Ted / Tat Fung
Long de xin
Wheels on Meals (1984) - Thomas
Wheels on Meals
Mark oI the Dragon (1983) - Dragon Mi
A gai waak
Fearless Hyena Part II (1983) - Chan Lung
Long teng hu yue
Dragon Lord (1982)
Long xiao ye
The Big Brawl (1980) - Jerry Kwan
The Big Brawl
Xiao quan guai zhao (1979) - Shing Lung
Xiao quan guai :hao/Revenge of the Dragon
Maestrul betiv (1978) - Wong Fei-Hong
Zui quan (Drunken Master)
Umbra vulturului (1978) - Chien Fu
Se ying diu sau (Eagles Shadow)
Spiritual Kung Fu (1978) - Yi-Lang
Quan fing
FilmograIie - Actor
The Rum Diary (2008) - Paul Kemp
The Rum Diary
Piratii din Caraibe: La capatul Lumii (2007) -
Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean. At Worlds End
(Pirates of the Caribbean 3)
Sweeney Todd: Barbierul diabolic din Fleet
Street (2007) - Sweeney Todd
Sweeney Todd. the Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Piratii din Caraibe: Cufarul Omului Mort
(2006) - Jack Sparrow
Pirates of the Caribbean. Dead Mans Chest
(Pirates of the Caribbean 2)
Deep Sea 3D (2006) - Narator (Voce)
Deep Sea 3D
Charlie si Fabrica de Ciocolata (2005) - Willy
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Mireasa Moarta (2005) - Victor (voce)
Tim Burtons Corpse Bride
Cele mai interesante 101 cupluri celebre (Mini
Serie TV) (2005) - El insusi
101 Juiciest Hollywood Hookups (TJ Mini Series)
Libertinul (2005) - Rochester
The Libertine
In cautarea Taramului de Nicaieri (2004) -
James Barrie
Finding Neverland
Fereastra secreta (2004) - Mort Rainey
Secret Window / Secret Window, Secret Garden
A fost odata in Mexic - Desperado 2 (2003) -
Agentul CIA Sands
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Desperado 2)
Piratii din Caraibe: Blestemul Perlei Negre
(2003) - Capitanul Jack Sparrow
The Pirates of the Caribbean. The Curse of the
Black Pearl
Lost in La Mancha (2002) - el insusi
Lost in La Mancha
Visul alb (2001) - George Jung
Din Iad - 1ack Spintecatorul (2001) -
Inspectorul Frederick George Abberline
From Hell
Ciocolata cu dragoste (2000) - Roux
Viata si epoca lui Reinaldo Arenas (2000) - Bon
Before Night Falls
The Man Who Cried (2000) - Cesar
The Man Who Cried
Legenda calaretului fara cap (1999) - Ichabod
Sleepy Hollow
A noua poarta (1999) - Dean Corso
The Ninth Gate
Sotia astronautului (1999) - Spencer Armacost
The Astronauts Wife
Aventuri in Las Vegas (1998) - Raoul Duke
Fear and Loathing in Las Jegas
Pretul mortii (1997) - Raphael
The Brave
Donnie Brasco (1997) - Donnie Brasco / Joe Pistone
Donnie Brasco
Don 1uan DeMarco (1995) - Don Juan
Don Juan DeMarco
Crima contra cronometru (1995) - Gene Watson
Nick of Time
Dead Man (1995) - William Blake
Dead Man
Ed Wood (1994) - Edward D. Wood, Jr.
Ed Wood
O dragoste trasnita (1993) - Sam
Benny & Joon
Arizona Dream (1993) - Axel Blackmar
Ari:ona Dream
Arnie (1993) - Gilbert Grape
What`s Eating Gilbert Grape?
Edward Maini-de-foarfeca (1990) - Edward
Edward Scissorhands
Lacrimi de fata (1990) - Wade Walker
21 1ump Street (Serial TV) (1987) - Tom Hanson
21 Jump Street
Plutonul (1986)
A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - Glen Lantz
A Nightmare On Elm Street
FilmograIie - Regizor
Pretul mortii (1997) - regizor
The Brave
FilmograIie - Producator
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2002) -
producator, producator executiv
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Pretul mortii (1997) - scenarist
The Brave
Rutger Hauer
Smoke and Ochre (2008) (pre-production) .... Abraham Jonker
Bride Flight (2008) (post-production) .... Frank
Happiness Runs (2008) (post-production) .... Insley
Magic Flute Diaries (2008) (completed) .... Dr. Richard Nagel
Spoon (2008) (completed) .... Victor Spoon
Tonight at Noon (2008) (completed) .... Diego
Starting Over (2007) (TV) .... Peter Rossen
... aka Robin Pilcher - Am AnIang war die Liebe (Germany)
Moving McAllister (2007) .... McAllister
7eventy 5ive (2007) .... Detective Criton
Goal II: Living the Dream (2007) .... Rudi van der Merwe
The Hunt Ior Eagle One: Crash Point (2006) (V) .... Gen. Frank Lewis
Mentor (2006) .... SanIord Pollard
Minotaur (2006) .... Cyrnan
The Hunt Ior Eagle One (2006) (V) .... Gen. Frank Lewis
The Poseidon Adventure (2005) (TV) .... Bishop August Schmitt
... aka The New Poseidon Adventure (Australia)
Zerkalnie voyni: Otrazhenie pervoye (2005) .... Mysterious Man
... aka Mirror Wars: ReIlection One (International: English title)
Dracula III: Legacy (2005) (V) .... Dracula
Batman Begins (2005) .... Earle
... aka Batman Begins: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
Sin City (2005) .... Cardinal Roark
... aka Frank Miller's Sin City (USA: complete title)
Camera ascunsa (2004) .... Sebastian
... aka Never Enough (International: English title)
'Salem's Lot (2004) (TV) .... Kurt Barlow
Tempesta (2004) .... Van Beuningen
... aka The Venice Conspiracy (Netherlands: DVD title)
In the Shadow oI the Cobra (2004) .... Gallo
"Smallville" .... Morgan Edge (2 episodes, 2003)
... aka Smallville Beginnings (USA: rerun title)
... aka Smallville: Superman the Early Years (UK: promotional title)
- Phoenix (2003) TV episode .... Morgan Edge
- Exile (2003) TV episode .... Morgan Edge
"Alias" .... Anthony Geiger (1 episode, 2003)
- Phase One (2003) TV episode .... Anthony Geiger
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind (2002) .... Keeler
Warrior Angels (2002) .... Grekkor
Scorcher (2002/I) .... President Nelson
Banchieri di Dio, I (2002) .... Cardinale Marcinkus
... aka Banchieri di Dio - Il caso Calvi, I (Italy)
... aka The Bankers oI God: The Calvi AIIair (International: English title)
... aka The God's Bankers (Europe: English title)
Flying Virus (2001) .... Ezekial
... aka Killer Buzz (Canada: English title: video title) (USA: video title)
... aka Abelhas - Ataque Mortal (Brazil)
Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal (2001) (V) .... Copilot MacIntosh
... aka Turbulence 3: Metal hurlant (Canada: French title)
The Last Words oI Dutch Schultz (2001) (voice) .... Arthur "Dutch Schultz" Flegenheimer
The Room (2001) .... Harry
Jungle Juice (2001) .... Jean-Luc
Wilder (2000) .... Dr. Sam Dennis Charney
... aka Slow Burn (USA)
... aka Wilder: ProIession detective (Canada: French title)
"The 10th Kingdom" (2000) TV mini-series .... Huntsman
... aka 10te Knigreich, Das (Germany: DVD title)
... aka Zehnte Knigreich, Das (Germany)
Partners in Crime (2000) .... Gene Reardon
Lying in Wait (2000) .... Keith Miller
New World Disorder (1999) .... David Marx
Simon Magus (1999) .... Count Albrecht, the Squire
... aka Simon Magus: A Tale Irom a Vanished World (UK: closing credits title)
... aka Simon le magicien (France)
Bone Daddy (1998) .... William H. Palmer
... aka AIIaire Palmer, L' (Canada: French title)
... aka Palmer's Bones (USA: video title)
Merlin (1998/II) (TV) .... King Vortigern
Tactical Assault (1998) .... Capt. John 'Doc' Holiday
The Ruby Ring (1997) (TV) .... Patrick Collins
"Lexx" .... Bog (1 episode, 1997)
... aka Lexx: The Series
... aka Tales Irom a Parallel Universe (USA: Iirst season title)
- Eating Pattern (1997) TV episode .... Bog
Deathline (1997) .... John Anderson Wade
... aka Armageddon (UK)
... aka Redline (USA)
... aka The Syndicate (Europe: English title)
Bleeders (1997) .... Dr. Marlowe
... aka Hemoglobin (UK)
... aka The Descendant (USA: TV title)
Hostile Waters (1997) (TV) .... Capt. Britanov
... aka Hostile Waters - Fahrwasser des Todes (Germany: rerun title)
... aka Im Fahrwasser des Todes (Germany)
... aka Peril en mer (France)
"Lexx: The Dark Zone" (1997) TV mini-series .... Bog
... aka Lexx: The Dark Zone (Germany)
... aka Lexx: The Dark Zone Stories (USA)
... aka Lexx: The Movies (Europe: English title: DVD box title)
The Call oI the Wild: Dog oI the Yukon (1997) (TV) .... John Thornton
... aka Jack London's The Call oI the Wild
... aka Jack London's The Call oI the Wild Dog oI the Yukon
Omega Doom (1997) .... Omega Doom
Blast (1997) .... Leo
Knockin' on Heaven's Door (1997) .... Curtiz
Precious Find (1996) .... Armond Crille
Mariette in Ecstasy (1996) .... Chaplain
Crossworlds (1996) .... A.T.
Mr. Stitch (1995) (TV) .... Doctor Rue Wakeman
Blood oI the Innocent (1995) .... Dr. Lem
... aka AK-47: The Death Machine (USA: video title)
... aka Aniol smierci (Poland)
... aka Beyond Forgiveness
Fatherland (1994) (TV) .... SS-SturmbannIhrer Xavier March
The Beans oI Egypt, Maine (1994) .... Reuben Bean
... aka Forbidden Choices
Nostradamus (1994) .... The Mystic Monk
... aka Nostradamus - Prophezeiungen des Schreckens (Germany)
Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight (1994) (TV) .... Fred Noonan
Surviving the Game (1994) .... Thomas Burns
Voyage (1993) (TV) .... Morgan Norvell
... aka Cruise oI Fear
Blind Side (1993) (TV) .... Jake Shell
Arctic Blue (1993) .... Ben Corbett
BuIIy the Vampire Slayer (1992) .... Lothos
Split Second (1992) .... Harley Stone
Beyond Justice (1992) .... Tom Burton
... aka Desert Law (UK: video title)
Past Midnight (1992) .... Ben Jordan
Wedlock (1991) .... Frank Warren
... aka Deadlock
Bloodhounds oI Broadway (1989) .... The Brain
The Blood oI Heroes (1989) .... Sallow
... aka Salute oI the Jugger
... aka Salute to the Jugger (USA)
In una notte di chiaro di luna (1989) .... John Knott
... aka As Long as It's Love
... aka Clair (France)
... aka Crystal or Ash, Fire or Wind, as Long as It's Love
... aka On a Moonlit Night
Blind Fury (1989) .... Nick Parker
"Principe del deserto, Il" (1989) TV mini-series .... Tom Burton
... aka Desert Law (UK: video title)
... aka Maktub la legge del deserto (Italy: rerun title)
... aka The Law oI the Desert
The Edge (1989) (TV) .... Emil
Leggenda del santo bevitore, La (1988) .... Andreas Kartak
... aka Legende du saint buveur, La (France)
... aka The Legend oI the Holy Drinker
Escape Irom Sobibor (1987) (TV) .... Alexander 'Sasha' Pechersky
Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987) .... Nick Randall
The Hitcher (1986) .... John Ryder
FleshBlood (1985) .... Martin
... aka Seores del acero, Los (Spain)
... aka The Rose and the Sword
Ladyhawke (1985) .... Captain Etienne Navarre
Eureka (1984) .... Claude Maillot Van Horn
A Breed Apart (1984) .... Jim Malden
The Osterman Weekend (1983) .... John Tanner
... aka Mission CIA (Philippines: English title)
Blade Runner (1982) .... Roy Batty
Inside the Third Reich (1982) (TV) .... Albert Speer
Chanel Solitaire (1981) .... Etienne de Balsan
Nighthawks (1981) .... WulIgar
... aka Night Hawks (USA)
Spetters (1980) .... Gerrit Witkamp
"Duel in de diepte" .... John van der Velde (4 episodes, 1979)
- Het geheim van de Cucaracha (1979) TV episode .... John van der Velde
- Bekentenissen (1979) TV episode .... John van der Velde
- Souvenirs (1979) TV episode .... John van der Velde
- Een man een man, een woord een woord (1979) TV episode .... John van der Velde
Grijpstra & De Gier (1979) .... Rinus de Gier
... aka Fatal Error
... aka Grijpstra and De Grier
... aka Outsider in Amsterdam
Vrouw tussen hond en wolI, Een (1979) .... Adriaan
... aka Femme entre chien et loup (France)
... aka Woman Between WolI and Dog (International: English title)
... aka Woman in a Twilight Garden (UK)
Es begann bei TiIIany (1979) (TV) .... Ryder
Mysteries (1978) .... Johan Nagel
... aka Evil Mysteries (USA: video title)
... aka Knut Hamsun's Mysteries (USA: video title)
Pastorale 1943 (1978) .... August Schultz
Soldaat van Oranje (1977) .... Erik LanshoI
... aka In geheime opdracht van Hare Majesteit (Belgium: Flemish title: poster title)
... aka Soldier oI Orange (USA)
... aka Survival Run
... aka Voor koningin en vaderland (Netherlands: TV title)
"Soldaat van Oranje" (1977) TV mini-series .... Erik lanshoI
... aka Voor koningin en vaderland (Netherlands: DVD box title)
Max Havelaar oI de koIIieveilingen der Nederlandsche handelsmaatschappij (1976) ....
... aka Max Havelaar (Netherlands: short title)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1975) (TV) .... De Valvert
Jaar van de kreeIt, Het (1975) .... Pierre
... aka Cancer Rising
... aka The Year oI the Cancer (International: English title)
"Floris von Rosemund" .... Floris (15 episodes, 1975)
- WallIahrer Ir die Madonna (1975) TV episode .... Floris
- Das Friedenslied (????) TV episode .... Floris
- Das Gericht (????) TV episode .... Floris
- Der byzantinische Becher (????) TV episode .... Floris
- Der kupIerne Hund (????) TV episode .... Floris
(10 more)
Amulett des Todes, Das (1975) .... Cris
... aka Cold Blood
Keetje Tippel (1975) .... Hugo
... aka A Girl Called Katy Tippel (UK: video title)
... aka Cathy Tippel (USA: promotional title)
... aka Hot Sweat
... aka Katie Tippel (USA: video title)
... aka Katie's Passion (UK: video box title)
... aka Keetje Tippel (USA)
The Wilby Conspiracy (1975) .... Blane Van Niekirk
Donneuse, La (1975)
... aka Moeder te huur (Belgium: Flemish title)
... aka Naked and LustIul
Pusteblume (1974) .... Rick
... aka Dandelions
... aka Hard to Remember (USA)
... aka Wilde Blonde mit der heien Maschine, Der
Turks Iruit (1973) .... Eric Vonk, the sculptor
... aka Eric and Olga (USA: poster title)
... aka The Sensualist (UK)
... aka Turkish Delight (USA: video title)
... aka Wild Intent (UK: video title)
Repelsteeltje (1973)
... aka Rumplestiltskin (Europe: English title)
"Waaldrecht" .... Rogier de Jonge (1 episode)
- Taxi Meneer? (????) TV episode .... Rogier de Jonge
"The PathIinders" .... Pieter Van Pearsen (1 episode, 1972)
- Sitting Ducks (1972) TV episode .... Pieter Van Pearsen
"Floris" .... Floris (12 episodes, 1969)
- De byzantijnse beker: De genezing (1969) TV episode .... Floris
- De Byzantijnse beker: Het tournooi (1969) TV episode .... Floris
- De wonderdoener (1969) TV episode .... Floris
- Het brandende water (1969) TV episode .... Floris
- De alruin (1969) TV episode .... Floris
(7 more)
Monsieur Hawarden (1969) (scenes deleted)
Franco Nero
Nume real
Francesco Sparanero
Locul nasterii
Parma, Italia
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 2 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Cod Omega 2 (2001) - Francini
Megiddo: The Omega Code 2
Asasinarea lui Versace (1998) - Gianni Versace
The Versace Murder
Comoara din Damasc (Mini Serie TV) (1998) - Andrea
Il Tesoro di Damasco (TV Mini Series)
Jonathan, Iiul ursilor (1993) - Jonathan
Jonathan degli orsi (Jonathan oI the Bears)
Tineretea Ecaterinei (1991) - Contele Vorontsov
Young Catherine
Salamandra (1981) - Dante Matucci
The Salamander
Omul cu chipul lui Bogart (1980) - Hakim
The Man with Bogart\'s Face
Ziua cobrei (1980) - Larry Staziani
Il Giorno del Cobra
Keoma (1976) - Keoma
Keoma (The Violent Breed)
Legenda lui Valentino (1975) - Rudolph Valentino
The Legend oI Valentino
Coruptie la Palatul de Justitie (1974)
Corruzione al palazzo di giustizia
De ce este ucis un magistrat? (1974) - Giacomo Solaris
Perche si uccide un magistrato?
Ultimul act (1974) - Colonelul Valerio
Mussolini: Ultimo atto
Legea strazii (1974) - Carlo Antonelli
Il cittadino si ribella (Street Law)
Papesa Ioana (1972) - Louis
Pope Joan
Marturisirile unui comisar de politie Iacute procurorului republicii (1971) - Traini
ConIessione di un commissario di polizia al procuratore della repubblica
Tristana (1970) - Horacio
Cand se arata cucuveaua (1968) - Capitanul Bellodi
Il Giorno della civetta
Carmen (1968) - Don Jose
L\'uomo, l\'orgoglio, la vendetta (Pride and Vengeance)
Biblia (1966) - Abel
The Bible
Django (1966) - Django
Adio Texas (1966) - Burt Sullivan
Texas, addio (Goodbye Texas)
Frank Sinatra
Locul nasterii
New Jersey, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, producator, compozitor, regizor
(din 4 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Primul pacat mortal (1980) - Edward Delaney
The First Deadly Sin
Sicriul de ciment (1968) - Tony Rome
Lady in Cement
Tony Rome (1967) - Tony Rome
Tony Rome
Patru pentru Texas (1963) - Zack Thomas
4 Ior Texas
Candidatul manciurian (1962) - Bennett Marco
The Manchurian Candidate
Diavolul de la ora 4 (1961) - Harry
The Devil at 4 O\'Clock
Banda celor 11 (1960) - Danny Ocean
Ocean\'s Eleven
Compania Burma (1959) - Capt. Tom Reynolds
Never So Few / Campaign Burma
Some Came Running (1958) - Dave Hirsh
Some Came Running
Mandrie si pasiune (1957) - Miguel
The Pride and the Passion
Amicul Joey (1957) - Joey Evans
Pal Joey
Inalta societate (1956) - Mike Connor
High Society
Priveste dincolo de tine (1955) - AlIred Boone
Not as a Stranger
The Tender Trap (1955) - Charlie Y. Reader
The Tender Trap
De aici in eternitate (1953) - Angelo Maggio
From Here to Eternity
O poveste cu cantec (1949) - Frank Sinatra
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
On the Town (1949) - Chip
On the Town
Anchors Aweigh (1945) - Clarence Doolittle
Anchors Aweigh
Gabrielle Union
Locul nasterii
Nebraska, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 2 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
I Am Legend (2007) - Anna
I Am Legend
Running with Scissors (2006) - Dorothy
Running with Scissors
Luna de miere (2005) - Alice Kramden
The Honeymooners
Maestrul despartirilor (2004)
Breakin\' All the Rules
Baieti rai 2 (2003) - Sydney Burnett
Bad Boys II
Parteneri neobisnuiti (2003) - Daria
Cradle 2 the Grave
Scapa-ne de Eva (2003) - Eva
Deliver Us Irom Eva
Abandon (2002) - Amanda Luttrell
Joc in doi (2001) - Conny Spalding
Two Can Play That Game
Majoretele (2000) - Isis 'Ice
Bring it on
O Iata minunata (1999) - Katie
She\'s All That
10 chestii nu-mi plac la tine (1999) - Chastity
10 Things I Hate About You
Gary Daniels
Locul nasterii
Londra, Anglia
Actor, producator
(din 1 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Mesagerul reginei II (2001) - Capitanul Strong
Queen\'s Messenger II
Epicentru (2000) - Nick Constantine
Cu maIia pe urme (2000) - Richard Fox
Vinerea neagra (2000) - Dean Campbell
Black Friday
Mesagerul reginei (2000) - Capitanul Anthony Strong
Queen\'s Messenger
Orasul groazei (1999) - Steve Roberts
City oI Fear
In ritm de hip hop (1998) - Jason
No Tomorrow
Blestemul Iratilor (1998) - Roland / Oliver
Cold Harvest
Evadare imposibila (1997) - Roger Mason
Accident Iatal (1997) - Ray Morgan
Gastile din L.A. (1996) - Shane Alcott
Ringul cruzimii (1995) - Xao
Pumnul razbunarii (1995) - Kenshiro
Fist oI the North Star
Furia (1995) - Alex
Tinta imprevizibila (1994) - Charles Prince
Deadly Target
InIernul din L.A. (1993) - Sledge
Lupte ilegale (1992) - Jake Tanner
American StreetIighter
Pedeapsa capitala (1991) - James Thayer
Capital Punishment
FilmograIie - Regizor
Furia (1995) - regizor
Gene Hackman
Nume real
Eugene Alden Hackman
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 21 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Bun venit in Mooseport (2004) - Monroe Cole
Welcome to Mooseport
Juriul (2003) - Rankin Fitch
Runaway Jury
O Iamilie geniala (2002) - Royal Tenenbaum
The Royal Tenenbaums
Mexicanul (2001) - Margolese
The Mexican
JaI armat (2001) - Joe Moore
In spatele liniilor inamice (2001) - Amiralul Leslie McMahon Reigart
Behind Enemy Lines
Cum sa cuceresti barbatii (2001) - William B. Tensy
Suspect de crima (2000) - Henry Hearst
Under Suspicion
Rezervele (2000) - Jimmy McGinty
The Replacements
Furnicutze (1998) - Generalul Mandibula (voce)
Inamicul Statului (1998) - Brill / Edward Lyle
Enemy oI the State
Santajul (1998) - Jack Ames
Puterea (1997) - Presedintele Richmond
Absolute Power
Solutii Extreme (1996) - Dr. Lawrence Myrick
Extreme Measures
Camera Mortii (1996) - Sam Cayhall
The Chamber
Valul ucigas (1995) - Frank Ramsey
Crimson Tide
Mai iute ca moartea (1995) - Herod
The Quick and the Dead
Un maIiot la Hollywood (1995) - Harry Zimm
Get Shorty
Wyatt Earp - Justitiarul Vestului Salbatic (1994) - Nicholas Earp
Wyatt Earp
Geronimo: O legenda americana (1993) - George Crook
Geronimo: An American Legend
Firma (1993) - Avery Tolar
The Firm
Necrutatorul (1992) - Little Bill Daggett
Proces de constiinta (1991) - Jedediah Tucker Ward
Class Action
AIacere dubioasa (1991) - Sam Boyd/John Jones
Company Business
Salutari din Hollywood (1990) - Lowell Korshack
Postcards Irom the Edge
Pe muchie de cutit (1990) - Robert CaulIield
Narrow Margin
Echipa trasnita (1990) - MacArthur Stern
Loose Cannons
Pachetul (1989) - Johnny Gallagher
The Package
Mississippi in Ilacari (1988) - Anderson
Mississippi Burning
Batalionul 21 (1988) - Iceal Hambleton
BAT 21
Cealalta Iemeie (1988) - Larry Lewis
Another Woman
Luna plina la Blue Water (1988) - Floyd
Full Moon in Blue Water
Fara scapare (1987) - David Brice
No Way Out
Superman IV : Lupta pentru pace (1987) - Lex Luthor/Voice oI Nuclear Man
Hoosiers (1986) - Antrenorul Norman Dale
ProIesionistul puterii (1986) - WilIred Buckley
Twice in a LiIetime (1985) - Harry MacKenzie
Twice in a LiIetime
Tinta (1985) - Walter Lloyd
In Prima Linie (1983) - Alex Grazier
Under Fire
Deschis toata noaptea (1981) - George Dupler
All Night Long
Superman II (1980) - Lex Luthor
Superman II
Superman (1978) - Lex Luthor
Un pod prea indepartat (1977) - Gen. maj. Stanislaw Sosabowski
A Bridge Too Far
Principiul dominoului (1977) - Roy Tucker
The Domino Principle
Legiunea Straina (1977) - William Sherman Foster
March or Die
Filiera Franceza II (1975) - Jimmy Doyle
French Connection II
Pericol in noapte (1975) - Harry Moseby
Night Moves
Conversatia (1974) - Harry Caul
The Conversation
Mireasa lui Zandi (1974) - Zandy Allan
Zandy\'s Bride
Sperietoarea (1973) - Max
The Poseidon Adventure (1972) - Frank Scott
The Poseidon Adventure
Filiera Franceza (1971) - Jimmy Doyle
Tne French Connection
NauIragiati in spatiu (1969) - Buzz Lloyd
Downhill Racer (1969) - Eugene Claire
Downhill Racer
The Gypsy Moths (1969) - Joe Browdy
The Gypsy Moths
Bonnie si Clyde (1967) - Buck Barrow
Bonnie and Clyde
Lilith (1964) - Norman
George Clooney
Nume real
George Timothy Clooney
Locul nasterii
Kentucky, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator,scenarist, regizor
(din 53 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Ocean's Thirteen (2007) - Danny Ocean
Ocean\'s Thirteen
The Good German (2006) - Jake Geismar
The Good German
Syriana (2005) - Robert Baer
Noapte buna si noroc! (2005) - Fred Friendly
Good Night, and Good Luck.
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - Danny Ocean
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Dragostea costa! (2003) - Miles Massey
Intolerable Cruelty
Spy Kids 3-D: SIarsitul jocului (2003) - Devlin
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - Agentul CIA Jim Byrd
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
Solaris (2002) - Kris Kelvin
Bun venit in Collinwood (2002) - Jerzy
Welcome to Collinwood
Marea hoinareala (2001) - Ulysses Everett McGill
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Ocean's Eleven - Faceti jocurile! (2001) - Danny Ocean
Ocean's Eleven
Joaca de-a spionii (2001) - Devlin
Spy Kids
Furtuna PerIecta (2000) - Billy Tyne
The PerIect Storm
Regii Desertului (1999) - Archie Gates
Three Kings
La hotarul dintre viata si moarte (1998) - Capitanul Charles Bosche
The Thin Red Line
Pasiune periculoasa (1998) - John Michael Foley
Out oI Sight
PaciIicatorul (1997) - Thomas Devoe
The Peacemaker
Batman si Robin (1997) - Batman / Bruce Wayne
Batman & Robin (Batman 4)
De la apusul la rasaritul soarelui (1996) - Seth Gecko
From Dusk Till Dawn
Ce zi minunata! (1996) - Jack Taylor
One Fine Day
Spitalul de Urgenta (Serial TV) (1994) - Dr. Douglas Ross
ER (TV Series)
Balonase de sapun (1992) - Mac
Unbecoming Age
Red SurI (1990) - Remar
Red SurI
Scoala militara (1986) - Maiorul BiII Woods
Combat High
FilmograIie - Regizor
Noapte buna si noroc! (2005) - regizor
Good Night, and Good Luck.
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - regizor
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
FilmograIie - Producator
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - producator executiv
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Insomnia (2002) - producator executiv
Departe de paradis (2002) - producator executiv
Far Irom Heaven
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Noapte buna si noroc! (2005) - scenarist
Good Night, and Good Luck.
Gerard Barray
Locul nasterii
Toulouse, Franta
Data nasterii
(din 5 voturi)
Filmografie - Actor
Un muschetar galant (1964) - Pardaillan
Hardi Pardaillan! (The Gallant Musketeer)
Cavalerul Pardaillan (1962) - Pardaillan
Le Chevalier de Pardaillan
Seherezada (1962) - Renaud de Villecroix
Gerard Depardieu
Locul nasterii
Chateauroux, Franta
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 19 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (2007) - Obelix
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (Asterix 3)
Ultima vacanta (2006) - SeIul Didier
Last Holiday
Combien tu m'aimes? (2006) - Charly
Combien tu m\'aimes?
Paris, je t'aime (2006) - Propietarul caIenelei
Paris, je t\'aime
Politia judiciara (2005) - Denis Klein
36 quai des orIevres
Doar prieteni (2005) - Serge
Je preIere qu\'on reste amis... (Just Friends)
Boudu (2005) - Boudu
Ole (2005)
San-Antonio (2004) - Inspectorul Berurier
RRRrrrr!!! (2004) - SeIul
Noua Franta (2004) - Thomas Blondeau
Nouvelle-France (New France)
Ciocu' mic! (2003) - Quentin
Tais-toi! / Ruby & Quentin
Nathalie... (2003) - Bernard
Nathalie... / Nathalie X
Femeia-Muschetar (2003) - Cardinalul Mazarin
La Femme Musketeer
Volpone (2003) - Volpone
Oops! Am incurcat borcanele! (2003) - Daniel Foray
Crime Spree / Wanted
Drum bun (2003) - Jean-Etienne BeauIort
Bon voyage
Pactul tacerii (2003) - Joachim
Le Pacte du silence (The Pact oI Silence)
CQ (2002) - Andrzej
Asterix si Obelix - Misiune: Cleopatra (2002) - Obelix
Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatre (Asterix 2)
AIaceri dubioase (2002)
City oI Ghosts
Blanche (2002) - D'Artagnan
Napoleon (2002) - Joseph Fouche
Dina (2002) - Jacob
I Am Dina
102 Dalmatieni (2001) - Le Pelt
102 Dalmatians
Vidocq (2001) - Vidocq
Dulapul (2001) - Felix Santini
Le Placard / The Closet
Vatel (2000) - Francois Vatel
Mirka (2000) - Strix
Mizerabilii (Mini Serie TV) (2000) - Jean Valjean
Les Miserables (TV Mini Series)
Asterix si Obelix contra lui Cezar (1999) - Obelix
Asterix et Obelix contre Cesar (Asterix 1)
Balzac (1999) - Honore de Balzac
Omul cu masca de Iier (1998) - Portos
The Man in the Iron Mask
Cecile vs. Brigitte (1998) - Laurent Gaspard
Agentul secret (1996) - Ossipion
The Secret Agent
Hamlet (1996) - Reynaldo
Bogus (1996) - Bogus
Sa stingi stelele! (1996) - Tommy Bellaveau
Unhook the Stars
Elisa (1995) - Jacques Desmoulin
Ingerii pazitori (1995) - Antoine Carco
Les anges gardiens (Guardian Angels)
Tatal meu e un erou (1994) - Andre
My Father the Hero
O simpla Iormalitate (1994) - OnoII
Una pura Iormalita (A Pure Formality)
1492 Cucerirea Paradisului (1992) - CristoIor Columb
1492 Conquest oI Paradise
Toate diminetile lumii (1991) - Marin Marais
Tous les matins du monde (Every Morning oI the World)
Carte verde (1990) - Georges Faure
Green Card
Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) - Cyrano De Bergerac
Cyrano de Bergerac
Doi (1989) - Marc Lambert
Deux (Two)
Camille Claudel (1988) - Auguste Rodin
Camille Claudel
Sub soarele diavolului (1987) - Donissan
Sous le soleil de Satan (Under the Sun oI Satan)
Jean de Florette (1986) - Jean de Florette
Jean de Florette
Fugarii (1986) - Jean Lucas
Les FugitiIs
Police (1985) - Mangin
Tatii (1983) - Jean Lucas
Les Comperes (ComDads)
Danton (1982) - Danton
Le Retour de Martin Guerre (1982) - Arnaud de Tihl
Le Retour de Martin Guerre (The Return oI Martin Guerre)
Capra (1981) - Campana
La Chevre (Knock On Wood)
Femeia de alaturi (1981) - Bernard Coudray
La Femme d\'a cote (The Woman Next Door)
Ultimul metrou (1980) - Bernard Granger
Le dernier metro
Va iubesc! (1980) - Patrick
Je vous aime
Uraganul Rosy (1980) - Raoul Lamarre
Temporale Rosy (Hurricane Rosie)
Unchiul meu din America (1980) - Rene Ragueneau
Mon oncle d\'Amerique (My American Uncle)
Inspectorul (1980) - Roger Morzini
Inspecteur la Bavure (Inspector Blunder)
Vis de maimuta (1978) - Gerard LaIayette
Ciao maschio (Bye Bye Monkey)
Pregatiti-va batistele! (1978) - Raoul
Preparez vos mouchoirs (Get Out Your HandkerchieIs)
1900 (1976) - Olmo Dalco
Barocco (1976) - Samson / Ucigasul lui Samson
Sapte morti pe reteta (1975) - Dr. Jean-Pierre Berg
Sept morts sur ordonnance (Bestial Quartet)
Ucigasul (1972) - Fredo Babasch
Le Tueur (Killer)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Paris, je t'aime (2006) - regizor
Paris, je t\'aime
Gregory Peck
Nume real
Eldred Gregory Peck
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, USA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, producator
(din 8 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Promontoriul groazei (1991) - Lee Heller
Cape Fear
Banii altora (1991) - Andrew Jorgenson
Other People`s Money
Old Gringo (1989) - Ambrose Bierce
Old Gringo
Grace si Chuck (1987) - Presedintele
Amazing Grace and Chuck
Purpura si negru (1983) - Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty
The Scarlet and the Black
Lupii marilor (1980) - Colonelul Lewis Pugh
The Sea Wolves: The Last Charge oI the Calcutta Light Horse
Himera (1978) - Dr. JoseI Mengele
The Boys From Brazil
MacArthur (1977) - Gen. Douglas MacArthur
The Omen (1976) - Robert Thorn
The Omen
Billy indianul (1973) - Arch Deans
Billy Two Hats
Razbunare amanata (1971) - Clay Lomax
Shoot Out
Am calcat legea (1970) - Henry Tawes
I Walk the Line
NauIragiati in spatiu (1969) - Charles Keith
Cel mai periculos om din lume (1969) - John Hathaway
The Chairman
Aurul lui Mackenna (1968) - Mackenna
Mackenna\'s Gold
Arabesque (1966) - David Pollock
Miraj (1965) - David Stillwell
Capcana (1964) - Manuel Artiguez
Behold a Pale Horse
Promontoriul groazei (1962) - Sam Bowden
Cape Fear
Sa ucizi o pasare cantatoare (1962) - Atticus Finch
To Kill a Mockingbird
Cum a Iost cucerit vestul (1962) - Cleve Van Valen
How the West Was Won
Tunurile din Navarone (1961) - Capitanul Keith Mallory
The Guns oI Navarone
Ultimul tarm (1959) - Dwight Lionel Towers
On the Beach
Batalia de la Pork Chop Hill (1959) - Lt. Joe Clemons
Pork Chop Hill
Beloved InIidel (1959) - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Beloved InIidel
The Big Country (1958) - James McKay
The Big Country
Creatoarea de modele (1957) - Mike Hagen
Designing Woman
Moby Dick (1956) - Capitanul Ahab
Moby Dick
Omul in gri (1956) - Tom Rath
The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit
Vacanta la Roma (1953) - Joe Bradley
Roman Holiday
Bancnota de un milion de lire sterline (1953) - Henry Adams
The Million Pound Note
Zapezile de pe Kilimanjaro (1952) - Harry Street
The Snows oI Kilimanjaro
The GunIighter (1950) - Jimmie Ringo
The GunIighter
Twelve O'Clock High (1949) - Frank Savage
Twelve O\'Clock High
The Great Sinner (1949) - Fedja
The Great Sinner
Cerul galben (1948) - James Dawson
Yellow Sky
Gentleman's Agreement (1947) - Philip Green
Gentleman\'s Agreement
Cazul Paradine (1947) - Anthony Keane
The Paradine Case
Puiul (1946) - Penny Baxter
The Yearling
Duel sub soare (1946) - Lewt McCanles
Duel in the Sun
Fascinatie (1945) - John Ballantine
Cheile imparatiei (1944) - Francis Chisholm
The Keys oI the Kingdom
Harrison Ford
Locul nasterii
Illinois, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 40 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Indiana Jones 4 (2007) - Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones 4
Firewall - Program de protectie (2006) - Jack Williams
Indiana Jones - Trilogia (DVD) (2004) - Indy
Indiana Jones Trilogy (DVD)
Copoi de Hollywood (2003) - Joe Gavilan
Hollywood Homicide
K-19: Submarinul Ucigas (2002) - Capitanul Alexi Vostrikov
K-19: The Widowmaker
Dincolo de aparente (2000) - Dr. Norman Spencer
What Lies Beneath
Ironia soartei (2000) - Dutch Van Den Broeck
Random Hearts
Sase zile, sapte nopti (1998) - Quinn Harris
Six Days Seven Nights
Prieten si dusman (1997) - Tom O'Meara
The Devil`s Own
Air Force One (1997) - Presedintele Statelor Unite
Air Force One
Sabrina (1995) - Linus Larrabee
Singur impotriva presedintelui (1994) - Jack Ryan
Clear and Present Danger
Evadatul (1993) - Dr. Richard David Kimble
The Fugitive
Jocuri patriotice (1992) - Jack Ryan
Patriot Games
Viata lui Henry (1991) - Henry Turner
Regarding Henry
Presupus nevinovat (1990) - Rusty Sabich
Presumed Innocent
Indiana Jones si Ultima cruciada (1989) - Dr. Henry Jones, Jr.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Indiana Jones 3)
O Iemeie Iace cariera (1988) - Jack Trainer
Working Girl
Cautare disperata (1988) - Dr. Richard Walker
Mosquito Coast (1986) - Allie Fox
Mosquito Coast
Martorul (1985) - John Book
Indiana Jones si Templul mortii (1984) - Dr. Henry Jones, Jr.
Indiana Jones and the Temple oI Doom (Indiana Jones 2)
Intoarcerea lui Jedi: Editie Speciala (1983) - Han Solo
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return oI the Jedi
Vanatorul de recompense (1982) - Rick Deckard
Blade Runner
Indiana Jones si Cautatorii arcei pierdute (1981) - Dr. Henry 'Indiana' Jones, Jr
Indiana Jones and the Raiders oI the Lost Ark (Indiana Jones 1)
Imperiul Contraataca: Editie Speciala (1980) - Han Solo
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Apocalipsul acum - versiune integrala (1979) - Colonelul Lucas
Apocalypse Now / Apocalypse Now Redux
Strada Hanovra (1979) - David Halloran
Hanover Street
Rabinul si hotul (1979) - Tommy Lillard
The Frisco Kid
Uraganul vine de la Navarone (1978) - Lt. Col. Mike Barnsby
Force 10 Irom Navarone
Razboiul Stelelor: Editie Speciala (1977) - Han Solo
Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope
Eroii (1977) - Ken Boyd
FilmograIie - Producator
K-19: Submarinul Ucigas (2002) - producator executiv
K-19: The Widowmaker
Henry Fonda
Nume real
Henry Jaynes Fonda
Locul nasterii
Nebraska, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, producator
(din 1 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Pe helesteul auriu (1981) - Norman Thayer Jr.
On Golden Pond
Meteoritul (1979) - Presedintele
Oras in Ilacari (1979) - Albert Risley
City on Fire
Fedora (1978) - Presedintele academiei
Atentat in parcul de distractii (1977) - Simon Davenport
Ultimul dintre cowboy (1976) - Elegant John
The Last oI the Cowboys
Batalia de la Midway (1976) - Amiralul Chester Nimitz
Ultimul act (1974) - Cardinalul Schuster
Mussolini: Ultimo atto
Miercurea cenusii (1973) - Mark Sawyer
Ash Wednesday
Calutul roib (1973) - Carl TiIlin
The red Pony
Sarpele (1972) - Allan Davies
Le Serpent (Night Flight Irom Moscow)
Oameni de neclintit (1971) - Henry Stamper
Sometimes\'a Great Notion
The Cheyenne Social Club (1970) - Harley Sullivan
The Cheyenne Social Club
Era un ticalos (1970) - Woodward Lopeman
There Was a Crooked Man
Undeva, candva in Vest (1968) - Frank
C\'era una volta il West (Once Upon a Time in the West)
Stangulatorul din Boston (1968) - John S. Bottomly
The Boston Strangler
Lege si razbunare (1968) - Bob Larkin
Madigan (1968) - Anthony X. Russell
Welcome to Hard Times (1967) - Maiorul Will Blue
Welcome to Hard Times
Batalia de la Bulge (1965) - Lt. Col. Daniel Kiley
Battle oI the Bulge
The Rounders (1965) - Marion Lewis
The Rounders
Un candidat la presedintie (1964) - William Russell
The Best Man
Sexul Slab (1964) - Frank Broderick
Sex and the Single Girl
Decizie limita (1964) - Presedintele
Ziua cea mai lunga (1962) - Gen. de brigada Theodore Roosevelt jr.
The Longest Day
Cum a Iost cucerit vestul (1962) - Jethro Stuart
How the West Was Won
Steaua de tinichea (1957) - Morg Hickman
The Tin Star
Doisprezece oameni Iuriosi (1957) - Juratul 8 (Davis)
Twelve Angry Men
Razboi si pace (1956) - Pierre Bezukhov
War and peace
Locotenentul Roberts (1955) - Douglas Roberts
Mister Roberts
Fort Apache (1948) - Owen Thursday
Fort Apache
The Long Night (1947) - Joe Adams
The Long Night
Fugarul (1947) - Fugarul
The Fugitive
Draga mea Clementine (1946) - Wyatt Earp
My Darling Clementine
Buna dimineata, doctore! (1941) - Peter Kirk
You Belong to Me
Fructele maniei (1940) - Tom Joad
The Grapes oI Wrath
Tineretea lui Lincoln (1939) - Abraham Lincoln
Young Mr Lincoln
Jezebel (1938) - Preston Dillard
Traim numai o data (1937) - Eddie Taylor
You Only Live Once
Ice Cube
Nume real
O'Shea Jackson
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, compozitor
(din 38 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Are We Done Yet? (2007) - Nick Persons
Are We Done Yet?
Triplu X - 2 (2005) - Darius Stone
XXX 2: The Next Level / XXX 2: State oI the Union
Mai e mult pana ajungem? (2005) - Nick Persons
Are We There Yet?
Torque - Circuite de Foc (2004) - Trey Wallace
Vineri, in ajun de Craciun (2003) - Craig Jones
Friday AIter Next (Friday 3)
Frizeria 2 (2003) - Calvin Palmer
Barbershop 2: Back in Business
Totul pana la bani (2002) - Bucum Jackson
All About the Benjamins
Frizeria (2002) - Calvin
Fantomele de pe Marte (2001) - James Williams
Ghosts oI Mars
Next Friday (2000) - Craig Jones
Next Friday (Friday 2)
Regii Desertului (1999) - Elgin
Three Kings
Anaconda (1997) - Danny Rich
Teren primejdios (1997) - Vusi Madlazi
Dangerous Ground
Vineri (1995) - Craig Jones
Comoara care ucide (1992) - Savon
Baietii din cartier (1991) - Doughboy
Boyz N the Hood
FilmograIie - Regizor
Clubul Playa (1998) - regizor
The Players Club
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Clubul Playa (1998) - scenarist
The Players Club
Jack Nicholson
Nume real
John Joseph Nicholson
Locul nasterii
New Jersey, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist, producator, regizor
(din 52 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Cartita (2006) - Frank Costello
The Departed
Al naibii tratament! (2003) - Buddy Rydell
Anger Management
Ceva, ceva tot o iesi (2003) - Harry Langer
Something\'s Gotta Give
Totul despre Schmidt (2002) - Warren Schmidt
About Schmidt
Promisiunea (2001) - Detectivul Jerry Black
The Pledge
Mai bine nu se poate (1997) - Melvin Udall
As Good As It Gets
Sange si vin (1997) - Alex Gates
Blood and Wine
Atacul martienilor! (1996) - Presedintele James Dale
Mars Attacks!
The Crossing Guard (1995) - Freddy Gale
The Crossing Guard
Lupul (1994) - Will Randall
Oameni de onoare (1992) - Nathan R. Jessup
A Few Good Men
HoIIa (1992) - James HoIIa
Cand barbatii nu-ti dau pace (1992) - Harry Bliss
Man Trouble
Cartierul chinezesc 2 (1990) - J.J. 'Jake' Gittes
The Two Jakes
Batman (1989) - Joker / Jack Napier
Vrajitoarele din Eastwick (1987) - Daryl Van Horne
The Witches oI Eastwick
Iarba raului (1987) - Francis Phelan
Broadcast News (1987) - Bill Rorich
Broadcast News
Dragoste Iranta (1986) - Mark Louis Forman
Onoarea Iamiliei Prizzi (1985) - Charley Partanna
Prizzi\'s Honor
Vorbe de alint (1983) - Garrett Breedlove
Terms oI Endearment
Granita (1982) - Charlie Smith
The Border
Reds (1981) - Eugene O'Neill
Postasul suna intotdeauna de doua ori (1981) - Frank Chambers
The Postman Always Rings Twice
Stralucirea (1980) - John Daniel Torrance
The Shining
Spre sud (1978) - Henry Lloyd Moon
Goin\' South
The Missouri Breaks (1976) - Tom Logan
The Missouri Breaks
Ultimul magnat (1976) - Brimmer
The Last Tycoon
Zbor deasupra unui cuib de cuci (1975) - Randle Patrick McMurphy
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Averea (1975) - Oscar Sullivan
The Fortune (Spite and Malice)
Pasagerul (1975) - David Locke
ProIessione: reporter (The Passenger)
Cartierul chinezesc (1974) - J. J. Gittes
The Last Detail (1973) - Billy Buddusky
The Last Detail
Regele din Marvin Gardens (1972) - David Staebler
The King oI Marvin Gardens
Cunoastere carnala (1971) - Jonathan Fuerst
Carnal Knowledge
Five Easy Pieces (1970) - Robert Eroica Dupea
Five Easy Pieces
O alta personalitate (1970) - Tad Pringle
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
Easy Rider (1969) - George Hanson
Easy Rider
FilmograIie - Regizor
Cartierul chinezesc 2 (1990) - regizor
The Two Jakes
Spre sud (1978) - regizor
Goin\' South
Jackie Chan
Nume real
Kong-sang Chan
Locul nasterii
Hong Kong
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, producator, cascador
(din 86 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Kung Fu Panda (2008) - Master Monkey (voce)
Kung Fu Panda
Ora de varI 3 (2007) - Inspectorul Lee
Rush Hour 3
San wa (2005) - Jack / Generalul Meng-yi
San wa / The Myth
Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (2004) - Passepartout
Around the World in 80 Days
Medalionul (2003) - Eddie Yang
Medallion (Highbinders)
EIectul gemenelor (2003) - Jackie
Chin gei bin / The Twins EIIect
Cavalerii Shaolin (2002) - Chon Wang
Shanghai Knights (Shanghai Noon 2)
Fracul Magic (2002) - Jimmy Tong
The Tuxedo
Arta in actiune: Artele martiale in Iilme (2002) - El insusi
The Art oI Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture
Ora de varI 2 (2001) - Inspectorul Lee
Rush Hour 2
Spion din greseala (2001) - Buck Yuen
The Accidental Spy
Shaolin Cowboy (2000) - Chon Wong
Shanghai Noon
Barbatul ideal (1999) - C.N. Chan
Bor lei jun (Gorgeous)
Baiat de treaba (1998) - Jackie
Yatgo ho yan (Mr. Nice Guy)
Ora de varI (1998) - Inspectorul Lee
Rush Hour
Prima lovitura a lui Jackie Chan (1996) - Jackie Chan Ka Kui
Jing cha gu shi IV: Jian dan ren wu (Jackie Chan\'s First Strike)
Jackie Chan, pilot de curse (1995) - Chan Foh To
Pi li huo (Thunderbolt)
Bubuiala in Bronx (1995) - Ah Keung
Hong Iaan kui (Rumble in the Bronx)
Un detectiv aIemeiat (1993) - Ryo Saeba
Cheng shi lie ren (City Hunter)
Protectorul 2 (1988) - Chan Ka Kui
Ging chaat goo si juk jaap (Police Story 2)
Armura Divina (1987) - Jackie
Longxiong hudi (Armour oI God)
Protectorul (1985) - Kevin Chan Ka Kui
Ging chaat goo si (Jackie Chan\'s Police Story)
Maestrul betiv (1978) - Wong Fei-Hong
Zui quan (Drunken Master)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Politist la ananghie (2004) - regizor
San ging chaat goo si (New Police Story)
Protectorul 2 (1988) - regizor
Ging chaat goo si juk jaap (Police Story 2)
Armura Divina (1987) - regizor
Longxiong hudi (Armour oI God)
Protectorul (1985) - regizor
Ging chaat goo si (Jackie Chan\'s Police Story)
FilmograIie - Producator
Medalionul (2003) - producator executiv
Medallion (Highbinders)
Spion din greseala (2001) - producator
The Accidental Spy
Shaolin Cowboy (2000) - producator executiv
Shanghai Noon
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Barbatul ideal (1999) - scenarist
Bor lei jun (Gorgeous)
Protectorul 2 (1988) - scenarist
Ging chaat goo si juk jaap (Police Story 2)
Armura Divina (1987) - scenarist
Longxiong hudi (Armour oI God)
1. Xin Su shi jian (2008) (post-production) .... Steelhead
... aka The Shinjuku Incident (International: English title)
2. Kung Fu Panda (2008) (voice) .... Monkey
... aka Kung Fu Panda: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
3. The Forbidden Kingdom (2008) .... Lu Yan / Old Hop
... aka King oI Kung Fu (Hong Kong: English title: literal title)
4. Rush Hour 3 (2007) .... Lee
5. Bo bui gai wak (2006) .... Fong Ka Ho
... aka Rob-B-Hood (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title)
... aka Bao bei ji hua (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Robin-B-Hood (USA: video title)
6. San wa (2005) .... General Meng Yi/Dr Jack Chan
... aka Shen hua (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka The Myth (International: English title)
7. Xin jing cha gu shi (2004) .... Senior Insp. Chan Kwok-Wing
... aka New Police Story (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka San ging chaat goo si (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
8. Chin gei bin 2: Fa dou daai jin (2004) .... Lord oI Armour
... aka Qian ji bian II: Hua du da zhan (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka The Huadu Chronicles: Blade oI the Rose (International: English title)
... aka Twins EIIect 2 (Hong Kong: English title)
9. Around the World in 80 Days (2004) .... Passepartout / Lau Xing
... aka In 80 Tagen um die Welt (Germany)
10. Da lao ai mei li (2004) .... Client oI Julie (Cameo)
... aka Daai liu oi mei lai (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Enter the Phoenix (Hong Kong: English title)
11. The Medallion (2003) .... Eddie Yang
12. Chin gei bin (2003) .... Jackie
... aka Qian ji bian (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka The Twins EIIect (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Vampire EIIect (USA: DVD title)
13. Shanghai Knights (2003) .... Chon Wang
14. The Tuxedo (2002) .... Jimmy Tong
15. Rush Hour 2 (2001) .... ChieI Inspector Lee
16. Dak miu mai shing (2001) .... Buck Yuen / Jackie Chan
... aka Te wu mi cheng (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka The Accidental Spy (International: English title)
17. Shanghai Noon (2000) .... Chon Wang
18. Dak ging san yan lui (1999) .... Poor Fisherman
... aka Gen-X Cops (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title: literal title)
... aka Te jing xin ren lei (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
19. Hei kek ji wong (1999) .... Famous Movie Star
... aka The King oI Comedy (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Xi ju zhi wang (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
20. Boh lee chun (1999) .... C.N. Chan
... aka Gorgeous (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title) (UK)
... aka Bo li zun (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka High Risk (Philippines: English title)
21. Rush Hour (1998) .... ChieI Inspector Lee
22. Wo shi shei (1998) .... Who Am I?
... aka Jackie Chan's Who Am I? (USA: cable TV title)
... aka Who Am I?
23. Yat goh hiu yan (1997) .... Jackie
... aka Mr. Nice Guy (Australia) (Hong Kong: English title) (UK) (USA)
... aka No More Mr. Nice Guy (USA)
... aka SuperCheI
... aka Yi ge hao ren (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
24. Ging chaat goo si 4: Ji gaan daan yam mo (1996) .... Insp. Chan Ka Kui
... aka Jackie Chan's First Strike (USA)
... aka Jing cha gu shi 4: Zhi jian dan ren wu (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Police Story 4: First Strike (Hong Kong: English title)
25. Pik lik Ieng (1995) .... Chan Foh To (AlIred Tung in US version)
... aka Thunderbolt (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title) (USA)
... aka Pi li huo (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
26. Hung Iaan aau (1995) .... Keung
... aka Rumble in the Bronx (Hong Kong: English title) (USA)
... aka Gong Ian ou (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Red Bronx
... aka Zizanie dans le Bronx (Canada: French title)
27. Jui kuen II (1994) .... Wong Fei-hung
... aka Drunken Fist II (literal English title)
... aka Drunken Master II (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Legend oI the Drunken Master (USA)
... aka Sui ken 2
... aka The Legend oI Drunken Master (USA: new title)
... aka Zui quan II (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
28. Chao ji ji hua (1993) .... Inspector Chan
... aka Chiu kap gai waak (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Once a Cop
... aka Police Story 3 Part 2
... aka Police Story 4: Project S
... aka Police Story V
... aka Project S (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Supercop (UK)
... aka Supercop 2 (USA)
29. Zhong an zu (1993) .... Inspector Eddie Chan
... aka Cheung ngon cho (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Crime Story (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka New Police Story
... aka Police Dragon
... aka Police Story IV
... aka Serious Crimes Squad
30. Sing si lip yan (1993) .... Ryu Saeba
... aka Cheng shi lie ren (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka City Hunter (Hong Kong: English title)
31. Ging chaat goo si 3: Chiu kap ging chaat (1992) .... Insp. Chan Ka Kui
... aka Jing cha gu shi III: Chao ji jing cha (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Police Story 3 (UK)
... aka Police Story 3: Super Cop (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Supercop (USA)
32. Xi Zang xiao zi (1992) .... Cameo appearance
... aka A Kid Irom Tibet (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Sai chong siu ji (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
33. Shuang long hui (1992) .... Ma Yau / Die Hard (John Ma / Boomer in US version)
... aka Brother vs. Brother
... aka Double Dragon
... aka Duel oI Dragons
... aka Seung lung kooi (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Twin Dragons (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Twin Dragons (USA: recut version)
... aka When Dragons Collide
34. Fei ying gai wak (1991) .... Jackie Condor (Jackie Chan)
... aka Armour oI God II
... aka Armour oI God II: Operation Condor (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Fei ying ji hua (China: Mandarin title)
... aka Operation Condor (USA)
... aka Operation Eagle
... aka Project Eagle
... aka SuperIly (Philippines: English title)
35. Huo shao dao (1990) .... Lung/Steve
... aka Island oI Fire (International: English title)
... aka Jackie Chan Is the Prisoner (USA: video title)
... aka The Burning Island
... aka The Prisoner (Europe: English title: video title)
... aka When Dragons Meet
36. Ji ji (1989) .... 'Charlie' Cheng Wah Kuo
... aka Black Dragon
... aka Kei chik (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Miracle
... aka Miracles (UK: DVD title)
... aka Miracles: The Canton GodIather (UK: video box title)
... aka Mr Canton and Lady Rose (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Mr. Canton and Lady Rose
... aka The Canton GodIather (Australia: DVD title)
37. Ging chaat goo si juk jaap (1988) .... Chan Ka Kui
... aka Jackie Chan's Police Story
... aka Jing cha gu shi xu ji (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Kowloon's Eye
... aka Police Force II
... aka Police Story 2 (UK: DVD box title)
... aka Police Story Part II (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Police Story Sequel (literal English title)
38. Fei lung maang jeung (1988) .... Jackie Lung
... aka Dragons Forever (Hong Kong: English title) (International: English title)
... aka 3 Brothers
... aka Cyclone Z
... aka Fei long meng jiang (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Flying Dragon Fierce Challenge (literal English title)
39. 'A' gai waak juk jaap (1987) .... Dragon Mao
... aka 'A' ji hua xu ji (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Jackie Chan's Project A2 (USA)
... aka Project A II (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Project A Sequel (literal English title)
... aka Project A, Part II
... aka Project B
40. Long xiong hu di (1987) .... Jackie
... aka Armour oI God (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Lung Iong Ioo dai (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Operation Condor 2: The Armour oI the Gods (USA: DVD title)
41. Ninja the Protector (1986)
... aka Ninja Protector (International: English title)
... aka Project Ninja Daredevils (USA)
42. Nui ji za pai jun (1986) .... Prisoner
... aka Nau gai jaap paai gwan (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Naughty Boys (Hong Kong: English title)
43. Ging chaat goo si (1985) .... Chan Ka Kui
... aka Jackie Chan's Police Force
... aka Jackie Chan's Police Story
... aka Jing cha gu shi (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Police Force
... aka Police Story (Hong Kong: English title)
44. Long de xin (1985) .... Ted/Tat Fung
... aka Heart oI Dragon (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Heart oI the Dragon
... aka Lung dik sam (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The First Mission
45. Xia ri Iu xing (1985) .... Muscles
... aka My Lucky Stars 2: Twinkle Twinkle Lucky Stars
... aka The Target
... aka Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Winners & Sinners 3: Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars (Europe: English title: DVD
box title)
46. The Protector (1985) .... Billy Wong
... aka Wai lung maang taam (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Wei lung meng tan (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
47. Ninja Thunderbolt (1985)
... aka Ninja and the ThieI
... aka To Catch a Ninja (USA: video title)
48. Fuk sing go jiu (1985) .... Muscles
... aka Fu xing gao zhao (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Lucky Stars Superior Shine (literal English title)
... aka My Lucky Stars (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Winners & Sinners 2: My Lucky Stars (Europe: English title: DVD box title)
49. Cannonball Run II (1984) .... Jackie Chan, Mitsubishi Engineer
50. Kuai can che (1984) .... Thomas
... aka Comidas a domicilio (Spain)
... aka Million Dollar Heiress
... aka Spanish Connection (India: English title)
... aka Spartan X
... aka Supercamorristas, Los (Spain)
... aka Weapon X
... aka Wheels on Meals (Hong Kong: English title)
51. Shen yong shuang xiang pao (1984) .... Motorcycle Cop #2
... aka Pom Pom (Hong Kong: English title)
52. 'A' gai waak (1983) .... Dragon Mi Yong
... aka 'A' ji hua (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Jackie Chan's Project A (USA)
... aka Mark oI the Dragon (Philippines: English title)
... aka Operazione pirati
... aka Pirate Patrol
... aka Project A (Hong Kong: English title)
53. Long teng hu yue (1983) .... Chan Lung
... aka Fearless Hyena Part II (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Lung tang Ioo yeuk (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
54. Qi mou miao ji: Wu Iu xing (1983) .... CID 07
... aka 5 Lucky Stars
... aka Kei mau miu gai: Ng Iok sing (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Winners & Sinners (UK: video title)
... aka Winners & Sinners: Five Lucky Stars (Europe: English title: DVD box title)
... aka Winners and Sinners (Hong Kong: English title)
55. Gong Ien bing tuan (1982) (uncredited) .... Bit part
... aka Golden Queen's Commando (International: English title)
56. Long xiao ye (1982) .... Dragon
... aka Dragon Lord (Australia: cable TV title) (Hong Kong: English title) (USA: video
... aka Dragon Strike (USA)
... aka Lung siu yau (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Young Master in Love
57. Mai nei dak gung dui (1982) (as Jacky Chan) .... Sammy
... aka Dragon Attack
... aka Fantasy Mission Force (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Mi ni te gong dui (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Mini Special Force (Malaysia: English title)
58. The Cannonball Run (1981) .... Jackie Chan, Subaru Driver
59. The Big Brawl (1980) .... Jerry Kwan
... aka Battle Creek
... aka Battle Creek Brawl
... aka Sha shou hao
60. Shi di chu ma (1980) .... Dragon
... aka Bye dai chut ma (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Young Master (Hong Kong: English title)
61. Long quan (1979) .... Tang How-Yuen
... aka Dragon Fist (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka In Eagle Dragon Fist
... aka Lung kuen (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
62. Xiao quan guai zhao (1979) (as Jacky Chan) .... Shing Lung
... aka Revenge oI the Dragon (USA: video title)
... aka Siu kuen gwaai jiu (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Fearless Hyena (Hong Kong: English title)
63. Quan jing (1978) .... Yi-Lang
... aka Spiritual Kung-Fu (Hong Kong: English title) (Philippines: English title)
... aka Karate Ghostbuster
... aka Kuen cheng (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Spiritual Kung Fu (USA)
64. Jui kuen (1978) (as Jacky Chan) .... Wong Fei-Hung
... aka Challenge (India: English title)
... aka Drunken Fist (Hong Kong: Mandarin title: literal title)
... aka Drunken Master (International: English title: video title)
... aka Drunken Monkey in the Tiger's Eyes (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Eagle Claw, Snake Fist, Cat's Paw, Part 2
... aka The Drunken Master (Philippines: English title)
... aka Zui quan (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
65. Se ying diu sau (1978) (as Lung Cheng) .... Chien Fu
... aka Bruce vs. Snake in Eagle's Shadow
... aka Eagle's Shadow (USA: reissue title)
... aka She xing diao shou (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Snake and the Eagle's Shadow (Philippines: English title)
... aka Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (Hong Kong: English title)
66. Fei du juan yun shan (1978) .... Lord Ting Chung
... aka Fei do guen wan saan (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka MagniIicent Bodyguards (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka MagniIicent Guardsmen (USA: reissue title)
67. She hao ba bu (1978) .... Hsu Yin-Fung
... aka Sau hok baat biu (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Snake and Crane Arts oI Shaolin (Hong Kong: English title)
68. Dian zhi gong Iu gan chian chan (1978) (as Jacky Chan) .... Jiang
... aka Dim chi gung Ioo gaam gaan daan (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka HalI a LoaI oI Kung Fu (Hong Kong: English title)
69. Jian hua yan yu Jiang Nan (1977) (as Chen Lung) .... Cao Lei
... aka Gim Ia yin yue Gong Naan (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka To Kill with Intrigue (Hong Kong: English title)
70. San shi liu mi xing quan (1977) (uncredited) .... Possible Extra
... aka Blood Pact
... aka Jackie Chan's Bloodpact (USA: video box title)
... aka Master and the Boxer
... aka The 36 Crazy Fists
71. Shao Lin mu ren xiang (1976)
... aka 36 Wooden Men
... aka Shaolin Chamber oI Death
... aka Shaolin Wooden Men (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Shaolin Wooden Men... Young Tiger's Revenge
72. Feng yu shuang liu xing (1976) .... Wa Wu-Bin/Tiger
... aka Fung yu seung lau sing (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Jackie Chan Versus (Jimmy) Wang Wu
... aka The Killer Meteors (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Wind, Rain, Two Meteors (Hong Kong: Mandarin title: literal title)
73. Shao Lin men (1976) (as Chan Yuan Lung) .... Tan Feng
... aka Countdown in Kung Fu
... aka Countdown to Kung Fu (USA)
... aka Hand oI Death (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Shaolin Men
... aka Strike oI Death
74. Xin jing wu men (1976) (as Chen Yuen Lung) .... A Lung
... aka Fists to Fight
... aka New Fist oI Fury (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka San jing mo moon (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
75. Pai an jing ji (1975) (as Chen Yuen Lung)
... aka No End oI Surprises (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Paak ngon geng kei (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
76. Hua Iei man cheng chun (1975)
... aka All in the Family
... aka It's All in the Family (Philippines: English title)
77. Mi zong sheng shou (1975)
... aka Mat chung sing sau (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Himalayan
78. Crash che botte! (1974) .... Stuntman
... aka Supermen Against the Orient (Hong Kong: English title) (Philippines: English
... aka Crash! Che botte... (strippo, strappo, stroppio) (Italy)
... aka Si wang yi hou (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Three Fantastic Supermen in the Orient
79. Jin ping shuang yan (1974) (as Chen Yuen Lung) .... Pear seller
... aka Gam ping seung yim (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Golden Lotus (International: English title)
80. Ru jing cha (1974) (as Jacky Chan) .... Gang Leader
... aka Nui ging chaat (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Police Woman Against Jackie Chan
... aka Rumble in Hong Kong (USA: video title)
... aka Young Tiger
81. Chu ba (1973) (as Chen Yuen Lung)
... aka Chue ba (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Fist to Fist (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Fists oI the Double K (International: English title)
... aka Hong Kong Face-OII
82. Enter the Dragon (1973) (uncredited) .... Thug in Prison
... aka Long zheng hu dou (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka Operation Dragon (Europe: English title)
83. Tie wa (1973) (as Chen Yuen Lung)
... aka Attack oI the Kung Fu Girls
... aka Kung Fu Girl (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka None but the Brave (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka The Heroine
84. Bei di yan zhi (1973) (as Chen Yuan Lung) .... Bit Part
... aka Bak dei yin chi (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Facets oI Love (Hong Kong: English title)
85. Qi lin zhang (1973) (uncredited) .... Extra
... aka Bruce Lee and I (USA)
... aka Bruce and I
... aka Fist oI Unicorn (International: English title)
... aka Force oI Bruce Lee's Fist
... aka Kei lun cheung (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Unicorn Palm (Hong Kong: English title: video title)
86. Ding tian li di (1973) .... Si To
... aka Eagle Shadow Fist
... aka Fist oI Anger (USA: video box title)
... aka In Eagle Shadow Fist
... aka Not Scared to Die (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Return to China (International: English title)
87. Tang ran ke (1972)
... aka Blood Fingers (International: English title)
... aka Brutal Boxer (USA)
... aka Tong yan haat (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
88. He qi dao (1972)
... aka Hap kei do (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Hapkido (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Lady Kung Fu (USA: dubbed version)
89. Jing wu men (1972) (uncredited) .... Jing Wu student
... aka Fist oI Fury (Hong Kong: English title) (UK)
... aka Jing mo mun (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka Laugh Track: Chinese Connection (USA: video title (redubbed comic version))
... aka School Ior Chivalry (Hong Kong: Mandarin title: literal English title)
... aka The Chinese Connection (USA)
90. Guang dong xiao lao hu (1971) (as Chan Yuan Lung) .... Jackie Chan
... aka Last Tiger Irom Canton
... aka Little Tiger oI Canton (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka Master with Cracked Fingers (International: English title: reissue title)
... aka Snake Fist Fighter (USA: video title)
... aka Stranger in Hong Kong
91. Xia nu (1969) (uncredited) .... Bit Part
... aka A Touch oI Zen
92. Da zui xia (1966) (uncredited) .... Kid
... aka Come Drink with Me (International: English title)
... aka Great Drunken Hero (USA: literal English title)
93. Qin Xiang Lian (1964)
... aka Chun Heung Lin (Hong Kong: Cantonese title)
... aka The Story oI Qin Xianglian (Hong Kong: English title)
... aka The Story oI Qiu Glin (Hong Kong: English title)
94. Big and Little Wong Tin Bar (1962) .... Kid
James Belushi
Locul nasterii
Illinois, SUA
Data nasterii
Scenarist, actor
(din 12 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Lupul, ScuIita si enigma (2006) - Padurarul (voce)
In jungla (2006) - Benny (voce)
The Wild
Un zar norocos (2003) - Elvis
Easy Six
Nume de cod: K-9 (2002) - Doodley
K-9: P.I.
Vorba lu` Jim (Serial TV) (2001) - Jim
According to Jim (TV Series)
Intoarce-te la mine (2000) - Joe Dayton
Return To Me
Cine a ucis copiii din Atlanta? (2000) - Pat Laughlin
Who Killed Atlanta\'s Children?
Partenerul meu tacut (1999) - Dooley
Dreptate (1999) - Frank Spello
Inger sau Diavol (1999) - Stevie Rossellini
Angel\'s Dance
E periculos sa te numesti Walter Woods (1997) - Harrison / Oliver
Living in Peril
Intre lege si crima (1997) - Det. Frank Divinci
Gang Related
Repetitie pentru crima (1997) - Frank
Goana dupa cadou (1996) - Mall Santa
Jingle All the Way
Cursa sub soare (1996) - Frank Machi
Race the Sun
Viata dubla (1995) - Tom Beckwith
Separate Lives
Sahara (1995) - Joe Gunn
Royce (1994) - Shane Royce
Spatiul virtual (Mini Serie TV) (1993) - Harry WyckoII
Wild Palms (TV Mini Series)
Intoarcerea lui Napoleon (1992) - Neil Schwary
Once Upon a Crime...
Micuta Sue (1991) - Bill Dancer
Curly Sue
Agenda (1990) - Jimmy Dworski
Taking Care oI Business
Domnul Destin (1990) - Larry Joseph Burrows / Naratorul
Mr. Destiny
Nume de cod: K-9 (1989) - Dooley
Homer si Eddie (1989) - James Belushi
Homer & Eddie
Febra rosie (1988) - Art Ridzik
Red Heat
Salvador (1986) - Dr. Rock
Omul cu un pantoI rosu (1985) - Morris
The Man with One Red Shoe
Actiune Animatie Aventuri Comedie Crima Documentar
Erotic Familie Fantastic Film noir Horror Istoric Mister
Muzical Razboi Romantic Scurt metraj SF Thriller Western
James Coburn
Locul nasterii
Nebraska, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, scenarist, regizor
(din 3 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Cainii zapezii (2002) - Thunder Jack
Snow Dogs / Winterdance
Povestea unui pistol (2002) - Martin Tillman
American Gun
Compania Monstrilor (2001) - Henry J. Vartej (voce)
Monsters, Inc.
Walter si Henry (2001) - Charlie
Walter and Henry
SuIerinta unui tata (2000) - Atticus Cody
Missing Pieces
In ape tulburi (2000) - Capitanul Hal Josephson
Arca lui Noe (1999) - Peddler
Noah\'s Ark
Dupa Iapta si rasplata (1999) - Justin FairIax
Trauma (1997) - Glen Whitehouse
Razboiul civilizatiilor (1997) - Jack Buchan
The Second Civil War
Disparitia lui Kevin Johnson (1997) - James Coburn
The Disappearance oI Kevin Johnson
Eraser (1996) - Beller
Cherokee Kid (1996) - Cyrus B. Bloomington
The Cherokee Kid
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit (1993) - Dl. Crisp
Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit
Capcana (1993) - Mike / Lou
Lista neagra (1993) - Peter Mayhew
The Hit List
Zborul 232 (1992) - Jim Hathaway
Crash Landing: The Rescue oI Flight 232
Identitate pierduta (Serial TV) (1992) - Dr. Grandwell
The FiIth Corner (TV Series)
Hudson Hawk (1991) - George Kaplan
Hudson Hawk
Tinerii pistolari (1990) - John Chisum
Young Guns II
Draw (1984) - Sam Starret
Malibu (1983) - Tom Wharton
High Risk (1981) - Serrano
High Risk
Looker (1981) - John Reston
Mr. Patman (1980) - Patman
Mr. Patman
Da-mi barbatul tau (1980) - Walter
Loving Couples
Crucea de Iier (1977) - Sergentul Steiner
Cross oI Iron
Batalia de la Midway (1976) - Vinton Maddox
Ultima urmarire (1976) - Zach Provo
The Last Hard Men
Pat Garrett si Billy the Kid (1973) - SeriIul Patrick Garrett
Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid
In Iamilie (1970) - Jeb
Last oI the Mobile Hot Shots
The President Analyst (1967) - Doctorul Sidney SchaeIer
The President Analyst
Goana spre comoara (1967) - Lewton Cole
Waterhole #3
Our Man Flint (1965) - Derek Flint
Our Man Flint
In Like Flint (1965) - Derek Flint
In Like Flint
Maiorul Dundee (1965) - Samuel Potts
Major Dundee
Sarada (1963) - Tex Panthollow
Marea evadare (1963) - OIiterul de zbor Louis Sedgwick
The Great Escape
Iadul e pentru eroi (1962) - Frank Henshaw
Hell Is Ior Heroes
Cei sapte magniIici (1960) - Britt
The MagniIicent Seven
Actiune Animatie Aventuri Comedie Crima Documentar
Erotic Familie Fantastic Film noir Horror Istoric Mister
Muzical Razboi Romantic Scurt metraj SF Thriller Western
James Stewart
Nume real
James Maitland Stewart
Locul nasterii
Pennsylvania, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
(din 7 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Somnul de veci (1978) - Generalul Sternwood
The Big Sleep
Aeroport '77 (1977) - Philip Stevens
Airport \'77
Pistolarul (1976) - E.W. Hostleter
The Shootist
Parada Nebunilor (1971) - Mattie Appleyard
Fools\' Parade
The Cheyenne Social Club (1970) - John O'Hanlan
The Cheyenne Social Club
Lege si razbunare (1968) - Johnny Cobb
Bandolero! (1968) - Mace Bishop
The Rare Breed (1966) - Sam Burnett
The Rare Breed
Pasarea Phoenix (1965) - Frank Towns -capitan de avion
The Flight oI the Phoenix
Departe de razboi! (1965) - Charlie Anderson
Toamna Cheyenilor (1964) - Wyatt Earp
Cheyenne Autumn
Cum a Iost cucerit vestul (1962) - Linus Rawlings
How the West Was Won
Omul care l-a ucis pe Liberty Valance (1962) - Ransom Stoddard
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Domnul Hobbs pleaca in vacanta (1962) - Roger Hobbs
Mr Hobbs Takes a Vacation
Calareau impreuna (1961) - Guthrie McCabe
Two Rode Together
Calareau impreuna (1961) - Guthrie McCabe
Two Road Together
Anatomia unei crime (1959) - Paul Biegler
Anatomy oI a Murder
Vertigo (1958) - John Ferguson
Abracadabra (1958) - Shepherd Henderson
Bell Book and Candle
Omul care stia prea multe (1956) - Ben McKenna
The Man Who Knew Too Much
Omul din Laramie (1955) - Will Lockhart
The Man From Laramie
In spatele Ierestrei (1954) - L.B. JeIIries
Rear Window
Tara indepartata (1954) - JeII Webster
The Far Country
Povestea lui Glenn Miller (1953) - Glenn Miller
The Glenn Miller Story
The Naked Spur (1953) - Howard Kemp
The Naked Spur
Acolo unde coteste raul (1952) - Glyn McLyntock
Bend oI the River
Harvey (1950) - Elwood P. Dowd
Winchester 73 (1950) - Lin McAdam
Winchester 73
Broken Arrow (1950) - Tom JeIIords
Broken Arrow
Funia (1948) - Rupert Cadell
Call Nothside 777 (1947) - P.J. McNeal
Call Nothside 777
O viata minunata (1946) - George Bailey
It\'s a WonderIul LiIe
Castigul surpriza (1941) - James Hamilton Haskel
Pot o\' Gold
Poveste din Philadelphia (1940) - Mike Connor
The Philadelphia Story
Magazinul de dupa colt (1940) - AlIred Kralik
The Shop Around the Corner
Domnul Smith merge la Washington (1939) - JeIIerson Smith
Mr Smith Goes to Washington
Destry (1939) - Tom Destry jr.
Destry Rides Again
Facuti unul pentru celalalt (1939) - John Horace Mason
Made Ior Each Other
Nu o poti lua cu tine dupa moarte (1938) - Tony Kirby
You Can\'t Take it With You
Seventh Heaven (1937) - Chico
Seventh Heaven
Sotie contra secretara (1936) - Dave
WhiIe vs Secretary
Nascuta pentru dans (1936) - Ted Barker
Born to Dance
In umbra scaunului electric (1935) - Shorty
The Murder Man
Jamie Foxx
Nume real
Eric Bishop
Locul nasterii
Texas, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist, regizor
(din 10 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Damage Control (2007)
Damage Control
The Kingdom (2007) - Ronald Fluery
The Kingdom
Miami Vice (2006) - Detectivul Ricardo Tubbs
Miami Vice
Dreamgirls (2006) - Curtis Taylor Jr.
Stealth - Pericol invizibil (2005) - Lt. Henry Purcell
Puscasi Marini (2005) - Sgt. Siek
Colateral (2004) - Max
Maestrul despartirilor (2004)
Breakin\' All the Rules
Ray (2004) - Ray Charles
Ray / Unchain My Heart: The Ray Charles Story
Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story (2004) - Stan Williams
Redemption: The Stan Tookie Williams Story
Trisorii (2003) - Larry Jennings
Ali (2001) - Drew Brown
Date Irom Hell (2001)
Date Irom Hell
Duminica, pierzi sau castigi (2000) - Willie Beamen
Any Given Sunday
Momeala (2000) - Alvin Sanders
Ostaticul (1999) - Michael
Held Up
Clubul Playa (1998) - Blue
The Players Club
Prima intalnire (1997) - Bunz
Booty Call
Cine pe cine iubeste (1996) - Ed
The Truth About Cats and Dogs
Marele alb (1996) - Hassan El Ruk'n
The Great White Hype
C-Bear and Jamal (Serial TV) (1996) - (voce)
C-Bear and Jamal (TV Series)
The Jamie Foxx Show (Serial TV) (1996) - Jamie King
The Jamie Foxx Show (TV Series)
Jucarii (1992) - Baker
In Living Color (Serial TV) (1990) - Diverse personaje
In Living Color (TV Series)
FilmograIie - Regizor
The Jamie Foxx Show (Serial TV) (1996) - regizor
The Jamie Foxx Show (TV Series)
Jason Statham
Locul nasterii
Londra, Anglia
Data nasterii
(din 83 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Pantera Roz (2006) - Yves Gluant
The Pink Panther
The Brazilian Job (2006) - Rob
The Brazilian Job (The Italian Job 2)
Ostatici sub acoperire (2006) - Quentin Conners
Razbunare si adrenalina (2006) - Chev
Revolver (2005) - Jake Green
Curierul 2 (2005) - Frank Martin
Transporter 2
Londra (2005) - Bateman
Celularul (2004) - Greer
JaI in stil italian (2003) - Rob
The Italian Job
Curierul (2002) - Frank Martin
The Transporter
Unicul (2001) - Funsch
The One
Un meci pe cinste (2001) - Monk
Mean Machine
Unde dai si unde crapa (2000) - Turkish
Pretul unui vis (2000) - Mr. B
Turn It Up
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Nume real
Jean-Claude Camille Van Varenberg
Locul nasterii
Sint-Agatha Berchem, Belgia
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist, producator, regizor
(din 130 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (2007) - Cornedurus
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques (Asterix 3)
Adjunctul (2006) - Sam Keenan
Second in Command
Amprenta mortii (2004) - Ben Archer
Wake oI Death
Narco (2004) - El insusi
Narco (The Secret adventures oI Gustave Klopp)
Captivi in Iad (2003) - Kyle LeBlanc
The Savage / In Hell
Calatorie periculoasa (2002) - Jacques KristoII
Clona ucigasa (2001) - Clona
Ordinul (2001) - Rudy CaImeyer / Charles Le Vaillant
The Order
Soldatul universal: Intoarcerea (1999) - Luc Devreux
Universal Soldier: The Return
InIernul (1999) - Eddie Lomax
InIerno (vechile titluri: Coyote Moon, Desert Heat)
Legionarul (1998) - Alain LeIevre
AIaceri necurate (1998) - Marcus Ray
Knock OII
Joc in doi (1997) - Jack Quinn
Double Team
Risc maxim (1996) - Alain Moreau / Mikhail Suverov
Maximum Risk
Moarte instantanee (1995) - Darren McCord
Sudden Death
Dragonul de aur (1995) - Christopher Dubois
The Quest
Timecop - RaIuiala dincolo de moarte (1994) - Max Walker
Ultima Batalie (1994) - Colonelul William F. Guile
Street Fighter
Fara scapare (1993) - Sam Gillen
Nowhere to Run
Vanatoare de oameni (1993) - Chance Boudreaux
Hard Target
Soldatul universal (1992) - Luc Deveraux
Universal Soldier
Dublu Impact (1991) - Alex/Chad Wagner
Double Impact
Lionheart (1990) - Lyon
Inchisoarea InIernului (1990) - Louis Burke
Death Warrant
Kickboxer (1989) - Kurt Sloane
Cyborg (1988)
Sport sangeros (1988) - Frank Dux
FilmograIie - Regizor
Dragonul de aur (1995) - regizor
The Quest
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Ordinul (2001) - scenarist
The Order
Legionarul (1998) - scenarist
Dragonul de aur (1995) - scenarist
The Quest
Kickboxer 2 (1991) - scenarist
Kickboxer 2: The Road Back
Kickboxer (1989) - scenarist
Jean Marais
Nume real
Jean Villain-Marais
Locul nasterii
Manche, Franta
Data nasterii
Data decesului
(din 5 voturi)
Filmografie - Actor
Stealing Beauty (1996) - M. Guillaume
Stealing Beauty
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard (1967) - Fantomas / Fandor
Fantomas contre Scotland Yard (Fantomas Against Scotland Yard)
Sapte baieti si o strengarita (1966) - Dorgeval
Sept hommes et une garce
Fantomas in actiune (1965) - Fantomas / Fandor / Profesorul Lefevre
Fantomas se dechaine (Fantomas Strikes Back)
Trenul infernal (1965) - Antoine Donadieu
Train d\'enfer (Operation Double Cross)
Fantomas (1964) - Fantomas/Fandor
Miracolul lupilor (1961) - Robert de Neuville
Le miracle des loups (The Miracle of the Wolves)
Cocosatul (1960) - Henri de Lagardere
Le Bossu / The King\'s Avenger
Capitanul (1960) - Francois de Capestan
Le Capitan (Captain Blood)
Nopti albe (1957) - Tenant
Le Notti bianche
Taifun la Nagasaki (1957) - Pierre Marsac
Typhon sur Nagasaki (Typhoon Over Nagasaki)
Elena si barbatii (1956) - Francois Rollan
Elena et les hommes
Orfeu (1949) - Orphee
Parintii teribili (1948) - Michel
Les parents terribles (The Storm Within)
Frumoasa si bestia (1946) - Bestia / Printul / Avenant
La belle et la bete (Beauty and the Beast)
Jean Reno
Nume real
Juan Moreno
Locul nasterii
Casablanca, Morocco
Data nasterii
(din 74 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Pantera Roz (2006) - Ponton
The Pink Panther
Codul lui Da Vinci (2006) - Capitanul Bezu Fache
The Da Vinci Code
Aruncat la canal (2006) - (voce)
Flushed Away
Eroii cerului (2006)
Imperiul Lupilor (2005) - Jean-Louis SchiIIer
L\'Empire des Loups
Rauri de Purpura 2: Ingerii Apocalipsei (2004) - Comisarul Pierre Niemans
Les Rivieres Pourpres 2 - Les Anges de L\'Apocalypse (Crimson Rivers 2: Angels oI the
Filiera Corsicana (2004) - Ange Leoni
L\'Enquete corse
Ciocu' mic! (2003) - Ruby
Tais-toi! / Ruby & Quentin
Batalie pe role (2002) - Alexi Petrovich
Decalaj orar (2002) - Felix
Decalage horaire / Jet Lag
Rauri de Purpura (2001) - Pierre Niemans
Les Rivieres Pourpres (The Crimson Rivers)
Un politist cu capsa pusa (2001) - Hubert Fiorentini
Vizitatorii in America (2001) - Contele Thibault
Just Visiting
Godzilla (1998) - Philippe Roache
Ronin (1998) - Vincent
Misiune: Imposibila (1996) - Franz Krieger
Mission: Impossible
Jaguarul (1996) - Jean Campana
Le Jaguar
Dincolo de nori (1995) - Carlo
Al di la delle nuvole (Par-dela les nuages)
Un sarut de milioane (1995) - Jean-Paul
French Kiss
Leon (1994) - Leon
Aventurierii din Eden River (1993) - Charlie Bert
Flight Irom Justice
Nikita (1990) - Victor
Marele albastru (1988) - Enzo Molinari
Le grand bleu (The Big Blue)
JenniIer Lopez
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actrita, compozitoare
(din 121 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Bordertown (2006) - Lauren Fredericks
Soacra mea e o scorpie (2005) - Charlotte Honeywell
Un alt inceput (2005) - Jean Gilkyson
An UnIinished LiIe
Fetita din Jersey (2004) - Gertrude Steiney
Jersey Girl
Sa dansam? (2004) - Paulina
Shall We Dance?
Gigli (2003) - Ricki
Gigli (Tough Love)
Destul! (2002) - Slim
Camerista (2002) - Marisa Ventura
Maid in Manhattan
Ochi de Inger (2001) - Sharon Pogue
Angel Eyes
Eu cu cine ma marit? (2000) - Maria Fiore
The Wedding Planner
Conexiune Inversa (2000) - Catherine Deane
The Cell
Furnicutze (1998) - Azteca (voce)
Pasiune periculoasa (1998) - Karen Sisco
Out oI Sight
Ocol Primejdios (1997) - Grace McKenna
U Turn
Anaconda (1997) - Terri Flores
Selena (1997) - Selena Quintanilla
Sange si vin (1997) - Gabriela
Blood and Wine
Jack (1996) - Marquez
Rapirea trenului cu bani (1995) - Grace Santiago
Money Train
La datorie (1993) - Rosie Romero
Nurses on the Line: The Crash oI Flight 7
Jessica Alba
Nume real
Jessica Marie Alba
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 166 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Fantastic Four and the Silver SurIer (2007) - Susan Storm / Fata Invizibila
Fantastic Four and the Silver SurIer (Fantastic Four 2)
Cei 4 Fantastici (2005) - Susan Storm / Fata Invizibila
Fantastic Four
Adancul albastru (2005) - Sam
Into the Blue
Sin City (2005) - Nancy Callahan
Frank Miller\'s Sin City
Honey (2003) - Honey Daniels
Dictionarul din Alcov (2003) - Selima
The Sleeping Dictionary
Ingerul intunecat (Serial TV) (2000) - Max Guevera
James Cameron\'s Dark Angel
Prieteni periculosi (2000) - Chloe
Un sarut adevarat (1999) - Kirsten Liosis
Never Been Kissed
Maini ucigase (1999) - Molly
Idle Hands
P.U.N.K.S. (1999) - Samantha Swaboda
Too Soon Ior JeII (1996)
Too Soon Ior JeII
Noile aventuri ale lui Flipper (Serial TV) (1995) - Maya Graham
Flipper / The New Adventures oI Flipper
Venus Rising (1995) - Tanara Eve
Venus Rising
Tabara de nicaieri (1994) - Gail
Camp Nowhere
Jessica Biel
Nume real
Jessica Claire Biel
Locul nasterii
Minnesota, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 30 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Illusionist (2006) - Printesa Sophie
The Illusionist
Home oI the Brave (2006) - Vanessa Price
Home oI the Brave
Elizabethtown (2005) - Ellen
Stealth - Pericol invizibil (2005) - Lt. Kara Wade
Londra (2005) - London
Blade: Trinity (2004) - Abigail Whistler
Blade: Trinity (Blade III)
Celularul (2004) - Chloe
It's a Digital World (2004) - Regrettal (voce)
It\'s a Digital World
Masacrul din Texas (2003) - Erin Hardesty
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Regulile Atractiei (2002) - Lara Holleran
The Rules oI Attraction
Pasiuni trecatoare (2001) - Tenley Parrish
Summer Catch
Voi Ii acasa de Craciun (1998) - Allie
I\'ll be home Ior Christmas
Aurul lui Ulee (1997) - Casey Jackson
Ulee\'s Gold
Al 7-lea Cer (Serial TV) (1996) - Mary Camden
7th Heaven (TV Series)
Jet Li
Nume real
Li Lian Jie
Locul nasterii
Beijing, China
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor, scenarist
(din 157 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Fara teama (2006) - Huo Yuan Jia / Fok Yuen Gaap
Huo Yuan Jia (Fearless)
Dresat pentru a ucide (2005) - Danny
Unleashed / Danny the Dog
Parteneri neobisnuiti (2003) - Su Duncan
Cradle 2 the Grave
Eroul (2003) - Cel Fara Nume
Ying xiong / Hero
A Iost odata in China 3 (2003) - Wong Fei-hung
Wong Fei Hung ji saam: Si wong jaang ba (The Invincible Shaolin)
Unicul (2001) - Gabriel / Yulaw
The One
Sarutul Dragonului (2001) - Liu Jian
Kiss oI the Dragon
Sa moara Romeo (2000) - Han Sing
Romeo Must Die
Arma mortala 4 (1998) - Wah Sing Ku
Lethal Weapon 4
Regele asasinilor (1998) - Fu
Sat sau ji wong (The Contract Killer)
Masca neagra (1996) - Michael / Simon / Tsui Chik / Black Mask
Hak hap (Black Mask)
Razbunarea (1995) - Kit Li
Shu dan long wei / Meltdown
Cultul Diavolului (1993) - Chang Mo Kei
Yi tian tu long ji zhi mo jiao jiao zhu (The Evil Cult)
Gheara de otel (1993) - Wong Fei-hung
Wong Fei-hung chi tit gai dau neung gung (Claws oI Steel)
A Iost odata in China... (1991) - Wong Fei-hung
Wong Fei Hung (Once Upon a Time in China)
Meciul dreptatii (1986) - Jet
Zhong hua ying xiong (Born to DeIence)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Meciul dreptatii (1986) - regizor
Zhong hua ying xiong (Born to DeIence)
FilmograIie - Altele
Sarutul Dragonului (2001) - Co-producator
Kiss oI the Dragon
!PCnn? uL
Sin City 3 (2011) (in production) (rumored) .... Wallace
The Rum Diary (2009) (in production) .... Paul Kemp
Dark Shadows (2010) (announced) (rumored) .... Barnabas Collins
Rango (2011) (pre-production) (voice) .... Rango
Shantaram (2009) (pre-production) .... Lindsay
Alice in Wonderland (2010) (filming) (rumored) .... Mad Hatter
Public Enemies (2009) (post-production) .... John Dillinger
The Imaginarium oI Doctor Parnassus (2009) (post-production) .... Tony
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber oI Fleet Street (2007) .... Sweeney Todd
... aka Sweeney Todd (USA: short title)
Pirates oI the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) .... Jack Sparrow
... aka P.O.T.C. 3 (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Pirates 3 (USA: inIormal short title)
Pirates oI the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) .... Jack Sparrow
... aka P.O.T.C. 2 (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Pirates 2 (USA: inIormal short title)
Pirates oI the Caribbean: The Legend oI Jack Sparrow (2006) (VG) (voice) .... Jack Sparrow
Corpse Bride (2005) (voice) .... Victor Van Dort
... aka Tim Burton's Corpse Bride (Singapore: English title) (USA: complete title)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) .... Willy Wonka
... aka Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
The Libertine (2004) .... Rochester
Finding Neverland (2004) .... Sir James Matthew Barrie
Ils se marierent et eurent beaucoup d'enIants (2004) .... L'inconnu
... aka ...And They Lived Happily Ever AIter (International: English title)
"King oI the Hill" .... Yogi Victor (1 episode, 2004)
- Hank's Back (2004) TV episode (voice) .... Yogi Victor
Secret Window (2004) .... Mort Rainey
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003) .... Sands
Pirates oI the Caribbean: The Curse oI the Black Pearl (2003) .... Jack Sparrow
... aka P.O.T.C. (USA: promotional abbreviation)
From Hell (2001) .... Inspector Frederick Abberline
Blow (2001) .... George Jung
Chocolat (2000) .... Roux
BeIore Night Falls (2000) .... Bon Bon/Lieutenant Victor
... aka Antes que anochezca (USA: Spanish title)
The Man Who Cried (2000) .... Cesar
... aka The man who cried - Les larmes d'un homme (France)
Sleepy Hollow (1999) .... Ichabod Crane
... aka Sleepy Hollow (Germany)
... aka Sleepy Hollow - KpIe werden rollen (Germany: TV title)
The Astronaut's WiIe (1999) .... Commander Spencer Armacost
The Ninth Gate (1999) .... Dean Corso
... aka Neuvieme porte, La (France)
... aka Novena puerta, La (Spain)
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) .... Raoul Duke
The Brave (1997) .... Raphael
Donnie Brasco (1997) .... Donnie Brasco / Joseph D. 'Joe' Pistone
Nick oI Time (1995) .... Gene Watson
Dead Man (1995) .... William Blake
... aka Dead Man (Germany)
... aka Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man (USA)
Don Juan DeMarco (1995) .... Don Juan
Ed Wood (1994) .... Ed Wood
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993) .... Gilbert Grape
Benny & Joon (1993) .... Sam
Arizona Dream (1993) .... Axel Blackmar
... aka Arizona Dream (France)
... aka The Arrowtooth Waltz
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) (as Oprah Noodlemantra) .... Guy on TV
Edward Scissorhands (1990) .... Edward Scissorhands
"21 Jump Street" .... OIIicer Tom Hanson (57 episodes, 1987-1990)
- Blackout (1990) TV episode .... OIIicer Tom Hanson
- How I Saved the Senator (1990) TV episode .... OIIicer Tom Hanson
- Last Chance High (1990) TV episode .... OIIicer Tom Hanson
- La Bizca (1990) TV episode .... OIIicer Tom Hanson
- Awomp-Bomp-Aloobomb, Aloop Bamboom (1990) TV episode .... OIIicer Tom Hanson
(52 more)
Cry-Baby (1990) .... Wade "Cry-Baby" Walker
"Hotel" .... Rob Cameron (1 episode, 1987)
... aka Arthur Hailey's Hotel
- UnIinished Business (1987) TV episode .... Rob Cameron
Platoon (1986) .... Private Gator Lerner
Slow Burn (1986) (TV) .... Donnie Fleischer
"Lady Blue" .... Lionel Viland (1 episode, 1985)
- Beasts oI Prey (1985) TV episode .... Lionel Viland
Private Resort (1985) .... Jack
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) .... Glen Lantz
Jim Carrey
Nume real
James Eugene Carrey
Locul nasterii
Ontario, Canada
Data nasterii
Scenarist, actor, producator
(din 114 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Used Guys (2008)
Used Guys
Horton Hears a Who (2008) - Horton (voce)
Horton Hears a Who
The Number 23 (2007)
The Number 23
Distractie cu Dick si Jane (2005) - Dick Harper
Fun with Dick and Jane
Lemony Snicket - O serie de evenimente neIericite (2004) - Contele OlaI
Lemony Snicket\'s A Series oI UnIortunate Events
Stralucirea eterna a mintii neprihanite (2004) - Joel Barish
Eternal Sunshine oI the Spotless Mind
Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) - Bruce Nolan
Bruce Almighty
Majestic (2001) - Peter Appleton / Luke Trimble
The Majestic
Grinci a Iurat Craciunul (2000) - Grinci
Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas
Eu, cu mine si Irene (2000) - Charlie Baileygates / Hank Evans
Me, MyselI & Irene
Omul din Luna (1999) - Andy KauIman/Tony CliIton
Man on the Moon
Truman Show (1998) - Truman Burbank
The Truman Show
Simon Birch (1998) - Joe Wenteworth adult
Simon Birch
Mincinosul mincinosilor (1997) - Fletcher Reede
Liar, liar
Tipu' de la cablu (1996) - Tipu' de la cablu (Chip Douglas)
The Cable Guy
Batman Forever (1995) - Edward Nygma
Batman Forever (Batman 3)
Ace Ventura: Un nebun in AIrica (1995) - Ace Ventura
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls
Tantalaul si Gogomanul (1994) - Lloyd Christmas
Dumb and Dumber
Ace Ventura: detectivu' lu' peste (1994) - Ace Ventura
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
Masca (1994) - Stanley Ipkiss
The Mask
In Living Color (Serial TV) (1990) - Diverse personaje
In Living Color (TV Series)
Earth Girls Are Easy (1989) - Jim Carrey
Earth Girls Are Easy
Peggy Sue se marita (1986) - Walter Getz
Peggy Sue Got Married
FilmograIie - Producator
Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) - producator
Bruce Almighty
Jodie Foster
Nume real
Alicia Christian Foster
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizoare, actrita, producatoare
(din 32 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Brave One (2007) - Erica
The Brave One
Omul din interior (2006) - Madeliene White
Inside Man
Jurnal de bord (2005) - Kyle Pratt
O logodna Ioarte lunga (2004) - Elodie Gordes
A Very Long Engagement / Un long dimanche de Iiancailles
Camera de reIugiu (2002) - Meg Altman
Panic Room
Aventuri la Scoala Catolica (2002) - Sora Assumpta
The Dangerous Lives oI Altar Boys
Anna si Regele (1999) - Anna Leonowens
Anna and the King
Contact (1997) - Ellie Arroway
Nell cea salbatica (1994) - Nell Kellty
Maverick (1994) - Annabelle BransIord
Sommersby (1993) - Laurel
Tacerea mieilor (1991) - Clarice Starling
The Silence oI the Lambs
Micul Tate (1991) - Dede Tate
Little Man Tate
Acuzata (1988) - Sarah Tobias
The Accused
Siesta (1987) - Nancy
Hotelul New Hampshire (1984) - Frannie Berry
The Hotel New Hampshire
Ce ma Iac Iara tine? (1982) - Barbara O'Hara
O\'Hara\'s WiIe
Foxes (1980) - Jeanie
Domeniul Candleshoe (1977) - Casey Brown
SoIerul de taxi (1976) - Iris Steinsma
Taxi Driver
Freaky Friday (1976) - Annabel Andrews
Freaky Friday
Bugsy Malone (1976) - Tallulah
Bugsy Malone
Echoes oI a Summer (1976) - Deirdre Striden
Echoes oI a Summer
Tom Sawyer (1973) - Becky Thatcher
Tom Sawyer
FilmograIie - Regizor
Vacanta cu Iamilia (1995) - regizor
Home For The Holidays
Micul Tate (1991) - regizor
Little Man Tate
John Cusack
Locul nasterii
Evanston, Illinois, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 16 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Anunt matrimonial (2005) - John Anderson
Must Love Dogs
Semeni vant, culegi Iurtuna! (2005) - Charlie Arglist
The Ice Harvest
Juriul (2003) - Nicholas Easter
Runaway Jury
Identitate (2003) - Ed
Hotul de orhidee (2002) - El insusi
Max (2002) - Max Rothman
Noroc in dragoste (2001) - Jonathan Trager
RasIatatii Americii (2001) - Eddie Thomas
America\'s Sweethearts
High Fidelity (2000) - Rob Gordon
High Fidelity
In mintea lui John Malkovich (1999) - Craig Schwartz
Being John Malkovich
Turnul de contol (1999) - Nick Falzone
Pushing Tin
Oameni si cai (1999) - Myrl Redding
The Jack Bull
Intre arta si adevar (1999) - Nelson RockeIeller
Cradle Will Rock
La hotarul dintre viata si moarte (1998) - Capitanul John GaII
The Thin Red Line
A Iost odata asasin... (1997) - Martin Blank
Grosse Pointe Blank
Con Air - Avionul Condamnatilor (1997) - Vince Larkin
Con Air
Miezul noptii in gradina binelui si raului (1997) - John Kelso
Midnight in the Garden oI Good and Evil
Anastasia (1997) - Dimitri
Primaria (1996) - Maiorul Kevin Calhoun
City Hall
Impuscaturi pe Broadway (1994) - David Shayne
Bullets Over Broadway
Drumul spre Wellville (1994) - Charles Ossining
The Road to Wellville
Banii n-aduc Iericirea (1993) - Joey Coyle
Money Ior Nothing
Adevarata Iata a lucrurilor (1991) - Peter Burton
True Colors
Escrocii (1990) - Roy Dillon
The GriIters
Spune orice... (1989) - Lloyd Dobler
Say Anything...
Minte contra Iorta (1989) - Michael Merriman
Shadow Makers / Fat Man and Little Boy
Ultimul joc (1988) - Buck Weaver
Eight Men Out
Studioul (1988) - Ivan Alexeev
Frumoasa si insula (1987) - Dan Bartlett
Hot Pursuit
Calatoria lui Natty Gann (1985) - Harry
The Journey oI Natty Gann
Colegi de camera (1983) - Roscoe Maibaum
FilmograIie - Producator
High Fidelity (2000) - producator
High Fidelity
Oameni si cai (1999) - producator executiv
The Jack Bull
A Iost odata asasin... (1997) - producator
Grosse Pointe Blank
FilmograIie - Scenarist
High Fidelity (2000) - scenarist
High Fidelity
A Iost odata asasin... (1997) - scenarist
Grosse Pointe Blank
John Travolta
Nume real
John Joseph Travolta
Locul nasterii
New Jersey, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 41 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Hairspray (2007) - Edna Turnblad
Da-te mare si tare! (2005) - Chili Palmer
Be Cool (Get Shorty 2)
Justitiarul (2004) - Howard Saint
The Punisher
Oamenii Iocului (2004) - SeriIul Kennedy
Ladder 49
Cantec de iubire (2004) - Bobby Long
A Love Song Ior Bobby Long
Basic - Instructia (2003) - Agentul Tom Hardy
Austin Powers - Goldmember (2002) - Goldmember
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Austin Powers 3)
Cod de acces: SwordIish (2001) - Gabriel Shear
Dusmanul Iiului meu (2001) - Frank Morrison
Domestic Disturbance
Camp de lupta - Pamantul (2000) - Terl
BattleIield: Earth
Bine ati venit la Hollywood! (2000) - El insusi
Welcome to Hollywood
O aIacere cu numere (2000) - Russ Richards
Lucky Numbers
Fiica generalului (1999) - Paul Brenner
The General`s Daughter
La hotarul dintre viata si moarte (1998) - Generalul de brigada Quintard
The Thin Red Line
Avocatul (1998) - Jan Schlichtmann
A Civil Action
Cum sa ajungi presedinte (1998) - Guvernatorul Jack Stanton
Primary Colors
Fata in Fata (1997) - Sean Archer / Castor Troy
Orasul nebun (1997) - Sam Baily
Mad City
Iubirea e un lucru Ioarte mare (1997) - Joey
She\'s So Lovely
Operatiunea Broken Arrow (1996) - Vic Deakins
Broken Arrow
Phenomenon (1996) - George Malley
Michael (1996) - Michael
Un maIiot la Hollywood (1995) - Chili Palmer
Get Shorty
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Vincent Vega
Pulp Fiction
Uite cine vorbeste acum! (1993) - James Ubriacco
Look who\'s talking now
Ochi catiIelati (1991) - Bobby
Eyes oI an Angel
Strigatul (1991) - Jack Cabe
Tinerete incatusata (1991) - Scott Barnes
Chains oI Gold
Uite cine cu cine vorbeste (1990) - James Ubriacco
Look who\'s talking too
Uite cine vorbeste! (1989) - James Ubriacco
Look Who`s Talking
In pasi de dans (1985) - El insusi
That\'s Dancing!
O moarte suspecta (1981) - Jack
Blow out
Urban Cowboy (1980) - BuIord Uan Davis
Urban Cowboy
Grease (1978) - Danny Zuko
Febra de sambata seara (1977) - Tony Manero
Saturday Night Fever
Carrie (1976) - William Nolan
John Wayne
Nume real
Marion Michael Morrison
Locul nasterii
Iowa, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, producator, regizor,
(din 9 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Pistolarul (1976) - John Bernard Books
The Shootist
Rooster Cogburn (1975) - Rooster Cogburn
Rooster Cogburn
Locotenentul McQ in actiune (1974) - Lon McQ
Hotii de trenuri (1973) - Lane
The Train Robbers
Marele Jake (1971) - Jacob McCandles
Big Jake / The Million Dollar Kidnapping
Rio Lobo (1970) - Col. Cord McNally
Rio Lobo
Flacari si petrol (1968) - Chance Buckman
El Dorado (1967) - Cole Thornton
El Dorado
Comoara din tren (1967) - Taw Jackson
The War Wagon
Razboi pe mare (1965) - Rockwell Torrey
In Harm\'s Way
Lumea circului (1964) - Matt Masters
Circus World
Ziua cea mai lunga (1962) - Lt. col. Benjamin Vandervoort
The Longest Day
Cum a Iost cucerit vestul (1962) - William Sherman
How the West Was Won
Omul care l-a ucis pe Liberty Valance (1962) - Tom Doniphon
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Hatari! (1962) - Sean Mercer
The Comancheros (1961) - Jake Cutter
The Comancheros
Rio Bravo (1959) - SheriIul John T. Chance
Rio Bravo
The Horse Soldiers (1959) - Col. John Marlowe
The Horse Soldiers
The Wings oI Eagles (1957) - Frank W. Wead
The Wings oI Eagles
Legend oI the Lost (1957) - Joe January
Legend oI the Lost
The Searchers (1956) - Ethan Edwards
The Searchers
The Quiet Man (1952) - Trooper Thorne
The Quiet Man
Iwo Jima (1949) - Sgt. John M. Stryker
Sands oI Iwo Jima
Ultima misiune (1949) - Capitanul Nathan Cutting Brittles
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Fort Apache (1948) - Kirby York
Fort Apache
3 GodIathers (1948) - Robert Marmaduke Sangster Hightower
3 GodIathers
The Long Voyage Home (1940) - Ole Olsen
The Long Voyage Home
Diligenta (1939) - Ringo
FilmograIie - Regizor
The Comancheros (1961) - regizor
The Comancheros
Julia Roberts
Nume real
Julie Fiona Roberts
Locul nasterii
Georgia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actrita, producator
(din 119 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Reteaua Miraculoasa (2006) - Charlotte (voce)
Charlotte\'s Web
Lucas, Spaima Iurnicilor (2006) - Hova (voce)
The Ant Bully
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - Tess / Ea insasi
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Closer - Ispita (2004) - Anna
Zambet de Mona Lisa (2003) - Katherine Watson
Mona Lisa Smile
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - Patricia Watson
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
Legaturi nebune (2002) - Catherine/Francesca
Full Frontal
Mexicanul (2001) - Samantha Barzel
The Mexican
RasIatatii Americii (2001) - Kiki Harrison
America\'s Sweethearts
Ocean's Eleven - Faceti jocurile! (2001) - Tess Ocean
Ocean's Eleven
Erin Brockovich (2000) - Erin Brockovich
Erin Brockovich
Notting Hill (1999) - Anna Scott
Notting Hill
De buna voie si nesilita de nimeni (1999) - Maggie Carpenter
Runaway Bride
Mama vitrega (1998) - Isabel Kelly
Teoria conspiratiei (1997) - Alice Sutton
Conspiracy Theory
Iubitul meu se insoara (1997) - Julianne Potter
My Best Friend`s Wedding
Michael Collins (1996) - Kitty Kiernan
Michael Collins
Toti spun: Te iubesc! (1996) - Von
Everyone Says I Love You
Mary Reilly (1996) - Mary Reilly
Mary Reilly
Pret-a-Porter - Crima in lumea modei (1995) - Anne Eisenhower
Pret-a-Porter (Ready to Wear)
Subiect de barIa (1995) - Grace King Bichon
Something to Talk About
Ador incurcaturile (1994) - Sabrina Peterson
I Love Trouble
Dosarul Pelican (1993) - Darby Shaw
The Pelican BrieI
Hook (1991) - Tinkerbell
In pat cu dusmanul (1991) - Sara Waters/Laura Burney
Sleeping with the Enemy
Sa mori tanar (1991) - Hilary O'Neil
Dying Young
Dincolo de moarte (1990) - Rachel Mannus
Frumusica (1990) - Vivian Ward
Pretty Woman
Magnolii de otel (1989) - Shelby Eatenton Latcherie
Steel Magnolias
Rosu ca sangele (1989) - Maria Collogero
Blood Red
Mystic Pizza (1988) - Daisy Arujo
Mystic Pizza
Julianne Moore
Nume real
Julie Anne Smith
Locul nasterii
Carolina de Nord, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 28 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Taramul libertatii (2006) - Brenda Martin
Next (2006) - Callie Ferris
Copiii tatalui (2006) - Julian
The Children oI Men
The Prize Winner oI DeIiance, Ohio (2005) - Evelyn Ryan
The Prize Winner oI DeIiance, Ohio
Obsesie misterioasa (2004) - Telly Paretta
The Forgotten
Legile Atractiei (2004) - Audrey Miller
Laws oI Attraction
Marie & Bruce (2004) - Marie
Marie & Bruce
Orele (2002) - Laura Brown
The Hours
Departe de paradis (2002) - Cathy Whitaker
Far Irom Heaven
Hannibal (2001) - Clarice Starling
Evolutie (2001) - Allison
Stiri de acasa (2001) - Wavey
The Shipping News
Ratacit in lumea larga (2001) - Dulcie
World Traveler
Un barbat cuceritor (2000) - Audrey
The Ladies Man
Magnolia (1999) - Linda Partridge
Sotul ideal (1999) - Laura Cheveley
An Ideal Husband
A Map oI The World (1999) - Theresa Collins
A Map oI The World
SIarsitul Aventurii (1999) - Sarah Miles
The End oI the AIIair
Averea lui Cookie (1999) - Cora Duvall
Cookie\'s Fortune
Marele Lebowski (1998) - Maude Lebowski
The Big Lebowski
Psycho (1998) - Lila Crane
The Myth oI Fingerprints (1997) - Mia
The Myth oI Fingerprints
Jurnalul unei vedete de Iilm porno (1997) - Amber Waves/Maggie
Boogie Nights
Lumea Disparuta: Jurassic Park (1997) - Dr. Sarah Harding
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
Picasso, artist si demon (1996) - Dora Maar
Surviving Picasso
Asasini (1995) - Electra (Anna)
SaIe (1995) - Carol White
Noua luni (1995) - Rebecca Faulkner
Nine Months
"Unchiul Vanya" de pe strada 42 (1994) - Yelena
Vanya on 42nd Street
Povesti intretaiate (1993) - Marian Wyman
Short Cuts
O dragoste trasnita (1993) - Ruthie
Benny & Joon
Evadatul (1993) - Dr. Anne Eastman
The Fugitive
Pretul trupului (1993) - Sharon Dulaney
Body oI Evidence
Mana care impinge leaganul (1992) - Marlene Craven
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle
Pistolul din geanta lui Betty Lou (1992) - Elinor
The Gun in Betty Lou\'s Handbag
Putere intunecata (1991) - Connie Stone
Cast a Deadly Spell
Kate Beckinsale
Locul nasterii
Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
(din 96 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Vacancy (2007)
Click - Zapand prin viata (2006) - Donna Newman
Lumea de dincolo 2: Evolutia (2006) - Selene
Underworld: Evolution (Underworld 2)
Van Helsing (2004) - Anna
Van Helsing
Aviatorul (2004) - Ava Gardner
The Aviator
Lumea de dincolo (2003) - Selene
La mama acasa (2002) - Alex
Laurel Canyon
Pearl Harbor (2001) - Locotenentul Evelyn Stewart
Pearl Harbor
Noroc in dragoste (2001) - Sara Thomas
Cupa de Aur (2000) - Maggie Verver
The Golden Bowl
UnIorgettable Richard Beckinsale (2000) - Ea insasi
UnIorgettable Richard Beckinsale
Pasaport spre nchisoare (1999) - Darlene Davis
Brokedown Palace
Ultimele zile disco (1998) - Charlotte Pingress
The Last Days oI Disco
Alice in tara din oglinda (1998) - Alice
Alice Through the Looking Glass
Escroci ca noi (1997) - Georgie
Shooting Fish
Emma (1996) - Emma Woodhouse
Ferma trasnitilor (1995) - Flora Poste
Cold ComIort Farm
Prince oI Jutland (1994) - Ethel
Prince oI Jutland
Mult zgomot pentru nimic (1993) - Hero
Much Ado About Nothing
Keanu Reeves
Nume real
Keanu Charles Reeves
Locul nasterii
Beirut, Liban
Data nasterii
(din 602 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Casa de langa lac (2006) - Alex Burnham
The Lake House (Il Mare)
A Scanner Darkly (2006) - Fred / Bob Arctor
A Scanner Darkly
Cu degetu-n gura (2005) - Perry Lyman
Constantin (2004) - John Constantine
Matrix - Reincarcat (2003) - Neo
The Matrix Reloaded (Matrix 2)
Matrix - Revolutii (2003) - Neo
The Matrix Revolutions (Matrix 3)
Ceva, ceva tot o iesi (2003) - Julian
Something\'s Gotta Give
Animatrix (2003) - Neo (Episodul Kid's Story)
The Animatrix
Idila de noiembrie (2001) - Nelson Moss
Sweet November
Provocarea (2001) - Conor O'Neill
Hard Ball
Prezicere Iatala (2000) - Donnie Barksdale
The GiIt
Asasinul din vis (2000) - David Allen GriIIin
The Watcher
Rezervele (2000) - Shane Falco
The Replacements
Matrix (1999) - Neo
The Matrix
The Last Time I Committed Suicide (1997) - Harry
The Last Time I Committed Suicide
Pact cu Diavolul (1997) - Kevin Lomax
The Devil\'s Advocate
Reactie in lant (1996) - Eddie Kasalivich
Chain Reaction
Feeling Minnesota (1996) - Jjaks Clayton
Feeling Minnesota
Atat de aproape de cer (1995) - Paul Sutton
A Walk in the Clouds
Johnny Mnemonic (1995) - Johnny Mnemonic
Johnny Mnemonic
Speed - Cursa InIernala (1994) - Jack Traven
Mult zgomot pentru nimic (1993) - Don John
Much Ado About Nothing
Femeile adevarate nu plang niciodata (1993) - Julian Gitche
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
Micul Buddha (1993) - Siddhartha
Piccolo Buddha (Little Buddha)
Dracula (1992) - Jonathan Harker
Bram Stoker's Dracula
La limita extrema (1991) - Johnny Utah
Point Break
Bill si Ted merg in iad (1991) - Ted Logan / RaulTed
Bill & Ted`s Bogus Journey
Dragoste si moarte in Idaho (1991) - Scott Favor
My Own Private Idaho
Te iubesc pana la moarte (1990) - Marlon James
I Love You to Death
Matusa Julia (1990) - Martin Loader
Tune in Tomorrow...
Numai tata sa nu Iii! (1989) - Tod
Tropaind prin istorie (1989) - Ted Logan
Bill & Ted\'s Excellent Adventure
Legaturi periculoase (1988) - Cavalerul Danceny
Dangerous Liaisons
Printul din Pennsylvania (1988) - Rupert Marshetta
The Prince oI Pennsylvania
O noapte ciudata (1988) - Winston Connelly
The Night BeIore
Campioana (1986) - Tommy
Baietii de pe malul raului (1986) - Matt
River\'s Edge
Kevin Costner
Nume real
Kevin Michael Costner
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 21 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Mr. Brooks (2007) - Mr. Brooks
Mr. Brooks
In slujba vietii (2006) - Ben Randall
The Guardian
Culmea Iuriei (2005) - Denny Davies
The Upside oI Anger
Secrete de Familie (2005) - Beau Burroughs
Rumor Has It...
Lupta in camp deschis (2003) - Charley Waite
Open Range
Misterul Libelulei (2002) - Dr. Joe Darrow
3000 Mile pana la Graceland (2001) - Murphy
3000 Miles to Graceland
Razboiul celor 13 zile (2000) - Kenny O'Donnell
Thirteen Days
Mesaj de departe (1999) - Garret Blake
Message in a Bottle
Ultimul joc (1999) - Billy Chapel
For Love oI the Game
Postasul (1997) - Postasul
The Postman
Campionul (1996) - Roy McAvoy
Tin Cup
Waterworld - Lumea apelor (1995) - Mariner
Wyatt Earp - Justitiarul Vestului Salbatic (1994) - Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp
Razboiul (1994) - Stephen Simmons
The War
O lume perIecta (1993) - Robert Haynes
A PerIect World
The Bodyguard (1992) - Frank Farmer
The Bodyguard
Robin Hood, printul hotilor (1991) - Robin de Locksley
Robin Hood: Prince oI Thieves
JFK (1991) - Jim Garrison
Razbunarea (1990) - Michael J. Cochran
Dansand cu lupii (1990) - Lt. Dunbar / Cel care danseaza cu lupii
Dances with Wolves
Terenul de baseball (1989) - Ray Kinsella
Field oI Dreams
Bull Durham (1988) - Crash Davis
Bull Durham
Incoruptibilii (1987) - Eliot Ness
The Untouchables
Fara scapare (1987) - Tom Farrell
No Way Out
Silverado (1985) - Jake
Fandango (1985) - Gardner Barnes
Cursa (1985) - Marcus
American Flyers
TraIicantul de arme (1984) - Ted
The Gunrunner
FilmograIie - Regizor
Lupta in camp deschis (2003) - regizor
Open Range
Postasul (1997) - regizor
The Postman
Dansand cu lupii (1990) - regizor
Dances with Wolves
FilmograIie - Producator
Rapa Nui (1994) - producator
Rapa Nui
Dansand cu lupii (1990) - producator
Dances with Wolves
Kevin Spacey
Nume real
Kevin Spacey Fowler
Locul nasterii
New Jersey, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 41 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Fred Claus (2007) - Clyde
Fred Claus
Superman Revine (2006) - Lex Luthor
Superman Returns
Priviti spre cer! Povestea lui Superman (2006) - El insusi
Look, Up in the Sky: The Amazing Story oI Superman
O alta viata (2004) - Bobby Darin
Beyond the Sea
The United States oI Leland (2003) - Albert T. Fitzgerald
The United States oI Leland
Austin Powers - Goldmember (2002) - Dr. Evil
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Austin Powers 3)
David Gale (2002) - Dr. David Gale
The LiIe oI David Gale
K-PAX (2001) - Prot
Stiri de acasa (2001) - Quoyle
The Shipping News
Da mai departe! (2000) - Eugene Simonet
Pay it Iorward
Banditul din Dublin (2000) - Michael Lynch
Ordinary Decent Criminal
American Beauty (1999) - Lester Burnham
American Beauty
Aventuri la Iirul ierbii (1998) - voce - comandant-greier Hopper
A Bug's LiIe
Negociatorul (1998) - Chris Sabian
The Negotiator
Miezul noptii in gradina binelui si raului (1997) - Jim Williams
Midnight in the Garden oI Good and Evil
L.A. ConIidential (1997) - Sergentul Jack Vincennes
L.A. ConIidential
In cautarea lui Richard (1996) - Buckingham / El insusi
Al Pacino\'s Looking Ior Richard
Vremea Razbunarii (1996) - Procurorul RuIus Buckley
A Time To Kill
Alerta (1995) - Casey Schuler
Seven (1995) - Necunoscutul / John Doe
Suspecti de serviciu (1995) - Roger 'Verbal' Kint
The Usual Suspects
Omul seIului (1994) - Buddy Ackerman
Swimming with Sharks
Vointa de Iier (1994) - Harry Kingsley
Iron Will
Unde dai si unde crapa! (1994) - Lloyd Chasseur
The ReI / Hostile Hostages
Arma sIarsitului (1994) - Jim Price
Doomsday Gun
Consimtamantul (1992) - Eddy Otis
Consenting Adults
Totul de vanzare (1992) - John Williamson
Glengarry Glen Ross
Unul nu vede, celalalt nu aude (1989) - Kirgo
See No Evil, Hear No Evil
FilmograIie - Regizor
O alta viata (2004) - regizor
Beyond the Sea
Stratagema (1996) - regizor
Albino Alligator
FilmograIie - Scenarist
O alta viata (2004) - scenarist
Beyond the Sea
Kim Basinger
Locul nasterii
Georgia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 17 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Santinela (2006) - Prima Doamna Sarah Ballentine
The Sentinel
Usa din podea (2005) - Marion Cole
The Door in the Floor
Celularul (2004) - Jessica Martin
Atentie, mor sosiile! (2004) - Harmony Jones
Elvis Has LeIt the Building
8 Mile (2002) - Stephanie Smith
8 Mile
Cu cartile pe masa (2002) - Victoria Gray
People I Know
AIrica viselor mele (2000) - Kuki Gallmann
I dreamed oI AIrica
Fie copilul binecuvantat (2000) - Maggie O`Connor
Bless The Child
L.A. ConIidential (1997) - Lynn Bracken
L.A. ConIidential
Pret-a-Porter - Crima in lumea modei (1995) - Kitty Potter
Pret-a-Porter (Ready to Wear)
Evadarea (1994) - Carol McCoy
The Getaway
Analiza Finala (1992) - Heather Evans
Final Analysis
O lume rece (1992) - Holli Would
Cool World
Femeia visurilor mele (1991) - Vicki Anderson
The Marrying Man
Batman (1989) - Vicki Vale
Mama mea e extraterestra (1988) - Celeste Martin
My Stepmother Is an Alien
Intalnire cu surprize (1987) - Nadia Gates
Blind Date
Nadine (1987) - Nadine Hightower
9 saptamani si jumatate (1986) - Elizabeth
9 1/2 Weeks
Fara mila (1986) - Michel Duvall
No Mercy
Nebuni din dragoste (1985) - May
Fool Ior Love
The Natural (1984) - Memo Paris
The Natural
Barbatul care iubea Iemeile (1983) - Louise Carr
The Man Who Loved Women
Kirk Douglas
Nume real
Issur Danielovitch Demsky
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, producator, actor
(din 8 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
In Iamilie (2003) - Mitchell Gromberg
It Runs in the Family (A Few Good Years / Family Jewels)
Rapacii (1994) - Joe McTeague
Secretul (1992) - Bunicul Mike Dunmore
The Secret
Queenie (1987) - David Konig
Baieti duri (1986) - Archie Long
Tough Guys
Draw (1984) - Harry H. Holland
Evadarea lui Eddie Macon (1983) - Carl Marzack
Eddie Macon\'s Run
The Man From Snowy River (1982) - Harrison / Spur
The Man From Snowy River
Numaratoare inversa (1980) - Matthew Yelland
The Final Countdown
Saturn 3 (1980) - Adam
Saturn 3
The Villain (1979) - Cactus Jack
The Villain
The Fury (1978) - Peter Sandza
The Fury
Posse (1975) - Kirk Douglas
Era un ticalos (1970) - Paris Pittman Jr.
There Was a Crooked Man
Comoara din tren (1967) - Lomax
The War Wagon
The Way West (1967) - Sen. William J. Tadlock
The Way West
Cast a Giant Shadow (1966) - Col. David 'Mickey' Marcus
Cast a Giant Shadow
Eroii de la Telemark (1965) - Dr. RolI Pedersen
The Heroes oI Telemark
Razboi pe mare (1965) - Paul Eddington
In Harm\'s Way
Sapte zile in Mai (1964) - Martin Casey
Seven Days in May
Lista lui Adrian Messenger (1963) - George Brougham / Vicar Atlee / Pythian / Arthur
The List oI Adrian Messenger
Doua saptamani intr-un alt oras (1962) - Jack Andrus
Two Weeks in Another Town
Eram straini cand ne-am intalnit (1960) - Larry Coe
Strangers When We Meet
Spartacus (1960) - Spartacus
Ultimul tren din Gun Hill (1959) - Marshal Matt Morgan
Last Train Irom Gun Hill
Vikingii (1958) - Einar
The Vikings
Cararile gloriei (1957) - Colonelul Dax
Paths oI Glory
Van Gogh (1956) - Vincent Van Gogh
Lust Ior LiIe
20000 de leghe sub mari (1954) - Ned Land
20000 Leagues Under the Sea
Uratul si Irumosul (1952) - Jonathan Shields
The Bad and the BeautiIul
Tinuturi nesIarsite (1952) - Jim Deakins
The Big Sky
Detective Story (1951) - James McLeod
Detective Story
Menajeria de sticla (1950) - Jim O'Connor
The Glass Menagerie
Tanarul si trompeta lui (1950) - Rick Martin
Young Man with a Horn
FilmograIie - Regizor
Posse (1975) - regizor
Kurt Russell
Nume real
Kurt von Vogel Russell
Locul nasterii
Massachusetts, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 14 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Poseidon (2006) - Robert Ramsey
Scoala Superioara de Eroi (2005) - Capitanul Stronghold
Sky High
A doua sansa (2005) - Ben Crane
Miracolul (2004) - Herb Brooks
Orasul in Ilacari (2002) - Sgt. Eldon Perry Jr.
Dark Blue / The Plague Season
Vanilla Sky - Deschide ochii (2001) - Dr. Curtis McCabe
Vanilla Sky
3000 Mile pana la Graceland (2001) - Michael Zane
3000 Miles to Graceland
Soldatul (1998) - Sgt. Todd
Disparitia (1997) - JeII Taylor
Ultima decizie (1996) - Dr. David Grant
Executive Decision
Evadare din Los Angeles (1996) - Snake Plissken
Escape Irom L.A.
Stargate - Poarta Stelara (1994) - Colonelul Jonathan O'Neil
Wyatt Earp (1993) - Wyatt Earp
Capitanul Ron (1992) - Capitanul Ron
Captain Ron
Intrusul (1992) - Michael Carr
UnlawIul Entry
Focul ucigas (1991) - Steven McCaIIrrey / Dennis McCaIIrey
Tango & Cash (1989) - Gabriel Cash
Tango and Cash
Winter People (1989) - Wayland Jackson
Winter People
Tequila Sunrise (1988) - Nicholas Frescia
Tequila Sunrise
Amnezie cu surprize (1987) - Dean ProIIitt
Scandal in cartierul chinezesc (1986) - Jack Burton
Big Trouble in Little China
Anotimpul crimelor (1985) - Malcolm Anderson
The Mean Season
Femei in timp de razboi (1984) - Lucky/Mike
Swing ShiIt
Silkwood (1983) - Drew Stephens
Creatura (1982) - R.J. MacReady
The Thing
Charley si ingerul (1973) - Ray Ferris
Charley and the Angel
Parada Nebunilor (1971) - Johnny Jesus
Fools\' Parade
RaIIles, cimpanzeul telespectator (1971) - Steven Post
The BareIoot Executive
Laurence Fishburne
Nume real
Lawrence Fishburne III
Locul nasterii
Georgia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor, scenarist
(din 19 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Misiune: Imposibila III (2006) - John Brassel
Mission: Impossible III
Akeelah and the Bee (2006) - Dr. Larabee
Akeelah and the Bee
De-a soarecele si pisica (2006) - Ahmat
Five Fingers
Asalt asupra sectiei 13 (2005) - Marion Bishop
Assault on Precinct 13
Matrix - Reincarcat (2003) - Morpheus
The Matrix Reloaded (Matrix 2)
Matrix - Revolutii (2003) - Morpheus
The Matrix Revolutions (Matrix 3)
Baieti pe motoare (2003) - Manuel Galloway
Biker Boyz
Misterele Fluviului (2003) - Whitey Powers
Mystic River
The Alchemist (2003)
The Alchemist
Osmosis Jones (2001) - Thrax (voce)
Osmosis Jones
O data in viata (2000) - Mike
Once in the LiIe
Matrix (1999) - Morpheus
The Matrix
Gangsteri (1997) - Bumpy Johnson
Event Horizon - Destinatie mortala (1997) - Capitanul Miller
Event Horizon
Vii sau morti (1996) - Charles Piper
Othello (1995) - Othello
O cauza dreapta (1995) - Tanny Brown
Just Cause
ConIlicte intre parteneri (1995) - Nelson Crowe
Bad Company
Eu, Tina Turner (1993) - Ike Turner
What\'s Love Got to Do with It
Mutari inoIensive (1993) - Vinnie
Innocent Moves / Searching Ior Bobby Fischer
Baietii din cartier (1991) - Furious Styles
Boyz N the Hood
In cadenta (1990) - Roosevelt Stokes
Febra rosie (1988) - Charlie Stobbs
Red Heat
School Daze (1988) - Dap
School Daze
Cosmar pe strada Ulmilor: Razboinicii din vis (1987) - Max
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Delincventii (1986) - Cream
Band oI the Hand
Cotton Club (1984) - Bumpy Rhodes
The Cotton Club
Golanii (1983) - Midget
Rumble Fish
FilmograIie - Regizor
The Alchemist (2003) - regizor
The Alchemist
O data in viata (2000) - regizor
Once in the LiIe
FilmograIie - Scenarist
The Alchemist (2003) - scenarist
The Alchemist
O data in viata (2000) - scenarist
Once in the LiIe
Lee Marvin
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, producator
(din 0 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Operatiunea Delta Force (1986) - Colonelul Nick Alexander
The Delta Force
Gorky Park (1983) - Jack Osborne
Gorky Park
Vanatoare salbatica (1981) - Edgar Millen
Death Hunt
Mai presus decat gloria (1980) - Sergentul
The Big Red One
Razboi contra clanului (1974) - SeriIul Track Bascomb
The Klansman
Venit-a Ghetarila (1973) - Theodore Hickman
The Iceman Cometh
Bani de buzunar (1972) - Leonard
Pocket Money
Goana dupa capatuiala (1969) - Ben Rumson
Paint Your Wagon
Duel in PaciIic (1968) - Pilotul american
Hell in the PaciIic
Duzina de ticalosi (1967) - John Reisman
The Dirty Dozen
Point Blank (1967) - Walker
Point Blank
Cat Ballou (1965) - Kid Straw
Cat Ballou
Corabia nebunilor (1965) - Bill Tenny
Ship oI Fools
Omul care l-a ucis pe Liberty Valance (1962) - Liberty Valance
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Date of Birth
9 January 1925, Somerville, New Jersey, USA more
Date of Death
16 December 1989, Oxnard, California, USA. (heart attack) more
Mini Biography
One of the great movie villains, Lee Van Cleef started out as an accountant... more
He had three children from his first marriage: Deborah, Alan and David. more
1 win more
Next US TV Airings:Sun. Mar. 18 6:45 AM AMC High Noon
Mon. Mar. 19 4:15 AM AMC High Noon
Jump to filmography as: Actor, Miscellaneous Crew, Soundtrack, Archive Footage
Thieves of Fortune (1990) .... Sergio Danielo Christophero
... aka Chameleon (nternational: English title) (USA: video title)
... aka May the Best Man Win (UK: video title)
Speed Zone! (1989) .... Rock-Skipping Grandfather
... aka Cannonball Fever
Commander, Der (1988) .... Col. Mazzarini
... aka The Commander
... aka Triangolo della paura, l (taly)
Armed Response (1986) .... Burt Roth
... aka Jade Jungle
Leggenda del rubino malese, La (1985) .... Warren
... aka Captain Yankee
... aka Jungle Raiders
Geheimcode: Wildgnse (1984) .... China
... aka Arcobaleno selvaggio (taly)
... aka Code Name: Wild Geese (nternational: English title)
Goma-2 (1984) .... Maitre Julot
... aka Killing Machine (Philippines: English title)
... aka Mquina de matar, La (Mexico)
"The Master" .... John Peter McAllister (2 episodes, 1984)
... aka Master Ninja (USA: video title)
- Hostages (1984) TV Episode .... John Peter McAllister
- Max (1984) TV Episode .... John Peter McAllister
Escape from New York (1981) .... Police Commissioner Bob Hauk
... aka John Carpenter's Escape from New York (USA: complete title)
The Octagon (1980) .... McCarn
... aka The Man Without Mercy (Philippines: English title)
The Hard Way (1979) (TV) .... McNeal
The Squeeze (1978) .... Chris Gretchko/Ray Sloan
... aka Controrapina (taly)
... aka Diamantencoup, Der (West Germany)
... aka Diamond Thieves
... aka Gretchko (West Germany)
... aka Rip Off - The Diamond Connection (West Germany: video box title)
... aka The Heist
... aka The Rip-Off (Philippines: English title)
... aka Ultimo colpo, L' (taly)
Quel pomeriggio maledetto (1977) .... Harry Chapman
... aka Objetivo: matar (Spain)
... aka The Satanic Mechanic
Nowhere to Hide (1977) (TV) .... ke Scanlon
... aka Fatal Chase
Kid Vengeance (1977) .... McClain
... aka Take Another Hard Ride (USA: reissue title)
... aka Vengeance (USA)
Diamante Lobo (1976) .... Father John/Lewis
... aka A Bullet from God
... aka God's Gun
... aka Pistola di Dio (taly: alternative title)
Take a Hard Ride (1975) .... Kiefer
... aka Lunga cavalcata, La
... aka Parola di un fuorilegge... legge!, La (taly)
L dove non batte il sole (1974) .... Dakota
... aka Blood Money
... aka Krate, el Colt y el impostor, El (Spain)
... aka Long hu zou tian ya (Hong Kong: Mandarin title)
... aka The Stranger and the Gunfighter
Dio, sei proprio un padreterno! (1973) .... Frankie Diomede
... aka Escape from Death Row (USA: reissue title)
... aka Homme aux nerfs d'acier, L' (France)
... aka nterpol in allarme
... aka Mean Frank and Crazy Tony
... aka Power Kill (USA)
... aka Suo nome faceva tremare, l
Grande duello, l (1972) .... Sheriff Clayton
... aka Drei Vaterunser fr vier Halunken (West Germany)
... aka Grand Duel, Le (France)
... aka Hell's Fighters (UK)
... aka Storm Rider (USA: video title)
... aka The Big Showdown
... aka The Grand Duel
The Magnificent Seven Ride! (1972) .... Marshal Chris Adams
Bad Man's River (1971) .... Roy King
... aka E continuavano a fregarsi il milione di dollari (taly)
... aka Hombre de Ro Malo, El (Spain)
... aka Hunt the Man Down (USA)
... aka Quatre mercenaires d'El Paso, Les (France)
Captain Apache (1971) .... Capt. Apache
... aka Capitn Apache (Spain)
... aka Deathwork (USA)
... aka The Guns of April Morning
tornato Sabata... hai chiuso un'altra volta (1971) .... Sabata/Major
... aka Retour de Sabata, Le (France)
... aka Return of Sabata
... aka Sabata kehrt zurck (West Germany)
Barquero (1970) .... Travis (ferryman)
Condor, El (1970) .... Jaroo
Ehi amico... c' Sabata, hai chiuso! (1969) .... Sabata
... aka Sabata (taly) (Philippines: English title)
Commandos (1968) .... MSgt. Sullivan
... aka Himmelfahrtskommando El Alamein
... aka Mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern
... aka Sullivan's Marauders
Al di l della legge (1968) .... Billy Joe Cudlip
... aka Beyond the Law
... aka Bloodsilver
... aka Letzte Rechnung zahlst Du selbst, Die (West Germany)
... aka The Good Die First
Da uomo a uomo (1967) .... Ryan
... aka As Man to Man (USA)
... aka Death Rides a Horse (USA)
Giorni dell'ira, (1967) .... Frank Talby
... aka Blood and Grit (UK: video title)
... aka Day of Anger (USA)
... aka Days of Wrath
... aka Gunlaw (UK: video title)
... aka Tod ritt dienstags, Der (West Germany)
Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, l (1966) .... Sentenza/Angel Eyes
... aka Bo, el lleig i el dolent, El (Spain: Catalan title)
... aka Bueno, el feo y el malo, El (Spain)
... aka The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (USA)
... aka The Good, the Ugly, the Bad (USA: literal English title)
... aka The Magnificent Rogues (UK)
Resa dei conti, La (1966) .... Jonathan Corbett
... aka Account Rendered
... aka Halcn y la presa, El (Spain)
... aka The Big Gundown (USA)
"Gunsmoke" .... ke Jeffords / ... (3 episodes, 1960-1966)
... aka Gun Law (UK)
... aka Marshal Dillon (USA: rerun title)
- My Father, My Son (1966) TV Episode .... ke Jeffords
- The Pariah (1965) TV Episode .... John Hooker
- Old Flame (1960) TV Episode .... Rad Meadows
"Laredo" .... Mike Kelly (1 episode, 1966)
- Quarter Past Eleven (1966) TV Episode .... Mike Kelly
"Branded" .... Charlie Yates / ... (4 episodes, 1965-1966)
- Call to Glory: Part 3 (1966) TV Episode .... Charlie Yates
- Call to Glory: Part 2 (1966) TV Episode .... Charlie Yates
- Call to Glory: Part 1 (1966) TV Episode .... Charlie Yates
- The Richest Man in Boot Hill (1965) TV Episode .... Fred Slater
Per qualche dollaro in pi (1965) .... Col. Douglas Mortimer
... aka For a Few Dollars More (UK) (USA)
... aka A Few Dollars More (Philippines: English title)
... aka Fr ein paar Dollar mehr (West Germany)
... aka For Some Dollars More (nternational: English title)
... aka Muerte tena un precio, La (Spain)
... aka Por unos cuantos dlares ms (Spain)
... aka Por unos pocos dlares ms (Spain)
"My Mother the Car" .... Nick Fitch (1 episode, 1965)
- Burned at the Steak (1965) TV Episode .... Nick Fitch
"The Andy Griffith Show" .... Skip (1 episode, 1965)
... aka Andy of Mayberry (USA: rerun title)
- Banjo-Playing Deputy (1965) TV Episode .... Skip
"Rawhide" .... Deck Sommers / ... (2 episodes, 1964)
- Piney (1964) TV Episode .... Deck Sommers
- The Enormous Fist (1964) TV Episode .... Fred Grant
"Destry" .... Ace Slater (1 episode, 1964)
- Destry Had a Little Lamb (1964) TV Episode .... Ace Slater
"The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters" .... Raoul Volta (1 episode, 1963)
- The Day of the Misfits (1963) TV Episode .... Raoul Volta
"77 Sunset Strip" .... Deek / ... (2 episodes, 1960-1963)
- 88 Bars (1963) TV Episode .... Majeski
- Attic (1960) TV Episode .... Deek
"Laramie" .... Caleb / ... (4 episodes, 1960-1963)
- The Stranger (1963) TV Episode .... Caleb
- Vengeance (1963) TV Episode
- Killer Odds (1961) TV Episode .... Dawson
- .45 Calibre (1960) TV Episode .... Wes Torrey
"Have Gun - Will Travel" .... Corbin / ... (2 episodes, 1962-1963)
- Face of a Shadow (1963) TV Episode .... Golias
- The Treasure (1962) TV Episode .... Corbin
"The Dick Powell Show" .... Salty (1 episode, 1963)
... aka The Dick Powell Theatre (USA: new title)
- Colossus (1963) TV Episode .... Salty
"Perry Mason" .... Edward Doyle (1 episode, 1963)
- The Case of the Golden Oranges (1963) TV Episode .... Edward Doyle
"The Dakotas" .... Slade Tucker (1 episode, 1963)
- Thunder in Pleasant Valley (1963) TV Episode .... Slade Tucker
"Ripcord" .... Henry Kane / ... (2 episodes, 1963)
- The Money Mine (1963) TV Episode .... Jack Martin
- Thoroughbred (????) TV Episode .... Henry Kane
How the West Was Won (1962) (uncredited) .... River pirate
"The Rifleman" .... Dan Maury / ... (4 episodes, 1959-1962)
- Death Never Rides Alone (1962) TV Episode .... Johnny Drago
- The Clarence Bibs Story (1961) TV Episode .... Wicks
- The Prodigal (1960) TV Episode .... Stinger
- The Deadly Wait (1959) TV Episode .... Dan Maury
"Death Valley Days" .... Brogger (1 episode, 1962)
... aka Call of the West (USA: syndication title)
... aka The Pioneers (USA: syndication title)
... aka Trails West (USA: syndication title)
... aka Western Star Theater (USA: syndication title)
- The Hat That Won the West (1962) TV Episode .... Brogger
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) .... Reese
"Bronco" (2 episodes, 1961-1962)
- One Evening in Abilene (1962) TV Episode
- Yankee Tornado (1961) TV Episode
"The Joey Bishop Show" (1 episode, 1962)
- Double Exposure (1962) TV Episode
"The Twilight Zone" .... Steinhart (1 episode, 1961)
... aka Twilight Zone (USA: new title)
- The Grave (1961) TV Episode .... Steinhart
"Cheyenne" .... Deputy Sheriff Braden (1 episode, 1961)
- Trouble Street (1961) TV Episode .... Deputy Sheriff Braden
Posse from Hell (1961) .... Leo
"Stagecoach West" .... Lin Hyatt (1 episode, 1961)
- Never Walk Alone (1961) TV Episode .... Lin Hyatt
"Maverick" .... Wolf (1 episode, 1961)
- Red Dog (1961) TV Episode .... Wolf
"Hawaiian Eye" .... Manuel (1 episode, 1961)
- The Stanhope Brand (1961) TV Episode .... Manuel
"Bonanza" .... Appling (1 episode, 1960)
... aka Ponderosa (USA: rerun title)
- The Blood Line (1960) TV Episode .... Appling
"Lawman" .... Ned Scott / ... (4 episodes, 1958-1960)
... aka The Lawman (USA: alternative title)
- The Return of Owny O'Reilly (1960) TV Episode
- Man on a Mountain (1960) TV Episode
- The Conclave (1959) TV Episode .... Ned Scott
- The Deputy (1958) TV Episode .... Walt Hawks
"Colt .45" .... Devery / ... (2 episodes, 1958-1960)
- The Trespasser (1960) TV Episode .... Red Feather
- Dead Reckoning (1958) TV Episode .... Devery
"Mr. Lucky" .... Kruger (1 episode, 1960)
- Dangerous Lady (1960) TV Episode .... Kruger
"The Deputy" .... Cherokee Kid (1 episode, 1960)
- Palace of Chance (1960) TV Episode .... Cherokee Kid
The Slowest Gun in the West (1960) (TV) .... Sam Bass
"Black Saddle" .... Frank Sando (1 episode, 1960)
... aka The Westerners (USA: syndication title)
- The Cabin (1960) TV Episode .... Frank Sando
"The Untouchables" .... Frank Diamond (2 episodes, 1960)
- The Unhired Assassin: Part 2 (1960) TV Episode .... Frank Diamond
- The Unhired Assassin: Part 1 (1960) TV Episode .... Frank Diamond
"The Alaskans" .... Roc (1 episode, 1960)
- Peril at Caribou Crossing (1960) TV Episode .... Roc
"Hotel de Paree" (1 episode, 1960)
- Sundance and the Man in Room Seven (1960) TV Episode
"The DuPont Show with June Allyson" .... Peak (1 episode, 1960)
... aka The June Allyson Show
- Trial by Fear (1960) TV Episode .... Peak
"Law of the Plainsman" .... Tracey (1 episode, 1959)
... aka The Westerners (USA: syndication title)
- Clear Title (1959) TV Episode .... Tracey
"Riverboat" .... Luke Cragg (1 episode, 1959)
- Strange Request (1959) TV Episode .... Luke Cragg
"The Real McCoys" .... Guard at Entry Gate (1 episode, 1959)
... aka The McCoys
- Grandpa Fights the Air Force (1959) TV Episode .... Guard at Entry Gate
"Wanted: Dead or Alive" .... Jumbo Kane (1 episode, 1959)
- The Hostage (1959) TV Episode .... Jumbo Kane
"Yancy Derringer" .... Frank James / ... (1 episode, 1959)
- Outlaw at Liberty (1959) TV Episode .... ke Melton/Frank James
"Tombstone Territory" .... Sam Carver (1 episode, 1959)
- Gun Hostage (1959) TV Episode .... Sam Carver
"Cimarron City" .... Tom (1 episode, 1959)
- The Town s a Prisoner (1959) TV Episode .... Tom
Ride Lonesome (1959) .... Frank
"Northwest Passage" .... Frank Wade (1 episode, 1959)
- The Fourth Brother (1959) TV Episode .... Frank Wade
Guns, Girls, and Gangsters (1959) .... Mike Bennett
Machete (1958) .... Miguel
"Frontier Doctor" (1 episode, 1958)
... aka Man of the West (USA: syndication title)
... aka Unarmed (USA: syndication title)
- The Great Stagecoach Robbery (1958) TV Episode
"Zorro" .... Antonio Castillo (1 episode, 1958)
- Welcome to Monterey (1958) TV Episode .... Antonio Castillo
The Bravados (1958) .... Alfonso Parral
"State Trooper" .... Mr. Parnessa (1 episode, 1958)
- 710 Hysteria Street (1958) TV Episode .... Mr. Parnessa
The Young Lions (1958) .... 1st Sgt. Rickett
"Richard Diamond, Private Detective" .... Ed Murdock (1 episode, 1958)
... aka Call Mr. D.e
- Rodeo (1958) TV Episode .... Ed Murdock
Day of the Bad Man (1958) .... Jake Hayes
... aka Decision at Durango (USA)
... aka Law of the Trigger (USA)
... aka Point of Decision (USA)
"Wagon Train" .... Rufe Beal (1 episode, 1958)
... aka Major Adams, Trail Master
- The Jesse Cowan Story (1958) TV Episode .... Rufe Beal
"Trackdown" .... Ben Fraser (1 episode, 1957)
- The Town (1957) TV Episode .... Ben Fraser
Raiders of Old California (1957) .... Pardee (henchman)
"Casey Jones" .... Mort Clio (1 episode, 1957)
- A Badge for Casey (1957) TV Episode .... Mort Clio
Gun Battle at Monterey (1957) .... Kirby
The Tin Star (1957) .... Ed McGaffey
"General Electric Theater" .... Rudabaugh (1 episode, 1957)
... aka G.E. Theater (USA: informal short title)
- Thousand Dollar Gun (1957) TV Episode .... Rudabaugh
Joe Dakota (1957) .... Adam Grant
The Lonely Man (1957) .... Faro
The Last Stagecoach West (1957) .... Steve Margolis
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (1957) .... Ed Bailey
China Gate (1957) .... Maj. Cham
The Badge of Marshal Brennan (1957) .... Shad Donaphin
"Schlitz Playhouse of Stars" .... Cowboy (5 episodes, 1953-1957)
... aka Herald Playhouse (USA: syndication title)
... aka Schlitz Playhouse (USA: new title)
... aka The Playhouse (USA: syndication title)
- The Blue Hotel (1957) TV Episode .... Cowboy
- Midnight Haul (1954) TV Episode
- The Black Mate (1954) TV Episode
- Four Things He'd Do (1954) TV Episode
- Knave of Hearts (1953) TV Episode
"Tales of Wells Fargo" .... Cherokee Bob (1 episode, 1957)
- Alder Gulch (1957) TV Episode .... Cherokee Bob
"Soldiers of Fortune" .... Sergeant Bucheroff (1 episode, 1957)
- Guns for El Khadar (1957) TV Episode .... Sergeant Bucheroff
The Quiet Gun (1957) .... Doug Sadler
... aka Fury at Rock River (USA)
Accused of Murder (1956) .... Police Sgt. Emmett Lackey
"Crossroads" (1 episode, 1956)
- Sky Pilot of the Cumberlands (1956) TV Episode
"Sheriff of Cochise" .... Hackett (1 episode, 1956)
- Fire on Chiricahua Mountains (1956) TV Episode .... Hackett
"Wire Service" (1 episode, 1956)
... aka Deadline for Action (USA: rerun title)
- The Night of August 7th (1956) TV Episode
"The Ford Television Theatre" .... Stanley Perrin (1 episode, 1956)
... aka Ford Theatre (USA: short title)
- Measure of Faith (1956) TV Episode .... Stanley Perrin
Pardners (1956) .... Gus
t Conquered the World (1956) .... Dr. Tom Anderson
... aka t Conquered the Earth
Tribute to a Bad Man (1956) .... Fat Jones
"Studio 57" .... Tommy (1 episode, 1956)
... aka Heinz Studio 57 (USA: alternative title)
- Deadline (1956) TV Episode .... Tommy
The Conqueror (1956) .... Chepei
... aka Conqueror of the Desert
"Brave Eagle" (1 episode, 1955)
- Shield of Honor (1955) TV Episode
"The Adventures of Kit Carson" .... Burt Tanner / ... (6 episodes, 1953-1955)
... aka Kit Carson
- ncident at Wagontire (1955) TV Episode
- The Missing Hacienda (1954) TV Episode .... Sheriff Ned Jackson
- No Man's Law (1954) TV Episode .... Major Farnsworth and Vance Howard
- Gunsmoke Justice (1953) TV Episode .... Burt Tanner
- Lost Treaure of the Panamints (1953) TV Episode
(1 more)
The Vanishing American (1955) .... Jay Lord
A Man Alone (1955) .... Clanton (Stanley henchman)
The Naked Street (1955) (uncredited) .... Harry Goldish
... aka The Brass Ring (USA)
The Road to Denver (1955) .... Pecos Larry
"The Man Behind the Badge" (1 episode, 1955)
- The Case of the Desperate Moment (1955) TV Episode
Cover the Underworld (1955) .... Flash Logan
"Annie Oakley" .... Amos Belcher / ... (2 episodes, 1955)
- Annie and the Higher Court (1955) TV Episode .... Amos Belcher
- Annie Breaks an Alibi (1955) TV Episode .... Tim Brennan
"Buffalo Bill, Jr." .... John-O (2 episodes, 1955)
- The Calico Kid (1955) TV Episode
- Boomer's Blunder (1955) TV Episode .... John-O
"City Detective" .... Hardtman (1 episode, 1955)
- Man Down, Woman Screaming (1955) TV Episode .... Hardtman
"TV Reader's Digest" .... Mike (1 episode, 1955)
- How Charlie Faust Won a Pennant for the Giants (1955) TV Episode .... Mike
Man Without a Star (1955) (uncredited) .... Bit part
The Big Combo (1955) .... Fante
Ten Wanted Men (1955) .... Al Drucker
Treasure of Ruby Hills (1955) .... Frank Emmett
"The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin" .... Ed McCleod (1 episode, 1954)
- Rin Tin Tin and the Raging River (1954) TV Episode .... Ed McCleod
"The Gene Autry Show" .... Hide, Outlaw / ... (2 episodes, 1953-1954)
... aka Melody Ranch
- Outlaw Warning (1954) TV Episode .... Slender Henchman with Black Hat
- Rio Renegades (1953) TV Episode .... Hide, Outlaw
Dawn at Socorro (1954) .... Earl Ferris
The Desperado (1954) .... The Crayton Twins, Paul/Buck
Princess of the Nile (1954) (uncredited) .... Hakar
"Cavalcade of America" (3 episodes, 1953-1954)
... aka DuPont Presents the Cavalcade Theatre (USA: fourth season title)
... aka DuPont Theater (USA: fifth season title)
- The Skipper's Lady (1954) TV Episode
- Duel at the O.K. Corral (1954) TV Episode
- The Tenderfoot (1953) TV Episode
The Yellow Tomahawk (1954) .... Fireknife
Rails nto Laramie (1954) .... Ace Winton
... aka Fort Laramie (USA)
... aka Rails End at Laramie (USA)
Arrow in the Dust (1954) .... Tillotson's Henchman
"Stories of the Century" .... Jesse James (1 episode, 1954)
... aka The Fast Guns (USA: reissue title)
- Frank and Jesse James (1954) TV Episode .... Jesse James
"Waterfront" (1 episode)
- The Skipper's Day (????) TV Episode
Tumbleweed (1953) .... Marv
... aka Three Were Renegades (USA)
Private Eyes (1953) (uncredited) .... Karl
The Nebraskan (1953) .... Pvt. Reno Benton
Jack Slade (1953) .... Tobey Mackay
... aka Jack Slade, Desperado
... aka Slade (UK)
Vice Squad (1953) .... Pete Monty
... aka The Girl in Room 17 (UK)
"The Lone Ranger" .... Bill Harper / ... (3 episodes, 1952-1953)
- Stage to Estacado (1953) TV Episode .... Jango
- The Brown Pony (1953) TV Episode .... Bill Harper
- Desperado at Large (1952) TV Episode .... Joe Singer
Arena (1953) .... Marvin Smith aka Smitty
"Space Patrol" .... Herrick / ... (4 episodes, 1952-1953)
... aka Satellite Police (USA: syndication title)
- The Man Who Stole a City (1953) TV Episode .... Lesser
- Powerdive (1952) TV Episode .... Ward
- Derelict Space Station (1952) TV Episode .... Herrick
- Threat of the Thormanoids (1952) TV Episode .... Loren
The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953) .... Cpl. Stone
Gypsy Colt (1953) .... Hank
White Lightning (1953) .... Brutus Allen
The Bandits of Corsica (1953) .... Nerva
... aka The Return of the Corsican Brothers (UK)
"Four Star Playhouse" (1 episode, 1953)
... aka Four Star Theatre (UK: new title)
... aka Star Performance (USA: rerun title)
- Trail's End (1953) TV Episode
The Lawless Breed (1953) .... Dirk Hanley
"The Range Rider" .... El Latigo (3 episodes, 1952-1953)
- The Treasure of Santa Dolores (1953) TV Episode .... El Latigo
- Greed Rides the Range (1952) TV Episode
- Outlaw's Double (1952) TV Episode
"Boston Blackie" (3 episodes, 1952)
- nside Crime (1952) TV Episode
- 101 Blonde (1952) TV Episode
- Deep Six (1952) TV Episode
Kansas City Confidential (1952) .... Tony Romano
... aka The Secret Four (UK)
"Sky King" .... Mark (1 episode, 1952)
- Formula for Fear (1952) TV Episode .... Mark
Untamed Frontier (1952) .... Dave Chittun
High Noon (1952) .... Jack Colby
Miscellaneous Crew:
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) (dedicatee)
... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title)
... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title)
Captain Apache (1971) (singer)
... aka Capitn Apache (Spain)
... aka Deathwork (USA)
... aka The Guns of April Morning
Captain Apache (1971) (performer: "Captain Apache", "April Morning")
... aka Capitn Apache (Spain)
... aka Deathwork (USA)
... aka The Guns of April Morning
Archive Footage:
Bruce Lee and Kung Fu Mania (1992)
The Best of the Martial Arts Films (1990) .... Himself
Blade Rider, Revenge of the ndian Nations (1966) .... Charlie Yates
The Gun of Zangara (1960) (TV) (uncredited) .... Frank Diamond
Linda Hamilton
Locul nasterii
Maryland, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 0 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Smile (2005) - Bridget
Wholey Moses (2003) - Valerie
Wholey Moses
O noapte linistita (2002) - Elisabeth Vincken
Silent Night
Insula (2001) - Liz Donovan
Bailey's Mistake
Secrete bine pazite (2000) - Tina Conway
Skeletons in the Closet
Regasire de sine (2000) - Joanna Scott
Sex & Mrs. X
Cautari disperate (1998) - Rachel Harrison
Point Last Seen
Orasul InIernului (1997) - Rachel Wando
Dante\'s Peak
Conspiratie politica (1997) - Amanda Givens
Shadow Conspiracy
Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time (1996) - Sarah Connor
Terminator 2 3-D: Battle Across Time
Viata dubla (1995) - Lauren Porter
Separate Lives
Dragoste dincolo de moarte (1995) - Linda Hamilton
A Mother\'s Prayer
Dincolo de tacere (1994) - Karen Rainer
Silent Fall
Terminator 2: Ziua Judecatii (1991) - Sarah Connor
Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Domnul Destin (1990) - Ellen Jane Burrows / Robertson
Mr. Destiny
Du-te spre lumina (1988) - Claire Madison
Go Toward the Light
Luna neagra (1986) - Nina
Black Moon Rising
Terminatorul (1984) - Sarah Connor
The Terminator
De veghe in lanul de porumb (1984) - Vicky
Children oI the Corn
Louis De Funes
Nume real
Louis Germain de Funes
Locul nasterii
Ile-de-France, Franta
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, scenarist, regizor
(din 73 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Jandarmul si jandarmeritele (1982) - Ludovic Cruchot
Le Gendarme et les gendarmettes / Never Play Clever Again
Avarul (1980) - Harpagon
L\'Avare (The Miser)
Zazania (1978) - Guillaume Daubray-Lacaze
La Zizanie (The Spat)
Jandarmul si extraterestrii (1978) - Ludovic Cruchot
Le Gendarme et les extra-terrestres / The Gendarme and the Creatures Irom Outer Space
Aripioara sau picior? (1976) - Charles Duchemin
L\'Aile ou la cuisse (The Wing and the Thigh)
Mania grandorii (1971) - Salluste de Bazan
La Iolie des grandeurs (Delusions oI Grandeur)
In pom (1971) - Henri Roubier
Sur un arbre perche (Perched on a Tree)
Jandarmul la plimbare (1970) - Ludovic Cruchot
Le Gendarme en balade (The Gendarme Takes OII)
Omul-orchestra (1970) - Evan Evans
L\'Homme orchestre / The One Man Band
Hibernatus (1969) - Hubert de Tartas
Jandarmul se insoara (1968) - Ludovic Cruchot
Le Gendarme se marie / The Gendarme Gets Married
Tatuajul (1968) - Felicien Mezeray
Le Tatoue (The Tattooed One)
Fantomas vs. Scotland Yard (1967) - Comisarul Juve
Fantomas contre Scotland Yard (Fantomas Against Scotland Yard)
Oscar (1967) - Bertrand Barnier
Micul scaldator (1967) - Louis-Philippe Fourchaume
Le petit baigneur (The Little Bather)
Marile vacante (1967) - Charles Bosquier
Les grandes vacances (The Big Vacation)
Marele restaurant (1966) - Domnul Septime
Le grand restaurant (The Big Restaurant)
Marea hoinareala (1966) - Stanislas LeFort
La grande vadrouille (Don\'t Look Now, We\'ve Been Shot at)
Jandarmul la New York (1965) - Ludovic Cruchot
Le Gendarme a New York / The Gendarme in New York
Prostanacul (1965) - Leopold Saroyan
Le Corniaud (The Sucker)
Fantomas in actiune (1965) - Comisarul Juve
Fantomas se dechaine (Fantomas Strikes Back)
Fantomas (1964) - Comisarul Juve
Jandarmul din St. Tropez (1964) - Ludovic Cruchot
Le Gendarme de St. Tropez / The Gendarme oI St. Tropez
Un seI pe cinste (1964) - Marcel
Une souris chez les hommes (A Mouse with the Men)
Puic, Puic (1963) - Leonard Monestier
Nevazuti, necunoscuti (1958) - Blaireau
Ni vu, ni connu (Neither Seen Nor Recognized)
Oaia cu cinci picioare (1954) - Pilate
Le mouton a cinq pattes (The Sheep Has Five Legs)
Marcel Iures
Locul nasterii
Bailesti, Romania
Data nasterii
(din 188 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Project W (2007)
Project W
Masini (2006) - Doc Hudson (voce, versiunea romana)
Aripi de Iluturi (2006)
Aripi de Iluturi / Aventurile unei zile
Tinerete Iara tinerete (2006)
Youth Without Youth
Pestera (2005) - Dr. Nicolai
The Cave
Gool! (2005) - Erik Sundstrom
Goal! The Dream Begins
Prins la inghesuiala (2004) - Dragan Slavo
Layer Cake
Valizele lui Tulse Luper, partea a II-a (2004) - Generalul Foestling
The Tulse Luper Suitcases, Part 2: Vaux to the Sea
3 pazeste (2003) - SeIu
3 pazeste
Razboiul lui Tom Hart (2002) - Wilhelm Visser
Hart's War
Vlad Nemuritorul (2002) - Vlad Tepes dublajul in limba engleza ( partea din prezent )
Dracula The Impaler
Amen (2001) - Papa Pius al XII-lea
Amen. / Eyewitness
I Hope (2001) - Will
I Hope
Elita (2000) - Nayo
The Elite
Faimosul Paparazzo (1999)
Faimosul Paparazzo
PaciIicatorul (1997) - Dusan Gavrich
The Peacemaker
Misiune: Imposibila (1996) - Alexander Golitsyn
Mission: Impossible
O vara de neuitat (1994) - Generalul
Un ete inoubliable
Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994) - Vampirul din Paris
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
Somnul insulei (1994)
Somnul insulei
Balanta (1991)
Cei care platesc cu viata (1991)
Cei care platesc cu viata
Vacanta cea mare (1988) - Neagu
Vacanta cea mare
Domnisoara Aurica (1985)
Domnisoara Aurica
Sezonul pescarusilor (1985)
Sezonul pescarusilor
Sa mori ranit din dragoste de viata (1983) - Mironescu
Sa mori ranit din dragoste de viata
Castelul din Carpati (1981)
Castelul din Carpati (Castle in the Carpathians)
Vis de ianuarie (1978) - Franz Liszt
Vis de ianuarie
Mark Dacascos
Locul nasterii
Honolulu, Hawaii, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, cascador
(din 18 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Rahan (2007) - Rahan
Code Name: The Cleaner (2007)
Code Name: The Cleaner
Operatiunea de salvare (2006) - Lt. Matt Daniels
The Hunt Ior Eagle One
Nomad (2004) - Sharish
Parteneri neobisnuiti (2003) - Ling
Cradle 2 the Grave
Arsita (2002) - Ryan Beckett
Fratia Lupilor (2001) - Mani
Le Pacte des Loups / Brotherhood oI The WolI
Instinct ucigas (2001) - J.T. Dillon
Instinct to Kill
Forta de interventie (2000) - Tony Lau
Lei ting zhan jing (China Strike Force)
TraIic si rock'n'roll (1998) - Jesse
Boogie Boy
Formula Mortala (1997) - Dr. Ash Mattley
O acoperire perIecta (1997) - Luke Kovak
Lupta cu maIia (1997) - Toby Wong
Insula doctorului Moreau (1996) - Lo-Mai
The Island oI Dr. Moreau
Sabotaj (1996) - Michael Bishop
Eliberatorul (1995) - Yo Hinomura / Freeman
Crying Freeman
Kickboxer 5: Ultima razbunare (1995) - Matt Reeves
Kickboxer 5
Legea junglei (1993) - Louis Stevens
Only The Strong
Double Dragon (1993) - Jimmy Lee
Double Dragon
Un samurai american (1993) - Kenjiro
American Samurai
Mark Wahlberg
Nume real
Mark Robert Michael Wahlberg
Locul nasterii
Massachusetts, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 24 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Shooter (2007) - Bob Lee Swagger
The Brazilian Job (2006) - Charlie Croker
The Brazilian Job (The Italian Job 2)
Cartita (2006) - Dignam
The Departed
Invincible (2006) - Vince Papale
Patru Irati (2005) - Bobby Mercer
Four Brothers
Eu iubesc Huckabee's (2004) - Tommy Corn
I Heart Huckabee\'s / I Love Huckabee\'s
JaI in stil italian (2003) - Charlie Croker
The Italian Job
Adevarul despre Charlie (2002) - Joshua Peters
The Truth About Charlie
Planeta Maimutelor (2001) - Leo Davidson
Planet oI the Apes
Rock Star (2001) - Chris Cole
Rock Star
Legea tacerii (2000) - Leo Handler
The Yards
Furtuna PerIecta (2000) - Bobby ShatIord
The PerIect Storm
Regii Desertului (1999) - Troy Barlow
Three Kings
Coruptie in cartierul chinezesc (1999) - Danny Wallace
The Corruptor
Marea lovitura (1998) - Melvin Smiley
The Big Hit
Jurnalul unei vedete de Iilm porno (1997) - Eddie Adams/Dirk Diggler
Boogie Nights
Traveller (1997) - Pat O'Hara
Frica (1996) - David McCall
Jurnalul unui baschetbalist (1995) - Mickey
The Basketball Diaries
ProIu' de engleza (1994) - Tommy Lee Haywood
Renaissance Man
FilmograIie - Producator
Anturaj (Serial TV) (2004) - producator executiv
Entourage (TV Series)
Martin Lawrence
Locul nasterii
FrankIurt, Germania
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist, regizor
(din 98 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Nazdravanii din Padure (2006) - Boog (voce)
Open Season
Ricoseu (2005) - Roy McCormick
Acasa la Coana Mare 2 (2005) - Malcolm Turner
Big Momma\'s House 2
Siguranta Nationala (2003) - Earl Montgomery
National Security
Baieti rai 2 (2003) - Marcus Burnett
Bad Boys II
Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat (2002) - El insusi
Martin Lawrence Live: Runteldat
Mai rau nu se poate (2001) - Kevin CaIIrey
What's The Worst That Could Happen?
Cavalerul Negru (2001) - Jamal Walker
Black Knight
Acasa la Coana Mare (2000) - Malcolm Turner
Big Momma's House
Detectiv de voie de nevoie (1999) - Miles Logan
Blue Streak
Viata-n puscarie (1999) - Claude Banks
Ce-am avut si ce-am pierdut (1997) - Terrance Paul Davidson
Nothing to Lose
A Thin Line Between Love and Hate (1996) - Darnell Wright
A Thin Line Between Love and Hate
Baieti rai (1995) - Marcus Burnett
Bad Boys
Boomerang (1992) - Tyler
Martin Sheen
Nume real
Ramon Estevez
Locul nasterii
Ohio, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 1 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Cartita (2006) - Queenan
The Departed
James Dean: Pururea tanar (2005) - Naratorul
James Dean: Forever Young
Prinde-ma! Daca poti! (2002) - Tatal lui Brenda
Catch Me II You Can
Viata la Casa Alba (Serial TV) (1999) - Presedintele Josiah Bartlet
The West Wing (TV Series)
Sa nu ma uiti! (1999) - Jack
Forget Me Never
Inmormantare in stil Texan (1999) - Bunicul Sparta
A Texas Funeral
Uraganul (1999) - Generalul James Roberts
Shadrach (1998) - Naratorul (voce)
Pistolarul (1998) - Strainul
Babylon 5: Raul suIletelor (1998) - Soul Hunter
Babylon 5: The River oI Souls
Ape ostile (1997) - Aurora Skipper
Hostile Waters
Spawn - Arma dreptatii (1997) - Jason Wynn
Dragostea unui presedinte american (1995) - A. J. MacInerney
The American President
Antrenorul (1995) - Gil Robbins
The Break
Gettysburg (1993) - Generalul Robert E. Lee
Dincolo de tacere (1993) - Locotenentul Brock
Hear No Evil
Menajera (1991) - Anthony Wayne
The Maid
In cadenta (1990) - Otis V. McKinney
Dincolo de stele (1989) - Paul Andrews
Beyond the Stars
Lunetistul (1989) - John Hyde
Cold Front
Amintiri (1988) - Charlie
Wall Street (1987) - Carl Fox
Wall Street
The Dead Zone (1983) - Greg Stillson
The Dead Zone
Kennedy (Mini Serie TV) (1983) - John F. Kennedy
Kennedy (Mini TV Series)
Barbatul, Iemeia si copilul (1983) - Robert Beckwith
Man, Woman and Child
Numaratoare inversa (1980) - Warren Lasky
The Final Countdown
Apocalipsul acum - versiune integrala (1979) - Capitanul Benjamin Willard
Apocalypse Now / Apocalypse Now Redux
Aripa de vultur (1979) - Pike
Eagle\'s Wing
Podul Cassandra (1976) - Robby Navarro
The Cassandra Crossing
Banda salbatica (1973) - Kit Carruthers
FilmograIie - Regizor
In cadenta (1990) - regizor
Matt Damon
Nume real
Matthew Paige Damon
Locul nasterii
Massachusetts, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 48 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Star Trek XI (2008) - Capitanul James T. Kirk
Star Trek XI
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) - Jason Bourne
The Bourne Ultimatum
Ocean's Thirteen (2007) - Linus Calwell
Ocean\'s Thirteen
The Good Shepherd (2006) - James Wilson
The Good Shepherd
Cartita (2006) - Colin Sullivan
The Departed
Fratii Grimm (2005) - Will Grimm
The Brothers Grimm
Syriana (2005) - Bryan Woodman
Fetita din Jersey (2004) - Directorul executiv 2
Jersey Girl
Ocean's Twelve - Unsprezece una (2004) - Linus Caldwell
Ocean\'s Twelve (Ocean\'s Eleven 2)
Suprematia lui Bourne (2004) - Jason Bourne
The Bourne Supremacy
Vacanta in Europa (2004) - Donny
Eurotrip (Untitled Montecito Project)
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - Burlacul 2 Matt
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
Lipit de tine (2003) - Bob
Stuck On You
Intalnire cu bucluc (2002) - Kevin
The Third Wheel
Identitatea lui Bourne (2002) - Jason Bourne
The Bourne Identity
Spirit - Armasarul Vestului Salbatic (2002) - Spirit (voce)
Spirit: Stallion oI the Cimarron
Gerry (2002) - Gerry
Ocean's Eleven - Faceti jocurile! (2001) - Linus Zerga
Ocean's Eleven
Titan A.E. (2000) - Kale (voce)
Titan A.E.
Misteriosul Bagger Vance (2000) - Rannulph Junuh
The Legend oI Bagger Vance
Pasiune neimblanzita (2000) - John Grady Cole
All the Pretty Horses
Dogma (1999) - Loki
Talentatul domn Ripley (1999) - Tom Ripley
The Talented Mr. Ripley
Salvati soldatul Ryan (1998) - Soldatul James Francis Ryan
Saving Private Ryan
Quinta Royala (1998) - Mike McDermott
Good Will Hunting (1997) - Will Hunting
Good Will Hunting
Chasing Amy (1997) - Producatorul nr. 2
Chasing Amy
Omul care aduce ploaia (1997) - Rudy Baylor
John Grisham\'s The Rainmaker
Curaj in linia intai (1996) - Ilario
Courage Under Fire
The Good Old Boys (1995) - Cotton Calloway
The Good Old Boys
Geronimo: O legenda americana (1993) - Britton Davis / Povestitorul
Geronimo: An American Legend
School Ties (1992) - Charlie Dillon
School Ties
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Gerry (2002) - scenarist
Good Will Hunting (1997) - scenarist
Good Will Hunting
FilmograIie - Altele
Gerry (2002) - montaj
Mel Gibson
Nume real
Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 128 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Mad Max 4: Fury Road (2007) - Mad Max Rockatansky
Mad Max 4: Fury Road
Un detectiv cu cantec (2003) - Dr. Gibbon
The Singing Detective
Am Iost candva soldati... si tineri (2002) - Hal Moore
We Were Soldiers
Semne (2002) - Graham Hess
Ce-si doresc Iemeile (2001) - Nick Marshall
What Women Want
Patriotul (2000) - Benjamin Martin
The Patriot
Evadare din cotet (2000) - Rocky (voce)
Chicken Run
Hotelul de 1 milion de dolari (2000) - Skinner
The Million Dollar Hotel
Dupa Iapta si rasplata (1999) - Porter
Arma mortala 4 (1998) - Martin Riggs
Lethal Weapon 4
Teoria conspiratiei (1997) - Jerry Fletcher
Conspiracy Theory
Rascumpararea (1996) - Tom Mullen
Braveheart - Inima neinIricata (1995) - William Wallace
Pocahontas (1995) - John Smith (voce)
Maverick (1994) - Bret Maverick, Jr.
Arma mortala 3 (1993) - Martin Riggs
Lethal Weapon 3
Omul Iara chip (1993) - Justin McLeod
The Man Without a Face
Pururea tanar (1992) - Daniel McCormick
Forever Young
Pasarea pe sarma (1990) - Rick Jarmin
Bird on a Wire
Hamlet (1990) - Hamlet
Air America (1990) - Gene Ryack
Air America
Arma mortala 2 (1989) - Martin Riggs
Lethal Weapon 2
Tequila Sunrise (1988) - Dale McKussic
Tequila Sunrise
Arma mortala (1987) - Martin Riggs
Lethal Weapon
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) - Mad Max Rockatansky
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (Mad Max 3)
Revolta de pe Bounty (1984) - Fletcher Christian
The Bounty
Puterea credintei (1984) - Ed Biddle
Mrs. SoIIel
Raul (1984) - Tom Garvey
The River
Un an de cumpana (1982) - Guy Hamilton
The Year oI Living Dangerously
Mad Max 2 (1981) - Mad Max Rockatansky
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
Gallipoli (1981) - Frank Dunne
Mad Max (1979) - Mad Max Rockatansky
Mad Max
FilmograIie - Regizor
Apocalypto (2006) - regizor
Patimile lui Hristos (2004) - regizor
The Passion oI the Christ
Braveheart - Inima neinIricata (1995) - regizor
Omul Iara chip (1993) - regizor
The Man Without a Face
FilmograIie - Producator
Apocalypto (2006) - producator
Paparazzi (2004) - producator
Braveheart - Inima neinIricata (1995) - producator
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Apocalypto (2006) - scenarist
Patimile lui Hristos (2004) - scenarist
The Passion oI the Christ
Michael Caine
Nume real
Maurice Joseph Micklewhite
Locul nasterii
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 11 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Dark Knight (2008) - AlIred Pennyworth
The Dark Knight (Batman Begins 2)
Copiii tatalui (2006) - Jasper
The Children oI Men
Prestigiul (2006) - Cutter
The Prestige
Ce vraji a mai Iacut nevasta mea (2005) - Nigel
Batman - Inceputuri (2005) - AlIred Pennyworth
Batman Begins
Meteorologul (2005) - Robert Spritz
The Weather Man
Nebunie curata (2004) - Henry Lair
Around The Bend
Ultima aventura (2003) - Garth
Secondhand Lions
Actorii (2003) - O'Malley
The Actors
Declaratia (2003) - Pierre Brossard
The Statement
Austin Powers - Goldmember (2002) - Captain Hendricks
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Austin Powers 3)
Un american linistit (2002) - Thomas Fowler
The Quiet American
Culisele Hollywood-ului: Falci (2002) - Michael Caine
Jaws: The E! True Hollywood Story
Marchizul de Sade (2001) - Dr. Royer-Collard
Miss Agent Secret (2001) - Victor Melling
Miss Congeniality
Nisipuri miscatoare (2001) - Jake Mellows
Recuperatorul (2000) - CliII Brumby
Get Carter
Shiner (2000) - Billy Simpson
Legea Pamantului (1999) - Dr. Wilbur Larch
The Cider House Rules
Amor cu Iantome (1999) - Max Gale
Curtain Call
Vanatorul de vedete (1998) - Ray Say
Little Voice
Martor nedorit (1998) - Haskell
Shadow Run
20.000 de leghe sub mari (1997) - Capitanul Nemo
20.000 Leagues Under the Sea
Sange si vin (1997) - Victor Spansky
Blood and Wine
Mandela si de Klerk (1997) - F.W. de Klerk
Mandela and de Klerk
Teren minat (1994) - Michael Jennings
On Deadly Ground
Muppet - Colinda de Craciun (1992) - Ebenezer Scrooge
The Muppet Christmas Carol
Piesa (1992) - Lloyd Fellowes
Noises OII...
Domnul Destin (1990) - Mike / Angel
Mr. Destiny
Scurtcircuitul (1990) - Graham Marshall
A Shock to the System
Ticalosii (1988) - Lawrence Jamieson
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Jack Spintecatorul (1988) - Frederick Abberline
Jack the Ripper
Impostorul din strada Baker (1988) - Sherlock Holmes / Reginald Kincaid
Without a Clue
Falci: Razbunarea (1987) - Hoagie Newcombe
Jaws: The Revenge
Al patrulea protocol (1987) - John Preston
The Fourth Protocol
Concordie si discordie (1987) - Sean Stein
Mona Lisa (1986) - Mortwell
Mona Lisa
Hannah si surorile ei (1986) - Elliot
Hannah and Her Sisters
Patty Duke (1986) - Lord Sam Bulbeck
HalI Moon Street
Dulce libertate (1986) - Elliott James
Sweet Liberty
Pactul HolcroIt (1985) - Noel HolcroIt
The HolcroIt Covenant
Numai Rio e de vina (1984) - Matthew Hollins
Blame It on Rio
Meditatiile Ritei (1983) - Dr. Frank Bryant
Educating Rita
The Honorary Consul (1983) - Charley Fortnum
The Honorary Consul
Misteriosul domn K (1983) - Philip Kimberly / Sergei Kuzminsky
The Jigsaw Man
Capcana mortii (1982) - Sidney Bruhl
Drumul spre victorie (1981) - Capitanul John Colby
Victory / Escape to Victory
Dressed to Kill (1980) - Dr. Robert Elliott
Dressed to Kill
Noi aventuri pe vasul Poseidon (1979) - Capitanul Mike Turner
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure
Hotel CaliIornia (1978) - Sidney Cochran
CaliIornia Suite
Roiul (1978) - Brad Crane
The Swarm
Un pod prea indepartat (1977) - Locot. col. J.O.E. Vandeleur
A Bridge Too Far
Vulturul a aterizat (1976) - Colonelul Kurt Steiner
The Eagle Has Landed
O sansa grasa (1975) - Leslie C. Tucker
The Wilby Conspiracy (1975) - Jim Keogh
The Wilby Conspiracy
Contractul Marsilia (1974) - John Deray
The Destructors
Sapte zile de cosmar (1974) - John Tarrant
The Black Windmill
Zee & Co (1972) - Robert Blakeley
Zee & Co
Jocuri Iatale (1972) - Milo Tindle
Pulp (1972) - Mickey King
Get Carter (1971) - Jack Carter
Get Carter
Valea Iagaduintei (1971) - Capitanul
The Last Valley
Prea tarziu pentru eroi (1970) - Tosh Hearne
Too Late the Hero
JaI in stil italian (1969) - Charlie Croker
The Italian Job
Magicianul (1968) - Nicholas UrIe
The Magus
Grabiti apusul soarelui (1967) - Henry Warren
Hurry Sundown
Furtul reginei (1966) - Harry Tristan Dean
AlIie (1966) - AlIie
O inmormantare in Berlin (1966) - Harry Palmer
Funeral in Berlin
Michael Douglas
Nume real
Michael Kirk Douglas
Locul nasterii
New Jersey, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 26 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
King oI CaliIornia (2007) - Charlie
King oI CaliIornia
Santinela (2006) - Agentul Pete Garrison
The Sentinel
Doar tu si eu. Al treilea e in plus! (2006)
You, Me and Dupree
In Iamilie (2003) - Alex Gromberg
It Runs in the Family (A Few Good Years / Family Jewels)
Cuscrii (2003) - Steve Tobias
The In-Laws / The Wedding Party
O noapte la McCool's (2001) - Mr. Burmeister
One Night at McCool's
Nici o vorba (2001) - Dr. Nathan Conrad
Don\'t Say A Word
Wonder Boys (2000) - Grady Tripp
Wonder Boys
TraIic (2000) - Drug Czar/Judecatorul Robert Hudson
O crima perIecta (1998) - Steven Taylor
A PerIect Murder
The Game (1997) - Nicholas Van Orton
The Game
Dragostea unui presedinte american (1995) - Presedintele Andrew Shepherd
The American President
Hartuire sexuala (1994) - Tom Sanders
Cadere libera (1993) - William Foster
Falling down
Instinct Primar (1992) - Detectivul Nick Curran
Basic Instinct
O viata ca-n Iilme (1992) - Ed Leland
Shining Through
Gloante si cenusa la Osaka (1989) - Nick Conklin
Black Rain
Razboiul rozelor (1989) - Oliver Rose
The War oI the Roses
Atractie Iatala (1987) - Dan Gallagher
Fatal Attraction
Wall Street (1987) - Gordon Gekko
Wall Street
Giuvaerul Nilului (1985) - Jack Colton
The Jewel oI the Nile
Auditii pe Broadway (1985) - Zach
A Chorus Line
Idila pentru o piatra pretioasa (1984) - Jack Colton
Romancing the Stone
The China Syndrome (1979) - Richard Adams
The China Syndrome
Coma (1978) - Dr. Mark Bellows
Liniste spulberata (1972) - Craig
When Michael Calls
Summertree (1971) - Jerry
FilmograIie - Producator
In Iamilie (2003) - producator
It Runs in the Family (A Few Good Years / Family Jewels)
Omul care aduce ploaia (1997) - producator
John Grisham\'s The Rainmaker
Michael J. Fox
Nume real
Michael Andrew Fox
Locul nasterii
Edmonton, Canada
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 8 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Stuart Little 3 (2005) - Stuart Little (voce)
Stuart Little 3: Call oI the Wild
Inapoi in viitor: Editie aniversara 20 ani (DVD) (2005) - Marty McFly
Back to the Future 20th Anniversary Edition Box Set
Stuart Little 2 (2002) - Stuart Little (voce)
Stuart Little 2
Atlantida: Imperiul Disparut (2001) - Milo James Thatch (voce)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Prizonierul ghetii (2000) - El insusi
David Blaine: Frozen in Time
Stuart Little - Soricelul Iamiliei (1999) - Stuart Little (voce)
Stuart Little
Un om si trei Iantome (1996) - Frank Bannister
The Frighteners
Calatoria 2: Rataciti in San Francisco (1996) - Chance (voce)
Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco
Orice e posibil (Serial TV) (1996) - Michael Flaherty
Spin City (TV Series)
Dragostea unui presedinte american (1995) - Lewis Rothschild
The American President
Babilon in Brooklin (1995) - Pete Maloney
Blue in the Face
Rapacii (1994) - Daniel McTeague
Dragoste de cinci stele (1993) - Doug Ireland
For Love or Money
Calatoria (1993) - Chance (voce)
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey
Agentia de talente (1993) - Michael Chapman
LiIe with Mikey
Partener de ocazie (1991) - Nick Lang
The Hard Way
Doc Hollywood (1991) - Dr. Benjamin Stone
Doc Hollywood
Inapoi in viitor III (1990) - Marty McFly / Seamus McFly
Back to the Future III
Inapoi in viitor II (1989) - Marty McFly / Marty McFly Jr. / Marlene McFly
Back to the Future II
Victime de razboi (1989) - Eriksson
Casualties oI War
Bright Lights, Big City (1988) - Jamie Conway
Bright Lights, Big City
Lumina zilei (1987) - Joe Rasnick
Light oI Day
Vise de marire (1987) - Brantley Foster
The Secret oI My Succe$s
Inapoi in viitor (1985) - Martin McFly
Back to the Future
Nebunia de la miezul noptii (1980) - Scott
Midnight Madness
Michael Madsen
Locul nasterii
Illinois, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist
(din 41 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Sin City 2 (2008) - Bob
Sin City 2
Living and Dying (2006) - Lind
Living and Dying
BloodRayne (2005) - Vladimir
Sin City (2005) - Bob
Frank Miller\'s Sin City
Chasing Ghosts (2005) - Kevin Harrison
Chasing Ghosts
Kill Bill: Volumul 2 (2004) - Budd
Kill Bill: Volume 2
Blueberry, Experienta secreta (2004) - Wallace Sebastian Blount
Blueberry, l\'experience secrete / The Adventures oI Mike S Blueberry
Kill Bill: Volumul 1 (2003) - Budd
Kill Bill: Volume 1
Amor cu Iiica seIului meu (2003) - TJ
My Boss\'s Daughter / The Guests
Vampirii Anonimi (2003) - Geno
Vampires Anonymous
Sa nu mori azi (2002) - Damian Falco
Die Another Day (James Bond 20)
Mai presus de onoare (2001) - Sparks
Extreme Honor
Neliniste la New York (Serial TV) (2001) - Terry Maddock
Big Apple
InIruntarea (2001) - Jed GriIIin
Pressure Point
Coruptie in L.A. (2001) - James Alexander
L.A.P.D.: To Protect and to Serve
Identitati multiple (2000) - Joe
The Inspectors 2: A Shred oI Evidence
Fantoma (2000) - Dan Olinghouse
The Ghost
Prezumtia de vinovatie (2000) - Will
Noroc neprevazut (2000) - Zippo
Luck oI the Draw
Fantezii pe Internet (2000) - Russ
Necunoscutul (2000) - Ben
The Stray
Florentine (1999) - Whitey
The Florentine
Pedeapsa capitala (1999) - Dalton
Supreme Sanction
Specii 2 (1998) - Press Lenox
Species II
Razbunare Iara limite (Serial TV) (1998) - Chapel
Vengeance Unlimited (TV Series)
Donnie Brasco (1997) - Sonny Black
Donnie Brasco
Mesagerul stelar (1997) - Dallas Grayson
The Sender
Jurnalul unui criminal in serie (1997) - Haynes
Rough DraIt
Ultimele zile ale lui Frankie (1997) - Sal
The Last Days oI Frankie the Fly
Eliberati-l pe Willy 2 (1995) - Glen Greenwood
Free Willy 2
Specii (1995) - Preston Lennox
Gloante si pasiune (1995) - John Wilbur Hardin
Man with a Gun
Evadarea (1994) - Rudy Travis
The Getaway
Salvati-l pe Willy I (1993) - Glen Greenwood
Free Willy
Banii n-aduc Iericirea (1993) - Detectivul Laurenzi
Money Ior Nothing
Reservoir Dogs (1992) - Mr. Blonde/Vic Vega
Reservoir Dogs
Cu suIletul pe masa (1992) - Steve
Straight Talk
Thelma si Louise (1991) - Jimmy
Thelma and Louise
The Doors (1991) - Tom Baker
The Doors
Ucide-ma din nou (1989) - Vince Miller
Kill Me Again
In ajunul razboiului (1984) - Frank
Racing with the Moon
Jocuri de razboi (1983) - Steve Phelps
Against All Hope (1982) - Cecil Moe
Against All Hope
Michelle Rodriguez
Locul nasterii
Texas, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 55 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
BloodRayne (2005) - Katarin
LOST: NauIragiatii (Serial TV) (2004) - Ana-Lucia Cortez (2005-)
LOST (TV Series)
S.W.A.T. - Trupe de Elita (2003) - Chris Sanchez
Resident Evil: Experiment Fatal (2002) - Rain
Resident Evil
Luata de val (2002) - Eden
Blue Crush
Furios si iute (2001) - Letty
The Fast and The Furious
3 A.M. (2001) - Salgado
3 A.M.
Luptatoarea (2000) - Diana Guzman
Actiune Animatie Aventuri Comedie Crima Documentar
Erotic Familie Fantastic Film noir Horror Istoric Mister
Muzical Razboi Romantic Scurt metraj SF Thriller Western
Mickey Rourke
Nume real
Philip Andre Rourke Jr.
Locul nasterii
Schenectady, New York, USA
Data nasterii
(din 26 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Sin City 2 (2008) - Marv
Sin City 2
Killshot (2007) - Armand "The Blackbird" Degas
Alex Rider - Micul spion (2006) - Darrius Sayle
Grind House (2006) - Mike
Grind House
Sin City (2005) - Marv
Frank Miller\'s Sin City
Domino (2005) - Ed Mosbey
Pus pe jar (2004) - Jordan
Man on Fire
A Iost odata in Mexic - Desperado 2 (2003) - Billy
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Desperado 2)
Promisiunea (2001) - Jim Olstad
The Pledge
Armata biologica (2001) - Tiny Frakes
They Crawl
FotograIia (2001) - Eddie
Picture Claire
Recuperatorul (2000) - Cyrus Paice
Get Carter
Animal Factory - Inchisoarea durilor (2000) - Jan, actrita
Animal Factory
Razbunarea (1999) - Jack Bracken
Out in FiIty
O zi periculoasa (1998) - Kasarov
BuIIalo '66 (1998) - Bookie
BuIIalo \'66
Lectii de viata (1998) - Frank Larkin
Thicker Than Blood
Omul care aduce ploaia (1997) - Bruiser Stone
John Grisham\'s The Rainmaker
Joc in doi (1997) - Stavros
Double Team
Asediu la Mall (1997) - Rudy Ray
Point Blank
Alte noua saptamani si jumatate (1997) - John
Love in Paris
Fall Time (1995) - Florence
Fall Time
White Sands (1992) - Gorman Lennox
White Sands
Harley Davidson si Marlboro Man (1991) - Harley Davidson
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
Orhideea Salbatica (1990) - James Wheeler
Wild Orchid
Ore de disperare (1990) - Michael Bosworth
Desperate Hours
Johnny Baiat Frumos (1989) - John Sedley
Johnny Handsome
Francesco (1989) - Francesco
Stalp de caIenea (1987) - Henry Chinaski
Inger si demon (1987) - Harry Angel
Angel Heart
Ruga pentru un muribund (1987) - Martin Fallon
A Prayer Ior the Dying
9 saptamani si jumatate (1986) - John
9 1/2 Weeks
Anul dragonului (1985) - Stanley White
Year oI the Dragon
Charlie si Paulie (1984) - Charlie
The Pope oI Greenwich Village
Golanii (1983) - Motociclistul
Rumble Fish
Diner (1982) - Robert SheItell
Body Heat (1981) - Teddy Lewis
Body Heat
1941 (1979) - Soldatul Reese
Milla Jovovich
Nume real
Milla Natasha Jovovich
Locul nasterii
Kiev, Ucraina
Data nasterii
(din 64 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) - Alice
Resident Evil: Extinction
Ultraviolet (2006) - Violet
Resident Evil 2: Ultimul razboi (2004) - Alice
Resident Evil: Apocalypse (Resident Evil 2)
Resident Evil: Experiment Fatal (2002) - Alice
Resident Evil
Papusa (2002) - Fancora
Facerea de bine (2002) - Erin
No Good Deed / The House on Turk Street
Zoolander Manechinul (2001) - Katinka Ingabogovinanana
Hotelul de 1 milion de dolari (2000) - Eloise
The Million Dollar Hotel
Proprietatea (2000) - Lucia
The Claim
Ioana D'Arc (1999) - Ioana D'Arc
The Messenger: The Story oI Joan oI Arc
Sa inceapa jocul (1998) - Dakota Burns
He Got Game
Al Cincilea Element (1997) - Leeloo
The FiIth Element
Marea ameteala (1993) - Michelle Burroughs
Dazed and ConIused
Chaplin (1992) - Mildred Harris
Ratatul (1992) - Maya Carlton
Intoarcerea la laguna albastra (1991) - Lilli
Return to the Blue Lagoon
Trenul de noapte spre Kathmandu (1988) - Lily McLeod
The Night Train to Kathmandu
Monica Bellucci
Locul nasterii
Citta di Castello, Perugia, Italia
Data nasterii
(din 57 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Le Deuxieme souIIle (2007) - Manouche
Le Deuxieme souIIle
Combien tu m'aimes? (2006) - Daniela
Combien tu m\'aimes?
Fratii Grimm (2005) - Regina
The Brothers Grimm
Patimile lui Hristos (2004) - Maria Magdalena
The Passion oI the Christ
She Hate Me (2004)
She Hate Me
Agenti secreti (2004) - Barbara/Lisa
Agents secrets / Secret Agents
Matrix - Reincarcat (2003) - Persephone
The Matrix Reloaded (Matrix 2)
Matrix - Revolutii (2003) - Persephone
The Matrix Revolutions (Matrix 3)
Lacrimi din Soare (2003) - Dr. Lena Hendricks
Tears oI the Sun
Aminteste-ti de mine (2003) - Alessia
Ricordati di me / Remember Me, My Love
Asterix si Obelix - Misiune: Cleopatra (2002) - Cleopatra
Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatre (Asterix 2)
Ireversibil (2002) - Alex
Fratia Lupilor (2001) - Sylvia
Le Pacte des Loups / Brotherhood oI The WolI
Suspect de crima (2000) - Chantal Hearst
Under Suspicion
Malena (2000) - Malena Scordia
Dobermann (1997) - Nat
Mauvais Genre (1997) - Camille
Mauvais Genre
L`Appartement (1996) - Lisa
Ostinato Destino (1992) - Marina / Angela
Ostinato Destino
Dracula (1992) - Sotia lui Dracula
Bram Stoker's Dracula
La RiIIa (1991) - Francesca
La RiIIa
Morgan Freeman
Locul nasterii
Memphis, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, producator
(din 39 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Dark Knight (2008) - Lucius Fox
The Dark Knight (Batman Begins 2)
Evan Almighty (2007) - Dumnezeu
Evan Almighty (Bruce Almighty 2)
Slevin: Nevinovat cu ghinion (2006) - SeIul
Lucky Number Slevin
10 Items or Less (2006) - Him
10 Items or Less
Batman - Inceputuri (2005) - Lucius Fox
Batman Begins
Dresat pentru a ucide (2005) - Sam
Unleashed / Danny the Dog
Calea Imparatului (2005) - Narator (voce - versiunea americana)
La Marche de L\'Empereur (March oI the Penguins)
Un alt inceput (2005) - Mitch
An UnIinished LiIe
Lovitura (2004) - Walter Crewes
The Big Bounce
O Iata de milioane (2004) - Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris
Million Dollar Baby
Dumnezeu pentru o zi (2003) - Dumnezeu
Bruce Almighty
Talismanul Viselor (2003) - Colonelul Abraham Curtis
Pericol absolut (2002) - Bill Cabot
The Sum oI All Fears
Crima de inalta tradare (2002) - Charles Grimes
High Crimes
Reteaua paianjen (2001) - Alex Cross
Along Came A Spider
Sora Betty (2000) - Charlie
Nurse Betty
Suspect de crima (2000) - Victor Benezet
Under Suspicion
JaI in timpul potopului (1998) - Jim
Hard Rain
Impact nimicitor (1998) - Presedintele Tom Beck
Deep Impact
Amistad (1997) - Theodore Joadson
Sarutul care ucide (1997) - Dr. Alex Cross
Kiss the Girls
Reactie in lant (1996) - Paul Shannon
Chain Reaction
Alerta (1995) - Generalul Billy Ford
Seven (1995) - William Somerset
Inchisoarea Ingerilor (1994) - Red
The Shawshank Redemption
Necrutatorul (1992) - Ned Logan
Robin Hood, printul hotilor (1991) - Azeem
Robin Hood: Prince oI Thieves
SoIerul Doamnei Daisy (1989) - Hoke Colburn
Driving Miss Daisy
Johnny Baiat Frumos (1989) - Lt. A.Z. Drones
Johnny Handsome
Glory (1989) - John Rawlins
Directorul (1989) - Directorul Joe Clark
Lean on Me
Clean and Sober (1988) - Craig
Clean and Sober
Bani murdari (1988) - Dorsey Pratt
Clinton and Nadine
Strada (1987) - Fast Black
Street Smart
Brubaker (1980) - Walter
FilmograIie - Regizor
Bopha! (1993) - regizor
FilmograIie - Producator
Reteaua paianjen (2001) - producator executiv
Along Came A Spider
Natalie Portman
Locul nasterii
Ierusalim, Israel
Data nasterii
(din 109 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
V de la Vendetta (2006) - Evey Hammond
V Ior Vendetta
Paris, je t'aime (2006) - Francine
Paris, je t\'aime
Star Wars: Episodul III - Razbunarea Sith (2005) - Padme Amidala
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge oI the Sith
Free Zone (2005) - Rebecca
Free Zone
Domino One (2005) - Dominique Bellamy
Domino One
Closer - Ispita (2004) - Alice
Garden State (2004) - Sam
Garden State
True (2004) - Francine
Cold Mountain (2003) - Sara
Cold Mountain
Star Wars: Episodul II - Atacul Clonelor (2002) - Senatorul Padme Amidala
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack oI the Clones
Acasa, in inima mea (2000) - Novalee Nation
Where the Heart Is
Star Wars Episodul I - Amenintarea Iantomei (1999) - Regina Padme Amidala
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Visand la Beverly Hills (1999) - Ann August
Anywhere But Here
Toti spun: Te iubesc! (1996) - Laura Dandridge
Everyone Says I Love You
Fete Irumoase (1996) - Marty
BeautiIul Girls
Atacul martienilor! (1996) - TaIIy Dale
Mars Attacks!
Obsesia (1995) - Lauren
Developing (1995) - Nina
Leon (1994) - Mathilda
Nick Nolte
Locul nasterii
Nebraska, SUA
Data nasterii
Producator, actor
(din 1 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
The Spiderwick Chronicles (2007) - Mulgrath (voce)
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Peste tuIis (2006) - Vincent (voce)
Over the Hedge
Paris, je t'aime (2006) - Vincent
Paris, je t\'aime
Cateva zile n septembrie (2006) - Elliott
Quelques jours en septembre
OII the Black (2006) - Ray Cook
OII the Black
Hotel Rwanda (2004) - Colonelul Oliver
Hotel Rwanda
Clean (2004) - Albrecht Hauser
Hulk Uriasul (2003) - Dr. David Banner
Hotul cinstit (2002) - Bob
The Good ThieI / Double Down
Investigand Sex (2001) - Faldo
Investigating Sex
Cupa de Aur (2000) - Adam Verver
The Golden Bowl
Simpatico (1999) - Vincent T. Webb
Mic-dejunul campionilor (1999) - Harry Le Sabre
BreakIast oI Champions
La hotarul dintre viata si moarte (1998) - Lt. col. Gordon Tall
The Thin Red Line
Ocol Primejdios (1997) - Jake McKenna
U Turn
Paznic de noapte (1997) - Thomas Cray
Trauma (1997) - Wade Whitehouse
In amurg (1997) - Lucky Mann
Mulholland Falls (1996) - Max Hoover
Mulholland Falls
Fantomele trecutului (1996) - Howard W. Campbell Jr.
Mother Night
JeIIerson la Paris (1995) - Thomas JeIIerson
JeIIerson in Paris
Ador incurcaturile (1994) - Peter Brackett
I Love Trouble
As Iace orice (1994) - Matt Hobbs
I\'ll Do Anything
Lorenzo (1992) - Augusto Odone
Lorenzo\'s Oil
Promontoriul groazei (1991) - Sam J. Bowden
Cape Fear
Printul Mareelor (1991) - Tom Wingo
The Prince oI Tides
Alte 48 de ore (1990) - Jack Cates
Another 48 Hrs.
Investigatie periculoasa (1990) - Mike Brennan
Q & A
Suspecti de crima (1990) - Tom O'Toole
Everybody Wins
Trei Iugari (1989) - Lucas
Three Fugitives
Adio regelui (1989) - Learoyd
Farewell to the King
Weeds (1987) - Lee Umstetter
Pedeapsa capitala (1987) - Jack Benteen
Extreme Prejudice
La ananghie in Beverly Hills (1986) - Jerry Baskin
Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Grace Quigley (1984) - Seymour Flint
Grace Quigley
Teachers (1984) - Alex Jurel
In Prima Linie (1983) - Russell Price
Under Fire
48 de ore (1982) - Jack Cates
48 Hrs
Generatia pierduta (1980) - Neal Cassady
Heart Beat
Repriza Iinala (1979) - Phillip Elliott
North Dallas Forty
Om bogat, om sarac (Serial TV) (1976) - Tom Jordache
Rich Man, Poor Man
Intoarcerea in Macon County (1975) - Bo Hollinger
Return to Macon County
Actiune Animatie Aventuri Comedie Crima Documentar
Erotic Familie Fantastic Film noir Horror Istoric Mister
Muzical Razboi Romantic Scurt metraj SF Thriller Western
Nicolas Cage
Nume real
Nicholas Kim Coppola
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 92 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Comoara Nationala 2 (2007) - Ben Gates
National Treasure 2
Ghost Rider - Demon pe doua roti (2007) - Johnny Blaze / Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Next (2006) - Cris Johnson
World Trade Center (2006) - Sgt. John McLoughlin
World Trade Center
Lucas, Spaima Iurnicilor (2006) - Zoc (voce)
The Ant Bully
The Wicker Man (2006) - Edward Maulis
The Wicker Man
Meteorologul (2005) - Dave Spritz
The Weather Man
TraIicantul de Arme (2005) - Yuri Orlov
Lord oI War
Comoara Nationala (2004) - Benjamin Franklin Gates
National Treasure
Sarlatanii (2003) - Roy
Matchstick Men
Mesaje secrete (2002) - Joe Enders
Hotul de orhidee (2002) - Charlie KauIman / Donald KauIman
Sonny (2002) - Acid Yellow
Sonny / Pony Rides
Idila capitanului Corelli (2001) - Antonio Corelli
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Dispari in 60 de secunde (2000) - Randall "Memphis" Raines
Gone In 60 Seconds
Bine ati venit la Hollywood! (2000) - El insusi
Welcome to Hollywood
O alta sansa (2000) - Jack Campbell
Family Man
8 MM - Opt Milimetri (1999) - Tom Welles
8 MM - Eight Millimeter
Intre viata si moarte (1999) - Frank Pierce
Bringing Out The Dead
Ingerul Pazitor (1998) - Seth
City oI Angels
Ochi de sarpe (1998) - Richard Santoro
Snake Eyes
Fata in Fata (1997) - Castor Troy / Sean Archer
Con Air - Avionul Condamnatilor (1997) - Cameron Poe
Con Air
Fortareata (1996) - Dr. Stanley Goodspeed
The Rock
Sarutul mortii (1995) - Little Junior Brown
Kiss oI Death
Parasind Las Vegas-ul (1995) - Ben Sanderson
Leaving Las Vegas
Prizonieri in Paradis (1994) - Bill Firpo
Trapped in Paradise
Un bacsis de 2 milioane de dolari (1994) - Charlie Lang
It Could Happen to You
Pazind-o pe Tess (1994) - Doug Chesnic
Guarding Tess
Amos si Andrew (1993) - Amos Odell
Amos & Andrew
Capcana (1993) - Eddie
Luna de miere in Las Vegas (1992) - Jack Singer
Honeymoon in Vegas
Red Rock West (1992) - Michael Williams
Red Rock West
Zandalee (1991) - Johnny
SuIlet salbatic (1990) - Sailor Ripley
Wild at Heart
Sarutul vampirului (1989) - Peter Loew
Vampire\'s Kiss
S-a Iurat Arizona (1987) - Herbert McDonnough
Raising Arizona
Moonstruck (1987) - Ronny Cammareri
Peggy Sue se marita (1986) - Charlie Bodell
Peggy Sue Got Married
Viata unui campion (1986) - Ned Hanlan
The Boy in Blue
Cotton Club (1984) - Vincent Dwyer
The Cotton Club
Birdy (1984) - Al Columbato
In ajunul razboiului (1984) - Nicky / Bud
Racing with the Moon
Golanii (1983) - Smokey
Rumble Fish
FilmograIie - Regizor
Sonny (2002) - regizor
Sonny / Pony Rides
FilmograIie - Producator
David Gale (2002) - producator
The LiIe oI David Gale
Sonny (2002) - producator
Sonny / Pony Rides
Shadow oI the Vampire (2000) - producator
Shadow oI the Vampire
Nicole Kidman
Nume real
Nicole Mary Kidman
Locul nasterii
Honolulu, Hawai, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 118 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Visiting (2007) - Carol
The Visiting
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass (2007) - Marisa Coulter
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass
Happy Feet - Mumble cel mai tare dansator (2006) - Norma Jean (voce)
Happy Feet
Ce vraji a mai Iacut nevasta mea (2005) - Isabel Bigelow/Samantha Stephens
Traducatoarea (2005) - Silvia Broome
The Interpreter
Neveste perIecte (2004) - Joanna Eberhart
The StepIord Wives
O viata noua (2004) - Anna
Cold Mountain (2003) - Ada Monroe
Cold Mountain
Dogville (2003) - Grace
Culoarea minciunii (2003) - Faunia Farley
The Human Stain
Nevasta la pachet (2002) - Nadia/SoIia
Birthday Girl
Orele (2002) - Virginia WoolI
The Hours
Moulin Rouge! (2001) - Satine
Moulin Rouge!
Ceilalti (2001) - Grace
The Others
Cu ochii larg inchisi (1999) - Alice HarIord
Eyes Wide Shut
Ce vraji mai Iac Ietele (1998) - Gillian Owens
Practical Magic
PaciIicatorul (1997) - Julia Kelly
The Peacemaker
Portretul unei doamne (1996) - Isabel Archer
The Portrait oI a Lady
Batman Forever (1995) - Dr. Chase Meridian
Batman Forever (Batman 3)
Pe viata si pe moarte (1995) - Suzanne Stone Maretto
To Die For
Viata mea (1993) - Gail Jones
My LiIe
Departe, departe (1992) - Shannon Christie
Far And Away
Billy Bathgate (1991) - Drew Preston
Billy Bathgate
Zilele Tunetului (1990) - Dr. Claire Lewicki
Days oI Thunder
Liniste apasatoare (1989) - Rae Ingram
Dead Calm
Bangkok Hilton (Miniserie TV) (1989) - Katrina Stanton
Bangkok Hilton (TV Miniseries)
FilmograIie - Producator
In carne vie (2003) - producator executiv
In the Cut
Nume real
Oliver Norvell Hardy
Locul nasterii
Georgia, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, regizor, scenarist
(din 6 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Cand comedia era rege (1959) - Hardy
When Comedy Was King
Utopia (1951) - Oliver Hardy
Atoll K
Stan si Bran aviatori (1939) - Oliver
The Flying Deuces
Way Out West (1937) - Ollie
Way Out West
Stan si Bran scotieni (1935) - Oliver Hardy
Bonnie Scotland
Stan si Bran - politisti (1933) - OIiterul Oliver Hardy
The Midnight Patrol
Fra Diavolo (1933)
The Devil\'s Brother
Stan si Bran au un copil (1932) - Oliver
Their First Mistake
Sos comic / Vreme pacatoasa (1931) - Oliver
Laughing Gravy
Stan si Bran se insoara (1931) - Oliver
Our WiIe
Stan si Bran - barbati (1931) - Oliver
Be Big
Owen Wilson
Nume real
Owen Cunningham Wilson
Locul nasterii
Texas, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist, producator
(din 23 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
O noapte la muzeu (2007)
Night at the Museum
Masini (2006) - Lightning McQueen (voce, versiunea engleza)
Doar tu si eu. Al treilea e in plus! (2006) - Randy Dupree
You, Me and Dupree
Spargatorii de nunti (2005) - John Beckwith
The Wedding Crashers
Doi cuscri de cosmar (2004) - Kevin Rawley
Meet the Fockers (Meet the Parents 2)
Lovitura (2004) - Jack Ryan
The Big Bounce
Politisti Iara maniere (2004) - Hutch
Starsky & Hutch
Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (2004) - Wilbur Wright
Around the World in 80 Days
Steve Zissou: Cel mai tare de pe mare (2004) - Ned Plimpton
The LiIe Aquatic with Steve Zissou
O Iamilie geniala (2002) - Eli Cash
The Royal Tenenbaums
Cavalerii Shaolin (2002) - Roy O'Bannon
Shanghai Knights (Shanghai Noon 2)
Sunt spion (2002) - Alexander Scott
I Spy
Zoolander Manechinul (2001) - Hansel McDonald
In spatele liniilor inamice (2001) - Lt. Chris Burnett
Behind Enemy Lines
Un socru de cosmar (2000) - Kevin Rawley
Meet The Parents
Shaolin Cowboy (2000) - Roy O'Bannon
Shanghai Noon
Castelul ciudat (1999) - Luke Sanderson
The Haunting
Minus (1999) - Vann Siegert
The Minus Man
Anaconda (1997) - Gary Dixon
Tipu' de la cablu (1996) - Partenerul lui Robin
The Cable Guy
Destine incrucisate (1996) - Dignan
Bottle Rocket
FilmograIie - Scenarist
O Iamilie geniala (2002) - scenarist
The Royal Tenenbaums
Rushmore (1998) - scenarist
Patrick Stewart
Locul nasterii
Data nasterii
(din 30 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
X-Men: Ultima InIruntare (2006) - ProIesorul Charles Francis Xavier
X-Men: The Last Stand (X-Men 3)
Bambi and the Great Prince oI the Forest (2006) - Printul (voce)
Bambi and the Great Prince oI the Forest (Bambi 2)
Figuranti (Serial TV) (2005) - El insusi (episodul 6)
Extras (Tv Series)
Insula misterioasa (2005) - Nemo
Mysterious Island
Micul inventator (2004) - Dr. Loyd Steam (voce, versiunea engleza)
Lumea Dragonilor: O Iantezie devenita realitate (2004) - Naratorul
Dragons`s World: A Fantasy Made Real
X2 (2003) - ProIesorul Charles Francis Xavier
X2 - X-Men 2
Iarna leului (2003) - Regele Henry al II-lea
The Lion in Winter
Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) - Capitanul Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek: Nemesis (Star Trek X)
Regele din Texas (2002) - John Lear
King oI Texas
Jimmy Neutron, geniu de buzunar (2001) - King Goobot (voce)
Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius
X-Men (2000) - ProIesorul Charles Francis Xavier
Colinda de Craciun (1999) - Ebenezer Scrooge
A Christmas Carol
Ferma animalelor (1999) - Napoleon (voce)
Animal Farm
Printul Egiptului (1998) - Faraonul Seti I (voce)
The Prince oI Egypt
Star Trek: Insurectia (1998) - Capitanul Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek: Insurrection (Star Trek IX)
Moby Dick (1998) - Capitanul Ahab
Moby Dick
La adapost (1998) - Mace Sowell
SaIe House
Dad Savage (1998) - Dad Savage
Dad Savage
Teoria conspiratiei (1997) - Dr. Jonas
Conspiracy Theory
Minti diabolice (1997) - RaIe Bentley
Star Trek: Primul Contact (1996) - Capitanul Jean-Luc Picard
Star Trek: First Contact (Star Trek VIII)
Star Trek: Generatii - O aventura la marginea universului (1994) - Capitanul Jean-Luc
Star Trek: Generations (Star Trek VII)
Robin Hood: Barbati in izmene (1993) - Regele Richard
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
MGM: When the Lion Roars (1992) - Naratorul
MGM: When the Lion Roars
Star Trek: Generatia Urmatoare - Intalnire la Farpoint (TV - Episod pilot) (1987) - Jean
Luc Picard
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint
Star Trek: Generatia Urmatoare (Serial TV) (1987) - Jean Luc Picard
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Lady Jane (1986) - Henry Grey
Lady Jane
Hamlet (1980) - Claudiu
The Complete Dramatic Works oI William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Prince oI Denmark
Paul Newman
Nume real
Paul Leonard Newman
Locul nasterii
Ohio, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, scenarist, regizor
(din 21 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Masini (2006) - Doc Hudson (voce, versiunea engleza)
James Dean: Pururea tanar (2005) - Ea insasi (El insusi)
James Dean: Forever Young
Empire Falls (Miniserie TV) (2005) - Max Roby
Empire Falls (TV Miniseries)
Drumul spre pierzanie (2002) - John Looney
Road to Perdition
Aici se aIla banii (2000) - Henry Manning
Where the Money Is
Mesaj de departe (1999) - Dodge Blake
Message in a Bottle
Santajul (1998) - Harry Ross
Niciodata nu e prea tarziu (1994) - Donald Sullivan
Nobody`s Fool
AIacerea Hudsucker (1994) - Sidney J. Mussburger
The Hudsucker Proxy
Domnul si Doamna Bridge (1990) - Walter Bridge
Mr. & Mrs. Bridge
Minte contra Iorta (1989) - Leslie Groves
Shadow Makers / Fat Man and Little Boy
Blaze (1989) - Earl Long
Culoarea banilor (1986) - Eddie Felson
The Color oI Money
Harry si Iiul (1984) - Harry Keach
Harry and Son
Verdictul (1982) - Frank Galvin
The Verdict
Fara rautate (1981) - Michael Colin Gallagher
Absence oI Malice
Fort Apache the Bronx (1981) - Murphy
Fort Apache the Bronx
Vulcanul (1980) - Hank Henderson
When Time Ran Out
Quintet (1979) - Essex
Furie pe gheata (1977) - Reggie
Slap Shot
BuIIalo Bill si indienii (1976) - William F. Cody
BuIIalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson
Comedie muta '77 (1976) - El insusi
Silent Movie
The Drowning Pool (1975) - Lew Harper
The Drowning Pool
InIernul din zgarie-nori (1974) - Doug Roberts
The Towering InIerno
Cacealmaua (1973) - Henry GondorII / Domnul Shaw
The Sting
The Mackintosh Man (1973) - Joseph Rearden
The Mackintosh Man
Viata si epoca judecatorului Roy Bean (1972) - Judecatorul Roy Bean
The LiIe and Times oI Judge Roy Bean
Bani de buzunar (1972) - Jim Kane
Pocket Money
Oameni de neclintit (1971) - Hank Stamper
Sometimes\'a Great Notion
WUSA (1970) - Rheinhardt
Butch Cassidy si Sundance Kid (1969) - Butch Cassidy
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Winning (1969) - Frank Capua
Razboiul secret al lui Harry Frigg (1968) - Harry Frigg
The Secret War oI Harry Frigg
Hombre (1967) - John Russell
Luke mana rece (1967) - Luke
Cool Hand Luke
Cortina sIasiata (1966) - Michael Armstrong
Torn Curtain
Lady L (1965) - Armand
Lady L
Moartea si impozitele (1964) - Larry Flint
What a Way to Go!
Ultrajul (1964) - Juan Carrasco
The Outrage
Premiul (1963) - Andrew Craig
The Prize
Hud (1963) - Hud Bannon
Dulcea pasare a tineretii (1962) - Chance Wayne
Sweet Bird oI Youth
The Hustler (1961) - Eddie Felson
The Hustler
Exodus (1960) - Ari Ben Canaan
De pe terasa (1960) - David AlIred Eaton
From the Terrace
The Young Philadelphians (1959) - Anthony Judson Lawrence
The Young Philadelphians
Lunga vara Iierbinte (1958) - Ben Quick
The Long, Hot Summer
Pisica pe acoperisul Iierbinte (1958) - Brick Pollitt
Cat on a Hot Tin RooI
The LeIt Handed Gun (1958) - William 'Billy the Kid' Bonney
The LeIt Handed Gun
Cineva acolo sus ma iubeste (1956) - Rocky Graziano
Somebody Up There Likes Me
The Silver Chalice (1954) - Basil
The Silver Chalice
FilmograIie - Regizor
Menajeria de sticla (1987) - regizor
The Glass Menagerie
Harry si Iiul (1984) - regizor
Harry and Son
EIectul razelor gamma asupra craitelor (1972) - regizor
The EIIect oI Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds
Oameni de neclintit (1971) - regizor
Sometimes\'a Great Notion
Rachel, Rachel (1968) - regizor
Rachel, Rachel
Paul Walker
Nume real
Paul William Walker
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 86 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Minus 25 grade (2006) - Gerry Shepherd
Eight Below / Antarctica
Adancul albastru (2005) - Jared
Into the Blue
Intre Iocuri (2005) - Joey Gazelle
Running Scared
Craciun (2004) - Mike
Mai Iurios, mai iute (2003) - Brian O'Conner
2 Fast 2 Furious (The Fast and The Furious 2)
Prizonierii Timpului (2003) - Chris Hughes
Furios si iute (2001) - Brian Earl Spilner / Brian O'Conner
The Fast and The Furious
Gluma mortala (2001) - Lewis Thomas
Joy Ride
Societatea secreta (2000) - Caleb Mandrake
The Skulls
O Iata minunata (1999) - Dean Sampson
She\'s All That
Invingatorii (1999) - Lance Harbour
Varsity Blues
Pasaport spre nchisoare (1999) - Jason
Brokedown Palace
Pleasantville (1998) - Skip Martin
Fratii Deedle (1998) - Phil Deedle
Meet the Deedles
Penelope Cruz
Nume real
Penelope Cruz Sanchez
Locul nasterii
Madrid, Spania
Data nasterii
(din 42 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Volver (2006) - Raimunda
Volver (Return)
Manolete (2006) - Antonita "Lupe" Sino
The Good Night (2006) - Anna
The Good Night
Bandidas (2006) - Maria Alvarez
Sahara (2005) - Eva Rojas
Cu capul in nori (2004) - Mia
Head in the Clouds
Craciun (2004) - Nina
Nu te misca (2004) - Italia
Non ti muovere / Don\'t Move
Gothika (2003) - Chloe
FanIan la Tulipe (2003) - Adeline La Franchise
FanIan la Tulipe
Visul alb (2001) - Mirtha Jung
Idila capitanului Corelli (2001) - Pelagia
Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Vanilla Sky - Deschide ochii (2001) - SoIia
Vanilla Sky
Sin noticias de Dios (2001) - Carmen Ramos
Sin noticias de Dios (Don\'t Tempt Me / No News From God )
Pasiune neimblanzita (2000) - Alejandra de la Rocha
All the Pretty Horses
Femeia mereu deasupra (1999) - Isabella Oliveira
Woman on Top
Totul despre mama mea (1999) - Sora Rosa
Todo sobre mi madre (All About My Mother)
Capricii (1999) - Pepita Tudo
Dragoste de cowboy (1998) - Sanchez
Hi - Lo Country
Don Juan (1998) - Mathurine
Don Juan
Deschide ochii! (1997) - SoIia
Abre los ojos (Open Your Eyes)
Complicitate (1992) - Lola Del Moreno
Belle epoque (1992) - Luz
Belle epoque
Iubire neimplinita (1992) - Silvia
Jamon, jamon (A Tale oI Ham and Passion)
Pierce Brosnan
Nume real
Pierce Brendan Brosnan
Locul nasterii
County Meath, Irlanda
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 42 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
ButterIly on a Wheel (2007) - Tom Ryan
ButterIly on a Wheel
Matadorul (2005) - Julian Noble
The Matador
AIter the Sunset - Hot de diamante (2004) - Max Burdette
AIter the Sunset
Legile Atractiei (2004) - Daniel RaIIerty
Laws oI Attraction
Sa nu mori azi (2002) - James Bond
Die Another Day (James Bond 20)
Evelyn (2002) - Desmond Doyle
Omul nostru din Panama (2001) - Osnard
The Tailor OI Panama
Lumea e prea mica (1999) - James Bond
The World is not Enough (James Bond 19)
Aventura in doi (1999) - Thomas Crown
The Thomas Crown AIIair
BuInita cenusie (1999) - Archie Grey Owl
Grey Owl
Quest Ior Camelot (1998) - Regele Arthur (voce)
Quest Ior Camelot
007 si Imperiul Zilei de Maine (1997) - James Bond
Tomorrow Never Dies (James Bond 18)
Orasul InIernului (1997) - Harry Dalton
Dante\'s Peak
Disparitia lui Kevin Johnson (1997) - Pierce Brosnan
The Disappearance oI Kevin Johnson
Atacul martienilor! (1996) - ProIesorul Donald Kessler
Mars Attacks!
Cele doua Iete ale dragostei (1996) - Alex
The Mirror Has Two Faces
Robinson Crusoe (1996) - Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe
Agentul 007 contra GoldenEye (1995) - James Bond
GoldenEye (James Bond 17)
S-a Iurat un Rembrandt (1995) - Michael Graham
Night Watch
Poveste de dragoste (1994) - Ken Allen
Love AIIair
Nu vorbi cu strainii (1994) - Patrick Brody
Don\'t Talk to Strangers
D-na DoubtIire, taticul nostru traznit (1993) - Stuart Dunmeyer
Mrs. DoubtIire
Inlantuiti (1993) - Garavan
Trenul terorii (1993) - Mike Graham
Death Train
Omul care tunde iarba (1992) - Dr. Lawrence Angelo
Stephen King\'s The Lawnmower Man
O tinta sigura (1992) - Danny O'Neill
Live Wire
Victima iubirii (1991) - Paul Tomlinson
Victim oI Love
Domnul Johnson (1990) - Harry Rudbeck
Mister Johnson
Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de zile (1989) - Phileas Fogg
Around the World in 80 Days
Al patrulea protocol (1987) - Valeri PetroIsky / James Edward Ross
The Fourth Protocol
Nancy Astor (Serial TV) (1984) - Robert Gould Shaw
Nancy Astor (TV Series)
Familia Manion din America (1981) - Rory O'Manion
The Manions oI America
Lovitura lui Murphy (1979) - Edward O' Grady
Murphy\'s Stroke
Rene Russo
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 4 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Ai tai, ai mei si ai nostri (2005) - Helen
Yours, Mine & Ours
Viata ca un pariu (2005) - Toni Morrow
Two Ior the Money
Politia in direct (2002) - Chase Renzi
Belea mare in Miami (2001) - Anna Herk
Big Trouble
Aventurile lui Rocky si Bullwinkle (2000) - Natasha Fatale
The Adventures oI Rocky & Bullwinkle
Aventura in doi (1999) - Catherine Banning
The Thomas Crown AIIair
Arma mortala 4 (1998) - Lorna Cole
Lethal Weapon 4
Buddy (1997) - Trudy Lintz
Rascumpararea (1996) - Kate Mullen
Campionul (1996) - Dr. Molly Griswold
Tin Cup
Alerta (1995) - Robby Keough
Un maIiot la Hollywood (1995) - Karen Flores
Get Shorty
In bataia pustii (1993) - Lilly Raines
In the Line oI Fire
Arma mortala 3 (1993) - Lorna Cole
Lethal Weapon 3
Freejack (1992) - Julie Redlund
Un politist cumsecade (1991) - Rita Lewis
One Good Cop
Renee Zellweger
Nume real
Renee Kathleen Zellweger
Locul nasterii
Texas, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 46 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Bee Movie (2007) - Vanessa (voce)
Bee Movie
Case 39 (2007) - Emily Jenkins
Case 39
Renascut din cenusa (2005) - Mae Braddock
Cinderella Man
Povestea unui Rechin (2004) - Angie (voce)
Shark Tale
Bridget Jones: La limita ratiunii (2004) - Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones: The Edge oI Reason (Bridget Jones 2)
Cold Mountain (2003) - Ruby Thewes
Cold Mountain
Jos cu dragostea! (2003) - Barbara Novak
Down with Love
Dragoste otravitoare (2002) - Claire Richards
White Oleander
Chicago (2002) - Roxie Hart
Jurnalul lui Bridget Jones (2001) - Bridget Jones
Bridget Jones\'s Diary
Eu, cu mine si Irene (2000) - Irene P. Waters
Me, MyselI & Irene
Sora Betty (2000) - Betty Sizemore
Nurse Betty
Burlacul (1999) - Anne
The Bachelor
Adevarul adevarat (1998) - Ellen Gulden
One True Thing
Pretul libertatii (1998) - Sonia Horowitz
A Price Above Rubies
Minte bolnava (1997) - Elizabeth
Jerry Maguire (1996) - Dorothy Boyd
Jerry Maguire
Drumul pe care merg singur (1996) - Novalyne Price
The Whole Wide World
Empire Records (1995) - Gina
Empire Records
Shake, Rattle and Rock (TV) (1994) - Susan
Shake, Rattle and Rock
Cu picioarele pe pamant (1994) - Tami
Reality Bites
Watty si Starlene (1994) - Starlene Cheatham
Love and a .45
8 Seconds (1994) - Buckle Bunny
8 Seconds
Masacrul din Texas: Generatia urmatoare (1994) - Jenny
The Return oI the Texas Chainsaw Massacre / The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4: The
Next Generation
My BoyIriend`s Back (1993)
My BoyIriend`s Back / Johnny Zombie
Incurcatura (1992) - Mary Lou
A Taste Ior Killing
Locul nasterii
Minnesota, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 0 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Pistolari la pensie (1988) - Oren Hayes
Once Upon a Texas Train
Pe urmele inamicului (1976) - Sam Lucas
The Sell-Out
Madigan (1968) - Daniel Madigan
The Way West (1967) - Lije Evans
The Way West
Corabiile lungi (1963) - RolIe
The Long Ships
Procesul de la Nurnberg (1961) - Colonelul Edward Lawson
Judgment at Nuremberg
Calareau impreuna (1961) - Jim Gary
Two Rode Together
Calareau impreuna (1961) - Jim Gary
Two Road Together
The Law and Jake Wade (1958) - Clint Hollister
The Law and Jake Wade
Panic in the Streets (1950) - Dr. Clinton Reed
Panic in the Streets
Actiune Animatie Aventuri Comedie Crima Documentar
Erotic Familie Fantastic Film noir Horror Istoric Mister
Muzical Razboi Romantic Scurt metraj SF Thriller Western
Robert De Niro
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 208 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Meet the Little Focker (2008) - Jack Byrnes
Meet the Little Focker (Meet the Parents 3)
Pulbere de stele (2007) - Captain Shakespeare
What Just Happened? (2007) - Art Linson
What Just Happened?
The Good Shepherd (2006) - James Wilson (batran)
The Good Shepherd
De-a v-ati ascunselea (2005) - Dr. David Callaway
Hide and Seek
Doi cuscri de cosmar (2004) - Jack Byrnes
Meet the Fockers (Meet the Parents 2)
Povestea unui Rechin (2004) - Don Lino (voce)
Shark Tale
Podul din San Luis Rey (2004) - Arhiepiscopul
The Bridge oI San Luis Rey
Godsend (2003) - Dr. Richard Wells
Politia in direct (2002) - Mitch
Nasul stresat (2002) - Paul Vitti
Analyze That
Amprenta unui asasin (2002) - Detectivul Vincent Lamarca
City by the Sea
Barbati de onoare (2001) - Leslie Sunday
Men oI Honor
Scor Iinal (2001) - Nick Wells
The Score
15 Minute (2001) - Eddie Fleming
15 Minutes
Un socru de cosmar (2000) - Jack Byrnes
Meet The Parents
Aventurile lui Rocky si Bullwinkle (2000) - Conducatorul neinIricat
The Adventures oI Rocky & Bullwinkle
Cu nasu' la psihiatru (1999) - Paul Vitti
Analyze This
Inscenarea (1998) - Conrad Brean
Wag the Dog
Marile Sperante (1998) - Arthur Lustig
Great Expectations
Ronin (1998) - Sam
Cop Land (1997) - Moe Tilden
Cop Land
Jackie Brown (1997) - Louis Gara
Jackie Brown
Marvin`s Room (1996) - Dr. Wally
Marvin`s Room
Pacatele tineretii (1996) - Parintele Bobby
Un admirator Ianatic (1996) - Gil Renard
The Fan
Obsesia (1995) - Neil McCauley
Casino (1995) - Sam Rothstein
Frankenstein (1994) - Creatura
Mary Shelley`s Frankenstein
Viata lui Toby (1993) - Dwight
This Boy`s LiIe
O Iemeie drept rasplata (1993) - Wayne Dobie
Mad Dog and Glory
Poveste din Bronx (1993) - Lorenzo Anello
A Bronx Tale
Singur in cartierul boxerilor (1992) - Harry Fabian
Night and the City
Amanta (1992) - Ewan M. Wright
Trilogia Nasul: 1901-1980 (1992) - Don Vito Corleone tanar
The GodIather Trilogy: 1901-1980
Promontoriul groazei (1991) - Max Cady
Cape Fear
Lista neagra (1991) - David Merrill
Guilty By Suspicion
Focul ucigas (1991) - Donald Rimgale
Baieti buni (1990) - James Conway
Revenire la viata (1990) - Leonard Lowe
Stanley si Iris (1990) - Stanley Everett Cox
Stanley and Iris
JackniIe (1989) - Joesph Megs
Nu suntem ingeri (1989) - Ned
We\'re No Angels
Cursa de la miezul noptii (1988) - Jack Walsh
Midnight Run
Inger si demon (1987) - Louis Cyphre
Angel Heart
Incoruptibilii (1987) - Al Capone
The Untouchables
The Mission (1986) - Mendoza
The Mission
Brazil (1985) - Archibald Tuttle
A Iost odata in America (1984) - David Aaronson
Once Upon a Time in America
Cand te indragostesti (1984) - Frank RaItis
Falling in Love
Regele comediei (1983) - Rupert Pupkin
The King oI Comedy
Un pacat de moarte (1981) - Des Spellacy
True ConIessions
Taurul Iurios (1980) - Jake La Motta
Raging Bull
Vanatorul de cerbi (1978) - Michael
The Deer Hunter
New York, New York (1977) - Jimmy Doyle
New York, New York
SoIerul de taxi (1976) - Travis Bickle
Taxi Driver
1900 (1976) - AlIredo Berlinghieri
Ultimul magnat (1976) - Monroe Stahr
The Last Tycoon
Nasul: Partea II (1974) - Young Vito Corleone
The GodIather: Part II
Crimele din Mica Italie (1973) - Johnny Boy Cervello
Mean Streets
Nascuti castigatori (1971) - Danny
Born to Win
Buna, mama! (1970) - Jon Rubin
Hi, mom!
Petrecere de nunta (1969) - Cecil
The Wedding Party
Felicitari (1968) - Jon Rubin
Trei camere in Manhattan (1965) - Client
Trois chambres a Manhattan
FilmograIie - Regizor
The Good Shepherd (2006) - regizor
The Good Shepherd
Poveste din Bronx (1993) - regizor
A Bronx Tale
FilmograIie - Producator
Totul despre baieti (2002) - producator
About a Boy
Nasul stresat (2002) - producator
Analyze That
Un socru de cosmar (2000) - producator
Meet The Parents
Robert Duvall
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor, scenarist
(din 9 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Multumim ca Iumati! (2006) - Capitanul
Thank You Ior Smoking
Fotbal & nebunii (2005) - Buck Weston
Kicking & Screaming
Ultima aventura (2003) - Hub
Secondhand Lions
Assassination Tango (2003) - John J. Anderson
Assassination Tango
Zei si Generali (2003) - Generalul Robert E. Lee
Gods and Generals
Lupta in camp deschis (2003) - Boss
Open Range
John Q. (2002) - Grimes
John Q.
Ziua a 6-a (2001) - Dr. GriIIin Weir
The 6th Day
Dispari in 60 de secunde (2000) - Otto Halliwell
Gone In 60 Seconds
Avocat si Victima (1998) - Dixon Doss
The Gingerbread Man
Impact nimicitor (1998) - Capitanul Spurgeon Tanner
Deep Impact
Avocatul (1998) - Jerome Facher
A Civil Action
Apostolul (1997) - Euliss Dewey - Apostolul
The Apostle
Phenomenon (1996) - Doctorul
Taisul (1996) - Mr. Childers
Sling Blade
Subiect de barIa (1995) - Wyly King
Something to Talk About
Stele deasupra orasului (1995) - Domnul Cox
The Stars Fell on Henrietta
Ziarul (1994) - Bernie White
The Paper
Geronimo: O legenda americana (1993) - Al Sieber
Geronimo: An American Legend
Walter & Frank (1993) - Walter
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway
Cadere libera (1993) - Prendergast
Falling down
Ciuma (1992) - Joseph Grand
La Peste (The Plague)
Trilogia Nasul: 1901-1980 (1992) - Tom Hagen
The GodIather Trilogy: 1901-1980
Stalin (1992) - JoseI Stalin
Rambling Rose (1991) - Tatal
Rambling Rose
Condamnatii (1990) - Soll
Culori (1988) - Bob Hodges
Sa-l salvam pe Harry (1986) - Shrike
Let\'s Get Harry
The Natural (1984) - Max Mercy
The Natural
Tender Mercies (1983) - Mac Sledge
Tender Mercies
Un pacat de moarte (1981) - Tom Spellacy
True ConIessions
Apocalipsul acum - versiune integrala (1979) - Locotenent colonel William Kilgore
Apocalypse Now / Apocalypse Now Redux
Marele Santini (1979) - Bull Meechum
The Great Santini
Vulturul a aterizat (1976) - Colonelul Max Radl
The Eagle Has Landed
Reteaua (1976) - Frank Hackett
Solutie 7 (1976) - Dr. John H. Watson / Povestitor
The Seven-Per-Cent Solution
Elita asasinilor (1975) - George Hansen
Killer Elite
Nasul: Partea II (1974) - Tom Hagen
The GodIather: Part II
The OutIit (1973) - Earl Macklin
The OutIit
Nasul (1972) - Tom Hagen
The GodIather
Joe Kidd (1972) - Frank Harlan
Joe Kidd
Jesse James (1972) - Jesse James
The Great NorthIield Minnesota Raid
THX 1138 (1971) - THX 1138
THX 1138
MASH (1970) - Frank Burns
Oamenii ploii (1969) - Gordon
The Rain People
Inspectorul Bullitt (1968) - Weissberg
Sa ucizi o pasare cantatoare (1962) - Arthur Radley
To Kill a Mockingbird
FilmograIie - Regizor
Assassination Tango (2003) - regizor
Assassination Tango
Apostolul (1997) - regizor
The Apostle
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Assassination Tango (2003) - scenarist
Assassination Tango
Apostolul (1997) - scenarist
The Apostle
Robert RedIord
Nume real
Charles Robert RedIord Jr.
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 32 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Reteaua Miraculoasa (2006) - Ike (voce)
Charlotte\'s Web
Un alt inceput (2005) - Einar Gilkyson
An UnIinished LiIe
Rapire de persoana (2004) - Wayne Hayes
The Clearing
Ultimul castel (2001) - Eugene Irwin
The Last Castle
Spioni de elita (2001) - Nathan Muir
Spy Game
Imblanzitorul de cai (1998) - Tom Booker
The Horse Whisperer
Personal si conIidential (1996) - Warren Justice
Up Close and Personal
Propunere indecenta (1993) - John Gage
Indecent Proposal
Candva pe aici trecea un rau (1992) - Vocea povestitorului
A River Runs Through It
Cutia neagra (1992) - Martin Brice
Havana (1990) - Jack Weil
Vulturii legii (1986) - Tom Logan
Legal Eagles
Departe de AIrica (1985) - Denys Finch Hatton
Out oI AIrica
The Natural (1984) - Roy Hobbs
The Natural
Brubaker (1980) - Henry Brubaker
Calaretul electric (1979) - Norman 'Sonny' Steele
The Electric Horseman
Un pod prea indepartat (1977) - Maior Julian Cook
A Bridge Too Far
Toti oamenii presedintelui (1976) - Bob Woodward
All the President`s Men
Cele trei zile ale condorului (1975) - Joseph Turner
Three Days oI the Condor
Marele Waldo Pepper (1975) - Waldo Pepper
The Great Waldo Pepper
Marele Gatsby (1974) - Jay Gatsby
The Great Gatsby
Cacealmaua (1973) - Johnny Hooker / Kelly
The Sting
Cei mai Irumosi ani (1973) - Hubbell Gardner
The Way We Were
Candidatul (1972) - Bill McKay
The Candidate
Jeremiah Johnson (1972) - Jeremiah Johnson
Jeremiah Johnson
Butch Cassidy si Sundance Kid (1969) - Sundance Kid
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Downhill Racer (1969) - David Chappellet
Downhill Racer
Descult in parc (1967) - Paul Bratter
BareIoot in the Park
Urmarirea (1966) - Charlie Reeves
The Chase
Calea Ierata (1966) - Owen Legate
This Property Is Condemned
Miraj (1965) - Wade Lewis
Inside Daisy Clover
War Hunt (1962) - Roy Loomis
War Hunt
FilmograIie - Regizor
Misteriosul Bagger Vance (2000) - regizor
The Legend oI Bagger Vance
Imblanzitorul de cai (1998) - regizor
The Horse Whisperer
Cine stie castiga! (1994) - regizor
Quiz Show
Candva pe aici trecea un rau (1992) - regizor
A River Runs Through It
Milagro, razboi si seceta (1988) - regizor
The milagro beanIield war
Ordinary People (1980) - regizor
Ordinary People
FilmograIie - Producator
Cu cartile pe masa (2002) - producator executiv
People I Know
Cine stie castiga! (1994) - producator
Quiz Show
Roger Moore
Nume real
Roger George Moore
Locul nasterii
Londra, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor
(din 8 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Boat Trip (2003) - Lloyd
Boat Trip
Dusmanul (2001) - Robert Ogilve
The Enemy
Spice World (1997) - The ChieI
Spice World
Dragonul de aur (1995) - Lordul Edgar Dobbs
The Quest
Erou sau victima? (1995) - Thomas Grace / Inspectorul Fulbright
The Man Who Wouldn\'t Die
De trei ori seducator (1992) - Adam
Bed & BreakIast
Perspectiva unei crime (1985) - James Bond
A View to a Kill (James Bond 14)
Octopussy (1983) - James Bond
Octopussy (James Bond 13)
Doar pentru ochii tai (1981) - James Bond
For Your Eyes Only (James Bond 12)
Cursa Ghiulea (1981) - Seymour GoldIarb, Jr.
The Cannonball Run
Lupii marilor (1980) - Capitanul Gavin Stewart
The Sea Wolves: The Last Charge oI the Calcutta Light Horse
Aventuri in Marea Nordului (1980) - RuIus Excalibur FIolkes
North Sea Hijack
Moonraker (1979) - James Bond
Moonraker (James Bond 11)
Evadare din Atena (1979) - Otto Hecht
Escape to Athena
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - James Bond
The Spy Who Loved Me (James Bond 10)
Danny si Brett (1976) - Lord Brett Sinclair
London Conspiracy
Cursa (1976) - Lord Brett Sinclair
Sporting Chance
Pistolul de aur (1974) - James Bond
The Man with the Golden Gun (James Bond 9)
Operatiunea Monte Carlo (1974) - Lord Brett Sinclair
Mission: Monte Carlo
Pe cine nu lasi sa moara (1973) - James Bond
Live and Let Die (James Bond 8)
Danny si Brett - operatiunea Monte Carlo (Serial TV) (1971) - Lordul Brett Sinclair
The Persuaders! (TV Series)
Razbunarea sIantului (1969) - Simon Templar
Vendetta Ior the Saint
Identitatea lui Amos Kline (1968) - Simon Templar
The Fiction Makers
Ultima oara cand am vazut Parisul (1954) - Paul Lane
The Last Time I Saw Paris
Russell Crowe
Nume real
Russell Ira Crowe
Locul nasterii
Wellington, Noua Zeelanda
Data nasterii
(din 248 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Un an bun (2006) - Max Skinner
A Good Year
Renascut din cenusa (2005) - Jim Braddock
Cinderella Man
Master and Commander: La capatul Pamantului (2003) - Capitanul Jack Aubrey
Master and Commander: The Far Side oI the World
Semn de viata (2001) - Terry Thorne
ProoI oI LiIe
O minte sclipitoare (2001) - John Forbes Nash Jr.
A BeautiIul Mind
Gladiatorul (2000) - Maximus
The Insider (1999) - JeIIrey Wigand
The Insider
Mystery, Alaska (1999) - John Biebe
Mystery, Alaska
L.A. ConIidential (1997) - OIiterul Wendell White
L.A. ConIidential
Despartirea (1997) - Steve
Breaking Up
Destin Iatal (1997) - Colin
Heaven\'s Burning
Mai iute ca moartea (1995) - Cort
The Quick and the Dead
Puterea magiei (1995) - Alex Ross
Rough Magic
Virtuozitate (1995) - SID 6.7
Ultima sansa (1995) - Zack Grant
No Way Back
Noi doi (1994) - JeII Mitchell
The Sum oI us
Armasarul salbatic (Brumby) (1993) - Barbatul
The Silver Stallion (Brumby)
ConIruntarea (1992) - Hando
Romper Stomper
La rascruce (1990) - Johnny
The Crossing
Rutger Hauer
Nume real
Rutger Oelsen Hauer
Locul nasterii
Breukelen, Olanda
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, producator
(din 11 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Operatiunea de salvare (2006) - Generalul Frank Lewis
The Hunt Ior Eagle One
Batman - Inceputuri (2005) - Dl. Earle
Batman Begins
Dracula III: Mostenirea (2005) - Dracula
Dracula III: Legacy
Aventura lui "Poseidon" (2005) - August Schmitt
The Poseidon Adventure
Camera ascunsa (2004) - Sebastian
Camera ascunsa / Cobai
ConIesiunile unei minti periculoase (2003) - Keeler
ConIessions oI a Dangerous Mind
Arsita (2002) - Presedintele Nelson
Ingerii razbunarii (2002) - Grekkor
Warrior Angels
Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal (2001) - Co-pilotul Macintosh
Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal
Indoiala si atractie (2000) - Dr. Sam Dennis Charney
Asalt strategic (1998) - Capitanul John Holiday
Tactical Assault
Ape ostile (1997) - Capitanul Britanov
Hostile Waters
Ziua Judecatii (1997) - Omega Doom
Omega Doom
Comoara spatiala (1996) - Armond Crille
Precious Find
Cristalul (1996) - A.T.
Joc sangeros (1994) - Burns
Surviving the Game
Conspiratia (1994) - SS-SturmbanIuehrer Xavier March
Nostradamus (1994) - Calugarul Mistic
Melancolie nordica (1993) - Ben Corbett
Arctic Blue
Martor din umbra (1993) - Jake Shell
Blind Side
Clipa decisiva (1992) - Harley Stone
Split Second
BuIIy the Vampire Slayer (1992) - Lothos
BuIIy the Vampire Slayer
Dupa miezul noptii (1992) - Ben Jordan
Past Midnight
Legatura exploziva (1991) - Frank Warren
Intr-o noapte cu clar de luna (1989) - John Knott
In una notte di chiaro di luna
Joc sangeros (1989) - Sallow
The Blood oI Heroes
Fata de pe Broadway (1989) - The Brain
Bloodhounds oI Broadway
Furie oarba (1989) - Nick Parker
Blind Fury
Pe viata si pe moarte (1987) - Nick Randall
Wanted: Dead or Alive
The Hitcher (1986) - John Ryder
The Hitcher
Rivalii (1985) - Martin
Flesh & Blood
Domnita soim (1985) - Capitanul Etienne Navarre
In casa vulturilor (1984) - Jim Malden
A Breed Apart
Weekend cu spioni (1983) - John Tanner
The Osterman Weekend
Vanatorul de recompense (1982) - Roy Batty
Blade Runner
Soimi de noapte (1981) - Reinhardt Heymar WulIgar
The Wilby Conspiracy (1975) - Blane Van Niekirk
The Wilby Conspiracy
Floris (Serial TV) (1969) - Floris van Rozemond
Floris (TV Series)
Salma Hayek
Nume real
Salma Hayek-Jimenez
Locul nasterii
Veracruz, Mexic
Data nasterii
Actrita, producatoare
(din 40 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Intreaba praIul (2006) - Camilla
Ask the Dust
Bandidas (2006) - Sara Sandoval
AIter the Sunset - Hot de diamante (2004) - Lola Burdette
AIter the Sunset
A Iost odata in Mexic - Desperado 2 (2003) - Carolina
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (Desperado 2)
Spy Kids 3-D: SIarsitul jocului (2003) - Dora
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
O atractie bizara (2003) - Ea insasi
Frida (2002) - Frida Kahlo
Surorile Mirabal (2001) - Minerva Mirabal
In the Time oI the ButterIlies
Gasca de nebuni (2000) - Kolko
Chain oI Fools
Pe picior mare (2000) - Lola
La gran vida (Living It Up)
Dogma (1999) - Serendipity
Wild Wild West - Mare nebunie in Vest (1999) - Rita Escobar
Wild Wild West
Actiune (Serial TV) (1999) - Ea insasi (ep. 1)
Action (TV Series)
Studio 54 (1998) - Anita Randazzo
Despartirea (1997) - Monica
Breaking Up
Cocosatul de la Notre Dame (1997) - Esmeralda
The Hunchback
Graba strica treaba (1997) - Isabel Fuentes
Fools Rush In
De la apusul la rasaritul soarelui (1996) - Santanico Pandemonium
From Dusk Till Dawn
Desperado (1995) - Carolina
Fair Game - Atractie exploziva (1995) - Rita
Fair Game
Aleea miracolelor (1995) - Alma
El callejon de los milagros (Miracle Alley)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Miracolul Maldonado (2003) - regizor
The Maldonado Miracle
Samuel L. Jackson
Nume real
Samuel Leroy Jackson
Locul nasterii
Washington, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 30 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Black Water Transit (2007) - Jack
Black Water Transit
Taramul libertatii (2006) - Lorenzo Council
Avionul cu serpi (2006) - Nelville Flynn
Snakes on a Plane
Home oI the Brave (2006)
Home oI the Brave
Triplu X - 2 (2005) - Augustus Gibbons
XXX 2: The Next Level / XXX 2: State oI the Union
Star Wars: Episodul III - Razbunarea Sith (2005) - Mace Windu
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge oI the Sith
Antrenorul Carter (2005) - Antrenorul Ken Carter
Coach Carter
Agent Iara voie (2005) - Derrick Vann
The Man
Figuranti (Serial TV) (2005) - El insusi (episodul 5)
Extras (Tv Series)
Incredibilii (2004) - (voce)
The Incredibles
Kill Bill: Volumul 2 (2004) - RuIus
Kill Bill: Volume 2
Distorsionarea (2004) - Mills
Twisted / The Blackout Murders
S.W.A.T. - Trupe de Elita (2003) - Lt. Dan Harrelson
Basic - Instructia (2003) - Sergentul Nathan West
Miscari Periculoase (2002) - Doyle Gibson
Changing Lanes
Star Wars: Episodul II - Atacul Clonelor (2002) - Mace Windu
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack oI the Clones
Triplu X (2002) - Augustus Gibbons
Formula 51 (2002) - Elmo McElroy
Formula 51/ The 51st State
Facerea de bine (2002) - Jack Friar
No Good Deed / The House on Turk Street
Indestructibilul (2001) - Elijah Price
ProIetul din grota (2001) - Romulus Ledbetter
The Caveman\'s Valentine
ShaIt (2000) - John ShaIt
Regula Jocului (2000) - col.Terry Childers
Rules oI Engagement
Star Wars Episodul I - Amenintarea Iantomei (1999) - Mace Windu
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Rechinii Ucigasi (1999) - Russell Franklin
Deep Blue Sea
SIera (1998) - Dr. Harry Adams
Negociatorul (1998) - Danny Roman
The Negotiator
Jackie Brown (1997) - Ordell Robbie
Jackie Brown
Vremea Razbunarii (1996) - Carl Lee Hailey
A Time To Kill
Sarutul dulce al razbunarii (1996) - Detectivul Mitchell Henessey
The Long Kiss Goodnight
Marele alb (1996) - Fred Sultan
The Great White Hype
Jucatorii (1996) - Jimmy
Sarutul mortii (1995) - Calvin
Kiss oI Death
Razbunare InIernala (1995) - Zeus Carver
Die Hard 3: With a Vengeance
Fluke - o minune de catel (1995) - Rumbo (voce)
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Jules WinnIield
Pulp Fiction
Procesul de la West Point (1994) - Richard Greener
Assault at West Point: The Court-Martial oI Johnson Whittaker
True Romance (1993) - Big Don
True Romance
Amos si Andrew (1993) - Andrew Sterling
Amos & Andrew
Loaded Weapon 1 (1993) - Wes Luger
Loaded Weapon 1
White Sands (1992) - Greg Meeker
White Sands
Febra iubirii (1991) - Gator PuriIy
Jungle Fever
Un print in America (1988) - Hotul
Coming to America
FilmograIie - Producator
Formula 51 (2002) - producator executiv
Formula 51/ The 51st State
Sandra Bullock
Locul nasterii
Virginia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actrita, producatoare, regizoare, scenarista
(din 80 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Casa de langa lac (2006) - Kate Forster
The Lake House (Il Mare)
Scandalos (2006) - Harper Lee
InIamous (Every Word Is True)
Miss Congeniality 2: Inarmata si seducatoare (2005) - Gracie Hart
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous
Crash - Povesti din L.A. (2005) - Jean
Miss Agent Secret 1 & 2 (DVD) (2005) - Gracie Hart
Miss Congeniality 1 & 2 (DVD)
Vapor (2004)
Minti Diabolice (2002) - Cassie Mayweather
Murder by Numbers
Secretele surorilor Ya -Ya (2002) - Siddalee Walker
Divine Secrets oI the Ya -Ya Sisterhood
Dragoste cu preaviz (2002) - Lucy Kelson
Two Weeks Notice
Miss Agent Secret (2001) - Gracie Hart
Miss Congeniality
28 de zile (2000) - Gwen Cummings
28 Days
Bine ati venit la Hollywood! (2000) - Ea insasi
Welcome to Hollywood
Arme si traume (2000) - Judy Tipp
Gun Shy
Furtuna, peripetii si... dragoste (1999) - Sarah Lewis
Forces oI Nature
Actiune (Serial TV) (1999) - Ea insasi (ep. 4)
Action (TV Series)
Printul Egiptului (1998) - Miriam (voce)
The Prince oI Egypt
Ce vraji mai Iac Ietele (1998) - Sally Owens
Practical Magic
A doua sansa (1998) - Birdee Pruitt
Hope Floats
Speed 2: Croaziera InIernala (1997) - Annie Porter
Speed 2: Cruise Control
Vremea Razbunarii (1996) - Ellen Roark
A Time To Kill
Dragoste si razboi (1996) - Agnes von Kurowsky
In Love and War
Inimi Iurate (1996) - Roz
Stolen Hearts / Two iI by Sea
In timp ce tu dormeai (1995) - Lucy Eleanor Moderatz
While You Were Sleeping
Reteaua (1995) - Angela Bennett
The Net
Speed - Cursa InIernala (1994) - Annie Porter
Demolatorul (1993) - Lenina Huxley
Demolition Man
Walter & Frank (1993) - Elaine
Wrestling Ernest Hemingway
Disparitia (1993) - Diane Shaver
The Vanishing
Cand petrecerea ia sIarsit (1992) - Amanda
When the Party\'s Over
Elixirul dragostei (1992) - Diane Farrow
Love Potion No. 9
O Iemeie Iace cariera (Serial TV) (1990) - Tess McGill
Working Girl (TV Series)
Razboiul bionic (1989) - Kate Mason
Bionic Showdown: The Six Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman
FilmograIie - Producator
Minti Diabolice (2002) - producator executiv
Murder by Numbers
Dragoste cu preaviz (2002) - producator
Two Weeks Notice
Miss Agent Secret (2001) - producator
Miss Congeniality
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 21 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
The Grudge 2 (2006) - Karen
The Grudge 2
The Air I Breathe (2006) - Sorrow
The Air I Breathe
Scooby-Doo 2: Monstrii dezlantuiti (2004) - Daphne Blake
Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
Blestemul (2004) - Karen
The Grudge
Scooby-Doo (2002) - Daphne Blake
Tentatia seductiei (1999) - Kathryn Merteuil
Cruel Intentions
Irezistibila (1999) - Amanda Shelton
Simply Irresistible
Soldateii (1998) - Papusa Gwendy (voce)
Small Soldiers
Familia Robinson din Beverly Hills (1998) - Jane Robinson
Beverly Hills Family Robinson
Stiu ce-ai Iacut asta-vara (1997) - Helen Shivers
I Know What You Did Last Summer
BuIIy - Spaima Vampirilor (Serial TV) (1997) - BuIIy Summers
BuIIy the Vampire Slayer
Sean Bean
Locul nasterii
Anglia, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
(din 35 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Silent Hill (2006) - Christopher
Silent Hill
Jurnal de bord (2005)
Insula (2005) - Merrick
The Island
Tinutul din nord (2005) - Kyle
North Country / Class Action
Viziuni intunecate (2005) - James
The Dark
Troia (2004) - Odysseus
Comoara Nationala (2004) - Ian Howe
National Treasure
Regele junglei (2004) - Dark (voce)
Equilibrium (2002) - Partridge
Tom si Thomas (2002) - Paul Sheppard
Tom & Thomas
Nici o vorba (2001) - Patrick B. Koster
Don\'t Say A Word
Stapanul Inelelor: Fratia Inelului (2001) - Boromir
The Lord oI the Rings: The Fellowship oI the Ring (Lord oI the Rings 1)
Disparuti pe Iront (1999) - Andy McNab
Bravo Two Zero
Ronin (1998) - Spence
Anna Karenina (1997) - Vronsky
Anna Karenina
Sambata pe teren (1996) - Jimmy Muir
When Saturday Comes
Agentul 007 contra GoldenEye (1995) - Alec Trevalyan
GoldenEye (James Bond 17)
Black Beauty (1994) - Farmer Grey
Black Beauty
Clarissa (Serial TV) (1991) - Robert Lovelace
Clarissa (TV Series)
The Field (1990) - Tadgh McCabe
The Field
Sean Connery
Nume real
Thomas Sean Connery
Locul nasterii
Scotia, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 41 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Indiana Jones - Trilogia (DVD) (2004) - ProIesorul Henry Jones
Indiana Jones Trilogy (DVD)
Liga (2003) - Allan Quatermain
The League oI Extraordinary Gentlemen
In cautarea lui Forrester (2000) - William Forrester
Finding Forrester
Capcana pentru hot (1999) - Robert MacDougal
Capcanele seductiei (1998) - Paul
Playing by Heart
Razbunatorii (1998) - Sir August de Wynter
The Avengers
Fortareata (1996) - John Patrick Mason
The Rock
Inima de dragon (1996) - Draco, Dragonul (voce)
Cavalerii mesei rotunde (1995) - Regele Arthur
First Knight
O cauza dreapta (1995) - Paul Armstrong
Just Cause
Singur in AIrica (1994) - Dr. Alex Murray
A Good Man in AIrica
Rasarit de soare (1993) - Capitanul John Connor
Rising Sun
Vraciul din jungla (1992) - Dr. Robert Campbell
Medicine Man
Nemuritorul 2 Momentul intalnirii (1991) - Juan Sanchez Ramirez
Highlander II: The Quickening
Vanatoarea lui Octombrie Rosu (1990) - Marko Ramius
The Hunt Ior Red October
Casa Rusia (1990) - Scott Blair
The Russia House
Indiana Jones si Ultima cruciada (1989) - ProIesorul Henry Jones.
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Indiana Jones 3)
Ocupatie de Iamilie (1989) - Jessie McMullen
Family Business
Presidio (1988) - Alan Caldwell
The Presidio
Incoruptibilii (1987) - Jim Malone
The Untouchables
Numele trandaIirului (1986) - William oI Baskerville
Der Name der Rose
Niciodata sa nu spui niciodata (1983) - James Bond
Never Say Never Again
Cinci zile dintr-o vara (1982) - Douglas Meredith
Five Days One Summer
Legenda cavalerului (1982) - Cavalerul Verde
Sword oI the Valiant: The Legend oI Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Satelitul coruptiei (1981) - Marshal William T. O'Niel
Meteoritul (1979) - Dr. Paul Bradley
Marele jaI al trenului (1979) - Edward Pierce / John Simms / GeoIIrey
The First Great Train Robbery
Cuba (1979) - Robert Dapes
Un pod prea indepartat (1977) - Gen. maior Roy Urquhart
A Bridge Too Far
Robin si Marian (1976) - Robin Hood
Robin and Marian
Orient Expres (1974) - Colonelul Arbuthnot
Murder on the Orient Express
Zardoz (1974) - Zed
OIensa (1973) - Sergentul Johnson
The OIIence
Cortul rosu (1971) - Roald Amundsen
Krasnaya palatka (The Red Tent)
Diamonds Are Forever (1971) - James Bond
Diamonds Are Forever (James Bond 7)
Shalako (1968) - Moses Zebulon Carlin
A doua sansa (1967) - James Bond
You Only Live Twice (James Bond 5)
A Fine Madness (1966) - Samson Shillitoe
A Fine Madness
Thunderball (1965) - James Bond
Thunderball (James Bond 4)
Colina (1965) - Trooper Joe Roberts
The Hill
GoldIinger (1964) - James Bond
GoldIinger (James Bond 3)
Marnie (1964) - Mark Rutland
Din Rusia, cu dragoste (1963) - James Bond
From Russia with Love (James Bond 2)
Dr. No (1962) - James Bond
Dr. No (James Bond 1)
Ziua cea mai lunga (1962) - Soldat Flanagan
The Longest Day
FilmograIie - Producator
Liga (2003) - producator executiv
The League oI Extraordinary Gentlemen
In cautarea lui Forrester (2000) - producator
Finding Forrester
Capcana pentru hot (1999) - producator
Fortareata (1996) - producator executiv
The Rock
O cauza dreapta (1995) - producator executiv
Just Cause
Rasarit de soare (1993) - producator executiv
Rising Sun
Sean Penn
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, producator, scenarist
(din 32 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Toti oamenii Regelui (2007) - Willie Stark
All the King\'s Men
What Just Happened? (2007) - El insusi
What Just Happened?
Traducatoarea (2005) - Tobin Keller
The Interpreter
Paul Shore este mort (2004) - El insusi
Pauly Shore Is Dead
Asasinarea lui Richard Nixon (2004) - Samuel Bicke
The Assassination oI Richard Nixon
Misterele Fluviului (2003) - Jimmy Markum
Mystic River
21 de Grame (2003) - Paul Rivers
21 Grams
Numai dragostea (2003) - Marciello
It\'s All About Love
Eu sunt Sam (2001) - Sam Dawson
I Am Sam
Ape tulburi (2000) - Thomas Janes
The Weight oI Water
Sweet and Lowdown (1999) - Emmet Ray
Sweet and Lowdown
La hotarul dintre viata si moarte (1998) - Sgt. Edward Welsh
The Thin Red Line
The Game (1997) - Conrad Van Orton
The Game
Ocol Primejdios (1997) - Bobby Cooper
U Turn
Loved (1997) - Michael
Iubirea e un lucru Ioarte mare (1997) - Eddie Quinn
She\'s So Lovely
Piscina lui Hugo (1997)
Hugo Pool
Culoarul mortii (1995) - Matthew Poncelet
Dead Man Walking
Carlito (1993) - KleinIeld
Carlito\'s Way
Victime de razboi (1989) - Sgt. Tony Meserve
Casualties oI War
Nu suntem ingeri (1989) - Jim
We\'re No Angels
Culori (1988) - Danny McGavin
Shanghai Surprise (1986) - Glendon Wasey
Shanghai Surprise
AIacere de Iamilie (1986) - Brad Whitewood Jr.
At Close Range
Spionii (1985) - Daulton Lee
The Falcon and the Snowman
Farsa sinistra (1984) - Dillard
In ajunul razboiului (1984) - Henry Nash / Lou
Racing with the Moon
Colegiul Ridgemont (1982) - JeII Spicoli
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Taps (1981) - Alex Dwyer
FilmograIie - Regizor
Promisiunea (2001) - regizor
The Pledge
The Crossing Guard (1995) - regizor
The Crossing Guard
Fratii (1991) - regizor
The Indian Runner
FilmograIie - Producator
Promisiunea (2001) - producator
The Pledge
FilmograIie - Scenarist
The Crossing Guard (1995) - scenarist
The Crossing Guard
Fratii (1991) - scenarist
The Indian Runner
Sharon Stone
Locul nasterii
Pennsylvania, SUA
Data nasterii
Actrita, producatoare
(din 53 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Instinct Primar 2 (2006) - Catherine Tramell
Basic Instinct 2
Alpha Dog (2006) - Olivia Mazursky
Alpha Dog
Bobby (2006) - Miriam
Flori Irante (2005) - Laura Daniels Miller
Broken Flowers
Catwoman (2004) - Laurel Hedare
Labirintul trecutului (2004) - Sally CauIIield
A DiIIerent Loyalty
Secretul de la Cold Creek Manor (2003) - Leah
Cold Creek Manor
Harold si creionul Iermecat (Serial TV) (2002) - Narator (voce)
Harold and the Purple Crayon (TV Series)
Joe cel Irumos (2000) - Hush Mason
BeautiIul Joe
Gloria (1999) - Gloria
Simpatico (1999) - Rosie
Muza (1999) - Sarah Little
The Muse
SIera (1998) - Dr. Beth Halperin
The Mighty (1998) - Gwen Dillon
The Mighty
Ultimul dans (1996) - Cindy Liggett
Last Dance
Diabolique (1996) - Nicole Horner
Mai iute ca moartea (1995) - Ellen
The Quick and the Dead
Casino (1995) - Ginger McKenna-Rothstein
Specialistul (1994) - May Munro / Adrian Hastings
The Specialist
La rascruce intre dragoste si moarte (1994) - Sally Eastman
Sliver (1993) - Carly Norris
Instinct Primar (1992) - Catherine Tramell
Basic Instinct
Cuibul Iiarei (1992) - Serena Black
Where Sleeping Dogs Lie
Un scriitor printre teroristi (1991) - Alison King
Year oI the Gun
FoarIeca (1991) - Angie Anderson
Total Recall (1990) - Lori Quaid
Total Recall
Dincolo de stele (1989) - Laurie McCall
Beyond the Stars
Action Jackson (1988) - Patrice Dellaplane
Action Jackson
Mai presus de lege (1988) - Sara Toscani
Above the Law
Lacrimi in ploaie (1988) - Casey Cantrell
Tears in the Rain
Academia de Politie 4 (1987) - Claire Mattson
Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol
Allan Quatermain si misterul orasului de aur (1987) - Jesse Huston
Allan Quatermain and the Lost City oI Gold
Cu sange rece (1987) - Kathy Connors
Cold Steel
Snoop Doggy Dogg
Nume real
Calvin Cordozar Broadus
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, compozitor, scenarist, producator
(din 10 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Politisti Iara maniere (2004) - Huggy Bear
Starsky & Hutch
Petrecere la bord (2004)
Soul Plane
Cel mai cautat din Malibu (2003) - Ronnie Rizzat (voce)
Malibu\'s Most Wanted
Zi de instructie (2001) - Sammy
Training Day
Iarba si banii (2001) - Dee Loc
The Wash
Umbra lui Bones (2001) - Jimmy Bones
Mesagerul razbunarii (1999) - C-Dawg
Hot Boyz
Raidul (1998) - Mente
Stan Laurel
Nume real
Arthur Stanley JeIIerson
Locul nasterii
Cumbria, Marea Britanie
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, scenarist, regizor, producator
(din 6 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Cand comedia era rege (1959) - Laurel
When Comedy Was King
Utopia (1951) - Stan Laurel
Atoll K
Stan si Bran aviatori (1939) - Stanley
The Flying Deuces
Way Out West (1937) - Stanley
Way Out West
Stan si Bran scotieni (1935) - Stanley MacLaurel
Bonnie Scotland
Stan si Bran - politisti (1933) - OIiterul Stanley Laurel
The Midnight Patrol
Fra Diavolo (1933)
The Devil\'s Brother
Stan si Bran au un copil (1932) - Stanley
Their First Mistake
Sos comic / Vreme pacatoasa (1931) - Stanley
Laughing Gravy
Stan si Bran se insoara (1931) - Stanley
Our WiIe
Stan si Bran - barbati (1931) - Stanley
Be Big
Zile triste de marinar (1925) - Stan
Navy Blue Days
ConIruntarea kilturilor (1924) - Baiatul lui McPherson
Short Kilts
Steve McQueen
Nume real
Terence Steven
Locul nasterii
Indiana, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Producator, actor
(din 3 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Vanatorul (1980) - Papa Thorson
The Hunter
Tom Horn (1980) - Tom Horn
Tom Horn
Un dusman al poporului (1978) - Thomas Stockmann
An Enemy oI the People
InIernul din zgarie-nori (1974) - Michael O'Hallorhan
The Towering InIerno
Papillon (1973) - Henri Charriere
Lovitura (1972) - Carter McCoy
The Getaway
Bonner Iiul (1972) - Junior Bonner
Junior Bonner
Le Mans (1971) - Michael Delaney
Le Mans
Hoinarii (1969) - Boon Hogganbeck
The Reivers
Inspectorul Bullitt (1968) - Frank Bullitt
AIacerea Thomas Crown (1968) - Thomas Crown
The Thomas Crown AIIair
Nevada Smith (1966) - Nevada Smith / Max Sand / Fitch
Nevada Smith
The Sand Pebbles (1966) - Jake Holman
The Sand Pebbles
Cincinnati Kid (1965) - Eric Stoner
The Cincinnati Kid
Marea evadare (1963) - Capitanul Virgil Hilts
The Great Escape
Dragoste cu un strain (1963) - Rocky Papasano
Love With a Proper Stranger
Iadul e pentru eroi (1962) - John Reese
Hell Is Ior Heroes
The Honeymoon Machine (1961) - Fergie Howard
The Honeymoon Machine
Cei sapte magniIici (1960) - Vin
The MagniIicent Seven
Compania Burma (1959) - Cpl. Bill Ringa
Never So Few / Campaign Burma
Steven Seagal
Locul nasterii
Lansing, Michigan, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator, regizor, scenarist
(din 110 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Dreptate si razbunare (2006) - John Seeger
Mercenary Ior Justice
Shadow Man (2006)
Shadow Man
Dusmanul din ape (2005) - Chris Cody
Legea lui Banks (2005) - Harlan Banks
Today You Die
Zori intunecati (2005) - Jonathan Cold
Black Down
Yakuza (2005) - Travis Hunter
Into the Sun
Intangibilul (2004) - William Lancing
Out oI Reach / The Rescue
Asasin in slujba legii (2003) - ProI. Robert Burns
Out Ior a Kill
Cursa terorii (2003) - Jake Hopper
Belly oI the Beast
Strainul (2003) - Jonathan Cold
The Foreigner
Pe jumatate mort (2002) - Sascha
HalI Past Dead
Foc incrucisat (2001) - Orin Boyd
Exit Wounds
Ultima secunda (2001) - Glass
Teroare nevazuta (1998) - Wesley McClaren
The Patriot
Focul din adancuri (1997) - Jack Taggart
Fire Down Below
Martorul Incomod (1996) - Jack Cole
The Glimmer Man
Ultima decizie (1996) - Austin Travis
Executive Decision
Sechestrati in tren (1995) - Casey Ryback
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
Teren minat (1994) - Forrest TaIt
On Deadly Ground
Sechestrati in larg (1992) - Casey Ryback
Under Siege
In cautarea dreptatii (1991) - Detectivul Gino Felino
Out Ior Justice
Insemnat pentru crima (1990) - John Hatcher
Marked Ior Death
Prada diIicila (1990) - Mason Storm
Hard to Kill
Mai presus de lege (1988) - Nico Toscani
Above the Law
FilmograIie - Regizor
Teren minat (1994) - regizor
On Deadly Ground
FilmograIie - Producator
Zori intunecati (2005) - producator
Black Down
Asasin in slujba legii (2003) - producator
Out Ior a Kill
Pe jumatate mort (2002) - producator
HalI Past Dead
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Yakuza (2005) - scenarist
Into the Sun
Cursa terorii (2003) - scenarist
Belly oI the Beast
Steven Seagal
1 oI 2 25.03.2008 11:23
Prince of Pistols (2008) (in production) .... John Prince 1.
Killing Point (2008) (V) (post-production) .... Detective Jacob King 2.
The Untitled Onion Movie (2008) (completed) .... Cock Puncher 3.
Pistol Whipped (2008) (V) .... Matt 4.
Urban Justice (2007) (V) .... Simon
... aka Renegade Justice (UK: DVD title)
Flight of Fury (2007) (V) .... John Sands 6.
Attack Force (2006) (V) .... Cmdr. Marshall Lawson 7.
Shadow Man (2006) (V) .... Jack Foster 8.
Mercenary for Justice (2006) (V) .... John Seeger
... aka Mercenary (nternational: English title)
Black Dawn (2005) (V) .... Jonathan Cold
... aka Foreigner 2 (nternational: English title: informal alternative
Today You Die (2005) (V) .... Harlan Banks 11.
Submerged (2005) (V) .... Chris Cody 12.
nto the Sun (2005) .... Travis Hunter 13.
Out of Reach (2004) (V) .... William Lansing
... aka Poza zasiegiem (Poland)
Clementine (2004) .... Jack Miller 15.
Belly of the Beast (2003) (V) .... Jake Hopper 16.
Out for a Kill (2003) (V) .... Prof. Robert Burns 17.
The Foreigner (2003) .... Jonathan Cold
... aka Cudzoziemiec (Poland)
Half Past Dead (2002) .... Sasha Petrosevitch
... aka Halbtot - Half Past Dead (Germany)
Ticker (2001) .... Frank Glass
... aka The Other Side of the Law (Philippines: English title)
Exit Wounds (2001) .... Orin Boyd 21.
The Patriot (1998) .... Dr. Wesley McClaren 22.
Fire Down Below (1997) .... Jack Taggart 23.
The Glimmer Man (1996) .... Lt. Jack Cole 24.
Executive Decision (1996) .... Lt. Colonel Austin Travis 25.
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) .... Casey Ryback
... aka Under Siege 2
On Deadly Ground (1994) .... Forrest Taft 27.
Under Siege (1992) .... Casey Ryback
... aka Pige en haute mer (France)
Out for Justice (1991) .... Det. Gino Felino 29.
Marked for Death (1990) .... John Hatcher 30.
Hard to Kill (1990) .... Mason Storm
... aka Seven Year Storm
Above the Law (1988) .... Nico Toscani
... aka Nico (UK: cable TV title)
... aka Nico: Above the Law (Australia)
Prince of Pistols (2008) (in production) (executive producer) 1.
Killing Point (2008) (V) (post-production) (executive producer) 2.
Urban Justice (2007) (V) (executive producer) (producer)
... aka Renegade Justice (UK: DVD title)
Flight of Fury (2007) (V) (executive producer) 4.
Attack Force (2006) (V) (executive producer) 5.
Shadow Man (2006) (V) (producer) 6.
Mercenary for Justice (2006) (V) (executive producer)
... aka Mercenary (nternational: English title)
Black Dawn (2005) (V) (producer)
... aka Foreigner 2 (nternational: English title: informal alternative
Maang lung (2005) (executive producer) 9.
n Production



Steven Seagal
2 oI 2 25.03.2008 11:23
Maang lung (2005) (executive producer)
... aka Dragon Heat (USA: DVD title)
... aka Dragon Squad (nternational: English title)
Today You Die (2005) (V) (producer) 10.
Submerged (2005) (V) (executive producer) 11.
nto the Sun (2005) (producer) 12.
Out of Reach (2004) (V) (executive producer)
... aka Poza zasiegiem (Poland)
Belly of the Beast (2003) (V) (producer) 14.
Out for a Kill (2003) (V) (producer) 15.
The Foreigner (2003) (producer)
... aka Cudzoziemiec (Poland)
Half Past Dead (2002) (producer)
... aka Halbtot - Half Past Dead (Germany)
The Path Beyond Thought (2001) (V) (executive producer)
... aka Aikido: The Path Beyond Thought (USA)
Prince of Central Park (2000) (producer) 19.
The Patriot (1998) (producer) 20.
Not Even the Trees (1998) (producer) 21.
Fire Down Below (1997) (producer) 22.
The Glimmer Man (1996) (producer) 23.
Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) (producer)
... aka Under Siege 2
On Deadly Ground (1994) (producer) 25.
Under Siege (1992) (producer)
... aka Pige en haute mer (France)
Out for Justice (1991) (producer) 27.
Marked for Death (1990) (producer) 28.
Above the Law (1988) (producer)
... aka Nico (UK: cable TV title)
... aka Nico: Above the Law (Australia)
Prince of Pistols (2008) (in production) (writer) 1.
Killing Point (2008) (V) (post-production) (writer) 2.
Flight of Fury (2007) (V) (screenplay) 3.
Attack Force (2006) (V) (screenplay) 4.
Shadow Man (2006) (V) (writer) 5.
Mercenary for Justice (2006) (V) (uncredited)
... aka Mercenary (nternational: English title)
nto the Sun (2005) (screenplay) (story) 7.
Belly of the Beast (2003) (V) (story) (uncredited) 8.
Above the Law (1988) (story)
... aka Nico (UK: cable TV title)
... aka Nico: Above the Law (Australia)
MisceIIaneous Crew:
Marked for Death (1990) (martial arts coordinator) 1.
Hard to Kill (1990) (martial arts choreographer)
... aka Seven Year Storm
Above the Law (1988) (aikido choreographer)
... aka Nico (UK: cable TV title)
... aka Nico: Above the Law (Australia)
Never Say Never Again (1983) (martial arts instructor) (uncredited)
... aka James Bond 007 - Sag niemals nie (West Germany)
The Challenge (1982) (martial arts coordinator) (as Steve Seagal)
... aka Equals
... aka Sword of the Ninja
n Production



Sylvester Stallone
Nume real
Sylvester Enzio Stallone
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, scenarist, regizor, producator
(din 195 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Rocky Balboa (2007) - Rocky Balboa
Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI)
Rambo IV (2007) - John J. Rambo
Rambo IV
Spy Kids 3-D: SIarsitul jocului (2003) - Fabricantul de jucarii
Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over
Trisorii (2003) - Stevens
D-Tox (2002) - Jake Malloy
D-Tox / Eye See You
Razbunandu-l pe Angelo (2002) - Frankie Delano
Avenging Angelo
La viteza maxima (2001) - Joe Tanto
Recuperatorul (2000) - Jack Carter
Get Carter
Un secol de Iilm (1998) - Sylvester Stallone
AFI\'s 100 Years... 100 Movies: In Search oI
Cop Land (1997) - Freddy HeIlin
Cop Land
Hollywood in Ilacari (1997) - Sylvester Stallone
An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn
Daylight - Panica in tunel (1996) - Kit Latura
Asasini (1995) - Robert Rath (Joseph)
Judecatorul (1995) - Judecatorul Dredd
Judge Dredd
Specialistul (1994) - Ray Quick
The Specialist
Demolatorul (1993) - John Spartan
Demolition Man
CliIIhanger (1993) - Gabe Walker
Stai, ca trage mama! (1992) - Joe Bomowski
Stop or My Mother Will Shoot
Oscar (1991) - Angelo Provolone
Rocky V (1990) - Rocky Balboa
Rocky V
Tango & Cash (1989) - Raymond Tango
Tango and Cash
Dupa gratii (1989) - Frank Leone
Rambo III (1988) - John Rambo
Rambo III
Pumnul de Iier (1987) - Lincoln Hawk
Over the Top
Cobra (1986) - Lt. Marion Cobretti
Rocky IV (1985) - Rocky Balboa
Rocky IV
Rambo II (1985) - John Rambo
Rambo: First Blood Part II
Clubul de noapte (1984) - Nick Martinelli
Rocky III (1982) - Rocky Balboa
Rocky III
First Blood - Rambo I (1982) - John Rambo
First Blood
Soimi de noapte (1981) - Deke DaSilva
Drumul spre victorie (1981) - Robert Hatch
Victory / Escape to Victory
Rocky II (1979) - Rocky Balboa
Rocky II
F.I.S.T. (1978) - Johnny D. Kovak
Paradise Alley (1978) - Cosmo Carboni
Paradise Alley
Rocky (1976) - Rocky Balboa
Prizonierul din Manhattan (1975) - Tanar in Parc
The Prisoner oI Second Avenue
Adio, iubito! (1975) - Kelly/Jonnie
Farewell, My Lovely!
Capone (1975) - Frank Nitti
Bananas (1971)
Fara scapare (1970) - Jerry Savage
No Place to Hide
FilmograIie - Regizor
Rocky Balboa (2007) - regizor
Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI)
Rambo IV (2007) - regizor
Rambo IV
Rocky IV (1985) - regizor
Rocky IV
Rocky III (1982) - regizor
Rocky III
Rocky II (1979) - regizor
Rocky II
Paradise Alley (1978) - regizor
Paradise Alley
FilmograIie - Producator
La viteza maxima (2001) - producator
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Rocky Balboa (2007) - scenarist
Rocky Balboa (Rocky VI)
La viteza maxima (2001) - scenarist
Rocky V (1990) - scenarist
Rocky V
Rocky IV (1985) - scenarist
Rocky IV
Rocky III (1982) - scenarist
Rocky III
Rocky II (1979) - scenarist
Rocky II
F.I.S.T. (1978) - scenarist
Paradise Alley (1978) - scenarist
Paradise Alley
Rocky (1976) - scenarist
Tea Leoni
Nume real
Elizabeth Tea Pantaleoni
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Producatoare, actrita
(din 17 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Distractie cu Dick si Jane (2005) - Jane Harper
Fun with Dick and Jane
Casa D (2005) - Dna. Warshaw
House oI D
Spanglish (2004)
Final ca la Hollywood (2002) - Lori
Hollywood Ending
Cu cartile pe masa (2002) - Jilli Hopper
People I Know
Jurassic Park III (2001) - Amanda Kirby
Jurassic Park III
O alta sansa (2000) - Kate Reynolds
Family Man
Impact nimicitor (1998) - Jenny Lerner
Deep Impact
Cochetand cu dezastrul (1996) - Tina
Flirting with Disaster
Baieti rai (1995) - Julie Mott
Bad Boys
Contesa pentru o zi (1994) - Gina Leonarda Nardino
The CounterIeit Contessa
Cu capu'-n nori (1992) - Alicia
Flying Blind
Terence Hill
Locul nasterii
Venetia, Italia
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor, scenarist, producator
(din 4 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Bataie de Craciun (1994) - Travis
Botte di Natale (Troublemakers)
Un duo Iormidabil (1987) - Luke
Incurcaturi cu dubluri (1984) - Eliot Vance / Bastiano Coimbra
Non c\'e due senza quattro (Double Trouble)
Incurcaturi in lant (1983) - Rosco Frazer
Nati con la camicia (Go Ior It)
Don Camillo (1983) - Don Camillo
Don Camillo
Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste (1981) - Alan
Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro
Superpolitistul (1980) - Dave Speed
Poliziotto superpiu (Super Snooper)
Par si impar (1978) - Johnny Firpo
Pari e dispari (Odds and Evens)
Legiunea Straina (1977) - Marco Segrain
March or Die
Misionarii (1974) - Parintele J
Porgi l\'altra guancia (Don\'t Turn the Other Cheek)
Corsarul Negru (1971) - Blackie
Il corsaro nero (The Black Pirate)
FilmograIie - Regizor
Bataie de Craciun (1994) - regizor
Botte di Natale (Troublemakers)
Don Camillo (1983) - regizor
Don Camillo
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Un duo Iormidabil (1987) - scenarist
Tom Cruise
Nume real
Thomas Cruise Mapother IV
Locul nasterii
Syracuse, NY
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor, producator
(din 122 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Misiune: Imposibila III (2006) - Ethan Hunt
Mission: Impossible III
Razboiul Lumilor (2005) - Ray Ferrier
War oI the Worlds
Colateral (2004) - Vincent
Ultimul Samurai (2003) - Capitanul Woodrow Algren
The Last Samurai
Minority Report - Raport Special (2002) - OIiterul John Anderton
Minority Report
Austin Powers - Goldmember (2002) - Austin Powers
Austin Powers in Goldmember (Austin Powers 3)
Vanilla Sky - Deschide ochii (2001) - David
Vanilla Sky
Misiune: Imposibila 2 (2000) - Ethan Hunt
Mission: Impossible 2
Magnolia (1999) - Frank T.J. Mackey
Cu ochii larg inchisi (1999) - William HarIord
Eyes Wide Shut
Jerry Maguire (1996) - Jerry Maguire
Jerry Maguire
Misiune: Imposibila (1996) - Ethan Hunt
Mission: Impossible
Interviu cu un vampir: Cronicile Vampirilor (1994) - Lestat de Lioncourt
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
Firma (1993) - Mitch McDeere
The Firm
Oameni de onoare (1992) - Daniel KaIIee
A Few Good Men
Departe, departe (1992) - Joseph Donnelly
Far And Away
Zilele Tunetului (1990) - Cole Trickle
Days oI Thunder
Nascut pe 4 iulie (1989) - Ron Kovic
Born on the Fourth oI July
Rain Man (1988) - Charlie Babbitt
Rain Man
Cocktail (1988) - Brian Flanagan
Top Gun (1986) - Pete Mitchell
Top Gun
Culoarea banilor (1986) - Vincent Lauria
The Color oI Money
Legenda (1985) - Jack
AIaceri riscante (1983) - Joel Goodson
Risky Business
Sansa unei vieti (1983) - SteI
All the Right Moves
Taps (1981) - David Shawn
FilmograIie - Regizor
Crime perIecte (Serial TV) (1993) - regizor
Fallen Angels (TV Series)
FilmograIie - Producator
Suspectul Zero (2004) - producator
Suspect Zero
Ultimul Samurai (2003) - producator
The Last Samurai
Minority Report - Raport Special (2002) - producator
Minority Report
Vanilla Sky - Deschide ochii (2001) - producator
Vanilla Sky
Misiune: Imposibila 2 (2000) - producator
Mission: Impossible 2
Tom Hanks
Nume real
Thomas J. Hanks
Locul nasterii
CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor, producator, scenarist
(din 133 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Codul lui Da Vinci (2006) - Robert Langdon
The Da Vinci Code
Polar Expres (2004) - Eroul, conductorul (voci)
The Polar Express
Terminalul (2004) - Viktor Navorski
The Terminal
The Ladykillers - Cum scapam de Coana Mare? (2004) - ProIesorul Goldthwait
Higginson Dorr
The Ladykillers
Drumul spre pierzanie (2002) - Michael Sullivan
Road to Perdition
Prinde-ma! Daca poti! (2002) - Carl Hanratty
Catch Me II You Can
NauIragiatul (2001) - Chuck Noland
Cast Away
Toy Story 2 (2000) - Woody (voce)
Toy Story 2
Culoarul Mortii (1999) - Paul Edgecomb
The Green Mile
Salvati soldatul Ryan (1998) - Capitanul John H. Miller
Saving Private Ryan
A sosit posta (1998) - Joe Fox
You`ve Got Mail
Rock'n'roll (1996) - Domnul White
That Thing You Do!
Toy Story (1995) - Woody (voce)
Toy Story
Apollo 13 (1995) - Jim Lovell
Apollo 13
Forrest Gump (1994) - Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump
Philadelphia (1993) - Andrew Beckett
Nopti albe in Seattle (1993) - Samuel Baldwin
Sleepless in Seattle
Liga Ieminina de baseball (1992) - Jimmy Dugan
A League oI Their Own
Rugul vanitatilor (1990) - Sherman McCoy
The BonIire oI the Vanities
Joe impotriva vulcanului (1990) - Joe Banks
Joe Versus the Volcano
Turner si Hooch (1989) - Scott Turner
Turner and Hooch
Vecinii (1989) - Ray Peterson
The \'burbs
Vreau sa Iiu mare (1988) - Joshua Baskin
Poanta (1988) - Steven Gold
Vine razia! (1987) - Pep Streebeck
Nothing in Common (1986) - David Basner
Nothing in Common
Un sac de bani (1986) - Walter Fielding Jr.
The Money Pit
Cand ne luam ramas-bun (1986) - David BradIord
Every Time We Say Goodbye
Omul cu un pantoI rosu (1985) - Richard
The Man with One Red Shoe
Sirena indragostita (1984) - Allen Bauer
Petrecerea burlacilor (1984) - Richard Ernesto Gassko
Bachelor Party
FilmograIie - Regizor
Camarazi de razboi (Serial TV) (2001) - regizor
Band oI Brothers (TV Series)
Rock'n'roll (1996) - regizor
That Thing You Do!
FilmograIie - Producator
Polar Expres (2004) - producator
The Polar Express
Nunta a la grec (2001) - producator
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Rock'n'roll (1996) - scenarist
That Thing You Do!
Tommy Lee Jones
Locul nasterii
Texas, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, actor, scenarist
(din 9 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Cele trei inmormantari ale lui Melquiades Estrada (2006) - Pete Perkins
The Three Burials oI Melquiades Estrada
A Prairie Home Companion (2006) - Axeman
A Prairie Home Companion
Politist sub acoperire (2005) - Roland Sharp
Man oI the House / Cheer Up
Animal de prada (2003) - L.T. Bonham
The Hunted
Disparutele (2003) - Samuel Jones
The Missing
Barbatii in Negru II (2002) - Agentul K.
Men in Black II
Space Cowboys (2000) - Hawk Hawkins
Space Cowboys
Regula Jocului (2000) - col.Hays Hodges
Rules oI Engagement
Evadata (1999) - Travis Lehman
Double Jeopardy
Legea e lege (1998) - Samuel Gerard
U.S. Marshals
Soldateii (1998) - Capitanul Chip Hazard (voce)
Small Soldiers
Barbatii in Negru (1997) - Agentul K.
Men in Black
Vulcanul (1997) - Mike Roark
Batman Forever (1995) - Two Iace / Harvey Dent
Batman Forever (Batman 3)
Clientul (1995) - Roy Foltrigg
The Client
The Good Old Boys (1995) - Hewey Calloway
The Good Old Boys
Nascuti asasini (1994) - Dwight McClusky
Natural Born Killers
Blue Sky (1994) - Henry G. Marshall
Blue Sky
Teroare in Boston (1994) - Ryan Gaerity
Blown Away
Evadatul (1993) - Samuel Gerard
The Fugitive
Castele din carti de joc (1993) - Jake Beerlander
House oI Cards
Sechestrati in larg (1992) - William Stranix
Under Siege
JFK (1991) - Clay Shaw
Pachetul (1989) - Thomas Boyette
The Package
Legaminte incalcate (1987) - Joseph McMahon
Broken Vows
Luna neagra (1986) - Quint
Black Moon Rising
Parcul este al meu! (1986) - Mitch
The Park Is Mine
Pace pentru Iiecare (1983) - Capitanul Bully Hayes
Nate and Hayes
Omul care aduce ploaia (1982) - Starbuck
The Rainmaker
Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) - Doolittle Lynn
Coal Miner's Daughter
Ochii Laurei Mars (1978) - John Neville
Eyes oI Laura Mars
Love Story (1970) - Hank
Love Story
FilmograIie - Regizor
Cele trei inmormantari ale lui Melquiades Estrada (2006) - regizor
The Three Burials oI Melquiades Estrada
The Good Old Boys (1995) - regizor
The Good Old Boys
FilmograIie - Producator
Cele trei inmormantari ale lui Melquiades Estrada (2006) - producator
The Three Burials oI Melquiades Estrada
Tupac Shakur
Nume real
Lesane Parish Crooks
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, compozitor
(din 23 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Tupac: Povestea adevarata (2003) - El insusi (imagini arhiva)
Tupac: Resurrection
Cand nimic nu merge bine (1997) - Ezekiel Whitmore
Intre lege si crima (1997) - Rodriguez
Gang Related
Poezie si singuratate (1993) - Lucky
Poetic Justice
Uma Thurman
Nume real
Uma Karuna Thurman
Locul nasterii
Boston, Massachusetts, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 57 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Fosta mea Super-Gagica (2006) - Jenny / G-Girl
My Super Ex-GirlIriend
Da-te mare si tare! (2005) - Edie
Be Cool (Get Shorty 2)
Producatorii (2005) - Ulla
The Producers
Cu iubirea la psihiatru (2005) - RaIi Gardet
Cecul sau viata (2004) - Rachel
Kill Bill: Volumul 2 (2004) - Mireasa (Black Mamba)
Kill Bill: Volume 2
Kill Bill: Volumul 1 (2003) - Mireasa (Black Mamba)
Kill Bill: Volume 1
Tensiune orbitoare (2002) - Debby Miller
Hysterical Blindness
Marturisirea (2001) - Amy Randall
Vatel (2000) - Anne de Montausier
Cupa de Aur (2000) - Charlotte Stant
The Golden Bowl
Sweet and Lowdown (1999) - Blanche
Sweet and Lowdown
Mizerabilii (1998) - Fantine
Les Miserables
Razbunatorii (1998) - Emma Peel
The Avengers
Gattaca (1997) - Irene Cassini
Batman si Robin (1997) - Poison Ivy / Dr. Pamela Isley
Batman & Robin (Batman 4)
Fete Irumoase (1996) - Andera
BeautiIul Girls
Cine pe cine iubeste (1996) - Noelle Slusarsky
The Truth About Cats and Dogs
Vacanta in aprilie (1995) - Beaumont
A Month by the Lake
Pulp Fiction (1994) - Mia Wallace
Pulp Fiction
Femeile adevarate nu plang niciodata (1993) - Sissy Hankshaw
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues
O Iemeie drept rasplata (1993) - Glory
Mad Dog and Glory
Analiza Finala (1992) - Diana Baylor
Final Analysis
JenniIer (1992) - Helena Robertson
JenniIer Eight
Robin Hood (1991) - Camerista Marian
Robin Hood
Henry si June (1990) - June Miller
Henry & June
Legaturi periculoase (1988) - Cecile de Volanges
Dangerous Liaisons
Johnny Be Good (1988) - Georgia Elkans
Johnny Be Good
Val Kilmer
Nume real
Val Edward Kilmer
Locul nasterii
Los Angeles, CaliIornia, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 50 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Dincolo de trecut (2006) - Agentul Pryzwarra
Deja Vu
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (2005) - Perry Van Shrike
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
Minti ucigatoare (2004) - Harris
Alexandru (2004) - Filip
Spartanul (2004) - Scott
Orizont intunecat (2004) - Frank Kavanaugh
Blind Horizon
Disparutele (2003) - Generalul
The Missing
Crimele din Wonderland (2003) - John Holmes
Wonderland / The Wonderland Murders
Viata dubla (2002) - Danny Parker / Tom Van Allen
The Salton Sea
Bani gheata (2002) - Cornell
Hard Cash / Run Ior the Money
Planeta Rosie (2001) - Robby Gallagher
Red Planet
Atingerea Dragostei (1999) - Virgil Adamson
At First Sight
Printul Egiptului (1998) - Moise / Dumnezeu (voci)
The Prince oI Egypt
SIantul (1997) - Simon Templar
The Saint
Insula doctorului Moreau (1996) - Montgomery
The Island oI Dr. Moreau
Batman Forever (1995) - Batman / Bruce Wayne
Batman Forever (Batman 3)
True Romance (1993) - Mentor (Elvis)
True Romance
Wyatt Earp (1993) - Doc Holliday
Chemarea strabunilor (1992) - Ray Levoi
The Doors (1991) - Jim Morrison
The Doors
Ucide-ma din nou (1989) - Jack Andrews
Kill Me Again
Willow (1988) - Madmartigan
Top Gun (1986) - Tom Kazanski
Top Gun
Crimele din Rue Morgue (1986) - Phillipe Huron
The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Un geniu autentic (1985) - Chris Knight
Real Genius
Top Secret! (1984) - Nick Rivers
Top Secret!
Victoria Pratt
1. "Moonlight" .... Dee Dee Dwight (1 episode, 2008)
- Fated to Pretend (2008) TV episode .... Dee Dee Dwight
2. Journey to the Center oI the Earth (2008) (TV) .... Martha Dennison
3. "Ghost Whisperer" .... ProIessor Claudia Pollili (1 episode, 2007)
- Double Exposure (2007) TV episode .... ProIessor Claudia Pollili
4. Hush Little Baby (2007) (TV) .... Jamie
5. Brotherhood oI Blood (2007) .... Carrie Rieger
6. What Love Is (2007) .... Sara
7. "Day Break" .... Andrea Battle (13 episodes, 2006-2007)
- What II It's Him? (2007) TV episode .... Andrea Battle
- What II She's the Key? (2007) TV episode .... Andrea Battle
- What II He Walks Away? (2007) TV episode .... Andrea Battle
- What II He's Free? (2007) TV episode .... Andrea Battle
- What II He's Not Alone? (2007) TV episode .... Andrea Battle
(8 more)
8. Her Fatal Flaw (2006) (TV) .... Laney Hennessy
9. Kraken: Tentacles oI the Deep (2006) (TV) .... Nicole
10. House oI the Dead 2 (2005) (TV) .... Henson
... aka House oI the Dead 2 (Australia: DVD title) (USA: short title)
... aka House oI the Dead 2: All Guts, No Glory (USA: alternative title)
... aka House oI the Dead II: Dead Aim (USA: DVD title)
11. Mayday (2005) (TV) .... Simms
12. Murder at the Presidio (2005) (TV) .... Cpl. Tara JeIIries
13. Comedy Hell (2005) .... Kelli
14. Hush (2005) (TV) .... Callie
15. "Mutant X" .... Shalimar Fox / ... (66 episodes, 2001-2004)
- The Assault (2004) TV episode .... Shalimar Fox
- Cirque des Merveilles (2004) TV episode .... Shalimar Fox
- The Prophecy (2004) TV episode .... Shalimar Fox
- Dream Lover (2004) TV episode .... Shalimar Fox
- In Between (2004) TV episode .... Shalimar Fox
(61 more)
16. The Mallory EIIect (2002) (as Vicky Pratt) .... JenniIer
17. "Cleopatra 2525" .... Rose "Sarge" / ... (28 episodes, 2000-2001)
- The Voice (2001) TV episode .... Sarge
- Noir or Never (2001) TV episode .... Rose "Sarge"
- No Thanks Ior the Memories (2001) TV episode .... Rose "Sarge"
- The Soldier Who Fell Irom Grace (2001) TV episode .... Rose "Sarge"
- In Your Boots (2001) TV episode .... Rose "Sarge"
(23 more)
18. Blacktop (2000) (TV) .... Charlie
... aka Blacktop: Murder on the Move (USA: DVD title)
... aka Route de la peur, La (Canada: French title)
19. "First Wave" .... Claire Wilson (1 episode, 2000)
- Tomorrow (2000) TV episode .... Claire Wilson
20. Whatever It Takes (1999) (uncredited) .... Fitness Instructor
21. "Forbidden Island" (1999) TV series (as Vicky Pratt) .... Wilkes
22. Legacy (1998/I) (as Vicky Pratt) .... Ding
23. "Xena: Warrior Princess" .... Cyane (2 episodes, 1998)
... aka Xena (Australia)
- Adventures in the Sin Trade: Part 2 (1998) TV episode .... Cyane
- Adventures in the Sin Trade: Part 1 (1998) TV episode .... Cyane
24. "Once a ThieI" .... Jackie Janczyk / ... (13 episodes, 1997-1998)
... aka John Woo's Once a ThieI (Canada: English title) (USA: complete title)
- Endgame (1998) TV episode (as Vicky Pratt) .... Jackie Janczyk
- Family Reunion (1998) TV episode (as Vicky Pratt) .... Jackie Janczyk
- Politics oI Love (1998) TV episode .... Jackie Janczyk
- Shaken Not Stirred (1998) TV episode .... Jackie Janczyk
- The Director Files (1998) TV episode .... Jackie Janczyk
(8 more)
25. "Go Ior It!" (1996) TV series .... Co-Host
Miscellaneous Crew:
1. People I Know (2002) (ADR loop group)
... aka Im inneren Kreis (Germany)
... aka Innere Kreis, Der (Germany: video title)
1. Reinventing the House: Making a Bloody Sequel (2006) (V) .... HerselI
2. "Pyramid" .... HerselI (1 episode, 2004)
... aka The $100,000 Pyramid (USA: alternative title)
- Episode dated 19 April 2004 (2004) TV episode .... HerselI
3. Double Dare (2004) (uncredited) .... HerselI
4. Ham & Cheese (2004) .... HerselI
5. 2nd Annual Spaceys (2004) (TV) .... HerselI
Vin Diesel
Nume real
Mark Vincent
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, regizor, producator, scenarist
(din 347 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Furios si Iute: Tokyo DriIt (2006) - Dominic Toretto (aparitie speciala, necreditat pe
The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo DriIt (The Fast and the Furious 3)
Pledez vinovat?! (2006) - Giacomo "Jackie Dee" DiNorscio
Find Me Guilty
Bona de la Fortele Speciale (2005) - Shane WolIe
The PaciIier
Riddick - Batalia incepe (2004) - Richard B. Riddick
The Chronicles oI Riddick (Pitch Black 2)
Cronicile lui Riddick: Furia intunecata (2004) - Richard P. Riddick (voce)
The Chronicles oI Riddick: Dark Fury
Pe cont propriu (2003) - Sean Vetter
A Man Apart
Patru baieti si o geanta (2002) - Taylor Reese
Knockaround Guys
Triplu X (2002) - Xander Cage/Triplu X
Furios si iute (2001) - Dominic Toretto
The Fast and The Furious
VarIul piramidei (2000) - Chris Varick
Boiler Room
Intuneric total (2000) - Richard B. Riddick
Pitch Black
Uriasul de metal (1999) - Iron Giant (voce)
The Iron Giant
Salvati soldatul Ryan (1998) - Soldatul Adrian Caparzo
Saving Private Ryan
Strays (1997) - Rick
Multi-Facial (1994) - Mike
FilmograIie - Regizor
Multi-Facial (1994) - regizor
FilmograIie - Producator
Riddick - Batalia incepe (2004) - producator executiv
The Chronicles oI Riddick (Pitch Black 2)
Ving Rhames
Nume real
Irving Rhames
Locul nasterii
New York, SUA
Data nasterii
(din 1 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Misiune: Imposibila III (2006) - Luther Stickell
Mission: Impossible III
Dimineata mortii (2004) - Kenneth
Dawn oI the Dead
Fereastra secreta (2004)
Secret Window / Secret Window, Secret Garden
Pacatul (2003) - Eddie Burns
Orasul in Ilacari (2002) - Arthur Holland
Dark Blue / The Plague Season
Lilo si Stitch (2002) - Cobra Bubbles (voce)
Lilo & Stitch
Pacatele unui tata (2002) - Garrick Jones
Sins oI the Father
Fara egal (2002) - George Chambers
Micul John (2002) - John Morgan
Little John
Final Fantasy: Spiritele ascunse (2001) - Sgt. Ryan Whitaker (voce)
Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
Misiune: Imposibila 2 (2000) - Luther Stickell
Mission: Impossible 2
O tragedie americana (2000) - Johnnie Cochran
American Tragedy
Inima de aur (2000) - Holiday Heart
Holiday Heart
Lantul crimei (1999) - Pike
Body Count
Pasiune periculoasa (1998) - Buddy Bragg
Out oI Sight
Masacrul din Rosewood (1997) - Mann
Don King O Poveste Americana (1997) - Don King
Don King: Only in America
Misiune: Imposibila (1996) - Luther Stickell
Mission: Impossible
Sarutul mortii (1995) - Omar
Kiss oI Death
Dave - presedinte pentru o zi (1993) - Duane Stevenson
Stai, ca trage mama! (1992) - Mr. Stereo
Stop or My Mother Will Shoot
Oamenii de sub scara (1991) - Leroy
The People Under the Stairs
Lungul drum catre casa (1990) - Herbert Cotter
The Long Walk Home
Victime de razboi (1989) - Lt. Reilly
Casualties oI War
Patty Hearst (1988) - Cinque
Patty Hearst
Warren Beatty
Nume real
Henry Warren Beaty
Locul nasterii
Virginia, SUA
Data nasterii
Regizor, scenarist, producator, actor
(din 0 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
In culisele pornograIiei (2005) - El insusi (imagini arhiva)
Inside Deep Throat
Town & Country (2001) - Porter Stoddard
Town & Country
Bulworth (1998) - Senatorul Jay Billington Bulworth
Poveste de dragoste (1994) - Mike Gambril
Love AIIair
Bugsy (1991) - Bugsy Siegel
In pat cu Madonna (1990) - El insusi
In Bed with Madonna (Madonna: Truth or Dare)
Dick Tracy (1990) - Dick Tracy
Dick Tracy
Ishtar (1987) - Lyle Rogers
Reds (1981) - John Reed
Raiul mai poate astepta (1978) - Joe Pendleton / Leo Farnsworth / Tom Jarrett
Heaven Can Wait
Averea (1975) - Nicky Wilson
The Fortune (Spite and Malice)
Paralaxis (1974) - Joseph Frady
The Parallax View
McCabe si doamna Miller (1971) - John McCabe
McCabe and Mrs. Miller
Singurul joc din oras (1970) - Joe Grady
The Only Game in Town
Bonnie si Clyde (1967) - Clyde Barrow
Bonnie and Clyde
Joc de noroc (1966) - Barney Lincoln
Lilith (1964) - Vincent Bruce
All Fall Down (1962) - Berry-Berry Willart
All Fall Down
Splendoare in iarba (1961) - Bud Stamper
Splendor in the Grass
O noua primavara (1961) - Paolo di Leo
The Roman Spring oI Mrs. Stone
FilmograIie - Regizor
Bulworth (1998) - regizor
Dick Tracy (1990) - regizor
Dick Tracy
Reds (1981) - regizor
Raiul mai poate astepta (1978) - regizor
Heaven Can Wait
FilmograIie - Producator
Bugsy (1991) - producator
FilmograIie - Scenarist
Bulworth (1998) - scenarist
Reds (1981) - scenarist
Wesley Snipes
Locul nasterii
Florida, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, producator
(din 71 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
Ostatici sub acoperire (2006) - E. Lorenz
Detonatorul (2006) - Sonni GriIIith
The Detonator
7 Secunde (2005) - John Tuliver
7 Seconds
Tragator de elita (2005) - Painter
The Marksman
Fara sansa (2005) - Lucky
Hard Luck
Blade: Trinity (2004) - Blade
Blade: Trinity (Blade III)
Lupta cu demonii (2004) - Dean Cage
Nine Lives
Blade II (2002) - Blade
Blade II
Fara egal (2002) - Monroe Hutchens
Atentatul (2002) - Joe
Liberty Stands Still
ZigZag (2002) - Fletcher
Arta razboiului (2000) - Shaw
The Art oI War
Vise si dorinte (2000) - Franklin SwiIt
Disappearing Acts
Legea e lege (1998) - Mark J. Sheridan
U.S. Marshals
Blade (1998) - Blade / Eric
Sportul viitorului (1998) - Obike Fixx
Aventura de o noapte (1997) - Max Carlyle
One Night Stand
Crima la nr. 1600 (1997) - Detectivul Harlan Regis
Murder at 1600
Un admirator Ianatic (1996) - Bobby Rayburn
The Fan
Rapirea trenului cu bani (1995) - John
Money Train
Reginele balului (1995) - Noxeema Jackson
To Wong Foo, Thanks Ior Everything, Julie Newmar
Piratii aerului (1994) - Pete Nessip
Drop Zone
O lupta pierduta (1994) - Roemello Skuggs
Sugar Hill
Rasarit de soare (1993) - Locotenentul Web Smith
Rising Sun
Demolatorul (1993) - Simon Phoenix
Demolition Man
Presiune maxima (1993) - Jimmy Mercer
Boiling Point
Pasagerul 57 (1992) - John Cutter
Passenger 57
Albii nu pot sa sara (1992) - Sidney Deane
White Men Can\'t Jump
Febra iubirii (1991) - Flipper PuriIy
Jungle Fever
Pericol in Harlem (1991) - Nino Brown
New Jack City
Totul pentru Blues (1990) - Sax
Mo\' Better Blues
Impreuna pentru glorie (1986) - Roland Jenkins
Streets oI Gold
FilmograIie - Producator
Blade II (2002) - producator
Blade II
Will Smith
Nume real
Willard Christopher Smith Jr.
Locul nasterii
Pennsylvania, SUA
Data nasterii
Actor, compozitor
(din 79 voturi)
FilmograIie - Actor
I Am Legend (2007) - Neville
I Am Legend
In cautarea Iericirii (2006) - Christopher Gardner
Pursuit oI Happyness
Hitch - Consilier in amor (2005) - Alex "Hitch" Hitchens
Hitch / Last First Kiss
Povestea unui Rechin (2004) - Oscar (voce)
Shark Tale
Eu, Robotul (2004) - Detectivul Del Spooner
I, Robot
Baieti rai 2 (2003) - Mike Lowrey
Bad Boys II
Barbatii in Negru II (2002) - Agentul J.
Men in Black II
Ali (2001) - Muhammad Ali
Bine ati venit la Hollywood! (2000) - El insusi
Welcome to Hollywood
Misteriosul Bagger Vance (2000) - Bagger Vance
The Legend oI Bagger Vance
Wild Wild West - Mare nebunie in Vest (1999) - Capt. James West
Wild Wild West
Inamicul Statului (1998) - Robert Clayton Dean
Enemy oI the State
Barbatii in Negru (1997) - Agentul J.
Men in Black
Ziua Independentei (1996) - Capitanul Steven Hiller
ID 4 - Independence Day
Baieti rai (1995) - Mike Lowrey
Bad Boys
Made in America (1993) - Tea Cake Walters
Made in America
Sase diIerente Iundamentale (1993) - Paul
Six Degrees oI Separation
O noua zi (1992) - Manny
Where the Day Takes You
Printul din Bel Air (Serial TV) (1990) - Will Smith
The Fresh Prince oI Bel Air
Yul Brynner
Locul nasterii
Vladivostock, Rusia
Data nasterii
Data decesului
Actor, regizor, producator
(din 4 voturi)
Mai putin de 5 voturi
FilmograIie - Actor
Futureworld (1976) - The Gunslinger
Westworld (1973) - Robot Gunslinger
Sarpele (1972) - Vlassov
Le Serpent (Night Flight Irom Moscow)
Inca o data, cu dragoste! (1960) - Victor Fabian
Once More, with Feeling!
Solomon si Sheba (1959) - Solomon
Solomon and Sheba
The Journey (1959) - Major Surov
The Journey
Fratii Karamazov (1958) - Dmitri Karamazov
The Brothers Karamazov
Cele zece porunci (1956) - Rameses
The Ten Commandments
Eu si Regele (1956) - Regele Mongkut al Siamului
The King and I

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