Return of The Three Kings:: Reclaiming The 12 Days From Christmas To Epiphany

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Return of the Three Kings:

Reclaiming the 12 Days FROM Christmas TO EPIPHANY

By ! "ee "!#elan$ "in% an$ !hn &' "in%
Many !( )s ha#e ha$ the e*+erience !( the Christmas M!rning melee !( +resents (!ll!,e$ -y t!! m)ch eggn!g an$ the +!st.Christmas $e+resse$ st)+!r/ an$ %n!,ing that ,e ha#e t! ,ait an!ther year (!r the ()ll Christmas 0+irit t! arri#e again' RETURN OF THE THREE KINGS1 REC"AIMIN2 THE 12 DAY0 FROM CHRI0TMA0 TO EPIPHANY is a-!)t reimagining the Christmas H!li$ays n!t as s+rint t! Christmas M!rning/ -)t as a rela*e$ Christmas seas!n starting !n Decem-er 23 an$ en$ing an)ary 4/ the Feast !( the Three 5ings !r E+i+hany' The "in%s e*+l!re the c!m+le* hist!rical/ religi!)s an$ c)lt)ral tra$iti!ns that create$ an$ e#!l#e$ !)t the 12 Days !( Christmas' They +!int !)t that the 0!lstice Festi#al that has -!th meta+h!rical an$ literal r!!ts in all (aiths' This is the hist!rical tra$iti!n !( the T,el#e Days als! %n!,n as 6Ol$e Christmas7 8,ith!)t +artri$ges/ g!l$ rings !r mil%ing mai$s9 t! ,hich they gra(te$ ne, i$eas (!r cele-rating the 12 Days !( Christmas'

Return of the Three Kings:

There is room for all faiths and no faiths at the abundant table of the 12 Days. Together with the Three Kings, we each make our own journey to Bethlehem and can choose to allow oursel es to be !rofoundly enriched by what we find there.

Return of the Three Kings is Available in both soft cover and e boo! fro" A"a#on$co" %%%$returnof&!ings$co"

The -!!% $etails their cele-rati!n +r!cess that (!c)ses !n sh!rt $aily cele-rati!n carrie$ !n !#er the 12 Days' 2i(t gi#ing is c!)+le$ ,ith $isc)ssi!n a-!)t ,hat each gi(ts means t! gi#er an$ recei#er creating a m!re c!nsci!)s an$ th!)ght()l e*change' A$$iti!nal sim+le acti#ities s)ch as rea$ings/ re(lecti!n/ an$ me$itati!n ma%e the cele-rati!n an inner :!)rney' The "in%s em+hasi;e the archety+al +!,er !( the 0!lstice Festi#al an$ the )ni#ersality !( es)s< teachings' They ha#e incl)$e$ a secti!n !( rea$ings an$ +rayers (r!m tra$iti!nal Christian 0!)rces/ a secti!n !( rea$ings (r!m &!rl$ Religi!n s!)rces incl)$ing )$aism/ B)$$hism an$ 0)(ism/ an$ a secti!n !( rea$ings ,hich are (r!m agn!stic !r sec)lar s!)rces/ -)t (!c)se$ !n Christmas themes' They +!int !)t many (amilies ha#e mem-ers in $i((erent (aith stances at $i((erent times in their li#es' The -!!% incl)$es $etaile$ h!,.t! in(!rmati!n/ an$ strategies (!r cele-rati!n !( the 12 Days (!r all %in$s !( (amilies incl)$ing in$i#i$)als/ c!)+les/ (amilies an$ th!se ,ith l!#e$ !nes stati!ne$ else,here' Ret)rn !( the Three 5ings/ +r!#i$es a (resh ,ay t! meet the challenges that ,e all (ace as ,e na#igate the em!ti!nal mine(iel$ !( the h!li$ays' Thr!)gh this 2)i$e-!!% ,e are le$ t! a $ee+er sense !( meaning (!r !)rsel#es/ !)r c!nnecti!n t! (amily/ !)r c!mm)nities/ regar$less !( (aith !r lac% !( (aith'

Return of the Three Kings:

The Links began researching and experimenting with their own 12 Days of Christmas Celebration for over ten years ago. Professionally they are cons ltants! trainers and researchers in social science! and interpersonal and organi"ational dynamics for the government! #ort ne $%%&s! start' ps! non'profits! and ch rches. (he is a master professional in )pplied *ehavior (cience and )d lt +d cation thro gh an +piscopal Ch rch'sponsored practitioner program. ,e has a -.(. from .eorge -ason /niversity program in Conflict -anagement! and *. ). in +nglish from the /niversity of 0irginia They live in the mo ntains of 0irginia with their two cats.

'o (ee (oveland (in! = 'ohn )$ (in!

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