Extensive Reading Turkish College
Extensive Reading Turkish College
Extensive Reading Turkish College
The Effects of Extensive Reading on Some Esl Learners Vocabulary Development: A Case Study of Nigerian-Turkish International Colleges, Kano
Nwabudike, Christopher Eziafa, Anaso, George (Ph.D.).
Department of English, Federal University, Dutsin-Ma, Katsina Stat, Nigeria.
ABSTRACT: Reading, which at the lowest mechanical level is the interpretation of printed or written symbols into speech or its mental equivalent, is one of the four language skills. The rest three are listening, speaking and writing. Reading is very vital both in informal and formal settings. Exposure to it, particularly the extensive one, can enhance learners overall proficiency in the English language in general and their vocabu lary development in particular. Today, the reading culture, especially among secondary school students, is fast disappearing. The good old habit of burning the midnight oil in preparation for examinations is no more popular among the youths of today. And this accounts for the recurrent poor performance in English language and other subjects in such public examinations as WAEC, NECO and JAMB. It is an indubitable that that where people fail or are reluctant to read to pass examinations (intensive reading),they will hardly read for pleasure(extensive reading) This is why this paper is aimed at identifying the effects of extensive reading on the vocabulary development of ESL post primary school learners who engage in it ,using Elley & Mangubhais Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR), as a theoretical framework. And as the title suggests, Nigerian-Turkish International Colleges, Kano, are selected as the representative population. Keywords: Extensive reading, ESL, Vocabulary development
I INTRODUCTION The focus of this study is on the effects of extensive reading on ESL post primary school learners stock of vocabulary at the Nigerian-Turkish International Colleges. Beside the fact that the English language is the medium of instruction in schools in Nigeria, especially from upper primary as provided by the National Policy on Education (Revised edition 1989),the language is offered as a core subject in secondary schools. And since learners proficiency in the use of the language is the goal, readin g must be given a priority place in the teaching/learning process. Sagagi (2007) opines that a fluent reader has a great opportunity of developing a large stock of vocabulary and improving his skills on the linguistic structures of the target language. This is where extensive reading comes in. Extensive reading is reading a lot and for pleasure. It is reading done at a comfortable easy level. The main goal is to read without having to reach for a dictionary after every sentence or every paragraph. The objective is to create fluency and enjoyment in the reading process. It is something that should take place over a sustained period (Elley and Mangubhai: 1981 in the internet TESL Journal, vol. xiii No 8. August 2007). Extensive reading offers a lot of advantages to those who engage in it. Some of such benefits include enhanced language learning in such areas as spelling, vocabulary, grammar and text structure, increased knowledge of the world, improved reading and writing skills; greater enjoyment of reading, more positive attitude towards reading and, higher possibility of developing a reading habit (Day and Bamford 1998; Krashen 1993; Nation 1997). Extensive reading is beneficial to the learners in terms of increasing print exposure (West and Stanovich, 1989), writing ability(Tsang:1996),receptive and productive skills(Elley and Mangubhai: 1983) and vocabulary acquisition (Krashen, 1993). An Extensive reading programme comes under different names, such as Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR), Drop Everything and Read (DEAR), Silent Uninterrupted Reading for Fun (SURF) and the Book Flood Approach (Elley & Mangubhai, 1983). These all share a common goal: that learners read large quantities of books and other materials in an environment that encourages a life long reading habit. These programmes also share a common belief that the ability to read fluently is best achieved through an instructional programme that emphasizes reading extensively in the (target) language. And according to Carrell and Carson (1997), extensive reading generally involves rapid reading of large quantities of materials or longer reading (e.g.
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Sagagi (2007 states that reading has generally been identified as the essential gateway to knowledge; a proficient reader is more likely to be acquainted with his environment than a poor one. A fluent reader has a great opportunity of developing a large stock of vocabulary and improving his skills on the linguistic structures of the target language. Here the results of proficient and fluent reading are clearly spelt out, namely, developing a large stock of vocabulary and improving skills on linguistic structures. According to Mary Clarity( 2007), Extensive reading is reading a lot. It is also reading for pleasure. From this, it is obvious that this type of reading is not one that is limited or regulated by school syllabuses. Also, it is not a reading type that is to be tested or examined. Rather, it is one that the learner does out of his free volition, not out of compulsion. And the main goal of this activity is enjoyment. Frank Smith (cited in Smith and Elley 1997) opines that we do learn to read by reading. And according to Carrell and Carson (1997 ), extensive reading generally involves rapid reading of large quantities of materials or longer reading (e.g. whole books) for general understanding with the focus generally on the meaning of what is being read than on the language. Those who are bored with easy class material can stretch themselves, and those who struggle can finally read without relying exclusively on translations. The reading material should consist of 98% known vocabulary and focus is on meaning rather than language (Nation & Hur 2000). In the words of Kamal (1991), "This kind of reading, which the pupil undertakes on his or her own away from the classroom, has its own advantages. It increases the reader's vocabulary ; it likewise enables them to guess the meaning of words from context, and raises the possibility of enhancing the vocabulary level of the nonwww.ijhssi.org 35 | P a g e
SAMPLING In order to collect data for this research work, a test on the meaning and use of phrasal verbs was administered to students. Thirty (30) objective questions were set and given to selected students in SS1 and SS2 at Nigerian Turkish International Colleges, Kano (Boys and Girls). The purpose of the test was to find out the effects of extensive reading on the students knowledge of the meaning and use of phrasal verbs (an aspect of English vocabulary). Also, two sets of questionnaire were designed by the investigator: one for the students, and the other for the teachers. However, the questions on both were directed towards collecting information on the effects of extensive reading on some ESL vocabulary development, with a particular focus on Nigerian Turkish International Colleges, Kano (Boys and Girls).. Two categories of subjects were employed-the students and the teachers. One hundred and thirteen (113) students in SSI and SS2 were selected at Nigerian-Turkish International Colleges, Kano, as the sample population out of a total of one hundred and fifty one (151), that is, seventy five percent (75%).Teachers of English language in NTIC, Kano were used by the investigator to administer the questionnaire to the students as the students were in different classes and the researcher could not be with all of them at the same time. The teachers themselves filled a total number of four (4) questionnaires . The aim of teachers questionnaire was to find out whether or not the English language teachers believed in the role of extensive reading in language teaching/learning and whether they encouraged their students to engage in it or not www.ijhssi.org 36 | P a g e
This table shows the actual number of extensive reading students at NTIC, using their responses to the questions asked in the questionnaire, that is, 33 (29.2%) and the actual number of non- extensive reading students , that is, 80 (70.8%).
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This table shows NTIC extensive reading students scores in the test: highest 77%, lowest 33%, average 55% and those of the non-extensive reading students: highest 70%, lowest 27%, and average 48.5%. ii. RESEARCH FINDING The percentage instrument of analysis was employed by the researcher and the result shows: (a) that extensive reading programme was not implemented in Nigerian-Turkish International College, Kano; (b) that of the five lesson periods assigned English language per week, none was used exclusively for extensive reading; (c) that only very few of the students engaged in extensive reading on their own;(d) that the students faced some difficulties or problems engaging in extensive reading, such as boredom, time constraint and understanding complex themes, words and expressions; (e)that NTIC Kano students would like their school to implement extensive reading programme; (f) that students who engaged in extensive reading actually proved to have higher stock of vocabulary than those who did not engage in it. This agrees with the research hypotheses and;(g) that extensive reading is not the only means of ESL vocabulary development listening, and intensive reading also play major roles; (h) that reading materials like novels, magazines and newspapers were not sufficiently provided for the learners.
IV DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION This research work took a careful look at the effect of extensive reading on some ESL learners vocabulary development in post primary institutions in general but with a more specific focus on NigerianTurkish International Colleges, Kano. It stated the meaning of reading as a concept before zeroing in on extensive reading as one of the types of reading. In examining the concept of extensive reading, its meaning, nature, principles, problems, role and implementation were considered. Based on the finding, a number of suggestions are here made to the government, parents, school authorities, teachers (especially of English language) and students. It is hoped that these organizations and persons will judiciously utilise the results of the finding of this work to implement and consequently harness the benefits of extensive reading programme in Nigerian- Turkish International colleges, Kano in particular and other post primary institutions of learning in general. It also believed that the result of this work will inspire further researches in this field. As stated earlier, the researcher administered questionnaires not only to students but to teachers of English language as well. Also, the students were given a test. His conclusion is therefore based on both the result of the analysis and interpretation of the questionnaires and that of the test. Extensive reading programme should be implemented and strictly supervised by schools. This is necessary as it enhances vocabulary development of learners. Besides, it helps students in other language areas like grammar, speaking, reading and writing. In addition, extensive reading exposes learners to general knowledge and makes learning more lively and interesting. The idea of Davis (1995) can be considered. He described extensive reading from English Language Teaching (ELT) implementation perspective as a supplementary class library scheme attached to an English course in which learners are given the time, encouragement and materials to read pleasurably at their own level, as many books as they can without the pressure of examination or scoring, so that students compete only against themselves, and it is up to the teacher to provide the motivation and supervision to ensure that the maximum number of books is read in the time available. The watch words are quantity and variety, rather than quality, so that books are selected based on attractiveness and relevance to the pupils lives than for literary merit. The proposed programme could bear any of the following names listed by Elley and Mangubhai, (1983), such as Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR), Drop Everything and Read (DEAR), Silent Uninterrupted Reading for Fun (SURF) and the Book Flood Approach. Whichever one is adopted, the goal must be that learners read large quantities of books and other materials in an environment that encourages a life long reading habit. Implementing extensive reading goes along with teaching it. Here the onus rests on the English language teachers who are not only to encourage students to read extensively but should also develop themselves and instruct learners in class on how to read effectively. Hyland (1990: 104) suggests that for the effective teaching of extensive reading in schools, the types of tasks set in reading classes frequently reflect wholly artificial objectives, demanding the kind of grammatical attention or total comprehension rarely required in everyday life. Such close textual scrutiny seems to increase the anxiety that inhibits the reading flexibility of
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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
15. 16.
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APPENDIX 2. Sample Of Questionaire For Students This questionnaire is simply aimed at collecting information on the effect of extensive reading on some ESL vocabulary development for an MA English Language dissertation. Respondents are therefore urged to cooperatively supply appropriate answers to the questions below: 1 Name:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 School:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 Age:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 Class:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 Sex:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 How many periods per week do you receive English language lessons? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Of the number of periods stated above, does your class use any for extensive reading, that is, reading materials and books different from your notebooks and textbooks? Yes/No (Tick one). 8 If your answer to question 7 above is No, give reason(s)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 .If your answer to question 7 above is Yes, state the number of books you have read so far in such classes in this academic session-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 State the titles and the authors of the books in 7 above----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Do you personally do extensive reading? Yes/No (Tick one) .Give reason(s) for your answer.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 If the answer to question 11 above is yes, what type of books or materials do you prefer? Magazines, newspapers, novels, religious books, others (Underline as appropriate). 13 State the titles and names of writers/authors of articles and/or books you personally read so far in this academic session by you----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 State the difficulties or problems you face as a person in doing extensive reading---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Eg It is boring. The books are too difficult. It is time wasting. There is no problem at all; I enjoy it etc.) 15. Do you think reading extensively improves your vocabulary? Yes/ No (Tick one). 16. State other aspects of language you think reading extensively has helped you.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17. Would you like it if your school decides to implement extensive reading programme? Yes/ No (Tick one). 18. Give reason(s) for your answer to question 17 above.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19. What difficulties or problems do you think your school is likely to face implementing extensive reading programme? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20. What, to you ,are the solutions to the problems stated in question 19 above?------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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