Relocation Project Charter

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Relocation Project Charter

Issue: Prepared by : Timescales: 2.0 Roger Matthews - Project Manager Start Project 9th April 2001 Finish Project 23rd o!e"#er 2001 Date Issued: 1st March 2001

$ontin%ed growth o& the #%siness "eans it has o%tgrown c%rrent pre"ises. Acti!ities are also co"pro"ised #' c%rrent &acilities and it is widel' accepted that "ore s%ita#le pre"ises wo%ld deli!er #ene&its in ter"s o& i"pro!ed operational e&&iciencies. (he consideration o& the i"age the #%siness presents and also the "orale o& those wor)ing within the #%siness are &%rther dri!ers &or this project

Project Goals:
(he ai"s and o#jecti!es o& this project are as &ollows*

1* (o "anage a s"ooth trans&er o& operations &ro" o%r e+isting pre"ises to new pre"ises, "ini"ising lost wor)ing ti"e and disr%ption to the da' to da' operation o& the #%siness. 2* (o !acate o%r e+isting pre"ises #' 1st -ece"#er 2001 - notice to .%it has #een gi!en.

Success Criteria:
/& no one notices the project as it proceeds that will #e a good sign. 0ns%ring that the #%ilding is &%ll' operational and e.%ipped to "eet o%r speci&ic needs witho%t pro#le"s

Consequences of failure:
otice to .%it has to #e gi!en at least 3 "onths prior to !acating c%rrent pre"ises. /& ha!ing gi!en notice to .%it #' the end o& A%g%st we are %na#le to "o!e there is a penalt' cla%se in o%r lease re.%iring 3 "onths rent pa'a#le #e&ore 1st Septe"#er. (here is also an ad"inistration charge &or a short ter" lease and o%r own legal costs to consider.

Project Scope
(he project tea" will #e responsi#le &or all acti!ities listed on the Project Plan. (he project doc%"entation will #e #ased on the PR/ $02 "ethodolog', with so"e o"issions appro!ed #' the Project 1oard.

(he &ollowing prod%cts will #e presented &or appro!al #' the Project 1oard at Stage Re!iew "eetings* Project /nitiation -oc%"ent with Project Plans Appoint"ent o& S%r!e'or S%""ar' o& pre"ises short-listed #' the s%r!e'or &or consideration Final -ecision on short listed pre"ises otice to 3%it $o"pletion o& $ontracts Read' to Mo!e date Project $o"pletion Post Project Re!iew doc%"ent 1st April 2001 13th April 2th Ma' 2001 11th Ma' 2001 14th Ma' 2001 20th 5%ne 2001 2nd o! 2001 23rd o! 2001 1st -ec 2001 2001

Project Tea
(he Project 1oard will #e &or"ed #' Pa%l 1arton and 6e!in Marsh. (heir role will #e to pro!ide independent !eri&ication that the project sta's on-trac) to deli!er the project goals. (he Project Manager will #e Roger Matthews, who will #e responsi#le &or "anaging the project on a da'-to-da' #asis within the agreed tolerance li"its speci&ied in this doc%"ent. (he Project S%pport role will #e &%l&illed #' S%e 5ohnstone, who will #e responsi#le &or project ad"inistration, change control and con&ig%ration "anage"ent.

Project Controls
(his Project /nitiation doc%"ent and the associated Project Plans &or" the "ain control doc%"ent &or this project. A%thorisation to proceed with the entire project will #e so%ght at the &irst 7Progress Meeting8 on date to #e agreed. Progress reports will #e iss%ed prior to the s%#se.%ent Progress Meetings, as ti"e-ta#led &or prod%ct deli!era#les. A Post Project Re!iew doc%"ent will #e iss%ed to close the project.

Risk !anage ent

$ontingenc' plans and contain"ent actions will #e de!eloped to respond to the c%rrentl' identi&ied ris)s*

Fail%re to sec%re appropriate pre"ises within the ti"escale indicated #' o%r s%r!e'ors. -ela's in design pac)ages #' design tea". 9!er #%dget tenders against tender pac)ages &or wor) ele"ents. :egal negotiations proceeding &or longer than sched%led. (hese ris)s will #e re!iewed and "onitored at the stage re!iew "eetings.

Project Plans
(he attached Microso&t Project plan titled 7Relocation8 sched%les the "ain prod%ct deli!era#les. (here capital e+pendit%re re.%ired &or this project has #een appro!ed #' the #oard and a Project $ost Plan has #een s%#"itted #ased %pon esti"ated costs as calc%lated on the in&or"ation a!aila#le at the ti"e.

Appro!ed #' * ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..

-ate* ;;;;;;;;;.

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