Surya Namaskara

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that Surya Namaskar is an ancient yoga exercise that has unique health benefits. It involves following several steps or poses while breathing in specific ways. Tips are also provided for controlling anger and other negative emotions through practices like pranayama and meditation.

The document mentions that the benefits of Surya Namaskar are unique and excellent. It is said to be one of the best exercises that people can perform.

The document lists and describes 9 steps involved in performing Surya Namaskar.



SlMLL WA? Cl uClnC Su8?A nAMASkA8A Anu MLul1A1lCn
8y A.S.8.C., 18uS1
ur AnAnu SWAM?


ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
Gum ganapathya namaha
Gayatri mantra
Om bhurbhuvah swah tatsaviturvarenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Om! Brahma or Almighty God
Bhuh embodiment of vital spiritual energy (Pran)
bhuvah destroyer of sufferings
swah embodiment of happiness
tat that
savituh bright, luminous like the Sun
varenyam best, most exalted
bhargo destroyer of sins
devasya divine
dhimahi may imbibe
dhiyo intellect\
yo who
nah our
prachodayat may inspire

Surya namaskara Introduction:
Known variously as Surya Namskar or istavandana or Prostrations to Sun or Sun Salutation, the Surya Namaskar Is one of the best
exercises that people can perform. The benefits accruing from these exercises are unique and excellent. This is very ancient Indian
system signifies paying homage to the sun lord facing east only, this is yoga based exercise and it is customary to perform Surya
Namaskar after performing warm-up exercises.

1. Stand facing the Sun with palms folded and
both the thumbs touching the chest.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the hands
and exhale as hands are brought down to
chest level (namaskara mudra)


ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
2. Raise hands upward, with feet firmly on
the ground, bend backwards, stretch arms
fully. Breathing: Inhale (ardhachakarasana)

3. Slowly bend forward, hands touching the earth with respect,
head touching the knees. Breathing:
Exhale( padahastasana)

4. Set both hands with the palms down firmly on the
ground, pull the left leg backward, raise the head
looking at the Sun, full weight resting on the two
palm and ten fingers. Breathing: Inhale (ashwasanchalana)

5. Bring right leg back close to left leg, keeping
hands and legs straight, bend the body at the hip
forming an arch, just like a mountain, known as
(parvathasan )or mountain pose. Breathing: Exhale

6. Stretch yourself fully on the ground in the
ardhaSaashtanga Namaskar pose (all eight anga or
parts of the body on the ground head, thigh,
eyes (sight), mind, word, feet, hands and ears
(hearing)). In reality, feet, knees, thighs, chest,
Fore head touch the ground with the hands
stretched out and in folded position, with your
mind and thoughts on the full namaskar, then
slowly turn the head to the sides first to left and
then to right so that each ear touches the ground.your genitile
organ must not touch the ground Breathing: Inhale first and then
Exhale fully.

7. Slowly raise the head, bend backward as much as possible,
hands straight, in the cobra pose. (bujangasana)
Breathing: Inhale


ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
8. Parvathasan Bring right leg back close to left leg, keeping
hands and legs straight, bend the body at the hip
forming an arch, just like a mountain, known as
(parvathasan )or mountain pose. Breathing: Exhale

9. Set both hands with the palms down firmly on the
ground, pull the left leg backward, raise the head
looking at the Sun, full weight resting on the two
palm and ten fingers. Breathing: Inhale (ashwasanchalana)
with the difference that the right
Leg is brought forward. Breathing: Inhale

10 Slowly bend forward, hands touching the earth with respect,
head touching the knees. Breathing:
Exhale( padahastasana.

11. Raise hands upward, with feet firmly on
the ground, bend backwards, stretch arms
fully. Breathing: Inhale (ardhachakarasana)
Breathing: Inhale

12. Stand facing the Sun with palms folded and
both the thumbs touching the chest.
Breathing: Inhale while raising the hands
and exhale as hands are brought down to
chest level (namaskara mudra)
Exhale, Inhale and

The Surya Namaskar is performed usually early in the morning facing the morning rising Sun. The Namaskar is done in 12 steps, each
step having its own posture (including position and form) with its own breathing pattern (inhalation or exhalation), and its own mantra.
Surya namaskar can do to your body what months of dieting cannot. And it can do to your mind what no spiritual discourse can..surya
namaskar should be done at least 12 times, increase it to 24 times over a period of time, after surya namaskar relax in shavasana for
5 minutes you need not to do any asana or exercise their after


Chakra Asana
Seed Salutation
om hrm om mitrya nama Anahata Pranamasana(namaskara mudra)
om hrm om ravaye nama Vishuddhi Ardha chakarasana
om hrm om sryya nama Swadhisthana paadahastasana

ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
om hraim om bhnave nama Ajna ashwasanchalanasana
om hraum om khagya nama Vishuddhi Parvathasana
om hra om pu e nama Manipura Ardha sastanga namaskara
om hrm om hira ya garbhya nama Swadhisthana Bujangasana
om hrm om marcaye nama Vishuddhi Parvathasana
om hrm om dityya nama Ajna Ashwa Sanchalanasana
Om hraim om savitre nama Swadhisthana paadahastasana
om hraum om arkya nama Vishuddhi Ardha chakarasana
om hra om bhskarya nama Anahata Pranamasana(namaskara mudra)

There are 12 mantras with four parts to each mantra. The first part is the chanting of Aum, the second part is the chanting of a bija
mantra, the third part is a part of a Rik from the Rig Veda and the fourth part is the addressing of one of the 12 names of Sun. . The
twelve names of Sun are: Mitra, Ravi, Surya, Bhanu, Khaga, Pushan, Hiranyagarbha, Marichi, Aditya, Savitha, Arka & Bhaskara.
These six Bija Mantras are repeated in sequence to cover the twelve names of the Sun God. The three Rig Vedic hymns are used in
the 12 mantras (one-quarter of the hymn used with each of these 12 names). Contact your guru for bija akashara assistance The
chanting of AUM mantra activates stomach, heart, brain and the overall body/mind, thus creating vibrations in the associated chakras.
Digestion, respiratory and sensory activities go thru the powerful lens of AUM turning intellect and memory into sharp and powerful
tools. Surya namaskara is taken as deksha and done for 41 days in the super vision 0f guru; you gain lots of spiritual & cosmic energy
your desire and wish are fulfilled it should be done with grate bakthi

Students my call is Learn to pay attention the essential skill of meditation is learning to concentrate, condense and
compress your awareness, to be totally focused on the very subtle object of your meditation. In recent times
scientific study made on meditation process has revealed its tremendous therapeutic value in improving mental, physical and social
health of an individual their fore not only there is resurgence in the practice of meditation but also universal acceptance of the same
Kundalini yoga is a physical and meditative discipline, comprising a set of simple techniques that uses the mind, senses and body to
create a communication between "mind" and "body". Kundalini yoga focuses on psycho-spiritual growth and the body's potential for
maturation, giving special consideration to the role of the spine and the endocrine system in the understanding of yogic awakening.
Kundalini Yoga concentrates on psychic energy centers (called "chakras") in the body in order to generate a spiritual power, which is
known as kundalini shakthi energy.

Kundalini is the potential form of life force, lying dormant in our bodies. It is conceptualized as a coiled up serpent (literally, 'kundalini' in
Sanskrit is word That what is coiled'.) lying at the base of our spine, which can spring awake when activated by spiritual disciplines.
Included here is an introduction and step-by-step meditation exercise for initiation and accession of each chakra. Starting from Chakra
1 to 7 & another six are kept total secret there are 13 chakaras all together, the student is required to meditate by following the simple
instructions here. I give an easy way to do meditation without all this complicated process.

Processes of meditation

Sit comfortably in siddasana , vajrasana or sukasana having perpendicular back or squat on the floor on a mat as you prefer make
sure that your are sitting comfortably in order to avoid unnecessary movements during meditation keep your head and back straight
and relaxed lock your tongue and youre your hands should be relaxed and placed on the laps with gyana mudra & start the processes
of meditation, first place your ring finger third mark on the tip of the nose and make a mark on the fore head with vermilion or sandal
past as shown in fig start inhale and exhale deeply for few seconds and observe your breath continue breathing and continue

ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
observing. While observing your breath concentration on the fore head where vermilion or sandal past is marked you can feel sensitive
spot on the fore head deeply concrete on that spot and observe your breath as long as you can there may be some pain at beginning
and it slowly disappear do not think, always withdraw your senses when it goes on wandering and do the processor of observing and
concentrating gradually increase your time to half an hour do it regularly, in the age between 15 to 30 it is very difficult to concrete
because of their senses organs goes wandering like food, sleep, infatuation,( attraction towards opposite sex) etc. with firm
mindedness and withdrawal of senses and regular practice you can overcome all the problem

Advantage of meditation

1. Better concentration on studies,
2. Better memory
3. Better health
4. Stress free life
5. Better management of life
6. All the tensions and pressure accumulated in the nervous system are released and flushed out
7. Reduction of work load on the heart due to the deep relaxation
8. Rejuvenate heart muscles and make it strong and stable
9. Deep relaxation to respiratory system makes it strong and flexible
10. Disorder like sleeplessness, fear , anxiety, nervousness, irritability,
11. addition to alcohol and drug disappear gradually
12. Mind becomes more powerful

Spiritual you will be more powerful you will go through subconscious stage to conscious stage & then to super conscious stage
Make meditation and surya namaskar part of your daily routine surya namaskar early in the morning and meditation in the evening
gradually increase the time

I give you some of the stories who are mediators and yogis

Sri Sadasiva Brahman, a reputed Yogi, lived in Nerur, near Karur, in Trichinopolly district,
some one hundred and twenty years ago. He was the author of Atma Vilas, Brahma Sutras and
various other works. Once he was in Samadhi. The floods in the Cauveri river covered him up with

ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
mud. For some months his body remained buried underneath the earth. The agriculturists tilled the
land and injured the head of the Yogi. Some blood oozed out. They were quite astonished. They dug
out the earth. Sadasiva Brahman got up from his Samadhi and walked away. Once some rude
people came with sticks to beat him. They raised their hands, but they were not able to move them.
They remained like statues. At some other time he entered the Zenana of a Nawab quite naked while
he was roaming about as an Avadhuta. The Nawab got enraged and cut off his hand with a big knife.
Sadasiva Brahman went away with a laugh. The Nawab thought that the man should be a great
Sage. He took the maimed hand and followed the Sage. On the third day the Nawab said: O my
Lord! I cut off your hand due to my foolishness. Kindly forgive me. Sadasiva simply touched the
Cut portion with the other hand. There was a new hand. Sadasiva forgave the Nawab and blessed

Sri Jnanadev is also known as Jnaneswar. He was the greatest Yogin the world has ever
produced. He was born in Alandi, 7 miles from Poona. His Samadhi is there even now. If anybody
reads the Gita written by him by the side of the Samadhi all the doubts are cleared. He is regarded as
an Avatara of Lord Krishna. When he was a boy he simply touched a buffalo. It repeated the Vedas.
He had full control over the elements. When there was no vessel to prepare food, his sister prepared
bread on his back. He entered Samadhi while alive at the age of 22. He drew up all the Prana to the
Brahmarandhra and gave up the physical body. When he was a boy of 14 years, he began to write
commentary on Gita. His commentary on Gita is considered one of the best. In a big assembly of
Sanskrit Pandits in Benares, he was selected President.

Yogi Bhusunda is one of the Chiranjivis amongst the Yogins. He was the master in the
science of Pranayama. It is said that a big nest, like a mountain, was built by him on the southern
branch of the Kalpa Vriksha, situated at the northern summit of the Mahameru. Bhusunda lived in
this nest. He was a Trikala Jnani. He could sit in Samadhi for any length of time. He was desireless.
He had obtained supreme Santi and Jnana. He was there enjoying the bliss of his own Self and he is
still there being a Chiranjivi. He had the full knowledge of the five Dharanas. He had rendered
himself proof against the five elements by practising the five methods of concentration. It is said
that when all the twelve Adityas scorch the world with their burning rays, he would, through his
Apas Dharana, reach up the Akasa. When fierce gales arise splintering up the rocks to pieces, he
would be in the Akasa through Agni Dharana. When the world together with the Mahameru would
be under water, he would float on them through Vayu Dharana.

Tirumula Nayanar was a great Yogi in Kailas. He had all the 8 major Siddhis through the
grace of Nandi, the Vahana of Lord Siva. He was a friend of Agastya Muni. He came from Kailas
and stayed in Varanasi. Then he went to Chidambaram and Tiruvavaduturai and other places near
Madras. He worshipped Lord Siva in the temple at Tiruvavaduturai and stayed there for some time.
Once he went to a garden on the banks of the river Cauveri. There he saw the dead body of a
caretaker of a herd of cows. He noticed that all the cows surrounded the dead body of the cowherd
and were crying bitterly. This touched the heart of Tirumular. He pitied the cows very much. He left
his body in a certain place and entered the dead body of the cowherd. He looked after the cows
throughout the day and sent them back to their respective houses. The wife of the cowherd, who was
not aware of the death of her husband, invited Tirumular who was wearing the physical body of her
husband. Tirumular refused. He wanted to enter his own body. When he searched for his body, it
was not found in the original place. Then he thought it was all the grace of Lord Siva. Then with the

ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
body of the cowherd, he went to Avaduturai and sat underneath an Asvattha tree on the western side
of the temple and wrote a valuable book called Tirumantram in Tamil. It is a book of 3000 verses
which contain the essence of the Vedas

Milarepa was one who had been profoundly impressed from his youth by the transient and
impermanent nature of all conditions of worldly existence and by the sufferings and wretchedness
in which he saw all beings immersed. To him existence seemed like a huge furnace where all living
creatures were roasting. With such piercing sorrow did this fill his heart that he was unable to feel
even any of the celestial felicity enjoyed by Brahma and Indra in their heavens, much less of the
earthly joys and delights afforded by a life of worldly greatness.
On the other hand, he was so captivated by the vision of immaculate purity, by the chaste
beauty in the description of the state of perfect freedom and omniscience associated with the
attainment of Nirvana, that he cared not even though he might lose his very life in the search on
which he had set out, endowed as he was with full faith, keen intellect and a heart overflowing with
all-pervading love and sympathy to all.
Having obtained transcendental knowledge in the control of the ethereal and spiritual nature
of the mind, he was enabled to furnish demonstration thereof by flying through the sky, by walking,
resting and sleeping on the air. Likewise he was able to produce flames of fire and springs of water
from his body and to transform his body at will into any object desired, thereby convincing
Unbelievers and turning them towards religious pursuits.
He was perfect in the practice of the four stages of meditation and thus he was able to project
his subtle body so as to be present as the presiding Yogi in twenty-four holy places where gods and
angels assemble, like clouds for spiritual communion.
He was able to dominate gods and elementals and make them carry out his commands
instantaneously, in the fulfilment of all duties. He was a perfect adept in supernatural powers. He
was able to transverse and visit all the innumerable sacred paradises and heavens of the Buddhas,
where by virtue of his all-absorbing acts of unsurpassed devotion the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
presiding therein favoured him with discourses on Dharma and listened to his in return, so that he
Sanctified the heaven-worlds by his visits and sojourns there.

Effect of meditation
Various kinds of lights manifest during meditation owing to deep concentration. In the
beginning a bright, white light, the size of a pins point will appear in the forehead at the space
between the two eyebrows which corresponds tentatively to the Ajna Chakra. You will notice,
when the eyes are closed, different coloured lights, white, yellow, red, smoky, blue, green, mixed
lights, flashes like lightning, fire, moon, sun, stars and sparks. These are Tanmatric lights. Each
Tanmatra has its own specific colour. Yellow and white lights are very commonly seen. In the
beginning small balls of white or red light float about before the minds eye. When you first observe
this be assured that the mind is becoming more steady and that you are progressing in concentration.
After some months, the size of the light will increase and you will see a full blaze of white light,
bigger than the sun. In the beginning these lights are not steady. They come and disappear
immediately. When you have steady and systematic practice of meditation for 2 or 3 hours, these
Lights appear more frequently and remain steady for a long time. The vision of lights is a great
Encouragement in Sadhana. It impels you to stick to Sadhana steadily. It gives you strong faith in
Super physical matter. The appearance of the lights denotes that you are transcending the physical
consciousness. You are in a semiconscious state when the light appears. You are between the two
places. You must not shake the body when these lights manifest. You must be perfectly steady in

ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
your Asana and breathe slowly.
At times you will see some lustrous forms of Devatas or some other physical forms. You
Will see your Ishta Devata or your Guru. Siddhas, Rishis and others give their Darshan to encourage
You. You can see beautiful gardens, palatial buildings, rivers, mountains, golden temples, sceneries
So lovely and picturesque as cannot be adequately described.
The experiences vary in different individuals. The experience of one man may not be the
Same as that of another man. Many erroneously believe that they have realized the Self when they
get these experiences,
. The visions may appear in some persons within a few days, while in others within six or nine months. It
depends upon the state of the mind and degree of concentration. Some persons may not have such experiences,
but they will be progressing in the spiritual path.

Do not waste your time in looking at these visions. This is only a curiosity. These are all
encouragements to convince you of the existence of super physical, metaphysical realities. Visions
are either subjective or objective, your own mental creations or of realities on finer planes of matter.
Universe consists of planes of matter of various degrees of density. Rhythmical vibrations of
Tanmatras in various degrees give rise to the formation of various planes. Visions may be of these
things or beings. Or in many cases they may be purely imaginary. They may be the crystallization of
your own intense thinking. You must discriminate well.
Brahmacharya is very essential till you are married, even in dreams you must be free from lustful thoughts.
It requires long practice and careful watch over the mind and Indriyas. Wet dreams generally occur in the last
quarter of the night. Practice of sarvangasana with surya namaskara is of great help in controlling in the flow of
semen or viginal fluid (orgasm) if this fluids are lost you lose your health and vitality of your body you are porn
more to the dreadful diseases and lose your physical and spiritual energy, first of all you lose your memory by
the loose of fluid in your body & you get central nervous system diseases.,
Only the knowledge imparted by a Guru through his lips is powerful and useful; otherwise it becomes fruitless,
weak and very painful. Humility is the highest of all virtues. You can destroy your egoism by developing this
virtue alone. You can influence the whole world. You will become a magnet to attract the whole world. It must
be genuine. Feigned humility is hypocrisy. Control anger by practice of Kshama, Dhairya, patience and
Nirabhimanata, absence of egoism. When anger is controlled it will be transmuted into an energy by which you
can move the whole world. Anger is a modification of passion. If you can control lust, you have already
controlled anger. Drink a little water when you become angry. It will cool the brain and calm the excited,
irritable nerves. May god bless you and have success in your life

Ask yourself these questions

1. When did you get up from bed?
2. How many hours did you sleep?
3. How long did you meditate in one Asana?
4. How many hours did you observe Mouna?
5. How much did you give in charity?
6. How long did you practice physical exercise?
7. How many lies did you tell and with whatself-punishment?
8. How many times and how long of anger andwith what self-punishment?
9. How many hours you spent in useless company?
10. How many times you failed in Brahmacharya?
11. How many times you failed in the control of evil habits and with what self-punishment?
12. Were you regular in your meditation?
13. What evil quality are you trying to eradicate?

ShakLhl yoga by ur Anand swaml v
ConLacL P no 9866963391
I request all the instuitions head kindly explain the content of the book to your children so that they can do practicals on
this theory when leisure

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