Giving With Joy: A Different View of Simcha
Giving With Joy: A Different View of Simcha
PARSHA PARABLES jacket. Surely you are aware that the ful as the ensuing soliloquy that follows
A Nation of One Gemara says that if a talmid chochom
goes out in the street with stained
in Parshas Nitzavim.
Whatever we do, or however we
By Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky clothing, the chillul Hashem, the identify ourselves on a mundane level,
desecration of Hashem’s name, is so we must remember the words “kol ish
severe that it is as if he committed a Yisroel.” First and foremost, we are
During the final day of Moshe Rab- is quite curious. He says “kol ish Yisroel - capital crime!” Jews. In the eyes of our Creator and
beinu’s life, he gathers the entire na- all men Yisroel.” He does not say kol ish Rav Aryeh smiled. “But father,” he in the eyes of everyone on earth. We
tion together and addresses them: “You b’Yisroel, all men in Yisroel, nor does he countered. “I am not a talmid chochom!” are not carpenters, we are not lawyers,
are standing today, all of you, before say kol Yisroeli, all Yisroelim. Instead, he The Chofetz Chaim became serious. and we are not doctors. We may not
Hashem, your G-d - the heads of your even be men, women, or children. We
tribes, your elders, and your officers - First and foremost, we are Jews. In the are Jews.
kol ish Yisroel.” As Winston Churchill told his troops
Moshe then details the wide variety of eyes of our Creator and in the eyes of before they embarked to Dunkirk, “You
Jews gathered: are England.”
“From your small children, to your everyone on earth. Moshe tells his nation to remember
women, to the proselyte in the midst of that in every aspect of our life, our
your camp, from the hewer of your wood uses a term that literally translates as each “For a chillul Hashem,” he responded, Yiddishkeit transcends any other factor.
to the drawer of your water” (Devorim of you is Yisroel! “you are enough of a talmid chochom!” Though we may do all types of work,
29-12-13). Why would Moshe use such an ex- ••••• though we may act in all different ways,
Moshe reiterates their covenant pression? Moshe specifies all types of Jews: though we may think all sorts of ideas,
with Hashem and the repercussions of ••••• men, women, and children. He details we are Yisroel!
transgression, and exhorts them with The Chofetz Chaim’s son, Rav Aryeh a variety of occupations, water drawers, •••••
one final plea to remain faithful to the Leib, related that one time, as a young and wood-hewers. But he prefaces all Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky is the
tenets of the Torah. man, he was about to leave the house Jews with three simple words: kol ish rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Toras Chaim
The way Moshe identifies the group when his revered father called to him. Yisroel. Every one of you is Yisroel. at South Shore and the author of the
in saying that “everyone is here today” “Rav Aryeh Leib,” said the Chofetz With those three words, Moshe relays a Parsha Parables series.