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Control of A Wind Energy Conversion System Associated To A Flywheel Energy Storage System

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Control of a wind energy conversion system associated to a flywheel energy storage system

D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua, K. Idjdarene, and A. Tounzi

Abstract In this paper, we present a variable speed wind induction generator associated to a flywheel energy storage system. Direct torque control strategy for an induction generator used in the flywheel energy storage system, is applied. Both rotor flux and DC bus voltage are regulated by the applied of the standard switching table for an operation in the 4 quadrants. This system is used for improving the quality of the electric power delivered by the wind generator. The proposed system with DTC control strategy is validated through simulations. The obtained results are presented and discussed. Keywords Direct Torque control; Flywheel energy storage system Induction generator; Variable speed wind turbine; I. INTRODUCTION or a standalone operating, the squirrel induction machine is preferred because it is robust, needs little maintenance and does not need a supply to magnetize it. The simple way to use it as an autonomous generator consists in connecting its stator windings to a capacitor bank in parallel to the load. The remaining magnetic flux, added to the magnetizing current through the capacitor bank yields the built up of the electromotive force and its increase to a useful value. This approach is very cheap and is well adapted to convert the wind energy into electrical one for isolated or faraway areas from the grid distribution [1-3]. However, the magnitude of the stator voltage and frequency are very sensitive to both speed and load values. Another way to achieve an autonomous operating is to connect the stator windings to a rectifier/inverter. In this case, the device has to be controlled in order to maintain the DC voltage at a constant value whatever the speed and the load values as long as the wind power is sufficient to satisfy the electric needs. The rotor flux oriented control is used to maintain the terminal voltage constant [4-6]. Besides, different others solutions have been suggested to control the voltage [6-9]. Comparing with the vector control, DTC is a very simple control scheme with low computational time. Current regulator, rotor speed sensor, and co-ordinate transformation is not required with DTC. In generator, the speed of the machine is already determined by the wind turbine. However, the speed is essential for coordinate transformation in vector control. Therefore, DTC scheme is better than vector control scheme for generator application [5], [11]. For standalone applications storage cost still represents the major economic restraint. In our application we choose to use an inertial storage system. Energy storage in wind systems can be achieved in different ways [12-14]. However the inertial energy storage adapts well to sudden changes of the power from the wind generator. Moreover it allows obtaining high power to weight and number of charge cycles and discharge very high. In this paper, we propose to study DTC strategy to control the DC voltage of an autonomous induction generator connected to a rectifier when the input speed varies. Due to the important fluctuations of the wind, a flywheel energy storage system is associated for improving the quality of the electric power delivered by the wind generator. To control the flux and the DC voltage at the rectifier output, we are applied in this work a standard switching table for an operation in the 4 quadrants. It is elaborate according to the exits of the hysteresis regulator of the flux, the hysteresis regulator of the torque and the zone of position N. The proposed control system is then simulated using MATLAB-SIMULINK package [15]. The obtained results are presented and discussed. II. PROPOSED CONTROL STRUCTURE The system studied is constituted of a wind turbine, an induction generator, a rectifier/inverter, and flywheel energy storage system as shown in the Figure 1. The goal of the device is to provide a constant power and voltage to the load connected to the rectifier/inverter even if the speed varies. This can be achieved mainly by the control of the DC bus voltage at a constant value and the flywheel energy storage system participate to maintain the power of the load constant as long as the wind power is sufficient. To control the speed of the flywheel energy storage system we must find reference speed which with the system must turn to ensure the energy transfer required at each time. The reference speed can be determinate by the reference energy. The power assessment of the overall system is given by:

D.Rekioua, Pr is with the Electrical Engineering department, University of Bejaia 06000 Algeria (e-mail: dja_rekioua@yahoo.fr). T. Rekioua, Pr is with the Electrical Engineering department, University of Bejaia 06000 Algeria (phone: +213 34215006; fax: +213215105; e-mail: to_reki@ yahoo.fr). K.Idjdarene, Jr is with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Bejaia 06000 Algeria (e-mail: idjdarene@yahoo.fr). A.M Tounzi, Pr is with L2EP Laboratory, USTL of Lille France (e-mail: mounaim.tounzi@univ-lille1.fr).

Pref = Pl oad Pwind P


Where: Pref is the reference power, Pload the load power; Pwind the wind power and P is the power required to control the DC voltage Vdc at constant value. IV. CONTROL STRATEGY The conditions of dynamic control on the torque of the induction machine can be highlighted, by the vector model of the machine. For that one we present the electrical equations of the machine in the spatial vector: d s (3) Vs = Rs I s + dt

0 = Rr I r +

Fig. 1. The system studied

III MODEL OF INDUCTION MACHINE The linear model of the induction machine is widely known and used. It yields results relatively accurate when the operating point studied is not so far from the conditions of the model parameter identification. This is often the case when the motor operating, at rated voltage, is studied. In our approach, we adopt the d-q model of the induction machine expressed in the stator frame noted by (). The electrical equations are then written as follows:

d r j r dt


0 0 0 is Rs Vs 0 Vs Rs 0 0 is . = 0 0 p..M Rr p..Lr ir 0 p..M 0 p..Lr Rr ir dis Ls 0 M 0 dt dis 0 Ls 0 M dt (2) + . dir M 0 Lr 0 dt 0 M 0 L dir r dt

Where Rs, Rr, Ls and Lr are the stator and rotor phase resistances and leakage inductance respectively, M is the mutual inductance and the speed. Besides, Vs, is , Vs and is are the - stator voltages and currents respectively along the and axis. ir and ir are the - rotor currents along the and axis.

The voltage vector Vs is delivered by a three-phase voltage inverter, whose state of the switches are supposed perfect, is represented in theory by three (3) Boolean sizes of control Sj (j=a,b,c) such as : Sj =1 high switch is closed and low switch is open. Sj =0 high switch is open and low switch is closed. Thus the voltage vector Vs can be written in the form: 2 4 j j 3 3 3 (5) Vs = Vdc S S e S e + + a b c 2 The combinations of the three (3) sizes (Sa, Sb, Sc) make it possible to generate eight (8) positions of the voltage vector Vs whose two (2) positions correspond to the zero vector : (SaSbSc) = (111) or (000). We use Concordia transformation [11]:

3 i s = i sa 2 1 i = ( ) i i sb sc s 2
3 1 V = V dc S a (S b S c ) s 2 2 1 V s = V dc (S b S c ) 2 With: Sj (j=a,b,c) are the Boolean sizes of control.



The magnitude of the stator flux is estimated from its components along the axes and [10]; t s (t ) = (V s R s i s ) dt (8) 0 t (t ) = (V R i ) dt s s s s 0

s = s 2 + s 2


The electromagnetic torque can be estimated starting from the estimated sizes of flux (s and s ) and the calculated sizes of current (is and is ) (Fig.2).

Te m = p (

i s

i s


For 0 rated The torque may be maximal giving up a power proportional to the speed PIG

= k .

For rated the power is maximum and corresponds to the rated power of the machine; the electromagnetic torque is inversely proportional to the speed Tem = k .

So, if we want to have the machine rated power, it is necessary to use it beyond its rated speed, which lets us to consider the speed as the lower limit storage and the dual value of speed as the upper limit storage
P (W) Prated

Tem (N.m) Tem max

Fig. 2 Block diagram The switching table applied in this work is a standard table for an operation in the 4 quadrants. It is elaborate according to the exits of the hysteresis regulator of the flux, the hysteresis regulator of the torque and the zone of position N as shown in table 1. [5] .The vectors V0 and V7 are alternatively selected so as to minimize the number of commutation in the arms of the rectifier/inverter.
TABLE I SWITCHING TABLE 1 2 3 Ctrq = 1 Ctrq = 0 Ctrq = -1 Cflx =0 Ctrq = 1 Ctrq = 0 Ctrq = -1 V2 V7 V6 V3 V0 V5 V3 V0 V1 V4 V7 V6 V4 V7 V2 V5 V0 V1
rated 2.rated


(rd/s) rated 2.rated

Fig. 3: Power and torque as a function of speed Thus a field weakening operation will be necessary to obtain a constant power in the speed range 1500 to 3000 rpm. The reference flux is then determinate by:

4 V5 V0 V3 V6 V7 V2 5 V6 V7 V4 V1 V0 V3 6 V1 V0 V5 V2 V7 V4

N Cflx =1

rated = rated rated

if rated if rated

With : Flywheel speed,


: rated speed,


rated flux and ref : Reference flux. Simulation is made with a wind power profile which provides power continuously required by the load through the SISE. The proposed structure is given in Figure 4. Figure 5 shows the development of wind power which varies between 1000W and 2400W. We note that the power supplied to the load is kept constant through the flywheel energy storage system. The parameters of the machine are listed in the table 2.
TABLE 2 PARAMETERS INDUCTION MACHINE Value Parameter 220/380 V 3000 rpm 0.76 M J f

V MODELING OF THE FLYWHEEL ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM The reference energy for the SISE as follows [14]:

Ec ref = E + Pref .dt

t1 c t1



Parameter UN NN

Value 0.07767H 0.2271 kg.m2

Where: E c


is the flywheel initial energy.

We determinate the reference speed as follows:

ref =
With: J t

2.E c ref Jt

(12) (13)

Rr= Rr

0.0022 Nm/rd.s-1

= J IG + J Flywheel

The reference speed is limited in order to maintain the IG in the area of operation at constant power and not exceed the maximum speed of the flywheel [14]. Figure.3 represents the torque and power as a function of speed. We notice that:

Figure 6 correspond to the storage power flywheel energy storage system. This power can be positive or negative. It depends on the wind power and the power load required. We note that it is positive when the wind power produced is greater than the load power required by the load and is negative when there is a less power produced compared with that of the load.

Fig.4. Proposed Control System




-20 -40



-60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -160 -180










Fig. 5. Wind and load power

1000 800 600







Fig.7. Power of the DC bus




400 200

Flywheel speed and the reference speed are represented in Figure 8. The rotational speed increases when the energy is transferred to the flywheel, and decreases when the flywheel is unloaded..
280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120

0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000







Fig.6. Power storage SISE.



To regulate the bus voltage, we need a required power represented in Figure 7

t(s) Fig.8. Flywheel and reference speed

5 10 15 20 25


The electromagnetic torque follows the evolution of the speed (Figure 9)

5 4 3 2




1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

0 5 10 15 20 25

In this paper, a variable speed wind system with a flywheel energy storage system has been presented and studied. A direct torque control is applied to the induction machine of the flywheel energy storage system generator. From the Park model of the machine, we defined a direct torque control for the machine operating. The developed control answers the laid down objectives well. The results of simulation clearly show the good operation of the flywheel energy storage system storage. Simulation calculations show the well controlled of the DC voltage. REFERENCES
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Tem (N.m)



Fig.9. Electromagnetic torque The voltage DC bus is kept constant around 465 V, with an overshoot at startup by about 10% (figure 10).
550 500 450 400

[2] [3] [4]

vdc (V)

350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30


Fig.10. DC voltage Vdc.


Variations of stator flux are represented in Figure 11. The flux s , and s follows the variations of the speed and does not exceed the nominal flux.
0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5



s (Wb)


0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Fig.11. Statorique flux



The simulation stator flux trajectory is represented in Figure 102






Fig.12. Stator flux trajectory.



Djamila Rekioua (ZIANI), (1963), studied Electrical Engineering at the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique of Algiers, and received her engineer degree in 1987, the Master Degree (MS93) in 1993 in the same school and the Doctorate (PHD) in 2002 at the University UFAS Setif (Algeria). e-mail: dja_rekioua@yahoo.fr URL:works.bepress.com/djamila_rekioua/ Since 1989, she is teaching and pursuing research, firstly at the University of Sciences and technology, Bab ezzouar (Algiers) and now she is Professor at the University of Bejaia (Algeria). Some previous publications: -D. Rekioua, K. Idjdarene, T. Rekioua Et A. M. Tounzi, An approach for the modeling of an autonomous induction generator taking into account the saturation effect , International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, Volume 4, Issue 1, article 1052, pp 1-25; 2005. -K. Idjdarene, D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua, A. Tounzi, Contrle dune olienne en fonctionnement autonome base sur une gnratrice asynchrone Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier, Volume 49, Issue 10, October 2008, Pages 2609-2617. -S. Lalouni, D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua, E. Matagne, Fuzzy logic control of stand-alone photovoltaic system with battery storage, Journal of Power Sources, Elsevier (2009) Volume 193, Issue 2, 5 September 2009, Pages 899907 Prof Rekioua Djamila is reviewer in Conferences (CNESOL06, ICRE07, MS07, WIERA09, SMEE10) and in different Research Journals and her research interests are in the modeling, control of A.C machines and Electric drives, Renewable Energy (photovoltaic, wind turbine, and hybrid systems). Toufik Rekioua(1962), received his Dipl. d'Ingenieur from the Ecole Nationale Polytechnique and earned the Diplome of Doctorat d'I.N.P.L of Nancy (France) in 1991. e-mail: to_reki@yahoo.fr He is professor at the Electrical departmentUniversity of Bejaia (Algeria). His research activities have been devoted to several topics: control of electrical drives, modeling, wind turbine and control in A.C machines. Some previous publications: -M. Hadef, T. Rekioua, M.R. Mekideche And D. Rekioua, A New Direct Torque Control Method for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives Compared with Vector Control, Asian Journal of Information Technology 6 (4), pp 462-467, 2007 -Hocine Ziane, Jean-Marie Rtif, Toufik Rekioua Contrle DTC frquence fixe appliqu une MSAP avec minimisation des oscillations du couple ; Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 33, 3/4 (2008) 183-189. K. Idjdarene, D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua, A. Tounzi, Contrle dune olienne en fonctionnement autonome base sur une gnratrice asynchrone Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier, Volume 49, Issue 10, October 2008, Pages 2609-2617 Prof Rekioua Toufik is reviewer in different Research Journals and conferences (ICRE07, WIERA09)

Kassa Idjdarene (1975) studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Bejaia and received his engineer degree in 2002, the Master Degree (MS05) in 2005 in the same University where he is teaching and pursuing his researches in wind turbine systems. e-mail: idjdarene@yahoo.fr Some previous publications: -D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua, K. Idjdarene et A. M. Tounzi An Approach for the Modelling of an Autonomous Induction Generator Taking into Account the Saturation Effect , International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS), Vol. 04, Iss. 1, Nov 2005, pp: 123. Manuscript 1052, Produced by the Berkeley Electronic Press. - K.Idjdarene, D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua Et A. M. Tounzi, A Control Strategy for an Autonomous Induction Generator Taking the Saturation Effect into Account, European Power Electronics and drives EPE07, Aolborg, September 2007. -K. Idjdarene, D. Rekioua, T. Rekioua, et A. M. Tounzi Vector control of autonomous induction generator taking saturation effect into account, Energy Conversion and Management (Elsevier science), Vol. 49, Iss. 10, Oct 2008, pp: 2609-2617.

Abdel Mounaim Tounzi (1965) received the Doctorate (PHD) in 1993 at the Institute polytechnic of Loraine (INPL)-University of NancyFrence and the HDR in 2004 at the university of Science and Technology of Lille (Frence). Actually he is teaching and pursuing research in l2EP Laboratory (USTL). e-mail:mounaim.tounzi@univ-lille1.fr Some previous publications: - Ghislain Remy, Julien GOMAND, Abdelmounam TOUNZI, Pierre-Jean BARRE "Analysis of the force ripples of a current loaded PMLSM" COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 28, N. 3, pages. 750 - 761, ISBN. DOI: 10.1108/03321640910941007, 6-2009. - Kassa IDJDARENE, Djamila Rkioua, Toufik Rkioua, Abdelmounam TOUNZI "Vector control of autonomous induction generator taking saturation effect into account", Energy Conversion and Management, 11-2008 - Mathieu AUBERTIN, Abdelmounam TOUNZI, Yvonnick LE MENACH "Study of an electromagnetic gearbox involving two permanent magnet synchronous machines using 3D-FEM", IEEE Trans Mag, Vol. 44, N. 11, pages. 4381 - 4384, 10-2008 Prof Tounzi is reviewer in conferences (JCGE2001, ICRE07, IECON2009,) and in different Research Journals (IEEE trans.mag, IEEE trans Industrial Electronics, EPJ-AP, RIGE, IJEEPS) and his research interests are in the 3D finite elements, magnetic materials and wind turbine.

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