Saucy Werewolves: The Wolvening

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W Grdena

in gardagum in the days of yore,

Listen! We --of the Spear-Danes odcyninga rym gefrnon

of those clan-kings-heard of their glory. h elingas ellen fremedon. how those nobles Oft Scyld Scfing performed courageous deeds. sceaena ratum

Often Scyld, Scef's son, from enemy hosts monegum magum meodosetla oftah 5 from many peoples seized mead-benches; egsode Eorle syan arest wear and terrorised the fearsome Heruli after first he was fasceaft funden h s frfre gebd found helpless and destitute, he then knew recompense for that:wox under wolcnum weormyndum h he waxed under the clouds, throve in honours, o t him aghwylc ra ymbsittendra until to him each of the bordering tribes ofer hronrde hran scolde, 10 beyond the whale-road had to submit, gomban gyldan t ws gd cyning. and yield tribute:that was a good king! am eafera ws fter cenned To him a heir was geong in geardum young in the yards, folce t frfre born then one god sende God sent him fyrenearfe ongeat

to comfort the people; He had seen the dire distress t he ar drugon aldorlase 15 that they suffered before, leader-less

lange hwle a long while; wuldres wealdend Ruler of Glory, Bowulf ws brme

him s lffr them for that the Life-Lord, woroldre forgeaf: granted honour on earth: --blad wde sprang--

Beowulf (Beaw) was famed --his renown spread wide-Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in. Scyld's heir, in Northern lands. Sw sceal geong guma gde gewyrcean 20 So ought a young man fromum feohgiftum by good deeds deserve, on fder bearme

(and) by fine treasure-gifts, while in his father's keeping, t hine on ylde eft gewunigen that him in old age shall again stand by, wilgesas onne wg cume willing companions, lode gelasten: people serve him: in maga gehware 25 when war comes, lofdadum sceal by glorious deeds must, man gen.

amongst his people, everywhere, one prosper. Him Scyld gewt t gescphwle Then Scyld departed at the destined time, **26-52** felahrr fran on fran ware still in his full-strength, to fare in the protection of the Lord Frea; h hyne tbaron t brimes faroe he they carried swase gesas his dear comrades, enden wordum wold 30 to the sea's surf, sw h selfa bd as he himself had bid, wine Scyldinga

when he yet wielded words, that friend of the Scyldings, lof landfruma lange hte beloved ruler of the land, had ruled for a long time; ar t he std hringedstefna there at the harbour stood with a ringed-prow, sig ond tfs elinges fr icy and keen to sail, a hero's vessel; ldon lofne oden they then laid down the beloved prince, baga bryttan on bearm scipes 35 the giver of rings and treasure, in the bosom of the boat, marne be mste ar ws mdma fela the mighty by the mast; many riches were there, of feorwegum frtwa geladed from far-off lands ne hrde ic cmlcor ornate armour and baubles were brought; col gegyrwan keel adorned

I have not heard of a comelier hildewapnum ond heaowadum

with weapons of battle and war-dress, billum ond byrnum him on bearme lg 40 bill-blades and byrnies; there lay on his breast mdma mnigo him mid scoldon many treasures, on fldes aht which with him must, feor gewtan

in the power of the waves, drift far off; nals h hine lassan lcum todan in no way had they upon him fewer odgestronum onne dydon gifts bestowed

with the wealth of a nation, than those did e hine t frumsceafte for onsendon 45

who him in the beginning had sent forth anne ofer e umborwesende alone upon the waves gt he him setton yet then they set up hah ofer hafod high over head; gafon on grsecg being but a child; segen gyldenne the standard of gold, lton holm beran they let the sea bear, him ws gemor sefa

gave to the ocean, in them were troubled hearts, murnende md men ne cunnon 50 mourning minds; secgan t se men cannot seleradenne

say for certain, (neither) court-counsellors hle under heofenum hw am hlste onfng. (nor) heroes under heaven, I who received that cargo.

ws on burgum

Bowulf Scyldinga

Then was in boroughs, Beowulf the Scylding (Beaw), lof lodcyning longe rge beloved king of the people a long age folcum gefrage --fder ellor hwearf 55 famed among the folk --his father having gone elsewhere, aldor of earde-o t him eft onwc elder on earth-hah Healfdene high Half-Dane, gamol ond grouw until unto him in turn was born hold enden lifde he ruled so long as he lived glde Scyldingas

old and battle-fierce, the glad Scyldings; am fower bearn forgermed

to him four sons in worold wcun 60 woke in the world, Heorogr ond Hrgr

in succession weoroda raswan: the leader of the legions: ond Hlga til

Heorogar and Hrothgar and good Halga; hrde ic t rse ws Onelan cwn I heard that Yrse Heao-Scilfingas the War-Scylfing's ws Hrgre was Onela's queen, healsgebedda. belovd embraced in bed. herespd gyfen

Then was to Hrothgar success in warcraft given, wges weormynd t him his winemgas 65 honour in war, georne hrdon eagerly served him magodriht micel so that his retainers o t so geogo gewox until the young war-band grew him on md bearn

into a mighty battalion; it came into his mind t healreced htan wolde that a hall-house, he wished to command, medorn micel men gewyrcean a grand mead-hall, one yldo bearn 70 be built by men afre gefrnon

which the sons of men should hear of forever, ond ar on innan eall gedalan and there within geongum ond ealdum to young and old, bton folcscare share out all swylc him god sealde such as God gave him, ond feorum gumena

except the common land and the lives of men; a ic wde gefrgn weorc gebannan

Then, I heard, widely was the work commissioned manigre mage geond isne middangeard 75 from many peoples folcstede frtwan. throughout this middle-earth, Him on fyrste gelomp

to furnish this hall of the folk. For him in time it came to pass, adre mid yldum t hit wear ealgearo early, through the men, that it was fully finished, healrna mast scp him Heort naman the best of royal halls; s e his wordes geweald he named it Heorot, wde hfde

he whose words weight had everywhere; h bot ne lh bagas dalde 80 he did not lie when he boasted; sinc t symle. Sele hlfade riches at his feasts. hah ond horngap rings he dealt out,

The hall towered, heaowylma bd

high and horn-gabled; it awaited the cruel surges lan lges ne ws hit lenge gn of hateful flames; nor was the time yet nigh t se ecghete umsworan that the furious edge-malice of son-in-law and father-in-law, fter wlne wcnan scolde. 85 arising from deadly enmity would inevitably awaken. se ellengast earfolce Then the bold spirit, impatiently rge geolode s e in strum bd endured dreary time, t h dgora gehwm he that every day hldne in healle he who dwelt in darkness, dram gehrde heard noise of revelry ar ws hearpan swg

loud in the hall; swutol sang scopes 90

there was the harmony of the harp, sgde s e ce

the sweet song of the poet; he spoke who knew how **90ff.** frumsceaft fra feorran reccan the origin of men to narrate from afar; cw t se lmihtiga eoran worhte said he that the almighty one wrought the earth, wlitebeorhtne wang sw wter bebge (that) fair, sublime field bounded by water; gesette sigehrig sunnan ond mnan set up triumphant loman t lohte 95 the sun and moon, land-bendum

luminaries as lamps for the land-dwellers ond gefrtwade foldan scatas and adorned the corners of the earth leomum ond lafum lf ac gescep with limbs and leaves; life too He formed cynna gehwylcum ra e cwice hwyrfa for each of the species which lives and moves. Sw drihtguman dramum lifdon So the lord's men lived in joys, adiglice o t n ongan 100 happily, until one began fyrene fremman fond on helle to execute atrocities, ws se grimma gast a fiend in hell; Grendel hten

this ghastly demon was named Grendel, mare mearcstapa s e mras hold infamous stalker in the marches, he who held the moors, fen ond fsten ffelcynnes eard

fen and desolate strong-hold; wonsal wer weardode hwle 105 the wretched creature sian him scyppend

the land of marsh-monsters,

ruled for a time forscrifen hfde

since him the Creator had condemned in Caines cynne one cwealm gewrc with the kin of Cain; that killing avenged ce drihten s e h bel slg the eternal Lord, in which he slew Abel; ne gefeah h are fahe ac h hine feor forwrc this feud he did not enjoy, for He drove him far away, metod for mne mancynne fram 110 the Ruler, for this crime, from mankind; anon untdras ealle onwcon thence unspeakable offspring all awoke: eotenas ond ylfe ond orcns ogres and elves swylce ggantas also giants, lange rge and spirits from the underworld; wi gode wunnon who strove with God h him s lan forgeald. He gave them their reward for that.

for an interminable season; II

Gewt nosian 115

syan niht becm

He then went to visit and see --when night came-hn hses h hit Hring-Dene the high house fter borege how it, the Ring-Danes gebn hfdon

after the beer-feast, had occupied; fand ar inne elinga gedriht

he found then therein swefan fter symble

the nobles' company sorge ne con

slumbering after the feast; they did not know sorrow, wonsceaft wera wiht unhalo 120 misery of men; grim ond gradig grim and greedy, roc ond re savage and cruel rtig egna thirty thanes; he hrmig that damned creature, gearo sna ws soon was ready, ond on rste genam and from their rest seized anon eft gewt thence back he went t hm faran to his home, faring wca nosan.

proud in plunder mid are wlfylle 125

with the banquet of bodies to seek his shelter. ws on htan mid ardge Then was in the dark of dawn before the day Grendles gcrft gumum undyrne Grendle's war-might ws fter wiste revealed to the men; wp up hafen they raised up lament

then it was after their feasting micel morgenswg. Mare oden

in a great morning-cry. The mighty chieftain, eling argod unble st 130 the prince, old and good, sat in sorrow, olode rsw egnsorge drah The great mighty one suffered, anguish of thane-loss syan he s lan lst scawedon, when they the foe's tracks beheld, wergan gstes ws t gewin t strang oppressed him

of the wicked ghoul; that strife was too strong, l ond longsum. Ns hit lengra fyrst loathsome and lingering. Nor was it a longer time ac ymb ne niht eft gefremede 135 but after a single night again he perpetuated morbeala mre ond n mearn fore, more brutal slaughter, and it grieved him not, fahe ond fyrene ws t fst on m. violence and viciousness, he was too entrenched in these. ws afynde him elles hwar Then was it easily found, germlcor rste shte further away, bed fter brum 140 one who would somewhere else,

seek rest: him gebacnod ws

a bed among the bowers, when it was made clear to him, gesgd slce sweotolan tcne truly told, by an unmistakable token healegnes hete hold hyne syan the enmity of the hall's occupier; he held himself then fyr ond fstor s am fonde twand. further and safer, he who shunned that fiend. Sw rxode ond wi rihte wan Thus he ruled na wi eallum 145 and challenged justice, o t del std

one against all, until empty stood hsa slest ws so hwl micel, that finest of houses; the time was long twelf wintra td torn geolode --the space of twelve winters-that bitter anguish endured wine Scyldenda, wana gehwelcne

the friend, the shielder, --every woe, sdra sorga form secgum wear immense miseries; therefore to men became ylda bearnum undyrne c, 150 to sons of men, gyddum gemore in mournful ballads, hwle wi Hrgr clearly known tte Grendel wan that Grendle had contended hetenas wg

long against Hrothgar, sustained fierce enmity, fyrene ond fahe fela missra, felony and feud, single sce continual strife; wi manna hwone 155 for many seasons sibbe ne wolde he did not want peace mgenes Deniga,

with any man of the Danish contingent, feorhbealo feorran, fa ingian to desist in life-destruction, to settle it with payment, n ar nanig witena wnan orfte none of the counsellors had any need to hope for beorhtre bte t banan folmum noble recompense ac se aglaca but the wretch deorc dascua 160 from the slayer's hands, htende ws was persecuting dugue ond geogoe

--the dark death-shade-warriors old and young; seomade ond syrede sinnihte hold he lay in wait and set snares, mistige mras men ne cunnon the misty moors; hwyder helrnan in the endless night he held

men do not know hwyrftum scra.

where such hellish enigmas slink in their haunts. Sw fela fyrena fond mancynnes Thus many offences that foe of mankind, atol ngengea oft gefremede, 165 that terrible lone traveller, often committed, heardra hna Heorot eardode hard humiliations; he dwelt in Heorot, sincfge sel sweartum nihtum the richly-adorned hall, in the black nights --n h one gifstl grtan mste, --by no means he the gift-throne was compelled to approach respectfully, mum for metode, n his myne wisse-the treasure, by the Maker, nor did he feel love for it-t ws wrac micel wine Scyldinga, 170 That was great misery for the Friend of the Scyldings, mdes breca. Monig oft gest a breaking of his spirit. Many often sat rce t rne rad eahtedon the mighty at counsel; pondered a plan, hwt swferhum slest ware what by strong-minded men would be best, wi fargryrum t gefremmanne against the sudden horror, to do; hwlum he gehton t hrgtrafum 175 sometimes they pledged at holy temples wgweorunga wordum badon sacred honouring, t him gstbona in words bid goce gefremede

that them the demon-slayer would offer succour wi odraum swylc ws aw hyra

from the plight of the people; such was their habit: haenra hyht helle gemundon the hope of heathens; on hell they pondered **179-189** in mdsefan metod he ne con 180 in the depths of their hearts; the Creator they did not know, dada dmend ne wiston he drihten god the Judge of deeds, they were not aware of the Lord God, n he hru heofena helm herian ne con nor yet they the Helm of the Heavens were able to honour, wuldres waldend. W bi am e sceal Glory's Wielder. urh slne n Woe be to him who must, swle bescfan

through dire terror, thrust his soul in fres fm, frfre ne wnan, 185 into fire's embrace; hope not for relief, wihte gewendan wl bi am e mt or to change at all; well be he who may fter dadge drihten scean after death-day seek the Lord ond t fder fmum freoo wilnian. and in his Father's arms III yearn towards Nirvana.

Sw malceare

maga Healfdenes

So then over the sorrow of the time the son of Half-Dane singla sa ne mihte snotor hle 190 continually brooded; the wise hero could not wan onwendan ws t gewin t sw turn away woe; l ond longsum that strife was too strong, e on lode becm,

hateful and enduring, that on the people came ndwracu ngrim nihtbealwa mast. fearfully cruel, violent trouble, syd-journey t fram hm gefrgn the greatest night-evil. Higelces egn

That from home heard Hygelac's thane, gd mid Gatum, Grendles dada 195 a good man of the Geats, of Grendel's deeds; s ws moncynnes mgenes strengest he was of mankind of the greatest strength, on am dge ysses lfes on that day in this life, ele ond acen ht him lidan noble and mighty; gdne gegyrwan he ordered them a wave-crosser cw: h gcyning

--a good one-- prepare; he said: the war-king ofer swanrde scean wolde 200 over swan-road marne oden he wished to seek, him ws manna earf

that mighty clan-chief, since he was in need of men; one sft him snotere ceorlas that adventure him, the clear-headed chaps, lt hwn lgon ah h him lof ware very little begrudged hwetton higerfne though he was dear to them, hal scawedon. and observed the omens.

they urged on the valiant-hearted one, Hfde se gda Gata loda 205

The worthy one had, from the Geatish peoples, cempan gecorone ra e h cnoste chosen champions, those who were the boldest he

findan mihte

fftna sum

could find; fifteen together, sundwudu shte secg wsade they sought the sea-wood, he led the warriors, lagucrftig mon landgemyrcu. that sea-skilled man, to the boundary of the shore. Fyrst for gewt flota ws on um 210 Time passed by; bt under beorge the ship was on the waves, beornas gearwe

the boat under the cliffs; the ready warriors on stefn stigon --stramas wundon, stepped up into the prow --the currents curled round, sund wi sande-secgas baron sea against sand-the men bore on bearm nacan beorhte frtwe into the bosom of boat bright arms and armour, gsearo geatolc guman t scufon 215 noble war-gear; weras on wils the fellows shoved off, wudu bundenne. in a well-braced ship. winde gefsed urged by the wind,

men on a welcome voyage, Gewt ofer wagholm

Then they went over the water-waves flota fmheals fugle gelcost

the foamy-necked floater, remarkably bird-like o t ymb ntid res dgores until in due time, on the second day, wundenstefna gewaden hfde 220 the curved-prow t a lende so that the sailors had made the journey, land geswon, sighted land,

brimclifu blcan,

beorgas stape

bright sea-cliffs, side sanssas wide headlands; oletes t ende.

towering shores, ws sund liden then was the sea traversed, anon up hrae

their sea-voyage at an end. Thence up quickly Wedera lode on wang stigon 225 the Wederas-warriors stepped onto land; sawudu saldon syrcan hrysedon moored their vessel; their mail-shirts clanked ggewado gode ancedon those war-garments; s e him lde they thanked God ae wurdon.

that for them the wave-paths had been smooth. of wealle geseah weard Scildinga Then from the wall saw the ward of the Scyldings, s e holmclifu healdan scolde 230 he who the sea-cliffs had the duty to guard, beran ofer bolcan beorhte randas borne over the gang-plank, bright bossed-shields, fyrdsearu fslicu hine fyrwyt brc eager war-devices; in him curiosity broke mdgehygdum hwt men waron the thoughts of his heart: what these men were; gewt him t waroe wicge rdan then he went to the shore riding his horse, egn Hrgres rymmum cwehte 235 the thane of Hrothgar; he forcefully shook mgenwudu mundum meelwordum frgn:

his mighty wooden shaft, and with formal words asked: 'Hwt syndon g searohbbendra 'What are you byrnum werede bound in byrnies, ofer lagustrate over the sea-street hider ofer holmas?' 240 armour-wearers e us brontne col who thus your tall keel ladan cwmon leading came,

hither over the waters?' H ws endesata agwearde hold He was the coast-guardian, he held the sea-watch, on land Dena lra nanig so that on Danish land no enemies at all mid scipherge scean ne meahte with a navy would not be able to ravage. 'N hr clcor cuman ongunnon 'Not here more openly began to come lindhbbende n g lafnesword 245 lindenwood shield-bearers, nor you the leave-word gfremmendra gearwe ne wisson of our war-makers certainly don't know mga gemdu nafre ic mran geseah our kinsmen's consent; never have I seen greater eorla ofer eoran onne is ower sum, noble on earth secg on searwum warrior in armour; wapnum geweorad 250 than the one that you are, nis t seldguma this is no a mere retainer nfne him his wlite loge,

made worthy by weapons; unless he is belied by his looks, anlic ansn! N ic ower sceal

a unique appearance! Now I must your frumcyn witan ar g fyr heonan lineage learn, lasscaweras deceiving spies furur fran further fare; merelende 255 you sea-sailors, nfealdne geht: ere you far hence, on land Dena in the land of the Danes N g feorbend now you far-dwellers mnne gehra hear my ofost is slest

one-fold thought: speed is best t gecanne hwanan owre cyme syndon.' for reporting, IIII whence your comings are.'

Him se yldesta He the eldest werodes wsa

andswarode answered, wordhord onlac: he unlocked his word-hoard: Gata lode

the crew's captain, 'W synt gumcynnes 260

'We are of the tribe of the Geat people ond Higelces heorgenatas and Hygelac's ws mn fder hearth-companions; folcum geced

my father was ele ordfruma

known to the folk, Ecgow hten

a noble vanguard-warrior, called Edgetheow, gebd wintra worn ar h on weg hwurfe who saw many winters gamol of geardum 265 ere he passed away, hine gearwe geman

old, from our courtyards; he is readily recalled witena wlhwylc wde geond eoran. by each one of the wise widely throughout the world. W urh holdne hige hlford nne We, by resolute resolve, your lord, sunu Healfdenes scean cwmon the son of Half-Dane have come to seek, lodgebyrgean wes s lrena gd that protector of the people; be you a good guide to us; habba w t am maran micel arende 270 we have, to that grand one, a great errand Deniga frn ne sceal ar dyrne sum to the Danish lord; wesan s ic wne. there shouldn't some secret wst gif hit is

be of this, I think. You know if it is sw w slce secgan hrdon as we truly have heard said, t mid Scyldingum sceaona ic nt hwylc that amongst the Scyldings, some enemy, I know not what, dogol dadhata deorcum nihtum 275 a furtive despoiler, in dark nights, awe urh egsan uncne n sickeningly reveals hnu ond hrfyl. unknown enmity, Ic s Hrgr mg

suffering and slaughter. I can on this matter, to Hrothgar, urh rmne sefan rad gelaran from a spacious spirit, give counsel, h h frd ond gd, fond oferswe-how he, wise and good, overcome the fiend-gyf him edwendan afre scolde 280

if for him a change ever should, bealuwa bisigu bt eft cuman-from this suffering of miseries to remedy, come after-ond cearwylmas clran wura and his hot wellings of melancholic care oe syan earforge or else ever after, a time of torment, rand ola enden ar wuna horrible hardship he will endure, on hahstede hsa slest.' 285 so long as there remains, grow cooler;

in its high place, that best of houses. Weard maelode ar on wicge st The guard made a speech, sitting there on his horse, ombeht unforht: 'Aghwres sceal --the unhesistating officer: 'He will --every scearp scyldwiga gescd witan sharp shield-warrior-know the distinction worda ond worca s e wl ence. between words and works, he who reasons rightly. Ic t gehre t is is hold weorod 290 I hear it, that this is a legion loyal fran Scyldinga gewta for beran to the lord of the Scyldings; go forth bearing wapen ond gewadu ic ow wsige weapons and armour; swylce ic maguegnas I shall guide you; mne hte

likewise, I the kin-thanes of mine will order, wi fonda gehwone flotan owerne against any foes your vessel, nwtyrwydne nacan on sande 295

--newly tarred, rum healdan

ship on the sand-o t eft byre until it bears back, lofne mannan

to guard in honour, ofer lagustramas

over the sea-streams, the dear man, wudu wundenhals t Wedermearce --the swoop-necked wood -to Wedermark; gdfremmendra swylcum gifee bi those who perform noble deeds-to such as these it shall be granted t one hilderas hl gedge.' 300 that the battle-rush Gewiton him fran he survive in one piece.' --flota stille bd

Then they went faring --the boat at rest awaited, seomode on sole sidfamed scip it rode on the sand the broad-bosomed ship, on ancre fst-eoforlc scionon on anchor fast-ofer hlorberan th gold; fh ond frheard 305 boar-figures shone gehroden golde ferhwearde hold

atop cheekguards

adorned wi

glittering and fire-hard; life-guard they held; gmd grummon guman netton war-spirits raised; the men hastened, sigon tsomne o t h sltimbred marched forward together, until they the timbered hall, geatolc ond goldfh ongyton mihton glorious and gold-trimmed, were able to glimpse; t ws foremarost foldbendum that was the foremost receda under roderum 310 --for earth-dwellers-on am se rca bd in it the ruler dwelt;

of halls under the heavens,

lxte se loma its light glimmered Him hildedor

ofer landa fela. over many lands. hof mdigra

Then to them the fierce fellow --to that court of great men torht getahte t he him t mihton glorious-- he lead, that they to it could gegnum gangan gbeorna sum go directly; wicg gewende 315 the worthy warrior word fter cw:

turned his horse, thereupon spoke words: 'Mal is m t fran. Fder alwalda 'Time it is for me to go. The Father all-ruling, mid rstafum owic gehealde with grace sa gesunde! may He hold you Ic t sa wille

sound on your sojourns! I will to the sea, wi wr werod wearde healdan.' against brutal dacoits V keep watch.'

Strat ws stnfh 320

stg wsode the path guided

The street was paved with stones, gumum tgdere gbyrne scn the men together; heard hondlocen war-byrnie shone hringren scr

harsh, linked by hand, ring-iron glittering, song in searwum he t sele furum they sang in their arms, as they to the hall straight in hyra gryregeatwum gangan cwmon in their grim gear came marching;

setton same 325

sde scyldas

they set down, sea-weary, their wide shields, rondas regnhearde wi s recedes weal the rims wondrous-hard against the wall of the hall, bugon t bence byrnan hringdon and bent down then to a bench; corslets rang-gsearo gumena gras stdon the war-clothes of warriors; spears stood, samanna searo samod tgdere seamen's weapons, scholt ufan grag 330 all together, ws se renrat

silvery above a grove of ash; the iron-clad troop was wapnum gewurad ar wlonc hle honoured in weapons; then a proud noble retmecgas fter hleum frgn: the elite soldiers 'Hwanon ferigea g asked about the heroes: fatte scyldas

'Whence ferry you plated shields, grage syrcan ond grmhelmas steel-hued shirts of mail and masked-helms, heresceafta hap? Ic eom Hrgres 335 this host of army-shafts? I am Hrothgar's r ond ombiht ne seah ic elodige herald and officer; I have not seen from a foreign land us manige men mdiglcran this many men looking braver in spirit; wn' ic t g for wlenco nalles for wracsum I expect that you from valour, not from exile, ac for higerymmum Hrgr shton.' but from greatness of heart have sought out Hrothgar.'

Him ellenrf 340


Then him the renowned one answered wlanc Wedera lod word fter sprc --that proud prince of the Wedera nation-heard under helme: 'W synt Higelces spoke thereafter words,

severe beneath his helmet: 'We are Hygelac's bodgenatas Bowulf is mn nama companions at table; Beowulf is my name; wille ic secgan sunu Healfdenes I wish to proclaim to the son of Half-Dane, marum odne min arende 345 --that famed sovereign-my errand aldre num gif h s geunnan wile to your lord, if he wishes to grant us t w hine sw gdne grtan mton.' that we him, the virtuous one, might greet.' Wulfgr maelode --t ws Wendla lod Wulfgar began to speak --he was the Wendels' leader, ws his mdsefa manegum geced his courage was wg ond wsdm--: 350 well-known to many, 'Ic s wine Deniga

war-skill and wisdom--: 'I this from friend of the Danes, fran Scildinga frnan wille lord of the Scyldings, will inquire, baga bryttan sw bna eart from the giver of rings, --as you are petitioners-oden marne ymb nne s from that famed sovereign about your quest, ond andsware adre gecan and to you the answer promptly make known

e m se gda 355

gifan ence.'

which to me the virtuous one sees fit to give.' Hwearf hrdlce ar Hrgr st He turned then quickly to where Hrothgar sat, eald ond anhr mid his eorla gedriht old and very grey, amid his company of earls; ode ellenrf t h for eaxlum gestd he strode grandly so that he stood by the shoulders Deniga frn: ce h dugue aw of the Danes' lord: Wulfgr maelode 360 he knew the custom of veteran-warriors; t his winedrihtne:

Wulfgar made this speech to his friend and lord: 'Hr syndon geferede feorran cumene 'Here have ventured, ofer geofenes begang come from far away, Gata lode men of the Geats;

over the expanse of the sea, one yldestan retmecgas the eldest one Bowulf nemna is called Beowulf; t he, oden min, 365

of these elite warriors h bnan synt they are asking wi mton

that they, my lord, with you might wordum wrixlan n him wearne getoh exchange words; nra gegncwida, from your answers, h on wggetwum give them not refusal gldman Hrgr gracious Hrothgar; wyre incea

they by their war-gear seem worthy eorla gehtlan hru se aldor dah of the esteem of nobles; indeed, the prince is powerful,

s am heaorincum 370 who the warriors VI

hider wsade.' led hither.'

Hrgr maelode Hrothgar spoke, 'Ic hine ce

helm Scyldinga: --the Helm of the Scyldings--: cnihtwesende

'I knew him when he was a youth; ws his ealdfder Ecgo hten

his old father was am t hm forgeaf

called Ecgtheow, Hrel Gata

to whom gave into his home Hrethel of the Geats ngan dohtor is his eaforan n 375 his only daughter; heard hr cumen come here bravely, onne sgdon t now his heir is shte holdne wine. seeking a steadfast friend. salende

Further, it has been said by sea-farers, e gifsceattas Gata fyredon they who our gifts of coins ferried for the Geats yder t ance t h rtiges thither in thanks, manna mgencrft 380 men's strength heaorf hbbe that he thirty on his mundgripe in the grip of his hand, hine hlig god

renowned in war, has; him holy God, for rstafum s onsende in benevolence, t West-Denum has sent to us, s ic wn hbbe

to the West-Danes, wi Grendles gryre

of this I have hope, ic am gdan sceal

against Grendel's terror; I the good man must for his mdrce mdmas bodan. 385 for his great daring Bo on ofeste Be you in haste, son sibbegedriht offer precious treasures. ht in gn order to come in samod tgdere

to see me the noble band of kinsmen all together; gesaga him ac wordum t he sint wilcuman Say to them also in words, Deniga lodum.' to the Danish land.' Word inne bad: A word from within announced: sigedrihten mn that they are welcome

'ow ht secgan 391

'To you I am commanded to say by my valorous lord, aldor ast-Dena t h ower elu can the leader of the East Danes, that he knows your noble history, ond g him syndon ofer sawylmas and you are to him, over sea-swells, heardhicgende hider wilcuman --bold in thought-n g mton gangan now you may enter under heregrman 396 welcome hither; in owrum ggeatwum in your war-gear, Hrgr geseon

under visored-helmets, to see Hrothgar; lata hildebord hr onbidan, let battle-boards wuduwlsceaftas, here await, worda geinges.'

and wooden slaughter-shafts, the result of words.' rs se rca, ymb hine rinc manig Then the mighty one arose, about him many warriors, rlc egna hap sume ar bidon the glorious troop of thanes; some waited there, heaoraf holdon sw him se hearda bebad 401 guarding the gear of war as the hardy leader bade; snyredon tsomne secg wsode they hurried together; under Heorotes hrf under Heorot's roof, heard under helme the hero led the way for them

t h on hoe gestd.

severe under his helmet, until he stood in the hall. Bowulf maelode --on him byrne scn Beowulf spoke searonet seowed 406 --on him a mail-coat gleamed, smies orancum--: by smith's skilful art--: Ic eom Higelces

a net of armour woven 'Ws , Hrgr, hl.

'Be you, Hrothgar, whole. I am Hygelace's mag ond magoegn hbbe ic mara fela kinsman and retainer; ongunnen on geogoe I have many great labours m wear Grendles ing

undertaken in my youth; Grendel's enterprises have to me become, on mnre eltyrf undyrne c: on my native soil, secga salend 411 clearly known: t s sele stande

it is said by sea-farers that in this hall stands, reced slesta rinca gehwylcum --the best of buildings-for each and every man, del ond unnyt sian afenloht

idle and useless, under heofenes hdor

after evening-light beholen weore.

under the firmament of heaven goes to hide. m t gelardon lode mne Then I was advised that, by my people, slestan snotere ceorlas, 416 the best ones, oden Hrgr, the clever chaps, t ic shte

sovereign Hrothgar, that it were thee I should seek, for an he mgenes crft mne con for that they the force of the strength selfe oferswon ic of searwum cwm of mine knew;

themselves had looked on, when I returned from battle, fh from fondum ar ic ffe geband stained with the blood of foes, where I bound five, de eotena cyn ond on um slg 421 destroyed ogrish kin, and amid the waves slew niceras nihtes nearoearfe drah nicors by night; wrc Wedera n I weathered distress in many a tight corner, --wan hsodon--

avenged injury done the Wederas --they sought woe-forgrand gramum ond n wi Grendel sceal the foes I crushed, wi m glacan and now against Grendel I am bound, na gehgan to settle

with that terrible creature, alone, ing wi yrse. Ic n , 426

the affair with the troll. I now then you, brego Beorht-Dena, biddan wille, prince of the Bright-Danes, want to request, eodor Scyldinga, nre bne:

O protector of the Scyldings, one boon: t m ne forwyrne, wgendra hlo that you not refuse me, O shield of warriors, frowine folca, n ic us feorran cm liege and comrade of the folk, now that I have come thus far; t ic mte na, mnra eorla gedryht 431 that I might alone, ond es hearda hap, with my company of nobles Heorot falsian

and this hardy horde of warriors, clense Heorot; hbbe ic ac ge-hsod t s aglaca I have also heard for his wonhdum in his recklessness ic t onne forhicge then I it scorn mn mondrihten 436 that the evil creature wapna ne recce heeds not weapons; --sw m Higelc se

--so that for me Hygelac may be mdes ble--

my liege-lord blithe in his heart-t ic sweord bere oe sdne scyld that I bear a sword geolorand t ge or broad shield, ac ic mid grpe sceal

yellow-rim to war, but I with my grip shall fn wi fonde ond ymb feorh sacan, fight with this fiend and over life strive, l wi lum ar gelfan sceal enemy against enemy; there must trust in dryhtnes dme s e hine da nime 441 the judgement of the Lord, whichever one that Death takes; wn' ic t h wille gif h wealdan mt I expect that he will wish, if he can compass it, in am gsele Gotena lode

in the war-hall, etan unforhte

the Geatish people sw h oft dyde,

to devour fearlessly, as he often did, mgenhr manna. N mnne earft the force of glorious warriors. You will have no need for my hafalan hdan ac h m habban wile 446 head to shroud, but rather he will have me dore fahne gif mec da nime fiercely stained with gore, if me Death takes, byre bldig wl byrgean ence he will bear my bloody corpse; ete ngenga unmurnlce he aims to bite,

the lone prowler eats unmournfully, mearca mrhopu n ymb mnes ne earft marking the limits of his moor enclosures; lces feorme leng sorgian. 451 nor will you for the needs of my

body's funeral-provisions have any further concern. Onsend Higelce gif mec hild nime Send to Hygelac, beaduscrda betst if I am taken by battle, t mne brost were,

the best of battle-shrouds, the one that protects my breast, hrgla slest t is Hradlan lf choicest of garments; that is Hrethel's relic, Wlandes geweorc. Ga wyrd sw ho scel.' Wayland's work. VII Fate goes always as She must.'

Hrgr maelode 456 Hrothgar spoke, 'Fre fyhtum, ,

helm Scyldinga: the helm of the Scyldings: wine mn Bowulf,

'Fit to fight, you, ond for rstafum and for honour Geslh n fder

my friend Beowulf, sic shtest. us have sought. fahe maste:

Your father by striking began the greatest feud: wear h Heaolfe t handbonan he was Heatholaf's slayer by his own hand mid Wilfingum hine gra cyn 461 of the Wylfings; for herebrgan for dread of troops anon h geshte thence he sought ofer a gewealc, then him his spear-kin habban ne mihte could not shelter; S-Dena folc the South-Danes' folk r-Scyldinga

over the welling of the waves, the Honour-Scyldings; ic furum wold folce Deninga at that time I had just begun to rule ond on geogoe hold gimmerce 466 the Danish folk

and in my youth held the precious kingdom, hordburh hlea ws Heregr dad the treasure-keep of heroes; mn yldra mag unlifigende my elder brother bearn Healfdenes then was Heregar dead,

unliving, s ws betera onne ic.

the son of Half-Dane; he was better than I. Sian fahe fo ingode Then the feud I settled with fees; sende ic Wylfingum ofer wteres hrycg 471 I sent the Wylfings across the water's ridge ealde mdmas h m as swr.

ancient treasures; he swore oaths to me. Sorh is m t secganne on sefan mnum It sorrows me to say in my heart gumena angum hwt m Grendel hafa to any man Grendel has caused me what hno on Heorote mid his heteancum humiliations in Heorot with his thoughts of hatred, farna gefremed is mn fletwerod 476 carried out lightning-quick attacks; wghap gewanod he wyrd forswop waned, that war-band; on Grendles gryre my hall-troop is

they have been swept aside by Fate god ae mg

in Grendel's horrid violence; God can easily one dolsceaan dada getwafan. the rash ravager's Ful oft gebotedon deeds put an end to. bore druncne

Full oft have vowed, having drunk beer, ofer ealowage retmecgas 481 over ale-flagons, t he in borsele battle-men, bdan woldon

that they in the beer-hall would await Grendles ge mid gryrum ecga. Grendel's onslaught with vicious edges. onne ws os medoheal on morgentd Then, this mead-hall was in the morning drihtsele drorfh onne dg lixte, this noble hall stained with gore eal bencelu blde bestmed 486 all of the benches heall heoru-drore when the day lightened,

smeared with blood hte ic holdra las,

the hall battle-gory; I had friends the fewer, dorre dugue da fornam. cherished old battle-retinue, for these Death took them away. Site n t symle ond onsal meoto Sit now to feast sigehr secgum and untie your thoughts sw n sefa hwette.' as your heart urges.'

of your glorious victories to the soldiers, ws Gatmcgum geador tsomne 491 Then the Geatish men were gathered together on borsele benc germed in the beer-hall, ar swferhe room was made on a bench, sittan odon

there the strong-souled went to sit down, rum dealle egn nytte behold proud in prowess s e on handa br a thane performed his office, hroden ealowage

he who in his hands bore an ornate ale-cup, scencte scr wered scop hwlum sang 496 decanted pure sweet mead; a bard sang from time to time hdor on Heorote ar ws hlea dram, clear in Heorot; dugu unltel no small host VIII Hunfer maelode Unferth spoke, **499-606** e t ftum st the Scyldings; onband beadurne 501 there was joy of heroes, Dena ond Wedera. of Danes and Wederas. Ecglfes bearn the son of Edgelaf, fran Scyldinga --ws him Bowulfes s who sat at the feet of the lord of

he unbound battle-runes --for him was the venture of Beowulf, mdges merefaran micel funca brave seafarer's, a source of great displeasure,

foron e h ne e

t anig er man

because he did not grant that any other man afre mara on m middangeardes ever glorious deeds the more on middle-earth gehdde under heofenum onne h sylfa--: heeded under the heavens than he himself--: 'Eart s Bowulf s e wi Brecan wunne 506 'Are you the Beowulf, who contested against Breca **506-81** on sdne sa ymb sund flite? on the broad sea, ar git for wlence contended around the ocean-sound? wada cunnedon

Where you for bravado tempted the waters ond for dolgilpe on dop wter and for a foolish boast in deep sea aldrum ndon n inc anig mon risked your lives, you no man n lof n l belan mihte 511 --neither friend nor foe-could dissuade sorhfullne s a git on sund rn from that sorrowful jaunt, when you rowed into the strait; ar git agorstram earmum ehton there you sea-currents in your arms embraced, maton merestrata mundum brugdon traversed the ocean-roads, with hands wove, glidon ofer grsecg geofon um gliding over the sea; wol wintrys wylm 516 the ocean in waves git on wteres aht

welled, in winter's swells; you in the water's grasp seofon niht swuncon h t sunde oferflt

toiled for seven nights; he got the better of you on the sea, hfde mre mgen. hine on morgentd he had more might. on Heao-Rames Then he in the morning holm up tbr

on Heatho-Reams' shore was cast up by the sea; onon h geshte swasne el, thence he sought lof his lodum, 521 dear to his people, freooburh fgere the fair citadel, burh ond bagas his own homeland, lond Brondinga the land of the Brondings, ar h folc hte he had folk there, bot eal wi

boroughs and rings; the entire boast with you sunu Banstnes se gelaste. the son of Beanstan onne wne ic t I expect then for you ah heaorasa 526 truly fulfilled. wyrsan geingea worse results, gehwar dohte

though you in war-assaults everywhere prevailed, grimre ge gif Grendles dearst grim combat, if you for Grendel dare nihtlongne fyrst nn bdan.' the space of a night nearby wait.' Bowulf maelode bearn Ecgowes: Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'Hwt, worn fela, wine mn Hunfer, 'Listen, you a great deal --Unferth, my friend, bore druncen ymb Brecan sprace 531 drunk on beer-have spoken about Breca, sgdest from his se. S ic talige

told of his journey. t ic merestrengo

Truth I claim mran hte

that I sea-strength greater had, earfeo on um onne anig er man hardship on the waves, than any other man; wit t gecwadon cnihtwesende we had it agreed, ond gebotedon 536 being lads, --waron bgen git

and vowed --being both then still on geogofore-t wit on grsecg t in the years of youth-that we out on the ocean aldrum ndon ond t gefndon sw. our lives would risk, Hfdon swurd nacod and thus that we did. wit on sund rn

We had naked swords when we rowed on the ocean-sound, heard on handa: wit unc wi hronfixas hard in our hands: we ourselves against whales werian hton n h wiht fram m 541 planned to defend; not a whit from me was he fldum feor flotan meahte on the sea-waves far able to float, hraor on holme n ic fram him wolde swifter on water, wit tsomne then we together ff nihta fyrst nor did I wish to part from him; on sa waron were on the sea, o t unc fld tdrf

for the space of five nights, until the sea-waves drove us apart, wado weallende wedera cealdost 546 the water welling, the coldest of weathers, npende niht ond noranwind

the darkening night heaogrim ondhwearf

and the north wind hro waron a

fierce turned against us; wild were the waves; ws merefixa md onhrred then was the sea-fishes' wrath roused; ar m wi lum lcsyrce mn there me against foes my body-shirt heard hondlocen helpe gefremede 551 strong and hand-linked, did me help, beadohrgl brden on brostum lg my battle-garment braided lay on my breast, golde gegyrwed m t grunde tah adorned with gold; fh fondscaa to the bottom of the sea I was drawn fste hfde

by the hostile foe-scather, it held me fast, grim on grpe hwre m gyfee wear cruel in grip; t ic glacan 556 however, to it was granted orde gerahte

that I the monster reached with my point, hildebille heaoras fornam with battle-bill; mihtig meredor the mighty sea-beast VIIII in the battle-rush I destroyed urh mne hand. with my hand.

Sw mec gelme


Thus me often hateful attackers ratedon earle ic him node pressed sorely; doran sweorde 561 I served them sw hit gedfe ws

with my dear sword, ns he are fylle

as it was fitting; gefan hfdon

they the feast did not have rejoicing, mnfordadlan t he m gon those perpetrators of crime, that they partook of me, symbel ymbsaton sagrunde nah sitting round a banquet near the sea-bed ac on mergenne mcum wunde but in the morning by maiche-swords wounded, be lfe uppe lagon 566 along what is left by the waves up they lay sweordum swefede t syan n put to sleep by swords, so that never since ymb brontne ford brimlende on the high waterway sea-travellers lde ne letton. Loht astan cm way did not hinder. beorht bacen godes Light came from the east, brimu swaredon

bright beacon of God, the sea became still, t ic sanssas geson mihte 571 so that I the headlands was able to see, windige weallas. Wyrd oft nere windswept walls. unfagne eorl Fate often spares onne his ellen dah.

the hero not fated to die when his courage endures. Hwere m gesalde t ic mid sweorde ofslh However it was my good fortune that I with my sword slew niceras nigene n ic on niht gefrgn nine of the nicors; under heofones hwealf 576 I have not heard by night heardran feohtan

under heaven's vault of a more grievous fight, n on gstramum earmran mannon nor on the water-streams of a more wretched man; hwaere ic fra feng fore gedgde yet I the foes' grasp survived with my life, sies wrig mec sa obr weary from my venture; then the sea bore me off fld fter faroe on Finna land flood following current onto the land of the Lapps, wudu weallendu. N ic wiht fram 581 the tossing boat. swylcra searona Not a whit of thee secgan hrde

in such strife of conflict have I heard told, billa brgan Breca nafre gt of bill-blade terror; Breca never yet t heaolce n gehwer incer at battle-play, sw dorlce nor either of you, dad gefremede

so boldly performed a deed fgum sweordum --n ic s gylpe-586 with bright swords ah num brrum --I do not boast of this-t banan wurde

nevertheless, you your brothers' killer were, hafodmagum s in helle scealt near relatives; werho dreogan for that you must with Hel ah n wit duge

suffer torment, though your mind is strong; secge ic to se, sunu Ecglfes, I say to you in truth, son of Edgelaf, t nafre Grendel sw fela gryra gefremede 591

that Grendel would have never so many atol aglaca ealdre num,

atrocities committed,

--that terrible demon-to your leader, hno on Heorote gif n hige ware humiliation on Heorot, if your heart were, sefa sw searogrim sw self talast and your spirit so battle-fierce as you yourself tell ac h hafa onfunden t h fahe ne earf but he has found atole ecgrce 596 that the fight he needs not, ower lode of your nation,

that terrible storm of sword-edges swe onsittan Sige-Scyldinga greatly to dread, nyme ndbde

of the Victory-Scyldings; nanegum ra

he takes a forced toll, spares none lode Deniga ac h lust wige of the Danish people, swefe ond sende but he carries on his delight, secce ne wne

slaying and despatching, he does not expect contest t Gr-Denum. Ac ic him Gata sceal 601 from the Spear-Danes. But I shall him the Geats' eafo ond ellen ungera n might and courage, before long now, ge gebodan ga eft, s e mt offer in war; t medo mdig to mead bravely, ofer ylda bearn a man will be able to go back, sian morgenloht when the morning-light res dgores

over the sons of men of another day, sunne sweglwered san scne.' 606

the sun clad in radiance, shines from the south.' ws on slum sinces brytta Then was joyful the dispenser of treasures, gamolfeax ond grf goce gelfde with wizened hair and brave in battle for support he trusted brego Beorht-Dena gehrde on Bowulfe the lord of the Bright-Danes heard in Beowulf folces hyrde fstradne geht the guardian of the folk, ar ws hlea hleahtor 611 firmly-resolved intent; hlyn swynsode

There was the laughter of heroes, the noise made melody, word waron wynsume. ode Wealhow for words were joyful. Wealhtheow came forth, cwn Hrgres cynna gemyndig Hrothgar's queen, grtte goldhroden mindful of etiquette, guman on healle

greeted, gold-adorned, the men in the hall ond frolc wf ful gesealde and then the noble lady gave out full cups, arest ast-Dena elwearde 616 first to the East-Danes homeland-guardian, bd hine blne t are borege bade him be blithe at the partaking of beer, lodum lofne h on lust geeah beloved by the people; he took in delight symbel ond seleful sigerf kyning feast-food and hall-cup, the victorious king; ymb-ode ides Helminga then she went among them, the lady of the Helmings, dugue ond geogoe dal aghwylcne 621

to veteran and youth a portion to each, sincfato sealde o t sal lamp gave rich cups, t ho Bowulfe, until the time came baghroden cwn

that she to Beowulf, the ring-adorned queen, mde geungen medoful tbr blossoming in spirit, grtte Gata lod carried a mead-cup; gode ancode

she greeted the Geatish prince, thanked God, wsfst wordum s e hire se willa gelamp 626 wise in her words, t ho on anigne that she in any fyrena frfre. for that her wish was to be fulfilled, eorl gelfde noble man could count on H t ful geeah

relief from wickedness. He took that full-cup, wlrow wiga t Wealhn the slaughter-fierce warrior from Wealhtheow, ond gyddode ge gefsed and then spoke solemnly, made eager for war; Bowulf maelode bearn Ecgowes: 631 Beowulf spoke, 'Ic t hogode the son of Edgetheow: ic on holm gesth

'I resolved that, when I mounted the water, sabt gest mid mnra secga gedriht sat down in the sea-boat amid my company of warriors, at ic nunga owra loda that I forthwith willan geworhte will would work, fondgrpum fst 636 your people's oe on wl crunge or fall in slaughter, ic gefremman sceal

fast in the fiend's grasp; I must perform eorlc ellen oe endedg this daring act of courage or the last day on isse meoduhealle mnne gebdan.' in this mead-hall m wfe word of mine await.' wl lcodon

The woman these words liked well, gilpcwide Gates ode goldhroden the vow-speech of the Geat; went gold-adorned, frolicu folccwn t hire fran sittan. 641 the noble queen of the folk, to sit by her lord. ws eft sw ar inne on healle Then were again, as before, in the hall, rword sprecen, od on salum, bold words spoken, the people full of joy, sigefolca swg o t semninga --victory-folk's clamour-until presently sunu Healfdenes scean wolde the son of Half-Dane wished to seek afenrste wiste am hlacan 646 evening-rest; t am hahsele he knew that the ogre hilde geinged

for the high hall had plotted an attack, sian he sunnan loht geson meahton ever since when they the sun's light oe npende niht ofer ealle and darkening night all over, scaduhelma gesceapu scran cwman shadow-helm's shapes wan under wolcnum. 651 came slithering, Werod eall rs could see;

black beneath the skies. The troop all arose; gegrtte guma guman erne greeted then the man the other man, Hrgr Bowulf ond him hal bad Hrothgar Beowulf, wnrnes geweald the wine-hall's ruler, 'Nafre ic anegum men and bid him health, ond t word cw: and spoke these words: ar lfde

'I never to any man before entrusted, sian ic hond ond rond hebban mihte 656 since I hand and shield was able to raise, rrn Dena bton n this strong-hall of the Danes, save to thee now; hafa n ond geheald hsa slest have now and hold gemyne maro focus on glory, waca wi wrum this best of houses, mgenellen c show great valour, ne bi wilna gd

keep watch against the enemy; there shall be no dearth of your desires gif t ellenweorc aldre gedgest.' 661 if this courage-work you X survive with your life.'

him Hrgr gewt mid his hlea gedryht Then Hrothgar went band of heroes, eodur Scyldinga t of healle the protector of the Scyldings, of the hall; wolde wgfruma Wealho scan he wished to seek Wealhtheow, cwn t gebeddan hfde kyningwuldor the queen as companion in bed; the glory of kings had, Grendle tganes sw guman gefrungon 666

with out

against Grendel, seleweard seted:

--so men heard-sundornytte behold

the hall-guard posted: special duty he held ymb aldor Dena eotonweard' bad. for the chief of the Danes, ogre-watch he kept. Hru Gata lod georne trwode Indeed the prince of the Geats mdgan mgnes, metodes hyldo keenly trusted

in his prodigious power, his Maker's favour, h him of dyde sernbyrnan 671 then he from himself took iron-byrnie, helm of hafelan sealde his hyrsted sweord helm from head, gave his adorned sword, rena cyst ombihtegne the choicest of irons, to his retainer, ond gehealdan ht hildegeatwe and commanded him ward his battle-gear; gesprc se gda gylpworda sum the good man spoke then some promise-words, Bowulf Gata ar h on bed stige: 676 Beowulf of the Geats, 'N ic m an herewsmun before he stepped into bed: hngran talige tally poorer

'I myself in martial-stature do not ggeweorca onne Grendel hine

in works of war then Grendel himself; foran ic hine sweorde swebban nelle, therefore him with my sword I shall not slay, aldre benotan ah ic eal mge deprive of life, nt h ra gda 681 though I fully am able; t h m ongan sl

he knows not the finer skills that he may strike me back, rand gehawe ah e h rf se hew my rimmed-shield, although he is renowned ngeweorca ac wit on niht sculon for malicious works secge ofersittan but we at night must gif h gescean dear

relinquish short sword if he dares to seek wg ofer wapen ond sian wtig god war without weapons, on sw hwere hond 686 and then wise God, hlig dryhten

on whichever hand, the holy Lord maro dme sw him gemet ince.' will allot glory, as seems fitting to Him.' Hylde hine heaodor --hlorbolster onfng The war-bold one then bent himself down eorles andwlitan-ond hine ymb monig the earl's face-snellc sarinc and round him many selereste gebah --the cheek-bolster received

brave seaman sank down in hall-slumber; nanig heora hte t h anon scolde 691 none of them thought that he thence would eft eardlufan afre gescean his dear home again folc oe froburh ever visit, ar h fded ws

his folk or his noble citadel, where he was nurtured ac he hfdon gefrnen t he ar t fela micles for they had heard in am wnsele in that wine-hall Denigea lode. 696 that far too many of them already wlda fornam slaughtering Death had carried off Ac him dryhten forgeaf

of the Danish people. But to them the Lord granted wgspda gewiofu Wedera lodum the woven-destiny of war-luck to the Wederas' men, frfor ond fultum t he fond heora solace and support, that they their foe, urh nes crft ealle ofercmon through the strength of one, all overcame, selfes mihtum s is geced, by his own might; t mihtig god 701 that mighty God weold wdeferh. has ruled forever. scran sceadugenga truth is known manna cynnes mankind Cm on wanre niht In the colourless night came scotend swafon

slinking the shadow-wanderer; the shooters slept, **703-60** t hornreced healdan scoldon they that the horned-house were obliged to guard, ealle bton num --t ws yldum c all but one --it was known to men t he ne mste metod nolde 706 that they could not, when the Maker did not wish it, se synscaa under sceadu bregdan-by the malefactor ac h wccende but he watching bd bolgenmd be drawn under the shadows-wrum on andan in angry indignation beadwa geinges. for the result of battle.

bided in rising rage XI

cm of mre

under misthleoum

Then came from the moor under the misty cliffs Grendel gongan godes yrre br 711 Grendel walking, mynte se mnscaa God's wrath he bore; manna cynnes

the vile ravager meant from mankind sumne besyrwan in sele m han a sample to snare wd under wolcnum in the high hall; t s e h wnreced

he waded under the clouds until he the wine-hall, goldsele gumena gearwost wisse --the gold-hall of men-mostly-certainly saw, fattum fhne ne ws t forma s 716 shining gold; t h Hrgres it was not the first time hm geshte

that he Hrothgar's home had sought; nafre h on aldordagum ar ne sian he never in the days of his life, heardran hale healegnas fand. harder luck or hall-thanes found. Cm to recede rinc sian He came then to the hall the fighter journeying, dramum bedaled duru sna onarn 721 cut-off from merriment; the door soon rushed open, frbendum fst syan h hire folmum thrn firm with fire-forged bands, when he tapped it with his hands onbrad bealohdig h gebolgen ws, plotting evil then he tore open, recedes man rae fter on now that he was enraged, ere nor after,

the mouth of the building; straight after that on fgne flr fond treddode

on the tessellated floor the fiend treaded, ode yrremd him of agum std 726 advanced angrily; ligge gelcost most like a flame, geseah h in recede he saw in the hall swefan sibbegedriht from his eyes issued, loht unfager a distorted light; rinca manige many warriors samod tgdere

a sleeping company of kinsmen gathered together magorinca hap. his md hlg: a great host of warriors. Then his heart laughed: mynte t h gedalde ar on dg cwme 731 he intended to deprive, ere the day came, atol glaca nra gehwylces the cruel beast, from each one lf wi lce him lumpen ws life from body, wistfylle wn. now had befallen him Ne ws t wyrd gn

a hope of a full feast. It was not his fate again t h m mste manna cynnes that he might more icgean ofer niht 736 of mankind rsw behold

partake of after that night; the mighty man beheld, mag Higelces h se mnscaa the kinsman of Hygelac, how the cruel killer under fargripum gefaran wolde. by means of a sudden attack wished to proceed. N t se glaca yldan hte That the monster did not think to delay, ac h gefng hrae forman se

but he quickly grasped, at the first occasion, slapendne rinc slt unwearnum 741 a sleeping warrior, rended without restraint, bt bnlocan bld drum dranc bit into the bone-locks, from the veins drank blood, synsnadum swealh sna hfde swallowed great chunks; soon he had unlyfigendes ealgefeormod the unliving one ft ond folma feet and hands; nam mid handa 746 all devoured, for nar tstp nearer he stepped forth, higehtigne

taking then with his hands a stout-hearted rinc on rste rahte ongan warrior from his rest, reached towards him fond mid folme h onfng hrae the foe with his palm; quickly he grasped inwitancum ond wi earm gest. the malice thoughts Sna t onfunde At once he found, t h ne mtte 751 and clamped down on the arm. fyrena hyrde the shepherd of atrocities, middangeardes

that he had not met in middle-earth, eoran scatta on elran men in the expanse of the world, in another man mundgripe mran h on mde wear a greater hand-grip; he in his heart grew forht on ferhe n ar fram meahte fearing for life; hyge ws him hinfs none the sooner could he away; wolde on heolster flon,

eager-to-go-hence was the thought in him, he wanted to flee into the darkne ss, scan dofla gedrg ne ws his drohto ar 756 to seek the devils' concourse; his situation there was not swylce h on ealderdagum ar gemtte. like he in the days of his life Gemunde se gda ever had met.

mag Higelces

The good man then recalled, the kinsman of Hygelac, afensprace uplang std his evening-speech; ond him fste wifng upright he stood fingras burston

and laid hold of him tight; fingers burst; eoten ws tweard eorl furur stp. 761 the troll was striving to move outward, Mynte se mara hwar h meahte sw the earl stepped forward.

The infamous one meant, anywhere he so was able, wdre gewindan ond on weg anon farther escape flon on fenhopu and away thence wiste his fingra geweald

flee to his secret places in the fen; he knew his fingers' control on grames grpum t he ws gocors in his enemy's grip, t s hearmscaa 766 that was a bitter journey he to Heorute tah.

that the harm-warrior had taken to Heorot. Dryhtsele dynede Denum eallum wear The noble hall broke into a din; ceasterbendum cnra gehwylcum the Danes all were,

--the citadel-dwellers-each of the bold, eorlum ealuscerwen yrre waron bgen

earls in the flood of bitter drink; re renweardas reced hlynsode. fierce hall-wards; ws wundor micel 771

enraged were both

the hall resounded. t se wnsele

Then it was a great wonder that the wine-hall wihfde heaodorum t h on hrsan ne fol withstood the war-fighters, fager foldbold the fair mansion innan ond tan that it did not fall to the ground,

ac h s fste ws but it so firm was renbendum

inside and out with iron-bands searooncum besmiod ar fram sylle bag skilfully smithed; there from the floor broke away medubenc monig mne gefrage 776 many mead-benches, I heard, golde geregnad ar graman wunnon adorned with gold, s ne wndon ar where the enemies struggled; witan Scyldinga

it was not thought before, by the sages of the Scyldings, t hit mid gemete manna anig that it ever by means any men betlc ond bnfg tbrecan meahte, splendid and bone-adorned, could break it up, listum tlcan nyme lges fm 781 cleverly cleave asunder, not unless fire's embrace swulge on swaule. Swg up stg swallowed it in inferno. Sound ascended up, nwe geneahhe Nor-Denum std new, nearby: atelc egesa the North-Danes stood nra gehwylcum

in ghastly horror, ra e of wealle

in each one of wp gehrdon,

them who from the wall weeping heard, gryrelo galan godes andsacan 786 terrible screaming, sigelasne sang, God's adversary, sr wnigean

a victoryless song, bewailing his wound, helle hfton hold hine fste Hel's prisoner; s e manna ws he held him fast, mgene strengest

he who was of men in might strongest on am dge ysses lfes. on that day XII in this life.

sydaudio Nolde eorla hlo 791

anige inga for any reason

The protector of earls had no wish one cwealmcuman cwicne forlatan

the murderous guest to release alive, n his lfdagas loda anigum nor his life-days to any people nytte tealde. r genehost brgd counted as advantage. There many brandished eorl Bowulfes ealde lfe warriors of Beowulf, wolde fradrihtnes 796 old heirlooms, feorh ealgian

they wished prince-lord's life defend, mares odnes ar he meahton sw the legendary leader's, if they could do so;

he t ne wiston

he gewin drugon

they did not know that, when they joined the fray, heardhicgende hildemecgas the bold-minded battle-men, ond on healfa gehwone hawan hton, and on each side thought to heaw, swle scan: one synscaan 801 to seek the soul: anig ofer eoran any on earth, gbilla nn that the sin-scather renna cyst of the choicest of irons, grtan nolde could not at all greet him forsworen hfde

of war-bills, none, ac h sigewapnum

but he victory-weapons had forsworn, ecga gehwylcre. Scolde his aldorgedl every blade-edge. His life-severing was bound to on am dge ysses lfes 806 on that day earmlc wuran in this life ond se ellorgst

be wretched, and the alien-spirit on fonda geweald feor sian into the administration of fiends t onfunde s e fela aror then he found, mdes myre he who before many, manna cynne would journey far away;

miseries in his mind, on mankind fyrene gefremede --he, fg wi god-811 atrocities committed t him se lchoma that him his body-shell --he, who fought with God-lastan nolde would not obey,

ac hine se mdega but him the daring hfde be honda had by the hand; lifigende l

mag Hygelces kinsman of Hygelac ws gehwer rum each was by the other lcsr gebd

loathed while living; body-pain he felt, atol aglaca him on eaxle wear 816 the awful ogre; syndolh sweotol on his shoulder was seonowe onsprungon

a great wound apparent, sinows sprang asunder, burston bnlocan Bowulfe wear bone-locks burst; ghr gyfee war-glory given; feorhsoc fln flee sick unto death scean wynlas wc 821 to Beowulf was scolde Grendel onan thence Grendel had to under fenhleou, under the hills of the fen, wiste geornor

to seek his joyless abode; he knew it more surely t his aldres ws ende gegongen that was his life's end arrived, dgera dgrm. Denum eallum wear the day-count of his days. For the Danes were all, fter m wlrase willa gelumpen: after that slaughter-storm, wishes come to pass: hfde gefalsod s e ar feorran cm he had then cleansed, snotor ond swferh 826 he who had before come from afar, sele Hrgres,

shrewd and strong-minded, the hall of Hrothgar, genered wi ne nihtweorce gefeh rescued from ruin; in his night's work he rejoiced,


hfde ast-Denum

in valour from great deeds; to the East-Danes had Gatmecga lod gilp gelsted the Geatmen's leader, his oath fulfilled; swylce once ealle gebtte so too anguish all remedied, inwidsorge he ar drugon 831 grievous sorrow, ond for randum that they had ere endured, olian scoldon

and in hard distress had to suffer, torn unltel t ws tcen sweotol no small misery; syan hildedor that was a clear sign, hond legde

when the battle-bold one the hand placed, earm ond eaxle --ar ws eal geador arm and shoulder Grendles grpe-836 the grip of Grendel-XIII --there was all together under gapne hrf. under the gaping roof.

ws on morgen

mne gefrage

Then was in the morning, as I heard tell, ymb gifhealle grinc monig about the gift-hall frdon folctogan many warriors, feorran ond nn

folk-chiefs arrived from far and near geond wdwegas wundor scawian across wide regions to behold the wonder, les lstas n his lfgedl 841 the foe's foot-prints; his parting from life did not

srlc hte

secga anegum

seem mournful to any man ra e trlases trode scawode of those who the gloryless foe's h h wrigmd on weg anon how he weary na ofercumen away thence, on nicera mere track observed,

vanquished by violence, to the nicors' mere fage ond geflmed feorhlstas br. 846 doomed and driven back left behind life-trails. ar ws on blde brim weallende, There with blood was the water seething, atol a geswing eal gemenged terrible swirling of swells all mingled hton heolfre heorodrore wol with boiling gore, with sword-blood it welled, dafage dog sian drama las doomed to die he hid himself, in fenfreoo feorh legde 851 in his fen-refuge haene swle d him. anon eft gewiton Thence returned swylce geong manig also many young, fram mere mdge then, bereft of pleasure,

he laid down his life, ar him hel onfng. ealdgesas old companions, of gomenwe from the sport-chase, marum rdan

his heathen soul;

there Hel embr

from the mere full-spirited, riding horses, beornas on blancum ar ws Bowulfes 856 warriors on fair steeds, there was Beowulf's maro maned monig oft gecw

glory proclaimed; tte s n nor

many often said be sam twonum

that neither south nor north between the seas ofer eormengrund er nanig over the whole vast earth, no other under swegles begong slra nare under the sky's expanse was ne're better rondhbbendra, rces wyrra 861 shield-bearer, of a worthier kingdom; n he hru winedrihten wiht ne lgon nor, however, the friend and lord, did they blame at all, gldne Hrgr ac t ws gd cyning. gracious Hrothgar, Hwlum heaorfe for he was a good king. hlapan lton

At times the brave warriors let leap, on geflit faran fealwe maras in a contest raced ar him foldwegas 866 fallow horses, fgere hton

where to them the earth-roads seemed suitable, cystum ce. Hwlum cyninges egn and known to be the best. At times the king's thane, guma gilphlden gidda gemyndig a man laden with fine speech, s e ealfela ealdgesegena remembering songs,

he who very many of ancient traditions worn gemunde word er fand recalled scores, se gebunden 871 bound in truth; s Bowulfes found new words secg eft ongan the man then began snyttrum styrian

Beowulf's exploit ond on spd wrecan and artfully utter wordum wrixlan varying his words; t h fram Sigemunde

skilfully to recite, spel gerde, an adept tale, wlhwylc gecw he spoke of almost everything secgan hyrde

that he of Sigmund had heard said, **875-900** ellendadum: unces fela 876 of his deeds of glory: many uncanny things, Wlsinges gewin wde sas the striving of Wael's son, his great journeys; ra e gumena bearn gearwe ne wiston those things of which the childen of men by no means knew, fahe ond fyrena bton Fitela mid hine, feuds and feats of arms, onne h swulces hwt only Fitela with him, secgan wolde

then he of such matters was wont to speak of, m his nefan sw he waron 881 uncle to his nephew, as they always were t na gehwm ndgesteallan in every conflict hfdon ealfela comrades in need; eotena cynnes of the giantkind Sigemunde gesprong

they had a great many sweordum gesaged

laid low with swords; for Sigmund arose, fter dadge dm unltel after the day of his death, no little fame, syan wges heard wyrm cwealde 886 since the fierce warrior had quelled the great serpent, hordes hyrde h under hrne stn

the keeper of a hoard; beneath the hoary grey stone he, elinges bearn na gende the prince's son, alone ventured frcne dade ne was him Fitela mid a dangerous deed, hwre him gesalde Fitela was not with him; t t swurd urhwd

however it was granted him that the sword pierced wratlcne wyrm t hit on wealle tstd 891 the wondrous wyrm, so that it stood fixed in the wall, dryhtlc ren draca morre swealt the noble iron; hfde glaca the dragon perished in the slaughter; elne gegongen ensured by courage brcan mste

the fearsome one had t h bahhordes

that he the ring-hoard might possess selfes dme sabt gehlod at his own chosing; br on bearm scipes 896 he loaded the sea-boat, beorhte frtwa

bore in the bosom of his ship the gleaming treasures, Wlses eafera --wyrm ht gemealt-Wael's son --the wyrm in its heat melted-s ws wreccena wde marost he was of adventurers the most widely famed ofer werode wgendra hlo among nations, ellendadum the warriors' protector, --h s ar onh---he had prospered by this-hild swerode, skirmishing had abated, he mid eotenum wear

for deeds of valour sian Heremdes 901 since Heremod's earfo ond ellen

affliction and spirit; he among the Etins was on fonda geweald for forlcen into enemy hands snde forsended quickly despatched; lemede t lange hindered too long; eallum ellingum 906 to all of the nobels, swylce oft bemearn given up, hine sorhwylmas the surgings of sorrow him h his lodum wear he to his people became, t aldorceare a great mortal sorrow; arran malum

moreover they often mourned, for in earlier times, swferhes s snotor ceorl monig the departure of the stouted-hearted king, s e him bealwa t bte gelfde who to him for miseries' t t odnes bearn many learnd sages

remedy had trusted and believed geon scolde,

that that prince's son must prosper, fderelum onfn, folc gehealdan 911 take up his father's rank, rule the folk, hord ond hloburh hlea rce their treasury and citadel, the heroes' kingdom, el Scyldinga h ar eallum wear homeland of the Scyldings; he by all became, mag Higelces manna cynne the kinsman of Hygelac, by mankind, frondum gefgra hine fyren onwd. more esteemed; Hwlum fltende 916 wickedness undid him. fealwe strate

Now and then racing, dusky streets marum maton. was morgenloht

on their mounts they traversed. Then was the morning light scofen ond scynded ode scealc monig hurried and hastened; many retainers went swhicgende t sele m han determined to the high hall searowundor son swylce self cyning to see the strange wonder; the king himself too of brdbre bahhorda weard 921 from his wife's bower, the ward of the ring-hoard, tryddode trfst getrume micle stepped out splendid with his great troop, cystum geced ond his cwn mid him famed for his excellence, and his queen with him, medostigge mt mga hse. passed down the meadhall-path, XIIII accompanied by maidens.

Hrgr maelode Hrothgar spoke std on stapole 926

--h to halle gong --he went to the hall, geseah stapne hrf

stood on the steps, observed the steep roof golde fhne ond Grendles hond--: adorned with gold and Grendel's hand--: 'isse ansne alwealdan anc 'For this sight lungre gelimpe! Thanks to the All-Ruler Fela ic les gebd,

be swiftly forthcoming! I have suffered many injuries, grynna t Grendle mg god wyrcan griefs from Grendel; wunder fter wundre, God can always work wuldres hyrde.

931 wonder after wonder, glory's Keeper. at ws ungera t ic anigra m It was not long past that I for me any wana ne wnde t wdan feore for woes not hoped for the bredth of my life, bte gebdan onne blde fh to experience remedy when adorned with blood hsa slest heorodrorig std: the most splendid house stood battle-gory: wa wdscofen witena gehwylcne 936 woe widespread ra e ne wndon for each of the sages t he wdeferh

those who did not hope that in the span of their lives loda landgeweorc lum beweredon the nation's fortress scuccum ond scinnum from foes they could protect, n scealc hafa

from shucks and shines; now a warrior has, urh drihtnes miht dad gefremede through the Lord's power, performed a deed e w ealle ar ne meahton 941 which we all before could not snyttrum besyrwan hwt, t secgan mg with schemes contrive; efne sw hwylc mga listen, that may say sw one magan cende

even so whichever woman as that begot this man, fter gumcynnum gyf ho gt lyfa among mankind, if she yet lives, t hyre ealdmetod ste ware that to her the Old Measurer of Fate bearngebyrdo. N ic, Bowulf, ec, was gracious

946 in child-bearing. Now, I, Beowulf, you, secg betosta, m for sunu wylle the best of men, frogan on ferhe love in life; nwe sibbe for me like a son would heald for tela

keep well henceforth ne bi anigre gd

this new kinship; there will not be any want worolde wilna ic geweald hbbe of worldly wishes while I have power; ful oft ic for lassan lan teohhode 951 full oft I for less rewards have bestowed, hordweorunge hnhran rince honouring with treasure a humbler man, samran t scce self hafast lesser at fighting; you for yourself have dadum gefremed t n dm lyfa by deeds ensured, that your fame lives wa t aldre alwalda ec for ever and ever; may the All-Ruler you gde forgylde sw h n gt dyde!' 956 reward with good, Bowulf maelode as He has now yet done!' bearn Ecgowes:

Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'W t ellenweorc stum miclum 'We the courage-works with great pleasure, feohtan fremedon frcne gendon endeavoured to fight, boldly risked eafo unces. e ic swor the strength of an unknown foe. I would rather t hine selfne geson mste

961 that you him himself fond on frtewum might have seen, fylwrigne

the fiend in his full gear wearied by death; ic him hrdlce heardan clammum I him quickly on wlbedde in hard clasp wran hte thought to fetter, mnum scolde

on the bed of slaughter t h for handgripe

that he because of the hand-grip of mine must licgean lfbysig btan his lc swice 966 lie struggling for life, lest his body slip away; ic hine ne mihte metod nolde I him could not, ganges getwaman hinder departing; feorhgenlan that mortal foe; fond on fe when the Measurer of Fate did not wish it, n ic him s georne tfealh nor I so readily kept him close, ws t foremihtig he was too overpowering, hwere, h his folme forlt

the fiend in departing; however, he left his hand t lfwrae lst weardian, 971 to save his life, earm ond eaxle arm and shoulder; fasceaft guma remaining behind, n ar anige sw ah not with it though any frfre gebohte

the worthless creature, relief purchased; n leng leofa lgetona not the longer does he live, the hateful spoiler, synnum geswenced ac hyne sr hafa struck down by sins but him the wound has in ngripe nearwe befongen

976 with violent grip narrowly enclosed balwon bendum ar bdan sceal in baleful bonds, there he must await, maga mne fh miclan dmes the creature stained with crimes, the great judgement, h him scr metod scrfan wille.' how him the glorious Measure of Fate ws swgra secg sunu Ecglfes Then the man was more silent, on gylpsprace ggeweorca 981 in boast-speech sian elingas when the noble men, ofer hanne hrf over the high roof feondes fingras the fiend's fingers; steda ngla gehwylc of war-works eorles crfte by the strength of the prince hand scawedon saw the hand, foran aghwylc ws on the front of each was, stle gelcost wishes to decree.'

the son of Edgelaf,

in the place of each nail very much like steel haenes handsporu hilderinces 986 heathenish hand-spurs, the war-creature's egl unhoru aghwylc gecw ungentle talon; everyone said t him heardra nn hrnan wolde that him no hard weapon would strike, ren argd, t s hlacan pre-eminent iron, bldge beadufolme bloody battle-hand XV that of them (none) the demon's onberan wolde. would injure.

ws hten hree 991

Heort innanweard

Then the order was promptly given the interior of Heorot folmum gefrtwod fela ara ws to furnish by hands; many there were, wera ond wfa e t wnreced of men and women, gestsele gyredon who the wine-hall, goldfg scinon

the guest-hall prepared; gold-glittering shone web fter wgum wundorsona fela woven tapestries along the walls, many wondrous sights secga gehwylcum ra e on swylc stara 996 for each of the men, ws t beorhte bold who on such stared; tbrocen swe

that bright building was badly broken up eal inneweard renbendum fst, all inside secure with iron-bands, heorras thlidene hrf na gens hinges sprung open; the roof alone remained ealles ansund se glaca entirely sound, fyrendadum fg 1001 when the ogre, on flam gewand

guilty of wicked deeds turned in flight, aldres orwna. N t e by despairing of life. That is not easy to beflnne --fremme s e wille-to flee from --try he who will-ac gesacan sceal swlberendra but he must gain by strife, those who have souls,

nde gendde,

nia bearna

compelled by necessity, the mens' sons', grundbendra gearwe stwe 1006 the ground-dwellers' ready place, ar his lchoma legerbedde fst there his body, fast in his death-bed, swefe fter symle. ws sal ond mal sleeps after feasting. Then it was the time and occasion t t healle gang Healfdenes sunu that to the hall went Half-Dane's son; wolde self cyning symbel icgan the king himself wished ne gefrgen ic mage 1011 to partake of the feast; mran weorode

I have not heard when a tribe in a greater force ymb hyra sincgyfan sl gebaran around their treasure-giver comported themselves better; bugon t bence bladgande they then sank down on the bench, fylle gefagon fgere geagon the fame-bearers,

rejoicing at the feast; they graciously received medoful manig mgas ra many full goblets of mead, their kinsmen, swhicgende on sele m han 1016 stout-hearted, in the high hall Hrgr ond Hrulf Heorot innan ws Hrothgar and Hrothulf the interior of Heorot was frondum fylled nalles fcenstafas filled with friends; no treacherous-strokes od-Scyldingas enden fremedon. the Folk-Scyldings made as yet.

Forgeaf Bowulfe

brand Healfdenes

Then Beowulf was given the brand of Half-Dane, segen gyldenne sigores t lane 1021 the golden banner hroden hiltecumbor, the adorned standard, mare mumsweord in reward of victory, helm ond byrnan helm and byrnie; manige geswon

the renowned treasure-sword many saw beforan beorn beran Bowulf geah brought before the hero; Beowulf took ful on flette n h are feohgyfte the full flagon from the floor; for sctenum scamigan orfte 1026 of the reward-gift he did not,

as payment, need to be ashamed; ne gefrgn ic frondlcor fower mdmas I have not heard that more graciously golde gegyrede gummanna fela adorned with gold, many men in ealobence rum gesellan on ale-bench have given to others; ymb s helmes hrf hafodbeorge around the helmet's roof --the head-guard-wrum bewunden walan tan hold 1031 was wound with wires the re-inforced crest guarded from without, t him fla lf frcne ne meahton that him what the files have left could not savagely, scrheard scean onne scyldfreca (could not) harm the wondrously-tempered (helm), ongan gramum gangan scolde. against enemies had to go. when the shield-fighter four treasures,

Heht eorla hlo

eahta maras eight horses,

The defender of earls then ordered fatedhlore on flet tn 1036

with decorated head-gear, led onto the hall-floor in under eoderas ra num std in under the ramparts; one of them stood, sadol searwum fh since gewurad saddle skilfully adorned, ennobled with jewels; t ws hildesetl hahcyninges that was the battle-seat of the high king, onne sweorda gelc sunu Healfdenes when in sword-play the son of Half-Dane efnan wolde nafre on re lg 1041 wished to engage; in the vanguard it never failed wdces wg onne walu follon his warskill well-known, when the slain were falling; ond Bowulfe bga gehwres and then to Beowulf both of the treasures eodor Ingwina onweald getah the protector of the Friends of Ing bestowed possession, wicga ond wapna ht hine wl brcan horses and weapons; he ordered him to make good use of (them); sw manlce mare oden 1046 so in a manly manner the famed chieftain, hordweard hlea heaorasas geald the hoard-ward of heroes, paid for war-clashes marum ond mdmum sw h nafre man lyh in horses and treasures; thus, one can never find fault in them s e secgan wile s fter rihte. he who wishes to tell the truth according to what is right.


gt aghwylcum

eorla drihten

Then, furthermore, to each one of the earl's company ra e mid Bowulfe brimlade teah 1051 those with Beowulf on re medubence travelled the sea-path, mum gesealde

on the mead-bench he gave treasures, yrfelfe ond one anne heht inherited relics, golde forgyldan and the one man decreed one e Grendel ar

to requite in gold whom Grendel first mne cwealde sw h hyra m wolde in wickedness quelled, nefne him wtig god 1056 as he would have more of them wyrd forstde

except for them wise God that fate had prevented, ond s mannes md. Metod eallum wold and this man's courage. The Measure of Fate controlled all gumena cynnes, sw h n gt d for mankind, as he now still does; foran bi andgit aghwar slest therefore understanding is best everywhere, ferhes foreanc fela sceal gebdan the forethought of mind; he must abide much lofes ond les s e longe hr 1061 love and much hate on yssum windagum in these days of strife ar ws sang ond swg There was song and sound he who long here worolde brce. would enjoy the world. samod tgdere at the same time all together

fore Healfdenes before Half-Dane's gomenwudu grted,

hildewsan, battle-plotter, gid oft wrecen

the glee-wood plucked, a lay often recited onne healgamen Hrgres scop 1066 when a hall-performance Hrothgar's bard **1066-1162** fter medobence manan scolde: before the mead-bench was obliged to utter: Finnes eaferum he se far begeat concerning Finn's heirs, with whom, hle Healfdena Hnf Scyldinga when disaster struck them,

the hero of Half-Danes, Hnaef the Scylding, in Frswle feallan scolde. on the Frisian battle-field was fated to fall. N hru Hildeburh herian orfte 1071 Truly, Hildeburh did not have need to praise eotena trowe unsynnum wear the good faith of the Eotens; she was guiltless, beloren lofum t m hildplegan bereft of her dear ones: --in the war-play-bearnum ond brrum he on gebyrd hruron her son and brother; they fell, in accorance with Fate, gre wunde t ws gemuru ides. wounded by spear; Nalles hlinga 1076 that was a mournful woman. Hces dohtor Hoc's daughter syan morgen cm

Not without reason did meotodsceaft bemearn

grieve over Fate's decree, when the morning came, ho under swegle geson meahte

then she under the sky could see mororbealo mga ar h ar maste hold the baleful slaughter of kinsmen, worolde wynne wg ealle fornam joy in the world, war took all Finnes egnas nemne faum num 1081 of Finn's thanes, t h ne mehte except a few alone, on am meelstede where before he had held the most

so that he could not in that meeting-place wg Hengeste wiht gefeohtan the clash with Hengest conclude at all, n walfe wge forringan nor the woeful remnant by battle dislodge from their position, odnes egne ac hig him geingo budon: the prince's thane, t he him er flet 1086 so they offered them settlement: eal germdon

that they for them the other dwelling would completely clear, healle ond hahsetl t he healfre geweald hall and high seat, wi eotena bearn that they would half of it control gan mston

with the Eotens' sons might have, ond t feohgyftum Folcwaldan sunu and at the giving of treasure Folcwalden's son dgra gehwylce Dene weorode each day the Danes would honour, Hengestes hap hringum wenede 1091 Hengest's company efne sw swe with even as much fattan goldes would revere with rings, sincgestronum precious possesions sw h Frsena cyn

of ornate gold on borsele in the beer-hall he getruwedon

exactly as he the Frisian kind byldan wolde. would wish to embolden. on tw healfa on both sides Fin Hengeste

Then they pledged fste friouware 1096

firm compact of peace; Finn to Hengest elne unflitme um benemde with incontestable earnestness proclaimed an oath t h walfe weotena dme that he the woeful remnant, by sages' judgement, rum holde t ar anig mon would hold in honour, that there any man wordum n worcum ware ne brace by word nor by deed n urh inwitsearo 1101 would not break the treaty, afre gemanden ever complain, banan folgedon

nor in malicious artifice ah he hira baggyfan

though they their ring-giver's killer followed, odenlase, him sw geearfod ws leaderless, and were thus forced by necessity; gyf onne Frsna hwylc frcnen sprace if then any Frisian by audacious speech s mororhtes myndgiend ware the murderous feud were to remind (them), onne hit sweordes ecg syan scolde. 1106 then it by sword's edge must be thereafter. d ws gefned ond incge gold The funeral fire was prepared, and Ingui's gold, hfen of horde Here-Scyldinga

raised from the hoard; the War-Scyldings' betst beadorinca ws on bal gearu best battle-man t am de ws was ready on the bier; gesne

at the funeral-pyre was easily seen swtfh syrce swn ealgylden 1111 the blood-stained mail-shirt, the swine all-golden, eofer renheard eling manig the boar hard as iron, the prince had many wundum wyrded sume on wle crungon destroyed by wounds; great men had fallen in slaughter; ht Hildeburh t Hnfes de then Hildeburh ordered at Hnaef's pier hire selfre sunu sweoloe befstan, her own sun bnfatu brnan 1116 committed to the fire, ond on bal dn

the body-vessel burned, and put on the bier, earme on eaxle ides gnornode the wretched woman at his shoulder, gemrode giddum grinc sth the lady lamented,

sorrowed with songs; the warrior was laid out, wand t wolcnum wlfra mast spiralled into the clouds the greatest fire of the slain hlynode for hlwe hafelan multon roared before the mound; heads melted, bengeato burston onne bld tspranc, 1121 the wound-gates burst open, then blood sprang out, lbite lces lg ealle forswealg, from the hate-bites of the body; the blaze swallowed all up, gasta gfrost, ra e ar g fornam

--the greediest guest-those who there were taken by battle bga folces ws hira blad scacen. from both peoples; XVII their vigour was dispersed.

Gewiton him wgend

wca nosian

The warriors returned then to seek their houses, frondum befeallen, Frsland geson, 1126 bereft of friends, hmas ond haburh to see Frisia, Hengest gt

their homes and high fort; yet Hengest wlfgne winter wunode mid Finn the death-stained winter spent with Finn, eal unhlitine eard gemunde in a place with no fellowship at all; ah e ne meahte on mere drfan though he could not drive on the sea hringedstefnan: holm storme wol 1131 the ring-prowed ship: the sea welled in storm, won wi winde winter e belac fought against the wind; the winter locked the waves sgebinde o t er cm in icy bonds, gar in geardas until came another sw n gt d he remembered his land,

year to the courtyards, as it still does now, e syngles sle bewitia those which continuously carry out their seasons, wuldortorhtan weder. ws winter scacen, 1136 gloriously bright weathers. Then winter was gone, fger foldan bearm fundode wrecca

fair was the Earth's breast; the exile was anxious to go, gist of geardum h t gyrnwrce the guest of the dwellings; he of vengeance for grief swor hte onne t salde sooner thought gif h torngemt than of sea-path, urhton mihte

and whether he a bitter encounter could bring about, t h eotena bearn inne gemunde 1141 for that he of the Eotens' sons inwardly remembered; sw h ne forwyrnde woroldradenne so he did not refuse onne him Hnlfing, the worldly practice, hildeloman

when to him Hunlafing the battle-light, billa slest on bearm dyde the finest blade he placed on (Hnaef's) lap; s waron mid eotenum ecge ce. among the Eotens its Swylce ferhfrecan 1146 edges were known. Fin eft begeat

So too his mortal enemy's --Finn in turn received-sweordbealo slen t his selfes hm dire sword-onslaught sian grimne gripe in his own home, Glf ond slf Guthlaf and Oslaf,

when concerning the fierce attack fter sase sorge mandon

following their sea-journey, declared their grief, twiton wana dal ne meahte wafre md blamed for their share of woes; he could not his restless spirit forhabban in hrere ws heal hroden 1151 contain in his breast; then the hall were decorated fonda forum swilce Fin slgen

with the foes' lives, so too Finn was slain, cyning on corre ond so cwn numen the king amid his troop, and the queen was seized; scotend Scyldinga t scypon feredon Scylding shooters eal ingesteald ferried to the ships eorcyninges of the nation's king, findan meahton

all of the house-goods swylce he t Finnes hm 1156

which they at Finn's estate could find: sigla searogimma he on salde shining jewels and well-cut gems; drihtlce wf t Denum feredon they on the sea-path

the noble lady ferried to the Danes, laddon t lodum. Lo ws sungen led to the people. glomannes gyd the gleeman's tale; beorhtode bencswg 1161 The lay was sung, gamen eft sth joy again sprang up, byrelas sealdon

music rang out from the bench, cup-bearers served wn of wunderfatum. cwm Wealho for wine from wondrous vessels. Then Wealhtheow came forth, gn under gyldnum bage ar gdan twgen walking in a golden neck-ring to where the good pair ston suhtergefderan gt ws hiera sib tgdere, sat, uncle and nephew; aghwylc rum trwe then their kinship was still together, swylce ar Hunfer yle

each to the other true; Unferth the yle was also there t ftum st fran Scyldinga gehwylc hiora his ferhe trowde 1166 sitting at the feet of the Scylding lord; each of them trusted his spirit, t h hfde md micel ah e h his mgum nare

and that he had great courage, though he to his kin was not rfst t ecga gelcum sprc ides Scyldinga: honourable in clash of blades; the Scylding lady then spoke: 'Onfh issum fulle, frodrihten mn, 'Receive this full cup, my noble lord, sinces brytta on salum wes, dispenser of treasure; you--be joyful, goldwine gumena, ond t Gatum sprc gold-friend of men, and to the Geats speak mildum wordum sw sceal man dn with gentle words bo wi Gatas gld, 1173 so ought a man to do; geofena gemyndig

be gracious with the Geats, mindful of gifts nan ond feorran n hafast which from near and far you now have; m man sgde t for sunu wolde it has been said to me that you wish for a son, hereric habban Heorot is gefalsod to have this leader of armies; Heorot is cleansed, bahsele beorhta brc enden mte the bright ring-hall; enjoy, while you may, ** 1177-87** manigra mdo ond num mgum laf 1178 many rewards, folc ond rce folk and kingdom metodsceaft sn and leave to your kinsmen onne for scyle when you must go forth ic mnne can

to meet what is fated; I know my gldne Hrulf t h geogoe wile gracious Hrothulf, that he the youths wishes rum healdan gyf ar onne h,

to hold in honour, wine Scildinga, 1183

if you earlier than he, worold oflatest leave behind the world, gyldan wille

friend of the Scyldings, wne ic t h mid gde

I think that he with good will repay uncran eaferan gif h t eal gemon our children, if he that at all remembers, hwt wit t willan ond t wormyndum what we for his sake umborwesendum ar before, in his youth, Hwearf b bence 1188 and for his worldly renown, rna gefremedon.' bestowed our favours.' ar hyre byre waron

She turned then by the bench, where her boys were, Hrrc ond Hrmund ond hlea bearn Hrethric and Hrothmund, sons, giogo t gdere ar se gda st the young company all together; there sat the good Bowulf Gata be am gebrrum twam. Beowulf of the Geats XVIII by the two brothers.

and hero

Him ws ful boren

ond frondlau and a friendly invitation

The full cup was brought to him, wordum bewgned ond wundengold 1193

proffered in words, and twisted gold stum geawed: earmrade tw kindly offered: hrgl ond hringas, two arm-ornaments, healsbaga mast

robe and rings, the largest necklace ra e ic on foldan gefrgen hbbe of those which I on earth have heard of;

nanigne ic under swegle none under the sky I hordmdmum hlea 1198

slran hrde

have heard of better syan Hma twg

from hoard-treasures of heroes, since Hama carried off t herebyrhtan byrig Brsinga mene to the battle-bright stronghold the Brosings' necklet, sigle ond sincft searonas fealh jewel and precious setting; he fled the cunning enmity Eormenrces gecas cne rad of Eormenric, one hring hfde That ring had **1202-14** nefa Swertinges 1203 chose eternal benefit; Higelc Gata Hygelac of the Geats, nhstan se on his last adventure, sinc ealgode

grandson of Swerting, sian h under segne

when under the banner he defended riches, wlraf werede hyne wyrd fornam warded slaughter-spoils; him Fate took away, syan h for wlenco wan hsode after he from pride fahe t Frsum sought misery, h frtwe wg

feud with the Frisians; he then wore the ornament, eorclanstnas ofer a ful 1208 the mysterious stone over the waves' cup, rce oden h under rande gecranc. the mighty prince; he fell under the rimmed-shield. Gehwearf in Francna fm feorh cyninges Passed then into the Franks' grasp brostgewadu ond se bah somod the body of the king,

mail-coat and the ring together; wyrsan wgfrecan wl rafeden lesser warrior fter gsceare 1213 rifled the corpses Gata lode

after the slaughter of battle; the people of the Geats hrawc holdon. Heal swge onfng filled the field of corpses. The hall resounded with noise; Wealho maelode ho fore am werede sprc: Wealhtheow spoke; 'Brc isses bages, she spoke before the retinue: Bowulf lofa

'Make use of this ring, belovd Beowulf, hyse, mid hale ond isses hrgles not young man, with good fortune, and take benefit from this corslet, od gestreona ond geoh tela 1218 the wealth of a nation, and prosper well, cen ec mid crfte ond yssum cnyhtum wes prove yourself with strength, and to these lads be lra le ic s lan geman gentle in teaching; hafast gefred I shall remember you for this requital; t feor ond nah

you have brought it about that you far and near ealne wdeferh weras ehtiga always and forever men will praise, efne sw sde sw sa bebge, 1223 even as widely as the sea surrounds windgeard, weallas wes enden lifige, the home of the wind, walls; be while you live, eling, adig ic an tela prince, happy; sincgestrona I wish thee well, bo suna mnum

and rich in treasure; be you to my sons dadum gedfe, dramhealdende indulgent in deeds, hr is aghwylc eorl 1228 possessing joy; rum getrwe

here is each of the men true to the others mdes milde mandrihtne hlo generous in mind, in the protetion of their liege-lord; egnas syndon geware od ealgearo the thanes are united, the people alert, druncne dryhtguman d sw ic bidde.' the warrior-retinue cheered by drink do as I bid.' ode t setle ar ws symbla cyst She went then to her seat; there was the finest feast, druncon wn weras wyrd ne con 1233 the men drank wine; gesceaft grimme they did not know their fate, sw hit gangen wear

horrific destiny, as it had happened eorla manegum syan afen cwm to many heroes, after evening came, ond him Hrgr gewt t hofe snum and Hrothgar went to his quarters, rce t rste reced weardode the ruler to rest, the hall guarded unrm eorla sw he oft ar dydon 1238 countless earls, bencelu beredon as they often had done before, hit geondbraded wear over it was spread

they cleared away the benches from the floor; beddum ond bolstrum borscealca sum

bedding and bolsters; one of the beer-drinkers, fs ond fage fletrste gebag

eager and doomed, lay down in his hall-couch; setton him t hafdon hilderandas they set at their heads battle-bossed shields, bordwudu beorhtan ar on bence ws 1243 bright linden-wood; there on the bench was ofer elinge gesne over each nobleman heaostapa helm a battle-steep helm, recwudu rymlc easily seen hringed byrne ringed byrnie, ws aw hyra

(and) glorious mighty shaft; their custom was t he oft waron an wg gearwe that they were often g t hm g on herge 1248 ready for a battle g gehwer ra

both at home and out harrying, and either of these, efne swylce mala swylce hira mandryhtne for just such times as for their liege-lord earf gesalde ws so od tilu. the need arose; XVIIII they were a good platoon.

Sigon t slape

sum sre angeald

They sank then into sleep; one paid sorely fenrste sw him ful oft gelamp for his evening rest, as had quite often happened, sian goldsele Grendel warode 1253 when the gold-hall Grendel warded, unriht fnde o t ende becwm, inflict wrong until the end came, swylt fter synnum. t gesne wear

death for crimes. That became manifest, wdc werum tte wrecend gt widely known by men, lifde fter lum that an avenger still lange rge

lived after the misfortunes, for a long time fter gceare Grendles mdor 1258 after the war-trouble, Grendel's mother, ides glacwf yrme gemunde lady troll-wife, s e wteregesan remembered misery, wunian scolde

she who the dreadful water had to inhabit, cealde stramas sian camp him wear the cold currents, after strife arose through him, t ecgbanan ngan brer a sword-slayer to an only brother, fderenmage h fg gewt 1263 father's kin; morre gemearcod he went then stained, mandram fln

marked by the murder, fled human pleasures, wsten warode. anon wc fela lived in the wilds. Then awoke many gesceaftgsta ws ara Grendel sum, fated spirits; Grendel was one of these, heorowearh hetelc s t Heorote fand the hateful sword-outlaw, who found at Heorot wccendne wer wges bidan 1268 a watching man ar him glaca biding for battle; tgrepe wear

there with him the troll came at close grips; hwre h gemunde mgenes strenge

yet he remembered the great strength, gimfste gife e him god sealde generous gift, which God gave him, ond him t anwaldan re gelfde and he on the One-Ruler's favour relied, frfre ond fultum h one fond ofercwm 1273 comfort and support; gehnagde helle gst by this he overcame the fiend, h han gewt

subdued the spirit of hell; then wretched he went, drame bedaled dawc sn, deprived of joy, mancynnes fond. that foe of mankind. gfre ond galgmd to see his place of death, Ond his mdor gt And his mother even now, gegn wolde

greedy and gloomy-hearted wished to go forth, sorhfulne s, sunu do wrecan 1278 a sorrowful journey, cm to Heorote to avenge her son's death; ar Hring-Dene where the Ring-Danes ar sna wear

she came then to Heorot, geond t sld swafun

slept throught the hall; then there at once came about edhwyrft eorlum sian inne fealh the earl's reversal of fortune, when inside passed Grendles mdor ws se gryre lassa Grendel's mother; efne sw micle 1283 by even so much, wggryre wfes the horror was less sw bi mga crft as is maid's strength, bewapned men

--the war-violence of woman-from an armed man, onne heoru bunden hamere geuren

when adorned blade, sweord swte fh

by hammer forged, swn ofer helme

--sword stained with blood-the boar-crest ecgum dyhttig andweard scire. by edges firm, ws on healle 1288 the opposing (helmet) is sheared. heardecg togen

Then in the hall was drawn a hard-edged sweord ofer setlum, sdrand manig sword above the seats, many a broad bossed-shield hafen handa fst helm ne gemunde held fast in hand; helmet was not heeded, byrnan sde hine se brga angeat (nor) broad byrnie, ho ws on ofste when the horror perceived him; wolde t anon,

she was in haste, wanted out of there, fore beorgan ho onfunden ws 1293 to protect her life, hrae ho elinga when she was discovered; nne hfde

quickly she a noble one had fste befangen ho t fenne gang seized tightly, s ws Hrgre then she went to the fen; hlea lofost

he was to Hrothgar the best-loved hero on geses hd be sam twonum in the retinue's rank between the two seas rce randwiga one e ho on rste brat 1298 mighty shield-warrior, whom she ripped from his rest, bladfstne beorn --ns Bowulf ar the glorious man ac ws er in --Beowulf was not there, ar geteohhod

but was in the other lodging assigned earlier fter mumgife marum Gate-after the treasure-giving hram wear in Heorote to the mighty Geat-ho under heolfre genam

a cry was in Heorot; she took from its gore ce folme cearu ws genwod, 1303 a well-known arm; geworden in wcun sorrow was renewed, ne ws t gewrixle til

it returned to their dwellings; that exchange was not good, t he on b healfa bicgan scoldon which they on both sides were obliged to pay for fronda forum ws frd cyning with the lives of friends; then was the wise king, hr hilderinc on hronmde the grey battle-man, syan h aldoregn 1308 in a troubled spirit, unlyfigendne

when he the lordly thane unliving, one dorestan dadne wisse. the dearest one, Hrae ws t bre knew was dead. Bowulf fetod

Quickly to the bower was Beowulf fetched sigoradig secg samod ardge the victorious warrior; at day-break ode eorla sum ele cempa the notable earl went --noble champion-self mid gesum ar se snotera bd 1313 himself with his companions where the wise one awaited hwre him Alfwalda afre wille whether for him the Ruler of Elves fter waspelle wyrpe gefremman ever would wish,

after the news of woe, gang fter flre

to bring about a change for the better; fyrdwyre man

then over the floor went the war-worthy man mid his handscale --healwudu dynede-with his crowd of companions --the wood of the hall resounded-t h one wsan wordum hngde 1318 he the wise (king) humbled with words: fran Ingwina frgn gif him ware --the lord of the Ingwins-asked if it had been for him, fter nodlau niht getase. according to his hopes, XX a pleasing night.

Hrgr maelode

helm Scyldinga:

Hrothgar spoke, the Helm of the Scyldings: 'Ne frn fter salum sorh is genwod 'Do not you ask after pleasures; sorrow is renewed Denigea lodum dad is schere 1323 for the Danish nation; schere is dead, Yrmenlfes yldra bror Yrmenlaf's mn rnwita my confident eaxlgestealla elder brother, ond mn radbora and my chief counsellor, onne w on orlege

shoulder-companion, when we in war hafelan weredon onne hniton fan protected the head, eoferas cnysedan 1328 when clashed with foot-soldiers, swylc eorl scolde

dashed boars (atop helmets); so ought a man wesan argd swylc schere ws.

be experienced and noble, as schere was. Wear him on Heorote t handbanan In Heorot for him was a hand-slayer, wlgast wafre ic ne wt hwer restless death-spirit; I know not whether, atol ase wlanc eftsas tah glorying in the carcass, she undertook a return journey, fylle gefragnod ho fahe wrc 1333 contented by her feast; she avenged the feud e gystran niht Grendel cwealdest in which you yester-night Grendel quelled urh hastne hd heardum clammum through violent means foran h t lange in harsh embrace, lode mne

because he for too long my people wanode ond wyrde h t wge gecrang diminished and destroyed, he fell in the fight, ealdres scyldig ond n er cwm 1338 having forfeited his life, and now the other has come, mihtig mnscaa wolde hyre mag wrecan the mighty crime-wreaker, she wants to avenge her kinsman, g feor hafa fahe gestaled and has very far s e incean mg carried her feud, egne monegum

as it must seem to many a thane, s e fter sincgyfan on sefan grote: who for the treasure-giver weeps in his heart: hreerbealo hearde n so hand lige 1343 hard mind-grief! now the hand has fallen away, s e ow wlhwylcra wilna dohte.

which in all of you Ic t londbend

had sustained wishes. lode mne

I it, land-dwellers, my people, seleradende secgan hrde hall-counsellors t he geswon have heard tell swylce twgen

that they saw two such micle mearcstapan mras healdan, 1348 massive marchers of no-man's land ellorgastas ara er ws haunting the moors,

alien spirits; one of them was, s e he gewislcost gewitan meahton as they most certainly were able to discern, idese onlcns er earmsceapen of the likeness of a woman; the other one wretchedly shaped on weres wstmum wraclstas trd in the form of a man nfne h ws mra 1353 except he was larger one on gardagum trod in the tracks of an exile, onne anig man er than any other man; Grendel nemdon

in days of yore him 'Grendel' named foldbende n he fder cunnon the earth-dwellers; hwer him anig ws they did not know of his father, ar cenned

whether of them any were born previously dyrnra gsta. He dgel lond of obscure spirits. **1357-67** warigea wulfhleou 1358 They a secret land windige nssas

inhabited, wolf-slopes, windy water-capes, frcne fengeld ar fyrgenstram

a dangerous passage over the fen-waters, under nssa genipu nier gewte

where mountain-stream

under the darkness of the headlands descended downward, fld under foldan nis t feor heonon the flood under the earth; it is not that far hence mlgemearces t se mere stande in mile-marks, ofer am hongia 1363 over it hangs wudu wyrtum fst that the mere stands; hrmge bearwas frost-covered groves, wter oferhelma

tree held fast by its roots overshadows the water; ar mg nihta gehwam nwundor son there one may every night a horrible marvel see: fr on flde n s frd leofa fire on the water; not even the wise of them lives, gumena bearna t one grund wite. of men's sons, ah e hastapa 1368 that knows the bottom. hundum geswenced

Though the heath-stepper harrassed by hounds, heorot hornum trum holtwudu sce the hart with strong horns, seeks the forest, feorran geflmed ar h feorh sele put to flight from far, first he will give up his life, aldor on fre ar h in wille existence on the shore, before he will (leap) in hafelan helan nis t horu stw to hide his head; onon geblond 1373 it is not a pleasant place; p stge

thence a maelstrm of the waves rises up, won t wolcnum onne wind styre

dark to the clouds, when the wind stirs l gewidru o t lyft drysma grievous storms, roderas rota. the skies weep. eft t num until the air grows dark, N is se rad gelang Now is the remedy dependent upon eard gt ne const

you alone once again; you do not know the region yet, frcne stwe ar findan miht 1378 terrible place where you might find felasinnigne secg sc gif dyrre the much-sinning creature; seek if you dare; ic fahe fo lanige for the feud you I would reward with wealth, ealdgestronum sw ic ar dyde, with old treasures, as I did before, wundungolde gyf on weg cymest.' with twisted-gold, XXI if you come away.'

Bowulf maelode 1383

bearn Ecgowes:

Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'Ne sorga, snotor guma slre bi aghwam 'Do not sorrow, wise man t h his frond wrece it is better for everyone onne h fela murne

that he his friend avenge, than he mourn over-much; re aghwylc sceal ende gebdan each of us must worolde lfes: await the end wyrce s e mte

in the world of life: gain he who may dmes ar dae t bi drihtguman, 1388

glory before death; that is for the warrior, unlifgendum fter slest. unliving, afterwards the best. rs, rces weard, uton hrae fran Arise, O guardian of the kingdom, Grendles mgan gang scawigan Grendel's kin's ic hit gehte: I swear it to thee: n on foldan fm 1393 let us go quickly,

trail survey; n h on helm losa she will not be lost in the cover, n on fyrgenholt

nor in the embrace of the earth, nor in the mountain wood, n on gyfenes grund g ar h wille nor in the ocean's depth, go where she will; s dgor geyld hafa this day you wana gehwylces must have patience sw ic wne t.' as I expect you to.' gode ancode

in each of the woes, hlop se gomela,

The agd one leapt up, thanked God, mihtigan drihtne s se man gesprc 1398 mighty Lord, ws Hrgre for what the man spoke; hors gebated

then was for Hrothgar a horse was bridled, wicg wundenfeax wsa fengel a mount with braided mane; the wise ruler geatolc gende gumfa stp rode well-equipped; the foot-soldiers marched lindhbbendra lstas waron linden-wood bearers; tracks were fter waldswaum wde gesne, 1403

along the forest-track widely seen, gang ofer grundas gegnum for the trail over the grounds, went straight-forward ofer myrcan mr magoegna br over the murky moor, she carried of the kin-thanes one slestan swollasne the finest --without his soul-ra e mid Hrgre hm eahtode. of those who with Hrothgar had defended their home. Oferode elinga bearn 1408 Traversed then stap stnhlio the nobles' son stge nearwe

the steep stone slopes, the narrow ways, enge npaas unc geld the tight single-file paths, the unknown, uncertain water-crossings, neowle nssas nicorhsa fela the precipitous headlands, the many homes of nicors; h fara sum beforan gengde he with a few wsra monna 1413 went ahead wong scawian

wise men surveying the field, o t h faringa fyrgenbamas until he by chance ofer hrne stn mountain-trees hleonian funde

over a silvery-grey stone found hanging, wynlasne wudu wter under std the joyless forest; drorig ond gedrfed water stood below, Denum eallum ws

bloody and stirred-up; for all of the Danes was, winum Scyldinga wrce on mde 1418

for the friends of the Scyldings, t geolianne, egne monegum

suffering in the heart

to endure, for many thanes, onc eorla gehwam syan scheres awakening grief in each of the nobles, on m holmclife hafelan mtton. --on the sea-cliff-head encountered. Fld blde wol --folc t sagon-The flood welled bloody --the folk stared at it-htan heolfre horn stundum song 1423 with flaming gore; fslc forlo rapidly the horn sang, fa eal gest the troop all sat down; wyrmcynnes fela when schere's

urgent song of departure; geswon fter wtere

they saw then through the water many of the race of serpents, sellice sadracan sund cunnian, strange sea-dragon swylce on nshleoum exploring the lake, nicras licgean

also on the cape-slopes were lounging nicors, on undernmal oft bewitiga 1428 they in mid-morning often carry out sorhfulne s on seglrde, grievous sorties wyrmas ond wildor on the sail-road, he on weg hruron

serpents and wild beasts; they rushed away bitere ond gebolgne bearhtm ongaton bitter and swollen with rage; they perceived the clear note, ghorn galan sumne Gata lod war-horn wailing; one of the Geats' men of flnbogan fores getwafde 1433

with a shaft and bow separated it from life, gewinnes t him on aldre std of wave-struggle herestral hearda a strong war-arrow; sundes sanra swimming the slower, hre wear on um that in its heart stood, h on holme ws it in the water was hyne swylt fornam when Death seized it; mid eofersprotum

fast it was in the waves against boar-pikes heorohcyhtum hearde genearwod, 1438 savagely-hooked na genaged viciously attacked, wundorlc wagbora hard pressed, ond on ns togen and from the cape dragged out, weras scawedon

wondrous spawn of the waves; men stared at gryrelcne gist. Gyrede hine Bowulf the gruesome guest. Beowulf armed himself eorlgewadum nalles for ealdre mearn in noble garments, scolde herebyrne 1443 feared not at all for his life; hondum gebrden braided by hands,

it was necessary that his army-byrnie, sd ond searofh sund cunnian

broad and cunningly adorned, explore the lake, so e bncofan beorgan ce it the bone-chamber t him hildegrp could protect, hrere ne mihte

that him the battle-grip could not his heart, eorres inwitfeng aldre gescean nor angry grasp of malice his life scathe, ac se hwta helm hafelan werede 1448

moreover the shining helm warded his head, s e meregrundas mengan scolde, that which the mere-depths must stir up, scan sundgebland since geweorad seek the mingling of waters adorned with riches, befongen frawrsnum sw hine fyrndagum encircled with lordly-bands as in far-days it worhte wapna smi wundrum tode was wrought by weapons' smith, wonderfully lengthened, besette swnlcum t hine syan n 1453 beset with swine-forms, so that it then no brond n beadomcas btan ne meahton. brond-blade nor battle-maiches to bite were not able. Ns t onne matost mgenfultuma Not the least then of t him on earfe lh that him in need lent --ws am hftmce his mighty supports, yle Hrgres Hrothgar's yle Hrunting nama-name Hrunting--

--was the long-hilted maiche-sword's t ws n foran ealdgestrona 1458

it was one above of ancient treasures; ecg ws ren tertnum fh edge was iron, with poison-twigs patterned, hyrded heaoswte nafre hit t hilde ne swc hardened with battle-blood; never had it in a fight failed manna angum ra e hit mid mundum bewand any man, who it in hands brandished, s e gryresas gegn dorste he who terrifying journeys dared to enter upon, folcstede fra ns t forma s 1463

the domain of foes; t hit ellenweorc

it was not the first time fnan scolde.

that it courage-work had been obliged to perform. Hru ne gemunde mago Ecglfes Indeed he could not have recalled, the kin of Ecgelaf, eafoes crftig t h ar gesprc mighty in strength, that which he had said before, wne druncen h s wapnes onlh drunk on wine, when he lent that the weapon slran sweordfrecan selfa ne dorste 1468 to a better swordsman, he himself did not dare under a gewin aldre genan, under the waves' turmoil to risk his life, drihtscype drogan ar h dme forlas to carry out bravery; there he forfeited glory, ellenmarum ne ws am rum sw fame from valour; it was not so for the other, syan h hine t ge gegyred hfde. when he himself for war XXII had equipped.

Bowulf maelode 1473

bearn Ecgowes:

Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'Geenc n, se mara maga Healfdenes 'Think now, glorious kinsman of Half-Dane, snottra fengel n ic eom ses fs wise chieftain, goldwine gumena, gold-friend of man, gif ic t earfe now I am eager for the adventure, hwt wit go spracon: what we spoke of earlier: nre scolde

if I in employment of yours should aldre linnan t m ware 1478 be parted from life, that you for me ever would be, forgewitenum on fder stale having passed on, in the place of a father; wes mundbora mnum magoegnum be you hand-bearer to my young retainers, hondgesellum gif mec hild nime hand-companions, if battle takes me, swylce mdmas, m sealdest, so too you the treasures, those which you gave me, Hrgr lofa, Higelce onsend 1483 beloved Hrothgar, send on to Hygelac; mg onne on am golde ongitan Gata dryhten, he then will able to in the gold observe, the lord of the Geats, geson sunu Hradles onne h on t sinc stara to perceive, the son of Hrethel, t ic gumcystum gdne funde when he on that treasures stares,

that I one of noble virtues, a good king, had found, baga bryttan brac onne mste. dispenser of rings, Ond Hunfer lat 1488 enjoyed while I could. ealde lfe

And let Unferth the old heirloom, wratlc wagsweord wdcne man the glorious wave-sword, (let) the widely-known man heardecg habban ic m mid Hruntinge have that hard-edged (sword); I for myself with Hrunting dm gewyrce oe mec da nime.' will gain glory, fter am wordum unless Death takes me.' Weder-Gata lod

After these words efste mid elne 1493

the man of the Weder-Geats nalas andsware

hastened with courage; not in the least for a reply bdan wolde brimwylm onfeng did he wish to await; the surging-lake enfolded hilderince. ws hwl dges, the battle-warrior. ar h one grundwong ere he the bottom sna t onfunde Then it was a long part of a day, ongytan mehte could perceive, s e flda begong

at once she found it out, --she who the floods' expanse, heorogfre behold hund missra 1498 fiercely-ravenous, held a hundred half-years, grim ond gradig t ar gumena sum wrathful and greedy-that there one of the humans lwihta eard ufan cunnode the realm of strange being explored from above; grp tganes grinc gefng then she groped towards, seized the warrior atolan clommum n ar in gescd in terrible clasps; Not the sooner she crushed inside hlan lce hring tan ymbbearh 1503 his hale body; the ring-mail gave him protection from without, t ho one fyrdhom urhfn ne mihte that she the soldier-garment could not penetrate, locene leoosyrcan lan fingrum. the interlocked limb-coat, with her loathsome fingers. Br so brimwylf ho t botme cm Then the sea-wolf bore, when she had come to the bottom, hringa engel t hofe snum

the lord of those rings to her court, sw h ne mihte --n h s mdig ws-1508 so he could not wapna gewealdan wield his weapon, swecte on sunde --no matter how brave he was-ac hine wundra s fela but him so many bizarre things sador monig

smelled in the deep, many sea-beasts hildetxum heresyrcan brc with battle-tusks hton glacan. tore at his army-mail, se eorl ongeat

the horrors attacked. Then the earl saw t h nsele nthwylcum ws 1513 that he in a hall of hatred --I know not which-- was, ar him nanig wter wihte ne sceede where not any water him oppressed at all, n him for hrfsele hrnan ne mehte nor him, due to the the hall's roof, fargripe fldes frloht geseah, the sudden onrush of the flood; blcne loman beorhte scnan a pale light shining vividly; ongeat se gda grundwyrgenne 1518 then the good man saw the accursd one of the deep, merewf mihtig mgenras forgeaf the mighty mere-wife; he gave a powerful thrust hildebille hondswenge ne oftah to the battle-bill, t hire on hafelan so that on her head gradig glo did not withhold the swing of his hand, hringmal gl the ring-marked sang out se gist onfand was not able to reach

he saw firelight,

a greedy war-song; t se beadoloma 1523

then the guest discovered btan nolde,

that the battle-brand did not wish to bite, aldre scean ac so ecg geswc to crush life, odne t earfe rather the edge failed olode ar fela

the noble in his need; it had endured already many hondgemta helm oft gescr hand-to-hand encounters, often split helm, fages fyrdhrgl ws forma s the war-garments of the doomed; this was the first time dorum mdme t his dm lg. 1528 for the precious treasure that its glory failed. Eft ws anrad, nalas elnes lt Again was resolute, not at all slackening in courage, mara gemyndig mag Hglces mindful of fame the kinsman of Hygelac wearp wundenmal wrattum gebunden then he threw aside the twisting pattern (sword), yrre retta t hit on eoran lg the angry warrior, st ond stlecg 1533 firm and steel-edged; mundgripe mgenes so that it lay on the earth, strenge getrwode, he trusted to strength, sw sceal man don adorned with ornaments,

his hand-grip of might; so must a man do, onne h t ge gegn ence when he in war longsumne lof intends to gain n ymb his lf ceara.

long-lasting praise; he cares not for his life. sydaudioGefng be eaxle --nalas for fahe mearn--

Grabbed her then by the shoulder --not in the least regretting the feud-G-Gata lod, Grendles mdor 1538 the prince of the War-Geats, Grendel's mother; brgd beadwe heard h gebolgen ws the hard man of conflict then heaved, now that he was enraged, feorhgenlan t ho on flet gebah the deadly foe, ho him eft hrae so that she fell to the floor; handlean forgeald

she again him quickly gave hand-reward grimman grpum ond him tganes fng with wrathful grips oferwearp wrigmd 1543 and clutched him against herself; wigena strengest the strongest man,

then, weary in spirit, he stumbled, fecempa t h on fylle wear

warrior on foot, so that he was in a fall; ofst one selegyst ond hyre seax getah then she bestrode the guest in her hall, and drew her seax, brd ond brnecg wolde hire bearn wrecan broad and bright-edged; she wished to avenge her son, ngan eaferan him on eaxle lg only offspring; brostnet brden; 1548 woven breast-net; wi ord ond wi ecge on his shoulder lay t gebearh fore it protected life, ingang forstd.

against point and against edge it withstood entry. Hfde forsod sunu Ecgowes Then he would have perished, the son of Edgetheow, under gynne grund Gata cempa under the yawning ground, the champion of the Geats, nemne him heaobyrne helpe gefremede

except that him the war-byrnie provided help, herenet hearde-ond hlig god 1553 firm army-net-gewold wgsigor and holy God wtig drihten

controlled the war-victory; the wise Lord, rodera radend hit on ryht gescd the Ruler of the heavens, decided it rightly, elce syan h eft std. easily, XXIII thereupon he stood up again.

Geseah on searwum

sigeadig bil

He saw then among the arms a victory-blessed bill, ealdsweord eotenisc ecgum htig 1558 an old giantish sword with firm edges, wigena weormynd t ws wapna cyst an honour of warriors, it was the choicest weapon, bton hit ws mre onne anig mon er but it was more than any other man t beadulce tberan meahte to battle-play could carry, gd ond geatolc gganta geweorc good and stately, the work of giants; h gefng fetelhilt freca Scyldinga 1563 he seized then the ring-hilt, champion of the Scyldings hroh ond heorogrim hringmal gebrgd wild and furiously battle-fierce, aldres orwna yrringa slh he drew the ring-marked (sword)

without hope of life, angrily struck, t hire wi halse heard grpode

so that through her neck it clutched hard, bnhringas brc bil eal urhwd broke bone-rings; fagne flaschoman 1568 the bill passed entirely through ho on flet gecrong

the doomed cloak of flesh; she fell on the floor; sweord ws swtig secg weorce gefeh. the sword was bloody, the warrior rejoiced in his work. Lxte se loma loht inne std The gleam flashed, efne sw of hefene the light stood within, hdre scne

even as from heaven shines brightly rodores candel h fter recede wlt the sky's candle; he looked about the hall; hwearf be wealle wapen hafenade 1573 moved along the wall, weapon raised heard be hiltum Higelces egn fierce with hilts, Hygelac's thane, yrre ond anrad ns so ecg fracod angry and single-minded; nor was that edge useless hilderince ac h hrae wolde to the battle-man, Grendle forgyldan but he quickly wished grasa fela

to repay Grendel for the many war-raids ra e h geworhte t West-Denum 1578 which he had carried out on the West-Danes oftor micle onne on anne s much more often than on a single venture, onne h Hrgres heorgenatas when he Hrothgar's slh on sweofote hearth-companions slapende frat

slaughter in their slumber, devoured in their sleep, folces Denigea fftne men of the folk of the Danes fifteen men, ond er swylc t offerede 1583 and other such had he carried out and off llicu lc sydaudio h him s lan forgeald hideous haul; he paid him the reward of that, re cempa t s e h on rste geseah the fierce fighter, in that he saw in repose gwrigne Grendel licgan war-weary Grendel lying, aldorlasne sw him ar gescd lifeless, as he had injured him earlier hild t Heorote --hr wde sprong 1588 in the conflict at Heorot --the corpse burst wide open, syan h fter dae drepe rwade when it after death heorosweng heardne-suffered a blow, ond hine hafde becearf.

a hard sword-stroke-and then its head he cut off. Sna t geswon snottre ceorlas Suddenly that saw e mid Hrgre who with Hrothgar t ws geblond the wise fellows, on holm wliton looked at the lake, eal gemenged

that was turmoil of waves all stirred up brim blde fh blondenfeaxe 1593 the water coloured with blood; with blended-hair, gomele ymb gdne ongeador spracon aged, about the good man, together they spoke, t hig s elinges eft ne wndon

that they that noble one did not expect again t h sigehrig scean cme that he, triumphing in victory, would come to seek marne oden s monige gewear 1598 the glorious ruler; then it many agreed, t hine so brimwylf breoten hfde. that the sea-wolf him had destroyed. cm nn dges ns ofgafon Then came then ninth hour of the day; they abandoned the cape, hwate Scyldingas gewt him hm onon the brave Scyldings; he went home hence, goldwine gumena gistas scan the gold-friend of men; the guests looked about mdes soce ond on mere staredon 1603 sick at heart, and stared into the mere, wston, ond ne wndon t he heora winedrihten wished, and did not expect, that they their lord and friend selfne geswon. t sweord ongan himself would see. Then that sword began fter heaoswte hildegicelum caused by the gore of battle in icycles of battle, wgbil wanian t ws wundra sum the war-bill to wane; that was a great wonder t hit eal gemealt se gelcost 1608 that it all melted, onne forstes bend when frost's bond onwinde walrpas so like ice, fder onlate the Father loosens, s geweald hafa

unwinds water-ropes, who has control sala ond mala t is s metod.

of times and seaons; that is the true Creator. Ne nm h in am wcum Weder-Gata lod He did not take into those dwelling, the leader of the Weder-Geats, mmahta m h h ar monige geseah 1613 more treasures, though he there saw a great number, bton one hafelan ond hilt somod but that head and the hilt as well since fge sweord ar gemealt shining with ornament; the sword had already melted, forbarn brdenmal ws t bld t s ht, burned up the wavy-patterned (blade); that blood was so hot, ttren ellorgast s ar inne swealt. the venomous foreign spirit who had perished there inside. Sna ws on sunde s e ar t scce gebd 1618 Straightaway he was in the water, he who survived in strife, wghryre wrra wter p urhdaf the enemies' fall in war; he dove up through the water, waron gebland eal gefalsod the turmoil of waves was all cleared, acne eardas se ellorgst the vast regions, where the alien ghosts oflt lfdagas ond s lanan gesceaft gave up their life-days and this borrowed world; cm to lande lidmanna helm 1623 he came then to the land, the seafarer's leader, swmd swymman salce gefeah swimming stout-hearted; he rejoiced in the sea-loot, mgenbyrenne, ra e h him mid hfde. the great burden, which he had with him. odon him tganes gode ancodon

They went towards him, thanked God, rlc egna hap odnes gefgon the mighty band of thanes, they rejoiced for their lord, s e h hyne gesundne geson mston 1628 that they him sound were able to see; ws of am hrran helm ond byrne then the vigorous man was from helm and byrnie lungre lsed --lagu drsade, quickly loosened --the water grew still, wter under wolcnum wldrore fg-the lake under the clouds, stained with the gore of death-frdon for onon felstum they fared forth thence along foot-paths ferhum fgne foldweg maton 1633 happy in their hearts, traversed the trail over the earth, ce strate cyningbalde men the familiar streets; the men, bold as kings, from am holmclife hafelan baron from that lake-cliff bore the head earfolce heora aghwrum arduously, felamdigra for all of them, --fower scoldon

full of spirit --four had to on am wlstenge wrcum geferian 1638 on the pole of the slain to carry with difficulty t am goldsele Grendles hafod-to the gold-hall o t semninga until presently frome fyrdhwate Grendel's head-t sele cmon they came to the hall, fowertne

brave army-keen fourteen Gata gongan gumdryhten mid of the Geats moving, with their lord of men, mdig on gemonge meodowongas trd. 1643 proud in the throng, trod on the plain near the mead-hall. cm in gan ealdor egna Then came in marching the lord of the thanes, dadcne mon dme gewurad the deed-bold man exalted by glory, hle hildedor Hrgr grtan the battle-brave hero, to greet Hrothgar; ws be feaxe on flet boren then it was by the hair borne to the floor Grendles hafod ar guman druncon, 1648 the head of Grendel, where men were drinking, egeslc for eorlum ond are idese mid, dreadful for the earls, and the ladies with them, wliteson wratlc weras onswon. a wondrous spectacle; XXV the men stared.

Bowulf maelode

bearn Ecgowes:

Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'Hwt, w s salc, sunu Healfdenes 'Listen, we you these sea-spoils, lod Scyldinga, lustum brhton 1653 son of Half-Dane,

lord of the Scyldings, gladly brought tres t tcne hr t lcast. as token of glory, which you look at here. Ic t unsfte ealdre gedgde

I it not easily survived with my life, wigge under wtere weorc gende war under water, work risked earfolce trihte ws with trouble; g getwafed 1658 at once was nyme mec god scylde unless God shielded me; mid Hruntinge

the warfare at an end, ne meahte ic t hilde

I could not in the battle with Hrunting wiht gewyrcan ah t wapen duge bring about anything, though that weapon is excellent ac m gee ylda waldend but to me granted men's Ruler t ic on wge geseah wlitig hangian that I saw on the wall hanging fair ealdsweord acen --oftost wsode 1663 a mighty ancient sword --most often He has guided winigea lasum-t ic wapne gebrad the one deprived of friend-that I the weapon drew, ofslh t are scce m sal ageald slew then in the strife, when an opportunity was yielded to me, hses hyrdas t hildebil the house's guardians; then that battle-bill forbarn brogdenmal sw t bld gesprang burned up, wavy-patterned, as the blood leapt out, htost heaoswta ic t hilt anan 1668 the hottest sweat of war; I that hilt thence fondum tferede fyrendada wrc carried back from the fiends, foul-deeds avenged, dacwealm Denigea sw hit gedfe ws.

deadly slaughter of Danes, as it was fitting. Ic hit onne gehte t on Heorote mst I promise it to you then, that you in Heorot may sorhlas swefan mid nra secga gedryht sleep without sorrow with your company of soldiers, ond egna gehwylc nra loda 1673 and each thane of your nation, dugue ond iogoe t him ondradan ne earft, veterans and youths, that you for them need not dread, oden Scyldinga, on healfe chieftain of the Scyldings, on that side, aldorbealu eorlum sw ar dydest.' life-bale for earls, as you did before.' ws gyldenhilt gamelum rince Then was the golden hilt to the old king hrum hildfruman on hand gyfen 1678 to the grey battle-leader, given into his hand, enta argeweorc hit on aht gehwearf the ancient work of giants; it had passed into the possession fter dofla hryre Denigea frn after the devils' fall of the lord of the Danes, wundorsmia geweorc ond s worold ofgeaf the work of wondersmiths, and then this world gave up gromheort guma godes andsaca the angry-hearted creature, God's adversary morres scyldig ond his mdor ac 1683 guilty of murder, and his mother also; on geweald gehwearf woroldcyninga it passed into the power of the earthly kings am slestan be sam twonum

the finest ones between the two seas, ra e on Scedenigge sceattas dalde. of those who in Scandinavia dealt out riches. Hrgr maelode hylt scawode Hrothgor spoke; he examined the hilt, **1687-1698** ealde lafe on am ws r writen 1688 the old heirloom, on which was engraved the origin fyrngewinnes syan fld ofslh of ancient strife, when the flood slew gifen gotende gganta cyn-the pouring ocean, the race of giants-frcne gefrdon t ws fremde od they fared terribly; that was a tribe foreign cean dryhtne him s endelan to the eternal Lord; them the end-reward urh wteres wylm waldend sealde-1693 through the surging of waters the Ruler granted-sw ws on am scennum scran goldes also was on the sword-hilt of shining gold urh rnstafas rihte gemearcod in rune-staves rightly marked, geseted ond gesad hwm t sweord geworht it was set down and said, rena cyst arest ware for whom the sword wrought,

--choicest of irons-had been first, wreoenhilt ond wyrmfh se wsa sprc 1698 with a twisted-hilt and serpent-patterned; sunu Healfdenes swgedon ealle: the son of Half-Dane 't, l, mg secgan all fell silent: s e s ond riht then the wise man spoke,

'That, indeed, may say he who truth and right freme on folce feor eal gemon, performs among the folk, remembers all from far-back, eald el weard t es eorl ware old warden of the homeland; that this hero was geboren betera blad is rared 1703 born a greater man; the fame is established geond wdwegas, wine mn Bowulf, throughout the distant regions, Beowulf my friend, n ofer oda gehwylce eal hit geyldum healdest, over each of the nations, of you; all you it with patience hold, mgen mid mdes snyttrum ic sceal mne gelastan strength with the wisdom of the heart; to you I shall continue to give my froe sw wit furum spracon scealt t frfre weoran 1707 protection, as we spoke of before; eal langtwdig lodum num all long-lasting hleum t helpe. you must be as a comfort

to your people, Ne wear Heremd sw

to heroes a support. Heremod was not so eaforum Ecgwelan r-Scyldingum to the sons of Edgewela, to the Honour-Scyldings; ne gewox h him t willan ac t wlfealle he grew not to their pleasure, but for slaughter ond t dacwalum Deniga lodum 1712 and for annihilation of the people of the Danes; brat bolgenmd bodgenatas he felled in a furious spirit his companions at table, eaxlgesteallan o t h na hwearf shoulder-comrades, until he alone passed, mare oden mondramum from

famous king, from the joys of man ah e hine mihtig god mgenes wynnum though him mighty God with joys of strength eafeum stpte ofer ealle men 1717 powerfully exalted over all men, for gefremede hwere him on ferhe grow further advanced yet in his heart grew to him brosthord bldrow nallas bagas geaf the treasure of the breast eager for blood; Denum fter dme dramlas gebd to Danes for glory; t h s gewinnes he lived joylessly, wrc rwade not at all did he give rings

so that he the strife's pain suffered, lodbealo longsum. lar be on 1722 a great evil to the people for a long time. gumcyste ongit ic is gid be understand human virtue; I this tale for you wrc wintrum frd. Wundor is t secganne recited, old and wise in winters. h mihtig god manna cynne how mighty God to mankind urh sdne sefan snyttru brytta according to deep understanding dispenses wisdom, eard ond eorlscipe h h ealra geweald 1727 land and noble qualities; has control of all; hwlum h on lufan late hworfan at times He in delight lets go monnes mdgeonc maran cynnes the heart's thought of some man of glorious kin sele him on le eoran wynne Wonder is to say You learn by this,


gives to him in his own homeland t healdanne hloburh wera

earthly bliss

to command a stronghold of men, ged him sw gewealdene worolde dalas 1732 makes subject to him from the world's portions, sde rce t h his selfa ne mg a wide kingdom, that he himself can not for his unsnyttrum ende geencean in his ignorance conceive the end (of his rule); wuna h on wiste n hine wiht dwele he lives on in abundance; they hinder him not a bit, dl n yldo n him inwitsorh sickness nor age, on sefan sweorce 1737 nor him evil sorrow n gesacu hwar

darkens in his soul, nor strife anywhere ecghete owe ac him eal worold sharp-hate appears, but to him all the world wende on willan h t wyrse ne con. turns on his pleasure; XXVI he does not know it worse.

O t him on innan Until within him weaxe ond wrda

oferhygda dal pride's portion onne se weard swefe

grows and flourishes then the warder sleeps, swele hyrde bi se slap t fst, 1742 the soul's keeper; the sleep is too sound, bisgum gebunden, bona swe nah bound with troubles, the killer is very near, s e of flnbogan fyrenum scote

he who from his shaft-bow foully fires; onne bi on hrere under helm drepen then it is in the heart struck beneath the helm biteran strale --him bebeorgan ne con-by the bitter dart wm wundorbebodum 1747 --he cannot protect himself-wergan gstes

from the perversity of strange biddings of the wicked spirit; ince him t ltel t h t lange hold it seems to him too little what he rules too long; gtsa gromhdig nallas on gylp sele cruel-mindedly covets, he in arrogance never gives fadde bagas ond h forgesceaft golden rings, and he then the future forgyte ond forgme s e him ar god sealde, forgets and disregards, that which God gave him before, wuldres waldend, weormynda dal 1752 glory's Ruler, hit on endestf it in the end t se lchoma a share of honour eft gelimpe finally comes to pass lane gedrose

that the body, lent, fails; fage gefealle fh er t fated to death, it falls; another body takes up, s e unmurnlce mdmas dale who without regret eorles argestron 1757 shares out treasure, egesan ne gme. and he heeds not fear. Beowulf lofa beloved Beowulf,

the earl's ancient wealth, Bebeorh one bealon,

Guard yourself against this wicked strife, secg betosta, ond t slre gecos

finest man, ce radas

and for yourself choose the better, oferhda ne gm,

the eternal gains; do not pay heed to pride, mare cempa n is nes mgnes blad renowned champion; now is the glory of your strength ne hwle eft sna bi 1762 for a while; presently in turn will be t ec dl oe ecg eafoes getwafe that you sickness or edge will part from strength, oe fres feng oe fldes wylm or grasp of fire, oe gripe mces or surge of flood, oe gres fliht

or bite of blade, or flight of spear, oe atol yldo oe agena bearhtm or repulsive old-age; or the brightness of the eyes forsite ond forsworce semninga bi 1767 weakens and dims; very soon will be t ec, dryhtguma, da oferswe. that you, warrior, Sw ic Hring-Dena So I the Ring-Danes wold under wolcnum Death overpowers. hund missra a hundred seasons ond hig wigge belac

have ruled under the skies and in war sheltered them, manigum maga geond ysne middangeard from many tribes scum ond ecgum 1772 throughout this middle-earth, t ic m anigne

from ash-shafts and sword-edges, so that I for myself any, under swegles begong gesacan ne tealde. under the expanse of the heavens, adversary I did not account. Hwt, m s on le edwendan cwm,

Listen, to me in the homeland for that a reversal came, gyrn fter gomene seoan Grendel wear sorrow after joy, since Grendel became ealdgewinna ingenga min an old contender, invader of mine, ic are scne singles wg 1777 I from that persecution endured continually mdceare micle s sig metode anc great sorrow of spirit; thanks be for that to the Measurer of Fate, cean dryhtne s e ic on aldre gebd eternal Lord, from that I survived alive, t ic on one hafelan heorodrorigne so that I on the head sword-bloodied ofer eald gewin agum starige! after ancient strife could gaze with my eyes! G n t setle symbelwynne droh 1782 Go now to the bench, join in the pleasure-banquet, wggeweorad unc sceal worn fela honoured by your battle; we must very many mma gemanra sian morgen bi.' treasures share between us when it is morning.' Gat ws gldmd gong sna t The Geat was glad-hearted, went straightaway to setles nosan sw se snottra heht seek the bench, as the wise one had commanded; ws eft sw ar ellenrfum 1787 then it was again as before for bold warriors, fletsittendum fgere gereorded for those sitting in the hall they prepared a fine feast nowan stefne nihthelm geswearc

once again; the helm of night darkened, deorc ofer dryhtgumum dugu eal rs dark over the company of warriors; wolde blondenfeax beddes nosan, the veterans all arose;

the blended-haired one wishes to seek his bed, gamela Scylding Gat unigmetes wl 1792 the aged Scylding; the Geat exceedingly much, rfne randwigan restan lyste valiant shield-warrior, desired rest; sna him seleegn ses wrgum at once him the hall-thane feorrancundum or wsade the weary journeyer

from afar guided forth, s for andrysnum ealle beweotede who for courtesy looked after everything egnes earfe swylce dgore 1797 of the hero's needs, such as in those days heaolende habban scoldon warrior-sailors were obliged to have; reste hine rmheort reced hluade rested him then, the large-hearted man; gap ond goldfh gst inne swf the hall towered

vaulted and gold-adorned; the guest slept inside o t hrefn blaca heofones wynne until the black raven, the joy of the sky blheort bodode. cm beorht scacan 1802 declared glad-heartedly. scaan netton Then came bright hurrying,

fighters hastening; waron elingas eft t lodum

the nobles were fse t farenne

back to their people wolde feor anon

eager to fare; he wished far thence, cuma collenferh coles nosan. the high-spirited visitor, to seek his ship. Heht se hearda Hrunting beran 1807 He then directed the tough man to wear Hrunting sunu Ecglfes heht his sweord niman the son of Edgelaf, bid him take his sword, loflc ren sgde him s lanes anc beloved iron; said thanks to him for the loan, cw: h one gwine gdne tealde quoth: he the war-friend marked well, wgcrftigne nales wordum lg skilled in war; he did not in words blame mces ecge t ws mdig secg. 1812 the maiche's edge; he was a proud man. Ond sfrome, searwum gearwe And then, eager to be going, ready in arms, wgend waron ode weor Denum were the warriors, the one honoured by the Danes went, eling t yppan ar se er ws noble to the high seat, where the other was, hle hildedor Hrgr grtte. the battle-bold hero XXVII greeted Hrothgar.

Bowulf maelode 1817

bearn Ecgowes:

Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'N w salend secgan wylla

'Now we sea-farers wish to say feorran cumene t w fundia having come from afar, that we are anxious Higelc scan waron hr tela to seek Hygelac; willum bewenede we here were well s wl dohtest.

entertained in our desires; you have treated us well. Gif ic onne on eoran wihte mg 1822 If then on earth I can (do) anything nre mdlufan mran tilian, of your affections earn more, gumena dryhten, onne ic gt dyde, lord of men, ggeweorca than I have done yet, ic bo gearo sna I am ready at once, ofer flda begang

with feats of arms, gif ic t gefricge

if I find it out over the flood's expanse, t ec ymbsittend egesan wa 1827 that you neighbouring-tribes oppress with terror, sw ec hetende hwlum dydon as enemies to you sometimes did, ic senda egna bringe I to you a thousand thanes will bring, hlea t helpe. Ic on Higelce wt, heroes as help. I know of Hygelac, Gata dryhten ah e h geong sy the lord of the Geats, though he is young, folces hyrde t h mec fremman wile 1832 the keeper of the folk, that he would support me weordum ond worcum t ic wl herige

with words and with deeds, so that I might honour you rightly ond t goce grholt bere and to you in aid bring a forest of spears, mgenes fultum ar bi manna earf. the support of strength, where you be needful of men. Gif him onne Hrrnc t hofum Gata If him, on the other hand, Hrethric to the Geatish court geinge odnes bearn h mg ar fela 1837 decides (to go), chieftain's son, fronda findan feorce bo he shall there be able many

friends to find; distant lands are slran geshte am e him selfa dah.' better sought by one who is powerful himself.' Hrgr maelode him on andsware: Hrothgar spoke to him in reply: ' wordcwydas wigtig drihten 'To you these sayings of words the wise Lord on sefan sende ne hrde ic snotorlcor 1842 has sent into mind; on sw geongum feore I have not heard more intelligently guman ingian

at such young age man make a speech; eart mgenes strang ond on mde frd you are strong in power and wise in your heart, ws wordcwida wn ic talige judicious word-speaker; I consider it likely gif t gegange t e gr nyme if it happens, that from you the spear takes, hild heorugrimme Hrles eaferan, 1847 a horrendous battle Hrethel's heir, dl oe ren ealdor nne

sickness or iron your ruler, folces hyrde ond n feorh hafast the guardian of the folk, and you have your life, t e Sa-Gatas slran nbben that the Sea-Geats could not have better t gecosenne cyning anigne by choosing any other king, hordweard hlea gyf healdan wylt 1852 hoard-ward of heroes, if you wish to rule mga rce m n mdsefa your kinsman's kingdom. Your spirit and heart me lca leng sw wl, lofa Bowulf pleases so well the longer (I know them), hafast gefred t m folcum sceal you have achieved that for the folk shall Gata lodum ond Gr-Denum the people of the Geats and the Spear-Danes sib gemanum ond sacu restan, 1857 in mutual peace, and strife subside, inwitnas, he ar drugon, hostilities, which they endured before; wesan enden ic wealde wdan rces shall be, while I rule the wide kingdom, mmas gemane, manig erne wealth in common, many an other gdum gegrttan ofer ganotes b with good things will greet over the gannet's bath; sceal hringnaca ofer heu bringan 1862 the ring-prowed ship shall bring over the high seas lc ond luftcen ic lode wt dear Beowulf;

offerings and tokens of friendship; I know these nations g wi fond g wi frond fste geworhte both towards foe and towards friend aghws untale ealde wsan.' firmly disposed,

blameless in everything, in the ancient manner.' gt him eorla hlo hine gesealde Then again to him the protector of earls mago Healfdenes mmas twelf 1867 the son of Half-Dane, twelve treasures; ht inne mid am lcum lode swase he commanded him with these gifts his own dear nation scean on gesyntum, snde eft cuman to seek in safety, to return quickly; gecyste cyning elum gd, kissed then, the king the upright noble, oden Scyldinga egn betostan the chieftain of the Scyldings, the best thane ond be healse genam hruron him taras 1872 and took him by the neck; tears fell from him, blondenfeaxum him ws bga wn from the silver and gold whiskers; **1873-80** ealdum infrdum, res swor in him were both thoughts gave to him,

old and deeply wise, the second stronger, t he seoan geson mston that they afterwards might meet, mdige on mele ws him se man t on lof brave in a formal summit; the man was so dear to him t h one brostwylm forberan ne mehte 1877 that he the welling of his breast could not hold back ac him on hrere hygebendum fst

but him in his heart in firm bounds of thought fter dorum men dyrne langa for the dear man beorn wi blde. a remote longing Him Bowulf anan

burned in his blood. Him Beowulf thence, grinc goldwlanc grsmoldan trd warrior proud with gold, trod the grass-mound, since hrmig sagenga bd 1882 triumphing in treasure. The sea-goer awaited gedfrn s e on ancre rd its lord and owner, which rode at its anchor; ws on gange gifu Hrgres later on the journey was the gift of Hrothgar oft gehted t ws n cyning, often praised; that was one king, aghws orleahtre o t hine yldo benam in everything blameless, until age deprived him mgenes wynnum s e oft manegum scd. 1887 of strength's delights, XXVIII a thing which continually harms many.

Cwm t flde

fela mdigra

They came than to the flood full of spirit hgstealdra hringnet baron of the young warriors; ring-mail they wore locene leoosyrcan landweard onfand interlocked limb-shirts; the land-guard perceived efts eorla, sw h ar dyde the return of heroes, as he did before; n h mid hearme of hlies nsan 1892

he did not with insult from the cliff's promontory gstas grtte ac him tganes rd greet the guests, cw t wilcuman but rode towards them, Wedera lodum

said that welcome to the people of the Wederas scaan scrhame t scipe fron the fighters with bright covering ws on sande sagap naca then was on sand hladen herewadum 1897 he went to the ship;

the sea-curved boat hringedstefna

laden with war-garments the ringed-prow marum ond mmum mst hlfade with horses and treasure; the mast towered ofer Hrgres hordgestronum over Hrothgar's hoard-wealth; h am btwearde bunden golde he to the boat-guard a bound gold swurd gesealde t h syan ws sword gave, so that he afterwards was on meodubence mma weorre 1902 on the mead-bench by the treasure the worthier, yrfelfe. Gewt him on nacan by the inherited relic. Departed him on the ship drfan dop wter Dena land ofgeaf to trouble deep water; he left the Danes' land; ws be mste merehrgla sum then was by the mast a mighty sea-garment, segl sle fst sundwudu unede sail fastened by rope; the sea-beam thundered; n ar wgflotan wind ofer um 1907

there the wave-floater was not (by) wind over the waves ses getwafde sagenga fr hindered in its venture; the sea-goers went, flat fmigheals for ofer e the foamy-necked floated forth over the waves, bundenstefna ofer brimstramas bound prow over the ocean-streams, t he Gata clifu ongitan meahton until they the Geatish cliffs could perceive, ce nssas col p gerang 1912 the well-known headlands; the keel rushed up lyftgeswenced on lande std. weather-beaten, rested on the land. Hrae ws t holme hweard geara Quickly was at the water the ready harbour-guard, s e ar lange td lofra manna he who already for a long time fs t faroe feor wltode eager at the current gazed far; salde t sande sdfme scip 1917 moored in the sand oncearbendum fst the broad-bosomed ship las hym a rym for the beloved men

firm with anchor-bounds, lest the force of the waves wudu wynsuman forwrecan meahte the winsome timbers might carry away; ht p beran elinga gestron he ordered then to carry up the nobles' treasure, frtwe ond fatgold ns him feor anon trappings and gold ornaments; t gescanne sinces bryttan 1922 it was not far thence for them

to seek the giver of treasures Higelc Hrling ar t hm wuna Hygelac son of Hrethel, where he dwelt at home selfa mid gesum sawealle nah. himself with his companions near the sea-wall. Bold ws betlc, bregorf cyning The building was splendid, the king of princely valour, hhealle, Hygd swe geong the high hall, ws wlungen 1927 Hygd very young, ah e wintra lt

wise, well-thriving, through few winters under burhlocan gebiden hbbe in the walled town had lived, Hrees dohtor ns ho hnh sw ah Haereth's daughter was not mean though n t gna gifa Gata lodum nor too grudging of gifts to the people of the Geats, mmgestrona. Md ro wg of treasure-wealth. fremu folces cwn, 1932 She showed violent arrogance, firen' ondrysne

the lusty queen of the folk, terrible crimes; nanig t dorste dor genan dared not any of swasra gesa, the bold to risk, nefne sinfr

of the dear companions, except her great lord, t hire an dges agum starede that on her by day stared with his eyes ac him wlbende weotode tealde but for him slaughter-bonds he might consider prescribed, handgewriene hrae seoan ws 1937

woven by hands; fter mundgripe

quickly then was mce geinged

after seizure a maiche was appointed, t hit scedenmal scran mste, that it, shadow-marked, was obliged to settle, cwealmbealu can ne bi swylc cwnlic aw make known the evil of the death; such queenly manner is not idese t efnanne ah e ho anlicu s for a lady to perform, though she be matchless, tte freouwebbe fores onsace 1942 that peace-weaver deprives life, fter ligetorne lofne mannan. owing to a false injury, of beloved man. Hru t on hh snod Hemninges mag However, it was cut off at the heel ealodrincende er sadan the ale-drinkers further told t ho lodbealewa las gefremede that evil for the people she practised less, inwitna syan arest wear 1947 malice and enmity, since she first was gyfen goldhroden geongum cempan given, gold-adorned, to the young champion, elum dore syan ho Offan flet of noble ancestry, ofer fealone fld when she to Offa's hall be fder lre by Hemming's kinsman;

over the dusky flood by her father's wisdom se geshte ar ho syan well sought in her journey where she afterwards fully in gumstle gde mare 1952

on the throne, for goodness famed, lfgesceafta lifigende brac the fated span of her life her living she used well, hold hahlufan wi hlea brego, held high-love for the heroes' lord, ealles moncynnes mne gefrage of all mankind, I have heard, s slestan b sam twonum the finest between the seas, eormencynnes Form Offa ws 1957 of the mighty race. Because Offa was geofum ond gum grcne man in gifts and in war, a spear-keen man; wde geweorod wsdme hold widely honoured, ruled in wisdom el snne onon ongomor wc his homeland; then, exceedingly sad, he arose hleum t helpe Heminges mag a help to heroes, the kinsman of Hemming, nefa Grmundes na crftig. 1962 grandson of Garmund, XXVIIII powerful over strife.

Gewt him se hearda

mid his hondscole

Then the hardy man went with his hand-picked retinue sylf fter sande sawong tredan himself along the sand treading the sea-plain, wde waroas woruldcandel scn the wide strand; sigel san fs the world-candle shone, h s drugon

the sun eagerly from the south; they had survived the journey, elne geodon, t s e eorla hlo 1967 strode quickly, bonan Ongenoes to where the Shield of Heroes, burgum in innan,

--the bane of Ongentheow-inside his citadel, geongne gcyning gdne gefrnon the young war-king, they heard (that there) the good man hringas dalan. Higelce ws alloted rings. s Bowulfes To Hygelac was snde geced promptly reported, wgendra hlo the defender of warriors,

Beowulf's journey t ar on worig 1972

that there in enclosed homestead, lindgestealla lifigende cwm

shield-companion (still) living came, heaolces hl t hofe gongan from the war-play unharmed going to to the court; hrae ws germed sw se rca bebad quickly was cleared, as the king bade, fegestum flet innanweard for the visitors on foot the floor within; gest wi sylfne s scce gens, 1977 then he sat down with the same man, mag wi mage syan mandryhten he who had survived the fight,

kinsman with kinsman, after the liege-lord urh hloorcwyde holdne gegrtte through ceremonious speech his loyal subject had greeted, maglum wordum meoduscencum in emphatic words, mead-draughts hwearf geond t sde reced Hrees dohtor

passed round through that spacious room lufode lode liwage br 1982 --she loved the people-bore goblets haum t handa. Higelc ongan to the hands of the illustrious ones. snne geseldan in sele m han his hall-companion in that high hall fgre fricgcean hyne fyrwet brc

Haereth's daughter,

Hygelac began

to question courteously, his curiosity burst forth, hwylce Sa-Gata sas waron: whatever the Sea-Geats' 'H lomp ow on lde, 1987 adventures were: lofa Bowulf,

'How fared you on the way, dear Beowulf, faringa feorr gehogodest when you suddenly resolved far away scce scean ofer sealt wter to seek conflict hilde t Hiorote? over the salt water, Ac Hrgre

combat in Heorot? Moreover, did you Hrothgar's wdcne wan wihte gebttest widely known woes at all ameliorate, marum odne? Ic s mdceare 1992 for the famed chieftain? I of this with anxious care of the heart sorhwylmum sa se ne trwode seethed with wellings of sorrow, lofes mannes ic lange bd I did not trust the venture

of my dear man; I begged you at length, t one wlgast wihte ne grtte that you the slaughter-ghast would not challenge at all, lte S-Dene sylfe geweoran

let the South-Danes settle themselves ge wi Grendel gode ic anc secge 1997 the war with Grendel; s e ic gesundne to God I speak thanks, geson mste.'

for that I you sound am permitted to see.' Bowulf maelode bearn Ecgoes: Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 't is undyrne, dryhten Higelc, 'It is not secret, lord Hygelac, micel gemting monegum fra that great meeting, to many men, hwylc orleghwl uncer Grendles 2002 what a time of struggle between the two of us, me and Grendel, wear on m wange ar h worna fela occurred in that place where he great multitudes Sige-Scyldingum sorge gefremede for the Victory-Scyldings brought about sorrows, yrme t aldre ic t eall gewrc lifelong misery; I avenged it all, sw begylpan earf Grendeles mga thus there is need to boast --of Grendel's kinsmen, yfel ofer eoran hthlem one 2007 evil upon the earth-s e lengest leofa of that clash at dawn, lan cynnes

he who lives the longest of that hateful race, fecne bifongen. Ic ar furum cwm enveloped in malice. I first came there t m hringsele Hrgr grtan to that ring-hall sna m se mara to greet Hrothgar; mago Healfdenes

straightaway to me the famed kinsman of Half-Dane, syan h mdsefan mnne ce 2012 after he the purpose of the heart of mine knew, wi his sylfes sunu setl getahte with his own sons he appointed a seat; weorod ws on wynne ne seah ic wdan feorh The troop was joyful; under heofones hwealf I have not seen in my whole life healsittendra

under heaven's vault a hall-sitters' medudram mran. Hwlum maru cwn mead-revelry greater. At times the renowned queen, friusibb folca flet eall geondhwearf 2017 the peace-pledge of peoples, passed over all of the floor, bdde byre geonge oft ho bahwrian urged on the young boys; often twisted-rings she secge sealde ar he t setle gong gave to the warriors, before she went to her seat; hwlum for dugue dohtor Hrgres from time to time before the band of experienced warriors r eorlum on ende ealuwage br to nobles continuously to the end ic Fraware fletsittende 2022 bore the ale-flagon, Hrothgar's daughte

those I Freawaru the ones on the floor nemnan hrde ar ho ngled sinc I heard name her, when she the studded cup hleum sealde So gehten is gave to heroes, she is promised, **2024-76** geong goldhroden, gladum suna Frdan young, gold-adorned, to gracious son of Froda;

hafa s geworden

wine Scyldinga

this has arranged the Friend of the Scyldings, rces hyrde ond t rad tala 2027 the kingdom's shepherd, and counsel reckons it t h mid wfe wlfaha dal that he with this woman a great part of the slaughter-feuds, scca gesette. Oft seldan hwar conflicts will settle. Very seldom anywhere fter lodhryre ltle hwle after the fall of a leader (even) a little while bongr bge ah so brd duge. the murderous spear bends down, though the bride be good. Mg s onne ofyncan oden Heao-Beardna 2032 This then may displease the chief of the Heatho-Bards' ond egna gehwm ra loda and every thane of that people, onne h mid famnan on flett ga: when he with the maiden walks on the floor: dryhtbearn Dena dugua biwenede, that the noble sons of the Danes, on him gladia gomelra lfe her veteran troop, are entertained,

on them glisten ancient heirlooms, heard ond hringmal Heaa-Bearna gestron 2037 hard and ring-adorned, enden he m wapnum the Heatho-Bards' treasure, wealdan mston. were able to wield.

so long as they those weapons [XXX]

O t he forladdan

t m lindplegan in the shield-play

Until they had led to disaster

swase gesas

ond hyra sylfra feorh. and their own lives. s e bahgesyh he who sees a ring-precious object,

their dear companions onne cwi t bore

Then speaks at the beer-drinking, eald scwiga s e eall geman 2042

the old ash-warrior, he who remembers all grcwealm gumena --him bi grim sefa-the spear-death of men --in him is a fierce heart-onginne gomormd geongum cempan he begins sad-spirited in a young champion, urh hrera gehygd higes cunnian, by the musing of his heart, to tempt his mind, wgbealu weccean ond t word cwy: to awaken war-horror, "Meaht , mn wine, 2047 and speaks these words: mce gecnwan

"Can you, my friend, recognise that maiche, one n fder t gefeohte br which your father under heregrman bore into the fight, hindeman se,

under his army-mask on the last campaign, dre ren, ar hyne Dene slgon precious iron, there the Danes slew him, woldon wlstwe syan wiergyld lg controlled the slaying-field, when retribution failed, fter hlea hryre hwate Scyldungas? 2052 after the heroes' fall, the fierce Scyldings? N hr ra banena byre nthwylces Now here of those slayers the son of one or other of them, frtwum hrmig on flet ga exultant in trappings, goes across the floor,

morres gylpe

ond one mum byre

boasts of murder, and wears the treasure one e mid rihte radan sceoldest." which you by right ought to possess." Mana sw ond myndga mala gehwylce 2057 Thus he incites and reminds every time srum wordum o t sal cyme with grievous words, t se famnan egn until that time comes fore fder dadum

that the woman's thane for his father's deeds fter billes bite bldfg swefe from the bite of a bill-blade sleeps, stained in blood, ealdres scyldig him se er onan having forfeited life; him the other thence losa lifigende con him land geare. 2062 escapes alive, the land is readily known to him. onne bo brocene on b healfe Then are broken sweor eorla on both sides syan Ingelde

the sworn oaths of earls; then in Ingeld wealla wlnas ond him wflufan murderous hate will well up and in him the love of woman fter cearwlmum clran weora surges of grief will become cooler; ic Heao-Beardna hyldo ne telge 2067 Therefore I the Heathobards' loyalty do not consider, dryhtsibbe dal Denum unfacne, the alliance's portion, for the Danes untreacherous, frondscipe fstne. Ic sceal for sprecan enduring friendship. I ought speak further

gn ymbe Grendel

t geare cunne,

again about Grendel, that you may readily know, sinces brytta, t hwan syan wear giver of treasure, what then happened, hondras hlea syan heofones gim 2072 the hand-fight of heroes when heaven's gem gld ofer grundas gast yrre cwm had glided over the earth, the ireful guest came, eatol afengrom ser nosan terrible, fierce in the evening ar w gesunde sl weardodon to visit us,

where we, unharmed, warded the hall, ar ws Hondsci hilde onsage where was for Hondscio a sinking battle feorhbealu fagum h fyrmest lg 2077 deadly evil for the doomed man; he fell first, gyrded cempa him Grendel wear the girded champion; for him Grendel was, marum maguegne t mbonan the famed thane of distinction, a slayer by mouth, lofes mannes lc eall forswealg the belovd man's n ar t gn body swallowed up completely; delhende

not the sooner out yet empty-handed, bona bldigt bealewa gemyndig 2082 the slayer bloody-toothed, wickedness in mind, of m goldsele gongan wolde from the gold-hall did he wish to go ac h mgnes rf mn costode but he, famed for his strength, tested me,

grpode gearofolm

glf hangode

gripped with an eager hand; a pouch hung down sd ond syllc searobendum fst spacious and strange, with cleverly-wrought clasps held fast, so ws oroncum eall gegyrwed 2087 it was cunningly dofles crftum all devised ond dracan fellum and dragon's skins; unsynnigne

with devil's crafts h mec ar on innan

he me there inside, guiltless, dor dadfruma gedn wolde the daring instigator wished to stuff, manigra sumne hyt ne mihte sw as one of many; he could not do so, syan ic on yrre upprihte std. 2092 since I in anger stood erect. T lang ys t reccenne h ic m lodsceaan It is too long to recount how I the scourge of the people yfla gehwylces hondlan forgeald for each of his evils ar ic, oden mn, where I, my lord, weorode weorcum paid in hand-requital ne lode your people he on weg losade

honoured by acts; he escaped away ltle hwle lfwynna brac 2097 for a little while, enjoyed the joy of life; hwre him so swre swae weardade yet from him the right, a vestige, remainded behind hand on Hiorte ond h han onan hand in Heorot, and he wretched thence,

mdes gemor

meregrund gefoll.

gloomy in his heart, sank into the depths of the mere. M one wlras wine Scildunga To me for the bloody battle fattan golde fela lanode 2102 the Friend of the Scyldings

with objects of plated gold in plenty rewarded, manegum mmum syan mergen cm many treasures, ond w t symble when morning came, geseten hfdon

and we to the feast had sat down ar ws gidd ond glo: gomela Scilding where was song and glee: old Scylding felafricgende feorran rehte who has heard tell of many things, hwlum hildedor hearpan wynne 2107 from long ago narrated;

at times this battle-daring one the harp for pleasure gomelwudu grtte hwlum gyd wrc the old-wood played; sometimes recited a song, s ond srlc hwlum syllc spell true and tragic; rehte fter rihte sometimes strange tales rmheort cyning

he related rightly, the open-hearted king; hwlum eft ongan eldo gebunden at times he began again, bound in his age, gomel gwiga giogue cwan 2112 the ancient war-soldier, to mourn for his youth, hildestrengo hreer inne woll his battle-strength; his heart welled inside, onne h wintrum frd, worn gemunde. when he, wise in winter, recalled many things.

Sw w ar inne

andlangne dg

So we there inside a whole long day node nman o t niht becwm took pleasure, er t yldum 2117 another to men; gearo gyrnwrce until came night ws eft hrae then was again swiftly Grendeles mdor

ready for grief-revenge Grendel's mother, sode sorhfull sunu da fornam, she journeyed full of sorrow; wghete Wedra wf unhre Death had taken her son,

the war-hate of the Wederas; the horrible woman hyre bearn gewrc beorn cwealde avenged her child, killed a warrior ellenlce ar ws schere 2122 savagely; there was from schere, frdan fyrnwitan feorh genge. the old, wise lore-counsellor, life departed. Ner h hine ne mston syan mergen cwm Nor could they him, when morning came, dawrigne Denia lode weary of death the Danish people bronde forbrnan n on bal hladan cremate in fire, nor lay on the funeral bale, lofne mannan ho t lc tbr 2127 the beloved man; she had carried off the corpse fondes fme under firgenstram in fiend's embrace t ws Hrgre that was for Hrothgar beneath the mountain stream; hrowa tornost the most bitter grief

ra e lodfruman

lange begate. long had received.

which the ruler of the people se oden mec ne lfe

Then me the chieftain, by your life, healsode hrohmd t ic on holma gering 2132 implored with troubled mind, that I in the waters' tumult eorlscipe efnde ealdre gende perform a noble act, risk life, maro fremede h m mde geht. accomplish glory; Ic s wlmes he promised me rewards. is wde c

Then I the welling waters', as is widely known, grimme gryrelcne grundhyrde fond wrathful ghastly guard of the deep found; ar unc hwle ws hand gemane 2137 there a while we were sharing a hand; holm heolfre woll ond ic hafde becearf the water welled with gore, and I cut off the head in m grundsele Grendeles mdor in that deep-hall of Grendel's mother acnum ecgum unsfte onan with mighty edges, not easily thence feorh oferede ns ic fage gt I carried off my life; I was not doomed yet ac m eorla hlo eft gesealde 2142 but to me the protector of heroes mma menigeo maga Healfdenes.' many treasures, XXXI again gave

the kinsman of Half-Dane.'

Sw se odkyning

awum lyfde

So the king of the people lived according to proper custom; nealles ic m lanum forloren hfde I by no means the gifts had lost, mgnes mde ac h m mama geaf strength's reward, but he gave me treasures, sunu Healfdenes on mnne sylfes dm 2147 the son of Half-Dane, ic , beorncyning, according to my own glory, bringan wylle,

these I to thee, warrior-king, wish to bring, stum gewan gn is eall t graciously to offer; still is all in thee lissa gelong ic lt hafo dependent upon your favour; I have few hafodmga nefne, Hygelc, ec.' near kinsmen except you Hygelac.' Ht in beran eafor hafodsegn 2152 Then he commanded to be brought in heaostapne helm hre byrnan the boar-crested standard,

the battle-steep helm, hoar-silver byrnie, gsweord geatolc gyd fter wrc: the beautiful war-sword; the tale thereafter uttered: 'M is hildesceorp Hrgr sealde 'To me this battle-equipment Hrothgar gave, snotra fengel sume worde ht the clever ruler; with some words he ordered, t ic his arest st gesgde 2157 that I first you its cw t hyt hfde he said it owned legacy relate; Hiorogr cyning King Heorogar,

lod Scyldunga

lange hwle

the leader of the Scyldings a long time; n ar suna snum syllan wolde no sooner for that to his son did he wish to give, hwatum Heorowearde ah h him hold ware to bold Heoroweard, though he was loyal to him, brostgewadu. Brc ealles well.' 2162 the breast-armour. Use it all well.' Hrde ic t m frtwum fower maras I heard that with the treasure lungre gelce lst weardode four mares

swift, all alike, followed behind, ppelfealuwe h him st getah apple-yellow; he to him offered the gifts, mara ond mma. Sw sceal mag dn: horses and riches. So should a kinsman act: nealles inwitnet rum bregdon 2167 not at all malice-nets weave for others, dyrnum crfte da rnian with hidden arts hondgesteallan. contrive death Hygelce ws

of hand-companions. To Hygelac was na heardum nefa swe hold in fierce strife his nephew very loyal, ond gehwer rum hrra gemyndig and each the other's benefit remembered; hrde ic t h one healsbah Hygde gesealde 2172 I heard that he the neck-ring gave to Hygd, wratlicne wundurmum one e him Wealho geaf the exquisite marvel-jewel, which Wealhtheow gave him,

odnes dohtor

ro wicg somod

chieftain's daughter, three horses also swancor ond sadolbeorht hyre syan ws supple and bright with saddles; then was her, fter bahege brost geweorod. after receiving the ring, breast adorned. Sw bealdode bearn Ecgowes 2177 Thus he was bold, the son of Edgetheow, guma gum c gdum dadum man famed in war, drah fter dme for good deeds; nealles druncne slg

he led his life for glory, never, having drunk, slew heorgenatas ns him hroh sefa his hearth-companions; a troubled heart was not in him, ac h mancynnes maste crfte but he mankind's greatest strength, ginfstan gife him god sealde 2182 --that ample gift, which God gave him-hold hildedor. Han ws lange he held, battle-daring. Long had he been abject sw hyne Gata bearn gdne ne tealdon so the sons of the Geats did not reckon him good, n hyne on medobence micles wyrne nor to him on the mead-bench much honour drihten wereda gedn wolde the commander of the troops would grant; swe sgdon t h slac ware 2187 they especially said, that he was slack, eling unfrom edwenden cwm no bold noble; a turn-around came

tradigum menn

torna gehwylces.

to the glory-blessed man for each of these miseries. Ht eorla hlo in gefetian, Then the protector of heroes ordered heaorf cyning, Hrles lfe to be fetched in,

the war-noble king, Hrethel's heirloom, golde gegyrede ns mid Gatum 2192 fitted out in gold; there was not among the Geats then sincmum slra on sweordes hd a better precious treasure in the manner of a sword; t h on Bowulfes bearm legde that he in Beowulf's lap layed, ond him gesealde seofan sendo, and gave him seven thousand hides of land, bold ond bregostl. Him ws bm samod residence and ruler's seat. Theirs was both together on m lodscipe lond gecynde 2197 in that nation eard elriht, inherited land, rum swor

earth by ancestral privelege, to the second more sde rce m ar slra ws. of that broad kingdom to him who was higher. Eft t geode ufaran dgrum After that it came to pass in later days hildehlmmum syan Hygelc lg in battle-clashes, when Hygelac lay dead, ond Heardrde hildemceas 2202 and for Heardred under bordhroan battle-maiches, t bonan wurdon became the instruments of his death,

under the cover of his shield,

hyne geshtan

on sigeode

when they sought him out in the victory-tribe, hearde hildefrecan Heao-Scilfingas the fierce battle-ready warriors, na genagdan nefan Hererces the Battle-Scilfings,

with enmity they attacked the nephew of Hereric; syan Bowulfe brade rce 2207 thereupon to Beowulf the broad kingdom on hand gehwearf h gehold tela passed into his hands; he ruled well fiftig wintra --ws frd cyning for fifty winters eald elweard---then he was a wise king, o t n ongan until one began

an old warden of the fatherland-deorcum nihtum draca rcsian in the dark nights, s e on haum hofe 2212

a dragon to rule, hord beweotode

he who in a high house watched over a hoard, stnbeorh starcne stg under lg a stark stone barrow; the path below lay eldum unc. ar on innan gong unknown to men. There went inside nia nthwylc ond nah gefng a man, I know not which, and he groped near hanum horde hond gewrenne the heathen hoard, his hands wrapped round since fhne h t syan beget 2217 an ornamented bauble, ah e h slapende though he who sleeping he got that afterwards; besyred hfde had been tricked

ofes crfte

t se od onfand

by thief's cunning; the people discovered that, bfolc beorna t h gebolgen ws. the neighbouring folk of men, XXXII that he was enraged.

Nealles ns geweoldum

wyrmhordan crft

He was not at all in control of the skill of the worm-hoard, **2221ff.** sylfes willum s e him sre gesced 2222 of his own desire, ac for randlan he who sorely injured him, of nthwylces

because of dire-distress a thief of I know not which hlea bearna heteswengeas floh sons of men rnesearfe fled hostile blows, ond ar inne weall

in need of a hall and there within raged, secg synbysig sna onwacade a man haunted by guilt, immediately watched over; t gan m gyste gryrebrga std 2227 then against the stranger hwre fyrensceapen stood horror and terror;

nevertheless upon the wicked one se far begeat 2230 sincft shte poured peril. ar ws swylcra fela

He sought treasure-gold, there was many such, in m eorsele argestrona in that earth-hall, sw h on gardagum ancient treasures, gumena nthwylc

as they in former days some man, eormenlfe elan cynnes 2234 this great legacy of a noble kind, anchycgende ar gehdde full of thought, had hid there dore mmas ealle he da fornam these dear treasures; all of them Death took arran malum ond s n gn in earlier times, and then were yet one loda dugue s ar lengest hwearf of the old warriors of that people, weard winegemor wnde s yldan 2239 the one who moved about there longest,

the friend-grieving warden, he hoped to delay that much, t h ltel fc longgestrona so that he for a little while the long-kept treasure brcan mste. Beorh eallgearo would be able to enjoy. The barrow all-ready wunode on wonge wterum nah occupied the plain near the water-waves, nwe be nsse nearocrftum fst new on the headland, made secure by difficult-craft; ar on innan br eorlgestrona 2244 there inside bore of the treasure of earls hringa hyrde handwyrne dal a hoard of rings fattan goldes a hand-fashioned share fa worda cw:

of plated gold; some words he spoke: 'Heald n, hrse, n hle ne mstan 'Now hold you, Earth, now the heroes cannot eorla ahte. Hwt, hyt ar on earls' possessions.

Listen, it former

ly from you gde begaton 2249

gda fornam

was obtained by good men; war-death has taken away, feorhbeale frcne fyrena gehwylcne terrible murder of life, of crimes each one, loda mnra m e is ofgeaf: my belovd people, geswon seledram they gave this up to me: h nh hw sweord wege he I have not, who might wield sword

they had seen joy in the hall; oe fgrie fated wage

or make beautiful this gilded flagon, dryncft dore dugu ellor soc 2254 this precious drinking vessel; the veteran warriors are ill elsewhere; sceal se hearda helm hyrstedgolde must the stern helmet adorned with gold fatum befeallen feormynd swefa stripped of its ornaments; the burnishers slumbers, e beadogrman bwan sceoldon they who war-masks ought to brighten; g swylce so herepd so t hilde gebd also so the army's coats of mail, ofer borda gebrc bite rena 2259 which in battle endured

over the shattering of shield-boards the bite of iron, brosna fter beorne ne mg byrnan hring decays along with the men; byrnie's ring may not fter wgfruman wde fran with war-fighter fare widely, hleum be healfe ns hearpan wyn alongside heroes; gomen globames there was not harp's joy, n gd hafoc

delight of glee-wood, nor good hawk geond sl swinge n se swifta mearh 2264 soaring through the hall, nor swift horse burhstede bate bealocwealm hafa trampling the courtyard; baleful death has fela feorhcynna for onsended.' many of my living kin sent forth.' Sw gimormd gioho mande Thus sad at heart n fter eallum in grief he bemoaned unblie hwearf

one after all, unhappily passed dges ond nihtes o t daes wylm 2269 days and nights, hrn t heortan. until the flood of Death Hordwynne fond

reached to his heart. Hoard-joy he found, eald htsceaa opene standan the old twilight-scather, standing open, s e byrnende biorgas sce he who, burning, nacod ndraca seeks barrows, nihtes floge

the naked malevolent dragon; he flies by night, fre befangen hyne foldbend 2274 encircled in fire; him earth-dwellers : : : : : : : : : : : :nan. H gescean sceall He has to seek hearm on hrsan ar h haen gold harm in the ground, wara wintrum frd where he heathen gold ne by him wihte sl.

guards, wise in winters; he is not a bit better for that. Sw se odsceaa ro hund wintra

So the people-scather three hundred winters hold on hrsan hordrna sum 2279 ruled in the earth of one of the hoard-halls, acencrftig o t hyne n bealch vastly powerful, until one angered him, mon on mde: mandryhtne br a man in pride: he bore to his liege-lord fated wage friooware bd the gold-adorned cup, begged peace-truce hlford snne ws hord rsod, from his lord; then was the hoard ransacked, onboren baga hord, bne getad 2284 rings' hoard borne off, a boon was granted fasceaftum men fra scawode to the wretched man; a lord examined fra fyrngeweorc forman se. the ancient work of men for the first time. se wyrm onwc --wrht ws genwad-then the worm awoke, stonc fter stne --quarrel was renewed-stearcheort onfand

he sniffed along the stone, the harsh-hearted one found fondes ftlst h t for gestp 2289 the foot-print of his foe; he too far forward had stepped dyrnan crfte dracan hafde nah. in his stealthy craft near the dragon's head. Sw mg unfage ae gedgan Provided that, one not doomed may ive wan ond wracs s e waldendes woe and hardship, hyldo gehealde. he who the Ruler's Hordweard shte

easily surv

grace protects. The hoard-ward sought georne fter grunde wolde guman findan

2294 eagerly along the ground, he wished to find the man, one e him on sweofote sre getode the one who him in his slumber had sorely harmed; ht ond hrohmd hlawum oft ymbehwearf hot and fierce-minded, he often circled among the mounds ealne tanweardne --n ar anig mon all round the outside --not any man there on m wstenne hwre hilde gefeh in that wilderness, but he rejoiced in battle, beadu weorces --hwlum on beorh thwearf 2299 of battle-work sincft shte --sometimes he turned back to the barrow, h at sna onfand

sought the treasure-cup; he suddenly discovered, t hfde gumena sum goldes gefandod that a certain man had distrubed the gold, hahgestrona hordweard onbd the high treasures; the hoard-ward waited earfolce o t afen cwm with great difficulty, until evening came; ws gebolgen beorges hyrde 2304 then was enraged the keeper of the barrow, wolde se la lge forgyldan he wished the injury to repay with flame, drincft dre. ws dg sceacen the dear drinking-vessel. Then the day was departed wyrme on willan n on wealle lg to the joy of the wyrm; he did not lie within the wall, bdan wolde ac mid bale fr (nor) wished to wait, but with bale-fire set forth, fre gefsed ws se fruma egeslc

2309 infused with flame; this beginning was terrible lodum on lande sw hyt lungre wear for the people in the land, as it soon was on hyra sincgifan sre geendod. upon their treasure-giver XXXIII painfully ended.

se gst ongan Then the demon began beorht hofu brnan

gldum spwan, to spew flames, bryneloma std

to burn bright houses; the gleam of fire rose eldum on andan n ar ht cwices 2314 to the horror of the men; nor there anything alive l lyftfloga lafan wolde the hateful air-flier wished to leave; ws s wyrmes wg wde gesne the war-strength of that wyrm was nearofges n nan ond feorran the malice of the darkly cunning one h se gsceaa Gata lode widely seen,

near and far,

how the war-scather the people of the Geats hatode ond hnde hord eft gescat 2319 hated and humiliated; back to his hoard he shot, dryhtsele dyrnne ar dges hwle the hidden lord-hall ere the time of day; hfde landwara lge befangen the inhabitants of the land had been bale ond bronde beorges getrwode seized by flame,

in blaze and in fire; his barrow he trusted, wges ond wealles him so wn gelah.

his war-skill and his walls; him this belief deceived. ws Bowulfe brga geced 2324 Then was to Beowulf the danger made known snde t se t his sylfes hm quickly in truth, that his own home, bolda slest brynewylmum mealt the finest of dwellings, in waves of heat melted, gifstl Gata t m gdan ws the throne of the Geats; that was to the good man hrow on hrere hygesorga mast a grief in his heart, of the mind-sorrows the greatest; wnde se wsa t h wealdende 2329 the wise man thought that he the Ruler ofer ealde riht cean dryhtne against ancient law eternal Lord bitre gebulge brost innan woll had bitterly angered; inside his breast welled ostrum geoncum sw him gewe ne ws. with thoughts of gloom, such was not usual for him. Hfde lgdraca loda fsten The fire-drake had the fortress of the people, alond tan eorweard one 2334 by the coast-land, gldum forgrunden the stronghold him s gkyning

ground down with flames; him for that the war-king, Wedera oden wrce leornode the chief of the Wederas, studied vengeance; heht him gewyrcean, wgendra hlo then he ordered to be made for him, eallrenne, eorla dryhten, a warriors' protector,

all of iron, the lord of earls, wgbord wratlc wisse h gearwe 2339 a wonderous war-board; he readily knew, t him holtwudu helpan ne meahte that him tree-wood could not help, lind wi lge. Sceolde lenddaga linden-wood against fire. He had to his seafaring-days, eling argd ende gebdan the old, good noble, abide the end worulde lfes ond se wyrm somod of life in the world, and the wyrm together, ah e hordwelan holde lange. 2344 though the hoard-wealth he had held long. Oferhogode hringa fengel Then he scorned, the rings' lord, t h one wdflogan weorode geshte that he the wide-flier would seek out with a troop, sdan herge n h him m scce ondrd a large army; he did not the strife dread for himself, n him s wyrmes wg for wiht dyde nor him the wyrm's fire esteem a bit, eafo ond ellen foron h ar fela 2349 power and courage, for that he before many, nearo nende na gedgde narrowly risking, hostilities survived, hildehlemma syan h Hrgres battle-clashes, sigoradig secg since he Hrothgar's, sele falsode

--victory-favoured man-hall cleansed, ond t ge forgrp Grendeles magum

and in war overwhelmed Grendel's race, lan cynnes. N t lasest ws 2354 hateful kind. Not the least was **2354f.** hondgemta ar mon Hygelc slh the hand-to-hand encounter, where one slew Hygelac, syan Gata cyning ge rasum after the Geats' king, in war's rushes, frawine folca Frslondum on the lord and friend of the folk, in Frisia, Hrles eafora hiorodryncum swealt Hrethel's heir, bille gebaten 2359 died in the drink of sword, onan Bowulf cm

beaten down by bill-blades. Then Beowulf came sylfes crfte sundnytte drah by his own strength, he made use of the sea; hfde him on earme eorla rtig he had in his arms thirty warriors' hildegeatwa h t holme stg battle-gear, when he mounted the ocean; nealles Hetware hrmge orfton not at all did the Hetwares had need to be exaulting fewges him foran ongan 2364 over the fighting on foot, who forth against him linde baron lt eft becwm bore linden-wood shields; few came back fram m hildfrecan hmes nosan. from that warrior to visit their homes. Oferswam siolea bigong sunu Ecgowes He crossed over then the flowing expanse of waters, the son of of Edgetheow,

earm nhaga

eft t lodum

wretched and solitary, back to the people, ar him Hygd gebad hord ond rce 2369 there Hygd bade him hoard and kingdom, bagas ond bregostl: bearne ne trwode rings and throne: in her son she did not trust t h wi lfylcum elstlas that he against foreign peoples the ancestral throne healdan ce ws Hygelc dad had the power to hold n ar fasceafte when Hygelac was dead; findan meahton could find

not the sooner the destitute ones t m elinge anige inga 2374 in the noble one t h Heardrde by any means, hlford ware

that he to Heardred would be a lord, oe one cynedm cosan wolde or the kingdom wished to accept; hwre h him on folce frondlrum hold yet he to him among the folk upheld with the counsels of a friend, stum mid re o t h yldra wear graciously in honour, Weder-Gatum wold. Hyne wrcmcgas 2379 ruled the Weder-Geats. Him banished men ofer sa shtan, suna hteres from across the sea sought, sons of Ohthere; hfdon h forhealden helm Scylfinga they had rebelled against the Helm of the Scylfings, one slestan sacyninga the finest of sea-kings ra e in Sworce sinc brytnade,

until he grew older,

who there in Sweden dispensed treasure, marne oden him t t mearce wear 2384 famed chieftain; to him it became the end; h ar for feorme feorhwunde hlat there he for his hospitality received a mortal-wound, sweordes swengum sunu Hygelces from sword's swing, the son of Hygelac; ond him eft gewt Ongenioes bearn and he went back, Ongentheow's son hmes nosan syan Heardrd lg to seek his home, lt one bregostl 2389 after Heardred lay dead; Bowulf healdan,

the throne he let Beowulf hold, Gatum wealdan t ws gd cyning. to rule the Geats; XXXIIII that was a good king.

S s lodhryres

lan gemunde

He for the prince's fall requital remembered uferan dgrum adgilse wear in later days, to Eadgils he became fasceaftum frond folce gestpte a friend in his plight; with men he supported ofer sa sde sunu hteres 2394 over the wide sea wigum ond wapnum the son of Ohtere, h gewrc syan

with warriors and weapons; he had vengeance then cealdum cearsium cyning ealdre binat: in cold grief-bringing ventures, he deprived the king of his life: sw h na gehwane genesen hfde

so he each of the enmities had survived, slra geslyhta, sunu Ecgowes, dire conflicts, the son of Ecgetheow, ellenweorca o one nne dg 2399 deeds of courage, until the one day, h wi m wyrme gewegan sceolde. when he with the serpent must struggle. Gewt twelfa sum torne gebolgen Then he went, dryhten Gata, one of twelve, swollen with anger, dracan scawian

the lord of the Geats, to behold the dragon; hfde gefrnen hwanan so fah rs he had heard then bealon biorna: 2404 whence this feud arose, him t bearme cwm

wicked hostility for men: to his bosom came mumft mare, urh s meldan hond the precious vessel, s ws on m rate he was in that s s orleges through the informer's hand; reottoa secg

group the thirteenth men, r onstealde

he who this strife's origin brought about, hft hygegimor sceolde han onon the gloomy-minded captive; he was obliged, humbly, thence wong wsian h ofer willan gong 2409 to lead the way to the place; he went against his will t s e h eorsele nne wisse to where the earth-hall he alone knew, hlaw under hrsan holmwylme nh the cairn under the ground near the surging of the sea, gewinne s ws innan full

the struggle of the waves; it was full inside wratta ond wra weard unhore of jewels and intricate metal-work; gearo gfreca goldmmas hold 2414 an unpleasant guard,

ready, eager war-fighter held golden treasures eald under eoran ns t e cap old under the earth; that was not an easy bargain, t gegangenne gumena anigum. to obtain for any man. Gest on nsse nheard cyning Then on the headland sat the violence-hard king, enden halo bad heorgenatum while prosperity bid to his hearth-companions, goldwine Gata him ws gemor sefa 2419 the gold-friend of the Geats; in him his heart was sad, wafre ond wlfs, wyrd ungemete nah restless and slaughter-eager, fate all too near s one gomelan grtan sceolde, which the old man scean swle hord, must greet, sundur gedalan sever asunder

seeking the treasure of his soul, lf wi lce n on lange ws life from limb; feorh elinges 2424

it was not for long then flasce bewunden.

the nobleman's life would be wound in his flesh. Bowulf maelade bearn Ecgowes: Beowulf spoke, the son of Edgetheow: 'Fela ic on giogoe grasa gens 'In youth I many war-storms survived, orleghwla ic t eall gemon

in battle-times; I remember all of that; ic ws syfanwintre mec sinca baldor I was seven-winters (old) when me the lord of treasure, frawine folca t mnum fder genam 2429 the lord and friend of the folk, took from my father; hold mec ond hfde Hrel cyning held and had me King Hrethel, geaf m sinc ond symbel sibbe gemunde gave me treasure and feast, recalled kinship; ns ic him t life lra wihte I was not by him in life less in aught, beorn in burgum onne his bearna hwylc a man in citadel, than each of his own sons, Herebeald ond Hcyn oe Hygelc mn. 2434 Herebeald and Haethcyn or my Hygelac. Ws m yldestan ungedfelice For the eldest was, unfittingly, **2435-71** mages dadum mororbed strd by a kinsman's deeds a death-bed strewed, syan hyne Hcyn of hornbogan when him Haethcyn from a horn-bow his frawine flne geswencte his friend and lord struck down with an arrow, miste mercelses ond his mag ofsct 2439 missed his mark and his kinsman shot dead, bror erne bldigan gre the one brother the other t ws feohlas gefeoht with a bloody bolt; fyrenum gesyngad,

that was an irreparable fight, grieviously wronged, hrere hygeme sceolde hwre sw ah

heart-wearying in the breast; yet must though eling unwrecen ealdres linnan. the noble unavenged be parted from life. Sw bi gemorlc gomelum ceorle 2444 In the same way it is tragic for an old man t gebdanne t his byre rde to abide that his son rides giong on galgan: onne h gyd wrece, young on the gallows: then he utters a dirge, srigne sang onne his sunu hanga a sorrowing song, hrefne t hrre that his son hangs ond h him helpan ne mg

for the pleasure of the raven, and he can not him help, eald ond infrd anige gefremman 2449 old and experienced, symble bi gemyndgad ever is reminded eaforan ellors any provide; morna gehwylce each morning, res ne gme another he heeds not

of the other-world journey of his son; t gebdanne burgum in innan to wait for yrfeweardas within the strongholds, onne se n hafa

guardian of inheritance, when the one he has urh daes nd dada gefondad 2454 through Death's compulsion experienced deeds; gesyh sorhcearig on his suna bre he sees, sad and sorrowful, in his son's dwelling wnsele wstne windge reste a wine-hall wasted, a wind-swept resting place rote berofene rdend swefa

bereft of joy; the riders sleep, hle in homan nis ar hearpan swg heroes hidden in graves; there is not sound of harp, gomen in geardum swylce ar i waron. 2459 revelry in the courts, XXXV such as long ago there was.

Gewte onne on sealman

sorhlo gle

He goes then to his bed, sings a song of sorrow, n fter num hte him eall t rm one man on account of one man; it seemed to him all too roomy, wongas ond wcstede. Sw Wedra helm the fields and the dwelling-place. fter Herebealde heortan sorge Thus the Helm of the Wederas

on account of Herebeald heart's sorrow, weallinde, wg: wihte ne meahte 2464 welling, endured: on m feorhbonan not a whit could he faghe gebtan

on that life-slayer settle a feud; n ar h one heaorinc hatian ne meahte nor the more for that warrior could he show hatred lum dadum ah him lof ne ws with hostile acts, though he by him was not loved; h mid are sorhge him so sr belamp he then with that sorrow, which on him that sorely befell, gumdram ofgeaf godes loht gecas 2469 he gave over human joys, choose God's light; eaferum lafde sw d adig mon to his heirs he left, as does a fortunate man, lond ond lodbyrig h of lfe gewt.

the land and the folk-citadel, when he departed from life. ws synn ond sacu Swona ond Gata Then was injury and strife of the Swedes and the Geats ofer wd wter wrht gemane over the wide water a quarrel shared, heren hearda syan Hrel swealt 2474 hard military-spite, oe him Ongenowes after Hrethel died, eaferan waran

and to him Ongentheow's heirs were frome fyrdhwate frode ne woldon vigorous and martial; they did not wish friendship ofer heafo healdan ac ymb Hrosnabeorh to hold across the ocean, but around Hreosnabeorh eatolne inwitscear oft gefremedon horrible, malicious raiding often committed t magwine mne gewracan, 2479 that kin-friends fahe ond fyrene feud and crime, ah e er his of mine avenged, sw hyt gefrage ws as it was famous, ealdre gebohte

though one of the two with his life paid, heardan cape Hcynne wear a hard bargain; for Hathcyn was, Gata dryhtne g onsage. the Geats' lord, war impending. ic on morgne gefrgn mag erne 2484 Then I heard in the morning that one kinsman the other billes ecgum on bonan stalan with bill's edges took vengeance on the slayer, ar Ongenow Eofores nosa

there Ongentheow ghelm tgld

is attacked by Eofor; gomela Scylfing

the war-helm slipped asunder, the agd Scylfing hras heaoblc hond gemunde fell battle-pale. The hand remembered faho genge feorhsweng ne oftah. 2489 feuds a-plenty, Ic him mmas did not withhold life-blow. h m sealde

I to him the treasures, which he had given me, geald t ge sw m gifee ws repaid in war, as was granted to me, lohtan sweorde h m lond forgeaf with flashing sword; he gave me land, eard elwyn ns him anig earf earth, the joy of homeland; there was not for him any need, t h t Gifum oe t Gr-Denum 2494 that he among the Gifthas or the Spear-Danes oe in Sworce scean urfe or in the Swedish Kingdom needed to seek wyrsan wgfrecan, weore gecpan: a worse war-eager fighter, to buy with wealth: symle ic him on fan beforan wolde always, in the foot-troop, I him wished to go before, na on orde ond sw t aldre sceall alone in the vanguard, and thus must I always scce fremman enden is sweord ola 2499 act in battle, while this sword endures t mec ar ond s oft gelaste that which me, early and later, has often served, syan ic for dugeum Dghrefne wear

since I, in front of the legions, **2501-8** t handbonan, Hga cempan his slayer by hand, nalles h frtwe

of Daeghrefn was

the champion of the Hugas; Frscyninge to the Frisian king,

in no way the precious ornaments brostweorunge bringan mste 2504

breast-adorning, was he able to bring, ac in cempan gecrong cumbles hyrde but rather with his contingent fell eling on elne ne ws ecg bona the banner's keeper,

the noble in courage; blade's edge was not the killer ac him hildegrp heortan wylmas but my battle-grip on him his heart's beats, bnhs gebrc. N sceall billes ecg his bone-house, broke. hond ond heard sweord 2509 Now I must with bill's edge, ymb hord wgan.'

hand and hard sword fight for the hoard.' Bowulf maelode botwordum sprc Beowulf declared, spoke vow-words nehstan se: 'Ic gende fela for the last time: 'I have risked many ga on geogoe gt ic wylle wars in my youth; frd folces weard yet I wish, fahe scan,

old, wise warden of the folk, to seek vendetta, marum fremman gif mec se mnsceaa 2514 to earn renown, if me that wreaker of evil of eorsele t gesce.' from his earth-hall ventures out to greet.' Gegrtte gumena gehwylcne

He then saluted hwate helmberend

each of the men, hindeman se

bold helm-bearers for the final time, swase gesas: 'Nolde ic sweord beran dear companions: wapen t wyrme 2519 'I would not bear a sword, gif ic wiste h

a weapon against the wyrm, if I knew how wi m glacean elles meahte against the monster else I might gylpe wigrpan sw ic gi wi Grendle dyde grapple for glory, as I did before with Grendel ac ic ar heaufres htes wne but I there furious fire's heat expect, res ond hattres foron ic m on hafu fierce and poisonous; therefore I have on me bord ond byrnan nelle ic beorges weard 2524 shield-board and byrnie; nor will I from the barrow's guard oferfln ftes trem ac unc sceal flee a foot but for us it must weoran t wealle sw unc wyrd geto happen at the wall metod manna gehws as Fate allots us, ic eom on mde from

the Creator of all men; I am bold in spirit t ic wi one gflogan gylp ofersitte. that I against the war-flier forbear from boast. Gebde g on beorge byrnum werede 2529 You, await here on the barrow, clad in byrnies, secgas on searwum hwer sl mge warriors in war-gear, which better can fter wlrase wunde gedgan

during the slaughter-clash survive wound uncer twga nis t ower s of the two of us; it is not your adventure, n gemet mannes nefne mn nes nor in the power of men, save mine alone.' Wt he w glacean eofoo dale 2534 He knew that against the beast he would deal out his strength, eorlscype efne 'Ic mid elne sceall achieve noble rank; 'I must with courage gold gegangan oe g nime gain the gold, or war takes, feorhbealu frcne fran owerne.' terrible deadly wound, your lord.' rs b ronde rf retta Then he arose by means of his shield, heard under helme hiorosercean br 2539 the bold warrior,

severe under his helm, he wore sword-shirt under stncleofu strengo getrwode under stone cliffs, trusted in the strength nes mannes ne bi swylc earges s. of a single man; such is not the coward's way. Geseah be wealle s e worna fela He saw then by the wall, he who a great number, gumcystum gd ga gedgde nobly good, hildehlemma 2544 wars survived, onne hnitan fan

battle-clashes, when armies collided; stdan stnbogan, stram t onan it stood by the stone-arch, a stream out from there brecan of beorge ws are burnan wlm

breaking out of the barrow; there was the brook's surge heaofrum ht ne meahte horde nah hot with deadly fire, he could not near the hoard unbyrnende anige hwle without burning for any space of time dop gedgan for dracan lge. 2549 endure the depths Lt of brostum on account of the dragon's fire. h gebolgen ws

Then he let from his breast, when he was angered, Weder-Gata lod word t faran the Weder-Geat's leader, a word burst out, stearcheort styrmde stefn in becm the staunch-hearted one roared; his voice came in, heaotorht hlynnan under hrne stn ringing battle-clear beneath the hoary grey stone; hete ws onhrred hordweard oncnow 2554 hate was aroused, the hoard-guard knew mannes reorde ns ar mra fyrst man's voice; there was not more time frode t friclan from arest cwm to ask for peace; first came forth oru glacean t of stne the monster's breath out of the stone, ht hildeswt hrse dynede hot battle-vapour; biorn under beorge 2559 the earth thundered; bordrand onswf

the warrior below the barrow swung his shield-boss wi m gryregieste Gata dryhten against the terror-guest, the Geats' lord; ws hringbogan heorte gefsed

then was the ring-coiled one's heart incited scce t sceanne sweord ar gebrad to seek strife; his sword before drew gd gcyning gomele lfe the good war-king, ancient heirloom, ecgum unglaw aghwrum ws 2564 imprudent with sword-edges; was in each bealohycgendra brga fram rum of the harm-intending ones terror of the other; stmd gestd wi stapne rond firm-spirited stood with his steep bossed-shield winia bealdor se wyrm gebah the brave leader of the friends, while the serpent coiled snde tsomne h on searwum bd together swiftly; gewt byrnende 2569 went then burning t gescipe scyndan He in war-gear waited; gebogen scran, gliding coiled, scyld wl gebearg

hastening to his destiny; the shield defended well lfe ond lce lassan hwle life and body marum odne for a lesser time onne his myne shte

the famed chieftain, then his mind desired, ar h fyrste forman dgore where he that time for the first day wealdan mste sw him wyrd ne gescrf 2574 had to wield it, as Fate had not decreed for him hr t hilde: hond p brad glory in battle: he raised up his hand, Gata dryhten gryrefhne slh

the Geatish lord; the ghastly-hued one he struck incgelfe t so ecg gewc with his ancestoral sword, so that the edge weakened brn on bne bt unswor bright on bone, bit less fiercely onne his odcyning earfe hfde 2579 than its tribe-king had need bysigum gebaded. ws beorges weard driven in distress. Then the barrow's ward was fter heauswenge on hroum mde after the war-blow in a fierce spirit; wearp wlfre wde sprungon he spewed slaughter-fire; widely spread hildeloman. Hrsigora ne gealp battle-light. Of war-victory did not boast goldwine Gata gbill geswc 2584 the gold-friend of the Geats; his war-bill failed, nacod t ne sw hyt n sceolde naked in the violence, as it should not have, ren argd ne ws t e s the excellent old iron; that was not an easy accomplishment, t se mara maga Ecgowes that the famed grundwong one son of Edgetheow ofgyfan wolde

this earth should be willing to give up; sceolde willan wc eardian 2589 he was obliged to be about to inhabit a dwelling elles hwergen sw sceal aghwylc mon elsewhere, as must every man latan landagas. Ns long t on

abandon loaned-days. It was not long to when t glacean h eft gemtton: that the fierce enemies again met each other: hyrte hyne hordweard hreer ame woll the hoard-guardian heartened himself, nwan stefne nearo rwode 2594 another time; fre befongen cruelly suffered, s e ar folce wold. his breast swelled with breath,

encircled in fire, he who had once ruled a nation. Nealles him on hape handgesteallan Not at all him in a troop the hand-companions, elinga bearn ymbe gestdon nobles' sons, around him stood hildecystum ac h on holt bugon with valour in battle, but they sunk to the forest, ealdre burgan hiora in num woll 2599 to protect life; sefa wi sorgum in one of them surged sibb' afre ne mg

his heart with sorrows; kinship can never wiht onwendan m e wl ence. aught be altered, XXXVI in him who thinks properly.

Wglf ws hten

Woxstnes sunu

Wiglaf he was called, son of Weohstan, loflc lindwiga lod Scylfinga noble shield-fighter, man of the Scylfings, mag lfheres geseah his mondryhten 2604 kinsman of lfhere; he saw his liege-lord under heregrman ht rwian

under the war-mask gemunde re

suffering heat; h him ar forgeaf

he remembered then the honour that he had given him before, wcstede weligne Wagmundinga, lush dwelling-place of the Waegmundings, folcrihta gehwylc sw his fder hte to each folk-rights, as his father had owned; ne mihte forhabban hond rond gefng 2609 then he could not hold back, his hand seized his round shield, geolwe linde gomelswyrd getah yellow lindenwood, t ws mid eldum he drew his ancient sword; anmundes lf

it was among men the legacy of Eanmund, suna htere m t scce wear son of Ohthere; of him in battle was, wrcca winelasum Wohstnes bana of the friendless exile, Weohstan his slayer mces ecgum ond his mgum tbr 2614 by maiche's edges, and to his kinsman he brought back brnfgne helm hringde byrnan bright-gleaming helm, ringed byrnie, ealdsweord etonisc t him Onela forgeaf an old ogrish sword; that to him Onela returned, his gdelinges ggewadu his kinsman's war-garment, fyrdsearo fslc n ymbe fahe sprc war-devised clothing; he did not speak of the feud, ah e h his bror bearn bredwade 2619 though he his brother's son had slain; h frtwe gehold fela missra

he held the treasures for many seasons, bill ond byrnan o t his byre mihte bill and byrnie, eorlscipe efnan until his son could sw his arfder like his old father; ggewada

accomplish noble deeds geaf him mid Gatum

then, among the Geats, he gave him war-clothing, aghws unrm h of ealdre gewt 2624 of all kinds, in countless number, then he went from life, frd on forweg. ws forma s wise, on the way forth. Then was the first time geongan cempan t h ge ras for the young champion, that he the rush of war mid his frodryhtne fremman sceolde with his noble lord had to perform; ne gemealt him se mdsefa n his mgenes lf his spirited heart in him did not melt away, h gewc t wge a se wyrm onfand 2629 fail in the fight; syan he tgdre nor the remainder of his strengt

then the wyrm had discovered, gegn hfdon.

when they together had come. Wglf maelode wordrihta fela Wiglaf spoke, sgde gesum many proper words --him ws sefa gemor--:

he said to his companions --his heart was sad in him--: 'Ic t mal geman ar w medu gun 'I recall that time, where we partook of mead, onne w gehton ssum hlforde 2634 when we promised to our lord

in borsele

s s bagas geaf

in the beer-hall, he who gave us rings, t w him ggetawa gyldan woldon that we to him for the war-gear wished to repay, gif him yslicu earf gelumpe, if for him such a need arose, helmas ond heard sweord. h sic on herge gecas with helmets and hard swords. Because of that he chose us from the army t yssum sfate sylfes willum 2639 for this adventure onmunde sic mara of his own desire; ond m s mmas geaf

he deemed us worthy of renown, and gave me these treasures, h sic grwgend gde tealde because he us spear-warriors considered excellent, hwate helmberend ah e hlford s bold helm-bearers, though the lord for us is ellenweorc n hte this valiant work intended alone t gefremmanne, folces hyrde, 2644 to perform, the keeper of the folk, forn h manna mast mara gefremede because he of men the most glories has achieved, dada dollcra. N is s dg cumen the most audacious deeds. Now is the day come t re mandryhten mgenes behfa that our liege-lord has need of strength gdra grinca wutun gongan t of good war-men; helpan hildfruman 2649 let us go to, enden hyt s while the heat lasts,

aid the battle-leader,

gldegesa grim.

God wt on mec God knows of me t mnne lchaman that my body

the fierce fire-terror. t m is micle lofre

that to me it is much more agreeable, mid mnne goldgyfan gld fmie

with my gold-giver the fire embraces; ne ynce m gerysne t w rondas beren it does not seem proper to me, that we bear shields eft t earde nemne we aror mgen 2654 back to our land, unless we first can fne gefyllan, feorh ealgian fell the foe, Wedra odnes defend the life ic wt geare

of the chief of the Wederas; I know well, t naron ealdgewyrht t h na scyle that his deeds of old are not such, Gata dugue gnorn rwian, that he alone should

of the Geats' retinue sorrow suffer, gesgan t scce rum sceal sweord ond helm 2659 to sink in strife; for the two of us must sword and helm, byrne ond byrduscrd bm gemane.' byrnie and rich shroud both share.' Wd urh one wlrc wgheafolan br Then he waded through the smoke of slaughter, fran on fultum fa worda cw: bore his war-head

to the support of his lord; a few words he spoke: 'Lofa Bowulf, last eall tela 'Dear Beowulf, carry out all well, sw on geogufore gera gecwade 2664 as you in youth-life long ago said,

t ne late

be lifigendum

that you would not allow, with you still living, dm gedrosan scealt n dadum rf, glory to fail; you must now in bold deeds, eling anhdig, ealle mgene a noble firm in mind, with all of your strength, feorh ealgian ic fullastu.' defend your life; fter m wordum 2669 I shall support you.' wyrm yrre cwm

After those words the wrathful wyrm came, atol inwitgst re se awful cruel visitor a second time, frwylmum fh fonda nosian with hostile, gleaming flood of fire lra mannasydaudio lg um for to seek his foes

the hated humans; the flame came forth in waves, born bord wi rond byrne ne meahte burned shield to the boss; the byrnie could not geongum grwigan goce gefremman 2674 to the young spear-fighter lend support ac se maga geonga under his mages scyld but the young man, under his kinsman's shield elne geode his gen ws courageously advanced, when his own was gldum forgrunden. gn gcyning consumed by fire. Then again the war-king miht gemunde mgenstrengo slh remembered his strength, with mighty force struck hildebille t hyt on heafolan std 2679 with his battle-bill, so that it stood in (the serpent's) head

ne gended

Ngling forbrst

driven by violence; Naegling burst asunder, geswc t scce sweord Bowulfes failed in the fight gomol ond gragmal Beowulf's sword him t gifee ne ws it was not granted to him,

ancient and silver-streaked; t him renna ecge mihton

that for him irons' edges could helpan t hilde: ws so hond t strong 2684 help in battle: the hand was too strong, s e mca gehwane mne gefrage that each one of the blades --I heard-swenge ofershte onne h t scce br in stroke he over-taxed; when he bore to battle wapen wundum heard ns him wihte sl. a weapon hardened by wounds, it was not any better for him. ws odsceaa riddan se Then the scourge of people a third time, frcne frdraca faha gemyndig 2689 the fierce fire-drake rasde on one rfan enmity in mind, him rm geald

rushed at the brave man, when he was yielded space, ht ond heaogrim heals ealne ymbefng hot and battle-fierce, (Beowulf's) whole neck he clamped biteran bnum h gebldegod wear between sharp fangs; he was drenched swuldrore swt um woll. in life-blood; XXXVII gore gushed in waves.

ic t earfe gefrgn 2694

odcyninges of the folk-king

I heard that then at the need andlongne eorl ellen can

the nobleman alongside displayed courage, crft ond cnu sw him gecynde ws strength and boldness, as was natural to him; ne hdde h s heafolan ac so hand gebarn he did not heed (the dragon's) head, though the hand was burned mdiges mannes ar h his mgenes healp of the spirited man, t he one ngst 2699 there he his strength helped, nioor hwne slh,

that he the hostile outsider struck somewhat lower, secg on searwum t t sweord gedaf the warrior in his war-gear, so that the sword sank in fh ond fated t t fr ongon gleaming and golden so that the fire began swerian syan. gn sylf cyning to weaken after that. gewold his gewitte Then again the king himself wllseaxe gebrad

gathered his wits, drew a slaughter-seax biter ond beaduscearp t h on byrnan wg 2704 bitter and battle-sharp, that he wore on his byrnie; forwrt Wedra helm wyrm on middan. The Helm of the Wederas cut through the wyrm in the middle. Fond gefyldan --ferh ellen wrc-The foe they felled ond h hyne bgen --their courage driving out life-broten hfdon,

and then the both of them him had destroyed, sibelingas swylc sceolde secg wesan the noble kinsmen; so ought a man to be,

egn t earfe. 2709 a thane in need. sas sigehwle

t m odne ws That was for the chieftain sylfes dadum,

the last time of victory by his own deeds, worlde geweorces. so wund ongon in the world of action. Then the wound began, him se eordraca ar geworhte which him the earth-dragon had caused earlier, swelan ond swellan h t sna onfand to swelter and to swell; he soon discovered that, t him on brostum bealon woll 2714 it him in the breast welled with deadly evil, attor on innan. se eling gong poison inside. Then the noble went, t h b wealle wshycgende so that he by the wall wise in thought gest on sesse seah on enta geweorc sat on a seat; h stnbogan he looked on the giants' work stapulum fste

how the stone-arches on firm pillars ce eorreced innan healden. 2719 the eternal earth-hall supported within. Hyne mid handa heorodrorigne Then with his hands, sword-bloody, oden marne egn ungemete till the renowned chieftain, the immensely good thane winedryhten his wtere gelafede his friend and lord washed with water, hilde sdne ond his helm onspon weary of battle, and unfastened his helm;

Bowulf maelode 2724 Beowulf spoke; wunde wlblate

h ofer benne sprc, he spoke despite his injury, --wisse h gearwe

the slaughter-wretched wound --he readily knew t h dghwla gedrogen hfde that he the length of his days had fulfilled, eoran wynne ws eall sceacen joy of earth; dgorgermes, then was all departed da ungemete nah--:

his number of days, death exceedingly near 'N ic suna mnum syllan wolde 2729 'Now I to my son I would have wished to give ggewadu ar m gifee sw war-garments, anig yrfeweard if it had been granted to me such that fter wurde

any guardian of inheritance would be after lce gelenge ic s lode hold this body remaining; I ruled the people fftig wintra ns s folccyning fifty winters; ymbesittendra 2734 of my neighbours mec gwinum there was not a folk-king anig ra --of any of them-grtan dorste,

who me with war-friends dared to greet, egesan n ic on earde bd to threaten with terror; I on earth awaited malgesceafta hold mn tela destiny, ruled my own well, ne shte searonas n m swr fela did not seek cunning hostility, nor swore me many

a on unriht 2739 oaths unjustly; feorhbennum soc

ic s ealles mg I all of it can, gefan habban have rejoicing, Waldend fra the Ruler of men,

sick with mortal-injuries, form m wtan ne earf

because he will not need to reproach me, mororbealo mga onne mn sceace for dire murder of kin, when departs my lf of lce. N lungre geong life from body. Now go you quickly hord scawian under hrne stn, 2744

to examine the hoard under the hoary grey stone, Wglf lofa, n se wyrm lige, dear Wiglaf, now the wyrm lies dead, swefe sre wund since berafod sleeping sorely wounded, deprived of treasure bo n on ofoste t ic arwelan be now in haste, goldaht ongite that I the ancient wealth, gearo scawige

the possession of gold might perceive, readily behold swegle searogimmas t ic sft mge 2749 sparkling cleverly-cut gems, so that I can the more pleasantly fter mumwelan mn latan for treasure-wealth leave my lf ond lodscipe one ic longe hold.' life and nation, XXXVIII that long I ruled.'

ic snde gefrgn Then I heard swiftly

sunu Whstnes the son of Weohstan,

fter wordcwydum

wundum dryhtne

after the word-speech the wounded lord, hran heaosocum, hringnet beran 2754 listened to the battle-sick one, bore a net of rings, brogdne beadusercean under beorges hrf. woven battle-shirt under the barrow's roof. Geseah sigehrig h b sesse gong He saw then victorious, when he went by the seat, magoegnmdig mumsigla fealo, the spirited young thane, many precious jewels, gold glitinian grunde getenge glittering gold wundur on wealle 2759 close to the ground, ond s wyrmes denn

wonders on the wall, and the wyrm's den, ealdes htflogan, orcas stondan the old twilight-flier, beakers standing, fyrnmanna fatu feormendlase the vessels of men of old lacking a burnisher, hyrstum behrorene ar ws helm monig stripped of adornments; there was a multitude of helms eald ond mig, earmbaga fela old and rusty, many arm-rings searwum gesaled --sinc ae mg 2764 cleverly fastened --treasure easily may, gold on grunde gumcynnes gehwone gold in the ground, any one of mankind oferhgian hde s e wylle-overpower, hide he who will-swylce h siomian geseah segn eallgylden also he saw hanging a standard all-golden

hah ofer horde,

hondwundra mast the greatest of hand-wrought wonders, of m loman std

high over the hoard, gelocen leoocrftum 2769

linked with skill of hands; from it light issued, t h one grundwong ongitan meahte, so that he on the ground could perceive, wrate giondwltan ns s wyrmes ar look over the ornament; there was not of the wyrm onsn anig ac hyne ecg fornam. any appearance, for him the blade-edge took. ic on hlawe gefrgn hord rafian Then I heard in the mound the hoard plundered, eald enta geweorc nne mannan, 2774 old work of giants, him on bearm hldon one man, bunan ond discas

him on his bosom loaded goblets and plates sylfes dme segn ac genm of his own judgement he also took the banner, bacna beorhtost bill ar gescd the brightest beacon; the bill --ecg ws ren-ealdhlfordes had already wounded

--the edge was iron-of that old lord m ra mma mundbora ws 2779 him who the treasures' protector was longe hwle lgegesan wg for a long while; the fire-terror had endured htne for horde hioroweallende hot for sake of the hoard, fiercely welling up middelnihtum o t h morre swealt. in the middle of nights until he died in violence.

r ws on ofoste

eftses georn

The messenger was in haste, eager for return, frtwum gefyrred hyne fyrwet brc 2784 urged on by treasures; curiosity burst in him, hwer collenfer cwicne gemtte whether bold-hearted he would meet alive in m wongstede Wedra oden in that place, the chief of the Wederas ellensocne ar h hine ar forlt ill in strength, where he had left him earlier; h mid m mmum marne oden he then with that treasures to the glorious chieftain, dryhten snne drorigne fand 2789 his lord, found bleeding, ealdres t ende h hine eft ongon of life at an end; he again began on him wteres weorpan o t wordes ord to sprinkle water, brosthord urhbrc until the word's point

broke through the breast-hoard, gomel on giogoe gold scawode: the old one on the youth saw gold: 'Ic ra frtwa fran ealles anc 2794 'I, for these riches, to the Lord of All, thanks wuldurcyninge wordum secge to the Glory-King say by words, cum dryhtne ic hr on starie to the eternal Lord, which I look on here, s e ic mste mnum lodum that I was able for my people

ar swyltdge

swylc gestrnan to gain such riches, minne bebohte have paid with my

before my death-day n ic on mma hord 2799

now I for the hoard of treasures frde feorhlege fremma gna

old span of life. Tend still loda earfe ne mg ic hr leng wesan the need of the nation. I cannot be here longer; hta heaomare hlaw gewyrcean order war-famed men beorhtne fter bale to construct a mound t brimes nsan

bright after the fire, at the ocean's cape; s scel t gemyndum mnum lodum 2804 it shall to remind my people hah hlfian on hrones nsse tower high on headland of whales, t hit salend syan htan so that it sea-farers then will name Bowulfes Biorh e brentingas Beowulf's Barrow, ofer flda genipu those who ships feorran drfa.'

over the seas' mists drive from afar.' Dyde him of healse hring gyldenne 2809 Took him from his neck the golden ring, oden rsthdig egne gesealde the valiant chief, to the thane gave, geongum grwigan goldfhne helm to the young spear-warrior, gold-adorned helm, bah ond byrnan ht hyne brcan well: ring and byrnie, told him to use them well:

' eart endelf

sses cynnes

'You are the last remainder of our race, Wagmundinga ealle wyrd forswop 2814 of the Waegmundings; Fate has swept off all mne mgas t metodsceafte of my kinsmen into destined death, eorlas on elne ic him fter sceal.' earls in their strength; I must go after them.' t ws m gomelan gingste word That was for the old man the final word brostgehygdum ar h bal cure of the thoughts of his breast, ere he chose funeral fire, hte heaowylmas him of hwre gewt 2819 hot furious seething; yet from him went swol scean sfstra dm. his soul to seek XXXVIIII truth-fast judgement.

ws gegongen

guman unfrdum

Then it went earfolce

with the young man t h on eoran geseah

painfully, that he saw on the ground one lofestan lfes t ende the dearest man blate gebaran 2824 at the end of his life bona swylce lg

miserably enduring; the slayer also lay, egeslc eordraca ealdre berafod the terrible earth-dragon bereft of life, bealwe gebaded bahhordum leng

balefully beaten down; the ring-hoard longer wyrm whbogen wealdan ne mste the wickedly coiled wyrm could not control, ac him renna ecga fornmon, rather him irons' hearde heaoscearde 2829 edges took off, homera lfe

the hard, battle-notched leavings of hammers, t se wdfloga wundum stille so that the wide-flier, stilled by wounds, hras on hrsan hordrne nah fell to the ground nalles fter lyfte near the hoard-store; lcende hwearf

not at all through the air flying turned middelnihtum mmahta wlonc in the middle of nights, proud of his prized possessions, ansn wde ac h eoran gefoll 2834 manifested an appearance, but he fell to earth for s hildfruman hondgeweorce. by the battle-leader's work of his own hands. Hru t on lande lt manna h Indeed it on land few men succeeded, mgengendra mne gefrage possessors of strength, ah e h dada gehws though he in all deeds t h wi attorsceaan 2839 I have heard, dyrstig ware were daring; oree gerasde breath rushed,

that he against the poison-scourge's oe hringsele hondum styrede or its ring-hall gif h wccende

stirred up with hands, weard onfunde

if he a watching bon on beorge

warden found Bowulfe wear

living in the barrow; for Beowulf was dryhtmma dal dae forgolden the noble treasures' share, repaid with death; hfde aghwre ende gefred 2844 each of them had arrived at the end lanan lfes. Ns lang t on of his loaned life. It was not long to when t hildlatan holt ofgfan that the battle-shirkers gave up the forest, tdre trowlogan tne tsomne cowardly troth-breakers, ten together, ne dorston ar dareum lcan who had not dared before with javelins to fight on hyra mandryhtnes miclan earfe 2849 in their liege-lord's great need ac h scamiende scyldas baran but they, shamed, bore shields, ggewadu ar se gomela lg war-clothing, to where the old man lay; wlitan on Wlf h gewrgad st they looked at Wiglaf; he sat wearied, fecempa fran eaxlum nah the foot-soldier wehte hyne wtre 2854 near the shoulders of his lord; him wiht ne spow

he tried to rouse him with water, but it availed him not a bit; ne meahte h on eoran, ah h e wl he could not on earth, though he wished well, on m frumgre feorh gehealdan

in that first-spear preserve life, n s wealdendes wiht oncirran: nor the Ruler's wolde dm godes man turn back: dadum radan

the judgement of God would rule the deeds gumena gehwylcum sw h n gn d. 2859 of all men, as it still does now. ws t m geongan grim andswaru Then there was from that young man a grim answer begte m e ar his elne forlas easily got, for him who earlier had lost his courage; Wglf maelode Wohstnes sunu Wiglaf spoke, secg srigfer Weohstan's son, seah on unlofe: looked on the unloved men: s e wyle s specan

a man sore at heart 't, l, mg secgan 2864

'That, indeed, may say he who wishes to speak the truth, t se mondryhten s ow mmas geaf that the liege-lord, he who gave you treasures, oredgeatwe g ar on standa-cavalry-gear, that you stand in there-onne h on ealubence oft gesealde when he on the ale-bench often gave healsittendum helm ond byrnan, to hall-sitters helm and byrnie, oden his egnum swylce h rdlcost 2869 the chieftain to his thanes such as he the grandest wer feor oe nah findan meahte-anywhere far or near was able to find-t h gnunga ggewadu

that he completely war-clothing wre forwurpe hyne wg beget grievously threw away, when fighting befell him; nealles folccyning fyrdgesteallum not at all the folk-king his companions in arms gylpan orfte hwre him god e 2874 need to boast about; yet God granted him, sigora waldend t h hyne sylfne gewrc victories' Ruler, that he avenged himself, na mid ecge him ws elnes earf. one with a blade, when for him was need of valour. Ic him lfwrae ltle meahte I him life-protection little could tgifan t ge ond ongan sw ah provide in war, ofer mn gemet 2879 and yet began mages helpan

beyond my measure to aid my kinsman; symle ws samra onne ic sweorde drep ever was it the weaker when I struck with sword, ferhgenlan fr unswor the deadly enemy, woll of gewitte fire less fiercely fergendra t lt

surged from the seat of intellect; leaders too few rong ymbe oden hyne so rg becwm. thronged around the chieftain, when distress came to him. H sceal sincego ond swyrdgifu 2884 How must treasure-receipt and sword-giving eall elwyn owrum cynne all native joy lufen licgean! for your kin, Londrihtes mt

delight cease! are magburge of your clan del hweorfan

Of land-rights must monna aghwylc every man syan elingas

become deprived, when nobles feorran gefricgean flam owerne 2889 from afar learn dmlasan dad: gloryless dead: eorla gehwylcum for all men XL of your flight, da bi slla death is better onne edwtlf.' than a life of dishonour.'

Heht t heaoweorc

t hagan bodan

Then he commanded battle-result to be announced at the stronghold, p ofer ecgclif ar t eorlweorod up over the cliff-edge, where that warrior-band morgenlongne dg mdgimor st 2894 the morning-long day sat sad in spirit, bordhbbende bga on wnum: shield-bearers, in expectation of two things: endedgores ond eftcymes the end of his days or the return lofes monnes. Lt swgode of the dear man. On little was he silent nwra spella s e ns gerd of the new tidings, he who rode the headland, ac h slce sgde ofer ealle: 2899 but he truly said over all: 'N is wilgeofa Wedra loda

'Now is the wish-giver of the Wederas' nation, dryhten Gata dabedde fst the lord of the Geats unmoving on his death-bed, wuna wlreste wyrmes dadum remaining in the repose of slaughter him on efn lige ealdorgewinna beside him lies siexbennum soc: 2904 his life-contender sweorde ne meahte by the wyrm's deeds;

sick with seax-wounds: he could not with his sword on m glacean anige inga on that fearsome being in any way wunde gewyrcean Wglf site inflict wounds; Wiglaf sits ofer Bowulfe byre Whstnes over Beowulf, the son of Weohstan, eorl ofer rum unlifigendum one earl over another unliving, healde higemaum hafodwearde 2909 he holds, weary in his mind, head-watch lofes ond les. N ys lodum wn over beloved and loathed. Now for the nation one expects orleghwle syan undyrne time of warfare when unsecret Froncum ond Frsum fyll cyninges to the Franks and Frisians, the fall of the king, wde weore ws so wrht scepen widely becomes; heard wi Hgas 2914 the quarrel was shaped syan Higelc cwm

fierce against the Hugas, when Hygelac came **2914-19** faran flotherge on Frsna land

faring with a fleet onto the Frisians' land ar hyne Hetware hilde gehnagdon where him the Hetware attacked in battle, elne geodon mid ofermgene it happened in courage with over-strength, t se byrnwiga bgan sceolde that the mailed-warrior had to bow down; foll on fan nalles frtwe geaf 2919 he fell among the foot-troop; not at all ornaments gave ealdor dugoe s ws syan the lord to his retinue; for us was ever after Merewoingas milts ungyfee. the Merovingian (king's) kindness withheld. N ic te Swoode sibbe oe trowe I do not from the Swedes peace or truce wihte ne wne ac ws wde c expect a bit, tte Ongeno 2924 that Ongentheow Hcen Hrling but it was widely known ealdre besnyede of life deprived wi Hrefnawudu

Haethcyn Hrethel's son at Raven's Wood, for onmdlan arest geshton when for arrogance first sought out Gata lode G-Scilfingas the Geatish people sna him se frda the War-Scilfings fder htheres

at once him the wise, old father of Ohthere, eald ond egesfull hondslyht geaf 2929 ancient and terrible, returned onslaught by hand; brot brimwsan brda herode

he destroyed the sea-wise man, he honoured his wife, gomela imowlan golde berofene the old, wisened woman bereft of her gold, Onelan mdor ond htheres Onela's mother ond folgode and Ohthere's feorhgenlan

and then he followed those life-enemies, o t h oodon earfolce 2934 until they escaped with difficulty, in Hrefnesholt hlfordlase into Raven's Wood, best sinherge without a lord; sweorda lfe the survivors of swords

then he besieged the huge (sacred) grove, wundum wrge wan oft geht

weary with wounds; he often threatened woes earmre teohhe ondlonge niht to the wretched company in the length of the night; cw: h on mergenne mces ecgum 2939 said: he in the morning by the edges of a maiche gtan wolde, sum on galgtrowum he would sacrifice fuglum t gamene one of them on the gallow-tree frfor eft gelamp

as game for the birds; relief came back srigmdum somod ardge to the sorrow-spirited ones together with early day, syan he Hygelces horn ond bman when they Hygelac's gealdor ongaton 2944 horn and trumpet, se gda cm, then the good man came,

and his battle-yell recognised, loda dugoe on lst faran.

with the tribe's veteran warriors XLI

travelling on the path.

Ws so swtswau

Swna ond Gata

The bloody swathe of the Swedes and Geats, wlras weora wde gesne the slaughter-rush of men was widely seen; h folc mid him fahe twehton how the folk between them awoke a feud; gewt him se gda mid his gdelingum 2949 then the good man went with his fellow kinsmen, frd felagemor fsten scean old and wise, greated saddened, eorl Ongeno ufor oncirde to seek a citadel;

the warrior Ongentheow retreated higher up, hfde Higelces hilde gefrnen he had of Hygelac's battle-skill heard, wlonces wgcrft wires ne trwode the proud man's war-craft; he did not trust his resistance, t h samannum onsacan mihte, 2954 that he the sea-men could oppose, heaolendum hord forstandan against battle travellers defend the hoard, bearn ond brde bah eft onan children and women; he fell back thence eald under eorweall ws aht boden old behind the earth-wall; then pursuit was offered Swona lodum segn Higelces to the Swedish nation, the standards of Hygelac freoowong one for oferodon 2959

that place of refuge forth overran, syan Hrlingas t hagan rungon. when the Hrethelings ar wear Ongenow pressed forward into that entrenchment. ecgum sweordan

There was Ongentheow by edges of swords, blondenfexa on bid wrecen the grizzle-haired t se odcyning was compelled to pause, afian sceolde

so that the tribe-king had to submit Eafores nne dm hyne yrringa 2964 to the sole judgement of Eofor; him wrathfully Wulf Wonring wapne gerahte Wulf, Wonred's son, t him for swenge reached with his weapon, swt adrum sprong

so that from him by the blow blood in streams sprang for under fexe ns h forht sw h forth beneath his hair; he was not frightened though, gomela Scilfing ac forgeald hrae the aged Scilfing, but quickly repaid wyrsan wrixle wlhlem one 2969 with a more terrible response for that slaughter-stroke, syan odcyning yder oncirde when the tribe-king ne meahte se snella turned thither; sunu Wonrdes

he could not, the brave son of Wonred, ealdum ceorle hondslyht giofan to the old fellow offer onslaught by hand, ac h him on hafde helm ar gescer rather he him on his head had sheared his helm, t he blode fah bugan sceolde 2974

so that he, blood-stained, had to bow down; foll on foldan ns h fage gt he fell on the field; he was not doomed yet, ac h hyne gewyrpte ah e him wund hrine but he recovered himself, though the wound touched him; lt se hearda Higelces egn Let he, the hard thane of Hygelac, brde mce his bror lg broad maiche, when his brother lay dead, ealdsweord eotonisc entiscne helm 2979 the old ogrish sword, brecan ofer bordweal the giantish helm gebah cyning

break over the shield-wall; then the king bowed down, folces hyrde ws in feorh dropen. the shepherd of the folk, was struck to his life. waron monige his mag wrion Then there were many, who bandaged his kinsman, ricone rardon him germed wear they quickly raised him up, when room was made for them, t he wlstwe wealdan mston 2984 so that they the place of slaughter enden rafode rinc erne then plunder the one man the other, nam on Ongeno renbyrnan he took from Ongentheow his iron byrnie, heard swyrd hilted ond his helm somod his hard hilted sword, and his helmet too; hres hyrste Higelce br the hoary one's armour he bore to Hygelac; h m frtwum fng ond him fgre geht 2989 were able to control;

he took the treasures and fairly pledged to him lana mid lodum ond gelaste sw rewards among the people, and did so; geald one gras Gata dryhten he paid for the war-onslaught, the lord of the Geats, Hrles eafora h t hm becm Hrethel's heir, Iofore ond Wulfe when he returned home, mid ofermmum

to Eofor and Wulf with an abundance of treasure; sealde hiora gehwrum hund senda 2994 he gave them both a hundred thousand worth of landes ond locenra baga --ne orfte him lan owtan land and interlocked rings --he needed not the gifts scorn, mon on middangearde syan he mara geslgon-(any) man on middle-earth, since they gained those glories in fighting-ond Iofore forgeaf ngan dohtor and then to Eofor he gave his only daughter, hmweorunge hyldo t wedde. 2998 a honour to the home, as pledge of friendship. t ys so faho ond se fondscipe That is the feud and the enmity, wln wera s e ic wan hafo the slaughterous hate of men, for which I have woe, s scea t Swona loda they shall attack us, syan he gefricgea the Swedish nation, fran serne

when they learn our lord ealdorlasne one e ar gehold 3003 is lifeless, wi hettendum he who formerly preserved hord ond rce

against despisers our hoard and kingdom, fter hlea hryre, hwate Scildingas after fall of heroes, bold Scyldings, folcrd fremede oe furur gn supported the welfare of the folk, or moreover eorlscipe efnde. M is ofost betost accomplished noble deeds. For me haste is best, t w odcyning ar scawian 3008 that we the people-king look upon there, ond one gebringan s bagas geaf and that one bring, he who gave us rings, on dfre ne scel nes hwt on a journey to the pyre; nor must a part only meltan mid m mdigan ac ar is mma hord melt with that great-spirited one, gold unrme grimme gecapod gold uncounted, bitterly purchased, ond n t sestan sylfes fore 3013 and now at last bagas gebohte: with his own life sceall brond fretan, but there is the treasure's hoard,

bought the rings: then the blaze must devour, aled eccean, nalles eorl wegan the fire cover, no man shall wear mum t gemyndum n mg scne these treasures in remembrance, no pretty girl habban on healse hringweorunge shall have on her neck ring-adornment, ac sceal gemormd golde berafod 3018 but must, sad-hearted, bereft of gold, oft nalles ane elland tredan

often, not once, tread in alien land, n se herewsa hleahtor legde now the cohort-leader gamen ond glodram. has laid aside laughter Foron sceall gr wesan

pleasure and merriment. Therefore must be spears monig morgenceald mundum bewunden, many, morning-cold, grasped in palms, hfen on handa, nalles hearpan swg 3023 raised in hands, not at all the sound of harp wgend weccean ac se wonna hrefn to wake the warrior, but the black raven, fs ofer fagum fela reordian, eager over the doomed, speaking many things, earne secgan h him t ate spow telling the eagle, enden h wi wulf how he succeeded in eating, wl rafode.'

when he with the wolf despoiled the slain.' Sw se secg hwata secggende ws 3028 So the bold men was teller lra spella h ne lag fela of hateful tidings; he did not lie much wyrda n worda. Weorod eall rs in deeds or in words. The troop all arose; odon unble under earna ns they went unhappily under the eagle's headland, wollentare wundur scawian with welling tears, fundon on sande 3033 to gaze upon the wondor; swullasne

they found then on the sand, soulless, hlimbed healdan one e him hringas geaf

ruling over his bed of rest, the who gave them rings arran malum ws endedg in earlier times; then it was the end-day gdum gegongen t se gcyning come for good men, that the war-king, Wedra oden wundordae swealt. the Wederas' chieftain, died a wondrous death. Ar h ar gesgan syllcran wiht 3038 First they saw there a rarer creature, wyrm on wonge wierrhtes ar the wyrm on the ground just opposite there, lne licgean: ws se lgdraca the loathsome one lying dead: the fire-drake was grimlc gryregiest gldum beswaled a grim gruesome guest burnt by flames; s ws fftiges ftgemearces it was fifty foot-measures lang on legere lyftwynne hold 3043 long as it lay; nihtes hwlum in air-joy it had ruled nyer eft gewt

the times of the night, down again had gone dennes nosian ws dae fst to seek its den; hfde eorscrafa it was then still in death, ende genyttod.

it had of earth-caverns enjoyed its end. Him big stdan bunan ond orcas They stood by him goblets and beakers, discas lgon ond dre swyrd 3048 lay plates and precious swords, mige urhetone sw he wi eoran fm

eaten through by rust, as if they had in the embrace of the earth send wintra ar eardodon a thousand winters onne ws t yrfe remained there; acencrftig,

then was that legacy of exceedingly powerful, **3051-73** imonna gold galdre bewunden gold of men of yore, encompassed by an incantation, t m hringsele hrnan ne mste 3053 that the ring-hall could not touch gumena anig nefne god sylfa any man, unless God himself, sigora scyning sealde m e h wolde victories' Truth-king --h is manna gehyld-allowed he who He wished hord openian

--He is man's protector-to open the hoard, efne sw hwylcum manna sw him gemet hte. even so to every man XLII as it seemed fitting to Him.

ws gesne 3058 Then it was seen m e unrihte

t se s ne h that the venture did not benefit inne gehdde

who he unrightly had hidden inside, wrce under wealle weard ar ofslh vengeance under the walls; this warden earlier slew fara sumne so fah gewear one man of a few; gewrecen wrlce. then was the feud Wundur hwr onne

wrathfully avenged. It is a wondor where then eorl ellenrf ende gefre

3063 a man famed for courage should meet end lfgesceafta onne leng ne mg of his fated life, mon mid his magum when he can no longer meduseld ban

one among his kinsmen, inhabit a mead-hall; sw ws Bowulfe, h biorges weard thus it was for Beowulf, when he the barrow's ward shte searonas: seolfa ne ce sought treacherous quarrels: urh hwt his worulde gedl 3068 he himself did not know weoran sceolde. must bring about.

through what his parting from this world Sw hit o dmes dg dope benemdon

Thus until judgement's day deeply declared odnas mare t ar dydon the great princes, t se secg ware who put it there, synnum scildig

that the man would be guilty of crimes, hergum geheaerod hellbendum fst banned from sacred places, in hell-bonds fast, wommum gewtnad s one wong strude 3073 reproached for his transgressions, ns h goldhwte gearwor hfde he was not liberal with gold gendes st ar gescawod. he who plundered that place;

(nor) had he readily

the kindness of a lord ever shown. Wglf maelode Whstnes sunu: Wiglaf spoke, the son of Weohstan, 'Oft sceall eorl monig nes willan 'Often must many men, for the will of one, wrac drogan sw s geworden is

3078 endure exile, as it has happened to us; ne meahton w gelaran lofne oden we could not convince the beloved prince, rces hyrde rad anigne the keeper of the kingdom, by any counsel, t h ne grtte goldweard one that he not greet lte hyne licgean let him lie, wcum wunian 3083 the gold-ward, ar h longe ws,

where he long had been, o woruldende until the world's end; hord ys gescawod,

inhabiting his abodes heoldon hahgesceap

he held to his noble destiny; the hoard is exposed, grimme gegongen t gifee ws grimly gained; t sw one that was granted yder ontyhte.

too harshly which him impelled thither. Ic ws ar inne ond t eall geondseh I was there inside and looked over all of it, recedes geatwa m germed ws, 3088 the trappings of the hall, when the way was cleared for me, nealles swaslce s lfed not at all sweetly was the errand allowed inn under eorweall ic on ofoste gefng inside the earthwall; I seized in haste micle mid mundum mgenbyrenne much with my hands, a mighty burden hordgestrona hider t tbr of hoard-treasures, bore it out hither cyninge mnum cwico ws gna

3093 to my king; he was still alive then, ws ond gewittig worn eall gesprc wise and knowing; he spoke much on many things, gomol on geho ond owic grtan ht old in his grief, and commanded me greet you all, bd t g geworhton fter wines dadum bid that you build in accord of your friend's deeds in balstede beorh one hn in the cremation place a high barrow, micelne ond marne sw h manna ws 3098 large and splendid, wgend weorfullost as he was of men wde geond eoran

a warrior most honoured thought this wide earth, enden h burhwelan brcan mste. while he the prosperity of a city Uton n efstan re se Let us now hasten another time son ond scean on searogerc to see and to seek in that heap of cunningly wrought things, wundur under wealle ic ow wsige 3103 a wonder under the walls; I shall guide you, t g genge non scawia so that you sufficient bagas ond brd gold close-up will see se so bar gearo could enjoy.

rings and broad gold; let the bier be ready, adre gefned onne w t cymen quickly prepared, ond onne geferian and then carry lofne mannan when we come out, fran serne

our lord, ar h longe sceal

3108 beloved man, where he must long on s waldendes ware geolian.' in the Ruler's Ht gebodan protection endure.' byre Whstnes

He then commanded to direct, the son of Weohstan, hle hildedor hlea monegum the battle-brave hero, many warriors, boldgendra t he balwudu house-holders, feorran feredon 3113 that they the pyre-wood folcgende

to fetch from afar, folk-chieftains, gdum tgnes: 'N sceal gld fretan, to the good man: weaxan wonna lg 'Now must the fire devour, wigena strengel

the dim flame grow, the ruler of warriors, one e oft gebd sernscre he who often endured onne strala storm shower of iron, strengum gebaded

when the storm of arrows, impelled by bow-strings, scc ofer scildweall sceft nytte hold 3118 shot over the shield-wall; shaft held true to task, fergearwum fs flne fullode.' its feather-trappings eager, arrow-head followed.' Hru se snotra sunu Whstnes Indeed the wise cgde of corre son of Weohstan cyniges egnas

summoned from the troop of king's thanes, syfone tsomne slestan seven altogether, the best; ode eahta sum under inwithrf

3123 he went, one of eight, under the evil roof hilderincsum on handa br one battle-man bore in his hands aledloman s e on orde gong. a fire-brand, he who went in the fore-front. Ns on hlytme hw t hord strude It was not in a casting of lots, syan orwearde anigne dal when unprotected any part secgas gesgon on sele wunian 3128 the men saw remaining in the hall, lane licgan lt anig mearn lying frail; little did anyone mourn t h ofostlce t geferedon that they quickly carried out dre mmas dracan c scufun precious treasures; wyrm ofer weallclif the dragon too they shoved, lton wg niman, they let the waves take, who would plunder that hoard,

the wyrm over the cliff-wall, fld fmian frtwa hyrde 3133 the flood enfold, t ws wundengold

that keeper of baubles; on wan hladen

that was braided gold loaded on the waggon, aghws unrm, elinge boren of each kind countless, to the prince bore, hrum hilde t hrones nsse. hoary grey from battle, XLIII to the whale's headland.

Him gegiredan

Gata lode

Then for him prepared the people of the Geats **3137ff.** d on eoran unwclcne 3138 a pyre on the earth, not trifling, helmum behongen hildebordum hung with helmets, with battle-shields, beorhtum byrnum sw h bna ws with bright byrnies, legdon tmiddes as he had requested; marne oden

they laid then in the midst the famed chieftain, hle hofende hlford lofne the lamenting heroes, ongunnon on beorge 3143 their belovd lord; balfra mast

then began on the barrow the greatest bale-fire, wgend weccan wudurc sth the warriors to kindle; wood-smoke arose, sweart ofer swioole swgende lg swarthy over the heat, the roaring flame wpe bewunden --windblond gelg-woven with weeping o t h bnhs --the tumult of winds lay still-gebrocen hfde

until it the bone-house had broken ht on hrere higum unrte 3148 hot at heart; despairing in their hearts mdceare mandon mondryhtnes cwealm they bemoaned their grief, their liege-lord's death; swylce gimorgyd Gatisc nmowle so too a death-dirge a solitary Geatish woman **3150ff.** Bowulfe brgd bundenheorde

wove for Beowulf, sang sorgcearig

cruelly bound, sale geneahhe

she sang sorrowful, earnestly of fortune t ho hyre hearmdagas hearde ondrde 3153 that she for herself days of harm wlfylla worn werudes egesan fiercely dreaded,

of multitude of slaughter-feasts, terror of troops, ho ond hftnd. Heofon rce swealg rapine and bondage. Heaven swallowed the smoke; geworhton Wedra lode then wrought hlao on he the Wederas' people s ws hah ond brd

a barrow on the hill, it was high and broad, waglendum wde gesne 3158 for wave-farers ond betimbredon widely visible, on tn dagum

and they constructed in ten days beadurfes bcn bronda lfe the war-chief's beacon, the leavings of the fire, wealle beworhton sw hyt weorlcost with a wall they encircled, as it most worthily foresnotre men findan mihton the very wisest men could devise; h on beorg dydon bg ond siglu 3163 they placed in the barrow rings and brooches, eall swylce hyrsta swylce on horde ar all such trappings, as before from the hoard nhdige men genumen hfdon hostile men had taken away; forlton eorla gestron eoran healdan

the treasure of heroes they let the earth hold, gold on grote ar hit n gn lifa gold in the gritty soil, where it now still lives, eldum sw unnyt sw hyt arer ws. 3168 as useless to men as it was before. ymbe hlaw riodan, hildedore Then around the mound rode the battle-brave elinga bearn ealra twelfa sons of nobles, twelve in all, woldon cearge cwan kyning manan, they wished to bewail their sorrow, to mourn their king, wordgyd wrecan ond ymb wer sprecan to pronounce elegy, eahtodan eorlscipe 3173 and speak about the man; ond his ellenweorc

they praised his heroic deeds and his works of courage, duguum dmdon. Sw hit gedfe bi exalted his majesty. As it is fitting, t mon his winedryhten wordum herge that one his friend and lord honours in words, ferhum froge onne h for scile cherish in one's spirit, when he must forth of lchaman laded weoran from his body be led; sw begnornodon Gata lode 3178 thus bemourned the people of the Geats **3178ff.** hlfordes hryre, heorgenatas: their lord's fall, his hearth-companions: cwadon t h ware wyruldcyning they said that he was, of all kings of the world, manna mildust ond monwarust

the most generous of men, and the most gracious, lodum lost ond lofgeornost. the most protective of his people, and the most eager for honour.

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