Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations Thousand Oaks California Sage
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations Thousand Oaks California Sage
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations Thousand Oaks California Sage
Sensemaking is tested to the extreme when people encounter an event whose occurrence is so implausible that they hesitate to report it for fear they will not be believed. (Weick: 1) The fallacy of centrality (Westrum, 1982): Because of the fallacy of centrality, the better the information system, the less sensitive it is to novel events. (Weick: 3)
Exemplo para explicar esta ideia: the battered child syndrome (sndrome da criana mal-tratada). Researcher Ron Westrum, observing the diagnostic practices of pediatricians in the 1940s and 1950s, spotted what he has come to call the fallacy of centrality. The fallacy is this: under the assumption that you are in a central position, you presume that if something serious were happening, you would know about it. And since you don!t know about it, it isn!t happening. It is precisely this distortion that kept pediatricians from diagnosing child abuse until the early 1960s. Their reasoning? If parents were abusing their children, I!d know about it; since I don!t know about it, it isn!t happening. In Managing the Unexpected: Resilient Performance in an Age of Uncertainty, By Karl E. Weick, Kathleen M. Sutcliffe
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
a) Outra denio de sensemaking: Meryl Louis (1980) She views sensemaking as a thinking process that uses retrospective accounts to explain surprises. (Weick: 4) Interpretation, or meaning, is attributed to surprises... It is crucial to note that meaning is assigned to surprise as an output of the sensemaking process, rather than arising concurrently with the perception or detection of differences (Louis, 1980, p. 241) b) Discrdia entre autores: Sensemaking implica ou no aco? Whereas both Thomas et al. and Sackman mention action in conjunction with sensemaking, Feldman (1989) insists that sensemaking often does not result in action. (...) (p. 20). (Weick: 5)
c) Ring and Rang fazem uma distino entre sensemaking (processo que individual) e understanding (processo que partilhado e tem uma natureza reciproca...).
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
5 - 13
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
13 - 16
interessante a comparao que Drucker (1974) faz entre a tomada de deciso tpica da cultura japonesa e da cultura ocidental; os japoneses praticam o sensemaking (a enfse est na denio da pergunta...) e os ocidentais o decision-making (a nfase est na resposta). (Weick: 15)
Although texts and language games are metaphors for interpretation, sensemaking is not. Sensemaking is what it is, namely, making something sensible. Sensemaking is to understood literally, not metaphorically. (Weick: 16)
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
17 61 - 62
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
17 - 24
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
24 - 30
The choice of the stimulus affects the choice of what the action means. And both choices are heavily inuenced bu the situational context. (Weick: 26) We are conscious always of what we ave done, never of doing it. We are always conscious directly only of sensory processes, never of motor processes (...). (Mead, 1956: 136)
***A partir desta ideia, Weick adverte que: a) O sensemaking retrospectivo no dia-a-dia envolve extenses de tempo curtas entre agir e reectir, o que signica que os registos da memria so tipicamente frescos e ricos para a determinao; b) A retrospeco apenas torna o passado mais claro que o presente e o futuro; no torna o passado transparente (Starbuck & Milliken, 1988, pp. 39-40); c) O sentimento da ordem, da clareza e da racionalidade so um objectivo importante do sensemaking, o que signica que quando este sentimento conquistado, o processo retrospectivo pra. Os estudos organizacionais reconhecem este processo de retrospeco: ver Mintzberg (1978), Boland (1984), Staw (1975)...
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
30 - 38
(...) there is not some kind of monolithic, singular, xed environment that exists detached from and external to these people. Instead, in each case the people are very much a part of their own environments. They act, and in doing so create the materials that become the constraints and opportunities they face. (Weick: 31)
the environment: Weick considera que esta construo sugere algo que singular e xo, por isso, afastado do indivduo: Both implications are nonsense. (Weick: 32)
Follet (1924) argues that use of the word resistance creates an unfortunate mindset that limits the way in which we presume people deal with the environment. She argues that rather than talk about resistance, we should talk about confronting the activity of environment. (Weick: 33) Weick chama a ateno para o conceito de ENACTMENT: H duas preocupaes que devemos ter presentes quando nos referimos ao conceito de sensemaking: a) Criar no a nica coisa que se faz atravs da aco - no devemos pensar que a aco uma mera resposta a um estmulo (perdem-se as subtilezas que lhe conferem um signicado...); b) Cuidado com a Ansiedade Cartesiana - as pessoas parecem precisar de pensar o mundo com traos predeterminados e informao j feita, uma vez que desistir desta ideia de mundo como uma referncia estvel cair no idealismo, nihilismo e no subjectivismo. The destructive side of deconstructionism is the undermining of the faith and belief necessary to get sensemaking started. (...) Faith is instrumental to sensemaking. (Weick: 38)
Ver: Follet (1924) I never react to you but to you-plus-me; or to be more accurate, it is I-plus-you reacting to you-plus-me. (p. 62-63)
Confront does not mean combat. In other words, it leaves the possibilty of integrating as the method of the meeting of difference. (Follet, 1924: 120)
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
38 - 43
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
43 - 49
A emoo aquilo que ocorre entre a interrupo de um processo e a descoberta de uma nova resposta que permita completar a sequncia... If interruption slows the accomplishment of an organizational sequence, people are likely to experience anger. If interruption has accelerated accomplishment, then they are likely to experience pleasure. (Weick: 48)
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
49 - 55
**EPISDIO DO MAPA DOS PIRINUS: This incident raises the intriguing possibility that when you are lost, any old map will do. (...) Once people act (enactment), they generate tangible outcomes (cues) in some context (social), and this helps them discover (retrospect) what is occurring (ongoing) what needs to be explained (plausibility), and what should be done next (identity enhancement). (Weick: 54-55)
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
55 - 59
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
60 - 61
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Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
120 - 121 127 - 131 120 - 121
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
127 - 130
Weick, Karl 1995, Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks/ California: Sage. 03.01.2013
130 - 131