Congregational Union of Jamaica 1918 v.42

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The report discusses the 42nd annual meeting of the Congregational Union of Jamaica which was held in February 1918 in Davyton, Manchester. It provides details on the churches, ministers, and delegates that attended as well as financial reports and statistics.

The annual meeting was held on February 26-27, 1918 in Davyton, Manchester. On the first day, there was a devotional meeting and the roll was called. Rev. James Watson was appointed as chairman. Rev. Arthur E. May was welcomed as a new minister. The list of churches and their pastors/delegates is provided.

The following churches are mentioned with their locations: Kingston (North Street), Shortwood, Rosedale, Porus (Whitefield), Richmond Park, Mount Airy, Davyton, Brixton Hill, Four Paths, Rock, Stewarton, Chapelton (Salem Union), Mount Liberty, Beulah, Mount Providence, First Hill, Runaway Bay, Dry Harbour, Taremount (Bunyan).


i In

1 february 26th and 27th, 1918.1
i '
<:+J REV J ... vV ..

::1) OFFICERS FOR 1918-19.
Cha;"nnan,: REV. T. L. ATKINSON, VvTilliamsfield.
Secrdaru: REV \VJ\1. PRlt:.::;TNAL, Kingston.
en Treas'urer: REV JAS. Mandeville.

.. 1) .'.J '. Prin ters, BOOkbinders, and Publishen, J',
14 MaIk Lane, Kingston.
is" ___ J)
(11 1918.
. ,
In Connection with the Colonial Missionary Society (Incorporated.)
February 26th and 27th, 1918.
;',Chaimul,n.: REV. T. L. ATKINSON, \Villiam:-field .
.. Secretary REV. WM. PRIESTNAL, Kingston.
:Treasurer -f, REV. JAS. WATSON, Mandeville.
tBrin ters, Bookbinders-and Publishers,
14 Mark Lane, Kingston.

fE, Forty-Second Annual Meeting of the Congregationgl
Union of Jamaica was held at Davy ton, Manchester,
on Tuesday and Wednesday. 26th and 27th February,
1918. this district, delightfully' cool, and of far reaching
prospects, is one of the beauty spots in this "Isle of ijeauty. "
On Monday, 25th, the Committee met to pre-
pare the agenda of busi aess for the larger gatherings. M-uch
was felt and at the unavoidable absence' of
the retiring Chairman. Rev. George Lacey, of Chapelton, jon
of the illness of Mrs. Lacey, and the Rev.
J ames Watson, of Mandeville. was appointed to fill the
At a.m. a short devotional meeting was held at which
Rey. A. E. May delivered an earnest and well thought out ad-
based on Joel iii. 9: 14: "God's m.essage in the War." At
1,1.4-5, the Secretary called the roll, to which eight ministers
and 22 lay delegates responded, there being five absentees.
In the absence of the Chairman, the Secretary declared
the Union duly constituted for the transaction of business,
whereupon he moved that Rev. James Watson be appointed
Chairman. This was unanimously adoJ9ted and Mr. Watson
took the chair and welcomed ministers and delegates.
'Rev. Arthur E. May- whose _ ordination to the Christian
M-inistry was reported on as taken place on 9th May
last, was, on his own application, elected and welcomed as' a
Ministerial member of the
The following is the list of Churches, with their Pastors and Lay Delegates:
Kingston-(North} i
Street) Mr. A. S. Burton.
Shortwood Rev. Wm. Priestnal None
Rosedale .,
Mr. David Ellis.
Porus (Whitefield) ,: ,. David Beckford
Hon. and Rev. W.' " John White.
Richmond a r k ~ B. Esson, J.P ., David Scott.
Mount Airy J None
Mandeville (Ridge-) :
, mount) J\.. Rev. Jas. Watson, Mr. Easton Powell
Richmond ., T. A. Salmon.
J " John Hemans.
Rev. T. L. Atkinson }" D.D.Phillips,J.P
~ " Geo. Denton
Davy ton
" Wm. Temple.
,. Bernard Francis
Rev. T. Gilbert "Bennett, (abs.)
Four Paths Piper, "F A. Waddell
Brixton Hill
Rock I " F. Swainson.
Stewarton) None
Chapelton (Salem }:
Union) I Rev. Geo. Lacey, . R. Peters, Cabs).
Mount Liberty, j(absent-family ill-,r "Chas. Douglas
Beu]ah, ness) i ., \V.MaitlandCabs)
Mount Providence J : None
First Hill! I
Runaway Bay, Rev. W. S. Lea, j .,
Dry Harbour J. P ,
TaremountcBunyan)} Mr. E. R. Bryan
Tabernacle, Mr. J. J. Wright,' {" Fredk. Lyons.
(Lay Pastor.) ' . Geo. Johnson,
Mount Tabor, None
Collington, J Mr. Joseph Howe
Mount Zion, } Rev. A. W. Cun- None
Long Look, ning-ham, ., E. S. Ricketts,
Rutlands, (absent through None'
Mahoe Hill, illness.) "
Breadnut Bottom,} "-A. W Campbell
Wilbury, 1," Rev. Arthur E., " G. R. Richardson
Mount Effort ,M ay '. None
Ex-officio member of Union, Mrs. 'N. B. Esson, Sunday School'
Organizing Secretary.
At 12.30 a public meeting was held. After opening ex:-
ercises, the chairman explained that, owing to the circum-
stances referred to above, and which all deeply regretted,
there would be, this year, no official address from the chair.
Mr. Watson then spoke briefly on the present importance
of the topics assigned to the speakers who would follow. He
re-called the effectiveness with which, in years gone by, the
late Rev. C. A. Wookey had discoursed on the glorious prin-
ciples represented by Congregationalism, and spoke of the
urgent tha.t existed at the present time for the reo
iteration of thosp principles.
Mr. Watson expressed the opinion that it was time we
heard of our history again, and hoped that the hearing would
result in individual quickening. Congregationalism has a
very large and real place in the church life of the world,
which we in Jamaica appreciate and seek to fill
worthily. Referring to the second of the two allotted topics,
the speaker urged loyalty to denominational principles at a
time when the Christian life is in danger of running to seed
in interdenominational Christianity.
Rev T. G. Piper then addressed the meeting on' 'The
Historical Development of Congregational Principles." (The
address a ppears in another part of this Report.)
The Secretary (Rev. W. Priestnal) followeci with an ad-
dress on "Denominational Loyalty."
Speaking from considerable experience gained .during
more than twenty years in the pastorate of the Kingston
(North St.) Church, Mr. Priestnal referred to the many in-
stances in which young people, going up to Kingston from
the country, were lost to the branch of the church in which
they had been brought up, and, in some sad cases, lost in the
wickedness of the city. He appealed (I; to parents, never
to send their to Church, when it was at all possible
to take them, pleaded for the re-establishment of the oId-
fashioned family pew; and,. above ,aU, for the example of
"godly living" in of life: (2) to ministers,
with whose difficul ties. in this he was 'fully cognizant,
to,follow the movements of their young people as closely as
possible when leaving home, and to seekto secure their early
church settlement in their new places of abode: (3) to the
young people themselves, urging and
personal of the of Jesus Christ upon "life
and soul and all."
An inspiring meeting was closed with the hymn-"Hark!
the sound of holy voices."
In evening the business qf the Union was proceeded
with. Rev. T. G. Piper being, appointed press reporter.
On the motion of the following resolutions
were adopted:
(a) ." This Union. in Annual Meeting 'assembJed. has
learned with very: deep regretof the serious illness throug-h
which Mrs. Lacey is at present passing, and in consequence
e>f which its retiring Chairman' (Rev. Geo. Lacey,) has bepn
prevented from attending and presiding at its Sessions. It
would assure its friends of .its .profound sympathy, and of its
prayers for them, at this timet; also of its earnest hope that,
by the Divine blessin,g, the ,reported improvement in Mrs.
Lacey's condition may be I113:
n.tained until it issues in com-
plete restoration."
(b) , 'This Union, in . assell1bled. regrets
very deeply the absence Jromits sessions of the Rev. A. W.
Cunningham, and especially the' serious illness which ex ...
plains that absence. The Union would assure Mr. Cunning-
ham of its deep sympathy with himself, Mrs. Cunningham
and family in this time 9f sickness and anxiety. It prays
that all may realize the Divine presence and blessing: that
the sickness may yield to treatment, and that if it be God's
will, speedy and complete recovery may begraciously granted.
The Union would also assure the Churches of the Mount
Zion pastorate of its sympathy with them at this time, and
of its prayers that their Pastor Inay soon be able to resume
his work amongst them."
(c) "That this Congregational Union of Jamaica, as-
sembled in Annual Meeting at Davy ton, in sending fraternal
greetings to the Jamaica Baptist Union, hereby expresses its
deep sympathy with that body in the loss it has sustained
during the past year, by the removal of t'lTO of its standard
bearers: the Revs. Philip \iVi1liams and Wm. Pratt, M. A. It
realizes in some measure how large are the gaps made in the
Union's ranks by the falling out of two such prominent, able
devoted. workers, It would place on record its high ap-
preciation of the character and distinguished services of
leaders, and of the noble work they did,
both within and outside theIr own Communion. It prays
that their mantles may fa.ll on worthy successors who shall
carryon their manifold and beneficient work in the service
of the One "Lord and Master of us all."
Copies of the above were ordered to be forwarded to
those concerned. A of fraternal greeting was re-
ceived from the Presbyterian Synod in session jn Falmouth,
which the Union heartily reeiprocated. The minutes of the
1916 Annual Meeting were then read. adopted and signed by
the Chairman.
(I) Executive Committee: The following are the princi-
pal matters of busineas referred to in a report much too long
for insertion here:
Six meetings were held during the year at different
centres. At the first of these, preliminary steps were taken
which eventuated in the call of Mr. Arthur E. May, (formerly
of Union Missionary Training Institute, Brooklyn, N.Y.) to
the Pastorate of the. Breadnut Bottom, Wilbury and Mount
Effort Churches, and subSEquently to 1ir. May's ordination
asalread.Y stated. Thi-s young man gives promise of
usefulness and has the best wishes and prayers of all for a
long and successful ministry.
Considerable was carried on during the
year between the Committee and.the Education Department
with reference to hurricane damage Grants to Main Ridge
and Long Look school buildings. 10 was granted to t:le form-
er, and an application has been lodged for a grant of 50 t')
the latter, where a new building on another site has become
A proposal to erect a new Church at Mount Liberty re-
ceived the Committee's assent, on the Church undertaking that
the effort should not cause its ordinary income to suffer. At
the request of the Colonial Missionary Society (vide 1916
Annual Report) the Committee arranged for an inspection of
all the properties in connection with the Churches, and re
ported to the Society oh their condition. This inspection,
which involved considerable labour, travelling etc., disclosed
the fact that a large amount of repair work is required to put
some of our buildings "in good order, and the Committee would
impress upon the Churches the need of more being done in the
way of maintaining Church property in a good state of repair.
The thanks of the Committee were tendered to the brethren
who undertook and carried 0ut this inspection work, and es-
pecially to Rev. Jas. Watson who took the largest individual
part in it..
A good deal of time and thought was given to applications
for grants from the fund generously raised by the C.M.S. to-
wards the repairing of damage done by the hurricane of August
191.6. (A summary of income and expenditure in which grants
made are accounted for, will be found Oil a subsequent page.)
Efforts were made to secure as full ihformation as possible
concerping the whereabouts of our lads who have gone out
with the various War Contingents, with a view to enabling our
denominational Chaplains to get in touch with theJl as far as
may be possible. The information supPlied was forwarded to
the Secretary of the C. S.
trouble arose in the Tabernacle Church in
the latter part of the year, as a result of the Manager of the
Day School (the lay .Pastor) having served notice on the
tf-acher 'to give up charge of the school as on 31st January
last: a deputation from the Committee visited 'i'abernacle on
26th N ::>vember, only to be satisfied that the step taken by the
Manager was not only ju;;;tified, but was. from every point of
view, most desirable.
The teacher has left the school, and there is good reason to
believe that the trouble will soon be a thing of the past. Thp.
Committee has been, and still is, greatly concerned at the
continued unsatisfactory financial condition of the Churches
of the Taremount pastorate, and the strong representations
that have again been made to them on the necessity of worthier
support of the work in their midst. will, it is sincerely hoped,
bring forth good fruit at a very early date.
II. Secretary. The Secretary's report disclosed a net de-
crease on the year of 27 in Church members, and of 18 in
Candidates for m9mbership.
In Sunday Scholars there was a serious falling off, pointing
to the necessity of greater efforts being made to keep our
childrr:>n and young people in close touch with our Churches
through their Sunday SchoOls. The average attendance of
scholars continues far from represflnting less than
54 per cent. of the number enrolled.
Of the 23 Day Schools reported on, 10 are 1st, 11, 2nd, and
two 3rd G-lass, one 1st class having been reduced to 2nd, and
one 2nd to 3rd during the year.
In finances there was a gratifying increase of 43 reported
under ll13mbers' subscriptions, Union contributions also showed
an advance on last year's returns. The total income, however,
was some 44 below that of 1916.
Our Missionary Societies.
It was di:;;tinctly disappointing to find that the contri-
butions from our Churches to the London and the Colonial
Missionary Societies, to which, as a denomination, we owe so
m,uch, were considerably below those of last year. Only 15 of
our 31 Churches reported contributions, and of the 15, only 4
contributed to the funds of both. Each Church should aim at
an annual offering,however small, towards helping on the great
work our ]\1issionary Societies are doing. The effort would
meall enrichment, not impoverishment, to the Church mak-
ing it. (For d(Jtails, see Bummaries ac end of this Report.)
(III.) Treasurer: The income of the Union from annual
colleetiol1s and subscriptions, and from collections for the
Widows and Orphans' Fund has slightly improved as compared
with 1916, the collections and 'Subscriptions showing an ir.-
erease of 1 16s. 2d, and the income of the W. and O. Fund.
2 2s. 8d. The amounts from the sale of the Almanacs and
Reports have fallen short of the amounts of the previous
year, resulting in rather heavy losses to the Union. The al-
manacs for 1917 cost 1118s. 2d and only 6 13s. 9d has been
realized by sales so far, showing a deficit on this enterprise of
5 48. 5d. The sale of brought in onl;y 1 4s. 9d
while the printing cost 7.Wf; do not expect to meet the
cost of printing by the sales of the Reports, but we do ex-
pect to get more than double the amount received in 1917.
The contributions to the Sunday School Fund also fell short
of the expenditure by 15s 7d. On Almanac, Report, and
-'accounts there are arrears due, which it is
hoped will yet be forthcoming. Some of the contri butions
came to hand after the accounts had been i.ludited. an
overlapping of accounts which makes the comparison of one
year with anothE'r of little USe. We carry forward cl larger
balance on the general accoun t than we did a year ago, but
that is mainiy due to the refund' of 20 that had been ad-
vanced in the previous year, and the Committee made only
one small grant o.f 4 from the General Fund in 1917 as
against 15 in 1916.
It will simplify the work of the Treasurer if Pastors will
send in their contributions within the year, and if they will also
make a statement of the amounts from their several churches
towards the several p\lrposes of the Union on a separate sheet,
il'lstead of embodyin, them in a letter.
(Union Collections dnd Subscriptions etc., appear later this
(IV.) Audit Committee: This report called attention to
the following points:
Ca) In order to a complete audit, account books should,
in every case, be forwarded from all outstations as well as
from the principal Churches.
(b) Several showed 'Members' Sabscriptions' t&l
be pitifully small as compared with the membership reported.
While in some cases considerable sums were raised for other
the Pastor's claims to support appeared to have
received but little attention. Churches concerned were urged
to remedy this serious de fect.
ec) Much greater care is necessary on the part of some
brethren in the keeping of their books and in the prepara-
tion of their balance sheets. The use of double money
columns in both, with extensions, and the adding up of each
completed column, and carrying forward of the total, would
greatly facilitate the work of auditing.
(V.) Sunday School Committee: The Annual Examination
was held on 13th Apri}. The questions set were based upon
the International S. S. Lessons for the 1st Quarter of the
year. Revs. T. L. Atkinson. T. G. Piper and Jas. Watson
examined and marked the papers in the Senior, Intermediate
and Junior Sections respectively.
125 Candidates sat for the examination, 51 Seniors, 55
Intermediates and 19 Juniers. Of these, 35 obtained prizes,
21, 1st Class, and 14 2nd Class certificates, a total of 70,
leaving 55 classed as failures. It was felt that stricter ad-
herence to the rules governing the examination, and more
thorough preparation of lessons by the teachers were urgent
ly necessary.
A 11 the reports of wh'ich-( with the exception of the
Treasurer's.) the above are summaries, were discussed and
adopted by the Union.
Communion Service: At 7 a.m. there was a large atten-
dance gathered for the annual united Communjon service,
at which Rev. J. J. Wright delivered a quiet, yet most
effective and timely address from John 16, 33. "In the
world-tribulation-in Me, peace." All felt the deep spirituai
force of the preacher's exposition and appea1.
"Peace, pArfect peace, in this dark world of sin?" broug-ht
to a close this hour of early and memorable communion.
Business was resumed at 8.30 a.m., when the following
elections for 1918-19 took place:-
Chairman: Rev. T. L. Atkinson. Williamsfield: Secretary;
Rev. Wm. Priestnal, Kingston: Treasurer; Rev . Tas. V/atson,
Executive Committee: The above named Officers, with
the Revs. 'vV BEsson, W. S. Lea, T. G. Piper, and Mr. A.
W. Campbell.
Auditor and Co-Trustee of Union Funds: Mr. H. E.

Audit Committee: Revs. Wm. Priestnal, W B. Esson,
W. S. Lea and T. G. Piper.
Sunday 'School Committee: The Executive Committee,
with Mrs. W. B. Esson as Organizing
Representative on Jamaica Council of Evangelical Churches:
Rev. Wm. Priestnal.
These elections over, resolutions expressing the Union's
appreciation of the services of its officers and committees
during the year were cordially adopted.
At 11 a.Hl. Rev W S. Lea preached the Union f:ermon
from the text, "0 sing unto the Lord a new song," Psa. 96, 1
verse. He said in part: "In these days, when the heart is
with sadness it may seem strange that such a text
should be selected. But every song must be, at heart, a
: one, if it is to be real. There must be in it th ele-
ments that last, which can come alone from the real and
eternal. Joy and spirItual experience are closely connected.
The solemnity of the presence of God does not subdue the
deep joy which finds its expression in song and music. There
are some who falsely suppose that if they want joy. they
must get it from the world, and that the Church is the very
last place where songs abound. Just as the soul and the
body are united, so is it with joy and religion, with song and
the soul. 'Luther has well said: "Music is one of the finest
gifts of God." Every revival has, produced a leader gifted
with song. The hymns of Sankey produced new visions in
'the souls of men. The Church of to-day needs a new song,
and must get a new vision."
In the afternoon, a conference was held, largelyattend-
ed by members of the local church and friends resident in
the neighbourhood. Excellent papers "vere read, as follows:-
Rev. J. J. Wright on "The need of increased food produc-
tion," Mr. D. D Phillips, J. P., "Access to land for cultiva-
tion, Rev. T. L. A tkinson, "Social purity; its bearing on
health," and Rev. VV S. Lea, "Temperance." ,
Each paper revealed a t h o r o u ~ h grasp of the subject it
dealt with, and the discussions that followed each an intelli-
gent and general support of the various points advanced.
Resolutions on the following public questions were passe.c1
on to the New Executive Committee as the bases of memo_
rials to he prepared and forwarded to His Excellency the
Governor and the Hon. the Legislative Council:-
(a) Land and increased food production.
(b) Compulsory attendance at, and religious instruction
jn our Day Schools; anc1
(c) Illegitimacy and Concubinage.
At 7 p. m. the closing public meeting was held, the ap-
pointed speakers being the Revs. Jas. Watson, W. B. Esson
and T. G. Piper. Much regret was felt at Mr. Piper's ab-
sence through indisposition., it is sincerely hoped,
will be but temporary. Mr. Watson's thoughtful and sug-
gestive address on "recruiting" was followed with great
interest, especially by the large number of young people
present. Enlistment, training, discipline, equipment, active
service: each had a spiritual significance attached to it, and
was followed by earnest apPtJal for recruiLs for the army of
the King Who is yet to rule the world. Mr. Esson spoke
with great force on "The lifted serpent in the wilderness"
and its the lifted Christ of Calvary, and urged all
who had been stung by the serpent sin to look and live.
Thus closed a series of impressive and helpful meetings
throughout which the Evangelistic note was the dominant
The invitation of First Hill Church, through Rev. W.
S. Lea, for was accepted. and the Unjon
will hold its next annual sessions CD. V.) at that remote but
important station.
At the last gathering of ministers and delegates "at
table/' the Secretary moved a hearty vote of th:mks to the
Rev. T. L. and Mrs. Atkinson; to the Deacons and
of the Davy ton Church, and to all whose abounding hospi-
tality and kindly attentions had contributed to the comfort
and happiness of the visitors, making each ready to in
the Janguagp of the children's hymn:-"! have been there,
and stilt would go." The resolution was heartily supported.
carried by acclamation, and responded to by the worthy
pastor of the church.
It should he added that a pleasing feature of the public
gatherings W3-S the manner in which the members of the
church and friends generally, supported them by their nre-
sence, and by their sympathetic reception of the \':1riOllS
. .. ..
The Churches, as we find them represented in the Acts of the
Apostles, are Congregational Churches. But, on the rise of the Church
at Rome to wealth and power. a hundred evils crept in. This Church
aimed at a spiritual dominion and ended in an tyranny_
The whole of W pstE'rn Christendom finally was subjugated beneath its
baneful sway; while the poison of its political intrigue ran like a corrupt
stream throngh all the veins of Euro}:e. Its power over men to enslave
their minds and filch their riches was truly terrible: its wealth and reve
nue above tbose of kings and princes: its influence over all poli tical
movements was as vast as it was crooked. It wilfully impeded the
growth of nations and the spread of knowledge, compelling the people
to sing and pray in a language unknown to them, while it locked away
the Bible, keeping the masses in spiritual darkness, and in trembling.
obedIence to the Papal throne.
It was the work of the Spirit of Truth to free men from this un-
scrupulous usurpation of religious authority. His influence moved three
great reformers to wrestle against the evils of those days. Savonarola,
in the Florentine Republic, diligently fostered the revival of learning and
fanned the spirit of freedom and reform: John Colet, in the University
of Oxford. formed a band of students to smash the scholastic system, and
institute liberty and redress: wh!le Martin Luther, in Wittenberg,
thundered forth against the sale of Indulgences. cast the Papal Bull to
the flames, nailed his Theses of ninety-five articles to the church door,
and struck that mighty blow, from which Roman Catholicism has never
recovered. It is tempting to pursue these heroes, in their valiant fight
against the vices and crimes of the Pope and clergy; and to tell
ag-ain the stirring' story of their noble struggle for freedom; but we
must confine our attention to the work of the Spirit of Truth in England;
as He led for!",h a people to the light of those glorious principles, which
t.hey have pa!ilsed On to us in sacred trust, bathed in their blood and tears.
In the year 1377. John Wycliffe boldly assailed the Roman Catholic
exactions and corruptions. The more effectually to sprpad his propa-
ganda against all the evils of the Roman Church, Wycliffe trained and
sent forth a company of men, who Were called Lollards. These men de-
nounced in severe terms the absurd doct1-ille of ttatlsubstantiaiion: the
wor:,hip of images; the vows of chastity; the blessing of in-
animate things; prayers for the dead; atzd conJess"on to the prtests.
Wycliffe's doctrine spread with great rapidity, until it was said: "Every
second man one meets is a Lollard." Consequently, the Roman Catholics,
through that great persecutor Archbishop Arundel, consigned many of
these noble reformers to the flames, among whom were William Sautre
and Lord Cobham. Wycliffe, not to be defeated, translated the Bible
into the English language: people began to study the Word for themselves,
and the Truth leaped forth triumphant from its long suppression in the
Roman prison. The anger and dismay of the priests turned to fury when
so ably seconded the work of Wyclii"e, by publishing his Greek
RIJd Latin Bible, which thrust open the door for the Reformation and ex-
ploded many a musty dogma. Erasmus of Rotterdam put Christ at the
head of the Church. Though It was a crime pUIlishable by fire, men
would sit up all night that they might hen,r, in secret, the Word of God
read to them in their native tongue. No price was too dear for so pre-
cious a possession. People would give almost anything for a leaf of the
Bible. A few chapters of- St. James were sold for a load of hay; some
would give 40 for a copy of Holy Writ; whilp othprs daily risk-
ed their lives hv reaning it to the poor and ignorallt. Here.
already, we discern the faint dawn of our Congregational poliey:
"In every Christia.n Church the will of Christ is the Supreme
Authority; the Holy Scriptures, the final appeal."
The teaching of Martin Luther began to filter across the Channel
and percolate to the remotl;!st hamlets of the land. The people were ripe
for the Reformation. When, therefore, Henry VIII severed the Church in
England from the domination of Rome, and by the" Act of Supremacy"
declared himself the supreme head of the Church in England. many en-
lightened men began te 4 By what right is any King the head of the
Church of Christ?' The consciences of not a few rebelled. The thought
of a King as a saint was rather difficult to accept' in view of history.
It was soon npparent, and beyond all argument, that Chris\' alone is the
Head of the Church.
On the death of Henry VIII. l'rotestantism, freed from the Statute
of Six Articles and the Book of Common Prayer, made great strides to-
religious freedom; but when the Roman Catholic Queen Mary eame
to the throne, a period of black and bloody persecution overtook the early
fathers of our faith. Cranmer, Hooper, Ridley, Latimer, and three
hundred f<lithful including many women and children, were burnt
to death rather than deny their conscience, or submit to the Roman
tyranny. These heroes were martyrE-'d for den'ling the things which
we Congregationalists also deny: viz: that the real body of Christ is pre-
sent in the Lord's Supper; may not marry; prayer must be said
for the dead; spoke!) confession of sin must be made to a priest. We re-
fuse so to violate our common sensf', to insult our mothers, to mistrust
the word of Christ, and to cgmmi c our conscience to the keeping of a
Out of Protestantism there came Puritanism, which was an effort to
purify the Church of England of the Roman practices which still pol-
l':lted the worship. When Queen Elizabeth enforced the use of the prayer-
book by an "Act of Uniformity." a c@mpany of clergymen petitionedthat
the act of kneeling atthe Lord's supper, the sign of cross in baptism, and
the wearing of surplices should be omitted. Thirty-seven ministers, re-
fusinl! to conforrn,ehose rather tv suffer ejectment from their churches,
and starvation, than to outral!e the clear dictates of conscience.
In the year 1572, a manifesto known as . 'The First Admonition" was
issued by the Puritans, declaring principles held firmly by us to-day-that
a Minister should be called by the Church, and not thrust upon It oy an
oUb;;ide aUthority: that the only true officers of a church are its PaRtors,
elders. and deacons; and that a church should elect its officers, without
the interference of a bishop. Even before this date, many secret
Congregational Churches were in existence, such as the Privy Church
which met in Piumber's Hall. London. The struggle for freedom of
conscience oroduced a multitude of martyrs. who suffered imprisonment,
and burninv- at the In the county of FRsex alone, fifty ministers
were cast forth from their congregations bv the officers of the law-
among whom was the good George Gifford 'of Malden-that you and I
might, in theRe bappy days. worship God in a pure service and with a
clean conscience.
When the at last, despaired of purifying- the national
church, they separated from Thus out of Puritanism thf>re carr.e the
eparatists. or Cong-regationalists as they were afterwards called, led
by such noble and far-seeing men as Greenwood. Barrow. and .John
Penry. Robert Browne, one of the most famous of the Elizabethan
Congregationalists, laid down these basicnrinciples of our denomination:
"The members 'OJ a Christian. Church must be Christians;,
the one and only Ruler of the isJ esus Christ; each church
must govern itself."
So hot and implacable grew the persecution of the non-conformists,
that a large number of men would no longer tolerate the position. The
people of GainshorOll!{h and Scrooby, led by the'Rev. John Robinson,
crossed over to Holland, where the Prince of Orange, William the
Silent. having sustained a heroic aAd victorious series of campaigns
ag . .1.inst the despicable Granville, the unspeakable Alva, the futile
Requesens, the crafty Don John. and the brutal conquerer of Grenada.
Alexander Farnese-had firmly planted the banner of religious freedom.
Subsequently, Henry Jacob 'brought many of them back to London,
where at Southwark a aongregational Church was founded. But others,
rather than be hindered in the worship of God, and finding themselves
. hampered in Holland, refused to remain in England; boarding" the
.0 Mayflower" and braving the terrors of the stormy deep, they crossed
over to America. and founded a New England. Thus Congregationalism
beca-me the fore-runner of that Republic-the United States of
America. The infallible effect of persecution is multiplication. So, in
spite' of all the rigours of the law; in spite of the thousand suppressive
measures of the Established Church; the cause of Independency grew
and spread apace. When James I. came to the throne in 1603, he was
presented with a petition, by 800 ministers, pleading for the relaxation
of the laws which enfor('ed the objectionable ceremonies; the suppres-
sion of the Popish doctrines; the guarding of the Ministry against un-
worthy men; and the reform of church government. But, alas, in the
Hampton Court Conference, James asserted his doctrine of the divine
right of king5 to do whatever they will; in consequence of which the
non-con{ormiRts were doomed to sufferings, and 800 of their ministers
driven from their pulpits.
When Charles 1. came to power, he also claimed the privileged joy
of persecuting his loyal subjects; and with the invidious Archbishop Laud
as his instrument, he fought Puritanism to the death; so that great
numbers. unable longer to endure the destruction, fled from their homes
and people to find a friendly shelter in the wilds of America.
The Civil War.
The persecutions of Laud only fanned the flames of reform. Every-
where new churches sprang into being; the truth dawned on thousands;
and the numbers of the nonconformists increased by leaps and bounds.
But strong- men and true. at last, to realize that, if thwarted too
far. they must appeal to the-God of battles. Men like Hampden, Pym,
Elliot. and Cromwell began to see that they must either abandon the
truth, or take up arms against their Sovereign, in the sacred cause of
civil and religious freedom. Great were the issues at stake. Death was
better than betrayal.
When the Long Parliament met, petition on petition, request on
request, were sent up to the king; but all in vain. There was the
Root and Branch Petition; the Ministers' Remonstrance; the Grand Re-
monstrance; while the Scottish people signed their "Solemn League and
Covenant." Then the king dared to send an armed band to arrest the
five members, who were urging so earnestly the cause of truth and
freedom,-then was the gauntlet flung down, the challenge to arms
trumpeted abroad. The glowing embers fanned so long, leaped into
fiery flames of red-hot civil war. I need not tell how Cromwell, and Fair-
fax, and 1 reton defeated the King and Prince Rupert in battle after
battle; and how our Congregational Ironsides vindicated the cause of
liberty. For his crimes Charles I. lost his crown and hiR heael. Congreg-a-
tiQnalism. in the persons of Cr.omwell and Milt.on. directed the affairs
of the nation for many years, so t England flourished as never before,
becoming the first ppwer in the world.
When the good Cromwell died. CIila-rles lI. was called to the throne.
after having sworn most faithfully that he would uphold the rights and
privileges gairied by the Martyrs. But in spite of his word, persecution,
worse than before, descended upon the little flock. Black, ugly days of
horror succeeded one another, in painful procession. Four acts of par-
liament of abominable intent were passed against the party of reform:-
1.- The Corporation Act, 1661, excluded all non-conformists from
any municipal office:
n.-The Act of Unifor.mity. Qf prayers, sacrament, and ritual ac-
cording to the prayer-book. Rather than conform to this, 2,000 clergymen
left the Church of England.
IlL-The Conventicle Act. 1664, by which not more than five persons
were allowed to meet together for worship. Thepenalties were on the
first occasion of infraction,;5; on the second, 10; on the third,l00, or
seven years as a slave in 'the West Indies.
IV.-The Five Mile Act, by which no non-conformist minister
could come within five miles of his chureh, city, town, or borough. Thus
the ministers were sent out to starve, not knowing where to rest their
keads. The penalty of disobedience was 40. Many were cast into
prison: Baxter being one, and Bunyan, who 12 years in
prison, being another. Yet when the plague of London drove the clergy-
men from the ,city, these persecut.ed men remained and ministered to
the wants of the stricken and dying.
The Glorious Rtvolution.
On the accession of James 11., the persecution of the nonconformists
became still more bitter. Who can forget that inhuman ruffian. Judge
Jeffreys, and the atrocities of the "Bloody Assizes, -'7 Three hundred in-
nocent men and women were hanged; eig-ht hundred were consigned as
slaves to the West Indies; gory hf>ads were upon church-steeples;
gibbets were erected all along the roads of SomerRet, and bodies
piled upon village greens. Revolution sprang raging from such a land of
blood. Secret messages were sent across to Holland, bidding the Prince
of Orange to corne and take the crown of EngJand, and drive out the
ravenous monster from her shores.
,\Villiam came with his army; James fled to France; while Judge Jef-
freys was nearly torn limb from limb by the maddened multitude. The first
act of William and Mary was the "Toleration Art" by whi<:>h non-con-
formists were permitted to meet and worship in their own churches; but
they were compelled still to subscribe to the doctrines of the Church of
England, and pay the Church tithes.
Under the reigns of George I. t1.lld II. religious antagonism slept; the
BiE!hops were all Liberals; and the clergy was too lazy even to persecute.
Briefly, we have viewed the frightful price our noble forefathers paid
for freedom to worshiJ: God, according to' the Holv Scriptures and con-
science. We have seen how the leading principles of our denomination
were unfolded and secured only by untold hardships,-tortures, impri-
sonment. exile, and death. We have come to our heritage through seas
@f blood and oceans of tears. Let us not lightly prize that which was
so dearly bought; let us not lose those .inestimable blel'sinj!s. which were
obtained by the sacrifi('e of thousands of loyal bearts of purity and love.
The history of Congregationalh,m is the grandest and noblest of all
historiea. We are the founders of free England; she holds hE'rcivic and
religious freedom by the blood of our fore:f.athers; and even America has
to thank us for her heritage of light and liberty. There are those who,
to-day, would drag you back again to bondage; subtle, rich, and influen-
tial, they wait their opportunity: S'tand firm; hold fast; anfi see "that
no man take thy crown."
Kingston (North Street.)
We are thankful to be able to report. on the work of an-
other year, though the year has bee!), from some points of
view, a somewhat trying and difficult one. -;he death rate
amongst our members was the highest recorded within recent
years, and tripled that of 191,6. Removals from city and
island have also made inroads upon our membership, with
the result that we report a net dpcrease of 16 on the year.
Our Candidates' Class at the end of the year showed an in-
crease of seven on 1916. Our Sunday Schoo1s have nearly,
but not quite, held their own, which is matter for thankful-
ness when the poverty of many parents is taken into account.
Our C. E. Societies have a total mem bership of nearly 500
and are exerting a good influence, not only upon our own
children and young. people; but 'upon many not otherwise
connected with the Church. The congeegations at our Sun-
day and midweek services have b=en well up to the average
throughout the year, and the services have not been without
indications of the Divine blessing.
Shortwood.--Here, as at Rosedale, (referred to below)
there is need for much more personal attention than, with
other claims, the Pastor finds it possible to give. Latterly
there has been improvement in the attendance
at Sunday aNd Thursday evening sen-ices. The debt on the
has been cleared off, and a small balance is:in hand,
which it is proposed to -devote to improvement in thp lighting
arrangements. The work of Mrs. Attewell and her
the Sunday School and Junior C.E. Society is bearing good
fruit, and is full of promise for the future.
Rosedale.-The poverty of the people at this station-
more perhaps last year tha.n recently, is a serious
drawback, both as to churc,h attendance and contributions-
The Sunday School shews progress--and, with an efficient
leader on the spot, much more could be done than is
possible in existing circumstances.
Porus (Whitefield.)
Slow but steady progress has been made during the
year in spite of many drawbacks. Since giving up Breadnut
Bottom I been able to put in an extra Sunday here with
the rpsult that the congregatiuns have been larger. On ac-
count of the distress caused by the increased cost of living
many of the poorer class of people have not been able to feed
bodies properly nor pay for medical attendance. A
donation of ten pounds (10) from the Rev. A. G. Sleep, Se-
cfetary of the C. M.S., enabled me in this time of stress to
provide medicines and treatment for a Jar ge Ilumber who
otherwise would have had to suffer. The church places on
re.cord its appreciation of the kind thoughtfulness of the
St,!cretary and Directors of the Society. 'rhe regular work
of the Church has been kept going throughout the year.
The candidates' class is larger than it has been for many
The financial conditbn is much than was antici-
pated. Ie 'is pleasing to note that many of the members take
a genuine interest in the work of the church; while there are
others who meet all other claims and leave the church as a
The mission stations, Mt. Pleasant and Wan stead, with
the outstations, Mt. Airy and Richmond Park, have main-
tained their positions. The regular work has heen kept going
in spite of the fact that many of the people find it difficult to
provide garments for themselves and their children.
Mandeville (Ridgemount.)
We have much cause for thankfulness to God for His sus-
taining hand through another year. The interest in the ser-
vices for public worship has been maintained, and, in the
latter part of the year, increased. The Sunday School at
Ridgemount has been well attended, but the afternoon
schools in the Meeting Houses have in some districts been
very irregular in their work, being often hindered by rain.
The death rate among our church members has been unusual-
ly large, no less than sixteen having, been ~ n e d to their rest.
There have also been a few lo:;ses by removals, but the net
reduction is only six, as twelve new members were receiv-
ed. The numbers attending the week-day prayer meetings
have been disappointing.
We are thankful to report that with help from the
C.M.S. through the Union, the damage done to our build-
ings by the hurricane in 1916 has been made good, by an
expenditure of over 40.
Richmond.-The work at Richmond has been in some res-
pects discouraging. The attendances at the Sunday services
have been small when we consider the large population of the
district and the distances from any other churches. There
has been a loss of two members and no additions during
the year. Since the year closed a series of evangelistic
services have been held, resulting in 19 additions to the Can-
didates' Class, a deepening of interest throughout the com-
munity and an improvement in the attendance at the ser-
vi,ces. The meetings were conducted mainly by the Revs.
T G. Piper and T. L. Atkinson, the Pastor having been
laid aside by illness during the week in which they were
, The Sunday School and Day :::;chool have continued to
do good work notwithstanding the difficulties the parents
experienced in providing food and clothing for the children,
owing to high'prices.
Davy ton.
We are thankful to report satisfactory progress during
the year. The Church has met its Pastor's stipend and
paid off' 14 of its previous deficit of 20. Attend-
anees at Sunday and mid-week sery-ices and meetings have
furnished ground for thankfulness. Sunday and Day $chools.
have been regularly kept; but attendances leave much to be
desired. The Upper Bellefield meeting house has been completed
and opened frea of debt. Our little daughter, Cumberland,
is doing well and has a membership of 40. She raised 5 4s.
which was added to the Davy ton aceount.
"0 give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good."
Brixton Hill.
In reviewing the record of our work for the past year
discover in the health and energy which have en:ibled us to
compass so much successful work, emphatic reasons for de-
vout gratitude to the Almighty Father.
Brixton Hill.- This Church was reopened on April 10th,
the hurricane damage having been ful1y repaired. The
building is now in good condition, thanks to the 100
so graciously granted by the C.M.S. we are glad to report
is free of debt. All the organizations have been maintained,
while the service3 have been both evangelical and instructive.
We have beaten, by 11, every past record of Church sub-
scription. The Pastor wishes heartily to acknowledge the'
very acceptable services rendered throughout the year by
Mr. Parchment, teacher Rhoden and the deacons.
Four Paths.-An enthusiastic spirit prevails here, where
signs of revival and devotion a bright future. The
serviees are hearty and well attended both morning and
the subscription being 24 as compared with 14
of last year. An organ fund has been opened with 13. 'rhe
Women's Guild which has made over 50 garments has nGW
been affiliated to the "Upward and Onward Society."
Teacher Blake has proved very helpful. The Mission at Con-
tent is preparing to help' the Pastor this year.
Rock.- Here also improvement is manifested both in ad-
ditional members, larger subscriptions, and in devotional
life. We have repaired the hurricane damage and .
ened . the building. The excellent services of teacher
deserve mention.
Stewarton.-In view of the pitiful shack which this
Church has for its place of worship, it is significant that a
record has been obtained in sUbscriptiens and membership,
while materials. free labour and money have been devoted
towards the new building, which, with the help of the Union,
we hope to raise this year. We loek to the near future to
compensate for the sacrifice and labour involved.
Pleasant ValleY.-A large-hearted and generous com-
pany encourage the Pastor by their fidelity and affectionate
The Day-school has now a new teacher to whom we
look for support and Christian service.
First Hill.
In spite of many drawbacks we are thankful to report
that the churches in the First Hill sphere have maintained
all their activities.
First Hill.-A good work has been going on among the
young people of the district. Many have joined the Candi-
dates' Class, and we have admitted several neW members into
the church. The Upward and Onward class for young wo ...
men and the sewing for little girls have done success-
ful work.
Runaway Bay.-The work at this station is very encour-
aging. The congregation is growing and interest is be-
ing shown in the work,'
Dry Harbour.-Considering the small membership the
total raisings for the year are very good. The members
are very willing to do all they can and a good work is being
. done.
In looking back on the past year we feel thankful to
God' for the success we have had in His work, and go intO'
the year 1918 with courage. and hope.
Bunyan.-The work here ,has been maintained during the
year. In the absence of-the . Pastor, the Officers of the
Church rendered valuable service; highly appreciated by the
\ ,There has been a decrease in"'membership owing to re-
movals, and the neglect of a few"who seem not to vaLue the
pri vilegesand blessings ofchuveh membership.
We are anxious to see more of the young people in this
district attaching themselves 'to the Church of Christ, and we
cannot rest satisfied until this is accomplished.
A class for' girls and in connection with the
Upward and Onward Society. has been started, and it is
hoped that by this means, some good may be done for one
section of the community. We are, however, anxious to get
in touch with the young men.
We are glad to be able to report that the new Manse is
now free of debt, mainly through the efforts of this congre-
gation, assisted by a grant of 4 from the Executive Com-
mittee of our Union.
The church building which was damaged by hurricane
. has been repaired by means of local effort a further
grant of 5 from the C.M.S. Fund. It is, however, evident
. that a new structure will be needed ,at no distant date. '
Collington.-.The work here needs great effort and prayer.
God has been speaking loudly by sickness and death, but
there is a callousness and indifference in things spiritual even
among those who made a good beginning. but who have for-
gotten their first love.
The number of young people attending worship on the
Lord's Day is encouraging, but we are disappointed with the
adults, especially the men, whom we persuade in vain to at-
tend the House of God. The officer.::; continue to take interest
in the affaIrs of the Church. '
The Senior Deacon and his esteemed wife, who have
been towers of strength are no longer able to attend worship
on of the infi'rmities of old age, but they still take
a lively interest in Church matters.
Tabor.-The need of suitable leaders is keenly felt
Some members who claim attachment to the cause here
have not been seen attending worship during the year, and
others only attend when there is a Communion Service. It
is evident that such persons have no joy in the service of
The Sabbath School 8ta.rted here two years ago, is still
continued under the care of Mr. Richards, a of the
Anglican Church, but the attendance is poor, and chiefly
consists of very young children.
Breadnut Bottom.
I permanently took charge of the churches of this Pas-
torate on the 9th May when I was ordained to the miuistry.
I am glad to report the spiritual and social life in a
healthy condition, that services for public worship have been
maintained throughout the year, except when rain prevent-
ed. There i8 a'slight increase of members which would have
been larger but for losses by death, exclusion and transfer.
We closed the year with 19 on our ro11 of candi-
dates for membership, an increase of 12 on last year.
An encour.aging feature is the young people's class re-
cently organized and in which keen interest is manifested.
<# In spite of untoward circumstances and the present
high cost of living the general coiltributions of members have
bee.D. \ ',. \
\\ i C. E. Society and Sunday School arestiil active and
doing good work. The latter celebrated its Diamond Jubilee
in July.
The Chapel building has been kept in good condition; but
the Manse and School buildings are in need of extensive re-
Plans haye been formed to have these started in the
near future.
Wilburll.- rhe services for Divine worship have been
carried on steadily throughout the year. vVe are glad to re-
port an increase of six members. There is however much
room for improvement in the attendance at divine service,
although the locality of this station makes regular atten-
dance diffi;!ult, especially during the rainy seasons. Taking
existing conditions under consideration the condition is, on
the whole encouraging.
Tb.e building was partially repaired during the early part
of the year.
Mount Effort reports the same memhersh.ip as last year,-
while the financial situation has slightly improved. A lamp
was purchased during the year thus making it possible to
hold occasional evening services, and thus supplying a long
felt need.
Summary of Statements Showing Expenditure of
Grants Made from Colonial Missionary S9ciety' 5
Hurricane f. undo
\ F.:ltclusive of
I Fund free labour

Brixton Hill
First Hill
Brea.duut Bottom
Mount Efiort
.... 100 0 0
10 0
18 8 6
10 0 0
10 0 0
.... i 10 0 e
...... i 5 0 0
...... I & 0 0
......... 1 1 0 0
.... . 10 0
\'1858 6
43 4: 8
10 4: 3
22 6 10
6 12 8
8 \5 3
6 11 [
1 1 0
7 0 0
(Work still
10 4
143 4 8
36 4 3
40 Hi 4
17 15 0
18 ,5 3
16 11 1
6 1 0
12 0
Kingsto'h (North Stree t)
W. and O. Fund
CoUection ..
'Rey.W. and Mrs.Pdestnal
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moody
Mr. S M. Boden
" and Mrs. A. N. Vaz
" " H.C. Savage
Misses L. and 1. Duff
Mr. T, W. .. .
" and Ml's. A. S: Burton
Miss Agatha Mss8ie
Mr. P. A. Williams
" Ct. E. Campbell
-Sunday School
Wand O.
W. and 0

6 I
9 I
Porus :
W. and O.
Hon. Rev. W. B. Esson
Mr. John R. Ellis
, Alex. McLean
" John Napier
" Edward Lawes
" Willitlm Howell
" James Pitter
" Walter Henry
" David Ellis
" James Thompgon
" George Pryce
Mrs. E.
Diana Brown
Sunday School
Richmond Park:
5 6 7
s d
1 0 '0
S 01
2 0:
2 0'
2 0,
2 D
2 D
2 0
2 0
3 6

W. and 0 14 6
Collection 9 6
Rev. J. and 1\1r8. Watsoll 1 0 0'
Mr. G. S. Powell 1 0 0
Mr. and Mrs. C. StonE'l 5 0
E. A. Grant 2 0
Mrs. S. Chambers 2 0
Miss Iflahella Powell 2 0
" M. DePs.!3s 1 0
Sunday School 5
W. and O. 4 0
Sunday School 2- 6
4 11 6
Davy ton :
s d
W. and O. 1 0 0
Collect-jonR 16 6
Rev. T. L. Atkinson 10 0
Mr. D. D. Phillips 1 1 0
W. Hemans 2 0
W. 1. Williams 2 0
D. A. Weir 2 0
T. Mitchell 2 0
M. A. Williams 2 0
J. Hemans, Sr. 2 0
J. F. Hemans 2 0
J Francis 2
J. H. Waugh 1 6 ..
W. G. Morgan 2 0
Small Sums 9
S. School 1916, 28. 6d.;
1917,- 6d. 5 0
4 12 9
Brixton Hill:
iii d
W. and O. 5 6
S ubscr i ptiOllS 1 0 0
W. and O. 1916, 2s 6d;
1917, 3s. ..
CollectionR 1916, 3s.;
1917, 2s. 6d.
5 6
I Four Paths.'
W. and O. 4 G
3 13 3 Subscription 1 0 6
W. and O.
'We and 0,
Chap elton :
W. and O.
M t. Liberty :
W. and O.
W. and O.
Mt. Providence:
W. and O.
First Hill :
W. and O.
Runaway Bay:
W.'and O.
Dry Harbour:
W. and O.
W. and O. (1916)
" It (1917)
Collection ...
S . Sc'hool .. ;
W. and O. 1916
S. School
Mount Tabor:
, Collec,tion-(1916)
s d
2 0
7 ti
1 0
5 0
3 5 6
8 d
10 0
15 0
2 6
5 0
1 6
5 0
1 3
5 0
2 5 a
s (1
.5 0
5 0
5 0
5 0
Collection-( 19I6)
Mount Zion:
W. and O. (1916)
Collection "
Long Look:
W. and O. (1916)
Collection "
Breadnut Bottom :
W. and O.
Mr, A. W. Campbell
" R. Blair and family
" Albert Demetriti!l
" George May
John Small
" Philip Lambert
" Robt. Shaw
" Fplix Bailey
H Rd. Francis
" J. Francis and wife
Mrs. Emilv Francis
" Sarah 'Knott
!I Row'botham
" Cath.
Mr. Dawkins
" Chas. f.1enior
., W J. Douglas
10 0
3 0 6
. s d
5 0
8 (\
3 0
8 0
1 4 0
. !I d
8 0
10 6
3 6
2 6
2 6
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
5 0 I Wilbury:
5 0
1 10 0
a d
5 0
3 O
1 0 0
2 6
2 6
10 e
2 6
5 0
W. and O. 6 0
Miss R. E. May 2 6
M r, and H. Blake 2 6
" Richardson and family 2 6
" Francia and family 2 0
" and Mrs. Hy. Blake: Jnr. 2 0
Small Sums 8 6
Mt. Effort:
W. and O. 2 6
Collection an,d subscriptions 1 0 0
5 1 6
To oaianccls from 1916 :-
,I General account
"Librarv II
I, Refund Brixton Hill
" W. and O. Fund Collections
.. A nnllal Colls. and Stl bs.
" Almanacs sold
" Reports
" Collections for S. S. Fund
By Life Premiums
I, Almanacs (2,000) 1917
., Printing Reports ......
,. G rant to Taremont ~ l l n s e
I' Secretary's ('xp"nses
.. Audit Committee's expenses
" Treasurer's expenses
" Executive Committee's expenses
" Deputation expenses
t, Sunday School
t. Balance on Geneml Account
,I Library Account
Audited and found correct
,25th January, 1918,
.-8 d
s d
63 16
2 9 0
20 0 0 86 5 61
9 6 9
23 16 10
6 13 9
1 16 11
1 11 e
129 11 3t
s d s d
7 13 0
11 18 2
7 0 0
4 0 0
7 66
8 6t
5 0
2 2 4
2 7 1 12 ]9
83 11
2 9 0
)29 11
Date of Average
SCHOOL TEACHER. MARKS. lilst Attend- No. on
Inspection anee Books
IqngstGn (North Street), Mr. P. A. Williams I. 61 27, 9, 17 159 265
Porus (Govt. UpPer), -- (TraDs ferred to Govern- ment building.)
Richmond Park Mr. E. N. Clark J. 62 9, 10, 17 80 116
Mount Airy
.. T
E, O'Reilly II. 52 10, 10, 17 60 122
Wanstead -
(Trans ferred to Govern- m'3nt building)
Mandeville (Govt. Infant) Miss B .. Vassal L 71 18, 5, 17 59 96
New Green Mr. E. A. Grant I. 64 19, 4. 17 114 189
Richmond .. J. A. Thomas I. 61 10, 10. 17 84 186
Davy ton "W. 1. .Williams II. M 23, 6, 17 63 110
BeUefield " J. F' Thomas I. 63: 6, 6, 17 72 127
Blue Mountain A. Richards I. 64 7, 6, 17 66 108
Brixton Hill Rhoden I. II 09 13,
f;, 17 96 176
Four Pa.ths ' Geo .. H. Blake II. 47
7, 17 30 54
Rock If Saml. Grant II. 41 21, 6, 17 52 112
Pleasant " N. E. Duncan III. 46 22, 8, 17 31 74
Mount Liberty to .J. A. Thomas II. 55 3, 7, 17 88 114
First Hill " C. T. Saunders II. oi - 4, 17 79 120
Runaway 'Bay I< C. W. McClure II. 52 .-
- - 80 117
Dry Harbour " R. W. Ricketts II. 50
- - - 94 126
Tabernacle " G. R. Christian L &4 9, 10. 17 128 229
Collington " H. M. Dyke II. 540 10, 10, 17 61 101
Mount Zion .. F. A. I. i3 5, 7. 17 93 115
Long .. V. C. Robotham III. 52 4, 7, 17 29 60
Breadnut Bottom Miss L. E. E. Delahaye II. 52 3, 4, .17. 67 94
___________ Mr. J. K Thol1138 II. 50 22, 10, 17 51 7.4
_._-- ----_. -- ------.--- ---------------_ .. _--- --.------------- - .
f- s d
148 16 8
10 0
69 10 0
76 9 0
120 3 4
107 13 2
65 10 0
100 0 O
75 3 0
107 15 0.
4l 2 0
529 0
42 3 0
86 12 6
64 13 0
68 11 0
62 0 0
139 2 0
62 14 7
98 0 0
51 0 0
51 7 0
49 15 10
Day Missloos Ullan,
' ______ --

. i"ot already TOTAL i

',1 '0 5 At end Calldi- No. of
. II: of 19J 7' dates. Schools
I Z I ! I
________ ____ __ \ __ _
! I I
, - 227: 40 I 2
i 1
2 !
4.0 2
PORUS, (Whitefield)
Richmond Park
l\,fount Airy
5 412
27 3
Four Paths
CHAPEL TON, (Salem Union)
Mount Liberty
Mount PlovideMe
Runaway Ba.y
Dry Harbour
TAREMOUNT, (Bunya!l)
l\1ouut Tabor
Long Look
Mahot Hill

I Members'
No. of Scholal'lS SCbolarS"\SUbSCTi
tions Weekly
Teaeh- on A verage including Offerings Sacramental
erB. Books. At.tend- Candidates' (Loose Col-! Offerings,
Buildings I Union Con- (Sunday (Bot includ- FREE II Amt. sent Amt. sent
and Repairs.!. tributions. Schools, ing Free LABOUR. to C.1\1.S, , to L.M.S
I etc. Labour.) I I
___ ____ ance. \, Fees. lections.)
----1----- ----1----1----1-----1 -----
26 257 124 12.') ] 5 3 28 0 4
I 40
27 0 ()
4 14 3
r:; 8 (l
.j 13 9
;) 12 9
r -11 18 1
I 12 1.') 3
07 11 3
i 3 ri
i 1 4
15 18 0
() 1:3 2
34 5 7
6 IG 4
?4 0 6
10 17 11
7 ,1 3
12 16 6
5 1;) 0
2 9 0
22 3 9
8 12 3
4 13 ;]
6 19
20 11
21 19 3
2 14 8
1]2 6
22 1
4 6 4
17 4 0
15'.,lD 5
10 18 8
3 13 2
2 00
16 14 0
2 11 1
1 13 6
6 10 9
2 19 7
1 18 6
4 9
1 15 7
9 1
5 16 9
1 15 4
1 19 4
1 12 2
10 3 5
1]2 0
11 G
10 8 4
1 : ')
1 U
5 3
] 6
6 ,
3 I
4 15 3
2 17 7
12 9
3 3 11
19 0
IS 4
4 6
2 J.( 4
18 2
1 12 0
6 6
1 5 4
16 5
75 2 11
1 14 0
32 8 8
4 () 0
47 4 8
49 13 8
3P 6 7
11 17 10
7 IS 0
2 2
22 12 4
6 2 7
3 7 10
17 3 3
11 G 0
6 19 0
13 19 6
3 14 3
2 11 0
4 13 7
24 15 11
3 19 10
1 8 10
16 6 5
9 12 0
26 4 8
13 0 1
14 6
8 5
58 4 2
7 17 4
8 0
5 14 1
9 11 1
19 3 4
6 0
9 3
22 10 0
2 18 10
12 13 6
17 4
8 9
3 2 3
11 0
4 12 9
1 5 6
g 6
6 0
1- 5 0
. 7 6
6 6
6 3
10 U
10 0
10 0
1 10 6
15 0
5 0
10 0
13 0
11 0
. 1
51 0 6 295 11 9
14 3 !l I 56 16 10
2 0 7 I 11 10 0
10 4 10
11 2 11
11 4.
3 17 1
1) 9 2
14 0
7 3
159 17 9
)6 0 11
13 1 0
131 11 9
20 14 7
157 6 5
134 8 6 I
74 15 5 1
30 7 6
24 4 9
8 8! 17R 13 8
i 25 17 0
14 9 J
18 2 6
53 7 11
12 11
1 g 10
2 1!J 2
4 3
17 8
3 3
1 1 6
113 ]7 10
80 10 0
18 19 9
56 4 O!
14 19 !l
16 19 4
79 7 8
20 4 1
11 15 4
35 ] l 5
5 0
12 0 0
3 10 0
I 16 4
1 5 0
15 0
1 5 0
5 0
1 2 0
l8 6
2 10
4 4,
4 5
1) 0
JO 0
10 0
10 7 3
0 {)
2 0
1 5 0
7 0 0
BNEADNUT BOTTO:-JI ., - 120 19 1 6 98 63 22 6 9 13 8 6 3 4 2 12 15 5 14 4 R 2 11 0: 1 5 7 ,1) 1:1 1 - - -
Wilburv - 86 I 5 1 4 70 SF> 1:l 6 2 6 11 2 10 5 I 6 16 1 5 1 4: 1 6 0 i 10 4 7 I .40 IS to - - -
i _ - t; J1 g JJ -2 g
lllcreases . I - - - 1 - I 43 13 9 - I - I - i 13 9 - - I - t - -
121-41- --162"-[-262-0(1087; - 4717 6 89-7 -1442
t RitUr1!S lDcomplete owing; to Pastor's illnesa. 1916 figures are given whele those for 1917 are not available.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
3 9002 10638 0018

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