Nakshatra Dhanishta

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The key takeaways are that Dhanishtha nakshatra is associated with wealth, fame, sound and ruled by the Vasus gods. It is symbolized by musical instruments like drums and flutes. People born under this nakshatra can experience marital difficulties and gain success through hard work.

The symbols associated with Dhanishtha nakshatra are musical instruments like drums and flutes. It is also symbolized by a female lion.

People born under Dhanishtha nakshatra are said to be tall, lean, wealthy, powerful, kind-hearted but also arrogant. They have a passion for music and dancing. They can experience health issues like anemia and marital difficulties.


THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"


Dhanishta is ruled by the Vasus, the Gods of abundance. It is known as the"Star of Symphony". Dhanishtha has two meanings in it - one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound). Dhanishta builds upon the connections of Shravana and makes, them more

According the V i s h n u P u r n a they are the following eight: 1. pa, 'water'; 2. Dhruva, 'the Pole-star'; 3. S o m a, 'the Moon'; 4. Dhara, 'Earth'; 5. Anila, 'Wind'; 6. Anala or Pvaka, 'Fire'; 7. Pratyusha, 'the Dawn'; 8. Prabhsa, 'Splendor' (

According to the Mahabharata, the names of the Eight Vasus are as follows: Dharo Dhruvascha Somascha Ahascha Anilo Anala: Pratyooshascha Prabhaasascha V asava: ashtou prakeertitaa:
THE VASUS [GODS] reffered to in t his context are EI GHT/8 Vitalizing Deities or intelligent forces, among whom, the purifying, radient energy, Pavaka [ AGNI ,GOD OF FIRE] I S SUPREME. As per another account the Ashta Dik Paalakaas are considered as 8 vasus who Guard eight directions eight deities-. Gods ruling the eight sides are --Indra, (East), Agni (Southeast), Yama (South), Nirriti (Southwest), Varuna (West), Kubera (North) and Eesaana (Northeast).

Vasus: literally: 'the good of clarity'. Certain gods, notably the d i t y a s, M a r u t s, A s v i n s, I n d r a, R u d r a, V y u, V i s h n u, S' i v a, and K u v e r a (see B.G. 10.23; as also 7.8: 37-56).

THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"

The "Star of Symphony", there is considerable material wealth, ownership of property and real estate with this nakshatra. As to the symbols of musical instruments, some do possess musical ability. The "Star of Symphony", there is considerable material wealth, ownership of property and real estate with this nakshatra. As to the symbols of musical instruments, some do possess musical ability and love dancing, for they are able to keep a beat. With this notion they are great at timing, this can refer to having a knack for being at the right place at the right time. There seems to be emptiness from within, for the musical instruments, a drum and flute are hollow. They are constantly trying to fill this void, and this may be the cause of their problems in relationships and marital discord Western star name: to Delphini (Alpha Delphini) o Lord: Mangala (Mars) o Symbol : Drum or flute o Indian zodiac: 2320' Makara - 640' Kumbha ; o Western zodiac 1920' Aquarius - 240' Pisces Eight vasus, deities of earthly abundance Symbol: a musical drum, tabla or flute Animal symbol:Female lion Khyapayitri shakti: the power to give abundance and fame.

The eight Vasus are the solar gods of light and energy. They are earth deities that give abundance on the material plane. Vasu means "light" "benefic" indicating a charitable attitude, and high virtues. The Bhagvad Gita, Ch. 10, verse 23: Of the eleven Rudras I am shiva of the Yaksas and the Rakshasas I am Kubera the treasurer of the demigods, of the eight Vasus, Agni the fire god and of the mountain Meru.

THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"

Sridhara Swami's Commentary Of the 11 Rudras the vibhuti or divine, transcendental opulence of the Supreme Lord Krishna is Sankara which is synonymous with Shiva as given in Mahabharata. Although His vibhuti Kuvera, the lord of wealth being the treasurer of the demigods is a Yakshas and not a demonic Rakshasas they are included together because in regard to cruelty they are both alike. Among the eight Vasus His vibhuti is Pavaka the fire-god known as Agni. Of lofty mountains possessing peaks His vibhuti Mt. Sumeru. Location = Delphinus the Dolphin: alpha, beta, gamma & delta Delphini "They gain through high association The drum in mind is like an Indian tabla, which can be tuned to a particular note." - The Circle of stars, Valerie Roubeck. "The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest" Dhanistha = following the beat, the Drummer The Vasus desired, "May we revolve around the summit of the Gods." One who makes the appropriate offering to the Vasus, to Dhanishta, gains the summit among his peers.
The Vasus rule over material and worldly splendors, which their Nakshatra grants. They gain through high association." David Frawley, Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra

Barbara Pijan Lama: sraviSTha:

most famous born or produced under the Nakshatra Shravishtha 24th (or 21st or 22nd) Nakshatra (also called Dhanishtha & regarded as having the shape of a drum)


relating or belonging to the Vasus , derived or descended from them; name of Indra (as chief of the Vasus); belongs to Indra

THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"

the Nakshatra Dhanishtha (presided over by the Vasus)


"receptacle of prosperity" name of Nakshatra Dhanishtha


very swift very rich more modern name of the Nakshatra Slavishtha or 24th lunar mansion
Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionary

Normally, you have a lean body with lengthy figure. In exceptional cases you may have a stout figure.

You will be expert in all work you undertake. You have an extremely intelligent mind & all around knowledge. You do not like to cause any trouble to others. It has been seen that you have a religious spirit. You always like to live by your own caliber & effort. ou dislike to express disagreement with others until the last moment. Most of us are probably aware of the elephant's revenge. That is, if any person or any animal cause trouble to the elephant, the elephant waits for an opportunity to pounce on them. In the same way, you wait for an opportunity to pounce on others with whom you have a score to settle. Most scientists & historians are born in Dhanishta. Since there is an inherent talent of keeping secrets, you are quite suitable for secret service, private secretaries to senior executives.

THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"

Whatever may be your academic background, your intelligence is beyond question. In argument you are much ahead of others. Lawyers profession is excellent for you. "

"From the 24th year onward will show progress in the earning field. Since you will be engaged in the profession or trade where you have to trust others, you should be very careful before putting trust in others. In the family circle you will be the uppermost administrator. Your relatives will cause a lot of embarrassment & problems. You are more inclined to brothers & sisters. You will have ample inherited property subject to the placement of planets in beneficial position. You cannot have much benefit from in-laws. But this drawback will be nullified due to the presence of the good qualities of your spouse. Any improvement in the financial field will be only after marriage. "

The Eight Vasus (Gods of abundance) -- Basudaibata = wealth-giver of jewels, precious articles, gold, etc. 1. Agni "fire" - Anala "living" 2. Prithvi "earth" - Dhara- "support" 3. Va-yu "wind" - Anila "wind" 4. Antariksha "atmosphere" - Aha "pervading" 5. A-ditya "eternal" - Pratyu-sha "pre-dawn" 6. Dyaus "sky" - Prabha-sa "shining dawn" 7. Chandramas "moon" - Soma "soma-plant" 8. Nakstrani "stars" - Dhruva "motionless" (the Polestar)

THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"

9. finely tuned hearing, e.g. dolphins 10. excellent dancers 11. often a heavy eater, who eats as an emotional stress release. May develop eating disorders if the over-nourishment results in social criticism (e.g., Princess Di). True of Sravana also. Dhanishtha has two meanings in it one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound). Bosu is often referred to as Asta Bosu (eight attributes of Bosu) known by Dharaa, Dhruba, Soma, Vishnu, Anal, Anil, Pratush and Provaasa. In different scriptures they are mentioned by different names and each name ultimately points to a particular power. Summing up the ideas they mean charity, controlling capacity and the royal virtues. Bosu is said to have its origin from Gangaa (river). Dhanishtha Nakshatra has one uncommon characteristic denoting delayed marriage or unhappy married life. It indicates sexual weakness. It differs temperamentally with its partner. Dhanishtha in Makara has the idea of a river. In Kumbha the idea is ocean or sea. Therefore, the ideas of Dhanishtha also differ according to its position in Makar or Kumbha. A person born in this Nakshatra is of excellent behaviour, practical, rich, powerful and kind hearted. People born in this nakshatra are lean and tall, with good ability to resist contagious diseases. These people get angry and are determined to crush the offender with all their might. These people need to take proper care of their health, as they tend to neglect their health problems till they reach the extreme stage. Dhanishta born are passionate about the past and spend time in learning about it. Dhanishtha Nakshatra has one uncommon characteristic denoting delayed marriage or unhappy married life.

THE STAR OF SYMPHONY-"The Most Famous" - "The Most Heard-of" - "The Wealthiest"

Females born in this nakshatra always look younger than their actual age. Marital life will be happy and satisfactory. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like anemia, cough and cold etc. Women may suffer from uterine problems. Ascendant in Dhanishta: Regal and heroic nature, humanitarian, idealistic, charitable, virtuous, ambitious, optimistic, wealthy, philosophical, raswh, arrogant, inquisitive mind, liberal in thought. Moon in Dhanishta: Wealthy, liberal in gift-giving, charitable, daring and rash in action, controversial, fond of music and poetry, mystical, difficult to convince of anything, troubles or delay in marriage, several mates, obstinate. The moon in Dhanishtha indicates a person who possesses material wealth and property. They need fame and recognition and are good leaders, but they can be greedy and self absorbed. They are musical and good at dancing and like to travel. They can also experience marital difficulties. They are patient, suffering, royal life, enduring, revengeful, brave and social. The Sun in Dhanishta: Courageous, strong, issues with anger, curious mind, research oriented, athletic, hard working, philosophical nature, social interests, wealthy, successful, cynical, stressful lifestyle, irrational at times. Career interests: Musicians, poets, doctors, surgeons, real estate, property management, engineering, mining, scientists, research work, charitable organizations. Shadowy side: Materialistic bent of mind to the extent of possessing everything for self, overly ambitious, stingy or covetous of others fortune, a tendency towards self absorption and narcissism (Excessive love or admiration of oneself), inconsiderate and ruthless, heartless and revengeful, trouble with marriage.

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