CT History and Technology
CT History and Technology
CT History and Technology
The following brochure will give you insights into the history of
computed tomography as well as its present status. Nevertheless,
this is an on-going development process. And Siemens will
continue to consistently extend its leading position in CT
technology. With you. For you. And for your patients.
2 CT Basics
Historical Outline 4
State of the Art 12
Sequential CT 12
Spiral CT 13
Setup of a CT System 14
Scanning unit (gantry) 15
X-ray components 15
Data acquisition components 16
Scanner Parameters 18
Collimation 18
Increment 19
Pitch 20
Rotation time 21
mAs 22
Image Generation 23
A CT image is produced 23
What does a CT image show? 24
Windowing 24
Image Evaluation and Image Processing 25
Two-dimensional displays 26
Three-dimensional displays 27
Clinical Use of CT 32
CT in general clinical use 32
Advantages of spiral CT in clinical use 32
CT-Angiography (CTA) 33
When is a CT examination indicated? 33
Historical Outline
4 CT Basics
11/08/1895 1896 1903 1913
M i l e s t o n e s i n t h e H i s t o r y o f C T
X-ray image of
his wife’s hand
1930/31 1972 1974 1976 1978
Godfrey N. Hounsfield
Bernard Ziedses Instant image
des Plantes reconstruction SOMATOM 2
1981/82 1983/84 1985/86 1987/88
512 x 512 reconstruction ± 25° gantry tilt angle Modern applications: Shorter examination
matrix DYNAMIC CT and 3D times
70 cm gantry opening
with MPR and SSD
50 cm FOV (display field); Increased patient comfort
OPTI X-ray tube with (Shaded Surface
graphically selectable and
1.75 MHU Display) DURA X-ray tube with
continuously variable
4.3 MHU
Integrated MPR 3D Shaded Surface
3 s scan time for a full
function (Multi Planar Display (SSD) 40 kW DURA generator
360° rotation
Integrated gantry cooling:
1 mm slice width
Heat exchanger
0.5 mm high-contrast
1024 x 1024 display and
documentation matrix
OPTI X-ray tube with
Real-time MPR
1.35 MHU
Selection of five slice
Automatic scanning
thicknesses (1–10 mm)
Coronales MPR,
3D Oberflächendarstellung
1989 1990 1991
Continuous volume
Spiral CT acquisition with user interface,
continuous tabletop feed mouse-
8 CT Basics
1992 1994
Integrated CT-Angiography 0,75 s SPIRAL 1,0 s SPIRAL
Subsecond spiral CT
30 cm/
40 cm/ 30 s
30 s
DURA-S X-ray tube with 4.3 MHU Larger volumes acquired faster,
shorter breath hold, increased patient More volume in
Prospective and retrospective
comfort, improved thin-slice the same time
overlapping SPIRAL reconstruction
SPIRAL XP: 40 s (pitch variable from
0.75 s scan time for a full 360° 0.75 s SPIRAL 1.0 s SPIRAL
1:1 to 2:1)
rotation, 0.5 s for a quick scan
Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP)
100 s/130 cm multiple spiral
and Minimum Intensity Projection
acquisition with 1:1 pitch
(MinIP) incl. editing function for CTA
Selection of six-slice thicknesses
(1–10 mm)
CT-Angio (MIP)
of the circle 30 s 1.0 s SPIRAL
of Willis, The same volume
SOMATOM in less time
Subsecond spiral CT, long MPR, Advantages of subsecond
abdomen/pelvis, SOMATOM Plus 4 SPIRAL scans
1996/97 1998 1999
Lightning UFC™
syngo software
Same image quality with Fastest rotation time Intuitive user interface for
significantly reduced of 0.5 s all medical applications and
radiation dose products
Virtually isotropic
Improved MPR – coronal/ resolution
HeartView CT: First use
Real-time image display of Cardio CT in routine
(1 image/rotation) operation, temporal
resolution of up to 125 ms
Volume Rendering Technique
(VRT) SureView™:
Reconstruction algorithm
for multislice spiral
2000 2001 2002
State of the Art
Sequential CT
12 CT Basics
Direction of patient Path of rotation tube
transport and detector
0 z, mm
0 t, s
Spiral CT
Setup of a CT System
14 CT Basics
X-ray components
• Tube
Manufacturers of CT systems use X-ray tubes with
variable focal spot sizes. This makes sense, because
volumes for which good low-contrast resolution is
essential need to be scanned with a large focal spot
and high power, whereas high resolution images
with thin slices require a small focal spot. Tubes
Scanning unit (gantry)
used in modern CT scanners have a power rating
A CT scanning system consists of an X-ray unit, which of 20–60 kW at voltages of 80 to 140 kV. The
functions as a transmitter, and a data acquisition unit, systems can, however, be operated at maximum
which functions as a receiver. In commercial CT power for a limited time only. These limits are
systems these two components are housed in a ring- defined by the properties of the anode and the
shaped unit called the gantry. generator. To prevent overloading of the X-ray tube,
the power must be reduced for long scans. The
development of multi-row detector systems has
practically excluded this limitation, since these
detector systems make much more efficient use
of the available tube power.
• Shielding
Each CT scanner is equipped with grids, collimators
and filters to provide shielding against scattered
radiation, to define the scan slice and to absorb the
low-energy portion of the X-ray spectrum. In this
way, both the patient and the examiner are
X-ray radiation
Scintillation crystal
UFC Detector v
• Detector
The detector system plays a special role in the interaction of
the CT components. It converts the incident X-rays of varying
intensity to electric signals. These analog signals are amplified
by downstream electronic components and converted to
digital pulses. Over time, certain materials have proven very
effective in the utilization of X-rays. For example, Siemens
uses UFC (Ultra Fast Ceramic) Detectors which, due to their
excellent material properties, dramatically improve image
16 CT Basics
Adaptive array detector
2 x 0.5 mm 4 x 1 mm 4 x 2.5 mm 4 x 5 mm
• Multi-row detector
Multi-row detectors utilize radiation delivered from the
X-ray tube more efficiently than single-row detectors. By
simultaneously scanning several slices, the scan time can be
reduced significantly or the smallest details can be scanned
within practicable scan times. In the adaptive array detectors
used by Siemens, the rows inside the detector are very narrow,
becoming wider as you move toward its outer edges in the
z direction (longitudinal axis of the body). A combination
of collimation and electronic interconnection provides
considerable flexibility in the selection of slice thicknesses.
At the same time the space required by the detector septa,
and therefore the unused space, is minimized.
Scanner Parameters
18 CT Basics
Figure 1
15 s 30 s
20 CT Basics
Rotation time
• The same volume and the same slice thickness can be scanned
in less time
The mAs value (e.g. 100 mAs) is the product of the Siemens CT scanners also feature the CARE Dose
tube current (e.g. 200 mA) and the rotation time technical measures package (CARE = Combined
(e.g. 0.5 s). Applications to Reduce Exposure), which was
developed to reduce patient exposure to radiation.
In multi-row CT systems we simplify this equation by
This package guarantees shorter examination times,
using what is commonly called “effective mAs”. This
the lowest possible exposure to radiation, and images
is the product of the tube current and the exposure
of excellent quality.
time for one slice (rotation x collimation/feed per
rotation). Ultra modern computer technology “monitors” the
patient during the entire examination period. During
The selected mAs and tube voltage determine the
each rotation, the radiation is continuously measured
dose. The mAs value selected depends on the type
and modulated according to the current attenuation
of examination. Higher mAs values reduce the image
level. CARE Dose thus makes it possible to vary the
noise, thus improving the detectability of lower
radiation dose depending on the patient’s anatomy
contrasts. For visualizations of soft tissue, i.e. regions
and thus reduce it by as much as 56%.
of low contrast, a higher dose and larger slice thickness
are required. The abdomen and brain are typical Scanner parameters determine the image quality.
regions of soft-tissue contrast. Visualizations of bones Optimal performance of spiral CT systems can be
or the lungs, i.e. regions of high contrast, as well as achieved only with an optimal combination of
contrast studies of vessels require lower doses and parameters.
thinner slices.
22 CT Basics
Image Generation
A CT image is produced
Acquisition: tube
In the simplest case, the object (here a round cylinder) is linearly Collimator
scanned by a thin, needle-like beam. This produces a sort
of shadow image (referred to as ”attenuation profile” or Rotation
”projection”), which is recorded by the detector and the image
Detector and
processor. Following further rotation of the tube and the detector measuring
by a small angle, the object is once again linearly scanned from Attenuation electronics
another direction, thus producing a second shadow image. This profile
procedure is repeated several times until the object has been
scanned for a 180° rotation.
Display: without convolution with convolution
The various attenuation profiles are further processed in the 0 projections
image processor. In the case of simple backprojection, each
attenuation profile in the scanning direction is added up in 1 projection
the image memory. This results in a blurred image due to the
disadvantage of this simple backprojection, i.e. each object
3 projections
not only contributes to its own display, but also influences
the image as a whole. This already becomes visible after 3
N projections
projections. To avoid this problem, each attenuation profile is °
subjected to a mathematical high-pass filter (also referred to
as ”kernel”) prior to the backprojection. This produces overshoot
N projections
and undershoot at the edges of the object. The mathematical °
operation is referred to as ”convolution”. The convolved
attenuation profiles are then added up in the image memory Profile
to produce a sharp image. section Ka 2000
Lung window Soft-tissue window
What does a CT image show?
In the CT image, density values are represented as gray scale -400 Lungs
values. However, since the human eye can discern only approx. -550
-800 -950
80 gray scale values, not all possible density values can be -1000
Air -990
displayed in discernible shades of gray. For this reason, the
density range of diagnostic relevance is assigned the whole
range of discernible gray values. This process is called CT no.
windowing. HU
80 Liver
To set the window, it is first defined which CT number the 70 Blood
central gray scale value is to be assigned to. By setting the 60 60 50
Pancreas 50
window width, it is then defined which CT numbers above and 50 Kidneys
40 50
below the central gray value can still be discriminated by varying 40 30
30 20
shades of gray, with black representing tissue of the lowest
density and white representing tissue of the highest density.
The first obvious results of any CT examination are Examples of 2D post processing capabilities offered
the axial cross-sectional images. Since these images by modern CT systems:
are already available in digital form on a storage
• Display of the CT numbers of arbitrary pixels in
medium, they can be processed immediately by the
the image
processor. The evaluation of geometrical parameters
such as distance, area, angle and volume as well as • Display of the CT number profiles along arbitrary
density measurements are part of clinical routine intervals in the image
today. The tissue density is determined using the CT • Zoom and shift of image segments
number averaged over a defined evaluation area, • Filtering of images
the so-called Region Of Interest (ROI). Geometrical • Addition, subtraction or other possibilities of image
parameters can be defined more accurately than in overlapping
conventional radiography, since the problems of
The terms “two-dimensional“ (2D) and “three-
superimposition and distortion do not exist in CT.
dimensional“ (3D) refer to the image content.
Views showing entire volumes are referred to as
“3D displays”.
sagittal coronary transversal
Two-dimensional displays
CT mainly uses the transverse plane as the imaging An extension of the MPR technique allows the
plane. Therefore, views of other orientations usually interactive combination of thin slices into slices (slabs)
have to be reconstructed from the original images. of any thickness. This technique is used for better
This is done by Multi Planar Reformation (MPR). visualization of structures, such as vessels, which
extend across several slices. This technique has
With MPR, a series of axial images are combined to
become known as Sliding-Thin-Slab (STS).
form a stack. By aligning the same columns and rows
of all images of a series, the computer reconstructs
Advantages of two-dimensional displays
contiguous images for any arbitrary plane. The
examiner can then interactively page through these • Direct, accurate display of CT numbers
images, using the mouse for example, and evaluate • Easy orientation in the volume
them (iMPR). By paging forwards and backwards, • Unambiguous interpretation of image values
he finds the image which most clearly shows the
• Interactive evaluation on the monitor
anatomical and pathological detail of interest.
• Basis for 3D images
4-quadrant displays with axial, sagittal, coronary,
and oblique slice orientation are standard today
and provide a good overview.
26 CT Basics
Three-dimensional displays
Maximum Intensity
Projection (MIP)
CT number
Virtual light
source Calcification
160 HU
threshold Soft tissue
5 10 y, cm
Observer’s position
For threshold based surface displays a CT number, With SSD it must be noted that the gray scale values
e.g. 150 HU, is predefined as a threshold. All pixels, are no longer related to the original density of the
i.e. voxels, which exceed this threshold value structures. For example, if several structures which
contribute to the result image. From the viewer‘s exceed the threshold value are superimposed in
position these are all those pixels along each beam the viewing direction, only the structure closest
which first exceed the threshold. The surface is to the front surface of the monitor is displayed.
then reconstructed from the totality of pixels and This also applies if the structures behind it have
illuminated by an artificial light source to create a considerably higher CT numbers.
shading effect (Surface Shaded Display, SSD). The
It also needs to be taken into account that SSD
shading effect intensifies the depth impression
displays always depend on the threshold value
for the viewer. With this technique, however, the
selected. For example, the display of vascular
original density information from the CT numbers
stenoses can be distorted by selecting an
is lost.
inappropriate threshold. If the threshold value is
increased, a higher degree of stenosis results, if it
is decreased, stenoses may be obscured. In this way
calcifications and contrast medium in the vessels
can no longer be differentiated. Therefore, SSD
images are hardly suitable for diagnosis. They are,
however, used to document results or for 3D
28 CT Basics
CT number
160 HU
threshold Soft tissue
5 10 y, cm
Observer’s position
Maximum Intensity Projections (MIP) are based on In contrast to SSD, with this technique a minimum
the voxels with the highest density, i.e. CT number. of density information is retained. Moreover, the
Along a virtual beam extending from the viewer projection is always a combination of those voxels
through the 3D image volume, the voxel with the from the entire volume that have the highest
highest density value is displayed in the resulting density, irrespective of whether these voxels are
MIP image. Each MIP image is therefore a 2D located further towards the front or the back of the
projection image. Running several MIP images image. Unlike in SSD images, calcifications and
in fast sequence can create a realistic spatial contrast medium are clearly differentiated in MIP
impression. For this, an image series is created images.
by varying the viewing angle in small steps.
Alternative to the MIP image, it is also possible
to display pixels with the lowest intensity in the
projection image. These images are called MinIP
images. They are used to display structures such
as the bronchial tree.
CT number
160 HU
threshold Soft tissue
5 10 y, cm
Observer’s position
30 CT Basics
• Virtual endoscopy (VE)
Clinical Use of CT
32 CT Basics
CT-Angiography (CTA)
When is a CT examination indicated? Neck Thorax
Cervical soft tissue Mediastinum
Here are several examples of CT Carotids Thorax high resolution
examinations: Thoracic vessels
Pulmonary vessels
• Head • Abdomen Heart
• Neck • Extremities
• Thorax • Spine
Head Spine
Head, general/brain Cervical spine
Orbita Thoracic spine
Sella turcica Lumbar spine
Petrous bones
Paranasal sinuses
Circle of Willis
3D cranial, facial bone
34 CT Basics
CT-Arterioportography (CTAP)
Kidneys, biphase
Adrenal glands
Renal arteries
Abdominal vessels
Small pelvis
Vessels, pelvic/lower extremity
Shoulder joint
Hip joint
Wrist bone
Knee joint
The information in this document contains general
descriptions of technical possibilities which do not
necessarily apply to each individual case. Any
performance features individually required must
therefore be stipulated upon conclusion of the relevant