Pages From Modern Power Systems Analysis by D P Kothari & I J Nagrath

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cos {r =

- PmaxII



critical clearing anglecanbe calculated from Eq.(12.67) above. The angles in are in radians. The equation mooiiies as below if the angJes are :lt::t1|on ln oegrees.
cos {. -


r.(6 ^i* - do) - Pmaxrr cosdo * prnu*ru cosd,ou*

Pmaxltr - Prnaxn

Give the system of Fig. 12,33 where a three-phascfault is applied at rhe point P as shown. i0.s
Infinite bus vFlloo

Case c: Reclosure If the circuit breakersof line 2 arereclosed successfully (i.e., the fault was a transient one and therefore vanishedon clearing the faurty line), the power transfer once again becomes P"N = P"r= p*u*I sin d Since reclosure restores power transfer, the chances of stable operati'n improve. A case of stable operationis indicated by Fig. 12.32. For critical clearing angle

Flg. 12.33 Find the critical clearing angle for clearing the fault with simultaneousopening of the breakers I and 2. T\e reactance values of'various components are indicated on the diagram. The generatoris delivering 1.0 pu power at the instanr preceding the fault. Solution With referenceto Fig. 12.31, three separate power angle curves are involved. f. Normal operation (prefault)

- sin-l 1p_/p*.*r; 4 = 4r* = 1T

t ucr 6rc


sin 0 dd = pm) d,6 J @r,- Pmaxrr J (p.*m sin d_

6r, dru, t

+ J (P,*r sin d_ p^) d6


= 0.522 pu

= 2.3 sin d


Prefault operatingpower angle is given by 1.0 = 2.3 sin 6 or IL During 6o =25.8" = 0.45 radians fault

It is clear from Fig. 12.31 that no power is ffansferredduring fault, i.e., = o

(Clearing angle)

(Angle of reclosure )


Fig- 12-32 Faurtin middre of a rineof the systemof Fig. 12.27a where trrj tr, + r; T = time betw,een clearing anclreclosure.
trin 1n 1A


powerSystem Modern Anatysis = - 1.5 (cos2.41- cos 6,) - (2.41- 6") = 1.5cos 6", + 6r,- I.293
Setting A = Az and solving


rrr. Post fault operation (fault cleared by openingr the faulted Iiae)

6r, - 0.45 = 1.5cos 6r,+ 6r,- 1.293

l.2xl.0 n Perrr=


sin d= 1.5sin 6



- 0.562 cos {,. = 0.84311.5


or 4, = 55.8" poweranglediagrams are shownin Fig. 12.35. The corresponding

Pn=1 'O

Find the critical clearing angle for the system shown in Fig. 12.36 for a threephase fault at the point P. The generator is delivering 1.0 pu power under prefault conditions. 5 i0.1 i 0. 1s
lnfinite bus lvF1.otoo

66=0.45 rad

6^rr=2.41rdd Fig. 12.35

Pu lF,l=1.2

----afea ^ Al = . A2 (Sge flg.

jo.15 Flg. 12.36

TTto rrrw

-ooi*"* urour.rLurr

-^*:^^:Ll^ psllluDDlulc

^--l^ alilBrtr

C Omax


given by I = 2.4Lradians 1.5 Applying equal area criterion for critical clearing angle { Ar = P^ (6", - 6) = 1.0 (6", - 0.45) = 6c,- 0.45 4ou*=r-sin-l

12.35) is
Solution f, Prefault bus is operation

Transfer reactance between generator and infinite

& = 0.25+ 0.17+

0.15+0.28+0.1 =5 0.71 2 (i)

Az= !{r,n-p^)d,6
6,, 2.41 I 6., r2.41

Pc' - , = r ' Z x l s i n d = 1 . 6 9s i n 6 0. 71 power angle is given by The operating

sin ,fr 1.0= 1.69

or do = 0.633 rad The positive sequencereactancediagram during fault is IL Durtng fault presentedin Fig. 12.37a.

= | (1.5 sin6- 1) dd J

= - 1 . 5 c od s_ d l
| 6",

Power System Stabilit-v

J 000 L



j0.25 0 '

/ 000 L----------r \000

Perrr=U! ' l

sin d = r'2 sin 6





j0.'15 V=1.0

With referenceto Fig. 12.30and Eq. (12.66),we have


) E1=t.z

To find the cqitical clearing angle, areas A1 and A, arc to be equated.


(a) Positive sequence reactance diagramduringfault j0.25 j0.145 j0.145 ', j0.17

- , At = l.o (6,,- 0.633)


o.+e5 sin d dd




A-z =

dmax f
J 6 - cr

- 4) | 1 . 2s i n d d d - 1 . 0( 2 . 1 5 5

At =Az
(b) Network afterddlta-star conversion


6r, = 0.633--l9l=1'z
V=1.0100 2.155

o.63 J

0.495 sin d dd

(c)Network after star-delta conversion . Ftg. 12.32

J 6cr

[ t.Z rin 6 d6 - 2.t55 + 6,, '

or - 0.633 + 0.495 cos olo' = - 1.2cos ol"tt -2.155

lo.orr la., or - 0.633 + 0.495 cos 6,, - 0.399 = 0.661 + 1.2 cos 6", - 2.155 or cos 6r, = 0.655 U 6r, = 49.I"

Converting delta to star*, the reactancenetwork is changed to that of Fig. 12.37(b). Further, upon converting star to delta, we obtain the reactance network of Fig. .r2.37(c). The transfer reactanceis given 6y

(0.2s 0.072s + 0.145) + (0.145 0.0725 + 0.17) + (0.25 + 0.145) (0.14s 0.17) + Xu=

_ 2.424 p- = r eI fir. Postfault lal!


= 0.495 sin v uur dv.a/, sin





line switched

A generatoroperating at 50 Hz delivers 1 pu power to an infinite bus through a transmission circuit in which resistance is ignored. A fault takes place reducingthe maximum power transferable to 0.5 pu whereasbefore the fault, this power was 2.0 pu and after the clearance of the fault, it is 1.5 pu. By the use of equal area criterion, determine the critical clearing angle. Solution All the three power angle curves are shown in Fig. 12.30.

X r l = 0 . 2 5 + 0 . 1 5+ 0 . 2 8 + 0 . 1 5 + 0 . 1 7= 1 . 0
*Node elirnination techniquewould be'used for complex network.


Mod"rn Po*.. sEl!"-nAn"lytit

= 1.5 pu P-"*r =2.0 pu, Pmaxl= 0.5 pu and Pmaxrrr Initial loading P^ = 1.0 pu

2.The angular rotor velocity u= d6ldt (over and above synchronous velocity

I( p 6r,ro= zr sin tffiJ

E7-sinl 1.5

1 :2.4!rad

n-1 solution Discrete

n Continuous solution

t Af

Applying Eq. (r2.67)

- 0.523) - 0.5 cos 2.41= o ??? cos 0.523 1.0(2.41 + 1.5 cos {, -- 0.5 1.5




In most practical systems,after machine lumping has been done, there are still more than two machines to be considered from the point of view of system stability. Therefore, there is no choice but to solve thp swing equation of each machine by a numerical techniqueon the digital computer. Even in the case of a single machine tied to infinite bus bar, the critical clearing time cannot be obtained from equal area criterion and we have to make this calculation
! . .rr-rr------





-t Af








| -^-Ll^+i^^+^l *^+L^lt rttrIc aIU ssvtrIilr JuPurDtruilL('(l lllELlluLlD


now available for the solution of the swing equation including the powerful Runge-Kutta method. He.rewe shall treat the point-by-point method of solution which is a conventional, approximatemethod like all numerical methods but a well tried and proven one. We shall illustrate the point-by-point method for one machine tied to infinite bus bar. The procedure is, however, general and can be applied-to every machine of a multimachine system. Consider the swing equation d26 1 -= ;T ;e*-P^*sind): PolM;


Jn-2 Fig. 12.38 n-1 n Point-by-point solution of swing equation


In Fig. L2.38, the numbering on tl\t axis pertains to the end of intervals. At the end of the (n -l)th interval, the accelerationpower is Pa (n_r)--Pm- P-* sh 4-r Q2.68) where d_1 has been previously calculated.The changein velocit! (a= d6ldt), causedby the Pa@-r),assumedconstant over At from (n-312) to (n-ll2) is w n- '2wn- 3t 2=( Lt / M ) Pa@- r )

(* - 9H orinpu system M = +)
\ 7t


(12.6e) (12.70a) (12.70b)

The solution c(r) is obtained at discrete intervals of time with interval spread of At uniform throughout. Accelerating power and changein speed which are continuous functions of time are discretrzedas below: 1. The acceleratingpower Po computed at the beginning of an interval is assumed to remain constant from the middle of the preceding interval to the middle of the interval being consideredas shown in Fig. t2.38.

The change in d during the (n-l)th interval is L6r-t= 6r-1- 6n-2= A'tun4'2 and during the nth interval L6r 6n- 6n- t = / \ t un- 112

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