Theoretical Geomechanics

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Marian IVAN
University of Bucharest Department of Geophysics 6 Traian VUIA str. 70138 BUCHAREST o.p.37 ROMANIA e-mail : [email protected] [email protected]

Samizdat Press

In memoriam Professor Marin DOROBANU


These course notes present some theoretical problems related to the Mechanics of a Continuum Solid Body, of particular importance to Applied Geomechanics, Geological Engineering and Structural Geology. In most cases, only static aspects are discussed, but some dynamic cases are also presented. As a rule, the modern tensorial approach is used. Some basic elements are reviewed at the beginning of the notes. More details can be found into the excellent books of George Backus and Brian Kennett, also available at Samizdat Press. The linear elasticity and the homogeneity of the continuum solid body are almost thoroughly assumed to be valid, but some elements of Rheology are also presented. In most cases, the semi-inverse method is used to solve the problems. According to it, the solution is supposed to be of a particular form, as a consequence of the simplified hypothesis previously assumed. It is verified that solution checks both the corresponding equations and the boundary conditions. Based on the Uniqueness Theorem of the Linear Elasticity, it follows the assumed particular solution is just the general solution of the problem. In all the cases discussed here, the assumed simplified hypotheses allow one to obtain simple, analytical solutions. At a first glance, the importance of such solutions is minor with respect to the real cases, where mainly the non-homogeneity of the medium plays a great role. However, the analytical solutions are the basis for deriving finite element algorithms, allowing one to model satisfactory the complex real cases. Such examples are also presented. The author will kindly appreciate any critical remarks on these notes, being very grateful to Samizdat Press for the possibility to shear his work.


INTRODUCTION page Chapter A: BASIC ELEMENTS. .... 5 A.1) The displacement vector. Lagrangean (material) and Eulerian (spatial) co-ordinates. ..5 A.2) Invariants of a tensor. Tensor deviator. ...5 A.3) Strain tensor. Stress tensor. Equation of motion / equilibrium. ..5 A.4) HOOKEs law. .....8

Chapter B: DEFORMATION OF A CYLINDRICAL BODY IN THE PRESENCE OF GRAVITY .... 9 B.1) The model .9 B.2) Equations of equilibrium. Boundary conditions. Simplifying hypothesis. .. .. ..9 B.3) The final shape of the body. . ..12

Chapter C: LVYs PROBLEM - the triangular dam . 14 C.1) The SAINT-VENANTs equations. .. ..14 C.2) The model. Simplifying hypothesis. The planar deformation state. ...14 C.3) Equations of equilibrium. AIRYs potential. ..15 C.4) Boundary conditions. The final shape of the dam.. .. ..16

Chapter D: KIRSCHs PROBLEM - the circular bore hole / tunnel .. 19 D.1) The model. ... .. 19 D.2) The planar state of deformation in cylindrical co-ordinate system. . ..20 D.3) The circle of MOHR. .. 21 D.4) AIRY s potential in cylindrical co-ordinates. The bi-harmonic equation. . 21 D.5) The divergence of a tensor in cylindrical co-ordinates. ..22 D.6) The gradient of a vector and the strain tensor in cylindrical co-ordinates. .. .23 D.7) The bi-harmonic equation cylindrical co-ordinates. . .24 D.8) The stress elements. Conditions at infinity for the stress elements. . .. 25 D.9) Strain and displacement vector. Conditions at infinity. . 27 D.10) Boundary conditions for the stress elements on the wall of the circular cavity. . .28 D.11) The final shape of the wall. . 31

Chapter E: BOUSSINESQs PROBLEM - concentrated load acting on an elastic semi-space ....33 E.1) The equations of BELTRAMI and MITCHELL. 33 E.2) The model. .. . 35 E.3) The equations of equilibrium and strain tensor in spherical co-ordinates. . 35 E.4) LAPLACE operator in spherical co-ordinates. LEGENDRE s polynomials. . 36 E.5) The displacement field. . .. 37 E.6) Boundary conditions for the stress elements. The final solution. .. . 39 Chapter F: ELEMENTS OF THIN PLATE THEORY ....41 F.1) The model of a thin elastic plane plate .41 F.2) The planar state of a plate. The bending state . .41

4 F.3) Loads acting on the plate ..42 F.4.) Odd and even functions for the planar state and for the bending state. .42 F.5) Mean value of a function. Equilibrium equations for thin plates. ..43 F.6) Thin plate in the bending state. . ..45 F.7) BERNOULLI s hypothesis. .. . ..45 F.8) HOOKE s law for a thin plate. . . ..46 F.9) The infinite, 1-dimensional (1-D) plate. The flexure of the lithosphere. .. .. ..47 F.10) Exterior forces on the lateral surface of the plate. Buckling. ....48 F.11) The buckling of a simply leaning thin plate. .. ..50 F.12) The infinite extended 1-D plate. . . ..51 F.13) FOURIER transforms. Properties. .. . ..51 F.14) Solution of the flexure equation by using FOURIER transforms. .. . ..52 F.15) Finite plates. . .. ..55 a) Significance of ij and ij for the bending state. . .. 55 b) The rectangular plate. Boundary conditions. LVY s solution. . .. 55 F.16) Vibrations of a plate laying on a viscous substratum. .. 57 a) The differential equation. ... 57 b) The rectangular plate with 3 embedded sides. ... 58 Chapter G: THE SPHERICAL SHELL . 60 G.1) The model. BERNOULLI s hypothesis. Displacement vector and strain tensor. .. 60 G.2) Quasi-mean values. Equation of motion. .. .61 G.3) Integrals of the stress elements. Quasi-moments. .. ... .62 G.4) Integrals of displacement vector. . .. .62 G.5) Equation of motion in quasi-mean values. . ... .63 G.6) Quasi-mean value of the shell density. The differential equation. .. .. .63 G.7) The buckling of a spherical shell. .. ... .64 G.8) Load on the upper face. Stress on the lower surface of the shell. .. .66 G.9) The differential equation of time dependent flexure. .. .. .67 G.10) Spherical effects with respect to the plane plate. . .... .68 Chapter H: ELEMENTS OF RHEOLOGY . .. 69 H.1) Introduction. .. ..69 H.2) Linear models. . 69 a) KELVIN-VOIGT (strong viscous) model. .69 b) MAXWELL (viscous-elastic) model. . 70 c) BURGERS (general linear) model. .70 d) Remarks on the linear models. . ..71 H.3) Non-linear models. . . 73 H.4) Brittle. Creep. Empirical criteria. .. . 73 H.5) Empirical criteria for shear-faulting. TRESCA criterion. COULOMB-NAVIER criterion. .....74 H.6) Von MISES-HENCKY criterion for ductile flow (plasticity).. .. 76 H.7) Rheological models. .. .77 a) SAINT VENANT body (elastic-plastic material). .77 b) BINGHAM body (visco-plastic material). .77 Chapter I: THE ACCRETION WEDGE .. . 78 I.1) The model. 78 I.2) Equations of equilibrium. Yield condition. Stress field. . . 78 I.3) Boundary conditions. Final results. .. 79 References .. .81

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