Outcomes Based Syllabus

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Outcomes-Based Syllabus (OBS)

SAN PABLO COLLEGES City of San Pablo College of Nursing


T&e $ourse in$lu'es 'is$ussions on &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as a%%lie' in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations(
)%er CHED a%%ro*al+ CHED Me#oran'u# Or'er No( ,,, Series of -../ Ti#e Allot#ent "nit Cre'it :

!ifty four )01+ &ours 2 Le$ture T&ree ),+ "nits

Grading Period

Summary of


!ntended Learning Outcomes of t"e nit

Stu'ents $an i'entify an' 'istinguis& tea$&ing fro# ot&er learning( )Cogniti*e+ Stu'ents $an 'ee%en t&e interest an' lo*e in %ursuing t&e role of &ealt& e'u$ators( )Affe$ti*e+ Stu'ents $an %ra$ti$e t&e s3ills as no*i$e &ealt& e'u$ators( )Psy$&o#otor+ Stu'ents $an e5%lore t&e 'e*elo%#ental stages of t&e learners( )Cogniti*e+ Stu'ents $an &a*e a 'ee%er a%%re$iation in %ursuing t&e role of &ealt& e'u$ators( )Affe$ti*e+ Stu'ents $an utili6e t&e learning %rin$i%les in tea$&ing &ealt& $are an' e'u$ation( )Psy$&o#otor+ Stu'ents $an 'is$uss an' 'es$ribe t&e 'ifferent tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies( )Cogniti*e+ Stu'ents $an a%%re$iate t&e art of tea$&ing &ealt& $are an' e'u$ation( )Affe$ti*e+ Stu'ents $an e5e$ute an' %ra$ti$e t&e art of tea$&ing &ealt& $are an' e'u$ation( )Psy$&o#otor+

Course #e$uirement
Stu'ents are re4uire' to sub#it a rea$tion %a%er regar'ing t&e a%%li$ation of learning t&eories to &ealt& $are %ra$ti$es(

Heat& E'u$ation Pers%e$ti*e Pers%e$ti*e on Tea$&ing an' Learning


C&ara$teristi$s of Learner

Stu'ents are re4uire' to sub#it %rinte' e'u$ational #aterials for learners of 'ifferent 'e*elo%#ental stages in effe$ting &ealt& $are e'u$ation(


Tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' learning

Stu'ents are re4uire' to #a3e a #o$3 tea$&ing utili6ing #et&o' of t&eir $&oi$e(

ra'ing Syste# 1.7 2 Ter# E5a#ination -07 2 8ui66es 907 2 Re$itation 9.7 2 Course re4uire#ent 07 2 Atten'an$e:De$oru# 07 2 E5tra$urri$ular A$ti*ities 9..7


P"iloso%"y &ision 'ission Ob(ecti)es An e'u$ational institution ;it& a C&ristian Cat&oli$ outloo3 Center of E5$ellen$e Total Personality De*elo%#ent Intensify t&e 8uality, Rele*ant an' E5$ellent Instru$tional Progra#s in all le*els of E'u$ation


Educational Paradigm
Preservation of Culture of Excellence


SPC Core Values Extension Service

Core &alues

RI HTEO"SNESS Dis$i%line A;areness Res%e$t E5$ellen$e


SER<ICE =or' of o' =or3 =itness

General Ob(ecti)e "%on $o#%letion of t&e %rogra#, gra'uate nurses s&all 'e#onstrate total %ersonality e4ui%%e' ;it& %rofessional $o#%eten$ies to assu#e res%onsibility for %rofessional 'e*elo%#ent an' utili6e resear$& fin'ings in t&e %ra$ti$e of t&e nursing %rofession( S%ecific Ob(ecti)es T&e %rogra# ai#s to %ro'u$e nurses ;it& t&e follo;ing $o#%eten$ies: 9( A$4uire &olisti$ un'erstan'ing of t&e &u#an as a bio2 %sy$&o2 $ultural being ;it& fo$us on $on$e%ts of &ealt& an' illness( -( De#onstrate t&e $o#%eten$ies in t&e 3ey areas of res%onsibilities of a beginning %rofessional nurse( ,( Obser*e a resear$& attitu'e in t&e a%%li$ation of t&e nursing %ro$ess(

Course No- and Course +itle

Course *escri%tion

Educational Ob(ecti)es of t"e Course

Student Learning Outcomes.Course Outcomes

Strat M Prin$i%les, Met&o's An' Strategies Of Tea$&ing Healt& E'u$ation

T&e $ourse in$lu'es 'is$ussions on &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as a%%lie' in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations(

9( To gi*e instru$tion to t&e stu'ents regar'ing &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as t&ey a%%ly in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations( )Cogniti*e+ -( To lea' t&e stu'ents to re$ogni6e an' a%%re$iate &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as t&ey a%%ly in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations( )Affe$ti*e+ ,( To $on*in$e t&e stu'ents to a%%ly &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations an' $reate, #a3e, an' $o#e u% ;it& instru$tional 'esigns to #eet t&e learning nee's of $lients( )Psy$&o#otor+

9( Stu'ents $an $o#%re&en' &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as a%%lie' in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations( )Cogniti*e+

-( Stu'ents $an re$ogni6e an' &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as a%%lie' in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations( )Affe$ti*e+ ,( Stu'ents $an a%%ly &ealt& e'u$ation $on$e%ts, %rin$i%les, t&eories an' strategies as t&ey in t&e $lini$al an' $lassroo# situations an' $reate, #a3e, an' $o#e u% ;it& instru$tional 'esigns to #eet t&e learning nee's of $lients( )Psy$&o#otor+

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

9( To gi*e stu'ents infor#ation on t&e follo;ing to%i$s: o*er*ie; of e'u$ation on &ealt&$are, $on$e%ts of tea$&ing an' learning, role of #i';ife as &ealt& e'u$ator, &all#ar3s of effe$ti*e tea$&ing a%%lying learning t&eories to &ealt&$are %ra$ti$e, %lanning an' $on'u$ting $lasses( )Cogniti*e+

9( Stu'ents $an 'is$uss, 'es$ribe an' e5%lain t&e to%i$s on: o*er*ie; of e'u$ation on &ealt&$are, $on$e%ts of tea$&ing an' learning, role of #i';ife as &ealt& e'u$ator, &all#ar3s of effe$ti*e tea$&ing a%%lying learning t&eories to &ealt&$are %ra$ti$e, %lanning an' $on'u$ting $lasses(( )Cogniti*e+ -( Stu'ents $an a%%re$iate t&e follo;ing to%i$s: o*er*ie; of e'u$ation on &ealt&$are, $on$e%ts of tea$&ing an' learning, role of #i';ife as &ealt& e'u$ator, &all#ar3s of effe$ti*e tea$&ing a%%lying learning t&eories to &ealt&$are %ra$ti$e, %lanning an' $on'u$ting $lasses( )Affe$ti*e+

Assess#ent of stu'ent learning Stu'ents $an sub#it a rea$tion using t&e tra'itional e*aluati*e %a%er on t&e a%%li$ation of learning t&eories to &ealt& $are %ra$ti$e( tools: Re$itation 8ui66es E5a#inations Rubri$ assess#ent follo;ing: on t&e

-( To assist t&e stu'ents on t&e a%%re$iation of t&e follo;ing to%i$s: o*er*ie; of e'u$ation on &ealt&$are, $on$e%ts of tea$&ing an' learning, role of #i';ife as &ealt& e'u$ator, &all#ar3s of effe$ti*e tea$&ing a%%lying learning t&eories to &ealt&$are %ra$ti$e, %lanning an' $on'u$ting $lasses(( )Affe$ti*e+

Class %arti$i%ation Case stu'y:analysis rou% ;or3:%resentations <isual re%resentations

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

,( To gui'e t&e stu'ents in ,( Stu'ents $an %lan t&e $on'u$t of %lanning t&e $on'u$t of $lasses in $lasses in &ealt& $are e'u$ation( &ealt& $are e'u$ation( )Psy$&o#otor+ )Psy$&o#otor+ TOPICS A( Healt& e'u$ation %ers%e$ti*e 9( Histori$al 'e*elo%#ent in &ealt& e'u$ation -( Issues an' tren's in &ealt& e'u$ation ,( T&eories in &ealt& e'u$ation >( Pers%e$ti*e on tea$&ing an' learning 9( O*er*ie; of e'u$ation on &ealt& $are -( Con$e%ts of tea$&ing, learning, e'u$ation %ro$ess *is2a2*is nursing %ro$ess, &istori$al foun'ations for t&e tea$&ing role of t&e nurse, ,( Role of t&e nurse as a &ealt& e'u$ator

In'i*i'ual an' grou% e5er$ises Role %lay Intera$ti*e 'is$ussion ?ustifi$ation an' rationali6ation in learning an' tea$&ing &ealt& $are e'u$ation as &ealt& e'u$ators( Refle$ti*e learning: One@s role in learning an' tea$&ing &ealt& $are %ra$ti$e:e'u$ation

Analysis an' abstra$tion of &ealt& e'u$ation an' %ers%e$ti*e on tea$&ing an' learning on &ealt& $are e'u$ation( E5%loration an' e5%osition in t&e e5er$ise of t&e role as &ealt& e'u$ators

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

1( Hall#ar3s of effe$ti*e tea$&ing in nursing 0( Prin$i%les of goo' tea$&ing %ra$ti$e in un'ergra'uate e'u$ation A( >arriers to E'u$ation an' Obsta$les to Learning /( A%%lying learning t&eories to &ealt& $are %ra$ti$e B( Planning an' $on'u$ting $lasses 01 "ours

I'entifi$ation an' Defining &all#ar3s of effe$ti*e tea$&ing in nursingC Prin$i%les of goo' tea$&ing %ra$ti$es, a%%li$ation of learning t&eories to &ealt& $are %ra$ti$es, 'eter#ining t&e barriers an' obsta$les to effe$ti*e learning an' %lanning for t&e $on'u$t of $lasses(

C&e$3list s&o;ing:#ar3ing t&e A #o$3 'e#onstration in tea$&ing essential #ar3s of effe$ti*e &ealt& e'u$ation utili6ing t&e *i'eo tea$&ing fro# 3no;le'ge to s3ills for re$or'ing %ur%oses( an' *alues of being &ealt& e'u$ators(

P#EL!'!NA#2 PE#!O* !irst =ee3 to Si5t& =ee3

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

9( To %ro*i'e stu'ents t&e infor#ation on t&e follo;ing to%i$s: $&ara$teristi$s an' 'e*elo%#ental stages of t&e learner( )Cogniti*e+

9( Stu'ents $an 'is$uss, 'es$ribe Assess#ent of stu'ent learning an' e5%lain t&e follo;ing to%i$s: using t&e tra'itional e*aluati*e $&ara$teristi$s an' 'e*elo%#ental tools: stages of t&e learner(( )Cogniti*e+ Re$itation 8ui66es -( To assist t&e stu'ents on t&e -( Stu'ents $an *alue t&e follo;ing E5a#inations a%%re$iation of t&e follo;ing to%i$s: to%i$s $&ara$teristi$s an' $&ara$teristi$s an' 'e*elo%#ental 'e*elo%#ental stages of t&e Rubri$ assess#ent on t&e stages of t&e learner( )Affe$ti*e+ learner(( )Affe$ti*e+ follo;ing: ,( To gui'e t&e stu'ents to %ra$ti$e tea$&ing s3ills relate' to ea$& $&ara$teristi$ an' 'e*elo%#ental stage of t&e learners( )Psy$&o#otor+ ,( Stu'ents $an %ra$ti$e tea$&ing s3ills relate' to ea$& $&ara$teristi$ an' 'e*elo%#ental stages of t&e learners( )Psy$&o#otor+ Class %arti$i%ation Case stu'y:analysis rou% ;or3:%resentations <isual re%resentations

Stu'ents $an sub#it %rinte' e'u$ational #aterials for learners of 'ifferent 'e*elo%#ental stages in effe$ting &ealt& $are e'u$ation(

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

TOPICS C&ara$teristi$s of t&e learner 9( Deter#inants of Learning a( LearnerDs $&ara$teristi$s b( Assess#ent of t&e learner $( Assessing learning nee's -( Moti*ation an' be&a*ior of t&e learner a( Learning %rin$i%les b( Moti*ation an' be&a*ior $&ange t&eories ,( Litera$y an' rea'ability a( Rea'ing le*els of $lients b( Assessing litera$y $( Tea$&ing strategies for lo; literate %atients '( De*elo%ing %rinte' e'u$ational #aterials 01 "ours

ACTIVITIES Intera$ti*e Dis$ussion In4uiry Met&o' rou%:Paire' A$ti*ity Oral E5a#inations on $&ara$teristi$s of a learner an' learning %rin$i%les E*aluation on t&e s3ills an' A &an's2on learning e5%erien$es $o#%eten$ies in tea$&ing base' t&roug& $areful obser*ation on learning t&e nature an' nurture analysis an' refle$tion( of t&e learners *ia $ases, situational analysis an' $reation of tea$&ing2learning s$enarios(

Stu'y on t&e $&ara$teristi$s of t&e learners for tea$&ing effe$ti*eness, t&e i#%ortan$e of #oti*ation to #eet t&e nee's, interests an' be&a*ior of t&e learner, 3no;ing t&e litera$y le*el of t&e learners an' a%%li$ation of *arie' strategies for lo; literate learners, %atients an' $lients, t&e 'e*elo%#ent an' %ro*ision of %rinte' e'u$ational #aterials for t&e learners(

'!*+E#' PE#!O* Se*ent& =ee3 to T;elft& =ee3

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

9( Stu'ents $an $o#%re&en' t&e Assess#ent of stu'ent learning Stu'ents $an %erfor# tea$&ing 'ifferent tea$&ing strategies an' using t&e tra'itional e*aluati*e 'e#onstration in t&e $lassroo# or #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' $o##unity setting( tools: learning( )Cogniti*e+ Re$itation 8ui66es E5a#inations -( To assist t&e stu'ents on t&e -( Stu'ents $an reali6e t&e a%%re$iation of t&e follo;ing to%i$s: i#%ortan$e of t&e 'ifferent tea$&ing strategies an' tea$&ing assess#ent on t&e strategies an' Rubri$ #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' follo;ing: #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' learning(( )Affe$ti*e+ learning(( )Affe$ti*e+ Class %arti$i%ation ,( To gui'e t&e stu'ents to %ra$ti$e ,( Stu'ents $an $arry out t&e Case stu'y:analysis tea$&ing strategies an' 'ifferent tea$&ing strategies an' rou% ;or3:%resentations #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' <isual re%resentations learning( )Psy$&o#otor+ learning( )Psy$&o#otor+ 9( To %ro*i'e stu'ents t&e infor#ation on t&e follo;ing to%i$s: tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' learning( )Cogniti*e+

Course Ob(ecti)es/ +o%ics and +ime Allotment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Acti)ities

Assessment Strategies

Outcomes Assessment #esults.E)idences

TOPICS Tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' learning 9( Tra'itional tea$&ing strategies a( Le$turing b( Dis$ussion $( 8uestioning '( "sing au'io *isuals e( Intera$ti*e le$ture -( A$ti*ity2base' strategies ,( Co#%uter tea$&ing strategies 1( Tea$&ing %sy$&o#otor s3ills 0( Clini$al Tea$&ing Assess#ent an' E*aluation of Tea$&ing an' Learning 01 "ours

ACTIVITIES Intera$ti*e Dis$ussion In4uiry Met&o' rou%:Paire' A$ti*ity Oral E5a#inations on tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies for tea$&ing an' learning E*aluation in 'istinguis&ing t&e tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies for its a%%ro%riate use in effe$ting learning on &ealt& $are e'u$ation( Stu'ents $an i'entify a' 'efine t&e *arious tea$&ing strategies an' #et&o'ologies fro# t&e ti#e2teste' #et&o's to t&e te$&nology2'ri*en instru$tion(

Stu'y on t&e art an' s$ien$es of tea$&ing 'istinguis&ing t&e #useu# )tra'itional #et&o's+ an' t&e #o'ern #et&o's )Te$&nology2 'ri*en Instru$tion+ 'eter#ining t&e Learning ObEe$ti*es an' E*aluation(

3!NAL PE#!O* T&irteent& =ee3 to Eig&teent& =ee3

>astable, S( >( ( )-..,+( Nurse as EducatorPrinciples of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice (2nd ed. ?ones an' >artlett Publis&ers DeFoung, S(, )-..,+( Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators! Pearson E'u$ation Sout& Asia Pte Lt'

?ournal of Nursing E'u$ation Nursing E'u$ation To'ay Nursing E'u$ator

;;;(;&o(int:to%i$s:health"education# ;;;(ni$&'(ni&(go*:"ealt":education

T&e Out$o#es2>ase' Syllabus in PRINCIPLES, METHODS AND STRATE IES O! TEACHIN HEALTH ED"CATION %re%are' an' sub#itte' by Mel$&or !eli%e 8( Sal*osa, R(N(, M(A(N( A$a'e#i$ Fear -.9,2-.91 &as been a%%ro*e' by: Prof( Maria Li6a C( >rion Dean Prof( Hai'ee D( Abias Area Coor'inator Dr( ?o$elyn A(C( >arra'as <P for A$a'e#i$ Affairs No*e#ber 90, -.9, Date Prof( Rene >( Manlangit C&ief Librarian

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