Customer Loyalty

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Retail Pro 3252 Holiday Court La Jolla, CA 92037 USA USA 1-800-738-2457 International +1-858-550-3355

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

About this Guide

This document explains how to use the Customer Loyalty customization with Retail Pro 8 Series. If you believe the information presented here is incomplete or inaccurate, we encourage you to contact us at [email protected]. The software described herein is furnished under a license agreement. Retail Pro 3252 Holiday Court La Jolla, CA 92037 USA USA 1-800-738-2457 International +1-858-550-3355

Copyright Copyright 2008 Intuit, Inc. All rights reserved. Redistributed by Retail Pro. under license. Retail Pro 3252 Holiday Court La Jolla, CA 92037 U.S.A. Trademarks Retail Pro and the Retail Pro logo are registered trademarks and/or registered service marks in the United States and other countries. Oracle and Oracle 9i are registered trademarks and/or registered service marks of Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Other parties trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners and should be treated as such.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. i

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Table of Contents
About this Guide .................................................................................................................. i Introduction..........................................................................................................................3 Overview........................................................................................................................3 Customer Loyalty module..............................................................................................4 Customer Loyalty Wizard and Plug-In ..........................................................................4 Installation............................................................................................................................5 Installation Files.............................................................................................................5 Install the Set Up Wizard...............................................................................................5 Install the Plug-In...........................................................................................................7 Register the RDA2.DLL ................................................................................................7 Install at Remote Stations if needed...............................................................................7 Check the Shortcuts .......................................................................................................7 Setting up a Program............................................................................................................9 Loyalty Program Options...............................................................................................9 Starting the Wizard ......................................................................................................11 Currency-based Programs............................................................................................12 Point-based Programs ..................................................................................................19 Changing Programs......................................................................................................30 How to Use at POS ............................................................................................................31 Accessing Customer Loyalty at POS...........................................................................31 Redeeming Loyalty Value ...........................................................................................32 Point-based Programs ..................................................................................................36 Returning to Form View from Tender .........................................................................38 Redeeming Points Converted to Currency...................................................................38 Adjusting Loyalty Value for Return Receipts: ............................................................39 Reversing Receipts.......................................................................................................41

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. ii

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Retailers who actively promote customer loyalty retain more of their customers and stay ahead of the competition. The Retail Pro Customer Loyalty module gives you the tools you need to develop satisfied customers and keep them coming back.

For many large companies, up to 95% of profits come from long-term customers PricewaterhouseCoopers
In todays highly competitive retail market, building a loyal customer base can be the difference between success and failure. A loyalty program helps you build a better relationship with your customers, understand their buying patterns and behavior, and target the most profitable consumers. Loyal customers are often less price sensitive and more forgiving, and can become your best sales people by advocating your goods or services. Most importantly, they visit the store more frequently and spend more with each transaction. Developing a loyal customer is less expensive than acquiring a new one. Acquiring a new customer typically costs three to several times more than retaining an existing customer. Retail Pro gathers customer-specific information that enables you to understand shopping patterns, provide customers with the right products, and ultimately offer them better service. Customer retention has profound implications for your business. By rewarding customers through a loyalty program, you gain the perfect tool to bring them back to the store again and again.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty module

The Retail Pro Customer Loyalty module allows you to track and reward customer loyalty, based on the currency value or point value of a customers purchases. Accumulated loyalty value is then eligible for redemption on future purchases based on the redemption rules you assign when setting up a customer loyalty program. How it works: Loyalty value is calculated and stored in a variety of ways. With each transaction, customers can earn either a number of points or a currency amount. Options enable loyalty values to be associated with all the merchandise in inventory or just selected items. Point values can vary from item to item. As customers achieve point thresholds, the points can be converted into savings, discounts, and currency values right at the point of sale. The result: Create satisfied customers who value the experience of shopping in your stores. They return again and again, and purchase more per transaction! Achieve improved margins, increased ROI, and a loyal customer base.

Customer Loyalty Wizard and Plug-In

There are two parts to the Customer Loyalty module: a Set Up Wizard to create your loyalty program and a plug-in modification within Retail Pro.

Set Up Wizard
The Customer Loyalty Set Up Wizard is used to create and define a loyalty program. Loyalty programs can be set up in many different ways. However, two basic parameters for a program are:

the method used to accumulate loyalty value, and redemption rules for accumulated loyalty value.

If loyalty value is accumulated in terms of currency, we refer to a currency-based program and loyalty value in this manual. If loyalty value is accumulated in terms of points, we refer to a point-based program and loyalty points.

Retail Pro Plug-In

The Retail Pro plug-in uses the loyalty program set up information when receipts are created. Once installed, the Customer Loyalty plug-in is accessible within Retail Pro through POS > RECEIPTS. You can view a customers current loyalty value and redeem value at point of sale based on your loyalty programs predefined rules.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

As described in the previous chapter, there are two parts to the Customer Loyalty Modification: A Set Up Wizard and a plug-in (modification) to Retail Pro. The Set Up Wizard is installed using a standard installation program. The plug-in must be copied to your Retail Pro installation.

Installation Files
The Customer Loyalty module requires the following files:

This is a self-extracting program that will install the Customer Loyalty Set Up


an image file used by the plug-in. the Customer Loyalty plug-in. licensing file specific to the client.




the user manual for the Customer Loyalty module including installation, set up and how to use the plug-in within Retail Pro.

Install the Set Up Wizard

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Customer Loyalty Set Up Wizard must be installed and run on the Retail Pro Main server. Do NOT install the Wizard on the Main server and attempt to run it from a workstation. 1. Copy the CLINSTALL.EXE file to the \RETAIL\ directory on the Retail Pro Main server. 2. Run the CLINSTALL.EXE program. It will ask you for the installation directory. This will default to C:\RETAIL\CUSTLOYAL. If you browse for a different directory be sure to add the \CUSTLOYAL directory when you are browsing.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty For example, if you have a different Retail directory pathname, press the Browse button and find the target directory and add \CUSTLOYAL to the end of the pathname:

When you press OK, the result will be:

Continue the installation by pressing NEXT >. When the installation is complete, the Customer Loyalty Set Up Wizard will be added to your Windows Start menu: START > RETAIL PRO > CUSTOMER LOYALTY SETUP.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Install the Plug-In

1. If you do not have a \RETAIL\ PLUGINS directory, create one. (The spelling must be exactly as shown.) 2. Copy the CLOYALTY.BPL, CL.BMP and CLOYALTY.LIC files into the PLUGINS directory.

Register the RDA2.DLL

You must register the RDA2.DLL in the RPRO directory: 1. Select RUN from the Windows Start menu. 2. Type the following line in the text box. Substitute the location of your actual \RETAIL\ directory for C:\RETAIL\ in the example:

3. Click OK. You should receive a message saying that the registration succeeded.

Install at Remote Stations if needed

Only the plug-in and associated files need to be installed at a Remote station. To install the Customer Loyalty modification at the Remote: 1. If you do not have a \RETAIL\ PLUGINS directory, create one. (The spelling must be exactly as shown.) 2. Copy the CLOYALTY.BPL, CL.BMP and CLOYALTY.LIC files into the PLUGINS directory. The loyalty program information is polled automatically from the Main to the Remotes. This will occur in the next polling cycle after the Loyalty Program Set Up Wizard is run at the Main. However, it is possible to manually copy the file containing the loyalty program information from the Main to the Remote so that you dont have to wait for the polling cycle or initiate a polling cycle. To manually copy the loyalty program information: After running the Loyalty Program Set Up Wizard at the Main, make a copy of the CLOYAL.INI file in the RPRO directory on the Main. Take the CLOYAL.INI file to the Remote and copy the file into the RPRO directory on the Remote.

Check the Shortcuts

If you are using shortcuts to start Retail Pro, check each shortcut and make sure that the Start In directory in the shortcut points to the \RETAIL\ directory on the Main or Remote. Note that on workstations, this path must use the mapped network drive.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Setting up a Program
Loyalty programs can be designed to operate using an accumulated currency value or an accumulated points value. Different program variations can be set up depending on the basis for the program. This chapter describes how to use the Set Up Wizard to set the preferences of a customer loyalty program. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Loyalty Program Set Up Wizard must be run on the Retail Pro Main server. It cannot be run from a workstation connected to the Main server.

Loyalty Program Options

Whether your program uses currency or points for loyalty value, one of the customer UDF fields within Retail Pro will be used to store the accumulated value. You will be able to specify which field (UDF3 UDF8) is used.

Currency-based programs
If currency is used for accumulated value, then the program options are:

Value can be accumulated either as a fixed percentage of invoice amount or an amount based on different ranges of invoice amounts. In addition, Value can be accumulated for all items on the invoice or only selected items. Value can be redeemed for all items or only selected items. If only selected items can be redeemed, an inventory Aux field will be used to indicate which items can be redeemed. You will be able to select which Aux field should be used and enter the Aux field value that indicates the item can be redeemed. For example, only items with CLP in Aux1 can be redeemed. If all items are eligible for redemption, then accumulated loyalty currency will be applied to the entire invoice. The amount is applied as either a global discount or gift certificate tender. You will be able to specify which one should be used. If only selected items can be redeemed, then the selected items are redeemed using a 100% line item discount. In this case, you will be able to specify the discount type that is used.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Points-based programs
There are five ways to accumulate points:

Award points as a percentage of the invoice total. Award a specified number of points for different ranges of invoice total. In this case, you will be able to enter the range information. Award a fixed number of points for each invoice. Award a fixed number of points for each item on the invoice. Award a different number of points for each item on the invoice. In this case, you will set up an inventory Aux field that will contain the number of points awarded for an item. (Set this to zero, if no points are awarded for an item).

There are three ways to redeem points:

Convert points to a currency value using a percentage. In this case, the redemption amount is applied as either a global discount or gift certificate tender. You will be able to specify which one should be used. Use a fixed number of points for all inventory items. Use a different number of points for items. In this case, you will be able to set up an inventory Aux field that contains the number of points required to redeem an item.

If options 1 or 2 are chosen, you may also specify which items are eligible for redemption.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Starting the Wizard

The Customer Loyalty Set Up Wizard will take you through the program set up in a step-by-step fashion. 1. Start the Set Up Wizard by selecting its entry on the start menu: START > PROGRAMS > RETAIL PRO > CUSTOMER LOYALTY SETUP.

2. Enter or browse for the location of the \RETAIL\ directory. 3. Select the method you want to use to accumulate loyalty value. This can be either currency or points. 4. The accumulation and redemption options will vary depending on the basis for your loyalty program. The Set Up Wizard will display a series of screens with the options available based on the previous selections. 5. Click on NEXT to continue. There will be a brief delay while the set up utility connects to the Retail Pro database. 6. As you move through the set up Wizard, you always have the option of going back and changing your settings or canceling the set up entirely. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you get an error ActiveX component cannot create object. then follow these instructions:

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 11

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty If an ActiveX error occurs, do the following: 1. From the Windows Start menu, click on RUN. 2. Enter the following in the text box (substitute the path and name of your \RETAIL\ folder for C:\RETAIL in the example):

3. Click OK. 4. You should see a message similar to Registration of RDA2.dll succeeded. 5. Click OK. 6. Restart the Customer Loyalty Set Up Wizard.

Currency-based Programs
If you have selected a currency-based program, follow these steps to customize your loyalty program: 1. Select the method for calculating accumulated value.

Value can be accumulated as a percentage of sales amount or based on ranges of sales amounts.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 12

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 2. Decide whether or not value is accumulated for all items on the invoice or only selected items:

3. Select how you want to redeem accumulated value:

You can use accumulated loyalty value for all items or selected items.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 13

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 4. Specify which customer UDF field will be used to store the accumulated loyalty value:

5. Determined your value accumulation choice. If you are accumulating value as a percentage, you will see:

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 14

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty However, if you are accumulating value based on ranges of sales amounts, you will see:

Enter the minimum and maximum amounts for ranges of invoice amounts and the amount of loyalty currency the customer should receive for each range. If you set up your program so that value is only accumulated for selected items, you will see:

6. Pick an inventory Aux field that will be used to determine if an item should be included when accumulating value.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 15

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 7. Enter the Aux field value that indicates the item should be included. 8. If you previously selected Apply redemption to all inventory items then the next step is to select how redemption is done:

Redemption can be done using a Gift Certificate tender or by using a global discount on the invoice.

If you choose Gift Certificate tender, then the customer loyalty modification will automatically place a Gift Certificate tender on the invoice. If you choose global discount, then a global discount will automatically be placed on the invoice. If you spread global discounts, you will enter the discount type as part of the normal invoicing process.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 9. If you previously selected Apply redemption value to selected inventory items. you will now enter the information needed to determine which items are eligible:

Pick an inventory Aux field and value that will be used to determine if an item is eligible for redemption. In the example shown, only items with CLP in the Aux1 field can be redeemed. 10. In the following case, when an item is redeemed, the line item discount is set to 100%. You will have to specify which discount type should be used:

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

11. In all cases, when you have finished entering all the options for your program, the Wizard will display a summary of your program:

You can print this out for reference in setting up Retail Pro, or you can go back and change your settings. The program is not fully set up until you click on the FINISH button. If you click CANCEL at this point, the program is not saved. Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 18

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Point-based Programs
There are many more options in point-based programs. If you selected I want to use points to accumulate value on the initial set up screen, the following screens will display your options: 1. Select how you want to accumulate points. There are five options for accumulating points:

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 19

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 2. Select the redemption option. There are three options for point redemption:

3. If you choose to convert points to currency using percentage or a fixed number of points for all items, the next screen is:

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 20

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty When using percentage or fixed points, you can apply the points to any item or only selected items. 4. In all cases, the next selection is the customer UDF field that will be used to store accumulated value:

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 5. The next screen is determined by the method used to accumulate points. If by percentage of invoice, you will see:

If based on ranges, you will see the following screen. Enter the range information. Each range has a minimum amount, maximum amount and number of points for the range.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 22

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty If accumulation is based on fixed points for each invoice, enter the number of points that should be awarded for each invoice.

If accumulation is based on fixed points for all items, enter the number of points awarded for each item.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 23

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty If accumulation is based on a different number of points for each item, an inventory Aux field will be used to store the number of points awarded for an item. This can be set to zero for items that dont accumulate points. You will have to set the Aux field value in Retail Pro.

6. The next screen is determined by the redemption method you have entered. If you are redeeming based on conversion of points to currency using a percentage, enter the percentage to be used when converting points to currency.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 24

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty If you are redeeming based on a fixed number of points for all items, enter the number of points required to redeem an item.

If you are redeeming based on different points for each item, an inventory Aux field will be used to store the number of points required to redeem each item. If the Aux field is set to 0, the item is not eligible for redemption. You will have to set the Aux field value for each item in Retail Pro. If you are using an Aux field for accumulation points, you cannot use the same field for redemption.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 26

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty If you are redeeming based on percentage or fixed points for all items, and have selected Apply points only to selected items, an inventory Aux field will be used to indicate which items are eligible for redemption. Select the Aux field to use and the value. In the example, if CLP appears in Aux1, the item is eligible for redemption.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty 7. The next screen is dependent on the previous settings. If you are using a percentage of points converted to currency for redemption and points apply to all items, the next screen is as follows. Since currency will be used for redemption and can be applied to all items, the redemption value can be applied as a gift certificate tender or as a global discount to the invoice.

Copyright 2008 Retail Pro. All rights reserved. 28

Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty However, if you have selected any type of points per item based redemption or redemption of only selected items, the next screen is as follows. In any case where single items are redeemed, a 100% line item discount is used. On this screen, you must select the discount type used for these discounts.

In all cases, the next screen is a summary of your loyalty program. You can print this out for reference in setting up Retail Pro, or you can go back and change your settings. The program is not fully set up until you click on the FINISH button. If you click CANCEL, the program is not saved.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Changing Programs
You can run the Customer Loyalty Set Up Wizard again to change your program; however, existing data is not converted from an old program to a new program. It is recommended that you plan accordingly before changing programs. For example, if you were using points stored in UDF3 for a loyalty program and changed to a currency-based program using UDF3, any point values in the UDF3 field would now be treated as currency values. Or, if you changed a program from using UDF3 to UDF4, the values in UDF3 are not transferred to UDF4.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

How to Use at POS

Accessing Customer Loyalty at POS
At POS > RECEIPTS, if a Bill To customer is placed on a receipt, when the TENDER button is selected from the Receipt Form view, the customers current loyalty value will be displayed. The format of this display will vary depending on how loyalty value is accumulated. If value is accumulated as currency, you will see:

If the customer does not have any accumulated value, this prompt will display $0.00.

If value is accumulated as points, you will see:

Again, if the customer does not have any accumulated points, this prompt will display 0.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Redeeming Loyalty Value

To redeem existing loyalty value for a normal sale, click the LOYALTY button on the side menu of the tender screen. What is displayed depends on how the loyalty program has been set up. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not use the LOYALTY button on the tender screen, the customer will be awarded the value or points for the current invoice but no items will be redeemed. You must click LOYALTY to redeem items.

Currency-based Programs
Currency-based program allowing redemption on all items: For a currency-based program that allows redemption on all items, the following screen will display if the customer has accumulated value that can be redeemed:

This screen shows the customers available loyalty value and the value that would be earned for the current invoice.

To use the Available Loyalty Value, click YES. The value will be redeemed as a global discount or gift certificate tender. If you do not want to redeem the loyalty value, click NO and the system will return to the Tender screen.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Custmer Loyalty

Currency-based program allowing redemption on select items only:

For a currency-based program that allows redemption only on select items, the following screen will display if the customer has accumulated value that can be redeemed: This dialog allows you to select the items that will be redeemed. The top of the screen shows the available value, the value earned in the current receipt and the value being redeemed.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

The value being redeemed is initially zero, since no items are selected for redemption.
nly items that are eligible for redemption will appear in the display. To select an item, highlight it using the up or down arrow keys (or by clicking on the item) and then click REDEEM.

When you mark an item for redemption, the display will change:

The Available Loyalty Value will not change. However, the Value Earned in the current invoice and the Value Being Redeemed will change based on the items selected. Note that you can Unredeem an item by clicking UNREDEEM. When ready, click the OK button to return to the tender screen. If any items were selected for redemption, they will be discounted and the invoice total will change. Continue by tendering the invoice.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Custmer Loyalty If you attempt to mark an item for redemption and the redemption amount required exceeds the available loyalty value, you will see:

When you click the LOYALTY menu selection and the customer does not have any accumulated loyalty value, you will see:

Since the customer does not have any value to redeem, this display shows how much value will be earned in the current invoice. Click OK to return to the tender screen.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Point-based Programs
For a customer who has accumulated points in a point-based program, you will see:

With one exception (when points are converted to a currency value prior to redemption), the item selection screen is always shown for point redemption. The top of the screen shows the available points, points that will be earned in the current invoice and number of points being redeemed. This is similar to the item selection screen for currency value redemption. All items that are eligible for redemption are shown. The system determines whether or not an item is eligible for redemption based on your loyalty program, available points and points required to redeem each item. Note that you must redeem the total quantity of an item as shown on the receipt. You cannot redeem partial quantities (for example, 1 of an item when 2 are being purchased). As with currency redemption, items can be unredeemed after being marked for redemption. The system will not allow you to redeem an item if redemption would exceed the available points.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Custmer Loyalty If the customer does not have any available points or the available points are insufficient to redeem an item, you will see:

In this case, click OK to return to the tender screen.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

Returning to Form View from Tender

If you return to the Receipt Form View and then go back to the Tender screen, any redemption done will be cancelled. You must once again click LOYALTY and select items for redemption or apply redemption value to the invoice. If you select LOYALTY from the side menu after closing the redemption screen, any redemption that has been done will be cancelled and items must be redeemed (or loyalty value applied) again.

Redeeming Points Converted to Currency

If your loyalty program uses points converted to currency for redemption, the redemption display will look like:

In this case, the Available Loyalty Value and Value Being Redeemed are in currency, but the award value for the invoice is in points. The points earned in the current invoice will change as items are selected for redemption.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Custmer Loyalty

Adjusting Loyalty Value for Return Receipts:

The Customer Loyalty module behaves differently for return receipts. In this case, value that was awarded when the items were purchased is subtracted from the customers total accumulated value. In addition, value for any redemption that was done on the original receipt must be added back into the customers accumulated value.

Returns and Currency-based Programs

For a currency-based program that allows redemption on all items, you will see:

In this case, the system has no way of knowing how much loyalty value was used when items were redeemed. Therefore, the cashier must enter the amount redeemed from the original receipt. This amount will appear as a global discount or a gift receipt tender on the original receipt. Click YES to adjust the loyalty values for the return. If you click NO, no adjustment will be done. Note that the amount of redemption from the original receipt will appear as a global discount or gift certificate change tender.

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Retail Pro 8 Series Customer Loyalty

For a currency-based program that allows redemption only on specific items, you will see:

In this case, the cashier should select the items that were redeemed using loyalty value on the original receipt. Again, items can be unredeemed after being marked as redeemed on the original receipt. Note that for Return receipt, there is no limit to the number of items that can be selected as previously redeemed. Click OK to return to the tender screen.

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Returns and Point-based Programs

For point-based programs, you will see:

This is similar to the item selection screen used for Returns for currency-based programs. The top of the screen shows the Available Points, points that will be subtracted for returned items and points that will be added to the customers total for items that were previously redeemed. Mark all items that were redeemed using loyalty points and click OK.

Reversing Receipts
When a receipt is reversed, the customers accumulated loyalty value is adjusted by the value awarded and redeemed in the original receipt.

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