Fundamentals of Multimedia Encryption Techniques

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T.THANGA VIGNESH RAJA (98006104054 G.RAM!UMAR (98006104"04 !.!UMARAGURUPARAN (980061040#0

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of






$ONAFIDE CERTIFICATE Certified that this project report FUNDAMENTALS OF MULTIMEDIA is the bonafide work of (98006104054 % !.!UMARAGURUPARAN




(980061040#0 % G.RAM!UMAR (98006104"04 who carried out the project work under m super!ision"

SIGNATURE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT Prof" R" #e$a utham %"E& Ph"'& Computer (cience and En)ineerin)& Einstein Co$$e)e of En)ineerin)& Tirune$!e$i* +,- ./,"

SIGNATURE SUPERVISOR Prof" R" #e$a utham %"E& Ph"'& Computer (cience and En)ineerin)& Einstein Co$$e)e of En)ineerin)& Tirune$!e$i* +,- ./,"

(ubmitted for #i!a !oce he$d on000000



D*+,-./*+ T0 O12 F013+*2

It is an honour to be the third batch students of Einstein Co$$e)e of En)ineerin)" 1e take this opportunit as a pri!i$e)e to dedicate out project to our founder T4,21 A5.+, A213. M.A.% $.L.%

AC!NO6LEGEMENT 1e ha!e successfu$$ comp$eted the project with the b$essin)s showered on us b 2od& the A$mi)ht " A project of this nature needs co*operation and support from man for successfu$ comp$etion" In this re)ard& we wish to e3press our )ratitude to our Principa$ M2. A. AMUTHAVANA $.E.% M.S. (USA % $.L.% for the support he pro!ided as to carr out this project successfu$$ " 1e e3press our heartfe$t thanks to M2. A. E7HILVANAN M.$.A.% (ecretar of Einstein Co$$e)e of En)ineerin)& much thankfu$ to

Tirune$!e$i& for his mora$ support and ad!ice" 1e are !er

M2. R. VELAYUTHAM M.E.% PH.D.% and 4ead of the 'epartment& Computer science and en)ineerin) who is a$wa s a constant inspiration for us" 1e e3tend our sincere )ratitude and thanks to our )uide . R. VELAYUTHAM M.E.% PH.D.% for her !a$uab$e )uidance& continuous support and encoura)ement she e3tended throu)hout our project" 1e e3tend our sincere thanks to a$$ teachin) and non*teachin) staff members and our fami$ members& friends for their he$p in comp$etin) this project"

A$STRACT The recent ad!ances in techno$o) & especia$$ communications& a$$owed potentia$$ in computer industr and

enormous market for distributin) di)ita$

mu$timedia content throu)h the Internet" 4owe!er& the pro$iferation of di)ita$ documents& mu$timedia processin) too$s& and the wor$dwide a!ai$abi$it of Internet access has created an idea$ medium for cop ri)ht fraud and uncontro$$ab$e distribution of mu$timedia content "A major cha$$en)e now is how to protect the inte$$ectua$ propert of mu$timedia content in mu$timedia networks" To dea$ with the technica$ cha$$en)es& the two major mu$timedia securit techno$o)ies are bein) de!e$oped" /" %u$timedia encr ption techno$o) $ike AE( to pro!ide end*to*end securit when distributin) di)ita$ content o!er a !ariet of distributions s stems" ," %u$timedia watermarkin) techno$o) as a too$ to achie!e cop ri)ht protection& ownership trace& and authentication" AE( in!o$!es encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia stream which in!o$!es computationa$ o!erhead and it wi$$ be e3pensi!e" 4ere we present man of the current important mu$timedia encr ption techni5ues which in!o$!es se$ecti!e encr ption& so that the computationa$ o!erhead is s$ow& $ess e3pensi!e and faster"






INTRODUCTION /"/ /", /"6 /"7 Tit$e 'escription Objecti!e O!er!iew of Project Or)ani8ation of the report

1 / / 6 9 8 < 9 = /. /. // //


IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT ,"/ :ITERAT;RE RE#IE1 ,"/"/ E3istin) ( stem ,"/", Proposed ( stem


SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 6"/ 6", ( stem O!er!iew ( stem Re5uirements 6","/ (oftware Re5uirements 6",", 4ardware Re5uirements 6"6 %odu$e 'escription


TITLE SYSTEM DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION 7"/ ( stem 'esi)n 7"/"/ Introduction 7"/", A$)orithm ;sed 7", 7"6 7"7 >$ow Chart Techno$o) ;sed >unctiona$ 'escription


1" /6 /6 /6 /9 /+ ,/ #" ,6 ,6 ,6 ,7 ,7 ,9 ,9 ,9


SYSTEM TESTING 9"/ 9", Introduction T pes of Testin) 9","/ ;nit Testin) 9",", Inte)ration Testin) 9","6 #a$idation Testin) 9","7 Output Testin) 9","9 1hite*bo3 Testin) 9","+ ?$ack*bo3 Testin)


CONCLUSION +"/ Conc$usion and >uture Enhancement ,-


TITLE APPENDI) (ource Code (creen (hots REFERENCES

PAGE NO. #8 ,< 76 5#


F,912* N0.

T,/5* 0: F,912*

P.9* N0.


%u$timedia Encr ption


%u$timedia 'ecr tion



Encr ption Process



'ecr ption Process



Compi$ation Of Ja!a Pro)ram



Ja!a Independent Pro)ram



Ja!a API







Ad!anced Encr ption (tandard


'ata Encr ption (tandard


'i)ita$ Ri)hts %ana)ement


Ja!a #irtua$ %achine



1.1 TITLE DESCRIPTION The recent ad!ances in techno$o) & especia$$ in computer industr and

communications& a$$owed potentia$$ enormous market for distributin) di)ita$ mu$timedia content throu)h the Internet" 4owe!er& the pro$iferation of di)ita$ documents& mu$timedia processin) too$s& and the wor$dwide a!ai$abi$it of Internet access has created an idea$ medium for cop ri)ht fraud and uncontro$$ab$e distribution of mu$timedia content "A major cha$$en)e now is how to protect the inte$$ectua$ propert of mu$timedia content in mu$timedia networks" To dea$ with the technica$ cha$$en)es& the two major mu$timedia securit techno$o)ies are bein) de!e$oped" %u$timedia encr ption techno$o) $ike AE( to pro!ide end*to*end securit when distributin) di)ita$ content o!er a !ariet of distributions s stems& and %u$timedia watermarkin) techno$o) as a too$ to achie!e cop ri)ht protection &ownership trace& and authentication"AE( in!o$!es encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia stream which in!o$!es computationa$ o!erhead and it wi$$ be e3pensi!e" 4ere we present man of the current important mu$timedia encr ption techni5ues which in!o$!es se$ecti!e encr ption& so that the computationa$ o!erhead is s$ow& $ess e3pensi!e and faster" 1.# O$JECTIVE The three most important objecti!es of cr pto)raph mu$timedia information securit inc$ude& /" Confidentia$it ," 'ata inte)rit 6" Authentication Confidentia$it refers to the protection of information from unauthori8ed access" / with respect to the

An undesired communicatin) part & ca$$ed ad!ersar must not be ab$e to access the communication materia$" 'ata inte)rit ensures that information has not been manipu$ated in an unauthori8ed wa " >ina$$ & Authentication methods are studied in two )roups@ Entit authentication and messa)e authentication" %essa)e authentication pro!ides assurance of the identit of the sender of a messa)e" This t pe of authentication a$so inc$udes an e!idence of data inte)rit because if the is modified durin) transmission& the sender cannot be the ori)inator of the messa)e" Entit Authentication assures the recei!er of a messa)e of both the identit of the sender and his acti!e participation" %odern cr pto)raphic techni5ues pro!ide so$utions for these three objecti!es" In )enera$& there are two t pes of cr ptos stems& /" ( mmetric Apri!ateB ke cr ptos stems and ," As mmetric Apub$icB ke cr ptos stems SYMMETRIC !EY CRYPTOSYSTEMS A$$ c$assica$ cr ptos stems Athat is cr ptos stems that were de!e$oped before /=-.sB are e3amp$es of s mmetric ke s mmetric ke cr ptos stems" In addition& most modern cr ptos stems are s mmetric as we$$" (ome of the most popu$ar e3amp$es of modern cr ptos stems inc$ude AE( AAd!anced Encr ption (tandardB& 'E( A'ata Encr ption (tandardB& I'EA& >EA:& RC9& ?$owfish and man others" A$$ s mmetric ke cr ptos stems ha!e a common propert @ the re$ on a shared secret between communicatin) parties" This secret is used both as an encr ption ke and as a decr ption ke Athus the ke word Cs mmetricC in the nameB" This t pe of cr pto)raph ensures on$ confidentia$it and fai$s to pro!ide the other objecti!es of cr pto)raph " On the other hand& an ad!anta)e o!er pub$ic ke cr ptos stems is that s mmetric cr ptos stems re5uire much sma$$er ke si8es for the same $e!e$ of securit " ,

4ence& the computations are much faster and the memor that it cannot hand$e $ar)e communication networks" ASYMMETRIC !EY CRYTPOSYSTEMS

re5uirements are

sma$$er" E!en more important$ & the disad!anta)e of s mmetric ke cr pto)raph is

In pub$ic ke cr ptos stems there are two different ke s@ a pub$ic ke & which is pub$ic$ known& and the secret ke & which is kept secret b the owner" The s stem is ca$$ed as mmetricD since the different ke s are used for encr ption and decr ptionE the pub$ic ke and the pri!ate ke " If data is encr pted with a pub$ic ke & it can on$ be decr pted usin) the correspondin) pri!ate ke & and !ice !ersa 'ue to the increase in processor speed and e!en more due to smart modern cr ptana$ sis& the ke si8e for pub$ic ke cr pto)raph )rew !er $ar)e" This created a disad!anta)e in comparison to s mmetric ke cr ptos stems@ pub$ic ke cr pto)raph is si)nificant$ s$ower& and re5uires $ar)e memor capacit and $ar)e computationa$ power" As an e3amp$e& a /,<*bit ke used with 'E( cr ptos stem has appro3imate$ the same $e!e$ of securit as the /.,7*bit ke used with R(A pubic ke cr ptos stem" ?$owfish& a new secret*ke b$ock cipher& is proposed" The b$ock si8e is +7 bits& and the ke can be an $en)th up to77< bits" A$thou)h there is a comp$e3 initia$i8ation phase re5uired before an encr ption can take p$ace& the actua$ encr ption of data is !er efficient on $ar)e microprocessors 1." OVERVIE6 OF PROJECT %u$timedia securit in )enera$ is pro!ided b a method or a set of methods used to protect the mu$timedia content" These methods are hea!i$ based on cr pto)raph and the enab$e either communication securit & or securit a)ainst pirac A'i)ita$ Ri)hts %ana)ement and watermarkin)B& or both" 6

Communication securit

of di)ita$ ima)es and te3tua$ di)ita$ media can be

accomp$ished b means of standard s mmetric ke cr pto)raph " (uch media can be treated as binar se5uence and the who$e data can be encr pted usin) a cr ptos stem such as AE( or 'E(" In )enera$& when the mu$timedia data is static Anot a rea$*time streamin)B we can treat it as a re)u$ar binar data and use the con!entiona$ encr ption techni5ues" Encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia stream usin) standard encr ption methods is often referred to as the nai!e approach" 4owe!er& due to !ariet of constraints Asuch as the near rea$*time speed& etc"B& communication securit for streamin) audio and !ideo media is harder to accomp$ish" Communication encr ption of !ideo and audio mu$timedia content is not simp$ the app$ication of estab$ished encr ption a$)orithms& such as 'E( or AE(& to its binar se5uence" It in!o$!es carefu$ ana$ sis to determine and identif the optima$ encr ption method when dea$in) with audio and !ideo data" Current research is focused on modif in) and optimi8in) the e3istin) cr ptos stems for rea$*time audioF!ideo" It is a$so oriented towards e3p$oitin) the format specific properties of man standard !ideo and audio formats in order to achie!e the desired speed and enab$e rea$*time streamin)" This is referred to as the se$ecti!e encr ption" >or te3tua$ data& most app$ications of sti$$ ima)es& and some $ow*5ua$it audio and !ideo streamin) mu$timedia& we can sti$$ app$ rea$*time packet encr ption b means of (RTP A(ecure Rea$*time Transport Protoco$B& which is based on AE( and encr pts the entire mu$timedia bit stream" This is essentia$$ an app$ication of the nai!e approach" 'ecidin) upon what $e!e$ of securit is needed is harder than it $ooks" To identif an optima$ securit $e!e$& we ha!e to carefu$$ compare the cost of the mu$timedia information to be protected and the cost of the protection itse$f"

If the mu$timedia to be protected is not that !a$uab$e in the first p$ace& it is sufficient to choose re$ati!e$ $i)ht $e!e$ of encr ption" On the other hand& if the mu$timedia content is hi)h$ !a$uab$e or represents )o!ernment or mi$itar secrets& the cr pto)raphic securit $e!e$ must be the hi)hest possib$e" 1.4 ORGANI7ATION OF THE REPORT' E3sto(oft Techno$o)ies is one of the fastest )rowin) software de!e$opment compan in Chennai& India" 1e pro!ide IT ser!ices to wor$dwide c$ients" 1e be$ie!e E3sto(oft is one of the most Inno!ati!e firm to pro!ide IT ser!ice to the sma$$& medium and $ar)e sca$e or)ani8ation" Our ser!ices inc$ude software de!e$opment& web de!e$opment& and offshore outsourcin) and consu$tanc ser!ices" Our aim is customer de$i)ht" O12 -02* -.@.>,5,/,*= .2* =1<<.2,A*+ >*50B@* E3posure to a$$ aspects of software de!e$opment * pro)rammin)& ana$ sis and desi)nin)& imp$ementation and (trate)ic IT $atest trends and techno$o)ies E3perience in desi)nin) and imp$ementation of man t pes of software IT so$utions such as financia$ s stems& ERP ( stems& 'ecision (upport ( stems etc E3perience in workin) with man industria$ sectors for pro!idin) IT (o$utions * %anufacturin)& Tradin) and >inancia$" (ki$$s in trainin) and de!e$opment of staff& students and users 6* *C@*2/= ,3 /4* :0550B,39 /*-430509;@* P$atform (er!er techno$o) @ @ 1indows& Ja!a& Apache& II( 9 s stems

P$annin) usin) the

'atabase (er!er*(ide (cript C$ient*(ide (cript ?usiness :o)ic

@ @ @ @

%( (G: (er!er& % (G:& Orac$e P4P& A(P"net& Per$& J(P& P thon H%:& 1%:& (#2& H4T%:& Ja!a(cript C& CII& Ja!a& J,EE& "Net& P4P& and techno$o)ies" Our

E3sto(oft 'e!e$oper use the $astest software methodo$o) e!er sta)e throu)h the entire projects A+?.3/.9*= 0: EC=/0=0:/@* (ki$$ed E3perienced Professiona$s (hort Notice (ca$e ;p Guick to adapt to new techno$o)ies On time 'e$i!er ?est customer support

de!e$opers can concentrate on our c$ients business )oa$s and keep them in!o$!ed in



#.1.1 E)ISTING SYSTEM AE( in!o$!es encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia stream which in!o$!es computationa$ o!erhead and it wi$$ be e3pensi!e" %aintainin) such hi)h $e!e$ of securit b encr ptin) entire mu$timedia stream and sti$$ keepin) the rea$*time and $imited*bandwidth constraints is not eas to accomp$ish" And it in!o$!es computationa$ o!erhead and it wi$$ be e3pensi!e" 'ependin) upon securit $e!e$ of the mu$timedia data the encr ption shou$d be done" D,=.+?.3/.9*=' Computationa$ O!erhead E3pensi!e

#.1.# PROPOSED SYSTEM In order reduce o!erhead of encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia data we discussed the se$ecti!e encr ption techni5ues" In order to meet rea$*time constraint for audio and !ideo mu$timedia p$a back& se$ecti!e encr ption techni5ues ha!e been proposed" The basic idea of se$ecti!e encr ption is to encr pt on$ a portion of the

compressed bit*stream et keep the securit $e!e$ hi)h" Common approach in se$ecti!e encr ption is to inte)rate compression with encr ption" 1e can se$ect on$ the most important coefficients from either fina$ or

intermediate steps of a compression process and encr pt those coefficients" :ess important coefficients are $eft unencr pted" (ti$$& some schemes prefer to $i)ht$ encr pt e!en these $ess important

coefficients" %an of the current important mu$timedia encr ption techni5ues were presented and are discussed"




".1 SYSTEM ARCHITECHTURE The architecture has the fo$$owin) $a ers to enforce the $o)ica$ separation of functiona$it & such as keepin) the encr ption& decr ption& se5uencin) and transformation

>i) 6"/"/ %u$timedia Encr ption

>i) 6"/", %u$timedia 'ecr ption

".# SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ".#.1SOFT6ARE REQUIREMENTS Operatin) ( stem Pro)rammin) Packa)e Too$s ('J @ @ @ @ :inu3& 1indows HP JA#A Ec$ipse J'J"/"9".

/. ".#.# HARD6ARE REQUIREMENTS Processor T pe (peed Ram 4ard disk @ @ @ @ Pentium EI# ,"724K ,9+ %? RA% ,. 2? 4'

"." MODULE DESCRIPTION This Project contains the fo$$owin) modu$es name$ & Encr ption (e5uencin) Transformation 'ecr ption

E3-2;@/,03 M0+15*' The best wa of protectin) mu$timedia data is b means of the naL!e a$)orithm i"e"& b encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia bit se5uence usin) a fast con!entiona$ cr ptos stem" %uch of the past and current research tar)ets encr ptin) on$ a carefu$$ se$ected part of the mu$timedia bit*stream in order to reduce the computationa$ $oad& and et keep the securit $e!e$ hi)h" S*D1*3-,39 <0+15*'

In this modu$e the encr pted data which is se5uenced bit se5uence usin) a fast con!entiona$ cr ptos stem" // Met& in man instances this is not possib$e due to the e3pensi!e computationa$ o!erhead introduced b the encr ption and decr ption sta)es" T2.3=:02<./,03 M0+15*' The n*dimension affine transformation based ima)e encr ption scheme& which chan)es the !a$ues of the pi3e$s of an ima)e" The propert of the n*dimension affine transformation was ana$ sed in detai$ and the securit of the proposed a$)orithm was described" The e3perimenta$ resu$ts demonstrate that the su))ested ima)e encr ption a$)orithm has the ad!anta)es of $ar)e ke space and sensiti!it to the secret ke s" It a$so has the abi$ities of resistin) brute*force attacks and statistica$ attacks" E3/,/; .1/4*3/,-./,03 02 D*-2;@/,03 <0+15*' Confidentia$it refers to the protection of information from unauthori8ed access" An undesired communicatin) part & ca$$ed ad!ersar must not be ab$e to access the communication materia$" 'ata inte)rit manipu$ated in an unauthori8ed wa " ensures that information has not been




4.1 SYSTEM DESIGN 4.1.1 INTRODUCTION ( stem ana$ sis and desi)n refers to the process of desi)nin) an appropriate method to so$!e the prob$em" 'urin) this phase& the project de!e$oper in!esti)ates the current s stem& identifies impro!ement opportunities and de!e$ops a concept for the new s stem" This phase has three steps& 2atherin) information Ana$ sin) o$d prob$em 'esi)nin) new s stem 4.1.# ALGORITHM USED $LO6FISH ?$owfish is a !ariab$e*$en)th ke b$ock cipher" It does not meet a$$ the re5uirements for a new cr pto)raphic standard discussed abo!e@ it is on$ suitab$e for app$ications where the ke does not chan)e often& $ike a communications $ink or an automatic fi$e encr pted" It is si)nificant$ faster than 'E( when imp$emented on 6,* bit microprocessors with $ar)e data caches& such as the Pentium and the PowerPC" DESCRIPTION OF THE ALGORITHM

?$owfish is a !ariab$e*$en)th ke & +7*bit b$ock cipher" The a$)orithm consists of two parts@ a ke *e3pansion part and a data* encr ption part" Je e3pansion con!erts a ke of at most 77< bits into se!era$ sub ke arra s tota$in) 7/+< b tes" /6 'ata encr ption occurs !ia a /+*round >eiste$ network" Each round consists of a ke *dependent permutation& and a ke * and data*dependent substitution" A$$ operations are HORs and additions on 6,*bit words" The on$ additiona$ operations are four inde3ed arra data $ookups per round" S1>E*;=' ?$owfish uses a $ar)e number of subke s" These ke s must be precomputed before an data encr ption or decr ption" /" The P*arra consists of /< 6,*bit subke s@ P/& P,&"""& P/<" ," There are four 6,*bit (*bo3es with ,9+ entries each@ (/&.& (/&/&"""& (/&,99N (,&.& (,&/&""&& (,&,99N (6&.& (6&/&"""& (6&,99N (7&.& (7&/&""&& (7&,99" The e3act method used to ca$cu$ate these subke s wi$$ be described $ater" E3-2;@/,03' ?$owfish is a >eiste$ network consistin) of /+ rounds" The input is a +7*bit data e$ement& 3" 'i!ide 3 into two 6,*bit ha$!es@ 3:& 3R >or i O / to /+@ 3: O 3: HOR Pi 3R O >A3:B HOR 3R (wap 3: and 3R (wap 3: and 3R A;ndo the $ast swap"B

3R O 3R HOR P/3: O 3: HOR P/< Recombine 3: and 3R >unction >@ 'i!ide 3: into four ei)ht*bit 5uarters@ a& b& c& and d >A3:B O AA(/&a I (,&b mod ,6,B HOR (6&cB I (7&d mod ,6, 'ecr ption is e3act$ the same as encr ption& e3cept that P/& P,&"""& P/< are used in the re!erse order" Imp$ementations of ?$owfish that re5uire the fastest speeds shou$d unro$$ the $oop and ensure that a$$ subke s are stored in cache" 4.# FLO6 CHART 4.#.1 ENCRYPTION /7

Input Blowfish encryption algorithm Program Logic Encryption Keys

Encrypted frormat Files

>i) 7","/ Encr ption Process


Blowfish decryption Encrypted Format algorithm Decryption keys

Original data Format

>i) 7",", 'ecr ption Process

4." TECHNOLOGY USED This project was de!e$oped usin) % Ec$ipse" % Ec$ipse is certified on 1indows& :inu3 p$atforms" A$so& % Ec$ipse is midd$eware a)nostic& with support for more than 6. app$ication ser!ers and 6. database s stems" Each of our subscribers is uni5ue" (o& % Ec$ipse offers the f$e3ibi$it to se$ect the techno$o) ou need at each app$ication tier& choose optiona$ techno$o) bund$es& Cturn offC capabi$ities not needed& access #e$ocit temp$ates for code )eneration and add third*part commercia$ and O(( too$s to enhance our de!e$opment e3perience" Comin) soon& ouP$$ ha!e e!en more abi$it to mana)e % Ec$ipse and Ec$ipse add*ons intuiti!e$ from the I'E to be sure ou )et the most ban) from our s stem" T4* J.?. P2092.<<,39 L.391.9*%

The Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e is a hi)h*$e!e$ $an)ua)e that can be characteri8ed b a$$ of the fo$$owin) bu88words@ /+ (imp$e Architecture neutra$ Object oriented Portab$e 'istributed 4i)h performance Interpreted %u$tithreaded Robust ' namic (ecure 1ith most pro)rammin) $an)ua)es& ou either compi$e or interpret a pro)ram so that ou can run it on our computer" The Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e is unusua$ in that a pro)ram is both compi$ed and interpreted" 1ith the compi$er& first ou trans$ate a pro)ram into an intermediate $an)ua)e ca$$ed Ja!a b te codes Qthe p$atform* independent codes interpreted b the interpreter on the Ja!a p$atform" The interpreter parses and runs each Ja!a b te code instruction on the computer" Compi$ation happens just onceN interpretation occurs each time the pro)ram is e3ecuted" The fo$$owin) fi)ure i$$ustrates how this works"

>i) 7"6"/ Compi$ation of Ja!a Pro)ram /Mou can think of Ja!a b tecodes as the machine code instructions for the Ja!a #irtua$ %achine AJa!a #%B" E!er Ja!a interpreter& whether itRs a de!e$opment too$ or a 1eb browser that can run app$ets& is an imp$ementation of the Ja!a #%" Ja!a b tecodes he$p make write once& run an whereD possib$e" Mou can compi$e our pro)ram into b tecodes on an p$atform that has a Ja!a compi$er" The b tecodes can then be run on an imp$ementation of the Ja!a #%" That means that as $on) as a computer has a Ja!a #%& the same pro)ram written in the Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e can run on 1indows ,...& a (o$aris workstation& or on an i%ac"

>i) 7"6", J#% P$atform Independent T4* J.?. P5./:02< A p$atform is the hardware or software en!ironment in which a pro)ram runs" 1eR!e a$read mentioned some of the most popu$ar p$atforms $ike 1indows ,...&

:inu3& (o$aris& and %acO(" %ost p$atforms can be described as a combination of the operatin) s stem and hardware" The Ja!a p$atform differs from most other p$atforms in that itRs a software*on$ p$atform that runs on top of other hardware*based p$atforms" The Ja!a p$atform has two components@

The Ja!a #irtua$ %achine AJa!a #%B The Ja!a App$ication Pro)rammin) Interface AJa!a APIB /< been introduced to the Ja!a #%" ItRs the base for the Ja!a

MouR!e a$read

p$atform and is ported onto !arious hardware*based p$atforms" The Ja!a API is a $ar)e co$$ection of read *made software components that pro!ide man usefu$ capabi$ities& such as )raphica$ user interface A2;IB wid)ets" The Ja!a API is )rouped into $ibraries of re$ated c$asses and interfacesN these $ibraries are known as packa)es" The ne3t section& 1hat Can Ja!a Techno$o) 'oS& hi)h$i)hts what functiona$it some of the packa)es in the Ja!a API pro!ide" The fo$$owin) fi)ure depicts a pro)ram thatRs runnin) on the Ja!a p$atform" As the fi)ure shows& the Ja!a API and the !irtua$ machine insu$ate the pro)ram from the hardware"

>i) 7"6"6 Ja!a API Nati!e code is code that after ou compi$e it& the compi$ed code runs on a specific hardware p$atform" As a p$atform*independent en!ironment& the Ja!a p$atform can be a bit s$ower than nati!e code" 4owe!er& smart compi$ers& we$$*tuned interpreters& and just*in*time b tecode compi$ers can brin) performance c$ose to that of nati!e code without threatenin) portabi$it "

64./ C.3 J.?. T*-430509; D0F The most common t pes of pro)rams written in the Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e are app$ets and app$ications" If ouR!e surfed the 1eb& ouRre probab$ a$read fami$iar with app$ets" An app$et is a pro)ram that adheres to certain con!entions that a$$ow it to run within a Ja!a*enab$ed browser" 4owe!er& the Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e is not just for writin) cute& entertainin) app$ets for the 1eb" /= The )enera$*purpose& hi)h*$e!e$ Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e is a$so a powerfu$ software p$atform" ;sin) the )enerous API& ou can write man t pes of pro)rams" An app$ication is a standa$one pro)ram that runs direct$ on the Ja!a p$atform" A specia$ kind of app$ication known as a ser!er ser!es and supports c$ients on a network" E3amp$es of ser!ers are 1eb ser!ers& pro3 ser!ers& mai$ ser!ers& and print ser!ers" Another specia$i8ed pro)ram is a ser!$et" A ser!$et can a$most be thou)ht of as an app$et that runs on the ser!er side" Ja!a (er!$ets are a popu$ar choice for bui$din) interacti!e web app$ications& rep$acin) the use of C2I scripts" (er!$ets are simi$ar to app$ets in that the ser!er" H0B 6,55 J.?. T*-430509; C4.39* M; L,:*F 1e canRt promise ou fame& fortune& or e!en a job if ou $earn the Ja!a are runtime e3tensions of app$ications" Instead of workin) in browsers& thou)h& ser!$ets run within Ja!a 1eb ser!ers& confi)urin) or tai$orin) the

pro)rammin) $an)ua)e" (ti$$& it is $ike$ to make our pro)rams better and re5uires $ess effort than other $an)ua)es" 1e be$ie!e that Ja!a techno$o) wi$$ he$p ou do the fo$$owin)@

2et started 5uick$ @ A$thou)h the Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e is a powerfu$ object*oriented $an)ua)e& itRs eas to $earn& especia$$ for pro)rammers a$read fami$iar with C or CII"

1rite $ess code@ Comparisons of pro)ram metrics Ac$ass counts& method counts& and so onB su))est that a pro)ram written in the Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e can be four times sma$$er than the same pro)ram in CII"

1rite better code@ The Ja!a pro)rammin) $an)ua)e encoura)es )ood codin) practices& and its )arba)e co$$ection he$ps ou a!oid memor $eaks" Its object orientation& its Ja!a?eans component architecture& and its wide*ran)in)& easi$ e3tendib$e API $et ou reuse other peop$eRs tested code and introduce fewer bu)s" ,.

'e!e$op pro)rams more 5uick$ @ Mour de!e$opment time ma be as much as twice as fast !ersus writin) the same pro)ram in CII" 1h S Mou write fewer $ines of code and it is a simp$er pro)rammin) $an)ua)e than CII"

A!oid p$atform dependencies with /..T Pure Ja!a@ Mou can keep our pro)ram portab$e b a!oidin) the use of $ibraries written in other $an)ua)es" The /..T Pure Ja!a T% Product Certification Pro)ram has a repositor of historica$ process manua$s& white papers& brochures& and simi$ar materia$s on$ine"

1rite once& run an where@ ?ecause /..T Pure Ja!a pro)rams are compi$ed into machine*independent b te codes& the run consistent$ on an Ja!a p$atform" 'istribute software more easi$ @ Mou can up)rade app$ets easi$ from a centra$ ser!er" App$ets take ad!anta)e of the feature of a$$owin) new c$asses to be $oaded on the f$ &D without recompi$in) the entire pro)ram"

4.4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION E3-2;@/,03' The best wa of protectin) mu$timedia data is b means of the naL!e a$)orithm i"e"& b encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia bit se5uence usin) a fast con!entiona$ cr ptos stem" %uch of the past and current research tar)ets encr ptin) on$ a carefu$$

se$ected part of the mu$timedia bit*stream in order to reduce the computationa$ $oad& and et keep the securit $e!e$ hi)h" S*D1*3-,39' In this modu$e the encr pted data which is se5uenced bit se5uence usin) a fast con!entiona$ cr ptos stem" Met& in man instances this is not possib$e due to the e3pensi!e computationa$ o!erhead introduced b the encr ption and decr ption sta)es"

,/ T2.3=:02<./,03' The n*dimension affine transformation based ima)e encr ption scheme& which chan)es the !a$ues of the pi3e$s of an ima)e" The propert of the n*dimension affine transformation was ana$ sed in detai$ and the securit of the proposed a$)orithm was described" The e3perimenta$ resu$ts demonstrate that the su))ested ima)e encr ption a$)orithm has the ad!anta)es of $ar)e ke space and sensiti!it to the secret ke s" It a$so has the abi$ities of resistin) brute*force attacks and statistica$ attacks" E3/,/; .1/4*3/,-./,03 02 D*-2;@/,03' Confidentia$it refers to the protection of information from unauthori8ed access" An undesired communicatin) part & ca$$ed ad!ersar must not be ab$e to access the communication materia$" 'ata inte)rit manipu$ated in an unauthori8ed wa " ensures that information has not been



CHAPTER 5 SYSTEM TESTING 5.1 INTRODUCTION The purpose of testin) is to disco!er errors" Testin) is the process of tr in) to disco!er e!er concei!ab$e fau$t or weakness in a work product" It pro!ides a wa to check the functiona$it of components& sub assemb$ies& assemb$ies andFor a finished product" It is the process of e3ercisin) software with the intent of ensurin) that the (oftware s stem meets its re5uirements and user e3pectations and does not fai$ in an unacceptab$e manner" There are !arious t pes of test" Each test t pe addresses a specific testin) re5uirement" 5.# TYPES OF TESTING The different t pes of testin) are ;nit Testin) Inte)ration Testin) #a$idation Testin)

Output Testin) 1hite ?o3 Testin) ?$ack ?o3 Testin)

5.#.1 UNIT TESTING ;nit testin) in!o$!es the desi)n of test cases that !a$idate that the interna$ pro)ram $o)ic is functionin) proper$ & and that pro)ram input produces !a$id outputs" A$$ decision branches and interna$ code f$ow shou$d be !a$idated" It is the testin) of indi!idua$ software units of the app$ication" It is done after the comp$etion of an indi!idua$ unit before inte)ration" ,6

This is a structura$ testin)& that re$ies on know$ed)e of its construction and is in!asi!e" ;nit tests perform basic tests at component $e!e$ and test a specific business process& app$ication& andFor s stem confi)uration" ;nit tests ensure that each uni5ue path of a business process performs accurate$ to the documented specifications and contains c$ear$ defined inputs and e3pected resu$ts" 5.#.# INTEGRATION TESTING (oftware inte)ration testin) is the incrementa$ inte)ration testin) of two or more inte)rated software components on a sin)$e p$atform to produce fai$ures caused b interface defects" The task of the inte)ration test is to check that components or software app$ications& e")" components in a software s stem or E one step up E software app$ications at the compan $e!e$ E interact without error" Inte)ration tests are desi)ned to test inte)rated software components to determine if the actua$$ run as one pro)ram" Testin) is e!ent dri!en and is more concerned with the basic outcome of screens or fie$ds" Inte)ration tests demonstrate that a$thou)h the components were indi!idua$$ satisfaction& as shown b successfu$$ unit testin)& the combination of components is

correct and consistent" Inte)ration testin) is specifica$$ prob$ems that arise from the combination of components" There are two t pes of inte)ration steps& /" Top down Inte)ration ," ?ottom up Inte)ration

aimed at

e3posin) the

5.#." VALIDATION TESTING It is done to !a$idate the input )i!en b the user" The user inputs are checked for their correctness and ran)e" If there are errors& the error messa)e is )i!en and the user is prompted to enter a new !a$ue" If the user t pes numeric !a$ue in the p$ace of character !a$ues& an error messa)e is disp$a ed" 5.#.4 OUTPUT TESTING #arious outputs ha!e been )enerated b the s stem" The s stem )enerated output and desk ca$cu$ated !a$ues ha!e been compared" A$$ the output is perfect as the compan desires" It be)ins with $ow !o$umes of transactions based on $i!e tone" The !o$ume is increased unti$ the ma3imum $e!e$ for each transaction t pe is reached" The tota$ s stem is a$so tested for reco!er and fa$$back after !arious major fai$ures to ensure that no data are $ost durin) the emer)enc time" 5.#.5 6HITE&$O) TESTING 1hite*bo3 testin)& sometimes ca$$ed )$ass*bo3 testin) is a test case desi)n method that uses the contro$ structure of the procedura$ desi)n to deri!e test cases" ;sin) white*bo3 testin) methods& the software en)ineer can deri!e test cases that A/B 2uarantee that a$$ independent paths within a modu$e ha!e been e3ercised at $east once" A,B E3ercise a$$ $o)ica$ decisions on their true and fa$se sides" ,7

A6B E3ecute a$$ $oops at their boundaries and within their operationa$ bounds" A7B E3ercise interna$ data structures to ensure their !a$idit " :o)ic errors and incorrect assumptions are in!erse$ proportiona$ to the probabi$it that a pro)ram path wi$$ be e3ecuted" 1e often be$ie!e that a $o)ica$ path is not $ike$ to be e3ecuted when& in fact& it ma be e3ecuted on re)u$ar basis" T po)raphica$ errors are random" 5.#.6 $LAC!&$O) TESTING ?$ack*bo3 testin)& a$so ca$$ed beha!ioura$ testin)& focuses on the functiona$ re5uirements of the software" That is& b$ack*bo3 testin) enab$es the software en)ineer to deri!e sets of input conditions that wi$$ fu$$ e3ercise a$$ functiona$ re5uirements for a pro)ram" ,9

?$ack*bo3 testin) is not an a$ternati!e to white*bo3 techni5ues" Rather& it is a comp$ementar approach that is $ike$ to unco!er a different c$ass of errors than white* bo3 methods" ?$ack*bo3 testin) attempts to find errors in the fo$$owin) cate)ories@ A/B incorrect or missin) functions& A,B interface errors& A6B errors in data structures or e3terna$ database access& A7B beha!iour or performance errors& and A9B initia$i8ation and termination errors" ;n$ike white*bo3 testin)& which is performed ear$ in the testin) process& b$ack* bo3 testin) tends to be app$ied durin) $ater sta)es of testin)" ?ecause b$ack*bo3 testin) purpose$ disre)ards contro$ structure attention is focused on the information domain" Tests are desi)ned to answer the fo$$owin) 5uestions@ 4ow is functiona$ !a$idit testedS 4ow is s stem beha!iour and performance testedS 1hat c$asses of input wi$$ make )ood test caseS

Is the s stem particu$ar$ sensiti!e to certain input !a$uesS 4ow are the boundaries of a data c$ass iso$atedS 1hat data rates and data !o$ume can the s stem to$erateS 1hat effect wi$$ specific combinations of data ha!e on s stem operationS

? app$ in) b$ack*bo3 techni5ues& we deri!e a set of test cases that satisf the fo$$owin) criteria" A/B Test cases that reduce b a cont that is )reater than one& the number of additiona$ test cases that must be desi)ned to achie!e reasonab$e testin)" A,B Test cases that te$$ us somethin) about the presence or absence of errors& rather than an error associated on$ with the specific test at hand" ,+ c$asses or




6.1 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE ENHANCEMENT In this project& man of the current important mu$timedia encr ption techni5ues were presented and ana$ 8ed" In brief& the best wa of protectin) mu$timedia data is b means of the nai!e a$)orithmN i"e"& b encr ptin) the entire mu$timedia bit se5uence usin) a fast con!entiona$ cr ptos stem" Met& in man instances this is not possib$e due to the e3pensi!e computationa$ o!erhead introduced b the encr ption and decr ption sta)es" %uch of the past and current research tar)ets encr ptin) on$ a carefu$$ se$ected part of the mu$timedia bit*stream in order to reduce the computationa$ $oad& and et keep the securit $e!e$ hi)h" %an of the proposed schemes on$ achie!ed moderate to $ow securit & which ma find app$ications in which 5ua$it de)radation is preferred o!er abso$ute securit " 4owe!er& on$ few of the proposed methods promise to achie!e substantia$ securit & which is the number one re5uirement in man mu$timedia app$ications" It is a$so worthwhi$e mentionin) that man of the abo!e

proposed audio!isua$ encr ption techni5ues are f$e3ib$e in terms of se$ectin) the under$ in) cr ptos stem& re)ard$ess of the choice made b the authors" In )enera$& a we$$*studied& fast and secure con!entiona$ cr ptos stem shou$d be chosen" (ure$ & AE( is a )ood candidate& but there are numerous other successfu$ modern Cr ptos stems with simi$ar and& in some aspects& e!en better performances" >urther research shou$d be directed towards de!e$opin) substantia$$ secure

encr ption schemes for hi)h bit rate and hi)h*5ua$it audio!isua$ data" >urthermore& the e3perts shou$d in!esti)ate the securit aspects of the new$ proposed mu$timedia encr ption techni5ues"



APPENDI) APPENDI) 1 SAMPLE CODING !=4C0+*2.J.?. import ja!a"uti$"UN import ja!a"io"UN import com"ksh,"cr pt"?$owfishN import com"ksh,"cr pt"?$owJe N import com"ksh,"cr pt"?$owCipherN import ja!a"securit "Je E3ceptionN import com"ksh,"cr pt"Cipher%ethodsN import com"ksh,"cr pt"Password'ia$o)N

import ja!a3"swin)"UN import ja!a"awt"e!ent"UN import com"ksh,"cr pt"%essa)e'ia$o)N import com"ksh,"cr pt"Cr pt>i$terN import com"ksh,"cr pt"MesNo'ia$o)N pub$ic c$ass J(4Coder e3tends ja!a3"swin)"J>rame V protected J>i$eChooser eChooserN protected J>i$eChooser dChooserN pri!ate static >i$e input>i$eN protected J>i$eChooser pChooserN protected PipedInput(tream inN protected >i$e e>i$eN protected >i$e d>i$eN protected %essa)e'ia$o) mdN pri!ate Cr pt>i$ter c>i$terN protected int stateN pri!ate static (trin) ke (trin)N >i$e out'irector N pub$ic (trin) out(trin)N FUU Creates new form J(4Coder UF pub$ic J(4CoderAB V initComponentsABN eChooser Onew J>i$eChooserABN dChooser Onew J>i$eChooserABN ,<

pChooserOnew J>i$eChooserABN status'isp$a "setEditab$eAfa$seBN c>i$terOnew Cr pt>i$terACencC&CJ(4Coder encr pted >i$esCBN eChooser"set'ia$o)Tit$eAC(e$ect >i$e >or Encr ptin) CBN dChooser"set'ia$o)Tit$eAC(e$ect >i$e >or 'ecr ptin) CBN dChooser"set>i$e>i$terAc>i$terBN pChooser"set'ia$o)Tit$eAC(e$ect The Output 'irector CBN e>i$eOnu$$N d>i$eOnu$$N out(trin)OCRead CN mdOnew %essa)e'ia$o)Athis&trueBN packABN ,= W FUU This method is ca$$ed from within the constructor to U initia$i8e the form" U 1ARNIN2@ 'o NOT modif this code" The content of this method is U a$wa s re)enerated b the >orm Editor" UF pri!ate !oid initComponentsAB VFF2EN*?E2IN@initComponents encr pt?utton O new ja!a3"swin)"J?uttonABN decr pt?utton O new ja!a3"swin)"J?uttonABN samePathCheck O new ja!a3"swin)"JCheck?o3ABN de$eteCheck O new ja!a3"swin)"JCheck?o3ABN j:abe$/ O new ja!a3"swin)"J:abe$ABN

jPane$/ O new ja!a3"swin)"JPane$ABN status'isp$a O new ja!a3"swin)"JTe3tAreaABN c$ose?utton O new ja!a3"swin)"J?uttonABN )etContentPaneAB"set:a outAnew ja!a"awt">$ow:a outABBN setTit$eAC%u$timedia Encription Techni5uesCBN setNameAC%u$timedia>rameCBN setResi8ab$eAfa$seBN add1indow:istenerAnew ja!a"awt"e!ent"1indowAdapterAB V pub$ic !oid windowC$osin)Aja!a"awt"e!ent"1indowE!ent e!tB V e3it>ormAe!tBN W WBN 6. encr pt?utton"setToo$TipTe3tACC$ick to start encr ptionCBN encr pt?utton"set:abe$ACEncr ptCBN encr pt?utton"setNameACencr pt?uttonCBN encr pt?utton"addAction:istenerAnew ja!a"awt"e!ent"Action:istenerAB V pub$ic !oid actionPerformedAja!a"awt"e!ent"ActionE!ent e!tB V encr pt?uttonActionPerformedAe!tBN W WBN )etContentPaneAB"addAencr pt?uttonBN decr pt?utton"set:abe$AC'ecr ptCBN decr pt?utton"setNameACdecr pt?uttonCBN decr pt?utton"addAction:istenerAnew ja!a"awt"e!ent"Action:istenerAB V

pub$ic !oid actionPerformedAja!a"awt"e!ent"ActionE!ent e!tB V decr pt?uttonActionPerformedAe!tBN W WBN )etContentPaneAB"addAdecr pt?uttonBN samePathCheck"setTe3tACEncr ptF'ecr pt to (ame >o$derSCBN samePathCheck"setPreferred(i8eAnew ja!a"awt"'imensionA,,.& ,7BBN )etContentPaneAB"addAsamePathCheckBN de$eteCheck"setTe3tAC'e$ete P$ain >i$e After Encr ptionSCBN de$eteCheck"setPreferred(i8eAnew ja!a"awt"'imensionA,,.& ,7BBN )etContentPaneAB"addAde$eteCheckBN j:abe$/"set>ontAnew ja!a"awt">ontAC'ia$o)C& /& /.BBN 6/ j:abe$/"set4ori8onta$A$i)nmentAja!a3"swin)"(win)Constants"CENTERBN j:abe$/"setTe3tAC#iew (tatusCBN j:abe$/"setPreferred(i8eAnew ja!a"awt"'imensionA,..& /+BBN )etContentPaneAB"addAj:abe$/BN jPane$/"setPreferred(i8eAnew ja!a"awt"'imensionA6..& ,..BBN status'isp$a "setEditab$eAfa$seBN status'isp$a "set:ine1rapAtrueBN status'isp$a "setRowsA9..BN status'isp$a "set1rap(t $e1ordAtrueBN status'isp$a "setPreferred(i8eAnew ja!a"awt"'imensionA6..& <...BBN jPane$/"addAstatus'isp$a BN )etContentPaneAB"addAjPane$/BN

c$ose?utton"set:abe$ACC$oseCBN c$ose?utton"addAction:istenerAnew ja!a"awt"e!ent"Action:istenerAB V pub$ic !oid actionPerformedAja!a"awt"e!ent"ActionE!ent e!tB V c$ose?uttonActionPerformedAe!tBN W WBN )etContentPaneAB"addAc$ose?uttonBN packABN W FF2EN*EN'@initComponents pri!ate !oid c$ose?uttonActionPerformedAja!a"awt"e!ent"ActionE!ent e!tB VFF2EN* >IR(T@e!entXc$ose?uttonActionPerformed FF Add our hand$in) code here@ this"set#isib$eAfa$seBN ( stem"e3itA.BN WFF2EN*:A(T@e!entXc$ose?uttonActionPerformed FFreturns the ke strin) pub$ic static (trin) )etJe (trin)ABV return ke (trin)N W FFsets the ke strin) pub$ic static !oid setJe (trin)A(trin) k(trin)BV ke (trin)Ok(trin)N W pri!ate !oid encr pt?uttonActionPerformedAja!a"awt"e!ent"ActionE!ent e!tB V 6,

FF2EN*>IR(T@e!entXencr pt?uttonActionPerformed FF Add our hand$in) code here@ int !#a$O.N int r#a$O.N stateOCipher%ethods"ENCRMPTN out(trin)OCYnCICRead CICYnCN Password'ia$o) p'ia$o)O new Password'ia$o)Athis&trueBN r#a$OeChooser"showOpen'ia$o)AthisBN if Ar#a$OOJ>i$eChooser"APPRO#EXOPTIONBV input>i$eOeChooser")et(e$ected>i$eABN pChooser"set>i$e(e$ection%odeAJ>i$eChooser"'IRECTORIE(XON:MBN ifAthis"samePathCheck"is(e$ectedABBV 66 out'irector Onew >i$eAinput>i$e")etParentABBN We$seV !#a$OpChooser"showOpen'ia$o)AthisBN out'irector OpChooser")et(e$ected>i$eABN W p'ia$o)"showABN ( stem"out"print$nACke from coder is CIke (trin)BN FFpass the input fi$e to the Cipher %ethods c$ass for encr ption Cipher%ethods ciphermOnew Cipher%ethodsAinput>i$e&out'irector &ke (trin)&state&de$eteCheck"is(e$ectedABBN FF(tart the %onitor cipher c$ass to monitor the pro)ress of the ecr ption operation

%onitorCipher mcOnew %onitorCipherAciphermBN cipherm"startABN mc"startABN W W FF2EN*:A(T@e!entXencr pt?uttonActionPerformed pri!ate !oid decr pt?uttonActionPerformedAja!a"awt"e!ent"ActionE!ent e!tB VFF2EN*>IR(T@e!entXdecr pt?uttonActionPerformed FF Add our hand$in) code here@ int r#a$O.N int !#a$O.N out(trin)OCYnCICRead CICYnCN stateOCipher%ethods"'ECRMPTN 67 Password'ia$o) p'ia$o)O new Password'ia$o)Athis&trueBN r#a$OdChooser"showOpen'ia$o)AthisBN if Ar#a$OOJ>i$eChooser"APPRO#EXOPTIONBV input>i$eOdChooser")et(e$ected>i$eABN pChooser"set>i$e(e$ection%odeAJ>i$eChooser"'IRECTORIE(XON:MBN ifAthis"samePathCheck"is(e$ectedABBV out'irector Onew >i$eAinput>i$e")etParentABBN We$seV !#a$OpChooser"showOpen'ia$o)AthisBN out'irector OpChooser")et(e$ected>i$eABN W

p'ia$o)"showABN FFpass the input fi$e to the Cipher %ethods c$ass for decr ption Cipher%ethods ciphermOnew Cipher%ethodsAinput>i$e&out'irector &ke (trin)&state&de$eteCheck"is(e$ectedABBN FF(tart the %onitor cipher c$ass to monitor the pro)ress of the ecr ption operation %onitorCipher mcOnew %onitorCipherAciphermBN cipherm"startABN mc"startABN W W FF2EN*:A(T@e!entXdecr pt?uttonActionPerformed FUU E3it the App$ication UF 69 pri!ate !oid e3it>ormAja!a"awt"e!ent"1indowE!ent e!tB VFF2EN* >IR(T@e!entXe3it>orm ( stem"e3itA.BN WFF2EN*:A(T@e!entXe3it>orm FUU U Zparam ar)s the command $ine ar)uments UF pub$ic static !oid mainA(trin) ar)s[\B V J(4Coder kOnew J(4CoderABN k"set(i8eA66.&7/.BN k"showABN W

FF #ariab$es dec$aration * do not modif FF2EN*?E2IN@!ariab$es pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"JCheck?o3 samePathCheckN pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"J:abe$ j:abe$/N pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"JTe3tArea status'isp$a N pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"J?utton encr pt?uttonN pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"JPane$ jPane$/N pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"J?utton c$ose?uttonN pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"J?utton decr pt?uttonN pri!ate ja!a3"swin)"JCheck?o3 de$eteCheckN

FF End of !ariab$es dec$arationFF2EN*EN'@!ariab$es FUU 4o$ds !a$ue of propert userName" UF pri!ate static (trin) userNameN FUU 4o$ds !a$ue of propert password" UF pri!ate static (trin) passwordN c$ass %onitorCipher e3tends ThreadV protected PipedInput(tream in&dia$o)InN protected PipedOutput(tream outN protected int cipher(tatusO/.........N protected MesNo'ia$o) nN pri!ate boo$ean stopN int cN pub$ic %onitorCipherACipher%ethods cmBV ( stem"out"print$nAC(tartin) %onitorCipher initia$i8ationCBN 6+

out(trin)IOC(tartin) %onitorCipher initia$i8ationCICYnCN status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN nOnew MesNo'ia$o)ABN FFinitia$i8e and connect to the io streams that are used to communicate with the Ciphermethods c$ass throu)h the writin) of tokens" tr V inOnew PipedInput(treamAcm"outBN outOnew PipedOutput(treamAcm"inBN dia$o)InOnew PipedInput(treamA n")etOutABBN ( stem"out"print$nAC>inished %onitorCipher connectionCBN out(trin)IOC>inished %onitorCipher connectionCICYnCN status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN WcatchAIOE3ception eBV ( stem"err"print$nAe"to(trin)ABBN W stopOfa$seN W pub$ic s nchroni8ed !oid stop%onitorCipherABV tr V in"c$oseABN out"c$oseABN dia$o)In"c$oseABN WcatchAIOE3ception eBVW stopOtrueN W 6<

FFThis method e!a$uates the token read from the input stream connected to the Cipher %ethods c$ass" FF so as to determine the sate of the encr ptionF decr ption operation FF!ia the io streams protected !oid e!a$uate(tatusABV switchAcipher(tatusBV case Cipher%ethods">I:EXEHI(T(@ n"set'ia$o):abe$ACOutput >i$e a$read e3ists" O!erwrite itSCBN n"set#isib$eAtrueBN tr V int dOdia$o)In"readABN ( stem"out"print$nACdO CIdBN out"writeAdBN WcatchAIOE3ception eBVW breakN case Cipher%ethods"OPERATIONX(TARTE'@ ifAstateOOCipher%ethods"ENCRMPTB s nchroni8edAout(trin)BV out(trin)IOCYnCICEncr ptin) CIinput>i$e")etNameABIC"""CN status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN W e$se s nchroni8edAout(trin)BV out(trin)IOCYnCIC'ecr ptin) CIinput>i$e")etNameABIC"""CN 6=

status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN W breakN case Cipher%ethods"OPERATIONXEN'E'@ cipher(tatusO/........N s nchroni8edAout(trin)BV out(trin)IOCYnCIC>inished CIinput>i$e")etNameABN status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN W stop%onitorCipherABN breakN case Cipher%ethods"OPERATIONXA?ORTE'@ cipher(tatusO/........N s nchroni8edAout(trin)BV 7. out(trin)IOCYnCICOPERATION A?ORTE'CN status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN W stop%onitorCipherABN breakN W W pub$ic !oid runABV whi$eA]stopBV read>romInputABN

( stem"out"print$nACCipher(tatus from run is OCIcipher(tatusBN e!a$uate(tatusABN W W

FFreads from the input stream so as to determine the current state of the encr ption F decr ption process protected s nchroni8ed !oid read>romInputABV int iO.N tr V whi$eAAcOin"readABB]OCipher%ethods"EO:BV FFifAc]Onu$$B cipher(tatusOcN FF( stem"out"print$nACCipher(tatus from read is OCIcBN W WcatchAIOE3ception eBV md"set'ia$o):abe$ACIO error in readin) from PipedInput(treamCBN md"showABN out(trin)IOe")et%essa)eABICYnCN status'isp$a "setTe3tAout(trin)BN e"print(tackTraceABN returnN W W W 7/

7, APPENDI) # ENCRYPTION METHOD& SCREEN SHOTS (creen (hot / E Encr ption

76 (creen (hot , E (e$ectin) the fi$e to Encr pt

77 (creen (hot 6 E Enter the ke for authentication

(creen (hot 7 E Encr ption Process

7+ DECRYPTION METHOD & SCREEN SHOTS (creen (hot /* (e$ectin) the fi$e to 'ecr pt

7(creen (hot , E Enter the ke for authentication

7< (creen (hot 6 E 'ecr ption Process

7= Encr pt F 'ecr pt to (ame >o$der

9. 'e$ete P$ain >i$e after Encr ption

9/ REFERENCES /" ?" >urht and '" (ocek& %u$timedia (ecurit @ Encr ption Techni5ues&D IEC Comprehensi!e Report on Information (ecurit & Internationa$ En)ineerin) Consortium& Chica)o& I:& ,..6" ," A"%" Eskicio)$u& Protectin) Inte$$ectua$ Propert in 'i)ita$ %u$timedia Networks&D IEEE Computer& Ju$ ,..6& pp" 6=*79" 6" H" :iu and A"%" Eskicio)$u C(e$ecti!e Encr ption of %u$timedia Content in 'istribution Networks@ Cha$$en)es and New 'irections&D IA(TE' Internationa$ Conference on Communications& Internet and Information Techno$o) ACIIT ,..6B& (cottsda$e& AK& No!ember /-*/=& ,..6" 7" P"C" !an Oorschot& A"J" %ene8es& and ("A" #anstone& 4andbook of App$ied Cr pto)raph &D CRC Press& Inc"& /==-" 9" '"R" (tinson& Cr pto)raph Theor and Practice&D CRC Press& Inc"& ,..," +" T"?" %ap$es and 2"A" (panos& CPerformance stud of se$ecti!e encr ption scheme for the securit of networked rea$*time !ideo&C in Proceedin)s of the 7th Internationa$ Conference on Computer and Communications& :as #e)as& N#& /==9" -" 2"A" (panos and T"?" %ap$es& C(ecurit for Rea$*Time %PE2 Compressed #ideo in 'istributed %u$timedia App$ications&C in Conference on Computers and Communications& /==+& pp" -,*-<" <" J" %e er and >" 2ade)ast& (ecurit %echanisms for %u$timedia 'ata with the E3amp$e %PE2*/ #ideo&D Project 'escription of (EC%PE2& Technica$ ;ni!ersit of ?er$in& 2erman & %a /==9"

9, =" :" Tan)& %ethods for Encr ptin) and 'ecr ptin) %PE2 #ideo 'ata Efficient$ &D Proceedin)s of the 7th AC% Internationa$ %u$timedia Conference& ?oston& %A& No!ember /<*,,& /==+& pp" ,/=*,6." /."A)i and :" 2on)& An Empirica$ (tud of (ecure %PE2 #ideo Transmission&D Proceedin)s of the ( mposium on Network and 'istributed ( stems (ecurit & IEEE& /==+" //"T" (eide$& '" (ocek& and %" (ramka& Cr ptana$ sis of #ideo Encr ption A$)orithms&D to appear in Proceedin)s of The 6 Centra$ European Conference on Cr pto$o) TATRACRMPT ,..6& ?ratis$a!a& ($o!ak Repub$ic& ,..6" /,"C"*P" 1u and C"*C" J" Juo& >ast Encr ption %ethods for Audio!isua$ 'ata Confidentia$it &D (PIE Internationa$ ( mposia on Information Techno$o)ies ,...& ?oston& %A& No!ember ,...& pp" ,<7*,=9" /6"%" #an 'roo)enbroeck and R" ?enedett& Techni5ues for a (e$ecti!e Encr ption of ;ncompressed and Compressed Ima)es&D Proceedin)s of Ad!anced Concepts for Inte$$i)ent #ision ( stems AACI#(B ,..,& 2hent& ?e$)ium& (eptember =*//& ,..," /7"A"Pommer and A" ;h$& (e$ecti!e Encr ption of 1a!e$et*Packet Encoded Ima)e 'ata&D AC% %u$timedia ( stems Journa$& (pecia$ Issue on %u$timedia (ecurit & ,..6" /9"J" 'aemen and #" Rijmen& AE( Proposa$@ Rijndae$D& AE( A$)orithm (ubmission& (eptember 6& /===& a!ai$ab$e at http@FFwww"nist")o!FCr ptoToo$kit"


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