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Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide

Satya Avasarala

Chapter No. 5 "Understanding WebDriver Events"

In this package, you will find:

A Biography of the author of the book A preview chapter from the book, Chapter NO.5 "Understanding WebDriver Events" A synopsis of the books content Information on where to buy this book

About the Author

Satya Avasarala has rich experience in Java development and automation testing. He is an engineer in computer science. He has used WebDriver for many years now and has created several good automation frameworks. He has worked at various large software enterprises such as Oracle Corp, Yahoo! Inc., VMware Inc., and the REA Group. In addition, he is also interested in Service Oriented Architectural design and Business Intelligence. He is an Oracle-certified Service Oriented Architecture Infrastructure Implementation Expert and a Business Intelligence Foundation Suite Implementation Specialist. I would like to thank all my acquisition editors, technical editors, and project coordinators for constantly supporting me in completing this book. I should also thank my colleagues, Pratik Patil and Kerri Rusnak, for their constant encouragement and support in writing this book. Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife, Swathi Vennelaganti, for sacrificing many weekends while I was busy writing this book. Without all these people, this book wouldn't have been a reality.

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Selenium WebDriver Practical Guide

This book is about Selenium WebDriver, also known as Selenium 2, which is a UI automation tool used by software developers and QA engineers to test their web application on different web browsers. The reader is expected to have a basic idea of programming, preferably using Java, because we take the reader through several features of WebDriver using code examples. This book can be used as a reference for your day-to-day usage of WebDriver.

What This Book Covers

Chapter 1, Introducing WebDriver and WebElements, will start off by briefly discussing the history of Selenium and the differences between Selenium 1 and Selenium 2. Then, we quickly jump into WebDriver by describing how it perceives a web page. We will also look at what a WebDriver's WebElement is. Then, we talk about locating WebElements on a web page and performing some basic actions on them. Chapter 2, Exploring Advanced Interactions of WebDriver, will dive deeply into more advanced actions that WebDriver can perform on the WebElements of a web page, such as the dragging-and-dropping of elements from one frame of a page to another and right/context-clicking on WebElements. We're sure you will find this chapter interesting to read. Chapter 3, Exploring the Features of WebDriver, will talk about some advanced features of WebDriver, such as taking screenshots of web pages, executing JavaScript, and handling cookies and proxies. WebDriver, such as FirefoxDriver, IEDriver, and ChromeDriver. When we discuss WebDriver in Chapter 1, Introducing WebDriver and WebElements, we will see that WebDriver has specific implementations for most of the popular browsers available on the market. Chapter 5, Understanding WebDriver Events, will deal with the event-handling aspect of WebDriver. To state a few, events can be a value change on a WebElement, a browser back-navigation invocation, script execution completion, and so on. Chapter 6, Dealing with I/O, will introduce you to the file-handling features of WebDriver. Concepts such as copying files, uploading files, and deleting files will be discussed in this chapter.

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Chapter 7, Exploring RemoteWebDriver and WebDriverBackedSelenium, will deal with two very important topics of WebDriver: RemoteWebDriver and WebDriverBackedSelenium. If you want to execute a WebDriver installed on a different machine from your machine, you can use the RemoteWebDriver class to handle all your commands for that remote machine. One of its popular use cases is browser compatibility testing. The other class we talk about in this chapter is WebDriverBackedSelenium. This is useful for people who want to use WebDriver, but still have many of their existing tests using Selenium 1. Finally, we will migrate some code using Selenium1 APIs to use WebDriver APIs. Chapter 8, Understanding Selenium Grid, will talk about one important and interesting feature of Selenium named Selenium Grid. Using this, you can submit your developed automation scenarios to a server and specify there the target platform, that is, the OS, browser type, and version, upon which you want these scenarios to be executed. If a node with such a configuration is registered and available, the server will dispatch your job to that node, and it will take care of executing your automation scenarios in its environment and publish the results back to the server. Chapter 9, Understanding PageObject Pattern, will talk about a well-known design pattern named the PageObject pattern. This is a proven pattern that will give you a better handle on your automation framework and scenarios. Chapter 10, Testing iOS and Android Apps, we will take you through how WebDriver can be used to automate your test scripts for iOS and Android applications. We will also discuss a recently developed software tool called Appium. By the end of this book, we are sure you will be one of the world's advanced WebDriver users.

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Understanding WebDriver Events

Selenium WebDriver provides a very good framework for tracking the various events that happen while you're executing your test scripts using WebDriver. Many navigation events that get red before and after an event occurs (such as before and after navigating to a URL, before and after browser back-navigation, and so on) can be tracked and captured. To throw an event, WebDriver gives you a class named EventFiringWebDriver, and to catch that event, it provides the test script developer an interface named WebDriverEventListener. The test script developer should provide their own implementations for the overridden methods from the interface. In this chapter, we will see how we can track various browser navigation events and web element action events that get triggered during the execution of your test cases.

Introducing EventFiringWebDriver and EventListener classes

The EventFiringWebDriver class is a wrapper around your normal WebDriver that gives the driver the capability to re events. The EventListener class, on the other hand, waits to listen from EventFiringWebDriver and handles all of the events that are dispatched. There can be more than one listener waiting to hear from the EventFiringWebDriver class for an event to re. All of the event listeners should be registered with the EventFiringWebDriver class to get notied.

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Understanding WebDriver Events

The following ow diagram explains what has to be done to capture all of the events raised by EventFiringWebDriver during the execution of test cases:
Create an EventListener Class

Create a WebDriver instance

Create an instance of EventFiringWebDriver for the driver created above

Create an instance of EventListener class created above Register the Event Listener class with the EventFiringWebDriver.

Execute the events with the EventFiringWebDriver

Verify if your Listener class got informed about the events occurence

Creating an instance of EventListener

The EventListener class handles all of the events that are dispatched by the EventFiringWebDriver class. There are the following two ways to create an EventListener class: By implementing the WebDriverEventListener interface. By extending the AbstractWebDriverEventListener class provided in the WebDriver library.

It is up to you, as a test script developer, to choose which way to go by.

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Chapter 5

Implementing WebDriverEventListener
The WebDriverEventListener interface has all of the event methods declared. The EventFiringWebDriver class, as soon as it realizes an event has occurred, will invoke the registered method of WebDriverEventListener. Here, we have created an IAmTheEventListener named class and have implemented WebDriverEventListener. As a result, you have to provide implementations for all of the methods declared in it. Right now, in WebDriverEventListener, there are 15 methods. We will discuss each one of them shortly. For now, make sure you allow your Eclipse IDE to provide you dummy implementations for all of these methods. The class that we have created with all 15 overridden methods is as follows (we have provided implementations for couple of methods):
public class IAmTheEventListener implements WebDriverEventListener{ ////////// NAVIGATION RELATED METHODS //////////////// @Override public void beforeNavigateTo(String url, WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("Before Navigate To "+url); } @Override public void afterNavigateTo(String url, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void beforeNavigateBack(WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("Before Navigate Back. Right now I'm at "+driver.getCurrentUrl()); } @Override public void afterNavigateBack(WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void beforeNavigateForward(WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override [ 115 ]

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Understanding WebDriver Events public void afterNavigateForward(WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /////////////////// FINDBY RELATED METHODS /////////////// @Override public void beforeFindBy(By by, WebElement element, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void afterFindBy(By by, WebElement element, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } //////////////////// CLICKON RELATED METHODS /////////////// @Override public void beforeClickOn(WebElement element, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void afterClickOn(WebElement element, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } ///////////////// CHANGE OF VALUE RELATED METHODS ////////////// @Override public void beforeChangeValueOf(WebElement element, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void afterChangeValueOf(WebElement element, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /////////////// SCRIPT EXECUTION RELATED METHODS /////////////// @Override [ 116 ]

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Chapter 5 public void beforeScript(String script, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void afterScript(String script, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /////////////// EXCEPTION RELATED METHODS /////////////////////// @Override public void onException(Throwable throwable, WebDriver driver) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }

Extending AbstractWebDriverEventListener
The second way to create a listener class is by extending the AbstractWebDriverEventListener class. AbstractWebDriverEventListener is an abstract class that implements WebDriverEventListener. Though it doesn't really provide any implementation for the methods in the WebDriverEventListener interface, it creates a dummy implementation such that the listener class that you are creating doesn't have to contain all of the methods; only the ones that you, as a test script developer, are interested. The following is a class we have created that extends AbstractWebDriverEventListener and provides implementations for a couple of methods in it. This way we can override only the methods that we are interested rather than all of the methods in our class:
public class IAmTheEventListener2 extends AbstractWebDriverEventListener{ @Override public void beforeNavigateTo(String url, WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("Before Navigate To "+url); } @Override public void beforeNavigateBack(WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("Before Navigate Back. Right now I'm at "+driver.getCurrentUrl()); } } [ 117 ]

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Understanding WebDriver Events

Creating a WebDriver instance

Now that we have created our listener class that listens for all of the events generated, it's time to create our test script class and let it call After you create the class, create a FirefoxDriver instance in it:
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();

The FirefoxDriver instance will be the underlying driver instance that drives all of your driver events. This is nothing new compared to what we have done until now in all of the chapters in this book. The step explained in the next section is where we make this driver an instance of EventFiringWebDriver.

Creating EventFiringWebDriver and EventListener instances

Now that we have the basic driver instance, pass it as an argument while constructing the EventFiringWebDriver instance. We will be using this instance of the driver to execute all of the further user actions. Now, using the following code, instantiate the EventListener,, or classes that we

created previously. This will be the class to which all of the events are dispatched:
EventFiringWebDriver eventFiringDriver = new EventFiringWebDriver(driver); IAmTheEventListener eventListener = new IAmTheEventListener();

Registering EventListener with EventFiringWebDriver

In order for the event executions to be notied to EventListener, we have registered EventListener to the EventFiringWebDriver class. Now the EventFiringWebDriver class will know where to send the notications. This is done as shown in the following line of code:

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Chapter 5

Executing and verifying the events

Now it's time for our test script to execute events such as navigation events. Let's rst navigate to Google and then Facebook. Now, we will use the browser back-navigation to go back to Google. The full code of the test script is as follows:
public class IAmTheDriver { public static void main(String... args){ WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); EventFiringWebDriver eventFiringDriver = new EventFiringWebDriver(driver); IAmTheEventListener eventListener = new IAmTheEventListener(); eventFiringDriver.register(eventListener); eventFiringDriver.get(""); eventFiringDriver.get(""); eventFiringDriver.navigate().back(); } }

In the preceding code, we modify our listener class to record navigateTo and navigateBack before and after events inherited from the AbstractWebDriverEventListener class. The modied methods are as follows:
@Override public void beforeNavigateTo(String url, WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("Before Navigate To: "+url +" and Current url is: "+driver.getCurrentUrl()); } @Override public void afterNavigateTo(String url, WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("After Navigate To: "+url +" and Current url is: "+driver.getCurrentUrl()); } @Override public void beforeNavigateBack(WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("Before Navigate Back. Right now I'm at " +driver.getCurrentUrl()); }

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Understanding WebDriver Events @Override public void afterNavigateBack(WebDriver driver) { System.out.println("After Navigate Back. Right now I'm at " +driver.getCurrentUrl()); }

Now, if you execute your test script, the output will be as follows:

If you observe the second line in the previously shown output, the expected after-navigation URL is, but the current URL is This is due to Google redirection to your local server.

Registering multiple EventListeners

We can register more than one listener with EventFiringWebDriver. Once the event occurs, all of the registered listeners are notied about it. Let's modify our test script as follows to register both our and les:
public class RegisteringMultipleListeners { public static void main(String... args){ WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); EventFiringWebDriver eventFiringDriver = new EventFiringWebDriver(driver); IAmTheEventListener eventListener = new IAmTheEventListener(); IAmTheEventListener2 eventListener2 = new IAmTheEventListener2(); eventFiringDriver.register(eventListener); eventFiringDriver.register(eventListener2); eventFiringDriver.get(""); eventFiringDriver.get(""); eventFiringDriver.navigate().back(); } }

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Chapter 5

Now, modify the listeners slightly to differentiate the log statements. Now, if you execute the preceding code, you will see the output as follows:

Exploring different WebDriver event listeners

We have seen some of the methods in our EventListeners that get invoked when their corresponding events are executed, for example, before and after navigation methods are invoked when the navigateTo event is triggered. Here we'll see all of the methods that WebDriverEventListener provides us.

Listening for WebElement value change

This event occurs when the value of a WebElement changes when the sendKeys() or clear() methods are executed on them. There are two methods associated with this event.
public void beforeChangeValueOf(WebElement element, WebDriver driver)

The preceding method is invoked before the WebDriver attempts to change the value of the WebElement. As a parameter, the WebElement itself is passed to the method so that you can log the value of the element before the change.
public void afterChangeValueOf(WebElement element, WebDriver driver)

The preceding method is the second method associated with the value-change event that is invoked after the driver changes the value of the WebElement. Again, the WebElement and the WebDriver are sent as parameters to the method. If an exception occurs while changing the value, this method is not invoked.

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Understanding WebDriver Events

Listening for WebElement clicked

This event occurs when a WebElement is clicked, that is by executing There are two methods to listen for this event in the WebDriverEventListener implementation.
public void beforeClickOn(WebElement element, WebDriver driver)

The preceding method is invoked when the WebDriver is about to click on a particular WebElement. The WebElement that is going to be clicked on and the WebDriver that is clicking on it are sent as parameters to this method so that the test script developer can interpret which driver performed the click action, and on which element the action was performed.
public void afterClickOn(WebElement element, WebDriver driver)

The EventFiringWebDriver class noties the preceding method after the click action is taken on a WebElement. Similar to the beforeClickOn() method, this method is also sent the WebElement and WebDriver instances. If an exception occurs during a click event, this method is not called.

Listening for a WebElement search event

This event is triggered when the WebDriver searches for a WebElement on the webpage using findElement() or findElements(). There are, again, two methods associated for this event.
public void beforeFindBy(By by, WebElement element, WebDriver driver)

The preceding method is invoked just before WebDriver begins searching for a particular WebElement on the page. For parameters, it sends the locating mechanism, that is, the WebElement that is searched for and the WebDriver instance that is performing the search, by instance.
public void afterFindBy(By by, WebElement element, WebDriver driver)

Similarly, the EventFiringWebDriver class calls the preceding method after the search for an element is over and the element is found. If there are any exceptions during the search, this method is not called, and an exception is raised.

Listening for browser back navigation

The browser back navigation event, as we have already seen, gets invoked when we use the driver.navigation().back() method. The browser goes back one level in its history. Just as all other events, this event is associated with two methods.
public void beforeNavigateBack(WebDriver driver) [ 122 ]

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Chapter 5

The preceding method is invoked before the browser takes you back in its history. The WebDriver that invoked this event is passed as a parameter to this method.
public void afterNavigateBack(WebDriver driver)

Just as in all after <<event>> methods, the preceding method is invoked when the navigate-back action is triggered. The preceding two methods will be invoked irrespective of the navigation of the browser; that is, if the browser doesn't have any history and you invoke this method, the browser doesn't take you to any of its history. But even in that case, as the event is triggered, those two methods are invoked.

Listening for browser forward navigation

This event is very similar to the browser back navigation, except that this is browser forward navigation, that is using, driver.navigate().forward(). The two methods associated with this event are as follows:
public void afterNavigateForward(WebDriver driver) public void beforeNavigateForward(WebDriver driver)

Just as in browser back navigation, these methods are invoked irrespective of whether or not the browser takes you one level forward.

Listening for browser navigateTo events

get(url). The related methods for this event are as follows:

As we've seen earlier, this event occurs whenever the driver executes driver.
public void beforeNavigateTo(java.lang.String url, WebDriver driver) public void afterNavigateTo(java.lang.String url, WebDriver driver)

The URL that is used for the driver navigation is passed as a parameter to the preceding methods along with the driver that triggered the event.

Listening for script execution

This event is triggered whenever the driver executes a JavaScript. The associated methods for this event are as follows:
public void beforeScript(java.lang.String script, WebDriver driver) public void afterScript(java.lang.String script, WebDriver driver)
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Understanding WebDriver Events

The preceding methods get the JavaScript that was executed as a string, and the WebDriver that executed it as a parameter. If there an exception occurs during script execution, the afterScript() method will not be invoked.

Listening for any exception

This event occurs when the WebDriver comes across some exceptions. For instance, if you try to search for a WebElement using findElement(), and that element doesn't exist on the page, the driver throws an exception (NoSuchElementException). At this point, this event is triggered, and the following method gets notied:
public void onException(java.lang.Throwable throwable, WebDriver driver)

In all the after<<event>> methods, we have seen that they will not be invoked if the driver comes across any exception. In that case, instead of those after<<events>> methods, the onException() method is invoked and the throwable object and the WebDriver object are sent to it as parameters.

Unregistering EventListener with EventFiringWebDriver

Now, we have seen the different kinds of events that get triggered, and the EventFiringWebDriver class notifying all of the listeners registered to it. If, at any point, you want one of your event listeners to stop hearing from EventFiringWebDriver, you can do that by unregistering from that driver. The following API unregisters an event listener from a driver:
public EventFiringWebDriver unregister(WebDriverEventListener eventListener)

The parameter of the method should be the event listener that wants to opt out of getting events notications.

In this chapter, you have learned about EventFiringWebDriver and EventListeners, and how they work together to make the developer's life easy in order to debug what is going on at each step while the test cases get executed. In the next chapter, we will learn how WebDriver handles I/O operations on a lesystem.

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