Shraddha and Saburi

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Shirdi Sai Baba




gives you success. Saburi is the mine of virtues, consort of good thoughts. My Guru never expected any other thing from me. Oh mother ! My Guru never taught me any mantra .. then, how shall I blow any mantra into your ears ? Just remember that Gurus tortoise-like loving glance gives us happiness ! Do not try to get mantra or Upadesh from anybody ! Make me the sole object of your thoughts and actions and you will, no doubt, attain Paramartha (spiritual goal) of life. Look at me whole heartedly. Sitting in this masjid, I speak the truth, nothing but the truth ! dhyan - meditation My method is quite unique. Remember well ! To get the knowledge .. realization of the SELF, .. dhyan .. meditation .. is necessary . If you practise it continuously, the vrittis .. subtle thoughts .. will be pacified. Being quite desireless .. you should meditate on God, who is in all the creatures and when the mind is concentrated, the goal will be achieved. Meditate always on my form-less nature, which is .. Knowledge Incarnate .. Consciousness .. Bliss. As you go on doing this, your vrittis will be single-pointed. And the meditator will be one with the consciousness and be merged in the Brahma.

I had a guru. He was a great saint and most merciful. I served him long, very long, still he would not blow any mantra into my ears. I had a keen desire, never to leave him, but to stay with him and serve him. But he had his own way. He first got my head shaved and asked me for two paise as Dakshina. I gave the same at once. You may ask, why should he ask for money and how can he be called desireless ? The reply is that, he never cared for coins. His two paise were .. Shraddha (firm belief) Saburi (patience and perseverance) . I gave those two paise to him and he was pleased ! I resorted to my Guru for twelve years. He brought me up. There was no dearth of food and clothing. He was full of love .. he was love incarnate. When I looked at him, he seemed as if he was in deep meditation and then, we both were filled with bliss. My mind was always fixed on him. This Nishtha .. firm faith .. is one paisa of Dakshina. Saburi .. patience or perseverance .. is the other paisa. I waited patiently and served my Guru. This Saburi will ferry you across the sea of this mundane existence. Saburi removes all sins and afflictions, gets rid of calamities in various ways, and casts aside all fear, and ultimately,

Be A Master
Guiding Principles for The Masters of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement
Meditate in the right way .. i.e., Anapanasati .. and teach everyone this same way of Anapanasati. Read right spiritual books .. e.g. by Osho, Lobsang Rampa, Castaneda, Jane Roberts, Annie Besant, Linda Goodman, Deepak Chopra, Sylvia Browne etc., etc. Exchange meditational experiences with everyone. Spend .. much time .. every day .. in silence ; worldly gossip is absolutely forbidden. Utilize full-moon nights for intensive meditation. Utilize pyramid energy for meditation, as much as possible. Give-up all medicines ! Only meditational energy heals ! No meat .. no fish .. no eggs ! Be a vegetarian ! Eat according to need, not according to greed ! Eat only when you are hungry ! Spend much time in pure nature e.g., forests, meadows, rivers and mountains etc. No spiritual clothing ! No sacred body-marks ! No change to any spiritual name ! Impart meditation training to children, right from their childhood. Learn to live as Masters and never as disciples. Reject money exchanges in meditation-training programs. No worship of idols ! No worship of Living Masters ! Overcome personal problems using own meditational strength. Enjoy normal sexual lives ! No sanyasa ! Establish pyramid meditation centres in all villages, towns and cities. Publish meditational experiences and personal spiritual transformation.

Shirdi Sai Baba

Maitreya Buddha Dhyana Vidya Vishwalayam
Kebbedoddi (village), Harohalli, Kanakapura (taluk), Karnataka office : # 609/1, 15th Cross, 6th Face, J.P. Nagar, Bengaluru - 560078 ph : 91-80-32723143 mobile : 0 9448350265

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