Rel-12 Description 20131224

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Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Foreword...................................................................................................................................................6 1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................7 2 References..............................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Specifications........................................................................................................................................................7 2.2 Tdocs7 2.3 Work Plan, Work Items and St d! Items.............................................................................................................." 2.# $%an&e Re' est data(ase......................................................................................................................................"

3 )((re*iations........................................................................................................................................." # S)1 Sta&e 1 + ,-./ Feat res...............................................................................................................0

#.1 SIPT, Ser*ice $ontin it! of IP 1ata Session 2SIPT,3S$4 5I13#06636.........................................................0 #.2 Interworkin& (etween 7,s sin& t%e 8PS and 1ata )pplication Pro*iders 27,S)P4 5I13966631..............16 #.3 I7S -etwork+Independent P (lic 5ser Identities 2I-IP5I4 5I13926627........................................................12 #.# Ser*ice and 7edia Reac%a(ilit! for 5sers o*er Restricti*e Firewalls 2S75RFs4 5I139366#3.......................13 #.9 )d*anced IP Interconnection of Ser*ices 2IP:S4 for national interconnect 2IP:S-)T4 5I1399662#............1# #.6 Inte&ration of Sin&le Si&n+,n 2SS,4 frameworks wit% 3;PP networks 2SS,3Int4 5I13996629....................19 #.7 8<plicit $omm nication Transfer =lind 28$T =lind4 ser*ice interactions 28$T=4 5I13966610....................16 #." I7S access *ia 1i&ital >ideo =roadcast + Ret rn $%annel *ia Satellite 2I7SSat4 5I13976627......................17 #.0 Se' ential Fle<i(le )lertin& 2S8?3F)4 5I139"6666.......................................................................................1" #.16 .an& a&e and 7odalit! Information for comm nications 5I139"6661.......................................1" #.11 8mer&enc! Session Identification 28SI14 5I139066#6..................................................................................26 #.12 Pre*ention of 7o(ile+,ri&inatin& si&nallin& and@or data traffic of 58 in $onnected mode 2P7,$4 5I1390666#2............................................................................................................................................26

9 S)1@S)2 Feat res................................................................................................................................21

9.1 .IP) 7o(ilit! and SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork 2.I7,-8T4 5I1396662"...................................................22 9.2 ,perator Policies for IP Interface Selection 2,PIIS4 5I139166#0....................................................................2# 9.3 S7S s (mit and deli*er! wit%o t 7SIS1- in I7S 2S7S7I4 5I13926620....................................................26 9.# I7S+(ased Telepresence 2I7S3T8.8P4 5I139366#2......................................................................................27 9.9 ;ro p $omm nication S!stem 8na(lers for .T8 2;$S83.T84 5I13966626.................................................20 9.6 7ac%ine+T!pe and ot%er mo(ile data applications $omm nications en%ancements 5I13966622...................31 9.7 Polic! and $%ar&in& $ontrol for s pportin& fi<ed (road(and access networks 2P#$4 5I1396662#................#6 9." I7S = siness Tr nkin& for IP+P=: in Static 7ode of ,peration 2= sTI4 5I13966629..................................#9 9.0 W.)- -etwork Selection for 3;PP Terminals 2W.)-3-S4 5I13966626....................................................#7 9.< I7S Re&istration $ontrol 2I7S3Re&$on4 5I1397662"....................................................................................#0 9.! 5ser Plane $on&estion mana&ement 25P$,-4 5I13976620...........................................................................96 9.16 Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices 2ProSe4 5I139"6690..............................................................................................91 #.11 We( Real Time $omm nication )ccess to I7S 2I7S3We(RT$4 5I139"6662............................................93 9.12 5sa&e 7onitorin& $ontrol P$$ en%ancement 257,-$4 5I139"6663.........................................................99 9.13 )pplication =ased $%ar&in& 2)=$4 5I13906630...........................................................................................96 9.1# 8n%anced S2a 7o(ilit! ,*er tr sted W.)- access to 8P$ 2eSa7,;4 5I1361663"...................................97 9.19 ,ptimiAed ,ffloadin& to W.)- in 3;PP+R)T 7o(ilit! 2W,R74 5I13616630.........................................9" 9.16 -etwork+pro*ided .ocation information for I7S Tr sted W.)- )ccess -etwork case 5I136166#6.........66 9.17 $ore -etwork ,*erload + 5ser .ocation Information reportin& impro*ement 2$-,35.I4 5I13626661.....62

6 S)3 Feat res........................................................................................................................................63

6.1 Sec rit! aspects of P (lic Warnin& S!stem 2PWS3Sec4 5I1391669#..............................................................63 6.2 Sec rit! en%ancements for sa&e of ;=) from t%e (rowser 2We(3;=)4 5I13926631..................................69 6.3 I7S media plane sec rit! e<tensions 2e781I)S8$4 5I13966636..................................................................66 6.# .awf l Interception in t%e 3;PP Rel+12 2.I124 5I13976632...........................................................................60


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

6.9 T nnellin& of 58 Ser*ices o*er Restricti*e )ccess -etworks 2T5R)-4 5I139"666#...................................72 6.6 Specification of t%e T5)B )l&orit%m Set 2ST)S4 5I13626669......................................................................7#

7 S)# Feat res........................................................................................................................................79

7.1 $odec for 8n%anced >oice Ser*ices 28>S3codec4 5I13#76636......................................................................79 7.2 $oordination of >ideo ,rientation 2$>,4 5I139666#6...................................................................................77 7.3 Ci&% 8fficienc! >ideo $odin& 2C8>$4 5I13976633.......................................................................................7" 7.# 7o(ile stereoscopic 31 ser*ices e<tensions 2731>38<t4 5I139"6669.........................................................."6 7.9 I7S+(ased Streamin& and 1ownload 1eli*er! 8n%ancements 2I7S3S184 5I139"6666................................"1 7.6 )co stic Re' irements and Test met%ods for I7S+(ased con*ersational speec% ser*ices o*er .T8 5I139"6667.............................................................................................................................................."2 7.7 7=7S Impro*ements 5I139066#3..................................................................................................................."9 7." 8nd+to+8nd 7 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice for I7S e<tensions 28287TSI4 5I139066##............................."7 7.0 >ideo $odin& 8n%ancements in I7S 7essa&in& and Presence 2>$8I7P4 5I13626666................................06

" S)9 Feat res........................................................................................................................................01

".1 8n%anced -etwork 7ana&ement centraliAed $o*era&e and $apacit! ,ptimiAation 5I13966632...................01 ".2 7 lti+*endor Pl & and Pla! e-= connection to t%e network 5I13966633.......................................................0# ".3 $ompliance of 3;PP S)9 specifications to t%e -;7- Top ,P8 Recommendations 5I1396663#................09 ".# $ompliance of 3;PP S)9 specifications to t%e -;7- -;$,R 5I13966639...............................................06 ".9 W.)- 7ana&ement 5I13966636...................................................................................................................166 ".6 )larm ' alit! impro*ements 5I13626696......................................................................................................161 ".7 -etwork 7ana&ement for 3;PP Interworkin& W.)- 5I13936696..............................................................162 "." 8ner&! 8fficienc! related Performance 7eas rements 5I136666##..............................................................163 ".0 ,)7 aspects of -etwork S%arin& 5I13626697..............................................................................................16# ".16 S%ort 7essa&e Ser*ice + Ser*ice $enter ,ffline $%ar&in& 5I139"6691.......................................................169 ".11 $%ar&in& per IP + $onnecti*it! )ccess -etwork 2IP+$)-4 Session 5I136166#1........................................166 ".12 $%ar&in& sin& an )lternati*e Roamin& Pro*ider 5I136166#2....................................................................167 ".13 $%ar&in& for I7S centraliAed ser*ice 2I$S4 control 5I1362669".................................................................160

0 $T Feat res........................................................................................................................................116
0.1 I7S 8mer&enc! PS)P $all(ack 5I1393661".................................................................................................111 0.2 Interworkin& (etween a P.7- wit% W.)- to access t%e 8P$ and a P1- 5I1397666".............................112 0.3 Reportin& 8n%ancements in Warnin& 7essa&e 1eli*er! 5I139"6660..........................................................113 0.# SR>$$ (efore rin&in& 5I139"6612 2,pen Testin&4......................................................................................11# 0.9 I7S Sta&e 3 I8TF Protocol )li&nment + p%ase 6 5I139"6613.......................................................................119 0.6 S)8 Protocol 1e*elopment + P%ase 3 5I139"6616........................................................................................116 0.7 I7+SSF )pplication Ser*er Ser*ice 1ata 1escriptions 5I139"6626.............................................................117 0." 1iameter (ased interface (etween S;S- and S7S central f nctions 5I139"6623........................................11" 0.0 1iameter (ased interface (etween S;S-+;7.$ 5I139"662#......................................................................110 0.16 I7S impacts on 5I$$ )pplication )spects 5I13906660.............................................................................126 0.11 e7=7S restoration proced res 5I13906612................................................................................................121 0.12 1 al Radio >$$ en%ancements 5I1390661#...............................................................................................122 0.13 $T aspects of Si&nallin& of Ima&e SiAe 2Sta&e 2@34 5I13666660.................................................................123 0.1# I$S InterWorkin& 8n%ancement in 7S$+S 5I13666616..............................................................................123 0.19 ;PRS T nnellin& Protocol for t%e $ontrol plane ,*erload $ontrol 7ec%anisms 5I13616662...................12# 0.16 P+$S$F restoration en%ancements 5I1361666#............................................................................................126 0.17 S pport of RTP@RT$P m ltiple<in& 2si&nallin&4 in I7S 5I13616669.........................................................12" 0.1" 5pdatin& I7S to conform to RF$ 6669 5I1361666"...................................................................................136 0.10 I7S ,perator 1etermined $all =arrin& en%ancements 5I1362666#............................................................131 0.26 Si&nallin& Impro*ements for -etwork 8fficienc! 5I13626666....................................................................131

16 5TR), .T8 Feat res.......................................................................................................................133

16.1 >erification of radiated m lti+antenna reception performance of 58s in .T8@57TS 5I13996616............133 16.2 F rt%er en%ancements to C2e4-= mo(ilit! + Part 3 5I13976621..................................................................139 16.3 .T8 58 TRP and TRS and 5TR) Cand P%antom related 58 TRP and TRS Re' irements 5I139"6637. 136 16.# S pport for =ei1o -a*i&ation Satellite S!stem 2=1S4 for 5TR) and .T8 5I13906610.........................137 16.9 =S RF re' irements for )cti*e )ntenna S!stem 5I13906636.....................................................................130 16.6 -ew =ase Station specification str ct re 5I13666610..................................................................................1#1 16.7 .+(and for S pplemental 1ownlink in 8+5TR) and 5TR) 5I13666621...................................................1## 16." .T8+CRP1 2Ci&% Rate Packet 1ata in 3;PP24 inter+R)T S,- 5I13666627............................................1#9 16.0 Increasin& t%e minim m n m(er of carriers for 58 monitorin& in 5TR) and 8+5TR) 5I136266#2........1#6 16.16 W.)-@3;PP Radio Interworkin& 5I136266#"..........................................................................................1#7


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

11 .T8 Feat res....................................................................................................................................1#"

11.1 .T8 in t%e 1676+1679 7CA =and for 5S 5I13996617 2on %old4.................................................................1#0 11.2 .T8 in t%e 5S Wireless $omm nications Ser*ice 2W$S4 =and 5I13976617............................................196 11.3 Introd ction of .T8 #96 7CA (and in =raAil 5I13976610..........................................................................191 11.# F rt%er 1ownlink 7I7, 8n%ancement for .T8 )d*anced 5I13976626...................................................191 11.9 F rt%er 8n%ancements to .T8 T11 for 1.+5. Interference 7ana&ement and Traffic )daptation 5I139"6627............................................................................................................................................192 11.6 Cetnet 7o(ilit! 8n%ancements for .T8 5I139"6620...................................................................................192 11.7 F rt%er en%ancements for Ce-= mo(ilit!+:2+;W 5I139"6636..................................................................19# 11." " R< )ntennas for .T8 5. 5I139"6631.......................................................................................................199 11.0 .ow cost D en%anced co*era&e 7T$ 58 for .T8 5I13666612.................................................................196 11.16 .T8 T11+F11 Eoint operation 5I13666613.............................................................................................19" 11.11 .T8 $o*era&e 8n%ancements 5I1366661#................................................................................................190 11.12 F rt%er 7=7S operations s pport for 8+5TR)- 5I1361662#................................................................166 11.13 1 al connecti*it! for .T8 5I136266#6......................................................................................................161 11.1# 8+5TR) Small cell en%ancements + P%!sical la!er aspects 5I136266#1...................................................162 11.19 Inter+e-= $oordinated 7 lti+Point 2$o7P4 for .T8 5I136266#7............................................................16# 11.16 Rel+12 .T8 $arrier )&&re&ation..................................................................................................................169

12 5TR) Feat res................................................................................................................................16"

12.1 CSP) si&nallin& en%ancements for more efficient reso rce sa&e for .$R 5I139"662"............................16" 12.2 C-= Positionin& for 5TR) 5I13666617.....................................................................................................16" 12.3 1edicated $%annel 21$C4 en%ancements for 57TS 5I13616629...............................................................160 12.# 57TS 7o(ilit! en%ancements for %etero&eneo s networks 5I13616626...................................................171 12.9 57TS Cetero&eneo s -etworks en%ancements 5I1362669#......................................................................172 12.6 8n%anced =roadcast of S!stem Information 5I13626699.............................................................................173 12.7 F rt%er 8n%anced 5plink 285.4 en%ancements 5I136266#0.......................................................................17#

13 ;8R)- Feat res.............................................................................................................................179

13.1 Introd ction of 8R+;S7 (and for ;S7+R 2RT38R;S74 5I13936662......................................................179 13.2 1ownlink 7 lti $arrier ;8R)- 217$;4 5I13976662..............................................................................177 13.3 7SR1 for >)7,S 5I13906633..................................................................................................................17" 13.# -ew Trainin& Se' ence $odes for ;8R)- 2-ewTo-4 5I1362661#..........................................................170

1# S)1 St dies......................................................................................................................................1"6
1#.1 St 1#.2 St 1#.3 St 1#.# St 1#.9 St 1#.6 St 1#.7 St 1#." St 19.1 St 19.2 St 19.3 St 19.# St 19.9 St 19.6 St 19.7 St d! on )lternati*es to 8.16# for 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications 2FS3)7T$4 5I13#76626.................1"6 d! on en%ancements for 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications 2FS37T$e4 5I13#"6632..............................1"1 d! on Inte&ration of Sin&le Si&n+,n frameworks wit% 3;PP networks 2FS3SS,3Int4 5I13#06639......1"3 d! on $ontin it! of 1ata Sessions to .ocal -etworks 2FS3$S-4 5I13966639......................................1"# d! on non+7T$ 7o(ile 1ata )pplications Impacts 2FS37,1)I4 5I13966636...................................1"6 d! on Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices 2FS3ProSe4 5I139366##.......................................................................1"7 d! on 5ser Plane $on&estion mana&ement 2FS35P$,-4 5I139#6627..................................................1"" d! on R)- S%arin& 8n%ancements 2FS3RS84 5I139#662"....................................................................1"0 d! on I7S (ased Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices 2FS3I7S3P2P3$1S4 5I13#0663#.........106 d! on $ore -etwork ,*erload sol tions 2FS3$-,4 5I13#06636...........................................................102 d! on S!stem 8n%ancements for 8ner&! 8fficienc! 2FS3S8884 5I13966637........................................10# d! on S2a 7o(ilit! (ased ,n ;TP and W.)- access to 8P$ 2FS3Sa7,;4 5I13916661...................109 d! on ,ptimiAed ,ffloadin& to W.)- in 3;PP+R)T mo(ilit! 2FS3W,R74 5I13966637.................107 d! on )pplication =ased $%ar&in& 2FS3)=$4 5I1396663"...................................................................100 d! on 7 lti )ccess P1- connecti*it! and IP flow 7o(ilit! 2FS37)PI74 5I13#166#3......................266

19 S)2 St dies......................................................................................................................................106

16 S)3 St dies......................................................................................................................................262
16.1 St d! on 8<tended I7S 7edia Plane Sec rit! feat res 5I13#"66#3..........................................................262 16.2 St d! on Sec rit! aspects of Inte&ration of Sin&le Si&n+,n frameworks wit% 3;PP networks 5I1396663# .................................................................................................................................................................26# 16.3 St d! on Firewall Tra*ersal 2FS3Fire4 5I139366#7.....................................................................................269 16.# St d! on Sec rit! on spoofed call detection and pre*ention 2FS3SP,,F4 5I13996626.............................266 16.9 St d! on Sec rit! )ss rance 7et%odolo&! for 3;PP -etwork 8lements 2FS3S8$)74 5I13976639.......267 16.6 St d! on S (scri(er Pri*ac! Impact in 3;PP 2FS3SPI4 5I136166#3...........................................................260

17 S)# St dies......................................................................................................................................216
17.1 St d! on Impro*ed S pport for 1!namic )dapti*e Streamin& o*er CTTP in 3;PP 5I139#6633..............216


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

17.2 St d! of 8n%anced )co stic Test Specifications 2FS3S8)TS4 5I139066#9...............................................212 17.3 St d! on CT7.9 for a new presentation la!er in 3;PP ser*ices 2FS3CT7.94 5I136166##.....................213

1" S)9 St dies......................................................................................................................................219

1".1 St 1".2 St 1".3 St 1".# St 1".9 St d! on *ersion %andlin& 5I13#76696.........................................................................................................219 d! on mana&ement of Cetero&eneo s -etworks 5I139166#6................................................................216 d! on ,)7 aspects of -etwork S%arin& 5I139#6632.............................................................................217 d! on )larm 7ana&ement 5I139"6692...................................................................................................210 d! on 8n%ancements of ,)7 aspects of 1istri( ted 7o(ilit! .oad =alancin& S,- f nction 5I136166#9............................................................................................................................................221 1".6 St d! on $%ar&in& aspects on Roamin& 828 scenarios wit% >o.T8 I7S and interconnectin& networks 5I13626666............................................................................................................................................222

10 $T St dies........................................................................................................................................223
10.1 St 10.2 St 10.3 St 10.# St 10.9 St d! on Indication of --I Ro tein& scenarios in SIP re' ests 5I139"6629.............................................223 d! on 1iameter ,*erload $ontrol 7ec%anisms 5I139"6626.................................................................22# d! on Re*iew of dedicated 3;PP 5I$$ feat res 5I13906616................................................................226 d! on :7. (ased access of )F to t%e P$RF 5I13906611......................................................................227 d! on Tec%nical aspects on Roamin& 8nd+to+end scenarios wit% >o.T8 I7S and ot%er networks 5I13616616............................................................................................................................................22" 10.6 St d! on 1e*elopment of conformance re' irements for t%e ISI7 application s pport in 78 5I13626661 .................................................................................................................................................................220 10.7 St d! on S%ared 1ata 5pdate for 7 ltiple S (scri(ers 5I13626662...........................................................236

26 ;8R)- St dies...............................................................................................................................231
26.1 St 26.2 St 26.3 St 26.# St 26.9 St 26.6 St 26.7 St d! on ;8R)- impro*ements for 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications 5I13#66661..................................232 d! on Sol tions for ;S7@81;8 =TS 8ner&! Sa*in& 5I13#06666.......................................................233 d! on >)7,S en%ancements 5I13926661............................................................................................23# d! on ;8R)- en%ancements for 7o(ile 1ata )pplications 5I13926662.............................................239 d! on 1ownlink 7I7, 5I1390663#.......................................................................................................236 d! on Power sa*in& for 7T$ de*ices 5I13626612.................................................................................237 d! on 7 lti5ser 7I7, 5I13626613.........................................................................................23"

21 .T8 St dies.....................................................................................................................................230
21.1 St d! on Incl sion of RF Pattern 7atc%in& as a positionin& met%od in t%e 8+5TR)- 5I13966616..........2#6 21.2 St d! on Pro*ision of low+cost 7T$ 58s (ased on .T8 5I13936692.......................................................2#1 21.3 St d! on 7o(ile Rela! for 8+5TR) 5I1393669#.......................................................................................2#3 21.# St d! on .T8 F11 in t%e (ands 10"6+2616 7CA and 2176+2266 7CA 5I13976622................................2#9 21.9 St d! on Scenarios and Re' irements of .T8 Small $ell 8n%ancements 5I13976623...............................2#6 21.6 St d! on Small $ell 8n%ancements for 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)- F P%!sical+la!er aspects 5I139"66#1....2#7 21.7 St d! on Small $ell 8n%ancements for 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)- F Ci&%er+la!er aspects 5I139"66##......2#0 21." St d! on .T8 1e*ice to 1e*ice Pro<imit! Ser*ices 5I139"663"................................................................296 21.0 St d! on 31+c%annel model for 8le*ation =eamformin& and F1+7I7, st dies for .T8 5I139"66#2.....292 21.16 St d! on 8ner&! Sa*in& 8n%ancement for 8+5TR)- 5I139"66#6...........................................................293 21.11 St d! on 8<pansion of .T83F113167635S to incl de 1676+16"67CA =and for .T8 in t%e 5S 5I13906616............................................................................................................................................299 21.12 St d! on $RS Interference $ancellation for %omo&eno s deplo!ments for .T8 5I13906617..................296 21.13 St d! on -etwork+)ssisted Interference $ancellation and S ppression for .T8 5I1390661"..................29" 21.1# St d! on $oordinated 7 lti+Point 2$o7P4 operation for .T8 wit% -on+Ideal =ack%a l 5I13666619....266 21.19 St d! on Positionin& en%ancements for 8+5TR) 5I13666626..................................................................261 21.16 St d! on ;ro p $omm nication for .T8 5I1361662"..............................................................................262 21.17 St d! on Smart $on&estion 7iti&ation in 8+5TR)- 5I13616620............................................................262 21.1" St d! on R)- aspects of R)- S%arin& 8n%ancements for .T8 5I136266##...........................................26#

22 5TR), .T8 St dies.........................................................................................................................269

22.1 St 22.2 St 22.3 St 22.# St 22.9 St 22.6 St 22.7 St 22." St d! on RF and 87$ re' irements for acti*e )ntenna )rra! S!stem =ase Station 5I13936696.............266 d! on .T8+CRP1 2Ci&% Rate Packet 1ata in 3;PP24 inter+R)T S,- 5I13996626.............................267 d! on Passi*e Inter7od lation 2PI74 %andlin& for for 5TR) and .T8 =ase Stations 5I13996621.....26" d! on W.)-@3;PP Radio Interworkin& 5I139"66#9............................................................................260 d! on R)- 8n%ancements for 57TS@CSP) and .T8 Interworkin& 5I139"66#7................................276 d! on -e<t+;eneration S,- for 5TR) and .T8 5I139"66#"...............................................................271 d! on 2;CA F11 for 5TR) and .T8 in Re&ion 1 5I139"66#0............................................................272 d! on =ase Station specification str ct re 5I139"6696...........................................................................273


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

22.0 St d! on R)- aspects of 7ac%ine T!pe and ot%er mo(ile data applications $omm nications en%ancements 5I13906632............................................................................................................................................27#

23 5TR) St dies..................................................................................................................................276
23.1 St d! on 57TS Cetero&eneo s -etworks 5I1397662#...............................................................................277 23.2 St d! on scala(le 57TS F11 (andwidt% 5I139"6630...............................................................................27" 23.2) St d! on Scala(le 57TS F11 (andwidt% (! Filterin& 5I136266#6........................................................270 23.3 St d! on 1edicated $%annel 21$C4 en%ancements for 57TS 5I139"66#6...............................................2"6 23.# St d! on F rt%er 8n%anced 5plink 285.4 en%ancements 5I139"66#3........................................................2"1 23.9 St d! on C-= 8mer&enc! Warnin& )rea for 5TR) 5I1366661"..............................................................2"2 23.6 St d! on on 8n%anced =roadcast of S!stem Information 5I13616627........................................................2"3

2# Feat res............................................................................................................................................2"# 29 St dies..............................................................................................................................................203 26 Rel+12 Sta&e 2 WI 8<ceptions32613+12+11.....................................................................................207 RPG62 Rel+12 Feat res completed@stopped...........................................................................................200 RPG62 Rel+12 St dies completed..........................................................................................................363 Annex A: Change history...........................................................................................................304


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e colo red %i&%li&%t of t%e 5ni' e I1entifier 25I14 reflects t%e stat s of t%e work items e.&. on&oin&, completed, etc. Stopped Feat res and St dies are listed at t%e end of t%e present doc ment. Legend: $ompleted WI ,n&oin& WI 7o*ed WI to@from anot%er Release Stopped WI T%e present doc ment %as (een prod ced (! t%e 8TSI 7$$ department. T%e o*erall doc ment was coordinated (! )drian Hoicas 27$$ Work Plan $oordinator4, w%o wis%es to t%ank all t%e contri( tors for t%eir dedication and ' alit! of inp ts.

/o6# 1ere"it6 9ire%tor 1o5ile (( 0evi# -l2##

1ar'eti#4 ; (o u#i%atio#

3GPP 3GPP Support Support Tea Tea

R!+2 R!+ R!+3 S!3 S!5 S! S!2

/o6# 1ere"it6
Spe%ifi%atio#s 1a#a4er

!"ria# $oi%as &or' Pla# (oor"i#ator

&or' Pla# (oor"i#ator

/oer# 0rause !lai# Sulta# /u6a 0or6o#e# 9io#isio 1ir'o (a#o $u Soveri erle Gwi6o /iwa# (6u# :a# 1auri%e Pope 3#45ert Si4ovi%6 -r.".ri% -ir i# -r.". 7avier Pie"#oir 0i o 02 alai#e# Patri%' 1.rias Gert T6o ase# Paolo ,sai 3ssa Toufi' Toufi'



R!+5 G*R!+3

(T1 (T8 (T (T4 S(P

R!+1 G*R!+2 G*R!+ G*R!+1 S!4

200)-12 2013-08



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

3; Release 12 + See *ersion 12 of TR 21.101 ;S7@81;8, P%ase 2J Release 12 + See >ersion 12 of TR 41.101 -ree<e 9ates
Release Rel-12 TS=TR versio#) 12.x.y -u#%tio#al free<e "ate> i#"i%ative o#l2 (see #ote) Sta4e 1 fro<e# 1ar 2013 Sta4e 2 free<e 9e% 2013 Sta4e 3 free<e /u# 2014

T%e present doc ment contains a %i&%+le*el description of t%e 3;PP Release 12 Feat res. Its latest *ersion is a*aila(le atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Information@W,RB3P.)-@1escription3Releases@


After "freezin "! " Rele"se c"n #"$e no f%rt#er "ddition"l f%nctions "dded. &owe$er! det"iled protocol specific"tions 'st" e () *"y not yet +e co*plete. ,n "ddition! test specs *"y l" +y so*e consider"+le ti*e. A "frozen" -ec#nic"l Specific"tion is one w#ic# c"n #"$e no f%rt#er c"te ory . or C 'new or *odified f%nction"lity) C#"n e Re/%ests! ot#er t#"n to "li n e"rlier st" es wit# l"ter st" es0 t#%s "ll -Ss pert"inin to " Rele"se *"y not necess"rily +e frozen "t t#e ti*e t#e Rele"se itself is f%nction"lly frozen. ,ndeed since Rele"se 1! t#e trend #"s +een to freeze e"c# of t#e t#ree st" es independently.


3;PP TR 21.069I M>oca( lar! for 3;PP SpecificationsM. 3;PP TS 21.161I MTec%nical Specifications and Tec%nical Reports for a 5TR)-+(ased 3;PP s!stemM. >ersion 12.<.! 3;PP TS #1.161I MTec%nical Specifications and Tec%nical Reports for a ;8R)-+(ased 3;PP s!stemM. >ersion 12.<.!



;lo(al information on t%e Specifications 2also called NspecsO4 can (e fo nd atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@specs@specs.%tm T%e latest *ersions of all 3;PP specifications, containin& t%e most recent corrections and additions, are a*aila(le atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Specs@latest@ For specific p rposes, older *ersions mi&%t (e needed. T%ese *ersions are a*aila(le atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Specs@)rc%i*e@ w%ere t%e specifications are sorted (! series and t%en (! folders containin& all t%e a*aila(le *ersions of a &i*en spec 2one folder per spec4, for all Releases.



T%e Temporar! 1oc ments 2tdocs4 are mainl! t%e ori&inal papers written (! t%e 3;PP 7em(ers, and are t%e inp ts for ela(oratin& t%e specs. T%e! are a*aila(le 2sorted (! 3;PP tec%nical &ro ps 2Tec%nical Specification ;ro ps 2TS;s4 and Workin& ;ro ps 2W;s44 atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@ startin& wit% Pts&....P.


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


2or3 4l"n! 2or3 ,te*s "nd St%dy ,te*s

Work Item 1escription 2WI14 @ St d! Item 1escription 2SI14 is a form w%ic% initial *ersion pro*ides t%e tar&et to (e reac%ed (efore startin& t%e work. Potential s (se' ent *ersions precise t%e tar&et and foreseen completion dates accordin& t%e act al work pro&ress. WI1s @ SI1s are stored inI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Information@WI3S%eet@ T%e 3;PP Work Plan is a li*in& doc ment, periodicall! pdated, containin& t%e f ll list of Work Items and St d! Items, as well as s mmar! information for eac% WI, asI t%e W; in c%ar&e of it, its startin& date and 2foreseen or act al4 completion date, t%e act al pro&ress, etc. T%e 3;PP Work Plan is a*aila(le atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Information@W,RB3P.)-@


C#"n e Re/%est d"t"+"se

) specification is ori&inall! drafted and maintained (! a rapporte r, w%o compiles t%e contents from disc ssions in t%e W;s and TS;s. W%en it is considered to (e "6Q complete, it is (ro &%t nder a so+called Mc%an&e controlM process. )fter t%is, c%an&es to t%e specification can onl! (e made sin& $%an&e Re' ests 2$Rs4 t%at are s all! a&reed (! consens s in t%e W; responsi(le for t%e specification, and t%en formall! appro*ed (! t%e rele*ant TS;. T%e $R data(ase contains information on $Rs incl din& a Work Item code, a $R n m(er t%at is ni' e for a certain specification 2different $R *ersions are possi(le, ( t onl! one can e*er (e appro*ed4, t%e stat s of eac% $R, references to t%e so rce Indi*id al 3;PP 7em(er2s4 and rele*ant W;@TS; temporar! doc ments n m(ers and meetin&s. T%is data(ase is a*aila(le inI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Information@1ata(ases@$%an&e3Re' est@ F rt%er information on $R is a*aila(le atI %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@specifications@c%an&e+re' ests


For t%e p rposes of t%e present doc ment, t%e a((re*iations &i*en in TR 21.069 K1L and t%e followin& appl!.


Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 0 4800( 0 ;000( 1 ;2002 1 ;(004 ( ;;002 4 ;;002 ; ;A001 8 ;1002 1 ;C00A 0 ;C00A 1 ;8004 0 ;8004 2 ;8004 1

SA1 St" e 1 - 5N67 Fe"t%res

+a e Sta4e 1 - O+BC -eatures S3PTO Servi%e (o#ti#uit2 of 3P 9ata Sessio# 3#terwor'i#4 5etwee# 1o5ile Operators usi#4 t6e *volve" Pa%'et S2ste a#" 9ata !ppli%atio# Provi"ers 31S +etwor'-3#"epe#"e#t Pu5li% ,ser 3"e#tities Servi%e a#" 1e"ia Rea%6a5ilit2 for ,sers over Restri%tive -irewalls !"va#%e" 3P 3#ter%o##e%tio# of Servi%es (3P7S) for #atio#al i#ter%o##e%t 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's *Dpli%it (o u#i%atio# Tra#sfer Eli#" (*(T Eli#") servi%e i#tera%tio#s !%ro#2 S,4-59SC <5SA4 ,N,4=, S<=RFs ,4>SNASS59,nt BC-. ,<SS"t SBD9FA 6"n ,nfo BS,@ 4<5C ASAC Resour%e S1 S1!S2 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 &3Arapporteur :od"fone Cisco :od"fone :od"fone ?4N ,nter@i it"l 5r"n e ?4N 5r"n e 5r"n e -eleco* ,t"li" N-- @5C5<5 N-- @5C5<5

31S a%%ess via 9i4ital Vi"eo Eroa"%ast - Retur# (6a##el via Satellite (9VE-R(S2) SeFue#tial -leDi5le !lerti#4 Ba#4ua4e a#" 1o"alit2 3#for atio# for %o * er4e#%2 Sessio# 3"e#tifi%atio# Preve#tio# of 1o5ile-Ori4i#ati#4 si4#alli#4 a#"=or "ata traffi% of ,* i# (o##e%te" o"e 9elete" - !ppli%atio# a#" Servi%e !%%ess (o#trol u#i%atio#s

,39 4800( 0 4801( 0

S,4-5 Ser$ice Contin%ity of ,4 @"t" Session 'S,4-59SC) =,@94800(0

:2perli#' S4100;C8 S4100;C8 +otes S4E;1 *o$ed to Rel-12 'Re"son: St" e 2 for re/%ire*ents in -S 22.101 cl"%se 4.(.; #"$e not +een i*ple*ented in Rel-11). 6in3ed to Rel-10 6oc"l ,4 Access "nd Selected ,nternet ,4 -r"ffic 5fflo"d '6,4A9S,4-5) S4E;( co*pleted TSATR St" e 1 22.101! 22.220 +a e S3PTO Servi%e (o#ti#uit2 of 3P 9ata Sessio# Sta4e 1

Supporting Companies: Justification

>odafone, >eriAon Wireless, =T, -TT 1o$o7o, )lcatel+. cent, $%ina 7o(ile, $isco

In Rel+16, 3;PP %as specified re' irements for t%e s pport of Selected IP Traffic ,ffload 2SIPT,4 from t%e macro network and from C2e4-= s (s!stems in an enterprise@residential en*ironment 2s (se' entl! called a C2e4-=+in*ol*ed network4. Cowe*er, re' irements related to t%e ser*ice contin it! of e<istin& IP data sessions d rin& mo(ilit! e*ents in t%e macro network w%en SIPT, is sed and also (etween macro+network and C2e4-=+in*ol*ed network %a*e not (een pro*ided in detail. T%e c rrent work item aims to re*iew se cases and de*elop re' irements for a s!stem t%at will ena(le t%e mo(ile operators to pro*ide ser*ices in a more effecti*e manner, as well as impro*in& t%e ser e<perience. O !ecti"eI to specif! re' irements for t%e followin& scenariosI

Ser*ice contin it! of IP data session2s4 w%en a 58, w%ose data is offloaded, mo*es (etween 2e4-=s in t%e macro network Ser*ice contin it! of IP data session2s4 w%en a 58, w%ose data is offloaded, mo*es (etween C2e4-=s in an enterprise@residential en*ironment Ser*ice contin it! of IP data session2s4 w%en a 58, w%ose data is offloaded, mo*es (etween t%e macro+network and C2e4-= s (+s!stem in an enterprise@residential en*ironment



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Charging AspectsI addressed Security AspectsI addressed

,39 ;001( 1 ;2002 ; ;2002 A

,nterwor3in +etween <5s %sin t#e B4S "nd @"t" Applic"tion 4ro$iders '<5SA4) =,@9;000(1
Resour%e S1 S2 S2 :2perli#' S4120421 S4120421 S4120421 +otes S4E;( co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.CA2$200 for Aporo$"l. S4E;C frozen "s $100. S4E;C stopped 'no nor*"ti$e wor3 done) TSATR 22.21C new -R 2(.CA2 -.@ +a e Sta4e 1 TR o# Sta4e 2 9elete" - Sta4e 2

Supporting Companies: R niper, Intel

$isco, Intel, >eriAon Wireless, )lcatel+. cent, -S-, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, -okia, Sams n&,

.inked to Rel+16 Feat re 5I13966666 P8ST Justification 7o(ile operators %a*e to deal wit% increasin& fle<i(ilit! of data ser*ices deli*er! on different de*ices. T%e data ser*ices co ld (e %osted (! t%e mo(ile operators in t%eir data centers wit%in 3;PP domain or co ld (e %osted (! 3rd part! data application pro*iders t%at co ld (e o tside of t%e mo(ile operator domain. $ rrent practices in*ol*e indi*id al mo(ile operators ne&otiatin& a&reements wit% data application pro*iders res ltin& in proprietar! additional f nctionalities in 3;PP networks w%ic% res lts in non+standard 3;PP interfaces. Wit% t%e ad*ent of new models of ser*ices deli*er! like clo d comp tin& and )pplication Stores, it is important t%at t%e mo(ile operator minimises p&rades to t%e network and associated (ackend inte&ration. )lso t%e mo(ile operator %as t%e opport nit! to e<plore *ario s c%ar&in& models in t%is interworkin& scenario wit% data ser*ice pro*iders. Sample ser*ices@capa(ilities t%at mo(ile operators can pro*ide to data application pro*iders are c stomised (illin&@c%ar&in&, promotional ser*ices, &ro p addressin& capa(ilities, identit! ser*ices, statistics, etc. T%is WI proposes to ena(le t%e mo(ile operator to se en%anced f nctionalities and interfaces to meet t%e needs of t%e rapidl! c%an&in& ind str! models. T%e WI is e<pected to de*elop re' irements and arc%itect ral frameworks for a t%entication, a t%oriAation, polic!, c%ar&in&, mo(ilit! and session contin it! aspects for *ario s interworkin& scenarios. T%e e<istin& sc%emes for a t%entication@a t%oriAation and c%ar&in& need to (e st died and pdated@en%anced, w%en deemed necessar!, (! liaisin& wit% ot%er 3;PP Workin& ;ro ps@S1,s@fora in c%ar&e of t%em. T%is WI was de+prioritised in Rel+11. T%e Rel+12 work will take into consideration t%e new TS 23.6"2 de*eloped in Rel+11 2)rc%itect re 8n%ancements to facilitate comm nications wit% Packet 1ata -etworks and )pplications4. Stage # O !ecti"es: to de*elop re' irements for 8P$ relati*e to a t%entication, a t%oriAation, c%ar&in& aspects for *ario s interworkin& scenarios (etween mo(ile operators sin& t%e 8PS and data application pro*iders. T%e followin& are sample scenarios t%at will (e considered in de*elopin& re' irementsI 7o(ile operator ma! pro*ide a t%entication for 3rd part! data applications 7o(ile operator will a t%oriAe and esta(lis% t%e se of reso rces on 3;PP accesses 7o(ile operator will pro*ide polic! interactions e<plicitl! at t%e si&nallin& le*el or *ia implicit mec%anisms in 8P$ 7o(ile operator will pro*ide c%ar&in& mec%anisms to s pport *ario s interworkin& a&reements

Stage $ O !ecti"es: to de*elop arc%itect ral specifications, w%en deemed necessar!, for t%e a(o*e Sta&e+1 re' irements. ) TR will (e de*eloped as part of t%is WI. 8<istin& arc%itect ral frameworks and sol tions 2e.&. I7S (ased, nati*e 8P$ (ased, ;S7) ,ne)PI (ased, etc.4 t%at s pport different relations%ips (etween mo(ile operators and data application pro*iders will (e in*esti&ated and e*al ated. )n! needed en%ancements@ pdates to 3;PP f nctions and 3;PP interfaces will (e identified and specified. If re' ired, liaison wit% ot%er S1,s will (e done to a*oid d plication of work



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,n+&oin& work for a t%entication and ot%er aspects in ot%er 3;PP work items are not to (e d plicated.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;20121

,<S Networ3-,ndependent 4%+lic =ser ,dentities ',N,4=,) =,@9;20021

:2perli#' S412042; +otes S4E;A re-co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ S4-110(C1FGS4-12042; 'Re-opened H *o$ed to Rel-12 +y "ddin new re/s H re*o$in re/s fro* Rel-11). S4E;( Rel-11 St" e 1 co*pleted TS 22.11;! 22.22C +a e Sta4e 1

Supporting Companies: C awei, ST+8ricsson

>odafone, 8ricsson, TelefSnica, HT8, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, -S-, )TDT,

Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 22."0# St d! of I7S -etwork+Independent P (lic 5ser Identities 2FS3I-IP5I4 5I13#06633. Justification $ rrentl!, alp%an meric SIP 5RIs wit% t%e same domain name portion, e.&., can onl! (e associated wit% a sin&le operator. 1 e to t%e non+&eo&rap%ic nat re of 5RI addressin&, if t%e operator %as s (sidiaries in m ltiple co ntries, t%ose s (sidiaries are not allowed to (e associated wit% t%e 5RIs. T%erefore, allowin& t%e operatorUs national@re&ional s (sidiaries in different co ntries@re&ions to (e associated wit% 5RIs wit% t%e same domain name portion will allow increased fle<i(ilit!. )lt%o &% domains t!picall! refer to an operator, e.&., and arran&ements for sec re inter+operator resol tion of non+operator domains are not defined, sers ma! desire to emplo! identities (ased on t%eir own domains especiall! in t%e case of corporations, e.&. Te< For t%e enterprise case, in &eneral t%ere are two scenarios t%at need to (e considered. In t%e first scenario, a corporation %as I7S ser*ices pro*ided (! different operators wit%in one co ntr!. In t%e second scenario, a m ltinational corporation %as I7S ser*ices pro*ided on an operator+per+co ntr! (asis. It follows t%at allowin& different operators wit%in one co ntr! and also from different co ntries to (e associated wit% 5RIs wit% t%e same domain name portion will pro*ide increased fle<i(ilit!. )n additional scenario in w%ic% different operators co ld s%are ser identities in t%e same domain name is t%at in w%ic% ser identities of Internet ser*ices 2e.&. email address, social network I1, instant messa&in& ser I14 are associated wit% I7S s (scriptions in order to (e sed as P (lic 5ser Identities in t%e I7S en*ironment. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide re' irements for t%e followin& aspectsI

)llow operators to associate t%eir s (scri(ers wit% P (lic 5ser Identities of t%e form sipI serTdomain, w%ere t%e domain element is an! Internet re&istered domain t%atI o is not necessaril! owned (! t%e I7S operatorV o co ld (e s%ared amon&st different s (scri(ers 2identified in t%e M serM portion4 (elon&in& to different I7S operators 2see -,T8 14V and o co ld (e t%e same domain name sed in ot%er 5RI sc%emes from different ser*ice pro*iders 2see -,T8 24. -,T8 1I T%is is sef l w%en t%e I7S ser*ices for t%e domain name portion is associated wit% different national s (sidiaries of a sin&le operator. -,T8 2I T%is is sef l to allow ser+related addresses of a corporate domain of a m ltinational compan!, e.&. Te<, to (e associated wit% different operators@ser*ice pro*iders for different t!pes of ser*ices. For e<ample, one operator pro*ides telep%on! ser*ices *ia t%e SIP 5RIs for telep%on! and anot%er ser*ice pro*ider pro*ides email ser*ices *ia 7)I.T, 5RIs. -,T8 3I T%e P (lic 5ser Identities co ld (e SIP 5RIs associated@deri*ed from ser identities of ser*ices from t%e Internet.

8ns re an I-IP5I is &lo(all! reac%a(le re&ardless of ori&inatin& operator I-IP5I s pport )llow t%e callin& part! to re' est t%e operator to pro*ide information of t%e called part!Ps CP.7)llow an operator t%at does not s pport ' eries to an I-IP5I Re&istr! to decide w%ic% entit! 2e.&. t%e operator itself or an intermediate network4 s%o ld perform t%e call ro tin& (ased on t%e resol tion of t%e I-IP5I

)n! re& lator! re' irements will also (e considered.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Charging Aspects: will (e incl ded. 8<istin& re' irements in 22.119 and related impacts in 22.22" on t%e indication to t%e c%ar&ed part! need to (e met w%en an I-IP5I 5ser is in*ol*ed. In t%is case, impact to an I7S network t%at does not s pport I-IP5I need to (e minimised. Security Aspects: to (e incl ded. T%is co*ers t%e act al so rce of ' eries to a re&istr! to (e identified to ens re t%at na t%orised entities can (e denied access to t%e re&istr!. T%is is to a*oid mis se and a( se of t%e re&istr! ' er! process.


Ser$ice "nd <edi" Re"c#"+ility for =sers o$er Restricti$e Firew"lls 'S<=RFs) =,@9;(004(
+a e Sta4e 1 :2perli#' S4-110A;( +otes S4E;A co*pleted TS 22.21C


Supporting Companies: >odafone, )cme Packet, $%ina 7o(ile, C awei, Intel, R niper -etworks, Researc% in 7otion, Telecom Italia, HT8 Justification Toda!, mo(ile operators pro*ide (ot% I7S and non+I7S ser*ices t%at ma! (e accessed *ia different access tec%nolo&ies and not e<cl si*el! (! cell lar access tec%nolo&ies. T%is presents a new c%allen&e in t%at some access networks not affiliated wit% t%e mo(ile operator ma! %a*e implemented firewalls t%at (lock access to some operator ser*ices. T%e I7S ser*ice re' irements 2TS 22.22"4 %a*e (een e<tended to co*er new re' irements for I7S firewall tra*ersal in S)3 and t%is work is to (e done accordin& to t%ese re' irements. T%e ind str! %as %istoricall! adopted proprietar! approac%es to tra*erse s c% firewalls. ,ne e<ample approac% is to t nnel application traffic o*er T.S@T$P on CTTPSU well+known port n m(er, em latin& CTTPS we( traffic. S c% sol tions %a*e worked reasona(l! well, ( t a standard for s c% sec re access is needed to ena(le m ltiple 58 and access &atewa! *endors to (e sed. 3;PP %a*e some mec%anisms alread! to %andle -)T and FW tra*ersal for I7S (ased on t nnellin& tec%ni' es. T%ere is %owe*er a need to re*iew t%e e<istin& mec%anisms to assess w%et%er t%ese are s ita(le or if ot%er mec%anism are needed. O !ecti"e: To specif! t%e re' irements t%at can facilitate 58 access to t%e P.7- IP+(ased ser*ices o*er restricti*e firewalls t%at onl! allow internet traffic sin& CTTP 2wit% and wit%o t sec rit!4 in non+3;PP access networks. T%e scope e<cl desI o t%e se of t%e sol tion for C2e4-= connecti*it! to t%e mo(ile operatorPs network o -)T tra*ersal

Security Aspects: Sec rit! implications of tra*ersin& firewalls need to (e (alanced a&ainst t%e need for ser*ice access in a wide ran&e of access network en*ironments.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;0124

Ad$"nced ,4 ,nterconnection of Ser$ices ',4>S) for n"tion"l interconnect ',4>SNA-) =,@9;;0024

:2perli#' S4-12042C +otes S4E;1 co*pleted TS 22.22C CRE01A1 'CR on ,<S interconnect wit# non-,<S +"sed S,4 networ3s) +a e Sta4e 1

Supporting Companies:

BP-, )lcatel+. cent, C awei, )TDT, -TT, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, 8ricsson

.inked to Rel+11 Feat re )d*anced IP Interconnection of Ser*ices 2IP:S4 5I13#76691.

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 4100;2 Ad$"nced ,4 ,nterconnection of Ser$ices +ature of relatio#s6ip 4recedin Rel-11 wor3 ite*

Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts (if a#2) Or4a#i<atio# 9o%u e#t B-S, -,S4AN B-S, -,S4AN 6S on N"tion"l ,nterconnect

Re ar's B-S, -,S4AN pro$ided inp%t to (I44 on n"tion"l interconnect specific"tions. &owe$er! in order to t"3e t#is inp%t into "cco%nt in (I44 protocol specific"tions! correspondin (I44 ser$ice re/%ire*ents "re needed.

Justification IP is (ein& introd ced in (ot% fi<ed and mo(ile networks as a more cost+effecti*e alternati*e to circ it switc%ed tec%nolo&! in t%e le&ac! [email protected], as well as t%e nderpinnin& transport for deli*erin& I7S (ased m lti+media ser*ices. In order to ens re carrier &rade end to end performance, appropriate interconnect sol tions are re' ired to s pport comm nications (etween sers connected to different networks. T%ere are c rrentl! a n m(er of initiati*es nderwa! o tside 3;PP addressin& IP Interconnection of ser*ices scenarios and commercial models to ac%ie*e t%isV for e<ample, t%e ;S7 )ssociation %as de*eloped t%e IP: 2%P &acket 8xc%an&e4. )lso, 8TSI %as recentl! defined re' irements and se case scenarios for IP Interconnection of ser*ices. T%ese initiati*es re' ire t%e se of appropriate tec%nical sol tions and correspondin& tec%nical standards, some of w%ic% are alread! a*aila(le and ot%ers w%ic% will re' ire de*elopment in 3;PP. In Rel+11, a n m(er of specification pdates %a*e (een done to co*er t%e maEorit! of IP:S re' irements. Cowe*er, in a .S from 8TSI TISP)- a n m(er of tec%nical iss es related to -ational Interconnect were mentioned t%at wo ld need f rt%er 3;PP protocol specifications. In t%eir answer .Ss, $T &ro ps %a*e indicated t%e! wo ld like to see correspondin& 3;PP ser*ice re' irements (efore addin& t%e protocol specifications t%at 8TSI TISP)- %as s &&ested. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide additional ser*ice re' irements related to IP:S for -ational Interconnect. Specificall! to addressI t%e possi(ilit! to select a specific peerin& point into t%e network to interconnect to. t%e possi(ilit! for intermediate networks to pro*ide transparent interconnect.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;012;

,nte r"tion of Sin le Si n-5n 'SS5) fr"*ewor3s wit# (I44 networ3s 'SS59,nt) =,@9;;002;
+a e Sta4e 1 :2perli#' S4-1201C4 &3Arapporteur ,nter@i it"l +otes S4E;1 co*pleted TS 22.101

Supporting Companies: 7orp%o, -8$

Inter1i&ital, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, 1e tsc%e Telekom, Intel,

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 22."09. .inked to S)3 TR 33."<! 2St d! on Sec rit! aspects of SS,3Int4 5I13 96663#, TR 33.01# 2SS, application sec rit! for common I7S (ased on SIP 1i&est4, TR 33.02# 2i@w of ;=) and ,penI14, TR 33.0"6 2i@w of ;=) and .i(ert! )lliance4 Justification T%is Work Item aims to pro*ide ser*ice re' irements for interworkin& of t%e operator+centric identit! mana&ement wit% t%e ser+centric We( ser*ices pro*ided o tside of an operatorUs domain. Specificall!, it addresses inte&ration of SS, and t%e 3;PP ser*ices, w%ic% is essential for operators to le*era&e t%eir assets and t%eir c stomersU tr st, w%ile introd cin& new identit! ser*ices. S c% inte&ration will allow operators to (ecome SS, pro*iders (! re+ sin& t%e e<istin& a t%entication mec%anisms in w%ic% an end+ serUs de*ice effecti*el! a t%enticates t%e end ser. For t%e operator to (ecome t%e preferred SS, Identit! Pro*ider mi&%t re' ire inte&ration of t%e operator core wit% e<istin& application ser*ice @ content pro*iders to allow t%e sa&e of credentials on t%e 58 for SS, ser*ices. T%e 3;PP operator ma! le*era&e its tr st framework and its relia(le and ro( st sec re credential %andlin& infrastr ct re to pro*ide SS, ser*ice (ased on operator+controlled credentials. S c% SS, inte&ration %as to work wit% *aried operator a t%entication confi& rations. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide a compre%ensi*e set of ser*ice re' irements for t%e inte&ration of SS, frameworks wit% 3;PP network (! ( ildin& pon t%e work done in t%e related feasi(ilit! st d! FS3SS,3Int 2p (lis%ed in TR 22."094 as well as pre*io sl! p (lis%ed related tec%nical reports identified in s (cla se 2.2. T%is Work Item co*ers t%e followin&I Ser*ice re' irements for inte&ration of Identit! 7ana&ement and SS, frameworks, e.&. ,penI1V Ser*ice re' irements for ,perators to ena(le sers to access 3rd part! ser*ices sin& ,perator controlled ser credentialsV Ser*ice re' irements associated wit% ens rin& t%at t%e intended ser is makin& se of t%e associated SS, capa(ilit! 2incl din& t%e case w%en t%e 58 %as (een stolen or lost4. will (e considered.

Security Aspects:



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A0118

Bxplicit Co**%nic"tion -r"nsfer .lind 'BC- .lind) ser$ice inter"ctions 'BC-.) =,@9;A0018
:2perli#' S4-120(01 &3Arapporteur 5r"n e +otes S4E;A new 2,@ "ppro$ed H wor3 co*pleted TS 22.11( +a e Sta4e 1

Supporting Companies:

,ran&e, C awei , )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson

$larif! ser*ice interactions (etween 8$T =lind wit% ,IP 2,ri&inatin& Identification Presentation4 and I$= 2Incomin& $omm nication =arrin&4 in TS 22.173 27 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice and s pplementar! ser*ices4 Justification 8<plicit $omm nication Transfer =lind 28$T =lind4 ser*ice definition was clearl! introd ced in TS 22.173 N7 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice and s pplementar! ser*icesV Sta&e 1O ( t wit%o t ser*ice interaction consideration. 8$T =lind, (eca se of its (lind c%aracteristics raises new interaction ' estions. Indeed, t%e comm nication is s!stematicall! transferred and at t%e Transfer Tar&et, it co ld (e considered 2 identities for t%e ori&in of t%e comm nicationI T%e ori&inal caller 2t%e Transferee4 and@or t%e transferrin& part! 2Transferor4. So t%at, interactions wit% ser*ices appl!in& to t%e ori&inatin& part! 2,IP and I$=4 s%o ld (e re*iew to a*oid %etero&eneo s implementations. O !ecti"e: to clarif! t%e ser*ice interactions (etween 8$T =lind wit% ,IP 2,ri&inatin& Identification Presentation4 and I$= 2Incomin& $omm nication =arrin&4 in TS 22.173 N7 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice and s pplementar! ser*icesV Sta&e 1O. T%e p rpose is eit%er %a*e a clear c%oice on w%at s%all (e done or to introd ce an option t%at sta&e 3 doc ment wo ld descri(e its implementation. Ser"ice Aspects: It is e<pected t%at t%e same ser e<perience as for t%e $S 8$T ser*ice is preser*ed. ''%(Aspects: It is e<pected t%at t%e same ser e<perience as for t%e $S 8$T ser*ice is preser*ed. Charging Aspects: -o additional re' irements compared to t%e 8$T ser*ice are foreseen.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1012 1

,<S "ccess $i" @i it"l :ideo .ro"dc"st - Ret%rn C#"nnel $i" S"tellite ',<SS"t) =,@9;10021
:2perli#' S4120;4( +otes S4E;1 co*pleted. @efinition of @:.-RCS2 "s " non-(I44 ,4 Connecti$ity Access Networ3 for ,<S TS 22.22C +a e Sta4e 1

Supporting Companies:

BP-, T-,, T%ales, 8ricsson, TeliaSonera

+ature of relatio#s6ip ,nte r"te S"tco* "ccess wit# ,<S. Specify @:.-RCS2 "s "n ,4 Connecti$ity Access Networ3 for ,<S.

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title nJ" @i it"l :ideo .ro"dc"st - Ret%rn C#"nnel $i" S"tellite

Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts (if a#2) Or4a#i<atio# 9o%u e#t nJ" 6S9in 'S1-122(1() on K@:.-RCS2 "s " non-(I44 ,4 Connecti$ity Access Networ3 for ,<SL fro* @:. RCS

Re ar's @:.-RCS2 "s " non-(I44 ,4 Connecti$ity Access Networ3 for ,<S

Justification In satellite comm nications t%ere is a trend to increasin&l! inte&rate Satcom access wit% terrestrial -;- tec%nolo&! rat%er t%an to de*elop sto*e+pipe Satcom specific networks. T%is incl des t%e desire to inte&rate Satcom access wit% I7S. In partic lar, 1>=+R$S %as specified an inte&ration of 1>=+R$S2 wit% I7S. Wit%in t%is work, t%e need %as (een identified to (e a(le to indicate at I7S+le*el t%at 1>=+R$S2 is sed as an access network. For e<ample, for c%ar&in& p rposes t%e 1>=+R$S access needs to (e distin& is%a(le from ot%er access networks w%ic% ma! (e sed in parallel. )t I7S le*el, access networks are distin& is%ed (! a correspondin& *al e in t%e P+)ccess Info %eader. )s of !et, t%ere is no P+)ccess Info %eader *al e for 1>=+R$S2. T%e first step in definin& a P+)ccess Info %eader *al e for 1>=+ R$S2 is to define 1>=+R$S2 as an IP $onnecti*it! )ccess -etwork for I7S in TS 22.22". O !ecti"e: to specif! 1>=+R$S2 as an IP $onnecti*it! )ccess -etwork for I7S.

Ser"ice Aspects: ,ne of t%e reasons to identif! at I7S+le*el t%at 1>=+R$S2 is sed as an access network is to (e a(le to differentiate I7S application (e%a*io r. Charging Aspects: ,ne of t%e reasons to identif! at I7S+le*el t%at 1>=+R$S2 is sed as an access network is to (e a(le to differentiate tariffs.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01A0

Se/%enti"l Flexi+le Alertin 'SBD9FA) =,@9;C00A0

+a e Sta4e 1 :2perli#' S4-120C8; &3Arapporteur 5r"n e +otes S4E;C "ppro$ed 2,@ H St" e 1 co*pleted TS 22.11(

Supporting Companies:

,ran&e, ;emalto, C awei, )lcatel+. cent

+ature of relatio#s6ip

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,#iFue Title 39 (100;8 Rel-C Fe"t%re: ,<S <%lti*edi" -elep#ony "nd S%pple*ent"ry Ser$ices ',<S-SS) (800;C Rel-C .%ildin .loc3: Flexi+le Alertin 'FA) (800;8 St" e 1 FA


Justification In t%e c rrent definition of t%e Fle<i(le )lertin& 2F)4 in TS 22.173 onl! F) &ro p mem(ers t%at are sim ltano sl! alerted (! t%e incomin& call is descri(ed. T%e case w%ere F) &ro p mem(ers ma! (e alerted se' entiall! is not mentioned. T%e possi(ilit! to alert se' entiall! F) &ro p is missin&. T%e aim of t%is en%ancement to Fle<i(le )lertin& 2Se' ential F)4 is to allow t%e ser to reac% (! t%e last acti*e terminal. O !ecti"e: to specif! t%e re' irements for alertin& t%e F) &ro p mem(er se' entiall! will (e in*esti&ated. Ser*ice aspects will (e in*esti&ated. T%e need for new c%ar&in& mec%anisms will (e considered will (e e*al ated

Ser"ice Aspects: ''%(Aspects: Charging Aspects: Security Aspects:

,39 ;C01A1

6"n %" e "nd <od"lity ,nfor*"tion for co**%nic"tions '6"n ,nfo) =,@9;C00A1
+a e Sta4e 1 :2perli#' S4-1(010C +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ S4-1208(1FGS4-1(010C TSATR 22.22C

Supporting Companies:

,ran&e, France Telecom, C awei, ? alcomm, Sprint

+ature of relatio#s6ip -R 22.C11 %se c"se 10

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,#iFue 39 Title 4A0024 Rel-11 St%dy on Non :oice B*er ency Ser$ices 'FS9N5:BS)

Justification In 3;PP TR 22."71 NSt d! on non+*oice emer&enc! ser*ices 2FS3-,>8S4O, t%e se case 16 presents t%e case of a si&n lan& a&e ser callin& emer&enc! ser*ice and &ettin& s pport (! an interpreter in a rela! ser*ice. T%is case re' ires t%at a 3+wa! *ideo call is esta(lis%ed (etween t%e emer&enc! caller, PS)P, and si&n lan& a&e interpreter. $ rrent sta&e 2 and 3 ass me t%at a person in t%e PS)P wo ld reco&nise t%e emer&enc! callerUs special needs and set p a 3+wa! call wit% an interpreter. Cowe*er t%is ma! not meet t%e re' irements of sers in need of modalit! s pport. )fter f rt%er st d!, it seems more sef l to &eneralise t%is feat re to all calls. O !ecti"e: to specif! re' irements for ne&otiation of t%e serPs desired lan& a&e and modalit! 2spoken, si&nedW4. will (e considered. -one identified.

Ser"ice Aspects: ''%(Aspects:



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Charging Aspects: -o additional re' irement is foreseen Security Aspects: -one identified



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;80140

B*er ency Session ,dentific"tion 'BS,@) =,@9;80040

:2perli#' S4-1(012A +otes S4E;8 co*pleted '22.101 CRE044;) TSATR 22.101 +a e Sta4e 1

Supporting Companies: Justification:

Telecom Italia, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei, 8ricsson, ,ran&e, ? alcomm

In some co ntries PS)Ps are connected to t%e operator $- accordin& to different confi& rations for t%e correct ro tin& of an emer&enc! session. 8<amples of s c% sc%emes areI shared &SA&, w%ere one sin&le PS)P, connected to ,perator $-, s pports t%e termination of different national emer&enc! ser*ices, 2e.&. ,ne PS)P %andlin& two different emer&enc! n m(ers4V dedicated &SA&) w%ere eac% PS)P connected to t%e ,perator $- s pports t%e termination of eac% sin&le national emer&enc! ser*ice, 2e.&. PS)P1 for emer&enc! n m(er X<<<U, PS)P2 for emer&enc! n m(er X!!!UW4V hierarchic &SA&) w%ere t%e ,perator $- is connected onl! to one PS)P, t%at %as t%e responsi(ilit! to re+ro te t%e emer&enc! session towards t%e correct terminatin& PS)P.

T%e national re& lator can introd ce co ntr! specific t!pes of emer&enc! ser*ices w%ic% cannot (e nam(i& o sl! identified in t%e I7 $- S (s!stem 2I7S4 if t%e! are not incl ded in t%e emer&enc! ser*ice t!pes c rrentl! defined in 3;PP specs. )ccordin& to different national n m(erin& plan t%ere are co ntr! specific t!pes of emer&enc! ser*ices alread! in place 2i.e. 11# in Ital! dedicated to c%ild protection4. O !ecti"e: to specif! ser*ice re' irements for t%e I7 $- S (s!stem 2I7S4 so t%at eac% emer&enc! ser*ice is properl! mana&ed in all t%e possi(le network scenarios descri(ed a(o*eI 1. 2. T%e emer&enc! ser*ice in*oked (! t%e 5ser needs to (e identified nam(i& o sl!. T%e emer&enc! ser*ice indication needs to (e carried t%ro &% t%e operatorUs network to t%e PS)P.

''%(Aspects: will need to (e considered. Charging Aspects: $%ar&in& mec%anisms will need to (e considered. Security Aspects: will need to (e considered.


4re$ention of <o+ile-5ri in"tin si n"llin "ndJor d"t" tr"ffic of =B in Connected *ode '4<5C) =,@9;800A42
+a e Sta4e 1 :2perli#' S4-1(0111 +otes S4E;8 co*pleted TSATR 22.011


Supporting Companies: -TT 1,$,7,, B11I, BT, S,FT=)-B 7,=I.8, TeliaSonera, Citac%i, .; 8lectronics, -8$, -T$, Panasonic, Sams n& Justification: $ rrentl! man! networks tr! to a*oid o*erload sit ations (! sin& *ario s forms of access control. = t t%e c rrent trend, w%ere a %i&% n m(er of smart+p%ones in t%e network is Malwa!s onM w%ic% res lts in more pro(a(ilit! in remainin& in RR$3$,--8$T81 mode, makes access control less effecti*e, since it is onl! applica(le to RR$3I1.8. T%is lea*es an o*erloaded network &ettin& e*en more o*erloaded, since, especiall! in sit ations of e.&. disaster, people tr! to send 7, traffic a&ain and a&ain from t%en+RR$3$,--8$T81 58s and t%e network res lts in (ein& forced to process t%ose re' ests. In t%e end, t%e network starts discardin& e*en emer&enc! calls and %i&% priorit! calls, w%ic% %as to (e a*oided. O !ecti"e: to specif! ser*ice re' irements for pre*ention of mo(ile+ori&inatin& si&nallin& and@or data traffic of 58s in 8+5TR)- in connected mode (ased on t%e criteria for t%e access (arrin& mec%anisms.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;0002 C ;1004 8 ;2002 8 ;(004 2 ;A002 0 ;A002 2 ;A002 4 ;A002 ; ;A002 A ;1002 C ;1002 8 ;C00; 8 ;C00A 2 ;C00A ( ;800( 8 A100( C A100( 8 A1004 0 A200A 1

SA1JSA2 Fe"t%res
+a e B3P! 1o5ilit2 a#" S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' Operator Poli%ies for 3P 3#terfa%e Sele%tio# S6ort 1essa4e Servi%e (S1S) su5 it a#" "eliver2 wit6out 1S3S9+ i# 31S 31S-5ase" Teleprese#%e Group (o u#i%atio# S2ste *#a5lers for BT* !%ro#2 6,<5NB54,,S S<S<, ,<S9-B6B4 ICSB96-B <-Ce 44C .%s-, 26AN9NS ,<S9Re Con a#a4e e#t =4C5N 4roSe ,<S92e+R-C =<5NC A.C eS"<5I 25R< NB-65C9-2AN CN59=6, Resour%e S2!C4!C1!R( S2!C1 S2!C1!C4 S1!C1!C(!C4 S1!S2!S( S2!S1!S(!C1!C4!CA!R2!R ( S2!S1!S;!C(!C1!C4 S2!S1!C1!C( S2!S1!S(!C1 S1!S2!C1!C4 S1!S2 S1!S2!S( S1!S2!S( S2!C( S2!S;!C( S2!C1!C4 S2!C1 S2!C(!C1!C4 S2 &3Arapporteur &%"wei 6I Blectronics NSN 5r"n e NSN ,ntel &%"wei @e%tsc#e -ele3o* ,ntel C#in" <o+ile ?@@, D%"lco** C#in" <o+ile M-B Allot Co**%nic"tions M-B .l"c3.erry Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent

1a%6i#e-T2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s e#6a#%e e#ts Poli%2 a#" (6ar4i#4 (o#trol for supporti#4 fiDe" 5roa"5a#" a%%ess #etwor's 31S Eusi#ess Tru#'i#4 for 3P-PE7 i# Stati% 1o"e of Operatio# &B!+ +etwor' Sele%tio# for 3GPP Ter i#als 9elete" - 31S Re4istratio# (o#trol 9elete" - ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio# ProDi it2-5ase" Servi%es &e5 Real Ti e (o u#i%atio# a%%ess to 31S

,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol P(( e#6a#%e e#t !ppli%atio# Ease" (6ar4i#4 *#6a#%e" S2a 1o5ilit2 Over truste" &B!+ a%%ess to *P( Opti i<e" Offloa"i#4 to &B!+ i# 3GPP-R!T 1o5ilit2 +etwor'-provi"e" Bo%atio# i#for atio# for 31S Truste" &B!+ !%%ess +etwor' (T&!+) %ase (ore +etwor' Overloa" - ,ser Bo%atio# 3#for atio# reporti#4 i prove e#t



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;0002 C ;0012 C ;00(2 C ;(001 ; ;8002 0 ;0022 C ;(001 A

6,4A <o+ility "nd S,4-5 "t t#e 6oc"l Networ3 '6,<5NB-) =,@9;0002C
!%ro#2 6,<5NB6,<5NB6,<5NB-S,4-5 6,<5NB-S,4-5 6,<5NB--RAN 6,<5NB--6,4A 6,<5NB--6,4A Resour%e S2!C4!C1!R( S2 S2 C4!C1 R( S2 C1!C4 +a e B3P! 1o5ilit2 a#" S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' TR o# Sta4e 2 for B3P! 1o5ilit2 a#" S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' EE1G Sta4e 2 for S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' EE1G Sta4e 3 (+ aspe%ts of S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' R!+ aspe%ts for S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' 9elete" - EE2G Sta4e 2 for sta#"-alo#e B-G& a#" asso%iate" 1o5ilit2 for B3P! a#" S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' 9elete" - EE2G Sta4e 3 (+ aspe%ts of B3P! 1o5ilit2

.inked to Rel+16 5I13#96639 .ocal IP )ccess and Selected IP Traffic ,ffload 2.IP)3SIPT,4
,39 ;0012 C ;00(2 C +a e TR o# Sta4e 2 EE1G Sta4e 2 !%ro#2 6,<5NB6,<5NB--S,4-5 :2perli#' S4-12082A S4-12082A +otes S4E;8 co*pleted S4EA0 co*pleted TSsAa#"ATRs new -R 2(.C;8 2(.0A0! 2(.401

Supporting Companies: C awei, CiSilicon, )TDT , >eriAon Wireless, .; 8lectronics, $isco, R niper, HT8, -8$, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, Sams n&, ;8-=)-1, -okia, -S-, F Eits , 7otorola, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, ? alcomm, $)TT, Inter1i&ital, ,ran&e, S%arp, =roadcom $orporation Justification: Rel+16 arc%itect re %as (een pdated to s pport .ocal IP )ccess 2.IP)4 and Selected IP Traffic ,ffload 2SIPT,4 in t%e macro network. Cowe*er, d e to lack of time, not all Rel+16 re' irements from Sta&e 1 were implemented. -ota(l!, t%e Rel+16 sol tion %as t%e followin& limitationsI + + .IP) onl! s pports a local &atewa! 2.+;W4 collocated wit% t%e Come 2e4-ode= 2i.e. no stand+alone .+;W s pport4, w%ic% pre*ents mo(ilit! wit%in t%e local networkV no s pport for traffic offload for C2e4-= s (s!stem at t%e local network 2traffic offload in Rel+16 is onl! s pported in t%e 7o(ile ,perator -etwork4.

T%ere was an interest d rin& Rel+11 to en%ance t%e arc%itect re de*eloped as part of Rel+16 .IP)3SIPT, Work Item to s pport t%e remainin& nimplemented re' irements ori&inall! de*eloped as part of Rel+16. In Rel+11, S)2 cond cted an anal!sis 2t%o &% not completed4 t%at was doc mented in TR23."90 on t%e feat res descri(ed a(o*e. In Rel+12, t%e work is contin ed and it %as (een concl ded t%at t%e most important scenario is t%e per+ )P- SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork to offload Internet traffic. T%e mo(ilit! wit% IP address preser*ation is not re' ired. T%e SIPT,T.- is applica(le to C2e4-= s!stem and small cells. O !ecti"e: to de*elop t%e appropriate normati*e specifications for per+)P- SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork to offload Internet traffic. T%e mo(ilit! wit% IP address preser*ation is not re' ired. T%e SIPT,T.- s%o ld (e applica(le to C2e4-= s!stem and small cells. Ser"ice AspectsI -o ser*ice s%o ld (e impacted as a res lt of t%is work. Charging Aspects: to (e considered for t%e f nctionalities listed in t%e ,(Eecti*es Security Aspects: Sec rit! aspects and .awf l Interception arc%itect re are to (e considered
,39 ;(001 ; ;(011 ; ;(021 ; +a e EE1G Sta4e 3 (+ aspe%ts C-4 p"rt C-1 p"rt -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0AJ08J201 ( 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 84N 100N 80N :2perli#' C41(0214 C41(0214 C41(0214 +otes C4EA0 %pd"ted 2,@ C4110C01FGC4-1(0214 C4EA1 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TSATR St" e ( 2(.00(! 2(.00C! 28.002! 28.0A0! 28.2(0! 28.212! 28.214! 28.(0( 24.00C! 24.(01



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

O !ecti"e: to incl de t%e f nctionalit! to s pport traffic offload re' irements at t%e local network incl din& mo(ilit!, t%e proced res capt red in 3;PP TS 23.#61 and 3;PP TS 23.666 for SIPT, at t%e local network. T%e normati*e work s%all co*er t%e followin& network scenariosI .+;W collocated wit% Ce-=, e-=, C-= or -ode= 2(! adoptin& t%e principles of Rel+16 .IP) arc%itect re4V and Standalone .+;W collocated wit% S;W 2(! adoptin& t%e principles of SIPT, a(o*e R)- arc%itect re wit% standalone ;W4.

8<pected impacts are on t%e -)S protocol, ;TP+$ protocols, CSS ser s (scriptions. RA* aspects for S%&+O at the Loca, *et-or. /L%'O*0+(RA*1 2%345600$0 Resources:
,39 ;8002 0 ;8012 0

:2perli#' R4-1(0(12 R4-1(0(12 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TSATR =-RA! 6-B 2;.401! 2;.41(! 2;.42(! 2;.4A1! 2;.4A8! (A.(00! (A.41(! (A.42(

+a e R!+ aspe%ts for S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' Core p"rt

Supporting Companies: C awei, Cisilicon, )TDT, Intel $orporation, -8$, >eriAon, ? alcomm Incorporated, $7$$, Interdi&ital $omm nications, .; 8lectronics, )lcatel+. cent, ip.access, Citac%i, Sams n&, $)TT, $%ina 5nicom, 7its (is%i 8lectric Justification 1 rin& Rel+16, 3;PP %as specified f nctionalities to s pport .ocal IP )ccess 2.IP)4 and Selected IP Traffic ,ffload 2SIPT,4. Cowe*er, not all of .IP) and SIPT, re' irements from sta&e+1 2TS 22.226, TS 22.1614 were implemented in Rel+16. -ota(l!, t%e sol tion s ffers from t%e followin& limitationsI + + .IP) onl! s pports a local &atewa! 2.+;W4 collocated wit% t%e C2e4-= 2i.e. no stand+alone .+;W s pport4, w%ic% pre*ents mo(ilit! wit%in t%e local network, -o s pport for traffic offload for C2e4-= s (s!stem at t%e local network 2traffic offload in Rel+16 is onl! s pported at or a(o*e t%e Radio )ccess -etwork4.

S)2 TR 23."90 cond cted an anal!sis on t%e feat res to s pport t%e remainin& nimplemented re' irements. T%e present work item contin es and completes t%e work and de*elops t%e appropriate normati*e specifications. It %as (een concl ded t%at t%e most important scenario is t%e per+)P- SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork to offload Internet traffic. T%e mo(ilit! wit% IP address preser*ation is not re' ired. T%e SIPT, at .ocal -etwork is applica(le to C2e4-= s!stem and to e-=@R-$, w%ic% incl desI + + + + SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork wit% standalone ;W 2wit% S+;W and .+;W collocated4 f nction SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork wit% .+;W f nction collocated wit% t%e e-= SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork wit% .+;W f nction collocated wit% t%e Ce-= SIPT, at t%e .ocal -etwork wit% .+;W f nction collocated wit% C-=

T%e p rpose of t%is work is to e*al ate and specif! t%e R)- impacts (ased on t%e re' irements from S)1 2TS 22.226, TS 22.1614 and t%e concl sions drawn from sta&e 2 capt red in S)2 TS 23.#61 and TS 23.666 for SIPT, at t%e local network. O !ecti"e: R)- en%ancements for f nctionalit! to s pport SIPT, at local network, w%ic% is applica(le to C2e4-= s!stem and to e-=@R-$. It co*ers t%e followin& work task a. (. R)-3 specifications for collocated .+;W case R)-3 specifications for standalone .+;W case

O !ecti"e ( Core: to e*al ate and specif! t%e R)- impacts (ased on re' irements from S)1 2TS 22.226, TS 22.1614 and concl sions drawn from sta&e 2 capt red in S)2 TS 23.#61 and TS 23.666 for SIPT, at t%e local network. T%is work item does not incl de t%e small cells aspects st died or introd ced as part of Rel+12.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1014 8 ;1024 8 A0004 1

5per"tor 4olicies for ,4 ,nterf"ce Selection '54,,S) =,@9;10048

Resour%e S2 S2 C1 :2perli#' S41201(C S41201(C C41(021; +otes S4E;C co*pleted S4E;8 co*pleted '2(.402 CRE1;2: ,ntrod%ction of ,nter-A4N Ro%tin 4olicies) C4EA2 co*pleted. Specify ,nter-A4N Ro%tin 4olicies for selectin "n ,4 interf"ce to ro%te ,4 flows "*on " c#oice of "$"il"+le interf"ces in +ot# (I44 "nd non-(I44 "ccesses TSATR new -R 2(.C;( 2(.402 24.(02! 24.(12 +a e TR o# Sta4e 2 Sta4e 2 Sta4e 3

Supporting Companies: .; 8lectronics, ? alcomm, >eriAon Wireless, 1e tsc%e Telekom, ,ran&e, )TDT, R niper -etworks, B11I, Telecom Italia, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, -okia, -S-, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, HT8, Panasonic, CT$, =lack=err!, Inter1i&ital, BP.inked to Rel+16 IF,7 IP Flow 7o(ilit! and seamless W.)- offload 2non+seamless W.)- offload aspects4 D Rel+11 .I7,-8T 2s pport traffic offload at local network4
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;1004 @"t" ,dentific"tion in Access Networ3 @isco$ery "nd Selection C F%nction '@,@A) ;0002 6,4A <o+ility "nd S,4-5 "t t#e 6oc"l Networ3 '6,<5NB-) C 4;004 ,4 Flow <o+ility "nd se"*less 26AN offlo"d ',F5<) 1 +ature of relatio#s6ip AN@SF en#"nce*ents 4olicies for selected ,4 tr"ffic offlo"d per ,4 flow %nder "ny A4N or per ,4 flow %nder " specific A4N Non-se"*less 26AN offlo"d "spects.

Justification: In Rel+16, t%e 8PS arc%itect re was en%anced wit% s!stem s pport for non+seamless W.)- offload. T%is feat re allows t%e operator to d!namicall! or staticall! confi& re t%e 58 wit% inter+s!stem ro tin& policies t%at assist a d al+radio 58 in selectin& IP interface wit% per+flow &ran larit!. In Rel+11, S)1 disc ssed SIPT, 2Selected IP Traffic ,ffload4 policies for t%e Come 2e4-ode= s (s!stem per )P- or per IP flow. SIPT, policies per IP flow are ro tin& policies indicatin& w%ic% )P- to se for a specific IP flow, t%at t%e operator ma! pro*ide to t%e 58 to assist t%e 58 in ro tin& t%e IP flows towards an appropriate )P-. T%is is applica(le for t%e 58 re&ardless of w%et%er or not it %as esta(lis%ed IP connecti*it! to t%e local enterprise@residential network. T%is re' irement is *er! similar to t%e re' irement for non+seamless W.)- offload in t%at in (ot% cases t%e 58 needs to perform ro tin& decisions for plink packets 2i.e. select t%e IP interface on w%ic% to forward t%e packet4 and s ppl! t%e so rce IP address accordin&l!. Selection across m ltiple IP interfaces is act all! a &eneric pro(lem of Nm lti+%omedO terminals and applies to (ot% p%!sical interfaces 2e.&. cell lar *s W.)-4 and lo&ical interfaces 2e.&. selection amon& m ltiple P1- connections4. )n! 3;PP compliant 58 s pportin& m ltiple P1- connections %as (een confronted wit% t%e pro(lem of selectin& t%e proper interface for ro tin& of IP flows since Rel+00 and %as (een dealin& wit% it in implementation+specific manner. Wit% 8PS t%e sa&e of sim ltaneo s P1- connections will (ecome common and t%e 58 will %a*e se*eral options for ro tin& of certain traffic flows. For instance, Internet+(o nd traffic flows co ld (e ro ted *ia m ltiple a*aila(le interfaces. W%ile Rel+16 inter+s!stem ro tin& policies allow operators to infl ence 58s to select (etween 3;PP access or non+ seamless W.)- offload, t%ere are c rrentl! no standards pro*isions allowin& operators to infl ence 58s to select a specific interface amon& t%e a*aila(le interfaces for ro tin& of IP flows. T%is work item proposes to en%ance operator policies for IP interface selection to ro te specific IP flows. If necessar!, t%e operator policies for IP interface selection will incl de instantiation of a new IP interface in t%e 58 2e.&. P1connection esta(lis%ment4. O !ecti"e: to st d! and if needed to specif!I operator policies for selectin& an IP interface, for ro tin& of IP flows amon& a c%oice of a*aila(le interfaces in (ot% 3;PP and non+3;PP accessesV s!stem arc%itect re for distri( tion of t%ese policies to t%e 58 2it is e<pected t%at t%e work on arc%itect re aspects will (e (ased on t%e )-1SF framework4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

To determine w%et%er t%e operator policies for )P- selection s%o ld (e defined as e<tension of t%e e<istin& inter+s!stem ro tin& policies for seamless and non+seamless W.)- offload defined in Rel+16, or as a new set of policies. In eit%er case it will (e determined %ow t%e new policies interact wit% t%e e<istin& )-1SF policies. T%e o tcome of t%is work s%all not o(solete t%e c rrent met%ods sed in 58s t%at e.&. (ind applications to specific P1connections 2i.e. )P-s4, and s%all not pre*ent c rrent met%ods from o*erridin& t%e operator policies defined in t%is work item. T%e sol tion defined in t%is work item s%all also address scenarios w%ere m ltiple P1- connections carr! traffic wit% o*erlappin& pri*ate IP*# addresses. -o ser*ice s%o ld (e impacted as a res lt of t%is work. Charging is to (e considered for t%e f nctionalities listed in t%e ,(Eecti*e section of t%e WI1. Security aspects are also to (e considered for t%e f nctionalities listed in t%e ,(Eecti*e section of t%e WI1.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


S<S s%+*it "nd deli$ery wit#o%t <S,S@N in ,<S 'S<S<,) =,@9;20028

+a e TR o# Sta4e 2 Sta4e 2 Sta4e 3 Resour%e S2 S2 C1!C4 :2perli#' S4-120(21 S4-120(21 C4-1(0080 TSATR new -R 2(.CA( 2(.204! 2(.AC2 St" e (

;20128 ;20228 ;8001(

Supporting Companies: -S-, >eriAon Wireless, Sams n&, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, )lcatel+. cent, $isco, B11I, )cision, .; 8lectronics, $%ina Telecom, F Eits , C awei, HT8, CT$
Relate" Stu"2 3te ,39 Title (20C1 ;2002 1 41002 0 or -eature (if a#2) +ature of relatio#s6ip Bn#"nced t#e existin S<S o$er ,4 "ccess fe"t%re to s%pport <S,S@N-less S<S s%+*itJdeli$ery wit#in ,<S <-C client wit# 4S only s%+scription wit#o%t <S,S@N s#"ll +e "+le to %tilize t#is fe"t%re 'i.e! to "llow S<S wit#o%t <S,S@N wit#in ,<S) -"3e into "cco%nt t#e st" e 1 st%dy on "ltern"ti$e to %sin p%+lic n%*+erin reso%rces 'i.e! <S,S@N) for <-C co**%nic"tions

Rel-1 SA2 Fe"t%re "S%pport of S<S o$er eneric (I44 ,4 "ccess" 'S<S,4) Rel-11 SA2 .. "..1: St" e 2 "Re"c#"+ility Aspects of S,<-C Rel-12 -R 22.8CC SA1 St%dy on "ltern"ti$es to B.1A4 for <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions 'FS9A<-C)

Justification: Since Rel+7, S7S deli*er! o*er I7S %as (een possi(le wit% TS 23.26# NS pport of S%ort 7essa&e Ser*ice 2S7S4 o*er &eneric 3;PP Internet Protocol 2IP4 accessO. T%e f ndamental principle sed w%en de*elopin& t%at work is to re se t%e le&ac! $S S7S infrastr ct re in order to preser*e t%e possi(ilit! to deli*er S7S to (ot% $S domain and I7S as t%e ser ma! (e roamin& (etween (ot% domains. In addition maintain t%e e<istin& S7S infrastr ct re t%at an operator %as in place e.&. S$, ;7S$+S7S IW7S$. T%is is ac%ie*ed (! mandatin& 7SIS1- as part of t%e S7S deli*er! addressin&, e*en for S7S deli*er! toward I7S. In Rel+11, 7T$ allows t%e client to %a*e PS onl! s (scription wit%o t 7SIS1-. S c% clients ma! also (e I7S clients. )llowin& 7essa&es deli*er! to t%ese clients in I7S wit%o t 7SIS1- is an important re' irement for t%ese de*ices. T%erefore, t%ere is a need to impro*e t%e S7S s (mit@deli*er! mec%anism wit%in I7S to allow 7SIS1-+less deli*er! toward t%e I7S re&istered clients. O !ecti"eI to specif! arc%itect re en%ancement toward S7S s (mit@deli*er! mec%anism in I7S to allow I7S re&istered clients toI
Recei*e and send S7S wit%o t re' irin& an 7SIS1- associated as part of t%eir I7S s (scription record in CSS and an! possi(le en%ancements towards t%e related storin& and forwardin& mec%anism if t%e client is o t of reac%. Ser*er F I7S client comm nication *ia S7S 2e.&., for 7274 from 7SIS1-+less I7S client to Ser*er. I7S client to I7S client comm nication *ia S7S for Person to person comm nications. =ot% clients do not %a*e 7SIS1-. S7S Interworkin& (etween I7S client wit%o t 7SIS1- and traditional client 2e.&., $S4 wit% 7SIS1-, w%ic% ses alread! e<istin& S7S sc%eme.

T%ere are t%ree potential aspects for t%ese I7S clients wit%o t 7SIS1- t%at need to (e in*esti&atedI

-ormati*e specification work 2if needed or feasi(le4 for eac% of t%ese areas can (e started independentl!. )ll t%ese aspects s%all not impact t%e S7S ser*ice defined in TS 23.6#6 and s%all coe<ist wit% S7S ser*ices t%at make se of 7SIS1-. Charging Aspects: e<istin& c%ar&in& proced res for S7S associated wit% 7SIS1- are not affected. $%ar&in& for S7S not associated wit% an 7SIS1- will need to (e (ased on an identit! ot%er t%an 7SIS1-.
,39 ;8001( ;8011( ;8021( +a e Sta4e 3 C-1 p"rt C-4 p"rt Resour%e C1!C4 C1 C4 :2perli#' C4-1(0080 C4-1(0080 C4-1(0080 +otes C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA1 co*pleted TSATR St" e ( 2(.040! 24.(41 2(.00C! 28.002! 28.(0;! 28.(2C! 28.((C

)ddress scenario I7S client to I7S client S7S 2comprises S7S recei*e and send S7S wit%o t re' irin& an 7SIS1associated as part of t%eir s (scription record in CSS



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(014 2 ;C000 1

,<S-+"sed -elepresence ',<S9-B6B4) =,@9;(0042

Resour%e S1 C1!C(!C4 :2perli#' S4-110;CC C4-1(0418 +otes S4E;A co*pleted C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-12080AFGC4-1(0418 '"dded C-4 p"rt). Co*pletion 0(J14FG0AJ14 TSATR 22.22C St" e 2J( +a e Sta4e 1 Sta4e 2=3

Supporting Companies: Justification

,ran&e, C awei, Telecom Italia, $%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, ;emalto

T%e Telepresence $onference allows t%e participants to en*o! a stron& sense of realism and presence (etween all participants in remote conference rooms 2called Telepresence rooms4. T%e Telepresence s!stems are composed of a n m(er of cameras and screens are t!picall! arran&ed to pro*ide panoramic *iews of t%e rooms, wit% eac% camera capt rin& ima&es from one re&ion of t%e room w%ere it is located. )dditional cameras ma! foc s on meetin& doc ments or track t%e c rrent speaker. I7S+(ased Telepresence will ena(le an immersi*e e<perience (! offerin& an interacti*e a dio+*is al comm nication e<perience (etween remote locations. Toda!, t%e I7S 7 ltimedia Ser*ice re' irement 2TS 22.22"4 identifies re' iements of to ena(le s pport of m ltimedia sessions and conferences as I7S applications. Cowe*er, it lacks a n m(er of additional re' irements ena(lin& s pport of a specific t!pe of m ltimedia conference known as a Telepresence conference. I7S+=ased Telepresence specification will ens re interopera(ilit! (etween Telepresence S!stems. O !ecti"e: to specif! t%e se cases and re' irements for I7S+=ased Telepresence $onference as e<tensions of e<istin& I7S m lti+media conference ser*ices and as applica(le for different kinds of de*ices 2mo(ile, fi<ed, etc4
,39 ;C000 1 ;C000 2 ;C000 ( ;C000 4 A1001 1 +a e Sta4e 2=3 -R on Cp"rt C-1 'St" e () C-( 'St" e () C-4 'St" e 2J() Resour%e C1!C(!C4 C1 C1 C( C4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0AJ0(J201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 28N 10N 40N 0N 0N :2perli#' C41(0418 C41(0418 C41(0418 C41(0418 C41(0418 +otes C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-12080AFGC41(0418 '"dded C-4 p"rt). Co*pletion 0(J14FG0AJ14 C4EA2 -R 24.C0($100 for ,nfor*"tion C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-12080AFGC41(0418. Co*pletion 0(J14FG0AJ14 C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-12080AFGC41(0418. Co*pletion 0(J14FG0AJ14 C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-12080AFGC41(0418 '"dded C-4 p"rt) TSATR St" e 2J( New -R 24.C0( 24.141! 24.1AA! 24.228 28.1A; 2(.(((! 28.(((

Justification Telepresence allows t%e participants to enEo! a stron& sense of realism and presence (etween all participants in remote conference rooms 2called Telepresence rooms4. T%e Telepresence s!stems are composed of a n m(er of cameras and screens t%at are t!picall! arran&ed to pro*ide panoramic *iews of t%e rooms, wit% eac% camera capt rin& ima&es from one re&ion of t%e room w%ere it is located. )dditional cameras ma! foc s on meetin& doc ments or track t%e c rrent speaker. Telepresence s pported sin& I7S will ena(le an immersi*e e<perience (! offerin& an interacti*e a dio+*is al comm nication e<perience (etween remote locations. Toda!, 3;PP TS 22.22" identifies re' irements ena(lin& s pport of m ltimedia sessions and conferences as I7S applications. 3;PP S)1 %as alread! specified se cases and a n m(er of additional re' irements ena(lin& s pport of a specific t!pe of m ltimedia conference known as a Telepresence conference. To ena(le sers wit% different kinds of de*ices to Eoin t%e Telepresence conference, Telepresence s pported sin& I7S will also pro*ide t%e interopera(le proced res to ens re interconnection wit% ot%er non+I7S (ased s!stems. T%e I8TF $.58 workin& &ro p is workin& on t%e &eneric SIP (ased mec%anism to pro*ide Telepresence conference.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e st d! p%ase of t%is work will identif! t%e impact on t%e e<istin& 3;PP specifications and pro*ide t%e pdates in t%is work. O !ecti"e: to st d! and specif! sta&e 3 sol tions for Telepresence s pported sin& I7S on t%e followin& aspectsI

To in*esti&ate t%e proced res to identif! m ltiple media streams in Telepresence (ased on t%e e<istin& I7S mec%anisms , and pro*ide t%e sol tion w%en incorporatin& new protocol 2i.e. $.58 as nder de*elopin& in I8TF4 to complete t%e media ne&otiation and confi& ration for Telepresence s pported in I7S, and en%ance t%e e<istin& sta&e 3 I7S conference proced res of creation@termination, ser Eoinin&@in*itin& ot%er sers@lea*in&, and floor control for Telepresence sin& I7SV To ela(orate t%e (e%a*io r of t%e in*ol*ed I7S f nctional entities, for e<ample 58, )S and 7RF, in a Telepresence conferenceV To consider t%e interopera(ilit! and compati(ilit! for different kinds of de*ices 2mo(ile, fi<ed, etc4 to participate a Telepresence conference s pported in I7SV To in*esti&ate t%e --I impacts for Telepresence conference s pported sin& I7S.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A012 0 ;800( 1 ;800( C A101( ; A100( ;

Iro%p Co**%nic"tion Syste* Bn"+lers for 6-B 'ICSB96-B) =,@9;A0020

Resour%e S1 S2 S2 S( S( -i#is6 18J0AJ201 ( 01J0(J201 4 01J0(J201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 100N 1;N 0N 0N 0N :2perli#' S41(0(81 S41(0(81 S41(0(81 S41(0(81 S41(0(81 +otes S4EA0 co*pleted. -S 22.4AC $100 for ,nfor*"tion "nd Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;(). -R 2(.1AC$100 for ,nfor*"tion S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;() S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S41(0A;2 S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S41(0A;2 TSATR new -S 22.4AC new -R 2(.1AC -.@ New -R ((.Cxy -.@ St" e 2 +a e Sta4e 1 TR o# !r%6ite%ture Sta4e 2 TR o# Se%urit2 (Sta4e 2) Se%urit2 (Sta4e 2)

Supporting Companies: -S-, 5S 1epartment of $ommerce, )TDT, 8TRI, =lack=err!, 7otorola Sol tions, )lcatel . cent, Sams n&, Carris, Instit te for Information Ind str! 2III4, .; 8lectronics, ? alcomm, HT8, CT$, ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, >odafone, Sprint, -8$, >eriAon, Come ,ffice 25B4, $%ina 7o(ile, Intel, T+7o(ile 5S), C awei, =T S)G96 SP+126#21 .S Repl! to 8TSI T8TR) 2S1+1212#7@T8TR)2124666636r14 to inform )ppro*al of t%is WI1 .inked to Rel+12 FS3ProSe TR 22."63 St d! on Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices. 8<ternal re' irementsI -IST, 78S), )P$, ;lo(al )lliance, T$$). Specif! 3;PP s!stem ena(lers to s pport &ro p comm nication o*er .T8 for P (lic Safet!.
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) H ,39 Title ;(0044 St%dy on 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices 'FS94roSe) ;C00;8 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices '4roSe) +ature of relatio#s6ip Co*ple*entin St%dy Co*ple*entin Fe"t%re

Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts Or4a#i<atio# 9o%u e#t N,SF%nction"l @escription <C: 0C(011 F,NA61.pdf <BSA -ec#nic"l F%nction"l Re/%ire*ents Specific"tion A4C5 Ilo+"l Alli"nce -o +e loc"ted -CCA ,nfor*"tion "+o%t t#e syste* i*pro$e*ents re/%ire*ents for t#e "doption of 6-B for *issionJ+%siness critic"l co**%nic"tions

Justification ;ro p comm nication is a ke! f nctionalit! of .7R@P7R and p (lic safet! s!stems. S c% f nctionalit! e<ists for *oice calls in e<istin& s!stems s c% as Tetra, P29 and ;S7+R. In t%e latter, t%is f nctionalit! was specified (! S7;@3;PP as >oice ;ro p $all Ser*ice Sta&e 1 2>;$S+TS#2.66"4. S c% f nctionalit! consists of a &ro p deli*er! of calls to sers as well as considerations a(o t set p and mana&ement of &ro ps. To position .T8 as tec%nolo&! for critical comm nications s c% as p (lic safet!, &ro p comm nication will (e needed. ;ro p comm nication f nction will complement its si(lin& comm nication feat re of pro<imit!+(ased ser*ices 2FS3ProSe 5I13936##, ProSe 5I139366904. So rces of inp t re' irements for ;ro p $omm nication S!stem 8na(lers for .T8I T%e work of t%e -ational P (lic Safet! Telecomm nications $o ncil 2-PST$+an or&aniAation made p of all t%e maEor p (lic safet! or&aniAations in t%e 5S4. T%e Tetra J $ritical $omm nications )ssociation 2T$$)4 w%o are considerin& .T8 for critical comm nications wit% similar re' irements t%e! e<pressed in t%eir initial re' irements in S1+1212#7. T%e )ssociation of P (lic safet! $omm nications ,fficials 2)P$,4 ;lo(al )lliance w%o %a*e also endorsed .T8 as t%e tec%nolo&! of c%oice for p (lic safet! comm nications worldwide. T%e International 5nion of Railwa!s 25I$4 w%o are likel! to consider .T8 as t%e (asis of t%e f t re &eneration after ;S7+R.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e 8TSI Special $ommittee 87T8. and proEect 78S) %a*e identified ser re' irements for f t re (road(and mission critical PP1, PP2 and 1R applications reported in 78S) TS 76.661 t%at listed amon&st ot%ers point to m ltipoint comm nications re' irements.

O !ecti"e: S)1 o(Eecti*eI to specif! t%e s!stem ena(lersU Sta&e 1 ser*ice re' irements to t%e 3;PP s!stem to s pport &ro p comm nication o*er .T8 for critical comm nications s c% as P (lic Safet!. T%e comm nication will consist of *ario s media. 8<amples of media consist of con*ersational t!pe comm nication 2*oice, *ideo4 or streamin& 2*ideo4 or data 2messa&in&4 or a com(ination of t%em T%e S)1 o(Eecti*e is to collect t%e re' irements as rele*ant to impro*e t%e 8P$ and 8+5TR)-. ,t%er re&ional re' irements ma! also (e reflected in t%e work. T%e re' irements s%all (e worded in a wa! to easil! accommodate f t re re' irements from ot%er re&ions or stake%olders. )t least re' irements on t%e followin& topics s%all (e pro*idedI ;ro p $omm nication ;ro p siAe ;ro p Candlin& Priorit! Candlin& $all esta(lis%ment times Reso rce efficienc!

;$S83.T8 s%all not define re' irements for ProSe. )ll ProSe &ro ps comm nications will (e defined wit%in ProSe. 7ana&ement of &ro p comm nications will (e defined in ;$S83.T8. ;$S83.T8 s%o ld aim at re+ sin& e<istin&, standardiAed f nctionalit! w%en possi(le and E stified. ) &ap anal!sis of e<istin& sta&e 1 specifications will (e done and is foreseen to (e incl ded as an informati*e anne< to TS 22.#6". S)2 o(Eecti*esI 1. )s part of t%e TR p%ase a. (. c. 2. 1efine t%e arc%itect ral re' irements 2(ased on t%e Sta&e 1 normati*e re' irements4 in order to scope@& ide t%e work in S)2V 1e*elop ;$S83.T8 sol tions (ased on o(Eecti*e a4V and 1etermine w%ic% sol tion2s4 from t%e TR p%ase to doc ment in normati*e specifications

Specif! selected Sta&e 2 2arc%itect re4 sol tions in rele*ant specifications.

S)3 o(Eecti*esI 1. )s part of t%e TR p%ase a. =ased on t%e work done in 22.#6" and 23.76" identif! t%e t%reats and ded ce sec rit! re' irementsV (. 1e*elop ;$S83.T8 sec rit! sol tions (ased on o(Eecti*e a4V and c. 1etermine w%ic% sol tion2s4 from t%e TR p%ase to doc ment in normati*e specifications 2. Specif! selected Sta&e 2 sec rit! sol tions in rele*ant specifications. Ser"ice Aspects: Ser*ice aspects will %a*e to (e identified Charging Aspects: Will (e identified in t%is work item



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A002 1 ;100( 0 ;A012 2 ;A0;2 2 ;A012 2 ;A022 2 ;A0(2 2 ;A042 2 A2004 (

<"c#ine--ype "nd ot#er *o+ile d"t" "pplic"tions Co**%nic"tions en#"nce*ents =,@9;A0022

!%ro#2 <-Ce-S,<SB <-Ce-SR< N,<-C <-Ce <-Ce-S@@-B <-Ce-<5N-B <-Ce-=B4C54 <-Ce-IR5=4 o5ile "ata <-Ce-RAN Resour%e S1 S1 S( S( S2 S2 S2!C1!C4!CA S2 R2!R( &3Arapporteur ?4N ?4N S"*s%n S"*s%n ,ntel ,ntel Bricsson ?4N M-B +a e Sta4e 1 for Support for 3#terwor'i#4 wit6 121 Servi%e *#a5le e#t Sta4e 1 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s I Servi%e ReFuire e#t 1ai#te#a#%e TR o# Se%urit2 aspe%ts of 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s Se%urit2 a#" Priva%2 aspe%ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 2) EE1G S all 9ata a#" 9evi%e Tri44eri#4 *#6a#%e e#ts (S99T*) 9elete" - EE2G 1o#itori#4 *#6a#%e e#ts (1O+T*) EE3G ,* Power (o#su ptio#s Opti i<atio#s (,*P(OP) 9elete" - EE4G Group 5ase" 1T( feature (GRO,P) R!+ e#6a#%e e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe a#" ot6er appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s

S&758 stopped 99$ and 994. Sp,it 99# and 993 into +R and Stage $ -or..
,39 ;A002 1 +a e Sta4e 1 for Support for 3#terwor'i#4 wit6 121 Servi%e *#a5le e#t !%ro#2 <-CeS,<SB Resourc e S1 :2perli#' S41204(A +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. @efine re/%ire*ents for interwor3in wit# <2< ser$ice en"+le*ent l"yer specified +y B-S, -C <2< in -S 102 AC8 'So%rce of specific"tions for Ser$ice Bn"+le*ent l"yer) TS 22.(AC

Supporting Companies: BP-, 8TRI, Sierra Wireless, Panasonic, B11I, ITRI, HT8, Interdi&ital $omm nications, Sams n&, Intel, Instit te for Information Ind str! 2III4, -8$, .; 8lectronics, Telecom Italia
Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts (if a#2) Or4a#i<atio# 9o%u e#t B-S, -C <2< B-S, -S 102 AC8 Re ar's So%rce of specific"tions for Ser$ice Bn"+le*ent l"yer

Justification Standardisation work related to 7T$ is on+&oin& in ot%er standardisation (odies 2e.&. 8TSI T$ 7274 on 727 ser*ice ena(lement. T%e work on ser*ice ena(lement will re' ire complementin& work in 3;PP t%at affect e<istin& 7T$ re' irements in t%e 3;PP s!stem and re' irements on t%e interfaces (etween t%e 3;PP s!stem and t%e 727 ser*ice ena(lement la!er. O !ecti"eI identif! and specif! ser*ice re' irements for t%e s pport of interworkin& of t%e 3;PP S!stem wit% 727 ser*ice ena(lement la!ers as specified (! 8TSI T$ 727. Specificall! t%is incl desI o o o $larif! t%e relation@mappin& (etween t%e 7T$ Ser*er and 8TSI T$ 727 ser*ice capa(ilities Re' irements for %andlin& s (scri(er identities across ser*ice ena(lement la!ers and t%e 3;PP s!stem Re' irements of interworkin& and inte&ration of acco ntin& and c%ar&in& information

in order to a*oid o*erlappin& specifications, clarif! w%ere t%e (order is (etween 3;PP f nctionalit! and 727 ser*ice ena(lement as specified (! e<ternal (odies.

Ser"ice Aspects: Specification of 727 ser*ice ena(lement or 727 applications are o tside t%e scope of t%is WI1. ''%(Aspects: -one. 77I aspects ma! (e rele*ant to t%e mac%ine+t!pe applications in*ol*ed, ( t t%e applications t%emsel*es are o t of scope of t%is WI1. Charging Aspects: Impro*ements of $1R &eneration are addressed in TS 22.36".



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Security Aspects:

)n! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)3.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;100( 0

+a e Sta4e 1 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s I Servi%e ReFuire e#t 1ai#te#a#%e

!%ro#2 <-CeSR<

Resourc e S1

:2perli#' S41(010;

+otes S4E;8 co*pleted

TS 22.101! 22.(AC

Supporting Companies: BP-, Panasonic, Sierra Wireless, B11I, =lack=err!, ,ran&e, Telecom Italia, Intel, Sams n&, ;emalto, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8TRI, Renesas 7o(ile , ST 8ricsson, 8ricsson Justification ) n m(er of t%e 7T$ related ser*ice re' irements in 22.36" and 22.161 %a*e not (een implemented !et in Rel+12. For some of t%ese ser*ice re' irements t%ere are sta&e 2 acti*ities on&oin& in Rel+12. For t%ese acti*ities, Sta&e 1 need to s pport t%e Sta&e 2 work, e.&. wit% clarifications of t%e e<istin& ser*ice re' irements. For t%e ser*ice re' irements for w%ic% t%ere are no Sta&e 2 acti*ities in Rel+12, Sta&e 1 needs to re*isit w%et%er t%ese ser*ice re' irements are still *alid or w%et%er t%e! s%o ld (e remo*ed. F rt%ermore, t%is WI will pro*ide end of release ali&nment at t%e end of Rel+12, to ens re t%at t%e Sta&e 1 ser*ice specifications reflect w%at %as (een implemented in Sta&e 2. One o !ecti"e of t%is WI1 is to pro*ide clarifications pon re' est from Sta&e 2 &ro ps for t%e ser*ice re' irements t%at Sta&e 2 &ro ps are workin& on in Rel+12. T%e items for w%ic% t%is applies incl deI
Restrict t%e se of a 5SI7 to specific 58sI re' irement in 22.36" cla se 7.1.1. .ower power cons mption of 7T$ 1e*icesI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.1.1 Small 1ata Transmissions as per t%e ser*ice re' irements defined in t%e cla se 7.2.9 of TS 22.36" 8fficient %andlin& of fre' ent small data transmission as per t%e ser*ice re' irement defined in cla se #.3.1 of TS 22.161

A second o !ecti"e of t%is WI1 is to reconsider e<istin& ser*ice re' irements in 22.36" t%at are not listed in Sta&e 2 7T$e WI1s. It will (e decided w%ic% of t%ese ser*ice re' irements will (e retained, restr ct red, or remo*ed permanentl! from Rel+12 and f t re releases. T%e ser*ice re' irements for w%ic% t%is applies incl deI
7T$ 7onitorin&I re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2." $reate ( lk $1Rs to co nt c%ar&ea(le e*ents per &ro p of 7T$ 1e*icesI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.1.9 8nforce a ma<im m (it rate for a &ro p of 7T$ 1e*icesI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.1#.2 Send a (roadcast messa&e wit%in a partic lar &eo&rap%ic area, e.&. to wake p t%e 7T$ 1e*ices t%at are mem(ers of a &ro pI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.1#.3 )cti*ation of 7T$ feat resI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.1.1. Candle re&istration and interaction of 58s and applications on 58s wit% I7S efficientl!I re' irement in 22.36" cla se 7.1.1 7T$ 1e*ice tri&&erin& w%en not attac%edI Remainin& re' irement in 22.36" cla se 7.1.3. $%ar&in& for si&nalin& and c%ar&in& related to 2t%e se of4 partic lar 7T$ Feat res and &ro p 2( lk4 c%ar&in&I re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.1.9. .ow mo(ilit! F optimiAe mo(ilit! mana&ement proced res per 58 (! e.&. c%an&in& fre' enc!I re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.1. Time controlled F allow@reEect access re' ests (ased on a pre+defined time inter*alI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.2 Time tolerant F restrict 58 access to t%e network e.&. for certain areas d rin& o*erloadI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.3 7o(ile ori&inated onl! F optimiAe mo(ilit! mana&ement proced res per 58 (! e.&. red cin& fre' enc!I re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.6 Infre' ent mo(ile terminated F optimiAe mo(ilit! mana&ement proced res per 58 (! e.&. red cin& fre' enc!I re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.7 Priorit! alarm sent from 58 in t%e e*ent of e.&. t%eftI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.0. .ocation+specific tri&&erI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.11 Infre' ent transmission F 58 to attac% to network and initiate connecti*it! onl! w%en t%ere is data to (e sentI re' irements in 22.36" cla se 7.2.13 7SIS1-+less 7,+S7SI re' irement in 22.161 cla se 291

Some of t%e a(o*e re' irements ma! (e partiall! alread! implemented, or ma! (e partiall! alread! (e worked pon. T%is will %a*e to (e taken into acco nt in a restr ct rin& of t%e rele*ant re' irements. A third o !ecti"e of t%is WI1 is to pro*ide t%e s al end of release maintenance to ens re t%at t%e final Rel+12 *ersion of t%e ser*ice re' irement specifications reflect w%at %as (een implemented in Sta&e 2. -o new ser*ice re' irements will (e added nder t%is WI1.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A012 2

+a e TR o# Se%urit2 aspe%ts of 1a%6i#eT2pe (o u#i%atio#s

!%ro#2 N,<-C

Resour%e S(

-i#is6 01J0(J201 4

(o p 1CN

:2perli#' S41(0(21

;A0;2 2

Se%urit2 a#" Priva%2 aspe%ts for 1a%6i#eT2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 2)



01J0(J201 4



+otes 2"s Rel-10 =,@94A002( 'Sec%rity for N,<-C). 2"s Rel-11 =,@948002C '-R on Sec%rity "spects of <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions). S4E;A "cti$ity tr"nsferred to Rel-12 Fe"t%re <-Ce S4EA2 exception in S41(0A;(

TSATR new -R ((.CAC

new -S ((.1C1

Supporting Companies: Sams n&, Intel, -okia Siemens -etwork, >eriAon, .; 8lectronics, ITRI, ? alcomm, CT$, 7ediaTek, $%ina 7o(ile, Telecom Italia, B11I, )mdocs, Panasonic, BP-, R niper, $)TT, Renesas, III, HT8, Interdi&ital, -8$, =lack=err!, )cision, BT, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Sierra Wireless, F Eits , TeliaSonera, )lcatel+ . cent, C awei, ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, )TDT, ,ran&e, -TT 1,$,7,, 7otorola 7o(ilit!
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 4C01(0 Syste* ,*pro$e*ents for <"c#ine -ype Co**%nic"tions O St" e 1 ;20021 Syste* ,*pro$e*ents for <"c#ine -ype Co**%nic"tions O St" e 2 +ature of relatio#s6ip -#is is t#e precedin 2, for Rel-11 4recedin 2, for Rel-11! see "lso -R 2(.CCC

Justification )rc%itect ral en%ancements to facilitate comm nications wit% packet data networks and applications were specified in TS 23.6"2 in Rel+11. Ser*ice Re' irements for 7ac%ine T!pe $omm nications were pro*ided in TS 22.36" and TS 22.161. In Rel+11 followin& work task were completed F Roamin& and non+roamin& )rc%itect re Reference 7odel for 7T$, -etwork elements, interfaces and proced res for 1e*ice Tri&&erin& feat re, S pport for 7SIS1-+less PS+onl! s (scription for 1e*ice Tri&&erin& and 7T+S7S, )ddressin& aspects, and S pport for PS+,nl! s (scription. 1 e to time constraints, sol tions to address se*eral ser*ice re' irements descri(ed in TS 22.36" and TS 22.161 were not specified in t%e Rel+11 timeframe. T%is WI will pro*ide sta&e+2 specification for t%e remainin& sta&e+1 re' irements. )lso maintenance of e<istin& sta&e+1 re' irements will (e done nder t%is work item. 8n%ancements for 7T$ ma! appl! for wider ran&e of mo(ile data applications. Standardisation work related to 7T$ is also on+&oin& in ot%er standardisation (odies 2e.&. 8TSI T$ 7274 on 727 ser*ice ena(lement. T%e work on ser*ice ena(lement will re' ire complementin& work in 3;PP t%at affect e<istin& 7T$ re' irements in t%e 3;PP s!stem and re' irements on t%e interfaces (etween t%e 3;PP s!stem and t%e 727 ser*ice ena(lement la!er. O !ecti"es: Stage # o !ecti"es of t%is work item are identified in two specific = ildin& =locks nder t%is WI1I + + S pport for interworkin& wit% 727 ser*ice ena(lement 27T$e+SI7S84 Ser*ice Re' irement 7aintenance 27T$e+SR74

Stage $ o !ecti"e to pro*ide sta&e+2 for re' irements identified in TS 22.36" and TS 22.161. T%e work will (e cond cted in separate ==s. 8ac% == is defined as separate WI1 and can come to concl sions independentl! re&ardin& normati*e work. )dditional ==s ma! (e added. Small 1ata and Tri&&erin& 8n%ancements 27T$e+S11T84 7onitorin& 8n%ancements 27T$e+7,-T84 58 Power $ons mptions ,ptimiAations 27T$e+58P$,P4 ;ro p (ased feat res 27T$e+;R,5P4



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Stage $ Security and &ri"acy o !ecti"e: to pro*ide sta&e 2 for re' irements identified in TS 22.36" and TS 22.161. F rt%er, S)3 s%all %a*e responsi(ilit! for t%e ==s listed a(o*e, as an assessor of t%e sec rit! implications and res ltin& re' ired c%an&es to tec%nical specifications, if an!. Work on&oin& in e<ternal standard (odies will (e considered as needed. Ser"ice Aspects: Ser*ices aspects will (e considered nder respecti*e ==s. Charging Aspects: )n! necessar! c%ar&in& aspects will (e ndertaken (! S)9 wit% s pport from S)2. Security Aspects: )n! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)3 wit% s pport from S)2.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A012 2 ;A0A2 2 ;A212 2

+a e EE1G S all 9ata a#" 9evi%e Tri44eri#4 *#6a#%e e#ts (S99T*) -R on St" e 2 ..1 St" e 2 for ..1

Resour%e S2 S2 S2

:2perli#' S4-1204;0 S4-1204;0 S4-1204;0

+otes S4EA2 St" e 2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.CC1$200 for Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pleted

TSATR new -R 2(.CC1 2(.AC2

Supporting Companies: Intel, -okia Siemens -etwork, >eriAon , Sierra Wireless, .; 8lectronics, ITRI, ? alcomm, 7ediaTek, CT$, =lack=err!, Sams n&, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, Telecom Italia, B11I, )mdocs, Panasonic, BP-, R niper, $)TT, )TDT, Renesas 7o(ile 8 rope, III, HT8, ,ran&e, Interdi&ital, -8$, )cision, BT, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, F Eits , TeliaSonera, C awei, -TT 1,$,7, Justification T%is WI addresses en%ancements to de*ice tri&&er to s pport f nctionalit! t%at was not f ll! specified in Rel+11 2For e.&. T9 (ased de*ice tri&&er and ot%er tri&&erin& efficienc! optimiAations4 and Small 1ata Transmission as per ser*ice re' irement defined in t%e cla se 7.2.9 of TS 22.36". T%is work will also address t%e o*er%eads and si&nallin& s r&e ca sed (! fre' ent transmissions of small amo nt of data (! mo(ile data application. It s%o ld (e noted t%at alt%o &% t%e ser*ice re' irements are moti*ated (! 7T$ t%e sol tions ma! appl! to normal 58s as well. O !ecti"es: to st d! and pro*ide sta&e+2 specification for t%e followin& itemsI

1e*ice tri&&erin& en%ancements incl din& T9 (ased de*ice tri&&er and ot%er tri&&erin& efficienc! optimiAations Small 1ata Transmissions as per t%e ser*ice re' irements defined in t%e cla se 7.2.9 of TS 22.36" 8fficient %andlin& of fre' ent small data transmission as per ser*ice re' irement defined in TS 22.161 cla se #.3.1

8<istin& work on small data comm nications s%all (e taken into acco nt (! S)2. For all sol tions wit% R)- or ;8R)- impacts, R)- or ;8R)- s%all %a*e t%e opport nit! to pro*ide an e*al ation of t%e sol tion proposed (! S)2. $oncl sions on t%ese sol tions m st t%erefore (e accepta(le to R)- or ;8R)-. Ser"ice Aspects: Ser*ices aspects will (e considered. Charging Aspects: )n! necessar! c%ar&in& aspects will (e ndertaken (! S)9 wit% s pport from S)2. Security Aspects: )n! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)3 wit% s pport from S)2.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A0(2 2 ;A1A2 2 ;A2(2 2 A2000 1 A2010 1 A2020 1 A20(0 1

+a e EE3G ,* Power (o#su ptio#s Opti i<atio#s (,*P(OP) -R on St" e 2 ..( St" e 2 for ..( St" e ( for ..( C-1 p"rt of St" e ( for ..( C-4 p"rt of St" e ( for ..( C-A p"rt of St" e ( for ..(

Resour%e S2 S2 C1!C4!CA C1 C4 CA

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 11J12J201 ( 11J12J201 ( 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4

(o p AAN 100N 100N 0N 0N 0N 0N

:2perli#' S4-120442 S4-120442 S4-120442 C4-1(0114 C4-1(0114 C4-1(0114 C4-1(0114

+otes S4EA2 St" e 2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.CC1$200 for Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pleted -

TSATR new -R 2(.CC1 2(.0A0! 2(.401! 2(.AC2 St" e ( 24.00C! 24.(01 28.214! 28.0A0! 2(.00C (1.101! (1.102! (1.111

Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Intel, ITRI, -S-, 7ediaTek, CT$, =lack=err! 5B .imited, ? alcomm, $%ina 7o(ile, Panasonic, ,ran&e, )lcatel+. cent, B11I, Renesas 7o(ile 8 rope .td., R niper -etworks, $)TT, .; 8lectronics, )mdocs, -okia, -8$, C awei, Cisilicon, F Eits , BT, HT8, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, TeliaSonera
,39 4C01(0 (orrespo#"i#4 sta4e 1 wor' ite Title St" e 1 for Syste* ,*pro$e*ents to <"c#ine -ype Co**%nic"tions TS -S 22.(AC 's%+-cl"%se 1.1.1)

Justification Power cons mption is important for 58s sin& (atter! and also for 58s sin& e<ternal power s ppl! its importance increases wit% t%e contin ed &rowt% of de*ice pop lations and more demandin& se cases. T%e importance can (e ill strated (! followin& scenarios, e.&.I + For 727 se cases like sensors t%at r n on (atter! it is a maEor cost to on site e<c%an&e 2or c%ar&e4 t%e (atteries for a lar&e amo nt of de*ices and t%e (atter! lifetime ma! e*en determine t%e de*iceUs lifetime if it is not foreseen to c%ar&e or replace t%e (atter!V From t%e wide ran&e of applications 2e.&. mo(ile data applications or 7T$ applications4 a considera(le n m(er of applications s%ow comm nication patterns for w%ic% t%e 3;PP s!stem co ld (e en%anced to pro*ide ser*ices wit% a more optimiAed 58 power cons mption e.&.I + + For mo(ile data applications t%e fre' ent comm nication wit% t%e network c rrentl! ca ses (atter! drainV and

8*en for scenarios w%ere 58s ma! cons me power from an e<ternal power s ppl! it ma! (e desira(le to cons me less power for ener&! efficienc! p rposes.

O !ecti"es: to st d! sol tion alternati*es and pro*ide sta&e+2 specifications forI + + ,ptimiAations to pre*ent (atter! drain 2t%at ma! come from e.&. fre' ent c%an&es (etween Idle and $onnected mode or too lon& periods in connected mode4V and .ower 58 Power $ons mption as per t%e ser*ice re' irements defined cla se in cla se 7.1.1 of TS 22.36".

If t%is work re' ires an! new or specific sol tion for small data transmission t%en it s%o ld not define an own sol tion ( t take ad*anta&e from an! common sol tion for small data transmission from t%e S11T8 ( ildin& (lock. Work in R)-@;8R)- and co+operation wit% R)- and ;8R)- W;s s%all (e considered. For all sol tions R)- and ;8R)- s%all %a*e t%e opport nit! to pro*ide an e*al ation. $oncl sions on t%ese sol tions m st t%erefore (e accepta(le to R)- and ;8R)-. For different se cases t%e comm nication c%aracteristics ma! *ar! from infre' ent to fre' ent. T%e work s%o ld co*er all t%e different se cases.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2004 ( A2014 (

+a e R!+ e#6a#%e e#ts for 1a%6i#eT2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s Core p"rt

!%ro#2 <-CeRAN <-CeRAN-Core

Resour%e R2!R( R2!R(

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4

(o p 0N 0N

:2perli#' R41(20;( R41(20;(

TSATR =-RA! 6-B 2;.(04! 2;.((1! 2;.41(! (A.1((! (A.(00! (A.(04! (A.((1! (A.41(

Supporting %' name: HT8) )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, =roadcom, $)TR, $)TT, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, $%ina 7o(ile, Intel, Interdi&ital, B11I, .; 8lectronics, -8$, ,ran&e, ? alcomm, Son!, TeliaSonera, >eriAon
Pare#t -eature (or Stu"2 3te ) ,39 Title ;A002 <"c#ine -ype "nd ot#er *o+ile d"t" "pplic"tions Co**%nic"tions Bn#"nce*ents '<-Ce) 2 ;800( St%dy on Bn#"nce*ents to <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions '<-C) "nd ot#er <o+ile @"t" Applic"tions0 2 R"dio Access Networ3 'RAN) "spects 'FS9<-Ce9RAN) TS -R 2(.CC1 -R (1.CA8

(orrespo#"i#4 sta4e 1 wor' ite ,39 Title 4C00(0 Syste* ,*pro$e*ents for <"c#ine -ype Co**%nic"tions O St" e 1 'S,<-C)

TS 4recedin 2, for Rel-11! -R 2(.CCC

Justification S)2 is workin& on a Rel+12 feat re le*el 2 m(rella4 WI1 on N7ac%ine+T!pe and ot%er mo(ile data applications $omm nications 8n%ancementsO and related ( ildin& (lock WI1s to pro*ide sta&e+2 specification for t%e sta&e+1 Ser*ice Re' irements for 7ac%ine T!pe $omm nications defined in TS 22.36" and TS 22.161 t%at were not addressed in Rel+11 d e to lack of time. R)- impacts were alread! identified in t%e S)2 WI1s, and specificall! for t%e ( ildin& (lock WI1s on Small 1ata and 1e*ice Tri&&erin& 8n%ancements 2S11T84 and 58 Power $ons mptions ,ptimiAations 258P$,P4. ) Feasi(ilit! St d! on MR)- aspects of 7ac%ine+T!pe and ot%er 7o(ile 1ata )pplications $omm nications 8n%ancementsM 2FS37T$e3R)-4 %as also (een cond cted in R)-, w%ere sol tions %a*e (een anal!Aed and concl sions and recommendations for f rt%er work %a*e (een drawn. Re&ardin& power cons mption aspects, optimiAations are needed especiall! in t%e followin& scenarioI + For 727 se cases like sensors t%at r n on (atter! it is a maEor cost to on site e<c%an&e 2or c%ar&e4 t%e (atteries for a lar&e amo nt of de*ices and t%e (atter! lifetime ma! e*en determine t%e de*iceUs lifetime if it is not foreseen to c%ar&e or replace t%e (atter!. )nd e*en for scenarios w%ere 58s ma! cons me power from an e<ternal power s ppl! it ma! (e desira(le to cons me less power for ener&! efficienc! p rposes.

Re&ardin& small data transmissions, optimiAations are needed to red ce t%e si&nallin& ind ced to t%e $- $+plane 2S;S-@7784 and on t%e radio interface d e to t%e fre' ent connected@idle transitions. T%erefore t%e introd ction of some assistance information a(o t t%e 58 and its traffic t!pe@pattern wo ld (e (eneficial to R)- nodes, e.&. to determine a s ita(le RR$ connection %andlin&, as well as 1R: and 5. control c%annel confi& ration, or to ena(le a fast RR$ connection release for 58s w%ic% transmit *er! infre' entl!. O !ecti"es: specification of R)- en%ancements for 7ac%ine+T!pe and ot%er mo(ile data applications $omm nications. It co*ers t%e followin& work tasksI c. d. R)-2 and R)-3 specifications $onformance testin& in R)-9 specifications 2to follow4

In ?1@261# R)-2 is e<pected to work onl! on t%e second o(Eecti*e 2for Si&nallin& ,*er%ead Red ction4 to pro*ide inp t to R)-3, w%ic% is t%en e<pected to finaliAe t%e normati*e work in ?2@261#, if needed. R)-2 is e<pected to work on t%e first o(Eecti*e 2for 58 Power $ons mption ,ptimiAations4 in ?2@261#. O !ecti"es Core: to identif! mec%anisms t%at en%ance t%e a(ilit! of t%e R)- to %andle traffic profiles comprisin& transfers of small amo nts of data, &enerated (! (ot% mac%ine+t!pe and non+mac%ine+t!pe de*ices and applications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

8n%ancements will (e in*esti&ated for impro*in& (ot% si&nallin& efficienc! and 58 power cons mptionI + For 58 Power $ons mption ,ptimiAationsI o )s a&reed in t%e S)2 Work Item, a new NPower sa*in& stateO will (e introd ced in t%e -)S la!er and t%is new state ma! impact 58 )S (e%a*io r and t%en affect R)-2 specification. 5nder t%is WI, R)-2 specification2s4 will (e en%anced to ali&n wit% $T1 concl sion.

For Si&nallin& ,*er%ead Red ctionI

For (ot% .T8 and 57TS, e*al ation of t%e need and, if so, introd ction of assistance information a(o t t%e 58 and its traffic t!pe@pattern, wit% t%e &oal to %elp R)- nodes to confi& re t%e RR$ connection accordin&l!, e.&. increase t%e RR$ inacti*it! timer and keep t%e 58 in connected mode w%en it is detected t%at it performs fre' ent transmission of small data or, con*ersel!, to ena(le a fast RR$ connection release for 58s w%ic% transmit *er! infre' entl!. )s part of t%e Work Item it s%all (e decided w%et%er t%e information s%o ld ori&inate from t%e $- 2e.&. (ased on t%e knowled&e of t%e 58 t!pe, statistics collected e.&. at t%e P;W and@or s (scription information4 or from t%e e-=@R-$. R)-2 is e<pected to a&ree on t%e need and details of t%e re' ired assistance information and t%en liaise wit% R)-3 2and S)2@$T#4 to finaliAe t%e normati*e work, if needed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;100( 1 ;A012 4 ;A022 4 58032 4 58042 4 58052 4 58082 4

4olicy "nd C#"r in Control for s%pportin fixed +ro"d+"nd "ccess networ3s '44C) =,@9;A0024
!%ro#2 44C-F<C 44C-F Resour%e S1 S2,S5,C3,C1,C 4 S2 &3Arapporteur &%"wei &%"wei +otes S4E;1 co*pleted +a e Stage 1 for Policy and Charging Support for Fixed Mobile Convergence BB1: Policy and Charging Control for supporting traffic from fixed terminals and S!" # on Seamless !$% "ffload& traffic from '(PP )*s in fixed broadband access net+or,s #P-C.F& BB/: Policy and Charging Control for '(PP )*s connected to BroadBand Forum access net+or, as 0rusted net+or, in 1nter+or,ing scenario #P-C. 01& Deleted - BB3: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UE connected to fi!ed "road"and acce net#or$ %ia S2" and S2c reference &oint for EPC ro'ted traffic (P4C-S2"c) Deleted - BB4: Policy and Charging Control for EPC ro'ted traffic o%er fi!ed "road"and acce net#or$ of 3GPP UE connected %ia /(e)0B in con%ergent cenario (P4C-/e0B) Deleted - BB5: Policy and Charging Control for '&&orting 1ayer 2 traffic in fi!ed "road"and acce net#or$ (P4C-212) Deleted - BB3: Policy and Charging Control for 3GPP UE connected to fi!ed "road"and acce net#or$ %ia S2a reference &oint for EPC ro'ted traffic in con%ergence (P4C-4C)






SP*5+ to&&ed (at ,co.&letion) SP*5+ to&&ed (at ,co.&letion) SP*5+ to&&ed (at ,co.&letion) SP*5+ to&&ed (at 3,co.&letion)




P4(--B2 P4(-T(

S2 S2

:uawei $T*

S&758 stopped 993 to 99:. Sp,it 99# and 99$ into +R and Stage $ -or. Supporting Companies: C awei, )lcatel+. cent, ,penet Telecom, Telecom Italia, $%ina 7o(ile, HT8, )TDT, $)TT, B11I, R niper -etworks, Cisilicon, >eriAon Wireless, 8ricsson
,39 ;100(1 +a e Sta4e 1 for Poli%2 a#" (6ar4i#4 Support for -iDe" 1o5ile (o#ver4e#%e !%ro#2 44CF<C Resour%e S1 :2perli#' S4120;42 +otes S4E;1 co*pleted TS 22.21C

Supporting Companies:

C awei, Telecom Italia, )lcatel+. cent, $%ina 7o(ile, HT8, B11I, Cisilicon, 8ricsson, F Eits

Justification: T%e colla(orati*e work (etween 3;PP and ==F res lted in Rel+11 in t%e work on 3;PP@==F interworkin&, namel! ==)I ==1 and ==2 for 8P$ ro ted and -on Seamless W.)- ,ffloaded 2-SW,4 traffic.
==F %as also appro*ed t%e work item to identif! t%e re' irements, t%e impacts, t%e &eneral and nodal re' irements in t%e ==F network to s pport a con*er&ed polic! and c%ar&in& arc%itect re (ased on 3;PP Polic! $ontrol and $%ar&in& 2P$$4.

3;PP P$$ %as (een a standard framework since Rel+7 to pro*ide ?oS and $%ar&in& control for 3;PP 58s connectin& to 8P$ *ia different accesses 25TR)-, ;8R)-, 85TR)-, CRP14 and %as also (een adopted for some ot%er S1, as a framework to pro*ide polic! control for non 3;PP 58s 23;PP24. 3;PP P$$ %as contin o sl! e*ol*ed to satisf! t%e new market demands and se cases. In a sin&le operator scenario wit% (ot% t%e wireless and fi<ed access, e<tension of P$$ framework for s pportin& fi<ed se case scenarios, is seen as a (enefit to pro*ide a cost effecti*e sol tion t%at caters for t%e &rowin& se of s (scri(er traffic and applications. -etwork operators ownin& (ot% fi<ed and mo(ile accesses are lookin& for con*er&ed sol tions (ased on 3;PP P$$ arc%itect re, t%at %elp red cin& $)P8: and ,P8: e<pendit res w%ilst in addition pro*ide a framework to address t%e e*ol tion of new ser*ices. T%e sta&e 2 st d! for con*er&ence and t%e s (se' ent normati*e work were not completed in Rel+11 and t%is work %as (een mo*ed to Rel+12. Cowe*er, t%e sta&e 1 re' irements for con*er&ence are alread! defined in TS 22.27" Rel+12. O !ecti"e: to ens re t%at t%e sta&e 1 re' irements for t%e 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem 28PS4 to facilitate polic! and c%ar&in& control in t%e fi<ed (road(and access network in t%e con*er&ent scenario w%ere a sin&le operator is deplo!in&



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

(ot% t%e fi<ed (road(and access network and t%e 8*ol*ed Packet $ore 28P$4 t%at were defined in TS 22.27" in Rel+11 are specified in Rel+12. T%is work item addresses polic! and c%ar&in& control forI
Traffic to@from fi<ed de*ices connected to t%e fi<ed (road(and access network 2e.&. P$, IPT> Set top =o<4. Traffic e<c%an&ed (! 3;PP 58s connected *ia W.)- 28P$ ro ted and -on+seamless W.)- offloaded4 or C2e4-= .

Charging Aspects: Security Aspects:

)n! necessar! c%ar&in& anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)2 and S)9. )n! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)3 wit% s pport from S)2.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A012 4 ;A012 4 ;A212 4 A1001 2 A1011 2 A2000 8 A2001 0

+a e EE1G P4(--R on St" e 2 for ..1 St" e 2 for ..1 St" e ( for ..1 C-( p"rt of St" e ( for ..1 C-1 p"rt of St" e ( for ..1 C-4 p"rt of St" e ( for ..1

Resour%e S2 S2 C(!C1!C4 C( C1 C4

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 11J12J201 ( 11J12J201 ( 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4

(o p AAN 100N 100N ;0N A0N C;N 0N

:2perli#' S412021; S412021; S412021; C41(011A C41(011A C41(011A C41(011A

+otes S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;A4FGC4-1(011A '"dded C-1! C-4 p"rts) C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;A4FGC4-1(011A '"dded C-1! C-4 p"rts) C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;A4FGC4-1(011A '"dded C-1! C-4 p"rts)

TSATR new -R 2(.C8A 2(.1(8! 2(.20( 28.212! 28.21(! 28.21;! 28.218 28.212! 28.21(! 28.21;! 28.218 24.(02 28.21(

)12 3,,,4 2 3,,,4 3

+a e 4CBF +"sed C#"r in for tr"ffic fro* fixed ter*in"ls "nd NS25 tr"ffic fro* (I44 =Bs in fixed +ro"d+"nd "ccess networ3s 'St" e 2J() -@F +"sed C#"r in for tr"ffic fro* fixed ter*in"ls "nd NS25 tr"ffic fro* (I44 =Bs in fixed +ro"d+"nd "ccess networ3s 'St" e 2J()

!( S5 S5

Finish 1+5,352,1 4 1+5,352,1 4

Comp 40N ;0N

3yperlin, SP13,231 SP13,232

!14rapporteur 6lcatel-1'cent 9&enet 4eleco.

0S40R 32724,, 327251, 32728+, 327288 32724,, 327251, 32728+, 327288

"rgani5atio n BB2 BB2

2ocument BB2 :4-134 BB2 :4-143

Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts (if a#2) Remar,s 4hi doc'.ent define the &olicy control fra.e#or$ for Broad"and acce net#or$ and it er%e a one "a i for 3GPP #or$ on inter#or$ing and e!ten ion of PCC for '&&orting con%ergence 4hi doc'.ent define the '&&ort of E6P a'thentication on Broad"and 2or'. acce net#or$7 ;t al o define ho# to create, .odify and ter.inate ;P e ion and to &ro%ide &olicie for tho e ;P e ion 7

Justification: In case a sin&le operator owns (ot% t%e 8P$ and fi<ed (road(and accesses, e<tension of P$$ framework for s pportin& fi<ed se case scenarios is seen as a (enefit to pro*ide a cost effecti*e sol tion t%at caters for t%e &rowin& se of s (scri(er traffic and applications. -etwork operators ownin& (ot% fi<ed and mo(ile accesses are lookin& for con*er&ed sol tions (ased on 3;PP P$$ arc%itect re a*oidin& t%e deplo!ment of additional polic! ser*ers. T%is is e<pected to red ce t%e cost of owners%ip of t%e network ena(lin& t%e sa&e of a sin&le polic! framework to address t%e e*ol tion of new ser*ices. F rt%ermore -on Seamless W.)- ,ffload 2-SW,4 for 3;PP 58s is s pported in t%e interworkin& scenario, as specified in TS 23.130 and TS 23.263 )nne< P. )s is t%e case for t%e traffic from fi<ed de*ices, -SW, traffic does not need to (e ro ted t%ro &% t%e 8P$. 1 e to t%is commonalit!, polic! and c%ar&in& control in t%e con*er&ent scenario is addressed in t%is == for (ot% -SW, and fi<ed de*ices connected to t%e fi<ed (road(and access. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide sta&e 2 specifications to s pport polic! and c%ar&in& control in t%e fi<ed (road(and access in t%e con*er&ent scenario w%ere a sin&le operator is deplo!in& (ot% t%e fi<ed (road(and access and t%e 8*ol*ed Packet $ore 28P$4. T%e scope of t%e == is to consider t%e con*er&ent scenario w%ere t%e P$RF controls directl! t%e network element2s4 in t%e fi<ed (road(and access wit%o t t%e mediation of a different polic! ser*er, s c% as t%e =P$F defined in TS 23.130. T%e work in t%is == will (e carried o t takin& t%e fi<ed (road(and accesses as specified (! =road=and For m as a reference. )n!wa! t%at is not e<pected to precl de t%e applica(ilit! of t%e sol tions de*eloped in t%e == to ot%er t!pes of fi<ed (road(and accesses. T%is == will foc s on polic! and c%ar&in& control forI + Traffic to@from fi<ed de*ices. + -SW, traffic e<c%an&ed (! 3;PP 58s connected to t%e fi<ed (road(and access *ia W.)-. -,T8I 1eterminin& t%e definition of fi<ed de*ice is wit%in t%e scope of t%is ==. Specific o(Eecti*es of t%is == are to st d! and defineI + T%e reference arc%itect re for polic! and c%ar&in& control in t%e con*er&ent scenario.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

+ + +

)n! re' ired en%ancements for 3;PP P$$ to s pport t%e enforcement of ?oS policies for IP traffic e<c%an&ed (! fi<ed de*ices in t%e fi<ed (road(and access. )n! re' ired en%ancements to 3;PP P$$ to s pport t%e enforcement of ?oS policies -SW, traffic e<c%an&ed (! 3;PP 58s connected to t%e fi<ed (road(and access *ia W.)-. )rc%itect re and re' irements to pro*ide c%ar&in& for traffic e<c%an&ed (! fi<ed de*ices and -SW, traffic to@from 3;PP 58s in t%e followin& scenariosI o o o 3;PP P$$+ ;!@;A (ased c%ar&in& wit% P$8F located in t%e fi<ed (road(and access networkV Traffic 1etection F nction 2T1F4+(ased c%ar&in&V )))+(ased c%ar&in&, as alread! specified for interworkin& scenarios.

+ +

T%e s (scription information for fi<ed de*ices 2e.&. identifiers, ma<im m s (scri(ed (it rate, etc.4 re' ired for polic! and c%ar&in& control. T%e sa&e of t%e SPR or 51R to store polic! related s (scription information for fi<ed de*ices.

In t%is == onl! polic! and c%ar&in& control for IP sessions will (e considered, w%ile polic! control and c%ar&in& for .a!er 2 >P-s will (e considered in P#$3F.2. Polic! control will address (ot% d!namic and pre+pro*isioned policies in t%e =-;. -,T8I T%e identification of fi<ed de*ice and@or fi<ed access session (etween t%e R; and t%e =-; for t%e p rpose of polic! and c%ar&in& control of t%e fi<ed (road(and access in t%e P$$ arc%itect re is an inp t e<pected from ==F to (e assessed considerin& t%e e<istin& 3;PP s!stem identifiers

)fter t%e completion of t%e st d! it will (e decided, (ased on t%e res lts ac%ie*ed, w%et%er to directl! mo*e to t%e normati*e work for t%e == or to wait for t%e completion of one or more of ot%er ==s t%at are part of t%e P#$ feat re. T%e acti*ities performed nder t%is == will consider t%e res lts of ot%er ==s t%at are part of t%e P#$ feat res if needed. T%is work will take into acco nt t%e work carried o t in e<ternal tec%nical (odies as deemed appropriate, and rele*ant liaisons will (e e<c%an&ed in order to assess 3;PP pro&ress. Primar! comm nication will take place wit% =road=and For m. F nctional ass mptions impactin& entities in t%e fi<ed (road(and access will (e *erified wit% =road=and For m. T%e reference arc%itect re will (e *erified wit% =road=and For m (efore (ein& capt red in normati*e 3;PP specifications. Charging Aspects: T%e c%ar&in& arc%itect re will (e st died and defined (! S)2 wit% respect to t%e reference points for interworkin& wit% t%e c%ar&in& s!stems 2,$S, ,F$S4 and t%eir &eneral f nctionalit!. Inp t and *alidation of t%e S)2 ass mptions will (e re' ested from S)9. S)9 is responsi(le for t%e correspondin& sta&e 3 work for t%ese reference points. Security Aspects: )n! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)3 wit% s pport from S)2. It is ass med t%at t%e a t%entication proced re for t%e fi<ed de*ices in a ==F access network is performed accordin& to =road=and For m specifications and is t%erefore considered o t of t%e scope of 3;PP.
,39 ;A022 4 ;A0C2 4 ;A222 4 +a e EE2G P4(-T3 -R on St" e 2 for ..2 St" e 2 for ..2 :2perli#' S4-120444 S4-120444 S4-120444 &3Arapporteur Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent +otes S4EA0 co*pleted. -R 2(.C(8 for Appro$"l S4EA0 co*pleted. TSsATRs new -R 2(.C(8 2(.1(8! 2(.20(

Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts (if a#2) Or4a 9o%u e#t Re ar's BB2 BB2 :4-2,3 :4-2,3 er%e a "a i for 3GPP Stage-1 and Stage-2 #or$ related to inter#or$ing cenario de cri"ed in thi :;D7 BB2 BB2 :4-134 Policy control fra.e#or$ for Broad"and acce net#or$ and it er%e a one "a i for 3GPP #or$ on inter#or$ing BB2 BB2 :4-143 4hi incl'de definition of '&&ort of E6P-"a ed a'thentication in fi!ed "road"and acce net#or$7

Justification: T%e 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem is meant to accommodate traffic ori&inated (! 3;PP 58 terminals connected to fi<ed (road(and access networks actin& as a Tr sted W.)- )ccess -etwork 2TW)-4 per t%e arc%itect re of 3&pp TS 23.#62 Y16 and w%ose traffic ma! (e eit%er ro ted to t%e 8P$, *ia S2a, or off+loaded at t%e fi<ed access &atewa!. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide sta&e 2 specifications to perform polic! and c%ar&in& control 2(ot% ?oS mana&ement and acco ntin&@c%ar&in&4 for 3;PP 58 accessin& operator ser*ices w%en traffic is 8P$ ro ted to P1- ;W sin& S2a from



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

a Tr sted W.)- )ccess -etwork 2TW)-4 %osted (! a ==F (ased network. T%e work is to address interworkin& scenarios w%ere t%e ==F network and t%e 8P$ are operated (! different administrati*e entities T%e Work will consider t%e arc%itect re defined in TS 23.#62 $la se 16. =ot% ;TP and P7IP protocol *ariants for S2a will (e considered -,T8 1I Sol tions to pro*ide ?oS in t%e interface (etween t%e 58 and t%e R; are o t of scope. -,T8 2I T%e sol tion for 7odified 58 and wit%o t Rel+11 limitation 2Sa7,;3W.)- p%ase 24 is not considered wit%in t%e scope of t%is == release. T%e scope of t%e == is to st d! w%et%er en%ancements of 3;PP P$$ and@or of 3;PP+==F interfaces carr!in& ?oS related parameters are needed in order to s pport re' ests for reso rce allocation and ?oS enforcement in t%e ==F access network for a 3;PP 58 sin& S)7,; and to define t%ese en%ancements. T%e work in t%is == will (e carried o t takin& t%e fi<ed (road(and accesses as specified (! =road=and For m as a reference. )n!wa! t%at is not e<pected to precl de t%e applica(ilit! of t%e sol tions de*eloped in t%e == to ot%er t!pes of fi<ed (road(and accesses. )fter t%e completion of t%e st d! it will (e decided w%et%er to mo*e to normati*e work for t%e == directl! or to wait for t%e completion of one or more ot%er ==s formin& part of t%e P#$ feat re. T%e acti*ities performed in t%is == will consider t%e res lt of ==s part of t%e P#$ feat res if needed. F rt%ermore t%e specification prod ced as o tp t of concl ded ==s formin& part of t%e P#$ feat res ma! (e en%anced accordin& to t%e res lts of t%is ==. T%is work will take into acco nt t%e work carried o t in e<ternal tec%nical (odies as deemed appropriate, and rele*ant liaisons will (e e<c%an&ed in order to assess 3;PP pro&ress. Primar! comm nication will take place wit% =road=and For m. F nctional ass mptions impactin& entities in t%e fi<ed (road(and access will (e *erified wit% =road=and For m. T%e reference arc%itect re will (e *erified wit% =road=and For m (efore (ein& capt red in normati*e 3;PP specifications. Charging Aspects: )s traffic is 8P$ ro ted, ser c%ar&in& is performed in 3;PP 8P$ . S pport of Inter+operator acco ntin& (! t%e TW)- is o t of scope of t%e present WI1. $%ar&in& aspects for 8P$ access *ia a TW)- are t% s a(o t definin&I o o w%et%er an! ser c%ar&in& related information is missin& t%at needs to (e transferred to P1- ;W@,$S@,F$SV a sol tion to pro*ide t%e 8P$ 2i.e. P1- ;W4 wit% t%e necessar! ser c%ar&in& related information.

S)9 is responsi(le for t%e sta&e 3 work for t%e c%ar&in& related reference points. Security Aspects: )n! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis will (e ndertaken (! S)3 wit% s pport from S)2.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A0(2 ; ;A012 ; ;A022 ; A1000 1

,<S .%siness -r%n3in for ,4-4.> in St"tic <ode of 5per"tion '.%s-,) =,@9;A002;
Resour%e S1 S2!S1 S2 C1!C( -i#is6 12J08J201 2 18J0AJ201 ( 18J0AJ201 ( 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 100N 100N 100N 1;N :2perli#' S4-120CA2 S4-120CA2 S4-120CA2 C4-1(041A +otes S4E;1 co*pleted S4EA0 co*pleted S4EA0 co*pleted TSATR 22.22C new -R 2(.C81 2(.22C +a e Sta4e 1 TR Sta4e 2 (T aspe%ts (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies:

1e tsc%e Telekom, =el&acom, $%ina 7o(ile, BP-, Telecom Italia, >eriAon, >odafone
+ature of relatio#s6ip -#is 2, defines " eneric fr"*ewor3 for interconnectin wit# "ny type of ,<S +"sed networ3 incl%din ,4-4.>s

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 4100; Rel-11 Fe"t%re 1 Ad$"nced ,4 ,nterconnection of Ser$ices ',4>S)

Justification; )ccordin& to t%e = siness $omm nication Re' irements in 8TSI TS 1"1 610 as a part of $ommon I7S re' irements, t%e I7S needs to (e a(le to connect wit% -e<t ;eneration $orporate -etworks 2-;$-4, also known as IP+P=:s. 7arket re*iews %a*e confirmed t%ere will e<ist implementations of t%e SIPconnect specifications recentl! released (! t%e SIP For m w%ic% will not se re&istration proced res to connect wit% t%e I7S. ) re' irement e<ists t%erefore for t%e I7S to (e a(le to %andle static connections to IP+P=:s 2static mode of operation also known as peerin& (ased ( siness tr nkin&4. O !ecti"es: to define a t%e necessar! f nctionalit! t%at ena(les t%e I7S to recei*e traffic from and send traffic to t%e IP+P=:s operatin& in t%e static mode as well as to mana&e s c% IP+P=:s in t%e I7S network in a scala(le wa!. S)2 will de*elop a feasi(ilit! st d! in order to assess possi(le alternati*es for t%e realiAation of inte&ratin& t%e implementation of IP+P=: w%ere t%e I7S re&istration proced res are not sed to connect wit% t%e I7S 2Static mode of operation4 w%ile still allowin& t%e I7S to %andle sessions from and to t%e IP+P=: as well as e<ec tin& polic! f nctions. Potential s!ner&ies wit% ot%er work items c rrentl! acti*e in 3;PP in t%e area of IP+P=:s 2see section 2.24 will also (e considered. Ser"ice Aspects: Security Aspects:
,39 A10001 A10101 A10201

T%is work item will allow t%e I7S to connect to IP+P=:s t%at operate in static mode Sec rit! aspects will (e in*esti&ated
-i#is6 0AJ0(J2014 0AJ0(J2014 0AJ0(J2014 (o p 1;N (0N 0N :2perli#' C4-1(041A C4-1(041A C4-1(041A +otes TSATR St" e ( 2(.21C! 24.228 28.1A;

+a e (T aspe%ts (Sta4e 3) C-1 p"rt 'St" e () C-( p"rt 'St" e ()


)t SPG66, S)2 %a*e a&reed $Rs to pdate TS 23.22" to add t%e s pport for IP+P=:s in static mode.

T%e s pport for ( siness tr nkin& in static mode is pro*ided (! eit%er an I=$F or a P+$S$F. In static mode, an IP+P=: can (e pro*isioned as a s (scri(er in t%e CSS, ( t cannot re&ister. T%e IP+P=: identit! assertion and t%e ro tin& of terminatin& sessions are performed (! )pplication Ser*er2s4. T%e arc%itect re for s pport of IP+P=: in static mode of operation allows for two different deplo!ment alternati*es, w%ic% can (ot% (e sed sim ltaneo sl! in an I7S networkI T%e )pplication Ser*er2s4 %ostin& t%ese f nctionalities are in*oked (! t%e S+$S$F (ased on Initial Filter $riteria contained in t%e nre&ister part of t%e IP+P=:Ps s (scri(er profile, retrie*ed from t%e CSS. T%e )pplication Ser*er2s4 %ostin& t%ese f nctionalities are in*oked (! t%e Transit F nction (ased on transit in*ocation criteria, w%ic% need to (e pro*isioned in t%e Transit F nction. O !ecti"es: for (ot% different deplo!ment alternati*es.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

to specif! t%e sta&e 3 I7S proced res for IP+P=: in static mode of operation and to reflect t%e s pport of t%e arc%itect re as doc mented in TS 23.22" on sta&e 3 le*el



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A012 A ;A022 A ;C00; ; A2000 ;

26AN Networ3 Selection for (I44 -er*in"ls '26AN9NS) =,@9;A002A

Resour%e S2!S1 S2 S( C1 -i#is6 11J12J201 ( 11J12J201 ( 01J0(J201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 100N 100N C0N 2;N :2perli#' S4120C41 S4120C41 S4120C41 C41(0112 +otes S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14. S4EA2 exception to 0(J14 in S4-1(0A;1 <odify AN@SF <5 to incl%de -S 2(.402 types of infor*"tion. @efine: 1) selection proced%re for "cti$e AN@SF r%le! 2) =B +e#"$io%r on inter"ction +etween different AN@SF policies TSATR new -R 2(.CA; 2(.402! 2(.CA; new -R ((.CA; 24.(02! 24.(12 +a e TR o# Sta4e 2 Sta4e 2 TR o# Se%urit2 (T aspe%ts (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies: Intel, ? alcomm, C awei, )TDT, $isco, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, HT8, $%ina 7o(ile, ,ran&e, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, )lcatel . cent, -okia, -S-, =lack=err!, Panasonic, $)TT, CT$, Teliasonera, >odafone, 7ediatek, R niper -etworks, .; 8lectronics, ITRI, =roadcom, B11I, -8$, >eriAon, Telecom Italia Justification T%e ;S7) and W=) %a*e (een workin& to&et%er to ena(le networks and terminals to s pport t%e W.)- Roamin& capa(ilit!. T%is will ena(le terminals to connect to (ot% macro+cell lar and W.)- networks wit% minimal confi& ration, and wit% inte&ration (etween networks for p rpose of s (scription mana&ement and c%ar&in&. T%e ;S7) and W=) %a*e sent .S 2SP+1266634 to 3;PP w%ic% identifies areas w%ere work needs to (e done (! 3;PP and@or WF) 2Wi+Fi )lliance4 to ena(le W.)- Roamin&. Please also refer to .S 2S2+1212114 sent from S) in t%is re&ard. T%e Cotspot 2.6 sol tion de*eloped (! WF) ( ilds on t%e arc%itect re and set of protocols defined (! I888 "62.11 and de*elops ke! capa(ilities for network disco*er! and selection of W.)- terminals (ased on t%e )-?P 2)ccess -etwork ? er! Protocol4 defined in I888 "62.11 . T%e Wi+Fi )lliance is workin& on a certification pro&ram t%at impro*es W.)- %otspot disco*er!, network selection, and sec rit!. T%e pro&ram le*era&es t%e )-?P protocol t%at is part of I888 "62.11 2or I888 "62.11+26124 as well as WP)2 8nterprise sec rit! 2incl des 8)P a t%entication o*er I888 "62.1:4. 3;PP alread! %as some s pport for I888 "62.11 , ;)S 2;eneric )d*ertisement Ser*ice4 and )-?P for I+W.)- as per TS 2#.23#. )s Cotspot 2.6 also deals wit% network selection, t%ere is a need to anal!se %ow a 58 can interact wit% network selection framework of I+W.)-, Cotspot 2.6 and )-1SF and specif! a consistent proced re for W.)network selection. O !ecti"es: to e*al ate and if needed en%ance e<istin& 3;PP sol tions for network selection for W.)- networks takin& into acco nt WF) Cotspot 2.6 sol tions. T%e proposed work is (ased on e<istin& TS 23.#62 arc%itect res. 3;PP operatorUs policies for W.)- network selection will (e pro*isioned on 3;PP terminals *ia pre+confi& ration or sin& t%e )-1SF. Specificall! t%e o(Eecti*es s%all incl deI 1. 8*al ate e<istin& 3;PP W.)- P.7- and access network selection proced res for 3;PP terminals w%ic% se Cotspot 2.6 proced res and pro*isioned network operator polic! 2e.&. mec%anisms (ased on W.)- and )-1SF4 for an! needed c%an&es to c rrent specifications. T%is ma! re' ire en%ancements to t%e )-1SF framework. T%e esta(lis%ed 3;PP P.7- network selection 2per TS 23.1224 s%all not (e impacted. T%e work m st ens re t%ere are no conflicts (etween e<istin& 3;PP P.7- network selection and t%e 3;PP W.)- P.7- access network selection proced res defined (! t%is WI1. 8ns re t%at t%e content in t%e 7ana&ement ,(Eect related to 3;PP operator polic! pro*isionin& for W.)network selection proced res and t%e operator polic! pro*isionin& in WF) 7, for W.)- network selection are consistent. Identif! sol tions to resol*e potential conflicts (etween policies pro*ided (! non+3;PP pro*iders *ia Cotspot 2.6 mec%anisms and policies pro*ided (! 3;PP operators sin& )-1SF.



T%is work applies to non+seamless W.)- offload as well as to tr sted and ntr sted W.)- access to 8P$ wit%@wit%o t seamless offload.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

) TR will (e de*eloped as part of t%is WI. =ased on t%e tec%nical anal!sis, sta&e 1 re' irements ma! need to (e addressed 2e.&. W.)- P.7- selection criteria4. )n! needed en%ancements@ pdates to 3;PP f nctions and interfaces will (e identified and specified. Charging Aspects: )n! necessar! en%ancements will need to (e considered (! S)9. Security Aspects: S)3 works on sec rit! impacts of ke! iss es and sol tions of S)2Us specifications, identif! potential conflicts (etween sec rit! mec%anisms pro*ided (! non+3;PP pro*iders *ia Cotspot 2.6 and sec rit! mec%anisms pro*ided (! 3;PP operators, define sec rit! sol tions if needed, and identif! possi(le impacts to t%e c rrent a t%entication met%od of non+seamless W.)- offload.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1012 C ;C00; A A0001 A

,<S Re istr"tion Control ',<S9Re Con) =,@9;1002C

S1,S2, $1,$#
Resour%e S1 S2 C1!C4 :2perli#' S4-1201(; S4-1201(; C41(0211 +otes S4E;1 co*pleted S4EA2 stopped "t ;0N co*pletion S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) TSATR 22.22C 2(.22C St" e 2J( +a e 9elete" - Sta4e 1 9elete" - Sta4e 2 9elete" - (T aspe%ts

Supporting Companies:

$%ina 7o(ile, C awei, HT8, BP-

Specif! for fi<ed line t%e re' irement of controllin& ser re&istration to I7S (ased on network information related to ser location 2e.&. IP address, 1S.)7 information4 Justification: In le&ac! PST- fi<ed p%one ser*ices, it is implied t%at t%e fi<ed line p%one s%o ld onl! (e sed in specific location, restricted (! p%!sical line connection. W%en commerciall! la nc%in& I7S ser*ices, t%ere are similar re' irements to control ser re&istrations (ased on network information w%ic% is related to 58 location 2e.&. IP address, 1S.)7 information, etc4, e.&. restrictin& ser re&istration wit%in certain locations.Some e<ample scenarios for t%e re' irement areI 1. Some enterprise c stomers %ope t%at t%e! can restrict t%eir emplo!ees to se fi<ed SIP p%ones onl! in office, like sin& le&ac! P,TS terminals. )llowin& t%e SIP p%ones to re&ister from o tside of t%e office ma! ca se ne<pected cost to t%e c stomers. 2. ,perators ma! pro*ide (road(and ser*ice com(ined to I7S ser*ice wit% low price to residential sers, ( t does not allow t%e sers to se I7S ser*ice from an! ot%er places. T%erefore it is proposed to st d! and introd ce t%e re' irement t%at f lfils t%e scenarios a(o*e into I7S. Stage(# O !ecti"es: to specif! t%e re' irement of controllin& ser re&istration (ased on network information w%ic% is related to ser locations 2e.&. IP address, 1S.)7 information, etc4 to I7 $- s (s!stem. T%is re' irement is for fi<ed line. Stage $ O !ecti"es: to specif! t%e control of t%e I7S Re&istration (ased on t%e network location of t%e 58 2s c% as IP address, 1S.)7 information etc4 and pro*ide an arc%itect ral sol tion for t%e related sta&e 1 re' irement accordin& to TS 22.22", cla se 7.2.2. T%e foc s of t%is WI1 is for fi<ed network. Charging Aspects: Security Aspects:
,39 A0001 A A0011 A A0021 A +a e 9elete" - (T aspe%ts @eleted - C-1 "spects @eleted - C-4 "spects

T%e iss es t%at ma! ca se ne<pected c%ar&in& need to (e considered and sol*ed in t%is WI. T%e impacts on sec rit! aspects need to (e taken into acco nt.
:2perli#' C41(0211 C41(0211 C41(0211 +otes S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) TSATR St" e 2J( 2(.21C! 24.228 28.22C! 28.228! 2(.00C

Supporting Companies:

$%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, C awei, HT8

Justification: Sta&e 1 re' irement of controllin& ser re&istration (ased on network information w%ic% is related to ser location to I7 $- s (s!stem %as (een specified in TS 22.22". S)2 is c rrentl! workin& on t%e mec%anism of controllin& ser re&istration (ased on ser location and t%e arc%itect re aspect accordin&l! for t%is re' irement. Sta&e 1 re' irement also re' ires pdate on $T %andled sta&e 2 specification TS 23.21" to capt re new f nctional re' irements to I7S entities. $%an&es to t%is TS need to (e specified alon& wit% S)2 work. Sta&e 3 work in $T is also needed to specif! proced res to f lfil new f nctional re' irements from sta&e 2. O !ecti"e: to specif! t%e followin& f nctionalities for s pportin& fi<ed line sers. Stage $: specif! in TS 23.21" t%e f nctional re' irements of restrictin& fi<ed line ser re&istration (ased on ser location information. Stage 3: specif! proced res for restriction of I7S re&istration of fi<ed line terminal (ased on ser location information.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1012 8 ;C00; 1 ;C00; C

=ser 4l"ne Con estion *"n" e*ent '=4C5N) =,@9;10028

Resour%e S1 S2 S2 :2perli#' S4120C80 S4120C80 S4120C80 +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. Con$ert -R 22.C0; cl"%se A consolid"ted re/%ire*ents to nor*"ti$e re/%ire*ents in 22.101 S4EA2 stopped "t A0N co*pletion S4EA2 stopped "t 0N co*pletion TSATR 22.101 new -R 2(.10; -.@ +a e 9elete" - Sta4e 1 9elete" - TR o# Sta4e 2 9elete" - Sta4e 2

Supporting Companies: B11I, -8$, R niper -etworks, 7o*ik -etworks, )llot $omm nications, -TT 1,$,7,, )TDT, Sams n& 8lectronics, >eriAon, HT8, Soft=ank 7o(ile, $%ina Telecom, $CTT., -S-, Researc% in 7otion, $isco, C awei, ? alcomm Inc., )lcatel+. cent, $%ina 7o(ile, Citac%i, Intel, Inter1i&ital, ,ran&e, .; 8lectronics, 8TRI, ,penet Telecom, Sand*ine, $)TT, ITRI, =en -etworks, Telecom Italia, -okia, Ro&ers Wireless
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,#iFue 39 Title ;40021 Rel-12 -R 22.C0; St%dy on =ser 4l"ne Con estion *"n" e*ent 'FS9=4C5N): =ser pl"ne con estion *"n" e*ent %se c"ses "nd re/%ire*ents +ature of relatio#s6ip St%dy to identify %se c"ses "nd "ssoci"ted re/%ire*ents "s " +"sis for nor*"ti$e wor3

Justification 7o(ile operators are seein& si&nificant increases in ser data traffic. For some operators, ser data traffic %as more t%an do (led ann all! for se*eral !ears. )lt%o &% t%e data capacit! of networks %as increased si&nificantl!, t%e o(ser*ed increase in ser traffic contin es to o tpace t%e &rowt% in capacit!. T%is is res ltin& in increased network con&estion and in de&raded ser ser*ice e<perience. Reasons for t%is &rowt% in traffic are t%e rapidl! increasin& se of smart p%ones and ta(let like de*ices, and t%e proliferation of data applications t%at t%e! s pport, as well as t%e se of 5S= modem don&les for laptops to pro*ide mo(ile Internet access sin& 3;PP networks. )s t%e penetration of t%ese terminals increases worldwide and t%e interest in content+ric% m lti+media ser*ices 2e.&. ,TT *ideo streamin& ser*ices4 rises, t%is trend of rapidl! increasin& data traffic is e<pected to contin e and accelerate. O !ecti"e: SA# o !ecti"e is to specif! normati*e sta&e 1 en%ancements (ased on t%e re' irements deri*ed from t%e scenarios and se cases de*eloped in FS35P$,-. T%ese se cases addressed sit ations w%ere %i&% sa&e le*els lead to ser plane traffic con&estion in t%e R)-. T%e aim is to make efficient se of a*aila(le reso rces to s pport t%e optimal mi< of %i&% priorit! ser*ices and applications, and sers wit% premi m s (scriptions, w%ile maintainin& t%e ser e<perience, and s pportin& as man! acti*e sers as possi(le. T%e normati*e sta&e 1 re' irements are anticipated to (e (ased on t%e cate&oriAation in t%e TRI ;eneral PrioritiAin& traffic ,ptimiAin& traffic .imitin& traffic.

SA$ o !ecti"esI )s part of t%e TR p%ase, define t%e arc%itect ral re' irements 2(ased on t%e S)1 normati*e re' irements4 in order to scope@& ide t%e workV 1e*elop sol tions for ser plane con&estion miti&ation (ased on o(Eecti*e 1V and 1etermine w%ic% sol tion2s4 from t%e TR p%ase to doc ment in normati*e specifications, and specif! t%em accordin&l!.

Ser"ice Aspects: will not impact specific ser*ices ( t is anticipated to %a*e positi*e impact on ser*ice deli*er!. Charging Aspects: T%e work will impact c%ar&in& data collection, e.&., for t%e p rpose of collectin& statistics or c%ar&in& differentl! for eac% different R)- con&estion stat s.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01; 8 ;C02; 8 ;C0(; 8 ;800( ; ;800( A

4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices '4roSe) =,@9;C00;8

Resour%e S1 S2 S2 S( -i#is6 18J0AJ201 ( 01J0(J201 4 01J0(J201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 100N 1;N ;N 20N :2perli#' S41(011; S41(011; S41(011; S41(011; S41(011; +otes S4EA0 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;48). -R 2(.10($100 for ,nfor*"tion S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;48) S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(00(0FGS41(011;. Split SA( wor3: 1st " -R followed +y nor*"ti$e wor3. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S41(0A;4 S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(00(0FGS41(011;. Split SA( wor3: 1st " -R followed +y nor*"ti$e wor3. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S41(0A;4 TSATR 22.11;! 22.21C new -R 2(.10( new -S 2(.(0( new -R ((.C(( -.@ +a e Sta4e 1 TR o# Sta4e 2 Sta4e 2 TR o# Se%urit2 Se%urit2



Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, )lcatel+. cent , )TDT, =7Wi, =roadcom, $learwire, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8TRI, F Eits , ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, CT$, III, Intel, Inter1i&ital, R niper -etworks, ITRI, BP-, .; 8lectronics, 7otorola Sol tions, -8$, -e star, -okia, -S-, Pantec%, Renesas 7o(ile, =lack=err!, Son! 7o(ile $omm nications, T+7o(ile, TeliaSonera, Tele$omm nications S!stems, Telefonica, T%ales $omm nication D Sec rit!, 5.S. $ell lar, 5.S. 1epartment of $ommerce, >eriAon Wireless, >odafone, HT8
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,#iFue 39 Title
;(0044 Rel-12 -R 22.C0( : St%dy on 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices 'FS94roSe)

+ature of relatio#s6ip
St%dy ite* predecessor

Justification T%e Feasi(ilit! St d! on Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices 2FS3ProSe, TR 22."634 %as identified ser*ices t%at co ld (e pro*ided (! t%e 3;PP s!stem (ased on 58s (ein& in pro<imit! to eac% ot%er. T%e identified ser*ices pro*ide s pport for P (lic Safet! and non+P (lic Safet! ser*ices t%at wo ld (e of interest to operators and sers. Pro<imit!+(ased applications and ser*ices represent an emer&in& social+tec%nolo&ical trend. T%e introd ction of a Pro<imit! Ser*ices 2ProSe4 capa(ilit! in .T8 wo ld allow t%e 3;PP ind str! to ser*e t%is de*elopin& market. ProSe capa(ilities will also ser*e t%e r&ent needs of se*eral P (lic Safet! comm nities t%at are Eointl! committed to .T8, e.&. see SP+126#96 27o5 (etween T8TR) D $ritical $omm nications )ssociation 2T$$)4 D t%e -ational P (lic Safet! Telecomm nications $o ncil4, and S1+1212#7 2T$$)4. ProSe normati*e specification are also re' ested to ena(le econom! of scale ad*anta&es, i.e. t%e re' irements s%o ld ens re t%at t%e res ltin& s!stem can (e sed for (ot% P (lic Safet! and non+P (lic Safet! ser*ices, w%ere possi(le. O !ecti"e: SA# o !ecti"e is to specify ser"ice re<uirements for: + ProSe 1isco*er! o*er 8+5TR)V o o wit%in network co*era&e and o tside network co*era&e, onl! for P (lic Safet!

1isco*er! wit%in network co*era&e is limited to t%e cases nder contin o s operator network control. $ontin o s is intended to mean t%at an! se of operator reso rces, incl din& spectr m, from a specific 58 needs to (e a t%oriAed and f ll! controlled (! t%e operator network at an! time, (ased on operator c%oice. + ProSe $omm nication o*er 8+5TR)V o o wit%in network co*era&e and o tside network co*era&e onl! for P (lic Safet!

$omm nication wit%in network co*era&e is limited to t%e cases nder contin o s operator network control. $ontin o s is intended to mean t%at an! se of operator reso rces, incl din& spectr m, from a specific 58 needs to (e a t%oriAed and f ll! controlled (! t%e operator network at an! time, (ased on operator c%oice.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

8P$ s pport of ProSe $omm nication o*er W.)-.

1irect control of t%e W.)- link is o tside t%e scope of 3;PP. Cowe*er, ser*ice re' irements t%at ena(le t%e 3;PP 8P$ to pro*ide network s pport for connection esta(lis%ment, maintenance, and ser*ice contin it! for W.)- direct comm nication are in scope. T%ese s%all %a*e no impact on specifications nder t%e responsi(ilit! of TS; R)-. Ser*ice re' irements for ProSe 1isco*er! and ProSe $omm nication will addressI + $ontin o s network operator control. + Presence, &ro p comm nication, (roadcast ser*ices and rela! T%e re' irements for P (lic Safet! and non+P (lic Safet! ser*ices s%all (e common w%ene*er possi(le. T%e ser*ice re' irements &enerated (! t%is work will not appl! to ;8R)- or 5TR)-. -,T8SI For t%e p rposes of t%is WI1 t%ese two Pro<imit! Ser*ices definitions are sedI &roSe 3isco"ery: a process t%at identifies t%at a 58 is in pro<imit! of anot%er, sin& 8+5TR). &roSe Communication: a comm nication (etween two 58s in pro<imit! (! means of a comm nication pat% esta(lis%ed (etween t%e 58s. T%e pat% for disco*er! and comm nication co ld for e<ample (e esta(lis%ed ( directl! (etween t%e 58s ( network (ased, e.&.ro ted *ia local e-=2s4. It is re' ired to incl de means for operator to appl! re& lator! re' irements 2incl din& lawf l intercept, as per re&ional re& lation4. SA$ o !ecti"es: 3. )s part of t%e TR p%ase a. 1efine t%e arc%itect ral re' irements 2(ased on t%e Sta&e 1 normati*e re' irements4 in order to scope@& ide t%e work in S)2V (. 1e*elop sol tions (ased on o(Eecti*e a4V and c. 1etermine w%ic% sol tion2s4 from t%e TR p%ase to doc ment in normati*e specifications Specif! selected sol tions in rele*ant specifications.


SA3 o !ecti"es: 1. )s part of t%e TR p%ase a. (. c. 2. St d! t%e t%reats and sec rit! re' irements for Pro<imit! Ser*ices 1e*elop sec rit! sol tions (ased on t%e work of S)2V and 1etermine w%ic% sol tion2s4 from t%e TR p%ase to doc ment in normati*e specifications

Specif! selected sol tions in rele*ant specifications. nder t%e .awf l Interception Rel+12 25I139766324.

.awf l interception aspects will (e co*ered

Ser"ice Aspects: Ser*ice aspects will (e specified. ''%(Aspects: )n! potential ser*ice impacts will (e identified. 77I aspects will (e defined in later sta&es. Charging Aspects: )n! potential ser*ice impacts will (e identified. Re' irements for fle<i(le c%ar&in& models 2e.&. *ol me+(ased c%ar&in&4 will (e de*eloped. $%ar&in& mec%anisms will (e defined in later specification sta&es.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01A 2 A0004 0 A0004 1 A200A 1 A100( A

2e+ Re"l -i*e Co**%nic"tion Access to ,<S ',<S92e+R-C) =,@9;C00A2

Resour%e S1 S2 S2 S( -i#is6 18J0AJ201 ( 11J12J201 ( 01J0(J201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 100N 100N 0N 40N :2perli#' S41(0101 S41(0101 S41(0101 S41(0101 S41(0101 +otes S4EA0 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.101$100 for ,nfor*"tion H Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;1) S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(04;8FGS41(0101. Split SA( wor3: 1st " new -R followed +y nor*"ti$e wor3. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;; S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(04;8FGS41(0101. Split SA( wor3: 1st " new -R followed +y nor*"ti$e wor3. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;; TSATR 22.101! 22.22C new -R 2(.101 2(.22C new -R ((.Cxy ((.20(! ((.(2C +a e Sta4e 1 TR o# Sta4e 2 Sta4e 2 TR o# Se%urit2

Se%urit2 for 31SA&e5RT(



Supporting Companies: Telecom Italia, HT8

$%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, )lcatel+. cent, )TDT, =roadcom, C awei, Intel, ,ran&e,

Justification: T%e RT$W8= &ro p in I8TF and t%e W8=RT$ &ro p in W3$ are specif!in& a (rowser (ased client to s pport comm nication ser*ices. T%e work ma! (e s mmarised as in t%is e<tract from t%e I8TF RT$W8= c%arterI
T%ere are a n m(er of proprietar! implementations t%at pro*ide direct interacti*e ric% comm nication sin& a dio, *ideo, colla(oration, &ames, etc. (etween two peersP we(+(rowsers. T%ese are not interopera(le, as t%e! re' ire non+standard e<tensions or pl &ins to work. T%ere is a desire to standardiAe t%e (asis for s c% comm nication so t%at interopera(le comm nication can (e esta(lis%ed (etween an! compati(le (rowsers. T%e &oal is to ena(le inno*ation on top of a set of (asic components. ,ne core component is to ena(le real+time media like a dio and *ideo, a second is to ena(le data transfer directl! (etween clients.

In order for We(RT$ clients to %a*e access to 3;PP I7S, interopera(ilit! (etween I7S and t%e We(RT$ client is needed. T%erefore, I7S en%ancements are needed to s pport t%is interopera(ilit!. T%e terms We(RT$ and RT$W8= tend to (e sed fairl! interc%an&ea(l! in t%e ind str!. For t%e p rposes of t%is doc ment we are sin& We(RT$. SA# O !ecti"e: to specif! ser*ice re' irements forI t%e a(ilit! for We(RT$ clients to access I7S, incl din& for e<ample, re sin& I7S client sec rit! credentials and@or p (lic identities@credentials as appropriateV %ow I7S clients comm nicate wit% We(RT$ clients connected to I7S, (ot% for ori&inatin& and terminatin& callsV t%e a(ilit! to realise an! I7S ser*ices to t%e We(RT$ clientV access to I7S client capa(ilities, incl din& re& lator! f nctions 2e.&. lawf l interception4 and c%ar&in& for We(RT$ clients connected to I7SV t%e a(ilit! to s pport applica(le I7S access t!pes 2e.&., .T84 for we(RT$ clients connected to I7SV a(ilit! for an I7S ser*ice pro*ider to offer I7S ser*ices to sers interactin& wit% a 3rd part! we(site w%ic% is sin& t%e we(RT$ client 2 sers of t%e 3rd part! we(site ma! or ma!+not %a*e I7S credentials4 It is not intended to pro*ide ser*ice contin it! in t%is work item. SA$ O !ecti"e: to e<pand t%e I7S arc%itect re and sta&e 2 proced res as re' ired (! t%e s pport of We(RT$ clients access to I7S. S)2 will work on 2non e<%a sti*e list4I )rc%itect ral impacts for t%e s pport of different kinds of clients 2operator @ 3rd part!4 in different scenarios T%e arc%itect re 2incl din& t%e s pport of We(RT$ clients access to I7S for clients on a 3;PP 58 t%at are roamin& at access le*el4 for followin& scenariosI w%en 3;PP or non 3;PP access is sed 2common I7S4 w%en t%e 58 is non roamin& at access le*el or w%en Come Ro ted access is sed 2t%ese scenarios %a*e priorit! for t%e work4. w%et%er I7S roamin& arc%itect re is sed in case of 3;PP .=, will (e st died. 7edia plane aspects e.&. arc%itect ral impacts related to t%e se of specific codecs I t%e work will address transcodin& aspects ( t also t%e case w%ere t%e se of 3;PP codecs is possi(le from t%e 58. Cow a We(RT$ client @ t%e (rowser can access to 3;PP codecs on t%e 58 is o t of t%e scope of t%e S)2 work.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

arc%itect ral impacts related to media plane sec rit! interworkin& 2refer to section "4 ) t%entication and $ontrol plane sec rit! related aspects 2refer to section "4 $%ar&in& 2refer to section 74 P$$ aspects T%e 5sa&e of t%e 3;PP Packet $ore -etwork to s pport We(RT$ clients access to I7S. For e<ample followin& points will (e st diedI t%e P1- connection @ P1P conte<t to (e sed (! We(RT$ traffic especiall! in roamin& cases and t%e ?oS control, e.&. %ow a We(RT$ client can se t%e ?oS s pported @ deli*ered (! t%e 3;PP Packet $ore.

SA3 o !ecti"es: to meet t%e re' irements and to ens re sec rit! of se cases defined (! S)1 wit%in t%e arc%itect re defined (! S)2. For t%is p rpose S)3 will considerI We(RT$ client a t%entication mec%anisms, incl din& t%e re+ se of e<istin& I7S a t%entication mec%anisms from We(RT$ clients Re' ired en%ancements to I7S media plane sec rit!

''%(Aspects: will need to (e considered. Charging Aspects: $%ar&in& mec%anisms will need to (e considered



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01A ( A0004 C

=s" e <onitorin Control 4CC en#"nce*ent '=<5NC) =,@9;C00A(

:2perli#' S412082C C41(0(8A +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. 2(.20( CRE01C2 '-i*e ."sed =s" e <onitorin )! CRE01C4 '=s" e <onitorin $i" 5nline C#"r in Syste*) C4EA1 co*pleted TSsAa#"ATRs 2(.20( 28.212! 28.214! 28.21; +a e Sta4e 2 (T3 aspe%ts (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies: HT8, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom,, >odafone, ,ran&e, B11I, )llot $omm nications, Tekelec, $om*erse, R niper -etworks, ,penet, ,penwa*e, Sand*ine, $isco
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;200(; Rel-12 -R 2(.C;C St%dy on =s" e <onitorin Control en#"nce*ent 'FS9=<5NC) +ature of relatio#s6ip -

Justification 5sa&e monitorin& control %as (een introd ced into P$$ since Rel+0 w%ic% pro*ides t%e operator t%e capa(ilit! to enforce d!namic polic! decisions (ased on total network sa&e in real+time. It was en%anced nder S)PP Work Item in Rel+11 to s pport sa&e monitorin& for applications t%at are detected (! t%e T1F. 1 rin& t%e FS357,-$ st d!, it was concl ded t%at t%e followin& re' irements s%o ld (e f lfilled wit%in t%e e<istin& P$$ frameworkI Time (ased 5sa&e 7onitorin& $ontrol to en%ance t%e s!stem to s pport t%e time+(ased sa&e monitorin& control.

O !ecti"e:



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;801(8 A00011 A00048

Applic"tion ."sed C#"r in 'A.C) =,@9;800(8

Resour%e S2 S; C( -i#is6 18J0AJ201 ( 01J0(J201 4 0AJ12J201 ( (o p 100N C0N 100N :2perli#' S4-1(0(2C S4-1(0(2C C41(0(;( +otes S4EA0 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2(.20( (2.240! (2.2;1! (2.28A! (2.28C! (2.288 28.212! 28.21(! 28.214! 28.21;! 28.218 +a e Sta4e 2 (6ar4i#4 (T3 aspe%ts

Supporting Companies: )llot $omm nications, ,penet, ,penwa*e 7o(ilit!, Tekelec, -TT 1,$,7,, =roadcom, Sand*ine, $om*erse, ,ran&e, Telefonica, >odafone , B11I, 5S $ell lar , Sprint, 1e tsc%e Telekom, $%ina Telecom, Cewlett+Packard, Citac%i, R niper -etworks, Radis!s, $isco, )TDT
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;A00( -R 2(.C00 St%dy on Applic"tion ."sed C#"r in C 'FS9A.C) +ature of relatio#s6ip -#is wor3 ite* is +"sed on -R 2(.C00 concl%sions

Justification It is possi(le, startin& from Rel+11 S)PP WI1, for t%e P$$ arc%itect re to pro*ide application awareness e*en w%en t%ere is no e<plicit ser*ice le*el si&nallin&. T%e application detection and control can (e implemented eit%er (! t%e T1F 2Traffic 1etection F nction4 entit! or (! t%e P$8F en%anced wit% application detection and control 2)1$4 entit!. T%e mec%anisms of detection and, in case of solicited application reportin& also t%e mec%anisms of control 2i.e. &atin&, (andwidt% limitation, redirection and sa&e monitorin& per detected application4 are applica(le also for applications wit% non+ded ci(le ser*ice data flows. )1$ R les are defined per eac% application w%ic% is re' ired to (e detected and controlled. 1 rin& t%e FS3)=$ st d!, it was concl ded t%at t%e s!stem en%ancements s%o ld (e introd ced to t%e e<istin& P$$ framework in order to f lfil application (ased c%ar&in& for t%e detected applications, (ot% for t%e case of t%e T1F and for t%e case in w%ic% t%e P$8F is en%anced wit% )1$. O !ecti"e: to en%ance t%e s!stem to s pport application (ased c%ar&in& for t%e applications detected, enforced and c%ar&ed (! t%e T1F or (! t%e P$8F en%anced wit% )pplication 1etection and $ontrol 2)1$4 as per concl sions defined in t%e TR 23."66. -oteI T%e sol tion is (ased on t%e principle t%at onl! t%e P$8F or t%e T1F is sed as t%e c%ar&in& and t%e enforcement point for a &i*en 58 IP+$)- session. T%e ass mption is t%at no ;=R (earers are re' ired for t%e IP+$)- session w%en T1F is t%e c%ar&in& and polic! enforcement point.

Specificall! t%e followin& en%ancements will (e doneI For T1F, s pport of application (ased c%ar&in& (! definin& t%e correspondin& c%ar&in& f nctionalit!, necessar! e<tensions to Sd interface to %andle c%ar&in&, incl din& )1$ R les e<tensions, and interfaces (etween t%e T1F and t%e ,$S@,F$S.

)dditionall!, t%e en%ancements of e<istin& mec%anisms for application (ased c%ar&in& in case t%e P$8F performs application detection will (e st died and standardiAed. Ser"ice Aspects: -o ser*ices s%o ld (e impacted.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A101( C A1000 8

Bn#"nced S2" <o+ility 5$er tr%sted 26AN "ccess to B4C 'eS"<5I) =,@9A100(C
Resour%e S2 C1!C4 -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 80N 21N :2perli#' S4-1(0(81 C4-1(011; +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;4) C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-1(0;C0FGC41(011; TSATR 2(.402 +a e Sta4e 2 Sta4e 3

Supporting Companies: HT8, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, =roadcom $orporation, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina Telecom, $isco, 8ricsson, France Telecom, CT$, C awei, Cisilicon, Intel, R niper -etworks, B11I , .;8, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, -okia, -okia Siemens -etworks, ,ran&e, ? alcomm, Sams n&
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature ,39 Title ;100A FS9S"<5I 1 ;(014 S"<5I926AN: S2" <o+ility +"sed 5n A I-4 "nd 26AN "ccess to B4C (;002 SAB for s%pport for non-(I44 "ccesses 1 'SABS-SA-F49n(I44) +ature of relatio#s6ip -#is wor3 ite* is +"sed on t#e concl%sions fro* FS9S"<5I. Rel-11 S"<5I wor3 ite* t#"t specified t#e S2" +"sed *o+ility o$er tr%sted 26AN "ccess wit#o%t =B i*p"ct +%t wit# so*e f%nction"l li*it"tions. 2, %nder w#ic# non (I44 "ccesses 'incl%din 26AN) s%pport in B4S w"s defined! "nd S2" is one of t#e interf"ces defined for t#is p%rpose.

Justification In Rel+11, s pport of ;TP D P7IP*6 on S2a for W.)- access was de*eloped wit%o t an! 58 impact ( t as a conse' ence t%e sol tion came wit% certain limitations on s pported f nctions. T%ese limitations for Rel+11 are doc mented in TS 23.#62 in cla se 16.1.2. T%is work item is an en%ancement of t%e Rel+11 sol tion wit% t%e aim to a*oid t%e Rel+11 limitations 2e<cept emer&enc! attac%4 (! allowin& impacts to t%e 58, alt%o &% t%ose impacts s%o ld (e minimised. T%e re' irements for Sa7,; p%ase 2 are doc mented in TR 23."92 cla se ".1. O !ecti"e: to specif! sta&e 2 sol tion recommended in TR 23."92 cla se 0.2 for (ot% ;TP and P7IP+(ased S2a. Ser"ice Aspects: -o ser*ices s%o ld (e impacted. Charging Aspects: $%ar&in& aspects will (e co*ered (! t%e affected specifications.
,39 A1000 8 A1010 8 A1020 8 +a e Sta4e 3 C-1 p"rt of St" e ( C-4 p"rt of St" e ( -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 21N (0N 2;N :2perli#' C41(011; C41(011; C41(011; +otes C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;C0FGC4-1(011; C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;C0FGC4-1(011; C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;C0FGC4-1(011; TSATR St" e ( 24.(02! New -S 24.244 '26AN control pl"ne protocol for tr%sted 26AN "ccess to B4C) 28.21(! 28.214! 28.21;

In Rel+11, t%e s pport of ;TP D P7IP*6 on S2a for W.)- access was de*eloped wit% certain limitations on s pported f nctions as followsI + + + + + Cando*er+indicator from t%e 58 is not s pportedV )P- indication from t%e 58 is not s pportedV Transport of P$, in Tr sted W.)- is not s pportedV 7 ltiple P1- connections in Tr sted W.)- access are not s pported. Sim ltaneo s access for a 58 to 8P$ t%ro &% S2a and non+seamless offload sin& a sin&le SSI1 is not s pported.

T%is work item is aimin& at makin& en%ancements to t%e Rel+11 sol tion to a*oid t%ese limitations a(o*e. In t%is p%ase it is e<pected t%at t%ere will (e some impacts to t%e 58, alt%o &% an! s c% impact s%o ld (e minimised. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide sta&e 3 for t%e f nctionalit! defined in sta&e 2 to ena(le ;TP*2 and P7IP*6 (ased S2a access to 8P$ t%ro &% W.)- access for t%e 58.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A101( 8 A2000 (

5pti*ized 5fflo"din to 26AN in (I44-RA- <o+ility '25R<) =,@9A100(8

Resour%e S2 C1 -i#is6 11J12J201 ( 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 100N ;N :2perli#' S41(0(82 C41(0110 +otes S4EA2 co*pleted St" e ( en"+lin differenti"tionJprioritiz"tion of (I44 RA-s rel"ti$e to 26AN for tr"ffic flow ro%tin +"sed on ,nter-Syste* Ro%tin 4olicies ',SR4). St" e ( rel"ted to ot#er St" e 2 " ree*ents. TSATR 2(.212! 2(.401! 2(.402 24.(02! 24.(12 +a e Sta4e 2 (T aspe%ts

Supporting Companies: =lack=err!, ? alcomm, -okia, )TDT, C awei, ,ran&e, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, 8ricsson, Telecom Italia, $)TT, .; 8lectronics, =roadcom, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, Intel, S%arp .inked to TR 23."06 St d! on ,ptimiAed ,ffloadin& to W.)- in 3;PP+R)T mo(ilit! 2FS3W,R74, S)8 for s pport for non+3;PP accesses, 7 lti+)ccess P1- $onnecti*it! 27)P$,-4, IP Flow 7o(ilit! and Seamless W.)- ,ffload 2IF,74, $S Fall(ack in 8PS 2S)8S+$SF=4.
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature ,39 Title ;A00( St%dy on 5pti*ized 5fflo"din to 26AN in (I44-RA1 *o+ility 'FS925R<) (;002 SAB for s%pport for non-(I44 "ccesses 'SABS-SA1 F49n(I44) 4(00( <%lti-Access 4@N Connecti$ity '<A4C5N) ; 4;004 ,4 Flow <o+ility "nd Se"*less 26AN 5fflo"d ',F5<) 1 (800( CS F"ll+"c3 in B4S 'SABS-CSF.) A +ature of relatio#s6ip Rel"ted st%dy 2,@ 2, %nder w#ic# non (I44 "ccesses 'incl%din 26AN) s%pport in B4S w"s defined -#e wor3 ite* +%ilds on <A4C5N -#e wor3 ite* +%ilds on ,F5< -#e wor3 ite* i*pro$es oper"tion d%rin CS f"ll+"c3

Justification T%e s pport of connecti*it! o*er W.)- %as (een defined as part of t%e 8PS. T%e 8PS specifications define proced res for o(tainin& connecti*it! o*er tr sted and ntr sted W.)-, and for %ando*er of IP traffic (etween 3;PP access tec%nolo&ies and W.)-. Wit% t%e spreadin& se of W.)- and t%e increasin& role t%at W.)- is pla!in& in 3;PP operator network deplo!ments, impro*in& t%e se of W.)- in 8PS wo ld (e (eneficial to operators and to ser e<perience. )-1SF can (e sed to inform de*ices of w%ic% access tec%nolo&! is prefera(le for certain IP traffic nder specific conditions 2e.&. t%ro &% t%e se of ISRP4. W.)- access ma! (e considered prefera(le to certain 3;PP radio access tec%nolo&ies ( t not ot%ers 2e.&. for certain traffic, W.)- ma! (e prefera(le to 5TR)- ( t not to 8+5TR)-4. Cowe*er, at present )-1SF does not pro*ide mec%anisms to indicate preferences wit% &ran larit! at t%e 3;PP R)T le*el. T%is restricts t%e a(ilit! for t%e operator to pro*ide policies t%at fa*o r a specific 3;PP R)T o*er anot%er one wit% respect to t%e W.)- preference. 7ec%anisms c rrentl! specified for mo(ilit! of IP traffic (etween a 3;PP R)T and W.)- do not allow miti&ation of potential loss or s spension of (earers and t%erefore t%ere can (e a res ltin& ne&ati*e impact on t%e ser e<perience d rin& mo(ilit! (etween 3;PP R)Ts. 8<amples incl de mo(ilit! (etween R)Ts 2e.&. 8+5TR)- to 5TR)- or ;8R)-4 t%at ma! lead to 8PS (earers, correspondin& to IP traffic t%at co ld ot%erwise (e transported o*er W.)-, (ein& dropped. 5ndesira(le impacts on ser e<perience and s!stem performance ma! also occ r as a res lt of pin& pon& (etween W.)- and 3;PP access tec%nolo&ies nless meas res are taken to a*oid t%is. O !ecti"e: $omplete t%e followin& c%an&es to tec%nical specifications 2w%ere ke! iss es and sol tions are as descri(ed in TR 23."064I Sol tion 1 2Be! iss e 14I TR 23."06 cla se 6.1 o -ormati*e description of )-1SF modification and associated proced ral te<t to (e added. Sol tion 2 2Be! Iss e 2, Scenario 14I TR23."06 cla se 6.2



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

o -ote to (e added to appropriate specifications Sol tion 3 2Be! iss e 2, Scenario 34I TR23."06 cla se 6.3 o -ote to (e added to appropriate specifications Sol tion # 2Be! iss e 3, Scenario 1 and 24I TR23."06 cla se 6.# o -ote to (e added to appropriate specifications -o ser*ices s%o ld (e impacted.

Ser"ice Aspects:



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A10140 A2000C

Networ3-pro$ided 6oc"tion infor*"tion for ,<S -r%sted 26AN Access Networ3 c"se =,@9A10040
S2, $3,$1,$#
Resour%e S2 C(!C1!C4 -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 8;N 0N :2perli#' S41(0(8( C41(0C10 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;2) TSATR 2(.20(! 2(.22C! 2(.402 St" e ( +a e Sta4e 2 (T aspe%ts

Supporting Companies:

)lcatel+. cent, $%ina Telecom, Telecom+Italia, 5S $ell lar, ,ran&e

Rel+11 -etwork Pro*ided .ocation Information for I7S 2-WB+P.2I7S4 co*ers t%e case w%ere 58 is ser*ed (! a 3;PP R)-. T%is WI co*ers t%e case w%ere t%e 58 is ser*ed (! a TW)-.
sta4e 1 i#for atio# TS or (R(s) -S 22.101 Ser$ice "spects0 Ser$ice principles -S 22.11; Ser$ice "spects0 C#"r in "nd +illin (lause Re ar's

Justification In t%e $irc it Switc%ed network w%en a 58 initiates a $S call or sends an S7S messa&e, t%e 7S$ can &et t%e c rrent cell+I1 information pro*ided (! R-$@=S$, w%ic% can (e sed for c%ar&in& p rposes and@or for recordin& t%e location of a s (scri(er for w%om t%e &o*ernment a t%orit! re' ests comm nication %istor!. )s information pro*ided (! t%e 58 cannot (e tr sted for t%is p rpose, it is re' ired t%at t%e network pro*ides t%e ade' ate location information. T%e 2Rel+114 WI1 called N-etwork Pro*ided .ocation Information for I7SO 2)cron!m -WB+P.2I7S, 5ni' e identifier #"663"4 f lfils t%is need in case t%e 58 is ser*ed (! a 3;PP R)-. )s part of t%e ;S7)+W=) Task Force on 7o(ilit! wit% IP address preser*ation, t%e task Force %as concl ded and liaised 2SP+13617"4 to 3;PP t%at t%ere is a &ap for t%e case w%ere t%e 58 is ser*ed (! a TW)-I NT%is .S foc ses on t%e second Takeawa!I N1eli*er! of *oice and real time ser*ices o*er Wi+Fi will (e t%e ke! dri*ers for s c% deplo!mentsO. T%e Task Force identified followin& feat res w%ere appropriate work ma! (e re' ired to s pport t%at re' irementI P location related workI makin& s re t%at a Tr sted W.)- )ccess -etwork pro*ides t%e ser*ice la!er 2e.&. I7S4 wit% similar location Information to w%at a 3;PP access can pro*ide 2i.e. impro*in& 3;PP -etloc to also co*er Tr sted W.)- )ccess -etworks4.O

M;S7) and W=) kindl! re' est 3;PP S)2@S) to take appropriate action to identif! an! rele*ant work needed to s pport t%e feat res indicated a(o*e and ens re its timel! completion 2correspondin& to t%e deadlines of 3;PP Rel124M O !ecti"e: to e<tend t%e arc%itect re defined as part of -WB+P.2I7S to allow s pport of TW)- connected to 8P$ as IP$)-, to make t%e TW)- location 2cell+Id, e.&. fi<ed+line id in case of a residential &atewa! or =SSI1 ot%erwise4 t%e 58 is camped on a*aila(le to t%e I7S nodes w%en t%e mo(ile operator needs to record t%is information eit%er to f lfill le&al o(li&ations or for c%ar&in& p rposes, especiall! at t%e set+ p and release of an I7S comm nication o*er a TW)-. T%e wa! for t%e TW)- to &et t%e TW)- location is o t of scope of t%is acti*it!. Ser"ice Aspects: -one identified. Charging Aspects: will (e considered (! S)9. T%is Work onl! pro*ides an ena(ler to implement 2for I7S calls on a TW)-4 c%ar&in& models similar to $ell+Id (ased c%ar&in&. Security Aspects: T%e network pro*ided information s%all (e sec rel! deli*ered to t%e I7S nodes re' estin& as alread! defined (! -WB+P.2I7S.
,39 A2000C +a e (T aspe%ts Resour%e C(!C1!C4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' C4-1(0C10 +otes TSATR St" e (


A2010C A2020C A20(0C C-( p"rt C-1 p"rt C-4 p"rt C( C1 C4 1(J0AJ2014 1(J0AJ2014 1(J0AJ2014 0N 0N 0N C4-1(0C10 C4-1(0C10 C4-1(0C10

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

28.212! 28.214 24.228 28.21(! 28.214! 28.21;! 28.(2C! 28.(28



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A201A 1

Core Networ3 5$erlo"d - =ser 6oc"tion ,nfor*"tion reportin i*pro$e*ent 'CN59=6,) =,@9A200A1
Resour%e S2 -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p 80N :2perli#' S41(0111 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;0) TSATR 2(.0A0! 2(.20(! 2(.401 +a e Sta4e 2

Supporting Companies:
Relate" Stu"2 3te ,39 Title
4800( A

)lcatel+. cent, )llot $omm nications, $isco, Sand*ine, ,ran&e, Tekelec, B11I, )TDT
+ature of relatio#s6ip
Q 10.( of -R 2(.C4( KConcl%sions for =ser 6oc"tion ,nfor*"tion reportin i*pro$e*entsL

or -eature (if a#2)

-R 2(.C4( St%dy on Core Networ3 5$erlo"d sol%tions

Justification It is reco&niAed t%at 5.I reportin& ma! ind ce si&nificant si&nallin& load. T%e st d! of si&nalin& optimiAations related to 5.I reportin& was done nder FS3$-, and t%e correspondin& selected sol tions will need to (e doc mented in t%e normati*e specifications. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide normati*e specification of 5.I si&nallin& optimiAations accordin& to concl sions of t%e FS3$-, TR 23."#3.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A002 C ;100; 4 ;200( 1 ;A00( 0 ;100( 2 ;C00A 4 A200A ;

SA( Fe"t%res
+a e Rel-12 Se%urit2 s all *#6a#%e e#ts Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste Se%urit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for usa4e of Ge#eri% Eootstrappi#4 !r%6ite%ture (GE!) fro t6e 5rowser (Sta4e 2) *Dte#"e" 31S e"ia pla#e se%urit2 features Bawful 3#ter%eptio# i# t6e 3GPP Rel-12 Tu##elli#4 of ,* Servi%es over Restri%tive !%%ess +etwor's (Sta4e 2=3) Spe%ifi%atio# of t6e T,!0 !l4orit6 Set !%ro#2 SBC12 42S9Sec 2e+9I.A e<B@,ASBC 6,12 -=RAN S-AS Resour%e S( S(!S1 S( S(!C4!C1!C(!,B-F S( S(!C1 S( &3Arapporteur S--Bricsson No3i" :od"fone 4,@S! Alc"tel6%cent Ac*e 4"c3et :od"fone

,39 ;100; 4 ;A002 8 ;10(; 4 ;11(; 4 ;101; 4 ;102; 4 ;104; 4 ;10;; 4

Sec%rity "spects of 4%+lic 2"rnin Syste* '42S9Sec) =,@9;100;4

Resour%e S(!S1 S1 S( S( S1 S2 C1 R2 &3Arapporteur S--Bricsson :od"fone S--Bricsson S--Bricsson S--Bricsson S--Bricsson S--Bricsson S--Bricsson +a e Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste Sta4e 1 for Prote%tio# a4ai#st false P&S &ar#i#4 +otifi%atio#s TR o# S!3 part for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste S!3 part for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste 9elete" - Sta4e 1 for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste 9elete" - Sta4e 2 for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste 9elete" - (T1 part for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste 9elete" - R!+2 part for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste

,39 ;A0028

+a e Sta4e 1 for Prote%tio# a4ai#st false P&S &ar#i#4 +otifi%atio#s

:2perli#' S4-1204((

+otes S4E;1 co*pleted


Supporting Companies:

>odafone, 7orp%o $ards ;m(C, =lack=err!, HT8

Specif! re' irements to protect a&ainst false PWS Warnin& -otifications 2,ptional as not all re&ions@co ntries re' ire t%is f nctionalit!4. T%is WI1 co*ers all o(Eecti*es in S)3 PWS3Sec Feat re+le*el WI1 replacin& t%e ori&inal Sta&e 1 5I1391619# Justification $ rrent 3;PP PWS specifications offer no protection a&ainst false (ase stations (roadcastin& false Warnin& -otifications. )t S)G9# 3;PP decided t%at defa lt terminal (e%a*io r s%o ld (e to accept all Warnin& -otifications e*en if t%eir a t%enticit! is nknown 2i.e. no sec rit! protection4. T%is means t%at defa lt (e%a*io r is open to t%e presentation of false Warnin& -otifications iss ed (! false (ase stations e*en in co ntries wit%o t a P (lic Warnin& S!stem deplo!ed. 8<amples of false (ase station risks incl de, ( t are not limited toV =a,se >arning *otifications to induce panic



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

It is not clear %ow a lar&e crowd in an enclosed space wo ld react to a caref ll! worded messa&e desi&ned to ca se panic t%at s ddenl! arri*es wit% prominent alertin& on almost e*er! p%one A use of -arning system roadcast channe, to send ad"ertising ? spam 8nd res lt ma! (e t%at sers disa(le or i&nore *alid Warnin& -otifications and so miss &en ine warnin&s O !ecti"e: to specif! re' irements to offer protection a&ainst false P (lic Warnin& S!stem Warnin& -otifications. T%ese re' irements will (e optional since t%ere are re&ions and co ntries t%at do not re' ire t%is f nctionalit!. Ser"ice Aspects: Sec rit! is a f ndamental re' irement t%at needs to (e addressed w%en pro*idin& emer&enc! warnin& ser*ices o*er (roadcast c%annels in mo(ile networks. ''%(Aspects: ) positi*e or ne&ati*e res lt w%en performin& sec rit! c%ecks on PWS Warnin& -otifications will allow@disallow presentation of t%e Warnin& -otification to t%e terminal application@77I.
,39 ;10(; 4 ;11(; 4 +a e TR o# S!3 part for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of P&S S!3 part for Se%urit2 aspe%ts of P&S -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 10N 10N :2perli#' S41204(4 S41204(4 +otes S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;4 S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;4 TSATR new -R ((.CA8 new -S ((.2A8

Supporting Companies: ST+8ricsson, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, CiSilicon, C awei, Ro&ers Wireless, TeliaSonera, >odafone, HT8 S)3 re*iew of PWS sec rit! re's in 22.26" 2see .S S1+1623"94 and c rrent 8TWS sec rit! sol tion 2$1 23.6#1, S2 23.#61, R2 36.3314 concl ded need for S1,S2,S3,$1,R2 work Justification TS 22.26" contains sec rit! re' irements for PWS and t%e 8TWS, $7)S and 85+)lert s (s!stems. T%ese re' irements state t%at warnin& messa&es s%all (e a t%enticated. Cowe*er, t%e c rrent 3;PP specifications onl! contain a partial sol tion to address t%ese re' irements. W%ilst a di&ital si&nat re can (e appended to 8TWS primar! notifications, t%e al&orit%ms to (e sed and t%e related ke! mana&ement sc%eme are not specified. .ack of standardisation on t%e di&ital si&nat re al&orit%m co ld pre*ent t%e implementation of sol tions, and at (est co ld lead to fra&mentation of sol tions as eac% nation or re&ion co ld decide to se a different al&orit%m. .ack of standardisation co ld also res lt in inconsistent terminal (e%a*io r w%ic% co ld ca se some terminals to alert t%e ser to emer&enc! warnin& messa&es t%at are not protected wit% a di&ital si&nat re despite t%e wis%es of t%e local operator and local re& lator. O !ecti"es: To re*iew, and pdate as re' ired, t%e sec rit! re' irements for PWS. T%is s%o ld incl de re*iew of sec rit! re' irements relatin& to %andlin& of roamin& sers. To profile di&ital si&nat re al&orit%ms and@or de*elop ot%er sec rit! sol tions for protectin& emer&enc! warnin& messa&es. To define ke! mana&ement sc%emes to s pport t%e protection of emer&enc! warnin& messa&es. To ens re t%at t%e sec rit! sol tion s fficientl! (locks spoof warnin&s, w%ilst a*oidin& t%at &en ine warnin&s are reEected d e to non+malicio s errors in t%e s!stem. To re*iew all aspects of t%e PWS specifications to identif! and close an! sec rit! &aps.

Ser"ice Aspects: Sec rit! is a f ndamental re' irement t%at needs to (e addressed w%en pro*idin& emer&enc! warnin& ser*ices o*er (roadcast c%annels in mo(ile networks. ''%(Aspects: ) positi*e or ne&ati*e res lt w%en performin& sec rit! c%ecks on emer&enc! warnin& messa&es ma! %a*e an impact on t%e terminal 77I.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;200( 1

Sec%rity en#"nce*ents for %s" e of I.A fro* t#e +rowser '2e+9I.A) =,@9;200(1
:2perli#' S4120C80 +otes S4EA0 co*pleted TSATR ((.220! ((.222! new -R ((.C2( +a e Se%urit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for usa4e of Ge#eri% Eootstrappi#4 !r%6ite%ture (GE!) fro t6e 5rowser (Sta4e 2)

Supporting Companies: Justification

-okia, -S-, $%ina 7o(ile, )TDT, ST+8ricsson, 8ricsson

T%e most sed a t%entication met%od in t%e Internet toda! is CT7. F,R7 (ased a t%entication. It is sed wit% we( (rowser w%ere a lo&in pa&e is downloaded o*er CTTPS and w%ic% contains an CT7. F,R7 wit% at least P sernameP and PpasswordP fields. Sometime, t%is takes place o*er plain CTTP, w%ic% poses a sec rit! risk. T%e c rrent mec%anism %ow ;=) co ld (e sed from we( (rowser is to se ;=) wit% CTTP 1i&est as specified in cla se 9.3 of 3;PP TS 33.222. In c rrent implementations, once we( (rowser %as started to se CTTP 1i&est wit% a partic lar we( ser*er, it contin es to se it ntil t%e (rowser instance is terminated. T%is is common (e%a*io r in we( (rowsers toda!. T%is means t%at t%ere is no wa! of doin& a lo&o t as (rowser keeps on sendin& t%e CTTP 1i&est %eaders (ack to t%e we( ser*er. )not%er draw(ack is t%at sin& CTTP 1i&est in parallel to CT7. F,R7 (ased a t%entication is not strai&%t forward as t%e a t%entication %appens in different la!ers of protocols. In order to simplif! t%e sa&e of ;=) in we( (rowser we propose to ena(le access to ;=) in CT7. la!er, namel! sin& Ea*ascript. T%e sa&e of Ea*ascript to&et%er wit% ;=) raises also some sec rit! concerns wit% re&ard to protection of ;=) credentials, %ence t%e (est common practices for t%is kind of interworkin& need to (e descri(ed. O !ecti"e + + + + + + St d! t%e potential t%reats for different sa&e scenarios of ;=) credentials sin& a we( (rowser for new sa&e scenarios, not co*ered (! c rrent specifications e.&. sin& CT7. forms, sin& Ra*ascript, sin& wid&ets St d!, identif! and specif! an! protection mec%anism t%at ma!(e additionall! re' ired for t%e ;=) credentials St d!, identif! and potentiall! specif! sa&e control for ;=) credentials St d!, identif! and potentiall! specif! access control mec%anism for ;=) mod le St d!, identif! and potentiall! specif! t%e sa&e of we( (ased ;=) as an e<tension on t%e c rrent 5a protocols 2e.&. new 5a protocol identifier4 Identif! and o tline %ow ;=) can (e sed wit% CT7. Forms and Ra*ascript sec rel! 2e.&. descri(in& ;=) F we( specific common practices and e<amples4 T%is is a sec rit! ena(ler for ser*ices.

Ser"ice Aspects:



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A00(0 ;A01(0 A1100( ;C000;

,<S *edi" pl"ne sec%rity extensions 'e<B@,ASBC) =,@9;A00(0

Resour%e S(!C4!C1!C(!,B-F S( S(-,B-F C4!C1!C( &3Arapporteur :od"fone :od"fone C#rister &ol*+er Alc"tel-6%cent +a e *Dte#"e" 31S e"ia pla#e se%urit2 features S!3 part of *Dte#"e" 31S e"ia pla#e se%urit2 features (Sta4e 2) (3*T-) S!3 part of *Dte#"e" 31S e"ia pla#e se%urit2 features (Sta4e 2) (T aspe%ts of *Dte#"e" 31S e"ia pla#e se%urit2 features (Sta4e 2=3)

,39 ;A01( 0 A1100 (

+a e S!3 part (Sta4e 2) (3*T-) S!3 part (Sta4e 2)

-i#is6 0AJ12J201 ( 0AJ0(J201 4

(o p 8;N 2;N

:2perli#' S4120441 S4120441

+otes S4EA0 co*pletetion 0AJ1(FG12J1( Not co*pleted internet-dr"ft

TSATR ((.(2C dr"ft-ietf-**%sic-%dptldtls

Supporting Companies: ,ran&e

>odafone, )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, -okia, -S-, =lack=err!, HT8, C awei,

Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 33."20 St d! on 8<tended I7S media plane sec rit! feat res 2FS3e781I)S8$4
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 4C004 St%dy on Bxtended ,<S *edi" pl"ne sec%rity ( fe"t%res 'FS9e<B@,ASBC) +ature of relatio#s6ip St%dy on different *edi" sec%rity en#"nce*ents! w#ere t#e concl%sions s#o%ld +e %sed "s inp%t for t#e nor*"ti$e wor3 in t#is wor3 ite*.

Justification T%e 3;PP media sec rit! specifications toda! are foc sed on RTP media onl!. ,t%er media, s c% as 7SRP (ased messa&in& or file transfer are not addressed, makin& t%e o*erall sec rit! for an I7S session incomplete. )s part of t%e 3;PP TR 33."20 st d!, a n m(er of en%ancements to t%e I7S media sec rit! %a*e (een f rt%er pro&ressed, incl din& I7S messa&in&, comm nications di*ersion and conferencin&. Some of t%ese aspects %a*e mat red and co ld (e (ro &%t towards normati*e work to sec re t%e consistent media sec rit! framework for all t!pe of I7S media. It can also (e noted t%at ot%er or&aniAations adoptin& and profilin& t%e 3;PP I7S specifications %a*e s%own a &reat need to ens re t%at media sec rit! can (e pro*ided for *ario s call cases and media. In partic lar, ;S7) R$S %a*e defined se cases o*er non+tr sted access, w%ere t%ere is a need for media sec rit!. ;S7) R$S %a*e adopted SRTP (ased on TS 33.32", ( t d e to t%e lack of 3;PP specification for [email protected], defined t%eir own profile for T.S. Similar sit ations ma! occ r in ot%er &ro ps, and t%ere is a need to ens re t%at 3;PP %a*e a clear profile standardiAed for [email protected] (ased media s c% t%at ot%er &ro ps can se t%ese and a*oid t%at a fra&mentation occ rs in t%e ind str! aro nd I7S (ased media sec rit!. O !ecti"e: to specif! an! necessar! mec%anisms and proced res w%ere concl ded to (e specified to pro*ide media sec rit! f nctionalit! for t%e followin& scenariosI I7S 7essa&in&, and in partic lar 7SRP@T$P (ased media, I7S $onferencin&, and $omm nications di*ersion.

T%e mec%anisms s%o ld (e (ased on t%e o tcome and concl sions from t%e related st d! TR 33."20 2FS3e781I)S8$4. $ompati(lit! wit% ;S7) R$S s%o ld (e so &%t as m c% as possi(le. Ser"ice AspectsI allow operators to pro*ide a consistent protection for I7S media and I7S standard ser*ices.

''%(Aspects: I7S media protection s%o ld work wit%o t ser in*ol*ement. Cowe*er, dependin& on t%e re' irements of certain ser &ro ps, sers ma! want to %a*e t%e possi(ilit! to confi& re t%eir sec rit! settin&s. Charging Aspects: possi(le to c%ar&e a c stomer for %i&% ' alit! end+to+end media sec rit! as a *al e added ser*ice.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C000 ; A000; 1 ;C000 A ;C000 1 ;C000 C

+a e (T aspe%ts (Sta4e 2=3) -R on Bxtended ,<S *edi" pl"ne sec%rity fe"t%res "nd -C4 rel"ted NA- tr"$ers"l s%pport0 ,<S &.24C profiles "spects C-4 p"rt C-1 p"rt C-( p"rt

-i#is6 0;J0(J201 4 0AJ12J201 ( 0;J0(J201 4 0AJ12J201 ( 0;J0(J201 4

(o p CN 2;N 0N 10N 0N

:2perli#' C41(0(82 C41(0(82 C41(0(82 C41(0(82 C41(0(82

TSATR St" e 2J( new -R 28.C2C 2(.((4! 28.((4! 28.2(C! 2(.(((! 28.((( 2(.21C! 24.141! 24.228! 24.241 28.1A2

,39 ;C000 ; A000; 1

+a e (T aspe%ts (Sta4e 2=3) -R on Bxtended ,<S *edi" pl"ne sec%rity fe"t%res "nd -C4 rel"ted NA- tr"$ers"l s%pport0 ,<S &.24C profiles "spects C-4 p"rt

Resour%e C4!C1!C( C4

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4

(o p (;N A0N

:2perli#' C41(0;81 C41(0;81

+otes C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0(82FGC4-1(0;81 C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0(82FGC4-1(0;81. -R 28.C2C$100 for ,nfor*"tion. Co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 -

TSATR St" e 2J( new -R 28.C2C

;C000 A


0AJ0(J201 4



A2100 1 ;C000 1 A2100 2 ;C000 C

',B-F) C-4 p"rt C-1 p"rt

C4-,B-F C1

0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4

2;N 80N

C41(0;81 C41(0;81 C41(0;81 C41(0;81

Not co*pleted internet-dr"ft C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 Not co*pleted internet-dr"ft -

',B-F) C-1 p"rt C-( p"rt

C1-,B-F C(

2;N 0N

2(.((4! 28.((4! 28.2(C! 2(.(((! 28.((( dr"ft-ietf**%sic%dptl-dtls 2(.21C! 24.141! 24.228! 24.241 dr"ft-ietf**%sic%dptl-dtls 28.1A2

Supporting Companies:

)lcatel+. cent,

Justification T%e 3;PP media sec rit! specifications toda! are foc sed on RTP media onl!. ,t%er media, s c% as 7SRP (ased messa&in& or file transfer are not addressed, makin& t%e o*erall sec rit! for an I7S session incomplete. 8n%ancements to I7S media sec rit! in TS 33.32" pro*ide media sec rit! in t%e followin& scenariosI I7S 7essa&in&, and in partic lar 7SRP@T$P (ased media, I7S $onferencin&, $omm nications di*ersion, T.3" fa< o*er 51PT.@51P transport. It can also (e noted t%at ot%er or&aniAations adoptin& and profilin& t%e 3;PP I7S specifications %a*e s%own a &reat need to ens re t%at media sec rit! can (e pro*ided for *ario s call cases and media. T%ere is a need to ens re t%at 3;PP %a*e a clear profile standardiAed for T.S (ased media s c% t%at ot%er &ro ps can se t%ese and a*oid t%at a fra&mentation occ rs in t%e ind str! aro nd I7S (ased media sec rit!. O !ecti"e: 1. 2. 3. #. Sta&e 2@3 re' ired to implement t%e new sta&e 2 in TS 33.32" on e<tended I7S media plane sec rit!I

Pro*ide end+to access ed&e protection of session (ased messa&in& 27SRP4 traffic sin& T.S and certificates fin&erprints e<c%an&ed o*er S1PV Pro*ide end+to+end protection of session (ased messa&in& 27SRP4 traffic sin& T.SV Pro*ide end+to access ed&e protection of =F$P (ased traffic, sin& T.S and certificates fin&erprints e<c%an&ed o*er S1PV Pro*ide optional s pport of T.S protection of =F$P and 7SRP (ased traffic at t%e $onference Ser*erV



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


Pro*ide end+to access ed&e protection of T.3" fa< sin& 1T.S.

To accomplis% t%is work, $T1, $T3 and $T# will proceed as followsI $T1 to pdateI o t%e I7S Re&istration proced re to si&nal t%e capa(ilit! to s pport e2ae sec rit! for 7SRP@[email protected]" fa< (etween t%e 58 and t%e I7S $ore -etworkV o I7S Si&nallin&@S1P to indicate se of sec rit! for 7SRP@[email protected]" fa<V o I7S Si&nallin&@S1P to transfer certificates fin&erprints for end+to access ed&e protection. $T# to pdateI o I' sta&e 2@sta&e 3 to specif! s pport of 214T.S (ased media plane sec rit! and to descri(e %ow t%e I7S+).; confi& res t%e I7S+);W to ori&inate@terminate 214T.S (ased media, and %ow to transfer t%e 214T.S cr!pto&rap%ic conte<ts (etween t%e I7S+).; and I7S+);WV o I' sta&e 2 and 2possi(l!4 sta&e 3 to specif! %ow t%e I7S+).; confi& res t%e I7S+);W to pass T.S protected media wit%o t decr!ptionV o 7p sta&e 2@sta&e 3 to s pport T.S (ased media plane sec rit! for conferencin& and messa&in& and to descri(e %ow t%e 7RF$ confi& res t%e 7RFP to ori&inate@terminate T.S (ased media, and %ow to transfer t%e T.S cr!pto&rap%ic conte<ts (etween t%e 7RF$ and 7RFPV o 2possi(l!4 I< sta&e 3 to specif! %ow t%e I=$F confi& res t%e Tr;W to pass T.S protected media wit%o t decr!ption. $T3 to pdateI o I< sta&e 2 to specif! %ow t%e I=$F confi& res t%e Tr;W to pass T.S protected media wit%o t decr!ption.

$oordination wit% IT5+T S;16 s%o ld also (e so &%t for t%e C.2#" e<tensions to s pport 214T.S media sec rit! in IP networks. T%e work will incl de a st d! p%ase on t%e I7S C.2#" profiles aspects of 8<tended I7S media plane sec rit! feat res. T%e st d! will also anal!se re' irements and proced res for T$P (earer control and related -)T tra*ersal s pport w%ic% are not specific to media sec rit!V t%is ma! res lt in normati*e work *ia anot%er work item. It %as (een a&reed t%at $T# wo ld sc%ed le t%e disc ssions so as to allow participation from $T3.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;100( 2

6"wf%l ,nterception in t#e (I44 Rel-12 '6,12) =,@9;100(2

-i#is6 12J08J201 4 (o p ;N :2perli#' S41(0400 +otes S4EA1 %pd"te 2,@ S4-1(024AFGS4-1(0400 '"dded i*p"ct fro* Fe"t%re =,@9A00111 &N. 4ositionin for =-RA). Co*pletion 12J1(FG08J14 TSsAa#"ATRs ((.10A! ((.101! ((.10C +a e B312

,39 ;100( 2

+a e Bawful 3#ter%eptio# i# t6e 3GPP Rel-12

-i#is6 12J08J201 4

(o p A0N

:2perli#' S41(0A;0

&3Arapporteur 4,@S! Alc"tel6%cent

+otes S4EA2 %pd"te 2,@ S41(0400FGS4-1(0A;0

TSATR ((.10A! ((.101! ((.10C

Supporting Companies: PI1S 2-.4, )lcatel+. cent, =T, 8ricsson, 7inistr! of 8conomics and Tec%nolo&! 2184, Ro&ers, -ational Tec%nical )ssistance $entre 25B4, 7inistere de lPeconomie des finances et de lPind strie 2FR4, )TDT, >odafone, Federal ,ffice for t%e Protection of t%e $onstit tion 2184, Tec%nical Pro&ram Section 25S)4, -S-, =lack=err!
Relate" Stu"2 3te s ,39 Title 41002 St%dy on Altern"ti$es to B.1A4 for <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions 'FS9A<-C) 0 ;(00; St%dy on <o+ile Rel"y for B-=-RA 'FS96-B9*o+Rel"y) 4 ;100( St%dy on Sec%rity Ass%r"nce <et#odolo y for (I44 Networ3 Ble*ents 'FS9SBCA<) ; ;A00( St%dy on ,4 Flow <o+ility s%pport for S2" "nd S2+ ,nterf"ces 'FS9N.,F5<) 8 41004 St%dy on <%lti Access 4@N connecti$ity "nd ,4 flow <o+ility 'FS9<A4,<) ( ;A00( St%dy on 5pti*ized 5fflo"din to 26AN in (I44-RA- *o+ility 'FS925R<) 1 ;100A St%dy on S2" <o+ility +"sed on I-4 "nd 26AN "ccess to B4C 'FS9S"<5I) 1 4800( St%dy on ,<S +"sed 4eer-to-4eer Content @istri+%tion Ser$ices 'FS9,<S-4249C@S) 4 ;000( St%dy on Contin%ity of @"t" Sessions to 6oc"l Networ3s 'FS9CSN) ; 4C00( St%dy on en#"nce*ents for <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions 'FS9<-Ce) 2 ;800( St%dy on RAN "spects of <"c#ine--ype "nd ot#er *o+ile d"t" "pplic"tioRns Co**%niction 2 en#"nce*ents 'FS9<-Ce9RAN) ;(004 St%dy on 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices 'FS94roSe) 4 ;C00( St%dy on 6-B @e$ice to @e$ice 4roxi*ity Ser$ices 'FS96-B9@2@94rox) C Relatio#s6ip

5%tco*e *"y res%lt in 6, fe"t%re c#"n es or "dditions +ein re/%ired



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Relate" -eatures ,39 Title 4800( S,4-5 Ser$ice Contin%ity of ,4 @"t" Session 'S,4-59SC) 0 ;2002 ,<S Networ3-,ndependent 4%+lic =ser ,dentities ',N,4=,) 1 ;1002 F%rt#er en#"nce*ents to &'e)N. *o+ility O 4"rt ( 'B&N.9en#() 1 ;1000 ,nterwor3in +etween " 46<N wit# 26AN to "ccess t#e B4C "nd " 4@N 'SABS926AN9B4C9intw3) C ;A00( Bxtended ,<S *edi" pl"ne sec%rity fe"t%res 'St" e 2) 'e<B@,ASBC) 0 ;200( Sec%rity en#"nce*ents for %s" e of Ieneric .ootstr"ppin Arc#itect%re 'I.A) fro* t#e +rowser '2e+9I.A) 1 ;A002 26AN Networ3 Selection for (I44 :-er*in"ls '26AN-NS) A ;A002 ,<S .%siness -r%n3in for ,4-4.> in St"tic <ode of 5per"tion '.%s-,) ; ;A002 <"c#ine--ype "nd ot#er *o+ile d"t" "pplic"tions Co**%nic"tions en#"nce*ents '<-Ce) 2 ;2002 S#ort <ess" e Ser$ice 'S<S) s%+*it "nd deli$ery wit#o%t <S,S@N in ,<S 'S<S<,) 8 ;0002 6,4A <o+ility "nd S,4-5 "t t#e 6oc"l Networ3 '6,<5NB-) C ;1002 ,<S "ccess $i" @i it"l :ideo .ro"dc"st O Ret%rn C#"nnel $i" S"tellite ',<SS"t) 1 ;A001 Bplicit Co**%nic"tion -r"nsfer .lind 'BC- .lind) ser$ice inter"ctions 'BC-.) 8 ;(004 ,<S-+"sed -elepresence ',<S9-B6B4) 2 ;C00; 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices '4roSe) 8 ;A002 Iro%p Co**%nic"tion Syste* Bn"+lers for 6-B 'ICSB96-B) 0 ;C00A <o+ile stereoscopic (@ ser$ices extensions '<(@C9Bxt) ; ;C00A ,<S-+"sed Stre"*in "nd @ownlo"d @eli$ery Bn#"nce*ents ',<S9S@B) A ;C00A 6"n %" e "nd <od"lity ,nfor*"tion for co**%nic"tions '6"n ,nfo) 1 ;C00A Se/%enti"l Flexi+le Alertin 'SBD9FA) 0 ;C00A 2e+ Re"l -i*e Co**%nic"tion '2e+R-C) Access to ,<S ',<S92e+R-C) 2 ;C002 ,<-SSF Applic"tion Ser$er Ser$ice @"t" @escriptions ',<S9SSF@@) 0 ;C001 St" e-( SAB 4rotocol @e$elop*ent 'SABS(! SABS(-CSF.! SABS(-non(I44) A ;C001 Sin le R"dio :oice C"ll Contin%ity 'SR:CC) +efore rin in '+SR:CC) 2 ;8004 <.<S ,*pro$e*ents '<,) ( ;8004 Bnd-to-end <-S, extensions 'B2B<-S,) 4 ;8001 @%"l R"dio :CC en#"nce*ents 'e@R:CC) 4 ;C001 ,<S St" e-( ,B-F 4rotocol Ali n*ent ',<S4rotocA) ( A0011 &N. 4ositionin for =-RA'=-RA9&N.94os) 1 A1000 S%pport of R-4JR-C4 tr"nsport *%ltiplexin 'si n"llin ) in ,<S 'R-C4-<=>) ; A1004 Networ3-pro$ided 6oc"tion infor*"tion for ,<S -r%sted 26AN Access Networ3 '-2AN) c"se 0 'NB-65C9-2AN)


5%tco*e *"y res%lt in 6, fe"t%re c#"n es or "dditions +ein re/%ired

Justification : S)3+.I st d! all Rel+12 rele*ant f nctions and ser*ices to f lfil t%e national re' irements on interception. .I considerations are necessar! at least for followin& topicsI I7S 7edia sec rit! 7T$ 2.ocal $all .ocal Switc%4 I7S 8n%ancements 8PS 8n%ancements



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

8n%anced .ocation Reportin& C2e4-= also wit% .ocal IP )ccess and Selected IP Traffic ,ffload 7o(ile $lo d -etwork Cardenin& @ $ommon $riteria ;=) for we( Ser*ices 8n%ancements to s pport ;S7) >o.T8 profiles 7 lti+media messa&in& ser*ices foc ssin& on ;S7) R$S and R$Se ser*ices

O !ecti"e: to pdate .Is for t%e latest Rel+12 arc%itect re and ser*ices as descri(ed a(o*e. T%e en%ancements tos TS 33.166, TS 33.167 and TS 33.16" addresses t%e additional work to specif! .I Ser*ice Re' irements, .I )rc%itect re, .I f nctions and t%e CI2 2Intercepted Related Information4 and t%e CI3 2$ontent4 interfaces to deli*er! to t%e .aw 8nforcement 7onitorin& Facilities for 3;PP networks for Rel+12. Ser"ice Aspects: S)3+.I will consider (ot% traditional &eneric arc%itect re (ased and ser*ice specific (ased interception in order to meet 3;PP .I re' irements. Cowe*er, S)3+.I %a*e not specificall! identified an! impacts to 3;PP ser*ices at t%is time. Security Aspects: S)3+.I ma! re' ire normati*e standardisation in S)3 sec rit! standards 2e.&. I7S media sec rit!4 to pro*ide nderl!in& sec rit! feat res to s pport .I capa(ilities specified (! S)3+.I.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01A4 A000;0

-%nnellin of =B Ser$ices o$er Restricti$e Access Networ3s '-=RAN) =,@9;C00A4

Resour%e S( C1 -i#is6 11J12J201( 0AJ0(J2014 (o p 80N A;N :2perli#' S4-1(024; C4-1(011A TSATR ((.20(! ((.402 24.228! 24.(02! new -S 24.(22 +a e S!3 Sta4e 2=3 (T Sta4e 3

Supporting Companies:

)cme Packet, C awei, >odafone, -S-, $%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, CiSilicon

Justification T%e I7S ser*ice re' irements 2TS 22.22"4 %a*e (een e<tended to co*er new re' irements for I7S firewall tra*ersal. T%e 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem ser*ice re' irements 2TS 22.27"4 %a*e (een e<tended to ena(le ser access to P.7- IP (ased ser*ices from o tside of t%e P.7-Us domain *ia non+3;PP access tec%nolo&ies nder conditions w%ere t%ere are IP traffic+flow restrictions 2e.&. allow onl! CTTP traffic4. TR 33."36 2Feasi(ilit! st d! on Firewall Tra*ersal4 disc sses t%e iss es to (e resol*ed to meet t%ese re' irements. In addition to definin& new sec rit! and f nctional re' irements firewall tra*ersal, TR 33."36 also st dies e<istin& 3;PP mec%anisms and disc sses t%e limitations of t%ese mec%anisms to allow I7S and P.7- IP (ased traffic to tra*erse restricti*e access networks. TR 33."36 also disc sses se*eral new candidate sol tions for sol*in& t%e iss e of tra*ersal of I7S and P.7- IP (ased traffic o*er restricti*e access networks. O !ecti"e: pro*ide sta&e+2 to meet t%e ser*ice re' irements for firewall tra*ersal in TS 22.22" and TS 22.27". For t%e I7S case 2TS 22.22"4, it s%all (e possi(le for a t nnellin& sol tion to f lfill t%e followin& re' irements, nless t%e! lead to nnecessar! comple<it! on I7S 58.
,39 A000;0

transparenc! to t%e I7S core network no need for an additional interface to t%e CSS.
+a e (T Sta4e 3 Resour%e C1 -i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p A;N :2perli#' C41(011A +otes C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-1(0(81FGC41(011A. -S 24.(22$100 for ,nfor*"tion. TSATR 24.228! 24.(02! new -S 24.(22

Supporting Companies:

C awei, >odafone, ,racle, $%ina 7o(ile, -S-, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson

Justification: In order to o*ercome limitations of e<istin& mec%anisms to allow I7S and P.7- IP (ased traffic to tra*erse restricti*e access networks, S)3 %as defined new sec rit! and f nctional re' irements and arc%itect re of two sol tions for firewall tra*ersalI + Sol tion 1I sol tion for 58 access to P.7- IP+(ased ser*ices *ia restricti*e non+3;PP access networks doc mented in TS 33.#62, anne< :=. + Sol tion 2I sol tion for 58 access to I7S ser*ices *ia restricti*e access networks doc mented in TS 33.263, anne< :W.I + + Sol tion 2+1I T nnelled Firewall Tra*ersal for I7S traffic Sol tion 2+2I Re sin& I$8@T5R-@ST5- sol tion

O !ecti"e So,ution #: to specif! protocol aspects for 58 access to P.7- IP+(ased ser*ices *ia restricti*e non+3;PP

access networks incl din&I + + + + 7ana&ement of firewall tra*ersal t nnel (etween 58 and eP1; Transport of IB8*2 messa&es and IPSec messa&es *ia t%e firewall tra*ersal t nnel T%e firewall tra*ersal t nnel keep+ali*e proced re )ssess impacts on an! applications sin& t%e firewall tra*ersal t nnel, e.&. I7S and make appropriated c%an&es

O !ecti"e So,ution $: to specif! protocol aspects for 58 access to I7S ser*ices *ia restricti*e access networks incl din&I

Sol tion 2+1I T nnelled Firewall Tra*ersal for I7S trafficI + + 7ana&ement of firewall tra*ersal t nnel Transport of IP packets *ia t%e firewall tra*ersal t nnel



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

+ + +

Proced re for assi&nment of local IP address to t%e 58 T%e firewall tra*ersal t nnel keep+ali*e proced re Inte&ration wit% I7S

Sol tion 2+2I Re sin& I$8@T5R-@ST5- sol tion + + 5se of t%e SIP o*er T.S on port ##3 for t%e I7S si&nallin& firewall tra*ersal 5se of t%e e<istin& ST5-@T5R-@I$8 mec%anism on t%e T.S wit% port ##3 or T$P wit% port "6 for t%e media plane firewall tra*ersal

0xpected Output and +ime sca,e

+ew spe%ifi%atio#s S,f St%dy ,te*! one -R is "nticip"tedT 1st rsp. 2nd rsp. 4resented for infor*"tion "t Spec No. -itle Appro$ed "t plen"ry E Co**ents 2I 2I's) plen"ryE -S =B "ccess to ,<S ser$ices C-1 C-EA12 C-EA2( C-1 responsi+ility 24.(22 $i" restricti$e "ccess 'Septe*+er@ece*+er '@ece*+er<"rc# networ3s O st" e ( 201() 201(4) -#is is to doc%*ent proced%res of Sol%tion 2-1 w#ic# "re o%t of scope of 24.228. !ffe%te" eDisti#4 spe%ifi%atio#s SNone in t#e c"se of St%dy ,te*sT Spec CR S%+Rect of t#e CR Appro$ed "t plen"ryE Co**ents No. -S ,4-CAN specific "nnex "pplic"+le w#en =B "ccesses ,<S C-EA2( C-1 responsi+ility 24.228 ser$ices $i" restricti$e non-(I44 "ccess. '@ece*+er<"rc# 201(4) -#is is to doc%*ent proced%res of Sol%tion 2-1 w#ic# "re rel"ted to interwor3in wit# ,<S. -S NA- tr"$ers"l specific "nnex "pplic"+le w#en =B "ccesses C-EA('<"rc# 2014) C-1 responsi+ility 24.228 ,<S ser$ices $i" restricti$e non-(I44 "ccess. -#is is to doc%*ent proced%res of Sol%tion 2-2 w#ic# "re rel"ted to interwor3in wit# ,<S. -S ,4-CAN specific "nnex "pplic"+le w#en =B "ccesses ,<S C-EA2 '@ece*+er C-1 responsi+ility 24.228 ser$ices $i" restricti$e non-(I44 "ccess. 201() -#is is to doc%*ent possi+le c#"n es for =B connectin to ,<S $i" t#e firew"ll tr"$ers"l t%nnel in Sol%tion 1. -S Addition"l t%nnel *"n" e*ent proced%res in s%pport of =B C-EA2 '@ece*+er C-1 responsi+ility 24.(02 Ser$ices tr"$ers"l o$er Restricti$e Access Networ3s! p"ssin 201() ,?B$2 "nd ,4Sec *ess" es $i" t#e t%nnel "nd 3eep-"li$e -#is is to doc%*ent proced%res of proced%re. Sol%tion 1! w#ic# *i #t le"d to scope "nd proced%r"l c#"n es of -S 24.(02.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A200A ;

Specific"tion of t#e -=A? Al orit#* Set 'S-AS) =,@9A200A;

-i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p 80N :2perli#' S41(0A41 +otes St" e (J-est. S4EA2 new 2,@ "nd ( new -S (;.2(1J2J($100 for 1-step "ppro$"l. Bxception in S4-1(0A;A. New (I44 "%t#entic"tion "nd 3ey ener"tion f%nction. -ri ered +y S4-1(0A02 6S9in fro* B-S, SAIB '-=A? "s "ltern"ti$e to <ilen" e) TSATR new -Ss '(;.2(1! (;.2(2! (;.2(() +a e Spe%ifi%atio# of t6e T,!0 !l4orit6 Set

Supporting Companies: -TT 1,$,7,, ,ran&e

>odafone, )TDT, =lack=err!, $%ina 7o(ile, ,ran&e, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 7orp%o $ards,

Justification In 2612, S);8 anno nced its intention to de*elop a new 3; a t%entication and ke! a&reement al&orit%m, as an alternati*e to 7I.8-);8. T%is new al&orit%m, named T5)B, can (e sed (! an! operator for an! 5SI7 or ISI7. T%is pro*ides c%oice to operatorsV it also pro*ides resilience a&ainst f t re cr!ptanal!sis of eit%er al&orit%m. 8TSI S);8 %as completed t%e al&orit%m specification doc ment set w%ic% incl des t%e al&orit%m specification itself, t%e implementersU test data and t%e desi&n conformance test data O !ecti"es: to deli*er t%e complete specification set for a second e<ample al&orit%m set for t%e 3;PP a t%entication and ke! &eneration f nctions as 3;PP Tec%nical Specifications w%ic% consists of t%ree deli*era(lesI )l&orit%m Specification ImplementersU Test 1ata 1esi&n $onformance Test 1ata

T5)B offers ke! siAes compati(le wit% t%e ones c rrentl! specified in t%e rele*ant 3;PP specifications. In addition T5)B also pro*ides &reater fle<i(ilit! in t%e c%oices of t%e ke! siAes for t%e parameters B, R8S, $B, , IB, 7)$+) and 7)$+S w%ic% &o (e!ond w%at t%e e<istin& 3;PP specifications s pport and t%erefore pro*ides t%e option for 3;PP to s pport t%em in t%e f t re s%o ld it (e re' ested (! t%e market. Cowe*er, t%is partic lar WI1 limits itself to t%e siAes of t%e parameters B, R8S, $B, IB, 7)$+) and 7)$+S, c rrentl! allowed in 3;PP specifications so t%at t%ere is no need to impact t%e c rrent 3;PP specifications, in partic lar not t%e c%aracteristics of t%e 5SI7 application 23;PP TS 31.1624 and t%e c rrent 3; and #; sec rit! arc%itect re 2in partic lar 3;PP TS 33.162 and 3;PP TS 33.#614.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 4100( 0 ;A004 0 ;100( ( ;C00A ; ;C00A A ;C00A 1 ;8004 ( ;8004 4 A200A A

SA4 Fe"t%res
+a e (o"e% for *#6a#%e" Voi%e Servi%es (oor"i#atio# of Vi"eo Orie#tatio# :i46 *ffi%ie#%2 Vi"eo (o"i#4 1o5ile stereos%opi% 39 servi%es eDte#sio#s 31S-5ase" Strea i#4 a#" 9ow#loa" 9eliver2 *#6a#%e e#ts !%ousti% ReFuire e#ts a#" Test et6o"s for 31S-5ase" %o#versatio#al spee%6 servi%es over BT* 1E1S 3 prove e#ts *#"-to-*#" 1ulti e"ia Telep6o#2 Servi%e for 31S (1TS3) eDte#sio#s Vi"eo (o"i#4 *#6a#%e e#ts i# 31S 1essa4i#4 a#" Prese#%e !%ro#2 B:S9codec C:5 &B:C <(@:9Bxt ,<S9S@B AR-96-B <, B2B<-S, :CB,<4 Resour%e S4!S1 S4!C4!C1!C( S4 S4 S4 S4 S4 S4!C(!C1!C4 S4 &3Arapporteur &%"wei Bricsson D%"lco** &%"wei ,ntel D%"lco** Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson

,39 4100( 1 4100( 2 4101( 2

Codec for Bn#"nced :oice Ser$ices 'B:S9codec) =,@94100(0

Resour%e S1 S4 S4 -i#is6 2;J0(J201 0 12J12J201 4 11J08J201 4 (o p 100N 1;N 1;N :2perli#' S4100202 S4100202 S4100202 +otes S4E41 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pletion 0AJ14FG12J14 TSATR 22.11(! 2A.8yz +a e Sta4e 1 Sta4e 2=3 TR o# Perfor a#%e %6ara%teri<atio# of (o"e% for *#6a#%e" Voi%e Servi%es

Supporting Companies: C awei, ? alcomm, 8ricsson, ,ran&e, Telecom Italia, -okia, >oice)&e, Son! 8ricsson 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 7otorola, ST+8ricsson, .; 8lectronics, Sams n&, Panasonic, 8TRI. Tri&&ered (! 5I133766#9 St d! on en%anced *oice ser*ice re' irements for 8PS 2TR 22."134 1e*elop 8>S codec for 8PS (ased on TR 22."13 recommendations. Tri&&ered (! 5I133766#9 St d! on en%anced *oice ser*ice re' irements for 8PS 2TR 22."134 Justification Wit% t%e ad*ent of increasin&l! compact !et powerf l mo(ile de*ices and t%e proliferation of %i&%+speed wireless access to telecomm nications networks aro nd t%e &lo(e, sers of mo(ile de*ices e<pect and demand &rowin& sop%istication in t%e comm nication ser*ices (ein& offered. 7 lti+modal interfaces s pportin& ric% m ltimedia ser*ices for content and con*ersation are commonplace on t%e desktop, wit% demand for smart mo(ile de*ices wit% similar f nctionalit! steadil! &rowin&. T%e identification of t%is potential was t%e (ack&ro nd for 3;PP to la nc% a st d! in*esti&atin& and definin& t%e se cases and re' irements for an 8n%anced >oice Ser*ice in t%e 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem leadin& to TR 22."13. T%e TR defines a new set of %i&%+le*el tec%nical recommendations and recommended re' irements for a new codec for t%e 8n%anced >oice Ser*ice and concl des t%at s (stantiall! en%anced *oice ser*ices will (ecome possi(le wit% a codec meetin& t%em. T%e TR recommends startin& an 8>S codec de*elopment work item wit% t%e tar&et to meet t%e re' irements and recommendations set in it. O !ecti"eI to de*elop a codec s ita(le for t%e 8n%anced >oice Ser*ice in t%e 8PS. T%e followin& o(Eecti*es s%o ld (e ac%ie*ed wit% t%e new codecI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

8n%anced ' alit! and codin& efficienc! for narrow(and 2-=4 and wide(and 2W=4 speec% ser*ices, leadin& to impro*ed ser e<perience and s!stem efficienc!. T%is s%o ld also (e ac%ie*ed in interoperation wit% pre+Rel+ 16 s!stems and ser*ices emplo!in& W= *oice. 8n%anced ' alit! (! t%e introd ction of s per+wide(and 2SW=4 speec%, leadin& to impro*ed ser e<perience. 8n%anced ' alit! for mi<ed content and m sic in con*ersational applications 2for e<ample, in+call m sic4, leadin& to impro*ed ser e<perience for cases w%en selection of dedicated 3;PP a dio codecs is not possi(le. Ro( stness to packet loss and dela! Eitter, leadin& to optimiAed (e%a*io r in IP application en*ironments like 7TSI wit%in t%e 8PS.

=ackward interopera(ilit! to t%e 3;PP )7R+W= codec (! %a*in& some W= 8>S modes s pportin& t%e )7R+W= codec format sed t%ro &%o t 3;PP con*ersational speec% telep%on! ser*ice 2incl din& $S4. T%e )7R+W= interopera(le operation modes of t%e 8>S codec ma! (e eit%er identical to t%ose in t%e )7R+W= codec or different ( t (itstream interopera(le wit% t%em. T%ese o(Eecti*es s%all (e ac%ie*ed w%ile meetin& all desi&n constraints and performance re' irements set fort% in TR 22."13. It is f rt%er desira(le t%at t%e codec f lfils needs for en%anced *oice ser*ices in ot%er 3;PP s!stems, s c% as $S. T%e de*elopments nder t%is work item s%o ld lead to a set of news definin& amon& ot%ers te<t al description of t%e codin& al&orit%m and t%e >)1@1T:@$-; sc%eme. Followin& 3;PP practice, fi<ed+point and floatin&+point $ code and associated test *ectors s%o ld also (e part of t%is set ofs. T%e incl ded )7R+W= interopera(le codin& format ma! (ecome an alternati*e implementation for )7R+W= operation, pro*ided t%at t%e en%ancements are consistentl! si&nificant. Ritter ( ffer mana&ement and packet loss concealment s%o ld (e specified as part of t%e set of 8>Ss. T%e 8>S Ser*ice Re' irements will (e defined (! S)1 into TS 22.173 MIP 7 ltimedia $ore -etwork S (s!stem 2I7S4 7 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice and s pplementar! ser*icesV Sta&e 1M sin& t%e 8>S Ser*ice Re' irements identified in TR 22."13. Potential arc%itect ral impacts t%ro &% t%e introd ction of t%e 8>S codec into 3;PP s!stems will (e addressed (! in*ol*in& and liaisin& wit% t%e responsi(le 3;PP workin& &ro ps s c% as S)2. -,T8I It is en*isioned t%at s (se' ent work o tside t%is work item will address s ita(le aco stic re' irements, considerin& t%e e<tended a dio (andwidt% (e!ond wide(and t%at c rrentl! standardiAed test e' ipment does not s pport.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A0140 A0000A

Coordin"tion of :ideo 5rient"tion 'C:5) =,@9;A0040

+a e S!4 part (T aspe%ts Resour%e S4 C4!C1!C( :2perli#' S4-12022C C4-1(0(8( +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2A.114! 2A.141! 2A.2(4! 2A.(4A St" e 2J(

Resol*e (ackward compati(le *ideo orientation mis+ali&nment in 7TSI real+time *ideo comm nication *ia interaction (etween 7TSI *ideo clients at call set p D d rin& mid+call of t%e *ideo orientation for correct local renderin& Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, >eriAon Wireless, Real-etworks, Sams n&, C awei, ,ran&e, CiSilicon, Interdi&ital $omm nications, =lack=err! Justification Wit% t%e introd ction of &ra*it! sensors in recent mo(ile de*ices, t%e displa! content can commonl! (e rotated to (e ali&ned wit% t%e de*ice orientation. W%en t%e mo(ile de*ice sed for real+time *ideo comm nication %as one or more inte&rated cameras, sed to capt re, compress and transmit ima&es, t%e orientation of t%e transmitted ima&e will nder certain conditions not ali&n correctl! wit% t%e recei*in& de*ice displa!. T%is can occ r at session set p and d rin& t%e session. For e<ample, a de*ice ma! (e sendin& *ideo of landscape format 2widt% Z %ei&%t4 to anot%er de*ice w%ose displa! was rotated to a portrait format 2widt% [ %ei&%t4. T%is t!picall! %appens w%en t%e sendin& de*iceUs camera does not encode t%e capt red ima&eUs widt% and %ei&%t in accordance wit% a &ra*it! sensor, and w%en t%e recei*in& de*ice displa! does se a &ra*it! sensor to adapt displa! contents, or *ice *ersa 2camera ses a &ra*it! sensor ( t t%e displa! does not4. -ote t%at t%e pro(lem on t%e sender side is %idden w%en t%e de*ice orientation %appens to ali&n wit% t%e camera sensor orientation. Se*eral e<amples of s c% mis+ali&nments are detailed in Tdocs S#+1266"# and S#+12671". ) standardiAed sol tion to t%is mis+ali&nment pro(lem is r&entl! re' ired (! t%e ind str! to ens re proper operation of 7TSI *ideo (etween de*ices of *ario s s%apes and displa! resol tions. ) sol tion is in partic lar re' ired for ;S7) IR.7#, IR."# and IR.0# profiles. -o impact is e<pected in ser*ice re' irements or arc%itect re. O !ecti"e: To resol*e t%e *ideo orientation mis+ali&nment iss es e<perienced in 7TSI real+time *ideo comm nication *ia interaction (etween 7TSI *ideo clients at (ot% call set p and d rin& mid+call of t%e *ideo orientation for correct local renderin&. T%e sol tion s%o ld (e (ackward compati(le. 5sef l sol tions t%at are not onl! applica(le to 3;PP s%o ld (e taken to (e specified in I8TF. T%erefore in t%e co rse of t%is work TS; S) W;# s%o ld comm nicate wit% I8TF to &et & idance in w%at sol tion to prefer for d!namicall! c%an&in& ima&e and *ideo orientation d rin& an esta(lis%ed session. W%ile t%e main o(Eecti*e is foc sed on 7TSI, t%e sol tion s%o ld also (e applica(le to $SI 2$om(ination of $S and I7S ser*ices + TS 22.270 and TS 26.1#1, profiled in ;S7) IR.7# and IR."# 2R$S *ideo s%are44, RTP (ased PSS 2Packet Switc% Streamin& F TS 26.23#4 and 7=7S 27 ltimedia =roadcast@7 lticast Ser*ice F TS 26.3#64 for ser*ices w%ere t%e capt rin& de*ice ma! (e rotated. Ser"ice Aspects:
,39 A0010A A0020A A00(0A +a e C-4 p"rt C-1 p"rt C-( p"rt

7TSI is t%e main ser*ice tar&eted, ( t it s%o ld (e applica(le to $SI, PSS and 7=7S ser*ices.
Resour%e C4 C1 C( :2perli#' C4-1(0(8( C4-1(0(8( C4-1(0(8( +otes C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2(.(((! 2(.((4! 28.2(C! 28.((2! 28.(((! 28.((4 24.228 28.1A2! 28.1A(

$omplete $>, s pport 2(ot%, (asic 2 (it orientation and additional option for e<tra 6 (it &ran larit!4 wit%in $protocols@proced res for I7S nodes, e.&. I7S ).;@);W,I=$F@Tr;W,7RF$@7RFP D add s pport of $>,+related S1P attri( tes to (e ne&otiated (! 58



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;101( ( ;102( (

&i # Bfficiency :ideo Codin '&B:C) =,@9;100((

-i#is6 01J0(J201 4 01J0(J201 4 (o p 10N 10N :2perli#' S41(0;A8 S41(0;A8 +otes S4EA2 -R 2A.80A$100 for ,nfor*"tion TSATR New -R 2A.80A 2A.114! 2A.140! 2A.141! 2A.2(4! 2A.244! 2A.241! 2A.(4A +a e TR o# *valuatio# of :*V( :i46 *ffi%ie#%2 Vi"eo (o"i#4 i# 3GPP servi%es PSS> 1E1S> 9!S:> 11S> 1TS3

Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, -TT 1,$,7,, -okia , 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, $isco S!stems =el&i m, Fra n%ofer IIS, Inter1i&ital, ,ran&e, -omor Researc%, >eriAon , 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei, CiSilicon. Specif! t%e s pport of C8>$ in 3;PP ser*ices 2PSS, 1)SC, 7TSI, 77S, 7=7S, I7S 7essa&in& and Presence4 Justification T%e rapid increase in t%e cons mption of *ideo data o*er t%e Internet and wireless networks %as &reatl! impacted operatorsP plans for p&radin& t%eir wireless networks and ser*ices, as well as seekin& (etter *ideo compression tec%ni' es to ena(le more efficient se of t%eir network capacit!. )t t%e same time, end serPs e<pectation of *ideo ' alit! is increasin&l! %i&% as more %i&% definition displa!s and content are (ecomin& widel! a*aila(le. T%e ne<t+&eneration *ideo codin& standard, Ci&% 8fficienc! >ideo $odin& 2C8>$4, is (ein& de*eloped (! t%e Roint $olla(oration Team on >ideo $odin& 2R$T+>$4 of IS,@I8$ S$20 W;11 27P8;4 and IT5+T S;16 ?6 2>$8;4. T%e fort%comin& standard %as reac%ed its 1raft International Standard 21IS4 stat s after t%e 16t% R$T+>$ meetin& in R l! 2612, w%ic% means t%at t%e desi&n is tec%nicall! sta(le. T%e standard is to (e finaliAed in Ran ar! 2613. S (Eecti*e ' alit! comparison (etween t%e c rrent C8>$ and C.26#@)>$ was formall! cond cted (etween t%e 7t% and "t% R$T+ >$ meetin&s. T%e reported res lts in R$T>$+C6622 2a*aila(le at %ttpI@@p%eni<.int+ e*r!.fr@Ect@doc3end3 ser@doc ments@"3SanQ26Rose@w&11@R$T>$+C6622+*#.Aip4 s%owed t%at C8>$ can ac%ie*e similar s (Eecti*e ' alit! wit% an a*era&e rate of red ction of 67Q for 16"6p se' ences, #0Q for W>;) se' ences, and 9"Q o*erall, relati*e to a similarl!+confi& red C.26#@)>$ encoder. S pport of C8>$ in 3;PP m ltimedia ser*ices wo ld also need referencin& of t%e C8>$ file format and C8>$ RTP pa!load format. T%e C8>$ file format is (ein& de*eloped (! 7P8; w%ere t%e $ommittee 1raft te<t %as (een &enerated at t%e 166t% 7P8; meetin& in )pril 2612. T%e C8>$ RTP pa!load format is (ein& de*eloped (! I8TF w%ere t%e first draft %as (ecome a*aila(le in Fe(r ar! 2612. S pport of C8>$ in 3;PP m ltimedia ser*ices wo ld (e a (andwidt%+efficient wa! to accommodate t%e re' irements of en%anced *ideo ' alit! from (ot% end sers and operators. -o impact is e<pected in ser*ice re' irements or arc%itect re. O !ecti"e: to specif! t%e s pport of C8>$ in 3;PP ser*ices 2PSS, 1)SC, 7TSI, 77S, and 7=7S, and I7S 7essa&in& and Presence. T%is incl desI e*al ation of C8>$ for eac% of t%e 3;PP ser*ices, incl din& re' irements collection and comple<it! anal!sis, st d!in& t%e performance difference (etween C8>$ and C.26#@)>$, st d!in& t%e trade+off (etween impro*in& performance, and increasin& potential fra&mentation w%en introd cin& anot%er codec, performin& a &ap anal!sis, selection, if needed, of appropriate profile2s4 and le*el2s4, possi(l! f rt%er constrainin& t%e selected profile2s4 and le*el2s4, si&nallin&, file format and RTP pa!load format s pport, as needed, st d!in& le&ac! and (ackward+compati(ilit! aspects.

T%e e*al ation and concl sions for t%e proposed impro*ements will (e doc mented in a TR. $oncl sions will (e doc mented separatel! for eac% ser*ice. -ormati*e work will (e prod ced (ased on t%e rele*ant concl sions in t%e TR for eac% of t%e 3;PP ser*ices.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Ser"ice Aspects: T%e pdates of t%e 3;PPs will ena(le s pport for C8>$ *ideo in selected 3;PP m ltimedia ser*ices. T%e work ma! impact PSS, 1)SC, 7TSI, 77S, and 7=7S, and I7S 7essa&in& and Presence ser*ices or a s (set of t%em.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00A;

<o+ile stereoscopic (@ ser$ices extensions '<(@:9Bxt) =,@9;C00A;

:2perli#' S4-1201AC +otes S4EA1 co*pleted TSs 2A.114! 2A.24;! 2A.241! 2A.4(0 +a e 1o5ile stereos%opi% 39 servi%es eDte#sio#s

Supporting Companies:

C awei, CiSilicon, $%ina 7o(ile, ,ran&e, $)TR

Related to Rel+11 St d! ,n 7o(ile 31 >ideo $odin& 2FS3731>$4 TR 26.069 and Rel+11 7o(ile 31 >ideo $odin& 2731>$4
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;200( Rel-11 St%dy 5n <o+ile (@ :ideo Codin A 'FS9<(@:C) -R 2A.80;. ;A004 Rel-11 <o+ile (@ :ideo Codin '<(@:C) 1 +ature of relatio#s6ip -#e st%dy-ite* o+Recti$es were to collect (@ %se c"ses "nd identify t#e delt"s to existin -S to s%pport t#ese %se c"ses. Bxtends t#is Rel-11 wor3 on (@ $ideo for*"ts "nd i*pro$e (@ $ideo s%pport '2A.140! 2A.2(4! 2A.244! 2A.24;! 2A.241! 2A.(4A! 2A.4(0! 2A.80;).

Justification 1 rin& Rel+11, a St d! Item on 7o(ile 31 >ideo $odin& %as collected a set of 31 se cases and pro*ided correspondin& tec%nical anal!sis and performance e*al ations. T%e prod ced TR 26.069 M7o(ile Stereoscopic 31 >ideoM recommended t%e incl sion of stereoscopic 31 *ideo into selected 3;PP ser*ices. In s pport of t%is, TR 26.069 identified t%e &aps in t%e rele*ant 3;PP specifications in order to s pport t%e prioritiAed 31 se cases. T%is St d! Item was followed (! a Work Item M7o(ile 31 >ideo $odin&M. $onse' entl! 3;PP Rel+11 incl des t%e s pport of stereoscopic 31 *ideo, t% s pro*idin& a maEor step towards 31 content for mo(ile sers. Cowe*er, not all se cases identified (! t%e St d! Item on 7o(ile 31 >ideo co ld (e addressed in Rel+11 Work Item. T%e scope of t%e Rel+11 Work Item was limited in order to pro*ide onl! t%e most r&ent re' ired s pport to introd ce t%e mo(ile stereoscopic 31 in 3;PP ser*ices. T%erefore, it wo ld (e (eneficial to address some of t%e se cases from Rel+11 St d! Item, w%ic% were not addressed in Rel+11, and w%ic% f rt%er impro*e t%e mo(ile stereoscopic 31 s pport in 3;PP ser*ices. -o impact is e<pected in ser*ice re' irements or arc%itect re. O !ecti"e: to pro*ide impro*ed s pport for mo(ile stereoscopic 31 *ideo in 3;PP specifications, namel! 1)SC, Timed Te<t, Timed ;rap%ics, and 7TSI. T%e o(Eecti*es areI U U U Introd ce s pport for timed te<t and timed &rap%ics for stereoscopic 31 *ideo. )ddress t%e impact of displa! c%aracteristics on t%e ' alit! of e<perience of t%e percei*ed 31 dept% in 1)SC ser*ices. If t%ere is interest for mo(ile stereoscopic 31 *ideo for 7TSI, t%en introd ce s pport of mo(ile stereoscopic 31 *ideo in t%e 7TSI ser*ice.

Ser"ice Aspects: T%e pdates of t%e 3;PP specifications will ena(le s pport for 31 Timed Te<t and ;rap%ics, ena(le s pport of 31 for 7TSI, and impro*e t%e 31 e<perience in 1)SC ser*ice. T%e work ma! impact 1)SC, Timed Te<t, Timed ;rap%ics and 7TSI specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01A A ;C02A A

,<S-+"sed Stre"*in "nd @ownlo"d @eli$ery Bn#"nce*ents ',<S9S@B) =,@9;C00AA

-i#is6 01J0(J201 4 01J0(J201 4 (o p 8;N :2perli#' S41201A1 S41201A1 +otes S4EA2 -R 2A.C21$100 for ,nfor*"tion. ,dentify %se c"ses "nd re/%ire*ents +"sed on Rel-10J11 4SS "nd <.<S f%nction"lity to +e "ddressed for ,<S-+"sed stre"*in "nd downlo"d en#"nce*ents @e$elop proced%res tow"rds en"+lin t#e ,<S-+"sed extensions of t#e identified %se c"ses in -S 2A.2(1. Refine existin <.<S downlo"d proced%res to en"+le ,<S-+"sed <.<S file rep"ir wit# t#e %se of con$ention"l &--4 we+ ser$ers. TSATR new -R 2A.C21 2A.2(1 +a e TR



Supporting Companies:

Intel, =roadcom, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, $isco, $%ina 7o(ile, Interdi&ital, Panasonic.

Pro*ide an e<tension of I7S (ased PSS and 7=7S ser ser*ices. Justification Rel+16@11 work in S)# %as res lted in t%e adoption of se*eral new normati*e feat res aro nd se cases on streamin& and download deli*er! in S)# specifications 2in t%e non+I7S conte<t4. T%ese se cases incl de 2( t are not limited to4I 2i4 1eli*er! of 1)SC+formatted content o*er F.5T8+(ased 7=7S download deli*er!, 2ii4 7=7S file repair *ia CTTP+(ased con*entional we( ser*ers. T%e I7S+(ased e<tensions of t%ese se cases are of rele*ance for TS 26.237, as t%e! necessitate new si&nallin& proced res to (e defined. 7=7S download deli*er! is an attracti*e ser*ice alternati*e for offloadin& 3;P+1)SC (ased nicast download deli*er!. In t%is conte<t, t%e 1)SC se&ment format, alt%o &% mainl! intended for nicast transport wit% CTTP as specified in TS 26.2#7, ma! (e sed to deli*er content sin& 7=7S+(ased met%ods s c% as F.5T8. 3;PP Rel+16@11 work %as adopted normati*e feat res in TS 26.3#6 to ena(le and pro*ide en%anced s pport for t%is se case. Cence, it is desira(le to de*elop proced res for ena(lin& t%ese normati*e feat res in t%e conte<t of I7S+(ased PSS and 7=7S ser*ices defined in TS 26.237. 1 rin& Rel+11, an en%ancement feat re to t%e c rrent 7=7S file+repair ser*ice %as (een adopted in TS 26.3#6 t%at ena(les t%e se of con*entional CTTP we( ser*ers to %andle 7=7S file+repair re' ests. T%is approac% takes ad*anta&e of t%e e<istin&, scala(le, standardiAed and widel!+deplo!ed we(+(ased infrastr ct re for t%e repair ser*ice. T%e c rrent specification TS 26.237 on I7S+(ased PSS and 7=7S ser*ices ass mes t%at t%e 58 remains connected to t%e =7+S$ d rin& file repair and t%at =7+S$ %osts t%e file repair ser*ice. $onse' entl!, t%e e<istin& 7=7S download deli*er! proced res cannot (e applied for deli*erin& file repair ser*ice to t%e 58 sin& con*entional CTTP we( ser*ers in t%e conte<t of I7S+(ased PSS and 7=7S ser*ices. T%erefore, it is desira(le to refine t%e I7S+(ased si&nallin& proced res to s pport 7=7S file repair ser*ice o*er con*entional CTTP we( ser*ers. -o impact is e<pected in ser*ice re' irements or arc%itect re. O !ecti"e: Identif! se cases and re' irements (ased on Rel+16@11 f nctionalit! incl ded in t%e PSS and 7=7S specifications to (e addressed for I7S+(ased streamin& and download en%ancements, and doc ment t%e adopted se cases. 1e*elop proced res towards ena(lin& t%e I7S+(ased e<tensions of t%e identified se cases in TS 26.237 Refine e<istin& 7=7S download proced res to ena(le I7S+(ased 7=7S file repair wit% t%e se of con*entional CTTP we( ser*ers. T%is ma!, for e<ample, incl de definition of I7S proced res for o 7odified session initiation, file repair and reportin& for 7=7S download o 7odified session teardown for 7=7S download Ser"ice Aspects: Pro*ide an e<tension of I7S (ased PSS and 7=7S ser ser*ices.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00A 1 ;C01A 1 ;C02A 1 ;C0(A 1

Aco%stic Re/%ire*ents "nd -est *et#ods for ,<S-+"sed con$ers"tion"l speec# ser$ices o$er 6-B =,@9;C00A1
!%ro#2 AR-96-B AR-96-B-N.2. AR-96-B-=B@ AR-96-B-S=4BR &3Arapporteur D%"lco** Sony A-H-! 5r"n e Sony +a e !%ousti% ReFuire e#ts a#" Test et6o"s for 31S-5ase" %o#versatio#al spee%6 servi%es over BT* +arrowEa#" a#" &i"eEa#" aspe%ts ,* 9ela2 aspe%ts Super wi"e5a#" a#" full5a#" aspe%ts

Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, Son! 7o(ile, )TDT, ,ran&e, Intel, Son! 8 rope, =roadcom, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C8)1 )co stics Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 Feat re $odec for 8n%anced >oice Ser*ices 28>S3codec4 5I13#76636. -eed for s per wide(and aco stic re' irements and test met%ods
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 4100( Rel-12 Fe"t%re: 0 Codec for Bn#"nced :oice Ser$ices 'B:S9codec) +ature of relatio#s6ip -#e present de$elop*ent of t#is codec in (I44 SA 2I4 tri ers t#e need for s%per wide+"nd "co%stic re/%ire*ents "nd test *et#ods.

Justification T%e c rrent 3;PP aco stic test specifications and performance re' irements onl! co*er ;S7 7S and 57TS 58s. Wit% t%e deplo!ment of I7S+(ased $on*ersational Speec% Ser*ices o*er .T8, 3;PP mem(er companies %a*e e<pressed t%e need to pdate t%e c rrent aco stic specifications to (e incl si*e of packet switc%ed comm nication s!stems. -o impact is e<pected in ser*ice re' irements or arc%itect re. O !ecti"e: to pdate t%e 3;PP TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 to s pport I7S+(ased $on*ersational Speec% Ser*ices o*er .T8. T%e work item is e<pected to (e incl si*e ofI 5pdate 26.131 and 26.132 scope descriptions to incl de 7TSI o*er .T8. 7ake e<istin& re' irements and test met%ods 2test set ps, etc4 applica(le for 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 2incl din& narrow(and and wide(and 3;PP codec operations4. )ddition of appropriate 58 dela! re' irements and test met%ods for -= and W= I7S+(ased $on*ersational Speec% Ser*ices o*er .T8 to 26.131 and 26.132. )ddition of s per wide(and and f ll (and 2SW= @ F=4 aco stic re' irements and test met%ods to 26.131 and 26.132. T%e work is or&aniAed in different ( ildin& (locks. T%e followin& = ildin& (locks are identifiedI ==1I )co stic Re' irements and Test met%ods for I7S+(ased con*ersational speec% ser*ices o*er .T8 + -arrow=and and Wide=and aspects 2)RT3.T8+-=W=4 ==2I )co stic Re' irements and Test met%ods for I7S+(ased con*ersational speec% ser*ices o*er .T8 + S per wide(and and f ll(and aspects 2)RT3.T8+S5P8R4 ==3I )co stic Re' irements and Test met%ods for I7S+(ased con*ersational speec% ser*ices o*er .T8 F 58 1ela! aspects 2)RT3.T8+5814
+a e +arrowEa#" a#" &i"eEa#" aspe%ts :2perli#' S4-120111 +otes S4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2A.1(1! 2A.1(2

,39 ;C01A1

Justification 8<istin& 58 aco stic test specifications TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 do not co*er 7 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice o*er I7S 27TSI4 o*er .T8 for speec%, as defined in TS 26.11#. O !ecti"e: to pdate 3;PP aco stic specifications to co*er 7TSI speec%+onl! ser*ices o*er .T8 for t%e c rrent narrow(and and wide(and parts.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e o(Eecti*e is to pdate TS 26.131 and 26.132, specificall!I 5pdate t%e scope descriptions of TS 26.131 and 26.132 to incl de 7TSI o*er .T8 7ake e<istin& re' irements and test met%ods 2test set ps etc4 applica(le for 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8, for narrow(and and wide(and 3;PP codec operations, e<cl din& dela!.

58 dela! aspects for 7TSI o*er .T8 are co*ered in a separate ( ildin& (lock of t%e parent work item and are t% s o t of t%e scope of t%is ( ildin& (lock.
,39 ;C02A 1 +a e ,* 9ela2 aspe%ts -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p ;0N :2perli#' S4-120110 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 TSATR 2A.1(1! 2A.1(2

Justification 7o t% to ear dela! %as a si&nificant impact to t%e con*ersational e<perience as it %as (een descri(ed in e.&. IT5+T ;.11#. T%e a dio test specifications in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 do not c rrentl! co*er dela! specifications for 58s operatin& in an 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 call scenario. In partic lar, t%e e<istin& 57TS 58 dela! specification and test met%od ma! not (e s ita(le or meanin&f l from t%e end ser perspecti*e for t%e specifics of a packet switc%ed comm nication s!stem t%at incl des, for instance, de+Eitter ( fferin& operation. W%ile indi*id al operators and *endors ma! specif! partic lar 58 dela! tar&ets, t%e lack of a 3;PP specification for ma<im m 58 dela! re' irements ma! lead to a poor con*ersational e<perience. In order to make a concl sion on settin& 58 dela!s, we need to consider all rele*ant elements and all connection scenarios w%ic% wo ld contri( te to t%e o*erall dela! and infl ence t%e speec% ' alit!. T%e process of determinin& t%e 58 dela! specification for 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 is e<pected to consider t%e followin& factorsI + + + 7o t% to ear dela! impact to t%e con*ersational e<perience T!pical network dela! scenarios for 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 ser*ices T!pical speec% capt re, send pat% speec% en%ancements, encodin&, transmission, reception 2de+ interlea*in&, c%annel decodin&, S15 siAe and ( ndlin&, etc4, decodin& 2incl din& de+Eitter ( fferin&4, recei*e pat% speec% en%ancements and renderin& dela!s in a 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 call $%annel *aria(ilit!, con&estion and t%e aco stic en*ironmental sit ation of t%e two 58s in a call.

O !ecti"e: to consider t%e factors descri(ed in t%e E stification section to esta(lis% a 58 dela! specification and test met%ods for 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 2F11 and T11 modes4 comm nication scenarios sin& )7R and )7R+ W= codecs. T%e followin& o tp ts are e<pectedI + ) test met%odolo&! to meas re t%e 58 dela! in *ario s 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 conditions t%at takes into acco nt t%e presence of packet arri*al time dela! *ariations. )dditionall!, it ma! also (e in*esti&ated %ow to test t%e performance of t%e 58 in t%e presence of Eitter from t%e end ser perspecti*e w%ic% is a tradeoff (etween speec% ' alit! 2packet losses, distortion..4 and ( fferin& dela! 2impactin& con*ersational interacti*it!4 ) specification for t%e 58 dela! for 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 calls, incl din& a re' irement on a ma<im m *al e to not e<ceed, a performance o(Eecti*e, and define t%eir applica(ilit! for t!pical 7TSI+(ased speec% o*er .T8 call scenarios. T%is specification co ld also incl de ' alit! metrics. It is en*isioned t%at informati*e 58 dela! anal!sis and considerations will (e capt red appropriatel! in TS 26.131 for f t re reference. )nal!sis of t%eoretical 58 dela! components 2e.&. Tproc, Tmar&in, etc.4 and w%ere possi(le, pro*ide an informational component interaction anal!sis )nal!sis of t!pical network dela!s and packet arri*al time dela! *ariations associated wit% 7TSI+ (ased speec% o*er .T8 ser*ices for different call confi& rations esta(lis%ed (! t%e P.7)n! tradeoffs (etween dela! and speec% processin& ) common nderstandin& wit% S)2 of w%ic% dela! components are attri( ta(le to t%e network and w%ic% are attri( ta(le to t%e 58

T%e followin& will (e considered as part of t%e process in prod cin& t%e o tp tsI + + + +

T%e 8>S codec will not (e considered in t%is work item.


,39 ;C0(A 1 +a e Super wi"e5a#" a#" full5a#" aspe%ts -i#is6 11J08J201 4 (o p (0N

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

:2perli#' S4120112 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 0AJ14FG08J14 TSATR 2A.1(1! 2A.1(2

Justification 8<istin& 58 aco stic test specifications TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 do not co*er 7 ltimedia Telep%on! Ser*ice for I7S 27TSI4 o*er .T8 for speec%, as defined in TS 26.11#, and are not !et prepared for s per wide(and operation 2SW=4 (ein& ena(led (! t%e 8>S codec, c rrentl! nder de*elopment in S) W;#. To ens re ade' ate ' alit! of ser*ice in &eneral and to prepare for t%e introd ction of t%e 8>S codec, t%ese test specifications need to (e pdated. )s a (aseline, it is important t%at a dio le*els 2(! means of lo dness ratin&s or similar4 are properl! planned (efore la nc%in& commercial prod cts wit% a f ndamentall! new con*ersational tec%nolo&!. It is also important t%at test cases ens re t%at t%e 58 aco stic desi&n s pports t%e a dio (andwidt% of interest. ,n top of t%is (aseline, it is desira(le to also specif! ot%er rele*ant parameters to ens re t%e ' alit! of ser*ice. O !ecti"e: to pdate 3;PP aco stic specifications to co*er 7TSI speec%+onl! ser*ices o*er .T8 for t%e e<tended a dio (andwidt% of t%e new 8>S codec, c rrentl! nder de*elopment in S)#. 5pdates are needed forI o o Re*iew present stat s for s per wide(and telep%onometr! 2aco stic test e' ipment c%allen&es s c% as %ead and torso desi&n incl din& artificial mo t% and artificial ears4 =ased on t%is stat s re*iew, add re' irements and test met%ods for s per wide(and speec%. T%e res lt will (e a (aseline of test cases to ser*e as a sta(le &ro nd for possi(le f rt%er refinements in later work item2s44 once t%e 8>S codec is a*aila(le. T%e followin& items are considered to %a*e top priorit! and can (e specified (efore t%e 8>S codec is a*aila(leI o ,*erall loss in terms of lo dness ratin&s or e' i*alent 2t%e optim m c%oices are in principal codec and operatin& point dependant ( t it is in an! case wise to form late re' irements earl! as t%is ma! impact inter+workin& wit% ot%er networks, transcodin& etc4 o Fre' enc! (alance @ ran&e @ directness to sec re t%e terminal renders t%e s per wide(and fre' enc! ran&e, rat%er t%an wide(and fre' enc! ran&e 2t%e traditional telecomm nication wa! is (! sensiti*it!@fre' enc! c%aracteristics response masks ( t a different approac% mi&%t (e p rs ed4. T%ere is also some dependenc! on t%e act al performance of t%e 8>S codec and refinements mi&%t (e needed at a later sta&e ( t (asic re' irements @ test met%ods s%o ld in an! case (e form lated at an earl! sta&e. T%e followin& items are considered wit%in t%is work item ( t are e<pected to reac% mat re stat s once t%e 8>S codec is read! and made a*aila(le for e*al ation. o o o o o o Idle c%annel noise 1istortion )co stic ec%o control Sendin& performance in t%e presence of am(ient noise 2%ere it s%o ld also (e considered t%at some 8>S operatin& modes will likel! (e close to transparent for almost an! si&nalV speec%, m sic, (ack&ro nd noise and t%is is a *er! different sit ation compared to low+(itrate *ocoders4 F ll(and re' irements and test met%ods. T%is is an optional mode of 8>S and it is t% s not known w%et%er 8>S will s pport it. Stereo re' irements and test met%ods. T%is is an optional mode of 8>S ( t stereo operation can in an! case (e realiAed sin& d al mono.

58 dela! aspects for 7TSI o*er .T8 are co*ered in a separate ( ildin& (lock of t%e parent work item and are t% s o t of t%e scope of t%is ( ildin& (lock.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8004( ;80(4( ;8014( ;8044( ;8024(

<.<S ,*pro$e*ents =,@9;8004(

+a e 1E1S 3 prove e#ts TR o# *#6a#%e" 1E1S Operatio# *#6a#%e" 1E1S Operatio# TR o# 1E1S operatio# o# 9e a#" 1E1S operatio# o# 9e a#" !%ro#2 <, <,-B<5 <,-B<5 <,-<oo@ <,-<oo@ :2perli#' S4-1(0024 S4-1(0;14 S4-1(0;14 S4-1(002A S4-1(002A &3Arapporteur Bricsson &%"wei &%"wei D%"lco** D%"lco**

Supporting Companies:

? alcomm, $isco, 8TRI, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, C awei, CiSilicon, 8<pwa!

Work (ased on e<istin& Sta&e 2 TS 23.2#6 M7=7SV )rc%itect re and f nctional descriptionM. Justification: 7=7S %as e*ol*ed si&nificantl! o*er t%e past t%ree 3;PP releases. T%e addition of %i&% ' alit! *ideo codec modes, t%e en%ancements to t%e file repair and reportin& proced res and most si&nificantl! t%e adoption of 1)SC o*er t%e download deli*er! met%od to pro*ide pse do+streamin& ser*ices %a*e %ad si&nificant impact on t%e specification. T%is WI is an m(rella to span t%e followin& ( ildin& (lock work items wit%in S)#I 7=7S operation on 1emand 27oo14 8n%anced 7=7S ,peration 287,4

-o impact is e<pected in ser*ice re' irements or arc%itect re.

,39 ;8044 ( ;8024 ( +a e TR o# 1E1S operatio# o# 9e a#" 1E1S operatio# o# 9e a#" -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p (0N (0N :2perli#' S41(002A S41(002A +otes St" e ( +"sed on existin St" e 2 in -S 2(.24A <.<S Arc#itect%re "nd f%nction"l description TSATR New -R 2A.C48 2A.(4A

Justification : 7=7S %as e*ol*ed si&nificantl! o*er t%e past t%ree 3;PP releases. T%e addition of %i&% ' alit! *ideo codec modes, t%e en%ancements to t%e file repair and reportin& proced res and most si&nificantl! t%e adoption of 1)SC o*er t%e download deli*er! met%od to pro*ide pse do+streamin& ser*ices %a*e %ad si&nificant impact on t%e specification. T%ere are se*eral areas identified in t%e 7=7S specification w%ic% warrant re*iew and pdate. 1atacastin& most commonl! refers to t%e transmission of relati*el! small ' antities of data t%at is eit%er a <iliar! to t%e main (roadcast or pop lates data into an o*erarc%in& application. Wit%in 7=7S, t%is ma! (e metadata s c% as t%e 5ser Ser*ice 1escription or of application data s c% as stock prices, traffic information or weat%er pdates. For applications s c% as 727 and (ack&ro nd data deli*er! to 58s, low power cons mption ma! (e a ke! re' irement. T%e o*er%ead of t%e 7=7S c%annel is of interest d e to %i&% spectr m costs and a desire to (e as efficient as possi(le wit% t%is *al a(le commodit!. >ario s met%ods for red cin& t%e o*er%ead ma! (e considered, incl din& ,(Eect ( ndlin& and F.5T8 o*er%ead. ,(Eect ( ndlin& for F8$ allows t%e principle of RTP stream ( ndlin& to (e e<tended to 1)SC o*er 7=7S. T%ere is an efficienc! (enefit in ( ndlin& m ltiple files prior to F8$ encodin& for 7=7S transmission. Red ction in t%e o*er%ead introd ced (! F.5T8 wo ld pro*ide o*er+t%e+air efficienc! (enefits. .i*e content %as f rt%er restrictions on it o*er and a(o*e t%ose of non+real time content, specificall! latenc!. 8n%ancements ma! (e made in t%ese areas of performance w%en sin& 7=7S to (e sed to transmit s c% content s c% as li*e 1)SC ser*ices and real+time non a dio+*is al content s c% as re*erse )R): and CT7.9 Ser*er 8*ents. 1)SC o*er 7=7S transport si&nallin& was addressed as part of t%e Release 11 S)# work item 877+118 %owe*er no concl sion was possi(le d rin& t%e release sc%ed le. T%is work item proposes to complete t%is work in order to ena(le contin o s pla!o t w%en switc%in& from 7=7S download to nicast deli*er!, and *ice *ersa, of 1)SC+ formatted content. O !ecti"e: to standardiAe t%e followin& aspects of 7=7S operationI Impro*e 7=7S ,T) efficienc! 2e.&. (! o(Eect ( ndlin&, red ction of F.5T8 o*er%ead, etc.4 Impro*e 7=7S for 1atacastin& 2e.&. for 727 applications, (ack&ro nd data deli*er! etc.4 Impro*e 7=7S for real+time content 2e.&. for (rowser applications, li*e streamin& of 1)SC content etc.4



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

;eneric Si&nallin& of 1)SC transport o*er =roadcast, 7 lticast and 5nicast 2e.&. for ena(lin& a sin&le 1)SC ser*ice to (e a*aila(le o*er 7=7S, 5nicast and Come ;W access, and ena(lin& an 7=7S ser*ice carr!in& 1)SC content and intended for %!(rid (roadcast@ nicast transport to (e iss ed in a sin&le 7P14

In all aspects, re se of e<istin& tec%nolo&! and (ackwards compati(ilit! s%all (e considered.

,39 ;8044 ( ;8024 ( +a e TR o# 1E1S operatio# o# 9e a#" 1E1S operatio# o# 9e a#" -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p (0N (0N :2perli#' S41(002A S41(002A +otes St" e ( +"sed on existin St" e 2 in -S 2(.24A <.<S Arc#itect%re "nd f%nction"l description TSATR New -R 2A.C48 2A.(4A

Justification: T%e c rrent mec%anism for pro*isionin& 7=7S is led (! t%e =7+S$ operator pro*isionin& a =7+S$ to inform 58s a(o t an pcomin& (roadcast. T%e 58s t%en se t%e =7+S$ pro*ided metadata to t ne into =7+S$ sc%ed led 7=7S transmissions. =! its anticipation of ser interest in &i*en e*ents or pro&rams, t%e 7=7S ser*ice pro*ider pro*isions t%e sc%ed led (roadcast deli*er! of t%e associated contents in t%at 7=7S ser*ice area. In t%is manner t%e 7=7S s!stem operation can ac%ie*e (andwidt% efficienc!. It is also desira(le t%at t%e 7=7S s!stem (e capa(le of deli*erin& content associated wit% a d!namic e*ent, s c% as a late+(reakin& news report on a terrorist attack or maEor cele(rit! e*ent, or t%e release of a podcast or firmware pdate. S c% e*ents are likel! to (e of %i&% interest to sers located wit%in a common &eo&rap%ical area, w%ic% wo ld t!picall! retrie*e t%e associated content o*er t%e nicast network. 1!namic e*ents are ne<pected, wit% t%e correspondin& %i&%+ *ol me demand for access not possi(le to anticipate in ad*ance. T%is work item proposes t%at conc rrent demand (! m ltiple sers for a ser*ice or content item for nicast deli*er! can (e detected (! a network operator, a&ainst a t%res%old (ased on operator polic!. T%is detection can (e sed to tri&&er pro*isionin& at a =7+S$ and set in motion t%e t!pical process for 7=7S ser*ice deli*er!. F rt%ermore, in t%e case of 7=SF- w%en conc rrent ser demand for t%at same ser*ice@content drops (elow a confi& ra(le le*el 2also set (! operator polic!4, t%e deli*er! mode transitions (ack from (roadcast to nicast. T%e ad*anta&es of t%is desi&n wo ld (e toI Impro*e t!pical man al =7+S$ pro*isionin& (! d!namicall! pro*isionin& for (roadcast deli*er! %i&%+demand ser*ices@contents t%at wo ld ot%erwise %a*e (een deli*ered *ia nicast. ,ffload some t!pical man al =7+S$ pro*isionin& (! allowin& a =7+S$ operator to (e less scr p lo s a(o t pro*isionin& %i&% demand e*ents.

O !ecti"e: to standardiAe t%e minim m additional f nctionalit! o*er t%e e<istin& standard necessar! to ena(le on+ demand pro*isionin& of 7=7S in response to %i&% ptake of a nicast ser*ice wit%in an 7=7S ser*ice area. T%e areas of work wit%in scope of t%is work item incl de proced res at t%e 58, $-, 8P$ D =7+S$, and interfaces (etween 58 and =7+S$. $ore network interfaces are o t of scope of t%is work item. Specificall!, t%e work areas wit%in scope areI 14 7i&ratin& sers of a &eneric ser*ice deli*ered o*er nicast CTTP to r n t%ro &% 7=7S 24 7i&ratin& sers of a &eneric ser*ice deli*ered o*er 7=SF- to r n o*er nicast 34 ) process to ena(le a 58 to cons me t%e ser*ice o*er 7=7S wit% an e<istin& nicast session for t%e same content, or a new re' est for content #4 7o(ilit! aspects, i.e., mo*in& in and o t of 7=7S co*era&e, and d!namic aspects, i.e., t%e esta(lis%ment and disesta(lis%ment of 7=7S for t%e ser*ice in terms of nicast and m lticast access T%e work item s%all take into acco ntI scala(ilit! 2e.&. of network nodes4 deplo!ment 2e.&. inte&ration wit% cac%in& D $1-s4 acc rac! 2e.&. of attac% rate4 e<istin& tec%nolo&! 2e.&. 877+118 nicast@(roadcast switc%in&4 ser*ice re' irements 2e.&. codec s pport4 e<peditio sness 2e.&. of %i&% attac% rate detection4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A200AC ;80144 A00001

Bnd-to-Bnd <%lti*edi" -elep#ony Ser$ice for ,<S extensions 'B2B<-S,) =,@9;80044

+a e TR o# Stu"2 o# i prove" e#"-to-e#" JoS 6a#"li#4 for 1TS3 S!4 part (T aspe%ts Resour%e S4 S4 C(!C1!C4

,39 A200A C ;8014 4

+a e TR o# Stu"2 o# i prove" e#"-to-e#" JoS 6a#"li#4 for 1TS3 S!4 part of *#"-to-*#" 1ulti e"ia Telep6o#2 Servi%e for 31S (1TS3) eDte#sio#s (Sta4e 3)

Resour%e S4

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 11J08J201 4

(o p 0N

:2perli#' S41(0A10 S41(0A10



+otes S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S41(01A0FGS4-1(0A10 'Added st%dy p#"se). Co-ordin"tion needed wit# SA2! C-1! C-(! C-4 S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S41(01A0FGS4-1(0A10. Co*pletion 0(J14FG08J14. St" e 1 in -S 22.11(. No i*p"ct on ser$ice re/s or "rc#itect%re

TSATR new -R 2A.8+c 2A.114

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, ,ran&e, 1e tsc%e Telekom, Telecom Italia

.inked to S)# Rel+7 7edia %andlin& and interaction in 7TSI 27TSI+7CI4 5I1376#6 Justification 8nd+to+end Fi<ed+7o(ile interworkin&I )ccordin& to TS 2#.173 2I7S m ltimedia telep%on! comm nication ser*ice and s pplementar! ser*icesV sta&e 34, to ens re interopera(ilit!, media codecs and formats are f ll! specified for RTP+(ased and 7SRP+(ased transfer inI + + + 3;PP TS 26.11# K12L for 3;PP s!stemsV 3;PP2 $.S6699+) K21L for 3;PP2 s!stemsV and 8TSI TS 1"1 669 K22L for fi<ed+(road(and accesses. 8TSI TS 1"1 669 K22L pro*ides &eneral r les for codecs and formats sa&e wit%in networks sin& fi<ed+ (road(and accesses. T%ese r les are not specific to I7S m ltimedia telep%on! comm nication ser*ices.


7 ltimedia Telep%on! is a $ore I7S ser*ice a*aila(le on (ot% 3;PP and fi<ed+(road(and accesses. Cowe*er, 7TSI+ 7CI 2I7S 7 ltimedia Telep%on!V 7edia %andlin& and interaction4 TS 26.11# co*ers 3;PP s!stems incl din& .T8, 3; and CSP), ;8R)- and ;eneric )ccess 2W.)-4. W%ile 8TSI TS 1"1 669 co*ers speec%@a dio and *ideo codecs for t%e fi<ed (road(and access it lacks important aspects like e.&. pa!load formats, packetiAation, R$TP r les, adaptation t%at 3;PP co*ers. It is nlikel! t%at t%is 8TSI specification e*ol*es and co*ers more t%an E st codecs in t%e f t re. Since man! se cases in*ol*e end+to+end interworkin& wit% I7S fi<ed access clients, it is proposed to e<tend TS 26.11# scope to fi<ed (road(and access (! specif!in& t%e missin& f nctionalities for t%e rele*ant codecs in t%e 8TSI specification. T%is is deemed needed to ma<imiAe t%e c%ances t%at tandem+free inter+workin& can (e ac%ie*ed (etween 3;PP 7TSI clients and clients sin& fi<ed+(road(and access and also to minimiAe t%e risk t%at fi<ed+(road(and clients se t%e codecs in a wa! t%at &i*es pro(lems for t%e inter+workin&. 8nd+to+end ?oS %andlin& 2introd cin& an en%anced (andwidt% ne&otiation mec%anism for 7TSI sessions4 $ rrent end+to+end media ?oS %andlin& is (ased on identification of S1P media t!pe 2m\a dio@*ideo4 and ma<im m (andwidt% 2(\4. Cowe*er, t%ere are se*eral (andwidt% c%aracteristics in terms of 58 (andwidt% sa&e and 3;PP s!stems (andwidt% a*aila(ilit! t%at cannot (e e<pressed wit% t%e c rrent (andwidt% attri( te since it is onl! a sin&le *al e, t%e sa&e is *a& el! defined, mainl! applies to t%e recei*e direction, and is onl! an Napplication specificO ma<im m *al e. 58s and intermediate nodes rel!in& on S1P information t% s cannot take t%ose c%aracteristics into acco nt in t%eir media %andlin&, nless t%e! are e<actl! t%e same for all implementations and t% s dependent on a m c% more t%oro &% and precise specification t%an toda!. T%is is especiall! important for %i&% (itrate and potentiall! %i&%l! *aria(le (itrate media s c% as *ideo. S c% (andwidt% c%aracteristics incl de, ( t are not limited toI =earers %a*in& 7a<im m =itrate 27=R4 different from ; aranteed =itrate 2;=R4. =earers sin& ;=R, as compared to non+;=R wit% t%e same (itrate *al e.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)lt%o &% t%ere are c rrentl! no s c% ser*ices defined, it is percei*a(le t%at a m ltimedia comm nication client %as a desire to se (i+directional media of t%e same t!pe 2and t% s applica(le to t%e same (+line4 ( t wit% si&nificantl! different media (itrates in t%e two directions. )s an e<ample, consider a mo(ile sender wit% limited plink (andwidt% ( t &ood downlink (andwidt% participatin& in a ric% m ltimedia conference wit% (ot% fi<ed and mo(ile participants. T%is is alread! possi(le to e<press in S1P (! sin& separate m+lines for send 2a\sendonl!4 and recei*e 2a\rec*onl!4, ( t t%at sol tion ma! (e ndesira(le since it %as interopera(ilit! implications. Some end+ ser ser*ices (enefit from sin& media wit% a d!namicall! *ar!in& (itrate, s c% as for e<ample %i&% ' alit! *ideo t%at is in%erentl! *aria(le (itrate, and imposin& a strict constant (itrate restriction will impact t%e percei*ed media ' alit! ne&ati*el!. ,n t%e ot%er %and, network ser*ices ma! %a*e limited capa(ilit! to %andle *ar!in& (itrate, ma! want to optimiAe reso rce sa&e, or protect t%e network from too m c% *ariation 2(andwidt% policin&4. T%ese opposin& preferences introd ce a need to comm nicate and a&ree on t%e wanted and permissi(le (andwidt% variation (etween end+ sers and potentiall! m ltiple network ser*ices. If t%e (andwidt% *ariation is not a&reed (etween media sender and network, media ma! risk to nnecessaril! o*erloadin& t%e network and network ma! risk to nnecessaril! and se*erel! impairin& media, wit%o t eit%er part knowin& t%at t%ose ne&ati*e implications co ld in fact %a*e (een a*oided.

It is proposed to amend S1P (andwidt% si&nallin& to co*er t%e wanted aspects, w%ile keepin& t%e e<istin& (andwidt% attri( te 2(\4 for (ackward compati(ilit!. 1 rin& .S e<c%an&e wit% t%e $T W;s and S)2 to coordinate t%e work on impro*ed end+to+end ?oS %andlin& it was noted t%at introd cin& a new en%anced (andwidt% ne&otiation mec%anism, e.&. sin& a new S1P attri( te co ld potentiall! re' ire c%an&es in se*eral network nodes. S c% potential impacts are in*esti&ated as part of a st d! p%ase. 8nd+to+end *ideo rate adaptation & idelines and performance re' irements >ideo comm nication clients for (est effort IP networks in man! cases incl de f nctionalit! for d!namic (itrate adaptation. 7TSI 2TS 26.11#4 contains a re' irement to s pport RF$ 916# T77=R@T77=- messa&es and s &&ests t%e! (e sed for d!namic *ideo rate adaptation, ( t t%e specification te<t is lackin& minim m performance re' irements and & idelines to implementers on %ow to ac%ie*e a workin& adaptation sc%eme t%at meets reasona(le end+to+end re' irements and constraints. In order to (e tec%nicall! competiti*e, it is *er! likel! t%at 7TSI cannot rel! onl! on indi*id al 58 implementers to de*elop and deplo! a &ood adaptation sc%eme, ( t will also need to amend t%e specification wit% more e<plicit adaptation aspects. S c% adaptation aspects s%o ld likel! (e o(Eecti*el! meas ra(le and co ld incl de, ( t are not limited toI ) re' irement to adapt (itrate (ased on recei*ed T77=R messa&es. Cow rapidl! a T77=R recei*er m st c%an&e its sendin& (itrate after %a*in& recei*ed a T77=R. ) minim m re' irement specification on w%en a media recei*er is to send T77=R messa&es. ) minim m re' irement specification on %ow to c%oose s ita(le T77=R *al es (ased on a*aila(le information.

)n e<ample of rate adaptation re' irement can (e fo nd in TS #9.660 for )7R link adaptation When a carrier to interferer ratio 4 dB lower than a defined lower threshold is applied to the antenna connector, the MS shall request a lower mode with a probability exceeding !"# $his shall be measured immediately after a settling-time of %!! ms#

Work on media adaptation is c rrentl! on&oin& in I8TF in t%e recentl! esta(lis%ed R7$)T 2RTP 7edia $on&estion )*oidance Tec%ni' es4 W; and it is foreseen t%at 3;PP s%o ld liaise wit% I8TF R7$)T W; and t%at res lts from t%e work in I8TF will e*ent all! (e referenced in 7TSI. Cowe*er, since R7$)T res lts ma! not (e a*aila(le ntil a co ple of !ears from now and since 7TSI deplo!ment will occ r earlier, at least some minim m re' irements will (e needed as soon as possi(le (ased on t%e alread! mandated T77=R@T77=- s pport. -ote t%at t%e c rrent ass mption in t%e I8TF RT$We( is to se T77=R@T77=-. O !ecti"e: to e<tend TS 26.11# to co*er for end+to+end media impro*ements. In partic larI

8nd+to+end Fi<ed+7o(ile interworkin&I 8<tend t%e scope of TS 26.11# s c% t%at it incl des end+to+end cases in*ol*in& (ot% mo(ile and fi<ed+(road(and access Reference 8TSI TS 1"1 669 codecs in TS 26.11# for interworkin& wit% fi<ed+(road(and access.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Re*iew specifications of pa!load formats, packetiAation, RT$P r les, adaptation and ot%er aspects in t%e conte<t of interworkin& (etween 3;PP and fi<ed+(road(and access for t%e rele*ant codecs of 8TSI TS 1"1 669, and add re' irements and recommendations w%ere needed. $onsider & idelines for end+to+end interworkin& scenarios re' irin& transcodin&. T%is work re' ires coordination wit% 3;PP $T W;s and 8TSI. %mpro"e end(to(end @oS hand,ing y: =efore startin& normati*e work on ?oS %andlin&, a St d! P%ase will take place wit% t%e o(Eecti*e ofI Identif!in& t%e %i&% le*el f nctional and tec%nical re' irements Identif!in& potential sol tions, incl din& consideration of new ?oS related S1P parameters or attri( tes Identif!in& an! impacts of t%e potential sol tions on network nodes 1 rin& t%e St d! P%ase, t%e $T W;s and S) W;2 are cons lted to contri( te to t%e St d! P%ase. T%e St d! P%ase o tp t is &i*en in a TR. T%e o(Eecti*e of t%e normati*e work will (e (ased on t%e concl sion of t%e St d! P%ase and ma! incl deI T%is work re' ires coordination wit% 3;PP $T W;s, 3;PP S)2 and I8TF 775SI$. Specify more guide,ines and consider specifying performance re<uirements of end(to(end "ideo rate adaptation: First (ased on t%e alread! mandated T77=R@T77= T%en consider res lts from t%e more ela(orate adaptation work in I8TF R7$)T W; Ser"ice Aspects: T%e pdates of t%e 3;PP specifications will ena(le (etter efficienc!, capacit! and ' alit! of 7TSI ser*ice end+to+end in partic lar w%en in*ol*in& *ideo.
,39 A0000 1 A0010 1 A0020 1 A00(0 1 +a e (T aspe%ts C-( p"rt C-1 p"rt C-4 p"rt Resour%e C(!C1!C4 C( C1 C4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 0N 0N 0N 0N :2perli#' C4-1(0(81 C4-1(0(81 C4-1(0(81 C4-1(0(81 TSATR St" e 2J( 28.1A2! 28.1A(! 28.21(! 28.214 24.228 2(.(((! 2(.((4! 28.2(C! 28.((2! 28.(((! 28.((4



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A200AA

:ideo Codin Bn#"nce*ents in ,<S <ess" in "nd 4resence ':CB,<4) =,@9A200AA

-i#is6 01J0(J2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' S4-1(0;18 TSATR 2A.141 +a e Vi"eo (o"i#4 *#6a#%e e#ts i# 31S 1essa4i#4 a#" Prese#%e

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ,ran&e, Intel, ? alcomm, C awei, -okia

.inked to Rel+6 7edia $odecs and Formats for I7S 7essa&in& and Presence 2PR8S-$+$,FI7P4 5I133#629. Work item w%ic% &a*e rise to TS 26.1#1. Justification Rel+11 I7S 7essa&in& and Presence 7edia formats and codecs specification TS 26.1#1 c rrentl! mandates C.263 profile 6 le*el #9 *ideo codec and recommends s pport for C.263 Profile 3 .e*el #9, C.26# 2)>$4 =aseline Profile le*el 1( and 7P8;+# >is al Simple Profile .e*el 6( for I7S terminals s pportin& *ideo. T%e same was t%e case for t%e 7TSI TS 26.11# (efore t%e Work Item on >ideo $odin& 8n%ancements in 7TSI 2S#+ 1161"14 was completed in Rel+16. -ote t%at t%e TS 26.1#1 specification on I7S 7essa&in& and Presence defines codecs t%at are also applica(le for $om(inin& $S and I7S ser*ices and t%erefore ;S7) IR.7# N*ideos%areO. T%e E stification for t%e present Work Item is t%e same as for t%e >$87 WI ( t applied to I7S 7essa&in& and Presence and $SII C.263 (aseline *ideo is c rrentl! t%e mandator! *ideo codec in I7S 7essa&in& and Presence TS 26.1#1 i.e. one t%at m st (e s pported (! I7S clients in all terminals offerin& *ideo messa&in&. T%at *ideo standard was defined in 1006 and was sta(le for lon& w%en was I7S 7essa&in& and Presence first specified in 266#. T%e C.26# *ideo standard was first consented in IT5+T in 7a! 2663. C.26# is more comple< t%an C.263 ( t is on a*era&e seen as 36Q more efficient t%an C.263 at t%e operatin& point considered 2?>;) resol tions4. C.26# was also incl ded in 7TSI and I7S 7essa&in& and Presence ( t as an optional codec d e to t%is e<tra comple<it! makin& it diffic lt for mo(ile terminals to s pport. -owada!s, mo(ile terminals on t%e market demonstrate screen resol tions and $P5 power capa(ilities to s pport real+time *ideo applications wit% (etter ' alit! and efficienc! pro*ided (! C.26#V In &eneral t%e sa&e of C.26# and t% s t%e n m(er of implementations in *ario s conte<ts %as increased drasticall!. )t t%e same time, 3;PP access capa(ilities %a*e e*ol*ed wit% %i&%er (itrates makin& s c% real+time mo(ile *ideo comm nication wit% (etter ' alit! possi(le. )s a res lt, it is E stified to make C.26# a mandator! codec for 7o(ile *ideo applications w%ile C.263 co ld (e made optional and ot%er *ideo codecs s pport s%o ld (e ali&ned wit% 7TSI TS 26.11#. T%is new sta&e 3 work affects t%e stat s of *ideo codec s pport and does not affect e<istin& ser*ice re' irements nor s!stem arc%itect re. O !ecti"es: 7andate C.26# $onstrained =aseline Profile le*el 1.2 for I7S 7essa&in& and Presence *ideo renderin& p to a resol tion of ?>;) and 26fps framerate. Recommend C.26# $onstrained =aseline Profile at a s ita(le le*el for I7S 7essa&in& and Presence *ideo renderin& p to a resol tion of 726<#"6 and 36fps framerate. $%an&e C.263 codec profile stat s in t%is release eit%er to optional or remo*ed. Remo*e t%e recommendations for pre*io sl! optional 7P8;+# >is al and C.263 Recommend optional s pport for e*en %i&%er C.26# le*els for %i&% end capa(le terminals 2(! increasin& resol tion, frame rate and (itrate4. $onsider new s pport re' irements for le*el ne&otiation proced re at call set p to & arantee interworkin& at (est possi(le capa(ilit! le*els.

For all of t%e a(o*e o(Eecti*es, consider performin& t%ese c%an&es (! referencin& anot%er specification like 7TSI TS 26.11# or 77S TS 26.1#6 w%en appropriate. Ser"ice Aspects: T%is Work Item relates to t%e I7S 7essa&in& and Presence and $SI ser*ice. T%e ser*ice s%o ld (e affected in a wa! t%at impro*es t%e *ideo ' alit! as percei*ed (! t%e ser w%ile maintainin& or e*en impro*in& t%e efficienc! o*er t%e 3;PP access. Interworkin& s%all not (e affected.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 53,,3 1 53,13 1 53,,3 2 53,13 2 53,,3 3 53,,3 4 53,,3 5 53,,3 3 5+,,5 3 53,,5 , 32,,5 3 5+,,5 4 53,15 , 3,,,4 4 32,,5 ? 5?,,3 ? 5+,,5 1 31,,4 1 31,,4 2 32,,5 +

SA; Fe"t%res
+a e Rel-12 Operatio#s> !" i#istratio#> 1ai#te#a#%e a#" Provisio#i#4 (O!1;P) Rel-12 Self-Or4a#i<i#4 +etwor's (SO+) - O!1 aspe%ts -R St%dy on Bn#"nced N< centr"lized Co$er" e "nd C"p"city 5pti*iz"tion Bn#"nced Networ3 <"n" e*ent 'N<) centr"lized Co$er" e "nd C"p"city 5pti*iz"tion <%lti-$endor 4l% "nd 4l"y eN. connection to t#e networ3 (o plia#%e of 3GPP S!5 spe%ifi%atio#s to t6e +G1+ Top Operatio#al *ffi%ie#%2 (OP*) Re%o e#"atio#s (o plia#%e of 3GPP S!5 spe%ifi%atio#s to t6e +G1+ +eDt Ge#eratio# (o#ver4e" Operatio#s ReFuire e#ts (+G(OR) &B!+ 1a#a4e e#t Rel-12 +etwor' 3#frastru%ture 1a#a4e e#t Networ3 <"n" e*ent for (I44 ,nterwor3in 26AN 'N,< p"rt) Al"r* /%"lity i*pro$e*ents Rel-12 Perfor a#%e 1a#a4e e#t Networ3 <"n" e*ent for (I44 ,nterwor3in 26AN '4erfor*"nce *e"s%re*ents p"rt) Bner y Bfficiency rel"ted 4erfor*"nce <e"s%re*ents O!1 aspe%ts of +etwor' S6ari#4 Rel-12 (6ar4i#4 S6ort 1essa4e Servi%e - Servi%e (e#ter (S1S-S() Offli#e (6ar4i#4 (6ar4i#4 per 3P - (o##e%tivit2 !%%ess +etwor' (3P-(!+) Sessio# (Sta4e 2=3) (6ar4i#4 usi#4 a# !lter#ative Roa i#4 Provi"er (Sta4e 2=3) (6ar4i#4 for 31S %e#trali<e" servi%e (3(S) %o#trol (Sta4e 2=3) %cronym 96<12 96<12-S90 S90-0<-CC9 S90-0<-CC9 S90-0<-<UPPE4 96<-0G<0=9PE 96<0G<0=0GC9> :160-96< 96<12-0;< 96<-;:160 96<-6<; 96<12-P< 96<-;:160 96<-P<=EE 96<-S/6>E C/12 S<S-SC-C/ C/;PS C/6>P C/;CS !14rapporteur Eric on Eric on 0S0 /'a#ei /'a#ei ;ntel China <o"ile 4eliaSonera China <o"ile 0S0 9range 6lcatel-1'cent Eric on Eric on 0S0

,39 ;A01( 1 ;A00( 2 ;A01( 2

Bn#"nced Networ3 <"n" e*ent centr"lized Co$er" e "nd C"p"city 5pti*iz"tion =,@9;A00(2
-i#is6 (o p :2perli#' +otes TSATR new -R (2.C(A (2.10(! (2.42;! 2C.A21! 2C.A2C! 2C.A;C! 2C.A;8 +a e Rel-12 Self-Or4a#i<i#4 +etwor's (SO+) - O!1 aspe%ts -R St%dy Bn#"nced Networ3 <"n" e*ent 'N<) centr"lized Co$er" e "nd C"p"city 5pti*iz"tion

01J0(J201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4

C0N 0N

S41(004; S41(004;

S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 -

Supporting Companies: Justification

8ricsson, $%ina 7o(ile, ? alcomm, ,ran&e, )TDT, -S-, Intel, 1e tsc%e Telekom

Specification TS 32.922 defines t%e arc%itect re for distri( ted and -7 centraliAed $o*era&e and $apacit! ,ptimiAation 2$$,4 f nction ( t it does not specif! a sol tion, or a description of t%e -7 centralised $$,. )t t%e same time, an -7 centraliAed $$, f nction %as some ena(lers defined in t%e standard 2e.&., 71T, P7 data collection4 ( t it is nclear w%et%er t%ese are s fficient for a complete sol tion. T%e 71T data collection f nction incl des some



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

meas rements w%ic% can (e sef l for $$, p rposes ( t it is not complete and ma! re' ire en%ancements, e.&., in terms of correlation or anon!miAation of information. ,nce t%ese en%ancements are identified in t%e st d! p%ase of t%e $$, Work Task, a correspondin& sol tion can (e pro*ided as part of t%e 8n%anced 7ana&ement of 58 (ased network performance meas rements WI. For an -7 centraliAed $$, sol tion to work, t%ere need to (e standard s pport in terms of information collection from t%e network 2e.&., meas rements4 and in terms of confi& ra(ilit! of t%e network 2e.&., cell attri( tes4. )lt%o &% t%ere is s pport in t%e standard for some of t%ese ( ildin& (locks, t%ere is no acti*it! t%at wo ld co*er all aspects of needed standardiAation s pport for an -7 centraliAed $$, sol tion. T%e c rrent descri(es collection met%ods as part of t%e 71T f nctionalit! in t%e traces, confi& ration met%ods as defined in t%e -R7s, and traditional P7 meas rements w%ic% are defined in t%e Performance 7eas rements. $ rrentl! t%ere is no description in a sin&le place, w%ic% wo ld e<plain w%at needs to (e s pported for a workin& -7 centraliAed $$,. 7oreo*er, t%ere is no common nderstandin& on t%e t!pe of f nctions t%at s%all (e considered as part of $$, and for w%ic% standard s pport ma! need to (e pro*ided. In order to start t%e work in $$,, it ma! (e sef l to select one partic lar se case e<ample and identif! t%e re' ired standard s pport for it. )s none of t%e e<istin& work items are responsi(le of takin& care t%at all t%e necessar! pieces for a f ll! f nctional -7 centraliAed $$, sol tion are a*aila(le in t%e standard , t%ere is an o(*io s need for a separate work item to address all aspects of -7 centraliAed $$,. O !ecti"eI 1. T%e -7 centralised $$, f nction s%o ld (e en%anced (!I

Refine t%e description for -7 centralised $$,. T%e description of t%e -7 $entralised $$, f nction and t%e necessar! standard s pport o*er Itf+- is to (e specified in 32.922.F r%termore t%e set of f nctionalities ands re' ired for an -7 centraliAed $$, s%o ld (e descri(ed in TS 32.163 Inte&ration Reference Point 2IRP4 o*er*iew and sa&e & ide.


First e<ec te a st d! on t%e re' ired 2potentiall! new4 58 and network (ased meas rements for an -7 centraliAed $$, f nction. =ased on t%e res lt of t%e st d!, specif! potential new performance indicators, e.&. 58 meas rements and@or network meas rements to (e reported o*er Itf+- to s pport t%e -7 centraliAed $$, f nction. Performance 7eas rements for detectin& co*era&e ' alit! pro(lems s%all (e specified (ased on identified p%!sical la!er meas rements defined in TS 36.21#. For 58 meas rements t%at do not c rrentl! e<ist, co+operation wit% R)-2 is needed. )n -7 centraliAed $$, f nction needs to collect different t!pes of information a(o t t%e act al network conditions wit% s fficient details in order to e<ec te t%e optimiAation in a correct wa!. Parts of t%is information are alread! deli*ered in some forms o*er Itf+-, w%ile ot%ers are (ein& E st specified in t%e standard 2e.&., deli*erin& location information4 and !et ot%ers ma! (e missin& from t%e standard. T%erefore, t%ere is a need to identif! t%e list of meas rements and information t%at s%all (e made a*aila(le o*er Itf+- for t%e -7 centraliAed $$, f nction. Some of t%e re' ired information mi&%t need to (e specified (! ot%er 3;PP workin& &ro ps 2e.&. R)-2 on location information4 T%e collection mec%anism needs to f lfil certain re' irements to ens re t%at an -7 centraliAed S,- f nction, e.&., a $$, f nction can (e effecti*el! ( ilt on top of it. $ rrentl! t%ere are m ltiple collection mec%anisms defined for collection of different t!pes of data, w%ic% can (e all rele*ant inp t so rces for an -7 centraliAed $$, f nction. For e<ample, toda!, 71T data and R.F data are reported separatel! (! 58 and collected in separate trace Eo(s, alt%o &% (ot% of t%em wo ld (e sef l inp t for -7 centraliAed $$, f nction. Independent collection mec%anisms make correlation of different t!pes of data diffic lt or impossi(le, w%ic% de&rades t%e *al e of collected information for t%e $$, f nction. ) sol tion is needed w%ere different pieces of information connected to t%e occ rrence of t%e same incident can (e com(ined (! t%e $$, f nction. ,nce t%e -7 $entraliAed $$, st d! is completed t%e identified new re' irements, as well as potential new 58 meas rements 2or per 58 (ased network meas rements4 s%o ld (e specified as part of t%e 71T f nction in t%e 8n%anced 7ana&ement of 58 (ased network performance meas rements WI.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


8<ec te a st d! on t%e re' ired confi& ration attri( tes for an -7 centraliAed $$,. )fter t%e res lt of t%e st d! is a&reed, define t%e necessar! s pport on Itf+- to control t%e co*era&e and capacit! related confi& rations in t%e network. ) n m(er of additional cell confi& ration attri( tes %a*e (een recentl! added to t%e standard, specificall! for S,- p rposes ( t t%eir sa&es %a*e not (een properl! nderstood. Some of t%ese attri( tes ma! (e tiliAed (! an -7 $entraliAed $$, f nction. T%erefore, t%ere is a need to first st d! and t%en specif! w%ic% confi& ration attri( tes 2potentiall! new ones4 s%o ld (e controlla(le (! an -7 $entraliAed $$, S,- f nction.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A01(1 ;A00((

<%lti-$endor 4l% "nd 4l"y eN. connection to t#e networ3 =,@9;A00((

!%ro#2 :2perli#' +otes TSATR (2.;01! New -Ss '(2.;0C! (2.;08) +a e Rel-12 SO+ - O!1 aspe%ts <%lti-$endor 4l% "nd 4l"y eN. connection to t#e networ3



S4EA2 co*pleted. -S (2.;0C$200 for Appro$"l! -S (2.;08$100 for ,nfor*"tion "nd Appro$"l

Supporting Companies: -S-, 1e tsc%e Telekom, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina 5nicom, TeliaSonera, C awei, )lcatel+ . cent, 8ricsson, ,ran&e, HT8 Justification $ rrents defined (! 3;PP S)9 co*er onl! t%e self+confi& ration of radio network element parameters. T%e sec re interconnection of a new e-= to t%e operatorUs network prior to self+confi& ration is not !et f ll! standardised. T%e &oal to (e reac%ed is to ena(le t%e sec re mana&ea(ilit! of t%e e-= *ia its 87S. T%e c%allen&es la! mainl! in t%e transport network areaI Pl & and Pla! needs to (e realised in m ltiple >.)-s wit%o t pre+confi& ration IP addresses need to (e made known, allocated wit%o t pre+confi& ration Pl & and Pla! acti*ities need to (e separated from t%e prod cti*e transport network d e to sec rit! reasons >P- t nnels s%all (e set+ p a tomaticall!

)ll t%e a(o*e needs to (e done in a m lti+*endor capa(le wa! and for different R)Ts similarl!. T%ese c%allen&es need to (e tackled w%ile (earin& in mind t%e interest of a network operator to Ca*e no need for man al confi& ration at t%e site Pro*ide t%e node wit% plannin& data and confi& re sec rit! certificates wit%o t man al inter*ention Cide comple< sec rit! and transport confi& rations Beep a reasona(le de&ree of control a(o t t%e pl & and pla! processes

7eetin& t%ese c%allen&es pro*ides for s (stantial sa*in&s, %i&%er ' alit! and relia(ilit! of t%e confi& ration and t%e in%erent a*oidance of se*eral sec rit! t%reats. O !ecti"eI 1. 2. 3. #. 9. t%is work item s%all defineI

T%e network deplo!ment scenarios 2e.& >.)-@>P-4 for w%ic% t%e m lti+*endor pl &Dpla! process s%all appl! T%e network entities w%ic% are in*ol*ed in t%e m lti+*endor pl &Dpla! process T%e information w%ic% is stored in t%ese network entities T%e messa&es 2incl din& t%eir se' ence and content4 w%ic% are e<c%an&ed (etween t%ese network entities T%e protocols w%ic% are sed to transfer t%ese messa&es (etween t%ese network entities.

Security Aspects: In t%e m lti+*endor Pl & and Pla! pro&ress a new node needs to find o t t%e IP address of t%e ,)7 s!stem and its own final IP address a tomaticall!, w%ile pre*entin& na t%oriAed access. For t%is t%e .T8 (ack%a l sec rit! mec%anisms alread! defined (! S)3 s%all (e sed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A01( 4 ;A02( 4

Co*pli"nce of (I44 SA; specific"tions to t#e NI<N -op 54B Reco**end"tions =,@9;A00(4
!%ro#2 5A<NI<N954B 5A<NI<N954B -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p ;;N 20N :2perli#' S4120(48 S4120(48 TSATR New -R (2.C(C (2.101J2J(!(2.111-1!(2.111-2!(2.111A!(2.1;x!(2.401!(2.411!(2.412!(2.421!(2.422! (2.42(!(2.4(1!(2.4(2!(2.4(A!(2.441!(2.442!(2.44A! (2.;00!(2.;01!(2.;02!(2.;0A! (2.;21!(2.;22!(2.;2A!(2.;(1!(2.;(2!(2.;(A!(2.;;1!(2.A81! (2.A82!(2.A8A!(2.1A2 +a e -R -S wor3

Supporting Companies: C awei, -S-, ,ran&e, 1e tsc%e Telekom, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, TeliaSonera, Telecom Italia, HT8, 8ricsson, -8$
Sour%e of eDter#al reFuire e#ts (if a#2) Or4a#i<atio# 9o%u e#t NI<N NI<N -op 54B Reco**end"tions 1.0 Re ar's #ttp:JJwww.n *n.or J%plo"dsJ*edi"JNI<N9-op954B9Reco**end"tions91.0.pdf

Justification It is re' ired to ens re t%at t%e operatorsU recommendations e<pressed in -;7- Top ,P8 Recommendations are alread! taken into acco nt or will (e incorporated into S)9 specifications. For t%is p rpose, it is needed to pro*ide a detailed compliance statement of S)9 specifications a&ainst -;7- Top ,P8 Recommendations. T%e res lts of t%e detailed &ap anal!sis performed (! S)9 s%o ld (e recorded in a specific doc ment 23;PP TR 32."<!+ series4. It is also needed to track t%e work alread! done and t%e work remainin& to (e done. T%e clear identification of t%e work remainin& to (e done ma! lead to t%e creation of new WIs or new $Rs. O !ecti"esI Record t%e detailed &ap anal!sis alread! performed (! 3;PP S)9 Identif! for eac% re' irement t%e work alread! done (! 3;PP S)9 2WIs, $Rs, etc4 1isc ss and a&ree on t%e work remainin& to (e done (! 3;PP S)9, and prod ce new WIs or $Rs as needed Identif! t%e re' irements F if an!+ w%ic% cannot (e satisfied e.&. o t of scope of 3;PP S)9 specifications Pro*ide a final compliance statement of 3;PP S)9 specifications a&ainst -;7- Top ,P8 Recommendations.

T%e scope of t%e compliance statement is -;7- Top ,P8 Recommendations 1.6I 1 + ? alit! and ? antit! of )larms 2 + ) tomatic Software 7ana&ement 3 + 8ner&! Sa*in& # + Self ,r&aniAin& -etworks 9 + Performance 7ana&ement 8n%ancements 6 + 8n%ancement of Trace F nctionalit! 7 + e-ode= Pl & D Pla! + Self $ommissionin& " + ,SS Standard Itf+0 + ,SS Tool S pport for ,ptimiAation D ,peration 16 + ) tomatic In*entor!



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A00( ; ;A01( ; ;A02( ; ;A0(( ; ;A04( ;

Co*pli"nce of (I44 SA; specific"tions to t#e NI<N NIC5R =,@9;A00(;

!%ro#2 5A<-NI<N9NIC5R 5A<-<5@A6 5A<-4<,@ 5A<-F<S4 5A<-NI<N9NIC5R &3Arapporteur &%"wei NSN &%"wei Bricsson &%"wei +a e (o plia#%e of 3GPP S!5 spe%ifi%atio#s to t6e +G1+ +eDt Ge#eratio# (o#ver4e" Operatio#s ReFuire e#ts (+G(OR) Con$er ed <"n" e*ent <odel Ali n*ent '4#"se 2) Con$er ed *"n" e*ent 4erfor*"nce <"n" e*ent ,nterf"ce @efinitions (I44 F"%lt <"n" e*ent Sol%tion 4rofile for NI<N NIC5R -R on Co*pli"nce of (I44 SA; specific"tions to t#e NI<N NIC5R

Sta&e 1@2@3. So rce of e<ternal re' irementsI -;7- -;$,R *1.3

,39 ;A04( ; +a e -R on Co*pli"nce of (I44 SA; specific"tions to t#e NI<N NIC5R -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p ;0N :2perli#' S4120(;0 TSATR new -R (2.C(1

Supporting Companies: C awei, -S- , ,ran&e, 1e tsc%e Telekom, $%ina 7o(ile , )lcatel+. cent , TeliaSonera , 8ricsson, HT8, Telecom Italia Justification It is re' ired to ens re t%at t%e operatorsU re' irements e<pressed in -;7- -;$,R are taken into acco nt into S)9 specifications. For t%is p rpose, it is needed to pro*ide a detailed compliance statement of S)9 specifications a&ainst -;7- -;$,R. T%e res lts of t%e detailed &ap anal!sis performed (! S)9 will (e recorded in a specific doc ment 23;PP TR 32."<!+ series4. T%e s ccessi*e *ersions of t%e TR will track t%e work alread! done and t%e work remainin& to (e done. T%e identification of t%e work to do will lead to t%e creation of new WIs and $Rs as needed. O !ecti"esI Record t%e detailed &ap anal!sis alread! performed (! 3;PP S)9 Identif! for eac% re' irement t%e work alread! done (! 3;PP S)9 1isc ss and a&ree on t%e work remainin& to (e done (! 3;PP S)9, and prod ce new WIs or $Rs as needed Identif! t%e re' irements + if an!+ w%ic% cannot (e satisfied e.&. o t of scope of 3;PP S)9 specifications Pro*ide a final compliance statement of 3;PP S)9 specifications a&ainst -;7- -;$,R Re' irements.

T%e scope of t%e compliance statement is (ased on -;7- -;$,RI ;eneric -e<t ;eneration $on*er&ed ,perational Re' irements 2;8-4 Ci&% le*el re' irements for $on*er&ed ,perations 2$,-4 Re' irements for -;$,R 7odellin& and Toolin& 27T4 Re' irements for Fa lt 7ana&ement Interface 2F74 Re' irements for In*entor! 7ana&ement 2In*74



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


3GPP -ault 1a#a4e e#t Solutio# Profile for +G1+ +G(OR ,39A580335
:2perli#' S4-12011C +otes S4EA0 co*pleted TSATR new -S 2C.(80

,39 ;A0((;

+a e (I44 F"%lt <"n" e*ent Sol%tion 4rofile for NI<N NIC5R

Supporting Companies: . cent, ,ran&e Justification

8ricsson, -S- , C awei, 1e tsc%e Telekom , $%ina 7o(ile , HT8, TeliaSonera , )lcatel+

It is re' ired to ens re t%at t%e operatorsU re' irements e<pressed in -;7- 2-e<t ;eneration 7o(ile -etworks4 -;$,R are taken into acco nt in t%e 3;PP S)9 specifications. For t%is p rpose, it is needed to pro*ide a Fa lt 7ana&ement 2F74 Sol tion Profile 2SP4 s pportin& t%e -;7-;$,R re' irements. T%is work task s%all capt re e<istin& 3;PP S)9 IRP 2Inte&ration Reference Point4 capa(ilities, specified in t%e 3;PP 32+series TSs, as a set of necessar! and s fficient fa lt mana&ement capa(ilities t%at can satisf! t%e Fa lt 7ana&ement re' irements specified in N-;$,R $onsolidated Re' irementsO (! -;7- )lliance, *ersion 1.3. O !ecti"esI to identif! t%e rele*ant and necessar! e<istin& capa(ilities in t%e Re' irements, Information Ser*ices and Sol tion Sets of t%e followin& 2( t not necessaril! limited to4 3;PP S)9 IRPsI TS 32.111+< )larm IRP TS 32.36< -otification IRP TS 32.39< $omm nication S r*eillance IRP TS 32.33< -otification .o& IRP

t%at satisf! t%e fa lt mana&ement re' irements e<pressed in t%e N-;$,R $onsolidated Re' irementsO (! -;7)lliance. T%is SP s%all identif! t%e necessar! and s fficient s (set of t%e Interface IRPs to satisf! t%e Fa lt 7ana&ement re' irements specified in N-;$,R $onsolidated Re' irements (! -;7- )lliance, *ersion 1.3O. It s%all also define ' alifiers for mandator! and@or optional s pport of eac% item. If t%ere are -;$,R re' irements t%at t%e c rrent 3;PP 32+seriess do not !et pro*ide a sol tion for, possi(le en%ancements s%all (e considered.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

@.4.2 (o#ver4e" ,39A580235

,39 ;A02( ;

a#a4e e#t Perfor a#%e 1a#a4e e#t 3#terfa%e 9efi#itio#s

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 20N :2perli#' S41(0A41 +otes S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S41(004(FGS4-1(0A41. Co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14. C#"n ed R"pporte%r C<CCFG&%"wei TSATR new -Ss '(2.4<1! (2.4<A! (2.4<1)

+a e Con$er ed *"n" e*ent 4erfor*"nce <"n" e*ent ,nterf"ce @efinitions

Supporting Companies: Justification

C awei, $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, -S-, ,ran&e, HT8

Performance 7ana&ement 2P74 is a ke! f nctionalit! t%at pro*ides t%e operator wit% *isi(ilit! into %ow its network is performin&. Performance meas rements and BPIs are critical inp ts into optimiAation of networks. )cc rate and a ric% set of meas rements and BPIs deli*ered in a timel! manner is essential for tro (le s%ootin& p rposes and ena(le s pport for a tomatic identification of network pro(lems and a tomatic error correction and optimiAation of t%e network. To t%at effect, t%ere is a need to pro*ide consistent meas rements and BPIs for all elements in a con*er&ed network and to define common P7 interface sol tions 2sta&e 24 to collect t%ese meas rements. O !ecti"esI T%e work item will address 2in t%at priorit! order4I 1. 2. 3. #. 7eas 7eas 7eas 7eas rement D BPI definition template, rement file format, rement file reportin& interface, rement Eo( D t%res%old administration.

T%is work will (e (ased onI Potential -;$,R p%ase 2 re' irements inp ts 2earl! cross+interactions s &&ested4, -;7- Top ,P8 Recommendations 1.6, TR 32."31, Sol tions from 3;PP D T7F.

-ote t%at performance meas rement t!pes, definition of meas rements and BPIs are *er! specific to different domains and are (ein& defined for eac% network element (! &ro ps@S1,s t%at are most knowled&ea(le in t%at area. 8n%ancement of BPIs and clear, ric% definition of meas rements in a manner t%at is consistent and *alid in t%e domain and cross domain (ased on *ario s con*er&ed mana&ement scenarios will need f rt%er consideration ( t is not part of t%is work item.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


(o#ver4e" 1a#a4e e#t 1o"el !li4# e#t (P6ase 2) ,39A580135

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 40N :2perli#' S4120(;1 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 0(J14FG0AJ14 TSATR (2.101! (2.10(! new -S ( 'F<C FN,< =*+rell" 5per"tions <odel '5,<)! new -R '(2.C(8 S<"n" e*ent Specific"tion -oolin Bn$iron*entT! (2.C40 S<"n" e*ent Specific"tion -estin Reco**end"tionsT)

,39 ;A01( ;

+a e Con$er ed <"n" e*ent <odel Ali n*ent '4#"se 2)

Supporting Companies: Justification

-S-, $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, C awei, ,ran&e, HT8

,n+&oin& ind str! con*er&ence and press re to red ce cost is placin& e*er+increasin& emp%asis on t%e need to rationaliAe and ali&n *ario s network mana&ement aspects across (o ndaries of standards@specifications prod cin& or&aniAations. T%e cost, res ltin& from inte&ration and mana&ement c%allen&es, of t%e lack of a co%erent treatment of t%e w%ole network %as (ecomin& increasin&l! apparent to t%e point w%ere operators of networks are demandin& action. T%is WI foc ses on t%e Information 7odel, ,perations 7odel, 7eta 7odel, and Testin& aspect of t%e pro(lem as it is clear t%at t%e lack of an a&reed+ pon, co%erent information D operations model across or&aniAational (o ndaries to s pport t%e F7$ aspects of t%e ind str! t%at defines t%e t%in&s to (e mana&ed and t%e wa! t%e! s%o ld (e e<pressed is one of t%e first aspects t%at need to (e tackled. T%is WI ( ilds pon t%e res lts prod ced in t%e first p%ase of t%e 7odel )li&nment acti*it! (etween 3;PP and T7 For m. It is intended to (e ali&ned wit% t%e Eoint acti*it! (etween 3;PP, T7 For m and -;7- 2as well as potentiall! ot%er interested or&aniAations4, and will take -;7- -;$,R into acco nt. O !ecti"esI T%e 3;PP WI 7odel )li&nment 2P%ase 24 s%o ld addressI 1. 2. 3. #. 9. 6. Considering *ACOR phase # re<uirements B de"e,oping topic re,ated standards so,utions Identif! rele*ant -;$,R p%ase 1 re' irements for 7odel )li&nment 2P%ase 24. 2%' enhancements on common o !ects and enhancements re 'ode, &atterns 1isc ss and a&ree on 5I7 en%ancements 2o(Eects@attri( tes@relations%ips4 (ased on ind str! re' irements. Identif! and specif! additional 7odel Patterns 2e.&. N8<ternalO4. Address 2%' %n"entory definitions /in accordance -ith *ACOR) 3A&& B +'= re<uirements1 1isc ssion definitions of Nin*entor! dataO to identif! common *iews, and a&reement on 5I7 in*entor! related o(Eects, attri( tes and relations%ips. Consideration of C' use case/s1 ased on 3A&& SA5 +R 3$.833 Identif! applica(le pro*isionin& se cases (ased on 3;PP S)9 TR 32."33 and ot%er ind str! se cases. Specif! related model relations%ips. 'eta 3ata for =ederated Operation 'ode, /=O'1 for con"erged operations 8n%ance t%e 7odel Repertoire to incl de t%e meta data definitions for common modelin& of operations D notifications. =ederated Operation 'ode, /=O'1 for con"erged operations T%e ,peration 7odel is defined in t%e doc ment NF7$ Federated -etwork Information 7odel 2F-I74O 2S9+ 126227 S9*T7Fa263a14 and is t%e representation of t%e rele*ant network mana&ement acti*ities. T%e Nto fetc% t%e *al e of an instance attri( teM, and Mto create a flow domain fra&mentM are e<amples@candidates of s c% operations in t%e ,peration 7odel.T%is work is to specif! t%e operations of t%e ,peration 7odel rele*ant to mana&ement con*er&ence. +oo,s and testing Identif! and doc ment s pportin& toolin& en*ironment. 1efine %ow to prod ce conformance statements t%at incl de semantic@f nctional testin& 2(e!ond s!nta< testin&4.




Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A00(A ;A0((A ;A01(A ;A02(A

26AN <"n" e*ent =,@9;A00(A

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 2CN 1;N ;N ;N :2perli#' S41(0042 S41(0042 S41(0042 S41(0042 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TSATR new -R (2.C41 new -S '2C.AC0! 2C.AC2) new -S 2C.40( +a e &B!+ 1a#a4e e#t -R on 26AN i*p"cts to -ype-2 *"n" e*ent interf"ce to t#e (I44 Networ3 <"n" er 26AN Networ3 Reso%rce <odel for -ype-2 interf"ce 26AN *e"s%re*ents defined in ,BBB "nd ,B-F 26AN perfor*"nce *e"s%re*ents for %se on -ype-2 interf"ce

Supporting Companies: Justification

Intel, -S-, 8ricsson, R niper

To ena(le W.)- pla!in& a role as a complement to cell lar tec%nolo&!, t%e performance of W.)- needs to (e known (! cell lar operators. Cowe*er, W.)- performance data is not a*aila(le in 3;PP network mana&ement s!stems, since cell lar networks and W.)- are c rrentl! mana&ed (! two independent ,)7 s!stems. T%is WI is intended to define t%e reso rce model for fa lt and performance monitorin& and specif!@capt re e<istin& W.)- meas rements defined in I888 and I8TF W.)- performance meas rements for se on T!pe+2 interface to t%e 3;PP -etwork 7ana&er. It is t%e intention t%at t%e performance meas rements, s c% as traffic load, ? alit! of Ser*ice 2e.&. packet t%ro &%p t, etc4, reso rce a*aila(ilit! 2e.&. t%e recordin& of (e&in and end times of ser*ice na*aila(ilit!4 are to (e defined. T%e T!pe+1 interface to W.)- -8 2i.e. )ccess Point4 is not (e impacted (! t%is WI, and it is e<pected t%at t%is WI will not modif! W.)- 7I=S 2t%at are defined in I888 std "62.11 26674 or will not specif! alternati*es of W.)- 7I=s. T%is WI will rel! on information defined (! W.)- 7I=s. It is e<pected t%at operator can monitor t%e W.)- as well as t%e 8+5TR)-@5TR)-@;8R)- performance data. T%e W.)- performance data can also (e sed in network plannin&. O !ecti"esI 1. 2. 3. to St d! W.)- impacts to T!pe+2 mana&ement to Specif! t%e W.)- -etwork Reso rce 7odel for T!pe+2 interface 2t%at is intended to s pport fa lt and performance monitorin& onl!4 to Specif!@capt re e<istin& W.)- meas rements defined in I888 and I8TF W.)- performance meas rements for se on T!pe+2 interface 2t%is is not intended for S)9 to define new W.)- performance meas rements4



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00;( A200;A

Al"r* /%"lity i*pro$e*ents =,@9A200;A

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' S4-1(0A11 TSATR (2.111-1! (2.111-2! (2.111-A +a e Rel-12 +etwor' 3#frastru%ture 1a#a4e e#t Al"r* /%"lity i*pro$e*ents

Supporting Companies:

TeliaSonera, 8ricsson, ,ran&e, C awei, HT8, -S-, >odafone, )lcatel+. cent

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 32."90 St d! on )larm 7ana&ement 2FS3,)73)74 Justification S)9 %as finis%ed t%e St d! on )larm 7ana&ement. T%e res lt of t%e St d! is doc mented in TR 32."90. T%e st d! addressed pro(lems wit% alarm %andlin& t%at t%e operators are facin& toda!, s c% asI + ,perators are flooded wit% so man! alarms t%at t%e! cannot take care of all of t%em. Too man! alarm notifications of low importance are floodin& t%e network, pre*entin& t%e operators to find and act on t%e reall! important ones. T%e information in t%e alarms is not s fficient for t%e operator to know w%at to do wit% t%em, e.&. %ow to prioritise t%em accordin& to t%e se*erit! and ser*ice impact of eac% alarm, and %ow to find t%e root ca se and clear t%e alarm.

O !ecti"esI S)9 s%all anal!se if e<istin& 32+series specifications, related to alarm mana&ement, can (e en%anced wit% sol tions to address t%e pro(lems identified in TR 32."90. To address t%e pro(lems identified in TR 32."90, t%is work item s%allI 8n%ance definitions related to alarm mana&ementV Identif! areas and define 5se $ases w%ere alarm mana&ement f nctions (elow Itf+- can (e impro*edV Identif! possi(le sol tions related to f nctionalit! of Itf+-V

T%e identified sol tions 2if re' ired4 are realiAed (! en%ancement to e<istin& 3;PP@S)9 Interface IRPs related to alarm mana&ement.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00; ( ;(00; 0

Networ3 <"n" e*ent for (I44 ,nterwor3in 26AN =,@9;(00;0

-i#is6 (o p :2perli#' +otes TSATR +a e Rel-12 +etwor' 3#frastru%ture 1a#a4e e#t Networ3 <"n" e*ent for (I44 ,nterwor3in 26AN 'N,< p"rt)

11J12J201 (



S4EA2 co*pleted. -Ss 2C.A01J020AJ11J12J1A for Appro$"l. St" e 2 in Rel-A 26AN-=<-S iJw 2(.2(4! Rel-1 26AN iJw O 4ri$"te Networ3 "ccess fro* 26AN (I44 ,4 Access 2(.2(4! Rel-C <o+ility +etween (I44-26AN iJw "nd (I44 Syste*s 2(.(21

(2.A(2! (2.A(A! (2.1;2! (2.1;A! new -S '2C.A01! 2C.A02! 2C.A0A! 2C.A11! 2C.A12! 2C.A1A)

;C00; 4 ;(01; 0

Rel-12 Perfor a#%e 1a#a4e e#t Networ3 <"n" e*ent for (I44 ,nterwor3in 26AN '4erfor*"nce *e"s%re*ents p"rt)

1CJ0AJ201 4



St" e 2 in Rel-A 26AN-=<-S ,nterwor3in 2(.2(4! Rel-1 26AN ,nterwor3in O 4ri$"te Networ3 "ccess fro* 26AN (I44 ,4 Access 2(.2(4! Rel-C <o+ility +etween (I44-26AN ,nterwor3in "nd (I44 Syste*s 2(.(21

new -S '2C.401! 2C.402)

Supporting Companies:

$%ina 7o(ile, )TDT, Intel, C wei, HT8, 8TRI, 1e tsc%e Telekom

(if a#2) TS
-S 2(.2(4 -S 2(.2(4 -S 2(.(21

(orrespo#"i#4 sta4e 2 wor' ite ,#iFue Title 39

(1012 (2110 (10048

Rel-A 26AN-=<-S ,nterwor3in Rel-A '26AN) Rel-1 26AN ,nterwor3in O 4ri$"te Networ3 "ccess fro* 26AN (I44 ,4 Access '26AN4NA) Rel-C <o+ility +etween (I44-26AN ,nterwor3in "nd (I44 Syste*s ',26AN9<o+)

Justification -etwork Reso rce 7odel 2-R74 and Performance 7ana&ement 2P74 are important for operators to mana&e t%eir networks. Cowe*er, information mana&ement o(Eects and performance data ser*in& for inter+workin& arc%itect re (etween 3;PP s!stem and W.)- %a*e not (een defined !et. T%e inter+workin& arc%itect re (etween 3;PP s!stem and W.)- %as (een specified in se*eral S)2 specifications. Re&ardin& to 3;PP network interworkin& wit% W.)-, t%e followin& TS specification is proposed to specif! IW.)arc%itect re and correspondin& proced res 3;PP TS 23.23#I M3;PP s!stem to Wireless .ocal )rea -etwork 2W.)-4 interworkin&V S!stem descriptionM. 3;PP TS 23.327I M7o(ilit! (etween 3;PP+Wireless .ocal )rea -etwork2W.)-4 interworkin& and 3;PP s!stemsM. TS 23.23# pro*ides t%e s!stem description for inter+workin& (etween 3;PP s!stems and W.)-s. Specificall!, t%e non+ roamin& and roamin& W.)- inter+workin& reference models are presented. Some new network elements %a*e (een introd ced as listed (elow. W); W.)- )ccess ;atewa! P1; Packet 1ata ;atewa! 3;PP ))) Ser*er 3;PP ))) pro<! )ccordin&l!, some new reference points 2Wn, Wi, W , ;nP, etc4 %a*e (een introd ced as well. 1ependin& on t%e IW.)- arc%itect re, TS 23.327 %as addressed some iss es related to IP mo(ilit!, in w%ic% Come )&ent 2C)4 and a new reference point C1 are introd ced. Re&ardin& to e*ol*ed 3;PP interworkin& wit% W.)-, t%e followin& TS specification is proposed to specif! IW.)arc%itect re and correspondin& proced res



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

3;PP TS 23.#62I M)rc%itect re en%ancements for non+3;PP accessesM. TS 23.#62 pro*ides t%e arc%itect re for interworkin& (etween 8*ol*ed 3;PP Packet Switc%ed network and W.)-. 8*ol*ed Packet 1ata ;atewa! 2eP1;4 %as (een introd ce to %andle ntr sted non+3;PP IP access. Se*eral new reference points2s2a, s2( and s2c4 %a*e (een introd ced to perform IP mo(ilit!. 7ana&ement Information ,(Eects and Performance 7ana&ement data for t%ese new network elements and interfaces s%o ld (e added in order to f lfil t%e mana&ement re' irements from t%e &rowin& 3;PP@W.)- interworkin& network. O !ecti"e to specify: -R7 IRP re' irements for 3;PP inter+workin& W.)-R7 for 3;PP inter+workin& W.)- incl din& new defined network elements 2W);, P1;, 3;PP ))) ser*er@pro<! and C)4 and related reference points2Wn, Wi, Wp, etc4 Sol tion Set for 3;PP inter+workin& W.)performance meas rements for 3;PP inter+workin& W.)-R7 IRP re' irements for e*ol*ed 3;PP network inter+workin& W.)-R7 for e*ol*ed 3;PP network inter+workin& W.)- incl din& new defined network elements 2eP1;, 3;PP ))) ser*er@pro<!, C), .7) and 7);4 and related reference points2s2a, s2( and s2c4 performance meas rements for e*ol*ed 3;PP inter+workin& W.)Sol tion Set for e*ol*ed 3;PP inter+workin& W.)-

,39 ;C00;4 A00044

Bner y Bfficiency rel"ted 4erfor*"nce <e"s%re*ents =,@9A00044

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ2014 (o p 1;N :2perli#' S4-1(02A( TSATR (2.42; +a e Rel-12 Perfor a#%e 1a#a4e e#t Bner y Bfficiency rel"ted 4erfor*"nce <e"s%re*ents

Supporting Companies: Telekom, HT8, -8$

-S-, Telecom Italia, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, >odafone, ,ran&e, 1e tsc%e

Justification: 3;PP S)9 %as (een re' ested (! 8TSI T$ 88 to identif! and define t%e ener&! efficienc! related performance meas rements for 8+5TR)-, se*eral liaisons 2see S9+121001, S9+12167", S9+122666, S9+136666, S9+ 136661, S9+1363994 %a*e (een made on t%is matter (etween 3;PP S)9, S), R)-2 and 8TSI T$ 88. ) Eoint conference (etween 3;PP S)9and 8TSI T$ 88 was made at 7arc%.13 2613 2min tes in S9+136#6".4 3;PP proced re a&reed for cooperationI Step #: 0+S% 00 defines use cases) re<uirements and g,o a, C&%s to measure energy efficiency. Step $: 3A&& +SA RA* >A $ crosschec.s -hich of the current L$ measurements?C&%s can e used to fu,fi, the re<uirements or -hich ne- definitions are needed. 3A&& +S 3:.3#4 may e extended) if missing L$ measurements are the on,y -ay to fu,fi, the re<uirements. Step 3: 9ased on steps # and $ SA5 pro"ides the necessary additions to 3A&& +S 3$.4$5. T%is work item is concentrated to cooperate wit% 8TSI T$ 88, 3;PP R)-2 and ot%er 3;PP W;s if needed, on ener&! efficienc! related performance meas rements for 8+5TR)- (ased on t%e a&reed proced re. O !ecti"e: For t%e se cases, re' irements and@or &lo(al BPIs pro*ided (! 8TSI T$ 88 related to ener&! efficienc!, (! cooperation wit% 3;PP R)-2 and if needed wit% ot%er 3;PP W;s, toI identif! w%et%er e<istin& performance meas rements and@or 71T data can (e re sed to s pport t%ese needsV define t%e new performance meas rements if neededV introd ce t%e rele*ant .2 performance meas rements if an! newl! defined (! R)-2 to S)9 specificationV repl! to 8TSI T$ 88 wit% t%e o tcome of work listed a(o*e in a formal approac%. -,T8I t%e work mentioned a(o*e s%all (e (ased onl! on formal re' ests 2e.&. (! .S4 from 8TSI T$ 88.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00;4 A200;1 A201;1 A202;1

5A< "spects of Networ3 S#"rin =,@9A200;1

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ2014 1CJ0AJ2014 1CJ0AJ2014 (o p 0N 0N 0N :2perli#' S4-1(0A01 S4-1(0A01 S4-1(0A01 TSATR St" e 1J2J( new -S (2.1(0 -.@: 5A< -S (2J2C.000-series +a e Rel-12 Perfor a#%e 1a#a4e e#t O!1 aspe%ts of +etwor' S6ari#4 Concepts "nd re/%ire*ents 'St" e 1) St" e 2J(

Supporting Companies: TeliaSonera

,ran&e, )lcatel+. cent, C awei, HT8, 8ricsson, -8$, -S-, 1e tsc%e Telekom,

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 32."91 St d! on ,)7 aspects of -etwork S%arin& 2FS3,)73SC)R84, Rel+6 -etwork S%arin& 2-TS%ar4 5I133161"
Pare#t -eature (or Stu"2 3te ) ,39 Title ;A00(1 Rel-12 5per"tions! Ad*inistr"tion! <"inten"nce "nd 4ro$isionin '5A<H4) ;400(2 Rel-12 SA;: St%dy on 5A< "spects of Networ3 S#"rin 'FS95A<9S&ARB) St%dy lin3ed to t#e Rel-A Networ3 S#"rin 'N-S#"r) =,@9(101C! SA1 22.8;1 'Ser$ice "spects "nd re/%ire*ents for networ3 s#"rin )! SA2 2(.2;1 'Networ3 S#"rin 0 Arc#itect%re) TS SA; %*+rell" Fe"t%re -R (2.C;1

Justification: SP+116#33@ S9+112296I .S from S)G92 to all 3;PP W;s on M8' i*alent P.7- identities and 7inimiAation of 1ri*e Tests 271T4M, S)G92, R ne 2611, reconfirmedI In &eneral all new feat res 2or en%ancements to e<istin& feat res4 s%o ld contin e to (e desi&ned to work also for operators sin& 8' i*alent P.7- identities. If@w%en it is not possi(le to de*elop complete s pport for t%e 8P.7- concept 2i.e. -etworks sin& 8P.7%as t%e same feat res@capa(ilities and t%e same operational sit ation as a standalone P.7- networks4 t%en s c% de*iations s%o ld (e doc mented in rele*ant sta&e 1 and sta&e 2 specifications.

T%e applica(ilit! of t%ose statements needs to (e considered in S)9 for all new feat res @en%ancements. 71T and 8ner&! sa*in& are on&oin& work t%at will need s c% considerations. =ased on t%at, 3;PP S)9 %as performed in Rel+12 a st d! and anal!Aed t%e different -etwork s%arin& scenarios. T%e o tcome of t%e st d! is in TR 32."91 NSt d! on ,perations, )dministration and 7aintenance 2,)74 aspects of -etwork S%arin&L. Implication on 3;PP S)9 7ana&ement specifications of t%ese scenarios on s%ared -etwork, and ,)7 implications on Fa lt 7ana&ement, $onfi& ration 7ana&ement, 71T, $all Trace etc. %a*e to (e e*al ated. O !ecti"e: 3;PP S)9 %as performed a st d! and anal!Aed different -etwork s%arin& scenarios. T%e o tcome of t%e st d! is in TR 32."91 NSt d! on ,perations, )dministration and 7aintenance 2,)74 aspects of -etwork S%arin& L. T%is Work Item will address t%e c%an&es to t%e e<istin& specifications sin& TR 32."91 as reference. T%e potential impacts to 3;PP S)9 specifications identified in TR 32."91, cla se 9 and will (e sed as & idance for pdatin& t%e rele*ant 3;PP TSs. S)9 will iss e .Ss to t%e rele*ant 3;PP &ro ps if t%ere are (roader impacts to s pport network s%arin& for certain scenarios. Security Aspects: t%e work. T%ere can (e potential impact and t%e nat re of t%e impact will (e determined d rin& t%e co rse of



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00; 1

S#ort <ess" e Ser$ice - Ser$ice Center 5ffline C#"r in =,@9;C00;1

!%ro#2 S<S-SCC& -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p (0N :2perli#' S412011; +otes St" e 2J( TSATR (2.240! (2.2;0! (2.2;1! (2.214! (2.28C! (2.288 +a e S6ort 1essa4e Servi%e - Servi%e (e#ter (S1S-S() Offli#e (6ar4i#4

Supporting Companies:

)lcatel+. cent, )cision, ,penet, C awei

TS 22.(AC

(orrespo#"i#4 sta4e 1 wor' ite ,#iFue 39 Title 4C01(0 St" e 1 for Syste* ,*pro$e*ents to <"c#ine -ype Co**%nic"tions 'S,<-C)

Ot6er Kustifi%atio# TS (lause 2(.AC2 Arc#itect%re en#"nce*ents to f"cilit"te co**%nic"tions wit# p"c3et d"t" networ3s "nd "pplic"tions.

Re ar's

Justification In Rel+11, )rc%itect ral en%ancements to facilitate comm nications wit% packet data networks and 7T$ applications were specified in TS 23.6"2. ) 1e*ice tri&&erin& f nctionalit! *ia 7o(ile Terminated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27T+ S7S4, sin& T# Reference Point towards t%e S7S+S$, %as (een specified. W%en pro*ided (! a 3;PP -etwork, t%is de*ice tri&&erin& is realiAed (! 7o(ile Terminated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27T+S7S4 deli*er! towards t%e ser*in& S;S-@778@7S$ entities, (ased on standard 7T+S7S proced res as specified in TS 23.6#6, or 7T+S7S deli*er! o*er I7S as specified in TS 23.26#. T%e -etwork entities 778 2from Rel+114, S;S- and 7S$ &enerate S7S c%ar&in& e*ents and@or $1Rs for S7S ser*ices pro*ided to t%e mo(ile s (scri(er res ltin& from s c% 7o(ile Terminated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27T+S7S4 1e*ice Tri&&erin&. In roamin& sit ation 2e.& S;S- in >P.7-4, t%is allows t%e >P.7- to pro*ide T)P 2Transfer )cco nt Proced re4 for reconciliation wit% CP.7-, %owe*er no ,ffline $%ar&in& is specified in CP.7-. W%en t%e 7o(ile Terminated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27T+S7S4 de*ice tri&&erin& is pro*ided (! a 3;PP -etwork, it s%o ld (e possi(le for t%is 3;PP -etwork to %a*e its own S7S $1Rs defined, for relations%ip wit% 7T$ ser*ice pro*ider. )lso for 7o(ile ,ri&inated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27,+S7S4 ser*ice, t%e different -etwork entities 778 2From Rel+ 114, S;S-, 7S$ &enerate S7S c%ar&in& e*ents or@and $1Rs, and it wo ld also (e important to %a*e CP.7- S7S $1Rs defined for roamin& sit ations. T%e S7S+S$ is t%e most rele*ant -ode in CP.7- for s c% S7S offline c%ar&in& to (e definedI it would allow to collect SMS charging data w%ate*er t%e transport le*el selected for S7S ser*iceI S%ort 7essa&e delivered o*er $S@PS or over a generic IP CAN (SMS over IP). O !ecti"esI to specif! ,ffline $%ar&in& for t%e S%ort 7essa&e Ser*ice 2S7S4 from t%e S7S+S$, for 7o(ile ,ri&inated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27,+S7S4 and 7o(ile Terminated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27T+S7S4, (ased on t%e f nctional description in 3;PP TS 23.6#6 and on t%e S7S o*er IP in 3;PP TS 23.26#. )lso 1e*ice Tri&&erin& *ia T# specific se of 7o(ile Terminated S%ort 7essa&e ser*ice 27T+S7S4 will (e considered for S7S ,ffline $%ar&in& from S7S+S$. ,ffline c%ar&in& will (e defined wit% (ot% Rf, ;a and =<.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1004 1

C#"r in per ,4 - Connecti$ity Access Networ3 ',4-CAN) Session =,@9A10041

!%ro#2 C&,4S -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p (0N :2perli#' S41(0A42 +otes St" e 2J(. S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S41(0421FGS4-1(0A42 TSATR (2.2;1! (2.28C! (2.288 +a e (6ar4i#4 per 3P (o##e%tivit2 !%%ess +etwor' (3P-(!+) Sessio# (Sta4e 2=3)

Supporting Companies: Justification

8ricsson, ,ran&e, )llot $omm nications, $isco, R niper

T%e Packet Switc%ed 2PS4 access c%ar&in& %as since t%e earl! 3;PP Releases (een or&aniAed aro nd t%e (earer 2for 2;@3;, t%e Packet 1ata Protocol 2P1P4 conte<t4, w%ereas t%ere is a possi(ilit! to set p m ltiple (earers in parallel in order to pro*ide differentiated ? alit! of Ser*ice 2?oS4 for t%e data traffic. T%e Traffic Flow Template determines o*er w%ic% (earer eac% packet s%all tra*el. Wit% 8*ol*ed Packet $ore 28P$4, t%e notion of Packet 1ata -etwork 2P1-4 connection 2in t%e domain of Polic! and $%ar&in& $ontrol 2P$$4 denoted as IP $onnecti*it! )ccess -etwork 2IP+$)-4 session4 introd ces a concept t%at collects all t%e (earers 2wit% 8P$ it is t%e 8PS (earer4 in one concept. T%e P$$ concept of IP+$)- session does t%e same t%in& for all t!pes of accesses. =efore t%e se of additional (earers wit%in t%e same IP+$)- session t%ere was no maEor difference (etween or&aniAin& t%e c%ar&in& aspects per (earer *ers s or&aniAin& c%ar&in& aro nd t%e IP+$)- session. Wit% t%e introd ction of applications like I7S and ot%er %i&% ' alit! ser*ices t%at need differentiated ?oS for t%e proper operation, it is time to e<plore t%e effects of or&aniAin& c%ar&in& per IP+$)- session 2i.e. for 8P$, t%is is t%e P1- connection4. $%ar&in& specifications incl de acco ntin& data reportin& and ' ota %andlin& to (e per (earer. In order to track and correlate c%ar&in& for t%at (earerI T%e ;atewa! ;PRS S pport -ode 2;;S-4 @ P1- ;atewa! 2P+;W4 &enerates a $%ar&in& Id t%at is ni' e wit%in t%e ;;S-@P+;W 2no re se wit%in a s fficientl! lon& time4 wit% t%e p rpose to identif! t%e (earer 2P1P conte<t or 8PS (earer4. T%e ;;S-@P+;W address for control si&nallin& ser*es as an identifier for t%e ;;S-@P+;W node. $%ar&in& Id and t%e address for control si&nallin& is re' ired in all report se' ences for t%e (earer, incl din& reports from ot%er nodes 2S;S- or Ser*in& ;atewa! 2S+;W44. T%e d ration of a (earer is potentiall! *er! lon&. T%erefore partial reportin&, w%ic% incl de se' ence n m(erin&, is defined for reportin& wit% $%ar&in& 1ata Records 2$1Rs4.

-oteI For Pro<! 7o(ile IP 2P7IP4 +(ased 8P$, t%e P+;W %andles acco ntin& data reportin& and ' ota %andlin& for t%e complete IP+$)- session as if it is a sin&le (earer tiliAin& concepts of ?oS $lass Identifier 2?$I4 and )llocation and Retention Priorit! 2)RP4 for data separation. Wit% t%e se of additional (earers wit%in t%e same IP+$)- session, t%e followin& aspects need attentionI 1. 2. ? ota fra&mentation a. Wit% one 1iameter session per (earer, ' ota m st (e allocated to eac% session independentl! leadin& to ' ota fra&mentation for t%e ser leadin& to denial of ser*ice d e to inade' ate f nds. )mo nt of acco ntin& and si&nallin& information. a. Reportin& incl des a lot of information t%at is *alid for t%e IP+$)- session. T%is data will (e replicated in all report streams for e*er! (earer. ) &ood part of it is %owe*er red ndant.

In 3;PP TS 23.263 2Polic! and c%ar&in& control arc%itect re4, t%e credit mana&ement for online c%ar&in& %as (een defined (! S)2 to operate per P1- connection for 8P$. T%e ;PRS 2;;S-4 %as (een left wit%o t an! c%an&e to allow for contin ed operation of le&ac! ;;S- nodes wit%o t an! c%an&e. T%e s%ift to se credit mana&ement per IP+$)- session in TS 23.263 is ali&ned wit% t%e c%an&e for ;< to operate per IP+$)- session and also remo*e an! knowled&e of indi*id al (earers from t%e Polic! and $%ar&in& R les F nction 2P$RF4 w%ile maintainin& ?oS awareness of ser*ices (ein& transported.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

O !ecti"esI T%is feat re pro*ides an IP+$)- session le*el c%ar&in& conte<t for (ot% on+line and off+line c%ar&in& o*er t%e ;! and ;A reference points in order to ac%ie*e t%e followin& (enefitsI 1. 2. 3. #. 9. 6. 7. ". 0. T%ere is one sin&le data si&nat re 2$%ar&in& Id, ;W address for control si&nallin&4 to identif! t%e IP+$)session. ,*er t%e same interface t%ere is E st one stream of data 2se' ence of $1Rs or 1iameter session4 to %andle t%e entire IP+$)- session simplif!in& t%e ser*er processin&. $onsolidated reportin& across all (earers (elon&in& to one IP+$)- session. ,n t%e ,$S side, an! ' ota reser*ation can (e coordinated across all of t%e (earers in t%e same IP+$)- session wit%o t an! special meas res on t%e ,nline $%ar&in& S!stem 2,$S4 side to identif! w%at sessions (elon& to t%e same IP+$)- session. )*oids pro*idin& red ndant IP+$)- session data s c% as location, TH, R)T t!pe, ser*in& S;S-@S;W, W T%ere is a red ced demand for ni' e $%ar&in& Id *al es. $onsistenc! (etween polic! scope o*er ;< reference point and c%ar&in& scope of ;!@;A reference points. $onsistenc! (etween P7IP+ and ;TP+(ased 8P$ network c%ar&in&. Red ction in t%e n m(er of 1iameter sessions maintained.

$om(inin& t%e data for t%e w%ole IP+$)- session to one set of data remo*es t%e str ct re for reportin& (earer 28PS (earer4 parameters, from w%ic% t%e (earer ?oS settin& traditionall! %as (een of interest for ?oS+oriented c%ar&in&. $ompensation for t%e loss of t%at possi(ilit! s%o ld (e considered in order to maintain ?oS awareness of t%e ser*ices (ein& transported. In order to s pport (ackward compati(ilit!, contin ed s pport for (earer le*el conte<t c%ar&in& is mandator!. T%e work will in*esti&ate %ow session le*el conte<t c%ar&in& co ld (e ena(led as an optional en%ancement to replace t%e (earer le*el conte<t c%ar&in& in a li*e deplo!ment.

,39 A1004 2

C#"r in %sin "n Altern"ti$e Ro"*in 4ro$ider =,@9A10042

!%ro#2 C&AR4 -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p ;0N :2perli#' S41(042C +otes S4EA2 -S (2.21A$100 for ,nfor*"tion TSATR (2.240! (2.288! New -Ss S(2.21A ':oice C"ll Ser$ice C#"r in )! (2.28( '4roxy F%nction)T +a e (6ar4i#4 usi#4 a# !lter#ative Roa i#4 Provi"er (Sta4e 2=3)

Supporting Companies: Justification

8ricsson, Telefonica, ,ran&e, Telekom ) stria, C awei, ,penet

T%e Tec%nical Re' irement ;ro p 2TR;4 esta(lis%ed to meet 8 ropean $ommission re& lations on roamin& is workin& on tec%nical re' irements for implementation of roamin& n( ndlin& for 85 roamin& re& lation III. ,ne of t%e alternati*e sol tions for roamin& n( ndlin&, called MSin&le I7SIM, is implemented t%ro &% interworkin& (etween t%e )lternati*e Roamin& Pro*ider 2)RP4 and t%e 1omestic Ser*ice Pro*ider 21SP4. Sin&le International 7o(ile S (scri(er Identit! 2I7SI4 re ses t%e e<istin& w%olesale a&reements of Come operators, capitaliAin& on t%e roamin& a&reements comprised of si&nallin&, (illin&, pa!ment, testin& and operation (etween t%e %ome and t%e *isited operator. In t%is form of n( ndlin&, t%ere is a separation of f nctions (etween t%e 1SP and t%e )RP. Two of t%e domains t%at are ass med (! t%e )RP are t%e $%ar&in& 1omain and t%e =illin& 1omain. ,f t%e interfaces in*ol*ed to s pport t%e $%ar&in& 1omain, t%is work item is foc ssed solel! on online c%ar&in& of $irc it+switc%ed 2$S4 ser*ices. $ rrent 3;PP specifications tiliAe $)78. )pplication Part 2$)P4, (ased on $)78.@I- tec%nolo&!, for transfer of online c%ar&in& e*ents and credit mana&ement for $S ser*ices. For c%ar&in& of ot%er network ser*ices, s c% as S7S, 77S, ;PRS, and I7S, t%e 3;PP specifications tiliAe 1iameter, an IP+(ased protocol, for transfer of online c%ar&in& e*ents and credit mana&ement. 7an! operators %a*e deplo!ed s!stems t%at e<tend t%e standard 1iameter protocol wit% proprietar! e<tensions 2i.e., additional )ttri( te >al e Pairs + )>Ps4 to s pport online c%ar&in& for $S ser*ices. T%ese proprietar! met%ods ma! not interoperate wit% eac% ot%er and wo ld not (e s ita(le for internetwork si&nallin& as wo ld (e re' ired to s pport t%e 85 roamin& re& lations. TR; %as proposed t%e incl sion of an alternati*e interface (ased on 1iameter for t%e c%ar&in& of $S ser*ices for t%e followin& reasonsI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

CarmoniAation of online interfaces sin& 1iameter+(ased interface for t%e c%ar&in& of all t%e re& lated ser*ices w%ic% s%all (e mana&ed (! t%e )lternati*e Roamin& Pro*ider 2)RP4, simplif!in& )RP inte&ration. Isolation of $)78. roamin& a&reements (etween 1SP and >P.7- for )RP implementations, red cin& t%e possi(ilit! of interopera(ilit! iss es and red cin& t%e need for compati(ilit! testin&. T%e maEor criteria for separation of f nctions are mod larit!, information %idin&, co plin& minimiAation and co%esion ma<imiAation. In t%at wa!, it wo ld (e desira(le to keep call control f nctions pro*ided (! a $)78. S$P in t%e 1SP domain. Wit%o t a 1iameter+(ased interface and onl! %a*in& t%e option of $)P means additional o(li&ations ma! (e re' ested to )RPs 2e.&., tri&&er answer and disconnect ma! onl! (e pro*ided in notification mode4 In order to a*oid t%e c%an&e of t%e call control flows and ser*ice orc%estration implemented (! t%e 1SP. O !ecti"e: To s pport t%e 85 roamin& n( ndlin&, t%is work item proposesI

Specification of a standard interface, (ased on 1iameter, for t%e 1SP *oice call pro<! f nction to t%e )RP. Specification of a 1SP *oice call pro<! f nction and mappin& recommendations (etween $ stomised )pplications for 7o(ile 8n%anced .o&ic 2$)78.4 and 1iameter.

T%e concept of *oice call s%all (e interpreted as an! $irc it+switc%ed call, w%ate*er t%e teleser*ice sed 2speec%, 3.1 kCA a dio, Fa<, or $S data4 e<cept circ it+switc%ed >ideo Telep%on! calls 2=S 37, 6# k(it@s nrestricted di&ital info mode4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A200; C

C#"r in for ,<S centr"lized ser$ice ',CS) control =,@9A200;C

!%ro#2 C&,CS -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 0N :2perli#' S41(0A10 TSATR (2.2;0! (2.28C +a e (6ar4i#4 for 31S %e#trali<e" servi%e (3(S) %o#trol (Sta4e 2=3)

Supporting Companies:

-S-, )lcatel+. cent, $%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, C awei, ,ran&e

)li&n S)9 $%ar&in& specifications wit% Rel+" Feat re I7S $entraliAed Ser*ice control 2I$SR)4 and s (se' ent en%ancements nder T8I< 2S)2 23.202 I$SR) Sta&e 2, $T3 20.202, $T1 2#.667, 2#.6114
(orrespo#"i#4 sta4e 1 wor' ite ,39 Title (1002 Rel-C Fe"t%re: ; 31S (e#trali<e" Servi%e %o#trol (3(SR!) (C00( Sta4e 1 for 3(S ReFuire e#t a#" 8 !r%6ite%ture (orrespo#"i#4 sta4e 2 wor' ite (if a#2) ,39 Title (1002 Rel-C Fe"t%re: ; 31S (e#trali<e" Servi%e %o#trol (3(SR!) (C004 Sta4e 2 for 3(S ReFuire e#t 0 a#" !r%6ite%ture 40020 Sta4e 3 for 3(SR! I Proto%ol> ; !""ressi#4> Su5s%ri5er 9ata 40000 C-( "spects - St" e ( for A ,CSRA TS nJ" SA1 -S 22.101 Ser$ice "spects0 ser$ice principles


SA2 -S 2(.282 ,4 <%lti*edi" S%+syste* ',<S) centr"lized ser$ices0 St" e 2 nJ" C-( -S 28.282 ,nterwor3in +etween t#e ,4 <%lti*edi" ',<) Core Networ3 'CN) s%+syste* ',<S) "nd <SC Ser$er for ,<S Centr"lized Ser$ices ',CS) C-1 -S 24.A01 5ri in"tin ,dentific"tion 4resent"tion '5,4) "nd 5ri in"tin ,dentific"tion Restriction '5,R) %sin ,4 <%lti*edi" ',<) Core Networ3 'CN) s%+syste*0 4rotocol specific"tion C-1 -S 24.A11 Closed =ser Iro%p 'C=I) %sin ,4 <%lti*edi" ',<) Core Networ3 'CN) s%+syste*! 4rotocol Specific"tion

Justification T%e 3;PP S)2 TS 23.202 specifies t%e f nctionalit! for I7S $entraliAed Ser*ices 2I$S4 in 7o(ile+ser*ices Switc%in& $entre 27S$4 ser*er for t%e interworkin& wit% t%e S$$ )S. 8n%ancements for $irc it Switc%ed 2$S4 domain $%ar&in& in 7S$ ser*er for I$S for I2 calls are c rrentl! not descri(ed. O !ecti"e: to ali&n t%e S)9 $%ar&in& specifications wit% t%e Rel+" Feat re WI1 2SP+67602#4 and s (se' ent en%ancements nder T8I< of t%e Feat re MI7S $entraliAed Ser*ice control 2I$SR)4O 2$P+1363924. T%e followin& aspects will (e co*eredI Introd ction of a new $1R t!pe in t%e 7S$ ser*er for I7S $entraliAed Ser*ices related I7S re&istration (ased on operator optionV 7odification of e<istin& $1R t!pes for 7, and 7T ori&inated calls in t%e 7S$ Ser*er for I7S $entraliAed Ser*ices (ased on operator option V )dE stments related to I$S w%ic% were implemented nder T8I0, T8I16 or T8I11 in t%e correspondin& $T1 and $T3 specifications and %a*e impact on t%e 7S$ Ser*er $%ar&in& for I$S 2e.&. corrections on Pri*ac! %eader field in TS 2#.667, addition of t%e $5; fail re indication in TS 2#.69# or introd ction of d!namic (arrin& of sers for I$= in TS 2#.6114.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 53,,1 + 5?,,, + 5+,,, 8 5+,,1 2 5+,,1 3 5+,,1 3 5+,,2 , 5+,,2 3 5+,,2 4 58,,, 8 58,,1 2 58,,1 4 3,,,, 8 3,,,1 , 31,,, 2 31,,, 4 31,,, 5 31,,, + 32,,, 4 32,,, 3

C- Fe"t%res
+a e 31S * er4e#%2 PS!P (all5a%' (Sta4e 3) 3#terwor'i#4 5etwee# a PB1+ wit6 &B!+ to a%%ess t6e *P( a#" a P9+ (Sta4e 3) Reporti#4 *#6a#%e e#ts i# &ar#i#4 1essa4e 9eliver2 (Sta4e 2=3) Si#4le Ra"io Voi%e (all (o#ti#uit2 (SRV(() 5efore ri#4i#4 (Sta4e 3) 31S Sta4e 3 3*T- Proto%ol !li4# e#t - P6ase 8 S!* Proto%ol 9evelop e#t - P6ase 3 31-SS- !ppli%atio# Server Servi%e 9ata 9es%riptio#s (Sta4e 2=3) 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+ a#" S1S %e#tral fu#%tio#s (Sta4e 2=3) 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+-G1B( (Sta4e 3) 31S i pa%ts o# ,3(( !ppli%atio# !spe%ts (Sta4e 3) e1E1S restoratio# pro%e"ures 9ual Ra"io V(( e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 2=3) (T aspe%ts of Si4#alli#4 of 3 a4e Si<e (Sta4e 2=3) 31S (e#trali<e" Servi%es (3(S) 3#ter&or'i#4 *#6a#%e e#t i# 1o5ile Swit%6i#4 (e#ter Server (1S(-S) GPRS Tu##elli#4 Proto%ol for t6e (o#trol pla#e (GTP-() Overloa" (o#trol 1e%6a#is s ProD2 (all Sessio# (o#trol -u#%tio# (P-(S(-) restoratio# e#6a#%e e#ts Support of Real-ti e Tra#sport Proto%ol (RTP) = Real-ti e Tra#sport (o#trol Proto%ol (RT(P) ultipleDi#4 (si4#alli#4) i# 31S ,p"ati#4 31S to %o#for to R-( 8885 (Sta4e 3) 31S Operator 9eter i#e" (all Earri#4 e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 3) Si4#alli#4 3 prove e#ts for +etwor' *ffi%ie#%2 (Sta4e 3) %cronym E<C=PC S6ES=:160=EPC=int#$ >EP=:<D "S>@CC ;<SProtoc3 S6ES3 ;<S=SS2DD Dia=SGS0=S<S Dia=SGS0=G<1C ;<S=U6&6 e<B<S=>e t eD>@CC S;S=C4 ;CS=;:E G9C<e PCSC2=>ES >4CP=<UB UP3335 ;9DBe S;0E Resource C1,C3,;E42 C3 C1,C4,>3 C1,C3,>5 C1,C3,;E42 C1 C4,C1 C4,C1 C4 C3 C4,C3 S2,C1,C3 C4,C1,C3 C3 C4 C4 C4,C1,C3 C1,C3 C1,C3 C1 !14rapporteur Eric on /'a#ei one2.any 044 D9C9<9 6lcatel-1'cent ;nterDigital /'a#ei 6lcatel-1'cent Ci co Gie ec$e A De%rient 6lcatel-1'cent Eric on Eric on 9range Ci co Eric on 6lcatel-1'cent Blac$Berry Eric on /'a#ei



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(011C ;(1004 ;(021C A01001

,<S B*er ency 4SA4 C"ll+"c3 =,@9;(001C

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 0AJ08J201 ( 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p A;N 80N 100N 80N :2perli#' C41(021C C41(021C C41(021C C41(021C +otes C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 in RFC Bd-/%e%e C4EA1 co*pleted in RFC Bd-/%e%e TSATR 24.228! tied to co*pletion of ,B-F dependencies: 24.A04! 24.A0;! 24.A10! 24.A11! 24.A28 dr"ft-ietf-ecrit-ps"p-c"ll+"c3 28.1A(! 28.1A; dr"ft-ietf-ecrit-ps"p-c"ll+"c3 +a e (T1 (T1 (3*T-) (T3 (3*T-) (T3

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, )TDT, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei

Sta&e 3 21ependenc! I8TF 8$RIT on PS)P call (ack4. F lfil S)1@2 Rel+7 87$1 re's 5I13326#9 PS domain and I7S impacts for s pportin& I7S 8mer&enc! calls 2related to == 5I131693 8mer&enc! $all 8n%ancements for IPD PS =ased $alls Justification Since Rel+7 and t%e introd ction of I7S emer&enc! calls, t%ere %as (een a re' irement to s pport PS)P call (ack and to (e a(le to %andle s pplementar! ser*ices accordin&l!. 8<tract from S)1 re' irements 2TS 22.1614I M&f the incoming call can be identified by the core networ' as a call-bac' to an emergency call (i#e# coming from a )S*)+ then supplementary services at the terminating party shall be handled as described in $S %%#,-. /4!0 for Multimedia $elephony (e#g# 1ommunication 2iversion, 1ommunication 3old, 1ommunication Barring+# 45$67 $here is no specific call-bac' requirement for 1S supplementary services# * call-bac' may be attempted for a period of time defined by local regulations after the emergency call release# &n case of a 86 in limited service state, call-bac' is not required# M 8<tract from S)2 re' irements 2TS 23.1674I M,%# $he architecture shall enable emergency centres and )S*)s to request a )S*) call bac' session to a 86 with which the 6mergency centres or )S*)s had an emergency session, if the 86 is registered (i#e# containing valid credentials+# )S*) call bac' is sub9ect to local regulation#M and M$he M:1; may7 - 2etermine based on the operator policy if an incoming call form the )S$4 is for the purpose of )S*) call-bac'# $he operator policy decision may be based on that the call is from an emergency centre or from a )S*) and<or any other information made available to the M:1;# - &nclude a =)S*) call-bac' indication= in the S&) session establishment request if an incoming call is determined to be for the purpose of )S*) call-bac'#M $T1 %a*e since Rel+7 tried to sol*e t%e PS)P call (ack re' irement o*er t%e !ears 2wit% t%e %elp of I8TF4, ( t no resol tion %a*e so far (een made, and rat%er low interest %a*e (een s%own in I8TF. T%ere is a need to eit%er sol*e t%e S)1 and S)2 re' irements once and for all, or report (ack to S)1 and S)2 t%at t%is is a task t%at $T1 is incapa(le to sol*e. T%is WI1 proposes t%at a new effort is p t in into t%e work, and a resol tion is tr!in& to (e fo nd wit%in t%e c rrent release. O !ecti"eI to implement I7S emer&enc! call(ack from PS)P, wit% e<plicit indicator accordin& S)1 and S)2. Pro&ress of t%is WI1 depends on pro&ress of t%e related work in I8TF 8$RIT on PS)P call (ack.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1000 C

,nterwor3in +etween " 46<N wit# 26AN to "ccess t#e B4C "nd " 4@N =,@9;1000C
:2perli#' C41(0(8; +otes C4EA1 co*pleted TS 28.0A1 +a e 3#terwor'i#4 5etwee# a PB1+ wit6 &B!+ to a%%ess t6e *P( a#" a P9+ (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies:

C awei, CiSilicon, R niper -etworks, 8ricsson, )lcatel+. cent, HT8

relatio#s6ip -

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title (2000 Rel-C Fe"t%re: Syste* Arc#itect%re B$ol%tion - B$ol$ed 4"c3et Syste* 'non RAN "spects) ;

Justification From t%e Rel+" *ersion of 3;PPs an operator can se non+3;PP defined R)Ts 2e.&. W.)-4 to access t%e 8*ol*ed Packet $ore 28P$4. T%e arc%itect re reference model for 8PS defined (! 3;PP S)2Ps TS 23.#62 pro*ides t%e possi(ilit! of sin& W.)-, and f rt%er to t%is specifies a new reference point called S;i (etween t%e P1- &atewa! 2P+ ;W4 and a packet data network 2P1-4. T%e P1- ma! (e an operator e<ternal p (lic or pri*ate P1- or an intra+ operator P1-, e.&. for pro*ision of I7S ser*ices. T%e P+;W pro*ides connecti*it! from t%e 58 to e<ternal P1-s (! (ein& t%e point of e<it and entr! of traffic for t%e 58. T%e S;i reference point as per 3;PP TS 23.#62 corresponds to ;i and Wi f nctionalities and s pports an! 3;PP and non+3;PP access s!stems. T%e S;i reference point %as (een defined as part of 3;PP $T3Ps TS 20.661 2;i4. T%is is *alid for (ot% 3;PP accesses and non+3;PP accesses for interworkin& (etween 8P$ P.7- and e<ternal networks. Cowe*er t%ere are some interworkin& aspects t%at are not f ll! specified. T%e lack of of some interworkin& to e<ternal networks ma! res lt in ndesira(le effects since t%ere is a lack of 3;PP to pro*ide t%is packet domain interworkin& to e<ternal networks. 3;PP $T3Ps TS 20.161 specifies t%e Wi reference point and was prod ced d rin& t%e de*elopment of interworkin& W.)- 2I+W.)-4 in Rel+6. Cowe*er, pdates to 3;PP TS 20.161 to define t%e proced res for packet domain interworkin& (etween a P.7- wit% W.)- to access t%e 8P$ and a P1- seem not appropriate considerin& t%at t%e scope of 3;PP TS 20.661 alread! co*ers t%ose interworkin& aspects. In addition, 3;PP TS 20.161 is *er! partic lar to I+W.)- and does not matc% t%e arc%itect ral model of W.)- access to 8P$ as well as not all deplo!ment scenarios are considered. O !ecti"es: to capt re t%e missin& proced res necessar! for packet domain interworkin& (etween a P.7- wit% W.)- to access t%e 8P$ and a P1-. T%e P1- ma! (e an operator e<ternal p (lic or pri*ate P1- or an intra+operator P1-, e.&. for pro*ision of I7S ser*ices. T%e work also incl des t%e definition of t%e se of R)1I5S or 1I)78T8R for t%e allocation of t%e IP address from an e<ternal P1- 2w%ic% ses R)1I5S or 1I)78T8R4. =ot% ntr sted and also tr sted W.)- access network scenarios are on foc s.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C001 0 ;C001 1 ;8012 1

Reportin Bn#"nce*ents in 2"rnin <ess" e @eli$ery =,@9;C0008

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ12J201 ( (o p C0N C0N (0N :2perli#' C41(04C0 C41(04C0 R41(0(8C +otes C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-120101FGC41(04C0 C4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ C4-120101FGC41(04C0 '"dded C-4 St" e 2 spec) TSs 2(.041 2(.001! 28.1AC (A.41( +a e (T1 (Sta4e 2) (T4 (Sta4e 2=3) (ore partG P&S Reset=-ailure=Restart i# &ar#i#4 1essa4e 9eliver2 i# BT*

,39 ;C001 0 ;C001 1 ;8012 1

+a e (T1 (Sta4e 2) (T4 (Sta4e 2=3) Core p"rt: 42S ResetJF"il%reJRest"rt in 2"rnin <ess" e @eli$ery in 6-B

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ0(J201 4

(o p C0N C;N 10N

:2perli#' C41(04C0 C41(04C0 R41(0(8C

StatusAReport R4-1(1;24


TSATR 2(.041 2(.001! 28.1AC (A.41(

R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14

Supporting Companies:

one2man!, C awei, T+7o(ile 5S, BP-, )cision, 1e tsc%e Telekom, ,ran&e

Sta&e 1 for $ell =roadcast does not e<ist. T%is WI1 en%ances t%e reportin& capa(ilities of Warnin& 7essa&e 1eli*er!. Introd ce .T8 f nctionalit! re' ested (! re& lators, e' i*alent to e<istin& 2;@3; f nctionalit!. Justification $ rrentl!, Warnin& 7essa&e 1eli*er! in .T8 is specified as a fire+and+for&et t!pe of ser*ice. T%e 778 onl! acknowled&es t%e receipt of a Write Replace Warnin& Re' est, ( t does not report in w%ic% area t%e messa&e will not start (roadcastin&, nor does it report as a response to a Stop Warnin& 7essa&e re' est in w%ic% area t%e messa&e %as (roadcasted. 7essa&e ori&inators 2&o*ernment a t%orit! t%at wants to (roadcast P (lic Warnin& 7essa&es4 re' ire knowin& if warnin& t%e pop lation is likel! to (e s ccessf l, or if alternati*e means of warnin& citiAens need to (e considered. 7o(ile operators re' ire knowin& if t%e! f lfil t%e ser*ice re' irements of t%eir &o*ernment and %a*e act all! (roadcast P (lic Warnin& messa&es to citiAens. T%e $=$ can report in 2; and 3; to f lfil t%e a(o*e re' irements, ( t in .T8 t%is is not c rrentl! possi(le. O !ecti"esI to en%ance t%e reportin& capa(ilities of Warnin& 7essa&e 1eli*er! in .T8 e' i*alent to w%at is c rrentl! possi(le in 2; and 3;V (! considerin&@assessin& in partic lar t%e followin& possi(le c%an&esI a4 778 reportin& to t%e $=$ nknown Trackin& )reas in w%ic% t%e messa&e cannot (e (roadcastedV (4 778 reportin& to t%e $=$, pon re' est of t%e $=$, in w%ic% warnin& areas initiatin& messa&e (roadcast was s ccessf l, as reported (! e-=sV c4 778 reportin& to t%e $=$, pon re' est of t%e $=$, in w%ic% warnin& area t%e messa&e %as (een cancelled and %ow often t%e messa&e was (roadcastedV d4 capa(ilit! for t%e $=$ to stop (roadcastin& of all messa&es in an area. 2e.&. w%en messa&es are still (roadcastin&, w%ic% s%o ld %a*e (een cancelled, ( t werenUt for nknown reasons4V e4 e-ode= reportin& to t%e $=$ on 2 n+4a*aila(ilit! of cells for (roadcastin& warnin& messa&es. e-ode=s (ecomin& a*aila(le for (roadcastin& 2e4 will tri&&er a restoration proced re w%ic% falls nder t%e responsi(ilit! of $T#. $oordination wit% R)-3 is e<pected for o(Eecti*es impactin& t%e R)- 2d and e4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C0112 A0000C A20011

SR:CC +efore rin in =,@9;C0012 '5pen -estin )

-i#is6 14J0AJ201 ( 14J0AJ201 ( 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 100N 100N ;0N :2perli#' C41(0218 C41(0218 R41(1818 +otes C4EA0 co*pleted C4EA0 co*pleted R4EA2 wron ly reported "s co*pleted. -estin for C-1 -S 24.2(1 ',<S ser$ice contin%ity St" e () TSATR 24.00C! 24.2(1 28.1A; (4.228-1! (4.228-2! (A.;2(-1! (A.;2(-2 +a e (T1 part (T3 part Test partG Si#4le Ra"io Voi%e (all (o#ti#uit2 (SRV(() 5efore ri#4i#4

Supporting Companies:

-TT 1,$,7, , -T$, C awei, Sams n&, -S-, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, -8$
+ature of relatio#s6ip -S 2(.2(1 Rel-12 CRE0444 %nder -B,12 ,4 <%lti*edi" S%+syste* ',<S) Ser$ice Contin%ity0 St" e 2

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) H ,39 Title (800; Rel-C Fe"t%re A ,<S Ser$ice Contin%ity ',<S-Cont)

Justification In Rel+16, s pport for PS to $S SR>$$ access transfer of a call in t%e alertin& p%ase was specified in TS 2#.237 and TS 2#.66". Cowe*er, t%ere is c rrentl! no s pport for PS to $S SR>$$ access transfer of a call in t%e pre+alertin& p%ase 2e.&. after t%e SR>$$ 58 %as recei*ed a SIP 1"3 2Session pro&ress4 response containin& t%e S1P answer and (efore t%e SIP 1"6 2Rin&in&4 response %as (een recei*ed4. If t%e 58 recei*es earl! media or anno ncements from t%e network in t%e pre+alertin& p%ase, t%e network will not perform SR>$$ of t%e I7S session in t%e pre+alertin& p%ase, t% s impactin& t%e ser e<perience. PS to $S SR>$$ of ori&inatin& call in t%e pre+alertin& p%ase %as now (een specified in Rel+12 in Sta&e 2 specification TS 23.237 2$R - m(erI 6###4 nder T8I12 as s%own in s (cla ses 3.1, #., 9.3.#.1,,, 5pdates are re' ired to t%e Sta&e 3 specifications to implement t%e Sta&e 2 re' irements, and t% s complete t%e work. O !ecti"esI to implement t%e specification for t%e PS to $S SR>$$ access transfer of a call in pre+alertin& p%ase (ased on Rel+12 sta&e 2 specification TS 23.237. In t%is WI1, onl! PS to $S SR>$$ of an ori&inatin& call in t%e pre+alertin& p%ase is co*ered. T%e PS to $S SR>$$ of an ori&inatin& call in t%e pre+alertin& p%ase can (e s pported onl! if t%e PS to $S SR>$$ of a ori&inatin& call in t%e alertin& p%ase is s pported.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C0014 A01002 ;C001; A11001

,<S St" e ( ,B-F 4rotocol Ali n*ent - p#"se A =,@9;C001(

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p ;0N ;0N A0N ;0N :2perli#' C412080; C412080; C412080; C412080; +otes Not co*pleted internetdr"ft Not co*pleted internetdr"ft TSATR 2(.21C! 24.228! 24.8(0 dr"ft-#ol*+er -sipcore-recei$edre"l* 28.1A(! 28.1A; dr"ft-#ol*+er -sipcore-recei$edre"l* +a e (T1 part (3*T-) (T1 (T3 part (3*T-) (T3

Supporting Companies: Justification

)lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, C awei, -S-, Researc% in 7otion, ST+8ricsson

In Rel+9, t%e I7S was defined to s pport IP 7 ltimedia ser*ices. T%e feat re set in Rel+9 pro*ides a (asis for IP 7 ltimedia s pport. )t Rel+6, 7, ", 0, 16 and 11 f rt%er work was identified. )t Rel+12 t%e need for ot%er new capa(ilities is (ein& identified, and t%ere is still si&nificant on&oin& work in I8TF t%at s%o ld (e doc mented in relation to its impact on I7S. In &eneral t%is work item is a(o t maintainin& ali&nment of t%e de*elopment of t%e SIP sed in I7S wit% t%at c rrentl! defined (! I8TF. S c% c%an&es are principall! t%e end+to+end or end+to+application s pport of information wit%o t necessaril! t%e need for ot%er core network de*elopments 2s c% as interworkin&4, and &o (eneat% t%e le*el of detail of w%at is re' ired from t%e sta&e 1 and sta&e 2 descriptions. Ca*in& said t%at, t%ere ma! (e minor sta&e 1 and sta&e 2 en%ancements prod ced nder T8I12, or minor sta&e 1@sta&e 2 re' irements comin& from 3;PP2, ,7) or 8TSI 82-) t%at co ld (e f rt%er de*eloped at sta&e 3 nder t%is work item. O !ecti"esI 1. areas to (e considered areI

8ns re protocol ali&nment (etween 3;PP Sta&e 3 I7S work and I8TF. Re*iew of e<istin& and f t re capa(ilities pro*ided in SIP (! I8TF, and pro*ide doc mentation as w%et%er t%ese capa(ilities are s pported in t%e I7 $- s (s!stem or not.

In addition to t%e a(o*e listed items, t%ere ma! (e minor tec%nical impro*ements and en%ancements to I7S, not of s fficient si&nificance to (e normall! co*ered (! a work item, t%at can (e dealt wit% (! t%is work item. T%e scope of t%is WI1 is protocol ali&nment, and t%ose capa(ilities t%at ma! lead to new or en%anced I7S applications are not dealt wit% as part of t%is WI1. T%e c%an&es are limited to SIP and S1P related iss es.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C0011 ;C001C ;C0018

SAB 4rotocol @e$elop*ent - 4#"se ( =,@9;C001A

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p ;0N ;0N ;0N :2perli#' C4120104 C4120104 C4120104 TSATR 2(.122! 24.00C! 24.1A1! 24.228! 24.(01! 24.(02! 24.(0(! 24.(04! 24.(0;! 24.(12! 28.01C! 28.11C 2(.122! 24.00C! 24.1A1! 24.228! 24.(01! 24.(02! 24.(0(! 24.(04! 24.(0;! 24.(12! 28.01C! 28.11C 2(.122! 24.00C! 24.1A1! 24.228! 24.(01! 24.(02! 24.(0(! 24.(04! 24.(0;! 24.(12! 28.01C! 28.11C +a e S!* Proto%ol 9evelop e#t (Sta4e 3) - P6ase 3 (S -all5a%' i# *PS - P6ase 3 S!* for support for #o#-3GPP a%%esses - P6ase 3

Supporting Companies: Inter1i&ital, )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, C awei, CiSilicon, -8$, -S-, Renesas 7o(ile, Researc% in 7otion, Sams n&, ST+8ricsson Sta&e 3 contin ation of Rel+" Feat re S)8S 23;PP S!stem )rc%itect re 8*ol tion + 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem4 5I13326669 T%is work item collects t%e minor S)8 de*elopments re' ired in Rel+12, and packa&es t%em nder a sin&le WI. T%ere ma! (e minor sta&e 1 and sta&e 2 en%ancements prod ced nder T8I12, or minor sta&e 1@sta&e 2 re' irements comin& from 3;PP2 t%at co ld (e f rt%er de*eloped at sta&e 3 nder t%is work item. -ote t%at t%is work item also incl des sta&e 2 doc mentation for t%e 58 in idle mode. It is e<pected t%at m c% of t%e work in t%is WI1 will not %owe*er re' ire separate sta&e 1 and sta&e 2 de*elopment. Justification In Rel", .T8 was added as an access tec%nolo&!. T%e feat re set in Rel+" pro*ides a (asis for 8PS s pport. )t Rel+0, 16 and 11 f rt%er work was identified. )t Rel+12 t%e need for ot%er new capa(ilities is (ein& identified. O !ecti"esI T%ere ma! (e tec%nical impro*ements and en%ancements to 8PS, not of s fficient si&nificance to (e normall! co*ered (! a work item, t%at can (e dealt wit% (! t%is work item. T%e scope of t%e work also incl desI 1. 2. S c% c%an&es relatin& to S)8 in*ol*ed in $S fall(ack 2incl din& S;s en%ancements4 or $S fall(ack to 1< 2) separate acron!m is re' ested for t%is set of work MS)8S3+$SF=M4. Impact on ;PRS relatin& to interworkin& wit% .T8.

$%an&es relatin& to t%e s pport of 8P$ on non+3;PP accesses are co*ered on t%e separate acron!m MS)8S3+ non3;PPM T%e work does not co*er PS domain en%ancements w%ere parallel c%an&es are identified to (ot% 8PS and ;PRS. T%e work also does not co*er c%an&es to %ome -ode = and %ome e-ode =. T%e work also does not co*er c%an&es or en%ancements to f nctionalit! related to mac%ine+t!pe comm nications 27T$4. T%e work item is not a s (stit te for iss es w%ere a feat re %as alread! (een created (! ot%er W; 2a separate ( ildin& (lock s%o ld (e created for t%at WI14, or for work in*ol*in& si&nificant c%an&es o*er m ltiple $Rs in $T1 2w%ere a separate feat re WI1 s%o ld (e created4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C0021 ;C0022

,<-SSF Applic"tion Ser$er Ser$ice @"t" @escriptions =,@9;C0020

+a e Sta4e 2 Sta4e 3 Resour%e C1 C4 :2perli#' C4-1201;A C4-1201;A +otes C4E;8 co*pleted C4EA0 co*pleted TSATR 2(.21C 28.(2C! 28.(28! 28.(A4

Supporting Companies:

C awei, CiSilicon, Telecom Italia, $%ina 7o(ile

)dd new ser*ices to (e descri(ed for )S Interopera(ilit!

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 41000 Rel-C Fe"t%re: ( ,<S Applic"tion Ser$er Ser$ice @"t" @escriptions for AS interoper"+ility ',<S9AS,5),<S Applic"tion Ser$er Ser$ice @"t" @escriptions for AS interoper"+ility +ature of relatio#s6ip ,ntrod%ction of new ser$ices to +e descri+ed for AS ,nteroper"+ility.

Justification StandardiAin& t%e data formats for I7S $)78. ser*ices wo ld facilitate interoperation amon& application ser*ers. StandardiAation of ser*ice data o*er S% was alread! ac%ie*ed for 77T8. ser*ices as specified in t%e TS 20.36# for application ser*er interopera(ilit!. T%ere are ot%er kinds of ser*ices, e.&. I7S $)78. ser*ices, %a*in& a similar iss e for one I7+SSF application ser*er to make se of data defined for anot%er I7+SSF application ser*er. Interopera(ilit! co ld (e ac%ie*ed not onl! amon& I7+SSF application ser*ers pro*idin& t%e same ser*ice capa(ilities for load (alancin& or red ndant p rpose, ( t amon& I7+SSF application ser*ers and ot%ers pro*idin& different ser*ice capa(ilities, e.&. t%ere mi&%t (e some interaction (etween I7+SSF application ser*er and 77T8. application ser*er w%en pro*idin& >T+$SI and $all =arrin& or $all Forwardin& s pplementar! ser*ices for a specific ser. If t%e data format is standardiAed, it is also possi(le to se it for s!nc%roniAation of t%e I7S $)78. ser*ice data stored in t%e I7S CSS and I7+SSF )S wit% t%e $S $)78. ser*ice data stored in t%e $S C.R, as for data s!nc%roniAation of ot%er s pplementar! ser*ices standardiAed. O !ecti"esI to address t%e transport of t%e I7S $)78. ser*ice data wit% t%e protocol as defined for S% interface, and to standardiAe t%e :7. format of t%e ser*ice data for I7S $)78. ser*ices sed (! I7+SSF )S and ot%er possi(le )S considerin& feat re interaction, incl din& ,+I7+$SI, 1+I7+$SI and >T+I7+$SI.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8001; ;C012(

@i"*eter +"sed interf"ce +etween SISN "nd S<S centr"l f%nctions =,@9;C002(
Resour%e C1 C4 :2perli#' C4-1(04(1 C4-1(04(1 +otes C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2(.040 28.002! 28.2(0! 28.212! 28.(0;! 28.((A! 28.((1! 28.((C +a e Sta4e 2 Sta4e 3

Supporting Companies: Justification

)lcatel+. cent, -S-, $isco, >odafone, )cision

7)P+(ased ;d interface %as (een defined (etween t%e S;S- and t%e central S7S f nctions 2S7S+;7S$, S7S+ IW7S$, S7S Ro ter4. In t%e 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem 28PS4, wit% t%e introd ction of S7S in 778, 1iameter (ased interface %a*e (een defined to s pport S7S o*er 8PSI t%e S;d interface (etween t%e 778 and t%e central S7S f nctions and t%e S6c interface (etween CSS and t%e central S7S f nctions. )t t%is sta&e, t%e onl! remainin& 7)P+ (ased interface for S7S in 8PS is t%e ;d interface (etween t%e S;S- and central S7S f nctions. In 8PS, we %a*e adopted t%e &eneral principle to a*oid rel!in& on 7)P 2apart interworkin& cases wit% le&ac! entities4 (ased interfaces and adopt I8TF (ased protocols s c% as 1iameter. T%is principle is applied in t%e WI M1iameter (ased interface (etween S;S-+;7.$M w%ere a 1iameter *ersion of t%e 7)P (ased .& interface (etween S;S- and ;7.$ is specified. It is proposed to define a 1iameter *ariant for t%e protocol sed o*er t%e e<istin& ;d reference point (etween S;S- and central S7S f nctions 2S7S+;7S$, S7S+IW7S$, S7S Ro ter4. T%is does not impact sta&e 2 f nctional entities and t%eir (e%a*io rs defined for S7S. T%is replaces t%e se of 7)P protocols (! 1iameter ones (etween S;S- and central S7S f nctions. 1efinin& a 1iameter+(ased interface (etween t%e S;S- and t%e central S7S f nctions will allow t%e possi(ilit! to rel! on a p re 1iameter+(ased control plane for S7S o*er 8PS, wit% $entral S7S f nctions s pportin& onl! 1iameter+ (ased interface towards 8PS network entities 2778, S;S-, CSS4. 7oreo*er, a com(ined node s pportin& 778 and S;S- f nctions wo ld %a*e to s pport onl! one protocol for S7S o*er 8PS. O !ecti"esI to specif! t%e sta&e 3 c%an&es to introd ce 1iameter (ased interfaces (etween t%e S;S- and t%e central S7S f nctions 2S7S+;7S$, S7S+IW7S$, S7SRo ter4 for S7S o*er 8PS and will compriseI + 1efinin& 1iameter+(ased f nctional e' i*alent of 7)P+(ased ;d interface (etween t%e S;S- and t%e central S7S f nctions (! re sin& and e<tendin& t%e constr cts a*aila(le for t%e 1iameter (ased S;d interface 2(etween t%e 778 and t%e central S7S f nctions4. T%is 1iameter+(ased interface is applica(le onl! to t%e S;Ss pportin& 8PS (ased interfaces and protocols. In*esti&atin& and possi(l! standardisin& an en%ancement to %a*e onl! one 7T S7 deli*er! 1iameter messa&e to a com(ined 778@S;S- node. It incl des t%e impact on t%e interface (etween t%e com(ined 778@S;Snode and t%e central S7S f nctions and on t%e interface (etween t%e CSS and t%e S7S+;7S$@S7S Ro ter to indicate if t%e 778 and S;S- are collocated.

In addition, S7S sta&e 2 will (e pdated to s%ow t%e options of deplo!in& 1iameter (ased interfaces (etween t%e S;Sand t%e central S7S f nctions, in addition to e<istin& 7)P (ased ;d interfaces.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C002 4

@i"*eter +"sed interf"ce +etween SISN-I<6C =,@9;C0024

:2perli#' C41(0;8C +otes C4EA2 co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ C41(021(FGC4-1(0;8C. TSATR 28.002! 28.112! 28.11(! 28.2(0! 28.212 +a e 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+-G1B( (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies:

$isco, ,ran&e, -S-, HT8, -8$, )ndrew $orporation, )lcatel+. cent

-o Sta&e 2 impact. 1efine a 1iameter *ariant for t%e protocol sed o*er e<istin& reference points (etween S;S- and ;7.$ for .$S 2replace t%e se of 7)P (! 1iameter protocol4 Justification 7)P+(ased .& interface %as (een defined (etween ;7.$ and 7S$ in t%e $S domain and (etween ;7.$ and S;Sin t%e PS domain. 1 rin& t%e initial desi&n of 8*ol*ed Packet S!stem 28PS4, 1iameter (ased interface %a*e (een defined to s pport .$S o*er 8PSI t%e S.% interface (etween t%e ;7.$ and t%e CSS and t%e S.& (etween t%e ;7.$ and t%e 778. )t t%is sta&e, t%e onl! remainin& 7)P+(ased interface in t%e .$S control plane for 8PS is t%e .& interface (etween t%e ;7.$ and t%e S;S-. ,n t%e ot%er %and, in 8PS, we %a*e adopted t%e &eneral principle to a*oid rel!in& on 7)P 2apart interworkin& cases wit% le&ac! entities4 (ased interface and adopt I8TF (ased protocols s c% as 1iameter. It is proposed to define a 1iameter *ariant for t%e protocol sed o*er e<istin& reference points (etween S;S- and ;7.$ for .$S. It does not impact an! sta&e 2 f nctional entities and t%eir (e%a*io rs defined for t%e .$S. It replaces t%e se of 7)P protocols (! 1iameter ones (etween S;S- and ;7.$ for .$S. 1efinin& a 1iameter+(ased interface (etween t%e ;7.$ and t%e S;S- will allow t%e possi(ilit! to rel! on a p re 1iameter+(ased control plane for .$S o*er 8PS, wit% a ;7.$ s pportin& onl! 1iameter+(ased interface towards 8PS network entities 2778, S;S-, CSS4. 7oreo*er, a com(ined node s pportin& 778 and S;S- f nctions wo ld %a*e to s pport onl! one protocol for .$S o*er 8PS. O !ecti"esI to specif! t%e sta&e 3 c%an&es to introd ce 1iameter (ased interfaces (etween S;S- and ;7.$ for .ocation Ser*ices o*er 8PS and will compriseI + 1efinin& 1iameter+(ased f nctional e' i*alent of 7)P+(ased .& interface (etween S;S- and ;7.$ (! re sin& and e<tendin& t%e constr cts a*aila(le for t%e 1iameter (ased S.& interface 2(etween 778 and ;7.$4. T%is 1iameter+(ased interface is applica(le onl! to t%e S;S- s pportin& 8PS (ased interfaces and protocols. Possi(le en%ancements to t%e interface (etween CSS and ;7.$ 2S.% interface4 to pass t%e indication if t%e 778 and S;S- are collocated. T%e ;7.$ ma! se t%is indication to send sin&le 1iameter messa&e to t%e collocated 778 and S;S- for .ocation Ser*ices. In addition, .$S sta&e 2 s%o ld (e pdated to s%ow t%e options of deplo!in& 1iameter (ased interface (etween t%e ;7.$ and t%e S;S-, in addition to e<istin& 7)P (ased .& interface.




Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8000 8

,<S i*p"cts on =,CC Applic"tion Aspects =,@9;80008

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 1;N :2perli#' C41(01A8 TSATR (1.102! (1.10(! (1.111! (1.1(0 +a e 31S i pa%ts o# ,3(( !ppli%atio# !spe%ts (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies: ;iesecke D 1e*rient, France Telecom, ;emalto, 7orp%o $ards, ,(ert% r Tec%nolo&ies, >).I1 Sol ciones Tecnolo&icas .inked to Rel+11 $T1 WI )T5RI 2)T commands for 5ni*ersal Reso rce Identifier s pport4 Justification Some aspects of I7S implementation %a*e impact on some feat res of t%e )pplication )spects of 5I$$ in 3;PP. T%is WI addresses t%e s pport of 5ni*ersal Reso rce Identifiers 25RIs4 in place of IT5 8.16# n m(ers as addresses @ s (addresses w%ic% are not completel! defined e.&. for t%e followin& feat resI $all connected e*ent for >oice $alls $all disconnected e*ent for >oice $alls 7T call e*ent for >oice $alls P%one(ook Set 5p $all

Rel+11 $T1 WI )T5RI 2)T commands for 5ni*ersal Reso rce Identifier s pport4, WI1 in $P+126279, %as defined new and e<istin& )T+commands sin& 5RIs. T%is WI considers t%ose c%an&es and pro*ides s pport of 5RIs related to t%e 5I$$ applications . Some additional aspects of I7S and I7S+(ased >oice and 7essa&in& ser*ices ma! %a*e an impact in t%ese or ot%er e<istin& feat res specified (! 3;PP $T6 and wo ld (e incl ded in t%is WI. O !ecti"eI ) re*iew of t%e indicated feat res in I7S and impacts on 3;PP 5I$$ )pplication )spects is to (e cond cted and it is e<pected t%at $Rs will (e raised a&ainst t%e correspondin& TSs 31.111, 31.162, 31.163. T%e related )PI aspects in TS 31.136 will also (e addressed wit% a *iew to pro*ide a consistent s pport for I7S+(ased ser*ices wit% t%e 5SI7, ISI7 and t%e related Toolkit feat res. Interworkin& wit% implementations of pre+Rel+12 I7S+related feat res will (e anal!Aed and taken into acco nt. Ser"ice Aspects: $o*ered (! ser*ice descriptions in earlier releases



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;80112 A1000A

e<.<S restor"tion proced%res =,@9;80012

:2perli#' C4-1(04(2 C4-1(04(2 +otes C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA1 co*pleted TSATR 2(.001! 2(.00C! 28.214 28.0A1 +a e (T4 part of e1E1S restoratio# pro%e"ures (T3 part of e1E1S restoratio# pro%e"ures

Supporting Companies: )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, >eriAon, >odafone, $%ina 7o(ile, HT8, )TDT, $isco, 8ricsson, C awei .inked to Rel+0 7=7S s pport in 8PS 27=7S38PS4 5I13#66630. Rel+16 $T Feat res 8P$ -ode Restoration wit%@o t Idle mode Si&nallin& Red ction 2ISR4 acti*ated 28P$3-R@8P$3-R3ISR4 5I1391666"@91616"
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title 4000(8 <.<S s%pport in B4S +ature of relatio#s6ip ,ntrod%ction of <.<S ser$ice in B4S

Justification 8P$ nodes are e<pected to (e %i&%l! relia(le, ( t occasional restart or fail re d e to *ario s reasons can not (e a*oided. $T# %as specified in Rel+16 and Rel+11 en%anced 8P$ node restoration proced res to restore $S and PS ser*ices pon occ rrence of *ario s fail res in 8P$. Cowe*er no proced re %as (een defined to restore t%e 7=7S ser*ice w%en fail res@resets %appen to an 778, S#+ S;S-, 7$8, 7=7S+;W or =7+S$ or to t%eir correspondin& links, w%ic% pre*ents t%e 8PS (e%a*io r to (e predicti*e pon occ rrence of s c% a fail re, in partic lar in a m lti+*endors en*ironment. ,n+&oin& 7=7S ser*ices ma! (e interr pted and new 7=7S re' ests from =7+S$ (e reEected as a res lt. O !ecti"esI to specif! en%anced restoration proced res to e<plicitl! define t%e 8PS (e%a*io r and ena(le restoration of t%e e7=7S ser*ice w%en possi(le in order to minimiAe t%e end+ ser ser*ice impact pon occ rrence of an! of t%e followin& scenariosI 7=7S+;W fail re@restart 778@S;S- fail re@restart 7$8 fail re@restart =7+S$ fail re@restart 2see -,T84 Sm @ Sn pat% fail re 73)P pat% fail re S;m( pat% fail re T%e Work Item will also st d! and possi(l! define restoration proced res for t%e followin& scenariosI 71 pat% fail re S;i+m( pat% fail re T%e restoration of 7=7S ser*ices after a =7+S$ fail re or restart is o t of scope of 3;PP 2t%e reference point from t%e content pro*ider to t%e =7+S$ is not standardised (! 3;PP4.




Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8011 4 ;8021 4 ;80(1 4 ;8041 4

@%"l R"dio :CC en#"nce*ents =,@9;80014

:2perli#' C4-1(0081 C4-1(0081 C4-1(0081 C4-1(0081 +otes St" e 2 in Rel-12 -B,12 -S 2(.2(1 CRE04(1! CRE0440! CRE0441! CRE04;( 'pre-"lertin ) C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA1 co*pleted TSATR 2(.2(1 St" e ( 24.2(1! 24.282 28.1A; +a e Sta4e 2 Sta4e 3 C-1 St" e ( C-( St" e (

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Researc% in 7otion, C awei, 1e tsc%e Telekom

+ature of relatio#s6ip -S 2(.2(1

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) H ,39 Title 3)0058 Rel-C Fe"t%re ,<S Ser$ice Contin%ity (800;1 St" e 2 ,<S Ser$ice Contin%ity

Justification )ccess transfer for calls in alertin& or pre+alertin& state 2sometimes referred to as earl! dialo& state4 %as (een introd ced (ot% for SR>$$ and PS to PS access transfer. T%e alertin& or pre+alertin& p%ase can (e well (etween 26s to a min te 2in case of anno ncements4. $onsiderin& t%at t%e a*era&e call toda! is a(o t 2 min tes, t%e alertin& and pre+alertin& p%ase constit tes a rat%er lar&e part of t%e call, and %ence, if (ein& dropped, ma! also ca se loss of potential re*en e for t%e operator. For 1 al radio >$$ 21R>$$4 t%is %as not !et (een implemented. -etworks sin& 1R>$$ do not %a*e s%orter alertin& p%ase or lack of it. Cence, it is E st as well re' ired for 1R>$$ scenarios as for SR>$$ scenarios. Sta&e+2 re' irements were a&reed in TS 23.237 $RG6#31 and TS 23.237 $RG6##1. )n additional $R for pre+alertin& %as (een pro*ided in $RG6#93. For 1R>$$, ST- is staticall! confi& red in t%e 58. T%is creates limitations in t%e network to (e a(le to d!namicall! assi&n different S$$ )Ss to sers dependin& on load, n m(er of sers, etc. )lso, in t%e e*ent of &eo&rap%icall! distri( tion of S$$ )Ss, it is not eas! to mana&e failo*er cases if t%e ST- is static and cannot (e c%an&ed wit% ot%er proced res t%an ,7) 17. Sta&e+2 re' irements were a&reed in TS 23.237 $RG6##6. O !ecti"eI Introd cin& transfer of incomin& a dio calls in alertin& and pre+alertin& state for 1 al Radio >$$.

To allow more fle<i(ilit! of assi&nin& t%e S$$ )S to a 58 for 1R>$$ pro*ide t%e d!namic ST- as part of t%e call set p 2similar to d!namic STI4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A00108 A00208 A00(08

C- "spects of Si n"llin of ,*" e Size 'St" e 2J() =,@9A00008

+a e (T4 part (T1 part (T3 part :2perli#' C4-1(0(84 C4-1(0(84 C4-1(0(84 +otes C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2(.(((! 2(.((4! 28.2(C! 28.((2! 28.(((! 28.((4 24.228 28.1A2! 28.1A(

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Sams n&, >odafone

+ature of relatio#s6ip -#e ser$ice "spects of t#is fe"t%re were co*pleted in Rel-C +%t t#e "ssoci"ted core networ3 "spects to "dd t#e i*" e "ttri+%te were not incl%ded. -#e S,S9C- fe"t%re "i*s to co*plete t#is "spect.

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) H ,39 Title (404 <-S, :ideo: @yn"*ic R"te 1 Ad"pt"tionJSi n"llin of ,*" e Size

Justification: S)# %as incl ded since Rel+" t%e s pport of ima&e attri( te 2a\ima&eattr4 in TS 26.11# as per I8TF RF$ 6236. Cowe*er, t%is %as not (een s pported (! core network nodes and doc mentation is missin& in TS 2#.220. O !ecti"eI complete t%e s pport for ima&e attri( te 2a\ima&eattr4 in TS 2#.220 as per I8TF RF$ 6236, in core network protocols and proced res for I7S nodes, e.&. I7S ).;@);W, I=$F@Tr;W and 7RF$@7RFP. T%e c%an&es ma! re' ire t%e I7S 7;W C.2#" profiles to incl de t%e s pport of t%e ima&e attri( te and proced res to define %ow t%ese s%all (e %andled w%en transcodin& occ rs.

,39 A0001 0

,CS ,nter2or3in Bn#"nce*ent in <SC-S =,@9A00010

:2perli#' C41(0(;2 +otes C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 28.282 +a e 31S (e#trali<e" Servi%es (3(S) 3#ter&or'i#4 *#6a#%e e#t i# 1o5ile Swit%6i#4 (e#ter Server (1S(-S)

Supporting Companies: Justification

,ran&e, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, France Telecom, Telecom Italia

TS 20.202 specifies t%e codin& of t%e S8T5P 7essa&e sent (! an 7S$ ser*er w%en recei*in& a SIP I->IT8 Re' est from t%e S$$ )S. )ccordin& to t%e c rrent te<t onl! t%e callin& identit! carried in t%e P+)sserted+Identit! %eader field is considered, w%ile t%e identit! carried (! t%e From %eader field is discarded. T%e From %eader field 2and its associated pri*ac! M serM4 can (e fa*o ra(l! sed, as an operators option, to pop late t%e S8T5P messa&e w%en P+)sserted+Identit! is not present, i.e. not a*aila(le or in t%e wron& format. T%is ena(les to limit calls wit%o t identit!. O !ecti"eI to en%ance t%e e<istin& interworkin& (etween t%e IP 7 ltimedia 2I74 $ore -etwork 2$-4 s (s!stem 2I7S4 and 7S$ Ser*er for I7S $entraliAed Ser*ices 2I$S4. T%e followin& aspects will (e co*eredI Introd ction of a new or modification of t%e e<istin& protocol translation@con*ersion in t%e 7S$ Ser*er for I7S $entraliAed Ser*ices (ased on operator option 2for e<ample sa&e of t%e P+)sserted+Identit! %eader field or t%e From %eader field from SIP I->IT8 re' est to create t%e $allin& Part! =$1 n m(er information element in S8T5P messa&e4V 7inor tec%nical en%ancements related to I$S w%ic% were implemented nder T8I0, T8I16 or T8I11 in t%e correspondin& $T1 tec%nical specification and %a*e impacts on t%e 7S$ Ser*er for I7S $entraliAed Ser*ices 2for e<ample corrections on Pri*ac! %eader field in TS 2#.667, addition of t%e $5; fail re indication in TS 2#.69# or introd ction of 1!namic (arrin& of sers for I$= in TS 2#.6114.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1000 2

I4RS -%nnellin 4rotocol for t#e Control pl"ne 5$erlo"d Control <ec#"nis*s =,@9A10002
-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 4;N :2perli#' C41(04(( TSATR 2(.00C! 28.214! 28.(0(! New -R 28.C01 +a e GPRS Tu##elli#4 Proto%ol for t6e (o#trol pla#e (GTP-() Overloa" (o#trol 1e%6a#is s

Supporting Companies: $isco, , >eriAon, )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, HT8, )TDT, ,ran&e, >odafone, TeliaSonera, C awei, -8$, 1e tsc%e Telekom
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature ,39 Title 4800( Rel-12 -R 2(.C4( St%dy on A Core Networ3 5$erlo"d sol%tions 'FS9CN5) +ature of relatio#s6ip -R 2(.C4( concl%des t#e need for I-4-C lo"d J o$erlo"d control *ec#"nis*s 'in sec. 10.2) +y definin t#e sol%tions 'in sec. C.2.; H C.2.A) "nd "s3in st" e ( to wor3 on definin t#e det"ils of t#e $"rio%s "spects 'specified %nder $"rio%s "Notes"). Correspondin st" e 2 re/%ire*ents #"$e +een specified in -S 2(.401 "nd -S 2(.0A0.

Justification 3;PP TR 23."#3 cla se #.0 %as identified *ario s scenarios w%ic% co ld potentiall! res lt in t%e o*erload of nodes d e to si&nalin& o*er ;TP+$ interface. F rt%er, it %as (een identified as a pro(lem t%at ;TP+$ interface does not s pport o*erload control si&nalin& and t%at ;TP+$ retransmissions of nacknowled&ed re' ests wo ld amplif! an! o*erall o*erload condition of t%e tar&et node. T%e lar&er t%e n m(er of sers in an operatorPs network, t%e worse t%e pro(lem (ecomes. In order to a*oid t%e meltdown of t%e tar&et node, and consec ti*el! of t%e entire network, t%e ;TP+$ nodes need to respond to t%e o*erload condition at t%e tar&et node. Cowe*er, wit%o t an! standardiAed mec%anisms, t%e ;TP+$ (ased interfaces sed (! f nctional entities in t%e 3;PP arc%itect re cannot o(tain detailed or sef l information to a*oid o*erload or respond to a con&estion sit ation of t%e tar&et node. =esides t%at, t%e c rrent ;TP+$ load (alancin& (ased on semi+static 1-S wei&%ts ma! lead to ne*en distri( tion of t%e load in one or more nodes of an S;W or a P;W cl ster s c% t%at one or more nodes co ld (e r nnin& close to capacit! w%ilst t%ere is still remainin& capacit! on t%e ot%er nodes of t%e same cl ster. Cence, t%e sta&e 2 concl ded to con*e! t%e necessar! load and o*erload control information (etween f nctional entities sin& a ;TP+$ (ased interface to effecti*el! %andle t%e load@o*erload sit ations. Specificall!, sol tions as descri(ed in 3;PP TR 23."#3 cla se ".2.9 2Sol tion 1I 5sin& .oad Information for 1!namic .oad =alancin& of ;W nodes4 and cla se ".2.6 2Sol tion 1I 5sin& ,*erload Information for ,*erload $ontrol of ;TP+$ -odes4 %a*e (een identified for t%e normati*e work nder ;TP+$ o*erload control mec%anisms and correspondin& re' irements (een doc mented in TS 23.#61 and TS 23.666. F rt%er, it was decided to let t%e sta&e 3 define t%e details of *ario s aspects 2specified nder *ario s M-otesM in cla se ".2.9, cla se ".2.6 D cla se 16.24 of t%ese two sol tions. $orrespondin&l!, t%is work item proposes to define o*erload miti&ation mec%anisms. Since some of t%ese aspects ma! attract m ltiple sol tions, t%is work item incl des a st d! p%ase capt rin& and comparin& *ario s o*erload miti&ation sol tions to select t%e most s ita(le sol tion, (efore performin& an! normati*e work. O !ecti"eI to specif! t%e sta&e 3 proced res to s pport t%e ;TP+$ load @ o*erload re' irements as specified in 3;PP TS 23.#61 and TS 23.666, as also concl ded in TR 23."#3. )t %i&% le*el, t%is meansI To define .oad@,*erload control related information wit% eno &% precision to & arantee a common m lti+ *endor interpretation of t%is information allowin& inter+opera(ilit! (etween *ario s ;TP+$ nodesV To define mec%anism addressin& *ario s M-otesM, w%ic% are tar&eted to t%e sta&e 3, specified in cla se ".2.9, cla se ".2.6 D cla se 16.2 of t%e 3;PP TR 23."#3 *1.6.6. T%e a(o*e %i&% le*el o(Eecti*es are f rt%er di*ided into smaller Be! ItemsI T%e definition of M.oad $ontrol InformationMV T%e -ode selection al&orit%m sin& t%e M.oad $ontrol InformationM and 1-S SR> wei&%tsV T%e Incl sion of t%e M.oad $ontrol InformationM D M,*erload $ontrol InformationMV )d*ertisin& t%e S pport of t%e .oad@,*erload control feat reV



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e definition of M,*erload $ontrol InformationMV T%e )pplica(ilit! of ;TP+$ load@o*erload control mec%anism to 3;PP and non+3;PP (ased interfacesV T%e propa&ation of t%e 778@S;S- identit! to t%e P;W d rin& an inter+778@S;S- intra+S;W scenario to ens re t%at t%e P;W enforces t%e o*erload control on t%e c rrentl! ser*in& 778@S;S-V Potential recommendation on relati*e importance of ;TP+$ proced res to ena(le prioritiAed t%rottlin& of t%e messa&esV Implicit ,*erload control mec%anism for t%e network wit%o t t%e s pport of t%is feat re or %etero&eneo s network wit% partial s pport of t%is feat reV )nal!sis of potential iss es in t%e network wit% partial s pport of t%is feat re. 8.&. P;W, 778, S;W s pports t%is feat re w%ile t%e S;S- does not s pport t%is feat reV )nal!sis of potential interaction wit% ot%er e<istin& o*erload control mec%anisms, s c% as P;W )P- (ack+off timerV 11- t%rottlin& (! t%e S;W.

T%e a(o*e list ma! not (e e<%a sti*e and t%ere ma! (e ot%er related Be! Items2s4, w%ic% co ld (e identified d rin& t%e pro&ress of t%e work. T%e Work Item incl des a st d! p%ase to capt re, compare and concl de on t%e sol tion for eac% of t%e a(o*e Be! Items. Finall!, t%e selected sol tion will (e standardised *ia normati*e work as part of t%is WI.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A10004

4-CSCF restor"tion en#"nce*ents =,@9A10004

-i#is6 0;J0(J201 4 (o p 40N :2perli#' C41(04(; +otes St" e 2J(. C4EA2 -R 28.C0A$100 for ,nfor*"tion TSATR 2(.(C0! New -R 28.C0A +a e ProD2 (all Sessio# (o#trol -u#%tio# (P-(S(-) restoratio# e#6a#%e e#ts

Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, B11I, 1e tsc%e Telekom, Telecom Italia, Telia Sonera, $isco, CP , -S-, Ro&ers Wireless, -8$, ,ran&e Justification ) mo(ile I7S 58 on 3;PP access will after a P+$S$F fail re 2total fail re or E st loss of 58s re&istration information4 (e nreac%a(le for terminatin& calls ntil t%e 58 eit%er attempts to make an o t&oin& call or ntil t%e 58Us re&istration timer e<pires and new R8;IST8R messa&e is sent 2w%ic% in worst case ma! (e se*eral %o rs, dependin& on operator preferences4. )n! call for t%e 58 arri*in& to terminatin& S+$S$F in meantime will (e reEected. To minimiAe t%e time an 58 is nreac%a(le for terminatin& calls after a P+$S$F fail re, 3;PP TS 2#.220 and 3;PP TS 23.3"6 specif! from Rel+0 onwards some optional restoration proced res for %andlin& of P+$S$F fail re, t%at co ld (e s mmariAed as followsI + In connection wit% t%e 58 re&isterin& to I7S, t%e P+$S$F s%all *ia R< pro*ide t%e P$RF wit% t%e P+$S$F address 2SIP address4 selected (! t%e 58. T%e P$RF in its t rn t%en ses a ;< p s% proced re to pro*ide t%e P+ ;W@;;S- wit% t%e P+$S$F address, t%at is stored (! P+;W@;;S-. T%e P+;W@;;S- monitors periodicall! a*aila(ilit! of all P+$S$Fs to w%ic% t%e 58s it ser*es are attac%ed to. W%en P+$S$F is considered as failed t%e P+;W@;;S- sends 5pdate =earer Re' est@5pdate P1P $onte<t Re' est, to all 58s associated wit% t%is P+$S$F address, incl din& a new P$, 2Protocol $onfi& ration ,ptions4 I8 wit% a list of a*aila(le P+$S$F addresses, w%ic% does not incl de t%e failed P+$S$F. T%e 58 will pon recei*in& t%e 5pdate =earer Re' est@ 5pdate P1P $onte<t Re' est wit% t%e list of P+$S$F addresses perform a new initial re&istration towards I7S, sin& a different P+$S$F, since former P+$S$F will not (e incl ded in t%e list.

+ +

Cowe*er, followin& limitations %a*e (een identified for t%ese restoration proced resI a4 7assi*e core and radio networks si&nalin& ,nce P+;W@;;S- determines t%at a P+$S$F is down, it %as to send an 5pdate =earer Re' est@5pdate P1P $onte<t Re' est for e*er! 58 c rrentl! re&istered wit% t%e failin& P+$S$F, to pro*ide it wit% an pdated list of P+$S$Fs and t%ere(! to notif! t%e 58 t%e need for it to re+re&ister to I7S. T%e n m(er of sers t%at can (e %andled (! a P+$S$F can (e lar&e w%ic% means t%at massi*e core and radio network si&nallin& will (e tri&&ered d e to t%e P+$S$F fail re, (ot% for sendin& t%e 5pdate =earer Re' est@5pdate P1P $onte<t Re' est messa&e to e*er! 58 as well as for t%e res ltin& I7S re+re&istration attempts performed (! e*er! affected 58. T%is proced re ma! in*ol*e pa&in& t%e 58s, if t%e associated 58s are in idle mode. (4 -ot f ll! relia(le T%e c rrent sol tion ma! in some cases not (e f ll! relia(le, like in t%e followin& sit ationsI + In case of a P+$S$F partial fail re 2i.e. onl! for a set of sers4 or restart after t%e fail re, t%e P+$S$F ma! appear a*aila(le (! t%e P+;W@;;S-, t%erefore restoration mec%anism is not performed and terminatin& calls for affected sers will fail. ) 2temporar!4 network pro(lem ma! ca se t%e P+;W@;;S- to ass me t%e P+$S$F is down and t%ere(! tri&&er t%e restoration proced re nnecessaril!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


8<istin& standardiAed sol tion does not precl de implementation desi&n options t%at ma! miti&ate t%e stated potential limitations, like implementin& appropriate and specific flow control mec%anisms in t%e P;W tr!in& to miti&ate a potential massi*e si&nalin&, as well as pro*idin& an implementation dependent keep ali*e mec%anism (etween t%e P;W@;;S- and P+$S$F t%at co ld miti&ate potential non relia(ilit! of P+$S$F fail re detection.

It can f rt%er (e noted t%at ;S7) compliant 58s follow 3;PP TS 2#.220 Rel+" t%at onl! incl de P+$S$F disco*er! mec%anism not P+$S$F restoration proced res, since t%e P+$S$F restoration tri&&er (ased on 5pdate =earer Re' est@5pdate P1P $onte<t Re' est was introd ced in Rel+0 as an optional proced re in 3;PP TS 2#.220. T%erefore, t%e 58 ma! i&nore an! P+$S$F addresses in an 5pdate =earer Re' est@5pdate P1P $onte<t Re' est, and t%en will ne*er tr! to re+re&ister and as a res lt contin e to (e na*aila(le. O !ecti"eI )s a res lt of c rrent restoration proced res limitations, it can (e seen as (eneficial to add optional en%anced restoration proced res to ac%ie*e followin& res ltsI + )*oid massi*e si&nallin& o*er t%e core and radio networks T%is is of special importance w%en a P+$S$F %andles a lar&e n m(er of 58s. It ma! ca se network o*erload. + Impro*e relia(ilit! )*oidin& false positi*e or false ne&ati*e detection scenarios (! P+;W@;;S-, res ltin& in t%at t%e P+;W@;;Seit%er do not tri&&er t%e restoration proced res w%en ser state %as (een lost, or nnecessaril! tri&&ers restoration proced res w%en not reall! re' ired. + + )*oid specific 58 s pport. )*oid as m c% as possi(le an! ot%er limitation or draw(ack 8<istin& standardiAed P+$S$F restoration mec%anism s%o ld (e anal!sed in order to define a new en%anced proced re t%at co ld a*oid as m c% as possi(le an! ot%er e<istin& limitation or draw(ack (e!ond t%e ones listed a(o*e. T%is work item co*ers (ot% sta&e 2 and sta&e 3 work.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1000 ; A1010 ; A1020 ; A10(0 ;

S%pport of R-4JR-C4 *%ltiplexin 'si n"llin ) in ,<S =,@9A1000;

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 2N ;N 0N 0N :2perli#' C41(04(A C41(04(A C41(04(A C41(04(A +otes St" e 2J( C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TSATR St" e 2J( 2(.((4! 28.((4 24.228 28.21(! 28.214 +a e Support of Real-ti e Tra#sport Proto%ol (RTP) = Real-ti e Tra#sport (o#trol Proto%ol (RT(P) ultipleDi#4 (si4#alli#4) i# 31S (T4 part (T1 part (T3 part

Supporting Companies: Justification

)lcatel+. cent, )TDT, Telecom Italia, C awei

,ptimiAations for -)T tra*ersal 2-)T+T4 mec%anism for t%e I7S media plane are pro*ided (! I8TF RF$ 9761 27 ltiple<in& RTP and RT$P4. RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in&, + sin& a sin&le IP transport 2.#4 port for RTP and RT$P packets +, en%ances -)T tra*ersal (! miniAin& t%e n m(er of port (indin&s in -)T de*ices. 7ore detailed information is pro*ided in RF$ 9761, w%ic% defines t%e capa(ilit! to m ltiple< RTP and RT$P onl! a sin&le port, and pro*ides t%e followin& se case.
The Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) [1] comprises two components: a data transfer protocol and an associated control protocol (RTCP). Historically RTP and RTCP ha!e "een r#n on separate $%P ports. &ith increased #se of 'etwor( )ddress Port Translation (')PT) [1*] this has "ecome pro"lematic since maintainin+ m#ltiple ')T "indin+s can "e costly. ,t also complicates firewall administration since m#ltiple ports m#st "e opened to allow RTP traffic. This memo disc#sses how the RTP and RTCP flows for a sin+le media type can "e r#n on a sin+le port to ease ')T tra!ersal and simplify firewall administration and considers when s#ch m#ltiple-in+ is appropriate. The m#ltiple-in+ of se!eral types of media (e.+. a#dio and !ideo) onto a sin+le port is not considered here ("#t see .ection /.0 of [1]).

,ptimiAations applica(le for t%e-)T tra*ersal arc%itect re reference model in Fi& re ;.1 of 3;PP TS 23.22" 2i.e., t%e I7S+);W wit% network side -)T+T s pport4 will (e pro*idedI T%e I7S+);W, I7S ).; and 58 are en%anced wit% an optional s pport of RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& in t%e media plane. 8<istin& media plane -)T+T s pport f nctions (! t%e I7S+);W 2I' interface, 3;PP TS 23.33# and TS 20.33#4I 1. 2. 3. .atc%in& accordin& IT5+T C.2#".37V 8<plicit RT$P port allocation accordin& IT5+T C.2#".97, sin& t%e RF$ 3669 S1P attri( te Ma\rtcpM 2noteI -)T+T o(Eecti*e see cla se 1@RF$ 36694V -ot s pportedI I$8@ST5-+(ased -)T+T 2see 23.22", )nne< ;.2.24, w%ic% wo ld demand for s pport of IT5+ T C.2#".96.

T%e work item aims to add #. RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& 2RF$ 97614 as additional -)T+T optimisation.

Relation (etween t%e *ario s -)T+T s pport f nctionsI )ll fo r mec%anisms relate to t%e tra*ersal of .3@.# -)Ts in t%e media plane, wit% followin& c%aracteristics concernin& media trafficI o 214 is independent on transport protocol and applicationV



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

o o

22, #4 are defined for RTP trafficV 234 is application a&nostic, ( t pro*ides .# specific tools 251P, T$P4

RF$ 3669 224 relies on t%e capa(ilit! of t%e 58 to o(tain t%e ports allocated (! t%e -)T sin& mec%anisms s c% as ST5- and T5R- 234 RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& 2#4 and latc%in& 214I .atc%in& re' ires t%at media s ccessf ll! tra*erses t%e -)T de*ice in direction from 58 towards I7S+);W, t%en t%e I7S+);W ma! appl! latc%in& 2noteI see also latc%in& deadlock detection, )ppendi< [email protected]#".#64. RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& ma! (e applied to&et%er wit% latc%in&. RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& 2#4 and e<plicit RT$P port allocation 224I RF$ 9761 pro*ides a f rt%er en%ancement to RF$ 3669 2see cla se #.2.2@RF$ 631#4. =ot% RF$s s%are t%e p rpose of e<plicit port allocation for RT$P traffic, ( t differ concernin& t%e specific port allocation r le. RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& 2#4 and I$8 234I RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& can (e sed as an optimisation of I$8 2noteI it allows to red ce t%e n m(er of Maddress candidatesM of I$8 234, leadin& to positi*e side effects of optimiAed comm nication esta(lis%ment times (esides en%anced -)T+T s pport4.

;i*en t%at a(o*e RF$ 9761 se case applies in c rrent I7S en*ironments, it seems appropriate to doc ment e<plicitl! t%e s pport for t%is optional capa(ilit!. T%e ke! component of si&nallin& for t%is capa(ilit! is an S1P attri( te Ma\rtcp+m <M. For t%e re' ired C.2#" e<tensions, associated work e<ists in IT5+T S;16I T%e port allocation r les in 3;PP C.2#" I7S &atewa!s are followin& t%e framework of IT5+T C.2#".97 2so called RT$P %andlin&4, w%ic% contains alread! t%e -)T+T dri*en port allocation r les wit% re&ards to 224. RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& 2#4 wo ld add f rt%er port allocation r les, w%ic% are not !et doc mented (! C.2#".97. Polic! and $%ar&in& control wo ld re' ire en%ancements to s pport I8TF RF$ 9761 27 ltiple<in& RTP and RT$P4. O !ecti"eI 8n%ance 58, I7S+).; and I7S+);W wit% an optional s pport of RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in& accordin& to RF$ 9761 (etween 58 and I7S+);W in t%e I7S+).; and I7S )ccess ;atewa! model accordin& to Fi& re ;.1 of 3;PP TS23.22". T%is incl desI 1. 8<tendin& t%e SIP@S1P si&nallin& wit% t%e Ma\rtcp+m <M S1P attri( te 2. 8<tensions of t%e I' interface to confi& re RTP @ RT$P transport m ltiple<in&.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1010 C A1020 C

=pd"tin ,<S to confor* to RFC AAA; =,@9A1000C

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 0AJ12J201 ( (o p 1;N 100N :2perli#' C41(0111 C41(0111 +otes C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0411FGC4-1(0111. Co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 C4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2(.21C! 24.141! 24.141! 24.228! 24.2(1! 24.282! 24.((1! 24.(41! 24.A04! 24.A0A! 24.A2(! 24.A2C! 24.A28! 24.A42 28.1A(! 28.1A; +a e (T1 part (T3 part

Supporting Companies: Justification

=lack=err!, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei, Sams n&, -S-

Session Initiation Protocol 2SIP4+Specific 8*ent -otification 2RF$ 32694 %as (een o(soleted (! RF$ 6669. I7S specifications make e<tensi*e se of RF$ 3269 and all f t re RF$s p (lis%ed (! I8TF t%at se SIP S5=S$RI=8 and -,TIF/ mec%anisms will reference RF$ 6669 instead of RF$ 3269. RF$ 6669 addresses a n m(er of pro(lems fo nd wit% t%e operation of SIP 8*ents. $ertain (e%a*io rs in RF$ 3269 %a*e (een modified or deprecated ( t interopera(ilit! wit% entities s pportin& RF$ 3269 is maintained. Cowe*er since t%e (e%a*io r of RF$ 6669 is different in se*eral aspects from t%at of RF$ 3269 %a*in& SIP stacks on t%e same platform performin& (ot% RF$ 3269 and RF$ 6669 (e%a*io r is not practical. From Release " t%ere is alread! a reference in TS 2#.6#2 to t%e recentl! p (lis%ed RF$ 6016 w%ic% itself references RF$ 6669. $Rs %a*e alread! (een appro*ed for releases " t%ro &% 11 in TS 2#.6#2 to o*erride t%e reference from RF$ 6016 to RF$ 6669 to ens re t%at RF$ 3269 is sed, ( t &oin& forward it will (e necessar! to s pport RF$ 6669 in I7S in order to incorporate t%e fi<es made and to ens re t%at I7S entities are compati(le wit% new RF$s t%at reference RF$ 6669. T%ere are additional internet drafts on t%e I8TF dependencies list t%at defined new e*ent packa&es and t%ese will also reference RF$ 6669 w%en t%e! are p (lis%ed as RF$s. In addition to direct references to RF$ 3269, ot%er references to RF$s t%at reference RF$ 3269 s c% as RF$ #666 2t%at is pdated (! RF$ 66694, RF$ 3919 t%at references RF$ 3269 and ot%er RF$s t%at specif! 8*ent Packa&es will need to (e considered for modification in order to ens re conformance wit% RF$ 6669. O !ecti"eI Re*iew t%e references related to RF$ 3269 in t%e I7S specifications and determine t%e impact of t%e RF$ 6669 c%an&es. 7ake t%e necessar! c%an&es to t%e impacted I7S specifications in t%e c rrent release to reference and conform to RF$ 6669. T%e most si&nificant c%an&es in RF$ 6669 from RF$ 3269 areI 1. 2. 3. #. 9. 6. 7. ". Sendin& a S5=S$RI=8 re' est on an e<istin& dialo& esta(lis%ed sin& anot%er SIP met%od 2e.& I->IT84 %as (een deprecated. ) -,TIF/ re' est 75ST contain an e<pires parameter 2onl! SC,5.1 stren&t% in RF$ 32694 7odified (e%a*io r pon reception of a SIP 9<< response to a -,TIF/ re' est so t%at s (scription is not terminated 2in RF$ 3269 t%is terminated t%e s (scription4 $%an&es to t%e )=-F 2incl din& addin& an Nin*ariantO reason code4 )dditional mandatin& of Record+Ro tin& of all -,TIF/ re' ests if t%e pro<! wants s (se' ent S5=S$RI=8 and -,TIF/ re' ests to (e ro ted to it 2RF$3269 onl! mandated t%e Record+Ro tin& of initial -,TIF/ re' ests4 1eprecation of implicit s (scriptions $%an&es to t%e state mac%ine for dialo& creation s c% t%at t%e dialo& is created w%en t%e -,TIF/ re' est arri*es 5se of t%e SIP 262 response code %as (een deprecated

) f ll list of t%e c%an&es from RF$ 3269 is in )nne< = of RF$ 6669.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A20104 A20204

,<S 5per"tor @eter*ined C"ll ."rrin en#"nce*ents =,@9A20004

+a e (T1 part (T3 part -i#is6 0AJ0(J2014 0AJ0(J2014 (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' C4-1(0111 C4-1(0111 TSATR 24.228! 24.(1; 28.1A;

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ,ran&e, Telecom Italia, 1e tsc%e Telekom, -S-

Candlin& of premi m rate n m(ers remained ,P8- in Rel+11 2s%ifted to Rel+124. $P+1363"# .S3o t sent to S)1 @ ;S7) informin& t%is TS; $PG66 decision Justification I,1= as defined in Rel+11 %as specified t%e sta&e 3 proced res for t%e I7S operator determined (arrin& re' irements specified in 22.6#1. It lacks a specified mec%anism to perform (arrin& of premi m rate calls w%en t%e ser is roamin& w%ere t%e called premi m rate n m(er points to a premi m rate ser*ice in t%e co ntr! w%ere t%e ser is roamin&. O !ecti"eI )dd t%e necessar! sta&e 3 proced res in t%e c rrent release to specif! %ow (arrin& of premi m rate calls is to (e performed w%en t%e ser is roamin& and calls a premi m rate ser*ice located in t%e *isited co ntr!.

,39 A2000A

Si n"llin ,*pro$e*ents for Networ3 Bfficiency =,@9A2000A

-i#is6 02J01J2014 (o p ;N :2perli#' C4-1(011( TSATR 24.00C! 24.(01 +a e Si4#alli#4 3 prove e#ts for +etwor' *ffi%ie#%2 (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies: C awei, CiSilicon, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina 5nicom, ,ran&e, Telecom Italia, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, $)TT, -okia, >eriAon Tri&&ered (! $1+13#670 .S3in ;S7) Terminal Steerin& ;ro p 2TS;4I Smartp%one -etwork 8fficienc! 2S-84 work item on MSi&nallin& .oops and )&&ressi*e RetriesM iss es. Justification Cea*! sa&e of network reso rces (! de*ices, e.&., smart p%ones and ta(let like de*ices, p t press re on operatorUs mo(ile network. -ow, more and more de*ices can %a*e *ario s preinstalled applications and applications installed (! sers. T%ese incl de a&&ressi*e applications w%ic% send t%e repeated re' ests to t%e lower la!ers 2e.&. t%e -)S la!er4 of t%e de*ice. T%is res lts in lar&e and fre' ent si&nallin& to t%e mo(ile network e.&. t%e %i&% n m(er of repeated P1P attempts, and nlimited retr! (e%a*io r after -)S reEect or -)S time o t. T%is se*erel! wastes t%e network reso rces as well as drains t%e (atter! of smart de*ices. ;S7) Terminal Steerin& ;ro p 2TS;4 %as liaised 3;PP $T1 t%at t%e! %a*e a Smartp%one -etwork 8fficienc! 2S-84 work item workin& on t%e MSi&nallin& .oops and )&&ressi*e RetriesM iss es. O !ecti"eI to impro*e t%e performance of e<istin& sta&e 3 protocols for effecti*e %andlin& of de*iceUs (e%a*io r.

Sta&e 3 c%an&es t%at re' ire sta&e 2 c%an&es are o t of scope of t%is work item. T%e en%ancements on network con&estion control, t%e core network internal interfaces and $S fall(ack are also o t of scope of t%is work item. T%e o(Eecti*es of t%is work item incl deI 1. To specif! t%e de*iceUs (e%a*io r pon receipt of some -)S reEect ca se *al es to w%ic% t%e c rrent 3;PP specifications lea*e Ntoo m c% freedomO for de*ice implementations. T%is freedom ma! res lt in e.&. a&&ressi*e applications installed in t%e de*ice, repeatedl! to re' est P1P acti*ation to t%e same )P- after an S7 reEect wit% S7 ca se G33 MRe' ested ser*ice option not s (scri(edM.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


To en%ance t%e e<istin& defined de*iceUs (e%a*io r to a*oid t%e creation of si&nallin& loops or to limit t%e n m(er of repeated attempts. In e<istin& 3;PP specifications, t%e (ack+off mec%anism was mainl! applied for t%e con&estion control. It wo ld (e (eneficial to assess w%et%er t%e (ack+off mec%anism can (e e<tended to f rt%er cases. F rt%ermore, for de*iceUs (e%a*io r nder some a(normal cases, it was nspecified w%et%er t%e 58 is allowed to retr! and %ow man! times for retr!. To en%ance t%e de*iceUs (e%a*io r in some -)S accept cases to sa*e nnecessar! si&nallin& to t%e network. will not impact specific ser*ices ( t is anticipated to %a*e positi*e impact on ser*ice deli*er!.


Ser"ice Aspects:



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;001 A ;1002 1 ;C00( 1 ;8001 8 ;800( 0 A0001 8 A0002 1 A0002 1 A2004 2 A2004 C

=-RA! 6-B Fe"t%res

+a e Verifi%atio# of ra"iate" ulti-a#te##a re%eptio# perfor a#%e of ,*s i# BT*=,1TS -urt6er e#6a#%e e#ts to :(e)+E o5ilit2 - Part 3 (Sta4e 2=3) BT* ,* Total Ra"iate" Power (TRP) a#" Total Ra"iate" Se#sitivit2 (TRS) a#" ,TR! :a#" P6a#to relate" ,* TRP a#" TRS ReFuire e#ts Support for Eei9ou +avi4atio# Satellite S2ste (E9S) for ,TR! a#" BT* Ease Statio# (ES) R- reFuire e#ts for !%tive !#te##a S2ste (!!S) +ew Ease Statio# spe%ifi%atio# stru%ture B-5a#" for Supple e#tal 9ow#li#' i# *-,TR! a#" ,TR! BT*-:RP9 (:i46 Rate Pa%'et 9ata i# 3GPP2) i#ter-R!T SO+ 3#%reasi#4 t6e i#i u #u 5er of %arriers for ,* a#" *-,TR! &B!+=3GPP Ra"io 3#terwor'i#4 o#itori#4 i# ,TR! Resour%e R4 R(!R2 R4 R2!R(!R4!I2!I1!I(ne w R4 R4 R4 R(!S2!C4!I2 R4!R( R2 &3Arapporteur :od"fone Alc"tel-6%cent No3i" CA-R &%"wei Bricsson 5r"n e C#in" -eleco* Bricsson ,ntel

,39 ;;011 A

:erific"tion of r"di"ted *%lti-"ntenn" reception perfor*"nce of =Bs in 6-BJ=<-S =,@9;;001A

:2perli#' R4120(AC StatusAReport R4-1(1;01 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. Rx di$ersity 'defined "s Rel-A &S@4A RAN4 en#"nced type 1 re/.) H <,<5 'defined "s Rel-1 &S@4A <,<5 for &S4A). Rx di$ersity H <,<5 'defined "s p"rt of Rel-C +"sic 6-B 2,) TSATR new -R (1.811 +a e Perf

Supporting Companies: >odafone, -okia, Sams n&, Intel, )&ilent, Ro%de D Sc%warA, 8lektro(it, =l etest, $TT$, 87IT8, Spirent, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, S)TI7,, )TDT, ,ran&e, >eriAon Wireless, 8TS+.ind&ren, ? alcomm, -TT 1,$,7,, 1e tsc%e Telekom, Sprint Tri&&ered (! FS3CSP)3.T83measRP37I7,3m lti+antenna. $ore f nctionalit! e<ists since Rel+6 D Rel+7 27I7,4. )dds a *er! &eneric test met%od to test 58s wit% 2 or more R< antennas R)-# %as (een workin& on t%e st d! item N7eas rement of radiated performance for 7I7, and m lti+antenna reception for CSP) and .T8 terminalsO wit% t%e o(Eecti*e to define a test met%odolo&! for meas rin& t%e radiated performance of 7I7, and m lti+antenna 58 reception in 57TS and .T8. R)-# %as done s fficient work to (e confident t%at t%e definition of a meanin&f l test met%odolo&! is feasi(leV %owe*er R)-# does not %a*e s fficient e*idence !et to concl de on a sin&le test met%odolo&! t%at wo ld f lfil all re' irements for standardisation, and t%e standardisation of m ltiple test met%odolo&ies ma! (e one e*ent al o tcome, wit% a *iew to a*oid differences in t%e decision of w%at is a N&oodO or N(adO de*ice from t%e radiated recei*er performance perspecti*e. T%erefore, it is proposed to mo*e t%is work into a work item to allow an easier mana&ement in finalisin& t%e work. O !ecti"e I to define a test met%odolo&! 2ies4 for *erif!in& t%e radiated performance of m ltiple antenna reception in t%e 58 and s c% met%odolo&! s%all (e a(le toI >erif! t%e radiated N,*er+T%e+)irO 2,T)4 performance of m ltiple antenna reception in t%e 58. )cc ratel! a(le to reflect 7I7, and SI7, performance nder realistic 7I7, and SI7, c%annel conditions. =e a(le to distin& is% (etween 58s of N;oodO and N=adO m lti+R< antenna ,T) performance, and offer a &ood reflection of t%e likel! e<perience in t%e field. ,ffer &ood relia(ilit!, repeata(ilit! and an accepta(le le*el of meas rement ncertaint!.

S c% test met%odolo&!2ies4 s%all ena(le performance *erification forI Cand%eld de*ices, de*ices em(edded in laptop comp ters, and ot%er de*ices 2s c% as 727 e' ipment4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)ll transmission modes of .T8 and CS1P), incl din& spatial m ltiple<in& 27I7,4 and sin&le spatial la!er operation. Cowe*er t%e transmission modes sed in t%e test s%all (e defined as part of t%e work. o Initiall! tests s%all se of .T8 Transmission 7ode 3, Fi<ed Reference $%annel, and forced Rank 2. )s t%e work pro&resses, ot%er transmission modes of .T8 and CSP) s%all (e introd ced. o T%e tiliAation of >aria(le Reference $%annels and ot%er+cell interference s%all also (e st died at a later sta&e.

T%e followin& is re' ired for t%e anal!sis p%ase of t%is work itemI In order to compare res lts across t%e different met%ods, a(sol te t%ro &%p t s%all (e sed as t%e Fi& re of 7erit. In order to anal!se and acc ratel! *alidate a met%od2s4 t%e followin& work s%all (e performedI o e-ode= settin&s s%all (e a&reed. o Realistic 7I7, conditions and realistic c%annel models s%all (e identified to (e sed as a reference radio en*ironment. o T%e 7I7, conditions and c%annel models s%all (e *alidated for t%e proposed test met%ods. o $ali(ration of t%e power le*els in t%e met%odolo&! s%all (e performed. o T%e a(sol te t%ro &%p t meas red for eac% test met%od s%all (e compared wit% t%e a(sol te t%ro &%p t meas red in t%e reference radio en*ironment, in order to identif! t%e capa(ilit! of eac% met%od to pro*ide a meas rement res lt t%at matc%es w%at is o(ser*ed in realistic en*ironments. o In order to minimiAe t%e *aria(les associated wit% testin& of prod ction 58s wit% nknown antenna c%aracteristics, tiliAe reference antennas in com(ination wit% a known 58 (ase(and recei*er 2*erified *ia cond cted RF tests wit% and wit%o t c%annel impairments4. T%is is intended to *erif! w%et%er t%e c%aracteristics of t%e recei*e antenna desi&n 2i.e. correlation, &ain im(alance, etc4 affectin& recei*er performance can (e acc ratel! distin& is%ed (! proposed test met%ods. In t%e e*ent t%at more t%an one test met%odolo&! is a&reed to (e standardised, differences (etween met%odolo&ies in t%e decision of w%at is a N&oodO or N(adO de*ice from t%e radiated recei*er performance perspecti*e s%all (e a*oided. W%en selectin& t%e met%od2s4 for specification for .T8 7I7,, applica(ilit! to .T8+SI7, 57TS+SI7,@7I7, s%all (e descri(ed. 1 rin& t%e co rse of t%is Work Item, maintain on&oin& comm nication wit% $,ST and $TI) 7,S; to ens re ind str! coordination on t%is topic and to distri( te tasks accordin& to e<pertise or reso rce a*aila(ilit!. TS; R)- s%o ld contact TS; ;8R)- to &et feed(ack on t%e applica(ilit! of s c% a test met%odolo&! for ;8R)-.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;10121

F%rt#er en#"nce*ents to &'e)N. *o+ility - 4"rt ( =,@9;10021

:2perli#' R4-1(0141 StatusAReport R4-1(1;0C +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2;.(04! 2;.((1! 2;.(A1! 2;.4A1! 2;.4A8! (A.(00! (A.((1 +a e (ore

Supporting Companies: )lcatel+. cent, C awei, Cisilicon, -S-, ip.access, )TDT, .; 8lectronics, Inter1i&ital, 7its (is%i, Citac%i, ,ran&e, -8$, Sams n&, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, 5(i' is!s Tri&&ered (! FS38C-=3en% 2TR 37."634 Justification Rel+16 R3,R2 WI for MC-= and Ce-= 7o(ilit! 8n%ancementsM 5I13#76669 2RP+161#26 @ RP+1161"34 %as introd ced si&nallin& *ia %oriAontal R)- interfaces 2I r%, :24 for s pportin& C2e4-= to C2e4-= mo(ilit!.
)12 4?,1, 5 +a e :+E a#" :e+E 1o5ilit2 *#6a#%e e#ts - (ore part 3yperlin, >P11,1+3 Status4Report >P-11,,5+ +otes R4E;1 co*pleted 0Ss 257413, 25743?, 257438, 3373,,, 337413, 337423, ne# 2574?1

) new Rel+11 work packa&e was a&reed at R)-G91, startin& wit% a R3,R2 feasi(ilit! st d!I
)12 51,,3 3 +a e Stu"2 o# furt6er e#6a#%e e#ts for :+E a#" :e+E 3yperlin, >P-12,2?8 Status4Report >P-12,5?8 +otes R4E;A co*pleted 0R U4>6, 14E 3?7+,3

2'+S: T%e SI considered t%e s pport of $8..3F)$C@$8..3P$C@5R)3P$C state and t%e (enefits t%at s c% s pport can pro*ide. 7an! sol tions were pro*ided d rin& t%e SI p%ase. 2'+S and L+0: R)- s%arin&, s pported on t%e macro network %as (een considered in relation to C2e4-=s. T%e stat s of t%e work performed d rin& t%e St d! Item is mat re eno &% to proceed wit% a Work Item. O !ecti"eI introd ction of en%anced mo(ilit! proced res and f nctionalities for femto+to+femto and macro+to+femto, (ot% for 57TS and .T8. 2'+S part of the >or. %tem will add t%e followin& f nctionalitiesI 14 8n%anced 7o(ilit! in $8..3F)$C, $8..3P$C and 5R)3P$C Sta&e 2 and Sta&e 3 work for sol tions 1e 2S+R-TI+prefi< (ased4 and 2( 2(ased on 58 sendin& $ell I1 to tar&et node *ia RR$ $8.. 5P1)T8 messa&e4, as descri(ed in TR 37."63, wit% t%e option to down+select (ot% options to a sin&le one. -,T8I R)-2 specific impact wo ld still need to (e ela(orated for sol tion 2(. common 2'+S and L+0 part will address t%e followin& aspectsI 14 R)- s%arin&I Sta&e 2 and sta&e 3 work s%all (e performed for sol tion 1a 2i.e. T%e 58 reports t%e s (set of t%e (roadcasted P.7- identities passin& access and $S; mem(ers%ip c%eck, t%e e-=@R-$ *erifies access c%eck for t%e P.7-s indicated (! t%e 58 and selects one if m ltiple pass t%e access c%eck and finall! t%e 778@S;S- *erifies t%e $S; mem(ers%ip c%eck for t%e P.7selected (! t%e so rce e-=@R-$4. -,T8I t%is topic re' ires work in R)-2



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01(1

6-B =B -R4 "nd -RS "nd =-RA &"nd 4#"nto* rel"ted =B -R4 "nd -RS Re/%ire*ents =,@9;C00(1
-i#is6 1(J0AJ2014 (o p 1;N :2perli#' R4-1(010( StatusAReport R4-1(1;08 TSATR 2;.144! New '-S (1.144! -R (1.C44) +a e (ore

Supporting Companies: -okia, )TDT, $)TR, $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, -TT 1ocomo, Telefonica, TeliaSonera, >eriAon Wireless, HT8, =lack=err!, 7otorola Sol tions, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, Sprint Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 37.062 St d! on 7eas rements of radio performances for .T8 terminals + TRP and TRS test met%odolo&! 2FS3.T83,T)4 5I13996622 Justification .T8 58 Total Radiated Power 2TRP4 and Total Radiated Sensiti*it! 2TRS4 test met%odolo&! was finaliAed in TR 37.062 in R)-G97 in Septem(er 2612. - m(er of commercial .T8 network deplo!ments and commercial .T8 de*ices is alread! ' ite si&nificant and t%ese n m(ers are increasin&. T%erefore, t%e need for 58 re' irements for .T8 TRP and TRS is also (ecomin& important in order to ens re &ood .T8 s!stem and de*ice performance w%en t%e n m(er of de*ices in t%e networks are increasin&. )lso 5TR) 58 ,T) test met%odolo&! wit% %and p%antoms 2incl din& test met%od for speec% mode wit% %ead and %and p%antoms and test met%od for data mode wit% %and p%antoms4 was finaliAed in R)-G97. T%e 5TR) 58 ,T) TRP and TRS re' irements for t%ese newl! added test met%ods are still missin&. O !ecti"esI to define 58 .T8 TRP and TRS minim m re' irements (ot% for .T8 F11 and T11 58s (ased on t%e TRP and TRS test met%odolo&! defined in TR 37.062 and pdate 5TR) TRP and TRS re' irements for %and p%antom (ased test met%ods defined in TR 29.01#. 1etailed work tasks incl deI L+0 /&hase #) 2nti, RA*47:61 1. 5ntil R)-#G66I 1isc ss and a&ree a plan for .T8 TRP and TRS meas rements incl din& test set p, de*ice t!pe o T%e re' irement de*elopment is initiated for different de*ices t!pes in t%e followin& order for ens rin& foc s for t%e workI Smartp%one t!pe of de*ices .88 2.aptop 8m(edded 8' ipment4 .78 2.aptop 7o nted 8' ipment4 o T%e re' irement de*elopment is addressed for different test met%ods in case of smartp%ones Cead and Cand p%antom (ased test met%od for speec% mode Cand p%antom onl! (ased test met%od for data (rowsin& o It is also recommended t%at t%e work is started for fre' enc! (ands for w%ic% t%ere are commercial de*ices in order to ena(le meas rements 2. 5ntil R)-#G6"I Present .T8 TRP and TRS meas rement data 3. 5ntil R)-#G6"I )ddress principles for settin& .T8 TRP and TRS 58 re' irements #. 5ntil R)-#G60I 1efine .T8 TRP and TRS re' irements for .T8 F11 and T11 58s 2+RA /&hase $) unti, RA*47D#1 1. 5ntil R)-#G60I 1isc ss and a&ree a plan for 5TR) 58 TRP and TRS meas rements wit% %ead and %and p%antoms incl din& test set p, de*ice t!pe etc. o Smartp%ones o Cead and Cand p%antom (ased test met%od for speec% mode 2. 5ntil R)-#G76I Present 5TR) TRP and TRS meas rement data wit% %and p%antoms test met%ods 3. 5ntil R)-#G76I )ddress principles for settin& 5TR) TRP and TRS 58 re' irements wit% t%e %ead and %and p%antom test met%od. #. 5ntil R)-#G71I 1efine 5TR) TRP and TRS 58 re' irements wit% t%e %ead and %and p%antom for speec% mode test met%ods



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;80118 ;80218 ;80(18 ;80418 A20011

S%pport for .ei@o% N"$i "tion S"tellite Syste* '.@S) for =-RA "nd 6-B =,@9;80018
!%ro#2 6CS9.@S-=-RA-Core 6CS9.@S-=-RA-4erf 6CS9.@S-6-B-Core 6CS9.@S-6-B-4erf 6CS9.@S-IBRAN Resour%e R2!R( R4 R2 R4 I2!I1!I(new &3Arapporteur M-B M-B CA-R M-B M-B +a e (ore partG for ,TR! Perf. partG for ,TR! (ore partG for BT* Perf. partG for BT* Support for E9S for B(S i# G*R!+

Supporting Companies: $)TR, HT8, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina 5nicom, $%ina Telecom, $)TT, C awei, )lcatel+ . cent S%an&%ai =ell, Pote*io, $oolpad, T1 Tec%, -ew Postcom, 7TB, 8ricsson, ? alcomm, -okia, )lcatel+. cent, Intel =ei1o \ $%inese -a*i&ation Satellite S!stem %ttpI@@www.(eido .&o*.cn@attac%@2612@12@27@261212273da20c9e("27#de("cd2(17"22"(a2(d.pdf
Sour%e of sta4e 1=2 i#for atio# TS or (R(s) (lause -S 22.011 6oc"tion Ser$ices '6CS)0 Ser$ice description! St" e 1 -S 2(.211 F%nction"l st" e 2 description of 6oc"tion Ser$ices '6CS) Re ar's

Justification 3;PP TS; R)- introd ced s pport for ;alileo and )dditional -a*i&ation Satellite S!stems 2;)-SS4 to Rel+7. T%e ;)-SS specifications allow addition of new satellite s!stems (! assi&nment of new X;)-SS I1sU, X;)-SS Si&nal I1sU, and X;)-SS Time I1sU, to&et%er wit% a few )S-.1 e<tensions to e<istin& assistance data elements. In Rel+7, onl! t%e ;alileo na*i&ation satellite s!stem can (e s pported. In Rel(", some additional na*i&ation satellite s!stems incl din& 7oderniAed ;PS, S=)S, ?HSS, and ;.,-)SS are introd ced nder t%e e<istin& framework of ;)-SS. =1S is a &lo(al na*i&ation satellite s!stem consistin& of 39 satellites, w%ic% incl de 9 ;eostationar! 8art% ,r(it 2;8,4 satellites, 27 7edi m 8art% ,r(it 278,4 satellites, and 3 Inclined ;eos!nc%rono s Satellite ,r(it 2I;S,4 satellites. )ll t%e satellites will (e deplo!ed (efore 2626. In 1ec 2612, =1S (e&an to pro*ide ser*ices to c stomers in )sia+ Pacific re&ion. 7ore information of =1S can (e fo nd in attac%ed doc ment. Introd ction of =1S will m ltipl! t%e n m(er of satellites and si&nals a*aila(le for free open ser*ice positionin&, and t%erefore, will increase t%e ser*ice a*aila(ilit!, ser e<perience and acc rac! of .$S. In partic lar, acc rac!, !ield and time to first fi< will (e impro*ed in en*ironments, s c% as indoor and dense r(an, w%ere na*i&ation satellite si&nals normall! e<%i(it (lockin&, atten ation and m ltipat% effects. )nd e*en %i&%er acc rac! will (e ac%ie*ed in en*ironments, s c% as r ral and s ( r(an, w%ere %i&% !ield and &ood acc rac! are normall! possi(le. T%e Si&nal In Space Interface $ontrol 1oc ments 2SIS I$1s4 of =1S are all freel! a*aila(le 2e.&., no re&istration re' ired4I
,39 ;8011 8 ;8021 8 +a e (ore partG for ,TR! Perf. partG for ,TR! Resour%e R2!R( R4 -i#is6 0AJ12J201 ( 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 100N 10N :2perli#' R41(041A R41(041A StatusAReport R4-1(1;00 R4-1(1;01 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TSATR 2;.(0;! 2;.(0A! 2;.((1! 2;.4;(! 2;.41(! 2;.42(! 2;.4(( 2;.112 'F@@)! new -S 2;.11( '-@@)

O !ecti"esI to incl de s pport for =1S to 5TR)- specifications (! definin& a new ;)-SS I1 and introd cin& some necessar! assistance data information 2e.&. $lock 7odel for =1S, -a*i&ation 7odel for =1S, and )lmanac for =1S4 (ased on t%e e<istin& ;)-SS framework. 8<tensions to e<istin& assistance data elements s%all allow to nati*el! s pport =1S sin& 5TR)- si&nallin&. T%e followin& specifications ma! (e impactedI Sta&e 2 SpecsI 29.369 Some &eneral description a(o t t%e s pport for =1S will (e added in t%e sta&e 2 specification for positionin&. Sta&e 3 SpecsI 29.366, 29.331, 29.#13, 29.#23, 29.#33, 29.#93 -ew ;)-SS I1 and necessar! assistance data information 2e.&. $lock 7odel for =1S, -a*i&ation 7odel for =1S, and )lmanac for =1S4 will (e introd ced in t%e sta&e 3 specs (ased on t%e e<istin& ;)-SS framework.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;80(18 ;80418

+a e (ore BT* Perf BT*

Resour%e R2 R4

-i#is6 0AJ12J201( 1(J0AJ2014

(o p 100N 10N

:2perli#' R4-1(041A R4-1(041A

StatusAReport R4-1(1;2; R4-1(1;2A

+otes R4EA2 co*pleted -

TSATR (A.(0;! (A.(;; (A.111

O !ecti"esI to incl de s pport for =1S to .T8 specifications (! definin& a new ;-SS I1 and introd cin& some necessar! assistance data information 2e.&. $lock 7odel for =1S, -a*i&ation 7odel for =1S, and )lmanac for =1S4 (ased on t%e e<istin& ;-SS framework. 8<tensions to e<istin& assistance data elements s%all allow to nati*el! s pport =1S sin& .T8 si&nallin&. T%e followin& specifications ma! (e impactedI Sta&e2 SpecsI 36.369 Some &eneral description a(o t t%e s pport for =1S will (e added in t%e sta&e 2 specification for positionin&. Sta&e3 SpecsI 36.399 -ew ;-SS I1 and necessar! assistance data information 2e.&. $lock 7odel for =1S, -a*i&ation 7odel for =1S, and )lmanac for =1S4 will (e introd ced in t%e sta&e 3 spec (ased on t%e e<istin& ;-SS framework.
+a e Support for E9S for B(S i# G*R!+ IBRAN2 p"rt IBRAN1 p"rt -est p"rt Resour%e I2!I1!I(new I2 I1 I(new -i#is6 28J0CJ201 4 (0J0;J201 4 28J0CJ201 4 28J0CJ201 4 (o p 0N 0N 0N 0N :2perli#' I4-1(1122 I4-1(1122 I4-1(1122 I4-1(1122 TSATR IBRAN 44.0(1! 48.0(1! 44.011! 4C.0(1 4(.0;8! 4;.00; ;1.010-1

,39 A2001 1 A2011 1 A2021 1 A20(1 1

Supporting Companies: HT8, $)TR, ? alcomm, 7ediaTek, $%ina 7o(ile, Intel, )lcatel+. cent, C awei, 8ricsson =ased on t%e same framework sed in Rel+" S pport for )dditional -a*i&ation Satellite S!stems 2)-SS4 for .$S 5I133"661
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title (C001 S%pport for Addition"l N"$i "tion S"tellite Syste*s 'ANSS) for 6CS +ature of relatio#s6ip ."sed on t#e s"*e fr"*ewor3 %sed in 2, S%pport for Addition"l N"$i "tion S"tellite Syste*s 'ANSS) for 6CS.

Justification 3;PP TS; ;8R)- introd ced s pport for ;alileo and )dditional -a*i&ation Satellite S!stems 2;)-SS4 to Release 7. T%e ;)-SS specifications allow addition of new satellite s!stems (! assi&nment of new X;)-SS I1sU, X;)-SS Si&nal I1sU, and X;)-SS Time I1sU, to&et%er wit% a few )S-.1 e<tensions to e<istin& assistance data elements. In Release 7, onl! t%e ;alileo na*i&ation satellite s!stem can (e s pported. In Release ", some additional na*i&ation satellite s!stems incl din& 7oderniAed ;PS, S=)S, ?HSS, and ;.,-)SS are introd ced nder t%e e<istin& framework of ;)-SS. =1S is a &lo(al na*i&ation satellite s!stem consistin& of 39 satellites, w%ic% incl de 9 ;eostationar! 8art% ,r(it 2;8,4 satellites, 27 7edi m 8art% ,r(it 278,4 satellites, and 3 Inclined ;eos!nc%rono s Satellite ,r(it 2I;S,4 satellites. )ll t%e satellites will (e deplo!ed (efore 2626. In 1ecem(er 2612, =1S (e&an to pro*ide ser*ices to c stomers in )sia+ Pacific re&ion. Introd ction of =1S will m ltipl! t%e n m(er of satellites and si&nals a*aila(le for free open ser*ice positionin&, and t%erefore, will increase t%e ser*ice a*aila(ilit!, ser e<perience and acc rac! of .$S. In partic lar, acc rac!, !ield and time to first fi< will (e impro*ed in en*ironments, s c% as indoor and dense r(an, w%ere na*i&ation satellite si&nals normall! e<%i(it (lockin&, atten ation and m ltipat% effects. )nd e*en %i&%er acc rac! will (e ac%ie*ed in en*ironments, s c% as r ral and s ( r(an, w%ere %i&% !ield and &ood acc rac! are normall! possi(le. T%e Si&nal in Space Interface $ontrol 1oc ments 2SIS I$1s4 of =1S are all freel! a*aila(le 2e.&. no re&istration re' ired4I %ttpI@@www.(eido .&o*.cn@attac%@2612@12@27@261212273da20c9e("27#de("cd2(17"22"(a2(d.pdf O !ecti"esI to incl de s pport for =1S to ;8R)- specifications (! definin& a new ;)-SS I1 and introd cin& some necessar! assistance data information 2e.&. $lock 7odel for =1S, -a*i&ation 7odel for =1S, and )lmanac for =1S4 (ased on t%e e<istin& ;)-SS framework. To ens re t%e a(o*e o(Eecti*e can (e met, 58 performance re' irements and conformance test for s pport of =1S s%all also (e introd ced.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;801( 0 ;802( 0

.S RF re/%ire*ents for Acti$e Antenn" Syste* =,@9;800(0

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0;J12J201 4 (o p ;;N 10N :2perli#' R41(0(1( R41(0(1( StatusAReport R4-1(1;10 R4-1(1;11 TSATR New -S (1.1xy 'AAS .S tr"ns*ission "nd reception)! New -R (1.Cxy 'RF +"c3 ro%nd for AAS .S) New -S (1.1xy 'AAS .S confor*"nce testin ) +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: C awei, )TDT, $)TR , $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, CiSilicon, B11I, -II , -TT 1o$o7o, ,ran&e, T+7o(ile 5S), Tel s, 5S $ell lar, $learwire, >odafone, -8$, -S-, Telefonica, Sams n&
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;(00;A Rel-12 -R (1.C40 St%dy of RF "nd B<C Re/%ire*ents for Acti$e Antenn" Arr"y Syste* 'AAS) .S Relatio#s6ip St%dy predecessor

Justification TR 37."#6 St d! on specif!in& t%e necessar! =S re' irements for ))S was completed in R)-G90, res ltin& inI
)n e<amination of rele*ant international re& lations re*ealed little & idance re&ardin& t%e specifications t%at are e<plicitl! applica(le to ))S. )n anal!sis of ))S RF transmission o(ser*es t%at ndesired emissions from different transmitters will not (e perfectl! correlated. T%e ncorrelated parts of t%e ndesired emissions will not (e radiated in t%e same pattern as emissions w%ic% are correlated (etween different transmitters. T%is effect was st died in sim lations of t%e spatial distri( tion of t%e )dEacent $%annel .eaka&e Ratio 2)$.R4. Sim lation res lts indicated t%at for t%e specific scenarios 2an application wit% fi<ed (eam pattern (! a sin&le col mn ))S4 st died, )$.R of #9d= per transcei*er is s fficient to f lfil t%e co+e<istence st dies as detailed in TR36.0#2 and TR29.0#2. T%ese sim lations estimate t%e mean and 9 t% percentile t%ro &%p t impact, w%ile f t re sim lations ma! consider and st d! t%e impact of t%e spatial distri( tion of )$.R on t%e spatial distri( tion of t%ro &%p t. )s an e<ample of recei*er impacts, t%e in+(and (lockin& was sim lated and anal!Aed for ))S =S. T%e res lts of a sin&le col mn ))S model o(ser*ed t%at t%e power le*el presented for eac% indi*id al recei*er of an ))S s!stem was similar to t%e in+(and (lockin& power le*el presented to a con*entional =S recei*er as a res lt of t%e difference in antenna &ain and directi*it! (etween an antenna arra! and a sin&le element or s (+arra! of t%e ))S antenna arra!. 8<istin& RF re' irements 2in w%ic% some of t%e re' irements are deri*ed (ased t%e reference antennas4 ma! (e inade' ate to ens re coe<istence for ni' e ))S applications w%ic% ma! (e diffic lt or impossi(le to s pport (! con*entional (ase stations. 8<amples of s c% applications incl de (eam steerin& in ele*ation, aAim t% or com(inations of (ot%. Two potential approac%es for reference point definition were identified for re' irementsI radiated re' irements and re' irements at t%e transcei*er arra! (o ndar!. Re' irements s%o ld (e specified at onl! one reference point. T%e SI did not reac% consens s on t%e defa lt reference point. T%e point of testin& ma! differ from t%e re' irement reference pointV one e<ample is a re' irement ma! (e specified in t%e far field ( t tested at t%e transcei*er arra! (o ndar! wit% an appropriate transformation, and *ice *ersa.

=ased on t%e TR 37."#6 st d! res lt, it is necessar! and feasi(le to specif! t%e RF re' irements for ))S =S. O !ecti"es =eatureI to specif! t%e =S RF re' irements for ))S =S co*erin& sin&le R)T capa(le =S s pportin& 5TR) or 8+5TR), and m lti+R)T capa(le =S operatin& in =and $ate&or! 1 and =and $ate&or! 3 for Wide )rea and 7edi m Ran&e, and .ocal )rea co*era&e to ens re necessar! coe<istence. -,T8I Wide )rea =S will (e prioritiAed.

T%e new specification for ))S will take a similar approac% wit% t%e o tcome of t%e on+&oin& R)-# Rel+12 TR 37."16 St d! on =ase Station specification str ct re, takin& into acco nt t%e re& lator! framework in different re&ions. It is composed of t%e followin& work tasksI a4 (4 $ore RF re' irements in newl! created ))S =S specifications. $onformance testin& re' irements in newl! created ))S =S specifications, deri*ed from t%e core RF re' irements, and demod lation testin& re' irements. to specif! t%e =S core RF re' irements for ))S.

O !ecti"es CoreI

T%e work item will de*elop and specif! t%e core re' irements for ))S =ase Stations accordin& to t%e followin& stepsI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

In t%e first stepI ] ] ] ] F rt%er e*al ation of t%e spatial effects of m ltiple+col mn ))S =S on coe<istence performance. F rt%er e*al ation of t%e spatial *ariation of ot%er RF c%aracteristics w%ic% ma! (e impacted (! antenna c%aracteristics. It ma! (e necessar! to e*al ate t%ese c%aracteristics on a re' irement (! re' irement (asis. 1efinin& a set of representati*e deplo!ment scenarios, as necessar! to s pport t%e e*al ations. Specif!in& eac% of t%e core re' irements (! means of eit%er radiated re' irements or re' irements at t%e transcei*er arra! (o ndar! to ens re necessar! coe<istence.. ) decision on t%e re' irement reference point s%all (e (ased on concl din& t%at radiated spatial effects t%at are nderstood to %a*e impact on core re' irements can (e capt red at t%at partic lar reference point. 1efinin& transformations from t%e re' irement point to t%e test point w%ere necessar! and possi(le. In t%e secondar! step, (ased on and sin& t%e o tp ts of t%e first step a(o*eI 1e*elopment of application independent core re' irements w%ic% ens re co+e<istence in &eneric applications. It ma! (e necessar! to e*al ate detailed approac%es on a re' irement (! re' irement (asis.

] ] ]

)ll t%e e<istin& feat res and t%e on+&oin& feat res, s c% as carrier a&&re&ation, operations in non+conti& o s, operations in m ltiple+(and, will (e co*ered in t%e specifications for ))S =S. 8<istin& =S core RF specifications will remain and (e applica(le wit%in t%eir c rrent scope. -,T8 1I T%e specifications for sin&le R)T capa(le =S s pportin& 5TR) or 8+5TR) and 7SR =S will (e determined later wit% reference to t%e a&reements in t%e on&oin& SI for =S specification str ct re. -,T8 2I TR 37."#6 co ld (e pdated if necessar!. O !ecti"es &erfI to de*elop ))S =ase Station test confi& rations and specification of t%e conformance test re' irements correspondin& to t%e core re' irements. 7eetin& t%is o(Eecti*e ma! incl de de*elopment of demod lation test re' irements for ))S (ase station. 7 ltiple testin& approac%es ma! (e de*eloped w%ere necessar! and possi(le to s pport ))S implementations wit% access to t%e transcei*er arra! (o ndar!, as well as ))S implementations wit%o t access to t%e transcei*er arra! (o ndar!. )t least one meas rement set p will (e de*eloped for eac% re' irement. 7eas rement approac%es m st demonstrate t%at t%e! are a(le to *erif! t%e specified core re' irements and capt re radiated spatial aspects identified as rele*ant. Test met%odolo&ies are to (e disc ssed in parallel wit% core re' irements to & ide t%e decision on t%e re' irement point and of transformations from re' irement point to testin& point as needed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0011 8 A0021 8

New ."se St"tion specific"tion str%ct%re =,@9A00018

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 12J08J201 4 (o p 20N 0N :2perli#' R41(0C;1 R41(0C;1 StatusAReport R4-1(1;1( R4-1(1;14 TSATR 2;.104! 2;.10;! (A.104! (1.104! (1.C10! New -R (1.C11 'New .S specific"tion str%ct%re)! New -S (1.xy" 'New RF core specific"tion) 2;.11(! 2;.141! 2;.142! (A.11(! (A.141! (1.11(! (1.141! (1.C10! New -S ( 'New RF test specific"tion! New -S (1.xyw 'ew B<C specific"tion) +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, -8$, C awei, -S-.

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 37."16 St d! on =ase Station specification str ct re 2FS3=Sspec3str c4

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;C00;0 St%dy on ."se St"tion specific"tion str%ct%re +ature of relatio#s6ip =-RA! 6-B! <SR -R (1.C10

Justification 7an! of t%e new RF feat res introd ced and st died for R)-# specifications are not R)T+specific, ( t often concern 5TR), 8+5TR) and also m lti+R)T specifications incl din& ;S7@81;8. 8<amples are non+conti& o s spectr m operation, m lti(and capa(ilit!, ))S, etc. Some new feat res re' ire c%an&es on specification spannin& (ot% 7SR capa(le =S and t%e correspondin& sin&le R)T capa(le =S, s c% as $arrier )&&re&ation and 5TR) m ltiple carrier. T%is means t%at almost identical RF feat res are often implemented in different RF specifications, wit%in t%e same or different work items. T%is d plication not onl! creates additional work and nnecessar! disc ssions on %ow to implement new RF feat res, ( t in addition often creates nmoti*ated differences (etween t%e specifications and e*en misali&nment and conflicts (etween t%e RF re' irements across t%e specifications. T%e pro(lems will (e f rt%er accent ated as more feat res are added and t%e specifications (ecome more comple<. O !ecti"es =eatureI T%is is a parent work item to consider and@or commit t%e mi&ration of t%e present set of RF core, conformance testin& and 87$ specification for =ase Stations into a smaller set of new specifications, in order to red ce d plication of work and t%e risk of specification conflicts for =S specifications for f t re work. T%e specifications mi&ration process will consider t%e followin& aspectsI 1. 2. 3. #. 1eclaration of conformance for =S in t%e new specification str ct re will remain t%e same in t%e new specification str ct re. T%at compliance of selected f t re RF feat re2s4 (! =S t%at conforms to specifications of pre*io s releases will (e kept in t%e new =S specification str ct re. )ccommodatin& re& lator! references to t%e new =S specification str ct re for sin&le+R)T capa(le and m lti+ R)T capa(le =ase Stations. 8ns rin& t%at a =S compliant to t%e re' irements in t%e new =S specification str ct re, for a re' irement t%at is taken from t%e le&ac! str ct re, will compl! to t%at re' irement for t%e applica(le R)T2s4 as specified in t%e le&ac! str ct re. Re' irements from t%e le&ac! str ct re will remain e<actl! t%e same in t%e new str ct re wit%o t an! modification.


T%e new =S specification str ct re (ased on )lternati*e 3a as defined in cla se " of TR 37."16 will %a*e t%e followin& main elements as ill strated in Fi& re 1I $ommon specifications for RF core, RF conformance test and 87$ re' irements respecti*el!, co*erin& 5TR) F11, 1.2" 7cps 5TR) T11 and 8+5TR), pl s m lti+R)T re' irements 2incl din& ;S7@81;8 m lti+R)T4 8<istin& sin&le+R)T specifications from Rel+12 and onwards will %a*e references for t%e RF core, RF conformance test and 87$ re' irements for 5TR) F11, 1.2" 7cps 5TR) T11 and 8+5TR) to t%e new specifications. 1emod lation performance re' irements will remain in e<istin& sin&le+R)T specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

-i4ure 1G T6e #ew ES spe%ifi%atio# stru%ture (R- %ore spe%ifi%atio# part) O !ecti"es CoreI to mi&rate t%e present set of RF core specification for =ase Stations into a smaller set of new specifications, in order to red ce d plication of work and t%e risk of specification conflicts for =S specifications for f t re work. T%e work will contain t%e followin& two stepsI First StepI 6. 7. F rt%er anal!sis of t%e str ct re of t%e core re' irements in e<istin& specifications and t%e additional (enefits of )lternati*e 3a 2if needed4. ) Tec%nical Report is to (e created to capt re t%e contents of t%e proposed new specifications, i.e. representin& t%e new core specification wit% all t%e RF re' irements for t%e new specification str ct re to allow for R)-# to c%eck w%et%er t%e same re' irements in t%e le&ac! specification str ct re are mi&rated into t%e new specification str ct re and w%et%er d plication of work and t%e risks of specification conflicts are red ced for f t re work so t%at t%e effecti*eness of )lternati*e 3a is e*al ated.

5pon completion of First Step, R)-# to decide on w%et%er to proceed wit% t%e followin& Second Step listed in t%e followin&I 1. 7i&ration of core re' irements in e<istin& specifications t%ro &% t%e followin& stepsI a. $reate one common specification for RF core re' irements, co*erin& 5TR) F11, 1.2" 7cps 5TR) T11 and 8+5TR), pl s m lti+R)T re' irements 2incl din& ;S7@81;8 m lti+R)T4. Re' irements from t%e le&ac! str ct re will remain e<actl! t%e same in t%e new specification str ct re wit%o t an! modification. Prod ce $Rs to replace t%e RF core re' irements for 5TR) F11, 1.2" 7cps 5TR) T11 and 8+5TR) in e<istin& sin&le+R)T specifications wit% references to t%e new specifications.


c. .ea*e t%e demod lation performance re' irements in e<istin& sin&le+R)T specifications. 0xpected Output and +ime sca,e CoreI


143 +ew spe%ifi%atio#s

Spec No. -itle 4ri*e rsp.2nd"ry rsp. 4resented for 2I 2I's) infor*"tion "t plen"ryE

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Appro$ed "t Co**ents plen"ryE

(1.xy" (1.Cxy

S-.@T New .S specific"tion str%ct%re

CR S%+Rect


RANEA( New RF core specific"tion '<"r 2014) RANEA( -ec#nic"l report for '<"r 2014) de$elopin det"ils of t#e new str%ct%re !ffe%te" eDisti#4 spe%ifi%atio#s
Appro$ed "t plen"ryE Co**ents

RANEA2 '@ec 201() RANEA2 '@ec 201()

Spec No.

2;.104 2;.10; (A.104 (1.104 (1.C10

'=-RA F@@ core re/%ire*ents) '=-RA -@@ core re/%ire*ents) 'B-=-RA core re/%ire*ents) '<SR core re/%ire*ents) -ec#nic"l report

RANEA( '<"r 2014) RANEA( '<"r 2014) RANEA( '<"r 2014) RANEA( '<"r 2014) RANEA( '<"r 2014)

For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only =pd"ted "n"lysis

O !ecti"es &erfI to mi&rate t%e present set of RF conformance testin& and 87$ specification for =ase Stations into a smaller set of new specifications, in order to red ce d plication of work and t%e risk of specification conflicts for =S specifications for f t re work. T%e work will contain t%e followin& two stepsI First StepI ". 0. F rt%er anal!sis of t%e str ct re of t%e RF conformance test and 87$ re' irements in e<istin& specifications and t%e additional (enefits of )lternati*e 3a 2if needed4. $apt re in t%e tec%nical report t%e contents of t%e proposed new specifications, i.e. representin& t%e new RF conformance test and 87$ specifications wit% for t%e new specification str ct re to allow for R)-# to c%eck w%et%er t%e same re' irements in t%e le&ac! specification str ct re are mi&rated into t%e new specification str ct re and w%et%er d plication of work and t%e risks of specification conflicts are red ced for f t re work so t%at t%e effecti*eness of )lternati*e 3a is e*al ated..

5pon completion of First Step, R)-# to decide on w%et%er to proceed wit% t%e followin& Second Step listed in t%e followin&I 1. 7i&ration of conformance testin& and 87$ re' irements in e<istin& specifications t%ro &% t%e followin& stepsI a. $reate common specifications for RF conformance test and one for 87$ re' irements, co*erin& 5TR) F11, 1.2" 7cps 5TR) T11 and 8+5TR), pl s m lti+R)T re' irements 2incl din& ;S7@81;8 m lti+R)T4. Re' irements from t%e le&ac! str ct re will remain e<actl! t%e same in t%e new specification str ct re wit%o t an! modification. Prod ce $Rs to replace t%e RF conformance test and 87$ re' irements for 5TR) F11, 1.2" 7cps 5TR) T11 and 8+5TR) in e<istin& sin&le+R)T specifications wit% references to t%e new specifications.


c. .ea*e t%e demod lation performance test re' irements in e<istin& sin&le+R)T specifications. 0xpected Output and +ime sca,e &erf I
Spec No. -itle 4ri*e rsp. 2I ( S-.@ RAN4 T (1.xyw S-.@ RAN4 T Spec No. CR 2;.11( 2;.141 2;.142 (A.11( (A.141 (1.11( (1.141 (1.C10 2nd"ry rsp. 2I's) +ew spe%ifi%atio#s 4resented for infor*"tion "t plen"ryE RANEA( '<"r 2014) RANEA4 'V%n 2014) Appro$ed "t plen"ryECo**ents RANEA4 'V%n 2014) New RF test specific"tion RANEA; 'Sep 2014) New B<C specific"tion Co**ents For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only For Rel-12 only =pd"ted "n"lysis

!ffe%te" eDisti#4 spe%ifi%atio#s S%+Rect Appro$ed "t plen"ryE '=-RA B<C) RANEA; 'Sep 2014) '=-RA F@@ confor*"nce testin ) RANEA4 'V%n 2014) '=-RA -@@ confor*"nce testin ) RANEA4 'V%n 2014) 'B-=-RA B<C) RANEA; 'Sep 2014) 'B-=-RA confor*"nce testin ) RANEA4 'V%n 2014) '<SR B<C) RANEA; 'Sep 2014) '<SR confor*"nce testin ) RANEA4 'V%n 2014) -ec#nic"l report RANEA; 'Sep 2014)



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0012 1

6-+"nd for S%pple*ent"l @ownlin3 in B-=-RA "nd =-RA =,@9A00021

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p A0N :2perli#' R41(2041 StatusAReport R4-1(1;1; +otes R4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0C28FGR41(2041. Bxistin -S 2;.(11 repl"ced +y new -S 2;.(21 R4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0C28FGR41(2041. Bxistin -S 2;.(11 repl"ced +y new -S 2;.(21 TSATR 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.11(! 2;.1((! 2;.(01! 2;.(11 repl"ced +y new -S 2;.(21! 2;.4A1! 2;.4AA! (4.124! (A.101! (A.104! (A.11(! (A.124! (A.1((! (A.(01! (A.((1! (1.104! (1.11(! new -R (A.C1( 2;.1((! 2;.141! 2;.(01! 2;.(11 repl"ced +y new -S 2;.(21! (A.1((! (A.141! (A.(01! (1.141 +a e (ore

A0022 1


1(J0AJ201 4




Supporting Companies: ?tel, Telefonica

,ran&e, ? alcomm, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, BP-, Telenor, C awei, ).5, .i&%tS' ared,

Justification T%is Work Item follows t%e decision (! $8PT, in ,cto(er 2612, to %armoniAe t%e fre' enc! (and 1#92+1#02 7CA 2.+ (and4 for mo(ile comm nications S pplemental 1ownlink 2S1.4 . T%e .+(and 21#92+ 1#02 7CA4 %as earlier (een a (roadcastin& (and 2terrestrial and satellite 1)=4 in 8 rope, and in order to allow co ntries wis%in& to contin e terrestrial 1)= operation in part of t%e (and, a sol tion t%at a*oids %a*in& mo(ile de*ices transmittin& in t%e (and was re' ired. T%e decision (! $8PT is as followsI T%e purpose of the 0CC 3ecision is to %armoniAe t%e se of t%e (and 1#92+1#02 7CA for terrestrial mo(ile@fi<ed comm nications networks s pplemental downlink 27F$- S1.4V $8PT administrations sha,, desi&nate t%e fre' enc! (and 1#92+1#02 7CA to 7F$- S1., takin& into acco nt t%at t%e desi&nation of t%e fre' enc! (and 1#92+1#02 7CA to mo(ile@fi<ed comm nications networks 27F$-4 S1. does not pre*ent administrations from sin& parts of t%e (and for terrestrial (roadcastin&, aerona tical telemetr!, 7F$- ot%er t%an S1. or ot%er terrestrial applications to adapt to national circ mstancesV

;i*en t%e a(o*e, it is proposed to open a 3;PP Work Item 2in R)-#4 to standardiAe t%e .+(and 21#92+1#02 7CA4 and correspondin& re' irements for S1. operation. Some possi(le com(inations for t%is (and incl deI 5TR)I 8+5TR)I =and I 22.1 ;CA4 J .+(and 2S1.4. =and >III 2066 7CA4 J .+(and 2S1.4. =and 26 2"66 7CA4 J .+(and 2S1.4. =and " 2066 7CA4 J .+(and 2S1.4. =and 3 21"66 7CA4 J .+(and 2S1.4. =and 7 22666 7CA4 J .+(and 2S1.4.

O !ecti"es CoreI 1. Specif! t%e (and n m(erin& and RF c%aracteristics of t%e .+(and for 5TR), 8+5TR) and 7SR. o 8+5TR) c%annel (andwidt%s 9, 16, 19 and 26 7CA o T%e .+(and is restricted to (e sed on $) confi& ration for 8+5TR) or d al (and confi& ration for 5TR) 2. Specif! t%e RF re' irements for t%e s pport of 8+5TR) $arrier )&&re&ation (etween =and 26 J .+(and 21#92+ 1#02 7CA4I T%e re' irements s%o ld (e (ased on t%e f nctionalit! c rrentl! defined for 1.+onl! carrier )&&re&ation. 3. Specif! t%e RF re' irements for t%e s pport of 5TR) d al (and for t%e (and com(inations of =and I 22.1 ;CA4 J .+(and 21#92+ 1#02 7CA4. T%e re' irements s%o ld (e (ased on t%e f nctionalit! c rrentl! defined for 1=+1$ CS1P) and #$+CS1P)I #. 5pdate t%e related tec%nical specifications to incl de t%e .+(and and $)@d al (and com(inations.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


R)-9 testin& aspects will (e considered. )*aila(le 8$$ RF re' irements 2e.&. on least restricti*e tec%nical conditions as defined in )nne< 2 of t%e 8$$ 1ecision4 s%o ld (e taken into acco nt.


,39 A1010 ( A0012 1 A1000 ( A1001 ;

6-B-&R4@ '&i # R"te 4"c3et @"t" in (I442) inter-RAS5N =,@9A00021

Resour%e S2 R( C4 I2 -i#is6 11J12J201 ( 1(J0AJ201 4 0AJ08J201 ( (0J0CJ201 ( (o p 100N C0N 100N 100N :2perli#' nJ" R41(0C(1 C41(04(4 I41(0C11 StatusAReport R4-1(1;(( +otes S4EA2 co*pleted C4EA1 2,@ "ppro$ed H Co*pleted I4E;8 2,@ "ppro$ed H Co*pleted TSATR 2(.402 (A.(00! (A.41( 28.214! 28.21A! 28.2C0 4C.01C +a e Sta4e 2 (ore (T aspe%ts (Sta4e 3) G*R!+ aspe%ts (Sta4e 3)

Supporting Companies: $%ina Telecom, C awei, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, HT8, ? alcomm, -8$, -S-, Sams n&, .i&%tS' ared. Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 37."13 2FS3.T83CRP13S,-4. S)2 s%o ld *erif! t%e arc%itect re sol tion in TR 37."13 for inter+R)T load (alancin& (etween .T8+CRP1. $T# s%o ld specif! t%e RI7 e<tension to s pport t%e feat re.
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;;0020 Rel-12 St%dy on 6-B-&R4@ '&i # R"te 4"c3et @"t" in (I442) inter-RA- S5N +ature of relatio#s6ip -R (1.C1(

Justification T%e scenarios considered for .T8+eCRP1 S,- are *er! similar to t%e scenarios w%en deplo!in& .T8+5TR)-@;S7. Inter+R)T S,- feat res of .T8 and 5TR)-@;S7 %a*e (een standardiAed in 3;PP. Inter+R)T S,- for .T8+$17) is %owe*er not specified. For t%e $17) operators w%o plan to deplo! .T8 networks, inter .T8+eCRP1 S,- will (rin& man! (enefits, especiall! forI + =alancin& t%e load to offload .T8 traffic from@to t%e eCRP1 network

3;PP2 %as appro*ed a work item on $17) S,-, w%ic% incl des .T8+eCRP1 inter+R)T scenario. ItUs necessar! to coordinate (etween 3;PP and 3;PP2 on t%is topic. O !ecti"es CoreI introd ction of an information e<c%an&e (etween .T8 and eCRP1 to s pport .T8+eCRP1 S,f nctionalit!. Sta&e 2 and sta&e 3 specification work s%all (e performed to introd ce t%e followin& f nctionalit!I + .oad information e<c%an&e (etween .T8 and eCRP1 (ased on t%e e<istin& .T8+5TR)-@;8R)- sol tion

In addition to t%is, t%e mec%anisms and interfaces to e<c%an&e t%e re' ired information for t%e a(o*e f nctionalit! (etween .T8 and eCRP1 s%all (e defined.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A20142 A20242

,ncre"sin t#e *ini*%* n%*+er of c"rriers for =B *onitorin in =-RA "nd B-=-RA =,@9A20042
Resour%e R4!R( R4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ2014 1(J0(J201; (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' R4-1(20A1 R4-1(20A1 &3Arapporteur Bricsson Bricsson TSATR 2;.1((! 2;.((1! (A.1(( 2;.1((! (A.1(( +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, Teliasonera, ,ran&e, $%ina 7o(ile, Telecom Italia, Soft=ank 7o(ile, e)ccess, -okia, -S-, BT, >eriAon, 1e ts%e Telecom, C awei, CiSilicon, ? alcomm, Telenor, Sams n&, )lcatel+. cent, )TDT, 5S $ell lar, T+7o(ile, $)TT, $%ina Telecom Justification Stron& interest %as (een e<pressed in increasin& t%e capa(ilit! for t%e minim m n m(er of carriers t%at 58 can monitor. T%e n m(er of deplo!ed (ands and fre' encies %as increased si&nificantl! in recent !ears and t%e e<istin& minim m re' irements are seen to (e si&nificant limitations in f t re. T%ere are tradeoffs (etween n m(er of carriers w%ic% can (e monitored, reselection and %ando*er dela!s, 58 power cons mption and compressed mode@meas rement &ap densit! and 58 memor! sa&e, so caref l consideration is needed for t%e appropriate core and performance re' irements for cell identification and meas rements O !ecti"es CoreI Increase t%e minim m n m(er of inter+fre' enc! carriers and cells a 58 s%all (e a(le to monitor for 5TR) and for 85TR). T%e correspondin& workin& ass mptions are inter+fre' enc! and inter+R)T for 5TR) and 8+5TR)I o 5TR) F11 ma< 9 carriers For t%e total n m(er of cells, ma< "6 cells can (e considered as a si&nallin& limitation (! R)-2 T%e pper limit on t%e n m(er of cells@carrier can (e disc ssed o 8+5TR) F11 ma< " carriers o 8+5TR) T11 ma< " carriers inter+R)T for 8+5TR)I o 5TR) T11 ma< 6 carriers 7inim m re' irements for total n m(er of carriers to monitor in 29.133 and 36.133 s%all also (e addressed For 5TR) F11, Idle@5R)3P$C@$8..3P$C states and $8..31$C@$8..3F)$C state operation s%all (e considered. For 8+5TR) F11 and 8+5TR) T11, RR$ idle mode and RR$ connected state operation s%all (e considered. T%e work on inter+fre' enc! la!ers to (e monitored s%all (e prioritiAed o*er inter+R)T la!ers to (e monitored. )n! c%an&es s%all (e (ackwards compati(le from a core and performance re' irements point of *iew, ie t%e sol tion s%o ld not worsen e<istin& RR7 re' irements 2e.&., dela!s4 and power cons mption in t%e 58 w%en sin& t%e n m(er of carriers@cells a 58 can monitor in t%e e<istin& specification Re' irements s%all also (e de*eloped for 58 t%at s pport t%e optional capa(ilit! to make inter+fre' enc! and interR)T meas rements wit%o t &aps. O !ecti"es &erfI 1efine RR7 test cases for 58 t%at s pport increased minim m n m(er of carriers to (e monitored in 5TR) and 8+5TR)



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2014C

26ANJ(I44 R"dio ,nterwor3in =,@9A2004C

+a e (ore -i#is6 1(J0AJ2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' R4-1(2101 TSATR 2;.(04! 2;.(0A! 2;.((1! (A.(04! (A.(0A! (A.((1

Supporting Companies: Intel, $%ina 7o(ile, .; 8lectronics, )cer, >odafone, ITRI, 7ediaTek, -S-, -okia, B!ocera, 1ISC -etwork, $isco, Se' ans, Ip.access, Sprint, .; 5pl s, IT. Inc., Sams n&, =lack(err!, )TDT, Inter1i&ital, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, 5S $ell lar, B11I, -TT 1ocomo, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, >eriAon, TeliaSonera. Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 37."3# St d! on W.)-@3;PP Radio Interworkin& 2FS35TR)3.T83W.)-3interw4.
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title ;C004; St%dy on 26ANJ(I44 R"dio ,nterwor3in +ature of relatio#s6ip

Justification 58s sin& W.)- networks controlled (! 3;PP operators and t%eir partners often make s (optimal offload to@from W.)- decisions res ltin& in poor ser e<perience and inefficient reso rce tiliAation of operatorUs networks. )s part of t%e st d! on W.)-@3;PP radio interworkin& R)-2 %a*e identified a set of re' irements, ass mptions, scenarios and se cases t%at needed to (e addressed (! t%e st d!. R)-2 %a*e f rt%er defined t%ree sol tions to impro*e access network selection and traffic steerin& to@from W.)-. R)-G61 %a*e a&reed t%at sol tions for W.)-@3;PP radio interworkin& s%all s pport (ot% deplo!ments wit% and wit%o t )-1SF to satisf! different operator deplo!ments. T%is work item will standardiAe a sol tion to impro*e W.)-@3;PP access network selection and traffic steerin& t%at addresses re' irements from all operators. O !ecti"es CoreI to specif! mec%anism for W.)-@3;PP access network selection and traffic steerin& consistin&.

For t%e )ccess -etwork Selection partI Selected R)- assistance parameters transferred *ia s!stem (roadcast and@or dedicated si&nallin& sed wit%inI o R)- r les defined wit%in R)- W; specifications in case en%anced )-1SF is not deplo!ed in t%e network or not s pported (! t%e 58. o )-1SF policies in case en%anced )-1SF is deplo!ed in t%e network and s pported (! t%e 58. R)- assistance information ma! (e en%anced wit% W.)- identifiers in case )-1SF is not deplo!ed or not s pported (! t%e 58.

For t%e Traffic Ro tin& partI Selected R)- assistance parameters transferred *ia s!stem (roadcast and@or dedicated si&nallin& sed wit%inI o R)- r les specified in R)-2 W; specifications in case en%anced )-1SF is not deplo!ed or not s pported (! t%e 58. o )-1SF policies in case en%anced )-1SF is deplo!ed in t%e network and s pported (! t%e 58. R)- assistance information ma! (e en%anced wit% traffic ro tin& information 2e.&. offload &ran larit!4 in case )-1SF is not deplo!ed or not s pported (! t%e 58.

T%e sol tion is applica(le to 58s in RR$ I1.8 and RR$ $,--8$T81 states for 8+5TR)-, 58 I1.8 mode for 5TR)- and $8..3F)$C, $8..3P$C, 5R)3P$C and $8..31$C states for 5TR)-. T%e sol tion s pports deplo!ments wit% and wit%o t )-1SF. T%e sol tion s%all s pport co+e<istence of )-1SF wit% R)- r les w%en (ot% are deplo!ed. R)- s%all coordinate wit% S)2@$T1 to incorporate selected R)- assistance parameters into en%anced )-1SF policies and to resol*e an! dependencies t%at mi&%t arise as part of t%is WI. R)- s%all also coordinate wit% R)-9 to define test cases for t%e f nctionalit! defined as part of t%is WI.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;001 1 ;1001 1 ;1001 8 ;1002 0 ;C002 1 ;C002 8 ;C00( 0 ;C00( 1 A0001 2 A0001 ( A0001 4 A1002 4 A2004 0 A2004 1 A2004 1 ;100( ( ;1002 ;

6-B Fe"t%res
+a e BT* i# t6e 18?0-18?5 1:< Ea#" for ,S (o# 6ol") BT* i# t6e ,S &ireless (o u#i%atio#s Servi%e (&(S) Ea#" &3Arapporteur 6i #tS/%"red A-H&%"wei Alc"tel-6%cent CA-Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent C#in" -eleco* :od"fone No3i" C#in" -eleco* :erizon N-- @5C5<5! NBC &%"wei S"*s%n NSN Bricsson

3#tro"u%tio# of BT* 450 1:< 5a#" i# Era<il -urt6er 9ow#li#' 131O *#6a#%e e#t for BT* !"va#%e" -urt6er *#6a#%e e#ts to BT* T99 for 9B-,B 3#terfere#%e 1a#a4e e#t a#" Traffi% !"aptatio# :et+et 1o5ilit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for BT* -urt6er e#6a#%e e#ts for :e+E @ RD !#te##as for BT* ,B Bow %ost ; e#6a#%e" %overa4e 1T( ,* for BT* BT* T99--99 Koi#t operatio# i#%lu"i#4 (arrier !44re4atio# BT* (overa4e *#6a#%e e#ts -urt6er 1E1S operatio#s support for *-,TR!+ 9ual %o##e%tivit2 for BT* *-,TR! S all %ell e#6a#%e e#ts - P62si%al la2er aspe%ts 3#ter-e+E (oor"i#ate" 1ulti-Poi#t ((o1P) for BT* 9elete" - (arrier 5ase" :et+et 3(3( for BT* 9elete" - +ew (arrier T2pe for BT* Rel-12 BT* (arrier !44re4atio# o5ilit2-72-G&



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;011 1 ;;021 1

6-B in t#e 1A10-1A1; <&z ."nd for =S =,@9;;0011 'on #old)

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0;J12J201 4 (o p 1;N ;N :2perli#' R4121(81 R4121(81 StatusAReport R4-1(1A04 R4-1(1A0; TSATR 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.11(! 2;.1((! 2;.(0A! 2;.(01! 2;.((1! 2;.4A1! 2;.4AA! (4.124! (A.101! (A.104! (A.11(! (A.124! (A.1((! (A.(01! new -R (A.C(2 2;.1((! 2;.(0A! 2;.(01! 2;.((1! 2;.4A1! 2;.4AA! (4.124! (A.11(! (A.124! (A.1((! (A.141! (A.(01 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: Justification

.i&%tS' ared, ? alcomm Inc., )lcatel+. cent, F Eits , BT, )TDT Wireless

=and 2# 2.+=and4 is standardiAed in 3;PP .T8 to (e deplo!ed (! .i&%tS' ared in -ort% )merica. .i&%tS' ared contin es to %old a license from t%e F$$ to deplo! )T$ in (ot% t%e pper and lower se&ments of t%e =and+2#, ( t will *ol ntaril! %old off deplo!in& in t%e pper se&ment ntil t%e F$$ appro*es, and -TI) consents wit% s c% deplo!ment. $onse' entl!, .i&%tS' ared is plannin& to start its (and 2# deplo!ments in lower se&ment of .+=and initiall!. In addition, .i&%tS' ared %as ac' ired additional 97CA correspondin& to 1676+16797CA. ) nationwide license for sin& 9 7CA conti& o s (and of 1676+1679 7CA spectr m %as (een &ranted. T%e licensee c rrentl! licenses t%e 1.6 ;CA Spectr m p rs ant to a license from t%e F$$ &ranted on )pril 36, 2663, w%ic% e<pires on ,cto(er 1, 2613. F$$ R les allow 2666 Watts 8IRP from =ase Station, and # Watts 8IRP from 7o(ile 2$FR Title #7 Y27.962f44. )s per #7 $FR Y27.932k4, t%e power of an! emission o tside t%e licenseeUs fre' enc! (and of operation, s%all (e atten ated (elow t%e transmitter power 2P4 (! at least #3 J 16 lo& 2P4 d=. $ompliance wit% t%ese pro*isions is (ased on t%e resol tion (andwidt% of 1 7CA or less, ( t at least one percent of t%e emission (andwidt% of t%e f ndamental emission of t%e transmitter, pro*ided t%e meas red ener&! is inte&rated o*er a 1 7CA (andwidt%. O !ecti"esI 1efine t%e specific RF re' irements for t%e .T8 1. (and 1676+16797CA paired wit% 97CA 5. from 16#6.7 to 1691.77CA to operate in -ort% )merica. )dd t%e performance re' irements for t%is (and com(ination in t%e rele*ant specifications. R)-9 testin& aspects will (e considered



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1011 1 ;1021 1

6-B in t#e =S 2ireless Co**%nic"tions Ser$ice '2CS) ."nd =,@9;10011

:2perli#' R41(0C4( R41(0C4( StatusAReport R4-1(0;A8 R4-1(0;10 +otes R4EA0 co*pleted R4EA0 co*pleted TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.11(! (A.124! (A.1((! (A.(01! (A.((1! new -R (A.C4A (A.101! (A.1((! (A.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies:

)TDT, )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, ? alcomm, -okia

Justification I to specif! t%e deplo!ment of 3;PP .T8 tec%nolo&! in t%e (ands 2369 to 2319 7CA and 2396 to 2366 7CA 2known as t%e Wireless $omm nications Ser*ice (and, or XW$SU in t%e 5nited States4. T%is is commonl! known as =lock ) 22369+2319@2396+2399 7CA4 and =lock = 22316+2319@2399+2366 7CA4 in t%e W$S =and. T%e 2.3 ;CA (and is di*ided into fo r (locks as followsI ] ) and = (locks are eac% 16 7CA of paired spectr m 22<9 7CA4I ) (lockI 2369+2316, 2396+2399 7CA = (lockI 2316+2319, 2399+2366 7CA ] $ and 1 (locks are eac% 9 7CA npaired 21<9 7CA4I $ (lockI 2319+2326 7CA 1 (lockI 23#9+2396 7CA -,T8I T%e $ and 1 (locks will not (e deplo!ed at t%is time to allow for & ard(and limits for t%e S1)RS ser*ice from 2326+23#9 7CA.

)dditional tec%nical details are a*aila(le in %ttpI@@apps.fcc.&o*@ecfs@doc ment@*iew^id\7621023273.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1011 8 ;1021 8 A0000 ;

,ntrod%ction of 6-B 4;0 <&z +"nd in .r"zil =,@9;10018

:2perli#' R4121414 R4121414 R41(0A4A StatusAReport R4-1(0;A1 R4-1(1010 R4-1(14;1 +otes R4EA0 co*pleted. -R (A.C40 $100 for 1-step Appro$"l R4EA1 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.11(! (A.124! (A.1((! (1.104! (1.11(! (A.(01! new -R (A.C40 (A.1((! (A.141! (1.141 (A.;0C! (A.;21-1! (A.;21-2! (A.;21-( +a e (ore Perf Test

Supporting Companies: C awei, )lcatel . cent, $P'1, 8)1S, CiSilicon, 7ediatek, -8$, -okia, -S-, ? alcomm, Sams n&, Telecom Italia, HT8, 7otorola Sol tions Justification In R ne 2612 =raAil released licenses in t%e (ands 2.6 ;CA and #96 7CA. In partic lar, at #96 7CA t%e (and plan allocation is t%e followin&I plink #91+#9" 7CA and downlink #61+#6" 7CA. T%e entire (lock 27J7 7CA4 %as (een assi&ned to a sin&le operator, w%ile different operators %a*e (een assi&ned t%e (and in different states 2differentiation on &eo&rap%ical area4. $ rrentl!, 3;PP specifications does not co*er #96 7CA (and. ProposalI open a new WI in R)-# to specif! .T8 to operate in t%e #96 7CA (and takin& into acco nt t%e (and plan indicated a(o*e. )s part of t%e work item, s ita(le (and arran&ement s c% as d ple< &ap and R<@T< separation ass mptions need to (e identified for t%is new (and and re' irements will (e de*eloped (ased on t%e findin&s of t%is acti*it!.

,39 ;10120 ;10220

F%rt#er @ownlin3 <,<5 Bn#"nce*ent for 6-B Ad$"nced =,@9;10020

-i#is6 12J08J201 4 12J08J201 4 (o p 81N 10N :2perli#' R412141A R412141A StatusAReport R4-1(1;11 R4-1(1;1C +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG08J14 R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG08J14 TSATR (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.((1 (A.101 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $CTT., $%ina Telecom, 8TRI, CT$, Intel, ITRI, -8$, Sams n&, Borea Telecom, .;+8lectronics, .; 5pl s, 7ar*ell, -ew Postcom, $learwire, Pote*io, SB Telecom, Sprint, 5S $ell lar, CT m7o(ile , III, >eriAon Wireless, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei, Ci+ Silicon, HT8, B11I Justification 1. 7I7, en%ancements %a*e (een e*al ated, and s!stem t%ro &%p t impro*ements %a*e (een s%own wit% *ario s antenna confi& rations in (ot% macro and small cell deplo!ment scenarios. Followin& t%e st dies of t%e performance (enefits and t%e standardiAation impact of 1. 7I7, en%ancements, t%e specification work needs to start to capt re t%e desired areas of en%ancement.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C012 1 ;C022 1

F%rt#er Bn#"nce*ents to 6-B -@@ for @6-=6 ,nterference <"n" e*ent "nd -r"ffic Ad"pt"tion =,@9;C0021
-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 10N 0N :2perli#' R4121112 R4121112 StatusAReport R4-1(1;18 R4-1(1;20 +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.214! (A.(00! (A.(21! (A.((1! (A.41(! (A.42( (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: $)TT, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, =ollor_ Telecom, $)TR, $learwire, $7$$, 1o$o7o, 8ricsson, CiSilicon, C awei, Intel, Inter1i&ital, .; 8lectronics, 7ediaTek, -8$, -ewPostcom, -okia, -S-, Panasonic, Pote*io, ? alcomm, Renesas 7o(ile, Sams n&, S%arp, ST+8ricsson, HT8 Sta&e 3. Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 36."2" St d! on F rt%er 8n%ancements to .T8 T11 for 1.+5. Interference 7ana&ement and Traffic )daptation 2FS3.T83T113eI7T)4 5I13916630 Justification T11 offers fle<i(le deplo!ments wit%o t re' irin& a pair of spectr m reso rces. .T8 T11 allows for as!mmetric 5.+ 1. allocations (! pro*idin& se*en different semi+staticall! confi& red plink+downlink confi& rations. T%ese allocations can pro*ide (etween #6Q and 06Q 1. s (frames. T%e semi+static allocation ma! or ma! not matc% t%e instantaneo s traffic sit ation. 8*al ations in t%e correspondin& st d! item re*eal si&nificant performance (enefits (! allowin& T11 5.+1. reconfi& ration (ased on traffic adaptation in small cells. T%e pre*io s st dies also recommend interference miti&ation sc%eme2s4 for s!stems wit% T11 5.+1. reconfi& ration. O !ecti"esI specification of f rt%er en%ancements to .T8 T11 for 1.+5. interference mana&ement and traffic adaptation detailed in t%e followin& partsI R)-1, R)-2, and R)-3 specificationsV $ore re' irements in R)-# specifications Performance re' irements in R)-# specifications $onformance testin& in R)-9 specifications 2to follow4

,39 ;C0128

&etnet <o+ility Bn#"nce*ents for 6-B =,@9;C0028

+a e (ore -i#is6 0AJ0(J2014 (o p C0N :2perli#' R4-122001 StatusAReport R4-1(1;21 TSATR (A.1((! (A.(04! (A.((1

Supporting Companies: )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, -8$, -TT 1,$,7,, Intel, Sams n&, ? alcomm Incorporated, -okia $orporation, -S-, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Renesas 7o(ile, Inter+1i&ital , -ewPostcom, B11I, $)TT, >eriAon, )TDT, .; 8lectronics, F Eits , Telefonica, 7ediatek, HT8, C awei, CiSilicon, Pantec%, ,ran&e Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 36."30 St d! on Cet-et mo(ilit! en%ancements for .T8 2FS3Cet-et3e7,=3.T84 Justification Cet-ets can (e deplo!ed in sin&le carrier or m lticarrier en*ironments 2incl din& non+$) and $) cases4. Seamless and ro( st mo(ilit! of sers from .T8 macro to small =TS+la!er, and *ice *ersa, s%all (e s pported to ena(le offload (enefits. T%e SI on Cet-et mo(ilit! en%ancements s%owed t%at C, performance in Cet-et en*ironments is not as &ood as macro onl! en*ironment in terms of C, fail re and pin&+pon&s. Toda! a tonomo s 58 mo(ilit! state estimation is (ased p rel! on n m(er of e<perienced cell c%an&es, ( t wit%o t e<plicitl! taken t%e cell+siAe into acco nt w%ic% can also de&rade t%e C, performance. F rt%er, %i&%er C, fail res were o(ser*ed for pico to macro Cando*er. 8fficient small cell disco*er! is important to ens re efficient offload from macro to small cells w%ile conser*in& 58 (atter! especiall! for case w%ere cells are on different carriers. Scenarios wit% more =TS+la!ers and m ltiple carriers also means t%at t%ere are more potential error cases, and t%erefore (etter reco*er! proced res co ld %elp impro*e t%e o*erall s!stem ro( stness.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

O !ecti"esI impro*in& mo(ilit! performance in Cet-ets in sin&le carrier or m lticarrier en*ironments 2incl din& non+ $) and $) cases4. T%e work s%o ld foc s on t%e aspects or pro(lems alread! st died as part of t%e Rel+11 Cet-et mo(ilit! SI and doc mented in TR 36."30. ] ] ] ] Impro*e o*erall C, performance wit% re&ard to C, fail re rate and Pin&+pon& in Cet-et en*ironments. Impro*ed small cell disco*er!@identification t%at minimises (atter! cons mption wit%o t si&nificant impact on small cell offloadin& potential. W%ile not e<cl din& intra+fre' enc!, foc s s%o ld (e on inter+fre' enc! small cell disco*er!. Impro*ements to %elp wit% reco*er! from R.F to %elp impro*e t%e o*erall mo(ilit! ro( stness of Cet-et .T8 networks. 8n%ancements to C, performance d rin& lon& 1R: wit% foc s on impro*ements for Cet-ets

S%o ld take into consideration small cell en%ancements work in R)- and nnecessar! d plication of sol tions s%all (e a*oided.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C01( 0

F%rt#er en#"nce*ents for &eN. *o+ility->2-I2 =,@9;C00(0

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p A;N :2perli#' R412200A StatusAReport R4-1(1;22 +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 0(J14FG0AJ14 TSATR (A.(00! (A.41(! (A.42( +a e (ore

Supporting Companies: )lcatel+. cent, )TDT, 5(i' is!s, -S-, Citac%i , Inter1i&ital, 7its (is%i, -8$, ? alcomm, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell , Sams n&, Ip.access, ,ran&e Rel+16 C2e4-= 7o(ilit! 8n%ancements adds si&nallin& *ia %oriAontal R)- interfaces 2I r%, :24 to s pport C2e4-= to C2e4-= mo(ilit!. Rel+11 TR37."63 tri&&ered WI 5I1396661# partl! completed in Rel+11V remainin& work incl din& sol tion definition is Rel+12 Justification T%e Rel+16 WI for C2e4-= 7o(ilit! 8n%ancements 2RP+161#264 introd ced si&nallin& *ia %oriAontal R)- interfaces 2I r%, :24 for s pportin& C2e4-= to C2e4-= mo(ilit!. ) new Rel+11 work packa&e was a&reed at R)-G91, startin& wit% a feasi(ilit! st d!I + .T8 o S pport of :2 *ia ;W pro<! for 2C4e-= to Ce-= mo(ilit! %as (een st died and different sol tions %a*e (een pro*ided.

T%e stat s of t%e work performed d rin& t%e St d! Item was mat re eno &% to proceed wit% a Work Item and :2+;W was incl ded in RP+1211#7. Part of t%e work was completed in t%is WI, ( t t%e remainder incl din& definition of sol tions will (e completed in t%is WI. T%e o(Eecti*es reflect t%e a&reements made d rin& t%e work for RP+1211#7. O !ecti"esI f rt%er Ce-= en%ancements in R)-3. Foc s on t%e introd ction of an :2+;atewa! for en%anced mo(ilit! proced res for .T8. Stage $ and stage 3 -or. sha,, e performed for the introduction of an E$(Aate-ay entity -ith the fo,,o-ing properties + + + + T%e :2+;W s%all (e e<plicitl! defined ( t optional to deplo!. T%e :2 interface to t%e :2+;W s%all re se S$TP wit%o t an! c%an&es. T%e :2+;W s%all (e deco pled from t%e S1+;W. Priorit! s%o ld (e &i*en to minimiAe implementation impact on t%e e-= and Ce-=, t% s minimiAin& t%e standard impact.

( 'inimiFe the comp,exity of the E$(A>) + T%e :2+;W s%all not terminate 58+dedicated proced res 2onl! ro te in a similar wa! as e.&. t%e S1 Ce-= ;W4 + T%e :2+;W ma! terminate t%e non+58 dedicated proced res w%en appropriate. ( Connecti"ity: + ) Ce-= can connect to a peer 2C4e-= sin& eit%er direct :2 or t%ro &% :2+;W. + 1ifferent Ce-=s can connect to an e-= t%ro &% different :2+;Ws. + ) Ce-= can connect to ot%er 2C4e-= peers t%ro &% onl! a sin&le :2+;W. + :2 connections t%ro &% more t%an one :2+;W are not allowed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C02(1

C Rx Antenn"s for 6-B =6 =,@9;C00(1

!%ro#2 6-B9=69CRx-4erf Resour%e R4 :2perli#' R4-121108 StatusAReport R4-1(1;2( +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TSATR (A.104! (A.141 +a e Perf

Supporting Companies: $%ina Telecom, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, $)TR, $)TT, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina 5nicom, 8ricsson, C awei, -S-, Sams n&, Sprint, HT8 WI %as perf. part onl! 2as c%an&e from #R< to "R< %as no $ore spec impact4 Justification From t%e s!stem desi&n and deplo!ment of .T8 networks perspecti*e, impro*in& cell capacit! and cell co*era&e is critical for (ot% 1. and 5.. )s well known, 5. is traditionall! t%e performance (ottleneck for .T8 d e to t%e limitations on 5. T< power and ser e' ipment cost. T%is iss e (ecomes more serio s wit% t%e wider se of intelli&ent terminals and new applications like social networkin&, w%ic% make t%e &ap (etween 1. and 5. traffic load &rad all! s%rinkin&. T%erefore, 5. performance impro*ement is *er! important for operators w%en deplo!in& .T8. 1eplo!ment of " R< antennas at e-ode= is an efficient wa! to impro*e .T8 5. performance in terms of capacit! impro*ement, co*era&e e<tension as well as 58 T< power red ction. In addition, f rt%er optimiAation aspects s c% as sin& cross+polariAed antennas, potential se of %i&%er carrier fre' enc!, and ot%er optimiAations, co ld lead to more compact antennas and t% s ease t%e deplo!ment efforts for 5. " R< antennas. Cowe*er, t%e demod lation performance re' irements for " R< antennas at e-ode= are still a(sent. T%erefore, itUs proposed to specif! demod lation performance re' irements of " R< antennas for .T8 5.. O !ecti"esI Specif! t%e c%annel model for 5. " R< antennas Specif! t%e demod lation performance re' irements of " R< antennas for 5. c%annels o Identif! t%e performance re' irements set to (e specified, e.&., set of 5. p%!sical c%annels, T< antenna n m(ers, propa&ation conditions, etc.

Specif! t%e conformance tests of " R< antennas for 5. c%annels



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0011 2 A0021 2

6ow cost H en#"nced co$er" e <-C =B for 6-B =,@9A00012

-i#is6 0AJ0AJ201 4 1(J0(J201 ; (o p 2;N 0N :2perli#' R41(0C4C R41(0C4C StatusAReport R4-1(1;28 R4-1(1;(0 TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.201! (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.(00! (A.(02! (A.(0A! (A.(21! (A.((1 (A.101! (A.104! (A.1(( +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: >odafone, )TDT , TelefSnica, C awei, CiSilicon, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, -8$, Sierra Wireless, Sil*er Sprin& -etworks, >eriAon Wireless, F Eits , $)TT, -TT 1,$,7,, $%ina 7o(ile, Sams n&, -S-, Son!, ,ran&e, HT8, e)ccess, .; 8lectronics, 7ediaTek Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 36.""" 2FS3.$37T$3584. RPG66 work in R2@R# on %old til RPG61 2Sep 26134 to prioritiAe work to&et%er wit% ot%er new R2@R# WIs Justification: T%e pro*ision of 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications 27T$4 *ia cell lar networks is pro*in& to (e a si&nificant opport nit! for new re*en e &eneration for mo(ile operators w%ere, d e to t%e maEorit! of traffic (ein& dela! tolerant and low t%ro &%p t, t%e maEorit! of 7T$ de*ices operate onl! ;S7@;PRS, &i*en t%at s c% de*ices can (e de*eloped at lowest cost. T%e o(Eecti*e of t%e st d! item NSt d! on Pro*ision of low+cost 7T$ 58s (ased on .T8O was to nderstand if it wo ld (e feasi(le to specif! and ( ild an .T8 t%at %as t%e possi(ilit! to (e cost competiti*e to t%at of ;S7@;PRS de*ices, wit% t%e intention to moti*ate mi&ration of 7T$ traffic from 2; to .T8 networks. )not%er aspect of t%e st d! was to e*al ate w%et%er .T8 co*era&e co ld (e impro*ed for 7T$ de*ices wit% tar&et co*era&e impro*ement of p to 26d=, d e to t%ere e<istin& se cases w%ere 7T$ de*ice are deplo!ed deep inside ( ildin&s. TR 36.""" concl ded t%at it wo ld (e possi(le to specif! an .T8 de*ice for 7T$ wit% =ill ,f 7aterial cost compara(le to 8;PRS modem wit% a com(ination of cost red ction tec%ni' es. Ta(le 0.9+1 of TR 36.""" capt res .ink le*el sol tions st died, w%ic% are applica(le to (ot% F11 and T11. T%e st d! concl ded t%at a co*era&e impro*ement tar&et of 26d= for (ot% F11 and T11 in comparison to normal .T8 footprint co ld (e ac%ie*ed. F Cowe*er t%e TR 36.""" recommends a co*era&e impro*ement tar&et of 19d= for F11 considerin& t%e 58 power cons mption, spectr m efficienc!, specification impact and standardiAation effort. W%en com(ined wit% t%e implementation of low cost tec%ni' es, t%is co*era&e impro*ement ma! (e red ced in downlink dependent on cost red ction tec%ni' e t%at ma! (e adopted. O !ecti"es CoreI to specif! a new 58 for 7T$ operation in .T8 t%at also allows for en%anced co*era&e compared to e<istin& .T8 networks, wit% t%e followin& detailed o(Eecti*esI Specif! a new 58 cate&or!@t!pe for 7T$ operation in all .T8 d ple< modes s pportin& t%e followin& capa(ilitiesI o 1 R< antenna. o 1ownlink and plink ma<im m T=S siAe of 1666 (its. o Red ced downlink c%annel (andwidt% of 1.# 7CA for data c%annel in (ase(and, w%ile t%e control c%annels are still allowed to se t%e carrier (andwidt%. 5plink c%annel (andwidt% and (andwidt% for plink and downlink RF remains t%e same as t%at of normal .T8 58. -,T8I Red ced downlink c%annel (andwidt% for control c%annels in (ase(and co ld also (e considered if 8P1$$C wit% $SS is alread! considered in Rel+12 timeline (! ot%er work. Pro*ide a relati*e .T8 co*era&e impro*ement F correspondin& to 19d= for F11 F for t%e 58 cate&or!@t!pe defined a(o*e and ot%er 58s operatin& dela! tolerant 7T$ applications wit% respect to t%eir respecti*e nominal co*era&e. o Specif! t%e followin& tec%ni' es 2w%ic% s%all (e applica(le for (ot% F11 and T114 to ac%ie*e t%isI i. Simplification of PCI$C and P$FI$C f nctionalit! or alternati*e mec%anism to PCI$C and P$FI$C f nctionalit! so t%at co*era&e limited 58 is not constrained (! PCI$C and P$FI$C p%!sical c%annels ii. ) mec%anism2s4 to s pport scala(ilit! of spectral efficienc! impact for co*era&e impro*ement (! identif!in& 58 re' irin& additional co*era&e impro*ement and informin& e-= t%e amo nt of co*era&e t%e 58 re' ires. iii. Repetition@TTI ( ndlin& and e<tension to PS1 (oostin& for applica(le c%annels@si&nals identified d rin& st d! p%ase. i*. ) rela<ed re' irement for Npro(a(ilit! of missed detectionO for PR)$C.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


W%en definin& t%e detailed sol tions for t%e a(o*e co*era&e en%ancement tec%ni' es, relati*e spectral efficienc! impact and cost@power cons mption impact s%o ld (e taken into acco nt, and di*er&ence of sol tions (etween t%e new 58 cate&or!@t!pe and ot%er 58s 2mentioned a(o*e4 s%o ld (e minimised w%ere possi(le. )dditional tec%ni' es primaril! intended to miti&ate spectr m efficienc! impacts of en%anced co*era&e 2e*al ated in TR 36."""4 are not incl ded in t%is work item. Cowe*er, an e<ception ma! (e considered for tec%ni' es w%ere addin& an en%ancement later wo ld not (e feasi(le 2e.&. t%ose impactin& common c%annels4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0011 ( A0021 (

6-B -@@-F@@ Roint oper"tion =,@9A0001(

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0;J12J201 4 (o p ;;N 0N :2perli#' R41(1(88 R41(1(88 StatusAReport R4-1(1C(C R4-1(1C(8 TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.201! (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.(00! (A.(02! (A.(0A! (A.((1! new -R (A.C41 (A.101! (A.104! (A.1(( +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: -okia, $%ina 7o(ile, -S-, ? alcomm, $)TT, $)TR, -8$, 7ediatek, C awei, Cisilicon, ,ran&e, TeliaSonera, B11I, Sams n&, $eWIT, 1e tsc%e Telekom, T+7o(ile 5S), Soft(ank 7o(ile, BT, >eriAon Wireless, S%arp, 1)$+5P$, I)8SI, Panasonic, Intel, =lack=err!, HT8, III, Te<as Instr ments Justification: 8+5TR) s pports d ple< modes of (ot% F11 and T11. W%ile t%e interworkin& mec%anisms (etween 8+5TR) F11 and T11 %a*e (een specified, t%e (e%a*ior of terminals sim ltaneo sl! connected to t%e network on two 2or more4 (ands wit% different d ple< modes %as not (een specified. For operators wit% (ot% F11 and T11 spectr m, it is cr cial to identif! efficient mec%anism2s4 s c% t%at (ot% spectr m reso rces can (e f ll! tiliAed to impro*e s!stem performance and ser e<perience. T%e se of $) offers means to increase t%e peak data rates and t%ro &%p t (! a&&re&atin&, as %as (een disco*ered d rin& Rel+16 .T8 $) work, and it %as (een en%anced d rin& Rel+11 .T8 $) en%ancement work. 8fficient T11 and F11 spectr m sa&e and tiliAation of different tec%nolo&ies Eointl! are &ettin& more and more important for t%e f t re .T8 deplo!ments in order to cope wit% increased t%ro &%p t and capacit! needs. T%is increases need for s pportin& Eoint .T8 T11+F11 Eoint operations s c% t%at (ot% spectr m reso rces can (e f ll! tiliAed to impro*e s!stem performance and ser e<perience. It is e<pected t%at in t%e f t re .T8 F11 F T11 $) deplo!ment scenarios eit%er T11 or F11 cell ma! (e as P$ell and t%erefore, s pport for &eneric .T8 F11+ T11 $) wo ld (e needed. O !ecti"esI to en%ance .T8 T11 F F11 Eoint operation wit% .T8 T11+F11 carrier a&&re&ation feat re and potentiall! also wit% ot%er T11+F11 Eoint operation sol tions dependin& on t%e o tcome of t%e initial scenario e*al ation p%ase of t%e work item. T%e detailed o(Eecti*es incl deI Identif! deplo!ment scenarios of Eoint operation on F11 and T11 spectr m, and network@58 re' irement to s pport Eoint F11@T11 operation. =ased on t%e identified deplo!ment scenarios and network@58 re' irements, identif! possi(le ot%er sol tions for F11+T11 Eoint operation for e<ample m lti+stream a&&re&ation and d al+mode 58 s pportin& sim ltaneo s operation on (ot% modes in addition to .T8 T11+F11 carrier a&&re&ation. =ased on t%e work a(o*e consider w%et%er s c% sol tions, if an!, need to (e added to t%e Work Item itself, or in separate Work Items %ntroduction of L+0 +33(=33 Carrier Aggregation in Re,(#$ specification from RA*7:# unti, RA*7:4: Introd ce .T8 T11 F F11 $arrier )&&re&ation s pport incl din& eit%er T11 or F11 as P$ell satisf!in& t%e followin& conditions for t%e .T8 T11+F11 $) specification work. o 58s s pportin& F11 and T11 carrier a&&re&ation operation s%all (e a(le to access (ot% le&ac! F11 and le&ac! T11 sin&le mode carriers o .e&ac! F11 58s and 58s s pportin& F11 and T11 $) operation ma! camp on and connect t%e F11 carrier, w%ic% is part of t%e Eointl! operated F11@T11 network o .e&ac! T11 58s and 58s s pportin& F11 and T11 $) operation ma! camp on and connect t%e T11 carrier, w%ic% is part of t%e Eointl! operated F11@T11 network o -o new T11 5.+1. confi& ration is introd ced o ;eneric specification s pport startin& wit% R)-1 and R)-2 specification work for t%e e<istin& .T8 $) deplo!ment scenarios 1, 2, 3 and # defined in TS36.366 of Rel+11. 8*al ate (enefits and comple<it!, and identif! t%e impact to specifications t%at are rele*ant to t%e followin&I o 5. and 1. control c%annel str ct re o P%!sical .a!er proced res o [email protected] protocols o 58 and e-= core re' irements Introd ce t%e identified f nctionalities of t%e selected en%ancement met%ods to t%e rele*ant specificationsI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

5plink and downlink control c%annel str ct res 1ownlink and plink p%!sical la!er transmission and reception proced res [email protected] 5 interface protocols 58 and e-= core re' irements R)-# &eneric frame work re' irement definition 2an! (and specific re's will (e specified later in a separate WI4 o Identif! e<ample $) confi& rations for frame work re' irement work

,39 A0011 4 A0021 4

6-B Co$er" e Bn#"nce*ents =,@9A00014

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 12J08J201 4 (o p A0N 0N :2perli#' R41(0C(( R41(0C(( StatusAReport R4-1(1;21 R4-1(1;2C TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.(00! (A.(21! (A.((1 (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: $%ina Telecom, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $)TR, $)TT, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina 5nicom, $CTT., 8ricsson, F Eits , C awei, CiSilicon, Intel, Inter1i&ital, B11I, .; 8lectronics, 7ediaTek, 7otorola Sol tions, -8$, -II Coldin&s, -okia, -S-, ? alcomm, ST+8ricsson, >eriAon Wireless, HT8 Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 36."2# St d! on .T8 co*era&e en%ancements 2FS3$o*38n%3.T84. Justification: 7an! of t%e .T8+) en%ancements %a*e (een mainl! foc sin& on ens rin& %i&% peak rate and %i&% spectral efficienc!. Cowe*er, w%en rollin& o t .T8, operators are facin& c%allen&es in ens rin& proper co*era&e. $o*era&e en%ancement for data D *oice transmissions can (e seen (ot% in terms of e<tendin& cell ran&e for low data rates and in terms of impro*in& data rates at t%e cell ed&e. ,n&oin& work, e.&., on $o7P, 7I7, and 8n%anced $ontrol $%annels addresses co*era&e aspects as well, ( t it does not address t%e o*erall (alance (etween co*era&e of control and data c%annels, link directions and comm nication p%ases. T%is was in*esti&ated in t%e st d! item on .T8 $o*era&e 8n%ancements, w%ic% s%ows t%at t%e co*era&e (ottleneck of .T8 s!stems is in t%e plink, in partic lar t%e plink medi m data rate P5S$C and >oIP. Se*eral potential sol tions %a*e (een e*al ated and co*era&e (enefits are o(ser*ed, compared to Rel+16 performance (enc%mark. Followin& t%e st dies of t%e performance (enefits and t%e standardiAation impact of .T8 co*era&e en%ancements, t%e specification work needs to start accordin& to t%e final recommendation of t%e st d! item. O !ecti"esI to specif! t%e re' ired c%an&es to impro*e co*era&e of t%e plink data c%annel, tar&etin& >oIP and medi m data rate P5S$C and f lfil t%e followin& o(Eecti*es, takin& into acco nt t%e st d! doc mented in TR 36."2#. Specif! necessar! TTI ( ndlin& en%ancements to impro*e co*era&e for medi m data rate P5S$C, potentiall! incl din& at least t%e followin& aspectI + )llocatin& more t%an 3 PR=s per s (frame in conE nction wit% TTI ( ndlin& Identif! and specif! necessar! TTI ( ndlin& en%ancements to impro*e co*era&e for plink >oIP, potentiall! incl din& at least one of t%e followin& aspectsI + C)R? timin& + - m(er of TTIs ( ndled, incl din& fi<ed or fle<i(le ( ndle siAe + Time interlea*in& of ( ndled TTIs + P5$$C format 3 str ct re t!pe plink transmission mode 1etermine w%et%er TTI ( ndlin& s%o ld (e e<tended to more T11 5.+1. confi& rations Specif! t%e necessar! .2 protocols to s pport t%e identified co*era&e en%ancements Specif! applica(le 58 and e-= core re' irements In selectin& (etween en%ancements wit% similar performance, priorit! s%o ld (e &i*en to en%ancements wit% lower impact on t%e specifications, s!stem operation and implementation comple<it!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1012 4 A2001 (

F%rt#er <.<S oper"tions s%pport for B-=-RAN =,@9A10024

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 20N 0N :2perli#' R41(1AC1 R41(1AC1 StatusAReport R4-1(1;(4 +otes R4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ R41(1(A8FGR4-1(1AC1 '"dded 4erf p"rt) TSATR (A.1((! (A.214! (A.(00! (A.(04! (A.(0A! (A.((1! (A.41(! (A.42(! (1.(20 (A.1((! (A.214! (A.(00! (A.(04! (A.(0A! (A.((1! (A.41(! (A.42(! (1.(20 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: >eriAon, 7ediaTek, 1ISC -etworks, ? alcomm, 8ricsson, )lcatel+. cent, $learwire, $7$$, =lack=err!, $% n&%wa Telecom, ST+8ricsson, $)TT, Panasonic, $%ina 5nicom, CT$, $%ina Telecom, Se' ans, SB Telecom, -8$, ITRI, Intel, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, )TDT Justification 7 lticast =roadcast 7 ltimedia Ser*ices 27=7S4 ses 7 lticast+=roadcast Sin&le Fre' enc! -etwork 27=SF-4 transmission, w%ere si&nals from se*eral antennas from potentiall! different =ase Stations are com(ined in t%e 58. T%is com(inin& makes 7=SF- transmission different from nicast transmissions, makin& it diffic lt to se nicast transmission to *erif! t%e performance of 7=SF- transmission. 7=SF- transmission is nacknowled&ed. T%ere is no feed(ack to t%e R)- s c% as C)R? or R.$ acknowled&ements, meanin& t%at t%e R)- %as no knowled&e w%et%er transmissions are s ccessf ll! recei*ed or not. Cence, it is diffic lt for an operator to nderstand t%e ' alit! of ser*ices 7=7S (ein& deli*ered. T% s, t%e onl! wa! to *erif! and optimiAe 7=SF- radio transmission is to do man al dri*e test. 5nfort natel!, sin& man al dri*e tests for network optimiAation p rposes is costl!, contri( tes in en*ironmental emission of $,2 and more importantl!, comes wit% a limitation to meas rin& places alon& a dri*e ro te w%ic% is &enerall! not t!pical to w%ere c stomers cons me 7=7S ser*ices.. Cence, it is desira(le to %a*e a tomated sol tions, w%ic% pro*ide t%e a(ilit! for operators to &at%er information s c% as radio meas rements w%ic% are associated wit% c stomer 58s and se t%is information to assist network operation and optimiAation. T%is WI intends to ( ild on t%e earlier releases work on definin& t%e sol tions for 7inimiAation of 1ri*e Tests 271T4, in order to red ce t%e need for man al dri*e testin& for 7=7S. O !ecti"esI + Introd ce collection of 7=SF- 58 7eas rements wit% 58 &eo&rap%ical location, wit% t%e p rpose to s pport t%e followin&I >erification of 7=SF- act al si&nal reception S pport plannin& and reconfi& ration s c% as 7=SF- areas 7=7S operation parameters selections Specif! 7=SF- radio reception meas rement2s4 to (e collected tiliAin& t%e 3;PP 7inimiAation of 1ri*e Test 271T4 f nctionalit!. o o



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2014 0 A2024 0

@%"l connecti$ity for 6-B =,@9A20040

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0;J12J201 4 (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' R41(20A8 R41(20A8 TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.(00! (A.(02! (A.(0A! (A.(21! (A.(22! (A.(2(! (A.((1! (A.410! (A.41(! (A.420! (A.42( (A.101! (A.104! (A.1(( +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: -TT, -8$, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, =lack=err!, $)TR, $)TT, $%ina 5nicom, $%ina Telecom, $7$$, 1e tsc%e Telekom, e)ccess, 8ricsson, 8TRI, F Eits , C awei, CiSilicon, Intel, Inter1i&ital, B11I, BT $orp, .; 8lectronics, 7ediaTek, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, -S-, -okia, -TT 1,$,7,, ,ran&e, Panasonic, Pote*io, ? alcomm, Sams n&, S%arp, Soft=ank 7o(ile, Son!, Sprint, 5S $ell lar, >eriAon Wireless, HT8 Tri&&ered (! TR 36."#2 St d! on Small $ell 8n%ancements for 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)- F Ci&%er+la!er aspects 25I139"66##4 Justification )s t%e o tcome of St d! on Small $ell 8n%ancements from %i&%er la!er aspects, t%e followin& t%ree c%allen&es were identified for t%e scenarios w%ere macro and small cells are connected *ia non+ideal (ack%a lI 1. 2. 3. 7o(ilit! ro( stness Per+ ser t%ro &%p t en%ancements Increased si&nallin& load d e to fre' ent %ando*er

To address t%ese c%allen&es, a concept al sol tion of d al connecti*it! was st died. 1 al connecti*it! is t%e operation w%ere a &i*en 58 cons mes radio reso rces pro*ided (! at least two different network points 27aster and Secondar! e-=s4 connected wit% non+ideal (ack%a l w%ile in RR$3$,--8$T81. In t%e form of d al connecti*it!, a potential sol tion of a&&re&atin& ser plane radio reso rces for per+ ser t%ro &%p t en%ancements was st died and descri(ed as inter+node radio reso rce a&&re&ation in TR 36."#2. In t%e st d! item p%ase, tec%nolo&! potential ac%ie*ed (! Inter+ node radio reso rce a&&re&ation was E stified for t%e scenario w%ere macro and small cell are ser*ed (! different carrier fre' encies. 1ependin& on t%e tec%nolo&! realisation, mo(ilit! ro( stness and increased si&nallin& load can potentiall! (e addressed. $ontrol and ser plane protocol arc%itect re en%ancements were also st died to realise t%is potential tec%nolo&!. )ccordin& to t%e selected protocol arc%itect re en%ancements, specification work %as to (e cond cted for t%e s pport of 1 al $onnecti*it!. O !ecti"es CoreI to specif! 1 al $onnecti*it! operation, w%ere a &i*en m ltiple R<@T< 58 in RR$3$,--8$T81 is confi& red to tilise radio reso rces pro*ided (! two distinct sc%ed lers, located in 7aster and Secondar! e-=s. Takin& t%e concl sions of t%e St d! Item 236."#24 as startin& point, t%e work item s%o ld f lfil t%e followin& o(Eecti*esI + Introd ce f nctions and proced res to realise $+plane and 5+plane protocol and arc%itect res s pportin& alternati*es 1) and 3$. + Si&nallin& and protocol s pport for d al connecti*it! will first foc s on reconfi& rations in*ol*in& eit%er 1) or 3$, and reconfi& rations in*ol*in& (ot% 1) and 3$ will onl! (e later considered if re' irin& minimal additions.

+ +

Introd ce f nctions and proced res on t%e S1and :2 interfaces. Identif! and introd ce p%!sical la!er f nctionalities re' ired for t%e operation of 1 al $onnecti*it!. + )fter P5$$C mec%anisms are en%anced for d al connecti*it!, e<tendin& t%ose en%ancements to $arrier )&&re&ation to ena(le P5$$C transmission on S$ell2s4 for plink $arrier )&&re&ation capa(le 58s co ld (e considered if re' irin& minimal additional work.

Specif! correspondin& 58 and e-= core re' irements.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2014 1 A2024 1

B-=-RA S*"ll cell en#"nce*ents - 4#ysic"l l"yer "spects =,@9A20041

R1, R2,R#
Resour%e R1!R2!R4 R4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 12J08J201 4 (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' R41(201( R41(201( TSATR (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.211! (A.212! (A.21(! (A.214! (A.(00! (A.(0A! (A.(21! (A.((1! (A.41(! (A.42( (A.101! (A.104! (A.1((! (A.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: C awei, CiSilicon, $)TR, 1o$o7o, $7$$, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, $)TT, Telecom Italia, 8TRI, -S-, I)8SI, S%arp, Citac%i, 7its (is%i, 7ediatek, 8ricsson, )lcatel . cent, Panasonic, 1e tsc%e Telekom, )TDT, B11I, III, T+7o(ile 5S), -8$, ,ran&e, $CTT., B!ocera, -ew Postcom, Tel s, ITRI, CT$, Telenor, TeliaSonera, >eriAon, =roadcom , Telefonica, HT8 Tri&&ered (! TR 36."72 St d! on Small $ell 8n%ancements for 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)- F P%!sical+la!er aspects 25I139"66#14 Justification F rt%er en%ancements for indoor and o tdoor scenarios sin& low+power nodes were identified as one of t%e most important topics in t%e 3;PP works%op on Rel+12 and onward. )ccordin& to t%is (i& interest in small cell en%ancements, scenarios and re' irements for small cell en%ancements were st died and capt red in TR36.032. Takin& into acco nt t%ese scenarios and re' irements, potential tec%nolo&ies of p%!sical+la!er aspects for small cell en%ancements were st died and capt red in TR 36."72. For small cell spectr m efficienc! en%ancement, m ltiple impro*ement mec%anisms were e*al ated t%oro &%l! d rin& t%e st d! item, incl din& downlink %i&%er+order mod lation, o*er%ead red ction and control si&nalin& en%ancement. 1ifferent (enefits were o(ser*ed for eac% of t%e a(o*e mec%anisms in some scenarios, and downlink 296?)7 is prioritiAed amon& t%e mec%anisms. It was recommended in t%e st d! t%at for spectr m efficienc! impro*ement, R)-1 finds 1. %i&%er order mod lation, i.e. 296?)7, (eneficial in e*al ated indoor sparse small cell scenarios wit% low mo(ilit!, and recommends to s pports 1. %i&%er order mod lation, i.e. 296?)7.

For small cell efficient operation en%ancement, small cell on@off wit% disco*er! en%ancement and radio+interface (ased s!nc%roniAation were in*esti&ated and e*al ated compre%ensi*el!, wit% t%e followin& o(ser*ationsI R)-1 finds it (eneficial to introd ce t%e small cell on@off transition time red ction dependin& on t%e detailed sc%eme, and t%e &ain increases wit% decreasin& transition time. To s pport an en%anced transition time red ction, disco*er! proced re@si&nal2s4 is needed. If new disco*er! mec%anism is defined for small cell on@off, it ma! (e sed for ot%er p rposes wit%o t f rt%er optimiAation. )lt%o &% cells wit% red ced time scale of small cell on@off are not e<pected to (e a(le to ser*e le&ac! 58s wit%o t performance loss, t%ere is no pro(lem in mi<in& le&ac! 58s and small cell on@ off in t%e same carrier. In addition, t%e cells wit% le&ac! 58s not operatin& wit% red ced time scale of small cell on@off ma! o(tain performance &ain (! cells wit% red ced time scale of small cell on@off.

It is (eneficial to s pport radio interface (ased inter+cell s!nc%roniAation for cases w%en ot%er met%ods s c% as ;-SS or s!nc%roniAation o*er (ack%a l are not a*aila(le. -etwork listenin& sol tions %a*e (een considered and e*al ated. For t%e deplo!ment amon& t%e cells of different T11 operators deplo!ed in t%e same (and and same re&ion, mec%anisms to facilitate inter+operator s!nc%roniAation s%o ld (e considered.

O !ecti"es CoreI to specif! t%e mec%anisms for small cell en%ancements in p%!sical la!er, to impro*e t%e spectr m efficienc! for t%e 58s e<periencin& %i&% &eometr! or low fre' enc!+selecti*e and time+selecti*e fadin& c%annel , and to ens re t%e efficient operation of networks wit% small cell la!ers composed of small cell cl sters, takin& into acco nt of t%e st d! doc mented in 36."72. Spectr m efficienc! en%ancement wit% introd ction of %i&%er order mod lation, i.e., 296?)7, in t%e downlink transmission, w%ile keepin& e<istin& siAe of $?I feed(ack field and 7$S indication.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

8fficient operation wit% red ced transition time of small cell on@off in sin&le+carrier or m lti+carrier operation, wit% en%anced disco*er! of small cells P $an se e<istin& %ando*er, $) acti*ation@deacti*ation, d al connecti*it! 2if s pported4 proced res. -ew .1 proced re for acti*ated Scell operatin& on@off can f rt%er red ce transition time dependin& on t%e detailed sol tions P 1isco*er! proced re@si&nal2s4 are needed $ells operatin& a cell on@off ma! transmit disco*er! si&nal2s4 s pportin& at least for cell identification, coarse time@fre' enc! s!nc%roniAation, intra+@inter+ fre' enc! RR7 meas rement of cells and ?$.. 2-ote t%at ?$. is not alwa!s necessar! or possi(le dependin& on t%e proced re.4 T%is incl des s pport of disco*er! and meas rement en%ancement2s4 in 1. and its sa&e in related proced res. 8fficient radio interface (ased inter+cell s!nc%roniAation, i.e. network listenin&, in sin&le+carrier or m lti+carrier operation, wit% specif!in& t%e down+selected sol tions P =e a(le to s pport m ltiple strat m le*el (e!ond 3 %ops, e.&. # to 6 %ops. T%e n m(er of %ops confi& red in t%e network is dependent on scenarios. P Impro*e t%e ac%ie*a(le s!nc%roniAation acc rac! (ased on e<istin& RSs, e.&. (! impro*in& t%e %eara(ilit! of recei*ed RS for network listenin& at t%e tar&et cells P It s%o ld (e applica(le to small cell on@off and eI7T), and inter+operator T11 deplo!ment in t%e same (and Specif! t%e correspondin& 58 and e-ode = core re' irements in R)-# for t%e a(o*e mec%anisms and feat res. P RF re' irements to s pport downlink 296?)7, wit% consideration of t%e factors listed in t%e appro*ed .S R#+13#971 P =ase+(and and RR7 re' irements for efficient operation mec%anisms
T%e work plan for t%e work s%all (e t%e followin&I R)-1 work 2 p to R)-G6#4I Specif! p%!sical la!er aspects from R)-1G76 to R)-1G77 1ownlink 296?)7 Small cell on@off and disco*er! Radio interface (ased inter+cell s!nc%roniAation R)-2 work 2 p to R)-G6#4I Specification of .a!er 2@3 protocol aspects (ased on R)-1 sol tions, from R)-2G"9(is to G"6. 1ownlink 296?)7I RR$ si&nalin&, 58 capa(ilit! Small cell on@off and disco*er!I RR7 proced re, RR$ si&nalin& Radio interface (ased inter+cell s!nc%roniAationI RR$ si&nalin& if an! decided in R)-1 R)-3 work 2 p to R)-G6#4I Specif! necessar! si&nallin& *ia network interface accordin& to R)-1 s &&estions, from R)-3G"3(is to G"#. Small cell on@off and disco*er!I si&nalin& if an! decided in R)-1 Radio interface (ased inter+cell s!nc%roniAationI si&nalin& if an! decided in R)-1 R)-# work 2 p to R)-G6#4I Specif! an! re' ired modifications to 58 and e-ode = core re' irements, from R)-#G76 to G71, incl din& t%e necessar! RF re' irements of 296?)7, RR7 re' irements of efficient operation mec%anisms, i.e. small cell on@off and disco*er!, radio interface (ased inter+cell s!nc%roniAation



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A20141

,nter-eN. Coordin"ted <%lti-4oint 'Co<4) for 6-B =,@9A20041

+a e (ore Resour%e R(!R1 -i#is6 1(J0AJ2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' R4-1(210( TSATR (A.(00! (A.42(

Supporting Companies: Sams n&, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $)TT, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, $7$$, 1)$+5P$, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8TRI, 8ricsson, F Eits , C awei, I)8SI, B11I, BT $orp., .; 8lectronics, .; 5pl s, -8$, -ew Postcom, -S-, -TT 1,$,7,, ,ran&e, Pote*io, ? alcomm, SB Telecom, Sprint, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, T+7o(ile 5S), >odafone, HT8 Rel+11 did not address s pport of a network interface for $o7P in*ol*in& m ltiple e-=s wit% non+ideal (ack%a l 2affected operators mi&%t not take ad*anta&e of performance (enefit from inter+e-= $o7P operation4. Justification $oordinated m lti+point 2$o7P4 transmission and reception was introd ced in Rel+11 to impro*e t%e co*era&e of %i&% data rates, t%e cell+ed&e t%ro &%p t, and also to increase t%e s!stem t%ro &%p t. $o7P in Rel+11 did not address t%e specified s pport of a network interface for $o7P in*ol*in& m ltiple e-=s wit% non+ideal (ack%a l. 1 e to t%is limitation, t%e operators %a*in& non+ideal (ack%a l ma! not (e a(le to take ad*anta&e of performance (enefit from inter+e-= $o7P operation. T%e SI NSt d! on $o7P for .T8 wit% -on+Ideal =ack%a lO %as identified t%e cases t%at $o7P can pro*ide performance en%ancement and t%erefore en%ancement on network interface and si&nallin& messa&es s%o ld (e specified to allow implementin& (ot% centraliAed and distri( ted coordination foc sin& primaril! on macro+pico %etero&eneo s networks ( t also considerin& macro+macro %omo&eneo s networks. -ote t%at allowin& implementation of centraliAed coordination does not necessaril! mean t%at a new node s%o ld (e introd ced. O !ecti"es CoreI R)-1 and R)-3I + R)-3 to specif! si&nallin& of information to (e identified (! R)-1, for e<ampleI ,ne or more sets of $SI reports 2RI, P7I, $?I4 of indi*id al 58s ,ne or more meas rement reports 2RSRP4 of indi*id al 58s SRS recei*ed power of indi*id al 58s 5ser percei*ed t%ro &%p t of indi*id al 58s 2see TR 36."1# as a reference4 Reso rce tiliAation per cell PF metric of indi*id al 58s 8n%anced R-TP+t!pe information in fre' enc!@time@power@spatial domain 8n%anced )=S information in power and spatial domain ?$I Indication of reso rce coordination res lt or reso rce coordination re' est Reso rce allocation in fre' enc!@time@power@spatial domain 5sed confi& rations of reference si&nals, $SI processes and $SI+I7 confi& rations Indication of coordination res lt or coordination re' est for reference si&nal confi& rations, $SI processes and $SI+I7 confi& rations + Specif! necessar! proced res related to t%e a(o*e. R)-3I 1etermine w%et%er t%e a(o*e si&nallin& s%all (e introd ced to t%e :2 interface, or on a new interface if it cannot (e s pported (! :2.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


Rel-12 6-B C"rrier A


re "tion

) dedicated doc ment is a*aila(le at %ttpI@@www.3&pp.or&@ftp@Information@W,RB3P.)-@1escription3Releases@ as 3;PP3$arrier )&&re&ation for .T83////7711.Aip

,39 0 0 ;(002 ; ;A001 1 ;1001 2 ;1001 ( ;1001 4 ;1001 C ;1002 A ;C00( 2 ;C00( ( ;1001 ; ;C00( 4 ;8002 2 ;8002 4 ;8002 ; A0002 C A0002 8 A000( 0 A1001 1 A1001 C A1001 8 A1002 0 A1002 1 A2001 C A2001 8 A2002 0 A2002 1 A2002 2 A2002 ( A2001 2 0 ;8002 8 +a e Rel-12 BT* (arrier !44re4atio# Rel-12 i#ter-5a#" (! (1,B) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 4 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 23 a#" Ea#" 2) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 28 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 1) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" @ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 2@ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 28 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3) a#" Ea#" 41 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3@ a#" Ea#" 3) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1) a#" Ea#" 21 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 28 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 25 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 1@ - !""itio#al 5a#"wi"t6 %o 5i#atio# set BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 5 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" ? a#" Ea#" 2@ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 25 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 11 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 11 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 3 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 2@ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 4 - !""itio#al 5a#"wi"t6 %o 5i#atio# set BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 20 - !""itio#al %6a##el 5a#"wi"t6 Rel-12 i#ter-5a#" (! (2,B) BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !1 &3Arapporteur Bricsson --<o+ile =SA @,S& Networ3 ?N-- @5C5<5 Soft+"n3 <o+ile eAccess ?@@, C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile =S Cell%l"r Bricsson N-- @5C5<5 ?=S Cell%l"r ?@@, A-H&%"wei =.S. Cell%l"r Soft."n3 <o+ile Soft."n3 <o+ile 6I =pl%s C#in" =nico* ?@@, --<o+ile =SA N,, &oldin s ??:od"fone &%"wei


;8002 C ;8002 ( ;800( 1 ;;001 0 ;8002 A 0 A000( 1 A000( 2 A000( ( A000( 4 A000( ; A000( A A000( 1 A000( C A000( 8 A2002 4 A2002 ; A2002 A A2002 1 A2002 C A2002 8 A200( 0 A200( 1 A200( 2 A200( ( A200( 4 A200( ; A200; 0 A200; 1 A200; 2 A200; ( 0 ;1001 A ;C00( A ;8002 1 A0002 ; A1002 2 A200( A

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

D%"lco** Bricsson No3i" S? -eleco* Renes"s A-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-H:erizon :erizon :erizon ?6I =pl%s =.S. Cell%l"r =.S. Cell%l"r =.S. Cell%l"r A-HA-H:od"fone ?=.S. Cell%l"r A-HA-HS? -eleco* :od"fone :od"fone :od"fone C#in" =nico* N,, &oldin s C#in" <o+ile @is# Networ3 Alc"tel-6%cent 5r"n e

BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !2 BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !3 BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !4 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 5 wit6 2,B BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !5 Rel-12 i#ter-5a#" (! (39B=1,B) BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 1? a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 2) a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 1? a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 2) a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" @ BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 5 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 3> Ea#" ? a#" Ea#" 20 BT* !"va#%e" 3 5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 3> Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 4> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 4> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 4> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio#(39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 5 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 20 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" ? a#" Ea#" 20 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" ?> Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 20 Rel-12 i#tra-5a#" (! ((o#ti4uous) BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 3 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 3) BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 23 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 41 for 39B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" ? - !""itio#al 5a#"wi"t6 %o 5i#atio#s


;A001 ; 0 ;(002 8 ;;001 1 ;A001 A ;C00( ; A0002 2 A0002 ( A0002 4 A0002 A A1002 ( A200( C A200( 8 A1001 (

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

?@@, Sprint S? -eleco* --<o+ile =SA Bricsson No3i" Sprint --<o+ile =SA @is# Networ3 Bricsson Sprint! Alc"tel6%cent &%"wei

9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 1 Rel-12 i#tra-5a#" (! (+o#-(o#ti4uous) BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 25 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 3 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 4 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio#G fra ewor' reFuire e#ts for 2,B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 41 for 2,B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 4 for 2,B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 23 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 2 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 41 for 3 9B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 42 Rel-12 Testi#4 Test partG -urt6er %o#fi4uratio#s for BT* !"va#%e" (arrier !44re4atio# of i#tra-5a#" a#" i#ter-5a#"




Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C002 C A0001 1 A1002 ; A1002 A A200; 4 A200; ; A2004 8

=-RA Fe"t%res
+a e :SP! si4#alli#4 e#6a#%e e#ts for resour%e usa4e for B(R :+E Positio#i#4 for ,TR! ore effi%ie#t !%ro#2 6CR9-@@9&S4A9si n9en# =-RA9&N.94os =-RA9@C&en# =-RA9&etNet9*o+ =-RA9&etNet9en# =-RA9S,.en# B@C&9en# Resour%e R1!R2!R(!R4 R( R1!R2!R(!R4 R2!R(!R4 R1!R2!R(!R4 R2!R1!R(!R4 R2 &3Arapporteur CA-Alc"tel-6%cent D%"lco** &%"wei &%"wei Bricsson Bricsson

9e"i%ate" (6a##el (9(:) e#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS ,1TS 1o5ilit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for 6etero4e#eous #etwor's ,1TS :etero4e#eous +etwor's e#6a#%e e#ts *#6a#%e" Eroa"%ast of S2ste 3#for atio#

-urt6er *#6a#%e" ,pli#' (*,B) e#6a#%e e#ts

,39 ;C012C ;C022C

&S4A si n"llin en#"nce*ents for *ore efficient reso%rce %s" e for 6CR =,@9;C002C
Resour%e R1!R2!R( R4 :2perli#' R4-1218C4 R4-1218C4 StatusAReport R4-1(1488 R4-1(08AC +otes R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA1 co*pleted TSATR 2;.222! 2;.224! 2;.((1! 2;.42(! 2;.4(( 2;.102 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies:

$)TT, $)TR , $%ina 7o(ile, -ew Postcom, T1 Tec%, HT8, Pote*io

Tri&&ered (! Rel+11 TR 29."7# St d! on CSP) feed(ack and si&nallin& efficienc! en%ancements for .$R T11 2FS3.$RT113CSP)en%4 5I139#6626 Justification: Wit% t%e increasin& of n m(er of mo(ile sers and di*ersit! applications, %ow to impro*e t%e efficienc! of t%e s!stem reso rce sa&e and impro*e t%e serUs e<perience (ecomes more important. )ccordin& to t%e c rrent specifications, -ode = can onl! allocate t%e rectan& lar CS+P1S$C@8+P5$C reso rces to t%e 58, i.e., t%e c%anneliAation codes@,>SF codes of all t%e allocated timeslots are t%e same. Cowe*er, t%e CS+P1S$C@8+P5$C reso rce pools are s all! not rectan& lar d e to t%e e<istence of 1P$C and@or control c%annels in t%e practical network. T% s t%e 58 ac%ie*a(le data rate is limited since -ode = cannot allocate all t%e a*aila(le reso rces to a sin&le 58. =esides, t%e cell spectral efficienc! is affected since more control c%annels are needed to f ll! se t%e a*aila(le reso rces. In order to impro*e 58 data rate and cell spectral efficienc!, t%e a(o*e scenario and potential sol tions were st died in t%e st d! item CSP) feed(ack and si&nallin& efficienc! en%ancements for .$R T11 in Rel+11 . T%e concl sion is t%at t%e new met%ods for CSP) si&nallin& en%ancement for more efficient reso rce sa&e are recommended to (e specified. =ased on t%e recommendation of t%e st d! item, a new work item is proposed to standardiAe t%e correspondin& sol tions to ac%ie*e non+rectan& lar reso rce allocation, i.e. t%e c%anneliAation codes@,>SF codes of all t%e allocated timeslots can (e different. O !ecti"esI specification of CSP) si&nallin& en%ancements for more efficient reso rce sa&e for .$R T11.

,39 A0011 1

&N. 4ositionin for =-RA =,@9A00011

:2perli#' R41(20(1 StatusAReport R4-1(1814 +otes R4EA2 closed "t C;N co*pletion. Not co*pleted wor3 on &N. positionin J No consens%s '*"y +e -B,12! if contri+%tion "nd s%pport). =pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0CACFGR4-1(20(1 '&N. position w"s not "ddressed in t#is 2,! #owe$er it w"s N5- re*o$ed fro* t#e 2,@) TSATR 2;.(0;! 2;.4A1! new -S 2;.410 +a e (ore

Supporting Companies:

)lcatel+. cent, 5(i' is!s, Ip.access, Citac%i, ? alcomm, )TDT



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Justification: 8n%ance positionin& can (e ac%ie*ed sin& t%e I pc interface (etween a S)S and an R-$, in t%is case represented (! t%e C-=+;W. T%e C-=+;W will look to t%e I pc as a sin&le R-$ and t%ere is no iss es wit% sin& t%is interface, %owe*er, (etween t%e C-=+;W and t%e C-= t%ere is no defined protocol stack to s pport P$)P (etween C-= and C-=+;W, w%ic% will need t%e s pport of S$$P like f nctions not present on t%e I %. T%is co ld (e ac%ie*ed (! e<tendin& P$)P s pport in an C-= to also allow positionin& of t%e 58s nder C-=. O !ecti"esI )llow s pport for positionin& for 58s nder C-=s (! s pportin& P$)P o*er t%e I % interface. 1efine a protocol to transport P$)P messa&es o*er I % 2similar to R5)4. 1efine t%e interworkin& aspects needed for s pportin& P$)P (etween S)S and C-= in t%e C-=+;W. $onsider s pport of C-= positionin& as well as 58 positionin&

T%is is applica(le onl! to %ome =S power class as defined in 29.16#.

,39 A1012 ; A1022 ;

@edic"ted C#"nnel '@C&) en#"nce*ents for =<-S =,@9A1002;

Resour%e R1!R2!R(!R4 R4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 20N 0N :2perli#' R41(1(;1 R41(1(;1 StatusAReport R4-1(1;0( R4-1(1;04 TSATR 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.211! 2;.212! 2;.21(! 2;.214! 2;.21;! 2;.(0A! 2;.(0C! 2;.(21! 2;.((1! 2;.42(! 2;.4(( 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1(( +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies:

? alcomm, 7ediaTek, 7star, ITRI, $% n&%wa Telecom, C awei, HT8, $%ina 5nicom

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 29.762 St d! on 1edicated $%annel 21$C4 en%ancements for 57TS 2FS35TR)31$Cen%4 5I139"66#6. Sta&e 2@3 Justification In t%e recent releases, 3;PP %as foc sed on en%ancin& t%e efficienc! of %i&% speed c%annels leadin& to si&nificant network data capacit! &ain. It is also widel! (eneficial for operators to en%ance t%e link efficienc! of 1$C for certain ser*ices leadin& to a f rt%er impro*ement in network data capacit!. For e<ample t%e 1$C is still a *er! attracti*e option to ser*e $S *oice. T%e a(ilit! to confi& re soft %ando*er on (ot% downlink and plink impro*es t%e relia(ilit! of si&nalin& and *oice deli*er! at cell ed&e, and minimiAes call drop ratio. ,ptimiAin& 1$C efficienc! will pro*ide (enefits to (ot% $S and PS@data capacit!. ) st d! item recentl! concl ded on t%e in*esti&ation of en%ancements to t%e efficienc! of 1$C c%annels on (ot% t%e plink and downlink in 57TS. T%ese en%ancements were s%own to pro*ide si&nificant data t%ro &%p t &ains in scenarios in*ol*in& a mi< of *oice and data transfer w%en $S *oice is carried o*er 1$C. F rt%ermore, t%ese en%ancements co ld si&nificantl! increase t%e 58 (atter! life or talk time as well. =ased on t%e o tcome of t%e st d!, it is proposed to specif! 1$C en%ancements in Rel+12. O !ecti"esI I $onsider f rt%er and specif! t%e followin& 1$C en%ancements toward 1. Frame 8arl! TerminationsI 1. 1P$$C Slot Format ,ptimiAation 1. transport c%annel m ltiple<in& for Frame 8arl! Termination 1. )$B Indicator desi&n for 5. F8T 1P$C Time 1omain 7 ltiple<in& $onsider f rt%er and specif! t%e followin& 1$C en%ancements toward 5. Frame 8arl! TerminationsI 5. 1P$$C Slot Format ,ptimiAation 5. transport c%annel m ltiple<in& for Frame 8arl! Termination 5. )$B Indication for 1. Frame 8arl! Termination Introd ce t%e identified f nctionalities of t%e selected 1$C en%ancements to t%e rele*ant specificationsI 5plink and downlink control and data c%annel str ct res P%!sical la!er transmission and reception proced res 5plink and downlink transport c%annel m ltiple<in& [email protected] 5 interface protocols



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

5TR)- I ( and I r interface protocols 58 RF core re' irements T%e a(o*e en%ancements are intended to tar&et )7R *oice o*er 1$C, and@or SR= o*er 1$C 2w%ere applica(le4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1012 A A1022 A

=<-S <o+ility en#"nce*ents for #etero eneo%s networ3s =,@9A1002A

Resour%e R2!R(!R4 R4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 20N ;N :2perli#' R41(1(4C R41(1(4C StatusAReport R4-1(1;0; R4-1(1;0A TSATR 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141! 2;.(04! 2;.(0A! 2;.((1! 2;.4(( 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: C awei, CiSilicon, $%ina 5nicom, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, Telefonica, 8ricsson, =lack=err!, ? alcomm Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 29."66 St d! on 57TS %etero&eneo s networks 2FS35TR)3%etnet4 5I1397662#. Sta&e 2@3 Justification 7o(ile data traffic is &rowin& ' ickl! and will contin e to &row d e to t%e increasin& penetration of smart p%ones and t%e increasin& se of data and *ideo ser*ices. To meet t%ese re' irements, t%e deplo!ment of .P- 2micro cell, pico cell4 is identified as a powerf l sol tion to ' ickl! e<pand t%e network capacit! in an efficient wa!. 7o(ilit! en%ancements were st died in t%e SI p%ase for 57TS Cetero&eneo s networks and fo nd (eneficial. T%is WI tar&ets mo(ilit! en%ancements as disc ssed nder t%e st d! item scope. T%e work s%all consider en%anced mo(ilit! s pport of Cetero&eneo s -etworks for co+c%annel and dedicated fre' enc! deplo!ments. T%e work s%o ld foc s on t%e aspects or pro(lems alread! st died as part of t%e NSt d! on 57TS Cetero&eneo s -etworksO. O !ecti"esI I $onsider sol tions for small cell disco*er! and identification. Foc s s%o ld (e on pro<imit! detection 258 (ased, -W (ased, 58 (ased -W assisted4 and t%e rela<ed inter+fre' enc! meas rements for 58 in -on 1$C state 2R)-2, R)-3, R)-#4 $onsider sol tions to impro*e mo(ilit! for 58s wit% %i&% speed. 2R)-2, R)-#4 $onsider sol tions to s pport mo(ilit! f nction for massi*e small cell deplo!ments foc sin& on e<tended -$. list. 2R)-2,R)-3, R)-#4 $onsider f rt%er mo(ilit! en%ancements 2e.&. intra+fre' enc! e*ent tri&&ered reportin& on t%e secondar! carrier4. 2R)-2, R)-#4



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A201; 4 A202; 4

=<-S &etero eneo%s Networ3s en#"nce*ents =,@9A200;4

Resour%e R1 R4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 12J08J201 4 (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' R41(2014 R41(2014 TSATR 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141! 2;.211! 2;.212! 2;.21(! 2;.214! 2;.(04! 2;.(0A! 2;.((1! 2;.4(( 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies:

C awei, CiSilicon, $%ina 5nicom, -S-

Tri&&ered (! t%e 2nd part of TR 29."66 2FS35TR)3Cet-et4V t%e 1st part is addressed (! 5TR)3Cet-et3mo( 5I13616626 Justification 7o(ile data traffic is &rowin& ' ickl! and will contin e to &row d e to t%e increasin& penetration of smart p%ones and t%e increasin& se of data and *ideo ser*ices. To meet t%ese re' irements, t%e deplo!ment of .P- 2micro cell, pico cell4 is identified as a powerf l sol tion to ' ickl! e<pand t%e network capacit! in an efficient wa!. Se*eral aspects were st died in t%e SI p%ase for 57TS Cetero&eneo s networks and fo nd (eneficialI ] ] ] ] $o+c%annel interference mana&ement S pport 7 lti+flow and ran&e e<pansion $I, adaptation for co+c%annel and m lti+carrier deplo!ment -)I$ 2-etwork )ssisted Interference $ancellation4

O !ecti"e CoreI T%e work s%all consider en%anced s pport of Cetero&eneo s -etworks for co+c%annel, dedicated fre' enc!, and m lti+carrier. T%e work s%o ld foc s on t%e aspects or pro(lems alread! st died as part of t%e NSt d! on 57TS Cetero&eneo s -etworksO. T%e detailed o(Eecti*es of t%is work item areI $o+c%annel interference mana&ement + Specif! sol tions to miti&ate 5.@1. im(alance. 2R)-1@2@3@#4 o ) sol tion to ens re t%e relia(ilit! of CS+1P$$C and ot%er plink c%annels 21P$$C, 8+1P$$C and 8+ 1P1$C4, considerin& t%e introd ction of additional c%annels or d!namic power adE stments of control and data c%annels. ) Sol tion to minimiAe t%e interference &enerated (! 58s t%at are not in soft %ando*er towards macro and .P- (ase stations. $onsider 8<tended )cti*e Set and f rt%er I$I$ to appl! to s c% 58s. $onsider s pport for 8+1$C deco plin& for Rel+12 terminals. Sol tions needin& new o*er+t%e+air si&nallin& need to ens re t%at &ains are promisin& and downlink control si&nallin& transmitted (! t%e .Pis relia(le w%en t%e macro cell is t%e dominant cell in downlink.

o o

8<tend t%e $I, ran&e to s pport ran&e e<pansion for co+c%annel and m lti+carrier deplo!ment wit% and wit%o t m lti+flow, e.&. 1F1$. 2R)-2@R)-3@R)-#4 $onsider to I ( si&nallin& of $I, adaptation for co+c%annel and m lti+carrier deplo!ment needin& to ens re capacit! impro*ements. 2R)-34 -)I$ 2-etwork )ssisted Interference $ancellation4 + $onsider sin& -)I$ to en%ance .P- ed&e 58 performance. =ot% pre+decodin& and post+decodin& I$ s%o ld (e considered and t%e &ains and relia(ilit! of needed si&nalin& to ena(le I$ s%o ld (e e*al ated. Specif! t%e aspects w%ic% ens re t%e impact on 7acro capacit! is minimiAedI o o o o -etwork si&nalin& t%at ena(les I$ at t%e 58. R)-1@2@34 Specif! -)I$ 58 re' irements. 2R)-1@#4 S pport for coordinated sc%ed lin& (etween macro and .P-s. 2R)-1@2@34 T%e desi&n s%o ld ens re t%at t%e impact on non+I$ capa(le le&ac! 58s is minimiAed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A201; ; A202; ;

Bn#"nced .ro"dc"st of Syste* ,nfor*"tion =,@9A200;;

Resour%e R2!R1!R(!R4 R4 -i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 0;J12J201 4 (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' R41(2011 R41(2011 TSATR 2;.101! 2;.1((! 2;.211! 2;.212 ! 2;.21(! 2;.214! 2;.(01! 2;.(02! 2;.(04! 2;.(0A! 2;.(21! 2;.((1! 2;.4(( 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies: Silicon.

8ricsson, ? alcomm, Son!, Telefonica, ,ran&e, Soft(ank, e)ccess, -S-, C awei, Ci+

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 5TR) TR 29.76# St d! on 8n%anced =roadcast of S!stem Information 2FS35TR)3SI=en%4. Justification T%e e<istin& (roadcast of s!stem information mec%anism was introd ced in 3;PP in Release 00 and %as not (een c%an&ed since t%en. S!stem information t!picall! carries (asic information for t%e 58 to se in Idle 7ode and in $onnected 7ode w%ic% is t!picall! common to all 58s. 1 rin& t%e different releases, t%e amo nt of information carried in s!stem information %as increased considera(l!. For e<ample, some of t%e Rel+", and Rel+11 feat res %a*e introd ced a lar&e amo nt of information in s!stem information. It is also e<pected t%at Rel+12 also impacts S!stem Information d e to t%e c rrent Work Items in Rel+12. )s a res lt of new CSP) f nctionalit! d rin& t%e past R)- releases t%e a*aila(le =$C capacit! is arri*in& to its limits. $ rrentl! t%e one wa! to fit new s!stem information on t%e (roadcast c%annel is to sc%ed le t%e transmission of e<istin& information less often. T%is res lts in lon&er times for t%e 58 to ac' ire t%e necessar! SI=s, w%ic% co ld increase t%e call set p time and p+switc% times (etween different states in $onnected 7ode. It will also increase o ta&e times at inter+R)T and Inter+fre' enc! cell reselection. $onsiderin& t%at 58s will spend more time in 5R)3P$C, $8..3P$C and $8..3F)$C states in t%e f t re, it is e<tremel! important to not de&rade t%e c rrent performance of t%ese states. O !ecti"e CoreI is twofoldI on t%e one %and, to address t%e increase of s!stem information wit%o t ne&ati*el! affectin& t%e end+ ser performance, on t%e ot%er %and, to offload t%e c rrent =$C. Sol tions need to (e e*al ated. 8*al ated sol tions s%o ld take into acco nt t%e followin& desi&n criteriaII ,*er%ead needs to (e red ced@limited. Re tiliAation of c rrent mec%anisms s%o ld (e considered, P%!sical c%annels w%ic% can (e considered are P+$$P$C, S+$$P$C or CS+P1S$C Sol tions s%o ld co+e<ist wit% c rrent =$C i.e. c rrent =$C s%o ld still (e sed (! le&ac! 58s and carr! Rele+12 and onwards si&nallin&.

,t%er secondar! aspects ma! (e taken into acco nt if t%e (enefits o twei&% t%e comple<it! e.&. power cons mption red ction.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2014 8 A2024 8

F%rt#er Bn#"nced =plin3 'B=6) en#"nce*ents =,@9A20048

Resour%e R2!R1!R(!R4 R4 -i#is6 12J12J201 4 1(J0(J201 ; (o p 0N 0N :2perli#' R41(201C R41(201C TSATR 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141! 2;.211! 2;.212! 2;.214! 2;.(04! 2;.(0A! 2;.(0C! 2;.(18! 2;.(21! 2;.((1! 2;.42(! 2;.42;! 2;.4((! 2;.4(; 2;.101! 2;.104! 2;.1((! 2;.141 +a e (ore Perf

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ? alcomm, C awei, Ci+Silicon, >odafone, -S-, Inter1i&ital

Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 5TR) TR 29.766 St d! on F rt%er 8n%anced 5plink 285.4 en%ancements 2FS381$C3en%4. Justification In t%e past few !ears, a considera(le increase in n m(er of sers as well as offered traffic per ser %as (een e<perienced in CSP) networks, (ot% in t%e downlink and in t%e plink. In response to t%is, se*eral feat res %a*e (een standardiAed in 3;PP. T%ese incl de m lti+carrier CSP), downlink and plink $8..3F)$C state en%ancements, and introd ction of downlink and plink 7I7,. Cowe*er, m c% of t%e foc s %as (een on impro*in& downlink performance and f rt%er en%ancements are needed for t%e plink to %andle increasin& traffic load as well as new traffic t!pes. O !ecti"e CoreI to specif! tec%nical sol tions for increasin& t%e plink capacit!, co*era&e and end ser performance 2e.&. latenc!, ac%ie*a(le rates, etc.4. T%e impro*ements s%o ld address followin& scenarios + + Impro*ements to plink ser plane cell capacit! wit% %i&% n m(er of sers Impro*ements to plink co*era&e and latenc!

T%e detailed o(Eecti*es of t%is work item areI + 85. co*era&e impro*ements for sin&le and m lti R)=, (! means of TTI switc%in& and 5PC meas rements impro*ementsV + Impro*ements to c rrent access control mec%anism to pro*ide a more fle<i(le approac% for 5TR)- to primaril! control $onnected 7ode in case of plink o*erload. Identified sol tions incl deI + differentiation of access dela!s or access restrictions accordin& to 5TR)- assi&ned priorities for 58Ps in $onnected 7ode. Idle 7ode ma! (e considered. + in addition, ot%er en%ancements co ld (e considered 2e.&. wait timers for $S and PS domain, wrap+aro nd for *al e ta&, 1S)$@PP)$ pdates in $8..31$C4 + Introd ce en%ancements for ena(lin& %i&% ser (itrates in sin&le and m lti+carrier plink mi<ed+traffic scenarios. T%ree main areas are identifiedI a4 1T:@1R: en%ancements 2e.&. deco ple 1R:@1T: parameters (etween primar! and secondar! carriers, increase 1T: c!cles, increase 1R: c!cles, independent 1T: parameteriAation4 (4 Impro*ed &rantin&I Impro*ed &rantin& for secondar! carriers and T17 operation c4 Impro*ed power control after lon& 1T: &ap on secondar! plink fre' enc!, if performance iss es d e to lon& data interr ption are fo nd. + Red ce 5. control c%annel o*er%ead for CSP) m lti+R)= operation (! means of CS+1P$$C o*er%ead red ction.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(000 2 ;1000 2 ;800( ( A2001 4

IBRAN Fe"t%res
+a e 3#tro"u%tio# of *R-GS1 5a#" for GS1-R 9ow#li#' 1ulti (arrier G*R!+ 1o5ile Statio# Re%eive 9iversit2 (1SR9) for Voi%e Servi%es over !"aptive 1ulti-user %6a##els o# O#e Slot (V!1OS) +ew Trai#i#4 SeFue#%e (o"es (TS() for G*R!+ !%ro#2 R-9BRIS< @<CI <SR@9:A<5S New-oN Resour%e I1!C1!I(new I2!I1!C1!I(ne w I1!I2!C1!I(ne w I1!I2!C1 &3Arapporteur ?"psc# C"rrierco*! Sierr" 2ireless Bricsson NSN! No3i" Bricsson

,39 ;(010 2 A1001 A ;(020 2

,ntrod%ction of BR-IS< +"nd for IS<-R 'R-9BRIS<) =,@9;(0002

;1,$1, ;3new
Resour%e I1 -i#is6 2CJ02J201 4 2CJ02J201 4 0AJ12J201 ( (o p 80N :2perli#' I41(0CC8 I41(0CC8 I41(0CC8 +otes I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG02J14. I4E;1 "ppro$ed 2,@. ,ntrod%ction of BRIS< +"nd! 4erfor*"nce re/%ire*ents "nd @eploy*ent scen"rios I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG02J14 C4EA2 co*pleted. Added BRIS< c"p"+ility indic"tion '24.00C CRE24A8R1) TSATR 4;.001! 4;.00;! 4;.00C! 4;.0;0 ;1.010! ;1.021 24.00C +a e G*R!+1 part Testi#4 (T1 part

I(new C1

0N 100N

Supporting Companies:

Bapsc% $arrier$om, , Sierra Wireless, =7Wi, C awei, -S-, Sa&emcom

+ature of relatio#s6ip "*on ot#ers: t#e %se of t#e +"nd C10C1AJ81;-821 <&z! w#ic# is pl"nned for "pplic"tions wit#in t#e l"nd *o+ile ser$ice +"sed on n"tion"l possi+ilities "nd n"tion"l *"r3et de*"nds.

Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) ,39 Title BCCJ@BCJ'04)0A B%rope"n Conference of 4ost"l "nd -eleco**%nic"tions Ad*inistr"tions 'CB4-)0 t#e Blectronic Co**%nic"tions Co**ittee 'BCC) @ecision of 18 <"rc# 2004 on t#e "$"il"+ility of fre/%ency +"nds for t#e introd%ction of 2ide ."nd @i it"l 6"nd <o+ile 4<RJ4A<R in t#e 400 <&z "nd C00J800 <&z +"nds '"*ended 2A V%ne 2008)

Justification T%e 8$$ 1ecision of 10 7arc% 266# on t%e a*aila(ilit! of fre' enc! (ands for t%e introd ction of Wide =and 1i&ital .and 7o(ile P7R@P)7R in t%e #66 7CA and "66@066 7CA (ands 28$$@18$@26#4664 amended 26 R ne 2660, addresses, amon& ot%ers, t%e se of t%e (and "76+"76@019+021 7CA, w%ic% is planned for applications wit%in t%e land mo(ile ser*ice (ased on national possi(ilities and national market demands. In 8$$@18$@26#466 it is decided t%at t%at t%e fre' enc! re' irements for Wide =and 1i&ital .and 7o(ile P7R@P)7R s!stems referred to in t%e )nne< to t%is 1ecision s%all (e met wit%in t%e (ands "76+"76 7CA paired wit% 019+021 7CA wit% #9 7CA d ple< spacin& (etween t%e transmit fre' encies of mo(ile stations 2"76+"76 7CA4 and t%e transmit fre' encies of (ases stations 2019+021 7CA4, ;S7+R wit%in t%e (ands "73+"76 7CA @ 01"+021 7CA is considered as a s (set of P7R@P)7R. To follow t%is 1ecision and %elp national administrations to reference t%e potential sa&e of t%e (and 8R+;S7 (and "73+"76@01"+021 7CA for ;S7+R s!stems, it is t%e nderstandin& of t%e s pportin& companies t%at t%e 8R+;S7 (and s%all (e incl ded in t%e 3;PP ;8R)-s for %armoniAation p rpose. O !ecti"e: To introd ce RF re' irements for t%e 8R+;S7 (and and t%erefore dedicated e' ipment alon& wit% necessar! si&nallin& into t%e 3;PP ;8R)- tec%nicals, To ens re t%at t%ose re' irements will minimiAe potential impacts to e<istin& ;8R)- s!stems in t%e 8+;S7 (and, To ens re ro( st operation of t%e 8R+;S7 e' ipment and ser*ices in t%e 8R+;S7 (and. To sec re t%at t%e c rrent 3;PP ;8R)- re' irements of t%e e<istin& ;S7 066 (ands and t%erefore dedicated e' ipment and ser*ices are not affected. For 8R+;S7 7S and =TS, to incl de an anal!sis of t%e e<tent of, and need for, definition of 8+;S7+R specificI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

, tp t power re' irements. Sp rio s emissions re' irements. Intermod lation atten ation re' irements. =lockin& c%aracteristics re' irements. Re' irements to minimiAe t%e potential impacts to 3;PP s!stems o tside of TS; ;8R)-Us responsi(ilit!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1010 2 ;1020 2 ;10(0 2

@ownlin3 <%lti C"rrier IBRAN '@<CI) =,@9;10002

Resour%e I2!I1 C1 I(new -i#is6 2CJ02J201 4 1(J0AJ201 4 2CJ02J201 4 (o p 80N 0N 0N :2perli#' I41211;C I41211;C I41208(0 +otes I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG02J14 C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 I4E;; "ppro$ed 2,@ TSATR 4(.0A4! 44.01C! 44.0A0! 4;.002! 4;.00;! 4;.00C 24.00C ;1.010-1! ;1.010-2 +a e (ore part (T part Test part

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, $%ina 7o(ile, -okia, )lcatel+. cent, HT8, -S-

.inked to Rel+7 1ownlink 1 al $arrier 5I1396970 2Pre*io s work on m ltiple carriers on t%e downlink was limited to two4. RefI TR #9.012 Feasi(ilit! st d! for e*ol*ed ;8R)-, TS #3.66# ;PRS Sta&e 2 Justification In t%e 3;PP Rel+7 s pport for 1 al $arrier on t%e 1ownlink was introd ced in t%e ;8R)-s. T%e ass mption was t%at t%e 7S implementation is (ased on two separate RF front+ends, sin& two parallel narrow(and recei*er pat%s K1L. T%is implementation ass mption was also leadin& to t%e decision not &oin& (e!ond two carriers. Wit% t%e &lo(al scale deplo!ments of 3; network, and f t re deplo!ments of .T8, t%ere is@will (e an accompan!in& &lo(al penetration of d al mode@tri mode, i.e.2; and 3; and@or #; capa(le 7Ss. =ot% 3; and #; are wide(and tec%nolo&ies and t% s for m lti mode terminals, t%e RF front+end, incl din& )1$, is desi&ned wit% wide(and capa(ilities to s pport 3; and@or #; in addition to ;S7@81;8. T%e wide+(and recei*er capa(ilit! can (e sed to facilitate t%e introd ction of m lti+carrier s pport, i.e. s pport for a confi& ration of two or more carriers, on t%e downlink in 8;PRS and 8;PRS2 operation eliminatin& t%e need for separate RF front+ends for eac% carrier, red cin& terminal cost and increasin& (it rates in ;S7@81;8. It is o(ser*ed t%at s c% introd ction is feasi(le on e<istin& 3;@#; capa(le 7Ss. O !ecti"es to: Introd ce necessar! means in t%e ;8R)-s to s pport a 1ownlink 7 lti+$arrier confi& ration, i.e. s pport for two or more carriers in ;8R)- for 8;PRS and 8;PRS2 operation takin& t%e s pported ma<im m RF (andwidt% (! t%e 7S into acco nt. 8<tend t%e to m ltiple carrier s pport on t%e downlink, re+ sin& to t%e lar&est e<tent possi(le t%e alread! e<istin& 1ownlink 1 al $arrier. Re+ se t%e followin& principles specified for 1ownlink 1 al $arrier confi& ration K2L. o In a downlink m lti carrier confi& ration, one or more P1$Cs are assi&ned to a sin&le 7S on eac% of t%e different radio fre' enc! c%annels on eit%er t%e plink or downlink, or (ot%. o ,n t%e downlink, radio (locks ma! (e allocated on all radio fre' enc! c%annels in an! radio (lock period. ,n t%e plink, radio (locks s%all (e allocated on a sin&le radio fre' enc! c%annels in an! &i*en radio (lock period. 1T7 operation in downlink m lticarrier confi& ration is not incl ded in t%e scope of t%e work item. Introd ce 7S capa(ilit! si&nallin& related to t%e ma<im m RF (andwidt% and ma<im m n m(er of carriers s pported (! t%e 7S. Introd ce f nctionalit! to limit t%e recei*ed n m(er of carriers in case t%e ma<im m carrier separation e<ceeds t%e ma<im m RF (andwidt% s pported (! t%e 7S. )*oid an! ne&ati*e impact to speec% performance )*oid an! %ardware impact to t%e (ase station. )*oid an! additional CW re' irements for d al mode 2;8R)[email protected] or ;8R)-@57TS4 and tri mode 2;8R)-@[email protected] terminals Rela< RF related 7S re' irements impacted (! operation wit% a wide(and carrier selection filter, especiall! in+(and 7S (lockin&. References K1L 3;PP TR #9.012 Feasi(ilit! st d! for e*ol*ed ;S7@81;8 Radio )ccess -etwork 2;8R)-4 K2L 3;PP TS #3.66# 2;PRSV ,*erall description of t%e ;PRS radio interfaceV Sta&e 2



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;80(( ( ;801( ( ;802( (

<SR@ for :A<5S =,@9;800((

Resour%e C1 I1!I2 I(new -i#is6 0AJ12J201 ( (0J0;J201 4 (0J0;J201 4 (o p 100N 1;N 20N :2perli#' I41(0C48 I41(0C48 I41(0C48 +otes C4EA2 co*pleted I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG0;J14 I4EA0 co*pletion 02J14FG0;J14 TSATR 24.00C 44.01C! 4;.001! 4;.002! 4;.00;! 4;.00C! 4;.008 ;1.010-1! ;1.010-2 +a e (T1 i#tro"u%tio# of 1S %apa5ilit2 support for 1S supporti#4 1SR9 for V!1OS Perfor a#%e ReFuire e#ts 1S (o#for a#%e Test

Supporting Companies:
Relate" Stu"2 3te ,39 Title
;0;A8 42000 2

-S-, -okia, $om+Researc%, Telecom Italia, Intel, 7ediaTek

+ature of relatio#s6ip
4re$io%s wor3 on specifyin perfor*"nce for $oice "nd d"t" c#"nnels for "n <SR@ recei$er 'Rel-1) 4re$io%s wor3 on specifyin :A<5S wit# definition of :A<5S , "nd :A<5S ,, ter*in"ls 'Rel-8)

or -eature (if a#2)

<o+ile St"tion Recei$e @i$ersity '@AR4 4#"se ,,) :oice Ser$ices o$er Ad"pti$e <%lti%ser c#"nnels on 5ne Slot ':A<5S)

Justification T%e rapid &lo(alisation of t%e smart p%one market contin o sl! increases t%e penetration of d al antenna de*ices. For instance all .T8 ena(led smart de*ices come wit% two recei*e antennas, w%ic% is a *al a(le radio asset t%at s%o ld (e f ll! tilised. Wit% offered s (stantial spectr m efficienc! &ains, recei*er di*ersit! is attracti*e capa(ilit! for s c% de*ices in ;S7@81;8 mode. 1 e to t%e worldwide co*era&e of ;S7@81;8 and its contin ed &rowt% for speec% ser*ices, t%ere is a need for operators to tar&et %i&%er spectral efficienc! for *oice ser*ices. T%e introd ction of 7SR1 2Rel+74 for packet data ser*ices %as !ielded considera(le impro*ements related to performance re' irements (ot% in sensiti*it! limited and in interference limited scenarios. T%e same is e<pected for c%annels in >)7,S mode, as s%own e.&. in ;P+1361#7 27SR1 for >)7,S4. T%e feat re is e<pected to s pport spectr m refarmin&, as >)7,S can (e deplo!ed wit% %i&%er spectral efficienc!. O !ecti"e: to specif! performance re' irements for an 7SR1 capa(le 7S for c%annels in >)7,S mode.

T%is comprises all speec% and associated control c%annels for w%ic% >)7,S performance re' irements were introd ced. T%e performance s%all (e specified in (ot% sensiti*it! and interference scenarios. In interference scenario, performance s%all (e specified for t%e e<istin& >)7,S interferer profiles. In (ot% scenarios, S$PIR ratios of 6d= and +16d= s%all (e sed. .ike in t%e 1)RP P%ase II specification, t%e sensiti*it! performance s%all (e specified for two different antenna correlation and &ain im(alance *al es i.e. 14 antenna correlation of 6.6 and antenna &ain im(alance of 6 d= and 24 antenna correlation of 6.7 and antenna &ain im(alance of +6 d=. T%e interference performance s%all (e specified onl! for antenna correlation of 6.6 and antenna &ain im(alance of 6 d=. Introd ce 7S capa(ilit! si&nallin& related to s pport for 7SR1 for >)7,S (! t%e 7S.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A20114 A20214 A20(14

New -r"inin Se/%ence Codes for IBRAN 'New-oN) =,@9A20014

Resour%e I1 I2 C1 -i#is6 28J0CJ2014 28J0CJ2014 28J0CJ2014 (o p 0N 0N 0N :2perli#' I4-1(11(8 I4-1(11(8 I4-1(11(8 +otes St" e ( TSATR 4;.001! 4;.002! 4;.00C! 4;.008! 4;.0;0 44.01C! 44.0A0 24.00C +a e G*R!+1 part G*R!+2 part (T1 part

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, Telecom Italia , $%ina 7o(ile, -okia, )lcatel+. cent, >odafone, $om+Researc%

Tri&&ered (! ;P+1316#1, ;PG#6 ;P+6"10#0 2WI1 >)7,S4. .inked to Rel+0 >)7,S 2Pre*io s work w%ere new TS$s were defined for ;7SB mod lation4 5I13#26662
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) H ,39 Title +ature of relatio#s6ip 42002 :A<5S 4re$io%s wor3 w#ere new -SCs were defined for I<S? *od%l"tion.

Justification ;8R)- networks %a*e traditionall! (een deplo!ed sin& a set of " trainin& se' ence codes 2TS$4. 1 rin& t%e specification work of >)7,S a second set of TS$s was specified wit% s perior cross+correlation properties compared to t%e first set. T%is %as facilitated impro*ed circ it switc%ed 2$S4 link le*el performance leadin& to en%anced =TS %ardware capacit! and impro*ed spectral tiliAation in ;8R)- $S deplo!ments. It %as (een s%own in K1L t%at in similarit! wit% $S, si&nificantl! impro*ed link le*el performance can (e ac%ie*ed in t%e Packet Switc%ed 2PS4 domain t%ro &% t%e introd ction of a new set of TS$s for "PSB, 16?)7 and 32?)7 in normal s!m(ol rate 2-SR4. T%e &ains are applica(le (ot% in 5. and 1., and will %a*e a positi*e effect not onl! in t%e PS domain ( t also in t%e $S domain. )t t%e same time it is known t%at ;8R)- network operation is dependent on proper deplo!ment. In t%is conte<t t%e TS$ plannin& is a c%allen&in& task. T%is is especiall! tr e considerin& t%e c rrent trend to s!nc%roniAe networks to reac% %i&%er le*els of spectral tiliAation. )n e<tension of t%e c rrent set of TS$s for (ot% $S and PS connections wo ld simplif! t%e task of TS$ plannin& in s!nc%roniAed networks ( t also in as!nc%rono s ones. )n e<tension of t%e c rrent set of TS$s (ot% in t%e $S and PS domain is E stified (! an o*erall impro*ed link le*el performance and a red ction in t%e comple<it! re' ired to confi& re and operate ;8R)- networks. T%ese &ains are foreseen ac%ie*a(le wit% a minim m impact on =SS and 7S implementations. O !ecti"es: To e<tend t%e c rrent -SR TS$ space (! a factor of two, meanin& t%atV o o Two additional sets of ;7SB TS$s, w%ere eac% set contains " new TS$s, s%all (e specified. ,ne additional set of " TS$s for eac% of "PSB, 16?)7 and 32?)7, w%ere t%e defined TS$s in eac% set s%all (e (ased on eit%er t%e same antipodal s!m(ol constellation code as one of t%e new ;7SB TS$ sets, or different antipodal s!m(ol constellation codes for eac% mod lation, s%all (e specified.

T%e defined TS$s s%all possess impro*ed cross correlation properties compared to t%e e<istin& TS$ set 1 2incl din& t%e TS$s sed in t%e d mm! ( rsts on t%e =$$C carrier4. T%is s%all (e applica(le (ot% in t%e case of intra+set cross correlation and inter+set cross correlation 2(ot% (etween e<istin& set and t%e ot%er new sets4. In t%e latter case t%e cross correlation s%all (e optimiAed also across mod lations. T%e cross correlation performance s%all (e e*al ated o*er a s ita(le ran&e for t%e time s%ift (etween wanted si&nal and interferer2s4 e<pected in s!nc%rono s networks. )ll specified TS$s s%all preser*e &ood a to+correlation properties. $apt red t%e o tcome of t%e work in 3;PP TR #9.696. Introd ce 7S capa(ilit! si&nallin& and protocol e<tensions associated wit% t%e s pport of t%ese new TS$ sets. )*oid an! ne&ati*e impact on 7S or =SS performance. )*oid an! ne&ati*e impact on 7S or =SS %ardware.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 410020 4C00(2 4800(; ;000(; ;000(A ;(0044 ;40021 4A002;

SA1 St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# !lter#atives to *.184 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s Stu"2 o# e#6a#%e e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s (1T() Stu"2 o# 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's Stu"2 o# (o#ti#uit2 of 9ata Sessio#s to Bo%al +etwor's Stu"2 o# #o#-1T( 1o5ile 9ata !ppli%atio#s 3 pa%ts Stu"2 o# ProDi it2-5ase" Servi%es Stu"2 o# ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio# a#a4e e#t 9elete" - Stu"2 o# ,3((=,S31 e#6a#%e e#ts !%ro#2 FS9A<-C FS9<-Ce FS9SS59,nt FS9CSN FS9<5@A, FS94roSe FS9=4C5N FS9=2e &3Arapporteur --<o+ile =SA &%"wei ,nter@i it"l NBC &%"wei! C#in" <o+ile D%"lco** ?@@, Iiesec3e H @e$rient TR 22.8CC 22.CCC 22.C8; 22.C8A 22.C01 22.C0( 22.C0; 22.C11

,39 410020

St%dy on Altern"ti$es to B.1A4 for <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions 'FS9A<-C) =,@9410020

u#i%atio#s :2perli#' S4-10018C +otes S4E;; co*pleted TR 22.8CC +a e Stu"2 o# !lter#atives to *.184 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o

Supporting Companies: T+7o(ile 5S), Inter1i&ital, TelefSnica, Telecom Italia, ,ran&e, -S-, BP-, $%ina 7o(ile, Sams n&, 8ricsson, Intel, Sierra Wireless, F Eits , C awei. 1etermine an alternati*e to 8.16# for identif!in& indi*id al de*ices and ro te messa&es (etween t%ose de*ices. Justification 727 demand is forecast to &row from 967 connections to o*er 2667 (! 2613. ) lar&e n m(er of t%ese ser*ices are toda! deplo!ed o*er circ it+switc%ed ;S7 arc%itect res and re' ire 8.16# 7SIS1-s alt%o &% s c% ser*ices do not re' ire Mdiala(leM n m(ers, and &enerall! do not comm nicate wit% eac% ot%er (! % man interaction. Wit%o t tec%nical alternati*e to sin& p (lic n m(erin& reso rces as addresses, and considerin& t%e c rrent forecasts and pendin& applications for n m(ers made to n m(erin& plan administration a&encies, t%ere is a si&nificant risk t%at some national n m(erin&@diallin& plans will r n o t of n m(ers in t%e near f t re, w%ic% wo ld impact not onl! t%ese 727 ser*ices ( t also t%e ;S7@57TS ser*ice pro*iders in &eneral. O !ecti"e: 1etermine alternati*e to identif! indi*id al de*ices and ro te messa&es (etween t%ose de*ices, incl din&I 8ffecti*el! identif! addressin& met%od to (e sed for end point de*ices 8ffecti*el! ro te messa&in& (etween t%ose de*ices S pport m ltiple met%ods for deli*erin& messa&es, as defined (! TS 22.36" S pport land+(ased and wireless connecti*it! 7ake se of IP+(ased network arc%itect res )ddressin&@identifiers m st s pport mo(ilit! and roamin& s pport on %i&% speed packet+switc%ed networks w%en a*aila(le and on circ it+switc%ed networks $onsider if t%ere are sec rit! iss es associated wit% an! alternati*es



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 4C00( 2

St%dy on en#"nce*ents for <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions 'FS9<-Ce) =,@94C00(2

!%ro#2 FS9<-Ce :2perli#' S410044C +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. St%dy "ddition of new <-Crel"ted %se c"ses "nd f%nction"lity "nd i*pro$e*ents to existin re/%ire*ents in -S 22.(AC TR 22.CCC +a e Stu"2 o# e#6a#%e e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s (1T()

Supporting Companies: C awei, BP-, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Sierra Wireless, Sams n&, >eriAon Wireless, -S-, Panasonic, Intel, $%ina 7o(ile, Interdi&ital, -8$, HT8, Telecom Italia, 7otorola, TeliaSonera, ITRI, Sa&em ,r&a, )lcatel+. cent. St d! -etwork impro*ements for 7T$ 1e*ice to 7T$ 1e*ice comm nications *ia one or more P.7-s 2direct+mode comm nication (etween de*ices is o t of scope4, etc. )li&n also wit% 8TSI T$ 727 work.
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title 4100(1 Networ3 ,*pro$e*ents for <-C O St" e 1 4C00(0 Syste* ,*pro$e*ent for <-C +ature of relatio#s6ip Rel-10 N,<-C for*s t#e +"sis for en#"nce*ents st%died #ere Rel-11 S,<-C incl%des refine*ents to re/%ire*ents in Rel-10 -S 22.(AC

Justification Rel+16 Sta&e 1 on -etwork Impro*ements for 7ac%ine T!pe $omm nications 2-I7T$4 specified a n m(er of re' irements to make t%e network more s ita(le for 7ac%ine T!pe $omm nications. )dditional aspects need to (e st died (efore proceedin& wit% t%eir potential incl sion in t%e normati*e work. 1 rin& t%e Rel+16 work it was decided to lea*e o t 7T$ 1e*ice to 7T$ 1e*ice comm nications from Rel+16. 7T$ 1e*ice to 7T$ 1e*ice comm nications is e<pected to (ecome of maEor importance, especiall! wit% cons mer de*ices comm nicatin& directl! to eac% ot%er. T%erefore, t%is st d! looks at network impro*ements re' irements of 7T$ 1e*ice to 7T$ 1e*ice scenarios. ) partic lar aspect of 7T$ 1e*ice to 7T$ 1e*ice scenarios is t%e identification and f nctionalit! needed to set p a connection towards a 7T$ 1e*ice. T%e I7S domain ma! pro*ide a sol tion for t%is re' ired f nctionalit!. In t%is case t%e impacts and re' irements of 7T$ on I7S need to (e st died. )dditionall! 7T$ 1e*ices often act as a &atewa! for a capillar! network of ot%er 7T$ 1e*ices or non+3;PP de*ices. T%ese &atewa! 7T$ 1e*ices ma! %a*e specific re' irements on t%e mo(ile network, w%ic% %a*e not !et (een taken into acco nt in t%e Rel+16 -I7T$ work. St d! is needed to determine to w%at e<tent impro*ements are needed and can (e specified (! 3;PP for 7T$ 1e*ices t%at act as a &atewa! for Pcapillar! networksP of ot%er de*ices. )lso ali&nment wit% w%at is specified (! 8TSI T$ 727 on t%is aspect is needed. F rt%er optimisations ma! (e possi(le for 2&ro ps of4 7T$ 1e*ices t%at are co+located. )n e<ample of t%is co ld (e a car wit% a n m(er of different 7T$ 1e*ices t%at alwa!s mo*e alon& to&et%er. ,ptimisations for t%ese kinds of scenarios %a*e (een s &&ested, ( t %a*e not !et (een taken into acco nt in t%e Rel+16 -I7T$. St d! is needed to determine to w%at e<tent network impro*ements can (e specified for co+located 7T$ 1e*ices. =eca se of t%e different c%aracteristics of 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications, t%e optimal network for 7T$ ma! not (e t%e same as t%e optimal network for % man to % man comm nications. ,ptimisations of network selections and steerin& of roamin& ma! (e needed. St d! is needed to determine to w%at e<tent impro*ements are needed on network selection and steerin& of roamin& for 7T$. 7an! 7T$ applications se some kind of location trackin&. 8.&. t%e e<istin& .$S framework co ld (e sed to pro*ide location information for t%ese kinds of 7T$ applications. St d! is needed to determine to w%at e<tent impro*ements are needed for 7T$ location trackin&. 7T$ (rin&s a new concept of a 7T$ 5ser and 7T$ Ser*er. So far little attention %as (een &i*en to ser*ice re' irements on t%e comm nication (etween t%e network and t%e 7T$ 5ser@7T$ Ser*er. )lso ali&nment wit% w%at is specified (! 8TSI T$ 727 on t%at aspect is needed. St d! is needed on w%at kind of ser*ice re' irements are needed and can (e specified (! 3;PP. O !ecti"e: to st d! additional re' irements, se cases and f nctionalit! (e!ond Rel+16 -I7T$ on t%e followin&I



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

network impro*ements for 7T$ 1e*ice to 7T$ 1e*ice comm nications *ia one or more P.7-s. -oteI direct+mode comm nication (etween de*ices is o t of scope. possi(le impro*ements for 7T$ 1e*ices t%at act as a &atewa! for Pcapillar! networksP of ot%er de*ices. -oteI capillar! networks t%emsel*es are o t of scope of 3;PP. network impro*ements for &ro ps of 7T$ 1e*ices t%at are co+located wit% ot%er 7T$ 1e*ices impro*ements on network selection mec%anisms and steerin& of roamin& for 7T$ de*ices possi(le en%ancements to I7S to s pport 7T$ possi(le impro*ements for location trackin& of 7T$ 1e*ices ser*ice re' irements on comm nications (etween P.7- and t%e 7T$ 5ser@7T$ Ser*er 2e.&. %ow t%e 7T$ 5ser can set e*ent to (e monitored wit% 7T$ 7onitorin&4V possi(le ser*ice re' irements to optimiAe 7T$ 1e*ices possi(le -ew 7T$ Feat res to f rt%er impro*e t%e network for 7T$ Work on&oin& in e<ternal standard or&aniAation s%all (e considered 2e.&. 8TSI 727, $$S) T$ 164. Ser"ice Aspects: 7T$ is seen as a form of data comm nication w%ic% in*ol*es one or more entities t%at do not necessaril! need % man interaction. ) ser*ice optimised for 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications is likel! to differ from a ser*ice optimised for % man+to+% man comm nications. ''%(Aspects: -one e<pected. Charging Aspects: Impro*ements to t%e $1R &eneration in I7S for 7T$ ma! (e addressed Security Aspects: Some sec rit! aspects and optimisations ma! (e addressed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 4800( ;

St%dy on ,nte r"tion of Sin le Si n-5n fr"*ewor3s wit# (I44 networ3s 'FS9SS59,nt) =,@94800(;
!%ro#2 FS9SS59,nt :2perli#' S4100A40 +otes S4E;; co*pleted TR 22.C8; +a e Stu"2 o# 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's

Supporting Companies: Inter1i&ital, )lcatel+. cent , )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $isco, Intel, ITRI, B11I, Ro&ers, Telecom Italia, >eriAon Wireless, HT8, $%ina 7o(ile, -8$. .inked to S)3 St d! on Sin&le Si&n ,n 2SS,4 )pplication Sec rit! for I7S + (ased on SIP 1i&est 25I13#"66#"4, S)3 TR 33.02# 8<tended Identit! 7ana&ement 2;=)+Id74 and S)3 TR 33.0"6 .i(ert! )lliance and 3;PP Sec rit! Interworkin& 2.i(Sec4.
,39 FS9SS59A 4S I.A-,d< Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L Title +ature of relatio#s6ip St%dy on Sin le Si n 5n 'SS5) Applic"tion Sec%rity FS9SS59A4S "n"lysis "nd %se c"ses co%ld +e selecti$ely for ,<S - +"sed on S,4 @i est 're)considered in t#is st%dy! "s well %se c"ses "nd re/%ire*ents identified +y SA1 co%ld +e pro$ided "s inp%t to s%pport t#e SA( st%dy Bxtended ,dentity <"n" e*ent -R ((.824: K,dentity -R ((.824 re/%ire*ents "nd %se c"ses co%ld +e *"n" e*ent "nd (I44 sec%rity interwor3in 0 ,dentity selecti$ely 're)considered in t#is st%dy *"n" e*ent "nd Ieneric A%t#entic"tion Arc#itect%re 'IAA) interwor3in L -R ((.8C0: ",nterwor3in of 6i+erty Alli"nce ,dentity -R ((.8C0 re/%ire*ents "nd %se c"ses co%ld +e Feder"tion Fr"*ewor3 ',@-FF)! ,dentity 2e+ Ser$ice selecti$ely 're)considered in t#is st%dyFr"*ewor3 ',@-2SF) "nd t#e Ieneric A%t#entic"tion Arc#itect%re 'IAA)".


Justification T%is St d! Item aims to in*esti&ate interworkin& of t%e operator+centric identit! mana&ement wit% t%e ser+centric We( ser*ices pro*ided o tside of an operatorUs domain. Specificall!, it addresses inte&ration of SS, and t%e 3;PP ser*ices, w%ic% is essential for operators to le*era&e t%eir assets and t%eir c stomersU tr st, w%ile introd cin& new identit! ser*ices. S c% inte&ration will allow operators to (ecome SS, pro*iders (! re+ sin& t%e e<istin& a t%entication mec%anisms in w%ic% an end+ serUs de*ice effecti*el! a t%enticates t%e end ser. For t%e operator to (ecome t%e preferred SS, Identit! Pro*ider, mi&%t re' ire inte&ration of t%e operator core wit% e<istin& application ser*ice @ content pro*iders to allow t%e sa&e of credentials on t%e 58, for SS, ser*ices. T%e 3;PP operator ma! le*era&e its tr st framework and its relia(le and ro( st sec re credential %andlin& infra+str ct re to pro*ide SS, ser*ice (ased on operator+controlled credentials. S c% SS, inte&ration %as to work for *ario s operator a t%entication confi& rations. O !ecti"eI to in*esti&ates a compre%ensi*e set of se cases and ser*ice re' irements for t%e inte&ration of SS, frameworks wit% 3;PP network for *ario s operator a t%entication confi& rations. T%is St d! co*ersI Ser*ice and deplo!ment scenarios for 3;PP operators adoptin& an inte&rated approac% to SS,, incl din& W8=, person to person and 727 ser*ice scenarios $ompre%ensi*e set of se cases of inte&ration of different Identit! and SS, frameworks 2e.&. ,penI14 for *ario s operator a t%entication confi& rations 5se cases and potential ser*ice re' irements for ,perators s%arin& controlled ser credentials wit% 3rd part! ser*ice pro*iders 5se cases and potential ser*ice re' irements associated wit% ens rin& t%at t%e intended ser is makin& se of t%e associated SS, capa(ilit! 2incl din& t%e case w%en t%e 58 %as (een stolen or lost4 Ser"ice Aspects: intends to st d! ser*ices re' irements for operator centric SS, interworkin& wit% c rrent state of t%e art identit! mana&ement s!stems 2e.&. ,penI14. Charging Aspects: Since t%e mo(ile operator will (ecome a SS, pro*ider, re' irements for c%ar&in& aspects %a*e to (e st died. ''% aspects: 77I potential impacts will (e to (e e*al ated. Security Aspects: Since t%e mo(ile operator will (ecome a SS, pro*ider, ser*ice re' irements for sec rit! aspects %a*e to (e st died.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;000(;

St%dy on Contin%ity of @"t" Sessions to 6oc"l Networ3s 'FS9CSN) =,@9;000(;

!%ro#2 FS9CSN :2perli#' S4-100CC; +otes S4E;4 co*pleted TR 22.C8A +a e Stu"2 o# (o#ti#uit2 of 9ata Sessio#s to Bo%al +etwor's

Supporting Companies: -8$, )TDT, -TT 1o$o7o, Inter1i&ital, Intel, Tatara S!stems, Telefonica, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, Sams n&, .; 8lectronics .inked to S)1 Rel+11 Feat re 5I13#06636 SIPT, Ser*ice $ontin it! of IP 1ata Session 2SIPT,3S$4 Justification =asic f nctionalit! for .ocal IP )ccess 2.IP)4 %as (een specified in Rel+16. .IP) si&nifies t%e capa(ilit! of a 58 to o(tain access to a local residential@enterprise IP network 2s (se' entl! called a local network4 t%at is connected to one or more C2e4-=s. T%e c rrent st d! item in*esti&ates e<tendin& .IP) f nctionalit! to allow access to t%e local network w%en a 58 is nder co*era&e of t%e macro network and pro*ide related mo(ilit! s pport. .IP) allows a 58 to work wit% de*ices in t%e local network F e.&. printers, *ideo cameras, or a local we(+ser*er. If t%e local network offers ser*ices t%at ena(le e<c%an&e of di&ital content 2e.&. 5PnP4 .IP) allows t%e 58 to disco*er s pportin& de*ices and to (e disco*ered. 8<amples for ser*ices t%at (ecome a*aila(le (! .IP) areI T%e pict res stored in a 58Us di&ital camera ma! (e ploaded to a local networked stora&e de*ice or printed o t at a local printer. ) porta(le a dio pla!er in t%e 58 ma! fetc% new content from a media centre a*aila(le on t%e local network. ) 58 ma! recei*e *ideo streams from local s r*eillance cameras in t%e %ome. ) local we(+ser*er in a compan!Us intranet ma! (e accessed (! t%e 58. S pport of >P-. .IP) does not re' ire t%e local network to (e connected to t%e Internet ( t ac%ie*es IP connecti*it! wit% t%e 58 t%ro &% one or more C2e4-=s of t%e mo(ile operator. In Rel+16 3;PP %as onl! specified t%e s pport of .IP) w%en t%e 58 accesses t%e local network *ia C2e4-=. ,n t%e ot%er %and an operator ma!, e.&. as a c%ar&ea(le ser ser*ice, wis% to pro*ide access to t%e local network also to a 58 t%at is nder co*era&e of t%e macro network. )ccess to t%e local network w%en a 58 is nder co*era&e of t%e macro network s%o ld (e ena(led in Rel+11. In Rel+16 it %ad (een re' ired for a 58 to (e a(le to maintain IP connecti*it! to t%e local network w%en mo*in& (etween C2e4-=s wit%in t%e same local network. Cowe*er, access to t%e local network ma! (e lost as a 58 mo*es o t of C2e4-= co*era&e into t%e macro network, e*en if ot%er ser*ices 2e.&. telep%on!, data ser*ices, SIPT,4 s r*i*e a %ando*er to t%e macro network and are contin ed. T%is ma! res lt in an nsatisfactor! ser e<perience. T%e c rrent st d! item will allow contin ation of data sessions to t%e local network w%en t%e 58 mo*es (etween C2e4-= and t%e macro network. T%erefore, in Rel+11, t%e 3;PP s!stem re' ires additional f nctionalit! to allow ) 58 to access t%e local network from t%e macro network ) 58 to maintain contin it! of data sessions to t%e local network w%en mo*in& (etween a C2e4-= and t%e macro network O !ecti"eI to propose re' irements and st d! feasi(ilit! for t%e followin& scenariosI

Pro*ide a capa(ilit! to t%e mo(ile operator to allow or restrict )ccess to an enterprise@residential IP network w%en a 58 is nder co*era&e of t%e macro network, ass min& t%at t%e IP address of t%e local IP network 2e.&. residential@enterprise &atewa!4 is a*aila(le to t%e 58. $ontin it! of data session2s4 to an enterprise@residential IP network w%en a 58 mo*es (etween a C2e4-= in an enterprise@residential en*ironment and t%e macro network.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e s pport of $ontin it! of 1ata Sessions to .ocal -etworks s%o ld (e an operator option t%at ma! or ma! not (e pro*ided (! indi*id al P.7-s. Ser"ice Aspects T%e ser s%o ld (e a(le to decline access to t%e local network from t%e macro network. T%e ser s%o ld also (e a(le to decline contin it! of data sessions to local networks w%en mo*in& (etween C2e4-= and t%e macro network 2e.&. in t%e case w%en data sessions to local networks is c%ar&ed differentl! if accessed from macro co*era&e or *ia t%e C2e4-=4. ) difference in ?oS ma! (e noticea(le (! t%e ser w%en t%e local network is accessed from t%e macro network or *ia t%e C2e4-=. Charging Aspects of data sessions to local networks will (e addressed. Security Aspects will (e addressed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;000(A

St%dy on non-<-C <o+ile @"t" Applic"tions ,*p"cts 'FS9<5@A,) =,@9;000(A

!%ro#2 FS9<5@A, :2perli#' S4-100CC8 +otes S4E;4 co*pleted TR 22.C01 +a e Stu"2 o# #o#-1T( 1o5ile 9ata !ppli%atio#s 3 pa%ts

Supporting Companies: $)TR, Intel, Sams n&

C awei, $%ina 7o(ile, )TDT, 1e tsc%e Telekom, $%ina 5nicom, $%ina Telecom, $)TT,

.inked to 5I13#06636 S)2 Rel+11 TR 23."#3 St d! on $ore -etwork ,*erload sol tions 2FS3$-,4
4800( A

Rel-11 SA2 -R 2(.C4( St%dy on Core Networ3 5$erlo"d sol%tions

Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L +ature of relatio#s6ip

CN5 st%dy foc%s is on CN control pl"n o$erlo"d iss%e wit# sol%tions "t t#e networ3! w#ere"s t#is st%dy is intended to loo3 "t t#e iss%e fro* t#e "pplic"tions $iewpoint.

Justification Some mo(ile data applications mi&%t res lt in ad*erse impact to t%e mo(ile network, e.&. d e to fre' ent idle+acti*e mode c%an&in&, fre' ent start or stop of ser*ices, small data transmission, fre' ent li*e pdate. Cence, t%e network 2(ot% R)- and $-4 is nder si&nallin& and data traffic flood. T%e mo(ile network m st %a*e t%e a(ilit! to accommodate for %ea*! sa&e of applications w%ile impro*in& ' alit! of e<perience for t%e ser and promotin& &rowt% of t%e mo(ile (road(and ser*ices. )n in*esti&ation on t%e ser*ice scenario@ se case of different mo(ile data applications and t%eir impact to t%e c rrent s!stem is needed. Sol tions towards identified pro(lems m st (e st died and e*al ated. 8n%ancements in t%e s!stem to accommodate for s c% applications ma! (e needed (ased on t%e st d!. O !ecti"eI to make t%e network (etter s ited for mo(ile data applications, consider t%e followin& S)1 o(Eecti*esI

Identif! and st d! ser*ices scenarios @ se cases for mo(ile data applications and identif! t%eir operational c%aracteristics @ re' irements in terms of e.&. fre' enc! of start@stop of ser*ices, %oldin& time, transferred data *ol me Identif! potential pro(lems @ network inefficienc! ca sed (! different mo(ile data applications, and specif! t%e necessar! en%ancements from ser*ice aspects

$ommonalities wit% s!stem impro*ement for 7T$ need to (e considered.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(0044

St%dy on 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices 'FS94roSe) =,@9;(0044

!%ro#2 FS94roSe :2perli#' S4-110A(C &3Arapporteur D%"lco** +otes S4E;8 co*pleted TR 22.C0( +a e Stu"2 o# ProDi it2-5ase" Servi%es

Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, )lcatel . cent, )TDT, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, $CTT., $o<, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, F Eits , Intel, .; 8lectronics, .i&%ts' ared, 7otorola Sol tions, -8$, -IST, -okia, -S-, -TT 1o$o7o, Renesas 7o(ile, Sierra Wireless, SB Telecom, ST 8ricsson, Soft=ank, Telecom Italia, 5S $ell lar, HT8 Justification Pro<imit!+(ased applications and ser*ices represent a recent and enormo s socio+tec%nolo&ical trend. T%e principle of t%ese applications is to disco*er instances of t%e applications r nnin& in de*ices t%at are wit%in pro<imit! of eac% ot%er, and ltimatel! also e<c%an&e application+related data. In parallel, t%ere is interest in pro<imit!+(ased disco*er! and comm nications in t%e p (lic safet! comm nit!. $ rrent 3;PP are onl! partiall! s ited for s c% needs, since all s c% traffic and si&nallin& wo ld %a*e to (e ro ted in t%e network, t% s impactin& t%eir performance and addin& n+necessar! load in t%e network. T%ese c rrent limitations are also an o(stacle to t%e creation of e*en more ad*anced pro<imit!+(ased applications. In t%is conte<t, 3;PP tec%nolo&!, %as t%e opport nit! to (ecome t%e platform of c%oice to ena(le pro<imit!+(ased disco*er! and comm nication (etween de*ices, and promote a *ast arra! of f t re and more ad*anced pro<imit!+(ased applications. O !ecti"e: to st d! se cases and identif! potential re' irements for an operator network controlled disco*er! and comm nications (etween de*ices t%at are in pro<imit!, nder contin o s network control, and are nder a 3;PP network co*era&e, forI 14 24 34 #4 $ommercial@social se -etwork offloadin& P (lic Safet! Inte&ration of c rrent infrastr ct re ser*ices, to ass re t%e consistenc! of t%e ser e<perience incl din& reac%a(ilit! and mo(ilit! aspects

)dditionall!, t%e st d! item will st d! se cases and identif! potential re' irements for 94 P (lic Safet!, in case of a(sence of 85TR)- co*era&e 2s (Eect to re&ional re& lation and operator polic!, and limited to specific p (lic+safet! desi&nated fre' enc! (ands and terminals4 5se cases and ser*ice re' irements will (e st died incl din& network operator control, a t%entication, a t%oriAation, acco ntin& and re& lator! aspects. T%e st d! does not appl! to ;8R)- or 5TR)-.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;40021

St%dy on =ser 4l"ne Con estion *"n" e*ent 'FS9=4C5N) =,@9;40021

a#a4e e#t !%ro#2 FS9=4C5N :2perli#' S4-110C18 +otes S4E;1 co*pleted TR 22.C0; +a e Stu"2 o# ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio#

Supporting Companies: B11I, )lcatel+. cent, )llot $omm nications, )TDT, $isco, $eltro, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, Citac%i, C awei, Inter1i&ital $omm nications, ITRI, R niper -etworks, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, 7o*ik -etworks, -8$, -S-, -T$, -TT 1,$,7,, ,ran&e, Panasonic, Radis!s, =lack=err!, Sams n&, Soft=ank 7o(ile, >odafone, HT8
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;000( SA44 'Ser$ice Aw"reness 2 "nd 4ri$"cy 4olicies) ;200( ; 4800( 1 FS9=<5NC '=s" e <onitorin Control Bn#"nce*ent) DoS9SS6 'DoS Control ."sed on S%+scri+er Spendin 6i*its) +ature of relatio#s6ip -#e -@F detects t#e st"rt "nd end of ser$ice tr"ffic! "nd incl%des rel"ted policy control si n"llin . =4C5N *"y need to +e "pplied to *"n" e con estion w#ile ser$ice tr"ffic is +ein sent. =<5NC is " new st%dy to loo3 "t "ddition"l re/%ire*ents for refinin control of networ3 %s" e +y ser$ice or "pplic"tion. =4C5N scen"rios incl%de *"n" in tr"ffic +y "pplic"tion. DoS9SS6 is "+o%t *onitorin " s%+scri+erWs %s" e in rel"tion to " spendin li*it "nd "ction to +e t"3en w#en t#e li*it is re"c#ed. S%+scri+er spendin li*its *"y +e +y %ser or +y "pplic"tion. =4C5N scen"rios incl%de +ot# %ser-+"sed "nd "pplic"tion-+"sed tr"ffic *"n" e*ent.

Justification 7o(ile operators are seein& si&nificant increases in ser data traffic. For some operators, ser data traffic %as more t%an do (led ann all! for se*eral !ears. )lt%o &% t%e data capacit! of networks %as increased si&nificantl!, t%e o(ser*ed increase in ser traffic contin es to o tpace t%e &rowt% in capacit!. T%is is res ltin& in increased network con&estion and in de&raded ser ser*ice e<perience. Reasons for t%is &rowt% in traffic are t%e rapidl! increasin& se of Nsmart p%onesO and t%e proliferation of data applications t%at t%e! s pport and t%e se of 5S= modem don&les for laptops to pro*ide mo(ile 2or at least nomadic4 Internet access sin& 3;PP networks. )s t%e penetration of t%ese terminals increases worldwide, t%is trend of rapidl! increasin& data traffic is e<pected to contin e and accelerate. O !ecti"eI to st d! scenarios and se cases w%ere %i&% sa&e le*els lead to ser plane traffic con&estion in t%e R)-, and to propose re' irements for %andlin& ser plane traffic w%en R)- con&estion occ rs. T%e aim is to make efficient se of a*aila(le reso rces to increase t%e potential n m(er of acti*e sers w%ile maintainin& t%e ser e<perience. Scenarios t%at will (e considered incl deI Candlin& of ser+(ased traffic w%en R)- con&estion occ rs Candlin& of application+(ased traffic w%en R)- con&estion occ rs Candlin& of content+(ased traffic w%en R)- con&estion occ rs will not impact specific ser*ices ( t is anticipated to %a*e positi*e impact on ser*ice deli*er!.

Ser"ice Aspects:

Charging AspectsI ma! impact c%ar&in& data collection, e.&., for t%e p rpose of collectin& statistics.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;4002 C

St%dy on RAN S#"rin Bn#"nce*ents 'FS9RSB) =,@9;4002C

Finish 185,352,1 3 Comp 85:2perli#' S4110C20 +otes S4E;8 co*pletion 0(J1(FG0AJ1( '*o$ed to Rel-1() TR 22.C;2 +a e Stu"2 o# R!+ S6ari#4 *#6a#%e e#ts

Supporting Companies:

-8$, Sprint, ? alcomm, Telefonica 8 rope, .i&%tS' ared, $learwire

8<tend Rel+6 -etwork S%arin& 5I133161" 2(asic scenarios of network@R)- s%arin&4 to co*er more comple< scenarios t%at arise d e to recent needs for more d!namic co+operation amon& operators.
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title +ature of relatio#s6ip (101 Networ3 -#is Rel-A wor3 ite* pro$ided t#e f%nction"lity for +"sic scen"rios of networ3 'RAN) s#"rin "*on oper"tors. C S#"rin -#e c%rrent st%dy ite* extends t#is wor3 to co$er *ore co*plex scen"rios t#"t "rise d%e to recent needs for *ore dyn"*ic co-oper"tion "*on oper"tors.

Justification T%e massi*e &rowt% in mo(ile (road(and traffic %as sent s%ockwa*es t%ro &% t%e telecoms ind str!. ,perators are str &&lin& to find cost+effecti*e wa!s to meet t%is demand. T%e sol tions are well knownI indoor co*era&e, small cells, .T8, IP 8t%ernet (ack%a lV and more spectr m, (ot% re+farmed and new. Cowe*er, all t%ese sol tions create additional $)P8:. ) maEorit! of t%e pfront costs are related to esta(lis%in& co*era&e. )ppro<imatel! 76Q of t%e $)P8: in*ol*es ac' irin& t%e sites, access e' ipment, ci*il works 2i.e. constr ction of t%e site, installation of t%e e' ipment4 and la!in& ca(les for electricit! and (ack%a l. Infrastr ct re s%arin&, in partic lar en%anced R)- s%arin&, offers s (stantial ,P8: and $)P8: sa*in&s. It will not simpl! (e a met%od of red cin& costs F it will s%er in a new paradi&m in network roll+o t strate&!. =asicall! t%ree sit ations can (e en*isa&ed in w%ic% en%anced R)- s%arin& are %i&%l! (eneficialI ) ;reenfield deplo!ment F two operators Eointl! a&ree to ( ild o t a new tec%nolo&! 2t!picall! #;4. )t t%e o tset, t%e new s%ared network infrastr ct re and operations can (e (ased on capacit! and co*era&e re' irements of (ot% operators. T%e operator can f nd ( ilt+on 96I96 or accordin& to t%eir e<pected needs. = !+in F w%en one of t%e s%arin& operators %as alread! ( ilt 2#; for e<ample4 and lookin& for anot%er operator to s%are t%is network. In t%is case, t%e second operator wo ld eit%er pa! a capacit! sa&e fee or p+front fee to ac' ire in t%e network.

$onsolidation Sit ationI w%en eit%er 2;, 3; or #; networks, w%ic% %a*e alread! ( ilt o t (! eac% of t%e s%arin& operators, needs to (e consolidated into one Eoint network. T%is t!pe of network s%arin& s all! %olds si&nificant cost ad*anta&es, ( t it also presents s (stantial desi&n c%allen&es. In addition to $ape< and ,pe< sa*in&s, t%ere are also indirect efficienc! &ains s c% as a denser network wo ld &i*e (etter indoor co*era&e w%ic% leads to %i&%er cell capacities. O !ecti"eI to st d! scenarios of m ltiple operators s%arin& radio network reso rces and to create potential re' irements t%at complement e<istin& s!stem capa(ilities for s%arin& common R)- reso rces. $oordination wit% S)9 on t%is topic is en*isa&ed. Ser"ice Aspects: Impact on ser*ice e<perience of indi*id al s (scri(ers s%o ld (e kept at a minim m. Security Aspects: R)- S%arin& 8n%ancements s%all not ne&ati*el! affect sec rit! or pri*ac! of s%arin& networks or s (scri(ers. For t%e case of m ltiple operators s%arin& radio network reso rces t%e st d! needs take care of re' irements and scenarios forI maintainin& end+to+end sec rit! for eac% operator pro*idin& and allowin& appropriate le*els of *isi(ilit! of t%e s%ared radio network reso rces to t%e s%arin& network operators accordin& to eac% operatorUs role in t%e s%arin& arran&ement. In*ol*ement of S)3 for e*al ation of potential scenarios is en*isa&ed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 48,,3 4 48,,3 3 5,,,3 ? 51,,3 1 53,,3 ? 53,,3 + 41,,4 3 53,,3 8 52,,3 5

SA2 St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# 31S 5ase" Peer-to-Peer (o#te#t 9istri5utio# Servi%es (Sta4e 2) Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s Stu"2 o# S2ste *#6a#%e e#ts for *#er42 *ffi%ie#%2 %cronym 2S=;<S=P2P=CDS 2S=C09 2S=SEEE 2S=Sa<9G 2S=:9>< 2S=6BC 2S=<6P;< 2S=0B;29< 2S=U<90C Resourc e S2,S1,S3 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2,S1 S2 S2,S1 !14rapporteur China <o"ile /'a#ei /'a#ei C4E Blac$Berry 6llot Co..'nication D'alco.. C4E C4E 0R 237+43 237+33 237+52 237+8, 237+,, 237+31 237+31 237+5+

Stu"2 o# S2a 1o5ilit2 5ase" O# GTP a#" &B!+ a%%ess to *P( Stu"2 o# Opti i<e" Offloa"i#4 to &B!+ i# 3GPP-R!T 1o5ilit2 Stu"2 o# !ppli%atio# Ease" (6ar4i#4 Stu"2 o# 1ulti !%%ess P9+ %o##e%tivit2 a#" 3P flow 1o5ilit2 9elete" - Stu"2 o# 3P -low 1o5ilit2 support for S2a a#" S25 3#terfa%es 9elete" - Stu"2 o# ,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol e#6a#%e e#t

,39 4801(4 4802(4 ;100(A

St%dy on ,<S +"sed 4eer-to-4eer Content @istri+%tion Ser$ices 'FS9,<S94249C@S) =,@94800(4

Resour%e S1 S2 S( :2perli#' S4-120A22 S4-120A22 S4-120A22 +otes S4E;( co*pleted S4E;A co*pleted. -R 2(.C44$100 for ,nfor*"tion "nd Appro$"l S4E;C co*pleted. -R ((.C44 $100 for ,nfor*"tion "nd Appro$"l TR 2(.C44 2(.C44 ((.C44 +a e S!1 part S!2 part S!3 part

Supporting Companies:

$%ina 7o(ile, -okia Siemens -etwork, C awei, HT8, $)TT, Panasonic, 7otorola

Tri&&ered (! TR 22.066 S)1 St d! on I7S (ased Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices 5I13#966#7. Justification ) st d! in S)1 2TR 22.0664 %as identified t%e se cases of $ontent on 1emand, .i*e Streamin&, and File 1ownloadin& Ser*ice o*er I7S for lar&e n m(ers of online sers. T%e related ser*ice re' irements, c%ar&in& re' irements and sec rit! re' irements of I7S (ased Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices are identified t%ere. )lso, considerations on 58 t!pes, 3;PP access networks and non+3;PP access networks %a*e (een disc ssed. ) .S from S)1 2S1+1612#74 informs S)2 t%at t%e st d! on NI7S (ased Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*icesO %as (een 166Q completed and in*ites S)2 to start st d!in& t%is topic. W%ile Peer+to+Peer %as ori&inall! (een desi&ned to deli*er ser*ices across non+mana&ed networks, peer+to+peer ser*ices can (enefit from I7S+(ased networks to optimiAe reso rces and conse' entl! impro*e ?oS, in partic lar for real+time ser*ices s c% as *ideo. =esides, I7S f nctions, s c% as re&istration, a t%entication, ser data mana&ement, and c%ar&in&, can add *al e to t%e P2P $1S. T% s, it is meanin&f l to start a st d! to create and e*al ate alternati*e sol tions in order to f lfil t%e se cases and re' irements as defined (! S)1. T%is also means t%at t%e assessment on alternati*es and t%e final concl sion of t%is st d! s%o ld not onl! take TR 22.066 into consideration ( t also compl! wit% t%e related normati*e work in S)1. O !ecti"e T%is st d! does not intend to modif! ;PRS or 8P$ for P2P mec%anism, ( t foc s on t%e en%ancement of I7S to s pport Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices in respect of ;PRS, 8P$ and ot%er nderl!in& access network tec%nolo&ies. T%e o(Eecti*es are to st d! I7S (ased Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices on t%e arc%itect ral le*el wit% t%e followin& aspectsI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

$reatin& sol tions in order to f lfil t%e se cases and re' irements as defined (! S)1 w%ile a*oidin& d plicate work in ot%er S1,s, s c% as I8TF Ke.&. PPSP, P2PSIP, ).T,, and 18$)18L, and re+ sin& t%eir work. T%e sol tions s%o ldI )ppl! t%e same I7S ser mana&ement@re&istration proced re as ot%er I7S ser*icesV =e a(le to pro*ide t%e 58 wit% t%e appropriate )S to o(tain t%e addresses of ot%er Peers, from w%ic% t%e 58 can retrie*e t%e re' ested contentV Re+ se IS$ interface for ser*ice tri&&erin&V =e a(le to select ' alified 5ser Peers amon& a*aila(le 58s accordin& to t%e policies preconfi& red in t%e networkI 8la(orate alternati*e sol tions, w%ic% s pport t%e followin& network access tec%nolo&iesI 7o(ile access onl! 2e.&. 5TR)-, 8+5TR)-, I+W.)-4V Fi<ed access onl! 2e.&. <1S., .)-4V Fi<ed and mo(ile con*er&ence scenarios. 8*al ate possi(le impacts and impro*ements on network w%en I7S (ased Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices are deplo!ed, s c% as t%e interactions t%at are needed to adapt t%e peer+to+peer o*erla! properties to t%e confi& ration and t%e reso rces of t%e network. Identif! ?oS, mo(ilit!, c%ar&in& and sec rit! related re' irements in t%e case of Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ices on I7S.

T%e assessment on alternati*e sol tions and t%e final concl sion of t%is st d! s%o ld not onl! take TR 22.066 into consideration ( t also compl! wit% t%e related normati*e work in S)1. Ser"ice Aspects: Since t%e feasi(le impro*ements s%o ld (e as common as possi(le for different Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ice applications, s c% as .i*e@>od Streamin& and 1ownloadin&, t%is st d! s%o ld se a &eneral Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ice paradi&m, w%ic% s%o ld not (e restricted to a specific Peer+to+Peer $ontent 1istri( tion Ser*ice application. ''%(Aspects: Since 58 ma! offer capa(ilities 2e.&. comp tin& capa(ilit!, stora&e4 to ot%er co nterparts and necessar! P2P related info to ser*ers on t%e network side, t%ere ma! (e impacts in 77I+)spects. Charging Aspects: Since 58 ma! take part in offerin& ser*ices to ot%er co nterparts in a P2P mode, impacts on t%e c%ar&in& arc%itect re will (e considered if a promotin& c%ar&in& polic! is an option for operators. Security Aspects: Sec rit! related iss es will (e st died in 3;PP S)3 accordin& to ser*ice re' irements.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 4801( A 4802( A

St%dy on Core Networ3 5$erlo"d sol%tions 'FS9CN5) =,@94800(A

:2perli#' S4120480 S4120480 +otes 4#"se 1: co*plete st%dy of o$erlo"d control rel"ted to <A4 J@i"*eter si n"llin ! ot#er (I44 Core Networ3 si n"llin opti*iz"tion S4EA2 co*pleted TR 2(.C4( 2(.C4( +a e P6ase 1 P6ase 2

Supporting Companies: C awei, )TDT, >odafone, 1e tsc%e Telekom, )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, >eriAon Wireless, HT8, $%ina 7o(ile, Cewlett+Packard, ,ran&e, T+7o(ile 5S), ? alcomm, F Eits , Telefonica, $%ina 5nicom, Telenor, Telecom Italia .inked to $T# 5I13#0661# St d! on 8P$ -odes Restoration. S pport from $T# and R)- W;s is anticipated. Justification T%e ori&inal foc s of t%e $ore -etwork Si&nallin& ,*erload in*esti&ation was initiated (! a Eoint meetin& wit% $T W;# d rin& S)2 G70 in B!oto and contri( tion S2+163961 2)TT4 o tlined a specific incident in t%e network res ltin& in a NC.R ,*erloadO 2i.e. t%e C.R recei*in& 666Q of en&ineered capacit!4. T%e specific ca se of t%is incident was 2in one case4 a restart of a Radio -etwork $ontroller 2R-$4 t%at remo*ed t%e control c%annel. T%is forced all t%e mo(iles in a lar&e area to rere&ister. ,nce t%is s r&e of traffic started, t%e C.R was not a(le to complete t%e re&istration (efore some of t%e newer %andsets timed o t t%e re&istration and restarted t%e entire re&istration process on all networks 22; and 3;, >oice and 1ata4 to w%ic% t%e! were alread! attac%ed. T%is created e*en more traffic. ,nce t%e dela! at t%e C.R e<ceeded t%is %andset timeo t *al e, all of t%is class of newer %andsets were na(le to complete re&istration re&ardless of location. T%is Npositi*e feed(ackO sit ation spiralled ntil man al actions were taken to drasticall! red ce t%e ' e e 2e.&. (! s% ttin& down links4. T%is action (roke t%e c!cle (! eliminatin& t%e dela! at t%e e<pense of discardin& a lar&e n m(er of messa&es, and t%e network reco*ered. Increases in si&nallin& speed and t%e concentration of s (scri(ers into fewer C.R nodes creates a more complicated en*ironment, and one in w%ic% sit ations can c%an&e ' ickl!. Since more s (scri(ers are s pported per C.R, more s (scri(ers are also impacted. T%e C.R is a not ni' e network element in t%is re&ard. Similar scenarios mi&%t occ r as well to ot%er NcoreO network elements as t%e (e%a*io r of t%e 58 (ecomes increasin& comple<. T%is aspect t%o &% needs f rt%er in*esti&ation. T%is sit ation raises se*eral iss es, and &enerates se*eral ' estions wort%! of st d!I 1. 2. 3. $o ld t%e radio networkUs response to a fail re (e c%an&ed to a*oid a % &e spike in demand of core network reso rces^ S%o ld t%e C.R 2and ot%er network nodes4 %a*e a wa! to notif! t%e rest of t%e network t%at it is in o*erload^ W%at actions co ld (e taken (! t%e 7S$@>.R@S;S-@778@S7S+;W, etc. to red ce t%e load to t%e C.R at times of con&estion^

)dditionall!, #. Is t%ere an! s!ner&! wit% t%e 7T$ work item 2especiall! in re&ard to o*erload control4 and t%is s (Eect, or wit% t%e st d! a(o t node restoration in 8PS^

T%is s%o ld co*er all deplo!ed networks, incl din& .T8. St d! of t%e a(o*e aspects was started in Rel+11, ( t not completed d e to work prioritiAation. In addition to t%e ori&inal Rel+11 aspects identified a(o*e 2and related interfaces4, t%e ta(le (elow lists some more core network interfaces identified for f rt%er anal!sis of e<istin& mec%anisms and &aps in o*erload (e%a*io r 2-ote t%at t%is is an initial anal!sis and t%e interfaces identified are an e<ample to ill strate t%e iss e4I


3#terfa%e S1-A4 3#terfa%e T2pe NAS

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Gaps need f%rt#er in$esti "tion

S1-<<B SA"! +! d! Ix! Rx S11! S;! S4! SC

S1-<<B @i"*eter I-4-c! 4<,4 'for S;! SC)

*Disti#4 overloa" "ete%tio# a#" %o#trol e%6a#is 4riorities =B re/%est reRection! networ3 inti"ted session deletion! +"c3 off ti*er! BA.! <<B to eN.: o$erlo"d indic"tion "nd wei #t %pd"te @i"*eter +"se protocol "ser$er too +%sy" c"%se code SC-4 pro$ides tr"nsport l"yer con estion control point to point. I-4-c t%nnel control! ti*e o%t "nd retry! etc.

need f%rt#er in$esti "tion no end to end @i"*eter *ec#"nis* for lo"d le$el indic"tion "nd o$erlo"d controls no *ec#"nis* for lo"d le$el indic"tion "nd o$erlo"d controls

T%is st d! will co*er aspects started in Rel+11 and t%e additional aspects identified (elow. O !ecti"e to identif! and doc ment scenarios t%at ma! res lt in o*erload for core network entities and t%at are not !et co*ered (! ot%er work items, like t%e e*ent o tlined a(o*e, denial of ser*ice attacks, mis(e%a*in&@non+compliant mo(iles,... to anal!se t%e criticalit! of t%e scenarios and determine w%et%er it is re' ired to take actions for t%e identified scenarios st d! wa!s to miti&ate and %andle si&nallin& o*erload scenarios t%at are identified to (e critical.

)lread! specified o*erload control means as well as tools a*aila(le a&ainst t%e o*erload scenarios s%o ld (e e<amined and preferred, if t%e! are ade' ate or impro*ed if possi(le. T%is entails $T# st dies s c% as NSt d! on 8P$ -odes RestorationO. ;eneral o*erload %andlin& sol tions t%at work re&ardless of t%e ca se ma! (e preferred. )ll c rrentl! deplo!ed networks s%o ld (e co*ered in t%e st d!, incl din& .T8. . T%e st d! will foc s initiall! on pro*idin& a sol tion t%at does not re' ire 58 modifications. T%e st d! will contin e to anal!Ae and identif! scenarios and so rces for si&nallin& plane o*erload, impacted core network nodes and interfaces identified in R11 o*erload pre*ention mec%anisms. T%e st d! for sol tions and e*al ations will (e or&aniAed into t%e followin& p%asesI &hase #: complete st d! of o*erload control related to 7)P @1iameter si&nallin&, ot%er 3;PP core network si&nallin& optimiAation. Sol tions and e*al ation of network si&nallin& o*erload for SS7 and 7)P. Sol tions and e*al ation of network si&nallin& o*erload control for 1iameter (ase protocol to a*oid fail re d e to con&estion. T%is incl des 1iameter si&nallin& from t%e core network to CSS, P$RF and from si&nallin& to 3;PP ))). 8*al ation of o*erload aspects of core network sol tions to optimiAe periodic .)5@T)5@R)5 si&nallin&, -)S reEect and retransmission. )*oidin& core network o*erload d e to R)- node fail re. Impact of node deplo!ment for 2;, 3; and #; 2e.&. S;S-, 778 as com(ined node4.

&hase $: o*erload pre*ention for 3;PP core network interfacesI ,*erload pre*ention mec%anisms for interfaces (etween 3;PP core network nodes incl din& t%e interfaces identified in attac%ed ta(le in section 3. T%e detailed anal!sis of protocol le*el aspects of t%e interfaces identified will (e ndertaken in competent &ro ps 2e.&. $T#, $T1 etc4. Ser"ice Aspects: Security Aspects: -o ser*ices s%o ld (e impacted. )n! potential sec rit! aspects are to (e determined.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;000(1

St%dy on Syste* Bn#"nce*ents for Bner y Bfficiency 'FS9SBBB) =,@9;000(1

*#6a#%e e#ts for *#er42 *ffi%ie#%2 :2perli#' S4-100CCC +otes S4E;A co*pleted TR 2(.CAA +a e Stu"2 o# S2ste

Supporting Companies: C awei, $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telecom, -TT 1o$o7o, Telecom Italia , TeliaSonera , Cisilicon, -8$, BP-, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,#iFue 39
4(0044 'FS95A<BS<) 4A001A 'FS9Bner y9=<-S) 41001; 'FS9Bner y96-B) 4100(1 5A<-BS 4C001; 'FS9=BCN9BS)

St%dy on -eleco**%nic"tion <"n" e*ent0 Bner y S"$in s <"n" e*ent 'BS<) St%dy on Sol%tions for ener y s"$in wit#in =-RA Node . St%dy on Networ3 Bner y S"$in for B-=-RAN 5A< "spects of Bner y S"$in in R"dio Networ3s St%dy on i*p"cts on =B-Core Networ3 si n"llin fro* Bner y S"$in

+ature of relatio#s6ip
St%died ener y s"$in re/%ire*ents "nd sol%tions for se$er"l %se c"ses 'Co*pleted 0(J2010). ,dentifies potenti"l sol%tions to en"+le ener y s"$in wit#in =<-S Node-.s! "nd does " li #t initi"l e$"l%"tion of t#e proposed sol%tions. St%dies ,nter-RA- "nd inter-eN. ener y s"$in *ec#"nis*s fro* RAN perspecti$e 'in "ddition to w#"t w"s "lre"dy specified in Rel-8). @efines Bner y S"$in s <"n" e*ent 5A< re/%ire*ents "nd sol%tions St%dies potenti"l i*p"ct on =B-Core Networ3 proced%res fro* RAN ener y s"$in *e"ns! li3e fre/%ent switc# onJoff of cells. And loo3s for w"ys to *iti "te i*p"cts.

Justification 1 rin& Rel+" to Rel+16 t%e .T8@S)8 s!stem %as (een specified and t%e f nctionalit! of its feat res %as mat red. T%ere is certain interest to consider en%ancements for t%e S!stem arc%itect re related to ener&! efficienc!. T%e interest in s c% en%ancements ma! increase wit% t%e deplo!ment and wit% t%e capacit! e<tension of t%e 8PS. 8ner&! sa*in& ma! also (e interestin& (eca se of increasin& ener&! costs and fostered (! more &lo(al efforts on decreasin& t%e $,2 footprint. T%e mo(ile ind str! is also re' ired to contri( te to reac% international or national tar&ets. For some 3;PP areas, in R)-, $T and S)9, acti*ities %a*e alread! started. R)- st d! sol tions for intra and inter R)T ener&! sa*in& from R)- perspecti*e. )nd $T1 st d! w%et%er and %ow R)- sol tions wo ld impact terminals. S)9 works on a Rel+16 work Item to address t%e 8ner&! Sa*in& 7ana&ement arc%itect res and mana&ement sol tions. ) st d! a(o t ener&! sa*in& s%o ld also (e done from PS and $S core network and from I7S perspecti*e complementin& t%e alread! on&oin& work of t%e ot%er 3;PP &ro ps. T%e st d! s%o ld consider from arc%itect ral point of *iew deplo!ment aspects and potential s!stem en%ancements t%at relate to ener&! efficienc!. Specificall! f nctionalit! s pportin& pools of $- nodes or f nctions ena(lin& m ltiple $- nodes 2e.&. S+;Ws4 to ser*e t%e same or o*erlappin& areas ma! (e considered, e.&. to offload nodes ena(lin& switc%in& off nodes. O !ecti"eI to in*esti&ate deplo!ment aspects t%at relate to ener&! efficienc!, incl din& potential s!stem en%ancements t%at s pport ener&! efficient deplo!ments. S!stem en%ancements ma! (e anticipated in t%e area of f nctions t%at %a*e maEor infl ence on deplo!ment like f nctions t%at s pport pools of $- nodes or f nctions t%at ena(le m ltiple $- nodes to ser*e t%e same or o*erlappin& areas. T%e initial foc s is on PS domain. T%is st d! s%o ld a*oid an! o*erlap wit% t%e work (! R)-@$T@S)9 (! takin& into acco nt t%e work t%at %as (een and is &oin& on in t%ese W;s. Proposals %a*e to (e well E stified to (e considered in t%e st d!. Ser"ices AspectsI s%o ld not (e impacted (! res lts of t%is work Charging AspectsI to (e considered w%en affected (! impro*ement proposals. Security Aspects: to (e considered w%en affected (! impro*ement proposals.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;100A 1

St%dy on S2" <o+ility +"sed 5n I-4 "nd 26AN "ccess to B4C 'FS9S"<5I) =,@9;100A1
:2perli#' S412042A +otes S4EA1 co*pleted. Co$ers eneric non-(I44 "ccess 'e. . 26AN! 2,<A>! C@<AJ&R4@). Spin-off Fe"t%re S"<5I926AN. 6in3ed to Rel-C S%pport for non-(I44 "ccesses! Rel-10 S<5I! Rel-11 ..A, TR 2(.C;2 +a e Stu"2 o# S2a 1o5ilit2 5ase" O# GTP a#" &B!+ a%%ess to *P(

Supporting Companies:
,39 (;0021 4C00(1 4A0002 A

HT8, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina Telecom, )lcatel+. cent, 8ricsson, =T, Telefonica, =lack=err!
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L +ature of relatio#s6ip 2, %nder w#ic# non (I44 "ccesses 'incl%din 26AN) s%pport in B4S w"s defined! "nd S2" is one of t#e interf"ces defined for t#is p%rpose. -#is Fe"t%re relies on t#e res%lts of t#e KS<5IL 2or3 ,te* t#"t specified t#e S2+ +"sed on I-4 "nd *o+ility +etween S;JSC +"sed on I-4 "nd S2+ +"sed on I-4. Si*il"r i*p"cts to t#e (I44 AAA Ser$er "nd 4@N I2 *"y exist for I-4 +"sed S2" "nd S2+. @efine t#e interwor3in +etween " (I44 syste* "nd " Fixed .ro"d+"nd Access networ3 defined +y .ro"d+"nd For%* to pro$ide t#e ,4 connecti$ity to " (I44 =B %sin " 26AN connected to " Fixed .ro"d+"nd Access networ3

Title SAB for s%pport for non(I44 "ccesses 'SABS-SAF49n(I44) S<5I: S2+ <o+ility +"sed on I-4 ..A, : S%pport for ..F Accesses ,nterwor3in

Justification )s 8PS is startin& to deplo!, it wo ld (e (eneficial to also allow a ;TP option to ena(le S2a network+(ased mo(ilit! as t%is co ld simplif! t%e arc%itect re and operations of 3;PP 8PS network s pportin& 3;PP and -on+3;PP accesses (! sin& a sin&le mo(ilit! protocol. 8PS deplo!ments wit% ;TP (ased S2a ma! also (rin& t%e (enefit of not re' irin& ;<a, e.&. to pass access network related location information to t%e P$RF. It wo ld (e sef l for t%e operators to %a*e a sol tion for pro*idin& access to t%e 8P$ t%ro &% a W.)- wit% minim m terminal impacts. 5sin& S2a is one candidate sol tion. -o sa&e of W.)- access to 8P$ o*er S2a is c rrentl! doc mented in 3;PPs w%ereas decidin& w%et%er a non 3;PP access network is to (e considered as tr sted s%o ld not (e mandated (! t%e tec%nolo&! of t%is non 3;PP access. It is reco&niAed t%at some W.)- access accompanied wit% sec rit! mec%anism 2e.&., WP)2@)8S4 can (e considered as tr sted non+3;PP access. O !ecti"eI to st d!I 1. T%e addition of an S2a (ased on ;TP option. In partic lar t%is SI1 will de*elop t%e necessar! sta&e 2 messa&e flows to s pport S2a (ased on ;TP and mo(ilit! (etween ;TP+S9@S" and ;TP+S2a. 2. )llowin& W.)- access to 8P$ t%ro &% ;TP and P7IP S2a. Terminal impact and c%an&es to non 3;PP protocols will (e sed to e*al ate t%e *ario s sol tions. Sol tions re' irin& modifications to non 3;PP link+la!ers will not (e considered. T%e impact on t%e s pport of *ario s scenarios 2e.&. sim ltaneo s access to local network reso rces@ser*ices and access to 8P$ ser*ices in cases of residential W.)-, p (lic %otspots and enterprise W.)- *ers s access to eit%er oneV 58 and ser in*ol*ement in o(tainin& access to s c% ser*ices4 will (e sed to e*al ate t%e *ario s sol tions. It is e<pected t%at t%e res lt of t%is St d! Item ma! (e re+ sed (! 3;PP+==F interworkin& acti*ities. In Rel+11, t%is st d!, de*eloped (! t%e Sa7,;3W.)- WI1, res lted in $Rs to Rel+11s. In t%is p%ase, s pport of ;TP D P7IP*6 on S2a for W.)- access was de*eloped wit%o t an! 58 impact ( t as a conse' ence wit% certain limitations on s pported f nctions. T%ese limitations for Rel+11 are doc mented in TS 23.#62 in cla se16.1.2I =&n this release of the, handover-indicator from the 86, *)4 indication from the 86 and )15 via W>*4 are not specified# *s a consequence, for 6)1 access through S%a over $rusted W>*4 the following features are not supported in this release of the7 3andover between $W*4 and .:)) access with &) address preservation? 1onnectivity to a nondefault *)4 (as not signalled by the 86+? 86 initiated connectivity to additional )24# * single SS&2 offering for a given 86 simultaneous access to 6)1 through S%a and non-seamless offload is not supported#



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

&n this release of the, emergency attach is not supported#= In Rel+12, t%is st d! is aimin& at st d!in& en%ancements to t%e Rel+11 sol tion to a*oid t%ese limitations 2e<cept emer&enc! attac%4, and decidin& w%ic% feat re D related sol tion s%o ld (e de*eloped into normati*es. In t%is p%ase it is e<pected t%at t%ere will (e some impacts to t%e 58, alt%o &% an! s c% impact s%o ld (e minimised. Ser"ice Aspects: (e!ond t%ose alread! pro*ided w%en P7IP*6+(ased S2a is sed, are not foreseen to (e impacted Charging Aspects: an! necessar! en%ancements to (e considered (! S)9 Security Aspects: an! necessar! sec rit! anal!sis to (e ndertaken (! S)3



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A00( 1

St%dy on 5pti*ized 5fflo"din to 26AN in (I44-RA*o+ility 'FS925R<) =,@9;A00(1

:2perli#' S41202A1 +otes S4EA1 co*pleted. 6in3ed to =,@9(;0021 SAB for s%pport for non(I44 "ccesses 'SABS-SA-F49n(I44)! =,@941004( <A4,<! =,@94;0041 ,F5<! =,@9;(004A S"<5I TR 2(.C80 +a e Stu"2 o# Opti i<e" Offloa"i#4 to &B!+ i# 3GPP-R!T 1o5ilit2

Supporting Companies: =lack=err!, Telecom Italia, )TT, $%ina 7o(ile, .; 8lectronics, Panasonic, HT8, R niper -etworks, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, ? alcomm, -okia, 7otorola 7o(ilit!
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title (;002 SAB for s%pport for non-(I44 "ccesses 'SABS-SA-F49n(I44) 1 41004 <A4,< ( 4;004 ,F5< 1 ;(004 S"<5I A +ature of relatio#s6ip non-(I44 "ccesses 'incl%din 26AN) s%pport in B4S FS925R< "i*s "t re-%sin t#e res%lts of <A4,< FS925R< "i*s "t re-%sin t#e res%lts of ,F5< FS925R< "i*s "t re-%sin t#e res%lts of SA<5I

Justification 8PS %as defined t%e s pport of connecti*it! o*er W.)- as part of t%e -on+3;PP access s pport. 8PSs %a*e defined proced res for o(tainin& connecti*it! o*er tr sted and ntr sted W.)-, and for %ando*er of IP traffic to and from 3;PP access tec%nolo&ies and W.)-. Wit% t%e spreadin& se of W.)- and t%e increasin& role W.)- is pla!in& in 3;PP operator network deplo!ments, impro*in& t%e se of W.)- in 8PS wo ld (e (eneficial to operators and to ser e<perience. In 8PS, )-1SF %as defined mec%anisms t%at ena(le de*ices to determine w%ic% access tec%nolo&! is prefera(le for certain IP traffic nder specific conditions 2e.&. t%ro &% t%e se of ISRP4.In certain scenarios, W.)- access ma! (e considered prefera(le to certain 3;PP access tec%nolo&ies 2e.&. for certain traffic, W.)- ma! (e prefera(le to 5TR)( t not to 8+5TR)-4. Cowe*er, at present )-1SF does not pro*ide for mec%anisms to indicate preferences wit% &ran larit! at t%e 3;PP R)T le*el wit%in network policies. T%is restricts t%e a(ilit! for t%e operator to pro*ide policies t%at fa*o r a specific 3;PP R)T o*er anot%er one wit% reference to t%e W.)- preference. )t present, it is not clear w%et%er mec%anism c rrentl! specified for mo(ilit! of IP traffic (etween a 3;PP R)T and W.)- allow to miti&ate t%e potential loss, de&radation or s spension of (earers and t%erefore t%e res ltin& impact on t%e ser e<perience d rin& mo(ilit! (etween 3;PP R)Ts. 8<amples incl de mo(ilit! (etween R)Ts 2e.&. 8+5TR)- to 5TR)- or ;8R)-4 t%at ma! lead 8PS (earers, correspondin& to IP traffic t%at co ld ot%erwise (e transported o*er W.)-, (ein& dropped or t%e ?oS red ced. 8<amples also incl de scenarios w%ere t%e 58 ma! tri&&er, (ased on policies in t%e 58 and t%e 58 detectin& t%e c%an&e of R)T, an %ando*er of specific IP traffic to W.)- ri&%t after t%e 3;PP mo(ilit!. O !ecti"eI to consider t%e followin& mo(ilit! scenarios in relations%ip to minimiAin& ser and ser*ice impact and (etter le*era&in& t%e sim ltaneo s connecti*it! to a 3;PP access and to W.)- access. T%e o tcome of t%e work item will not impact c rrent 3;PP R)T and non+3;PP access mo(ilit! mec%anisms. 1. Identif!in& e<tensions to )-1SF ISRP and possi(l! IS7P policies in order to ena(le polic! differentiation of 3;PP R)Ts 2e.&. 8+5TR)- *ers s 5TR)-, ;8R)- *s. 5TR)-4 wit% respect to W.)-. T%e st d! will foc s onl! on )-1SF e<tensions to ena(le a 58 to distin& is% preferences for specific 3;PP R)Ts. T%e st d! will foc s on )-1SF e<tensions t%at s%all not impact e<istin& mec%anisms for 3;PP R)T selection. )nal!Ain& t%e scenarios listed in section 3 a(o*e, and st d!in& %ow mo(ilit! to W.)- of specific IP traffic + t%at ma! (e impact (! PS mo(ilit! (etween 3;PP R)Ts + co ld (e performed in s c% a wa! to a*oid t%e impacts descri(ed in t%e E stification. T%is incl des anal!Ain& t%e potential iss es in*ol*ed in t%e scenarios descri(ed a(o*e 2e.&. dropped IP traffic, race conditions, etc.4, identif!in& w%et%er c rrent sol tions doc mented in 8P$s are s fficient, identif!in& potential inefficiencies, and identif! potential areas of impro*ement of c rrent sol tions or additional sol tions to address t%e specific iss es. T%e st d! will identif! w%en and %ow )-1SF policies can (e e*al ated wit% respect to w%en mo(ilit! e*ents in a 3;PP R)T take place.


7ec%anisms t%at re' ire arc%itect ral c%an&es to R)- are o tside t%e scope. 7ec%anisms t%at re' ire t%e R)- to (e aware of W.)- co*era&e are o tside t%e scope.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e work item will not (e restricted to a specific 8PS sol tion for W.)- connecti*it! or mo(ilit!, i.e. it considers WiFi connecti*it! wit% S2a, S2(, S2c, non+seamless W.)- offloadin& and I+W.)- mo(ilit!. -o Ser"ice Aspects are foreseen to (e impacted. )n! necessar! Security Ana,ysis will (e ndertaken (! S)3.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;A00( C

St%dy on Applic"tion ."sed C#"r in 'FS9A.C) =,@9;A00(C

:2perli#' S4120211 +otes S4E;8 co*pleted. 6in3ed to Rel-11 Fe"t%re =,@9;000(2 Ser$ice Aw"reness "nd 4ri$"cy 4olicies 'SA44) TR 2(.C00 +a e Stu"2 o# !ppli%atio# Ease" (6ar4i#4

Supporting Companies: )llot $omm nications, $%ina Telecom, 1e tsc%e Telekom, B11I, ,ran&e, Sprint, Telefonica, Telenor, 5S $ell lar, >odafone, )mdocs, =roadcom, $om*erse, ;8-=)-1, Cewlett+Packard, Citac%i, R niper -etworks, 7o*ik -etworks, ,penet, ,penwa*e, Radis!s, Sand*ine, Tekelec
Relate" Stu"2 3te or -eature (if a#2) H ,39 Title ;000( Ser$ice Aw"reness "nd 4ri$"cy 2 4olicies 'SA44) +ature of relatio#s6ip ,ntrod%ces -r"ffic @etection F%nction "nd "pplic"tion detection "nd control 'A@C) *ec#"nis*s +ot# for -@F "nd for 4CBF en#"nced wit# A@C.

Ot6er sour%e of sta4e 1 i#for atio# TS or (lause Re ar's (R(s) 22.115 4 Re/%ires to s%pport t#e "+ility of sep"r"te c#"r in per different types of ser$ices

Justification T%e P$$ arc%itect re in 3;PP allows for t%e P$RF to pro*ide Polic! and $%ar&in& $ontrol r les to t%e P$8F t%at a t%oriAes ?oS and pro*idess for ser*ice data flow (ased c%ar&in&. $%ar&in& parameters are transferred wit%in P$$ R les for t%e ser*ices w%ic% need to (e c%ar&ed. T%ose parameters incl de, amon& ot%ers, t%e Ser*ice Identifier t%at t%e ser*ice data flows in a P$$ R le relate to, t%e $%ar&in& ke! to determine t%e tariff to appl! for t%e ser*ice data flows, t%e $%ar&in& met%od to (e applied 2online, offline, neit%er4 and t%e 7eas rement met%od w%ic% indicates w%et%er ser*ice data flowsP data *ol me, d ration, com(ined *ol me@d ration or e*ent s%all (e meas red. =ased on t%ese parameters, P$8F esta(lis%es sessions wit% t%e ,$S and@or t%e ,F$S and pro*ides ser*ice data flow (ased c%ar&in&. It is possi(le, startin& from Rel+11 S)PP WI1, for t%e P$$ arc%itect re to pro*ide application awareness e*en w%en t%ere is no e<plicit ser*ice le*el si&nallin&. T%e application detection and control can (e implemented eit%er (! t%e T1F 2Traffic 1etection F nction4 entit! or (! t%e P$8F en%anced wit% )pplication 1etection and $ontrol 2)1$4. T%e mec%anisms of detection and, in case of solicited application reportin& also t%e mec%anisms of control 2i.e. &atin&, (andwidt% limitation, redirection and sa&e monitorin& per detected application4 are applica(le also for ser*ices@applications wit% non+ded ci(le ser*ice data flows. Similar to P$$ R les, )1$ R les are defined per eac% application w%ic% is re' ired to (e detected and controlled. P$RF is in c%ar&e and capa(le of correlatin& P$$ and )1$ R les, (ot% for t%e case of T1F and for t%e case in w%ic% t%e P$8F is en%anced wit% application detection and control. In t%e c rrent P$$s, w%en t%e T1F implements application detection and enforcement and t%e P$8F implements c%ar&in& for IP+$)- sessionPs traffic, packets co nted in t%e P$8F ma! not (e deli*ered d e to enforcement actions in t%e T1F 2i.e., &atin&, (andwidt% limitation, and redirection4. O !ecti"eI to st d! P$8F and@or T1F (ased c%ar&in& sol tions wit%in t%e followin& re' irementsI

$%ar&in& for ser*ices and applications w%en T1F performs application detection and control for IP+$)- sessionPs traffic.

=ased on t%e tec%nical anal!sis, an! needed en%ancements@ pdates to 3;PP f nctions and interfaces will (e identified. T%e a&reed sol tions will (e e*al ated for s (se' ent normati*e.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 41014 ( 41024 (

St%dy on <%lti Access 4@N connecti$ity "nd ,4 flow <o+ility 'FS9<A4,<) =,@941004(
:2perli#' S41104;2 S41104;2 +otes S4E;( co*pleted S4E4( -R 2(.CA1$100 for ,nfor*"tion. S4E;A Rel-8 -R 2(.CA1$1(0 ren"*ed H pro ressed %nder new St%dy FS9N.,F5<. S4E;C co*pleted t#e FS9<A4,< p"rt of -R 2(.CA1 '-R contin%ed %nder FS9N.,F5<). TR 2(.CA1 2(.CA1 +a e S!1 part S!2 part

Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, $%ina 7o(ile, HT8, $%ina Telecom, Interdi&ital, 7ediaTek, C awei, $)TT, $%ina 5nicom, -TT 1o$o7o, -8$, -T$, B11I, Citac%i, ,ran&e, Panasonic, Telecom Italia, TeliaSonera, S%arp, )lcatel+. cent, )TDT, Intel Spin+off Feat res 7)P$,-, IF,7. SPG9" completed FS37)PI7 part of 23."61 2contin ed nder FS3-=IF,74 Justification Rel+" 8PS introd ced a m lti access 3;PP s!stem w%ere different %etero&eneo s access s!stems 2e.&. 3;PP, 3;PP2, WiFi, WI7):, Fi<ed (road(and access, etc4 are connected to a common 8P$. In t%e 8PS t%e s (scri(er can connect to t%e same P1- *ia an! of t%e a*aila(le access s!stems, %owe*er it is not possi(le to connect to t%e same P1sim ltaneo sl! *ia different accesses. T%e same limitations appl! to Rel+" I+W.)- mo(ilit!. 1 al radio de*ices 2e.&. 3;[email protected] +WiFi4 are (ecomin& commonl! a*aila(le and t%e set of applications r nnin& in t%e mo(ile de*ices is di*ersif!in&. W%ile some applications are *er! well s ited to r n o*er 3;PP access s!stems some ot%er applications ma! (e also well s ited to r n o*er some ot%er + complementar! + access s!stems 2e.&. ftp transfer *ia WiFi in parallel to >oIP o*er .T84. )lso, in some en*ironments 2e.&. %ome, office, camp s4 it wo ld (e (eneficial to (e a(le to deri*e added *al e from t%e (asic capa(ilit! of d al+radio de*ices, i.e. t%eir a(ilit! to (e connected to 2 different access s!stems sim ltaneo sl!. In Rel+" 8PS t%ere are no means in 3;PP to d!namicall! direct indi*id al IP flows &enerated (! different applications and (elon&in& to t%e same P1- connection to specific access s!stem. T%is capa(ilit! can (e ac%ie*ed (! introd cin& IP flow mo(ilit! to t%e 8P$ D IW.)- mo(ilit!. IP flow mo(ilit! allows d!namic allocation of different IP flows to different access s!stems so t%at t%e ser e<perience can (e en%anced w%ile t%e connecti*it! cost for t%e operator can (e optimiAed. )dditionall!, t%ere are onl! partial means in Rel+" 8P$ to s pport connecti*it! to m ltiple P1-s o*er different access s!stems. In fact, a 58 can connect to one P1- o*er a 3;PP access s!stem and a second P1- o*er a different access s!stem, %owe*er %ando*ers (etween t%e access s!stems in s c% scenario are not descri(ed in Rel+". O !ecti"e: It is ass to st d! t%e means to en%ance t%e 8P$ and I+W.)- 7o(ilit! s!stems to s pportI

accessin& a P1- sim ltaneo sl! *ia a 3;PP and a non 3;PP access s!stem operator policies for & idin& and confi& rin& t%e 58 IP flow ro tin& *ia different access s!stems d!namic mo*ement of P1- IP flows (etween access s!stems 3;PP+-on3;PP %ando*ers w%en 58 is connected to different P1-s *ia different accesses 28P$ onl!4 med t%atI t%e 58 is a d al radio 3;PP + -on+3;PP 58 t%e 58 P1- IP addresses do not c%an&e d e to t%e mo(ilit! e*ents proced res appl! independentl! of w%et%er I7S or -on+I7S applications are sed t%ere is minimal impacts to t%e 3;PP access s!stem

)t least t%e followin& proced res are st diedI Sin&le P1- caseI $onnectin& to a sin&le P1- ;W@C) *ia m ltiple access s!stems



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e association of one or m ltiple IP flows to an access s!stem T%e mo*ement of one or m ltiple IP flows (etween different access s!stems T%e necessar! P$$ si&nallin& and interactions to pro*ide ?oS and P$$ r les associated wit% IP flows 2not applica(le to I+W.)- mo(ilit!4 T%e a t%oriAation (! t%e operator for t%e 58 to perform IP flow mo(ilit!

7 lti P1-s caseI 3;PP + -on 3;PP %ando*ers w%en t%e 58 is connected to different P1-s *ia different access s!stems

T%e followin& ( ildin& (locks will (e incl dedI = ildin& =lock II Seamless offload and flow mo(ilit! for 1S7IP*6 (ased S2cV = ildin& =lock III Seamless offload and flow mo(ilit! for P7IP and@or ;TP (ased S2a and S2(. = ildin& =lock II incl des t%e st d! of t%e followin& proced res in sin&le P1- caseI o o t%e association of one or m ltiple IP flows to an access s!stem t%e mo*ement of one or m ltiple IP flows (etween different access s!stems

-,T8+1I S pport of IP flow mo(ilit! for 1S7IP*6 S2c in ==1 %as (een completed and is defined in TS 23.261 -,T8+2I T%e st d! of t%e ;TP+(ased S2a s pport for tr sted non+3;PP access wit% seamless offload and flow mo(ilit! is deferred ntil t%e Sa7,; st d! is completed -,T8+3I T%e s!stem capa(ilities w%ic% are de*eloped from t%e = ildin& =lock II will (e f nctionall! e' i*alent wit% t%e = ildin& =lock I. Ser"ice Aspects: In t%e case of IP flows related to I7S ser*ices, interaction wit% I7S mo(ilit! mec%anisms and correspondin& policies need to (e taken into acco nt and coe<istence need to (e ens red. Charging Aspects: Candled (! t%e pdates to t%e P$$ si&nallin& Security Aspects: )dditional sec rit! impact t%at mi&%t (e identified will (e in*esti&ated.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 48,,3 4 48,13 4 48,23 4 5?,,3 3 4+,,4 3 5,,,3 4 53,,4 ? 55,,2 3 5?,,3 5 31,,4 3

SA( St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# 31S 5ase" Peer-to-Peer (o#te#t 9istri5utio# Servi%es (Sta4e 2) S!1 part S!2 part S!3 part Stu"2 o# *Dte#"e" 31S 1e"ia Pla#e Se%urit2 features Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 aspe%ts of 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's Stu"2 o# -irewall traversal (Sta4e 2) Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 o# spoofe" %all "ete%tio# a#" preve#tio# (Sta4e 2) Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 !ssura#%e 1et6o"olo42 for 3GPP +etwor' *le e#ts Stu"2 o# Su5s%ri5er Priva%2 3 pa%t i# 3GPP %cronym 2S=;<S=P2P=CDS 2S=;<S=P2P=CDS 2S=;<S=P2P=CDS 2S=;<S=P2P=CDS 2S=e<ED;6SEC 2S=SS9=;nt=Sec 2S=2ire 2S=SP992 2S=SEC6< 2S=SP; Resourc e S2,S1,S3 S1 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 !14rapporteur China <o"ile China <o"ile China <o"ile China <o"ile @odafone Eric on 6c.e Pac$et China <o"ile 9range China Unico. 0R 237+44 237+44 337+44 337+28 337+85 337+3, 337+31 337+,5 337+!y

,39 4C004(

St%dy on Bxtended ,<S <edi" 4l"ne Sec%rity fe"t%res =,@94C004(

:2perli#' S4-1002;A &3Arapporteur :od"fone +otes S4E;8 co*pleted TR ((.C28 +a e Stu"2 o# *Dte#"e" 31S 1e"ia Pla#e Se%urit2 features

Supporting Companies: >odafone, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, =T, 8ricsson, C awei, -okia, -S-, ,ran&e, Ro&ers Wireless, ST+8ricsson, HT8. $ontin ation of Rel+0 Feat re 5I13#36636 I7S 7edia Plane Sec rit! 2781I)S8$4 St d! sol tions and e<tensions to feat res and f nctionalit! descri(ed in TR 33."2" and TS 33.32". Justification T%e Rel+0 781I)S8$ WI res lted in t%e of sol tions for media protection o*er t%e access network 2e2m4 and peer+to+ peer 2e2e4. For t%e peer+to+peer 2e2e4 media plane sec rit!, two sol tions were standardiAed 1. 2. a media sec rit! sol tion to satisf! maEor ser cate&ories a media sec rit! sol tion pro*idin& %i&% ' alit! end+to+end media sec rit! for important ser &ro ps like enterprises, -ational Sec rit! and P (lic Safet! 2-SPS4 or&aniAations and different &o*ernment a t%orities.

3owever, the solutions do not cope with a number of requirements and relevant use cases# Solutions for use cases li'e conference (group+ calls, protection of non-@$) media, deferred delivery, video<media on demand, *S-terminated media security and transcoder functionality described in $@ ..#A%A and some widely used use cases li'e recording of protected media, communication diversion, and single radio voice call continuity (S@B11+ have not been addressed# &t is therefore desirable to continue to study and develop solutions for these use cases and to evaluate which normative standardiCation wor' that is needed# O !ecti"e: I7S media sec rit! ma! ser*e different p rposes and (e deplo!ed in different en*ironments. Its a(ilit! to pro*ide protected standard I7S (ased ser*ices are of %i&% rele*ance for man! ser &ro ps. T%e o(Eecti*e of t%is st d! is to detail t%e rele*ant se cases@ser*ices and correspondin& sol tions. T%e re' irements left o t from t%e Rel+0 st d! TR 33."2" will (e sed as a (asis. 8<ample of se cases@ser*icesI conference calls, protection of non+RTP media, earl! media, comm nication di*ersion, deferred deli*er!, protected media recordin&, *ideo on demand, )S+terminated media sec rit!, transcoder f nctionalit! and SR>$$.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Ser"ice Aspects: T%e res lts of t%e proposed work item will allow operators to pro*ide protection for I7S media and I7S standard ser*ices, w%ic% is alread! now pro*ided (! >oice+o*er+IP offerin&s competin& wit% I7S. F rt%ermore, t%e res lts will allow offerin& %i&% ' alit! end+to+end media sec rit! as a *al e added ser*ice to important ser &ro ps. ''%(Aspects: I7S media protection s%o ld work wit%o t ser in*ol*ement. Cowe*er, dependin& on t%e re' irements of certain ser &ro ps, sers ma! want to %a*e t%e possi(ilit! to confi& re t%eir sec rit! settin&s. Charging Aspects: added ser*ice. It s%all (e possi(le to c%ar&e a c stomer for %i&% ' alit! end+to+end media sec rit! as a *al e



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;000( 4

St%dy on Sec%rity "spects of ,nte r"tion of Sin le Si n-5n fr"*ewor3s wit# (I44 networ3s =,@9;000(4
-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p ;0N :2perli#' S41001(4 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TR ((.C8; +a e Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 aspe%ts of 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's

Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, -okia $orporation , -S-, Ro&ers Wireless, T+7o(ile, TeliaSonera, )TDT, )lcatel+. cent, Inter1i&ital, -8$
,39 2S=SS9=;nt 2S=SS9=6PS GB6-;d< Relate" &or' 3te Title St'dy on ;ntegration of Single Sign-9n (SS9) fra.e#or$ #ith 3GPP net#or$ St'dy on Single Sign 9n (SS9) 6&&lication Sec'rity for ;<S "a ed on S;P Dige t E!tended ;dentity <anage.ent 4> 337824: F;dentity .anage.ent and 3GPP ec'rity inter#or$ingG ;dentity .anage.ent and Generic 6'thentication 6rchitect're (G66) inter#or$ingH 4> 3378+,: I;nter#or$ing of 1i"erty 6lliance ;dentity 2ederation 2ra.e#or$ (;D-22), ;dentity :e" Ser%ice 2ra.e#or$ (;D-:S2) and the Generic 6'thentication 6rchitect're (G66)I7 (s) (if a#2L +ature of relatio#s6ip 4he ' e ca e and er%ice reE'ire.ent identified in 2S=SS9=;nt ho'ld "e ' ed a "a i to '&&ort the S63 t'dy7 2S=SS9=6PS analy i and ol'tion #o'ld "e con idered in thi t'dy a 2S=SS9=6PS i e!&ected to co%er al o a &ect of inter#or$ing "et#een SS9 fra.e#or$ and a&&lication ' ing S;P Dige t "a ed ec'rity7 Sol'tion and a &ect in 4> 337824 #o'ld "e con idered in thi t'dy a 4> 337824 &ro%ide an inter#or$ing .echani . #ith 3GPP net#or$ and a SS9 fra.e#or$, na.ely GB6-9&en;D inter#or$ing7 Sol'tion and a &ect in 4> 3378+, #o'ld "e con idered in thi t'dy a 4> 3378+, &ro%ide an inter#or$ing .echani . #ith 3GPP net#or$ and a SS9 fra.e#or$, na.ely GB6-1i"erty5S6<1 inter#or$ing7


Justification T%is st d! is (ased on S)1 TR 22."09 St d! on Inte&ration of Sin&le Si&n+,n 2SS,4 frameworks wit% 3;PP networks. T%is St d! in*esti&ates t%e sec rit! aspects of S)1 st d! on interworkin& of t%e operator+centric identit! mana&ement wit% t%e ser+centric We( ser*ices pro*ided o tside of an operatorUs domain. Specificall!, it addresses inte&ration of SS, frameworks and t%e 3;PP a t%entication ser*ices, w%ic% is essential for operators to le*era&e t%eir assets and t%eir c stomersU tr st, w%ile introd cin& new identit! ser*ices. S c% inte&ration will allow operators to (ecome SS, identit! pro*iders (! re+ sin& t%e e<istin& a t%entication mec%anisms in w%ic% an end+ serUs de*ice effecti*el! a t%enticates t%e end ser. For t%e operator to (ecome t%e preferred SS, Identit! Pro*ider mi&%t re' ire inte&ration of t%e operator core wit% e<istin& application ser*ice @ content pro*iders to allow t%e sa&e of credentials on t%e 58, for SS, ser*ices. T%e 3;PP operator ma! le*era&e its tr st framework and its relia(le and ro( st sec re credential %andlin& infra+ str ct re to pro*ide SS, ser*ice (ased on operator+controlled credentials. S c% SS, inte&ration %as to work for *ario s operator a t%entication confi& rations. O !ecti"eI to in*esti&ate sec rit! aspects of se cases and ser*ice re' irements identified (! S)1 TR 22."09 for *ario s operator a t%entication confi& rationsI Ser*ice and deplo!ment scenarios for 3;PP operators adoptin& an inte&rated approac% to SS,, incl din& W8=, person to person and 7T$ ser*ice scenarios $ompre%ensi*e set of se cases of inte&ration of different Identit! and SS, frameworks 2e.&. ,penI14 for *ario s operator a t%entication confi& rations 2e.&. confi& rations sin& ;=) or not sin& ;=)4 5se cases and potential ser*ice re' irements for ,perators s%arin& controlled ser credentials wit% 3rd part! ser*ice pro*iders 5se cases and potential ser*ice re' irements associated wit% ens rin& t%at t%e intended ser is makin& se of t%e associated SS, capa(ilit! 2incl din& t%e case w%en t%e 58 %as (een stolen or lost4

In partic lar, t%is st d! e*al ates e<istin& interworkin& sol tions, cf. section 2.1, (etween SS, frameworks and 3;PP a t%entication mec%anisms a&ainst t%e findin&s of t%e S)1 st d! and de*elops new sol tions as appropriate. ser*ice aspects are st died in t%e related S)1 st d!. T%ere ma! (e 77I aspects wit% t%e o(Eecti*e a(o*e for Nens rin& t%at t%e intended ser is makin& se of t%e associated SS, capa(ilit! 2incl din& t%e case w%en t%e 58 %as (een stolen or lost4O. c%ar&in& aspects are st died in t%e related S)1 st d!



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(0041

St%dy on Firew"ll -r"$ers"l 'FS9Fire) =,@9;(0041

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ2014 (o p 1;N :2perli#' S4-120C48 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TR ((.C(0 +a e Stu"2 o# -irewall traversal (Sta4e 2)

Supporting Companies: Intel

)cme Packet, $%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, C awei, R niper -etworks, >odafone, HT8, -S-,

.inked to Rel+12 Ser*ice and 7edia Reac%a(ilit! for 5sers o*er Restricti*e Firewalls 2S75RFs4 5I139366#3
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;(004( Rel-12 SA1-led Fe"t%re: Ser$ice "nd <edi" Re"c#"+ility for =sers o$er Restricti$e Firew"lls 'S<=RFs) +ature of relatio#s6ip

Justification T%e I7S ser*ice re' irements 2TS 22.22"4 and t%e 8PS ser*ice re' irements 2TS 22.27"4 %a*e (een e<tended to co*er new re' irements for firewall tra*ersal and t%is st d! item is to st d! w%at t%e iss es to (e resol*ed are to meet t%ese re' irements and potential mec%anisms if e<istin& mec%anisms do not meet t%ese re' irements. T%e ind str! %as %istoricall! adopted proprietar! approac%es to tra*erse s c% firewalls. ,ne e<ample approac% is to t nnel application traffic o*er T.S@T$P on CTTPSU well+known port n m(er, em latin& CTTPS we( traffic. 3;PP %a*e some mec%anisms alread! to %andle -)T and FW tra*ersal for I7S and 8PS (ased on t nnellin& tec%ni' es. T%ere is %owe*er a need to re*iew t%e e<istin& mec%anisms to assess w%et%er t%ese are s ita(le or if ot%er mec%anism are needed. O !ecti"eI To re*iew and st d! t%e re' irements and scenarios for tra*ersal of I7S and non+I7S ser*ices o*er I7S+ and 8PS+ naware firewalls. To st d! mec%anisms 2(ased on (ot% sec re and non+sec re t nnels4, w%ic% can (e sed for tra*ersal of I7S and non+I7S ser*ices o*er I7S+ and 8PS+ naware firewalls.

Ser"ice AspectsI to address ser*ice re' irements introd ced in S)1 for tra*ersal of I7S and non+I7S ser*ices o*er I7S+ and 8PS+ naware firewalls. Security Aspects: Sec rit! implications of tra*ersin& firewalls need to (e (alanced a&ainst t%e need for ser*ice access in a wide ran&e of access network en*ironments. Iss es wit% meetin& re' irements for lawf l interception need to (e considered.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;002 A

St%dy on Sec%rity on spoofed c"ll detection "nd pre$ention 'FS9S455F) =,@9;;002A

-i#is6 11=12=201 3 (o p 1;N :2perli#' S41200(0 +otes S4EA1 pro$ide "t @ec SA plen"ry t#e -R w"y forw"rd. 6in3ed to Rel-11 S4=C, -R ((.C(C TR ((.C(1 +a e Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 o# spoofe" %all "ete%tio# a#" preve#tio# (Sta4e 2)

Supporting Companies: $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, TeliaSonera, $)TR, $%ina 5nicom, C awei, $)TT, -8$, Ro&ers Wireless, ,ran&e, =T, )cme Packet
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title 4C00(8 Specific"tion of 4rotection " "inst =nsolicited Co**%nic"tion for ,<S 'S4=C,) -R ((.C(C +ature of relatio#s6ip =ntr%sted networ3s

Justification T%ere are a *ariet! of met%ods and tec%nolo&ies t%at can (e sed to make spoofed calls. T%e most common wa!s can (e t%ro &% leased *oice line@PRI or sin& >oIP tec%nolo&!. Spoofed call is nfort natel! an e<istin& met%od in telecom fra d. It tricks t%e called part! into t%inkin& t%e call was comin& from a different, sometimes a t%oritati*e or&aniAation t%an t%e callerUs. In some re&ions, commonl! spoofed I1s are t%ose from a t%oritati*e or&aniAations, emer&enc! I1s, (ank I1s and police I1s. In ot%er re&ions, t%reats t!picall! incl de e.&. *oicemail spoofin& 2pri*ac! t%reats4 and premi m ser*ices spoofin& 2commercial t%reats4. Spoofed calls ma! indeed (e terminated in a 3;PP mo(ile network F an increasin& pro(a(ilit! and t%reat. T%ere are se*eral impacts (! t%e spoofin& calls. For e<ample, t%e e<istence of spoofed calls lowers t%e tr st le*el of telecom ser*ices, in t%at people ma! tr st all networks less and less. It en%ances t%e fra d effect &reatl! (! trickin& people, it ca ses &reat loss to t%e sers, and t%reatens to create (ad rep tation to also mo(ile networks and its ser*ices. o o Spoofin& call is possi(le in local, lon& distance and international calls wit% low cost, alt%o &% t%e cost and effort to implement it *aries wit% network, and wit% co ntr! It is %ard to detect spoofin& calls in c rrent mo(ile networkV It is almost impossi(le to detect spoofin& calls from &atewa!s, especiall! t%e spoofed call I1 is s (scri(ers of different networks

In order to detect t%e spoofin& call and find meas res to deal wit% t%is %ea*! pro(lem of spoofed call, t%e (est common met%ods and possi(le practices for t%is kind of pro(lem need to (e descri(ed. O !ecti"eI to come p wit% recommendations on means to identif! spoofed calls in $S domain w%ere t%e call co ld %a*e ori&inated from o tside t%e $S domain. T%is st d! item %as t%e followin& o(Eecti*esI , tline *alid t%reat scenarios for spoofin& calls comin& to 2; and 3; $S domains. )nal!Ae and e*al ate if an! tools in 3;PP can (e sed to co nteract t%is pro(lem. St d! and identif! possi(le re' ired tec%nolo&! mec%anism to detect t%e spoofed calls in t%e first step and also st d! pre*ention as second step if detection is ac%ie*a(le.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;100( ;

St%dy on Sec%rity Ass%r"nce <et#odolo y for (I44 Networ3 Ble*ents 'FS9SBCA<) =,@9;100(;
-i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p 80N :2perli#' S4120A;4 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14. -R ((.C0;$200 for Appro$"l TR ((.C0; +a e Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 !ssura#%e 1et6o"olo42 for 3GPP +etwor' *le e#ts

Supporting Companies: ,ran&e, )TDT, =T, $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, Inter1i&ital, R niper -etworks, BP-, Ro&ers Wireless, TeliaSonera, >odafone, -8$, -TT 1,$,7,, C awei, -SSt d! met%odolo&ies for specif!in& prod ct sec rit! ass rance and %ardenin& re' irements on 3;PP network elements 2wit% associated test cases w%en feasi(le4. Spin+off Rel+13 Feat re S$)S 2Sec rit! )ss rance Specification for 3;PP network prod cts4 5I13626662. Justification It %as (een well acknowled&ed t%at wit% t%e introd ction of all+IP, ( t also t%e &rowt% in t%e operator+landscape, t%e risk of attacks a&ainst mo(ile network infrastr ct re %as increased. T%e effort in 3;PP to co nteract t%is %as so far (een to introd ce -1S@IP for (ack%a l protectionV t%e sa&e of [email protected] for transport protection, and node a t%entication sin& certificates. T%ere %as also (een some efforts for so+called platform sec rit! for C2e4-= and R-. W%ile t%e operatorUs core network can (e ass med to (e p%!sicall! inaccessi(le, it ma! not (e as closed as one wo ld like it to (e. It is * lnera(le d e to its closeness to t%e Internet, d e to t%e opport nities of all+IP, d e to common+t!pe operatin& s!stems 25ni< < etc4, d e to t%e arc%itect ral press re for performance 2data speeds4, d e to % man errors in network and firewall operations, d e to t%e less tr st control in t%e operator landscape, d e to a &re! Aone in operator 2and *endor4 commitment to -1S@IP protection, etc. In addition, mo(ile networks %a*e (ecome part of societ!Us critical infrastr ct re, and t%at reason alone calls for stron& sec rit!. )r& ments a&ainst t%is form of standardisation work ma! (e, 214 it %as not (een done (efore in 3;PP, 224 it is not a(o t interopera(ilit!, 234 it conflicts wit% t%e need for *endors to differentiate, 2#4 network element sec rit! ass rance and %ardenin& is p to operatorsU own policies and re' irements, etc. )&ainst ar& ment 224 we remind t%at interopera(ilit! need not (e a prere' isite for standardisation or recommendations. )s an e<ample, so+called Platform Sec rit!, Tr sted 8n*ironments, etc, %as (een introd ced in S)3s. For ar& ment 234, t%is can (e nderstood partiall!. /et simple, (asic %ardenin& meas res are too m c% left o t, often wit% t%e moti*ation t%at operatorUs network is closed and sec re. )lso ar& ment 2#4 can (e nderstood at first %and, %owe*er it also implies some industry inefficiency. ,peratorUs re' irements can ne*er (e identical. )s a res lt, t%e 2few4 *endors ma! or ma! not cope to satisf! t%e 2man!4 operators different re' irements, to t%e (est of t%eir efforts. W%ile per%aps *er! few operators will e*er (ecome satisfied on t%eir %ardenin& re' irements f lfilment le*el. To address t%ese concerns, standardisation of sec rit! re' irements on network elements and associated ass rance re' irements@test cases ma! (e needed. ,ne c%allen&e in definin& s c% re' irements is to determine a met%odolo&! and common lan& a&e to e<press w%at sec rit! t%reats a network element %as (een desi&ned to miti&ate and pro*ide t%e means to &ain ass rance a(o t w%et%er network element sec rit! claims %a*e (een addressed. O !ecti"eI To st d! met%odolo&ies for specif!in& network element sec rit! ass rance and %ardenin& re' irements, wit% associated test cases w%en feasi(le, on 3;PP network elements. -etwork element sec rit! ass rance and %ardenin& refers to protection a&ainst nwanted access to t%e 3;PP network element, its ,peratin& S!stem, and main r nnin& )pplication2s4. T%e s ita(ilit! of ind str! standard met%odolo&ies and t%e potential need for colla(oration wit% (odies s c% as ;S7), $$R), IS, and IT5 will (e assessed. T%e st d! will also consider re& lator! aspects and t%e potential need for sec rit! certification. T%e s ita(ilit! of t%e candidate met%odolo&ies will (e assessed wit% reference to real world e<amples. Part of t%e scope of t%is work is to concl de on w%ic% 3;PP network elements, if not all, wo ld (e s (Eect to 3;PP network element sec rit! ass rance and %ardenin& re' irements. T%e work will also st d! e<actl! w%at s%o ld constit te a 3;PP network element in t%e conte<t of t%is st d! e.&. w%et%er it s%o ld (e an indi*id al 3;PP f nctional entit!, a &ro p of 3;PP f nctional entities or some ot%er realisation.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e st d! will also incl de assessin& t%e e<tent to w%ic% indi*id al 3;PP network elements need to (e %ardened (e!ond a common (aseline and s%o ld take into consideration network elements en*ironment.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1004(

St%dy on S%+scri+er 4ri$"cy ,*p"ct in (I44 'FS9S4,) =,@9A1004(

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ2014 (o p ;N :2perli#' S4-1(0(88 +otes TR ((.Cxy +a e Stu"2 o# Su5s%ri5er Priva%2 3 pa%t i# 3GPP

Supporting Companies: $%ina 5nicom, C awei , CiSilicon, $)TR, Inter1i&ital, TeliaSonera, Intel, )TDT, HT8, $)TT, $%ina Telecom, Sams n&, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, BP-, T-,, -okia, -SRelated to S)1 TR 22.0#0 Rel+6 St d! on Pri*ac! $apa(ilit! 2Pri*$ap4 5I1331636 st died &eneraliAed pri*ac! capa(ilit! 2protection of personal data and non+disclos re of identit!4 Justification Pri*ac! in 3;PP is a(o t t%e appropriate %andlin& of pri*ac! related information 2e.&. permanent or tracea(le identities, etc.4 (etween t%e ser and ser*ice pro*ider and (etween sers in accordance wit% t%e preferences of t%e ser and re& lator! policies. Pri*ac! iss es %a*e (een identified as impactin& man! network nodes and ser*ices in 3;PP networks, s c% as S,-@71T ser consent, 58 trackin& in 7T$, ser pri*ac! in C2e4-= sec rit!, I7S sec rit!, ProSe. >ario s specifications or tec%nical reports wit%in 3;PP to c% pon certain pri*ac! related re' irements, for e<ample TS 33.#61 recommends t%at t%e 7SI-, t%e I78I, and t%e I78IS> s%o ld (e confidentialit! protected, TS 33.263 states t%at N,perators s%all take care t%at t%e deplo!ed confidentialit! protection sol tion and roamin& a&reements f lfils t%e confidentialit! re' irements presented in t%e local pri*ac! le&islation O, draft TR 33."36 identifies a n m(er of pri*ac! t%reats and re' irements to address t%ose t%reats. )lt%o &% these contain privacy related content, the sub9ect has not been systematically studied and investigated# Pri*ac! protection mec%anisms in 3;PP network safe& ard confidential information a(o t t%e ser. T%erefore, it seems not onl! as a *al e added ser*ice ( t also as a risk+red ction mec%anism in terms of ser*ice deplo!ment. From a 3;PP perspecti*e, pri*ac! protection re' irements need to (e identified. Pri*ac! iss es w%ic% ma! impact network elements and processes need to (e clarified. T%is st d! facilitates nderstandin& t%e processes and met%odolo&! for w%ic% t%e pri*ac! iss es are identified. It identifies pri*ac! re' irements and risks, pri*ac! risk miti&ation approac%es, and esta(lis%es pri*ac! & idelines and@or (est practices for classes of 3;PP f nctions and pri*ac! protection. ,ne e<ample wo ld (e & idelines for stora&e of ser location information in on&oin& work s c% as ProSe or 7T$ t%at ma! (e applied &enericall! for all f nctions in t%at class, eit%er c rrentl! in de*elopment or in f t re desi&n. T%e &oal of t%is st d! is to de*elop pri*ac! & idelines t%at %elp in addressin& pri*ac! iss e in f t re 3;PP specifications. T%is in t rn ma! %elp operators wit% compliance reco&nition, nderstandin& and de*elopment of policies to compl! wit% re& lations, preser*in& ser pri*ac!, and ma! %elpin& *endors de*elop prod cts s pportin& re& lations. T%e proposed work is f ll! wit%in t%e scope of 3;PP S)3, w%ose terms of reference states t%at NS) W;3 %as t%e o*erall responsi(ilit! for sec rit! and pri*ac! in 3;PP s!stems. T%e W; will perform anal!sis of potential t%reats to t%ese s!stems. =ased on t%e t%reat anal!sis, t%e W; will determine t%e sec rit! and pri*ac! re' irements for 3;PP s!stems, and specif! t%e sec rit! arc%itect res and protocols. ...O. O !ecti"eI O O O O Identif! and nderstand pri*ac! related ke! iss es impactin& 3;PP network Identif! and potentiall! %armoniAe pri*ac! re' irements, e.&. 71T Identif! e<istin&<ongoing wor' relevant to .:)) privacy issues in external standard bodies, for potential reuse in .:)), e#g# &6$; Identif! pri*ac! risk miti&ation approac%es and esta(lis% pri*ac! %andlin& & idelines@principle and@or (est practices for 3;PP for f t re specifications

It is not an o(Eecti*e of t%e st d! to e<amine all e<istin& 3;PP specifications in retrospect wit% respect to pri*ac!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;400( ( ;8004 ; A1004 4

SA4 St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# 3 prove" Support for 92#a i% !"aptive Strea i#4 over :TTP i# 3GPP Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" !%ousti% Test Spe%ifi%atio#s Stu"2 o# :T1B5 for a #ew prese#tatio# la2er i# 3GPP servi%es !%ro#2 FS9,S9@AS& FS9SBA-S FS9&-<6; &3Arapporteur D%"lco** A%dience! ,ntel S"*s%n TR 2A.8(C 2A.8(1 2A.8xy

,39 ;400( (

St%dy on ,*pro$ed S%pport for @yn"*ic Ad"pti$e Stre"*in o$er &--4 in (I44 =,@9;400((
!%ro#2 FS9,S9@AS& -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p C;N :2perli#' S4110CC1 +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 TR 2A.8(C +a e Stu"2 o# 3 prove" Support for 92#a i% !"aptive Strea i#4 over :TTP i# 3GPP

Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, Real-etworks, $isco, Fra n%ofer ;esellsc%aft, C aWei, Sams n&, Inter1i&ital, Intel, -okia, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,#iFue 39 Title 4100(4 &--4-+"sed Stre"*in "nd @ownlo"d Ser$ices +ature of relatio#s6ip Fe"t%re

Justification 3;PPPs 1!namic )dapti*e Streamin& o*er CTTP 21)SC4s %ad (een de*eloped o*er t%e last two Releases. 1espite (ein& inte&rated into t%e PSS arc%itect re, t%es %a*e si&nificant fle<i(ilit! for deplo!ments also o tside t%e 3;PP ser*ices. T%is %as (een reco&niAed (! ot%er or&aniAations s c% as 7P8; and ,pen IPT> For m. In contin o s ali&nment efforts, 3;PP and 7P8; %a*e de*eloped a &eneric format for 1!namic )dapti*e Streamin& o*er CTTP 21)SC4. T%eses ser*e an r&ent needI Wit% t%e e*ol tion of radio access tec%nolo&ies towards CSP) D .T8 %i&%er data rates are pro*ided allowin& more feat re ric% ser*ices wit% %i&%er ' alit! and access to m ltimedia ser*ices %as &rown si&nificantl!. )nd t%e most pop lar m ltimedia ser*ices toda! are ser*ices deli*ered o*er CTTP. Ser*in& content from standard CTTP+ser*ers %as man! ad*anta&es in terms of deplo!ment costs and con*er&ences wit% re& lar we( ser*ices. Wit% t%e completion of t%es, first deplo!ments of ser*ices (ased on 1)SC and similar tec%nolo&ies are %appenin&. T%e e<periences from initial deplo!ments of massi*el! scala(le *ideo streamin& deli*er! o*er CTTP and ad*anced radio access tec%nolo&ies res lt in new se cases, demands and re' irements. Impro*ements for t%e s pport of 1)SC w%en deli*ered o*er 3;PP networks and arc%itect res ma! (e necessar! and deplo!ments & idelines are important. Impro*ements ma! (e in t%e area of impro*ed ser e<perience, impro*ed (andwidt% efficienc! or more efficient deli*er! o*er CTTP+cac%in& infrastr ct res. F rt%ermore, t%e com(ination of 1)SC wit% ot%er ser*ices and tec%nolo&ies is an on&oin& c%allen&e and effort. -ot limited to t%is, ( t some e<amples are t%e deli*er! of 1)SC o*er different 3;PP radio access networks, t%e com(ination wit% presentation tec%nolo&ies s c% as CT7.+9, t%e s pport of ad*anced content protection sc%emes, or t%e s pport for ?oS in 3;PP networks. Cowe*er, (! t%e nat re of 1)SC (ein& foc ssed to a format definition t%at ma! (e and t!picall! is deli*ered o*er CTTP, an! ser*ice impro*ements ma! not re' ire additional normati*e work, ( t re' ires a detailed anal!sis of t%e en*isa&ed se cases, t%e res ltin& re' irements, t%e a(ilit! to sol*e t%ese se cases wit% t%e e<istin& 3;PP and@or ot%er e<istin&s and pro*ide & idelines and deplo!ment e<amples. T%e anal!sis of t%e se cases ma! still lead to additional work, ( t t%is s%o ld first (e identified and E stified from t%e a(o*e anal!sis.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

O !ecti"e to: St d! t%e rele*ance of deplo!ment & idelines for 1)SC in 3;PP networks and arc%itect res. T%is ma! for e<ample incl deI $ontent ) t%orin& & idelines, s c% as recommended encodin&s for different media rates in terms of codecs and (itrates, encaps lation recommendations, wit% foc s on s pport of 3;PP access networks etc. o $lient implementation and client operation & idelines, for e<ample %ow to s pport rate adaptation, seamless switc%in& or selection of Representations. $onsider t%e definition of an informati*e 1)SC client reference adaptation as part of a &eneral s!stem *iew. o ,perational and deplo!ment & idelines s c% as com(ination wit% e<istin& ?oS mec%anisms or CTTP deli*er! infrastr ct res. Impro*ements of Rel+16 ?oS mappin& r les for 1)SC towards optimiAin& ser e<perience nder *ario s network traffic conditions. o Identif! rele*ant aspects and pro*ide recommendations for addition of 1)SC deplo!ment & idelines into rele*ant 3;PP or 7P8;s. $ollect se cases for t%e impro*ed s pport of 1)SC in 3;PP networks and arc%itect res. 5se cases ma! incl de, ( t are not limited to o impro*ed ser e<perience, o impro*ed (andwidt% efficienc!, o more efficient deli*er! o*er CTTP+cac%in& and $1- infrastr ct res, o creation of an end+to+end interopera(le profile for core ser*ices potentiall! incl din& aspects s c% as codecs and content protection. o $om(ination of 1)SC wit% ot%er ser*ices and tec%nolo&ies s c% as t%e deli*er! of 1)SC o*er different 3;PP radio access networks s c% as 7=7S, or t%e com(ination wit% presentation tec%nolo&ies s c% CT7.+9, t%e ena(lin& of ad*anced content protection sc%emes, for e<ample to ena(le conditional access for li*e ser*ices or to ena(le m ltiple content protection sc%emes t%e ena(lin& of 1)SC@CTTP@T$P+adapted ?oS and ser*ice adaptation in 3;PP networks, o S!stem iss es s c% as Radio )ccess -etwork 2R)-4 specific iss esI e.&. access (itrate constraints, fl ct ation of a*aila(le access (itrate, conse' ences of sc%ed lin& or radio reso rce mana&ement iss es, etc.., Ser*er o*erload and ser*ice mi&ration, -etwork+assisted adaptation =ased on t%ese se cases o Identif! t%e re' irements to s pport t%ose se cases o )nal!se t%ese se cases and re' irements a&ainst t%e e<istin& 3;PPs and@ors t%at are pro*ided (! ot%er or&aniAations o Pro*ide implementation and deplo!ment & idelines o Pro*ide recommendations for potentiall! necessar! normati*e work in 3;PP o Pro*ide recommendations for t%e doc mentation of potentiall! informati*e & idelinin& work o $omm nicate and liaise wit% ot%er 3;PP &ro ps and ot%er or&anisations, as necessar!. o



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8004 ;

St%dy of Bn#"nced Aco%stic -est Specific"tions 'FS9SBA-S) =,@9;8004;

-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 1;N :2perli#' S41(002C +otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14. TR 2A.8(1 +a e Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" !%ousti% Test Spe%ifi%atio#s

Supporting Companies: ) dience, Intel, =roadcom, $)TR, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 1!nastat, C8)1 aco stics, ,ran&e, ? alcomm, Ro%de D Sc%warA, Son! 7o(ile $om. Rapan, Sprint )ddress e<istin& items desi&nated as Nfor f rt%er st d!O in TS 26.131@2. $oordinate wit% ot%er S1,s 2e.&. IT5+T S; 12, 8TSI T$ ST?4 to le*era&e eac% ot%erUs work and minimiAe o*erlap Justification W%ile man! ad*ances were made in Rel 11 to t%e aco stic re' irements and test specifications in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132 man! items t%erein were left marked Nfor f rt%er st d!O and re' ire a final disposition (! S)# incl din& -= D W= Sta(ilit! loss, Ceadset 58 2TS 26.131 Sections 9.6 D 6.64 -= D W= 1ela!, Wireless Ceadset 2TS 26.131 Section D -= D W= 8c%o control 2Ndo (le+talkO4 c%aracteristics 2TS 26.131 Sections 9.13 D6.12, TS 26.132 Section ".114 o Candset, Ceadset, Cand%eld %ands+free, 1esktop and *e%icle mo nted %ands+free are all marked FFS

-=D W= Free+field meas rements for *e%icle+mo nted %ands+free 2TS 26.132 Section 7.2.3 D ".2.34 -= D W= Idle $%annel -oise, Sendin&@Recei*in& of test si&nal 2TS 26.132 Section 7.3.1, 7.3.2, ".3.1 D ".3.2 4

)dditionall!, t%ere are new aco stic re' irements and emer&in& tests we ma! wis% to consider in a f t re release, ( t re' ire f rt%er st d! (efore incorporation to o r specifications. )nticipated topics in t%is area incl de, ( t are not limited to, an e*al ation of o o o o Time+*ariant ser (e%a*io r )dditional 58 sa&e en*ironments -ew or refined test met%ods for e<istin& re' irements )cceptance of pdates 2if an!4 to e<istin& 8TSI and IT5+T dependencies

O !ecti"e: to prod ce a TR t%at will first and foremost, address t%e e<istin& items presentl! desi&nated as Nfor f rt%er st d!O in TS 26.131 and TS 26.132. T%e TR will also e<amine opport nities for new aco stic tests and re' irements t%at %elp s to (etter c%aracterise t%e 58 aco stic e<perience, opport nities to replace e<istin& test met%ods wit% ot%ers t%at are more acc rate or more efficient and to make specific recommendations for t%eir incl sion in e<istin& or new specifications. T%is st d! will re' ire s to coordinate wit% ot%er S1,s s c% as IT5+T S; 12 and 8TSI T$ ST? amon& ot%ers to le*era&e eac% ot%erUs work and minimiAe o*erlap. -,T8I It is anticipated t%at some sections of t%e TR will (e a&reed earlier t%an ot%ers, and t%at S)# ma!, at t%eir discretion, c%oose to take action on an! a&reed recommendations t%erein immediatel! as t%e! (ecome a*aila(le (! openin& one or more new, normati*e WIs, wit%o t 1st re' irin& completion of t%e entire TR.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A10044

St%dy on &-<6; for " new present"tion l"yer in (I44 ser$ices 'FS9&-<6;) =,@9A10044
-i#is6 1CJ0AJ2014 (o p (0N :2perli#' S4-1(0(;1 TR 2A.8xy +a e Stu"2 o# :T1B5 for a #ew prese#tatio# la2er i# 3GPP servi%es

Supporting Companies: Justification

Sams n&, )pple 25B4, C awei, =lack=err!, ? alcomm

CT7.9 impro*es ad*anced 77 tec%nolo&! s pportV maintains simple reada(ilit!@impro*es compati(ilit!. 1efines )PIs pro*idin& access to *ariet! of f nctionalities 221 drawin&, timed media pla!(ack, offline mode, we( stora&e, we( sockets4 *ia Ra*ascript 3;PP S)# %as reco&niAed t%e need for a presentation la!er as earl! as 266#. )lmost all ser*ices offered (! 3;PP 2e.&. 77S, PSS, and 7=7S4 %a*e some form of a presentation la!er. 77S defines t%e s pport for a presentation la!er in TS 26.1#6 , section #.16 as followsI $he .:)) MMS uses a subset of SM&> %#! /%40 for media synchroniCation and scene description# MMS clients and servers with support for media synchroniCation and scene descriptions shall support the .:)) SM&> >anguage )rofile defined in /.40# $his profile is a subset of the SM&> %#! >anguage )rofile but a superset of the SM&> %#! Basic >anguage )rofile# 2ocument /.40 also includes an informative annex * that provides guidelines for SM&> content authors# *dditionally, D3$M> Mobile )rofile /.!0 for scene description should be supported# MMS clients and servers with support for scene descriptions based on D3$M> shall support D3$M> Mobile )rofile /.!0, defined by the W*) ;orum# D3$M> Mobile )rofile is a subset of D3$M> ,#, but a superset of D3$M> Basic# )s can (e seen from t%e a(o*e description, 77S re' ires eit%er a profile of S7I. or :CT7. 7o(ile. PSS 2TS 26.23#4 defines a presentation la!er as a set of optional scene description tec%nolo&ies. 8it%er a s (set of S7I. 2.6 or t%e 1!namic Interacti*e 7 ltimedia Scenes 21I7S4 ma! (e sed. 1I7S is (ased on S>; and adds its own pdate mec%anism to pdate t%e m ltimedia scene t%ro &%o t t%e lifetime of t%e m ltimedia presentation. 7=7S 2TS 26.3#64, %owe*er, onl! defines 1I7S in section 16." as t%e scene description tool for 7=7S ser*ices. )s can (e seen from a(o*e, 3;PP does not %a*e a common sol tion for a presentation la!er. T%is fra&mentation in t%e scene description landscape for 3;PP ser*ices complicates content preparation and 58 implementation. ) common and modern scene description sol tion is d e in Release 12 to make se of t%e modern m ltimedia capa(ilities of 58s. F rt%ermore, t%e ser*ice initiation in 7=7S ser ser*ices is (ased on t%e 5ser Ser*ice 1escription. In PSS, session esta(lis%ment is (ased on rtspI@@, fileI@@, or %ttpI@@. Specificall! in 1)SC, t%e session esta(lis%ment is (ased on t%e 7P1. CT7.9 doc ments ma! also (e sed as a session esta(lis%ment, especiall! if t%e description contains d!namic aspects 2e.&. Ra*ascript4 or real+time media. T%e sa&e of CT7.9 and t%e relations%ip to e<istin& session esta(lis%ment of 3;PP ser ser*ices needs more attention. =e!ond mark p, CT7.9 pro*ides additional e<tensions as )PIs s c% as timed media pla!(ack, we( stora&e, we( sockets or &eolocation. T%e rele*ance for and relations%ip to e<istin& 3;PP ser ser*ice tec%nolo&ies need f rt%er in*esti&ation. O !ecti"e: CT7.9 is t%e new standard for t%e mark p lan& a&e for t%e we(. CT7.9 was re*ised to pro*ide (etter s pport for ad*anced m ltimedia tec%nolo&ies w%ile maintainin& simple reada(ilit! and impro*in& compati(ilit!. CT7.9 also defines a set of )PIs t%at pro*ide access to a wide *ariet! of f nctionalities 2s c% as 21 drawin&, timed media pla!(ack, offline mode s pport, we( stora&e, we( sockets4 t%ro &% a simple scriptin& lan& a&e 2Ra*ascript4. T%is st d! item %as t%e followin& o(Eecti*esI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Identif! t%e f nctionalit! in t%e scene description s!stems sed in e<istin& 3;PP ser*ices St d! t%e potential needs for a scene description sol tion sin& CT7.9 for t%e followin& 3;PP ser*icesI PSS incl din& 1)SC, 7=7S and 77S Identif! if CT7.9 f lfils t%e a(o*e needs Identif! w%ic% CT7.9 feat res and )PIs wo ld (e needed and recommend if a profile mi&%t (e appropriate 1etermine if t%ere is a mismatc% (etween e<istin& and desired f nctionalit! and a p re CT7.9 sol tion, and e<plore possi(le wa!s to resol*e t%e &aps 1ecide on t%e recommendation of CT7.9 and propose normati*e work, if considered s ita(le 1etermine t%e relations%ip of CT7.9 in com(ination wit% session@ser*ice esta(lis%ment of e<istin& ser ser*ices 1escri(e a work plan to p%ase o t e<istin& scene description sol tions Identif! potential s!stem related aspects and comm nicate wit% rele*ant &ro ps, if needed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 4?,,5 , 51,,4 3 54,,3 2 5+,,5 2 31,,4 5 32,,3 ,

SA; St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# versio# 6a#"li#4 Stu"2 o# a#a4e e#t of :etero4e#eous +etwor's %cronym 2S=96<=@/ 2S=96<=/et0et 2S=96<=S/6>E 2S=96<=6< 2S=D=S90=96< 2S=>E@914E=;<S=C/ !14rapporteur Eric on Eric on 6lcatel-1'cent, /'a#ei 4eliaSonera Ci co De't che 4ele$o. 0R 327+3, 327+35 327+51 327+58 327+!y 327+!y

Stu"2 o# O!1 aspe%ts of +etwor' S6ari#4 Stu"2 o# !lar 1a#a4e e#t

Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e e#ts of O!1 aspe%ts of "istri5ute" 1o5ilit2 Boa" Eala#%i#4 (1BE) SO+ fu#%tio# Stu"2 o# (6ar4i#4 aspe%ts o# Roa i#4 *#"-to-e#" s%e#arios wit6 VoBT* 31S a#" i#ter%o##e%ti#4 #etwor's

,39 4100;0

St%dy on $ersion #"ndlin =,@94100;0

+a e Stu"2 o# versio# 6a#"li#4 !%ro#2 FS95A<9:& :2perli#' S4-1000C2 +otes S4E;C co*pleted TR (2.C(0

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, -S-, C awei, )lcatel+. cent, $%ina 7o(ile.

T%ere are a n m(er of iss es and inconsistencies wit% *ersion %andlin& in t%e c rrent set of S)9 specifications 2e.&. IRPs, P7s, Traces4. Iss e 1I -etwork Reso rce 7odel 2-R74 o(Eect *ersion %andlin& In toda!Us set of standard IRPs, t%ere is s pport for an IRP7ana&er to retrie*e a list from t%e IRP)&ent a(o t w%ic% IRP>ersion2s4 2of t%e -R7 IRP SSs4 t%at t%e IRP)&ent s pports, one or more. = t if t%e IRP)&ent s pports more t%an one IRP>ersion, t%ere is no standardised wa! to know w%ic% IRP>ersion t%at a partic lar 7ana&ed ,(Eect 27,4 instance (elon&s to. T% s, t%ere is an information &ap on Itf+- w%ic% needs to (e filled. Iss e 2I >ersion %andlin& of Interface IRPs *ers s -R7 IRPs For IRP7ana&er to o(tain t%e IRP>ersion2s4 of an IRP)&entPs s pported Interface IRPs and s pported -R7 IRPs, IRP7ana&er needs different operations. It mi&%t (e (eneficial for IRP7ana&er to se identical@similar@same operation 2to ac%ie*e some le*el of consistenc!4 to o(tain t%e two different kind of information. Iss e 3I >ersion %andlin& of mana&ement information s c% as alarms, meas rements and trace data $ rrentl! t%ere is no *ersion %andlin& defined in S)9 for mana&ement information s c% as alarms, meas rements and trace data. Iss e #I S,) s pport )s we %a*e recentl! 2Rel+04 introd ced S,) 2Ser*ice ,riented )rc%itect re4 for IRPs, we s%o ld also st d! if and %ow t%e *ersion %andlin& can satisf! t%e needs of S,), and %ow S,) ma! pro*ide capa(ilities for a co%erent *ersion %andlin& 2e.&. re&istration D disco*er!4. 4 O !ecti"e + + + + To doc ment c rrent *ersion %andlin& in S)9 specifications To identif! and a&ree on t%e se cases and re' irements for a co%erent *ersion %andlin& approac%. To identif! alternati*e sol tions wit% t%eir pros and cons to s pport t%e identified re' irements. T%e sol tions ma! comprise r les in t%e IRP met%odolo&! doc mentation as well as en%ancements of e<istin& or new IRPs, w%ile tiliAin& S,) capa(ilities. To a&ree on one of t%e proposed alternati*e sol tions and doc ment recommendations in t%e TRUs concl sions.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1004A

St%dy on *"n" e*ent of &etero eneo%s Networ3s =,@9;1004A

!%ro#2 FS95A<9&etNet -i#is6 01J0(J201 4 (o p C0N :2perli#' S41(004A +otes S4EA1 co*pletion 08J1(FG0(J14. S4E;8 -R (2.C(; $100 for ,nfor*"tion TR (2.C(; +a e Stu"2 o# a#a4e e#t of :etero4e#eous +etwor's

Supporting Companies: Justification

8ricsson, >odafone, -8$, C awei, )lcatel+. cent, HT8, ? alcomm

) Cetero&eneo s -etwork consists of different t!pes of =ase Stations 2=Ss4, s c% as macro, micro and pico =Ss. T%ese t!pes of =Ss will (e mi<ed in an operatin& network. 5sin& low power =Ss like micro and pico to en%ance co*era&e and capacit!, it is foreseen t%at t%ere will (e *er! man! of t%ese low power =Ss in operation. 8ac% of t%em will co*er an area t%at is si&nificantl! smaller t%an a macro =S. 8ac% of t%e low power =Ss will correspond to a n m(er of o(Eects wit% attri( tes and meas rements to mana&e. )t t%e same time, eac% low power =S is a node in itself and t%e re' irement to mana&e t%em are similar as for macro =Ss. W%at performance mana&ement information t%at is wanted is *er! similar as for macro. T%e confi& ration re' irements for t%e cell lar network s pported (! low power nodes are still *er! similar as for macro nodes. T%e re' irements for (ein& a(le to &enerate alarm are still *er! similar as for macro nodes. )s t%e amo nt of low power nodes can (e *er! man!, a different approac% to mana&e t%e nodes are needed. T%e! do not necessaril! alwa!s need (e acti*el! connected to t%e mana&ement s!stem. T%e! can se M,n 1emandM mana&ement paradi&m. = t it is p to t%e operator to c%oose w%ic% nodes s%all se t%e Mon demandM paradi&m. M,n 1emandM paradi&m means t%at nodes are not constantl! connected o*er Itf+- to t%e IRP7ana&er *ia t%e IRP)&ent and t%at t%e IRP7ana&er can connect to M,n 1emandM mana&ed nodes *ia t%e IRP)&ent to perform mana&ement actions. T%e IRP7ana&er can also decide w%et%er a node s%all (e mana&ed *ia M,n 1emand 7ana&ementM or M$onstantl! $onnected mana&ementM paradi&m. Femto is not incl ded in t%is st d!. O !ecti"e: to st d! M,n 1emandM mana&ement o*er Itf+-I o o o -odes on w%ic% M,n 1emandM mana&ement can (e applied to ) s (scription mec%anism for an M,n 1emandM paradi&m for %etero&eneo s networks T%e necessar! operations, o(Eects and attri( tes for an M,n 1emandM paradi&m



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;400(2

St%dy on 5A< "spects of Networ3 S#"rin =,@9;400(2

!%ro#2 FS95A<9S&ARB :2perli#' S4-1(0044 +otes S4EA1 co*pleted TR (2.C;1 +a e Stu"2 o# O!1 aspe%ts of +etwor' S6ari#4

Supporting Companies: 8TRI, HT8

)lcatel+. cent, C awei, Teliasonera, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, -S-, ,ran&e, -8$,

Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title (1018 Networ3 S#"rin -R 'N-S#"r--R) (2044 Networ3 S#"rin St" e 2 'N-S#"r)

+ature of relatio#s6ip SA1 st%dy -R 22.8;1 KSer$ice "spects "nd re/%ire*ents for networ3 s#"rin L SA2 -S 2(.2;1 KNetwor3 S#"rin 0 Arc#itect%re "nd f%nction"l description.L 'St" e 2)

Justification In SP+116#33@ S9+112296 M.S on 8' i*alent P.7- identities and 71T4M, S)G92, R ne 2611, reconfirmedI In &eneral all new feat res 2or en%ancements to e<istin& feat res4 s%o ld contin e to (e desi&ned to work also for operators sin& 8' i*alent P.7- identities. If@w%en it is not possi(le to de*elop complete s pport for t%e 8P.7- concept 2i.e. -etworks sin& 8P.7%as t%e same feat res@capa(ilities and t%e same operational sit ation as a standalone P.7- networks4 t%en s c% de*iations s%o ld (e doc mented in rele*ant sta&e 1 and sta&e 2 doc ments.

T%e applica(ilit! of t%ose statements needs to (e considered in S)9 for all new feat res @en%ancements. 71T and 8ner&! sa*in& are on&oin& work t%at will need s c% considerations. Proced res to s pport t%e TS;+S) re' ests s%o ld (e implemented. In &eneral, increasin& n m(er of operators is s%arin& t%eir mo(ile networks. 7ain ar& ments presented are Increased rollo t speed ? ickl! e<pand co*era&e to meet c stomer demand for wider co*era&e S%arin& low traffic areas will &ain lon& term cost ad*anta&e S%arin& %i&% license ( rdens $ost efficienc! $)P8:D,P8: Roined effort to offer a*aila(ilit! of ser*ices at more afforda(le price.

T%e network s%arin& ma! (e done in man! different wa!s related to different ( siness reasons, operator strate&ies, markets, on r les and le&islation in different co ntries re& lation etc 3;PP %as anal!Aed t%e different -etwork s%arin& scenarios in t%e S)1 st d! 3;PP TR 22.091 NSer*ice aspects and re' irements for network s%arin&O. In 3;PP S)2 TS 23.291 N-etwork S%arin&V )rc%itect re and f nctional description.O t%e sta&e 2 details and descriptions are standardiAed. In t%e S)1 TR 22.091 t%e followin& Scenarios for network s%arin& are presentedI Scenario 1I Scenario 2I Scenario 3I Scenario #I Scenario 9I 7 ltiple core networks s%arin& common radio access network ;eo&rap%icall! split networks s%arin& $ommon -etwork S%arin& $ommon spectr m network s%arin& 7 ltiple radio access networks s%arin& common core network



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Implication on 7ana&ement of t%ese scenarios of s%ared -etwork and ,)7 implications on Fa lt 7ana&ement, $onfi& ration 7ana&ement, 71T, $all Trace etc %a*e to (e st died. O !ecti"es to: Identif! t%e most important -etwork s%arin& scenarios and se cases for 7ana&ement Impact $apt re t%e impact of e' i*alent P.7- identities in e<istin& definitions Identif! ,)7 concepts, possi(le scenarios and re' irements for network s%arin& and 8P.7- se cases )nal!se %ow e<istin& IRPs can (e re+ sed, adapted or e<tended to f lfil t%ese re' irements or if a new IRP is needed 1etermine if t%ere are additional en%ancements to areas like 71T, $all Trace, Performance 7eas rements needed

T%e followin& new elements in IRPs, adaptations or e<tensions to IRPs ma! (e considered in t%is st d! item 2( t t%e st d! item is not necessaril! limited to t%em4I $all Trace and 71T Fa lt 7ana&ement Sec rit! 7ana&ement Performance meas rements -R7 impacts Impact on mana&ement of S,- related topics 2e.&. )-R, ener&! sa*in&s, $ell , ta&e compensation4 -ote t%at S)9 will %a*e to work in cooperation wit% R)- W;s and -;$,R w%ere needed. -;$,R R)- s%arin& re' irements will (e taken into acco nt as inp t for t%is st d!. It is intended to create, if applica(le, (ased on t%e res lt of t%e st d!, wit%in t%e Rel+11 time frame a dedicated work item for ,)7 aspects of -etwork S%arin&.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00;2

St%dy on Al"r* <"n" e*ent =,@9;C00;2

+a e Stu"2 o# !lar 1a#a4e e#t !%ro#2 FS95A<9A< :2perli#' S4-120114 +otes S4EA1 co*pleted TR (2.C;8

Supporting Companies: )TDT, HT8 Justification

TeliaSonera, 1e tsc%e Telekom, France Telecom, C awei, Telecom Italia, >odafone,

T%e massi*e amo nt of network elements in a mo(ile s!stem and t%e *ariet! of network elements and infrastr ct re e' ipment creates % &e amo nt of alarms sat ratin& o r alarm mana&ement s!stems. In parallel t%e n m(ers of t!pes of alarm %a*e increased to o*erw%elmin& proportions. T%e network administrators are flooded wit% alarms and alarms wit% often poor ' alit!. Poor ' alit! in t%is conte<t can incl de - isance alarms 2repeatin& and fleetin& alarms, ,red ndant and cascadin& alarms4 Stale alarms )larm floods )larms wit%o t response )larms wit% t%e wron& priorit! , t+of+Ser*ice alarms Red ndant alarms

Too man! alarms are occ rrin&. >astl! o*er alarmed s!stems prod cin& far more alarms to t%e operator t%an needed Too %i&% proportion of t%em are n isance alarms of little operational rele*ance T%e maEorit! of t%e alarms s%o ld ne*er %a*e (een presented for t%e network administrators

T%e conse' ences of (ad ' alit! alarms are se*ere, affectin& man! areas. ) few e<amples Too m c% time and reso rces are spent to define alarms as irrele*ant F most of t%e alarms are now irrele*ant` )larm floodin& add comple<it! in fa lt resol tion acti*ities and t%ere(! dela!s $ontri( tin& factor to t%e serio sness of maEor incidents ca sed (! dela!ed ser*ice impacts anal!sis $ rrent ' alit! of alarm se*erities, as set (! e' ipment, are misleadin& and %a*e a ne&ati*e effect on t%e network ser*ice ,perators ma! ne&lect important alarms ca sed (! not nderstanda(le alarm information to respond to t%e alarm Si&nificantl! o*erstaffed network mana&ement centre and increased % man reso rces allocated in t%e ass rance processes ;eneral (ad en&ineerin& F ,S s!stemsD staff %a*e to cope wit% poor ' alit! data Poor alarm mana&ement is a maEor (arrier to reac%in& operational e<cellence, a ( siness risk 5nnecessaril! comple< and costl! ,SS sol tions t%at %a*e not s pported a ser*ice and c stomer oriented approac% at desired de&ree 2$)P8: dri*er4 $ontri( tin& factor to low s ccess rate of alarm correlation tools in telecom. -one will c re f ndamental fa lts in t%e (asic alarm s!stem as poor ' alit! alarms =ad alarm data ' alit! is a si&nificant, e*er! da!, cost dri*er 2,P8: dri*er4

T%e telecom alarm mana&ement e<perience is s%ared in (asicall! all areas of alarm mana&ement. T%e incitements to resol*e t%e alarm mana&ement pro(lems %a*e (een more o(*io sl! in ot%er areas as in t%e prod ction and en&ineerin& field. StandardiAation (odies in t%e prod ction and en&ineerin& fields 2e & 8875), )-SI4 %a*e addressed t%e pro(lem and ndertaken s (stantial work nder last decade to come p wit% sol tions. Sol tions are reported to (e adopted (! ind str!, ins rance and re& lator! (odies. )larm mana&ement in Telecom is o(*io sl! an o*erlooked and *er! immat re area t%at needs to c%an&e.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

3;PP %as a ni' e opport nit! to address t%ese pro(lems, since 3;PP %as all e<perts a*aila(le in t%e definition of a mo(ile s!stem incl din& Telecom 7ana&ement. 1ialo& is needed, 3;PP S)9 s%o ld take t%e lead to anal!se t%is escalatin& and se*ere pro(lem, come p wit% sol tions and s%are & idelines and mandator! re' irements wit% t%e network element specif!in& &ro ps. O !ecti"es: to sec re applica(ilit! and impacts of t%e concept of alarm mana&ement in Telecom mana&ement . It is proposed to (enefit from work in t%e prod ction and en&ineerin& field, since t%e task of alarm mana&ement to a *er! %i&% de&ree is independent of different ( sinesses. It is a % man+mac%ine interaction. It isnPt reall! a(o t %ardware or softwareV itPs a(o t work processes. T%e followin& areas are proposed to (e st diedI Redefinition of t%e term NalarmO to address t%e pro(lems identified, ser and sa&e of alarm s%all (e defined. T%e *ision s%all (e t%at eac% alarm s%o ld alert, inform and & ide. Identif! impacts of s c% a redefinition on e<istin& 3;PP standards. N)larmsO t%at do not compl! m st (e remo*ed or eas! possi(le to (e remo*e from t%e alarm s!stem. )larms e*er!w%ere are confi& red wit%o t meetin& t%is criterion, w%ic% is one of t%e main reasons t%e alarm pro(lem e<ists. $onsider e<tension of t%e reso rce alarm states. )-SI@IS) 1".2 ar& es for new states as N, t of ser*iceO, NS ppressed (! desi&nO and NS%el*edO. It is important t%at t%e states are controlled@set at lowest possi(le le*el. 2-8, -87 or -74 St d! possi(ilit! to s pport ot%er 3;PP &ro ps in*ol*ed in -8 standardiAation wit% & idelines to en%ance t%e reada(ilit!, acc rac! and rele*ance of alarm information. NCow to define onl! &ood alarmsO. -87 f nctionalit! %as not !et (een tar&et for S)9 standardiAation, ( t S)9 s%o ld e<amine an! potential normati*e of informati*e areas for -8 mana&ers to minimiAe nwanted alarm (e%a*ior as repeatin& alarms, alarm floodin&, c%atterin& and fleetin& alarms. S c% f nctionalit! s%o ld (e introd ced at lowest possi(le le*el, t%is s%o ld (e st died. 1o a ;)P anal!sis of telecom applica(ilit! of )-SI@IS) 1".2 and related & idelines.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1004 ;

St%dy on Bn#"nce*ents of 5A< "spects of @istri+%ted <o+ility 6o"d ."l"ncin S5N f%nction =,@9A1004;
-i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 10N :2perli#' S41(04(0 +otes TR (2.Cxy +a e Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e e#ts of O!1 aspe%ts of "istri5ute" 1o5ilit2 Boa" Eala#%i#4 (1BE) SO+ fu#%tio#

Supporting Companies: Justification

$isco, >odafone, Intel, Telecom Italia, TeliaSonera

It s%all (e st died if t%e 1+S,- 7.= f nction as c rrentl! standardiAed in 3;PP can (e impro*ed in terms of operational efficienc!. In case potential areas of impro*ement are identified possi(le sol tions s%all (e proposed. 8<amples of areas to (e st died are if t%ere are an! iss es res ltin& e.&. from deplo!ment irre& larities, s c% as irre& larities in sites location, in cell siAe 2especiall! for Cet-et4, in inter+e-= p%!sical nei&%(o r relations, presence of e' ipment prod ced (! different *endors etc. O !ecti"es: Identif! w%et%er 1+S,- 7.= as c rrentl! standardiAed in 3;PP can (e impro*ed In case potential areas of impro*ement are identified propose possi(le sol tions

T%e sol tion 2if re' ired4 is realiAed (! en%ancement to e<istin& S)9 -R7s and@or Interface IRP, and@or performance meas rements specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A200A 0

St%dy on C#"r in "spects on Ro"*in B2B scen"rios wit# :o6-B ,<S "nd interconnectin networ3s =,@9A200A0
!%ro#2 FS9RB:56-B9,<S9C& -i#is6 1CJ0AJ201 4 (o p 0N :2perli#' S41(0A08 TR (2.Cxy +a e Stu"2 o# (6ar4i#4 aspe%ts o# Roa i#4 *#"to-e#" s%e#arios wit6 VoBT* 31S a#" i#ter%o##e%ti#4 #etwor's

Supporting Companies:

1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, ,ran&e, $%ina 7o(ile, >odafone

+ature of relatio#s6ip
C-(JC-1 dr"ft -R 28.848 ,nfor*"tion on %se c"ses w#ic# "pply in ro"*in sit%"tion. -#is C-( st%dy is seen "s " $"l%"+le so%rce of infor*"tion for t#is SA; st%dy

Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title

A1001 0 St%dy on -ec#nic"l Aspects on Ro"*in Bnd-to-end scen"rios wit# :o6-B ,<S "nd ot#er networ3s 'FS9RB:56-B9,<S)

Justification Wit% t%e Rel+11 S)2+led WI1 R)>8. 2Roamin& )rc%itect re for >oice o*er I7S wit% .ocal =reako t4 roamin& wit% loop(ack was introd ced in 3;PP I7S. T%is incl des a description of t%e $%ar&in& 1ata Records 2$1Rs4 w%ic% are &enerated in t%e most important I7S 2>o.T84+roamin& se cases. 3;PP %as specified roamin& for >o.T8 I7S s!stems wit%in different specifications for )rc%itect re, Si&nallin& and also c%ar&in& aspects. T%is is of special importance, since t%e mo(ile roamin& concepts re' ire interconnection capa(ilities s pported (! interconnection net-or.s (e!ond t%ose re' ired for e.&. >oIP interconnection (etween wire+line networks. T%is is different from t%e introd ction of ;S7 roamin&, w%ere t%e roamin& concepts did not make se of an! capa(ilities in interconnection net-or.s w%ic% were not alread! defined and deplo!ed for wire+line interconnection. O !ecti"e: To doc ment missin& $1R elements and information wit% re&ard to t%e roamin& arc%itect re for >oice o*er I7S wit% .ocal =reako t 2R)>8.4. T%e St d! s%all (e related to normati*e specification work for t%e S)9 c%ar&in& TS 32.266, TS 32.20" and TS 32.200. In case &aps are identified w%ic% re' ire c%an&es of specifications, t%e needed $Rs will (e s (mitted for a&reement to t%e responsi(le 3;PP Workin& ;ro p. ) s (se' ent *0> normati*e work item for s c% c%an&es s%all (e created w%en a new capa(ilit! is to (e added. In case of an identified &ap or error in a related 0E%S+%*A normati*e work item, work item t%at introd ced t%e related feat re, will (e addressed.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 ;C002 ; ;C002 A ;8001 0 ;8001 1 A1001 0 A2000 1 A2000 2

C- St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# 3#"i%atio# of +etwor' to +etwor' 3#terfa%e (++3) Routei#4 s%e#arios i# S3P reFuests Stu"2 o# 9ia eter Overloa" (o#trol 1e%6a#is s Stu"2 o# Review of "e"i%ate" 3GPP ,3(( features Stu"2 o# 71B 5ase" a%%ess of !- to t6e P(RStu"2 o# Te%6#i%al aspe%ts o# Roa i#4 *#"-to-e#" s%e#arios wit6 VoBT* 31S a#" ot6er #etwor's Stu"2 o# 9evelop e#t of %o#for a#%e reFuire e#ts for t6e 3P 1ulti e"ia Servi%es 3"e#tit2 1o"ule (3S31) appli%atio# support i# 1* Stu"2 o# S6are" 9ata ,p"ate for 1ultiple Su5s%ri5ers %cronym 2S=00;=>S 2S=D9C<E 2S=>ed=UCe 2S=B<1=62=PC>2 2S=>E@914E=;<S 2S=;S;<=C> 2S=S/6>ED=S'"Data=UPD Resourc e C( C4 CA C( C( CA C4 !14rapporteur Eric on 9range Blac$Berry 6lcatel-1'cent De't che 4ele$o. Ge.alto /'a#ei 0R 24.C02 28.C08 (1.801 28.C11 28.848 (1.C28 28.C;4

,39 ;C002 ;

St%dy on ,ndic"tion of NN, Ro%tein scen"rios in S,4 re/%ests =,@9;C002;

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 8;N :2perli#' C41(01AA +otes C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14. C4EA2 -R 24.C02$100 for ,nfor*"tion TR 24.C02 +a e Stu"2 o# 3#"i%atio# of +etwor' to +etwor' 3#terfa%e (++3) Routei#4 s%e#arios i# S3P reFuests

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, TeliaSonera, -S-, 1e tsc%e Telekom, -8$

Justification W%en recei*in& an initial SIP re' est for a dialo&, or a standalone SIP re' est, an I=$F mi&%t need to, (ased on t%e se+case, select a local polic! to appl! to e.&. SIP screenin&, TCI;, ,7R and pri*ac!. )t t%e moment t%ere is no proper mec%anism for an I=$F to determine w%et%er t%e se case isI + + + + + + + + t%e *isited to %ome se caseV t%e %ome to *isited se caseV t%e loop(ack 2R)>8.4 se case, t%e in*ocation of 7R=@7RF in *isited network from )S in %ome networkV a re' est sent from t%e %ome network on t%e ori&inatin& side to t%e %ome network on t%e terminatin& sideV s (scription re' est from a P+$S$F to a S+$S$F 2compared to s (scription from 58 o*er a --I4V a re' est from )T$F to S$$ )S 2and *ice *ersa4V or etc. 2t%e list will (e lon&er and lon&er t%e more I7S e*ol*e4

T%ere %a*e (een se*eral attempts to sol*e t%is iss e ( t no sol tion %as (een a&reed so far. O !ecti"es: to st d! *ario s scenarios and in a first step doc ment t%e pro(lem and alternati*e sol tions.

It %as (een a&reed t%at $T3 sc%ed les t%e disc ssions so as to allow participation of I7S e<perts from $T1.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C002A

St%dy on @i"*eter 5$erlo"d Control <ec#"nis*s =,@9;C002A

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 10N :2perli#' C4120811 +otes C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 TR 28.C08 +a e Stu"2 o# 9ia eter Overloa" (o#trol 1e%6a#is s

Supporting Companies: ,ran&e, )TDT, >eriAon, -TT 1,$,7,, TeliaSonera, )lcatel+. cent, C awei, Cewlett+ Packard, 8ricsson, $isco, -S-, )llot $omm nications, -T$ $orporation, HT8, -8$. Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 23."#3 St d! on $ore -etwork ,*erload sol tions 2FS3$-,4 5I13#06636. $oordinate wit% $T3, S)9
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title 4800( Rel-12 -R 2(.C4( St%dy on Core Networ3 A 5$erlo"d sol%tions 'FS9CN5) +ature of relatio#s6ip -R 2(.C4( reco**ends t#e wor3 on st"nd"rdized @i"*eter extensions for s%pport of o$erlo"d control *ec#"nis*s.

Justification T%e 1iameter (ase protocol is widel! adopted in 3;PP as protocol s pport of n mero s si&nallin& interfaces in I7S, 8P$ , P$$ and c%ar&in& arc%itect res 2e.&. S6a@S6d, ;<@R<, $<@S% or ;A@;!4. )s part of t%e st d! on $ore -etwork ,*erload Sol tions 23;PP TR 23."#34, it %as (een in*esti&ated %ow t%e 1iameter (ased interfaces were protected a&ainst si&nallin& o*erload. T%e concl sion was t%at t%e e<istin& o*erload control mec%anisms in t%e 1iameter (ase protocol were too limited to efficientl! pre*ent and react to si&nallin& o*erload. T%ese limitations are e*en more critical in lar&e scale networks in w%ic% m ltiple 1iameter nodes, from *ario s *endors, are in t%e si&nallin& pat%. )lt%o &% *endor+specific sol tions mi&%t (e alread! a*aila(le in some networks, a standardiAation effort is re' ired to cope wit% a m lti+*endor@operator en*ironment in lar&e scale networks and roamin& cases. It is t%en recommended to la nc% a st d! at t%e protocol le*el to in*esti&ate t%e possi(le en%ancements of t%e 1iameter (ased interfaces to s pport ade' ate o*erload control mec%anisms. It is also recommended t%at s c% en%ancements %a*e minimal impacts on e<istin& infrastr ct res and (e &eneric eno &% to (e s ita(le for m ltiple 1iameter (ased interfaces. Cowe*er, t%e e<act sol tion to implement will (e decided per 1iameter application, dependin& on t%e specific re' irements of eac% interface. T%is st d! will (e closel! linked to t%e work done wit%in t%e I8TF 1iameter 7aintenance and 8<tensions 21i784 workin& &ro p t%at %as E st la nc%ed acti*ities on re' irement definitions and sol tion specification for s ita(le o*erload control mec%anisms at t%e 1iameter protocol la!er. ,n t%is topic, t%e followin& doc ments are nder disc ssion wit%in t%e I8TF 1i78 workin& &ro pI 1efinition of t%e re' irementsI o 1iameter ,*erload $ontrol Re' irements 2draft+ietf+dime+o*erload+re's+614 Proposed sol tionsI o 1iameter ,*erload $ontrol )pplication 2draft+kor%onen+dime+o*l+66.t<t4 o ) 7ec%anism for 1iameter ,*erload $ontrol 2draft+roac%+dime+o*erload+ctrl+614

3;PP s%o ld le*era&e t%e work done in I8TF and consider possi(le impacts on 1iameter protocol end points (e%a*io r and an! ot%er c%an&es potentiall! re' ired in 3;PP Sta&e 3 specifications to s pport o*erload control mec%anisms on 1iameter interface for 3;PP application. 8*en if related, t%is st d! will not co*er an! iss e related to network transport con&estion nor o*erload mec%anisms o*er ot%er protocols t%an 1iameter. O !ecti"es to: to in*esti&ate possi(le en%ancements of t%e 1iameter (ase protocol and e<istin& 1iameter applications to s pport o*erload control mec%anisms in 3;PP core networks (! ( ildin& pon t%e work done in t%e related feasi(ilit! st d! FS3$-, 2p (lis%ed in 3;PP TR 23."#34 as well as t%e res lts of t%e work done in t%e I8TF 1i78 workin& &ro p. T%is St d! Item will co*erI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Identification of t%e set of re' irements for an impro*ed o*erload control mec%anism o*er 1iameter (ased si&nallin& interfaces sed in 3;PP core networks. Some of t%e re' irements ma! (e common to all t%e 1iameter applications defined (! 3;PP, some ot%ers can (e specific to a &i*en application or a network confi& ration. Identification , e*al ation and selection of candidate sol tions for o*erload control mec%anisms, incl din&I o o o o o 7ec%anisms to detect o*erload sit ations e.&. notification of 1iameter end+point si&nallin& loadV 7ec%anisms to e<c%an&e o*erload control policies (etween 1iameter end+pointsV 1etails on t%e e<pected (e%a*io r of 3;PP core network nodes s pportin& t%e defined o*erload control mec%anism 21iameter end+points and 1iameter a&ent4V 8*al ation of t%e impacts of t%e proposed sol tion2s4 on e<istin& 1iameter+(ased Tec%nical Specifications and 1iameter (ased si&nallin& networks 2internal operator networks, inter+operator network 2e.&. IP:44. Recommendations on t%e sol tions to select dependin& of t%e applica(ilit! conte<t 2interfaces, application, network, etc.4

T%is St d! Item will contri( te to t%e work done wit%in t%e I8TF 1iameter 7aintenance and 8<tensions 21i784 workin& &ro p on 1iameter o*erload control, t%ro &% official liaison statement from 3;PP or compan!+dri*en indi*id al contri( tions, w%ic% incl desI Pro*ide feed(ack from 3;PP on t%e definition of t%e re' irement for 1iameter o*erload control mec%anismsV $ontri( te to t%e specification of t%e I8TF standard mec%anism for o*erload control o*er 1iameter.

T%e res lts of t%e st d! will (e sed to initiate t%e re' ired c%an&e re' ests a&ainst t%e related 3;PP Sta&e 3 specifications to s pport o*erload control mec%anisms on 1iameter interface for 3;PP applications. T%is work will (e s pported (! dedicated work items in a later sta&e. $T3 and S)9 will (e kept informed of t%e pro&ress of t%e work done nder t%is St d! Item and will (e in*ol*ed in t%e re*iew of t%e related doc ments (efore completion.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8001 0

St%dy on Re$iew of dedic"ted (I44 =,CC fe"t%res =,@9;80010

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 1;N :2perli#' C41(01AC +otes C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14. 2"itin for feed+"c3 fro* extern"l or "niz"tions '4-CR.J4:I). TR (1.801 +a e Stu"2 o# Review of "e"i%ate" 3GPP ,3(( features

Supporting Companies: Justification

=lack=err!, Sams n&, -okia, ? alcomm

$laimin& s pport for a &i*en release of 3;PP translates into t%e re' irement to s pport all t%e mandator! feat res specified for t%at release. T%is re' irement is often fo nd to (e a s perset of t%e re' irements act all! e<pressed (! t%e c stomers for 3;PP de*ices. T%is relates in partic lar to some of t%e mandator! feat res specified for 5SI7, ISI7 and t%e related Toolkit aspects 2respecti*el! fo nd in TS 31.162, TS 31.163 and TS 31.1114, as it appears t%at t%ere is no intent to se some of t%ose mandator! feat res in t%e field. Wit% a *iew to (est address t%eir c stomerPs re' irements, t%e 78 man fact rers tailor t%eir implementation to t%e act al re' irements e<pressed and to t%eir nderstandin& of w%ic% feat res are fo nd to (e sed in t%e field. T%e c rrent set of $T6 specifications does not allow for s c% profilin& of feat res. O !ecti"e ) re*iew of t%e feat res and t%eir mandator!@optional s pport in t%e li&%t of act al se or demand in t%e field is to (e cond cted. ) tec%nical report will doc ment t%e E stification for t%e s pport of feat res identified as not (ein& implemented or re' ired 2e.&. from S)1 re' irements4. W%en a common nderstandin& is reac%ed a(o t a potential need for a modification of t%e re' ired s pport of a feat re, it will (e listed for f rt%er consideration (! $T6. S%o ld an! normati*e work (e deri*ed from t%e content of t%e st d!, it will (e carried o t as part of a separate work item.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8001 1

St%dy on ><6 +"sed "ccess of AF to t#e 4CRF =,@9;80011

-i#is6 12J0AJ201 4 (o p C0N :2perli#' C41(01A1 +otes C4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14. C4EA2 -R 28.C11$100 for ,nfor*"tion TR 28.C11 +a e Stu"2 o# 71B 5ase" a%%ess of !- to t6e P(R-

Supporting Companies: HT8

)lcatel+. cent, >eriAon Wireless, Intel, R niper, $isco, $%ina 7o(ile, ,ran&e, C awei,

In*esti&ate introd cin& an :7.+(ased protocol 2e.&. S,)P, Restf l CTTP, etc.4 (etween )F and P$RF for non+I7S applications. Justification 7o(ile network operators need to s pport applications %osted (! t%emsel*es or (! 3rd part! data application pro*iders. T%e application pro*ider can interact wit% t%e mo(ile operator *ia t%e R< interface. )pplications like I7S se t%e 1iameter protocol on R< interface. Cowe*er 3rd part! we( application pro*iders are more familiar wit% :7. (ased protocols. In order for a mo(ile operator to s pport t%e ma<im m n m(er of applications, an :7. (ased access of t%e )F to t%e P$RF s%o ld (e pro*ided. O !ecti"e: to in*esti&ate t%e introd ction of an :7. (ased protocol 2e.&. S,)P, Restf l CTTP, etc.4 (etween t%e )F and t%e P$RF for t%e case of non I7S applications. T%e scope of t%is work will (e to pro*ide an :7. (ased e' i*alent to t%e 1iameter (ased si&nallin& t%at is presentl! specified in TS 20.21#. T%is St d! Item will co*erI t%e in*esti&ation of t%e followin& alternati*esI 1. :7. (ased protocol (etween )F and P$RF 2. )ddin& a new protocol con*erter 2as a stand+alone entit!4 (etween P$RF and )F t%e in*esti&ation of a s ita(le transport protocol for :7. c%ar&in& iss es in case of 3rd part! SPs 2see Y74 sec rit! iss es 2see Y"4 t%e in*esti&ation of roamin& and si&nallin& ro tin& aspects 2e.&. 1R) %andlin& and ot%ers aspects4

If t%e res lts of t%e st d! do not indicate sta&e 2 impacts, t%e! will (e sed to initiate t%e re' ired c%an&e re' ests a&ainst t%e e<istin& 3;PP Sta&e 3 specifications or to work+o t a new sta&e 3 TS. ,t%erwise, sta&e 2 work will (e performed first in t%e appropriate W; 2e.&. S)24. Charging Aspects: S)9 to (e contacted for t%e interface wit% 3rd part SP a(o t c%ar&in& of t%e 3rd part!.

Security Aspects: S)3 to (e contacted for t%e interface wit% 3rd part SP a(o t potential sec rit! iss es for t%is work s c% as a t%entication and a t%oriAation re' irements, and protection of operatorsU network information.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1001 0

St%dy on -ec#nic"l "spects on Ro"*in Bnd-to-end scen"rios wit# :o6-B ,<S "nd ot#er networ3s =,@9A10010
-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 20N :2perli#' C41(0114 +otes C4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ C41(0;C1FGC4-1(0114 TR 28.848 +a e Stu"2 o# Te%6#i%al aspe%ts o# Roa i#4 *#"-to-e#" s%e#arios wit6 VoBT* 31S a#" ot6er #etwor's

Supporting Companies:

1e tsc%e Telekom, =el&acom, 8ricsson, )TDT, Telecom Italia

Inform $T1 a(o t pro&ress. 1oc ment end+to+end se cases and si&nallin& flows (ased on t%e roamin& arc%itect re for >oice o*er I7S wit% .ocal =reako t Justification 3;PP %as now specified roamin& for >o.T8 I7S s!stems wit%in different specifications for )rc%itect re, Si&nallin& and also c%ar&in& aspects. -e*ert%eless t%e operator pro*idin& >o.T8 roamin& will %a*e to collect all information from se*eral doc ments wit%in t%e 3;PP standards s ite. F rt%ermore t%ere is no compre%ensi*e description for interconnection networks w%ic% defines t%e specific capa(ilities t%at are re' ired (! t%ese networks to s pport >o.T8 roamin&. T%is is of special importance, since t%e mo(ile roamin& concepts re' ire interconnection capa(ilities s pported (! Interconnection networks (e!ond t%ose re' ired for e.&. >oIP Interconnection (etween wire+line networks. T%is is different from t%e introd ction of ;S7 roamin& w%ere t%e roamin& concepts did not make se of an! capa(ilities in Interconnection networks w%ic% were not alread! defined and deplo!ed for wire+line Interconnection. T%ere is no doc ment a*aila(le w%ic% s%ows t%e related end to end scenarios for roamin& incl din& t%e call termination in t%e %ome or ot%er networks and for Interconnection networks in t%e roamin& case (etween *isited and %ome network and *ice *ersa. $T3 %as pro*ided a profilin& of t%e II+--I w%ic% %elps for S.)s and profilin& t%e interconnection interface. = t t%e important information for t%e *isited network to send and t%e rele*ant parameters for t%e interconnection interface or transit network to %andle are missin&. ) f rt%er ad*anta&e of t%is work will res lt in collectin& and representin& information w%ic% is spread o*er different doc ments. T%is is important to identif! and later on close possi(le &aps in t%e c rrent specification of >o.T8 roamin&. T% s operators will no lon&er (e conf sed w%en startin& roamin&, interconnection and mi<ed scenarios wit%o t an clear & ideline. O !ecti"e: to doc ment a end to end se cases and si&nallin& flows (ased on t%e roamin& arc%itect re for >oice o*er I7S wit% .ocal =reako t. T%e work s%all s mmariAe contents of e<istin& 3;PP Tec%nical Specifications. T%e scenarios sed s%o ld co*er t%e followin& se cases w%ere roamin& applies.I %ome network ro tein& roamin& wit% loop(ack Terminatin& ro tin& wit%in t%e %ome network Terminatin& ro tin& w%ere t%e terminatin& 58 is also roamin& Treatment of media w%en Ser*ices will (e pro*ided in t%e %ome network $o*era&e of transit networks )ccess transfer scenarios 2SR>$$4 . In case &aps are identified w%ic% needs c%an&e of specifications t%e needed $RUs will (e presented to t%e responsi(le &ro p wit%in t%e scope of t%e related WI1.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2000 1

St%dy on @e$elop*ent of confor*"nce re/%ire*ents for t#e ,S,< "pplic"tion s%pport in <B =,@9A20001
-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 0N :2perli#' C41(0C12 TR (1.C28 +a e Stu"2 o# 9evelop e#t of %o#for a#%e reFuire e#ts for t6e 3P 1ulti e"ia Servi%es 3"e#tit2 1o"ule (3S31) appli%atio# support i# 1*

Supporting Companies: ;emalto, $)TR, $%ina 7o(ile, $omprion, ;iesecke D 1e*rient, 7orp%o $ards, ,(ert% r Tec%nolo&ies, >).I1 Sol ciones Tecnolo&icas ;at%erin& of all ISI7+related conformance re' irements and t%e assessment of $T6 co*era&e.
Relate" &or' 3te (s) ,#iFue 39 Title C#"r"cteristics of t#e =S,< "pplic"tion =S,< Applic"tion -ool3it '=SA-) C#"r"cteristics of t#e ,S,< "pplic"tion TS (1.102 (1.111 (1.10(

Justification )lt%o &% some test cases are defined in t%e R)-9 and $T6 sets of test specifications, t%ere is no dedicated test specification for terminal s pportin& ISI7. In order to assess w%et%er t%e c rrent test cases pro*ide s fficient co*era&e, t%ere is a need to %a*e a clear listin& of t%e conformance re' irements for ISI7 testin&. It is proposed t%at $T6 lists t%ose conformance re' irements and indicates w%ic% conformance re' irements are alread! co*ered (! t%e $T6 test specifications. T%e o tcome of t%e work will allow R)-9 to re*iew t%eir e<istin& ISI7+related test cases and en%ance t%em as needed. O !ecti"e: to de*elop a tec%nical report listin& t%e conformance re' irements e<tracted from TS 31.163. T%is tec%nical report will t%en (e a (asis for a &ap anal!sis of test co*era&e and t%e s (se' ent de*elopment of test cases to *erif! t%e conformance of Terminals wit% feat res for t%e ISI7 application. #0 0xpected Output and +ime sca,e
+ew spe%ifi%atio#s S,f St%dy ,te*! one -R is "nticip"tedT Spec -itle 4ri*e 2nd"ry 4resented for Appro$ed "tCo**ents No. rsp. rsp. infor*"tion "t plen"ryE 2I 2I's) plen"ryE (1.C28 Confor*"nce re/%ire*ents for ,4 C-A C- EA4 ,t is intended to cre"te " new tec#nic"l <%lti*edi" Ser$ices ,dentity <od%le report "t#erin "ll ,S,<-rel"ted ',S,<) "pplic"tion test specific"tion confor*"nce re/%ire*ents "nd t#e "ssess*ent of C-A co$er" e.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A20002

St%dy on S#"red @"t" =pd"te for <%ltiple S%+scri+ers =,@9A20002

-i#is6 01J0(J2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' C4-1(0C08 TR 28.C;4 +a e Stu"2 o# S6are" 9ata ,p"ate for 1ultiple Su5s%ri5ers

Supporting Companies:

C awei, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 7o(ile, CiSilicon

T%is st d! will anal!Ae t%e implications of pdates on s (scri(er data s%ared for a massi*e n m(er of s (scri(ers, w%at se cases s%all (e co*ered and possi(le impacted applica(le interfaces. It will also anal!Ae w%et%er it is re' ired to standardiAe an! sol tion to miti&ate identified implications, and if so, a sol tion s%all (e c%osen amon& different possi(le alternati*es. Justification In t%e 3;PP I7S network, t%e ser*ice data are stored (! t%e application ser*ers in t%e CSS as transparent data. = t in t%e deplo!ment, some ser*ice data e.&. I7S $)78. ser*ice information, mi&%t (e pro*isioned in t%e I7S CSS, and t%en t%e I7S )S retrie*es t%e data from t%e CSS w%en t%e I7S )S is powered on or w%en t%e ser is re&istered in t%e I7S or w%en t%ere is a terminatin& call reac%in& t%e ser. It is t%e same for some ot%er ser*ice data especiall! t%ose s%ared wit% $S s pplementar! ser*ices. In t%ese cases, sometimes one or se*eral attri( tes of t%e ser*ice data are commonl! s%ared (! m ltiple s (scri(ers, t%en if one of t%ese common attri( tes are modified, t%e pro*isionin& s!stem pdates all affected s (scri(ers in CSS, t% s t%e CSS needs to notif! t%e pdated ser*ice data to t%e I7S )S for eac% s (scri(er impacted. )part from t%e need of pdate of s%ared ser*ice data for m ltiple s (scri(ers from t%e CSS to t%e )S, massi*e data pdates on CSS mi&%t %a*e an impact on ot%er CSS interfaces, for e<ample o*er $< interface, t%e pdate of t%e s%ared I7S S (scription data for m ltiple s (scri(ers from t%e CSS to t%e S+$S$F. T%is iss e &enericall! applies w%en some common s (scription data is s%ared amon& $S@PS@8PS network, and t%en if t%e s%ared s (scription data is pdated in t%e C.R@CSS, t%e C.R@CSS needs to pdate t%e >.R@S;S-@778 for all impacted s (scri(ers. O !ecti"es: + + + )nal!se t%e implications of pdates on s (scri(er data s%ared for a massi*e n m(er of s (scri(ers, w%at se cases s%all (e co*ered and possi(le impacted applica(le interfaces. )nal!se w%et%er it is re' ired to standardiAe an! sol tion to miti&ate identified implications. T%is ma! re' ire S)9 contri( tion and@or re*iew. If standardiAation is re' ired, a sol tion s%all (e c%osen amon& different possi(le alternati*es. T%is ma! impact (ot% sta&e 2 and sta&e 3.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 43,,, 1 48,,, 3 52,,, 1 52,,, 2 58,,3 4 32,,1 2 32,,1 3

IBRAN St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# G*R!+ i prove e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s Stu"2 o# Solutio#s for GS1=*9G* ETS *#er42 Savi#4 Stu"2 o# Voi%e servi%es over !"aptive 1ulti-user %6a##els o# O#e Slot (V!1OS) e#6a#%e e#ts Stu"2 o# G*R!+ e#6a#%e e#ts for 1o5ile 9ata !ppli%atio#s Stu"2 o# 9ow#li#' 131O Stu"2 o# Power savi#4 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s (1T() "evi%es Stu"2 o# ,pBi#' 1ulti,ser 1ultiple-3#put 1ultiple-Output (,B 1,-131O) %cronym 2S=0;<4C=GE>60 2S=Energy=B4S 2S=e@6<9S 2S=GE>60=e<D6 2S=D9<;<9 2S='PoD 2S=U1=<U=<;<9 Resource G1,G2 G1,G2 GP,G2,G 1 G2,G1 G1,G2 G2,G1 G1,G2 !14rapporteur Eric on 0S0, @odafone China <o"ile, /'a#ei /'a#ei 0S0 China <o"ile /'a#ei 0R 437+3+ 457823 437+,1 437+,2 457+!y 4!7+a" 457+!y



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 4A000 1

St%dy on IBRAN i*pro$e*ents for <"c#ine--ype Co**%nic"tions =,@94A0001

u#i%atio#s :2perli#' I4-08241C +otes I4E;A co*pleted. I4E44 "ppro$ed 2,@ TR 4(.CAC +a e Stu"2 o# G*R!+ i prove e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o

Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, $%ina 7o(ile, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei, .; 8lectronics, 7otorola, Researc% in 7otion, Sams n&, ST+8ricsson, Telecom Italia, >odafone, HT8. Justification S)1 %as created TS 22.36" to list Ser*ice re' irements and optimiAation cate&ories for 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications 27T$4 in Rel+16. T%e TS is considered sta(le as of ) & 2660. To f ll! s pport t%e S)1 ser*ice re' irements and optimiAation cate&ories, and in order to impro*e efficienc! in ;8R)- to %andle 7T$, it is necessar! to st d! ;8R)- tec%nical en%ancements needed for s pportin& 7T$. Some e<amples for optimisin& ;8R)- for 7T$ de*ices are radio reso rce allocation met%ods for a lar&e n m(er of 7ac%ines in t%e same cell wit% low@no mo(ilit!, 7T$ de*ice addressin& formats, power sa*in& mec%anisms for se*eral 727 application scenarios, fle<i(le ltra+low d t! c!cle, low data sa&e 2$S or PS4 and e<tra link ( d&et for weat%er@t%eft@*andalism proofin& 2e.&. %ea*il! s%ielded antenna4. )not%er important iss e is %ow t%e lar&e n m(er of 7T$ will infl ence t%e ;8R)- performance. T%e M;ro p (ased s!stem optimiAation cate&or!M identified in TS 22.36" indicates area of impro*ement in t%e a(ilit! of t%e s!stem to efficientl! ser*e 7T$ applications t%at relate to a &ro p of 7T$ de*ices. 7T$ applications ma! in*ol*e t%e deplo!ment of a &ro p of 7T$ de*ices t%at are owned and operated (! a sin&le 7T$ c stomer and as s c% t%e 7T$ c stomer and t%e 7-, ma! treat t%e &ro p as a sin&le entit! 2indi*id al 7T$ de*ices are not *isi(le from t%e network and no &ro p optimiAation is foreseen in s c% a case4. W%ene*er an! 7T$ de*ice is *isi(le from t%e network, it is anticipated t%at &ro p pa&in& iss es and new &ro p (roadcast mec%anisms as well as optimised access proced res are st died. 7ost 7T$ de*ices are e<pected to re' ire low data (andwidt% and to (e eit%er of t%e 7o(ile ,ri&inated or 7o(ile Terminated t!pe. T%is opens p opport nities to define a MT%in 7odemM or a collection of modem t!pes 2e.&. (roadcast onl! de*ices are 7T onl!4. O !ecti"e St d! ;8R)- en%ancements for ;8R)- to impro*e t%e s pport for 7T$ considerin& t%eir specific re' irements and optimiAation cate&ories identified (! S)1 St d! t%e (o nds on t%e n m(er of possi(le 7T$ de*ices t%at can (e s pported in a ;8R)- cell and possi(le impact on t%e R)$C capacit!, c%annel capacit!, de*ice addressin& formats, etc. St d! ;8R)- en%ancements w%ic% ena(le or impro*e efficient se of R)- reso rces and@or w%ic% lower comple<it! w%en a lar&e n m(er of 7T$ de*ices are ser*ed. Impacts of radio interference d e to t%e lar&e n m(er of 7T$ de*ices in a cell s%all (e in*esti&ated. 8*al ate possi(le network arc%itect ral c%an&es to s pport =roadcast@;ro p Pa&in& en%ancements, low latenc! impacts and possi(le 7, onl! or 7T onl! de*ices. Identif! potential opport nities in specif!in& MT%in 7odemM de*ice t!pes for 7T$. In*esti&ate ltra low power 7T$ de*icesI prolon&ed period (etween transmission@reception, occasional acti*e se, optimised for minimal data onl! applications wit% no mo(ilit! s pport, etc. St d! wa!s to red ce si&nallin& latenc! and minimise ser plane data o*er%ead St d! wa!s to pro*ide prioritisation@deprioritisation of 7T$ de*ice comm nication in t%e R)St d! wa!s to distri( te t%e loadin& 2si&nallin& and data4 created (! 7T$ de*ice comm nication to a*oid si&nallin&@traffic spikes in t%e R)-



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 48000 A

St%dy on Sol%tions for IS<JB@IB .-S Bner y S"$in =,@948000A

-i#is6 2CJ02J201 4 (o p 80N :2perli#' I4101A(C +otes I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG02J14. I4E41 "ppro$ed 2,@ TR 4;.82A +a e Stu"2 o# Solutio#s for GS1=*9G* ETS *#er42 Savi#4

Supporting Companies: Justification

-S-, >odafone, )lcatel+. cent, $%ina 7o(ile, Telecom Italia, C awei, HT8, 8ricsson

1 e to t%e need to red ce ener&! cons mption wit%in operatorsU networks, and considerin& t%e lar&e amo nt of ;S7@81;8 network e' ipment deplo!ed in t%e field aro nd t%e world, t%e standardisation of met%ods to sa*e ener&! in =TS is seen as an important area of st d! for 3;PP. T%ere %as not (een a lar&e amo nt of foc s on ener&!+sa*in& in ;S7@81;8 networks so far in 3;PP, alt%o &% some sol tions %a*e (een a&reed in pre*io s Releases, nota(l! 7$=TS. T%erefore it is proposed to start an initial st d! p%ase to identif! sol tions and perform an! initial e*al ation, s c% t%at a s (set of t%ese proposals can (e sed as t%e (asis for f rt%er in*esti&ation of t%eir feasi(ilit!. O !ecti"e: to st d! potential sol tions ena(lin& ener&! sa*in& wit%in t%e =TS 2incl din& 7$=TS and 7SR4 (!I

Red ction of Power on t%e =$$C carrier 2potentiall! ena(lin& d!namic adE stment of =$$C power4 Red ction of power on 1. common control c%annels Red ction of power on 1. c%annels in dedicated mode, 1T7 and packet transfer mode 1eacti*ation of cells 2e.&. $ell Power 1own and $ell 1T: like concepts as disc ssed in R)-4 1eacti*ation of ot%er R)Ts in areas wit% m lti+R)T deplo!ments, for e<ample, w%ere t%e mo(ile station co ld assist t%e network to s spend@minimise specific in+ se R)Ts at specific times of da! )nd an! ot%er radio interface impacted power red ction sol tions.

T%e sol tions identified in t%is st d! item s%all also consider t%e followin& aspectsI Impacts on t%e time for le&ac! and new mo(ile stations to &ain access to ser*ice from t%e =TS Impacts on le&ac! and new mo(ile stations to keep t%e on&oin& ser*ice 2wit%o t increasin& drop rate4 Impacts on le&ac! and new mo(ile stations implementation and power cons mption, e.&. d e to red ction in 1. power, cell 2re+4selection performance, %ando*er performance, etc. Impacts on 5.@1. co*era&e (alance, especiall! to $S *oice

Sol tions s%all (e considered for (ot% =TS ener&! sa*in& non+s pportin& and s pportin& mo(ile stations 2i.e. sol tions t%at are non+(ackwards compati(le towards le&ac! mo(ile stations s%all (e o t of t%e scope of t%is st d!4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;2000 1

St%dy on :A<5S en#"nce*ents =,@9;20001

-i#is6 (0J0;J201 4 (o p C0N :2perli#' I4110881 +otes I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG0;J14. I4E;0 "ppro$ed 2,@. TR 4(.C01 +a e Stu"2 o# Voi%e servi%es over !"aptive 1ulti-user %6a##els o# O#e Slot (V!1OS) e#6a#%e e#ts

Supporting Companies:

$%ina 7o(ile, C awei, >odafone, HT8, -S-, 8ricsson

Tri&&ered (! Rel+" TR #9.01# St d! 7 lti+5ser+Re sin& ,ne Timeslot 275R,S4 5I1396906 and Rel+0 >)7,S 5I13#26662
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;0;80 <%lti-=ser-Re%sin 5ne -i*eslot '<=R5S) 420002 :oice ser$ices o$er Ad"pti$e <%lti-%ser c#"nnels on 5ne Slot ':A<5S) +ature of relatio#s6ip Rel-C St%dy ite* Rel-8 2or3 ite*

Justification >)7,S %as (een specified as a Rel+0 feat re and was e<pected to t%eoreticall! do (le t%e *oice capacit! of ;8R)per =TS transcei*er. $apacit! &ains of >)7,S %a*e %owe*er (een seen from s!stem le*el sim lations to *ar! si&nificantl! dependin& on t%e fre' enc! load of t%e network. In networks wit% relati*el! %i&% fre' enc! load t%e possi(le s!stem capacit! increase (ro &%t (! >)7,S co ld t% s res lt in de&raded call ' alit!. $all ' alit! in t%e network ma! rel! pon factors w%ic% were not modelled@co*ered in t%e 75R,S st d!, s c% as radio reso rce mana&ement and interference coordination@miti&ation mec%anisms. Cence it is desira(le to e<plore standardiAation wa!s in t%ese and@or ot%er possi(le areas to optimiAe t%e call ' alities of >)7,S networks. O !ecti"e: st d!

to impro*e t%e call ' alit! of paired mo(iles and non+paired mo(iles (! optimiAin& radio reso rce mana&ement mec%anisms for >)7,S to in*esti&ate network impro*ements tiliAin& network s!nc%roniAation, incl din& t%e se of inter+cell interference coordination@miti&ation and inter+cell c%annel state s%arin& in and (etween =SSV to a*oid an! impact on $ore -etwork to a*oid an! impact on (ase station %ardware to a*oid an! impact on mo(ile station .



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;2000 2

St%dy on IBRAN en#"nce*ents for <o+ile @"t" Applic"tions =,@9;20002

-i#is6 (0J0;J201 4 (o p ;;N :2perli#' I4110888 +otes I4EA0 co*pletion 11J1(FG0;J14. I4E;0 "ppro$ed 2,@ '*o+ile co%co%). TR 4(.C02 +a e Stu"2 o# G*R!+ e#6a#%e e#ts for 1o5ile 9ata !ppli%atio#s

Supporting Companies: C awei, $%ina 7o(ile, Telecom Italia, >odafone, HT8, -S-, Researc% in 7otion, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Renesas, )lcatel+. cent Tri&&ered (! R)-G91 27ar 26114 WI1 in RP+116#9# 2.T8 R)- 8n%ancements for 1i*erse 1ata )pplications4 5I13916631 Justification In recent !ears, mo(ile networks %a*e e<perienced a si&nificant increase of mo(ile data. 1i*erse mo(ile applications are introd ced (! mac%ine t!pe comm nication and % man t!pe comm nication. T%e increase of mo(ile data %as introd ced new c%allen&es to mo(ile networks. )s t%e sa&e and ran&e of applications sed toda! for % man comm nication, s c% as I7 c%attin&, CTTP@W)P (rowsin&, and social network, p s% ser*ices etc. increases 2and are more fre' entl! sed in parallel4, c%allen&es to t%e mo(ile network increase as t%e total amo nt of related traffic is increasin& si&nificantl!. Cowe*er, it is essential to ens re t%at t%e ser e<perience for t%ese applications s%o ld (e eit%er impro*ed or maintained, compared wit% t%e ser e<perience toda!, w%ile ens rin& efficient se of network reso rces 2considerin& si&nallin& efficienc!, reso rce tiliAation etc.4, and minimiAin& (atter! cons mption. )s well as t%e performance re' irements, c%aracteristics of t%e traffic also pose pro(lems to networksI for e<ample, se' ences of fre' ent s%ort transmissions from t%e same mo(ile 2s c% as from I7, stat s pdates etc.4 in ' ick s ccession at t%e application la!er c rrentl! ma! res lt in rapid transitions in t%e access network from idle to acti*e and *ice *ersa. )s a res lt, ;8R)- needs to st d! and identif! t%e impacts from t%ese applications on e<istin& mec%anisms and potentiall! consider new mec%anisms 2if re' ired4 to ens re t%at networks can cope wit% t%is traffic and make efficient sa&e of t%e a*aila(le reso rces w%ile meetin& t%e a(o*e+mentioned performance re' irements. O !ecti"e: In order to make t%e ;8R)- network (etter s ited for mo(ile data applications sed on m lti+taskin& capa(le mo(ile stations, e.&. I7 c%attin&, CTTP@W)P (rowsin& ser*ices 2incl din& streamin&4, social network ser*ices, etc , t%is st d! aims to consider t%e followin& o(Eecti*esI o o o St d! and identif! t%e rele*ant traffic profiles from ;8R)- perspecti*e for t%e mo(ile data application of % man comm nication, e.&. I7 c%attin&, CTTP@W)P (rowsin& 2incl din& streamin&4, social network ser*ice, etc. St d! t%e impact on ;8R)- network (ased on t%e identified traffic profiles. St d! en%ancements to alle*iate t%e impacts from t%ese traffic patterns on t%e c rrent ;8R)- networks 2if an!4 wit% re&ards toI o o o o Radio reso rce tiliAation Si&nallin& proced res RR states and transition (etween t%em =atter! lifetime

T%e identified en%ancements to (etter %andle t%e mo(ile data application s%o ld not impact t%e $S ser*ices.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;800(4

St%dy on @ownlin3 <,<5 =,@9;800(4

-i#is6 11J02J2014 (o p 40N :2perli#' I4-1(02CC +otes I4E;1 "ppro$ed 2,@ TR 4;.Cxy +a e Stu"2 o# 9ow#li#' 131O

Supporting Companies: Justification

-S-, -okia, $om+Researc%, Telecom Italia

T%e rapid &lo(alisation of t%e smart p%one market is p ttin& press re on le&ac! 81;8 networks to impro*e t%ro &%p t and spectr m efficienc!. To meet t%e demands on t%ro &%p t and spectr m efficienc!, 7I7, for downlink pro*ides an interestin& prospect (eca se it neit%er p ts too %i&% re' irements on .T8 ena(led smart de*ices nor on le&ac! 81;8 networks. )ll .T8 ena(led smart de*ices come wit% two recei*e antennas, w%ic% is a *al a(le radio asset t%at s%o ld (e f ll! tilised. Similarl!, le&ac! 81;8 networks are often confi& red wit% two transmit antennas to s pport air com(inin& or transmit di*ersit!. Performance e*al ation s (mitted to ;8R)-G9# in ;P+126762, to ;8R)-G99 in ;P+121610 and ;P+121636 and to ;8R)-G96 in ;P+1212#" s%ows potential of t%is tec%ni' e to s pport si&nificantl! %i&%er data peak t%ro &%p t compared to 8;PRS and 8;PRS2+) and as well as impro*in& t%e spectral efficienc!. O !ecti"e: to in*esti&ate t%e feasi(ilit! of sin&le ser 7I7, in t%e downlink for PS data ser*ices incl din& 8;PRS and 8;PRS2+). For 7I7, s pport, two operational modes are foreseenI a4 spatial m ltiple<in& mode (ased on d al stream 2<2 7I7, and (4 sin&le stream di*ersit! mode (ased on eit%er 7SR1 or T< di*ersit! in com(ination wit% 7SR1. In &eneral, t%e SI s%all aim to re+ se as m c% as possi(le e<istin& f nctionalit! in ;8R)- and e<istin& spatial c%annel models and principles sed for 5TR)- and 8+5TR)-. Followin& aspects are meant to (e co*ered (! t%e st d!I 1. 7 ltiple<in& wit% le&ac! 7SI To s pport m ltiple<in& of a 7I7, capa(le 7S wit% a le&ac! 7S, temporar! fall+(ack to a sin&le stream s%all (e ass med. 2. Trainin& se' ence sa&eI T%e st d! s%all take trainin& se' ences introd ced for >)7,S as workin& ass mption. Proposals for re+optimised trainin& se' ence sets (ased on common ass mptions will (e considered if t%e new sets can replace t%e >)7,S trainin& se' ence pairs wit% (etter performance incl din& mi<ed *oice and data interference scenario. 3. R.$@7)$ and core network protocolsI =ot% R.$@7)$ and core network protocols s%all (e (ased on 1.1$ mode w%ere possi(le. #. .ink and 7ode )daptationI $%annel ' alit! reportin& (! 7S to s pport mode adaptation s%all (e in*esti&ated. )daptation (etween followin& modes s%o ld (e in*esti&atedI a. Sin&le stream di*ersit! mode (ased on eit%er 7SR1 or T< di*ersit! in com(ination wit% 7SR1 (. 1 al stream in spatial m ltiple<in& mode 22<2 7I7,4 9. Terminal impactsI T%e s pport of spatial m ltiple<in& mode and di*ersit! mode reception of 8;PRS and@or 8;PRS2+) for m lti+mode 7S arc%itect res s%all (e in*esti&ated. 6. -etwork confi& rationsI T%e st d! s%all in*esti&ate different =TS CW confi& rations t%at are a(le to s pport 7I7, in a t!pical network pro*ided wit% le&ac! CW. 7. Performance re' irementsI T%e performance of 7I7, s%all (e e*al ated o*er t%e SI-R ran&e rele*ant in ;8R)- networks. ". $ompati(ilit! to le&ac! ser*ices @ e' ipmentI a. )*oid an! ne&ati*e impact to speec% and data performance w%ile t%e priorit! is &i*en to a*oidin& ne&ati*e impact to le&ac! speec% ser*ice. (. )*oid an! %ardware impact d e to t%e introd ction of 7I7, to t%e (ase station and mo(ile station, ass min& t%e mo(ile station alread! s pports di*ersit! antenna reception. 0. $%annel modellin&I T%e Spatial $%annel 7odel de*eloped (! 3;PP TS; R)- 2see TR 29."1# and TS36.1614 s%all (e sed wit% appropriate modifications e.&. to adE st it to t%e radio c%annels considered in 3;PP TS; ;8R)- to s pport t%e st d!. 16. )n! tec%ni' e t%at re' ires c%an&es to 7$S desi&n for ;S7@81;8 s%all not (e part of t%e st d!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2001 2

St%dy on 4ower s"$in for <-C de$ices =,@9A20012

-i#is6 21J02J201 ; (o p 0N :2perli#' I41(11(A +otes I4EA0 "ppro$ed 2,@ TR 4x.C"+ +a e Stu"2 o# Power savi#4 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s (1T() "evi%es

Supporting Companies:

$%ina 7o(ile, 8ricsson, C awei, -okia, HT8, 7ediaTek, )lcatel+. cent, -S-

.inked to Rel+12 Feat re 7T$e, Sta&e 2 ==3I 58 Power $ons mptions ,ptimiAations 258P$,P4
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;A0(2 ..(: =B 4ower Cons%*ptions 5pti*iz"tions '=B4C54) 2 ;A1A2 -R on St" e 2 ..(: =B 4ower Cons%*ptions 5pti*iz"tions 2 '=B4C54) ;A2(2 St" e 2 for ..(: =B 4ower Cons%*ptions 5pti*iz"tions '=B4C54) 2 +ature of relatio#s6ip

Justification Power cons mption is in &eneral important for mo(ile ser e' ipment, ( t is of special importance for 7T$ de*ices. T%e importance is increasin& alon& wit% a &rowin& pop lation of 7T$ de*ices. T%e importance of st d!in& power sa*in& mec%anisms for 7T$ de*ices is ill strated in t%e followin& scenariosI U For 7T$ de*ices t%at r n on (atter!, power sa*in& mec%anisms can e<tend t%e (atter! lifetime and red ce t%e cost of c%an&in& or c%ar&in& (atteries for a lar&e amo nt of de*ices. In addition, for t%ose 7T$ de*ices wit% irreplacea(le (atteries, lon&er (atter! lifetime means lon&er de*ices lifec!cle and t% s a red ction in t%e cost of de*ices replacement. For 7T$ de*ices wit% e<ternal power s ppl!, power sa*in& mec%anisms will mean lower power cons mption and t% s impro*ed for ener&! efficienc!.

,ne important se case is 7T$ de*ices t%at onl! %a*e mo(ile ori&inatin& traffic, e.&. meterin&, fleet mana&ement, prod ct flow mana&ement etc. )not%er important ses case is stationar! or low mo(ilit! de*ices e.&. electricit! meterin& de*ices, relics protection de*ices, anti+in*asion s!stem de*ices etc. For t%ese se cases power sa*in& mec%anisms are essential. O !ecti"es: U U U U U U U Identif! 7T$ se cases and traffic models w%ere 7T$ de*ices wo ld (enefit from power sa*in&s In*esti&ate possi(le tec%ni' es to red ce t%e power cons mption of 7T$ de*ices 8*al ate t%e possi(le &ains in terms of ener&! sa*in&s 8*al ate t%e possi(le impacts of power sa*in& tec%ni' es on de*ice performance )*oid an! ne&ati*e impact on le&ac! *oice and data ser*ices )*oid an! %ardware impact on infrastr ct re e' ipment. )*oid an! %ardware impact on =TS and 7T$ de*ices



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2001 (

St%dy on =p6in3 <%lti=ser <,<5 =,@9A2001(

-i#is6 21J11J201 4 (o p 0N :2perli#' I41(11(1 +otes I4EA0 "ppro$ed 2,@ TR 4;.Cxy +a e Stu"2 o# ,pBi#' 1ulti,ser 1ultiple-3#put 1ultiple-Output

Supporting Companies:

C awei, >odafone, $%ina 7o(ile, 7ediaTek, HT8, Telecom Italia

Tri&&ered (! increase in 5. connections to (e ser*ed (! PS domain in ;S7 networks 2scenariosI ;S7 fre' encies refarmin& to ot%er R)Ts, emer&ence of 7T$ ser*ices o*er mo(ile radio networks4 Justification In t%e near f t re a remarka(le increase is e<pected in t%e n m(er of plink connections re' ired to (e ser*ed (! t%e packet switc%ed 2PS4 domain in ;S7 networks. 8<ample scenarios foreseen incl de refarmin& of ;S7 fre' encies to ot%er radio access tec%nolo&ies, and t%e emer&ence of 7T$ ser*ices o*er mo(ile radio networks. For packet data c%annels s%ared (! a n m(er of connections wit% small amo nts of data@si&nallin& waitin& to (e transmitted, 5. 75+7I7, ma! (e considered to meet t%e a(o*e demand pro*ided t%at t%ere is no ne&ati*e impact to le&ac! ser*ices, or t%at an! limitations in operation on (ot% t%e plink and t%e downlink are introd ced. It is anticipated t%at if more t%an 16 parallel connections are esta(lis%ed on one P1$C, t%e capacit! of t%e correspondin& PT$$C will (e e<ceeded and remarka(le losses co ld (e o(ser*ed as a conse' ence d e to t%e need to pdate t%e T) sin& si&nallin& radio (locks deli*ered on t%e P)$$C and conse' entl! red cin& capacit! and t%ro &%p t on t%e P1T$C. In t%is case 5. 75+7I7, %as t%erefore to a*oid t%e a(o*e mentioned remarka(le losses. O !ecti"e: 1eri*e a traffic model for t%e t!pes, formats, packet inter+arri*al time and packet siAes of t%e information e<pected to (e transmitted (! connections wit% small amo nts of data@si&nallin&. 8*al ate t%e s!stem le*el performance of 5. 75+7I7, wit% network confi& rations incl din& refarmin& scenarios. 8*al ate link le*el performance sin& SI-R ran&es rele*ant in ;8R)- networks. 7odel aspects like plink sc%ed lin&, control si&nallin& o*er%ead 2for e<ample w%en PT$$C capacit! is e<ceeded and P)$$C %as to (e sed for T) pdate4, link ' alit! control and power control. In*esti&ate t%e compati(ilit! wit% le&ac! mo(ile stations, e.&. w%et%er or not a mo(ile station s pportin& 5. 75+7I7, can (e m ltiple<ed wit% a le&ac! mo(ile station. Identif! sol tions in terms of en%ancements of plink sc%ed lin& efficienc! of 5. 75+7I7,. Identif! sol tions in terms of en%ancements of t%e T) pdate proced re, w%ic% are a(le to a*oid all t%e a(o*e mentioned losses w%ene*er t%e PT$$C capacit! is e<ceeded and P)$$C %as to (e sed for T) pdate w%en 5. 75+7I7, is in se, wit%o t introd cin& an! impact to an! le&ac! ser*ice on (ot% t%e plink and t%e downlink. )*oid an! draw(ack, ne&ati*e impact, limitation for an! le&ac! ser*ice on (ot% t%e plink and t%e downlink. )*oid an! %ardware impact to t%e (ase station. 7inimiAe an! %ardware impact to t%e mo(ile station w%ilst impact on (atter! life s%o ld (e a*oided.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 5,,,1 3 53,,5 2 53,,5 4 5?,,2 2 5?,,2 3 5+,,4 1 5+,,4 4 5+,,3 + 5+,,4 2 5+,,4 3 58,,1 3 58,,1 ? 58,,1 + 3,,,1 5 3,,,2 , 31,,2 + 31,,2 8 32,,4 4

6-B St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# 3#%lusio# of R- Patter# 1at%6i#4 Te%6#olo4ies as a positio#i#4 et6o" i# t6e *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# Provisio# of low-%ost 1T( ,*s 5ase" o# BT* Stu"2 o# 1o5ile Rela2 for *-,TR! Stu"2 o# BT* -99 i# t6e 5a#"s 1)@0-2010 1:< a#" 21?0-2200 1:< Stu"2 o# S%e#arios a#" ReFuire e#ts of BT* S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ I P62si%al-la2er aspe%ts Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ I :i46er-la2er aspe%ts Stu"2 o# BT* 9evi%e to 9evi%e ProDi it2 Servi%es - Ra"io !spe%ts Stu"2 o# 39-%6a##el o"el for *levatio# Eea for i#4 a#" -9-131O stu"ies for BT* Stu"2 o# *#er42 Savi#4 *#6a#%e e#t for *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# *Dpa#sio# of BT*A-99A18?0A,S to i#%lu"e 18?0-18@01:< Ea#" for BT* i# t6e ,S Stu"2 o# (ell-spe%ifi% Refere#%e Si4#als ((RS) 3#terfere#%e 1iti4atio# for 6o o4e#ous "eplo2 e#ts for BT* Stu"2 o# +etwor'-!ssiste" 3#terfere#%e (a#%ellatio# a#" Suppressio# for BT* Stu"2 o# (oor"i#ate" 1ulti-Poi#t ((o1P) operatio# for BT* wit6 +o#-3"eal Ea%'6aul Stu"2 o# Positio#i#4 e#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! Stu"2 o# Group (o u#i%atio# for BT* Resour%e >4 >1,>2,>4 >3,>1 >4 >P >1,>2,>4 >2,>3 >1,>2,>3,>4 >1 >3 >4 >4 >1,>4 >1 >4,>1 >2,>3 >2 >3 !14rapporteur Polari :irele @odafone C644 J4 China <o"ile /'a#ei 044 D9C9<9 D'alco.. 0S0 China <o"ile 1ightSE'ared Eric on <edia4e$ Sa. 'ng /'a#ei 6lcatel-1'cent 1G Electronic 0EC 0R 337+,8 337+++ 337+33 337+31 337832 337+?2 337+42 337+43 337+?3 337++? 337+44 337+33 337+33 337+?4 337+55 337+3+ 337+4+ 337+yK

Stu"2 o# S art (o#4estio# 1iti4atio# i# *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# R!+ aspe%ts of R!+ S6ari#4 *#6a#%e e#ts for BT*



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;0001 A

St%dy on ,ncl%sion of RF 4"ttern <"tc#in "s " positionin *et#od in t#e B-=-RAN =,@9;0001A
+a e Stu"2 o# 3#%lusio# of R- Patter# 1at%6i#4 Te%6#olo4ies as a positio#i#4 et6o" i# t6e *-,TR!+ :2perli#' R4120CC; StatusAReport R4-1(10C2 +otes R4EA1 co*pleted TR 6-B (A.C08

Supporting Companies: Polaris Wireless, )TDT, T%ales+)lenia, Tr ePosition, )ndrew $orporation, Stoke Incorporated, )lcatel+. cent, )&ilent, =7Wi .inked to Rel+16 WI on Incl sion of RF Pattern 7atc%in& Tec%nolo&ies as a positionin& met%od in t%e 5TR)2.$S357TS3RFP7T4 5I13#66669 Justification RF Pattern 7atc%in& tec%nolo&ies %a*e (een tiliAed for location in ;S7 and 57TS networks worldwide for commercial location ser*ices, 8mer&enc! location ser*ices and for ;o*ernment .awf l Intercept applications. T%e tec%nolo&! s%o ld (e s pported in .T8 to allow c rrent ser*ice pro*iders to maintain t%eir .$S capa(ilities as t%e! mi&rate t%eir networks to .T8. RF Pattern 7atc%in& is an e<cellent complement to )+;PS (eca se it is not a p rel! time+(ased &eometrical location met%od. T%is pro*ides en%anced acc rac! performance in %i&% m ltipat% en*ironments like t%e dense r(an core and ( ildin& interiors. O !ecti"eI to e*al ate t%e se of meas rements for positionin&, w%ic% are c rrentl! specified for 58 and e-ode= for ot%er p rposes ( t are not c rrentl! incl ded in .PP and .PPa, for an RF Pattern 7atc%in& positionin& tec%nolo&! in .T8. T%e RFP7 performance wit% t%ese meas rements will (e compared to t%e RFP7 performance (ased on t%e meas rements c rrentl! specified for t%e 8$I1 location met%od. T%e implementation co ld (e an 8+S7.$ (ased e-ode=+assisted location ser*ice sin& e<istin& 8+5TR)meas rements w%ic% are pro*ided to t%e 8+S7.$ *ia t%e .PPa positionin& protocol and 58+assisted location ser*ice sin& e<istin& 58 meas rements 2RSRP, RSR? and 58 R<+T< time difference onl!4 w%ic% are pro*ided to t%e 8+S7.$ *ia .PP positionin& protocol. T%is st d! item is intended to complement alread! standardiAed location met%ods and e<istin& location work items.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(00; 2

St%dy on 4ro$ision of low-cost <-C =Bs +"sed on 6-B =,@9;(00;2

:2perli#' R4121441 StatusAReport R4-1(0;C( +otes R4EA0 co*pleted TR 6-B (A.CCC +a e Stu"2 o# Provisio# of low-%ost 1T( ,*s 5ase" o# BT*

Supporting Companies: >odafone, 8ricsson, IP Wireless, C awei, -okia, -S-, ST+8ricsson, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, 7ediatek, HT8, )lcatel+. cent, -8$, TeliaSonera, )TDT, ? alcomm, Sams n&, e7o(ile, Intel, TelefSnica, Son!, Son! 8 rope, $%ina 7o(ile, Renesas 7o(ile, ,ran&e Justification )s .T8 deplo!ments e*ol*e, operators wo ld like to red ce t%e cost of o*erall network maintenance (! minimisin& t%e n m(er of R)Ts. 7ac%ine+T!pe $omm nications 27T$4 is a market t%at is likel! to contin e e<pandin& in t%e f t re. 7an! 7T$ de*ices are tar&etin& low+end 2low cost, low data rate4 applications t%at can (e %andled ade' atel! (! ;S7@;PRS. ,win& to t%e low cost of t%ese de*ices and &ood co*era&e of ;S7@;PRS, t%ere is *er! little moti*ation for 7T$ de*ice s ppliers to se mod les s pportin& t%e .T8 radio interface. )s more and more 7T$ de*ices are deplo!ed in t%e field, t%is nat rall! increases t%e reliance on ;S7@;PRS networks. T%is will cost operators not onl! in terms of maintainin& m ltiple R)Ts, ( t also pre*ent operators to reap t%e ma<im m (enefit o t of t%eir spectr m 2&i*en t%e non+optimal spectr m efficienc! of ;S7@;PRS4. ;i*en t%e likel! %i&% n m(er of 7T$ de*ices, t%e o*erall reso rce t%e! will need for ser*ice pro*ision ma! (e correspondin&l! si&nificant, and inefficientl! assi&ned. T%erefore, it is necessar! to find a sol tion to ens re t%at t%ere is a clear ( siness (enefit to 7T$ de*ice *endors and operators for mi&ratin& low+end 7T$ de*ices from ;S7@;PRS to .T8 networks. O !ecti"e Sol tions sin&, or e*ol*ed from, .T8 R)-s p to and incl din& Rel+16 s%all (e in*esti&ated and e*al ated to clearl! nderstand t%e feasi(ilit! of creatin& a t!pe of terminal t%at wo ld permit t%e cost of terminals tailored for t%e low+end of t%e 7T$ market to (e competiti*e wit% t%at of ;S7@;PRS terminals tar&etin& t%e same low+end 7T$ market. S c% sol tions s%o ldI S pport data rates e' i*alent to t%at s pported (! KRU00 8+;PRSL wit% a 8;PRS m lti+slot class K2L de*ice K2 downlink timeslots 211".# B(ps4, 1 plink timeslots 290.2 B(ps4, and a ma<im m of 3 acti*e timeslotsL. T%is does not precl de t%e s pport of %i&%er data rates pro*ided t%e cost tar&ets are not compromised. 8na(le si&nificantl! impro*ed spectr m efficienc! for low data rate 7T$ traffic compared to t%at ac%ie*ed for R00 ;S7@8;PRS terminals in ;S7@8;PRS networks toda!, and ideall! compara(le wit% t%at of .T8. ,ptimisations for low+cost 7T$ 58s s%o ld minimise impact on t%e spectr m efficienc! ac%ie*a(le for ot%er terminals in .T8 Release "+16 networks. 8ns re t%at ser*ice co*era&e is not worse t%an ;S7@;PRS, at least compara(le and prefera(l! impro*ed (e!ond w%at is possi(le for pro*idin& 7T$ ser*ices o*er ;PRS@;S7 toda! 2ass min& deplo!ment in t%e same spectr m (ands4. T%e same defined .T8 cell co*era&e footprint as en&ineered for Nnormal .T8 58sO s%o ld appl! for low+ cost 7T$ 58s. 8ns re t%at o*erall power cons mption is no worse t%an e<istin& ;S7@;PRS (ased 7T$ de*ices. 8ns re &ood radio fre' enc! coe<istence wit% le&ac! 2Release "+164 .T8 radio interface and networks. Tar&et operation of low+cost 7T$ 58s and le&ac! .T8 58 on t%e same carrier. Re+ se t%e e<istin& .T8@S)8 network arc%itect re.

T%e startin& point of t%e anal!sis s%all (e t%e Rel+16 .T8 air+interface. T%e st d! item s%all consider optimiAations for (ot% F11 and T11 mode. T%e initial p%ase of t%e st d! s%all foc s on sol tions t%at do not necessaril! re' ire c%an&es to t%e .T8 (ase station %ardware. T%e st d! s%all e*al ate at least t%e followin& aspectsI



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

=enefit of de*elopin& met%ods for red cin& RF component cost in t%e de*ices, incl din& 2for e<ample4 simplifications and red ctions in s pport of (ands@R)Ts@RF c%ains@antenna ports, transmission power, ma<im m c%annel (andwidt% less t%an t%e ma<im m specified for respecti*e fre' enc! (and, and s pport of %alf+d ple< F11 mode. =enefit of de*elopin& met%ods for red cin& t%e processin& in t%e de*ice, additionall! considerin& (ase(and+RF con*ersion aspects, si&nificantl! lower peak data rate s pport, no s pport of spatial processin& mode in plink@downlink, and red ced radio protocol processin&. ) met%od to & arantee t%at an! feat res recommended as part of t%is st d! to allow cost red ction, ( t w%ic% also (rin& a red ction in .T8 s!stem performance, s%all (e restricted to de*ices w%ic% onl! operate as 7T$ de*ices not re' irin& %i&% data rates and@or low latenc!, after f rt%er caref l st d!.

)s part of t%e anal!sis of t%e different sol tions, an! impacts on (ackwards compati(ilit! wit% e<istin& .T8 network s%all (e e*al ated and E stified, as well as impact on t%e operation of le&ac! .T8 Release "+16 58s and Release "+16 .T8 s!stem performance. -,T8 1I It is ass med t%at low+cost 7T$ 58s will %a*e to s pport mo(ilit! and roamin&. -,T8 2I T%is st d! item is to assess, from a 3;PP standpoint, t%e tec%nical feasi(ilit! of low+cost .T8 de*ices for 7T$. ;i*en t%at factors o tside 3;PP responsi(ilit! infl ence t%e cost of a modem@de*ice, t%is st d! item 2and t%e te<t a(o*e4 cannot & arantee, or (e sed as a & arantee, t%at s c% modem@de*ice will (e low+cost in t%e market.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(00; 4

St%dy on <o+ile Rel"y for B-=-RA =,@9;(00;4

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p C0N :2perli#' R41(1(1; StatusAReport R4-1(1A1; +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TR 6-B (A.C(A +a e Stu"2 o# 1o5ile Rela2 for *-,TR!

Supporting Companies: $)TT, $%ina 7o(ile, $)TR, Pote*io, III, ITRI, =lack=err!, $CTT., -ew Postcom, -8$, CT$, $%ina Telecom, Telefonica, $%ina 5nicom, .;8, C awei, CiSilicon, Intel, -SJustification Ci&% speed p (lic transportation is (ein& deplo!ed worldwide at an increased pace. Cence, pro*idin& m ltiple ser*ices of &ood ' alit! to sers on %i&% speed *e%icles is important !et more c%allen&in& t%an t!pical mo(ile wireless en*ironments also d e to t%e followin& reasonsI

Red ced %ando*er s ccess rateI for %i&% speed 58s, %ando*er occ rs m c% more fre' entl!. Wit% a mass of 58s performin& %ando*er at t%e same time, t%e %ando*er s ccess rate is red ced, d e to e<cessi*e si&nallin& o*er%ead and t%e fact t%at trackin& area pdate 2T)54 is pro*ided in a s%ort time period. F rt%ermore, 58 meas rements in %i&% speed en*ironments are t!picall! less acc rate t%an low speed en*ironments. 1e&raded t%ro &%p t d e to %i&% 1oppler effectsI impairments ca sed (! %i&% 1oppler incl de fre' enc! estimation errors and c%annel estimation errors. T%e ac%ie*a(le t%ro &%p t wit% t%ese impairments can (e si&nificantl! red ced compared to low speed en*ironment. Specific e-=@58 implementations to com(at t%ese impairments are possi(le, at t%e e<pense of additional cost.

)lt%o &% dedicated network plannin& ma! (e sed to alle*iate t%e a(o*e iss es, t%e ' alit! of ser*ice for 58s on %i&% speed *e%icles remains to (e impro*ed. 7o(ile rela! 2a rela! mo nted on a *e%icle wirelessl! connected to t%e macro cells4 is a potential tec%ni' e to sol*e t%e a(o*e pro(lems. ) mo(ile rela! is a (ase station@access point mo nted in a mo*in& *e%icle likel! to pro*ide at least t%e followin& ke! f nctionsI 14 Wireless connecti*it! ser*ice to end sers inside t%e *e%icle 24 Wireless (ack%a lin& connection to on+land network 34 $apa(ilit! to perform &ro p mo(ilit! #4 $apa(ilit! to allow different air interface tec%nolo&ies on t%e (ack%a l and access link Cando*er s ccess rate can (e impro*ed *ia mo(ile rela!s, w%ere e<cessi*e %ando*er si&nallin& is a*oided (! performin& a &ro p mo(ilit! proced re instead of indi*id al mo(ilit! proced res for e*er! 58. 7o(ile rela! can also impro*e spectr m efficienc! (! e<ploitin& more ad*anced antenna arra!s and si&nal processin& al&orit%ms t%an normal 58s. In addition, separate antennas for comm nication on (ack%a l and access link can (e sed to effecti*el! eliminate t%e penetration loss t%ro &% t%e *e%icle. Wit% 58s connected to a close (! rela! node on (oard, t%e re' ired transmit power of t%e 58s is m c% less, leadin& to si&nificant 58 power sa*in& and increased 58 (atter! life. 8ffecti*el! miti&atin& t%e impairments mentioned a(o*e ma! lead to more efficient tiliAation of radio reso rces, t%ere(! impactin& t%e operatorUs $)P8: and ,P8:. F rt%ermore, wit% mo(ile rela!s, onl! one radio access s!stem is re' ired on t%e (ack%a l link, w%ic% can possi(l! red ce t%e n m(er of radio access s!stems re' ired at macro -=s alon& t%e *e%icle pat%. .1 repeater 2mo nted on a *e%icle4 is an alternati*e tec%ni' e in fast+mo*in& en*ironments. .1 repeaters amplif! and forward si&nals of a certain fre' enc! (and. Since repeaters do not re+&enerate t%e recei*ed si&nal, t%e! are sef l w%en deplo!ed at positions wit% ad*anta&eo s SI-R. Repeaters wit% an indoor and an o tdoor antenna will %a*e &ood c%annel conditions towards t%e 58s for impro*ed 5. and towards t%e network for impro*ed 1. transmissions. In addition s c% repeaters o*ercome t%e wall or window penetration loss. =ein& connected t%ro &% a .1 repeater, 58s can red ce t%eir transmit power, w%ic% increases 58 (atter! life. .1 repeaters are transparent and do not %a*e an impact on radio interface standards.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,(ser*in& t%e potential (enefits of mo(ile rela! for %i&% speed application and t%e fact t%at onl! stationar! rela! nodes are specified in Rel+16, it is proposed to start a new st d! item on mo(ile rela! in Rel+11. O !ecti"eI foc s on t%e (ack%a l desi&n of mo(ile rela!s, incl din& t%e followin& aspectsI Identif! t%e tar&et deplo!ment scenarios first 2R)-34 Identif! t%e ke! properties of mo(ile rela!s and assess t%e (enefits of mo(ile rela!s o*er e<istin& sol tions 2e.&. .1 repeaters4 in fast+mo*in& en*ironments o 8*al ate s ita(le mo(ile rela! s!stem arc%itect re and proced res, incl din& proced res for &ro p mo(ilit! 2R)-34 o $omparison (ased on %i&%er la!er considerations, e.&. o ;ro p mo(ilit!, etc. 2R)-34 $omparison (ased on PC/ la!er considerations 2R)-14 )nal!Ae t%e potential impact of mo*in& cells created (! mo(ile rela!s

T%is st d! item s%all consider t%e related .1 work in ot%er Rel+11 work@st d! items.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;10022

St%dy on 6-B F@@ in t#e +"nds 18C0-2010 <&z "nd 21102200 <&z =,@9;10022
-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p ;0N :2perli#' R41(181A StatusAReport R4-1(11(0 +otes R4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ R41(0C48FGR4-1(181A. Co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14. St%dy only for Re ion ( 'so f"r) TR 6-B (A.CA1 +a e Stu"2 o# BT* -99 i# t6e 5a#"s 1)@02010 1:< a#" 21?0-2200 1:<

Supporting Companies: -etwork

BT, .; 5pl s, SB Telecom, 8TRI, .; 8lectronics, .;+8ricsson, Sams n&, 1ISC

Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;1002 St%dy on 6-B F@@ in t#e +"nds 18C0-2010 <&z "nd 2110-2200 2 <&z

+ature of relatio#s6ip

Justification T%e fre' enc! (ands 1 0"6+2 616 7CA and 2 176+2 266 7CA was allocated for t%e satellite component of I7T in most co ntries, w%ile it does not precl de t%e se of t%ese (ands for mo(ile ser*ices w%ic% are co+allocated to t%ese (ands as primar! ser*ices in t%e Radio Re& lations. In fact, Borea &o*ernment is plannin& to take t%ese (ands into acco nt to se for terrestrial I7T. F rt%ermore, t%e efficient spectr m tiliAation ma! (e e<pected if t%e (and 1 0"6+2 616 7CA and 2 176+2 266 7CA are allocated for t%e mo(ile ser*ice (eca se t%e adEacent (and 1 21 026+1 0"6 7CA and 2 116+2 266 7CA4 are sed or will (e sed for .T8 in man! co ntries. T%e p rpose of st d! item on .T8 F11 in t%e (ands 1 0"6+2 616 7CA and 2 176+2 266 7CA is to facilitate and %armoniAe t%e efficient se of t%ese (ands for terrestrial I7T, especiall! .T8, for Borea and ot%er applica(le co ntries in Re&ion3. T%e terrestrial network e' ipment will ad%ere to all 3;PP emission masks to protect adEacent (and ser*ices. It is e<pected t%at t%e impacts on t%e co+e<istence wit% adEacent (ands will (e st died d rin& t%e st d! item pro&ress. T%is st d! item, tar&eted for completion (! R)-G66, proposes st d!in& t%e implication of addin& t%e (ands 10"6+2616 7CA and 2176+2266 7CA to t%e 3;PPs O !ecti"es: St d! related aspects of addin& a F11 (and into 8+5TR) t%at co*ers t%e fre' enc! ran&e of 5.I 10"[email protected] 2176+2266 7CA St d! coe<istence iss es wit% adEacent (ands 2e.&. =and 3#4 Identif! re& lator! iss es St d! t%e possi(ilit! of definin& t%e (ands 5.I [email protected] 2116+22667CA St d! t%e possi(ilit! of %armoniAation of t%is (and



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;1002(

St%dy on Scen"rios "nd Re/%ire*ents of 6-B S*"ll Cell Bn#"nce*ents =,@9;1002(

:2perli#' R412141C StatusAReport R4-121A;1 +otes R4E;C co*pleted TR (A.8(2 +a e Stu"2 o# S%e#arios a#" ReFuire e#ts of BT* S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *-,TR!+

Supporting Companies: $%ina 7o(ile, $)TT, -S-, -okia, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, C awei, CiSilicon, HT8, Panasonic, .;8, 1e tsc%e Telekom, Renesas 7o(ile 8 rope, 1,$,7,, 7ediaTek, $)TR, ? alcomm, -8$, ,ran&e, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, Sams n&, S%arp, )TDT, B11I, $%ina Telecom, Intel Justification Wit% t%e fast+ad*ancin& of mo(ile Internet, mo(ile data traffic %as dramaticall! increased. T%is trend %as prod ced tremendo s press res on t%e capacit! and deplo!ment strate&ies of mo(ile networks. W%ile it is increasin&l! diffic lt and e<pensi*e for macro networks to pro*ide cost+effecti*e and fle<i(le capacit! e<pansion (! cell splittin&, t%e small cell deplo!ment option is now (ecomin& a *er! attracti*e sol tion, especiall! for pro*idin& (etter ser e<perience in o tdoor@indoor %i&%+traffic areas. Statistics s%ow t%at a si&nificant and !et increasin& portion of *oice and data traffic %appens at %otspots and indoor. =ased on s c% (ack&ro nds, f rt%er en%ancements for small cell deplo!ments were identified as one of t%e most interestin& topics in t%e 3;PP works%op on Rel+12 and onward. In t%e small cell deplo!ments, propa&ation, mo(ilit! and interference profiles differ s (stantiall! from traditional macro networks. =ack%a lin& options are also di*ersified for small cell deplo!ment and operation d e to practical limits and %istorical reasons. T%erefore, %ow to tiliAe t%e a(o*ementioned c%aracteristics to pro*ide optimiAed sol tions for small cell deplo!ments to meet demands on %i&%er (andwidt%, %i&%er performance, lower cost and adaptation to *ario s (ack%a ls is (ecomin& an important iss e for f rt%er e*ol tion of 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)-. O !ecti"es: to foc s on scenarios and re' irements of small cell en%ancements, wit% t%e followin& aspectsI Identif! t%e tar&et deplo!ment scenarios and t%e rele*ant c%aracteristicsI o 1efinition and c%aracteriAation of small cellsV o Tar&eted deplo!ment scenarios e.&. sed spectr m, (ack%a l and s!nc%roniAation. Identif! t%e ke! re' irements for small cell en%ancementsI o 1eplo!ment related re' irementsV o $apa(ilit! related re' irements e.&. peak data rateV o S!stem performance re' irements e.&. spectr m efficienc!, co*era&e and mo(ilit! 2in idle and connected states4V o ,perational re' irements, e.&. arc%itect re, comple<it!, cost, ener&! efficienc! etc.

T%e o tcome of t%is st d! item will pro*ide a (aseline for f rt%er work on t%e small cell en%ancements.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 1

St%dy on S*"ll Cell Bn#"nce*ents for B-=-RA "nd B=-RAN O 4#ysic"l-l"yer "spects =,@9;C0041
:2perli#' R41220(2 StatusAReport R4-1(1A1C +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. R4EA1 -R (A.C12$100 for 1-step "ppro$"l TR 6-B (A.C12 +a e Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ I P62si%al-la2er aspe%ts

Supporting Companies: C awei, CiSilicon, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $)TR, $)TT, $%ina 7o(ile, 1)$+5P$, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 1,$,7,, 8ricsson, F Eits , Citac%i, I)8SI, Intel, Interdi&ital, B11I, .;8, 7ediatek, 7its (is%i, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, -8$, -okia $orporation, -S-, ,ran&e, Panasonic, Pantec%, ? alcomm, Renesas 7o(ile, =lack=err!, Sams n&, Se' ans, S%arp, ST+8ricsson, Telefonica, Teliasonera, Te<as Instr ments, T+7o(ile 5S), 5S$$, >eriAon, HT8 Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 36.032 St d! on Scenarios and Re' irements of .T8 Small $ell 8n%ancements for 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)- 5I13976623 Justification F rt%er en%ancements for indoor and o tdoor scenarios sin& low+power nodes were identified as one of t%e most important topics in t%e 3;PP works%op on Rel+12 and onward. )ccordin& to t%is (i& interest in small cell en%ancements, scenarios and re' irements for small cell en%ancements were st died and capt red in TR36.032. It is needed to st d! potential tec%nolo&ies of p%!sical+la!er aspects for small cell en%ancements takin& into acco nt t%ese scenarios and re' irements. O !ecti"e: to identif! potential en%ancements to impro*e t%e spectr m efficienc! as well as efficient small cell deplo!ment and operation in order to meet t%e re' irements tar&eted for small cell en%ancements in t%e identified scenarios in TR36.032, and e*al ate t%e correspondin& &ain, standardiAation impact and comple<it!. T%e st d! s%all foc s on t%e followin& areasI 1efine t%e c%annel c%aracteristics of t%e small cell deplo!ments and t%e 58 mo(ilit! scenarios identified in TR 36.032, as well as t%e correspondin& e*al ation met%odolo&! and metrics. St d! potential en%ancements to impro*e t%e spectr m efficienc!, i.e. ac%ie*a(le ser t%ro &%p t in t!pical co*era&e sit ations and wit% t!pical terminal confi& rations, for small cell deplo!ments, incl din& o Introd ction of a %i&%er order mod lation sc%eme 2e.&. 296 ?)74 for t%e downlink. o 8n%ancements and o*er%ead red ction for 58+specific reference si&nals and control si&nalin& to (etter matc% t%e sc%ed lin& and feed(ack in time and@or fre' enc! to t%e c%annel c%aracteristics of small cells wit% low 58 mo(ilit!, in downlink and plink (ased on e<istin& c%annels and si&nals. St d! t%e mec%anisms to ens re efficient operation of a small cell la!er composed of small cell cl sters. T%is incl des o 7ec%anisms for interference a*oidance and coordination amon& small cells adaptin& to *ar!in& traffic and t%e need for en%anced interference meas rements, foc sin& on m lti+carrier deplo!ments in t%e small cell la!er and d!namic on@off switc%in& of small cells. o 7ec%anisms for efficient disco*er! of small cells and t%eir confi& ration. P%!sical la!er st d! and e*al ation for small cell en%ancement %i&%er+la!er aspects, in partic lar concernin& t%e (enefits of mo(ilit! en%ancements and d al connecti*it! to macro and small cell la!ers and for w%ic% scenarios s c% en%ancements are feasi(le and (eneficial.

T%e st d! s%o ld address small cell deplo!ments on (ot% a separate and t%e same fre' enc! la!er as t%e macro cells, takin& into acco nt e<istin& mec%anisms 2e.&., $o7P, FeI$I$4 w%ere*er applica(le. $oordinated and time s!nc%roniAed operation of t%e small cell la!er and (etween small cells and t%e macro la!er can (e ass med for specific operations and feasi(ilit! and (enefits of radio+interface (ased s!nc%roniAation mec%anisms s%all (e addressed. =ackward compati(ilit!, i.e. t%e possi(ilit! for le&ac! 2pre+R124 58s to access a small+cell node@carrier, s%all (e & aranteed 2e<cept for feat res st died for small+cells sin& -$T4 and t%e a(ilit! for le&ac! 2pre+Rel+124 58s to (enefit from small+cell en%ancements can (e considered, w%ic% s%all (e taken into acco nt in t%e e*al ation of t%e different proposed en%ancements. T%e introd ction of non+(ackwards compati(le feat res s%o ld (e E stified (! s fficient &ains.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%is st d! item s%all consider t%e work of ot%er related st d!@work item2s4 in Rel+12.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 4

St%dy on S*"ll Cell Bn#"nce*ents for B-=-RA "nd B=-RAN O &i #er-l"yer "spects =,@9;C0044
:2perli#' R41220(( StatusAReport R4-1(1A18 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TR 6-B (A.C42 +a e Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *,TR!+ I :i46er-la2er aspe%ts

Supporting Companies: -TT 1,$,7,, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $%ina Telecom, $7$$, 1)$+5P$, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, F Eits , C awei, CiSilicon, I)8SI, III, Intel, Inter1i&ital, B11I, BT $orp., .; 8lectronics, 7ediaTek, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, -8$, -S-, -okia, ,ran&e, Panasonic, Pantec%, ? alcomm, Renesas 7o(ile, =lack=err!, Sams n&, S8?5)-S, S%arp, ST+8ricsson, Telefonica, TeliaSonera, T+7o(ile 5S), >eriAon, HT8 Tri&&ered (! Rel+12 TR 36.032 St d! on Scenarios and Re' irements of .T8 Small $ell 8n%ancements for 8+5TR) and 8+5TR)- 5I13976623 Justification F rt%er en%ancements for indoor and o tdoor scenarios sin& low+power nodes were identified as one of t%e most important topics in t%e 3;PP works%op on Rel+12 and onward. )ccordin& to t%is (i& interest in small cell en%ancements, scenarios and re' irements for small cell en%ancements were st died and capt red in TR 36.032. It is needed to st d! potential tec%nolo&ies of %i&%er+la!er aspects for small cell en%ancements takin& into acco nt t%ese scenarios and re' irements 2e.&., increased ser t%ro &%p t and en%anced mo(ilit! performance4. O !ecti"es: to identif! potential tec%nolo&ies in t%e protocol and arc%itect re for en%anced s pport of small cell deplo!ment and operation w%ic% s%o ld satisf! scenarios and re' irements defined in TR 36.032. T%e st d! s%all (e cond cted on t%e followin& aspectsI Identif! and e*al ate t%e (enefits of 58s %a*in& d al connecti*it! to macro and small cell la!ers ser*ed (! different or same carrier and for w%ic% scenarios s c% d al connecti*it! is feasi(le and (eneficial. Identif! and e*al ate potential arc%itect re and protocol en%ancements for t%e scenarios in TR 36.032 and in partic lar for t%e feasi(le scenario of d al connecti*it! and minimiAe core network impacts if feasi(le, incl din&I + ,*erall str ct re of control and ser plane and t%eir relation to eac% ot%er, e.&., s pportin& $+plane and 5+ plane in different nodes, termination of different protocol la!ers, etc.

Identif! and e*al ate t%e necessit! of o*erall Radio Reso rce 7ana&ement str ct re and mo(ilit! en%ancements for small cell deplo!mentsI + 7o(ilit! mec%anisms for minimiAin& inter+node 58 conte<t transfer and si&nallin& towards t%e core network. + 7eas rement and cell identification en%ancements w%ile minimiAin& increased 58 (atter! cons mption. For eac% potential en%ancement, t%e &ain, comple<it! and specification impact s%o ld (e assessed. T%e st d! s%all foc s on potential en%ancements w%ic% are not co*ered (! ot%er SI@WIs.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00( C

St%dy on 6-B @e$ice to @e$ice 4roxi*ity Ser$ices =,@9;C00(C

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p A0N :2perli#' R4122008 StatusAReport R4-1(11(0 TR 6-B (A.C4( +a e Stu"2 o# BT* 9evi%e to 9evi%e ProDi it2 Servi%es - Ra"io !spe%ts

Supporting Companies: ? alcomm, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, $CTT., $learwire, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 1is% -etwork, 8)1S, 8ricsson, 8TRI, ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, CiSilicon, C awei, III, Intel, Interdi&ital, ITRI, B11I, B!ocera, BT, .; 8lectronics, .i&%ts' ared, 7otorola Sol tions, -8$, -okia, -S-, -TT 1o$o7o, Pantec%, Renesas 7o(ile, =lack=err!, Sams n&, SB Telecom, Soft(ank, Son!, So t%ernlinc, ST+8ricsson, T+7o(ile 5S, TeliaSonera, T%ales, 5S $ell lar, 5S 1epartment of $ommerce, >eriAon, >odafone, HT8 .inked to Rel+12 TR 22."63 St d! on Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices 2FS3ProSe4 and new Rel+12 Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices 2ProSe4 Sta&e 1@2 work
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;(004 Rel-12 SA1 -R 22.C0( St%dy on 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices 'FS94roSe) 4 ;C00; Rel-12 SA1JSA2 Fe"t%re 4roxi*ity-+"sed Ser$ices '4roSe) 8 +ature of relatio#s6ip St" e 1 St%dy St" e 1 H St" e 2 wor3 ite*

Justification T%e Feasi(ilit! St d! on Pro<imit!+(ased Ser*ices 2FS3ProSe, TR 22."634 %as identified *al a(le ser*ices t%at co ld (e pro*ided (! t%e 3;PP s!stem (ased on 58s (ein& in pro<imit! to eac% ot%er. T%e identified areas incl de P (lic Safet! and non+P (lic+Safet! ser*ices t%at wo ld (e of interest to operators and sers. Pro<imit!+(ased applications and ser*ices represent an emer&in& social+tec%nolo&ical trend. T%e introd ction of a Pro<imit! Ser*ices 2ProSe4 capa(ilit! in .T8 wo ld allow t%e 3;PP ind str! to ser*e t%is de*elopin& market, and will, at t%e same time, ser*e t%e r&ent needs of se*eral P (lic Safet! comm nities t%at are Eointl! committed to .T8 2see SP+126#96 27o5 (etween T8TR) D $ritical $omm nications )ssociation 2T$$)4 D t%e -ational P (lic Safet! Telecomm nications $o ncil4, and S1+1212#7 2T$$)44. ProSe normati*e specification is also important to ena(le econom! of scale ad*anta&es, i.e. t%at t%e res ltin& s!stem can (e sed for (ot% P (lic Safet! and non+P (lic+Safet! ser*ices, w%ere possi(le. O !ecti"es: to e*al ate .T8 de*ice+to+de*ice pro<imit! ser*ices, as follows
&it6i# #etwor' %overa4e
9is%over2 9ire%t (o u#i%atio#

Outsi"e #etwor' %overa4e 4%+lic s"fety only 4%+lic s"fety only

Non p%+lic s"fety H p%+lic s"fety re/%ire*ents At le"st p%+lic s"fety re/%ire*ents

In partic larI 14 1efine an e*al ation met%odolo&! and c%annel models for .T8 de*ice+to+de*ice pro<imit! ser*ices, incl din& scenarios to compare different tec%nical options to realiAe pro<imal de*ice disco*er! and comm nication, appropriate performance metrics, and performance tar&ets 2e.&. ran&e, t%ro &%p t, n m(er of 58s s pported4. KR)-1L 24 Identif! p%!sical la!er options and en%ancements to incorporate in .T8 t%e a(ilit! for de*ices wit%in network co*era&eI KR)-1L a4 to disco*er eac% ot%er in pro<imit! directl! in a power+efficient manner (4 to comm nicate directl!, incl din& en%ancements to .T8 interference mana&ement and sc%ed lin& t%at allow t%e .T8 network to ena(le, mana&e, and contin o sl! control all direct, o*er t%e air, de*ice to de*ice comm nications 34 Identif! and e*al ate options, sol tions and en%ancements to t%e .T8 R)- protocols wit%in network co*era&e KR)-2 primar!, R)-3 secondar!LI a4 to ena(le pro<imal de*ice disco*er! amon& de*ices nder contin o s network mana&ement and control, (4 to ena(le direct comm nication connection esta(lis%ment (etween de*ices nder contin o s network mana&ement and control, c4 to allow ser*ice contin it! to@from t%e macro network



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

#4 $onsider terminal and spectr m specific aspects, e.&. (atter! impact and re' irements deri*in& from direct de*ice+ to+de*ice disco*er! and comm nication KR)-#L 94 8*al ate, for non p (lic safet! se cases, t%e &ains o(tained (! .T8 de*ice+to+de*ice direct disco*er! wit% respect to e<istin& de*ice+to+de*ice mec%anisms 2e.&. WiFi 1irect, =l etoot%4, and e<istin& location tec%ni' es for pro<imal de*ice disco*er! 2e.&. in terms of power cons mption, and si&nalin& o*er%ead4 KR)-1, R)-2L 64 T%e possi(le impacts on e<istin& operator ser*ices 2e.&. *oice calls4 and operator reso rces s%o ld (e in*esti&ated KR)-1L 74 For t%e p rposes of addressin& p (lic safet! re' irements, identif! and st d! t%e additional en%ancements and control mec%anisms re' ired to realiAe disco*er! and comm nication o tside network co*era&e KR)-1, R)-2L T%e identified options@en%ancements s%o ld re se t%e feat res of .T8 as m c% as possi(le. T%e work will co*erI Sin&le and m lti+operator scenarios, incl din& t%e spectr m s%arin& case w%ere a carrier is s%ared (! m ltiple operators 2s (Eect to re&ional re& lation and operator polic!4 .T8 F11 and .T8 T11 operations In t%is st d! item, t%e st d! of direct comm nication s%all address at least p (lic safet! re' irements and se cases.. It is ass med t%at aspects related to ser*ice a t%oriAation, s!stem le*el arc%itect re, sec rit!, and .awf l Interception are co*ered in t%e S) Workin& ;ro ps. Security Aspects: -ational@re&ional re' irements 2e.&. lawf l intercept4 s%all (e considered



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 2

St%dy on (@-c#"nnel *odel for Ble$"tion .e"*for*in "nd F@-<,<5 st%dies for 6-B =,@9;C0042
-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p ;;N :2perli#' R41(0C11 StatusAReport R4-1(1A20 +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 TR 6-B (A.C1( +a e Stu"2 o# 39-%6a##el o"el for *levatio# Eea for i#4 a#" -9131O stu"ies for BT*

Supporting Companies: -S-, -okia, )TDT, 1e tsc%e Telekom, -8$, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, Telecom Italia, $%ina 7o(ile, Telefonica, ,ran&e, Renesas 7o(ile, B11I, 8lektro(it, Interdi&ital, 8ricsson, ST+ 8ricsson, Sams n&, Intel, C awei, CiSilicon, .; 8lectronics, TI, $)TT, >eriAon, HT8, Spirent, 7otorola 7o(ilit! Rel+"@+16@11 7I7, s pport antenna confi& rations at e-= capa(le to adaptat in aAim t% onl!. 8n%ance performance wit% 31+(eamformin& or wit% F1+7I7,. St d! new c%annel modellin& in (ot% *ertical and %oriAontal dimensions awa ser locations in t%e network Justification T%e Rel+" 7I7, and s (se' ent 7I7, en%ancements in Rel+16 and Rel+11 were desi&ned to s pport antenna confi& rations at t%e e-ode= t%at are capa(le of adaptation in aAim t% onl!. Recentl! t%ere %as (een a si&nificant interest in en%ancin& s!stem performance t%ro &% t%e se of antenna s!stems %a*in& a two+dimensional arra! str ct re t%at pro*ides adapti*e control o*er (ot% t%e ele*ation dimension and t%e aAim t% dimension. T%e additional control o*er t%e ele*ation dimension ena(les a *ariet! of strate&ies s c% as sector+specific ele*ation (eamformin& 2e.&., adapti*e control o*er t%e *ertical pattern (eamwidt% and@or downtilt4, ad*anced sectoriAation in t%e *ertical domain, and ser+specific ele*ation (eamformin&. >ertical sectoriAation can impro*e a*era&e s!stem performance t%ro &% t%e %i&%er &ain of t%e *ertical sector patterns, ( t *ertical sectoriAation &enerall! does not need additional standardiAation s pport. 58+specific ele*ation (eamformin& promises to increase t%e SI-R statistics seen (! t%e 58s (! pointin& t%e *ertical antenna pattern in t%e direction of t%e 58 w%ile spra!in& less interference to adEacent sectors (! *irt e of (ein& a(le to steer t%e transmitted ener&! in ele*ation. In order to ena(le e*al ation of t%e possi(le specification met%od to en%ance t%e performance wit% 31+(eamformin& or wit% F1+7I7,, a new c%annel model is needed wit% ena(les modellin& in (ot% *ertical and %oriAontal dimension of t%e en*ironment as well as ser locations in t%e network. Work done o tside 3;PP 2WI--8RII@WI--8RJ, c%annel modellin& doc mentation a*aila(le in p (lic domain4 can (e sed to speed p t%e start of t%e c%annel modellin& work and (enefit from t%e work done elsew%ere (! *ario s 3;PP mem(ers. O !ecti"es: Identif! t%e t!pical sa&e scenarios of 58+specific ele*ation (eamformin& and F1+ 7I7, Identif! modifications to t%e 3;PP e*al ation met%odolo&! needed to s pport t%e proper modelin& and performance e*al ation for t%e scenarios identified (ein& t!picalI 7odelin& a two dimensional arra! str ct re at t%e e-ode= incl din& an! modifications to t%e antenna patterns 2takin& rele*ant R)-# work into acco nt4 31 c%annel modelin& incl din& t%e m ltipat% fadin& c%aracteristics in (ot% ele*ation and aAim t% Identif! t%e need for definin& a new wa! of modelin& t%e location of o tdoor and indoor 58s wit%in a sector in (ot% t%e %oriAontal and *ertical domains. Identif! t%e need for definin& a new wa! of modelin& t%e mo(ilit! of o tdoor 58s in (ot% t%e %oriAontal and *ertical domains. T%e st d! will consider as a startin& point t%e IT5 c%annel model as descri(ed (! t%e com(ination of )2.1.6 and )nne< = in 36."1# and determine t%e additions t%at are needed to properl! model t%e ele*ation dimension of t%e c%annel to fit t%e ele*ation (eamformin& and F1+7I7, p rposes. Work done o tside 3;PP 2WI--8RII@WI--8RJ, c%annel modelin& doc mentation a*aila(le in p (lic domain4 can (e sed. ;enerate (aseline sim lation res lts 2correspondin& to a n m(er of antenna ports and transmission sc%eme s pported (! Rel+114 wit% t%e modified e*al ation met%odolo&!



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 A

St%dy on Bner y S"$in Bn#"nce*ent for B-=-RAN =,@9;C004A

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p A;N :2perli#' R41220(; StatusAReport R4-1(1A21 +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TR 6-B (A.CC1 +a e Stu"2 o# *#er42 Savi#4 *#6a#%e e#t for *-,TR!+

Supporting Companies: $%ina 7o(ile, TelefSnica, $)TT, HT8, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, BP-, 7its (is%i 8lectric, ? alcomm, -8$, Intel, ,ran&e, C awei, .;8, F Eits Identif! potential sol tions for ener&! sa*in& in 8+5TR)- non+o*erlappin& scenario. 8*al ate possi(le en%ancements in o*erlappin& scenario, so t%at a s (set can (e sed for f rt%er in*esti&ation@standardiAation Justification T%e power efficienc! in t%e infrastr ct re and terminal s%o ld (e an essential part of t%e cost+related re' irements in .T8+). T%ere is a stron& need to in*esti&ate possi(le network ener&! sa*in& mec%anisms to red ce $,2 emission and ,P8: of operators. In Rel+0@16@11, specific work %as (een done for 8+5TR)- network ener&! sa*in& respecti*el!, incl din&I Intra+e-= ener&! sa*in& sol tion, e.&. confi& rin& 7=SF- s (frames, etcV Inter+e-= cell switc%in& on@off in o*erlappin& scenarioV Inter+R)T cell switc%in& on@off and cell pro(in& en%ancement.

Cowe*er, some si&nificant iss es are still remained ndecided, for e<ample, $ell switc%in& on en%ancement %as (een introd ced for inter+R)T ener&! sa*in& scenario. Similar en%ancement, e.&. IoT sol tion, pro(in&, etc., %a*e (een disc ssed in t%e release 16 st d! item ( t not prioritiAed to (e disc ssed d rin& work item p%ase for intra+.T8 ener&! sa*in& scenario. T%ere %as not (een eno &% attention on effecti*e sol tions for inter+e-= non+o*erlappin& ener&! sa*in& for 8+5TR)- so far. In Rel+16 st d! item, some potential sol tions, e.&. ,)7+(ased sol tion, si&nallin&+(ased sol tion and %!(rid+(ased sol tion, %a*e (een &enerall! descri(edV %owe*er, t%ese sol tions %a*e not (een f ll! disc ssed in Rel+11, and t%e detail of t%e candidate sol tions s%o ld (e f rt%er identified.

)not%er pro(lem t%at was (riefl! to c%ed pon d rin& t%e pre*io s work was t%e impact on ?oS for end sers d rin& ener&! sa*in& operation. In t%e c rrent sol tions, t%e network ener&! sa*in& switc%in& on@off is transparent for t%e sers, and t%e onl! noticea(le impact is t%at ?oS of some sers ma! (e red ced w%en switc%in& off %i&% capacit! nodes. 5sers pa!in& additional fee to access ser*ices wit% %i&%er ?oS ma! not (e in fa*o r of acceptin& a lower ?oS d e to 8ner&! sa*in&. T%erefore, t%is case s%o ld (e identified and correspondin& sol tion co ld (e f rt%er st died. F rt%ermore, wit% considerin& t%e scenario and re' irement of small cell en%ancement in R12, ener&! efficienc! is also a si&nificant topic re' irin& f rt%er st d!. T%erefore, once t%e small cell arc%itect re is defined, t%e e<istin& feat res need to (e re*iewed to *erif! t%eir applica(ilit! and, if &aps are identified, t%e re' irements for new sol tion or en%ancements are to (e st died. O !ecti"es: to identif! potential sol tions for ener&! sa*in& in non+o*erlappin& scenario in 8+5TR)-, and perform initial e*al ation of possi(le en%ancement in o*erlappin& scenario, so t%at a s (set of t%em can (e sed as t%e (asis for f rt%er in*esti&ation and standardiAation. T%e scope of t%e st d! incl desI Inter+e-= ener&! sa*in& sol tion for non+o*erlappin& scenario. Initial e*al ation of a possi(le inter+e-= ener&! sa*in& en%ancement for o*erlappin& scenario, e.&. switc%in& on en%ancement, considerin& 58s ?oS re' irement or s (scri(er t!pe, etc. o Potential sol tions to & arantee end serUs e<perience in ener&! sa*in&. o Potential sol tion for intra+.T8 inter+e-= switc%in& on en%ancement e.&. (! selectin& ade' ate nodes to (e switc%ed on. Identif! intra+R)T ener&! sa*in& iss es and st d! correspondin& ener&! sa*in&s sol tions (ased on t%e defined se cases, re' irements and deplo!ment scenarios identified nder Small $ell 8n%ancements St d! Item2s4.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


T%e st d! related to small cell en%ancement will (e pdated (ased on t%e pro&ress and o tcome of Small $ell 8n%ancement SI.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8001A

St%dy on Bxp"nsion of 6-B9F@@91A109=S to incl%de 1A10-1AC0<&z ."nd for 6-B in t#e =S =,@9;8001A
-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 1;N :2perli#' R41(0202 StatusAReport R4-1(1A22 +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 TR 6-B (A.C44 +a e Stu"2 o# *Dpa#sio# of BT*A-99A18?0A,S to i#%lu"e 18?0-18@01:< Ea#" for BT* i# t6e ,S

Supporting Companies:

.i&%tS' ared, )lcatel . cent, F Eits , BT

Relatio#s6ip 5n oin 2,

Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title ;;0011 Rel-12 Fe"t%re: 6-B in t#e 1A10-1A1; <&z ."nd for =S'6-B9F@@91A109=S)

3 Justification
)s part of its contin in& effort to pro*ide spectr m to meet t%e &rowin& demand for wireless (road(and, t%e F$$ is acti*el! considerin& .i&%tS' aredUs proposals to resol*e iss es related to its potential interference to ;PS recei*ers and disc ssin& t%e proposals wit% -TI) so t%at .i&%tS' ared can proceed wit% t%e deplo!ment of a nationwide terrestrial network 2as s%own in t%e .etter from F$$ $%airman ;enac%owski to Senator $onrad on -o*em(er 27, 26124. T%e F$$ recentl! iss ed p (lic notices for .i&%tS' aredUs re' ests to operate its terrestrial network sin& t%e downlink fre' encies at 1676+1679 7CA and 1679+16"6 7CA, and t%e comment c!cle was completed in earl! Ran ar! 2613 wit%o t serio s o(Eections. a4 .i&%tS' ared is proposin& to pair t%e 16 7CA 1. c%annel at 1676+16"6 7CA wit% t%e e<istin& =and 2# 5. c%annel2s4 21627.9+1637.9 7CA, and@or 16#6.7+1696.7 7CA4, as depicted in Fi& re 9. T%e c%oices nder st d! are pairin& C and F, C and ;, or sin& a *aria(le d ple<in& sc%eme allowin& (ot% pairin&s C+F and C+ ;. T%e distance (etween t%e 5. and 1. ed&es of t%e proposed (and is as small as 13.3 7CA 21676+ 1696.7\13.3 7CA4. T%e pass+(and is 16 7CA, wit% a d ple< distance of eit%er 23.3 7CA or #2.9 7CA, dependin& on selected pairin& option. T%ese re' irements ma! (e c%allen&in& ( t are not wit%o t precedence in 3;PP R)-#. For e<ample, t%e lower d ple<in& distance re' irement is close to

O !ecti"es: to St d! related aspects of addin& a F11 (and into 8+5TR) t%at co*ers t%e fre' enc! ran&e of 1676+16"6 7CA downlink paired wit% t%e plink of =and 2#, for deplo!ment in 5nited States, nationwide, Incorporate t%e res lts into a 3;PP Tec%nical Report 2TR 36.<<<4 St d! t%e tec%nical feasi(ilit! of t%e two pairin& options (etween t%e 1676+16"6 7CA downlink (and and t%e (and 2# 5. carriers, as well as pairin& t%e 1676+1679 7CA wit% lower 97CA of =and 2# carriers. St d! coe<istence iss es wit% adEacent (ands 2e.&. =and 2#4. St d! and identif! t%e re& lator! iss es w%ere t%is spectr m will (e sed, and t%eir impacts on t%e RF c%aracteristics of t%is proposed (and, incl din& t%e co+ordination Aones re' ired (! F$$ r les.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8001 1

St%dy on CRS ,nterference C"ncell"tion for #o*o eno%s deploy*ents for 6-B =,@9;80011
:2perli#' R41(1C40 StatusAReport R4-1(1A2( +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0(8(FGR41(1C40 TR 6-B (A.CA( +a e Stu"2 o# (ell-spe%ifi% Refere#%e Si4#als ((RS) 3#terfere#%e 1iti4atio# for 6o o4e#ous "eplo2 e#ts for BT*

Supporting Companies: 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, -8$, 7ediaTek, Son! 7o(ile, >eriAon, ,ran&e, Soft(ank, )lcatel+ . cent, .; 8lectronics, Renesas Justification Interference 7iti&ation 2I74 of $ell+Specific Reference Si&nals 2$RS4 %as (een st died in t%e Rel+11 Work Item on FeI$I$. 1 e to its (enefits nder t%e condition w%ere interference from $RS dominates ( t is ne&li&i(le from data ass min& data R8 m tin&, t%e $RS interference miti&ation 2$RS I74 %as (een standardiAed nder t%e a(o*e operation conditions for %etero&eneo s deplo!ments and t%e correspondin& re' irements were specified in Release 11. )t t%e same time, t%e en%anced performance re' irements in %omo&eneo s network deplo!ment for 77S8 interference reEection com(inin& 277S8+IR$4 recei*er were e<tensi*el! st died and specified in Release 11. T%e 77S8+IR$ recei*er can s ppress (ot% data and $RS interference wit%o t t%e need to differentiate t%em. Cowe*er, t%e 58 performance in %omo&eno s deplo!ment ma! (e f rt%er impro*ed (! sin& t%e same $RS I7 capa(ilit! as defined for FeI$I$, especiall! w%en similar interference conditions arise nder low traffic loadin& of nei&%(o rin& cells and nder similar scope as in FeI$I$ i.e. s!nc%rono s network operation and 58 reference recei*er ass min& sin&le FFT processin&. = t f rt%er st d! is needed to nderstand t%e si&nificance of an! potential performance &ain and t%e correspondin& traffic loadin& le*els. If t%e &ain is E stified for specific loadin& le*els, 58 performance re' irement for $RS I7 co ld (e specified wit% additional performance re' irements. )lso, it is ass med t%at t%e introd ction of $RS I7 (ased recei*er re' irements for %omo&eno s deplo!ments will onl! se t%e e<istin& Release 11 si&nallin& of $RS assistance information. T%e en%anced performance re' irements in %omo&eneo s network deplo!ment for 77S8 interference reEection com(inin& 277S8+IR$4 recei*er were e<tensi*el! st died and specified in Release 11. Some of t%ese pre*io sl! identified scenarios st died in Release 11 for specif!in& 77S8+IR$ recei*er performance re' irements and t%e correspondin& link@s!stem parameters can (e re sed also for $RS I7. O !ecti"es: to Identif! t%e partial traffic loadin& le*els and ot%er realistic s!stem le*el parameters 2e.&. traffic and interference models incl din& interference le*el, time offset (etween cells and fre' enc! offset (etween cells4 and performance metrics for st d!in& t%e feasi(ilit! of $RS I7 in a s!nc%roniAed %omo&eno s network ass min&I o 3;PP $ase 1 as a startin& point o non+collidin& $RS (etween ser*in& and dominant a&&ressor@interferin& cells and o non+collidin& $RS (etween dominant a&&ressor@interferin& cells o T%e %omo&eneo s deplo!ment and rele*ant s!stem parameters s%o ld re se as m c% as possi(le t%ose defined in t%e Rel+11 performance st d! of 77S8+IR$ Identif! t%e (aseline recei*er w%ic% can (e sed for e*al atin& t%e &ain of $RS I7 in a s!nc%roniAed %omo&eno s network considerin&I o Re se of $RS I7 recei*er ass med for Release 11 FeI$I$. o Re se of 77S8+IR$ recei*er as t%e (aseline recei*er. 77S8+IR$ does not differentiate $RS or data interference w%en s ppressin& t%em and was ass med for Release 11 work item on interference reEection com(inin&. )&ree on interference le*els, interference models and sim lation parameters for link le*el e*al ations. 8*al ate t%e s!stem le*el and link le*el &ains of $RS I7 wit% respect to t%e (aseline 77S8+IR$ recei*er in a s!nc%roniAed %omo&eno s network deplo!ment nder t%e *ario s loadin& le*els identified. o ;ains of $RS I7 from 1 and 2 a&&ressor cells $RS s%all (e e*al ated and compared. o 7odellin& of realistic $RS I7 recei*er for s!stem le*el performance e*al ation s%o ld (e clarified and a&reed if possi(le In*esti&ate 58 comple<it! tradeoffs e.&. trade+off (etween n m(er of interferers to cancel and t%e n m(er of transmit antenna ports.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

T%e introd ction of $RS I7 (ased recei*er re' irements for %omo&eno s deplo!ments will onl! se t%e e<istin& Rel+11 si&nallin& of $RS assistance information.

-,T8 1I Interference from nei&%(o rin& cellsU P1S$C is not t%e foc s of t%is st d! item. )n! interference from data, w%ic% *aries accordin& to t%e traffic loadin& le*el, is ass med to (e s ppressed in t%e same wa! as in Rel+11 wit% t%e (aseline 77S8+IR$ recei*ers. -,T8 2I -on+collidin& $RS is prioritiAed and will (e st died first w%ile collidin& $RS is not precl ded. = t t%e st d! will foc s onl! on 58 demod lation aspects. Work Task =reakdown for R)-#I TS; R)-# G66(is 2)pril 26134I o )&reement on scenarios and sim lation ass mptions for s!stem sim lations incl din& traffic loadin& le*els. o )&reement on t%e (aseline recei*er. TS; R)-# G67 27a! 26134I o First re*iew of s!stem sim lation res lts o )&reements on link sim lation ass mptions (ased on traffic loadin& le*els e*al ated and t%e correspondin& &ain o(ser*ed. TS; R)-# G6" 2) & st 26134I o Re*iew of final s!stem sim lation res lts incl din& realistic $RS I7 modellin& o Re*iew of link sim lation res lts o $oncl sion on $RS I7 &ain in s!nc%rono s %omo&eneo s network deplo!ments.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;8001 C

St%dy on Networ3-Assisted ,nterference C"ncell"tion "nd S%ppression for 6-B =,@9;8001C

-i#is6 0AJ12J201 ( (o p 1;N :2perli#' R41(0404 StatusAReport R4-1(1A24 TR 6-B (A.CAA +a e Stu"2 o# +etwor'-!ssiste" 3#terfere#%e (a#%ellatio# a#" Suppressio# for BT*

Supporting Companies: 7ediaTek, Renesas, =roadcom, ,ran&e, =lack=err!, Telefonica, $CTT., 7a&nolia =road(and, 5S $ell lar, >eriAon Wireless, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 7o(ile, T+7o(ile 5S), Intel, 1e tsc%e Telekom, Telecom Italia, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, ? alcomm, C awei, CiSilicon, Sprint, HT8, $%ina 5nicom, .i&%ts' ared, $)TR, Sams n&, 8ricsson, ST 8ricsson , $)TT, Soft(ank 7o(ile Justification To (oost capacit! in copin& wit% t%e e<ponential traffic &rowt%, (ot% denser cell deplo!ment and impro*ed cell spectral efficienc! are re' ired. $o+c%annel interference, eit%er from inter+cell or co+sc%ed led intra+cell sers, is e<pected to (ecome t%e dominant limitin& factor for ac%ie*in& %i&%er network capacit!. Cistoricall! m c% effort %as (een spent on transmission coordination to miti&ate inter+ ser and inter+cell interference, for e<ample *ia en%anced $SI feed(ack. Cowe*er, one of t%e Rel+11 st dies 2)d*anced Recei*ers4 s%owed promisin& performance &ain from practical linear interference s ppression 2IS4 recei*ers t%at do not re' ire an! transmission coordination. Specif!in& interference reEection com(inin& 2IR$4 recei*er 58 performance re' irements in R)-# is E st a first step towards increasin& t%e recei*er role in t%e s!stem desi&n. In anot%er Rel+11 work item 2feI$I$4, non+linear interference cancellation recei*ers t%at miti&ate stron& $RS@PSS@SSS@P=$C interference %a*e (een s%own to pro*ide si&nificant &ain o*er linear recei*ers. F rt%er en%ancements to intra+cell and inter+cell interference miti&ation at t%e recei*er side co ld (e ac%ie*ed (! increasin& t%e de&ree of knowled&e a(o t interferin& transmissions wit% possi(le coordination in t%e network. For e<ample, linear IS recei*ers and iterati*e@non+iterati*e e<plicit I$ recei*ers co ld (e e*al ated wit% participatin& transmitters coordinatin& and pro*idin& side knowled&e of t%e interference s c% as, ( t not limited to, t%e presence and c%aracteristics of interference, its transmission sc%emes incl din& reso rce allocation, its reference s!m(ols for possi(l! ena(lin& c%annel estimation, and its mod lation format and@or codin& rate. $ompared to transmission+side tec%ni' es w%ose performance de&rades nder imperfect c%annel knowled&e at t%e transmitter side d e to limited feed(ack, IS@I$ recei*ers can alle*iate t%e ( rden of c%annel feed(ack. -etwork+assisted IS@I$ mi&%t re' ire standardiAation effort, especiall! on t%e si&nallin& aspects t%at can ena(le more effecti*e and ro( st 58+side interference cancellation and@or s ppression wit% possi(le network coordination, as well as on t%e p%!sical la!er c%an&es t%at can translate link+le*el impro*ement of t%ese ad*anced recei*ers to s!stem+le*el capacit! &ain. It is also important to st d! t%e trade+off, in terms of performance, comple<it!, and si&nallin& o*er%ead, w%en ena(lin& feasi(le and ro( st interference cancellation@s ppression at t%e 58 side wit% and wit%o t network assistance. O !ecti"es: 1. 2R)-14 For data@control c%annels of interest, identif! and a&ree on realistic deplo!ment scenarios and co+c%annel inter+ and intra+cell interference conditions 2incl din& correspondin& network@transmission parameters4 for e*al atin& different interference cancellation 2I$4 or interference s ppression 2IS4 recei*ers, incl din& t%e followin& two main scenariosI o o 2. Intra+cell interference res lted from c rrent S5+@75+7I7, operation Inter+cell interference (ased on deplo!ment scenarios prioritiAed in Rel+11, takin& into acco nt scenarios, once defined, nder Rel+12 WIs@SIs s c% as small cells.

2R)-#4 Identif! reference IS@I$ recei*ers wit% and wit%o t network assistance, and e*al ate t%eir performance@comple<it! trade+off and implementation feasi(ilit! o )nal!Ae comple<it! and feasi(ilit! of (asic recei*er str ct res



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Recei*er str ct res (ased on linear 77S8 IR$, s ccessi*e interference cancellation, and ma<imal likeli%ood detection are considered as a startin& point for reference IS@I$ recei*ers Work can (e cond cted in parallel to step+1

o o o 3.

=ased on t%e R)-1 scenarios a&ree on co+c%annel inter+ and intra+cell interference models for link+le*el sim lation 8*al ate t%e link+le*el &ain o*er (aseline Rel+11 linear 77S8+IR$ recei*ers and Rel+11 non+linear recei*ers re' ired for FeI$I$ Indicate 2to R)-14 ass mptions on t%e network assistance information for t%e e*al ated recei*ers nder possi(le network coordination

2R)-14 St d! and e*al ate t%e feasi(ilit! and potential s!stem le*el &ain as well as specification impact of f rt%er ad*anced recei*erI o o o o 1e*elop s!stem le*el modellin& met%odolo&ies for t%e IS@I$ recei*ers identified in step+2 incl din& inp t from R)-# on rele*ant impairments 8*al ate t%e s!stem+le*el &ain of ad*anced recei*ers o*er .T8 Rel+11 recei*ers Identif! an! p%!sical la!er c%an&es and network si&nallin& needed to ac%ie*e t%e s!stem le*el &ain. Trade+off st d! (etween &ain, ro( stness, and si&nallin&@coordination comple<it!. If si&nificant &ain is identified for sol tions wit% network assistance compared to sol tions wit%o t network assistance, st d! t%e s!stem and specification impact of network+assisted IS@I$ Work can start at different time for different reference recei*ers

-,T8 1 + )ll e*al ations s%all take into acco nt practical transmission and feed(ack o*er%ead@error@dela! and realistic e-= and 58 impairment modellin& incl din& timin&@fre' enc! error and (ack%a l dela!. -,T8 2 F T%e st d! will co*er (ot% T11 and F11 deplo!ments, and (ot% $RS (ased transmission 2incl din& P1S$C and P1$$C4 and 17RS+(ased transmission 2incl din& P1S$C and 8P1$$C4. T%e st d! s%o ld take into acco nt t%e co+c%annel interference scenarios arisin& from %omo&eneo s and %etero&eneo s networks incl din& small+cell related WI@SI in Rel+12. -,T8 3 F T%e st d! s%o ld consider tec%ni' es and operation scenarios in ot%er SI@WI 2e.&., en%anced 1.+7I7,, en%anced $o7P, -ew $arrier T!pe, and small cell en%ancement4, and d plication of work s%o ld (e a*oided.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0001 ;

St%dy on Coordin"ted <%lti-4oint 'Co<4) oper"tion for 6-B wit# Non-,de"l ."c3#"%l =,@9A0001;
:2perli#' R41(0C41 StatusAReport R4-1(1A2A +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. TR 6-B (A.C14 +a e Stu"2 o# (oor"i#ate" 1ulti-Poi#t ((o1P) operatio# for BT* wit6 +o#-3"eal Ea%'6aul

Supporting Companies: Sams n&, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, $)TR, $)TT, 1)$+ 5P$, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, 8TRI, F Eits , CiSilicon, C awei, I)8SI, Intel, Interdi&ital, ITRI, B11I, BT, B!ocera, .; 8lectronics, .; 5pl s, .i&%ts' ared, 7ediaTek, -8$, -S-, ,ran&e, Panasonic, Pantec%, ? alcomm, Sams n&, S%arp, SB Telecom, Soft(ank 7o(ile, Son!, ST+8ricsson, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, T+7o(ile 5S), >odafone, HT8 8<tension of Rel+11 $o7P ,peration for .T8 F 1ownlink 5I139363324
Relate" &or' 3te (s) ,39 Title ;(0(( Coordin"ted <%lti-4oint 5per"tion for 6-B O 2 @ownlin3 +ature of relatio#s6ip Bxtension of Co<4 introd%ced in Rel-11 to t#e networ3 wit# non-ide"l +"c3#"%l

Justification $oordinated m lti+point 2$o7P4 transmission and reception was introd ced in Rel+11 to impro*e t%e co*era&e of %i&% data rates, t%e cell+ed&e t%ro &%p t, and also to increase t%e s!stem t%ro &%p t. $o7P in Rel+11 did not address t%e specified s pport of $o7P in*ol*in& m ltiple e-=s wit% non+ideal (ack%a l. 1 e to t%is limitation, t%e operators %a*in& non+ideal (ack%a l ma! not (e a(le to take performance (enefit from $o7P operation. O !ecti"es: + R)-1 e*al ate coordinated sc%ed lin& and coordinated (eamformin& incl din& semi+static point selection@m tin& as candidate tec%ni' es for $o7P in*ol*in& m ltiple e-=s wit% non+ideal ( t t!pical (ack%a l and, if t%ere is performance (enefit, recommend for w%ic% $o7P tec%ni' e2s4 si&nallin& for inter+ e-= operation s%o ld (e specified, considerin& potential impact on R)-3 work. In t%e e*al ations, consider t%e le*el of (ack%a l dela! ac%ie*a(le wit% non+ideal (ack%a l. 8*al ation s%o ld (e on t%e $o7P operation (etween macro e-=s 2$o7P scenario 2 e<cept for t%e (ack%a l ass mptions4, (etween macro e-= and small cell e-= 2small cell scenario G1 wit% non+ideal (ack%a l4, and (etween small cell e-=s 2small cell scenario G2a wit% non+ideal (ack%a l4. T%e st d! will take into acco nt t%e o tcome of t%e small cell en%ancement st d! item and pre*io s work on Rel+11 $o7P SI@WI.

T%e t%ro &%p t &ains potentiall! ac%ie*a(le from t%e st died tec%ni' es s%o ld (e e*al ated, w%ile also takin& into acco nt estimation errors, downlink o*er%ead, comple<it!, feed(ack o*er%ead, (ackward compati(ilit! and practical 58 implementations. Rel+11 77S8+IR$ is sed as a (aseline recei*er for e*al atin& performance &ain.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0002 0

St%dy on 4ositionin en#"nce*ents for B-=-RA =,@9A00020

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p (;N :2perli#' R4-1(0AC0 StatusAReport R4-1(1A2; TR 6-B (A.C;; +a e Stu"2 o# Positio#i#4 e#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR!

Supporting Companies: C awei, CiSilicon, >eriAon, $%ina 7o(ile, )lcatel+. cent, Intel, .;8, $%ina 5nicom, $%ina Telecom, $)TT, $)TR, Pote*io, T1+Tec%, -ew Postcom, Spirent, Ro%de+Sc%warA, $oolpad Justification Positionin& mec%anisms were specified in 3;PP as a ke! feat re for 8+5TR) networks since Release 0, e.&. ,T1,), 8+$I1 etc. T%e! are not onl! sed in %elpin& meet re& lator! re' irements, ( t also tiliAed wit% increasin& importance to ena(le all kinds of location (ased applications. T%e proliferation of %etero&eneo s network deplo!ments (rin&s some c%allen&es also in t%e area of efficient terminal positionin& and calls for t%e st d! of en%anced mec%anisms and positionin& performance re' irements. T%e addition of m ltiple nodes in %etero&eneo s networks can impro*e t%e position acc rac! remarka(l! if t%e specificities of s c% deplo!ments are taken into acco nt in t%e positionin& mec%anisms. Some e<amples incl de t%e s pport of se*eral transmission points wit% identical cell I1s and impro*ed s pport for positionin& in carrier a&&re&ation. F rt%ermore, t%e acc rac! of c rrent positionin& mec%anisms and in partic lar ,T1,) and 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement is onl! defined for limited scenariosI .imited c%annel (andwidt% for t%e cells to (e meas red 2reference and nei&%(o r cells4 Tests defined ass min& sin&le T< antenna. Practical network mi&%t %a*e T< di*ersit! on antenna port 6 w%ic% is sed for RST1 meas rements

It is desira(le to st d! t%e possi(ilit! of en%anced acc rac! for ot%er practical deplo!ment scenarios. O !ecti"es: to st d! acc rac! en%ancements for c rrent positionin& mec%anisms s c% as ,T1,) and 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement in %etero&eneo s deplo!ment scenarios and different s!stem (andwidt%s. T%e feasi(ilit! of impro*in& t%e e<istin& 58 positionin& performance re' irements of ,T1,) and 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement s%all (e st died for t%e followin& casesI .ar&er a*aila(le (andwidt%s 2e.&. 19 and 267CA for ,T1,) and 16, 19, and 26 7CA for 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement4. Smaller a*aila(le (andwidt%s 2e.&. 1.# and 3 7CA for ,T1,) and 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement4 Possi(le se of downlink T< di*ersit! for t%e positionin& reference si&nals 2PRS4, e.&., sc%emes transparent to 58, and its impact on t%e (ot% 58 and s!stem performance and@or comple<it!. 5se of non+transparent sc%emes can (e disc ssed. 1eplo!ment of RRCs wit% identical cell I1s for ,T1,) and 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement. $arrier a&&re&ation scenarios 2incl din& scenarios wit% m ltiple T)s for 8+$I1 (ased on 58 R<+T< time difference meas rement4

T%e st d! incl des t%e definition of t%e a(o*e mentioned scenarios in an initial p%ase.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1002 C

St%dy on Iro%p Co**%nic"tion for 6-B =,@9A1002C

u#i%atio# for BT* -i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 10N :2perli#' R4-1(1(C2 StatusAReport R4-1(1A21 TR 6-B (A.CAC +a e Stu"2 o# Group (o

Supporting Companies: )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, )TDT, .i&%tS'a red, So t%ern.I-$, ? alcomm, 5S 1epartment of $ommerce, Telefonica, ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, -S-, 8ricsson, I)8SI, 5B Come ,ffice, 8lektro(it, =lack(err!, T+7o(ile 5S), ,ran&e, >odafone, 7otorola Sol tions, ITRI, Pantec%, $7$$, 5S$ell lar, Carris, C awei, CiSilicon, HT8, -8$, Sams n& 8*al ate a(ilit! of .T8 to meet p (lic safet! re' irements a&reed in S) for ;ro p comm nication incl din& PTT. ;ro p $omm nication is a ke! f nctionalit! of .and 7o(ile Radio@Pri*ate 7o(ile Radio and p (lic safet! s!stems. Justification ;ro p $omm nication is a ke! f nctionalit! of .and 7o(ile Radio@Pri*ate 7o(ile Radio and p (lic safet! s!stems. S c% f nctionalit! e<ists for *oice calls in e<istin& s!stems s c% as Tetra, P29 and ;S7+R. In t%e latter, t%is f nctionalit! was specified as >oice ;ro p $all Ser*ice Sta&e 2 2>;$S+TS #3.66"4. To position .T8 as tec%nolo&! for critical comm nications s c% as p (lic safet!, &ro p comm nication will (e needed. T%e Sta&e+1 work on ;ro p $omm nication S!stem 8na(lers for .T8 2;$S83.T8, new TS 22.#6"4 %as (een completed, wit% t%e final *ersion of t%e specification 2S1+1333664 sent for 1+step appro*al at S)G66. T%e rele*ant Sta&e+2 work in S)2 2SP+13619"4 %as also (een a&reed and t%e work is on&oin& to st d! a sol tion at t%e s!stem le*el in new R 23.76". )s t%e ne<t step, it is important to identif! and specif! an! impro*ements needed in t%e R)- le*el specifications to meet t%e ser*ice re' irements specified t%erein. O !ecti"es: to e*al ate t%e a(ilit! of .T8 to meet t%e p (lic safet! re' irements a&reed in S) &ro ps for ;ro p comm nication incl din& PTTI 8*al ate .T8 air+interface w%en distri( tin& t%e same content sin& nicast, to man! p (lic+safet! +capa(le 58s takin& into acco nt t%e e<pected p (lic safet! se cases 2incl din& *oice and m ltimedia comm nication4V 8*al ate a(ilit! of e7=7S or ot%er mec%anisms to pro*ide &ro p comm nication for p (lic safet! applications. Pro*ide feed(ack to S)1and S)2 on findin&s and an! f rt%er ' estions (ased on t%e anal!sis in R)T%e followin& aspects of t%e &ro p comm nication re' irements &enerated in S)1 and S)2 s%o ld (e considered in t%e e*al ationI Impact of ser mo(ilit! to &ro p comm nication performanceV Ci&% le*el of a*aila(ilit! of t%e radio connection for t%e p (lic+safet! +capa(le 58 for &ro p comm nicationV Scala(ilit! of &ro p comm nication sol tionV -eed to s pport *ario s media, as well as *oiceV Performance, s c% as ;ro p $omm nication end+to+end set p time, ser*ice Eoinin&@ac' isition time, and end to end dela! for media transport.

,39 A1002 8

St%dy on S*"rt Con estion <iti "tion in B-=-RAN =,@9A10028

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p 1;N :2perli#' R41(2082 StatusAReport R4-1(1C4; +otes R4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ R41(1(81FGR4-1(2082. -R (A.C4C$100 for ,nfor*"tion TR 6-B (A.C4C +a e Stu"2 o# S art (o#4estio# 1iti4atio# i# *,TR!+



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Supporting Companies: .; 8lectronics, =roadcom, 8TRI, F Eits , B11I, BT, .; 5pl s, -8$, -TT 1,$,7,, TeliaSonera, Panasonic, Pantec%, =lack=err!, SB Telecom, Soft(ank, HT8, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, B!ocera, 8ricsson+ .;, S%arp Rel+12 Sta&e 1 on Pre*ention of mo(ile+ori&inatin& si&nallin& and@or data traffic of 58 in connected mode 2P7,$4 was completed S)G90@SP+136116@$R22.611. S)2 .S S2+132209@RP+136696 ask R)-2 to e*al ate sol tions for access control for 58s in RR$ $,--8$T81
Relate" &or' 3te (s) ,39 Title ;8004 4re$ention of *o+ile-ori in"tin si n"llin "ndJor d"t" tr"ffic of =B in connected 2 *ode +ature of relatio#s6ip Rel"ted SA1 2, for Rel-12

Justification 1 e to t%e fast increase of smartp%ones, e*en d rin& normal operation network operator faces pro(lems in copin& wit% %i&% load of si&nallin& and traffic. T%is pro(lem (ecomes more si&nificant d rin& occ rrences of disaster and@or p (lic festi*ities s c% as new !ear e*ents, sports matc%, etc. w%en ser+&enerated and@or application+&enerated accesses are concentrated d rin& a certain time and t%is ma! ca se con&estion in t%e R)- and $-. In con&estion cases, operator wo ld want to prioritiAe emer&enc! access and %i&% priorit! access o*er t%e ot%er accesses, to prioritiAe RR$@-)S messa&es o*er normal data, or to prioritiAe *oice ser*ices o*er non+*oice ser*ices. S c% prioritiAation control ma! depend on operator polic!. $ rrentl!, t%e network can %andle s c% con&estion (ased on RR$ connection esta(lis%ment ca se, ?oS information s c% as )RP and ?$I and )ccess $lass =arrin& mec%anism. Cowe*er, in some cases, t%ese mec%anisms are not applica(le or inade' ate for con&estion miti&ation. For e<ampleI To minimiAe si&nallin& load ca sed (! idle+to+acti*e transmission, network operator ma! keep t%e 58s in RR$3$,--8$T81 21R:4 state for lon&er time. In toda!Us specification, )ccess $lass =arrin& mec%anism is not applica(le for 58 in RR$3$,--8$T81. 1 e to (ack+off of random access proced re, calls from t%ese RR$3$,--8$T81 58s wo ld also e<perience call set p dela! or e*en call drop, e.&. for emer&enc!@%i&% priorit! call and *oice call. In addition, RR$3$,--8$T81 58s co ld e<perience dela! of RR$@-)S messa&e deli*er! d e to (ack+off. For 58 in RR$3$,--8$T81, ?oS information can (e sed to identif! t%at a (earer (elon&s to Ci&% Priorit! ser or *oice ser so t%at t%e network will not release t%e concernin& (earer e*en d rin& con&ested sit ation. Cowe*er, ?oS information cannot (e sed w%en t%e connected 58 performin& random access to initiate 8mer&enc! call. For 58s in RR$3I1.8, t%e alread! defined )ccess $lass =arrin& mec%anism ma! (e sed to red ce con&estion in connection esta(lis%ment (! controllin& access from 58s. Cowe*er, access for *oice call cannot (e prioritiAed in connection esta(lis%ment. )lso, if t%e R)- applies con&estion control s c% t%at it will reEect@(ack+off t%e 58s d rin& random access proced re, calls from t%ese RR$3I1.8 58s ma! e<perience dela!ed connection esta(lis%ment or e*en call drop, e.&. for emer&enc!@%i&% priorit! call and *oice call.

T%e Sta&e+1 work on XPre*ention of mo(ile+ori&inatin& si&nallin& and@or data traffic of 58 in connected mode 2P7,$4U %as (een completed, wit% appro*al of rele*ant re' irements in S)G90 2R8.+12 $R to 22.611 in SP+1361164. S)2 also a&reed an .S in S2+132209 2RP+1366964 in order to re' est R)-2 to in*esti&ate and e*al ate t%e possi(le sol tions for access control for 58s in RR$ $,--8$T81. O !ecti"es: impro*e con&estion miti&ation %andlin& mec%anisms in RR$3I1.8 and RR$3$,--8$T81 in order toI 1. ens re prioritiAation of t%e followin& mo(ile ori&inatin& accesses d rin& con&estionI + emer&enc! accessV + %i&% priorit! access. 2. dependin& on t%e operator scenario, ens re prioritiAation of t%e followin& mo(ile ori&inatin& access d rin& con&estion + access for initiation of *oice ser*ices s c% as 77T8. *oices and $SF= *oice calls. T%e work is to in*esti&ate and e*al ate sol tions for con&estion miti&ationI + to s pport t%e re' irement of t%e related S)1 work i.e. P7,$ and t%e o tcomes of related work in S)2V + and to address t%e iss es on access in RR$3I1.8 and RR$3$,--8$T81.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A2004 4

St%dy on RAN "spects of RAN S#"rin Bn#"nce*ents for 6-B =,@9A20044

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 0N :2perli#' R4-1(211A TR 6-B (A.Cyz +a e Stu"2 o# R!+ aspe%ts of R!+ S6ari#4 *#6a#%e e#ts for BT*

Supporting Companies: TeliaSonera

-8$, =ell $anada, e+)ccess, Inter1i&ital, ,ran&e, Soft(ank, Sprint, Telefonica, Telenor,

Tri&&ered (! S)1 Re+12 TR 22."92 St d! on R)- S%arin& 8n%ancements 2FS3RS84 and Rel+13 Feat re RS8 2TS 22.161 Sta&e 14
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title A0014; RAN S#"rin Bn#"nce*ents +ature of relatio#s6ip St" e 1 re/%ire*ents. -S 22.101

Justification In a precedin& Rel+12 S)1 st d! on R)- S%arin& 8n%ancements 2TR 22."924 se cases %a*e (een collected. S (se' entl!, t%e ens in& re' irements %a*e (een pro*ided in Rel+13 Feat re R)- S%arin& 8n%ancements 2RS84 in S)1 TS 22.161. It was identified t%at f rt%er work is likel! to (e re' ired in R)-3. T%e re' irements wo ld need to (e st died and impacts on 8+5TR)- %a*e to (e identified in terms of arc%itect re and si&nallin&. O !ecti"es: st d! %ow to implement t%e re' irements from S)1 as pro*ided in TS 22.161, i.e. o o o o st d! impacts on 8+5TR)- arc%itect re and si&nallin& interfaces, e.&. %ow to introd ce means to ' antif! and monitor reso rces sed (! an! participatin& operator st d! w%ic% c%an&es are needed to rele*ant specifications for w%ic% R)-3 is responsi(le e.&. c%an&es to S1 and :2 si&nallin& co+operate wit% ot%er TS;s@W;s in case some of t%e re' irements wo ld impact parts of t%e o*erall s!stem w%ic% are o t of scope of R)-3 etc.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

)12 53,,5 3 55,,2 , 55,,2 1 5+,,4 5 5+,,4 ? 5+,,4 + 5+,,4 8 5+,,5 , 58,,3 2

=-RA! 6-B St%dies

+a e Stu"2 o# R- a#" *1( reFuire e#ts for a%tive !#te##a !rra2 S2ste (!!S) Ease Statio# Stu"2 o# BT*-:RP9 (:i46 Rate Pa%'et 9ata i# 3GPP2) i#ter-R!T SO+ Stu"2 o# Passive 3#ter1o"ulatio# (P31) 6a#"li#4 for ,TR! a#" BT* Ease Statio#s Stu"2 o# &B!+=3GPP Ra"io 3#terwor'i#4 Stu"2 o# R!+ *#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS=:SP! a#" BT* 3#terwor'i#4 Stu"2 o# +eDt-Ge#eratio# SO+ for ,TR! a#" BT* Stu"2 o# 2G:< -99 for ,TR! a#" BT* i# Re4io# 1 (1)@0-20101:< a#" 21?022001:< Ea#"s) Stu"2 o# Ease Statio# spe%ifi%atio# stru%ture Stu"2 o# R!+ aspe%ts of 1a%6i#e T2pe a#" ot6er (o u#i%atio#s e#6a#%e e#ts o5ile "ata appli%atio#s Resour%e R4!R1 R( R4!I1 R2 R( R( R4 R4 R2 !14rapporteur /'a#ei China 4eleco. Eric on ;ntel China Unico. 0S0 Solari <o"ile Eric on C4E TR (1.C40 (1.C1( (1.C0C (1.C(4 (1.C;2 (1.C22 (1.C4A (1.C10 (1.CA8



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;(00; A

St%dy on RF "nd B<C re/%ire*ents for "cti$e Antenn" Arr"y Syste* ."se St"tion =,@9;(00;A
:2perli#' R4111(48 StatusAReport R4-1(0124 +otes R4E;8 co*pleted TR (1.C40 +a e Stu"2 o# R- a#" *1( reFuire e#ts for a%tive !#te##a !rra2 S2ste (!!S) Ease Statio#

Supporting Companies: C awei, )lcatel+. cent, )TDT, $)TR, $%ina 5nicom, $%ina Telecom, $7$$, 1e tsc%e Telekom, 8ricsson, CiSilicon, -S-, ,ran&e, T1 Tec%, Telecom Italia, TeliaSonera, 5S $ell lar Justification $ompared wit% =S installed wit% traditional antenna, t%e )cti*e )ntenna )rra! S!stems 2))S4 =S can offer a %ost of (enefitsI It can lead to s!stem capacit!@performance &ains (! fle<i(le cell split or (eam+formin&, and (! elimination of t%e ca(le loss. It ma! si&nificantl! simplif! t%e site en&ineerin& comple<ities and red ce t%e installation costs. It ma! si&nificantl! red ce t%e operation e<penses (! sa*in& t%e re' ired space for t%e =S site infrastr ct re. It can ena(le s!stem optimiAation to (e adapti*e to traffic demands and address network e*ol tion iss es t%ro &% fle<i(le software re+confi& ration of t%e =S and antenna s!stem.

T%e re' irements for ))S =S %a*e (een disc ssed in R)-# and R)- for se*eral meetin&s. $ rrent tests for =S sin& antenna arra!s are fo nd in TS 29.1#1, 36.1#1 and 37.1#1. It remains t%e c rrentl! applica(le tests for =S sin& antenna arra!s. Cowe*er, it was noticed t%at t%ese tests mi&%t not (e s fficient to acc ratel! reflect t%e ))S antennas en*ironment in practical field deplo!ments. T%is St d! Item proposes to e*al ate t%e feasi(ilit! of specif!in& t%e necessar! re' irements for =S sin& ))S O !ecti"e: to in*esti&ate t%e RF and 87$ re' irements for an ))S =S (ased on macro+cell deplo!ment scenarios for (ot% T11 and F11. T%e st d! will co*er sin&le+R)T 5TR) and 8+5TR), as well as m lti+R)T (ase stations. T%e st d! item partic larl! co*ers t%e followin& two main aspectsI Feasi(ilit! of definin& ))S =S re' irements (ased on t%e commonalit! of different arc%itect re and implementationsI 1e*elop@define rele*ant terminolo&! associated wit% ))S =S to ens re common nderstandin&. 1etermine t%e appropriate approac%es for standardiAation, implementation and test met%odolo&ies St d! t%e followin& aspects Transmitter and recei*er c%aracteristics and t%eir impact on s!stem performance and co+e<istence. T%e core RF and@or 87$ re' irements for t%e transmitter and recei*er. Re& lator! aspects related to m ltiple antenna transmission and t%e impact on ))S =S. Feasi(ilit! of ,T) tests.

=ased on t%e o tcome of t%e a(o*e st dies, t%e followin&+related work will (e identified pendin& appro*al of t%e related Work ItemI 1. 2. T%e RF and@or 87$ re' irements for ))S =S transmitters and recei*ers. T%e met%odolo&ies for implementation of all t%e necessar! c%an&es.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;002 0

St%dy on 6-B-&R4@ '&i # R"te 4"c3et @"t" in (I442) inter-RA- S5N =,@9;;0020
:2perli#' R41218C2 StatusAReport R4-1(0;C; +otes R4EA0 co*pleted TR =-RA! 6-B (1.C1( +a e Stu"2 o# BT*-:RP9 (:i46 Rate Pa%'et 9ata i# 3GPP2) i#ter-R!T SO+

Supporting Companies: Justification

$%ina Telecom, ? alcomm, C awei, HT8, )lcatel+. cent, -S-

Inter+R)T S,- feat res of .T8 and 5TR)-@;S7 %a*e (een standardiAed in 3;PP. Cowe*er inter+R)T S,- for .T8+$17) is not specified. For t%e $17) operators w%o plan to deplo! .T8 networks, inter .T8+eCRP1 S,- will (rin& man! (enefits, for e<ample, t%e a(ilit! of load (alance will %elp to offload .T8 traffic from@to t%e eCRP1 network, ) tomatic nei&%(or relations%ip will fasten t%e .T8 network deplo!ment, and impro*e t%e %ando*er performance (etween .T8 and eCRP1. In order to s pport inter .T8+eCRP1 S,-, t%e potential sol tions and t%e impacts to c rrent specifications s%o ld (e st died. 3;PP2 %as appro*ed a work item on $17) S,-, w%ic% incl des .T8+eCRP1 inter+R)T scenario. ItUs necessar! to coordinate (etween 3;PP and 3;PP2 on t%is topic. O !ecti"es: St d! t%e S,- se cases applied to inter .T8+eCRP1 R)T, incl din& t%e followin& 7o(ilit! load (alancin& (etween .T8 and eCRP1. 7o(ilit! ro( stness optimiAation (etween .T8 and eCRP1.

1e*elop t%e potential sol tions to s pport t%e se cases a(o*e. Identif! t%e impacts to c rrent specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;;0021

St%dy on 4"ssi$e ,nter<od%l"tion '4,<) #"ndlin for for =-RA "nd 6-B ."se St"tions =,@9;;0021
:2perli#' R41202AC StatusAReport R4-1(101A +otes R4EA1 co*pleted 'no spin-off 2,). TR =-RA! 6-B (1.C0C +a e Stu"2 o# Passive 3#ter1o"ulatio# (P31) 6a#"li#4 for ,TR! a#" BT* Ease Statio#s

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, -S-, )TDT, -TT 1o$o7o, Telecom Italia, .i&%tS' ared

.inked to Rel+16 WI on 7 lti+standard radio =ase Station RF re' irements for non+conti& o s spectr m deplo!ments 27SR3-$4 5I13#"6629
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2L ,39 Title 4C002; Rel-10 2, <%lti-st"nd"rd r"dio ."se St"tion RF re/%ire*ents for non-conti %o%s spectr%* deploy*ents '<SR9NC)

Justification T%e impact of passi*e intermod lation 2PI74 on =ase Station recei*er performance %as (een e<tensi*el! disc ssed in R)-# in relation to t%e 7SR+-$ work. It %as (een s%own t%at t%e de&radation depends on se*eral factors and can in some cases (e ' ite se*ere 2o*er 16 d=4. It was also concl ded t%at p ttin& re' irements onl! on t%e =S will not sol*e t%e iss e, since passi*e intermod lation can (e &enerated in t%e complete site infra+str ct re, incl din& t%e antennas. For t%is reason, t%e PI7 iss e needs to (e addressed from a (roader =S site and infrastr ct re point *iew in a separate st d! item. O !ecti"e: to in*esti&ate t%e passi*e intermod lation iss e from an o*erall perspecti*e, wit% t%e o(Eecti*e to concl de on a wa! forward for t%e PI7 pro(lem and propose correspondin& re' irements for t%e =Ss. It is proposed to primaril! foc s on t%e followin& stepsI 1. 2. 5nderstand t%e o*erall PI7 mec%anism, impact and le*el of de&radation considerin& t%e PI7 performance of t%e complete site infrastr ct re, incl din& t%e =S. $oncl de on reasona(le new PI7+related re' irements for t%e =S, set in relation to t%e site infra+str ct re PI7 performance. 8<istin& =S RF re' irements and tests remain nc%an&ed. )pplica(ilit! conditions of new PI7+ related re' irements will (e also in*esti&ated and defined. $onsider and de*elop test met%ods so t%e PI7 performance can (e capt red and tested properl!


T%e followin&+related work will (e re' iredI In t%e =S+PI7 St d! Item report, identif! possi(le site deplo!ment aspects, possi(le co nter meas res and wa! forward, w%ic% s%o ld ser*e as a deplo!ment & ide line.

Identif! t%e correspondin& re' irements needed and t%eir applica(ilit! for t%e =S core and tests, (ased pon t%e o tcome of st d! item.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 ;

St%dy on 26ANJ(I44 R"dio ,nterwor3in =,@9;C004;

:2perli#' R4-1220(C StatusAReport R4-1(1A11 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TR =-RA! 6-B (1.C(4 +a e Stu"2 o# &B!+=3GPP Ra"io 3#terwor'i#4

Supporting Companies: Intel, ? alcomm, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, )TDT, TelefSnica, $%ina 7o(ile, Ip.access, 7ediatek, 7otorola 7o(ilit!, 1ISC -etwork, =roadcom, -8$, 5(i' is!s, 1e tsc%e Telekom, HT8, $)TT, Panasonic, =lack=err!, B11I, T+7o(ile, -TT 1,$,7,, )lcatel . cent, TeliaSonera, ,ran&e, >odafone, -S-, -okia, Sprint, B!ocera , C awei, CiSilicon, $%ina 5nicom, .i&%tS' ared, Pantec% 8*al ate .T8+W.)- D 5TR)+W.)- interworkin& proced res w%ile impro*in& seamless D non+seamless mo(ilit!. Justification W.)- interworkin& and inte&ration is c rrentl! s pported at t%e $- le*el, incl din& (ot% seamless and non+seamless mo(ilit! to W.)-. Cowe*er, as operator controlled W.)- deplo!ments (ecome more common and W.)- sa&e increases, R)- le*el en%ancements for W.)- interworkin& w%ic% ma! impro*e ser e<perience, pro*ide more operator control and (etter access network tiliAation and red ced ,P8: ma! (e needed. T%is st d! will foc s on identification of scenarios of interest, and on sol tions addressin& mo(ilit! (etween cell lar and W.)-. T%e st d! will co*er si&nallin& en%ancements and potential network arc%itect re c%an&es needed to s pport t%em. T%e followin& iss es s%o ld (e taken into acco nt d rin& t%e st d!I 1. 2. 3. ,perator deplo!ed W.)- networks are often nder+ tiliAed 5ser e<perience is s (optimal w%en 58 connects to an o*erloaded W.)- network 5nnecessar! W.)- scannin& ma! drain 58 (atter! reso rces

O !ecti"e: to e*al ate .T8+W.)- and 5TR)+W.)- interworkin& proced res addressin& t%e iss es a(o*e w%ile impro*in& seamless and non+seamless mo(ilit!. T%e st d! s%all appl! solel! to W.)- )Ps deplo!ed and controlled (! cell lar operators and t%eir partners. T%e st d! s%all co*er (ot% collocated and non+collocated Caeb-=s@e-=s@-ode=s and W.)- )Ps. In a first p%aseI Identif! t%e re' irements for R)- le*el interworkin&, and clarif! t%e scenarios to (e considered in t%e st d! w%ile takin& into acco nt e<istin& standardiAed mec%anisms. In a second p%aseI Identif! sol tions addressin& t%e re' irements identified in t%e first p%ase w%ic% cannot (e sol*ed sin& e<istin& standardiAed mec%anisms, incl din&I o Sol tions t%at ena(le en%anced operator control for W.)- interworkin&, and ena(le W.)- to (e incl ded in t%e operatorUs cell lar Radio Reso rce 7ana&ement. o 8n%ancements to access network mo(ilit! and selection w%ic% take into acco nt information s c% as radio link ' alit! per 58, (ack%a l ' alit!, load, etc for (ot% cell lar and W.)- accesses 8*al ate t%e (enefits and impacts of identified mec%anisms o*er e<istin& f nctionalit!, incl din& core network (ased W.)- interworkin& mec%anisms 2e.&. )-1SF4.

8<istin& I888 "62.11 specifications s%all (e taken into consideration in t%is st d!. ,n+&oin& S)2 W.)related st d! items and potential $- impact of t%e a(o*e en%ancements s%all (e taken into acco nt.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 1

St%dy on RAN Bn#"nce*ents for =<-SJ&S4A "nd 6-B ,nterwor3in =,@9;C0041

:2perli#' R41220(A StatusAReport R4-1(1A12 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. -R (1.C;2$100 for ,nfor*"tion H Appro$"l TR =-RA! 6-B (1.C;2 +a e Stu"2 o# R!+ *#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS=:SP! a#" BT* 3#terwor'i#4

Supporting Companies: $%ina 5nicom, 1e tsc%e Telekom, -S-, -okia, ITRI, IP )ccess, C awei, Cisilicon, $)TT, 8ricsson, >odafone Justification .on&+term coe<istence is likel! to occ r (etween 57TS@CSP) and .T8 in one operatorUs network w%ic% places interworkin& mec%anism into a *er! important position. $ rrentl! inter+R)T %ando*er (etween 57TS@CSP) and .T8 ses relocation proced res. Se*eral small e*ol tions %a*e (een done to make t%ese proced re work (etter from Rel+". Cowe*er, t%e e<tensi*e %ando*er messa&es and e<cessi*e si&nallin& loads in c rrent 57TS@CSP) and .T8 interworkin& ma! lead to low network efficienc! and s (optimal ser e<perience in practical deplo!ments. S c% pro(lems co ld (e e*en more critical in .T8 initial deplo!ments 2limited .T8 co*era&e4 or %otspot t!pe of deplo!ments, leadin& to fre' ent inter+R)T %ando*ers and ot%er interoperation proced res. In order to facilitate m lti+R)T deplo!ment and operation, t%ere is a stron& need to in*esti&ate possi(le mec%anism for seamless 57TS@CSP) and .T8 interworkin&. =esides t%e en%ancement of e<istin& mec%anisms, interoperation (etween t%e two R)Ts %andled (! t%e Radio )ccess -etwork wo ld (e a promisin& approac% in order to (enefit mo(ilit! performance and red ce impact and reso rce ( rden on $ore -etwork. Possi(le performance (enefits from R)- le*el interworkin& needs to (e (alanced a&ainst t%e additional impact on network, wit% reasona(le cost & aranteed. T%e followin& aspects of inter+R)T interoperation can (e en*isioned for f rt%er st d! at leastI ,ptimiAed inter+R)T %ando*er proced re dela! and si&nalin& load Impro*ed inter+R)T load (alancin& (etween 57TS@CSP) and .T8 networks in &eneral, and 57TS@CSP) macro and .T8 %otspot deplo!ments in partic lar. to in*esti&ate potential impro*ements for 57TS@CSP) and .T8 interworkin& from R)- perspecti*eI

O !ecti"e:

In*esti&ate and e*al ate mec%anisms to en%ance inter+R)T call redirection, connected mode mo(ilit! and load (alancin& (etween 57TS@CSP) and .T8. Identif! t%e s ita(le deplo!ment scenarios and re' irements, incl din& .T8 %otspot deplo!ments In*esti&ate si&nallin& optimisations and red ction in switc%in& latenc! for (ot% PS and $S ser*ices

Identif! t%e specification and implementation impacts affectin& 85TR)- and 5TR)-. 5nnecessar! d plication of sol tions addressin& t%e same pro(lem area s%all (e a*oided. Performance and efficienc! of t%e new sol tions s%o ld all (e compared a&ainst le&ac!. 7oreo*er, t%e intention is to a*oid 58 impact as m c% as possi(le.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 C

St%dy on Next-Iener"tion S5N for =-RA "nd 6-B =,@9;C004C

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 10N :2perli#' R41220(1 StatusAReport R4-1(1A1( +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TR =-RA! 6-B (1.C22 +a e Stu"2 o# +eDt-Ge#eratio# SO+ for ,TR! a#" BT*

Supporting Companies: -S-, -okia, TelefSnica, HT8, 1e tsc%e Telekom, ,ran&e, 7ediaTek Inc., $%ina 7o(lie, )TDT, B11I, C awei, CiSilicon, .;8, ? alcomm T%e st d! of S,- feat res for small cell f nctionalit! co*ered (! t%e Rel+12 small cell en%ancement SIs 2e.&. d al connecti*it!4 is not in t%e scope of t%is st d! item. Justification S,- en%ancements are necessar! for t%e interopera(ilit! of t%e e<istin& feat res as well as for t%e new feat res and new deplo!ments considered in Rel.12. In Rel+11 7o(ilit! Ro( stness ,ptimisation 27R,4 %as (een en%anced to identif! for w%ic% 58 t!pe t%e fail re %as occ rred. ,t%er S,- se cases mi&%t re' ire similar en%ancements, for e<ample 7.= is not a(le to distin& is% (etween 58s t%at s pport $R8 and non+$R8 58s. )cti*e antennas allow t%e creation of m ltiple *ertical and %oriAontal (eams makin& t%e deplo!ment d!namic. T%at ena(les d!namic cell splittin&@mer&in& to %andle c%an&in& load conditions. For e<ample, (eams ma! (e steered to distri( te capacit! precisel! accordin& to act al traffic mi<, traffic location and ser demands. T%at makes acti*e antennas partic larl! &ood for s ( r(an and r ral areas, w%ere fi<ed deplo!ment of pico cells is e<pensi*e, ( t t%e network ma! face con&estion sit ations nonet%eless. S,- can a tomate t%e network deplo!ment (ased on acti*e antennas. 2Please note, t%e work addresses d!namic deplo!ment aspects related to acti*e antennas, like cell splittin&@mer&in& and related R)- si&nallin&, not specific to 31+7I7, or ot%er partic lar work item nder R)-1 responsa(ilit!.4 O !ecti"e: T%e o(Eecti*es are for .T8 and 57TS w%ere rele*antI

identif! S,- en%ancements and new feat res needed for t%e interworkin& (etween e<istin& feat res and ser t!pe differentiation (ased on of 58 confi& ration 58 capa(ilit! 58 c%aracteristic or location 2considerin& S)9 work4. identif! S,- en%ancements and new feat res needed for t%e deplo!ments (ased on acti*e antennas e*al ate t%e (enefits and impacts of t%e identified sol tions for pre+Rel+12 Small $ellsI Identif! an! &aps (etween e<istin& S,- and f rt%er en%ancements needed specificall! for Small $ells Red ce -etwork plannin& efforts for small cells 8n%ance network optimiAation efforts incl din& aspects like mo(ilit! ro( stness and load (alancin&2d plication wit% Cet-8T mo(ilit! en%ancement WI s%o ld (e a*oided4 T%e st d! of S,- feat res for small cell f nctionalit! co*ered (! t%e Rel+12 small cell en%ancement SIs 2e.&. d al connecti*it!4 is not in t%e scope of t%is st d! item.




Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C0048

St%dy on 2I&z F@@ for =-RA "nd 6-B in Re ion 1 =,@9;C0048

-i#is6 1(J0AJ201 4 (o p 40N :2perli#' R41220(1 StatusAReport R4-1(1A14 +otes R4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0AJ14 TR =-RA! 6-B (1.C4A +a e Stu"2 o# 2G:< -99 for ,TR! a#" BT* i# Re4io# 1 (1)@020101:< a#" 21?0-22001:< Ea#"s)

Supporting Companies:

Solaris 7o(ile, 8 telsat, S8S, Inmarsat, 1ISC -etwork

Wit%in 85 t%ese (ands can (e sed for terrestrial mo(ile as a complement to mo(ile satellite ser*ices. St d! addin& an F11 (and into 5TR)@8+5TR) in applica(le co ntries of Re&ion 1. St d! coe<istence and identif! re& lator! iss es. Justification Wit%in t%e 8 ropean 5nion 2854, t%e fre' enc! (ands 1 0"6+2 616 7CA and 2 176+2 266 7CA can (e sed for terrestrial mo(ile networks operated as a complement to mo(ile satellite ser*ices in t%e same fre' enc! (and. ) %i&%l! efficient spectr m tiliAation and deplo!ment ma! (e e<pected if t%e (and 1 0"6+2 616 7CA and 2 176+2 266 7CA are sed for s c% complementar! terrestrial ser*ices (eca se t%e adEacent (and 1 21 026+1 0"6 7CA and 2 116+2 176 7CA4 are sed for 57TS and ma! (e sed for .T8 wit%in certain co ntries in Re&ion 1. T%e p rpose of st d! item on F11 in t%e (ands 1 0"6+2 616 7CA and 2 176+2 266 7CA is to facilitate and %armoniAe t%e efficient se of t%ese (ands for 57TS and .T8 tec%nolo&ies in applica(le co ntries in Re&ion 1. T%e satellite component is not wit%in t%e scope of 3;PP, and will t%erefore not (e wit%in t%e scope of t%is st d!. T%e terrestrial network e' ipment will ad%ere to all 3;PP emission masks to protect adEacent (and ser*ices. It is e<pected t%at t%e impacts on t%e co+e<istence wit% adEacent (ands will (e st died d rin& t%e st d! item pro&ress. T%is st d! item, tar&eted for completion (! R)-G61, proposes st d!in& t%e implication of addin& t%e (ands 10"6+2616 7CA and 2176+2266 7CA, for se in applica(le co ntries in Re&ion 1, to t%e 3;PP specifications. T%e new St d! Item complements t%e on+&oin& st d! item FS3.T8310"6321763Borea considerin& t%e se of t%is (and for terrestrial I7T in Borea and ot%er parts of IT5 Re&ion 3, and ma! lead to a common Work Item. O !ecti"es: St d! related aspects of addin& a F11 (and into 5TR)@8+5TR) t%at co*ers t%e fre' enc! ran&e of 5.I 10"[email protected] 2176+2266 7CA in applica(le co ntries in Re&ion 1. St d! coe<istence iss es wit% adEacent (ands in applica(le co ntries in Re&ion 1 Identif! re& lator! iss es applica(le to deplo!in& t%e proposed (and in applica(le co ntries in Re&ion 1.

T%is st d! addresses onl! t%e case of a terrestrial .T8 network operatin& in t%e 7SS fre' enc! (and 1 0"6 + 2 616 7CA @ 2 176 + 2 266 7CA. Inter+operation and coe<istence (etween t%e terrestrial .T8 network part of t%e complementar! &ro nd component and t%e satellite component are not part of t%is st d!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00; 0

St%dy on ."se St"tion specific"tion str%ct%re =,@9;C00;0

:2perli#' R41220(8 StatusAReport R4-1(0;C0 +otes C4EA0 co*pleted TR =-RA! 6-B! <SR (1.C10 +a e Stu"2 o# Ease Statio# spe%ifi%atio# stru%ture

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, 1e tsc%e Telekom, C awei, )lcatel+. cent, -S-, $)TT, HT8, Sprint

St d! new =S spec str ct re to a*oid d plicate spec work for new RF feat res 2in case of identical feat res amon& different R)Ts4 and to a*oid f t re disc ssions on %ow to implement t%e new feat res in sin&le+R)T and@or m lti+ R)Ts Justification 7an! of t%e new RF feat res introd ced and st died for R)-# specifications are not R)T+specific, ( t often concern 5TR), 8+5TR) and also m lti+R)T specifications incl din& ;S7@81;8. 8<amples are $arrier )&&re&ation, non+ conti& o s spectr m operation, m lti(and capa(ilit!, ))S, etc. T%is means t%at almost identical RF feat res are often implemented in different RF specifications, wit%in t%e same or different work items. T%is d plication not onl! creates additional work and nnecessar! disc ssions on %ow to implement new RF feat res, ( t in addition often creates nmoti*ated differences (etween t%e specifications and e*en misali&nment and conflicts (etween t%e RF re' irements across t%e specifications. T%e pro(lems will (e f rt%er accent ated as more feat res are added and t%e specifications (ecome more comple<. T%ere is a need to st d! w%et%er t%e pro(lems can (e a*oided for f t re specification releases. O !ecti"e: to in*esti&ate t%e feasi(ilit! of introd cin& a new =S specification str ct re, in order to a*oid d plicate specification work for new RF feat res 2in case of identical feat res amon& different R)Ts4 and to a*oid f t re disc ssions re&ardin& %ow to implement t%e new feat res in sin&le+R)T and@or m lti+R)T specifications. For t%e new possi(le specification str ct res, t%e followin& areas s%o ld (e in*esti&ated, considerin& t%at no c%an&e of e<istin& re' irements as a conse' ence of t%e new possi(le =S specification str ct re is ass medI 1. 2. 3. #. 9. Cow f t re RF feat res can (e incorporated across all R)Ts, wit% red ced effort and risk of specification conflicts, considerin& t%e possi(le differences in re' irements amon& different R)Ts Cow to declare conformance for =S in t%e new specification str ct re Feasi(ilit! of compliance of selected f t re RF feat re2s4 (! le&ac! =S t%at conforms to specifications of pre*io s releases Cow to accommodate re& lator! references to t%e new =S specification str ct re for sin&le+R)T and m lti+ R)T =ase Stations Cow to & arantee t%at a =S compliant to t%e new =S specification str ct re, for a re' irement t%at is taken from t%e le&ac! str ct re, will compl! to t%at re' irement for eac% applica(le R)T as specified in t%e le&ac! str ct re Cow to mi&rate t%e re' irements in t%e present =S specification str ct re 2incl din& performance re' irements4 into a new specification str ct re




Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)


St%dy on RAN "spects of <"c#ine -ype "nd ot#er *o+ile d"t" "pplic"tions Co**%nic"tions en#"nce*ents =,@9;800(2
+a e Stu"2 o# R!+ aspe%ts of 1a%6i#e T2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s e#6a#%e e#ts :2perli#' R41(0(8A StatusAReport R4-1(10C1 +otes R4EA1 co*pleted TR =-RA! 6-B (1.CA8

,39 ;800( 2

Supporting Companies: HT8, )lcatel+. cent , )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, $%ina 7o(ile, $%ina Telecom, $%ina 5nicom, $)TR, $)TT, 8ricsson, Intel, Interdi&ital, BT $orporation, .; 8lectronics Inc., ;eneral 1!namics =road(and, 7ediatek, -okia, -S-, ,ran&e, ? alcomm Incorporated, Renesas, Researc% in 7otion, Son!, ST+ 8ricsson, Telefonica, Telecom Italia, TeliaSonera, >eriAon, >odafone
Relate" &or' 3te (s) (if a#2) ,39 Title ;A002 <"c#ine -ype "nd ot#er *o+ile d"t" "pplic"tions Co**%nic"tions Bn#"nce*ents 2 '<-Ce) ;A012 ..1: S*"ll @"t" "nd @e$ice -ri erin Bn#"nce*ents '<-Ce-S@@-B) 2 ;A0(2 ..(: =B 4ower Cons%*ptions 5pti*iz"tions '<-Ce-=B4C54) 2 Relatio#s6ip Rel-12 Fe"t%re

Justification S)2 %as a&reed a new Rel+12 feat re le*el 2 m(rella4 WI1 on N7ac%ine+T!pe and ot%er mo(ile data applications $omm nications 8n%ancementsO and new ( ildin& (lock WI1s to pro*ide sta&e+2 specification for t%e sta&e+1 Ser*ice Re' irements for 7ac%ine T!pe $omm nications defined in TS 22.36" and TS 22.161 t%at were not addressed in Rel+ 11 d e to lack of time. $onsiderin& t%at t%e possi(le en%ancements related to t%e re' irements defined in TS 22.36" for 7T$ ma! appl! for a wider ran&e of mo(ile data applications, t%e in*esti&ated sol tions s%o ld not (e restricted onl! to 7T$ applications ( t s%o ld (e applica(le to ot%er applications as well. Some potential R)- impacts %a*e (een alread! identified in t%e S)2 WI1s, and specificall! for t%e ( ildin& (lock WI1s on Small 1ata and 1e*ice Tri&&erin& 8n%ancements 2S11T84 and 58 Power $ons mptions ,ptimiAations 258P$,P4. ) correspondin& acti*it! is t%en needed in R)- to e*al ate t%e ser*ice re' irements and t%e detailed impact on R)- proced res of t%e %i&% le*el sol tions addressed (! S)2 and to pro*ide R)- feed(ack to S)2 (efore a final decision is taken. O !ecti"e: to identif! and e*al ate mec%anisms t%at en%ance t%e a(ilit! of t%e R)- to %andle traffic profiles comprisin& small data transfers &enerated (! (ot% mac%ine+t!pe and non+mac%ine+t!pe de*ices and applications. T%e st d! item will also in*esti&ate and e*al ate t%e R)-+impactin& sol tions t%at %a*e (een proposed (! S)2 to address t%e o(Eecti*es o tlined in t%e S11T8 and 58P$,P = ildin& =locks of t%e S)2 work item on 7ac%ine T!pe and ot%er mo(ile data applications $omm nications 8n%ancements. 8n%ancements in t%e followin& areas will (e in*esti&ated in t%e conte<t of impro*in& (ot% si&nallin& efficienc! and 58 power cons mption in t%e presence of traffic in*ol*in& small data transfers 2wit% inter+arri*al time from se*eral seconds to man! %o rs4I + Si&nallin& ,*er%ead Red ctionI o Impro*ed RR$ connection mana&ement 2esta(lis%ment, reesta(lis%ment, release4 as well as potential mec%anisms to s pport s%ort+li*ed connections or connectionless approac%es o Impro*ed %andlin& of small data d rin& connected mode o )ssociated radio and network 2S1)P@R)-)P4 control plane si&nallin& optimisations for t%e a(o*e proced res 58 Power $ons mptionI o Sol tions to lower 58 power cons mption 2as per t%e ser*ice re' irements defined cla se in cla se 7.1.1 of TS 22.36" and cla se #.3.1 of TS 22.1614.

Proposals s%o ld (e co+ordinated wit% on+&oin& acti*ities related to t%e S)2 WI1 on 7T$e and nnecessar! d plication@o*erlap s%all (e a*oided.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

R)-2 s%o ld pro*ide feed(ack to S)2 identified sol tions wit% R)- impact (! t%e re' ired timeframe. 8n%ancements s%all (e considered for (ot% 5TR)- and 8+5TR)-. Ser"ice Aspects: will (e considered as part of t%e correspondin& S) Work Item. Security Aspects: will (e considered as part of t%e correspondin& S) Work Item.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;10024 ;C00(8 A2004A ;C0040 ;C004( A0001C A10021

=-RA St%dies
+a e Stu"2 o# ,1TS 6etero4e#eous #etwor's Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6 Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6 52 -ilteri#4 Stu"2 o# 9e"i%ate" (6a##el (9(:) e#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS Stu"2 o# -urt6er *#6a#%e" ,pli#' (*,B) e#6a#%e e#ts Stu"2 o# :+E * er4e#%2 &ar#i#4 !rea for ,TR! Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" Eroa"%ast of S2ste 3#for atio# Resour%e R1!R2!R( R1!R4 R1 R1 R2!R1!R( R( R2!R1 &3Arapporteur &%"wei C#in" =nico* C#in" =nico* D%"lco** Bricsson Alc"tel-6%cent! ,p."ccess Bricsson TR 2;.C00 2;.101 2;.101 2;.102 2;.100 2;.10( 2;.104



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;10024

St%dy on =<-S &etero eneo%s Networ3s =,@9;10024

:2perli#' R4-1214(A StatusAReport R4-1(1A0A +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TR =-RA 2;.C00 +a e Stu"2 o# ,1TS 6etero4e#eous #etwor's

Supporting Companies: ,ran&e, Telefonica, -SJustification

C awei, CiSilicon, ? alcomm, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, Telecom Italia, Teliasonera,

7o(ile data traffic is &rowin& ' ickl! and will contin e to &row d e to t%e increasin& penetration of smart p%ones and t%e increasin& se of data and *ideo ser*ices. To meet t%ese re' irements, t%e deplo!ment of small cells 2micro, pico4 is identified as a powerf l tool to ' ickl! e<pand t%e network capacit! in an efficient wa! and wit% a relati*el! low cost. St d!in& Cetero&eneo s -etworks 2Cetnet4 for 57TS, and foc sin& on t%e interaction (etween macro and small cells, is cr cial for a s ccessf l small cell deplo!ment. 8n%ancements for Cetero&eneo s -etworks were st died in .T8 , foc sin& on performance e*al ation, interference mana&ement and mo(ilit! en%ancement. T%is st d! item %as t%e o(Eecti*e to perform similar st dies for 57TS to identif! t%e iss es and potential sol tions. =ot% sol tions t%at are possi(le wit%in e<istin&s, as well as new or en%anced f nctionalit! can (e incl ded. T%e st dies s%o ld consider interopera(ilit! (etween small cells and t%e macro la!er of different *endors. O !ecti"e: 1efine deplo!ment scenarios and sim lation ass mptions for %etero&eneo s networks In*esti&ate plink and downlink interference iss es and sol tions for co+c%annel deplo!ment of macro and small cells o identif! small cell co*era&e iss es and potential sol tions o identif! t%e plink interference iss es (etween macro cell and small cell and potential miti&ation tec%ni' es o identif! t%e downlink interference iss es (etween macro cell and small cell and potential miti&ation tec%ni' es o In*esti&ate plink and downlink im(alance iss es and sol tions for co+c%annel deplo!ment of macro and small cells In*esti&ate ran&e e<pansion tec%ni' es wit% m ltiflow o e*al ate s!stem performance (enefits of ran&e e<pansion in different m lti+flow confi& rations 2incl din& m lti+carrier m lti+flow confi& rations4 o*er sol tions possi(le wit% Rel+11 and earlier tec%ni' es o in*esti&ate plink and downlink im(alance effects to plink and downlink performance d e to ran&e e<pansion and identif! potential miti&ation tec%ni' es In*esti&ate mo(ilit! iss es, performance impacts and possi(le optimiAations for (ot% co+c%annel and dedicated fre' enc! deplo!ments of macro and small cells o In*esti&ate impro*ements to 58 disco*er! and identification of small cells o in*esti&ate 58 speed (ased mo(ilit! sol tions o in*esti&ate t%e mo(ilit! iss es of mass small cell deplo!ment2e.&. 58 meas rement re' irements, limited nei&%(o r cell list siAe, PS$ conf sion4 and possi(le sol tions o identif! t%e re' irements and potential sol tions of mo(ilit! en%ancement for m lti+flow deplo!ments, incl din& m lti+carrier m lti+flow In*esti&ate iss es and sol tions in s%ared cells scenarios, w%ere s%ared cell refers to one cell o*er se*eral transmission points, e.&. spatiall! separated antennas. T%e st d! s%all incl de considerations to minimiAe t%e impact on p%!sical la!er and le&ac! terminals



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C00(8

St%dy on sc"l"+le =<-S F@@ +"ndwidt# =,@9;C00(8

:2perli#' R4-1(0221 StatusAReport R4-1(20(; +otes R4EA2 co*pleted TR 2;.101 +a e Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6

Supporting Companies: Justification

$%ina 5nicom, C awei, Cisilicon, ? alcomm, Telefonica, 8ricsson, ST+8ricsson

In 57TS F11, onl! 97CA c%annel (andwidt% %as (een defined. Cowe*er, in man! cases t%e a*aila(le fre' enc! reso rces owned (! operators worldwide cannot accommodate a 97CA 57TS F11 or ma! res lt in s (optimal spectr m sa&e w%en t%e a*aila(le conti& o s spectr m is less t%an 9 7CA or not a m ltiple of 97CA, especiall! for t%e scenarios t%at t%e fre' enc! reso rces are comin& from displaced@re+farmed le&ac! s!stems. To allow a more efficient spectr m allocation and sa&e for 57TS F11, a s ita(le option wo ld (e to s pport scala(le c%annel (andwidt%. S pport of scala(le (andwidt%s will ena(le 57TS F11 in all t%ose constrained spectr m scenarios w%ere t%e a*aila(le conti& o s spectr m is less t%an 9 7CA or not a m ltiple of 97CA, eit%er as standalone sin&le+ carrier 57TS F11 or as m lti+carrier 57TS F11. O !ecti"e: Identif! t%e tar&et scenarios for scala(le (andwidt% s pport in 57TS, incl din& s ita(le (ands, c%annel (andwidt%s 2less t%an 97CA4, m lti+carrier com(inations, t!pe of ser*ices to (e s pported 2e.&. *oice, *oice and data, data onl!4 o Identif! sin&le carrier deplo!ment scenarios o Identif! m ltiple carrier deplo!ment scenarios o Identif! applica(le (andwidt% options for a*aila(le c%annel (andwidt% in different tar&et scenarios Identif! and e*al ate t%e (enefits and tec%nical comple<it! of candidate sol tions. For e<ample, followin& sol tions co ld (e considered o sol tions t%at re se 57TS F11 radio access protocols and proced res as m c% as possi(le o sol tions wit% li&%t en%anced secondar! carriers wit% scala(le (andwidt% 2e.&. data+onl!, cross carrier sc%ed lin&, o*er%ead red ction, separated data@control si&nallin&4 W%en e*al atin& candidate sol tions, t%e followin& aspects s%o ld (e considered o Spectral efficienc!, incl din& comparison relati*e to 9 7CA 57TS (andwidt% o .ink efficienc!, e.&. for *oice and@or ot%er tar&et ser*ices o 8nd ser performance, incl din& latenc!, a*era&e and cell+ed&e t%ro &%p t )nal!Ae impacts on network side, 58 side and specifications.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

2(.2A St%dy on Sc"l"+le =<-S F@@ +"ndwidt# +y Filterin =,@9A2004A

,39 A2004A

-i#is6 0AJ0(J2014 (o p 0N :2perli#' R4-1(2122 TR 2;.101

+a e Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6 52 -ilteri#4

Supporting Companies: $%ina 5nicom, -S-, -okia, ? alcomm Inc., SFR, Telefonica, ?atar Telecom 2?T8.4, HT8, Intel, C awei, 7TB, 8ricsson, )lcatel . cent, )lcatel . cent S%an&%ai =ell, >odafone Follow+ p SI of Rel+12 St d! on scala(le 57TS F11 (andwidt% 2FS35TR)3S$).4. T%e res lt of t%is st d! will (e capt red in t%e same TR 29.761. Justification 3;PP R)- %as st died Scala(le =andwidt% 57TS as a sol tion for deplo!ment scenarios w%ere narrow+(and .T8 is not seen as an option and t%ere is no s fficient (and a*aila(le for 9 7CA 57Ts F11 carrier, especiall! in cases w%en mi&ratin& spectr m awa! from 2; se. It is proposed to f rt%er st d! Scala(le =andwidt% 57TS (! Filterin&. O !ecti"e: 8*al ate mec%anisms t%at ena(le t%e Scala(le =andwidt% 57TS (! Filterin& (ased on narrow+(and filter o*er 3."# 7cps == si&nal. Potential optimiAations to miti&ate ISI and ot%er e<pected performance de&radations associated wit% filterin& s%o ld (e st died 2e.&. settin& e*er! second c%ip to Aero to miti&ate ISI for 2.97CA (andwidt%4. T%e st d! will foc s on mec%anisms w%ic% do not impact t%e c%ip (it rate and TTI len&t%. T%e followin& scenarios and re' irements s%o ld (e tar&etedI
1o"e of Operatio# Sta#"alo#e 1.2;<&z 1ulti-%arrier (!"Ka%e#t) ; <&z X 2.; <&z ;<&z X 1.2; <&z (S%ale") Ea#"wi"t6 2.;<&z ReFuire e#ts C"n s%pport d"t" "nd $oice @"t" only Ea#"s ."nd :,,, '800 <&z)0 ."nd , '2.1 I&z) ."nd :,,, '800 <&z)0 ."nd , '2.1 I&z) ."nd :,,, '800 <&z)0 ."nd , '2.1 I&z)


,t%er (ands@confi& rations ma! (e considered and added later, (ased on interest.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 0

St%dy on @edic"ted C#"nnel '@C&) en#"nce*ents for =<-S =,@9;C0040

:2perli#' R41(021A StatusAReport R4-1(101( +otes R4EA1 co*pleted TR 2;.102 +a e Stu"2 o# 9e"i%ate" (6a##el (9(:) e#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS

Supporting Companies: $% n&%wa Telecom Justification

? alcomm, Telefonica, $%ina 5nicom, HT8, C awei, 8ricsson, 7ediaTek, 7Star,

In t%e recent releases 3;PP %as foc sed on en%ancin& t%e efficienc! of %i&% speed c%annels leadin& to si&nificant network data capacit! &ain. It is also widel! (eneficial for operators to en%ance t%e link efficienc! of 1$C for certain ser*ices leadin& to a f rt%er impro*ement in network data capacit!. For e<ample t%e 1$C is still a *er! attracti*e option to ser*e $S *oice. T%e a(ilit! to confi& re soft %ando*er on (ot% downlink and plink impro*es t%e relia(ilit! of si&nalin& and *oice deli*er! at cell ed&e, and minimiAes call drop ratio. F rt%ermore, a s perior plink link ( d&et can (e ac%ie*ed for $S *oice ser*ices w%en mapped on 26ms TTI 1$C. In t%is st d! we propose to in*esti&ate en%ancements to t%e efficienc! of 1$C c%annels on (ot% t%e plink and downlink. T%ese en%ancements co ld pro*ide si&nificant data t%ro &%p t &ains in scenarios in*ol*in& a mi< of *oice and data transfer w%en $S *oice is carried o*er 1$C. F rt%ermore, t%ese en%ancements co ld si&nificantl! increase t%e 58 (atter! life or talk time as well. O !ecti"es: In*esti&ate mec%anisms to en%ance t%e efficienc! of t%e dedicated c%annel, for e<ample o remo*al of 1. dedicated pilot (its o introd ction of frame earl! termination sc%emes on (ot% 5. and 1. o optimiAation of power control mec%anism o optimiAation of soft %ando*er mec%anism to facilitate t%e earl! termination sc%emes. In*esti&ate mec%anisms to en%ance t%e 58 power cons mption efficienc! and s!stem capacit! impro*ements of t%e dedicated c%annel, for e<ample o Time di*ision m ltiple<in& of m ltiple sers on a sin&le c%anneliAation code o 1. 1$C 1R: and 5. 1$C 1T: o Interaction of t%e frame earl! termination sc%emes wit% ot%er power sa*in&s ena(lin& feat res s c% as $P$ in a m lti+R)= call Identif! t%e specification and implementation impacts affectin& 58 and 5TR)-

T%e st d! s%o ld anal!Ae performance (enefits wit% re&ard to e<istin& sol tions, e.&. *oice o*er 1$C and *oice o*er CSP). If d rin& t%e st d!, possi(le (ottle+necks in *oice o*er CSP) are identified, sol tions eliminatin& s c% (ottle+ necks co ld (e considered.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;C004 (

St%dy on F%rt#er Bn#"nced =plin3 'B=6) en#"nce*ents =,@9;C004(

:2perli#' R41(0(41 StatusAReport R4-1(1A0C +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2;.100$100 for Appro$"l TR 2;.100 +a e Stu"2 o# -urt6er *#6a#%e" ,pli#' (*,B) e#6a#%e e#ts

Supporting Companies: 7otion, ? alcomm

8ricsson, ST+8ricsson, >odafone, -S-, C awei, CiSilicon, $%ina 5nicom, Researc% in

Identif! potential sol tions to increase t%e plink capacit!, co*era&e and end+ ser performance 2e.&. latenc!, ac%ie*a(le rates, etc.4 Justification In t%e past few !ears, a considera(le increase in n m(er of sers as well as offered traffic per ser %as (een e<perienced in CSP) networks, (ot% in t%e downlink and in t%e plink. In response to t%is, se*eral feat res %a*e (een standardiAed in 3;PP. T%ese incl de m lti+carrier CSP), downlink and plink $8..3F)$C state en%ancements, and introd ction of downlink and plink 7I7,. Cowe*er, m c% of t%e foc s %as (een on impro*in& downlink performance and f rt%er en%ancements are needed for t%e plink to %andle increasin& traffic load as well as new traffic t!pes. In addition to act al 8+1$C en%ancements, one additional mec%anism to impro*e plink performance wo ld (e compress plink ser plane data (etween t%e 58 and t%e R)-. For e<ample, CTTP traffic wo ld (e *er! s ita(le for data compression. O !ecti"e: to identif! potential tec%nical sol tions for increasin& t%e plink capacit!, co*era&e and end ser performance 2e.&. latenc!, ac%ie*a(le rates, etc.4. T%e impro*ements s%o ld address followin& scenarios + + Impro*ements to plink ser plane cell capacit! wit% %i&% n m(er of sers 2%i&% priorit!4. Impro*ements to plink co*era&e and latenc! 2lower priorit!4.

$ rrentl! identified areas incl deI 14 8na(lin& %i&% ser (itrates in a mi<ed+traffic scenario (! means of, e.&., a more efficient met%od of confinin& %i&%+ RoT operation to dedicated secondar! carriers 24 Rate )daptation to s pport impro*ed power and rate control for %i&% rates 34 Impro*ements to %andlin& of d!namic traffic on 85., e.&. more efficient &rant %andlin&, , impro*ements to t%e %andlin& of sc%ed led and non+sc%ed led data and control transmissions d rin& ( rst! traffic, etc. #4 Impro*ements to 85. co*era&e w%en sin& sin&le R)= as well as *ario s m lti+R)= com(inations. 94 Impro*ements to c rrent access control mec%anism to pro*ide efficient approac% for 5TR)- in case of plink o*erload. 64 Red ce 5. control c%annel o*er%ead for CSP) operation. 74 7ec%anisms to perform 5. data compression (etween t%e 58 and t%e R)] ] 8*al ate compression &ains and performance (enefits for different t!pes of smartp%one traffic. )t least 5. capacit!, si&nallin& load, 58 (atter! and latenc! s%o ld (e considered. 7ec%anisms to selecti*el! ena(le@disa(le data compression w%en traffic is compressi(le@incompressi(le.

"4 .ow+comple<it! plink load (alancin& sol tions, e.&. a fast plink carrier switc%in& in $ell31$C state, especiall! for confi& rations w%ere t%e downlink is confi& red in m lticarrier operation w%ile t%e plink is in sin&le carrier



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A0001 C

St%dy on &N. B*er ency 2"rnin Are" for =-RA =,@9A0001C

-i#is6 0AJ0(J201 4 (o p A0N :2perli#' R41(12;C StatusAReport R4-1(1A08 +otes R4EA1 %pd"ted 2,@ R41(0C;8FGR4-1(12;C TR 2;.10( +a e Stu"2 o# :+E * er4e#%2 &ar#i#4 !rea for ,TR!

Supporting Companies: ,ne2man!, $isco Justification

)lcatel+. cent, Ip.access, )lcatel+. cent S%an&%ai =ell, -8$, 5(i' is!s, Citac%i, )TDT,

)t present $ell =roadcast is sed for 8TWS@$7)S@PWS area warnin& s!stems. For t%e macro network t%is presents little pro(lem, despite t%e fact t%at a warnin& area ma! contain a lar&e n m(er of cells in a macro network,. 7oreo*er t%e radio access parameters (roadcast o*er t%e air in a 3; macro network %a*e traditionall! (een planned (efore deplo!ment and c%an&e onl! rarel!. T%e same as a(o*e is also applica(le for deplo!ments wit% C-=s, and also in t%is deplo!ment it is possi(le to plan t%at t%e radio access parameters (roadcasted o*er t%e air. T%is se of t%e 8mer&enc! )rea I1 list concept %as a n m(er of (enefits to operators t%at are not c rrentl! present in 3;, incl din&I 1. 2. T%e address list siAe ma! (e controlled (! se of 8mer&enc! )rea I1s T%e 8mer&enc! )rea I1 allows t%e &ro pin& of cells ot%er t%an (! T)I

Increased %armonisation (etween .T8 and 3; wo ld also allow an operator to re+ se t%eir 8mer&enc! )rea I1 list across R)Ts, w%ic% is partic larl! (eneficial in t%e case of co+located cell sites or cell s pportin& m lti+R)T operation. O !ecti"e: to st d! sol tions for %andlin& 8mer&enc! Warnin&s for C-=s, s c% as introd ction of a 8mer&enc! )rea I1 list similar to .T8. St d! t%e impact of introd ction of proposed sol tions, incl din& t%e impacts on transport links 2 messa&e siAe and ' antit!4 alon& (ot% directions of t%e si&nallin& c%ain and liaise wit% ot%er W;s to &et a compre%ensi*e pict re of proposed sol tions.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 A1002 1

St%dy on on Bn#"nced .ro"dc"st of Syste* ,nfor*"tion =,@9A10021

:2perli#' R41(1(CA StatusAReport R4-1(1A10 +otes R4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2;.104$100 for ,nfor*"tion H Appro$"l. TR 2;.104 +a e Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" Eroa"%ast of S2ste 3#for atio#

Supporting Companies:

8ricsson, ? alcomm, e)ccess, Soft(ank, Son!.

St d! need to add capacit! to present SI =roadcast mec%anism nc%an&ed since R00 Justification St d! need to add capacit! to present SI =roadcast mec%anism nc%an&ed since R00. SI carries (asic information for 58 to se in Idle D $onnected 7ode. Information carried in SI %as increased considera(l! so t%at =$C capacit! is arri*in& to its limits. T%e e<istin& (roadcast of s!stem information mec%anism was introd ced in 3;PP in R00 and %as not (een c%an&ed since t%en. S!stem information t!picall! carries (asic information for t%e 58 to se in Idle 7ode and in $onnected 7ode. 1 rin& t%e different releases, t%e amo nt of information carried in s!stem information %as increased considera(l!. For e<ample, some of t%e Rel+7, Rel+", and Re+11 feat res %a*e introd ced a lar&e amo nt of information in s!stem information. )s a res lt of new CSP) f nctionalit! d rin& t%e past R)- releases t%e a*aila(le =$C capacit! is arri*in& to its limits. $ rrentl! t%e onl! wa! to fit new s!stem information on t%e (roadcast c%annel is to sc%ed le t%e transmission of e<istin& information less often. T%is res lts in lon&er times for t%e 58 to ac' ire t%e necessar! SI=s, w%ic% co ld increase t%e call set p time and p+switc% times (etween different states in $onnected 7ode. It will also increase o ta&e times at inter+R)T and Inter+fre' enc! cell reselection. $onsiderin& t%at 58s will spend more time in 5R)3P$C, $8..3P$C and $8..3F)$C states in t%e f t re, it is e<tremel! important to not de&rade t%e c rrent performance of t%ese states. O !ecti"e: + + + St d! t%e need to introd ce mec%anisms to pro*ide additional (roadcast capacit! considerin&I

t%e c rrentl! e<istin& deplo!ments and t%eir f t re e*ol tions t%e (roadcast load e<pected from different releases, incl din& Rel+11 and estimate for Rel+12 t%e impact on s!stem performance and end+ ser e<perience in case of increased s!stem information sc%ed lin& latenc!

T%e st d! s%o ld foc s on identif!in& t%e need for additional (roadcast capacit!, and s%o ld not work on t%e tec%nical sol tions for en%ancin& t%e (roadcast capacit!. Re sin& some of t%e c rrent mec%anisms s%o ld also (e considered in order to red ce comple<it!.



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 0 0 4800( 0 ;000( 1 ;2002 1 ;(004 ( ;;002 4 ;;002 ; ;A001 8 ;1002 1 ;C00A 0 ;C00A 1 ;8004 0 ;8004 2 ;1002 C ;1002 8 ;8004 1 0 ;0002 C ;1004 8 ;2002 8 ;(004 2 ;A002 0

+a e Release 12 -eatures Sta4e 1 - O+BC -eatures S3PTO Servi%e (o#ti#uit2 of 3P 9ata Sessio# 3#terwor'i#4 5etwee# 1o5ile Operators usi#4 t6e *volve" Pa%'et S2ste 31S +etwor'-3#"epe#"e#t Pu5li% ,ser 3"e#tities Servi%e a#" 1e"ia Rea%6a5ilit2 for ,sers over Restri%tive -irewalls !"va#%e" 3P 3#ter%o##e%tio# of Servi%es (3P7S) for #atio#al i#ter%o##e%t 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's *Dpli%it (o u#i%atio# Tra#sfer Eli#" (*(T Eli#") servi%e i#tera%tio#s a#" 9ata !ppli%atio# Provi"ers !%ro#2 S,4-59SC <5SA4 ,N,4=, S<=RFs ,4>SNASS59,nt BC-. ,<SS"t SBD9FA u#i%atio#s 6"n ,nfo BS,@ o"e 4<5C ,<S9Re Con a#a4e e#t =4C5N ASAC 6,<5NB54,,S S<S<, ,<S9-B6B4 *#a5lers for BT* ICSB96-B Resour%e S4!C4!R4!I4 S4!C4 S1 S1!S2 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1!S2!C1!C4 S1!S2 S1 S4!C4!R4 S2!C4!C1!R( S2!C1 S2!C1!C4 S1!C1!C(!C4 S1!S2!S( &3Arapporteur :od"fone Cisco :od"fone :od"fone ?4N ,nter@i it"l 5r"n e ?4N 5r"n e 5r"n e -eleco* ,t"li" N-- @5C5<5 C#in" <o+ile ?@@, N-- @5C5<5 &%"wei 6I Blectronics NSN 5r"n e NSN

31S a%%ess via 9i4ital Vi"eo Eroa"%ast - Retur# (6a##el via Satellite (9VE-R(S2) SeFue#tial -leDi5le !lerti#4 Ba#4ua4e a#" 1o"alit2 3#for atio# for %o * er4e#%2 Sessio# 3"e#tifi%atio# Preve#tio# of 1o5ile-Ori4i#ati#4 si4#alli#4 a#"=or "ata traffi% of ,* i# (o##e%te" 9elete" - 31S Re4istratio# (o#trol 9elete" - ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio#

9elete" - !ppli%atio# a#" Servi%e !%%ess (o#trol S!1=S!2 -eatures B3P! 1o5ilit2 a#" S3PTO at t6e Bo%al +etwor' Operator Poli%ies for 3P 3#terfa%e Sele%tio# S6ort 1essa4e Servi%e (S1S) su5 it a#" "eliver2 wit6out 1S3S9+ i# 31S 31S-5ase" Teleprese#%e Group (o u#i%atio# S2ste


;A002 2 ;A002 4 ;A002 ; ;A002 A ;C00; 8 ;C00A 2 ;C00A ( ;800( 8 A100( C A100( 8 A1004 0 A200A 1 ;A002 C ;100; 4 ;200( 1 ;A00( 0 ;100( 2 ;C00A 4 A200A ; 4100( 0 ;A004 0 ;100( ( ;C00A ; ;C00A A ;C00A 1 1a%6i#e-T2pe a#" ot6er o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s e#6a#%e e#ts <-Ce 44C .%s-, 26AN9NS 4roSe ,<S92e+R-C =<5NC A.C eS"<5I 25R< NB-65C9-2AN CN59=6, SBC12 42S9Sec t6e 5rowser (Sta4e 2) 2e+9I.A e<B@,ASBC 6,12 -=RAN S-AS B:S9codec C:5 &B:C <(@:9Bxt ,<S9S@B AR-96-B

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

S2!S1!S(!C1!C4!CA!R2!R ( S2!S1!S;!C(!C1!C4 S2!S1!C1!C( S2!S1!S(!C1 S1!S2!S( S1!S2!S( S2!C( S2!S;!C( S2!C1!C4 S2!C1 S2!C(!C1!C4 S2 S( S(!S1 S( S(!C4!C1!C(!,B-F S( S(!C1 S( S4!S1 S4!C4!C1!C( S4 S4 S4 S4 ,ntel &%"wei @e%tsc#e -ele3o* ,ntel D%"lco** C#in" <o+ile M-B Allot Co**%nic"tions M-B .l"c3.erry Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent S--Bricsson No3i" :od"fone 4,@S! Alc"tel-6%cent Ac*e 4"c3et :od"fone &%"wei Bricsson D%"lco** &%"wei ,ntel D%"lco**

Poli%2 a#" (6ar4i#4 (o#trol for supporti#4 fiDe" 5roa"5a#" a%%ess #etwor's 31S Eusi#ess Tru#'i#4 for 3P-PE7 i# Stati% 1o"e of Operatio# &B!+ +etwor' Sele%tio# for 3GPP Ter i#als ProDi it2-5ase" Servi%es &e5 Real Ti e (o u#i%atio# a%%ess to 31S

,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol P(( e#6a#%e e#t !ppli%atio# Ease" (6ar4i#4 *#6a#%e" S2a 1o5ilit2 Over truste" &B!+ a%%ess to *P( Opti i<e" Offloa"i#4 to &B!+ i# 3GPP-R!T 1o5ilit2 +etwor'-provi"e" Bo%atio# i#for atio# for 31S Truste" &B!+ !%%ess +etwor' (T&!+) %ase (ore +etwor' Overloa" - ,ser Bo%atio# 3#for atio# reporti#4 i prove e#t Rel-12 Se%urit2 s all *#6a#%e e#ts Se%urit2 aspe%ts of Pu5li% &ar#i#4 S2ste Se%urit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for usa4e of Ge#eri% Eootstrappi#4 !r%6ite%ture (GE!) fro *Dte#"e" 31S e"ia pla#e se%urit2 features

Bawful 3#ter%eptio# i# t6e 3GPP Rel-12 Tu##elli#4 of ,* Servi%es over Restri%tive !%%ess +etwor's (Sta4e 2=3) Spe%ifi%atio# of t6e T,!0 !l4orit6 (o"e% for *#6a#%e" Voi%e Servi%es (oor"i#atio# of Vi"eo Orie#tatio# :i46 *ffi%ie#%2 Vi"eo (o"i#4 1o5ile stereos%opi% 39 servi%es eDte#sio#s 31S-5ase" Strea i#4 a#" 9ow#loa" 9eliver2 *#6a#%e e#ts !%ousti% ReFuire e#ts a#" Test et6o"s for 31S-5ase" %o#versatio#al spee%6 servi%es over BT* Set


;8004 ( ;8004 4 A200A A ;A00( 1 ;100( 1 ;(001 C ;1000 C ;C000 8 ;C001 2 ;C001 ( ;C001 A ;C002 0 ;C002 ( ;C002 4 ;8000 8 ;8001 2 ;8001 4 A0000 8 A0001 0 A1000 2 A1000 4 A1000 ; A1000 C A2000 4 A2000 A 1E1S 3 prove e#ts *#"-to-*#" 1ulti e"ia Telep6o#2 Servi%e for 31S (1TS3) eDte#sio#s Vi"eo (o"i#4 *#6a#%e e#ts i# 31S 1essa4i#4 a#" Prese#%e Rel-12 Operatio#s> !" i#istratio#> 1ai#te#a#%e a#" Provisio#i#4 (O!1;P) Rel-12 (6ar4i#4 31S * er4e#%2 PS!P (all5a%' (Sta4e 3) 3#terwor'i#4 5etwee# a PB1+ wit6 &B!+ to a%%ess t6e *P( a#" a P9+ (Sta4e 3) Reporti#4 *#6a#%e e#ts i# &ar#i#4 1essa4e 9eliver2 (Sta4e 2=3) Si#4le Ra"io Voi%e (all (o#ti#uit2 (SRV(() 5efore ri#4i#4 (Sta4e 3) 31S Sta4e 3 3*T- Proto%ol !li4# e#t - P6ase 8 S!* Proto%ol 9evelop e#t - P6ase 3 31-SS- !ppli%atio# Server Servi%e 9ata 9es%riptio#s (Sta4e 2=3) 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+ a#" S1S %e#tral fu#%tio#s (Sta4e 2=3) 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+-G1B( (Sta4e 3) 31S i pa%ts o# ,3(( !ppli%atio# !spe%ts (Sta4e 3) e1E1S restoratio# pro%e"ures 9ual Ra"io V(( e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 2=3) (T aspe%ts of Si4#alli#4 of 3 a4e Si<e (Sta4e 2=3) 31S (e#trali<e" Servi%es (3(S) 3#ter&or'i#4 *#6a#%e e#t i# 1o5ile Swit%6i#4 (e#ter Server (1S(-S) GPRS Tu##elli#4 Proto%ol for t6e (o#trol pla#e (GTP-() Overloa" (o#trol 1e%6a#is s ProD2 (all Sessio# (o#trol -u#%tio# (P-(S(-) restoratio# e#6a#%e e#ts Support of RTP = RT(P ,p"ati#4 31S to %o#for ultipleDi#4 (si4#alli#4) i# 31S to R-( 8885 (Sta4e 3) <, B2B<-S, :CB,<4 5A<12 C&12 B<C94C SABS926AN9B4C9intw3 RB492<@ +SR:CC ,<S4rotocA SABS( ,<S9SSF@@ @i"9SISN9S<S @i"9SISN9I<6C ,<S9=ApAs e<.<S9Rest e@R:CC S,S9C,CS9,2B I5C<e 4CSCF9RBS R-C49<=> =4AAA; ,[email protected] S,NB

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

S4 S4!C(!C1!C4 S4 S; S; C1!C(!,B-F C( C1!C4!R( C1!C(!R; C1!C(!,B-F C1 C4!C1 C4!C1 C4 CA C4!C( S2!C1!C( C4!C1!C( C( C4 C4 C4!C1!C( C1!C( C1!C( C1 Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson &%"wei one2*"ny N-- @5C5<5 Alc"tel-6%cent ,nter@i it"l &%"wei Alc"tel-6%cent Cisco Iiesec3e H @e$rient Alc"tel-6%cent Bricsson Bricsson 5r"n e Cisco Bricsson Alc"tel-6%cent .l"c3.erry Bricsson &%"wei

31S Operator 9eter i#e" (all Earri#4 e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 3) Si4#alli#4 3 prove e#ts for +etwor' *ffi%ie#%2 (Sta4e 3)


;(000 2 ;1000 2 ;800( ( A2001 4 3#tro"u%tio# of *R-GS1 5a#" for GS1-R 9ow#li#' 1ulti (arrier G*R!+ 1o5ile Statio# Re%eive 9iversit2 (1SR9) for Voi%e Servi%es over !"aptive 1ulti-user %6a##els o# O#e Slot (V!1OS) +ew Trai#i#4 SeFue#%e (o"es (TS() for G*R!+ R-9BRIS< @<CI <SR@9:A<5S New-oN

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

I1!C1!I(new I2!I1!C1!I(new I1!I2!C1!I(new I1!I2!C1 ?"psc# C"rrierco*! Sierr" 2ireless Bricsson NSN! No3i" Bricsson

,39 0 ;;001 A ;1002 1 ;C00( 1 ;8001 8 ;800( 0 A0001 8 A0002 1 A0002 1 A2004 2 A2004 C 0 0 ;(002 ; ;A001 1 ;1001 2 ;1001 ( ;1001 4

+a e Release 12 -eatures (R!+-o#l2) Verifi%atio# of ra"iate" ulti-a#te##a re%eptio# perfor a#%e of ,*s i# BT*=,1TS -urt6er e#6a#%e e#ts to :(e)+E o5ilit2 - Part 3 (Sta4e 2=3)

Resour%e S4!C4!R4!I4 R4 R(!R2 R4 R2!R(!R4!I2!I1!I(ne w R4 R4 R4 R(!S2!C4!I2 R4!R( R2 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4

&3Arapporteur :od"fone Alc"tel-6%cent No3i" CA-R &%"wei Bricsson 5r"n e C#in" -eleco* Bricsson ,ntel Bricsson --<o+ile =SA @,S& Networ3 ?N-- @5C5<5

BT* ,* Total Ra"iate" Power (TRP) a#" TRS a#" ,TR! :a#" P6a#to relate" ,* TRP a#" TRS ReFuire e#ts Support for Eei9ou +avi4atio# Satellite S2ste (E9S) for ,TR! a#" BT* Ease Statio# (ES) R- reFuire e#ts for !%tive !#te##a S2ste +ew Ease Statio# spe%ifi%atio# stru%ture B-5a#" for Supple e#tal 9ow#li#' i# *-,TR! a#" ,TR! BT*-:RP9 (:i46 Rate Pa%'et 9ata i# 3GPP2) i#ter-R!T SO+ 3#%reasi#4 t6e i#i u #u 5er of %arriers for ,* o#itori#4 i# ,TR! a#" *-,TR! (!!S)

&B!+=3GPP Ra"io 3#terwor'i#4 Rel-12 BT* (arrier !44re4atio# Rel-12 i#ter-5a#" (! (1,B) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 4 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 23 a#" Ea#" 2) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 28 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 1)


;1001 C ;1002 A ;C00( 2 ;C00( ( ;1001 ; ;C00( 4 ;8002 2 ;8002 4 ;8002 ; A0002 C A0002 8 A000( 0 A1001 1 A1001 C A1001 8 A1002 0 A1002 1 A2001 C A2001 8 A2002 0 A2002 1 A2002 2 A2002 ( A2001 2 0 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" @ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 2@ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 28 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3) a#" Ea#" 41 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3@ a#" Ea#" 3) BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1) a#" Ea#" 21 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 28 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 25 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 1@ - !""itio#al 5a#"wi"t6 %o 5i#atio# set BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 5 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" ? a#" Ea#" 2@ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 25 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 11 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 11 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 3 BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 1 a#" Ea#" 2@ BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 4 - !""itio#al 5a#"wi"t6 %o 5i#atio# set BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 20 - !""itio#al %6a##el 5a#"wi"t6 Rel-12 i#ter-5a#" (! (2,B) R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Soft+"n3 <o+ile eAccess ?@@, C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile =S Cell%l"r Bricsson N-- @5C5<5 ?=S Cell%l"r ?@@, A-H&%"wei =.S. Cell%l"r Soft."n3 <o+ile Soft."n3 <o+ile 6I =pl%s C#in" =nico* ?@@, --<o+ile =SA N,, &oldin s ??:od"fone -


;8002 8 ;8002 C ;8002 ( ;800( 1 ;;001 0 ;8002 A 0 A000( 1 A000( 2 A000( ( A000( 4 A000( ; A000( A A000( 1 A000( C A000( 8 A2002 4 A2002 ; A2002 A A2002 1 A2002 C A2002 8 A200( 0 A200( 1 A200( 2 BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !1 BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !2 BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !3 BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !4 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# of Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 5 wit6 2,B BT* !"va#%e" "ual upli#' i#ter-5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (lass !5 Rel-12 i#ter-5a#" (! (39B=1,B) BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 1? a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 2) a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 1? a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 2) a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 2> Ea#" 2 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) of Ea#" 4> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 13 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" @ BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 5 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 4 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 2> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 3> Ea#" ? a#" Ea#" 20 BT* !"va#%e" 3 5a#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 3> Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 2? R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

&%"wei D%"lco** Bricsson No3i" S? -eleco* Renes"s A-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-H:erizon :erizon :erizon ?6I =pl%s =.S. Cell%l"r =.S. Cell%l"r =.S. Cell%l"r A-HA-H:od"fone ?-


A200( ( A200( 4 A200( ; A200; 0 A200; 1 A200; 2 A200; ( 0 ;1001 A ;C00( A ;8002 1 A0002 ; A1002 2 A200( A ;A001 ; 0 ;(002 8 ;;001 1 ;A001 A ;C00( ; A0002 2 A0002 ( A0002 4 A0002 A A1002 ( A200( BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 4> Ea#" 5 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 4> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 12 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 4> Ea#" 12 a#" Ea#" 30 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio#(39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 5 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" 3 a#" Ea#" 20 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" 1> Ea#" ? a#" Ea#" 20 BT* !"va#%e" 3 Ea#" (arrier !44re4atio# (39B=1,B) for Ea#" ?> Ea#" @ a#" Ea#" 20 Rel-12 i#tra-5a#" (! ((o#ti4uous) BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 3 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 2? BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 3) BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 23 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 41 for 39B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" ? - !""itio#al 5a#"wi"t6 %o 5i#atio#s 9elete" - BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" %o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 1 Rel-12 i#tra-5a#" (! (+o#-(o#ti4uous) BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 25 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 3 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 4 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" ? BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio#G fra ewor' reFuire e#ts for 2,B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 41 for 2,B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 4 for 2,B BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 23 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 2 BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 41 for 3 9B R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

=.S. Cell%l"r A-HA-HS? -eleco* :od"fone :od"fone :od"fone C#in" =nico* N,, &oldin s C#in" <o+ile @is# Networ3 Alc"tel-6%cent 5r"n e ?@@, Sprint S? -eleco* --<o+ile =SA Bricsson No3i" Sprint --<o+ile =SA @is# Networ3 Bricsson Sprint! Alc"tel-6%cent


C A200( 8 A1001 ( ;;001 1 ;1001 1 ;1001 8 ;1002 0 ;C002 1 ;C002 8 ;C00( 0 ;C00( 1 A0001 2 A0001 ( A0001 4 A1002 4 A2004 0 A2004 1 A2004 1 ;100( ( ;1002 ; ;C002 C A0001 1 A1002 ; A1002 A A200; BT* !"va#%e" i#tra-5a#" #o#-%o#ti4uous (arrier !44re4atio# i# Ea#" 42 Test partG -urt6er %o#fi4uratio#s for BT* !"va#%e" (arrier !44re4atio# of i#tra-5a#" a#" i#ter-5a#" R4 R;

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

&%"wei No3i"

BT* i# t6e 18?0-18?5 1:< Ea#" for ,S (o# 6ol") BT* i# t6e ,S &ireless (o u#i%atio#s Servi%e (&(S) Ea#"

R4!R2!R( R4!R2 R4!R; R1!R4 R1!R2!R(!R4 R2!R4 R( R4 R1!R2!R4 R1!R2!R4 R1!R2!R4 R2!R1!R(!R4 R2!R1!R(!R4 R1!R2!R4 R(!R1 R(!R1!R2 R1!R2!R4

6i #tS/%"red A-H&%"wei Alc"tel-6%cent CA-Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent C#in" -eleco* :od"fone No3i" C#in" -eleco* :erizon N-- @5C5<5! NBC &%"wei S"*s%n No3i" Sie*ens Networ3s Bricsson CA-Alc"tel-6%cent D%"lco** &%"wei &%"wei

3#tro"u%tio# of BT* 450 1:< 5a#" i# Era<il -urt6er 9ow#li#' 131O *#6a#%e e#t for BT* !"va#%e" -urt6er *#6a#%e e#ts to BT* T99 for 9B-,B 3#terfere#%e 1a#a4e e#t a#" Traffi% !"aptatio# :et+et 1o5ilit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for BT* -urt6er e#6a#%e e#ts for :e+E @ RD !#te##as for BT* ,B Bow %ost ; e#6a#%e" %overa4e 1T( ,* for BT* BT* T99--99 Koi#t operatio# i#%lu"i#4 (arrier !44re4atio# BT* (overa4e *#6a#%e e#ts -urt6er 1E1S operatio#s support for *-,TR!+ 9ual %o##e%tivit2 for BT* *-,TR! S all %ell e#6a#%e e#ts - P62si%al la2er aspe%ts 3#ter-e+E (oor"i#ate" 1ulti-Poi#t ((o1P) for BT* 9elete" - (arrier 5ase" :et+et 3(3( for BT* 9elete" - +ew (arrier T2pe for BT* :SP! si4#alli#4 e#6a#%e e#ts for :+E Positio#i#4 for ,TR! 9e"i%ate" (6a##el (9(:) e#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS ,1TS 1o5ilit2 e#6a#%e e#ts for 6etero4e#eous #etwor's ,1TS :etero4e#eous +etwor's e#6a#%e e#ts ore effi%ie#t resour%e usa4e for B(R o5ilit2-72-G&

R1!R2!R(!R4 R( R1!R2!R(!R4 R2!R(!R4 R1!R2!R(!R4


4 A200; ; A2004 8 ;A001 C A1000 1 *#6a#%e" Eroa"%ast of S2ste 3#for atio# R2!R1!R(!R4 R2 All R;!I(new

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Bricsson Bricsson -

-urt6er *#6a#%e" ,pli#' (*,B) e#6a#%e e#ts (S all) Te%6#i%al *#6a#%e e#ts a#" 3 prove e#ts for Rel-12 Test - (S all) Te%6#i%al *#6a#%e e#ts a#" 3 prove e#ts for Rel-12



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 0 41002 0 4C00( 2 4800( ; ;000( ; ;000( A ;(004 4 ;4002 1 ;4002 C 4A002 ; ;200( ; ;20(( ; ;201( ; ;202( ; 4800( 4 4801( 4 4802( 4 ;100( A 4800( A 4801( A 4802( A ;000( 1

+a e Release 12 Stu"ies Stu"2 o# !lter#atives to *.184 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o Stu"2 o# e#6a#%e e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s !%ro#2 FS9A<-C FS9<-Ce FS9SS59,nt FS9CSN FS9<5@A, FS94roSe FS9=4C5N FS9RSB FS9=2e FS9=<5NC FS9=<5NC FS9=<5NC FS9=<5NC FS9,<S94249C@S FS9,<S94249C@S FS9,<S94249C@S FS9,<S94249C@S FS9CN5 FS9CN5 FS9CN5 FS9SBBB Resour%e S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S1 S2!S1 S1 S2 S; S2!S1!S( S1 S2 S( S2 S2 S2 S2 &3Arapporteur --<o+ile =SA &%"wei ,nter@i it"l NBC &%"wei! C#in" <o+ile D%"lco** ?@@, NBC Iiesec3e H @e$rient M-B M-B M-B &%"wei C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile &%"wei &%"wei &%"wei &%"wei TR 22.8CC 22.CCC 22.C8; 22.C8A 22.C01 22.C0( 22.C0; 22.C;2 22.C11 2(.C;C 2(.C;C 2(.C;C (2.C;C 2(.C44 2(.C44 ((.C44 2(.C4( 2(.C4( 2(.C4( 2(.CAA

u#i%atio#s (1T()

Stu"2 o# 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's Stu"2 o# (o#ti#uit2 of 9ata Sessio#s to Bo%al +etwor's Stu"2 o# #o#-1T( 1o5ile 9ata !ppli%atio#s 3 pa%ts Stu"2 o# ProDi it2-5ase" Servi%es Stu"2 o# ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio# a#a4e e#t

Stu"2 o# R!+ S6ari#4 *#6a#%e e#ts 9elete" - Stu"2 o# ,3((=,S31 e#6a#%e e#ts 9elete" - Stu"2 o# ,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol e#6a#%e e#t 9elete" - S!1 part of Stu"2 o# ,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol e#6a#%e e#t 9elete" - S!2 part of Stu"2 o# ,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol e#6a#%e e#t 9elete" - S!5 part of Stu"2 o# ,sa4e 1o#itori#4 (o#trol e#6a#%e e#t Stu"2 o# 31S 5ase" Peer-to-Peer (o#te#t 9istri5utio# Servi%es (Sta4e 2) S!1 part of Stu"2 o# 31S 5ase" Peer-to-Peer (o#te#t 9istri5utio# Servi%es (Sta4e 2) S!2 part of Stu"2 o# 31S 5ase" Peer-to-Peer (o#te#t 9istri5utio# Servi%es (Sta4e 2) S!3 part of Stu"2 o# 31S 5ase" Peer-to-Peer (o#te#t 9istri5utio# Servi%es (Sta4e 2) Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s - P6ase 1 Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s - P6ase 2 Stu"2 o# S2ste *#6a#%e e#ts for *#er42 *ffi%ie#%2


;100A 1 ;A00( 1 ;A00( C 41004 ( 41014 ( 41024 ( ;A00( 8 4C004 ( ;000( 4 ;(004 1 ;;002 A ;100( ; A1004 ( ;400( ( ;8004 ; A1004 4 4100; 0 ;1004 A ;400( 2 ;C00; 2 A1004 ; A200A 0 ;C002 ; ;C002 A ;8001 0 Stu"2 o# S2a 1o5ilit2 5ase" O# GTP a#" &B!+ a%%ess to *P( Stu"2 o# Opti i<e" Offloa"i#4 to &B!+ i# 3GPP-R!T 1o5ilit2 Stu"2 o# !ppli%atio# Ease" (6ar4i#4 Stu"2 o# 1ulti !%%ess P9+ %o##e%tivit2 a#" 3P flow 1o5ilit2 S!1 part of Stu"2 o# 1ulti !%%ess P9+ %o##e%tivit2 a#" 3P flow 1o5ilit2 S!2 part of Stu"2 o# 1ulti !%%ess P9+ %o##e%tivit2 a#" 3P flow 1o5ilit2 9elete" - Stu"2 o# 3P -low 1o5ilit2 support for S2a a#" S25 3#terfa%es Stu"2 o# *Dte#"e" 31S 1e"ia Pla#e Se%urit2 features Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 aspe%ts of 3#te4ratio# of Si#4le Si4#-O# (SSO) fra ewor's wit6 3GPP #etwor's Stu"2 o# -irewall traversal (Sta4e 2) Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 o# spoofe" %all "ete%tio# a#" preve#tio# (Sta4e 2) Stu"2 o# Se%urit2 !ssura#%e 1et6o"olo42 for 3GPP +etwor' *le e#ts Stu"2 o# Su5s%ri5er Priva%2 3 pa%t i# 3GPP Stu"2 o# 3 prove" Support for 92#a i% !"aptive Strea i#4 over :TTP i# 3GPP Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" !%ousti% Test Spe%ifi%atio#s Stu"2 o# :T1B5 for a #ew prese#tatio# la2er i# 3GPP servi%es Stu"2 o# versio# 6a#"li#4 Stu"2 o# a#a4e e#t of :etero4e#eous +etwor's FS9S"<5I FS925R< FS9A.C FS9<A4,< FS9<A4,< FS9<A4,< FS9N.,F5< FS9e<B@,ASBC FS9SS59,nt9Sec FS9Fire FS9S455F FS9SBCA< FS9S4, FS9,S9@AS& FS9SBA-S FS9&-<6; FS95A<9:& FS95A<9&etNet FS95A<9S&ARB FS95A<9A< FS9@9S5N95A< FS9RB:56-B9,<S9C& FS9NN,9RS FS9@5C<B FS9Red9=Ce S2 S2 S2 S2!S1 S1 S2 S2 S( S( S( S( S( S( S4 S4 S4 S; S; S; S; S; S; C( C4 CA

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

M-B .l"c3.erry Allot Co**%nic"tions D%"lco** D%"lco** D%"lco** M-B :od"fone Bricsson Ac*e 4"c3et C#in" <o+ile 5r"n e C#in" =nico* D%"lco** A%dience! ,ntel S"*s%n Bricsson Bricsson Alc"tel-6%cent! &%"wei -eli"Soner" Cisco @e%tsc#e -ele3o* Bricsson 5r"n e .l"c3.erry 2(.C;2 2(.C80 2(.C00 2(.CA1 2(.CA1 2(.CA1 2(.CA1 ((.C28 ((.C8; ((.C(0 ((.C(1 ((.C0; ((.Cxy 2A.8(C 2A.8(1 2A.8xy (2.C(0 (2.C(; (2.C;1 (2.C;8 (2.Cxy (2.Cxy 24.C02 28.C08 (1.801

Stu"2 o# O!1 aspe%ts of +etwor' S6ari#4 Stu"2 o# !lar 1a#a4e e#t

Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e e#ts of O!1 aspe%ts of "istri5ute" 1o5ilit2 Boa" Eala#%i#4 (1BE) SO+ fu#%tio# Stu"2 o# (6ar4i#4 aspe%ts o# Roa i#4 *#"-to-e#" s%e#arios wit6 VoBT* 31S a#" i#ter%o##e%ti#4 #etwor's Stu"2 o# 3#"i%atio# of +etwor' to +etwor' 3#terfa%e (++3) Routei#4 s%e#arios i# S3P reFuests Stu"2 o# 9ia eter Overloa" (o#trol 1e%6a#is s Stu"2 o# Review of "e"i%ate" 3GPP ,3(( features


;8001 1 A1001 0 A2000 1 A2000 2 4A000 1 48000 A ;2000 1 ;2000 2 ;800( 4 A2001 2 A2001 ( ;0001 A ;(00; 2 ;(00; 4 ;1002 2 ;1002 ( ;C004 1 ;C004 4 ;C00( C ;C004 2 ;C004 A ;8001 A ;8001 1 ;8001 C A0001 ; Stu"2 o# 71B 5ase" a%%ess of !- to t6e P(RStu"2 o# Te%6#i%al aspe%ts o# Roa i#4 *#"-to-e#" s%e#arios wit6 VoBT* 31S a#" ot6er #etwor's Stu"2 o# 9evelop e#t of %o#for a#%e reFuire e#ts for t6e 3P 1ulti e"ia Servi%es 3"e#tit2 1o"ule (3S31) appli%atio# support i# 1* Stu"2 o# S6are" 9ata ,p"ate for 1ultiple Su5s%ri5ers Stu"2 o# G*R!+ i prove e#ts for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o Stu"2 o# Solutio#s for GS1=*9G* ETS *#er42 Savi#4 Stu"2 o# Voi%e servi%es over !"aptive 1ulti-user %6a##els o# O#e Slot (V!1OS) e#6a#%e e#ts Stu"2 o# G*R!+ e#6a#%e e#ts for 1o5ile 9ata !ppli%atio#s Stu"2 o# 9ow#li#' 131O Stu"2 o# Power savi#4 for 1a%6i#e-T2pe (o u#i%atio#s (1T() "evi%es u#i%atio#s FS9><69AF94CRF FS9RB:56-B9,<S FS9,S,<9CR FS9S&ARB@9S%+@"t"9=4@ FS9N,<-C9IBRAN FS9Bner y9.-S FS9e:A<5S FS9IBRAN9e<@A FS9@5<,<5 FS9%4o@ FS9=69<=9<,<5 et6o" i# t6e *-,TR!+ FS96CS96-B9RF4<FS96C9<-C96-B FS96-B9*o+Rel"y FS96-B918C0921109?ore" FS96-B9SC9en#9re/ FS96-B9SC9en#961 FS96-B9SC9en#9#il"yer FS96-B9@2@94rox FS96-B9(@9c#"nnel FS9Netw9Bner y9en#96-B FS96-B9F@@91A109=S FS96-B9CRS,C FS96-B9NA,CS FS9C5<496-B9ni+"c3#"%l C( C( CA C4

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Alc"tel-6%cent @e%tsc#e -ele3o* Ie*"lto &%"wei Bricsson NSN! :od"fone C#in" <o+ile! &%"wei &%"wei NSN C#in" <o+ile &%"wei 4ol"ris 2ireless :od"fone CA-?C#in" <o+ile &%"wei N-- @5C5<5 D%"lco** NSN C#in" <o+ile 6i #tS/%"red Bricsson <edi"-e3 S"*s%n 28.C11 28.848 (1.C28 28.C;4 4(.CAC 4;.82A 4(.C01 4(.C02 4;.Cxy 4x.C"+ 4;.Cxy 6-B (A.C08 6-B (A.CCC 6-B (A.C(A 6-B (A.CA1 6-B (A.8(2 6-B (A.C12 6-B (A.C42 6-B (A.C4( 6-B (A.C1( 6-B (A.CC1 6-B (A.C44 6-B (A.CA( 6-B (A.CAA 6-B (A.C14

I1!I2 I1!I2 I4!I2!I1 I2!I1 I1!I2 I2!I1 I1!I2 R4 R1!R2!R4 R(!R1 R4 R4 R1!R2!R4 R2!R( R1!R2!R(!R4 R1 R( R4 R4 R1!R4 R1

Stu"2 o# ,pBi#' 1ulti,ser 1ultiple-3#put 1ultiple-Output (,B 1,-131O) Stu"2 o# 3#%lusio# of R- Patter# 1at%6i#4 Te%6#olo4ies as a positio#i#4 Stu"2 o# Provisio# of low-%ost 1T( ,*s 5ase" o# BT* Stu"2 o# 1o5ile Rela2 for *-,TR! Stu"2 o# BT* -99 i# t6e 5a#"s 1)@0-2010 1:< a#" 21?0-2200 1:< Stu"2 o# S%e#arios a#" ReFuire e#ts of BT* S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ I P62si%al-la2er aspe%ts Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *-,TR!+ I :i46er-la2er aspe%ts Stu"2 o# BT* 9evi%e to 9evi%e ProDi it2 Servi%es - Ra"io !spe%ts Stu"2 o# 39-%6a##el o"el for *levatio# Eea for i#4 a#" -9-131O stu"ies for BT*

Stu"2 o# *#er42 Savi#4 *#6a#%e e#t for *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# *Dpa#sio# of BT*A-99A18?0A,S to i#%lu"e 18?0-18@01:< Ea#" for BT* i# t6e ,S Stu"2 o# (ell-spe%ifi% Refere#%e Si4#als ((RS) 3#terfere#%e 1iti4atio# for 6o o4e#ous "eplo2 e#ts for BT* Stu"2 o# +etwor'-!ssiste" 3#terfere#%e (a#%ellatio# a#" Suppressio# for BT* Stu"2 o# (oor"i#ate" 1ulti-Poi#t ((o1P) operatio# for BT* wit6 +o#-3"eal Ea%'6aul


A0002 0 A1002 C A1002 8 A2004 4 ;(00; A ;;002 0 ;;002 1 ;C004 ; ;C004 1 ;C004 C ;C004 8 ;C00; 0 ;800( 2 ;1002 4 ;C00( 8 A2004 A ;C004 0 ;C004 ( A0001 C A1002 1 Stu"2 o# Positio#i#4 e#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! Stu"2 o# Group (o u#i%atio# for BT* FS96CSen#96-B FS96-B9IC FS9SC<96-B FS9RSB-RAN96-B (!!S) Ease Statio# FS9AAS9.S96-B9=-RA FS96-B9&R4@9S5N FS9.S94,< FS9=-RA96-B926AN9interw FS9&S4A96-B9interwor3in FS9=-RA96-B9NI9S5N FS9=-RA96-B918C0921109RBI1 FS9.Sspec9str%c o5ile "ata appli%atio#s (o u#i%atio#s FS9<-Ce9RAN FS9=-RA9&etNet FS9=-RA9SCA6 FS9=-RA9SCA69F,6FS9=-RA9@C&en# FS9B@C&9en# FS9&N.9w"rn9"re" FS9=-RA9S,.en# R4!R1 R2!R( R2 R( R4!R1 R( R4!I1 R2 R( R( R4 R4 R2

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

&%"wei Alc"tel-6%cent 6I Blectronics NBC &%"wei C#in" -eleco* Bricsson ,ntel C#in" =nico* NSN Sol"ris <o+ile Bricsson M-B &%"wei C#in" =nico* C#in" =nico* D%"lco** Bricsson Alc"tel-6%cent! ,p."ccess Bricsson 6-B (A.C;; 6-B (A.CAC 6-B (A.C4C 6-B (A.Cyz =-RA! 6-B (1.C40 =-RA! 6-B (1.C1( =-RA! 6-B (1.C0C =-RA! 6-B (1.C(4 =-RA! 6-B (1.C;2 =-RA! 6-B (1.C22 =-RA! 6-B (1.C4A =-RA! 6-B! <SR (1.C10 =-RA! 6-B (1.CA8 =-RA 2;.C00 2;.101 2;.101 2;.102 2;.100 2;.10( 2;.104

Stu"2 o# S art (o#4estio# 1iti4atio# i# *-,TR!+ Stu"2 o# R!+ aspe%ts of R!+ S6ari#4 *#6a#%e e#ts for BT* Stu"2 o# R- a#" *1( reFuire e#ts for a%tive !#te##a !rra2 S2ste

Stu"2 o# BT*-:RP9 (:i46 Rate Pa%'et 9ata i# 3GPP2) i#ter-R!T SO+ Stu"2 o# Passive 3#ter1o"ulatio# (P31) 6a#"li#4 for ,TR! a#" BT* Ease Statio#s Stu"2 o# &B!+=3GPP Ra"io 3#terwor'i#4 Stu"2 o# R!+ *#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS=:SP! a#" BT* 3#terwor'i#4 Stu"2 o# +eDt-Ge#eratio# SO+ for ,TR! a#" BT* Stu"2 o# 2G:< -99 for ,TR! a#" BT* i# Re4io# 1 (1)@0-20101:< a#" 21?0-22001:< Ea#"s) Stu"2 o# Ease Statio# spe%ifi%atio# stru%ture Stu"2 o# R!+ aspe%ts of 1a%6i#e T2pe a#" ot6er e#6a#%e e#ts Stu"2 o# ,1TS 6etero4e#eous #etwor's Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6 Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6 52 -ilteri#4 Stu"2 o# 9e"i%ate" (6a##el (9(:) e#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS Stu"2 o# -urt6er *#6a#%e" ,pli#' (*,B) e#6a#%e e#ts Stu"2 o# :+E * er4e#%2 &ar#i#4 !rea for ,TR! Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" Eroa"%ast of S2ste 3#for atio#

R1!R2!R( R1!R4 R1 R1 R2!R1!R( R( R2!R1



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;800( 1 ;800( C A101( ; A100( ; ;A012 2 ;A0;2 2 ;C00; ; ;C02; 8 ;C0(; 8 ;800( ; ;800( A A0004 1 A200A 1 A100( A A101( C A1014 0 A200A 1 ;10(; 4 ;11(; 4 A200A ;

Rel-12 St" e 2 2, Bxceptions9201(-12-11

+a e -R on Arc#itect%re St" e 2 -R on St" e 2 Sec%rity St" e 2 -R on Sec%rity Sec%rity "nd 4ri$"cy for <-C 'St" e 2) -R on Sec%rity -R on St" e 2 St" e 2 -R on Sec%rity Sec%rity St" e 2 -R on Sec%rity Sec%rity St" e 2 St" e 2 St" e 2 -R SA( p"rt T,!0 !l4orit6 Set !%ro#2 G(S*ABT* G(S*ABT* G(S*ABT* G(S*ABT* +31T( 1T(e &B!+A+S ProSe ProSe ProSe ProSe 31SA&e5RT( 31SA&e5RT( 31SA&e5RT( eSa1OG +*TBO(AT&!+ (+O-,B3 P&SASe% P&SASe% ST!S Resour%e &3Arapporteur NSN NSN NSN NSN S"*s%n S"*s%n &%"wei D%"lco** D%"lco** D%"lco** D%"lco** C#in" <o+ile Bricsson Bricsson M-B Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent S--Bricsson S--Bricsson :od"fone

S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S3 S3 S2 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3

+otes S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;(). -R 2(.1AC$100 for ,nfor*"tion S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;() S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;2 S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;2 S4EA2 exception in S4-1(0A;( S4EA2 exception in S4-1(0A;( S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14. S4EA2 exception to 0(J14 in S4-1(0A;1 S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;48). -R 2(.10($100 for ,nfor*"tion S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;48) S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(00(0FGS4-1(011;. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;4 S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(00(0FGS4-1(011;. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;4 S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;1) S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(04;8FGS4-1(0101. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;; S4EA2 %pd"ted 2,@ S4-1(04;8FGS4-1(0101. Bxception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;; S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;4) S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;2) S4EA2 co*pletion 12J1(FG0(J14 'exception in S4-1(0;;0) S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;4 S4EA2 exception to 0AJ14 in S4-1(0A;4 S4EA2 new 2,@ "nd ( new -S (;.2(1J2J($100 for 1-step "ppro$"l. Bxception in S4-1(0A;A

TSATR new -R 2(.1AC -.@ New -R ((.Cxy -.@ St" e 2 new -R ((.CAC new -S ((.1C1 new -R ((.CA; new -R 2(.10( new -S 2(.(0( new -R ((.C(( -.@ 2(.22C new -R ((.Cxy ((.20(! ((.(2C 2(.402 2(.20(! 2(.22C! 2(.402

new -R ((.CA8 new -S ((.2A8 new -Ss '(;.2(1! (;.2(2! (;.2(()



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

,39 ;800( 1 ;800( C A101( ; A100( ; ;A012 2 ;A0;2 2 ;C00; ; ;C02; 8 ;C0(; 8 ;800( ; ;800( A A0004 1 A200A 1 A100( A A101( C A1014 0 A201A 1 ;10(; 4 ;11(; 4 A200A ;

+a e -R on Arc#itect%re St" e 2 -R on St" e 2 Sec%rity St" e 2 -R on Sec%rity Sec%rity "nd 4ri$"cy for <-C 'St" e 2) -R on Sec%rity -R on St" e 2 St" e 2 -R on Sec%rity Sec%rity St" e 2 -R on Sec%rity Sec%rity St" e 2 St" e 2 St" e 2 -R SA( p"rt T,!0 !l4orit6 Set



*D%eptio# S4-1(0;;( S4-1(0;;( S4-1(0A;2 S4-1(0A;2 S4-1(0A;( S4-1(0A;( S4-1(0A;1 S4-1(0;48 S4-1(0;48 S4-1(0A;4 S4-1(0A;4 S4-1(0;;1 S4-1(0A;; S4-1(0A;; S4-1(0;;4 S4-1(0;;2 S4-1(0;;0 S4-1(0A;4 S4-1(0A;4 S4-1(0A;A

&3Arapporteur NSN NSN NSN NSN S"*s%n S"*s%n &%"wei D%"lco** D%"lco** D%"lco** D%"lco** C#in" <o+ile Bricsson Bricsson M-B Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent S--Bricsson S--Bricsson :od"fone

G(S*ABT* G(S*ABT* G(S*ABT* G(S*ABT* +31T( 1T(e &B!+A+S ProSe ProSe ProSe ProSe 31SA&e5RT( 31SA&e5RT( 31SA&e5RT( eSa1OG +*TBO(AT&!+ (+O-,B3 P&SASe% P&SASe% ST!S

S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 S3 S2 S2 S3 S3 S2 S3 S3 S2 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

R4EA2 Rel-12 Fe"t%res co*pletedJstopped

,39 0 0 ;2002; ;1002C ;C00;A A0001A A0011A A0021A ;10028 ;C00;1 ;C00;C 0 ;80120 A00041 ;8001( ;8011( ;A0122 ;A0A22 ;A2122 ;A1A22 ;A2(22 ;A0124 +a e Release 12 -eatures Sta4e 1 - O+BC -eatures TR o# Sta4e 2 for 1OS!P 9elete" - 31S Re4istratio# (o#trol 9elete" - Sta4e 2 for 31S Re4istratio# (o#trol 9elete" - (T aspe%ts of 31S re4istratio# %o#trol @eleted - C-1 "spects of C- "spects of ,<S re istr"tion control 'St" e 2J() @eleted - C-4 "spects of C- "spects of ,<S re istr"tion control 'St" e () 9elete" - ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio# a#a4e e#t 9elete" - TR o# Sta4e 2 for ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio# a#a4e e#t 9elete" - Sta4e 2 for ,ser Pla#e (o#4estio# a#a4e e#t S!1=S!2 -eatures Core p"rt: RAN "spects for S,4-5 "t t#e 6oc"l Networ3 Sta4e 3 for Operator Poli%ies for 3P 3#terfa%e Sele%tio# Sta4e 3 for S1S su5 it a#" "eliver2 wit6out 1S3S9+ i# 31S C-1 p"rt of St" e ( for S<S s%+*it "nd deli$ery wit#o%t <S,S@N in ,<S EE1G S all 9ata a#" 9evi%e Tri44eri#4 *#6a#%e e#ts (S99T*) -R on St" e 2 ..1: S*"ll @"t" "nd @e$ice -ri erin Bn#"nce*ents 'S@@-B) St" e 2 for ..1: S*"ll @"t" "nd @e$ice -ri erin Bn#"nce*ents 'S@@-B) -R on St" e 2 ..(: =B 4ower Cons%*ptions 5pti*iz"tions '=B4C54) St" e 2 for ..(: =B 4ower Cons%*ptions 5pti*iz"tions '=B4C54) -R on St" e 2 for ..1: 4olicy "nd C#"r in Control for s%pportin tr"ffic fro* fixed ter*in"ls "nd NS25 tr"ffic fro* (I44 =Bs in fixed +ro"d+"nd "ccess networ3s '44C-F) !%ro#2 <5SA4 ,<S9Re Con ,<S9Re Con ,<S9Re Con-C,<S9Re Con-C,<S9Re Con-C=4C5N =4C5N =4C5N 6,<5NB--RANCore 54,,S-CS<S<,-CS<S<,-C<-Ce-S@@-B <-Ce-S@@-B <-Ce-S@@-B <-Ce-=B4C54 <-Ce-=B4C54 44C-F Resour%e S2 S1!S2!C1!C4 S2 C1!C4 C1 C4 S1!S2 S2 S2 S4!C4!R4 R( C1 C1!C4 C1 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 &3Arapporteur ,ntel C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile C#in" <o+ile ?@@, NBC NBC &%"wei 6I Blectronics NSN NSN ,ntel ,ntel ,ntel Bricsson Bricsson &%"wei +otes S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.CA2$200 for Aporo$"l. S4E;C frozen "s $100. S4EA2 stopped. Specify for fixed line t#e re/%ire*ent of controllin %ser re istr"tion to ,<S +"sed on networ3 infor*"tion rel"ted to %ser loc"tion 'e. . ,4 "ddress! @S6A< infor*"tion) S4EA2 stopped "t ;0N co*pletion S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) S4EA2 no C-JSt" e ( wor3 is needed 'stopped "t 0N co*pletion) S4EA2 stopped. -ri ered +y Rel-12 -R 22.C0; St%dy on =ser 4l"ne Con estion *"n" e*ent 'FS9=4C5N) S4EA2 stopped "t A0N co*pletion S4EA2 stopped "t 0N co*pletion R4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. Specify ,nter-A4N Ro%tin 4olicies for selectin "n ,4 interf"ce to ro%te ,4 flows "*on " c#oice of "$"il"+le interf"ces in +ot# (I44 "nd non-(I44 "ccesses C4EA2 co*pleted. Address scen"rio ,<S client to ,<S client S<S 'co*prises S<S recei$e "nd send S<S wit#o%t re/%irin "n <S,S@N "ssoci"ted "s p"rt of t#eir s%+scription record in &SS C4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 St" e 2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.CC1$200 for Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.CC1$200 for Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted


;A2124 St" e 2 for ..1: 4olicy "nd C#"r in Control for s%pportin tr"ffic fro* fixed ter*in"ls "nd NS25 tr"ffic fro* (I44 =Bs in fixed +ro"d+"nd "ccess networ3s '44C-F) TR o# Sta4e 2 for &B!+ +etwor' Sele%tio# for 3GPP Ter i#als Sta4e 2 for &B!+ +etwor' Sele%tio# for 3GPP Ter i#als TR o# Sta4e 2 for &e5 Real Ti e (o u#i%atio# a%%ess to 31S (T3 aspe%ts of !ppli%atio# Ease" (6ar4i#4 (Sta4e 3) Sta4e 2 for Opti i<e" Offloa"i#4 to &B!+ i# 3GPPR!T 1o5ilit2 (oor"i#atio# of Vi"eo Orie#tatio# C-4 p"rt of C- "spects of Coordin"tion of :ideo 5rient"tion C-1 p"rt of C- "spects of Coordin"tion of :ideo 5rient"tion C-( p"rt of C- "spects of Coordin"tion of :ideo 5rient"tion <%lti-$endor 4l% "nd 4l"y eN. connection to t#e networ3 Networ3 <"n" e*ent for (I44 ,nterwor3in 26AN 'N,< p"rt) 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+ a#" S1S %e#tral fu#%tio#s (Sta4e 2=3) Sta4e 2 for 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+ a#" S1S %e#tral fu#%tio#s Sta4e 3 for 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+ a#" S1S %e#tral fu#%tio#s 9ia eter 5ase" i#terfa%e 5etwee# SGS+-G1B( (Sta4e 3) e1E1S restoratio# pro%e"ures (T4 part of e1E1S restoratio# pro%e"ures 9ual Ra"io V(( e#6a#%e e#ts (Sta4e 2=3) Sta4e 3 for 9ual Ra"io V(( e#6a#%e e#ts C-1 p"rt of St" e ( for @%"l R"dio :CC en#"nce*ents (T aspe%ts of Si4#alli#4 of 3 a4e Si<e (Sta4e 2=3) 44C-F S2 &%"wei S4EA2 co*pleted

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

;A012A ;A022A A00040 A00048 A101(8 ;A0040 A0010A A0020A A00(0A ;A00(( ;(00;0 ;C002( ;8001; ;C012( ;C0024 ;80012 ;80112 ;80014 ;80214 ;80(14 A00008

26AN9NS 26AN9NS ,<S92e+R-C A.C-C-( 25R< C:5 C:5-CC:5-CC:5-CS5N-N<-<=44B5A<-,26AN @i"9SISN9S<S @i"9SISN9S<S @i"9SISN9S<S @i"9SISN9I<6C e<.<S9Rest e<.<S9Rest e@R:CC e@R:CC e@R:CC S,S9C-

S2!S1 S2 S2 C( S2 S4!C4!C1!C( C4 C1 C( S; S; C4!C1 C1 C4 C4 C4!C( C4 S2!C1!C( C1!C( C1 C4!C1!C(

,ntel ,ntel C#in" <o+ile Allot Co**%nic"tions .l"c3.erry Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson NSN C#in" <o+ile Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent Cisco Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson

S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2(.101$100 for ,nfor*"tion H Appro$"l C4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. Resol$e +"c3w"rd co*p"ti+le $ideo orient"tion *is-"li n*ent in <-S, re"l-ti*e $ideo co**%nic"tion $i" inter"ction +etween <-S, $ideo clients "t c"ll set%p H d%rin *id-c"ll of t#e $ideo orient"tion for correct loc"l renderin C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted. -S (2.;0C$200 for Appro$"l! -S (2.;08$100 for ,nfor*"tion "nd Appro$"l S4EA2 co*pleted. -Ss 2C.A01J020AJ11J12J1A for Appro$"l. St" e 2 in Rel-A 26AN=<-S iJw 2(.2(4! Rel-1 26AN iJw O 4ri$"te Networ3 "ccess fro* 26AN (I44 ,4 Access 2(.2(4! Rel-C <o+ility +etween (I44-26AN iJw "nd (I44 Syste*s 2(.(21 C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ C4-1(021(FGC4-1(0;8C. No St" e 2 i*p"ct. @efine " @i"*eter $"ri"nt for t#e protocol %sed o$er existin reference points +etween SISN "nd I<6C for 6CS 'repl"ce t#e %se of <A4 +y @i"*eter protocol) C4EA2 co*pleted. 6in3ed to Rel-8 <.<S s%pport in B4S '<.<S9B4S). Rel-10 CFe"t%res B4C Node Restor"tion wit#Jo%t ,dle *ode Si n"llin Red%ction ',SR) "cti$"ted 'B4C9NRJB4C9NR9,SR) C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. St" e 2 in Rel-12 -B,12 -S 2(.2(1 CRE04(1! CRE0440! CRE0441! CRE04;( 'pre-"lertin ). St" e ( lin3ed to Rel-C Fe"t%re ,<S Ser$ice Contin%ity ',<S-Cont) =,@9(800;A 'St" e 2 in -S 2(.2(1) C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. SA4 Rel-C <-S, :ideo: @yn"*ic R"te Ad"pt"tionJSi n"llin of ,*" e Size =,@9(4041 #"s incl%ded ser$ice "spects to s%pport i*" e "ttri+%te '"Fi*" e"ttr) in -S 2A.114 "s in RFC A2(A. .%t "ssoci"ted CN "spects were not incl%ded


A00108 A00208 A00(08 A00010 A1020C ;(0202 ;80((( (T4 part of (T !spe%ts of Si4#alli#4 of 3 a4e Si<e (T1 part of (T !spe%ts of Si4#alli#4 of 3 a4e Si<e (T3 part of (T !spe%ts of Si4#alli#4 of 3 a4e Si<e 31S (e#trali<e" Servi%es (3(S) 3#ter&or'i#4 *#6a#%e e#t i# 1o5ile Swit%6i#4 (e#ter Server (1S(-S) (T3 part of ,p"ati#4 31S to %o#for to R-( 8885 (T1 part of 3#tro"u%tio# of *R-GS1 5a#" for GS1-R (T1 i#tro"u%tio# of 1S %apa5ilit2 support for 1S supporti#4 1SR9 for V!1OS S,S9CS,S9CS,S9C,CS9,2B =4AAA; R-9BRIS< <SR@9:A<5S C4 C1 C( C( C( C1 C1 Bricsson Bricsson Bricsson 5r"n e .l"c3.erry ?"psc# C"rrierco*! Sierr" 2ireless NSN! No3i"

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. St" e ( en#"nce*ent interwor3in +etween ,<S "nd <SC-S for ,<S Centr"lized Ser$ices ',CS) C4EA2 co*pleted C4EA2 co*pleted. Added BRIS< c"p"+ility indic"tion '24.00C CRE24A8R1) C4EA2 co*pleted

,39 0 ;;011 A ;1012 1 ;8011 8 ;80(1 8 A1010 ( 0 0 ;8012 ; ;8022 ; A0012 C A0022 C A1011 1 A1021 1 A1011 C A1021 C A1012 1 A1022

+a e Release 12 -eatures (R!+-o#l2) Perf. partG Verifi%atio# of ra"iate" ulti-a#te##a re%eptio# perfor a#%e of ,*s i# BT*=,1TS (ore partG -urt6er e#6a#%e e#ts to :(e)+E o5ilit2 - Part 3 (ore partG Support for Eei9ou +avi4atio# Satellite S2ste (E9S) for ,TR! (ore partG Support for Eei9ou +avi4atio# Satellite S2ste (E9S) for BT* Sta4e 2 for BT*-:RP9 (:i46 Rate Pa%'et 9ata i# 3GPP2) i#ter-R!T SO+ Rel-12 BT* (arrier !44re4atio# Rel-12 inter-+"nd CA '1=6) @eleted - Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd C "nd ."nd 2A @eleted - 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd C "nd ."nd 2A Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd 12 "nd ."nd 2; 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd 12 "nd ."nd 2; Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd 1 "nd ."nd 2C 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd 1 "nd ."nd 2C Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd ; "nd ."nd 2; 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd ; "nd ."nd 2; Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier A re "tion of ."nd ; "nd ."nd 1 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced inter-+"nd C"rrier

Resour%e R4 R(!R2 R2!R( R2 S2 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4

&3Arapporteur :od"fone Alc"tel-6%cent M-B CA-R &%"wei ??=S Cell%l"r =S Cell%l"r &%"wei &%"wei =.S. Cell%l"r =.S. Cell%l"r 6I =pl%s 6I =pl%s

+otes R4EA2 co*pleted. Rx di$ersity 'defined "s Rel-A &S@4A RAN4 en#"nced type 1 re/.) H <,<5 'defined "s Rel-1 &S@4A <,<5 for &S4A). Rx di$ersity H <,<5 'defined "s p"rt of Rel-C +"sic 6-B 2,) R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted S4EA2 co*pleted 6-B9CA9Rel-12 6-B9CA R4EA2 stopped '"t 20N) R4EA2 stopped '"t 20N) R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted


1 0 ;C01( A A0012 ; A0022 ; 0 ;;011 1 ;;021 1 ;C01( ; ;C02( ; A0012 A A0000 ; ;C02( 1 ;C012 C A0001 1 A0011 1 A re "tion of ."nd ; "nd ."nd 1 Rel-12 intr"-+"nd CA 'Conti %o%s) Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd conti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd 21 Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd conti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd 2( 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd conti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd 2( Rel-12 intr"-+"nd CA 'Non-Conti %o%s) Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd nonconti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd ( 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd nonconti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd ( Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd nonconti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd 1 4erf. p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd nonconti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd 1 Core p"rt: 6-B Ad$"nced intr"-+"nd nonconti %o%s C"rrier A re "tion in ."nd 2( Test partG 3#tro"u%tio# of BT* 450 1:< 5a#" i# Era<il Perf. partG @ RD !#te##as for BT* ,B (ore partG :SP! si4#alli#4 e#6a#%e e#ts for ore effi%ie#t resour%e usa4e for B(R T99 :+E Positio#i#4 for ,TR! (ore partG :+E Positio#i#4 for ,TR! R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R; R4 R1!R2!R( R( R( N,, &oldin s @is# Networ3 @is# Networ3 S? -eleco* S? -eleco* Bricsson Bricsson @is# Networ3 &%"wei C#in" -eleco* CA-Alc"tel-6%cent Alc"tel-6%cent 6-B9CA9C R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted 6-B9CA9NC R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted

Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

R4EA2 co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0CACFGR4-1(20(1 '&N. position w"s not "ddressed in t#is 2,! #owe$er it w"s N5- re*oded fro* t#e 2,@) R4EA2 closed "t C;N co*pletion. Not co*pleted wor3 on &N. positionin J No consens%s '*"y +e -B,12! if contri+%tion "nd s%pport). =pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0CACFGR4-1(20(1 '&N. position w"s not "ddressed in t#is 2,! #owe$er it w"s N5re*oded fro* t#e 2,@)



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

R4EA2 Rel-12 St%dies co*pleted

,39 4800( A 4801( A 4802( A ;C004 1 ;C004 4 ;8001 1 A0001 ; ;C004 ; ;C004 1 ;1002 4 ;C00( 8 ;C004 ( A1002 1 +a e Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s - P6ase 1 Stu"2 o# (ore +etwor' Overloa" solutio#s - P6ase 2 Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *,TR!+ I P62si%al-la2er aspe%ts Stu"2 o# S all (ell *#6a#%e e#ts for *-,TR! a#" *,TR!+ I :i46er-la2er aspe%ts Stu"2 o# (ell-spe%ifi% Refere#%e Si4#als ((RS) 3#terfere#%e 1iti4atio# for 6o o4e#ous "eplo2 e#ts for BT* Stu"2 o# (oor"i#ate" 1ulti-Poi#t ((o1P) operatio# for BT* wit6 +o#-3"eal Ea%'6aul Stu"2 o# &B!+=3GPP Ra"io 3#terwor'i#4 Stu"2 o# R!+ *#6a#%e e#ts for ,1TS=:SP! a#" BT* 3#terwor'i#4 Stu"2 o# ,1TS 6etero4e#eous #etwor's Stu"2 o# S%ala5le ,1TS -99 5a#"wi"t6 Stu"2 o# -urt6er *#6a#%e" ,pli#' (*,B) e#6a#%e e#ts Stu"2 o# *#6a#%e" Eroa"%ast of S2ste 3#for atio# Resour%e S2 S2 S2 R1!R2!R4 R2!R( R4 R1 R2 R( R1!R2!R( R1!R4 R2!R1!R( R2!R1 &3Arapporteur &%"wei &%"wei &%"wei &%"wei N-- @5C5<5 Bricsson S"*s%n ,ntel C#in" =nico* &%"wei C#in" =nico* Bricsson Bricsson +otes S4EA2 co*pleted. 6in3ed to C-4 -R 2(.C;1 St%dy on B4C Nodes Restor"tion '=,@9480014) 4#"se 1: co*plete st%dy of o$erlo"d control rel"ted to <A4 J@i"*eter si n"llin ! ot#er (I44 Core Networ3 si n"llin opti*iz"tion S4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted. R4EA1 -R (A.C12$100 for 1-step "ppro$"l. -ri ered +y Rel-12 -R (A.8(2 St%dy on Scen"rios "nd Re/%ire*ents of 6-B S*"ll Cell Bn#"nce*ents for B-=-RA "nd B-=-RAN =,@9;1002( R4EA2 co*pleted. -ri ered +y Rel-12 -R (A.8(2 St%dy on Scen"rios "nd Re/%ire*ents of 6-B S*"ll Cell Bn#"nce*ents for B-=-RA "nd B-=-RAN =,@9;1002( R4EA2 co*pleted. =pd"ted 2,@ R4-1(0(8(FGR4-1(1C40 R4EA2 co*pleted. Bxtension of Rel-11 Co<4 5per"tion for 6-B O @ownlin3 =,@9;(0((2) R4EA2 co*pleted. B$"l%"te 6-B-26ANJ=-RA-26AN iJw proced%res w#ile i*pro$in ' non-)se"*less *o+ility. @eployed 26AN often %nder-%tilized0 =ser experience s%+opti*"l w#en =B connects to o$erlo"ded 26AN. R4EA2 co*pleted. -R (1.C;2$100 for ,nfor*"tion H Appro$"l R4EA2 co*pleted R4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2;.101$200 for Appro$"l R4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2;.100$100 for Appro$"l. ,dentify potenti"l sol%tions to incre"se t#e %plin3 c"p"city! co$er" e "nd end-%ser perfor*"nce 'e. . l"tency! "c#ie$"+le r"tes! etc.) R4EA2 co*pleted. -R 2;.104$100 for ,nfor*"tion H Appro$"l. St%dy need to "dd c"p"city to present S, .ro"dc"st *ec#"nis* %nc#"n ed since R88 TR 2(.C4( 2(.C4( 2(.C4( 6-B (A.C12 6-B (A.C42 6-B (A.CA( 6-B (A.C14 =-RA! 6-B (1.C(4 =-RA! 6-B (1.C;2 =-RA 2;.C00 2;.101 2;.100 2;.104



Overview of 3GPP Release 12 V0.1.1 (2013-12)

Annex A: C#"n e #istory

(6a#4e 6istor2
9ate 2011-08 2012-01 2012-0( 2012-0A 2012-08 201(-01 201(-0( 201(-0( Su5Ke%t=(o e#t 1st dr"ft desp"tc#ed to -SIsJ<CC for inp%t J co**ent 4ost--SIE;4 @ec 2011 %pd"tes 4ost--SIE;; %pd"tes. Rel-12 St" e 1 t"r et freezin #"s +een set to <"r 201( 4ost--SIE;A %pd"tes 4ost--SIE;1 %pd"tes 4ost--SIE;C %pd"tes 4ost--SIE;8 %pd"tes Rel-12 St" e 1 frozen *o$ed fro* Rel-11 8.1 ,<S B*er ency 4SA4 C"ll+"c3 'B<C94C) =,@9;(001C 10.1 :erific"tion of r"di"ted *%lti-"ntenn" reception perfor*"nce of =Bs in 6-BJ=<-S =,@9;;001A 201(-0A 4ost--SIEA0 %pd"tes 201(-08 4ost--SIEA0 %pd"tes 201(-12 4ost--SIEA2 %pd"tes Rel-12 St" e 2 frozen 'exceptions r"nted to SA2! SA( till <"rc# or V%ne 2014 Rel-1( tent"ti$e *ilestones set 'St" e 1 freezin Sep 2014) Ver. 0.0.1 0.0.2 0.0.( 0.0.4 0.0.; 0.0.A 0.0.1 0.0.C

0.0.8 0.1.0 0.1.1


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