Varioskan Brochure
Varioskan Brochure
Varioskan Brochure
Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash together with SkanIt Software offers optimal performance for demanding research assays
Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash is a spectral scanning multimode reader, including fluorescence intensity, time-resolved fluorescence (TRF), photometric, and luminometric detection technologies. It offers optimal performance for demanding research assays with unlimited wavelength selection, up to three onboard dispensers, utmost optical performance and the advanced Thermo Scientific SkanIt Software.
In photometry, double monochromator design produces a very low stray light level ensuring excellent linearity. Outstanding accuracy and precision are guaranteed with the perfect beam optics. Varioskan Flash has two dedicated detection optics for luminometry: Scanning optics that is excellent for studying and optimizing luminometric assay parameters, and the high sensitivity Varioskan LumiSens optics, specially designed for measurement of any luminometric assay with excellent sensitivity, including multilabel assays requiring wavelength selection.
reagents in any order or in any phase of the kinetic assay allows execution of sequential multistep assays, such as ATP and reporter gene applications. In addition, automated dispensing guarantees reproducible dispensing from day to day and from person to person.
UV/Vis photometry
Apoptosis assays Ca2+ flux assays Cell proliferation Cellular assays Cytotoxicity and ADMETox Direct DNA, RNA and protein quantitation ELISA/FIA/TRF-ELISA assays Enzyme kinetic studies Europium assays FRET assays TR-FRET assays BRET assays GPCR assays Ion channel assays Kinase assays Multilabel assays Reporter gene assays Signal transduction Tryptophan and tyrosine UV fluorescence
The Steplist in SkanIt Software makes assay setup visual and logical.
Onboard dispensers enable optimization of kinetic assays and facilitate assay development.
Technical Specications
Fluorescence Intensity/Time-Resolved Fluorescence
Plate types Wavelength selection Excitation wavelength range Emission wavelength range Excitation/emission bandwidth Light source Sensitivity/dynamic range 6 1536-well plates Double excitation and double emission monochromators 200 1000 nm 270 840 nm 5 nm and 12 nm/12 nm Xenon ash lamp Fluorescence intensity, top reading: < 0.4 fmol uorescein/well, > 6 decades, 384-well plate Fluorescence intensity, bottom reading: < 4 fmol uorescein/well, > 5.5 decades, 384-well plate Time-resolved uorescence, top reading: < 120 amol Europium/well, > 6 decades, 384-well plate 6 1536-well plates, spectral scanning 6 384-well plates All wavelengths, lters and double monochromators 360 670 nm, spectral scanning 270 840 nm < 7 amol ATP/well, > 7 decades, ash ATP reaction, 384-well plate 6 384-well plates Double monochromators 200 1000 nm 5 nm Xenon ash lamp 0 4 Abs (96-well plate) at 450 nm, 2% 0 3 Abs (384-well plate) at 450 nm, 2% 2% or 0.003 Abs, whichever is greater, at 200 399 nm (0 2 Abs) 1% or 0.003 Abs, whichever is greater, at 400 1000 nm (0 3 Abs) SD < 0.001 Abs or CV < 0.5%, whichever is greater, at 450 nm (0 3 Abs) up to 3, automatic dispensing position control 6 384-well plates 1 ml (standard), 5 ml (on request) 1 10 000 l, with 1 l increments (1 ml syringe) Automatic safety control based on maximum well volume < 0.2 l or 2%, whichever is greater, 5 10 000 l (1 ml syringe, 0.40 mm tip) 5 19 l < 5%, 20 10 000 l < 2% (1 ml syringe, 0.40 mm tip) 30 s, 96-well plate 80 s, 384-well plate (5 l/well, 1 ml syringe, 0.40 mm tip) From ambient + 4C to 45C at ambient 25C Orbital with adjustable speed and diameter
Plate types Wavelength selection Wavelength range Sensitivity/dynamic range
Plate types Wavelength selection Wavelength range Bandwidth Light source Linear measurement range Accuracy Precision
Plate types Syringe size Dispensing volume Accuracy Precision Dispensing speed
Endpoint, kinetic, spectral scanning with all detection technologies 96-well plate in 15 s, 384-well plate in 45 s, and 1536-well plate in 135 s (minimum kinetic interval time from A1 back to A1) < 2 s/well, 400 500 nm, 1 ash, 2 nm steps 540 mm (W) x 580 mm (D) x 500 mm (H) [21.3 (W) x 22.8 (D) x 19.7 (H)]
Product Code
5250030 5250040 5250500 5250510
Varioskan Flash Varioskan Flash, including bottom reading Varioskan LumiSens option (also enabling luminometric spectral scanning) Dispenser option (1st, 2nd or 3rd)
North America: USA/Canada 800 522 7763 Europe: Austria +43 1 801 40 0, Belgium +32 2 482 30 30, France +33 2 2803 2180, Germany national toll free 08001-536 376, Germany international +49 6184 90 6940, Italy +39 02 02 95059 448, Netherlands +31 76 571 4440, Nordic countries +358 9 329 100, Russia/CIS +7 (495) 739 76 41, Spain/Portugal +34 93 223 09 18, Switzerland +41 44 454 12 12, UK/Ireland +44 870 609 9203 Asia: China +86 21 6865 4588 or +86 10 8419 3588, India toll free 1800 22 8374 India +91 22 6716 2200, Japan +81 45 453 9220, Other Asian countries +852 2885 4613 Countries not listed: +49 6184 90 6940 or +33 2 2803 2180
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