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Practice Paper-I


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Model Test Paper - I GATE Electronics & Communication

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Practice Paper-I


Q. 1 - Q. 25 carry one mark each.


Unit step signal u (t) is

(A) an energy signal (B) a power signal (C) neither power signal nor energy signal (D) both


Poles of the Laplace transform are those complex points at which the transfer function will be (A) Zero (B) 1 (C) Infinity (D) None of these

A signal x (t) is the sum of two sinusoids, one at frequency of 400 Hz and the other at a frequency of 600 Hz . What should be the sampling rate of the signal x (t) so that the discrete time signal has a sinusoid of only one frequency ?

(A) 600 Hz (B) 500 Hz (C) 1000 Hz

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(D) None of the above



Consider C is any closed path and U is a scalar field. So, the contour integral U h : dl is ^d

(A) 1 (B) 1 (C) zero (D) Cant be determined as C and U is not given

Practice Paper-I


An a # b rectangular waveguide is operating in four different modes as TM 11 , TM 12 , TE 10 and TE 20 . If a = 2b then the ascending order of the operating modes for their cut-off frequencies will be (A) TE 10 < TE 20 < TM 11 < TM 12

(B) TE 10 < TM 11 < TE 20 < TM 12 (C) TM 12 < TM 11 < TE 20 < TE 10 (D) TE 10 < TE 20 < TM 12 < TM 11

1 0 2x 0 If A = = and A -1 = = then what will be the value of x ? G 1 2G x x (A) 1 (B) 2



1 2

(D) 4


What will be the maximum value of

(A) 1 (C) 2/e

log x ? x (B) e (D) 1/e


Which of the following represents the Newton-Raphson iteration scheme for finding the square root of 2 ?

(A) xn + 1 = 1 cxn + 2 m 2 xn (C) xx + 1 = 2 xn Consider i = i

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(B) xn + 1 = 1 cxn 2 m 2 xn (D) xn + 1 = 2 + xn


1 . Then, one value of ii is (B) 1 (D) e - 2


(C) /2


sin ( 2) is "0 (A) 0.5 lim (C) 2

(B) 1 (D) Not defined

Practice Paper-I


The interval in which the Lagranges theorem is applicable for function f (x) = 1 is x (B) [2, 3] (A) [ 1, 1] (D) [ 2, 2]

(C) [ 3, 3]


The differential equation y" + (x3 sin x) 5 y' + y = cos x3 is

(A) Homogeneous (B) Not linear (C) Second order linear (D) None homogeneous with constant coefficient

Q.13 If a 3 V battery supplies 5 A of current, then the amount of energy delivered in one hour will be equal to

(A) 54 kJ (C) 15 kJ

(B) 90 kJ

a i d Q.14 Consider the following circuits : o n . w ww

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(D) 60 kJ

The planner circuits are (A) 1 and 2 (C) 3 and 4 (B) 2 and 3 (D) 4 and 1

Practice Paper-I


The photo resist that is insoluble initially and becomes soluble after exposure to UV light is called (A) Positive photo resist (B) Negative photo resist (C) Film-type photo resist (D) None of these


If two semiconductor materials have exactly the same properties except that material A has a band gap of 1.0 eV and material B has a band gap of 5.0 eV, then what will be the ratio of the intrinsic concentration of material A to that of B ? (B) 90 # 1033 (D) 1 # 1020

(A) 45 # 1020 (C) 2.55 # 1033


The correct configuration that represents current I and magnetic field intensity H is

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Which of the following amplifiers has low input and output resistance ?

(A) Common base and common collector (B) Common collector and common base (C) Common base and common emitter (D) Common emitter and common collector

Practice Paper-I


For the plot of root locus, the phase angle must be

(A) Odd multiples of 180c (B) even multiples of 180c (C) Odd multiples of 90c (D) Even multiples of 90c


For a given system, transfer function has symmetric pole and zero about the imaginary axis function s-plane. This system is (A) Minimum phase (B) All pass (C) Non-Minimum phase (D) None of these


A lot has 10% defective items. Ten items are chosen randomly from this lot. The probability that exactly 2 of the chose items are defective is (A) 0.0036 (C) 0.2234

A root of the equation x3 3x 5 = 0 lies between 2 and 2.5. Its value after first iteration as obtained by using Newton-Raphson method is

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a (B) 0.1937
(D) 0.3874

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(A) 2.45 (C) 2.33

(B) 2.35 (D) 2.25


Consider a lock whose combination consists of three integers, each ranging from 00 to 99. The amount of information needed to open the lock is (A) 20.9 bits

(B) 41.8 bits (C) 83.6 bits (D) None of these

Practice Paper-I


In the voltage regulator circuit shown below, what will be the maximum value of load current ?

(A) 2.5 mA (C) 1.6 mA

(B) 0.9 mA (D) 3.4 mA


For VBE = 1 V in the given circuit, what will be the current gain ^ h ?

(A) 20 (C) 49

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(B) 14.5 (D) 30

Practice Paper-I


Q. 26 - Q. 55 carry two marks each.


Consider the Zener regulator circuit shown below. If the cut in voltage for Ge is 0.2 V and Si is 0.7 V. What will be the output voltage ^V0h ?

(A) 10 V (B) 10.2 V (C) 9.8 V (D) 0.2 V

in . Q.27 If the transistor shown below is operating o at saturation region, then what will be the c . base current I ? ia d o n . w ww

(A) IB = 20 A (B) IB > 20 A (C) IB = 20 mA (D) IB > 20 mA

For circuit shown below, if VCE = 5 V under quiescent condition, then the value of R will be

Practice Paper-I


(A) 5 M (C) 3 M

(B) 130 k (D) 4 M

A TDMA frame duration consists of 16 Nyquist frames each occurring at a rate of 8 kHz. The PCM multiplex signal with bit rate of R 0 = 2.048 Mbps and transmitted using QPSK modulation at a burst rate of Rs = 60.416 Msymbols/ sec . What will be the duration of the traffic data field Ttr in the high rate TDMA ?

(A) 15.5 s (C) 33.9 s

(B) 26.4 s


Alphanumeric data are entered into a computer from a remote terminal through a noise grade telephone channel. The bandwidth of the channel is 3.4 kHz and its output SNR is 20 dB. The terminal has a total of 128 symbols. The symbols are equiprobable and the successive transmission is statistically independent. What will be the possible maximum symbol rate for error free transmission ?

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(D) 51.2 s

(A) 1.52 # 103 symbols/ sec (C) 4.65 # 103 symbols/ sec

(B) 3.23 # 103 symbols/ sec (D) 5.82 # 103 symbols/ sec


X is a binary memory less source with probability, p ^x = 0h = 0.3 . If the source is transmitted over a BSC with cross-over probability 0.1, then the capacity of the channel is (B) 0.441 (D) 0.881

(A) 0.231 (C) 0.531


For the linear network shown below, V - I characteristic is also given in the figure.

Practice Paper-I The value of Norton equivalent current and resistance respectively are


(A) 3 A, 2 (C) 6 A, 0.5

(B) 6 , 2 (D) 3 A, 0.5


The circuit shown in the given figure is in steady state with switch S open.

a i d If S closes at t = 0 , then current i (t) for t > 0 , will be o (A) a decreasing exponential .n w (B) an increasing exponential ww
(C) oscillatory (D) constant

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For the arrangement shown below, the frequency spectrum of output y ^ t h will be

Practice Paper-I


(A) (C) Both

(B) (D) None


A carrier signal AC cos c t is frequency modulated using a message signal 3 cos 103 t . If the signal to noise ratio at input and output of the receiver are found to be 20 dB and 40 dB respectively, then what will be the sensitivity of frequency modulator ? (A) 1.36 KHz/V (C) 16 Hz/V (B) 2.72 KHz/V (D) 32 Hz/V

Let E1 EF = 0.30 eV at T = 300cK for the energy levels shown in figure below. If p1 be the probability that an energy state at E = E1 is occupied by an electron and p2 be the probability that an energy state at E = E2 is empty. The values of p1 and p2 will be respectively

(A) 9.3 # 106 and 1.78 # 1014 (C) 9.3 # 106 and 1.96 # 107

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(B) 9.3 # 106 and 1.96 # 1014 (D) 8.45 # 107 and 1.78 # 1014


Consider the programming codes fed to a 8085 microprocessor.


Practice Paper-I


LDA 4200H ADD C STA 4300H STA 4300H HLT If the memory contents of 4200H is 09 and 4201H is 04, then the content of 4300H will be (A) OCH (B) COH (C) 49 H (D) 94 H

Consider the multiplier circuits shown below. What should be the minimum bandwidth of channel such that the signal x ^ t h and y ^ t h can be transmitted through channel simultaneously without any distortion?

(A) 1.4 kHz (C) 6.7 kHz


Consider the following two statements:

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a (B) 0.8 kHz

(D) 3.54 kHz

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Assertion (A) : Band width efficiency of M-PSK signal will be lesser than that of M/2-PSK signal for a given bit rate Reason (R) : For a given bit rate, M-PSK signal occupies less band width than M/2 -PSK signal (A) A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (B) A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A (C) A is correct and R is wrong (D) A is wrong and R is correct


Consider the system shown in figure below. The transfer function of the system will


Practice Paper-I


(A) (C)

1 1 + s s 1 + s

(B) (D)

s ^1 + s h2 1 ^1 + s h2
k s^s + 4h

The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is G ^s h = is increased to infinity, then the corresponding damping ratio will be

. If gain k


(B) 1 (D) 0

(C) 3


3 4 The eigen values of A = = are 4 5G (B) + 2, 2 (A) 2, 2

(C) 1, 1

Numerical Answer Questions .n

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What is the value of integral


5x 3 dx ?

In the Laurent series expansion of f (z) = 1 1 valid in the region z > 2 . z1 z2 What will be the coefficient of 1 ? z2
Q.44 Q.45 Consider the circuit shown in figure below. What will be the output voltage V0 (in volt) ?

Practice Paper-I



Consider a signal x (t) defined as

x (t) = sinc (100t) + 2 sinc2 (150t) What will be the Nyquist sampling rate (in Hz) for this signal ? In air, magnetic field intensity is given by H = 10 cos ^6 # 107 t ky h az A/m . What will be the wave number k (in rad/m) for the EM wave ?

ia d Common Data Questions o n . w Common Data for Questions ww 48 and 49:

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Consider a two port network as shown in figure below.


The ABCD -parameter matrix for this network is 4 6 (B) > 2 4H 6 4 (D) > 4 2H

5 8 (A) > 8 13H 7 12 (C) > 4 7H

Practice Paper-I


If the output terminal (2 2l) is short circuited then input impedance of the network (B) 1.6 (D) 0.33

is (A) 1.71 (C) 1.5

Common Data for Questions 50 and 51:

Consider a discrete time signal x [n] and its z -transform X (z) given as 2 X (z) = 2 z + 5z z 2z 3

If ROC of X (z) is z < 1, then signal x [n] would be

(A) [ 2 (3) n + ( 1) n] u [ n 1] (B) [2 (3) n ( 1) n] u [n] (C) 2 (3) n u [ n 1] ( 1) n u [n] (D) [2 (3) n + 1] u [n]


If ROC of X (z) is z > 3 , then signal x [n] would be

(A) [2 (3) n ( 1) n u [n]

n n

i (B) [ 2 (3) + ( 1) ] u [ n 1] d o n (C) 2 (3) u [ n 1] ( . 1) u [n] w (D) [2 (3) + 1] u [n] ww

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Linked Answer Questions

Statement For Linked Answer Questions 52 and 53:
In a 8-bit SISO register, if 16-bit data 1011 0101 0010 1010 is applied at the input.


What is the minimum number of clock pulses required to transfer 16-bit data at the output ? (A) 16 (B) 24

Practice Paper-I (C) 23 (D) 8



The simplified form of the expression Z = AB + A + AB + B is (B) 1 (D) A + B

(A) 0 (C) 1 + B

Statement For Linked Answer Questions 54 and 55:

Consider the figure shown below. Let B = 10 cos 120t Wb/m2 and assume that the magnetic field produced by i (t) is negligible


The value of vab is

(A) 118.43 cos 120t V (B) 118.43 cos 120t V (C) 118.43 sin 120t V (D) 118.43 sin 120t V

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The value of i (t) is

(A) 0.47 cos 120t A (B) 0.47 cos 120t A (C) 0.47 sin 120t A (D) 0.47 sin 120t A

Practice Paper-I


General Aptitude (GA) Questions

Q. 56 - Q. 60 carry one mark each.

The angles of a polygon are in arithmetic progression. If the smallest angle is 120c and the common difference is 10c, then how many sides does the polygon have ?

(A) 5 (C) 8

(B) 6 (D) Either (B) or (C)


A corporation created by the federal government during the Great Depression, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is responsible for flood control, must generate electric power, and soil conservation. (A) flood control, must generate electric power, and soil conservation. (B) flood control, generating electric power, and for soil conservation. (C) controlling floods, generating electric power, and soil conservation. (D) flood control, the generation of electric power, and soil conservation.


Choose the sentence that is the most clearly written and has the best construction.

n . w (B) All the children have gotten out their rugs and took a nap. w w (C) All the children got out their rugs and have taken a nap.
(A) All the children got out their rugs and took a nap. (D) All the children gotten out their rugs and taken a nap. Choose the sentence that best combines the given sentences.

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The airport is called the Glynco Jetport. The airline reservations and travel systems refer to its location as Brunswick, Georgia. (A) Where the airport is called the Glynco Jetport, the airline reservations and travel systems refer to the location as Brunswick, Georgia. (B) But the airport is called the Glynco Jetport, the airline reservations and travel systems refer to the location as Brunswick, Georgia.

Practice Paper-I (C) Even though the airline reservations and travel systems refer to the location as Brunswick, Georgia, the airport is called the Glynco Jetport.


(D) When the airport is called the Glynco Jetport, the airline reservations refer to the location as Brunswick, Georgia, and the travel systems.


Choose the best word to fill the blank.

Being able to afford this luxury car will ______ getting a betterpaying job. (A) maximize (B) recombinant (C) reiterate (D) necessitate

Q. 61 - Q. 65 carry two marks each.


When we were learning to read, most of us learned to sound out words by syllables in order to pronounce them. Syllables are parts of words that carry separate sounds, though those sounds may be comprised of several letters. Every syllable must have a vowel sound. That vowel sound may be made up of more than one vowel letter. For instance, in the word arraignment, the a and i together make the long a sound. The g is silent. Breaking words into syllables is one of the best (18) ________ to divide and conquer longer words.

a i d Based on the context of this passage, what is the best synonym for comprised? o (B) composed n (A) excluded . w (C) fashioned (D) produced ww

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If 20 litres of chemical X are added to 80 litres of a mixture that is 10% chemical X and 90% chemical Y , then what percentage of the resulting mixture is chemical X ? (B) 28% (D) 40%

(A) 15% (C) 33 1 3%

In a group, the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls is P . The ratio of the number of girls to the number of boys is Q , then P + Q is always ?

(A) $ 1 (C) $ 2

(B) # 1 (D) > 2

Practice Paper-I


1 Walking at 1 10 th of his usual speed, a man reaches his destination two minutes early. What is the time taken by him to cover the same distance at his usual speed?

(A) 20 minutes (C) 24 minutes

(B) 22 minutes (D) 18 minutes


During the year 2007 at Deluxe Vacuum Co., the East and West divisions had equal sales and the North sold the most. Which graph could be the graph of Deluxes yearly sales for 2007?

(A) 1 (C) 3

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(B) 2 (D) 4


Practice Paper-I ANSWER KEY 1 2 (B) (C) 11 12 (B) (C) 21 22 (B) (C) 31 32 (C) (C) 41 42 (D) (C) 51 (A) 61 (B) 52 (C) 62 (B) EC MODEL TEST PAPER - 1 4 5 6 7 (C) (A) (C) (D) 14 15 16 17 (A) (A) (C) (C) 24 25 26 27 (C) (B) (A) (B) 34 35 36 37 (D) (A) (A) (C) 44 45 46 47 1 54 (C) 64 (B) 8.07 55 (D) 65 (D) 300 56 (B) 0.2 57 (D)


3 (C) 13 (A) 23 (A) 33 (D) 43 13/10 53 (A) 63 (C)

8 (A) 18 (A) 28 (C) 38 (A) 48 (C) 58 (A)

9 (D) 19 (A) 29 (C) 39 (D) 49 (A) 59 (C)

10 (A) 20 (B) 30 (B) 40 (D) 50 (A) 60 (D)

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For detailed Solutions of this test paper please mail to [email protected]. Please mention your Name, College, Graduating Year and GATE Roll Number in the mail.

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