September 24, 2009 Chalice Connection

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The Chalice

A publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

201 East Second Street , Edmond Oklahoma 73034

Vol. 1 No. 13 September 24, 2009

Thank You for Join the Staff!

Part Time Support
Making A Difference! Specialist Sought
Minister’s Message by Rev. Chris Shorow, Senior Minister
This position (12-15 hours weekly) will
Sunday night’s those who worked so hard to make this help support student and children’s
Gratitude event a spectacular success. The ministries by coordinating e-mailings &
Celebration was mailings and tracking registrations. You
Gratitude Celebration was a model for
a fantastic event. will also answer phones and assist
how we do events here at the church.
It was designed with information & calendar updates
First, you have wonderful leadership.
on the web. Ideal candidate will have
to say “Thank you” to all the members From Dave Watts, Bob Steele and Erin
at least 3 yrs experience, creative
of First Christian Church for all that you Robertson, who are leading the Annual design skills, experience coordinating
do in the world. And you do so much. It Campaign, to Trish Thomas and Lori volunteers & ability to prioritize. Adobe
was obvious from much of the feedback Fuller, who virtually lived here at the & Microsoft software preferred.
I received from so many of you that church preparing for the event. And Submit resume & salary requirements
many of our people are unaware of just then there is the wonderful staff to FCC Attn: Shelley Regan, PO Box
how much we do. support from all of those who work so 3548, Edmond, OK 73083 or
The numbers of volunteers and hard here in the offices. Those of you [email protected] by September
volunteer hours we have donated in the in attendance may not have seen all of 27. Questions may be directed to
last year were staggering. The number the work that went into this occasion, Search Committee: Marcy Williams -
of lives that have been affected by what but you certainly enjoyed the fruits of Moderator, Cole Stanley, Marilyn Noles.
our church does is amazing. First their labors. Ex-officio: Loree Rice - Personnel
Christian Church is truly a witness for All of this goes to say not only Representative, Jerry Black & Shelley
Jesus Christ and his compassionate love “Thank you” to our congregation, but Regan, Staff Liaisons
to the world. Thank you. “Thank you” to all who helped to make
But I would be sadly mistaken if I our Gratitude Celebration a success.
did not take the time to thank all of God bless you! Flu Shots Available
October 4
The Parish Nurse Health Ministry
YOU made the difference in our has arranged for the Visiting Nurse
Association to give Flu Shots on
“Making a Difference!” October 4 from 8:30am to 12:30pm.
The cost is $25.00 for the Flu shot and
I add my profound thanks to all of the volunteers, committee $55.00 for the Pneumonia shot unless
members and staff who worked so hard to make this year’s you have Medicare Part B. (They will
Gratitude Celebration such a profound, fun, and file your Medicare, bring your card).
wondrous evening. There is simply no way to adequately Flu mist will also be available for
express how much your dedication, hard work, and creativity $30.00 for those 2 years old to 49
meant to the success of this critical event. Comments of years old. Shingles, Meningitis,
affirmation just keep pouring in. So, thank you! Thank you all. Tetanus, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B
can be arranged by calling
Jerry Black, Associate Minister Donna Clark at 413-1954 in advance.
UNITY Build “Great Communion”
Service Launches
September 26-October 17 UNITY Build
FCC Edmond is partnering with other Christian Church
8:30am - Saturday 9/26/09
(Disciples of Christ), Church of Christ and Independent
704 N.E. 84th, OKC
Christian Churches for a Habitat UNITY Build.
in the Hope Crossing Neighborhood
Come experience a brief but meaningful
Meet Stacy, Craig & Grace Lasley service to honor the 200th anniversary
of Thomas Campbell’s Declaration
Our Habitat UNITY Build Home Recipients! & Address calling us to UNITY.
Have you met the Lasley family? If you attended our 2009 Gratitude Celebration,
you might have. Stacy, Craig & Grace were participants in our Parade of Stories Join the Build and
during the program. Stories of people who have been impacted by some of the
ways First Christian is “Making A Difference” in the world. Make A Difference!
Stacy works for the City of Edmond Municipal Court as a cashier and has A sign up board with dates and specific
been there 3 years. She is excited to own a home and set an example for her building projects in the rotunda. Ques-
children Craig age 8 and Grace age 5. Craig, is extremely shy and Grace, is on the tions? Contact Jack Smith
opposite side of the spectrum. Stacy is excited to paint her own walls and finally at 341-1357. Let’s all make a
have a yard for her kids. Stacy attends People’s Church just a little north of Hope difference by providing a quality,
Crossing. She has completed two years of study at Cameron University in Lawton. affordable home for Stacy,
Craig and Gracie.

Many lives are touched through the various ministries of our church. I know First Christian Church
makes a difference in the lives of our members through many channels. One is through our Sunday
School program. I invited Paul Gaines to share how FCC has touched many lives through one of those
classes, the Challengers. ~ Rev. Chris Shorow

others. We are a family. While one of

“We Are Family” Christian has been touched by one or
more members of our class. our members underwent a recent
We are grateful for the facilities the surgery, ten Challengers sat in the
by Paul Gaines church has provided us and for Don hospital waiting room in support.
Wiechmann, who leads our class. The Such compassion is not the
“We Are Family” was a hit record in Challengers prayerfully support both exception. When any member is ill,
the seventies. It became a theme song with glad hearts. fellow members rush forward with
for Willie “Pops” Stargell and the To the Challengers, weekly prayer offers of assistance. Food is scheduled
World Champion Pittsburg Pirates in requests are not a ritual but an to arrive on a regular basis; various
1979, probably too long ago for many important part of our service as members volunteer to drive the ailing
FCC members to remember. Unless, of Christians. Our prayers extend not only class member to medical
course, you moved here from to class members and the greater appointments. They sit with them
Pittsburg. church body, but to every part of the when their presence is useful and
I’m happy to say that the Pointer world in the name of our Lord Jesus pray with and for them throughout.
Sisters’ “We Are Family” is alive and Christ. At the funeral of one of our
well in the hearts of the Challengers’ In addition to donating our gifts to a members this past summer, three
Sunday School class. I hope you’ll variety of causes throughout the year, pews in the sanctuary were occupied
forgive me if I brag, but we have been this last Christmas, the Challengers by our surviving family of
a part of First Christian’s most donated more than a thousand dollars to Challengers…our friend’s extended,
successful projects. three deserving local families and to loving family.
Our consistent contributions – both B.O.B. Newcomers are welcomed into
man/woman power and finances – to If you asked any Challenger, they our Challengers family with
Breakfast on Boulevard is a fine would tell you that it is the very spirit of enthusiasm. Nancy and I were
example, but there are many more. our class association – a devotion to welcomed into this family about eight
Every aspect of life here at First each other – that inspires us to serve years ago, and we have been blessed.
Prayers of the People Happy Birthday!
OUR PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN THE HOSPITAL 9/27 Lori Beasley, Karly Meadows,
Ron Davis in Baptist and Jim Roberts (Jerri Dillon’s John Osburn, Missy Voegeli
dad) in Baptist 9/28James Larrison, Randel Shadid, Matt
OTHERS IN NEED OF PRAYER Jessica Cape (Sarah Williams
& Duke Douthitt’s niece), Ruthanne Love (Carol 9/29Jane Nay, Alan Simpson
Schwabe’s mom) Doris Wilson (Steve Wilson’s 9/30 Dallas Ayers, Shirley Brady, Foy
mom), Doris Dowell, Neal Hunt, Ed Berry, Bart Rodr, Betty Winn, Ed Penland, Phil Hurst, Paige Lagasse, Dean Shipley, Corey
Rehrig (Glo Rehrig’s son), Nita Williams & Bootsie House (Jeff Williams’ mom &
aunt), Hank Thomas (Randy Thomas’ brother), Margaret Basso (Anne Stone’s
10/2 Taylor Clark, Cooper Coil, Loretta
sister), Patrick Douthitt (Duke Douthitt’s brother), Eric & Penny Koegel
Dodd, Barbara George, Kelly Jackson,
Lorene Wilkinson
OUR SYMPATHY AND PRAYERS to the family of Bernie & Joyce McNickle in the
death of Bernie’s sister, Virgina Unruh, who passed away September 18. Services 10/3 Christin Baker, Paxton Shorow
were held in Ponca City, OK. AND TO the family of Michael & Megan Sanford in 10/4 Aubrey Hammond, Erica Hannah,
the death of Michael’s grandmother, Faye Sanford, who passed away September Meredith Sanford, Dorothy Sisson
20. Services were held in Mayesville, OK.

CELEBRATING THE GIFT OF A NEW LIFE Colton Gene Walls, born September 20
to Ronny & Bethany Walls. Proud great-grandparents are Will & Laura Harris.
Offertory Envelopes
From the Finance Committee
As our Church moves forward, items we
have become accustomed to may be
Come and join the Choir for the discontinued or changed. The Finance
Christmas Cantata Committee believes our present Offertory
Envelopes fall into the category of being
The Chancel Choir will begin rehearsals for the Christmas cantata ready to be discontinued. We plan to
on Wednesday, October 7th from 7:30 – 8:15 pm in the sanctuary. discontinue these envelopes starting with
Come and join us for this short time commitment. Questions?
the 2010 Calendar Year. If you have
Contact Diane Ball at [email protected]
strong feelings about discontinuing the
Offertory Envelopes, please contact us at
the Church with a note: Attention:
Make A Difference - Save A Life! Finance Committee or contact Randy
Give Blood This Sunday, September 27 Clark at 348-0893.
Since 1977 when the Oklahoma Blood Institute opened, First Christian Church of
Edmond has been donating lifesaving blood. Over 2200 units have been given,
making a difference to many lives. Won’t you join the tradition? Questions? Buy Groceries
Contact Sherrye VanOsdol, Blood Drive Coordinator, 341-0922.
To Make A Difference!
Breakfast on Boulevard feeds the
hungry of Edmond a free breakfast and
Make A Difference to Someone Who is Hungry! sack lunch Monday through Friday
Participate in CROP Walk 2009 mornings each week. We are seeking a
new volunteer to join our B.O.B.
Oct. 4 @ 2pm at Mitch Park grocery shopping team. Shoppers
Church World Service CROP Hunger Walks give people who care a way to express share responsibility with others and
their concern through action. CROP Walks raise awareness about hunger issues, typically cover a shopping trip every 5
and raise money to help end hunger. Adults, children and families can participate to 6 weeks. You are provided a list of
together. Even little children can make a difference in the lives of the hungry!
what is needed that week, a check and
Twenty-five percent of CROP funds stay right here in Edmond to benefit
Sam’s card to do the shopping. If
grassroots efforts such as Breakfast on Boulevard. Please pick up your Walker
interested in serving in this vitally
registration packet from the church. Questions? Contact Sherrye VanOsdol,
Outreach Ministry at 341-0922. important role, please contact Mickey
Stufflebean at 341-4742 to learn more.
Have You Got “YOUR ACT TOGETHER” for the 3rd
It’s not too late to sign up and join the fun on Sunday, October 4 as

Worship we hold our old fashioned chili cook-off and Follies talent show. The
chili cookoff begins at 5:30 in the fellowship hall. Fabulous prizes
will be awarded for the best, hottest, and most original pot of chili. No chili recipe?
at First Christian No problem! Bring a finger food or dessert to share. At 6:30, we move into the
8:15, 9 & 11am sanctuary for a FREE evening of entertainment featuring some of the best talent in
Edmond…..our own FCC members! The deadline for registering your Follies
act and your pot of chili is this Sunday, September 27th!! Register online
“Making A Difference!” @ or in person at the Follies display in the Rotunda.
Series Questions? Contact Diane Ball at 341-3544 ex. 25; [email protected] , or any
September 27 of the FOLLIES Committee members: Dana Theobald, Darcy Biby, Frank Gresh,
Sherry Parks, Mark Nash, or Gary Owen.
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow
Scripture: Mark 16:1-8
Consecration Sunday Two fun trips are being planned for the Classics. Tuesday,
October 13 we’ll Go West on Route 66. They will visit a
October 4 Wind Farm and Watermelon Farm, tour the Stafford Air &
Message: Rev. Chris Shorow Space Museum in Weatherford and enjoy lunch at the White
Scripture: Mark 10:13-16 Dog restaurant. The yearly Classics Branson Trip will be
December 3-5. The itinerary includes the first nights dinner
and show featuring the Miracle of Christmas, shopping at
The Chalice CONNECTION Branson Landing and Branson Old Town, The Hughes Brothers Celebrity
Shelley Regan, Editor Theater with Six Amazing Brothers, dinner and show with the Twelve Irish
[email protected] Tenors. The cost is $359/pp and includes transportation, two nights lodging,
submit or read news online @ meals and attractions as indicated by itinerary. A $50/pp deposit is due with reservation, and final payment is due November 3, 2009. For information and
reservations call Winnie Hall, 341-4297, or Ellen Chitwood, 341-2859.

The Chalice CONNECTION, PO Box 3548, Edmond, OK 73083

USPS 210-360 73034-4561. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
Edmond, OK paid by First Christian Church, 201 E. Second, Edmond, OK
Postage Paid New Year's Day and Christmas Day). Periodicals postage
Periodicals (USPS 210-360) is published weekly (except weeks of

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