Manual of LiveGTS

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Our demo:

Web-based Real-time Tracking Software


Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.

Our demo:

1. 2. 3. A survey of the software .............................................................................................5 Get started..................................................................................................................6 Connect your device with your software................................................................... 11 1) Login the real time tracking software.................................................................................................. 11 2) Login and click Manage tab ............................................................................................................. 14 3) Click Add new Tracker in Tracker Config to add new device......................................................... 15 4) GPRS Setting to connect tracker to server by GPRS......................................................................... 15 5) How to get the IP address? ................................................................................................................ 16 Administrator setting................................................................................................. 18 1) System Config.................................................................................................................................... 18 2) Data management.............................................................................................................................. 19 3) Model management ........................................................................................................................... 20 4) User management.............................................................................................................................. 20 5) User Right management .................................................................................................................... 21 6) Customize fields................................................................................................................................. 23 System function........................................................................................................25 1) Quick Switch Language ..................................................................................................................... 25 2) Quick Switch Map .............................................................................................................................. 25 3) Quick Switch Web Style ..................................................................................................................... 25 4) Map function....................................................................................................................................... 26 5) Real-time function .............................................................................................................................. 27 5.1.1 Geo-fence alarm ....................................................................................................................... 28 5.1.2 Speed Alarm.............................................................................................................................. 29 5.1.3 Handle Alarm............................................................................................................................. 30 5.1.4 Update Position......................................................................................................................... 30 5.1.5 Report Interval........................................................................................................................... 31 5.1.6 Stop Engine............................................................................................................................... 31 5.1.7 Clear Stored Data...................................................................................................................... 32 5.1.8 Manual Alarm ............................................................................................................................ 32 6) History function .................................................................................................................................. 33 7) Report function................................................................................................................................... 33 5.3.1 GPS Report............................................................................................................................... 33 5.3.2 Distance Report ........................................................................................................................ 34 5.3.3 Stop Report ............................................................................................................................... 35 5.3.4 Alarm Report ............................................................................................................................. 35 5.3.5 Invalid Tracker Report ............................................................................................................... 35 8) Email function..................................................................................................................................... 36 Other information about LiveGTS............................................................................. 37 Appendix .................................................................................................................. 39 1) Tracker Model and port mapping........................................................................................................ 39 2) Tracker Model and function difference ............................................................................................... 40



6. 7.

Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.

Our demo:

Brief Introduction

Our real time tracking system contains two parts, one is hardware GPS trackers and the other is real time tracking software LiveGTS. The whole working procedure is like this, Suppose you buy LiveGTS software and GPS vehicle tracker PT300 from us, you provide us a domain name specially as your tracking website, we program out LiveGTS software binding with the domain name, then send a software download link to you for installing on your own server, we can also free install for you remotely if you need. At the same time you install PT300 on your car, and correctly make GPRS setting as instructed in its user manual, so PT300 will search out data from the satellites and automatically report to this sever with LiveGTS, Then you can real time tracking your devices via entering your tracking website. Also you can create different sub-account for your different clients to provide real time tracking service to them.

How GPS trackers send data to the server?

Briefly, GPS device receives the signal from the satellites, when the data is received, the device will calculate the location by some math formula. The data from three satellites can decide 2D position, it is "latitude & longitude. So the device calculates the latitude & longitude, and transfer the data to server by GPRS service.

Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.

Our demo:

Picture 1

Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.

Our demo:

1. A survey of the software

LiveGTS is a popular Web-based live GPS Tracking software, It is very easy for a company to establish their own tracking server, provide real-time online tracking service for your customers or manage their teams. It supports multi-users at the same time.

Main functions:
1. Real-time tracking 2. Multi-user management.(Support admin, distributor, user. etc) 3. SOS alarm, low power alarm.etc. 4. Playback history. 5. Report all your tracker event. (Support alarm report, distance report etc) 6. Export data to EXCEL, KML and PDF. 7. Configure all thing with admin.(Support user right, home page, alarm setting etc) 8. Customize and use yourself web style and language. 9. Find building, addresses and road, also you can get directions for your travel. 10. Set geo-fence, speed limitation online. (Details are set out in Appendix 2) 11. Manual alarm. 12. Trigger car alarm, stop engine/cut oil function. (Details are set out in Appendix 2) 13. Send alert email when alarm. 14. Add your city's street name in KML file on map. 15. Used Map: Google Map and Microsoft Virtual Earth. 16. Modify the time interval of trackers data report. 17. Reserve all data when software license is upgraded. 18. Use your companys Logo, Name and other Contact information. 19. Bulk management user.
20. User can add the customize fields.

Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.

Our demo:

2. Get started
If you want to use our software for real time tracking, please prepare: A, GPS tracking device, such as PT300, PT302 or PT60 with your local SIM card in it.

B, A Windows server. Basic requirement for server is: a Windows 2003 server with Static IP, the memory of the server is more than 1G, disk space is more than 5G, support login of remote desktop, and can run exe file. C, A domain name.

After all the above is prepared, you need provide a domain name to us which will be your special tracking website name. We program out your software binding with your domain name, the domain name can not be changed in future once it is confirmed. D, Download and install our software We will send a download link to you for installing, If need, we can also install for you remotely as long as you give us remote desktop connection to your server.

Software Download and installation : Step 1: open the download URL in your browser.

Picture 2

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Our demo: Step 2: save our software to one disk in your server.

Picture 3

Choose the file save path. (for example: we save it on desktop of your server):

Picture 3

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Our demo:

Picture 4 Step 3: Set up our software:

Picture 5

Picture 6 Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved. 8

Our demo: When installation is finished, you can open the install path and find like this:

Picture 7 Step 4: LiveGTS ConfigTool is coming.

Picture 8

Area 1: Type into our registered invoice number for you, then click Update license. Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.

Our demo: Area 2: after you update license ok, the domain box will automatically display your domain name, other box doesnt write first, default port is 80, so please make sure 80 port on your server is not be used by other application. If you installation LiveGTS on Intranet (Intranet is the generic term for a collection of private computer networks within an organization), please ask an engineer mapping the domain to IP address in your router (as different router have different way, so we are unable to give details). Of course, please also make sure the set port is not used. Area 3: Keep it default, if you still want change your database password, you can modify here, but remember it carefully. Area 4: It is used for backup your software data, it will backup as db SQL statement. Area 5: if the above area 1-3 are finished, clickSave button and restart the LiveGTS:

Picture 9

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Our demo:

Picture 10

At last, you need redirect your domain name to your server static IP where LiveGTS is installed, after redirection ok, please visit your domain name directly and login

3. Connect your device with your software

This section aims to show how GPS device connects to your server How to connect your tracker with the software?


Login the real time tracking software

Click the menu of Manage, if you do not login it will redirect the login page.

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Picture 11

If you are first login in the system, you will find the page as below

Picture 12

Picture 13 It means that you must get the right of using Google map, you can apply it free of charge like Picture 15.

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Picture 14

Click this URL link to apply for a free API key of your domain name as shown below

Picture 15 Go to the bottom of this page, you will find the blank as below

Picture 16

If you input your domain URL (such as: and agreed with the terms and conditions, click the Generate API key, you will see the page as below with your API key in your Gmail mailbox.

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Our demo:

Picture 17

Copy the key and paste into the Google Map API Key box in Picture 15, then save it in software. At this time you can vist the software system normally.


Login and click Manage tab

Picture 19

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Click Add new Tracker in Tracker Config to add new device.

Picture 18

Fill in the name and the tracker ID. The tracker ID should be exactly same as that one which you set up in GPRS setting by SMS command. Each tracker should have a different tracker ID. For PT30,PT60,PT300 and PT302, you can set up any digits without starting 0 to be tracker ID. For PT01,PT03 and PT20, the trackers IMEI number is its tracker ID


GPRS Setting to connect tracker to server by GPRS.

Take PT300 as example, make sure SIM card in PT300 support GPRS service. Then use your mobile

phone to send SMS commands step by step as below: Step 1. Set tracker ID (any digits without starting 0 as you want)

Send SMS command W000000,010,Tracker ID PT300 will response one SMS to confirm. Step 2. Set IP address and Port

Send SMS command W000000,012,,8300 PT300 will response one SMS to confirm. Step 3, Set APN (please get APN details from your SIM card provider)

Send SMS command W000000,011,APN PT300 will response one SMS to confirm. Step 4.

Set time interval of sending GPRS package

Send SMS command W000000,014,00003 PT300 will response one SMS to confirm. In this SMS, time interval is 30 seconds Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved. 15

Our demo: Step 5. Enable GPRS function

Send SMS command W000000,013,1 PT300 will response one SMS to confirm.

Please also make GPRS setting for the device correctly as per its user manual.

After above process is ok, you will see your device on the Realtime page of tracking website

Note: If it shows No Data on web, it means your GPRS setting has error and is not successful. Please check and make GPRS setting again with correct information.


How to get the IP address?

For example: if you want to track your car on our demo, you can get the IP address at the follow steps:


Click Begin menu on computer, click command, it will pop up the below dialog box.

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Our demo:

Picture 19

Picture 20


Then click OK button, it will pop up the below dialog box.

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Our demo:

Picture 21

c, Typed ping on the dialog then press the space key, input your domain name. If you want to track on our demo, you can type ping

Picture 22

4. Administrator setting
As administrator, He has full control functions, distributor and normal user have the appointed functions by admin.


System Config
You can configure your software system basically in System Config under Manage tab.

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Picture 23

In above page, you can set time zone, your default location when visit your web, upload your company logo, company name, and other contact information and so on. For other things, keep it default. If you want satellite map, you can choose Hybrid Map in Default map type.


Data management
In Data management item, you can get below

Picture 24

In this page, you can delete some history data, or upload street name data, but it must be KML file, or upload the road and shape data in KML file. Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved. 19

Our demo:


Model management
In Model management item, you can change server port and socket type in modify. But please use

it carefully. If no special case, please let it be default.

Picture 25

Picture 26


User management
In this item, administrator can modify information of distributor, normal user and restricted user.

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Our demo:

Picture 27

Below is the modify unit user function.

Picture 28


User Right management

In this item, administrator can assign different rights for different user role.

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Our demo:

Picture 29

In Picture 31, please modify user role carefully, or else, it will affect all users. It is better to keep it default first.

Below is the function options, if click yes for the function option, it means the selected User Role will have the selected function, If not click yes, this user role will not have this function. For example: For your sub-user Role Distributor, you dont click yes for Report option, then Report tab will not display out when distributor role visit your tracking website. So you can decide as you want by this. Also you can add other user roles for your GPS Tracking System through it and assign rights.

Picture 30

As administrator, you can assign any right for any user role. It is for User Role, not each user.

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Our demo:


Customize fields
In the item, you can add new customized field as per your own requirement, for example: you want to

add a field of Driver Name attributed to all trackers, you can do it as below. request, please make it default.

If no special requirement or

Step 1: Click Add Field button

Picture 31 Step 2:

Picture 32

We choose add field to tracker, and write the field name, the show name, the filed type, and default value to it, then click Modify button to submit the form. Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved. 23

Our demo:

Finally: When you create a new tracker or edit a tracker, you will see the new field you created.

Picture 33

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5. System function


Quick Switch Language

You can switch any language as your default language from our language button. If not have, you can also add your own language into our software system.

Picture 34

Such as you selected Arabic:

Picture 35


Quick Switch Map

You can switch any map as your default map from our provider.

Picture 36


Quick Switch Web Style

You can switch the interface skin color between our default blue and black color.

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Our demo:

Picture 37

For Black color as below:

Picture 38


Map function

You can get the location by manually typing into latitude and longitude, for example, GPS trackers sends a SMS including latitude and longitude to your mobile phone, please type into as below to get its location.

Picture 39

You can search building, addresses, road and get direction in this item. (such as input friendly)

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Our demo:

Picture 40

We can find the data with marked friendly in the map, but this function is only used in Google map.

Picture 41

We can find the route between two different locations. It also just work on Google map.


Real-time function

You can set Geo-fence alarm, over speed alarm and other function under real time tab.

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Our demo:

Picture 42

5.1.1 Geo-fence alarm

Choose a device on the left box and click Geo-fence on the map, and it will appear a dialog box., and click Add new Geo-fence, you will get below information.

Picture 43

Please click Select range from map, you can choose area from map by mouse, please refer to below picture, you can put the mouse on the polygon summit and hold down by mouse left button and move to anywhere on map, for example: along a river, a road or something, if you selecte geo-fence range, you can click OK button which on the left-top of the map. The green background means if the tracker leaves the Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.


Our demo:

selected range, it will alarm, the red background means if the tracker enters the selected range, it will alarm. Of course you can set the alarm conditions in the page like Picture 20 .

Picture 44

5.1.2 Speed Alarm

Choose a device on the left side and click Speed Alarm on the map, and it will appear a dialog box, select the tracker speed condition and make the tracker alarm when its speed is out of you selected speed. (Note: one tracker only has one speed alarm) You will get below information when you click Speed Alarm:

Picture 45

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5.1.3 Handle Alarm (P.S.: It is not included in standard version, USD500 for adding it)
If you login as administrator or you have the right of handle alarm, you can find the Handle Alarm button under the real-time page, by clicking it, you will see different alarm list and handle them as below:

Picture 46

5.1.4 Update Position

Choose a device on the left box and click Update Position on the map to update this trackers latest location information. Note: Not all types of tracking devices has this function See the specific information appendix 2

Picture 47

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5.1.5 Report Interval

Choose a device on the left box and click Report Interval on the map, and it will appear a dialog box, then you can set up the report time interval for this tracker.


Not all types of tracking devices has this function See the specific information appendix 2

Picture 48

5.1.6 Stop Engine

Choose a device on the left box and click Stop Engine on the map, and it will appear a dialog box, then you can choose the action and submit to one or Multi-Tracker. Note: This function is only available for our GPS vehicle tracker with extra relay. See the specific information appendix 2

Picture 49 Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.


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5.1.7 Clear Stored Data

Choose a device on the left box and click Clear Stored Data on the map, and it will appear a dialog box, then you can clear the history data stored in tracker. Note: This function is only available for our GPS vehicle tracker PT302.

Picture 50

5.1.8 Manual Alarm (P.S.: It is not included in standard version, USD50 for adding it)
Choose a device on the left box and click Manual Alarm on the map, and it will appear a dialog box, when receiving customers alarm by phone, SMS or others, you can use this function to create a manual alarm in system and record it. Note: Not all types of tracking devices has this function See the specific information appendix 2

Picture 51 Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved.


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History function

In history tab, you can get the history information about your car and history playback on map.

Picture 52


Report function

5.3.1 GPS Report

You can get the data of the selected tracker within specific time, filter, sort.

Picture 53 Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved. 33

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Also you can export the result to excel or PDF file

Picture 54

Picture 55

5.3.2 Distance Report

Here you can get distance report of the car by selecting target tracker.

Picture 56

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5.3.3 Stop Report

Here you can get stop report of the car by selecting target tracker.

Picture 57

5.3.4 Alarm Report

Here you can get alarm style report of the car by selecting target tracker.

Picture 58

5.3.5 Invalid Tracker Report

Here you can search out the trackers which dont report to server in specific time

Picture 59 Copyright 2010 Bofan Limited, All rights reserved. 35

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8) Email function
After you set this function, when tracker triggers alarm, such as Geo fence alarm or SOS alarm, it will send you an email about this alarm information.

Picture 60

Note: For this function, you must also make your server email setting in System Config as below picture, if you dont set the server email correctly, the email alert function will be invalid.

Picture 61

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6. Other information about LiveGTS

Supported Trackers: Support PT302, PT300, PT30, PT60, PT03,PT01 and PT20, if you want to add other

company's trackers, we need you provide GPRS protocol of other tracker to judge if it is possible to be added into our software support, but now we are developing a plug for compatible other GPS tracker device.

Map: Use Google map and Microsoft Vitural Earth map.

Language: Can support any language. Now supported languages: English, Chinese, French, Arabic, Portuguese, Russian and Vietnamese.

Delivery methods: Provide URL to download an EXE setup file. We can help free install for you remotely if need.

Package: Server, PHP code, database manager, Apache, MySQL, all in one EXE setup file.

Byte flow of each position refresh: about 90~100bytes for TCP

Basic System Requirement:

1. One Windows Server/PC with static internet IP 2. One domain name which will be your special tracking website name. This name can not be changed in

future once it is confirmed to us for binding with software.

Basic server specification: Windows 2003 server with static IP, it is better the memory is more than 600Mb, disk space is more than 5G, and support remote desktop control access, and can run exe file.

Difference of the four kinds of user roles in LiveGTS: Restricted user: can't add tracker ID and can't add user. Normal user: can add tracker ID, can modify the trackers information, but can't add user. Distributor: can add tracker ID and add user Administrator: Can control distributor, normal user and restricted user

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Our demo:

For example: you buy the software, then you are the administrator, you have a distributor in one city and one in another city. You can authorize them to control the cars in their own city, they can create normal user and restricted user under their own account, but you can still control all of them.

Attention: Not use your companys main homepage as the requested domain name. If we install the software binding with your homepage, all the information on your homepage will disappear, only the tracking information interface like visiting our web But you can provide a free sub-domain name for LiveGTS program, such as suppose you homepage is

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7. Appendix


Tracker Model and port mapping

Model MobileGPS PT03 PT30 PT300UDP PT60

Port 8200(for future use) 8003 8030 8300 8060 PT01 PT20 PT300 PT302

Model 8001 8020 8300 8302


Table 1

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Our demo:


Tracker Model and function difference



Speed Alarm

Update Position

Report Interval

Stop Engine

Clear stored data

Manual Alarm

PT01 PT03 PT20 PT30 PT300 PT300UDP PT302 PT60 MobileGPS

Table 2

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