Lab Oratorios

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Activity 1.1.

1: Using Google Earth™ to View the World

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
• Explain the purpose of Google Earth.
• Explain the different versions of Google Earth.
• Explain the hardware and software requirements needed to use Google Earth
(free edition).
• Experiment with Google Earth features such as Help | Tutorial.
• Experiment with Google Earth to explore continents, countries, and places of

Google Earth is a popular application that executes on the desktop of most
operating systems. It requires a broadband connection to the Internet and displays
Earth as a manipulated 2D, or 3D image. The popular world news channel, CNN,
regularly uses Google Earth to emphasize where a news story has occurred.
At the time of writing this activity, there are three versions of Google Earth. The
version that fits most needs is Google's free version, Google Earth. A Google Earth
Plus version includes GPS support, a spreadsheet importer, and other support
features. The Google Earth Pro version is for professional and commercial use.
The URL contains a description
of the versions. Use this link to answer the following questions:
Which versions support Tilt and 3D rotation? _Google Earth, Google Earth Plus,
Google Earth Pro. ____________________________
Which Google Earth version supports the highest resolution? _Google Earth
To use Google Earth, version 4, minimum computer hardware requirements must
be met:

Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP

CPU Pentium 3 with 500 MHz
System Memory 128 MB
Hard Disk 400 MB of free space
Network Speed 128 kbps
Graphics Card 3D-capable with 16 MB of VRAM
Screen 1024x768 pixels, 16-bit High Color screen

This activity is to be performed on a computer that has Internet access and on
which you can install software.
Estimated completion time, depending on network speed, is 30 minutes.

Task 1: Install Google Earth.

If Google Earth is not installed on the computer, the free application can be
downloaded directly from Follow the
installation instructions, and the Google Earth download should start automatically.
Remember, you may have to disable any popup blockers on your browser.

Figure 1. Google Earth Opening Screen

Task 2: Run Google Earth.

Step 1: Refer to Figure 1, the opening screen. The Menu bar is located in the
upper left corner of the screen. On the Help menu, choose User Guide to launch a
default web browser and bring up he Google Earth User’s Guide. Take a few minutes to rowse the User’s
Guide. Before leaving the User’s Guide web site, answer the following questions:
List the three ways to move the image.
__1. Tilt- 2D or 3D________________
__2. Zoom______________________
__3. Rotate or Move______________
Which mouse control will zoom in or zoom out?
_ The left mouse button _________________________________________
What is the purpose of the left mouse button?
_ Will zoom in or zoom out._________________________________________
Task 3: Navigatie the Google Earth Interface.
Step 1: Use the Overview Map feature.
On the View menu, choose Overview Map. This handy feature provides a relative
global position of the magnified image.

Step 2: Review the navigation controls.

Navigation controls are located in the upper right quadrant and control the image
magnification and
position. The mouse pointer must be moved close to the controls, otherwise only a
compass is displayed. Refer to Figure 2 for a description of the navigation controls.

Figure 2. Google Earth Screen Navigation Tools

Step 3: Use the Sightseeing feature.

On the left navigation bar, experiment with the Places > Sightseeing folder.
Expand Sightseeing, hoose a location that you would like to see, and double-click
that location. The image will take you to that site.
When the location has been reached, an image streaming indicator reports when
the image resolution is complete.

Step 4: Experiment with the Search > Fly To folder.

Enter 95134, a U.S. Zip Code.
What U.S. State and City are displayed? Santa Clara, San Jose
What if you would like to "Fly To" London, UK? What data would you need to
El Código Postal y el país.

Step 5: Use the Fly To feature.

Some locations have better resolution than others, and some location images are
older than others. For example, one user commented that he found his home, but
the new home next door had not yet been built. Try to find your home using the
Search > Fly To folder.
Is the resolution for your home the same quality as the Sightseeing location in Step
3? No es la misma calidad de ubicación.
If the resolution for your neighborhood is sufficient, browse the surrounding area to
see if you can determine approximately how old the image is.

Figure 3. World Map with Latitude and Longitude Lines

Step 6: View geographic coordinates.

Geographic coordinates are displayed in the lower left quadrant of the image. The
first number is called the latitude, and is the angle between a point and the equator.
For example, the equator is an imaginary line dividing the globe into the Northern
or Southern Hemisphere. The equator has a 0o latitude. The second number is
called the longitude, and is the angle east or west of an arbitrary earth point. The
Royal Observatory, United Kingdom, is the international zero-longitude point. The
combined longitude and latitude is called the common graticule. The coordinate
measurements are in degrees o, minutes’, seconds, and tenths". For latitude, the
reference is North (N) or South (S) of the equator. For longitude, the reference is
East (E) or West (W) of the Royal Observatory. Refer to Figure 3. For a layman’s
definition of geographic coordinates, go to URL On the View menu,
choose Grid to display Google Earth Gridlines.
Using the pointer and coordinates shown in the lower left quadrant of the image,
what are the coordinates of your home? 2º 55’ 29.72” N 75º 16’ 49.53” O
Task 4: Reflection
Google Earth can bring the world into the home or office. While enjoying the
images, consider what digital communication resources were used. For example,
satellite communication with an earth station transmitted the image of your home to
a ground location. Some type of database was used to store the image. A Local
Area Network (LAN) sent your image request across the Internet, probably through
several Wide Area Networks (WANs) and then to another LAN with a computer that
returned the image to you. The delay in retrieving the image may have been short
or long, depending on the slowest speed of all network connections in the path
between the database repository and your computer.
Could the image be displayed faster if data compression techniques were used?
Consider network security. Could someone eavesdrop on your network

Task 5: Challenge
Google Earth displays image coordinates in the lower left quadrant of the image.
Use the following URL to learn about different coordinate systems: Wikipedia
contains a useful definition of common geographical terms.
Use the geographic coordinate system to describe your home with as much
accuracy and detail as possible.

Task 6: Clean Up
You may be required to remove Google Earth from the computer. If so, perform
these steps:
1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
3. Locate and click Google Earth.
4. Click Remove and follow the prompts.
Additional removal information is available from URL
Unless instructed otherwise, turn off the computer.
Activity 1.4.5: Identifying Top Security Vulnerabilities

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, you will be able to:
• Use the SANS site to quickly identify Internet security threats.
• Explain how threats are organized.
• List several recent security vulnerabilities.
• Use the SANS links to access other security-related information.

One of the most popular and trusted sites related to defending against computer
and network security threats is SANS. SANS stands for SysAdmin, Audit, Network,
Security. SANS contains several components, each a major contributor to
information security. For additional information about the SANS site, go to, and select items from the Resources menu.
How can a corporate security administrator quickly identify security threats? SANS
and the FBI have compiled their list of the top 20 Internet Security Attack Targets at The list is regularly updated with information formatted
• Operating Systems—Windows, Unix/Linux, MAC
• Applications—Cross-platform, including web, database, Peer-to-Peer, instant
messaging, media
players, DNS servers, backup software, and management servers
• Network Devices—Network infrastructure devices (routers, switches, etc.), VoIP
• Human Elements—Security policies, human behavior, personnel issues
• Special Section—Security issues not related to any of the above categories

This lab will introduce students to computer security issues vulnerabilities. The
SANS web site will be used as a tool for threat vulnerability identification,
understanding, and defense.
This lab must be completed outside of the Cisco lab from a computer with Internet
Estimated completion time is one hour.

Task 1: Locate the SANS Resources.

Step 1: Open the SANS Top 20 List.
Using a web browser, go to URL On the resources menu,
choose top 20 list, shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. SANS Menu

The SANS Top-20 Internet Security Attack Targets list is organized by category. An
identifying letter indicates the category type, and numbers separate category
topics. Router and switch topics fall under the Network Devices category, N. There
are two major hyperlink topics:
N1. VoIP Servers and Phones
N2. Network and Other Devices Common Configuration Weaknesses

Step 2: Click hyperlink N2. Network and Other Devices Common

Configuration Weaknesses to jump to this topic.

Task 2: Review the SANS Resources.

Step 1: Review the contents of N2.2 Common Default Configuration Issues.

For example, N.2.2.2 (in January 2007) contains information about threats
associated with default accounts and values. A Google search on “wireless router
passwords” returns links to multiple sites that publish a list of wireless router
default administrator account names and passwords. Failure to change the default
password on these devices can lead to compromise and vulnerability by attackers.

Step 2: Note the CVE references.

The last line under several topics references Common Vulnerability Exposure
(CVE). The CVE name is linked to the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) National Vulnerability Database (NVD), sponsored by the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Cyber Security Division and US-
CERT, which contains information about the vulnerability.

Task 3: Collect Data.

The remainder of this lab walks you through a vulnerability investigation and
Step 1: Choose a topic to investigate, and click on an example CVE
Note: Because the CVE list changes, the current list may not contain the same
vulnerabilities as those in January 2007.
The link should open a new web browser connected to and the
vulnerability summary page for the CVE.

Step 2: Fill in information about the vulnerability:

Original release date: _5/24/2007_______________
Last revised: _5/29/2007______________________
Source: _US – CERT/NIST____________________
Heap-based buffer overflow in the CAB unpacker in avast! Anti-virus Managed
Client before 4.7.700 allows user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary
code via a crafted CAB archive, resulting from an “integer cast around”.

Under Impact, there are several values. The Common Vulnerability Scoring System
(CVSS) severity is displayed and contains a value between 1 and 10.

Step 3: Fill in information about the vulnerability impact:

CVSS Severity: CVSS v2 Base score: 9.3 (High)
(AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) (legend)
Impact Subscore: 10.0
Exploitability Subscore: 8.6
Range: 8.6
Authentication: Not required to exploit
Impact Type: Provides administrator access, Allows complete confidentiality,
integrity, and availability violation , Allows unauthorized disclosure of
information , Allows disruption of service The next heading contains links with
information about the vulnerability and possible solutions.

Step 4: Using the hyperlinks, write a brief description of the solution as

found on those pages.
The vendor has released version 4.7.700 to address this issue. The fixed version is
available via the automatic update mechanism.

Task 4: Reflection
The number of vulnerabilities to computers, networks, and data continues to
increase. The governments have dedicated significant resources to coordinating
and disseminating information about the vulnerability and possible solutions. It
remains the responsibility of the end user to implement the solution. Think of ways
that users can help strengthen security. Think about user habits that create security
∙ Mantener actualizado el equipo.
∙ Descargar archivos de paginas confiables.
∙ Instalar Software originales.
∙ Activar las actualizaciones internas del sistema operativo (firewall, scan diario,
antivirus actualizado.

∙ Manejar el Parental Control.

Task 5: Challenge
Try to identify an organization that will meet with us to explain how vulnerabilities
are tracked and solutions applied. Finding an organization willing to do this may be
difficult, for security reasons, but will benefits students, who will learn how
vulnerability mitigation is accomplished in the world. It will also give representatives
of the organization an opportunity to meet the class and conduct informal intern

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