John's 2nd New Certof Value - Odt

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Trust of JOHN ARTHUR ALLEN Certificate of Value

and Letter of Credit

ISSUE DATE: January / 26 / 2014 Exemption and Trust Account e!erence "um#er: 011$%$0&&

Issue by John Arthur Allen

c/o 151888 P Bldg. #5 7C-126 B ! 656" #t$te %&y. '6 lney( Color$do )81*62+ ,on-do-est.c &.thout the /#

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For the express and stated sum of : United States Dollars For Deposit Only. All transactions with all other communities and with existing currencies/representation of deposits will be on this certificate of Value and Letter of redit !nstrument: This Certificate of Value, inclusive of any and all mutually identified and accepted representations, shall be deposited as (Deposit of Value) indicated on the face of this document. !s bac"ed and fully underwritten# by the duly recorded and duly $erified# %xemption and Federal &'irth 'ond( account. As so allotted# appro$ed# and decreed by executi$e order )*+,-./. hap.01#01 stat. --/ 2 ,-3,-30 and 2 ,-,-30 and that all debt shall be discharged. on my behalf. Verification of the funds indicated on the face $alue of this 4Deposit of Value5 document &as so authori6ed( by the 27!8%D 98A8%9 of the go$ernment# the F%D%+AL +%9%+V% 9:98%;# 8)% 27!8%D 98A8%9 8+%A92+: D%<A+8;%78# and the Office of 8)% 98A8% 8+%A92+:. ;ay be obtain by contacting 8he 98A8% D%<A+8;%78 of +%V%72% in olorado. 8he 9tate Department of +e$enue c/o %xecuti$e Director# 'arbra 'rohl -=>? 9herman 9treet Den$er# olo. 13/@- Fax & =3=( 1@@,/033 %mail: For purpose of transactions ,redemption, extraction or receipt of Tender of Payment. For offset and discharge regarding all transactions concerning this 4Letter of Credit'. Or itBs 4issuer # obtained from 8he 9tate Department of +e$enue &see address abo$e(. And such funds are to be transmitted through same 4re$enue department5# to my ban"ing institution# person or business entity transacting with the issuer of this document. For purpose of $alidity and or transmission regarding a transaction# in$ol$ing this document/instrument. 9ubmit the following information to the 9tate Department of +e$enue# executi$e director &name listed abo$e(. !ssuer : *ohn Arthur Allen DO': 3>/3>/-.>0 9ocial 9ecurity 7o. 3--,?1,?3.. ;y 9ocial 9ecurity 'ond: )eld by the Federal Reserve Ban of Ric!"ond# Routin$ %&'%#%%%(#( ) Acct* (+,&+-'. 8he canceled instrument shall be returned to the issuer no later than =3 days after the deposit date. maintained by the financial institution for their records. 8his is a 4<erpetual Letter of opies may be

redit5 and shall not expire# less than a period of &? years(# from the !ssue date stated.

Date: CCCCCC/CCCCCC/ /3-0 Dithout <reEudice 2 -,=31

9ignature: CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC *ohn Arthur Allen Pre-Author.6ed( Pre-$11ro7ed( $nd Pre-P$.d Cont$ct In8or-$t.on Phone3 9:*:;-:*7-"612

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