Lab Viva C&N

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SIMULATION OF AODV AND DSR Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) is a routing protocol for wireless mesh networks.

It is similar to AODV in that it forms a route on-demand when a transmitting computer

requests one. This protocol is trul !ased on source routing where! all the routing information is maintained (continuall updated) at mo!ile nodes. It has onl two ma"or phases# which are $oute Disco%er and $oute &aintenance. D namic source routing protocol (D'$) is an on-demand protocol designed to restrict the !andwidth consumed ! control packets in ad hoc wireless networks ! eliminating the periodic ta!le-update messages required in the ta!le-dri%en approach. Advantages and disadvantages It eliminates the need to periodicall flood the network with ta!le update messages which are required in a ta!le-dri%en approach. To reduce the control o%erhead $oute maintenance mechanism does not locall repair a !roken link. The connection setup dela is higher than in ta!le-dri%en protocols. $outing o%erhead is in%ol%ed due to the source-routing mechanism emplo ed in D'$. Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector AODV! Routing Is a routing protocol for mo!ile ad hoc networks (&A()Ts) and other wireless ad hoc networks. "or#ings In AODV# the network is silent until a connection is needed. At that point the network node that needs a connection !roadcasts a request for connection. Other AODV nodes forward this message# and record the node that the heard it from# creating an e*plosion of temporar routes !ack to the need node. +hen a node recei%es such a message and alread has a route to the desired node# it sends a message !ackwards through a temporar route to the requesting node.

The need node then !egins using the route that has the least num!er of hops through other nodes.

,nused entries in the routing ta!les are rec cled after a time.+hen a link fails# a routing error is passed !ack to a transmitting node# and the process repeats. Advantages and disadvantages$ The main ad%antage of this protocol is ha%ing routes esta!lished on demand and that destination sequence num!ers are applied to find the latest route to the destination. The connection setup dela is lower. One disad%antage of this protocol is that intermediate nodes can lead to inconsistent routes if the source sequence num!er is %er old and the intermediate nodes ha%e a higher !ut not the latest destination sequence num!er# there! ha%ing stale entries.

Another disad%antage of AODV is unnecessar !andwidth consumption due to periodic !eaconing. Di%%erence &et'een AODV and DSR$

(om)arison &et'een DSR and AODV *ro)erty T pe of routing DSR 'ource routing AODV Ta!le-dri%en routing with destination sequence num!ers .esser

Amount of routing information $epl to requests


$eplies to all requests reaching a destination from a single request c cle /ast# using !acktracking

$eplies onl once to the request arri%ing first and ignores the rest

$oute deletion acti%it using $)$$

0onser%ati%e# using acti%e neigh!our list

ADA*TIV+ FILT+R LMS AL,ORIT-M ADA*TIV+ FILT+R$ An ada)tive %i.ter is a filter that self-ad"usts its transfer function according to an optimi1ation algorithm dri%en ! an error signal. 2ecause of the comple*it of the optimi1ation algorithms# most adapti%e filters are digital filters. 2 wa of contrast# a non-adapti%e filter has a static transfer function. +/am).e a)).ication 'uppose a hospital is recording a heart !eat (an )0-)# which is !eing corrupted ! a 34 51 noise (the frequenc coming from the power suppl in man countries). 5owe%er# due to slight %ariations in the power suppl to the hospital# the noise signal ma contain harmonics of the noise and the e*act frequenc of the noise ma %ar . A)).ications o% ada)tive %i.ters

(oise cancellation 'ignal prediction Adapti%e feed!ack cancellation )cho cancellation

Fi.ter im).ementations

.east mean squares filter $ecursi%e least squares filter &ultidela !lock frequenc domain adapti%e filter

L+AST M+AN S0UAR+S FILT+R$ Least mean s1uares LMS! algorithms are a class of adapti%e filter used to mimic a desired filter ! finding the filter coefficients that relate to producing the least mean squares of the error signal (difference !etween the desired and the actual signal). It is a stochastic gradient descent method in that the filter is onl adapted !ased on the error at the current time.


"hat is Noise (ance..ation2 (oise cancellation (also known as acti%e noise control# acti%e noise reduction (A($) or antinoise) is a method for reducing unwanted sound. &odern noise cancellation is achie%ed through the use of a computer (the D'6)# which anal 1es the wa%eform of the !ackground aural or nonaural noise# then generates a polari1ation re%ersed wa%eform to cancel it out ! interference. This wa%eform has identical or directl proportional amplitude to the wa%eform of the original noise# !ut its polarit is re%ersed. This creates the destructi%e interference that reduces the amplitude of the percei%ed noise. "hat is +cho (ance..ation2 The term echo cancellation is used in telephon to descri!e the process of remo%ing echo from a %oice communication in order to impro%e %oice qualit on a telephone call. In addition to impro%ing su!"ecti%e qualit # this process increases the capacit achie%ed

through silence suppression ! pre%enting echo from tra%eling across a network.

"IMA3 (-ANN+L$ +i&A7 (+orldwide Interopera!ilit for &icrowa%e Access) is a wireless communications standard designed to pro%ide 84 to 94 mega!it-per-second data rates. Uses The !andwidth and range of +i&A7 make it suita!le for the following potential applications: 6ro%iding porta!le mo!ile !road!and connecti%it across cities and countries through a %ariet of de%ices. 6ro%iding a wireless alternati%e to ca!le and digital su!scri!er line (D'.) for ;last mile; !road!and access.

6ro%iding data# telecommunications (VoI6) and I6TV ser%ices (triple pla ). 6ro%iding a source of Internet connecti%it as part of a !usiness continuit plan. 'mart grids and metering.

LIN+AR (OD+$ In coding theor # a linear code is an error-correcting code for which an linear com!ination of codewords is also a codeword. .inear codes are traditionall partitioned into !lock codes and con%olutional codes# although tur!o codes can !e seen as a h !rid of these two t pes.<=> .inear codes allow for more efficient encoding and decoding algorithms than other codes (cf. s ndrome decoding). .inear codes are used in forward error correction and are applied in methods for transmitting s m!ols (e.g.# !its) on a communications channel. +/am).e$

-amming codes
$epetition codes

6arit codes 0 clic codes 5amming codes -ola code# !oth the !inar and ternar %ersions 6ol nomial codes# of which 205 codes are an e*ample (4(LI( (OD+$ In coding theory# c clic codes are .inear &.oc# error-correcting codes that ha%e con%enient alge!raic structures for efficient error detection and correction. )*amples Tri%ial e*amples. "iMA3$ (+orldwide Interopera!ilit for &icrowa%e Access! is a wireless communications standard designed to pro%ide 84 to 94 mega!it-per-second data rates. Uses$

Internet access &iddle-mile !ackhaul to fi!re networks Triple-pla Deplo ment


-atewa s )*ternal modems &o!ile phones

"IR+L+SS S+NSOR N+T"OR5 "SN!$ It consists of spatiall distri!uted autonomous sensors to monitor ph sical or en%ironmental conditions# such as temperature# sound# pressure# etc. and to cooperati%el pass their data through the network to a main location.

A)).ications$ Area monitoring 5ealth care monitoring o /orest fire detection o .andslide detection

o +ater qualit monitoring o (atural disaster pre%ention

Industrial monitoring (haracteristics$ The main characteristics of a +'( include:

6ower consumption constrains for nodes using !atteries or energ har%esting A!ilit to cope with node failures &o!ilit of nodes 0ommunication failures 5eterogeneit of nodes 'cala!ilit to large scale of deplo ment A!ilit to withstand harsh en%ironmental conditions )ase of use

"ired Net'or#s$

+ired networks# also called )thernet networks# are the most common t pe of local area network (.A() technolog . A wired

network is simpl a collection of two or more computers# printers# and other de%ices linked ! )thernet ca!les. )thernet is the fastest wired network protocol# with connection speeds of =4 mega!its per second (&!ps) to =44 &!ps or higher. "ire.ess Net'or#s$ A wireless network# which uses high-frequenc radio wa%es rather than wires to communicate !etween nodes# is another option for home or !usiness networking. Indi%iduals and organi1ations can use this option to e*pand their e*isting wired network or to go completel wireless. +ireless allows for de%ices to !e shared without networking ca!le which increases mo!ilit !ut decreases range. There are two main t pes of wireless networking? peer to peer or ad-hoc and infrastructure. (

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