Inequality Problems

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Inequality Problems in QQAD so far

Type: Manipulating Expressions Which of the following statements about the functions A(x, y, z) = x + 3y - 4xy - yz + zx an! "(x,y,z) = #x-#x-y## + #y-#y-z## + #z-#zx## is necessa$ily t$ue% (a) "(x,y,z) &= #x-y# + #y-z# + #z-x# (c) A(x,y,z) ( -* (b) ("(x,y,z))' ( A(x,y,z) fo$ x ( y ( z ( )

(!) +one of the abo,e

-ince all the te$ms in "(x,y,z) a$e symmet$ic we assume without the loss of any gene$ality that x (= y (= z .hus, "(x,y,z) = #x-#x-y## + #y-#y-z## + #z-#z-x## = #y# + #z# + # z-x# #x-y# + #y-z# + #z-x# = x-y + y-z + x-z = (x-z) /utting x = 0, y=0, z= 0 we see that choice (a) is not t$ue x + 3y - 4xy - yz + zx = (x - y + z)' -y' -z' + yz =( A(x,y,z) = (x - y + z)' -(y-z)' =( A(x,y,z) = (x - 3y + z)(x-y) 1et x ( y ( z ( ) an! x ( z, then "(x,y,z) = x+y-z, if ("(x,y,z))' ( A(x,y,z) =( ("(x,y,z))' - A(x,y,z) ( ), sol,ing we get y(3x-y) + x(3y- z) which is ( ) 1et x ( y ( z ( ) an! x & z, then "(x,y,z) = y+z+( z-x) = 3z +y -x if ("(x,y,z))' ( A(x,y,z) =( ("(x,y,z))' - A(x,y,z) ( ), sol,ing we get (3z +y -x)' - (x - 3y + z) (x-y) ( ) =( 2z' - y' +3yz + xy -3zx ( ) =( z(2z-3x+3y) + x(x-y) ( ), which we can see always is 4ence, (b) is the $ight o/tion /ut x=0, y = ), z = -4 we get A(x, y, z) = -5 hence (c) is also not t$ue

Type: Given expression is constant source PGD!M papers of IIM !" 6f x, y, z a$e any $eal numbe$s then the minimum /ossible ,alue of x' + y' + z' + yz sub7ect of x + y + z = 8* is (a) 8* (b) * (c) 0 (!) none of the fo$egoing We a$e to fin! 9in(x' + y' + z' + yz) = 9in(x' + y' + (y+z)' ) sub7ect to x + y + z = 8* if x =a, y=b, y+z=c, then a' + b' + c' is to be minimize! when a+b+c is constant .hus, a=b=c x=y=y+z =( x= - , y= - , z=) 4ence, :hoice (c) is the co$$ect answe$ Type: #unctional Inequality source PGD!M papers of IIM !" 1et f(x,y) = 0 if #x - y# &= 0; = ) othe$wise .hen g(y) = f(0;4,y)f(3;4,y) is maximize! with $es/ect to y if only if (a) y = 0; (b) y (= 3;4 (c) 3;3 &= y &= <;3 (!) none of the fo$egoing

=o$ g(y) to be maximum, f(0;4,y) an! f(3;4,y) has to be maximum when -0;4 &= y &= 3;4 f(0;4,y) = 0 when 0;4 &= y &= <;4 f(3;4,y) = 0 =( y lies in >0;4, 3;4? 4ence, choice (!) is the co$$ect answe$@

Type: AM$GM rule on non%negative numbers" an& ot'er Which among the following 3 statements is;a$e t$ue% 6@ .he minimum ,alue of (x+<)(x+ );(x+0) is 2 fo$ x ( -0 66@ .he maximum ,alue of (0))'n);nA occu$s at n = 0)) only 666@ =o$ any $eal numbe$s x, y ( 0, x' ;(y - 0) + y' ;(x - 0) (= 3 (a) Bnly 66 (b) Bnly 666 (c) "oth 6 an! 66 (!) none of the fo$egoing 6@ 1et (x+<)(x+ );(x+0) = y = (x' + 5x + 0));(x+0) = (x' + x + 0 + <x + < + 4); (x+0) =( (x+<)(x+ );(x+0) = x+0 + 4;(x+0) + < "y A9-C9 $ule, x+0 + 4;(x+0) (= 4 =( 6 is t$ue 66@ (0))'0)));0))A = (0))'22);22A =o$ n ( 0)), (0))'n);nA = ((0))'0)));0))A)D(0))'x;(0)0D0) D@@@xte$ms) whe$e n = x + 0)) "ut (0))'x;(0)0D0) D@@@xte$ms) & 0 =o$ n & 0)), (0))'n);nA & (0))'0)));0))A always as nume$ato$;!enominato$ ( 0 as n inc$eases f$om 0 to 22 4ence, 66 is false 666@ We ha,e (x- )' = ), so x' = 4(x-0)@ 4ence x;(x-0)'0; = @ +ow by A9;C9, x' ;(y - 0) + y' ;(x - 0) = xy;((x-0)(y-0))'0; @ "ut $hs = E E =( 666 is t$ue :hoice (!) is the answe$

Type: #actori(ation base& on !AT )**+ question" 1et x = (n'4 + <* + 4n(n' + 0*));(n+4)' @ 6f 4 &= n' &= 42 then, (a) 0 &= x &= 2< (b) 3 &= x &= 2< (c) 0 &= x &= 35 (!) none of the fo$egoing (n'4 + <* + 4n(n' + 0*));(n+4)' = (n'3 + *4)(n+4);(n+4)' = n' - 4n + 0* 4 &= n' &= 42 =( -5 &= x &= - o$ &= n &= 5 x = n' - 4n + 0* = (n- )' + 0 x is max at n = -5, an! min@ at n= 4ence, choice (!) is the $ight answe$ Type: ,asic !alculus 1et x be $eal an! f(x) be the la$gest ,alue of #y' - xy# fo$ y in >), 0?@ What is the minimum ,alue of f (x)% (a) 0;4 (b) 3 - D( '0; ) (c) ( '0; - 0); (!) none of the fo$egoing

y' - xy = (y - x; )' - x' ;4, so y' - xy has a minimum at y = x; @ 6t is !ec$easing fo$ y & x; an! inc$easing fo$ y ( x; @ .hus the la$gest ,alue of y' - xy must be at y = ), x; o$ 0@ .he ,alues the$e a$e ), x' ;4, #0-x#@ -o fo$ x outsi!e the inte$,al (),0), f(x) (= 0;4@ =o$ x in (),0) we ha,e f(x) = max(x' ;4, 0-x)@ .he Fua!$atic x' + 4x - 4 = ) has $oots - G D '0; , which a$e a//$ox an! -4@33 an! )@33@ 4ence f(x) = 0-x fo$ x &= D '0; - , an! x' ;4 fo$ x &= D '0; - , an! the minimum ,alue of f(x) in the inte$,al (),0) is f( D '0; - ) = 3 - D '0; , which is a//$ox )@03 an! & 0;4@ .his is also the minimum ,alue of f(x) fo$ all x 4ence, c'oice b" is the $ight answe$ Type: !auc'y%-c'.ar( =in! the maximum ,alue of 3x + 4y if x' + y' = *x - 4y - 4 (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 0) (!) none of the fo$egoing

(a' + b' )D(c' + !' ) (= (ac + b!)' 2D < = ((x-3)' + (y+ )' )D(3' + 4' ) (= (3(x-3) + 4(y+ ))' =( 2D < (= (3(x-3) + 4(y+ ))' =( 3x + 4y &= 0* 4ence, choice (!) is the co$$ect answe$ .his was base! on cauchy-schwa$zHs ineFuality@ Type: !auc'y%-c'.ar( 6f a, b, c, ! a$e $eal numbe$s with a' + b' + c' + !' = 0)), then what is the maximum ,alue of a + 3b + *c + 4!% (a) 4) (b) <) (c) 3)) (!) none of the fo$egoing :auchy--chwa$zIs ineFualityJ (a0' + a ' + a3'3 +@@@)D(b0' + b ' + b3'3 +@@@) (= (a0Db0 + a Db + a3Db3 + @@@)' (a' + b' + c' + !' )D( ' + 3' + *' + 4' ) (= ( a + 3b + *c + 4!)' 0))D* < (= ( a + 3b + *c + 4!)' 4ence, c'oice b" is the $ight answe$ Type: n/01n assume max value at n 2 e 2 )3405 .he maximal /ossible ,alue of the /$o!uct of ce$tain /ai$wise /ositi,e intege$s whose sum is 0)) is 63 +/+)" .$y you$self3 Type: A variant of above .he maximal /ossible ,alue of the /$o!uct of ce$tain /ai$wise !istinct /ositi,e intege$s whose sum is 0)) is (a) 0<A;43 (b) 04A;4 (c) 4D(3'3 ) (!) none of the fo$egoing

We sta$t of with D3D@@@D00D0 D 3 because we nee! to use all the smallest intege$s because e,e$y intege$ g$eate$ than 3 can be $e/lace! with a sum of two othe$s whose /$o!uct is g$eate$ o$ eFual than that intege$ @i@e@ 4 = + &= D <=

+3 & D3 = * so this means we shoul! 7ust !ec$ease the numbe$ 3 untill it gets to 04 an! inc$ease all the othe$ numbe$s by 0@ .hen we get the solution D3D@@@D0)D0 D03D04 o$ sho$tly 04A;4 4ence, c'oice b" is the $ight answe$

Type: !alculus an& Equations QQAD )**7 an& later appeare& in 8AT )**5" 6f a, b, c a$e $eal numbe$s such that a & b & c an! a + b + c = *, ab + bc + ca = 2, then which among the following is !efinitely t$ue% (a) ) & a & 0 (b) 0 & b & 3 (c) 3 & c & 4 (!) All of them 1et t = abc@ .hen a, b, c a$e the $oots (= ze$os) of f(x) = x'3 - *x' + 2x - t = )@ We ha,e fI(x) = 3(x - 0)(x - 3) so f(3) & ) & f(0)@ 4ence a & 0 & b & 3 & c@ -ince f(0) = 4 - t ( ), t = abc & 4, an! since f(3) = -t & ), abc ( )@ As b, c a$e /ositi,e, a ( )@ Also, f(x) is st$ictly inc$easing on (3, +oo) an! f(4) = f(0) = 4 - / ( ) so c & 4@ 4ence, c'oice &" is the $ight answe$ Type: Anot'er variant of !auc'y%-c'.ar( .he sum of fi,e $eal numbe$s is 3 an! the sum of thei$ sFua$es is 0*@ What is the la$gest /ossible ,alue fo$ one of the numbe$s% (a) 0*;< (b) (c) <;3 (!) none of these

a+b+c+! = 3-e, also a' + b' + c' + !' = 0* - e' (a' + b' + c' + !' )(0+0+0+0) (= (a+b+c+!)' =( 4D(0* - e' ) (= (3-e)' =( e &= 0*;< 4ence, choice (a) is the $ight answe$@ Type: Inequality frame& as geometry problem .he set of /oints x, y which satisfies x'3 - 3xy' (= 3x' Dy - y'3 an! x+y = -0 is a line segment whose length is (a) 0; (b) ( ;3)'0; (c) 3'0; - 0 (!) 0

x'3+y'3+3xy(x+y) = (x+y)'3 so gi,en eFuations a$e (x+y)'3-*xy(x+y) (=), an! x+y = -0 *xy(=0, an! x+y = -0, y= -0-x *@x(-0-x) (=0, *x(0+x)&=-0 *x' +*x+0&=), so x= (-3+sF$t3);* an! (-3-sF$t3);*, y is ( -sF$t3);* an! ( +sF$t3);* !istance will become sFt*;* = sF$t( ;3) Type: -quaring t'e expression 1et ) &= x, y &= 0@ .he /ositi,e !iffe$ence between the maximum an! minimum ,alue of (x- y+0)' + (x+y-0)' is (a) 4 (b) 0*;3 (c) <;4 (!) none of the fo$egoing .he ex/$ession (x- y+0)' + (x+y-0)' = D(x-0; y)' + 0; D(3y- )' @ .he Kex/$ession becomes minimum when y = ;3 an! x= 0; y = 0;3@ .he min ,alue is )@ .he maximum ,alue is achie,e! y = ) an! x = 0@ .he max ,alue is 4@ 4ence, c'oice a" is the $ight answe$@ Type: ,rea9ing t'e expression an& applying AM%GM 6) =o$ /ositi,e /, F, $ the minimum ,alue of F;$ + (0+$); / + /' ;F is 4 66) x'4 ( x - 0; fo$ all $eal x Which among the abo,e is t$ue% (a) Bnly 6 (b) 6 LL 66 (c) Bnly 66 (!) none of the fo$egoing

F;$ + (0+$); / + /' ;F = F;$ + 0; / + $; / + /' ;F (= 4D( F;$D0; /D$; /D /' ;F) (= 4 =( 6 is t$ue x'4 - x + 0; = (x' - 0; )' + (x - 0; )' = )@ We coul! only ha,e eFuality if x' = x = 0; , which is im/ossible, so the ineFuality is st$ict@ =( 66 is t$ue 4ence, c'oice b" is the $ight answe$

Type: :or& problem for AM$GM in equations A//le ha! to stu!y 9athematics f$om his teache$ B$ange@ As usual, A//le was slee/ing in the class@ 6mme!iately he hea$! a thun!e$ing ,oice@ MAll $oots of this eFuation a$e $eal as well as /ositi,e in natu$eM@ A//le woNe u/ f$om !ee/ slumbe$@ 4e hu$$ie! to co/y the 0) !eg$ee eFuation w$itten on the boa$! but coul! co/y only the fi$st two te$ms w$itten on the blacNboa$! befo$e B$ange si$ wi/e! it all@ A//le howe,e$ $emembe$e! that the constant te$m was @ 4e note! !own the eFuation as x'0) - )x'2OOO@ + = )@ A//le was ,e$y su$e that if someone woul! tell him the sum of all the coefficients of all the /owe$s of x in the eFuation, he woul! sol,e it anyhow@ 4e asNe! 9ango about the same@ .he answe$ which 9ango co$$ectly ga,e was (a) -0) 4 (b) ) the fo$egoing -olutionJ 1et the $oots be a0, a ,O@@, a0) then a0 + a + O@ + a0) = 0) , an! (a0@a O@a0))=0 +ow since all the $oots a$e $eal an! /ositi,e in natu$e We can say that (a0+a +O@+a0));0)(=(a0@a O@a0))'0;0) =o$ $eal numbe$s, A9 (= C9 but he$e we fin! that A9 = C9 hence a0 = a = O = a0) = 0 -o ou$ eFuation actually is (x-0)'0)=) an! then the sum of all the coefficients of all the /owe$s of x in the eFuation is )@ 4ence, choice (b) is the $ight answe$ (c) 0) 4 (!) 9ango himself was confuse! (e) none of

Type: Pigeon ;ole in Inequality .he minimum /ossible ,alue of the la$gest of ab, 0-a-b+ab, an! a+b- ab if ) &= a &= b &=0 is (a) 4;2 -olutionJ 1et s = a + b, / = ab, so a an! b a$e (s+;- $oot(s' -4/)); @ -ince a an! b a$e $eal , s' - 4/(=) @ 6f one of the th$ee Fuantities is less than o$ eFual to 0;2, then at least one of the othe$s is at least 4;2 by the /igeonhole /$inci/le since they a!! u/ to 0@ Assume that s- / & 4=2, then s' - 4/ & (4;2 + /)' - 4/ , an! since the (b)0;2 (c)<;2 (!)0;3 (e) none of the fo$egoing

left si!e is non-negati,e we get )&= /' -(<;2) / +4;30 =(/-0;2)(/-4;2)@ .his im/lies that eithe$ /&=0;2 o$ /(=4;2 , an! eithe$ way weI$e !one@ .his minimum is achie,e! if a an! b a$e both 0;3, so the answe$ is 4;2 4ence, choice (a) is the $ight answe$

Type: Anot'er AM%GM use for solving Inequality Problem 1et a, b, c be /ositi,e $eals@ (6) an! (66) a$e in!e/en!ent statements@ (6) 9inimum ,alue of a'3;4b + b;3c' + (0+c); a is / (66) a + b + c = 3 an! a' + b' + c' = <@ 9aximum /ossible ,alue of c is F@ .hen which among the following is #/-F#% (a) <; -olutionJ (6) a'3;4b + b;3c' + (0+c); a = a'3;4b + b;3c' + 0;4a + 0;4a + c; a@ =o$ /ositi,e $eals A9 (= C9 an! the eFuality occu$s when all the numbe$s a$e eFual@ .hus, a'3;4b + b;3c' + 0;4a + 0;4a + c; a (= <(a'3;4bDb;3c' D0;4aD0;4aDc; a)'0;< = <;4@ .hus, / = <;4 when a'3;4b = b;3c' = 0;4a = c; a@ (66) a+b=3- cP a' +b' (= 0; D(a+b)' = 0; (3- c)' =( <- c' = 0; (3c)' =( 0; &= c &= 5; @ T'us< q is 41) .'en a2b3 4ence, choice (b) is the co$$ect o/tion Type: :'en pro&uct of terms nee&s maximi(ation an& sum is constant .he sum of $eal numbe$s x an! y is 0@ .he maximum ,alue of xy(x'3 + y'3) is xy(x'3 + y'3) = xy(0-3xy) = 0;3D(3xyD(0-3xy))@ .hus, 3xy + (0-3xy) is constant =( max of 3xyD(0-3xy) occu$s when 3xy = 0-3xy =( xy = 0;* =( / = 0;0 (b) 2;4 (c) 0; (!) 3;3 (e) none of the fo$egoing

Type: :'en squaring 'elps< or use Partial &ifferentiation What is the minimum ,alue of the ex/$ession *x =+y %6xy%5x+*y+ % (a) -03;5 -olutionJ .he ex/$ession 7x)=+y)%6xy%5x=7y=) can be w$itten as (04x -0 x - 3);3 + 3(y - (4x-*);*) .o minimize (y - (4x-*);*) = ) an! 04x -0 x - 3 shoul! be minimum@ 04x -0 x - 3 is minimum fo$ x = 3;5 =( y = -<;5@ 4ence, o/tion (a) is the $ight answe$ Anothe$ 9etho! Qiffe$entiate the ex/$ession with $es/ect to x i@e@ 0 x -4y 8 3 = ) Qiffe$entiate the ex/$ession with $es/ect to y i@e@ *y -4x +* = ) -ol,e these eFuations to get !esi$e! x an! y, an! /ut in o$iginal ex/$ession to get ou$ answe$ Type: Max of Min< or Min of Max =o$ each $eal numbe$ , let be the minimum of the numbe$s an! @ .hen the maximum ,alue of is , , (b) (c) -3;< (!) -5;3 (e) none of the fo$egoing

Rlot the g$a/h of f(x)= 4x+0P f(x) = x+ P f(x) = - x+4 f(x) = x+ P f(x) = - x+4 inte$sect at ( ;3,3;3) an! f(x)= 4x+0P f(x) = x+ inte$sect at (0;3,5;3) hence max f(x) is at 3;3@ 4ence, option E" is the $ight answe$ Type: Max pro&uct .'en sum is constant Avoi& Pitfall>" 6f /, F a$e $eal numbe$s such that / + /F + F = 0, then the g$eatest ,alue of the ex/$ession (/3F+ F3/) is

A" 016

," )

D" )1?

D" 01+

E" )1@

We nee! to fin! the g$eatest ,alue of /F(/' +F' ) gi,en /' + /F + F' = 0, but /' + F' (= /F =( / = F >/' + F' = /F !oesnHt ha,e any $eal solution set?@ 4ence, choice (e) is the co$$ect answe$ Type: Max of Min< or Min of Max a, b, c, !, e, f, g a$e non-negati,e such that a+b+c+!+e+f+g = 0@ .hen the minimum ,alue of max(a+b+c, b+c+!, c+!+e, !+e+f, e+f+g) is a" 01+ b" +14 c" 0 &" * e" none of t'e foregoing

-ince the$e a$e 3n- te$ms, /ut a=!=f=0;3 Type: Evaluating a expression in anot'er form 6f th$ee /ositi,e $eal numbe$s x, y, z satisfy y-x = z-y an! xyz = 2, then the minimum /ossible ,alue of y is (0) 3 ( )3

(3) 30;3

(4) 0

(<) none of these

1et the numbe$s be y-!, y, y+! =( y(y' -!' ) = 2 =( y is max when ! = ) an! hence x=y=z Type: Inequality problem in D- #ormat Sach Fuestion is followe! by two statements T an! U@ Answe$ each Fuestion using the following inst$uctionsJ :hoose 0 if the Fuestion can be answe$e! by T only :hoose if the Fuestion can be answe$e! by U only :hoose 3 if the Fuestion can be answe$e! by eithe$ T o$ U :hoose 4 if the Fuestion can be answe$e! by both T an! U :hoose < if the Fuestion can be answe$e! by neithe$ T an! U 1et x an! y be /ositi,e $eal numbe$s@ 6s x' + y' & 0% (T) y'3 + y &= x - x'3 (U) #x# + #y# & V an! #x# & 0 an! #y# & 0

-ol,e you$self, Answe$ is o/tion (3) Type: Inequality problem t'roug' substitution an& symmetry 1et x an! y be /ositi,e $eal numbe$s such that x'3 + y'3 = 4x' @ A is the maximum ,alue of x + y@ 1et a, b, c be $eal such that a+b+c = < an! ab + bc + ca = 3@ " is the la$gest /ossible ,alue of c@ .hen A + " lies in the $ange (0) >5, 3) ( ) >3, 2) (3) >2, 0)) (4) >0), 00) (<) none of these Rut, y = Nx fo$ 0st /$oblem =( x'3 + N'3x'3 = 4x' =( x(0+N'3) = 4 We nee! to maximize x + y = x + Nx = x (0+N) = 4(0+N);(0+N'3) = 4;(N' 8 N+0) = 4;((N-0; )' + W) = 0*;3 = A@ /$oblem is :A. )) /$oblem, sol,e you$self@ " = 03;3 (4int, /ut a = b) Type: Inequality problem of Maximi(ing pro&uct .'en sum is constant
1et - & x & 3, ) & y & 4, & z & <@ 6f (3-x)(4-y)(<-z)(3x+4y+<z) achie,es the maximum /ossible ,alue then which among the following is not t$ue% (a) 3x+4y = ) (b) #x# & #y# (c) z = <; (!) none of the fo$egoing

(3-x)(4-y)(<-z)(3x+4y+<z) = 0;*)D(2-3x)(0*-4y)( <-<z)(3x+4y+<z)@ .aNe 2-3x = A, 0*-4y = ", <-<z = :, 3x+4y+<z = Q@ A+"+:+Q = <) =( A":Q is max when A="=:=Q@ -ol,ing we get x = -5;*, y = 5;3, z = <; @ 4ence, c'oice b" is the $ight answe$

Type: Inequality problem of Maximi(ing pro&uct .'en sum is constant 1et /, F be /ositi,e $eal numbe$s such that / + F = 0@ .hen max ,alue of /'3@F is We nee! to maximize 5; (/;3@/;3@/;3@ F) gi,en /;3 + /;3 + /;3 + F = 0 /;3 = F =( F = 0;3, an! / = W@

Type: Inequality problem of Minimi(ing sum .'en pro&uct is constant 1et /, F be /ositi,e $eal numbe$s such that /'3@F = 0@ .hen min ,alue of /+ F is / + F = / + ;/'3 = /;3 + /;3 + /;3 + ;/'3 (= 4( ; 5)'0;4 >f$om A9KC9?

Putting it as a formula: to find the min value of p(x)=x-a|+|x-b|+|x-c|+|x-d+.... 1) hen no. of terms are odd! min. value of P(x) ould be at x=median(a!b!c!d!...). ") hen no. of terms are even! min p(x)= d-a|+|b-c| i.e (|nth term- 1st term| + n1th term- "nd term + ---- )! here a<.... nth term.

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