Thematic Unit Description Paper Name Jennifer Jaros Course-Section TEAC 259 I. Unit Context

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Thematic Unit Description Paper Name Jennifer Jaros

Course-Section TEAC 259

I. Unit Context

1. Write a description of the unit theme detailing what the students will be learning.

Students will learn about plants using a variety of methods. First, students will learn
how to apply information to create a diagram containing the main parts of a plant.
Through this activity, students will also gain experience organizing their ideas using
Kidspiration software. Students will demonstrate their knowledge, by making
connections and linking information. Second, students will become familiar with using a
ruler to measure height. This activity will allow students to demonstrate their knowledge
of tall and short while also providing hands-on experience; something that will prove
valuable in their future education. Third, students will learn how to use various online
programs to create their own picture of a plant. This activity will also allow the students
to work cooperatively to create a classroom book using the online resource, Photo Story.

2. What is the target subject area/class?

This thematic unit is designed to target a kindergarten science class. However, this
unit also includes elements of art, math, and language arts.

3. How does this unit fit into the whole learning experience of the students?

During this unit students will learn valuable skills needed for first grade and beyond.
Things such as how to access an online resource, create a virtual book, and use a ruler
appropriately are important skills for future educational success.
Students will also learn valuable computer skills and become familiar with programs
such as Kidspiration, Tux Paint, and Photo Story. Students will use computers to
organize data, and create charts to help compare and contrast information. These
experiences with computers will help prepare them for future lessons and assignments
involving technology.

4. What is the setting or situation? Describe the classroom as you see it. Include information
on what computers and other equipment are available to the students.

The classroom being used for this thematic unit contains one PC computer that is to
be used by the teacher only. The computer has access to the internet as well as Microsoft
Office and Kidspiration software. There is also a wireless projector and overhead screen
to use for the purpose of demonstrating information to the students. The students will be
given access to a computer lab with 36 PC computers on which the can access the
internet to create their diagrams, make their charts, and develop their classroom book.
II. Audience

1. General characteristics: Describe the learners, including the size of the group, their age,
interests, experiences, and aptitudes.
I have 18 kindergarten students in my classroom.
11 are boys
7 are girls

I also have:
12 Caucasian students
2 African American students
3 Hispanic students
1 Muslim student

Other characteristics of the students in my classroom include:

5 are ESL learners
2 have hearing impairments
3 have been identified as developmentally delayed
1 has autism
4 are considered gifted students

3. Entry competencies: What specific knowledge and assumptions can you make about
them? Remember to describe their computer competence.

All of my students are aware of how to use a computer including turning it on and
off, accessing a webpage, and using the program Tux Paint. However, since they are
very young, many have not created a diagram using Kidspiration. The students have
been exposed to Photo Story once before.
All of my students have used a ruler before and are able to identify centimeters and
inches. However, some students have trouble identifying the concepts of tallest and
shortest. Most of my students have accessed a webpage before and are able to effectively
navigate through it when given step by step verbal directions.

III. State Objectives

1. State Goal

The goal of this unit is to have students learn more about plants using a variety of
methods. Students will be creating a diagram, comparing and contrasting information,
and creating a virtual book. Students will learn how to find resources online and also
how to organize information using a computer. Students will also gain experience in
using the programs Tux Paint, Kidspiration, and Photo Story.
2. State Objective 1

After listening to the story The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle (A) Kindergarten students (B) will
create a diagram identifying the main parts of a plant (C) using Kidspiration software (D)
within 45 minutes after reading the book

3. State Objective 2

(A) Kindergarten students (B) will measure and record the height of various plants (C)
using a ruler, paper, and pencil (D) by the end of class on Wednesday and have at least five
different plants recorded

4. State Objective 3

(A) Kindergarten students (B) will create their own unique picture of a plant (C) using Tux
Paint (D) within 45 minutes and include at least 3 parts of a plant in their picture

IV. State Methods

1. Instructional Strategy: Identify the instructional strategies you might use to deliver this
unit with. Explain how the methods and media will be used to create the learning

a. Method(s) for objective 1

The methods I will use for objective 1 include presentation, demonstration,

and cooperative learning. I will first read the story The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle to
the class. I will then demonstrate how to use Kidspiration software using a
wireless projector. We will then work cooperatively to create a diagram as a
class, before each individual child creates his/her own diagram.

b. Method(s) for objective 2

The methods I will use for objective 2 include presentation, discovery and
demonstration. I will first present the different types of plants to be measured to
the students. Next, the students will be allowed to explore the different types of
plants and make their own discoveries. I will then demonstrate how to use a ruler
to measure the height of plants. The students will then explore at least five
different types of plants and record their heights.

c. Method(s) for objective 3

The methods I will use for objective 3 include demonstration, discussion and
cooperative learning. I will first demonstrate how to use the program Tux Paint
using the wireless projector. We will then discuss the main parts of a plant to
make sure the students are aware of what to include in their pictures. The
students will then create their own unique picture of a plant using Tux Paint.
Finally, we will work together to create a virtual book using Photo Story that
includes everyone’s plant picture.

3 internet sources:

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