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Plunder and Infamy Tracker

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DC to Increase Sale 10 + 5 per 5% 10 + 5 per 5% 10 + 5 per 5% 10 + 5 per 5% 10 + 5 per 5% 10 + 10 per 5% 10 + 10 per 10% 10 + 10 per 10%

1 PLUNDER / 1 PLUNDER POINT (PP) Maximum Sale % (Max DC; GP for PLDR) 20% (DC 20; 200 gp) 30% (DC 20; 300 gp) 40% (DC 20; 400 gp) 60% (DC 30; 600 gp) 80% (DC 30; 800 gp) 90% (DC 30; 900 gp) 120% (DC 40; 1,200 gp) 140% (DC 50; 1,400 gp)

Community Size orp Hamlet Village Small town Large town Small city Large city Metropolis

Base Sale % 10% (100 gp) 20% (200 gp) 30% (300 gp) 40% (400 gp) 60% (600 gp) 80% (800 gp) 90% (900 gp) 100% (1,000 gp)








IFMY = 15 + APL x 2 + PP x 2 + Fav Prt



5 - Lashings! e speed of the PCs ship doubles for 1 day. 5 - Shiver Me Timbers! While on board their ship, the PCs and their entire crew can reroll initiative or roll initiative in what would otherwise be a surprise round. e benet of this imposition can be used immediately, but only once per week. 10 - Besmaras Blessings! As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast animate rope, control water, remove curse, remove disease, or water breathing with a caster level equal to her character level. 10 - Dead Men Tell No Tales! While on board their ship, the PCs can use this imposition to automatically conrm a threatened critical hit

- e PCs may choose one favored port. ey gain a +2 bonus on all Infamy checks made at that port. - Once per week, the PCs can sacrice a prisoner or crew member to immediately gain 1d3 points of Disrepute. is sacrice is always fatal, and returning the victim to life results in the loss of 1d6 points of Disrepute. - Disgraceful impositions can be purchased for half price (rounded down). - e PCs may choose a second favored port. ey gain a +2 bonus on all Infamy checks made at this new favored port and a +4 bonus on Infamy checks made at their rst favored port. - Despicable impositions can be purchased for half price (rounded down). - PCs gain a +5 bonus on skill checks made to sell plunder. - Notorious impositions can be purchased for half price (rounded down). Disgraceful impositions are free. - e PCs may choose a third favored port. ey gain a +2 bonus on all Infamy checks made at the new favored port, a +4 bonus on Infamy checks made at their second favored port, and a +6 bonus on Infamy checks made at their rst favored port.



5 - Youll Take It! e PCs can spend up to 5 points of plunder in 1 day at 50% of its value (regardless of a communitys maximum sale %). is amount cannot be adjusted by skill checks. 5 - Honor the Code! e PCs and their crew gain a +4 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made against other pirates for the next 24 hours. 10 - Master the Winds! As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast call lightning storm, control winds, mirage arcana, or telekinesis with a caster level equal to her character level. 15 - Chum the Waters! For every Infamy thresholdthey possess, the PCs summon 1d4 sharks intothe waters surrounding their ship. ese sharksare not under the PCs control and viciouslyattack any creature in the water.



5 - Evade! Teleport your ship 100 feet in any direction. is imposition can be used once per day. 10 - Youll Take It and Like It! e PCs can spend up to 5 points of plunder in 1 day at 100% of its value (regardless of a communitys maximum sale %). is amount cannot be adjusted by skill checks. 10 - Master the Waves! As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast control weather, discern location, heros feast, or waves of exhaustion with a caster level equal to her character level. 20 - e Widows Scar! Choose one enemy to curse. You and your crew gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that NPC for 1 week. e enemy is aware of the curse and who cursed her,and can end the eect with a remove curse spell.

2 - Yes, Sir! For the next hour, the PCs crew completes any mundane tasks theyre assigned in half the expected time. is typically relates to Craft and Profession (sailor) checks made to prepare, maintain, or repair the ship, and cannot be applied to combat or more complex deeds like crafting magic items. 5 - Captains Orders! As a standard action, a PC on board her ship can cast fog cloud, heroism, make whole, quench, or whispering wind with a caster level equal to her character level. 5 - Walk the Plank! e PCs may sacrice one crewmember or prisoner to grant themselves andtheir crew one of two bonuses: either a +2 bonuson all skill checks or a +2 bonus on attack rolls.ese bonuses only apply while on board thePCs ship and last until either the next day orwhen the captain leaves the ship. If a sacricedcharacter is returned to life, the PCs and theircrew members take a 2 penalty on both skillchecks and attack rolls for 1 day. 10 - Get Up, You Dogs! Every PC and allied characteron the deck of the PCs ship is aected as perthe spell cure light wounds, as if cast by a cleric ofthe PCs average party level. is imposition canonly be used once per week.

10 - More Lashings! e speed of the PCs ship quadruples for 1 day. 15 - e Hungry Sea! A PC aboard her ship may cast elemental swarm, storm of vengeance, or whirlwind as an 17th-level caster. 20 - Dive! Dive! Dive! e PCs ship submerges and can travel underwater at its normal speed for up to 1 hour. During this time, the vessel is encompassed by a bubble of breathable air and takes no ill eects from the watereven most sea creatures keep their distance. e ship leaves no visible wake upon the waters above,but might be visible in particularly clear water. 25 - Summon the Serpent! One sea serpent comesto the aid of the PCs ship. is sea monster isunder the control of the PCs and serves for 10 minutes before disappearing back into the deep.


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