Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened With FRP Laminates: A Review
This document reviews research on modeling reinforced concrete beams strengthened with fibre reinforced polymer composites using finite element analysis. It discusses 12 research articles that modeled FRP strengthened beams and aimed to address issues with strengthening beams with different thickness and types of FRP. The document also proposes a method for applying FRP to beams strengthened with different FRP types and thicknesses.
Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened With FRP Laminates: A Review
This document reviews research on modeling reinforced concrete beams strengthened with fibre reinforced polymer composites using finite element analysis. It discusses 12 research articles that modeled FRP strengthened beams and aimed to address issues with strengthening beams with different thickness and types of FRP. The document also proposes a method for applying FRP to beams strengthened with different FRP types and thicknesses.
International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development
Issue 2, Vol.4 (May 2012) ISSN 2249-6149
Page 98
Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Laminates: A Review Murali.G 1 , Christyno.E 2 , Shanmuga Priya.P 2
1 Assistant Professor, 2 B.E. Civil, 3rd year students Department of Civil Engineering, Vel Tech High Tech Dr. RR Dr.SR Engineering College, Chennai-62, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
ABSTRACT A number of researches have been carried out on finite element modeling of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with fibre reinforced polymer composites. A small number of works has been paying attention on strengthening of rectangular beams with different type and different thicknesses of fibre reinforced polymer. This paper reviews 12 articles on fibre reinforced polymer strengthened reinforced concrete beams by finite element method. Finally, this paper attempts to address an important practical issue that is encountered in strengthening of beams with different thicknesses and different type of fibre reinforced polymer laminate. This paper also proposes a trouble-free method of applying fibre reinforced polymer for strengthening the beam with different fibre reinforced polymer types with different thicknesses. Keywords: Finite Element Modelling; Reinforced Concrete Beams; FRP Laminates, Strengthening. Corresponding Author: Murali.G 1
The performance of composite materials have established enormous growth in aerospace, marine and automobile industries during the past few decades (1960 onwards) due to their good engineering properties such as high specific strength and stiffness, lower density, high fatigue endurance, high damping and low thermal coefficient (in fiber direction), etc. Latterly, civil engineers and the construction industry have begun to agnise potential of composites as strengthening material for many problems associated with the deterioration of infrastructures. Over the last decade, an increase in the application of FRPCs has been seen in construction industry because of their acceptable engineering properties. Further, these are being regarded as a replacement to the conventional steel in reinforced concrete structures due to continuing drop in the cost of FRPC materials. Numerous aspects of FRPC materials including guidelines for selection of polymer adhesives for concrete have been highlighted by ACI Committee-503 [1] FRPC are available in the form of rods, grids, sheets and winding strands. Review of literature up to 1996 can be found in ACI Committee 440 [2]. Another general review on class of materials including FRPCs application in civil construction was presented by Sandeep et al. [3].
In the last decade, fiber reinforced polymer FRP composites have been used for strengthening structural members of reinforced concrete bridges, which are deficient or obsolete due to changes in their use or consideration of increased loadings. Many researchers have found that FRP composites applied to the reinforced concrete members provide efficiency, reliability and cost effectiveness in rehabilitation. A large number of available software like sap2000, LUSAS, and ANSYS etc incorporate finite elements based analysis. In this paper an assay has been made with ANSYS (version 10) [4] software to bring into International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.4 (May 2012) ISSN 2249-6149 Page 99
focus the versatility and powerful analytical capabilities of finite elements technique by objectively modeling the complete response of test beams. The finite elements model employs a smeared cracking approach to model the reinforced concrete and three dimensional layered elements to model the fiber reinforced polymer FRP composites. This model can help to confirm the theoretical calculations as well as to provide a valuable supplement to the laboratory investigation of behavior.
For structural applications, FRP is chiefly used in two areas. The first area involves the use of FRP sheets/plates which is to strengthen structurally deficient structural members with external application of FRP. Retrofitting by means of adhesive bonded FRP has been proved to be an effective method applicable to many types of concrete structural elements such as columns, beams, slabs and walls. As an example, a highway reinforced concrete bridge slab in China was retrofitted using CFRP as shown in Fig. 1 and Strengthening of beam column joint and column for enhancing load carrying capacity chin swee carpark, singapore as shown in Fig.2 and Strengthening of chimney stack- Alamo quarry market, texas, USA as shown in Fig. 3. The other application, use of FRP bars instead of steel reinforcing bars or pre-stressing strands in concrete structures.
Fig. 1 Flexural Strengthening of a Highway RC Bridge Slab, China.
Fig.2 Strengthening of beam column joint and column for enhancing load carrying capacity in chin swee carpark, Singapore International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.4 (May 2012) ISSN 2249-6149 Page 100
Fig.3 Strengthening of chimney stack- Alamo quarry market, texas, USA
Investigation on the behaviour of FRP retrofitted reinforced concrete structures has in the last decade become a very important research field. In terms of experimental application several studies were performed to study the behaviour of retrofitted beams and analyzed the various parameters influencing their behaviour. On the field of strengthening structure Reza et al., 2010 experimentally and theoretically investigated six under-reinforced concrete beams. With the exception of the control beam, one or four layers of CFRP were applied to the specimens. Each concrete beam was reinforced with two 16-mm diameter for A series and two 22-mm diameter for B series steel bars for tension and two 10-mm-diameter steel bars for compression along with 10-mm- diameter bars at a spacing of 90 mm center-to-center for shear reinforcement. Nonlinear FE analysis is performed using ANSYS and SOLID65 ANSYS (2003), three-dimensional (3D) reinforced concrete solid element, is used to represent concrete in the models. They found that the finite element model results show good agreement with observations and data from the experimental full-scale beam tests. This numerical study can be used to predict the behavior of reinforced concrete beam strengthened with FRP more accurately by assigning appropriate material properties to develop design rules for strengthening RC member using FRP and the amount of tensile steel reinforcement increases, the additional strength provided by the carbon FRP external reinforcement decreases.
Amer Ibrahim.M et al., 2009 investigated the six reinforced concrete beams externally reinforced with fiber reinforced polymer laminates using finite elements method adopted by ANSYS and the dimension of the beam was 3.2 x 1.5 x 2.5 m. The results from the ansys were compared with the experimental results. Two beams were used as reference beam and the one beam Strengthened by one layer of unidirectional transverse carbon/epoxy laminates CFRP inclined at an angle of 90 to the longitudinal axis with the thickness of 1.6mm. Another beam strengthened by two layers of unidirectional transverse E-glass/epoxy laminates GFRP inclined at an angle of 90 to the longitudinal axis with the thickness of 2.1mm. Another beam strengthened by warping with one layer of CFRP inclined at an angle of 90 to the longitudinal axis with the thickness of 0.18mm and final beam strengthened by warping with one layer of CFRP inclined at an angle of 90 with an additional layer of CFRP International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.4 (May 2012) ISSN 2249-6149 Page 101
on both sides of the web inclined at an angle of 0 o to the longitudinal axis with the thickness of 0.18mm. Author found that the load-deflection curves from the finite element analysis agree well with the experimental results in the linear range, but the finite elements results are slightly stiffer than that from the experimental results. The maximum difference in ultimate loads for all cases is 7.8% and the results obtained demonstrate that carbon fiber polymer is efficient more than glass fiber polymer in strengthening the reinforced concrete beams for shear.
Balamuralikrishnan et al., 2008 investigated the ten rectangular beams which were divided into two series. In two series of strengthened beams first series having four beams with bonded CFRP fabric in single layer and which were subjected to static loading, the remaining two beams were subjected to cyclic load. In the second series having four beams with bonded CFRP fabric in two layer and which were subjected to static loading, the remaining two beams were subjected to cyclic load and final two beam were taken as control beam. All the beams were tested under the four point bending. FEA software ANSYS is adopted for predicting the load displacement response of the control and strengthened beam due to static loading condition numerically. The author found that the beam strengthened with CFRP fabric increase in flexural strength of 18 to 20 % for single layer and 40 to 45 % for two layers over the control beams. From the experimental results it is clear that minimum two layer of CFRP fabric Should be bonded to get the desired results more or less the numerical results has close agreement with the experimental results.
Al Janabi et al., 2009 Simulated four rectangular beams using ANSYS finite element software. The concrete was modeled using solid 65 three dimensional elements and the steel reinforcement was modeled using link 8 element. Among four beams one beam was taken as a control beam and the remaining three beams were strengthened with CFRP plate with thickness and width of 1.2 mm and 80 mm each. Results of the finite element of the control and strengthened RC beams were compared with experimental results. The investigator found that the finite element results of the four tested beams were slightly less than the experimentally measured ones, the difference between them ranging between 5 to 18% in case of CFRP strengthened beams and 5% in case of control beams.
Dong-Suk Yang et al., 2009 investigated 13 FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete beams were tested in flexure and analyzed using the finite element method. The various variables included bonding or no bonding of the FRP, the anchorage system, the amount of prestressing, and the span length. The experiments consisted of one control beam, two non- prestressed FRP-bonded beams, four prestressed FRP-unbonded beams, four prestressed FRP-bonded beams, and two prestressed FRP-unbonded beams with different span lengths. All the beams were subjected to three-point and four-point bending tests under deflection control, with the loading, deflection and failure modes recorded to the point of failure. A nonlinear finite element analysis of the tested beams was also performed using the DIANA software; author found the flexural tests performed on reinforced concrete beams strengthened with prestressed CFRP plates, whether bonded or not, the ultimate load of the beams strengthened with CFRP was reasonably constant. The observed failure mode of the prestressed CFRP plated-beams was not debonding, but FRP rupture. A finite element analysis of the reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP plates was performed using the DIANA program, which considered nonlinear concrete material behaviour, the steel reinforcement, and an interfacial bond-slip model between the concrete and CFRP plates. The analytical results showed good agreement with those obtained experimentally for the debonding load, yield load, and ultimate load. International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.4 (May 2012) ISSN 2249-6149 Page 102
Sudheer Reddy et al., 2011 Tested eight reinforced high strength concrete (HSC) beams under two point loading, varying the shear span to effective depth ratio (a/d). The test specimens are divided into four series. Each series consisted of two high strength concrete beams without shear reinforcement with a/d ratio 1, 2, 3 and 4. For all the series, the parameters viz., concrete proportions and percentage of longitudinal steel are kept constant. The concrete has been modeled using SOLID65 defined as eight node brick element capable of simulating the cracking and crushing of brittle materials. The compressive strength and tensile strength are established based on test data of the specimens cast and tested along with the rectangular beams. The data was used for defining concrete (CONCR) properties in ANSYS. Before cracking or crushing, concrete is assumed to be an isotropic elastic material. Author found that the crack patterns and the order of cracks predicted by ANSYS model are in confirming with experimental observations. During the test process, at ultimate load the inclined crack in shear span widened and concrete under the load point crushed. The ANSYS model predicted the crushing of concrete at ultimate by indicating large distortion of element nodes. The crack patterns indicate purely shear failure at a/d =1 and 2 and shear flexure failure at a/d =3 and 4. The ANSYS model closely predicted the diagonal tension failure and shear compression failure of high strength concrete beams with out shear reinforcement as observed in experiment.
Table-1 Geometry of beams and details of element type and software Author L (mm ) b (mm ) d (mm ) fck N/mm 2
% of steel Softwar e used Type of element for concrete Type of element for FRP [5] 3000 150 250 77 1.2% to 2.4%. ANSYS SOLID65 SOLID46 [6] 3620 2134 150 230 250 380 27.54 31 0.7 1.12 ANSYS SOLID65 SOLID46 [7] 1500 120 150 32.1 44.6 - ANSYS SOLID65 SOLID46 [8] 3200 150 250 27.54 0.72 ANSYS SOLID65 SOLID46 [9] 1219 127 203 36.5 1.5 ANSYS SOLID65 SOLID46 [11] 2400 4500 6000 200 300 16.4 0.4 DIANA - - [12] 700 1000 1300 1600 100 150 70 4.00 ANSYS SOLID65 SOLID46
International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development Issue 2, Vol.4 (May 2012) ISSN 2249-6149 Page 103
COMMENTS ON THE ACTUAL STATE OF ART From the above review of literature (Table-1& Table-2) illustrates that although substantial research has been conducted on FRP strengthening of reinforced concrete beams but still the behavior of FRP strengthened beams under different thickness of GFRP and CFRP schemes of strengthening is not well established. In all the above cases, it is seen that the thickness of GFRP and CFRP laminates were chosen arbitrarily. There is no design guideline for optimizing and choosing the thickness of FRP sheet/laminate for strengthening RC beams. Most of the researches were conducted on RC rectangular sections which are strengthened in flexure with different type of FRP with constant thickness of GFRP and which are strengthened with 1, 2 and 3 layer of FRP.
PROPOSED METHOD OF STRENGTHENING To overcome the problems stated above, the future new technique for strengthening the beam with the different type of GFRP (chopped strand mat, woven roving and uni-directional) and CFRP with the different thickness to understand the behaviour of strengthened beam for varying thickness of FRP. The study parameters included first crack load, yield load, ultimate load, first crack deflection, yield deflection, ultimate deflection, crack width, deflection ductility and energy ductility has to be investigated with different thickness of FRP. At the end, the proposed study is to improve the understanding of reinforced concrete beams retrofitted with different thickness of FRP and this proposal brings new challenges for professionals and who are working in the field of structural repair and strengthening of reinforced concrete structures and due to the latest technologies in binding the delamination concept can be totally eradicated.
CONCLUSION A thorough investigation is carried out for retrofitted reinforced concrete beams using the finite elements adopted by ANSYS. It can be used to predict failure modes for organically bonded FRP reinforced concrete beams. This numerical modeling helps to track the crack formation and propagation especially in case of FRP strengthened beams in which the crack cannot be seen by the experimental study due to wrapping of CFRP composites enables to predict the behavior of retrofitted reinforced concrete beams more precisely by assigning appropriate material properties. From the literature, it is obvious that epoxy resin favoured in strengthening and eliminates the debonding failure. Most of the researchers adopted the grade of concrete such as M30 and M35. The research can be extended for higher strength. Future research is needed for a complete awareness for strengthening reinforced concrete beams with different thickness of FRP, with the aim to contribute in the concrete structures repair tasks efficiently as well as to decrease the dimensional stability of the structure.
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