Precipitation Chapter

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Precipitation Introduction Precipitation is an important traditional method for purifying proteins and nucleic acids.

The most common example of precipitation based bioseparation is the Cohn fractionation method for purifying plasma proteins. Using this method, which consists of an array of precipitation steps, the various component proteins of human plasma are obtained in pure forms. Precipitation based bioseparation essentially involves selective conversion of a specific dissolved component of a complex mixture to an insoluble form using appropriate physical or physicochemical means. The insoluble form which is obtained as a precipitate (typically an easy to sediment solid) is subsequently separated from the dissolved components by appropriate solid-liquid separation techniques such as centrifugation (see Fig. 5.1). Crystallization is a special type of precipitation process where the solid is obtained in a crystalline form. Crystal formation takes place very slowly under highly controlled conditions and hence crystallization processes need to be carried out under highly optimized conditions. In contrast, a normal precipitation process does not need to be precisely controlled and the solid material obtained is amorphous in nature.

Factors utilized for precipitation Biological macromolecules can be precipitated by: 1. Cooling 2. pH adjustment 3. Addition of solvents such as acetone and ethanol 4. Addition of anti-chaotropic salts such as ammonium sulphate and sodium sulfate 5. Addition of chaotropic salts such as urea and guanidine hydrochloride 6. Addition of biospecific reagents as in immunoprecipitation 1. Effect of cooling The solubility of proteins in aqueous solutions depends on the temperature. Fig. 5.2 shows the solubility-temperature profiles of two proteins A and B. Quite clearly the solubility of A is more sensitive to the lowering of temperature than B. Hence, the separation of A and B could be carried out by lowering the temperature of the solution to the point where A is largely precipitated while B is still largely in solution. Cooling on its own is rarely used for precipitation. However cooling is an integral part of precipitation involving organic solvents and antichaotropic salts, partly due to the synergistic solubility lowering effect and partly due to the higher stability of biological macromolecules at lower temperatures. 1

Precipitation by using additives is governed by the thermodynamic equation:

When a solute is being precipitated from its solution, the precipitate is mainly composed of the solute. So its chemical potential at a given temperature is constant. On the other hand the chemical potential of the dissolved solute depends on its concentration and is given by:

The standard reference state chemical potential can be increased by adding substances such as salts and solvents. In the presence of such additives, the solute concentration in the solution phase must decrease in order that the chemical potential of the solute in solution be the same as that in the precipitate. This is evident from equations above. The decrease in concentration takes place by precipitation. 2. pH manipulation The solubility of a protein depends on the solution pH, the minimum solubility being observed at its isoelectric point. Fig. 5.3 shows the pH-solubility curves for two proteins A and B. Separation of the two proteins could be carried out by maintaining the solution pH at pHB (the isoelectric point of B). At this condition B would largely be precipitated while A would largely remain in solution. Separation would also be feasible at pHA (the isoelectric point of A). At this condition A would largely be precipitated while B would largely remain in solution. As with cooling, pH adjustment on its own is rarely used for protein separation since once again the solubility differences are not large enough. However, the pH-solubility effect can be utilized in salt based protein precipitation processes for optimization of operating conditions.

3. Addition of an organic solvent Solvents such as ethanol and acetone precipitate proteins by decreasing the dielectric constant of the solution. The use of organic solvents in protein precipitation is widespread, an important example of this being plasma protein fractionation. It must be noted however that organic solvents denature proteins at room temperature. Hence organic solvent based protein precipitation processes are usually carried out at low temperatures in order to minimize denaturation. Organic solvents are also widely used for DNA and RNA precipitation. Precipitation using organic solvents Organic solvents precipitate proteins and other macromolecules by reducing the dielectric constant of the medium in which they are present. The governing equation for solvent based precipitation of proteins is:

Where S = solubility of the protein (kg-moles/m3) Sw = solubility of protein in water (kg-moles/m3) A = a constant e = dielectric constant of the medium (-) ew = dielectric constant of water (-) The dielectric constant of water at 25 degrees centigrade is 78.3 while that of ethanol at the same temperature is 24.3. This equation would suggest that a protein would have a lower solubility in an ethanol-water mixture than in water itself. Higher concentrations of organic solvents can denature proteins. Organic solvents usually bind to specific locations on the protein molecules and thus disrupt the hydrophobic interactions which hold the protein structure in place. Hence very small amounts of organic solvent are used in precipitation processes and these are carried out at low temperatures to minimize denaturation. Acetone and aliphatic alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, propanol and butanol are mainly used for protein precipitation. The extent of protein denaturation by aliphatic

alcohols increases with increase in chain length, e.g. butanol causes more denaturation than ethanol.

Nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA can also be precipitated using organic solvents such as ethanol. Nucleic acid precipitation processes are carried out at very low temperatures, typically -20 degrees centigrade. The precipitation of nucleic acids by organic solvents can also be described the equation above. A major application of organic solvent based precipitation in bioseparation is the Cohn fractionation method for human plasma protein purification. In this method a series of ethyl alcohol precipitation steps are carried out using different alcohol concentrations, solution pH values and precipitation temperatures. Using this method a series of products such as serum albumin, immunoglobulin G, plasminogen, lipoproteins and prothrombin can be obtained. Example The solubility of ovalbumin in water is 390 kg/m3. When 30 ml of ethanol was added to 100 ml of a 50 mg/ml ovalbumin solution in water, 33% of the protein was found to precipitate. How much protein would precipitate if 100 ml of ethanol were added to 100 ml of a similar protein solution at the same temperature? Assume that the dielectric constant of the medium varies linearly with volumetric composition of the two solvents. As already mentioned in the text, the dielectric constant of water is 78.3 and that of pure ethanol is 24.3. If the dielectric constant varies linearly with volumetric composition in the intermediate range, the dielectric constant of the mixture obtained by 30 ml of ethanol with 100 ml of aqueous solution is 65.8. When 33% of the ovalbumin is precipitated, the concentration in the solution is 33.5 mg/ml. Amount left in solution when 33% was precipitated = 50 (33*50/100) = 33.5 mg/mL After addition of 30 mL ethanol, the dielectric constant of the medium can be calculated as: Emix = (30*24.3 + 100*78.3)/130 = 65.8 4

After addition of 100 mL ethanol, the dielectric constant of the medium can be calculated as: Emix = (100*24.3 + 100*78.3)/200 = 51.3 Using the equation above we get:

The dielectric constant of the solution obtained by mixing 100 ml of ethanol with 100 ml of aqueous solution is 51.3. Using equation we get:

From the two equations we get: S =0.204 mg/ml Therefore percentage of protein precipitated = {(50 0.204)/50}* 100% = 99.6%. A more interesting problem is to calculate the volume of ethanol necessary to, for example, achieve a 99% precipitation. Hint: You first calculate S after the 99% precipitation, then find e for the mixture that would result in this percentage precipitation. Finally you would calculate the volume: emix = (V*24.3 + 100*78.3)/(100+ V) 4. Use of anti-chaotropic salts Anti-chaotropic salts such as ammonium sulphate and sodium sulphate expose hydrophobic patches on proteins by removing the highly structured water layer which usually covers these patches in solution. As a result hydrophobic residues on a protein molecule can interact with those on another and this eventually leads to aggregation and precipitate formation. Salts can also reduce the solubility of proteins by shielding charged groups which normally keep proteins apart in solution. When the electrostatic charge on protein molecules are shielded, the molecules can easily interact, form aggregates and eventually precipitate. The solubility of different proteins is reduced to different extents by salt addition. Based on this differential behaviour, separation of proteins is feasible, an important example being the partial purification of monoclonal antibody from cell culture supernatant. Fig. 5.4 shows the effect of ammonium sulphate concentration on the solubility of two proteins A and B.

At low ammonium sulphate concentrations, increase in salt concentration results in increase in protein solubility. This is referred to as the salting-in effect. At higher ammonium sulphate concentrations, the solubility of proteins decrease very significantly with increase in salt concentration. This is referred to as the saltingout effect. Fig. 5.4 would suggest that it might be possible to separate A from B by adjusting the ammonium sulphate concentration such that B would largely be precipitated while A would largely remain in solution. The use of anti-chaotropic salts for protein purification is widespread. The three salts most commonly used are ammonium sulphate, sodium sulphate and sodium chloride. Anti-chaotropic salts exert a stabilizing influence on proteins, i.e. there is negligible denaturation. Anti-chaotropic salts could also be used in conjunction with other agents for DNA and RNA precipitation. Salts such ammonium sulphate and sodium chloride are referred to as antichaotropic or kosmotropic salts. The solubility of proteins in the presence of such salts depend on the salt concentration as shown in Fig. 5.4. The salting in effect, i.e. increase in protein solubility with increase in salt concentration can be explained in terms of these salts providing a distinct electrostatic double-layer surrounding the proteins. The presence of the double layer provides the stability needed to keep the protein molecules in solution and hence increases their solubility. At higher salt concentrations, the electrostatic double-layers become diffuse (i.e. indistinct) and at such conditions, the salts can actually shield the electrostatic charges present on the proteins. This reduces the protein-protein electrostatic repulsion forces leading to protein aggregation and hence reduction in solubility. However, the main reason for the reduced protein solubility at higher salt concentrations is the increase in protein-protein hydrophobic interaction. Also the association of large amounts of water molecules with the salt molecules results in less water molecules being available for dissolving proteins. Salt induced protein precipitation is governed by the Cohn equation, a form of which is shown below:

Where B = constant Ks = salting out constant (m3/kg-moles) Cs = salt concentration (kg-moles/m3) The constant B is the natural log of the theoretical solubility of the protein in salt free water. The Cohn equation is valid only in the salting-out region of the precipitation process. The constant B depends on the protein, the temperature and the solution pH. Ks is independent of the temperature and pH but depends on the salt and the protein. Salt induced precipitation is usually carried out at low temperatures typically 4 degrees centigrade. This is primarily due to the fact that the solubility of proteins decreases with drop in temperatures and hence more protein can be precipitated by such synergistic action. The second reason is the enhancement in protein stability at lower temperatures. When using ammonium sulphate as a precipitating agent, two operational approaches could be used: 1. Direct addition of solid ammonium sulphate crystals to the sample 2. Addition of a saturated ammonium sulphate solution to sample The first approach is preferred in small scale applications. However, this approach suffers from the unevenness of ammonium sulphate concentration in the precipitating medium caused due to the salt dissolution process. This may lead to localized higher salt concentration zones and result in uneven precipitate formation. In most protein precipitation processes, the second approach is preferred. A terminology that is commonly used in ammonium sulphate precipitation is the ammonium sulphate-cut. A 50% ammonium sulphate cut refers to the use of an ammonium sulphate concentration in the precipitating medium which corresponding to 50% of the saturation concentration for this salt. In many purification processes, differential ammonium sulphate cuts are commonly used, i.e. the supernatant from one precipitation step is subjected to further ammonium sulphate precipitation. For example, in a 30-50% ammonium sulfate cut, the sample is first subjected to precipitation using 30% salt saturation. The supernatant thus obtained in then subjected to precipitation using 50% salt saturation. In many cases, the precipitates are re-dissolved in buffer followed by further salt precipitation. Example Ammonium sulfate is being used to precipitate a humanized monoclonal antibody from 10 litres of cell culture media, the initial concentration of the antibody in this liquid being 0.5 mg/ml. Solid ammonium sulfate is added to the liquid such that the concentration of the salt is 1.5 kg moles/m3. This results in the precipitation of 90% of the antibody. When the ammonium sulfate concentration of the mixture is raised to 1.75 kg-mole/m3, a further 76.5% of the remaining antibody is precipitated. Predict the ammonium sulfate concentration needed for total antibody precipitation. What is the solubility of the antibody in ammonium sulfate free aqueous medium?

Solution The antibody concentration in solution after 1.5 M ammonium sulfate precipitation is 0.05 mg/ml = 3.2x10-7 kg-mole/m3 Similarly the antibody concentration in solution after 1.75 M ammonium sulfate precipitation is 0.0118 mg/ml = 7.58x10-8 kg-mole/m3. Using the equation we get: ln(3.2xl0-7) = B - ks x l.5 and ln(7.58xl0-8) = B- ks x l.75 Therefore: B = -6.26 , ks = 5.8 m3/kg-mole For total precipitation we first calculate the slope where: lnS -ksCs S exp(-ksCs) S Y1 = 3.2*10 Y2 = 7.58*10-8 M = (Y2 Y1)/(X2 X1)

exp(-ksCs) X1 = exp(-5.8*1.5) = 1.666*10-4 X2 = exp(-5.8*1.75) = 3.91*10-5 1.92*10-3

1.92*10-3 = (0 - 3.2*10-7)/{(exp(-5.8Cs) exp(-5.8*1.5)} Cs ~ 2.51 M Another approach for finding the salt concentration neede for total precipitation is to define what a total precipitation means. If we assume that an accepted value for the total precipitation is that resulting in 99.99% precipitation, then we can find the remaining concentration of the protein after this value: Concentration remaining = 0.5 0.5*0.9999 = 5*10-5 mg/mL Concentration remaining = 5*10-5/155000 = 3.2*10-10 M Substitution of this value in Cohn equation above: Ln 3.2*10-10 = -6.26 5.8*Cs Cs = 2.69 M Assuming a 99.9999% precipitation results in a Cs = 3.48 M, while a eight 9's gives a Cs value of 4.27 M. In salt free water we have, Cs = 0 Therefore, B = ln (solubility) Therefore the antibody solubility = 1.91 x 10-3 kg-mole/m3 = 296 kg/m3.

Combination of organic solvent addition with salt addition has significant influence on precipitation efficiency. This is attributed to formation of insoluble ion pairs between biological material and salts. For example, salts can neutralize the charge on DNA effectively, but can not form ion pairs. In presence of organic solvents, ion pairs form easily since the dielectric of the aqueous/organic mixture is now lower. This can be easily appreciated from Coulomb's law, where: F = q1*q2/er2 Where q1 and q2 are charges on DNA and counter ions from salt, e is the dielectric constant of mixture, and r is the distance between the DNA and the counter ions. Therefore, in presence of organic solvents, e will decrease, resulting in an increase in the electrostatic force, and thus formation of neutral ion pairs, which are thus precipitated. The idea is whether the counter ion is localized strongly to specific charge on DNA or it is roaming around. Localization means precipitation as ion pairs, while roaming means ions in solution and soluble DNA. 5. Use of chaotropic salts Chaotropic or chaos forming salts such as urea and guanidine hydrochloride precipitate proteins by denaturing them. These salts act by disrupting intramolecular hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions in proteins. They are not used for protein fractionation but are mainly used for protein refolding, particularly in the processing of inclusion bodies. Chaotropic salts are used in DNA and RNA purification since they precipitate proteins but leave nucleic acid molecules largely unaffected. 6. Addition of biospecific reagent Immunoprecipitation relies on antigen-antibody recognition and binding. This in its simplest form can be carried out by treating an antigen containing solution with an antibody or vice-versa. When multivalent antigens react with antibodies in solution they form large molecular networks by cross-linking. These large complexes which eventually precipitate are called precipitins and these can easily be removed from solutions by standard solid-liquid separation techniques. Another way of carrying out immunoprecipitation is by treating an antigen with an insoluble form of its antibody or by treating an antibody with an insoluble form of its antigen. Immunoprecipitation is a process by which an antigen is isolated from a mixture by precipitating with the antibody. Immunoprecipitation is one of the most commonly used immunochemical techniques. It usually consists of several steps: (a) extraction of the cells for antigen solubilization, (b) formation of the antigenantibody complexes, and (c) isolation of the antigen-antibody complexes. The isolation of immune complexes can be performed by precipitating with the antiIgG antibodies followed by centrifugation. Earliest immunoprecipitation techniques used anti-IgG antibodies to produce a large aggregate (commonly known as a lattice) of antigen-antibody-anti-IgG antibodies. The insoluble lattice that precipitates out from the solution can then be removed from the solution by centrifugation. However, this procedure has some disadvantages. The molar ratio of antibody and anti-IgG antibodies must be determined for the formation of aggregates large enough to be precipitated and the precipitate quantitatively

removed by centrifugation. The size of the lattice also depends on the amount and type of antigen (monomeric vs. multimeric) and the type of antibody (monoclonal vs. polyclonal) used. 7. Polyelectrolyte precipitation Linear polyacrylamide is an efficient carrier for precipitation of picogram amounts of nucleic acids with ethanol. It is cheap, easy to make and can be stored in refrigerator for several years. Method: 1. Prepare a 5% solution of acrylamide (without bis-acrylamide) in 40 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.8, 20 mM Na Acetate, 1 mM EDTA. 2. Add 1/100 volume of a 10% solution of ammonium persulfate and 1/1,000 volume of TEMED (N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine), a catalyst for acrylamide polymerization. Mix it gently and let polymerize for 30-60 minutes. 3. When the solution has become viscous, add 2.5 volumes of ethanol to precipitate the polyacrylamide. Mix it and let stand it for 10-15 minutes. 4. Centrifuge the precipitated polyacrylamide at 10,000 rpm for 10 minutes. 5. Remove the supernatant and dissolve the pellet in 20 volumes of water by shaking overnight. 6. The polyacrylamide solution (0.25% final concentration) can be stored in refrigerator for several years. Aliquot part of the sample in eppendorf tubes (100 l per tube) so you may not contaminate the stock by continuously mowing it in and out from the refrigerator. 7. For DNA precipitation add 10-15 l of the linear polyacrylamide to the DNA solution to be precipitated.

Mechanism of precipitate formation Precipitate formation is a time dependent process which basically involves the formation of tiny particles due to association of macromolecules. These particles may then collide with each other and further increase in size. If we track a precipitation process by measuring the turbidity of the medium in which the precipitation is taking place as a function of time, we typically get a plot similar to that shown in Fig. 5.5.

The turbidity of a suspension is a measure of its suspended solids content and this value is analogous to the absorbance term discussed earlier. The turbidity is


calculated by measuring the incident and transmitted light of a given wavelength through a sample held within an optical cell (also called a cuvette). The greater the value of turbidity, the greater is the suspended solids content. A precipitation process has the following stages: 1. Mixing 2. Nucleation 3. Diffusion limited growth 4. Convection limited growth The first step involves the formation of a homogeneous mixture of the various components involved in precipitation, i.e. the macromolecules, the solvent and the precipitating agent. Mixing is not an instantaneous process. It usually takes place over a finite amount of time, the amount of time depending on the properties of the components as well as on the processing conditions, e.g. mixing intensity and temperature. The time needed for mixing is given by:

The average eddy length scale depends on the volume of the system, the density and viscosity of the medium, as well as on the power input for mixing. The nucleation step involves the formation of very minute particles. The particles initially formed in protein precipitation are multimers, i.e. aggregates of three or more protein molecules. Nucleation usually initiates at regions having localised supersaturation. The supersaturation results from uneven mixing. The extent of supersaturation determines the nature of the precipitates: very high degrees of supersaturation result in formation of gelatinous precipitates which are difficult to process by filtration or membrane separation. Controlled supersaturation produces amorphous precipitates which are both easy to filter and centrifuge. The deposition of more proteins on the small nucleation particles takes place by a diffusion controlled mechanism and this leads to the formation of bigger particles, typically ranging from less than a micron to several microns in size. In this step, the rate of particle formation is dependent on the physicochemical properties of the protein and the liquid medium alone. The rate of formation of particles of a particular size is governed by second order kinetics:

The rate constant K depends on the diffusivity and diameter of the protein. The particles produced by diffusion limited growth further increase in size by colliding with one another, thereby absorbing the momentum and forming bigger particles. These particles are typically a few to several hundred microns in size. 11

This part of the precipitation process is convection dependent since the frequency of collision is a function of the hydrodynamic conditions in the system. The greater the extent of mixing, the greater is the frequency of collision. The rate of precipitate formation of a particular size in convection limited growth is given by:


The rate constant depends on the size and sticking tendency of the particles, the volume of the system, the density and viscosity of the medium in addition to the power input for mixing. It must be noted however, that the collision of particles would in some cases result in their breakage. Indeed, towards the end of a precipitation process, the rate of particle formation is almost matched by the rate of particle breakage, resulting in no further particle formation. When a precipitate is stored for some time without mixing, a process called ageing, some changes in particle size and size distribution takes place. This ageing process facilitates separation of precipitates from the supernatant. Typical ageing duration for ammonium sulphate precipitated proteins is 6 to 12 hours at 4 degrees celsius.


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