SCRIPT On Our Proposal

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Both: A pleasant morning to everyone! Alyanna: I am Alyanna F. Evangelista Juvie Dawn: And I am Juvie Dawn R. Maquilan Juvie Dawn: The title of our study is Determinants of Academic Performance of Nursing Students Juvie Dawn: According to Zwick, there are factors that affect the academic performances that individual characteristic such as previous school achievements, assessments of capabilities or study motivation, socio-economic background, and parental academic achievements that have a positive impact on the academic achievements of students. Juvie Dawn: In the study in Quezon City, Philippines, it showed that there is not much remarkable gap in terms of study habits. From the 150 students, only 85 students had good study habits while 65 of them had poor study habits. However, students attitudes towards learning, is worth-noting that of the 150 students, 120 of them have more positive attitude towards learning. Juvie Dawn: On the other hand, a study conducted by Neri in 2007 in Cagayan De Oro City, Philippines, a study was done among nursing students learning styles and study skills involving 5 nursing colleges in Northern Mindanao, shows that in terms of study skills, the nursing students are good in note-taking, textbook reading, memory, test preparation, and concentration. However, they are weak in time-management skills. Juvie Dawn: To this effect, this study is conducted to explain the reason behind why we choose this study. And that is because we are intrigue and curious about how to find out the academic performance of nursing students and other determinants or factors that affects their academic performance. Not only to nursing students but also to all students whod like to have a good academic performance. Juvie Dawn: This theory is anchored on Jean Piagets Cognitive stage of development. He believed that cognitive developments such as sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operation and formal operation have biologic changes and maturation that were responsible for cognitive development. Thus, they can develop a planned pattern behavior that is useful to their goal on becoming a successful student who has a good academic performance. Alyanna: This study aims to find out the determinants of academic performance of nursing students. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Age 1.2 Gender 1.3 Year level 2. What are the respondents socio-economic status in terms of: 2.1 Mother Educational Attainment 2.2 Father Educational Attainment 2.3 Family Income 3. 4. 5. 6. What are respondents study habits that affect academic performance? What does the respondents parent involvement that affect academic performance? What are respondents environmental factors that affect academic performance? What are the psychological factors that affect academic performance in terms of: 6.1 Attitudes 6.2 Motivation

6.3 Aspiration 7. Is there any relationship between academic performance in terms of: 7.1 Demographic Profile 7.2 Socio-Economic Status 7.3 Study Habits 7.4 Parents Involvement 7.5 Environmental Factor 7.6 Psychological Factor 7.7 Teachers Factor 8. Which variables that best predict academic performance?

Alyanna: Our research design will be the descriptive method. We favor to use the design because it aims to determine the determinants of academic performance of nursing students by identification, description and documentation of all aspects of the research study. Alyanna: It will be conducted in Central Mindanao University, College of Nursing located at University town, Musuan, Maramag, Bukidnon. Alyanna:: Our respondents will be the 2nd to 4th nursing students who are officially enrolled in 1st semester of the school year 2013 -2014. Alyanna: We will use questionnaires originally formulated by three different researchers namely Falconeri V. Pornia (2004) and was adopted from the revised version by Alvic Joy A. Omamalin and Shanice Jen G. Villegas (2012); and also Marites M. Penaso (2008). This set of questionnaire was again modified by the researchers to meet the objective of the study. The questionnaire is composed of seven parts. The tool will be tested for reliability and validity through a pilot study. Alyanna: After the approval of letter for pilot testing of the research tool at College of Nursing, Central Mindanao University. Then the researchers will conduct a pilot testing to the said school; we will make a communication letter for the approval to conduct the study by the Dean of the College of Nursing, Central Mindanao University. The copies of the questionnaire will be distributed together with the attachment of the informed consent to the respondents to supply all the information need that will be asked. Alyanna: We will be using a descriptive statistics for respondents demographic profile and socio-economic status; correlational statistics will be used to determine the respondents study habits, parental involvement, environmental factor, psychological factor, and relationship between academic performances; regression statistics to identify the determinants that best predict academic performance. Juvie Dawn: Thats all for now, thank you for listening. The presenters is now ready for comments, suggestions and questions.

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