BC-USA PDF Nutrition-Concept 20140114

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Nutrition Concept


BodyChange Nutrition Concept

The BodyChange Nutrition Concept is based on the latest scientific findings. It was developed by a team of experts to help you reach your goal in an easy and tasty way. With that concept thousands of people have already successfully lost weight without starving by eating healthy and delicious food. Each of the following 5 principles will help you achieve your dream body.

Foods that help you lose weight fish, meat, sausages, eggs, vegetables, legumes, nuts (max. a handful a day) oils, fats, water, tea, coffee

LoadDay Once a week, you can eat whatever you want!

Foods that prevent you from losing weight pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, dairy products, sugar, drinks containing sugar

Turbo Fat Burners

Post-Workout Energy Drink Enjoy fruit and diary products after working out

green tea, ginger, avocado, lemon, lime, horse radish, mustard, wasabi, chili pepper, cinnamon, caffeine, egg yolk

If you stick to the nutrition plan for 10 weeks you will achieve your goal!
At the end of the program I will explain how you can adjust your nutrition plan in order to keep the body of your dreams forever! 10 Week BodyChange - Its ChangeTime by John Cena

These foods will help you to lose weight

Fish Meat Sausage Egg Vegetables/ Mushrooms salmon, pangasius, pollock, zander, cod, mackerel, tuna, trout, herring, caviar, shrimps, crabs, ... beef, pork, turkey, chicken, duck, goose, lamb, deer, Boiled ham, bacon, sliced poultry, dried beef ham, chicken sausage, serrano ham, ... scrambled eggs, omelets, fried eggs, boiled eggs, poached eggs, ... spinach, cauliflower, broccoli, tomato, peppers, carrot, zucchini, onion, garlic, leek, red cabbage, green cabbage, brussel sprouts, white cabbage, savoy cabbage, fennel, artichoke, eggplant, cucumber, kohlrabi, olives, asparagus, radish, turnips, red radish, salads, button mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, shiitake mushrooms, ... chick peas, kidney beans, lentils, white beans, green beans, soybeans, peas, mung beans, sugar peas, ... walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, Macadamia nuts, coconut, almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, sesame seeds, ... (*a handful a day) butter, olive oil, rapeseed oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, peanut oil, hazelnut oil, pumpkin seed oil, linseed oil, coconut oil water (spice it up with lemon, peppermint, or ginger), unsweetened tea, coffee without sugar or milk vegetable sticks, mix of nuts and seeds, beef jerky, low-carb protein bar (as an exception) pepper, salt, chili pepper, mixed spices, basil, oregano, a bit of parmesan, tabasco, garlic powder, parsley, red pesto, chili paste, vinegar, mustard, ... A glass of dry red wine or a white wine spritzer (with water) for dinner is allowed. The acidity of the wine can support the digestion of the BodyChange nutrition. (** only if the minimum age for alcohol consumption in your state / country has been reached)

Legumes Nuts*and seeds

Oils and fats Beverages Snacks Seasoning Alcohol**

Turbo Fat Burners

ginger, mustard, lemon, chili pepper, horse radish, green tea, wasabi, caffeine, egg yolk, avocado, and cinnamon support fat burning

10 Week BodyChange - Its ChangeTime by John Cena

These foods prevent you from losing weight

Fast-burning carbohydrates
e.g. sugar, flour, rice, potatoes, chips, cereals, bread, pasta etc.
All carbohydrates are transformed into dextrose in the body. If you avoid carbohydrates, your body will switch to burning fat. The body can switch the burning of fat on or off, so to speak. The switching on works in a very simple way just don't eat fast-burning Fast-burning carbohydrates. Carbohydrates

Sugary drinks as well as beverages containing sweeteners

e.g. orange juice, apple juice, coke, flavored water, beer etc.
Sugary drinks prevent the burning of fats. Sweeteners, both artificial and natural, should also be avoided.

Sugary drinks as well as beverages containing sweeteners


Skip these foods six days of the week!

Milk products*

e.g. strawberries, bananas, apples, etc.
Fruits contain fructose. Biochemists consider fructose, of all carbohydrates, to be the one most responsible for the formation of fat. You should avoid eating fruit except on your LoadDay or after your Workout. Don't be afraid of vitamin deficiency: there are plenty of vitamins in vegetables!

Milk products*
e.g. cheese, yogurt, cream
Milk products have high values on the insulin index (similar to bread). Avoiding them will accelerate fat loss.

Enjoy fruit and milk products after working out.

Exception: Post-Workout Energy Drink

10 Week BodyChange - Its ChangeTime by John Cena

Your nutrition for the next 10 weeks

Strategies to stick to your diet and have a good quality of life

One LoadDay a week: Once a week you can and should eat and drink whatever you want. On that day, you can enjoy all the things you might be missing on the other days. Ideally, you schedule your LoadDay during the weekend. Enjoy going out for dinner with friends or just enjoy all foods youve been craving. It's best to have three or even four meals a day. Being hungry will slow down your metabolism, which doesn't help you lose weight. If you eat the food we recommend, you can eat until youre satisfied. The weekly measurements for your SuccessTool should be done just once a week with an empty stomach on the morning of your LoadDay. Short-term weight fluctuations are normal after your LoadDay. Dont worry about it. You can enjoy your Post-Workout Energy Drink twice a week after your workout. For example, you can have a strawberry milkshake or a yogurt as a quick protein source for your muscles. More recipes can be found in the PDF document which you will get separately. As soon as the alarm clock rings in the morning, you should go directly to your fridge and prepare yourself a breakfast. You want even more variation regarding your breakfast? Cook a little more of your favorite soup or for example Chili con Carne on the day before, and warm it up. It's very nutritious, tastes good, and doesn't take much time. You just have to get used to the idea.

Typical mistakes

Not eating enough Not drinking enough water (we recommend 100 ounces a day) Not eating enough protein Not eating enough good carbohydrates (make vegetables as well as peas, beans and lentils part of your daily nutrition) Using too much salt Having breakfast too late (you should have breakfast right after getting up) Not getting enough sleep

10 Week BodyChange - Its ChangeTime by John Cena

Eat fresh food and no processed or convenience food

If you eat natural food (food that our ancestors have already eaten many thousand years ago, which matches our biology and digestive system), you will notice that it will have awesome effects on your figure and your health. BodyChange recommends the type of nutrition that comes from nature. This will make you healthy and will have many positive effects: fast weight loss, better performance, quicker recovery and a stronger immune system.

My Advice

My advice for a healthy nutrition

Buy natural food based on the nutrition concept Avoid processed food Buy organic products, if possible Drink mineral water without bubbles Season with unrefined natural salt

Why stress causes you to gain weight

The medical specialist Gunter Frank dedicated an entire book to the topic stress-free living and weight loss. He shows that there is a close correlation between stress and abdominal fat. According to Frank, the stress hormone cortisol activates the increase in abdominal fat. Moreover, stress hormones also stimulate the release of sugar in the body and this increase the blood sugar level. Leptin also influences fat storage. Leptin stops us from feeling hungry. In case of too much stress, the Leptin level in your body will go down and your appetite will increase.

My Advice

My advice for a healthy reduction of stress

Be active! Go for a walk, a bike ride, jog, or just go window shopping. Distraction helps! Read a book or meet up with some friends for a coffee. Breathe consciously! Close your eyes and breathe deeply in and out five times. Talking helps! Don't miss out on calling up a friend now and then.

10 Week BodyChange - Its ChangeTime by John Cena

Why does enough sleep help us to lose weight?

Getting enough sleep is an absolute must if you want to lose weight. All of us should aim for seven to eight hours of sleep. Sometimes we even feel guilty when we sleep in or if we take a nap in the afternoon. But we shouldnt! There is nothing wrong with getting a little bit of extra sleep once in a while. If you dont sleep enough you risk a bad mood, lowered stress resistance and shorter concentration spans. We are just too tired to do things that are important to us. And the first thing we neglect in this state is to stick to our diet and exercise. Moreover, sleep deprivation can negatively affect the way carbohydrates are processed and stored. In addition, not getting enough sleep can cause stress. And stress doesnt help us lose weight.

My Advice

Sound sleep for losing weight

Try to go to bed between 10 and 11 pm. Cut down on your TV or PC consumption before you go to bed. Dont eat any big meals before you go to bed, but make sure you dont go to bed feeling hungry. Sleep in complete darkness. Avoid glow-in-the-dark alarm clocks in your bedroom. Avoid intense workout sessions before you go to bed.

John Cena

10 Week BodyChange - Its ChangeTime by John Cena

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