Test Strategy Template
Test Strategy Template
Test Strategy Template
Project Name CPI/Project Number Project Type
(Business Consu tin!" Imp ementation" #p!ra$e" Interna " ot%er&
Customer Name
Customer Number
P anne$ 'tart/Finis%
Project 'ponsor
Pro!ram (ana!er
Table of contents Intro$uction***************************************************************************************************************************** + Purpose................................................................................................................................... 2 Scope...................................................................................................................................... 2 Data (i!ration Business Object 'cope********************************************************************************, Data (i!ration Process De-inition*****************************************************************************************, Migration Solution Steps......................................................................................................... 3 Test Cyc es De-inition************************************************************************************************************* , Test Cycle Definitions and Descriptions..................................................................................3 Ro es an$ Responsibi ities***************************************************************************************************** . Project Roles........................................................................................................................... 4 Project Responsibilities........................................................................................................... 5 Data (i!ration Testin! 'trate!y******************************************************************************************** / Project Role ssign!ents....................................................................................................... " #nit Testing............................................................................................................................. " Syste! Testing....................................................................................................................... $ %ntegration Testing.................................................................................................................. & #ser cceptance Testing...................................................................................................... '( Cuto)er * Perfor!ance Testing............................................................................................. ''
Purpose T+e purpose of t+e Testing Strategy docu!ent is to define t+e strategy to be used to establis+ an effecti)e testing approac+ for t+e legacy data !igration solution. T+e actual !igration solution ,ill )ary a!ong projects due to t+e deploy!ent and a)ailability of soft,are tools- but t+e need to establis+ a structured testing approac+ re!ains constant regardless of t+e le)el of auto!ation. T+e !igration test strategy for!s part of and is input to t+e project le)el test planning and e.ecution process.
T+is docu!ent ,ill pro)ide t+e fra!e,or/ for t+e detailed planning of t+e tas/s re0uired for )alidating t+e legacy data !igration solution. T+e objecti)es are1
To define t+e test cycles for t+e data !igration ,or/ strea! and t+eir purpose To describe t+e dependencies and integration to t+e project le)el test strategy To define t+e roles and responsibilities re0uired to successfully test and )alidate t+e data !igration solution To identify t+e steps ,it+in t+e !igration process to deter!ine specific test objecti)es To pro)ide a basis for t+e test planning for eac+ of t+e data !igration test cycles To ensure t+e data !igration solution !eets t+e docu!ented functional and tec+nical re0uire!ents
'cope 2or t+e purpose of t+e docu!ent- it is assu!ed t+at project ,ill contain t+e follo,ing test cycles1
#nit Testing Syste! Testing %ntegration Testing #ser cceptance Testing Cuto)er * Perfor!ance Testing
T+e scope of t+is docu!ent is t+e definition of t+e strategy re0uired to test t+e !igration process- ,+ic+ is defined by t+e !o)e!ent of data fro! a legacy source syste! to t+e S P pplication. %t is not intended to define an approac+ or strategy for t+e testing of application !aster or transactional data. %t is assu!ed t+at once t+e data is loaded into t+e S P pplication- t+e testing strategy and test scenarios de)eloped for t+e !aster and transactional data ,it+in t+e Testing ,or/ strea! ,ill be utili3ed to )alidate application functionality and business scenario re0uire!ents.
'. Data 7.traction 8 e.traction of a specific data set fro! t+e source application or syste! to a specified for!at 2. Data Transfor!ation 8 t+e )alidation- +ar!oni3ation and enric+!ent of legacy data based on specified business and )alidation rules 3. 9eneration of :oad Ready Data 8 t+e generation of data to a specified for!at 4. :oading of Data into t+e S P pplication 8 t+e loading of load ready data into t+e S P pplication using standard S P load utilities suc+ as :SM; 5. <alidation of Migrated Data 8 t+e )alidation and reconciliation of !igrated data to ensure data co!pleteness and )alidation of usability
!c"es Definition
Test Cyc e De-initions an$ Descriptions T+is docu!ent assu!es t+at t+e test cycles listed belo, are included in t+e o)erall testing strategy. T+e !igration test strategy !ay need to be adjusted if t+e i!ple!entation testing strategy is different. T+e table belo, pro)ides a description for eac+ test cycle and t+e dependency to t+e o)erall project.
Depen$ency Self contained ,it+in t+e Migration Trac/ Self contained ,it+ t+e Migration Trac/ %ntegrated ,it+ project le)el %ntegration testing
#ser cceptance
Cuto)er * Perfor!ance
Purpose Test t+e indi)idual !igration progra!s and processes. Test t+e co!plete set of !igration progra!s and processes- along ,it+ data 0uality and usability. Test t+e co!plete set of !igration progra!s and process- along ,it+ e.ecution ti!es- data 0uality and usability. Populate S P pplication Test en)iron!ent to support project le)el integration testing. Test t+e co!plete set of !igration progra!s and process- along ,it+ e.ecution ti!es- data 0uality and usability. Populate S P pplication Test en)iron!ent to support project le)el user acceptance testing. Si!ulate full production load to capture e.ecution ti!es- tune t+e process and confir! e.ecution se0uences.
ID '
Team Consulting
2 3 4
Data 5,ner
4usiness #ser
Description Responsible for t+e planning and e.ecution of t+e !igration trac/. ;or/s directly ,it+ t+e Testing trac/ lead to coordinate testing sc+edules. Responsible for t+e design- de)elop!ent and testing of !igration progra!s and processes. Responsible for t+e design- de)elop!ent and testing of 0uality reports for !onitoring test results. Responsible for establis+ing t+e tec+nical platfor! for t+e !igration solution- if a soft,are solution is being deployed. Responsible for pro)iding S P business object and application e.pertise for t+e design and testing of t+e !igration solution. T+e o,ner of t+e data fro! t+e business side ,+o understands t+e use and business rules associated ,it+ t+e data fro! a business perspecti)e. T+e business user of t+e legacy application ,+ere t+e data is being used.
'( ''
T+e ad!inistrator of t+e legacy application ,+ere t+e legacy data resides. Responsible for e.tracting and !apping of t+e legacy data. T+e tec+nical or business analyst t+at understands t+e underlying business rules for t+e business object and data ele!ents fro! an application or tec+nical perspecti)e. Responsible for !apping t+e legacy data to t+e target S P application. T+e project le)el lead for t+e testing trac/. T+e project le)el lead for t+e cuto)er trac/.
Project Responsibi ities T+e table belo, contains a !apping of t+e project roles and t+e indi)iduals assigned to t+ese roles for eac+ of t+e business objects or !igration processes
ID = = = = '
Project Ro e Migration :ead Testing Trac/ :ead Cuto)er Trac/ :ead Tec+nical rc+itect Migration De)eloper Report De)eloper 2unctional 7.pert Data 5,ner 4usiness #ser :egacy pplication d!inistrator :egacy Data nalyst Migration De)eloper Report De)eloper 2unctional 7.pert Data 5,ner 4usiness #ser :egacy pplication d!inistrator :egacy Data nalyst
Responsib e Resource
Project Ro e Assi!nments T+e table belo, contains reco!!endations on t+e assign!ent and allocation of project roles across t+e )arious test cycles.
Project Ro e Migration :ead Migration De)eloper Report De)eloper Tec+nical rc+itect 2unctional 7.pert Data 5,ner 4usiness #ser :egacy pplication d!inistrator :egacy Data nalyst Testing Trac/ :ead Cuto)er Trac/ :ead
Inte!ration Aes Aes Bo Aes Aes Aes Aes Aes Aes Aes Bo
#ser Acceptance Aes Aes Bo Aes Aes Aes Aes Aes Aes Aes Bo
#nit Testin! T+e #nit Test cycle is self contained ,it+in t+e !igration trac/ and is designed to test and )alidate t+e underlying !igration platfor!- progra!s and processes. T+ere is no dependency to t+e !ain project or re0uire!ent to deli)er legacy data to ot+er project trac/s fro! t+is test cycle.
ID '
Data Re0uire!ents
Objecti)e <alidate connecti)ity of platfor! <alidate file for!at and data content of legacy e.tracts 7.ercise )alidation and business rules in t+e !igration progra!s and processes <alidate file for!at and data content of load ready data <alidate S P load utilities T+ere is no need for production le)el data )olu!es 2or e.tracts- data necessary to )alidate for!at and content 2or progra!s and
'trate!y De)elop unit test plans t+at describe t+e e.ecution steps and results. Plans are designed to )alidate t+e design specifications for t+e progra!s and processes and t+e underlying platfor!.
T+ere ,ill be different resources focused on t+e )arious !igration solution co!ponents. 7ac+ resource ,ill be responsible !anaging t+e data re0uire!ents to satisfy t+eir test plan.
4 5 $ 6 &
pplication 4usiness 5bject #nit Testing pplication 4usiness Scenario Testing Ti!ing Statistics Trac/ing Data Cuality Trac/ing Test Results Trac/ing
Success Criteria
processes- data necessary to )alidate and e.ercise business rules 2or load ready datadata necessary to )alidate for!at and content and e.ecute load utilities Perfor! in t+e Migration en)iron!ent Tests can be independent of eac+ ot+er Bot re0uired during t+is test cycle Bot re0uired during t+is test cycle Bot re0uired during t+is test cycle Bot re0uired during t+is test cycle Trac/ results at t+e !igration progra! and process co!ponent le)el for eac+ !igration flo, Successful e.ecution of eac+ !igration progra! and process co!ponent based on t+e design specifications
7stablis+ a separate application en)iron!ent dedicated to t+e !igration trac/ to eli!inate dependencies to ot+er project trac/s.
7stablis+ spreads+eet or project plan to trac/ tas/s. %ssue trac/ing o,ned by indi)idual !igration tea! !e!ber. Signoff of indi)idual test plans or co!pletion of indi)idual testing tas/s on trac/ing s+eet or plan
'ystem Testin! T+e Syste! Test cycle is self contained ,it+in t+e !igration trac/. %t is designed to e.pand on t+e #nit test by directing focus on t+e e.ecution se0uence- e.ecution ti!es and t+e 0uality of legacy data. T+ere is no dependency to t+e !ain project or re0uire!ent to deli)er legacy data to ot+er project trac/s fro! t+is test cycle.
ID '
Objecti)e <alidate connecti)ity of platfor! <alidate platfor! si3ing re0uire!ents <alidate file for!at and data content of legacy e.tracts 7.ercise )alidation and business rules in t+e !igration progra!s and processes
'trate!y Sa!e as unit test. T+e data )olu!es ,ill be larger- so t+e underlying solution s+ould continue to be tested.
2 Data Re0uire!ents
<alidate file for!at and data content of load ready data <alidate S P load utilities Close to production le)el data )olu!es are re0uired for capturing ti!ing statistics T+e data set s+ould contain !ost data ano!alies to properly e.ercise t+e )alidation and business rule Perfor! in t+e Migration en)iron!ent T+e !igration flo,s need to be e.ecuted in t+e re0uired se0uence
T+e legacy data set needs to co!e directly fro! t+e source syste!s and applications- no !anual creation of data is re0uired
Success Criteria
4usiness object unit testing to be perfor!ed once t+e data is loaded to )alidate usability 4usiness scenario testing to be perfor!ed once t+e data is loaded to )alidate usability Capture t+e e.ecution ti!es for eac+ e.ecution step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Capture t+e record counts for t+e source data setrecords rejected and records loaded for eac+ step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Trac/ t+e results at t+e business object le)el to reflect t+e co!pletion of t+e end to end !igration process. T+e /ey !etrics include e.traction- load and usability. Successful e.ecution of business object !igration flo,- +ig+ percentage of 0uality data and functional
7stablis+ a separate application en)iron!ent dedicated to t+e !igration trac/ to eli!inate dependencies to ot+er project trac/s. T+e e.ecution se0uence needs to be )alidated and confir!ed to account for interdependencies. #tili3ed t+e business object test plans de)eloped ,it+in t+e Test trac/ for t+is testing #tili3ed t+e business scenario test plans de)eloped ,it+in t+e Test trac/ for t+is testing Create a spreads+eet to capture t+e e.ecution ti!es by e.ecution run
Create a spreads+eet to capture t+e record counts results by e.ecution run. Capture data issues in an issues log.
7stablis+ spreads+eet or project plan to trac/ !etrics at t+e business object flo, le)el. %ssue trac/ing o,ned by !igration trac/ lead.
usability of t+e !igrated data Inte!ration Testin! T+e planning and e.ecution of t+e %ntegration Test cycle is t+e responsibility of t+e Testing Trac/ :ead. T+e !igration tea! is responsible for pro)iding !igrated legacy data to support t+e end=to=end testing. 4y t+is test cycle- t+e !igration solution and e.ecution se0uence needs to be stable- so t+e focus continues to be on t+e e.ecution ti!es and t+e 0uality of legacy data.
ID '
Objecti)e ssu!e stable en)iron!ent Monitor t+roug+put perfor!ance Close to production le)el data )olu!es are re0uired for capturing ti!ing statistics T+e data set s+ould contain !ost data ano!alies to properly e.ercise t+e )alidation and business rule Perfor! in t+e Test en)iron!ent T+e !igration flo,s need to be e.ecuted in t+e re0uired se0uence 4usiness object unit testing to be perfor!ed once t+e data is loaded to )alidate usability 4usiness scenario testing to be perfor!ed once t+e data is loaded to )alidate usability Capture t+e e.ecution ti!es for eac+ e.ecution step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Capture t+e record counts for t+e source data setrecords rejected and records loaded for eac+ step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object
Data Re0uire!ents
'trate!y React to issues encountered ,it+ !igration progra!s and processes- no specific testing perfor!ed. naly3e and address perfor!ance bottlenec/s. T+e legacy data set needs to co!e directly fro! t+e source syste!s and applications- no !anual creation of data is re0uired
Capture t+e e.ecution ti!es in t+e trac/ing s+eet created during t+e Syste! test cycle.
Capture t+e record counts results in t+e trac/ing s+eet created during t+e Syste! test cycle.
Success Criteria
Trac/ t+e results at t+e business object le)el to reflect t+e co!pletion of t+e end to end !igration process. T+e /ey !etrics include e.traction- load and usability. Successful e.ecution of business object !igration flo,- +ig+ percentage of 0uality data and functional usability of t+e !igrated data
Project plan needs to trac/ !etrics at t+e business object flo, le)el. %ssue trac/ing o,ned by Testing Trac/ :ead.
#ser Acceptance Testin! T+e planning and e.ecution of t+e #ser cceptance Test cycle is t+e responsibility of t+e Testing Trac/ :ead. T+e !igration tea! is responsible for pro)iding !igrated legacy data to support t+e end=to=end testing. 4y t+is test cycle- t+e !igration solution and e.ecution se0uence needs to be stable- so t+e focus continues to be on t+e e.ecution ti!es and t+e 0uality of legacy data.
ID '
Objecti)e ssu!e stable en)iron!ent Monitor t+roug+put perfor!ance Production le)el data )olu!es are re0uired for capturing ti!ing statistics T+e data set s+ould contain !ost data ano!alies to properly e.ercise t+e )alidation and business rule Perfor! in t+e Test en)iron!ent T+e !igration flo,s need to be e.ecuted in t+e re0uired se0uence 4usiness object unit testing to be perfor!ed once t+e data is loaded to )alidate usability 4usiness scenario testing to be perfor!ed once t+e data is loaded to )alidate usability Capture t+e e.ecution
Data Re0uire!ents
'trate!y React to issues encountered ,it+ !igration progra!s and processes- no specific testing perfor!ed. naly3e and address perfor!ance bottlenec/s. T+e legacy data set needs to co!e directly fro! t+e source syste!s and applications- no !anual creation of data is re0uired
Ti!ing Statistics
Success Criteria
ti!es for eac+ e.ecution step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Capture t+e record counts for t+e source data setrecords rejected and records loaded for eac+ step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Trac/ t+e results at t+e business object le)el to reflect t+e co!pletion of t+e end to end !igration process. T+e /ey !etrics include e.traction- load and usability. Successful e.ecution of business object !igration flo,- +ig+ percentage of 0uality data- functional usability of t+e !igrated data and close to acceptable e.ecution ti!e for !igration process
Capture t+e record counts results in t+e trac/ing s+eet created during t+e Syste! test cycle.
Project plan needs to trac/ !etrics at t+e business object flo, le)el. %ssue trac/ing o,ned by Testing Trac/ :ead.
Cuto)er / Per-ormance Testin! T+e planning and e.ecution of t+e Cuto)er * Perfor!ance Test cycle is t+e responsibility of t+e Cuto)er Trac/ :ead. T+e test is designed to si!ulate t+e production cuto)er process- so t+e focus for t+e !igration tea! is on e.ecution ti!es and data 0uality. T+e !igration tea! is responsible for e.ecuting t+e co!plete !igration process ,it+ production )olu!es and address perfor!ance and data 0uality issues.
ID '
Objecti)e ssu!e stable en)iron!ent Monitor t+roug+put perfor!ance 2ull production data set is re0uired for capturing ti!ing statistics and )alidating data 0uality Perfor! in t+e Cuto)er en)iron!ent T+e !igration flo,s need to be e.ecuted in t+e re0uired se0uence Project dependent
Data Re0uire!ents
'trate!y React to issues encountered ,it+ !igration progra!s and processes- no specific testing perfor!ed. naly3e and address perfor!ance bottlenec/s. T+e legacy data set needs to co!e directly fro! t+e source syste!s and applications- no !anual creation of data is re0uired 7.ecute !igration process in t+e Cuto)er en)iron!ent
pplication 4usiness
5 $
5bject #nit Testing pplication 4usiness Scenario Testing Ti!ing Statistics Trac/ing
Project dependent Capture t+e e.ecution ti!es for eac+ e.ecution step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Capture t+e record counts for t+e source data setrecords rejected and records loaded for eac+ step ,it+in t+e !igration flo, for eac+ business object Trac/ t+e results at t+e business object le)el to reflect t+e co!pletion of t+e end to end !igration process. T+e /ey !etrics include e.traction- load and usability. Successful e.ecution of business object !igration flo,- +ig+ percentage of 0uality data- functional usability of t+e !igrated data and acceptable e.ecution ti!e for !igration process Capture t+e e.ecution ti!es in t+e trac/ing s+eet created during t+e Syste! test cycle
Capture t+e record counts results in t+e trac/ing s+eet created during t+e Syste! test cycle.
Project plan needs to trac/ !etrics at t+e business object flo, le)el. %ssue trac/ing o,ned by Cuto)er Trac/ :ead.
Success Criteria