Freemasonry Luciferianism and Pike DR D C Yermak
Freemasonry Luciferianism and Pike DR D C Yermak
Freemasonry Luciferianism and Pike DR D C Yermak
Lucifer is usually presented as a star with five rays in order to camouflage him better. Lucifers head is presented in two ways: either with two or four horns. In the first instance, his two ears and the beard are placed in each corner of the star. The face of Lucifer is not human but that of a goat, as is the rest of his body, except the trunk and the arms![tr. note: this also fits the description of the god Pan]. In the second case, he is presented with four horns and each horn occupies one of the corners of the star while the middle is occupied by a burning candle or torch. This burning torch, together with a hand holding it, is the official trademark of all Luciferians and is called "The Hand of Glory!" The hand of the statue of Liberty in New York is the best example of it. In the first case, the central ray of the star points downward, in the second case, it points upward. Most Masonic groups use a combination of the two stars(i.e. the first star in front and the second behind it). Masons use the triangle pointing downwards to represent their "unholy trinity" consisting of Baphomet (the Father), Nehushtan (the Son) and Tah (the Spirit). This trinity was worshipped in King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. The Father Baphomet is usually presented as a goat seated upon his "throne" and having the Christian cross upon his genitals. The Son (Nehushtan) is always camouflaged as a snake keeping the end of his tail in his teeth. The Spirit (Tah) is a phallic statue.
In accordance with their standing regulations, the altar used by all Masonic Lodges represents Baphomet himself but in a very camouflaged way. This is the reason why there must be four horns; one in each of the four corners of their altars. The light over the altar represents the Torch kept by "The Hand of Glory". In most Masonic editions, preference is given to the 'double star', thus giving the combination of the two Luciferian images. The reason why Masons use incense so abundantly, especially during the "Black Masses" of their "advanced" Lodges, is because the presence of their goat-god is usually manifested by an unbearable stench! It is strictly forbidden to blow out the flames of the candles lit in the Lodges! The reason being, when God created the first man, he had breathed life into him. Therefore, the breath in every man, bad or good, is a particle of God, Who created Adam. This is why during
Orthodox baptisms, the church demands the god-parents to spit three times and blow three times while denouncing the devil. So the Masonic Lodges use special extinguishers in the form of small bells in order to extinguish the flames of lit candles. ...Having discussed the origins of masonry and its gods, we think that perhaps it would be of interest to our readers to be informed about some other dark corners of this great plot. The "Official Masonic Constitution" is in force both in Greece and the USA. We have a copy of the "Constitution" issued by the Supreme Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, printed in Athens in 1958. It bears the inscription "The Great Constitutions of 1786 and the General Rules" on the front cover. a) On pp. 8 & (, we are informed that "...when in 1722 Desaguliers and Anderson were drawing up the Constitution...Samber dedicated to the Great Masters a book under the title "The Long Livers", in which he dealt with longevity and how to succeed it..." b) On p. of the same Constitutions, we are informed that Masons had been accused for borrowing their symbolism from the Rosicrucians... c) That the "unforgettable Brother Albert Pike said that the word Herodom emanate from the Greek words "Ieros" and "domos". d) That "Frederick the Great of Prussia had become the Head of the Rite of Perfection...and that thanks to Pike's efforts, it was established that the Masonic Constitutions were really the task of Frederick the Great, a detail which Pike mentions in his book: "A Historical Inquiry in regard to the Grand Constitutions of 1786"... But there are many such Masonic "gems" in their Constitutions that we are obliged-due to lack of space--to mention only a few of them. Let's examine these four points we just touched. a) At all times, the effort of all magicians was to obtain such a medicine that would prolong their lives in order to enjoy them the best they could. The Masons--being followers of the same line and themselves connected with the magic art which is based upon Lucifer worship--were greatly interested to prolong their own lives(sometimes at the expense of others!) Having created various front organizations such as Lions, Rotary, etc, they did not forget to create the Rotisseurs(i.e. the people who like to enjoy good food and drinks). They've also had several international meetings in Greece, as well. b) The accusation against Masons for borrowing their symbolism from the Rosicrucians is also of no value at all. They are both just as bad and are directed by exactly the same Head Quarters; The White Brotherhood! For us, the old saying is true: "White Dog! Black Dog! It is still a dog!" c) The admiration of the "unforgettable Brother" Pikes personality is also well understood by us. How not to admire him, when he was one of the greatest Devil worshippers of our era and had open collaboration even with such an evil spirit as Astarta (or Astaroth) was! d) As for Frederick the Great, it is no wonder he was a devoted Luciferian mason! 99.9% of the German Nobility since the 16th century were deep in the Illuminism which was transplanted upon German soil by the White Brotherhood of the Himalayas