Draft Citywide Corridor Planning Principles and Guideline

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CityWide DRAFTFebruary14,2012 CorridorPlanningPrinciplesandDesignGuidelines

PART A Introduction and Background 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 What is a Corridor? 1.3 Policy Background for Corridors 1.3.1 Provincial Policy Directions 1.3.2 City Policy Directions 2.0 Planning for Hamiltons Corridors 2.1 Intensification 2.2 Managing Change PART B Corridor Planning Principles and Design Guidelines 1.0 Where Do These Principles and Guidelines Apply? 2.0 Application of these Guidelines 2.1 Other Guidelines 2.2 Existing Secondary Plans 2.3 New Corridor Plans, Secondary Plans or Strategies 2.4 Nodes 2.5 Arterial Commercial and Employment Areas 3.0 Corridor Planning Principles 4.0 Corridor Design Guidelines 4.1 Corridor Design Goals 4.2 Development Potential and Property Size 4.3 Maximum Building Height 4.3.1 Maximum Building Height Related to Property Depth 4.3.2 Maximum Building Height Related to Street Width 4.4 Minimum Building Height 4.5 Landscaping 4.6 Parking and Loading 4.7 Relationship to the Street 4.7.1 Pedestrian Focus Area 4.7.2 Flexible Area 4.7.3 Residential Character Area 4.8 Side Yards, Side Walls and Side Step Backs 4.9 Long Buildings 4.10 Sidewalks and Streetscapes 4.11 Land Assembly 4.12 Shadow Impacts 4.13 Precinct Site Development 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 20 21

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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the City-Wide Corridor Planning Principles and Design Guidelines is to provide planning & design directions for Corridors in the City of Hamilton. These principles and guidelines provide direction for new development, public realm investments and future planning studies along the Citys primary and secondary Corridors. These principles and guidelines will be used: (a) In the evaluation of any Planning Act applications for development. (b) In the preparation of secondary plans, strategies or initiatives that relate to an urban Corridor or a portion thereof. (c) In the preparation of any implementing tools, including Zoning By-laws, infrastructure projects, master plans, or other City projects or initiatives along Corridors. (d) To communicate the important elements of Corridor planning and design to citizens and the development community.

1.2 What is a Corridor?

Corridors are defined in the Urban Hamilton Official Plan (2011) as areas of streetoriented uses which incorporate a mix of retail, employment and residential uses, developed at overall greater densities, located along arterial roads serving as major transit routes . Corridors link Nodes and important areas of activity within the City and are intended to be key locations for residential intensification. Corridors may form the boundaries of residential subdivisions or neighbourhoods, but should act as a linear focus for activities and uses within the community. The Citys Corridors provide a significant opportunity for creating vibrant pedestrian and transit oriented places through investment in hard and soft infrastructure, residential intensification, infill and redevelopment. See Figure 1 Page 5 for The Urban Official Plan Schedule E Urban Structure which illustrates the locations of the Corridors.

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1.3 Policy Background for Corridors 1.3.1 Provincial Policy Directions

The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) (2005) provides policy direction in land use planning that is of provincial interest. The PPS recognizes efficient land use and development patterns support strong, livable and healthy communities. Municipalities must comply with the PPS by promoting efficient development and land use patterns and promoting opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. The Growth Plan for the Greater golden Horseshoe (2006) is the Province of Ontarios long range plan for growth in the Greater Golden Horseshoe area. The Plan establishes high-level policy on transportation, infrastructure, land use planning, urban form, housing, natural heritage and resource protection in the interest of promoting economic prosperity for Ontarios future. The Growth Plan requires municipalities to plan for intensification in a variety of ways including the designation of intensification areas, including intensification Corridors. The provincial policies require municipalities to recognize intensification corridors as key focus areas for intensification. In order to support transit, active transportation and vibrant neighbourhoods, intensification corridors are to be planned and designed to provide higher densities and a diverse and compatible mix of land uses. Appropriate transitions of built form to adjacent areas are to be achieved along Corridors.

1.3.2 City Policy Directions

The Citys foundation for growth and development in Corridors has been established through the progression of several key initiatives. Growth Related Integrated Development Strategy (GRIDS) (2006) is the Citys growth management strategy. GRIDS identified a nodes and corridors preferred growth option as the basis for growth and change in the City. City of Hamilton Transportation Master Plan, 2007 outlines the overall vision and implementation plan for all modes of transportation over the next 25 years. The Plan reflects the Nodes and Corridors framework and relies on aggressive transit improvements and an urban fabric with a high degree of connectivity. The Hamilton Urban Official Plan (Minister approved in 2011, under appeal), established a node and corridor urban structure consisting of a series of key focal points of activity (nodes) connected by a series of corridors. The Citys corridors are identified on the Urban Structure Plan from the Urban Hamilton Official Plan (2011) is shown in Figure 1, below. The Urban Official Plan identifies the Citys nodes and corridors as significant opportunities for creating vibrant pedestrian and transit oriented places through investment in infrastructure, residential intensification, infill and redevelopment and
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careful attention to urban design. The following principles from the Official Plan provide policy direction for the development of nodes and corridors in the City: (a) Nodes and Corridors are the focus of reurbanization activities (i.e. population growth, private and public redevelopment, and infrastructure investment). (b) Nodes and Corridors provide focal points of activity for Hamiltons local communities and neighbourhoods. (c) Nodes and Corridors are connected to each other and are internally served by various modes of transportation, including higher order transit. (d) Nodes and Corridors provide a vibrant pedestrian environment and facilitate active transportation through careful attention to urban design. (e) Nodes and Corridors evolve with higher residential densities and mixed use developments to achieve their planned functions and support transit. (Urban Hamilton Official Plan, Section E.2.1) City of Hamilton Transit Oriented Development (TOD) (2010) Guidelines provide a series of tools and strategies to facilitate transit oriented development in a variety of contexts in the City including nodes and along transit corridors and routes.

2.0 Planning for Hamiltons Corridors

The following section outlines important considerations in planning for Hamiltons Corridors.

2.1 Intensification in Corridors

A key element of corridor development is intensification. A large portion (i.e. 40%) of the Citys intensification target is directed to Nodes and Corridors. In older Corridors, intensification stabilizes and grows the population, helping to support local businesses, institutions and community facilities such as community centres, parks and schools, and returning vitality to these areas. In new or developing corridors, intensification, supported by transit, provides a diversity of housing types and living environments that reduce the dependency on automobiles, creating livable environments. Official plan policy recognizes Corridors as a distinct structural element from the residential Neighbourhoods, however in many locations, Corridors function as an integral part of the surrounding neighbourhood, and serve as a central focal point. While each corridor is unique, this functional relationship of corridor to neighbourhood is relatively consistent. Therefore, a central element of corridor planning will be achieving intensification in a manner that brings the benefits of intensification to a Corridor while
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respecting and protecting the character of the residential neighbourhoods next to the Corridors.

2.2 Managing Change

The majority of Hamiltons identified corridors have been in existence for many years, with some areas more than 100 years. Each corridor contains sections that are at various stages of evolution. The role of planning is to manage land use and built form changes brought about by intensification in order to create high quality, liveable environments. Within each Corridor, development occurs gradually over time and in specific areas resulting in areas of different character defined by use, function, culture and or aesthetic qualities including built heritage attributes. Corridor planning must recognize these unique character areas and respond with appropriate approaches. A key element of corridor planning activities, whether corridor wide or area specific strategies, secondary plans or neighbourhood planning activities is to identify the areas where change is desired, identify the nature and scale of that change and identify mechanisms and processes to manage the change. Change should be directed and managed to ensure high quality environments are achieved. Conversely, there will be areas along or adjacent to a Corridor where change is not desired and where the existing conditions of land use and/or built form character should be protected. Those areas must be identified. Finally, identifying the mechanisms for managing the interface between areas of change and areas for protection must be a key element of planning in corridors. Planning along the Citys corridors can proceed in a variety of geographical scales such as: Corridor wide studies, strategies or secondary plans; Studies, strategies or secondary plans for smaller segments of a corridor; Neighbourhood scale studies, strategies or secondary plans that overlap with a Corridor; Transit station or mobility hub areas along a Corridor; and, Precinct plans for larger tracts of land along a Corridor. It is anticipated that planning for Hamiltons Corridors will utilize a variety of planning studies, tools and mechanisms at a variety of scales to refine the higher level policy directions and achieve the desired outcomes as identified in Section 1.4.2. Not all Corridors will utilize the same processes given the uniqueness of each corridor.

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Figure 1 Urban Official Plan Schedule E Urban Structure. Urban Corridors shown in light purple, larger format is available on the City website.

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1.0 Where Do These Principles and Guidelines Apply?
These Guidelines are generally intended to apply to properties that front onto arterial roads within 400m of a Corridor identified in the Urban Official Plan. This includes properties fronting onto the identified Corridor itself as well as other arterial roads that intersect with the corridor or run parallel with the corridor within a 400 m distance from the identified Corridor. As Corridors are to be the locations for transit, the 400 m distance from the Corridor is considered to be zone of transit influence and represents a comfortable walking distance to transit. Each Corridor in the City is unique and application of these principles and guidelines may differ between or within Corridors. Special consideration should be given to intersecting arterial roads as those provide the most direct connections to a Corridor, are often the locations with most accessibility, are often locations for commercial and public buildings having higher levels of pedestrian activity, and are the likely locations for transit stops.

2.0 Application of these Guidelines

To ensure the effective and efficient application of these Guidelines, they should be considered as early as possible in any Corridor planning activity or initiative, evaluation of development potential, and in the development application process. Furthermore, these guidelines should be used when evaluating individual development applications. The following is a description of how these guidelines should be applied in consideration of other Guidelines, plans and processes.

2.1 Other Guidelines

These principles and guidelines are to be considered together with other applicable City of Hamilton guidelines (e.g. Site Plan Guidelines, Transit Oriented Development Guidelines). These Guidelines provide additional direction to assist in implementing the provincial policies as well as the Urban Hamilton Official Plan regarding Corridor development and intensification along corridors.

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2.2 Existing Secondary Plans

Firstly, where specific secondary plans are in effect, other urban design direction may be included as part of the approved secondary plan. Where such direction conflicts with this guideline, the approved secondary plan should prevail. Where this guideline is complementary to and in keeping with the intent of an approved secondary plan, then this guideline should be used together with the approved secondary plan. Secondly, this document should be considered during the review of existing secondary plans and area specific guidelines.

2.3 New Corridor Plans, Secondary Plans or Strategies

Within the 400 m area of influence of a Corridor, these principles and guidelines should be used when preparing Corridor plans and strategies, secondary plans or other planning policy.

2.4 Nodes
These Guidelines may apply to properties fronting arterial roads in Nodes, as identified in the Urban Hamilton Official Plan in the absence of an approved Secondary or Node Plan. However, as these areas allow for more intense development and have less neighbourhood context than the Corridors, these guidelines should be carefully considered in combination with other policy direction, such as the Official Plan.

2.5 Arterial Commercial and Employment Areas

These Guidelines provide design direction for mixed use Corridors where mixing of residential and commercial uses is anticipated and encouraged through Official Plan policy. However, there are areas along Hamiltons Corridors where mixing of uses is not anticipated by policy, such as in Arterial Commercial or Employment designations, Where such areas are designated, these Guidelines may not fully apply. However, some of the design tools and built form concepts presented in these Guidelines may be useful to implement concepts such as enhanced pedestrian environments along the Corridors.

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3.0 Corridor Planning Principles

The following principles, along with Official Plan policies are the basis for the Design Guidelines outlined in this document. These principles also provide a guide to other planning initiatives: Corridors should be planned and developed to: (a) Support and facilitate development and investment that contributes to the economic and social vitality of the Corridor and adjacent neighbourhoods. (b) Promote and support development which enhances and respects the character of existing neighbourhoods where appropriate and creates vibrant, dynamic, and livable urban places through high quality urban design. (c) Develop compact, mixed use urban environments that support transit and active transportation. (d) Promote and support an innovative sustainable built environment that uses resources efficiently and encourages a high quality of life. (e) Identify areas of change as the locations for new development along Corridors.

4.0 Corridor Design Guidelines

4.1 Corridor Design Goals
These guidelines are intended to guide site and building design to achieve the following goals: (a) Encourage new intensification and infill development by allowing flexibility and providing alternatives to minimize constraints and provide opportunities. (b) Create streetscapes that are attractive and safe for pedestrians, transit users, cyclists and drivers. (c) Minimize the negative effects of shading on existing adjacent properties, streets and public spaces. (d) Minimize the negative effects of changes in building scale and character on existing streetscapes and adjacent properties.
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(e) Minimize the negative effects of overview on existing adjacent private properties. (f) Encourage a diversity of built form, neighbourhood character and development opportunities along the Corridors.

4.2 Development Potential and Property Size

These guidelines have been prepared considering development potential based on built form and property size. The following guidelines can therefore be most easily satisfied when the proposed size and form of development is generally in keeping with property dimensions as outlined in Table 1. While Secondary and or Corridor Plans will identity specific areas of change as discussed in Section 2.2. and principle (e) of Section 3.0 of this document, it is anticipated that areas for redevelopment will be a maximum of approximately 50 m in depth along Corridors. However, as shown in the table below, there may be some larger redevelopment sites that extend further into neighbourhoods. Table 1 Built Form and Typical Property Characteristics Typical Minimum Property area, width and depth Lot Area: 486 sq m Width: 18m Depth: 27m Lot Area: 1020 sq m Width: 30 m Depth: 34 m Max Depth: 50 m Lot Area: 2.5 Ha Typical Height * 2 to 4 storeys Examples of appropriate built form Townhouses, stacked townhouses or small apartment/mixed use buildings

2 to 12 storeys Multi storey apartment/mixed use buildings

2 to 12 storeys A mix of building types and uses that correspond to the existing context and a comprehensive plan for the site.

* Maximum building height to be determined in relationship to actual property depth and street width.

4.3 Maximum Building Height

New multiple storey buildings can have negative impacts on the existing character of neighbourhoods, streets and adjacent properties through shadows, overview and abrupt changes in scale. These impacts can be minimized if height and built form is considered
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in context to surrounding properties by relating maximum building height to property depth and street width.

4.3.1 Maximum Building Height Related to Property Depth

Guideline: New buildings should be limited in height by a 45 degree build to plane measured from the rear property line when adjacent to existing single detached, semi detached or duplex residential. All parts of the new building above 2 storeys in height should be required to be below the build to plane. As can be seen in figure 2 (following page), this allows for transition in the building form by a stepping down of height adjacent to lower density neighourhoods. A public alley along the rear of a property may be considered as part of the property for the purposes of establishing the build to plane. Properties with a greater depth can accommodate a higher building without increasing impacts on adjacent existing properties. Figure 2 Rear Build to Plane

4.3.2 Maximum Building Height Related to Street Width

Guideline: New buildings should be limited in height by a 45 degree build to plane beginning from a line at grade parallel to the front property line at a distance of 80% of the width of the arterial street right-of-way. All parts of the new building above 3 storeys in height should be below the build to plane. Properties along parts of the corridors with wider streets can accommodate a higher building without increasing impacts on the existing street. As can be seen in figure 3, this creates an appropriate scale related to the street and minimizes shading.
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Figure 3 Front Build to Plane

4.4 Minimum Building Height

To assist in achieving higher densities, a minimum building height is required to encourage development at appropriate intensity. Guideline: New development should have a minimum building height of 2 storeys, for a minimum of 75% of the building frontage along arterial streets. The minimum 75% will ensure the majority of the building is at least 2 storeys in height, while allowing some flexibility in design.

4.5 Landscaping
The use of landscaping, fencing and trees can minimize the impact of new development on an area by screening views to maximize privacy, filter or block noise and improve the character of an area. Guidelines: 1. A landscape strip should be provided along property lines with single detached, semi detached or duplex residential in the adjacent neighbourhood. This landscape strip should generally be 3 m in width and include trees planted is such a way as to screen views of adjacent properties from the upper floors of new development. This can be achieved by planting trees 3 m to 10 m apart, depending on the species. These areas should also include a solid wall or fence along the property line.
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2. Along arterial and local streets landscaped areas including trees should be provided wherever a building is setback and the area is not required for pedestrian access or other pedestrian amenities. Figure 3 Landscaping

4.6 Parking and Loading

The location and number of parking and loading spaces required for a development has an affect on its design and how it relates to neighboring properties, the street and public sidewalk. Parking and vehicular access located adjacent to the public sidewalks can have a negative impact on the quality of the urban environment discouraging pedestrians and affecting the image of a neighbourhood. Guidelines: 1. Parking, and loading spaces should not be located between a building and the public street. 2. No vehicular driveways should be located between a building and a public street except where the driveway provides direct access to parking within the building and is perpendicular to the building faade. 3. Parking should be located behind, beside or within a building. When within a building it should generally be located below grade or above grade. If located at grade within a building it should located away from the public street faade. When located beside a building a 3m wide landscape strip with trees and low walls should be provided between it and any public sidewalk.

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4. Loading should be located behind, beside or within a building and should be screened from the view of the public street and adjacent properties with walls or other features in keeping with the overall design of the building. Where there are a number of small businesses requiring loading space consideration should be given to providing shared loading space. This space may be provided on street where city policy allows and where there is enough space to accommodate it within the road right of way without compromising the pedestrian realm, street function or public parking supply. 5. On street parking should be provided where active uses face the street at grade where City policy allows and where there is enough space to accommodate it within the road right of way without compromising the pedestrian realm or street function. 6. Vehicular access to a property should be from side streets via private or assumed public alleys wherever possible. Vehicular access to a property from arterial streets should be discouraged. Where necessary vehicular access to a property from an arterial street should be located and designed in such a way as to promote the continuity of the sidewalk and the comfort and safety of the pedestrian. Vehicular access points to parking and loading areas should be designed in such a way as to ensure waiting vehicles to not block the public sidewalk and provide drivers clear site lines to pedestrians and on coming traffic. 7. Where vehicular access is provided on a side street in accordance with the above guideline, the location of driveways should be aligned with existing driveways or parking areas on the opposite side of the street, wherever possible. This will minimize vehicle impacts such as headlight glare on an existing residence. 8. Those properties along Corridors identified in the Transportation Master Plan for future higher order transit should limit the amount of parking provided to the minimum required by the zoning by-law. Where the zoning by-law and other policy permits consideration should be given to reducing the amount of parking required further when transportation demand management features such as car share and bicycle storage are included in the development.

4.7 Relationship to the Street

The ground floor design of a building is important for the success of the building and its contribution to creating a comfortable pedestrian environment on the public sidewalk and contributing to a welcoming and safe image of the street and neighbourhood. Guidelines: 1. All buildings should have their principal entrances facing the arterial street. 2. The facades of all buildings along the public street should have a combination of windows and doors that allow for a view of the public sidewalk from inside the building.
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Typical Relationships to the Street There are many different opportunities for development and unique conditions along the corridors. To allow for flexibility the following three categories have been created to provide guidance in typical situations. These Guidelines should be applied in locations identified through a specific corridor strategy, corridor or area secondary plan or through other planning policy. Where secondary and/or corridor plans are not in place, the City will evaluate individual proposals to determine which of the three categories is appropriate.

4.7.1 Pedestrian Focus Area

In these areas, the goal is to create street level activity and promote walking. Ground level uses should promote activity and vitality. These guidelines apply to areas that are located around existing or planned transit stops and existing and planned areas with high pedestrian activity. Guidelines: 1. In a pedestrian focus area residential units should not be located at the grade level along the arterial street. 2. In a pedestrian focus area a majority of the length of the building faade at grade should be built at a distance of 1.5m from the property line to allow for opening doors, canopies and other features while defining the street edge. The maximum setback of the remainder of the faade should be 4.5 m providing enough space to allow for pedestrian amenity and variation in the building facade without allowing for parking. 3. In a pedestrian focus area the minimum ground floor ceiling height should be 4.5 m to accommodate a complete range of commercial uses. 4. In a pedestrian focus area the grade level faades of all buildings facing the public street should have a combination windows and doors for 75% of the length of the faade that allow for a view of the public sidewalk from inside the building and a view into the building from the public sidewalk. Figure 4 Relationship to the Street Pedestrian Focus

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4.7.2 Flexible Area

In these areas, the goal is to allow for flexibility in the use at grade as that use may change over time. A mix of ground floor uses including both residential and commercial should therefore be anticipated. These guidelines generally apply to areas that are adjacent to pedestrian focus areas or where future intensification could result in high pedestrian activity but currently more flexibility is warranted. Guidelines: 1. In the flexible area a majority of the length of the building faade at grade should be built at a minimum distance of 3.0 m from the property line to allow for space to provide privacy and landscaping for residential units at grade or pedestrian amenities for commercial uses. The maximum setback of the remainder of the faade should be 4.5 m providing enough space to allow for pedestrian amenity and variation in the building facade without allowing for parking. 2. In the flexible area the minimum ground floor ceiling height should be 4.5 m to accommodate a complete range of commercial uses while still accommodating residential. Figure 5 Relationship to the Street Flexible

4.7.3 Residential Character

In these areas, the goal is to have a relationship to the street that accommodates residential units at grade. These guidelines apply to areas along the corridors with an existing residential character where change is not anticipated or to areas planned for residential use. Guidelines: 1. In the residential character area the building faade at grade should be built at a minimum distance of 3.0 m and a maximum distance of 5.5 m from the property line to allow for space to provide landscaping, porches, stairs and other features that contribute to the residential character of the street.
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2. Small commercial uses may be located at grade but should be discouraged on upper floors. 3. Where located beside existing or planned single detached, semi detached or duplex residential which also face the arterial street and are intended to remain low density residential, the height of new development should conform to a build to plane similar to that outlined in guideline 4.3.1. Maximum Building Height. In this case the 45 degree build to plane should be measured from the side property line in addition to the rear. This allows for a transition in building form by stepping down of height along the street. Figure 6 Relationship to the Street Residential Character

4.8 Side Yards, Side Walls and Side Step Backs

The continuity of buildings along the street at lower floors contributes to a more comfortable and safe pedestrian environment. Transitions between buildings along the street can also have a negative impact on the character of street and adjacent buildings though abrupt changes in scale and large blank walls visible along the streets. Guidelines: 1. In Pedestrian Focus and Flexible areas (see guidelines 4.7.1 and 4.7.2) side yards should be discouraged and buildings constructed with a 0 m side setback or as close as possible for the first 3 storeys in height or to the height of the existing adjacent building if higher. This will minimize blank side walls, create a continuous street wall and eliminate side yard spaces that are typically unattractive, useless and collect refuse. 2. Above the third storey side step backs of 5.5 m should be considered to allow for windows and for access to sunlight for the building and the street, 3. Blank side walls larger than 4 stories in height should be discouraged to minimize abrupt changes in scale and character along the street.
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4. Where blank side walls occur they should be designed in such a way and with materials to be in keeping with the overall design of the building.

4.9 Long Buildings

A long multi storey building along the street may negatively impact the quality for the street by creating a canyon effect and shading the street for great lengths. Guideline: Where a building or portion of a building is greater than 60m long and greater than 3 storeys high it should be divided into two separate built forms above the 3rd storey. This will allow a space for light to reach the street and minimize the canyon effect. This is especially important for buildings along the south side of east/west arterials.

4.10 Sidewalks and Streetscapes

An attractive, comfortable and high quality public realm is important to encourage walking and transit use and to express the diverse character of neighbourhoods along the corridors. Guidelines: 1. A minimum sidewalk width consisting of a 2.0 m clear path, and a .5 m area between the curb and clear path for street furniture and lighting should be provided along all corridors. Where buildings are located directly adjacent to the public sidewalk an additional minimum 1.5 m wide zone should be provided between the building faade and clear path to allow for door swings, street furniture and overhangs. 2. Street trees planted at regular intervals should be provided along the street wherever space permits. Trees may be planted on public or private property. 3. At unique locations along the corridors, such as major transit stops, corners and important or highly used buildings, an enhanced public realm should be provided. An enhanced public realm should include wider sidewalks, landscaping, street furniture and public art reflective of the character of the area. These features may be accommodated on public or private property.

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Figure 7 Sidewalks and Streetscapes

4.11 Land Assembly

Small property sizes can limit opportunities for new investment and intensification along a Corridor resulting in under used and even derelict buildings. Smaller properties also make it difficult to accommodate parking and include other design features that minimize the impact of new development on existing neighbourhoods and adjacent properties. Land assembly provides the opportunity to create larger properties fronting onto the arterial streets in select locations where they would have minimal impact on the integrity or the character of existing neighbourhoods and local streets. This can allow the investment that improves the economic vitality and image of the neighbourhood. Specific Corridor and/or secondary plans, where in place, should identify areas where larger lot areas are required to achieve a desired built form and character. Land assembly to create larger lots should be identified and mechanisms to facilitate the creation of larger lots should be implemented. In areas where these plans are not in place, land assembly can be evaluated and approved only through a site specific public process, such as a rezoning. The following guidelines along with other City policy should be used to determine if land assembly is appropriate in a specific case. They should also be used in developing Corridor and Secondary Plans. Guidelines: 1. At least one of the properties being assembled shall front onto the arterial street or Corridor. 2. The maximum depth of an assembled property should be approximately 50m measured from the property line fronting along the arterial street.

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Figure 8 Land Assembly

3. Land assembly may be considered for properties whose side property line is adjacent to the rear property line of properties that front onto the arterial street or an alley that is adjacent to properties that front onto the arterial street. This will minimize impacts on the existing character of local streets perpendicular to the arterial by affecting only those properties at the end of the local street and maximizing the length of unaffected existing streetscape. (see Figure 9) 4. Land assembly should not be considered where rear property lines are adjacent to the rear property line of properties that front onto the arterial street or an alley that is adjacent to properties that front onto the arterial street. This will minimize impacts on the existing character of local street that are parallel and adjacent to arterial streets by not breaking up the existing character on one side in only one section of the local street. (see figure 9)

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Figure 9 Land Assembly

4.12 Shadow Impacts

New multi storey buildings can have negative impacts on adjacent properties and public sidewalks when they cast shadows for long periods of time. These impacts are minimized where buildings satisfy the building height guidelines already described. Where a new development seeks to exceed the build to planes outlined in the building height guidelines or where the building height guidelines do not apply such as in the case of existing commercial or high density residential adjacencies and on sites 2.5 Ha or larger shadow studies should be undertaken to satisfy the following guidelines. Guidelines: 1. Upper floor setbacks, building orientation and shape should be considered in the design of multi storey buildings and incorporated wherever possible to minimize the shading of adjacent properties, public spaces and the public sidewalk. 2. Shadows of the proposed building design should be measured on March 21st when the suns angle is half way between winter and summer as light levels will improve over the summer months when people tend to be outdoors.
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3. To minimize shadow impacts adjacent properties, adjacent public spaces and the public sidewalk on one side of the street should receive a minimum of 5 hours of sunlight throughout the day measured on March 21st. Figure 10 Examples of Shadow Impacts

4.13 Precinct Site Development

Properties larger than 2.5 ha in size typically require a more comprehensive approach to their design because there are opportunities for multiple buildings and uses on the site as well as unique and diverse contexts and adjacencies around and within the site. In order to fully explore and understand the impacts of this type of development an Urban Design Analysis of the site should be provided. Guidelines: 1. All sites larger than 2.5 Ha or with complex contextual issues should prepare and Urban Design Analysis and/or Guideline for consideration by City staff in Site Plan Approval or other approval processes. The requirements and standards for the creation of an Urban Design Analysis and/or Guideline are available from the Planning and Economic Development Department, Planning Division, Community Planning and Design Section and on the City website.

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2. In addition to the requirements and standards required by the Community Planning and Design Section the Urban Design Analysis and/or Guideline should consider any unique contextual requirements identified in applicable corridor or secondary plans.

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