Bondarev The Crisis of Civilization

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The passage discusses the author receiving criticism for their previous work from some within the Anthroposophical Society who struggle to understand contemporary events. It also talks about the book being well received by non-anthroposophical readers.

The author views Anthroposophy as a spiritual science that is more complex than other sciences currently and faces attacks, making it difficult for some to grasp scientifically. However, the author was able to convince themselves of the truth that 'the spirit weaves where it will' based on the positive reception from non-anthroposophical readers.

The author uses the events surrounding the Russian form of state changing and the terrible storms of the 20th century as an example, saying few mature souls remained steady during this time.

Foreword to the 2nd and 1st Edition

Crisis of Civilisation

Foreword to the 2nd Edition

The First Edition of this book was intended only for a small circle of anthroposophists who are able to symptomatologically penetrate the complex phenomenology of the social, political, cultural and religious life of today on the basis of a sound application of Rudolf Steiners spiritual-scientific methods of research. As was to be expected, this intention did not spare the author from attacks by groups within the Anthroposophical Society who labour under an organicallyconditioned inability to understand their own times and the meaning of contemporary events. In such people the thinking capacity moves only from one prejudice to another and remains immersed in the current of ideologies fashioned for everyday use, that contain all sorts of absurdities, prejudices and distortions. However, this should not surprise us when we consider that Anthroposophy is, firstly, above all a science, i.e. a spiritual science, and therefore in a certain way more complicated than any other science at present, and correspondingly few people have sufficient forces and enthusiasm to grasp it scientifically; and, secondly, that Anthroposophy is exposed to massive slanderous attacks from all sides, which easily creates uncertainty in the minds of those who approach it with an albeit sincere but superficial interest. Yet the author has also experienced an amazing thing: the positive reception of his book by nonanthroposophical readers. This shows that many people are well able to systematically research events behind the scenes together with their occult background, and understand the allegorical language of meta-history. In short, the author has had the opportunity to convince himself again of the truth of the ancient saying that the spirit weaves where it will. It confirmed his decision to publish the 2nd Edition in a slightly revised form for the free evaluation of any reader who is concerned about the deepening cultural crisis. Regardless of our varying convictions, values and prejudices we share, after all, a common destiny where the further existence of our civilization is concerned. It is the duty of everyone to care for it and to ensure its continuation. The first and most important thing that anyone can do on this level is to reach through to the meaning of what is taking place in the world. This is something that unites us all: it is the hallmark of Homo sapiens, i.e. of man endowed with

reason. Therefore it is said: knowledge is power; the power also of the personality. I live in torment, since I do not know Where we are driven by the course of destiny. These lines were written by the Russian poet Sergei Esenin. When the sailingship of the Russian form of state and others too chanced, as an earth-ship (in Esenins words), upon the terrible storms of the 20th century mans greatest misfortune was that, seemingly, there were but A few mature souls who remained Steady in the motion of the swing. So it is still today, and life thus grows increasingly more barbaric and sinks into chaos (What is mighty is recognized from a distance Alexander Blok). The strong turn to radical evil and thereby lose their humanity, the weak succumb to drink as was the case with Esenin , they die out and the yawning heights unfold, of the war of each against all. Already a brutal struggle for survival has erupted, beginning on the level of the most populous states of all continents. In the heat of this battle the fact is entirely forgotten that human beings are separated from the fount of life and the roots of natural development severed. The deepening world-crisis is not the consequence of a natural necessity but of a crisis of the human spirit, of cognition and of consciousness. The solution must therefore be sought in this realm. The healthy human nature ought to be able to unfold and live fully in the free and harmonious working together of thinking, feeling and willing, so that the thinking spirit can become the spring of action with the capacity to evaluate the results of experience in the first place the social-historical and help bring to birth the ideas of development that are as real as life itself. Since group-egoism prevails, the struggle for survival within the species artificial selection does not exist in the animal kingdom leads humanity to ruin because there is nothing more imperfect in the world (in its kind, of course) than the individual human spirit. When this spirit considers itself to be the shadow of being, it begins to play a sort of game with being (as in a shadowtheatre), and finds it hard to believe that nature-forces exist that could succeed in rolling up its shadow and dropping it into a sack, as related in the famous

Foreword to the 2nd and 1st Edition

Crisis of Civilisation

work of A. v. Chamisso.1 However, this is happening continually; how else could we explain the success of the mass-media? Radio Liberty often repeats the ironically-transcribed words from the Bible: Man does not live by facts alone (instead of: bread), but by their many-sided evaluation (instead of: The Word of God). This is precisely true because all the mass-media without exception thoroughly and untiringly falsify the facts; yet even the facts already envelop the entire globe in a web of lies that cannot be penetrated by spirit the aim of this being that man should absolutely cease to live! But science pursues the same goals as the media. Here too, the root of evil lies not so much in the discoveries as in their many-sided evaluation, the fantastic structures conjured up by the occultists of materialism who entertain the world with visitors from outer space. They have recently entered into a daring compromise with religion by acknowledging the existence of a divine ground of the world, to be understood, however, in an energetic-informative sense etc. Here a logic of development can be discerned, according to which the educated part of humanity of the 19th century believed in its descent from the animal. In the 20th century there is already a tendency simply to live like animals. But this game that is being played with the ideas of divine materialism in the 20th century will, according to this logic, lead the civilization of the 21st century to the black magic of sub-nature as the main form of relations in society. We already see the first beginnings of such a civilization heralded in the 90s of the present century. In seeking for a way out of this crisis we should therefore not point to economy, finance or the ill-will of individuals (all this is secondary), but to the blind-alley in which human thinking consciousness now finds itself. The human being is the sole subject of all economic, political, cultural, religious and social relationships on earth. If in the political hurly-burly a minority suppresses the majority and uses it as a means to an end, thus diminishing the self-sufficient value of the human being, earthly civilization loses its meaning and could be destroyed altogether. Group-egoism exists also in the world of the animals, but it would never degenerate into a struggle within species. Nature orders their existence

with the help of divine forces because animals have no self-consciousness or free will. In man egoism can manifest itself in two ways: directly or indirectly. The less insight a human being has into his connection to the divine, the more he will resort to direct egoism which leads mankind inevitably to the war of each against all. The more a human being recognizes the reality of the spirit, the more readily will he understand the universal community of interest in human destiny. Then he will gradually understand too that the cosmos is indeed inhabited, but by spiritual beings who stand higher in their development than ourselves and thus look lovingly down to us, ready at every moment to give help and support. Laws of development also exist that determine, if not always with unmistakable clarity, the connection of man with the divine. Anthroposophy teaches us that at the present stage we have to develop the highest member of the threefold soul, the Consciousness Soul. Gradual mastery of the individual I that is able to take its destiny into its own hands is of the utmost importance. This state of soul provides us with the strength to experience the interests of humanity as our own that is, to transform the direct egoism that is unavoidable in the initial stage of the development of Iconsciousness into an indirect egoism to the point where it no longer contradicts the spiritual laws of World being. Hence we can also understand why the most important moral rule of life in the Christian education of mankind is this: Serve yourself, by serving others. The individual thereby gains spiritual freedom, and the blessing of God accompanies him on his way. Today the divine world holds aloof from everything that is hardened in egoism or that has to do with forms of group-consciousness, of blood relations, of or nationalism in the spirit of the Fourteen Points pronounced by the American President Wilson in 1918. The seed of national separation planted by him has produced at the close of the century a rampant fresh harvest. Amid the cries for the humanization of life, for democratization, cruel battles are fought out between the single nations. Of course, the mighty predators set the small nations against each other after their fancy, or simply swallow them whole. The Consciousness Soul grows strong as it experiences processes and relationships. The deeper meaning and the connections between events reveal them-

Peter Schlemihls Amazing Story.



Foreword to the 2nd and 1st Edition

Crisis of Civilisation

selves. And if a sufficient number of people had knowledge of these at the right time, the fate of individual nations and of humanity as a whole would be far less tragic. Smaller nationalities for instance could be spared much distress in our time if they would understand the archetypal nature of the fact that from Tsushima2 there is only a small step to Hiroshima, i.e. that these two events are directly related. If people could understand more, they would be less susceptible to manipulation. And when the true meaning of earthly events is understood the history of the earth enters into a relation to heavenly, meta-history. In this way the divine world can set certain limits to the unfolding of evil, thus proving once more the full validity of the saying: Knowledge is Power. On the outer plane politics and economy little good can be accomplished nowadays. To wait for a strong personality or seek for a solution to present problems on the basis of past experiences of nations or of humanity will bring nothing apart from terrible dictatorships. Of decisive importance, however, are durable, spiritually active centres of self-consciousness, where personalities are able to unite in their I the cognition of both sensible and supersensible worlds. Here the human being arrives at a complex but genuine and true reality. In it is revealed the entire phenomenology of the outer world. It begins with the kingdoms of nature and extends all the way to social relationships; it is connected to the world of archetypal (Ur)phenomena which, as a spiritually determining principle, are supersensible but are operative in our world as a law of development and are immediately given to thinking consciousness. When consciousness-soul man enters into relation to archetypal phenomena he becomes the creator of a future world into which the present world, after sustaining losses of greater or lesser extent, will at some point in the future be metamorphosed.

Self-centredness in all its forms from individual to group egoism will continue to cause the dissolution of civilization until both forms disappear. But there is a need for human beings to think about life seriously. It is their task first and foremost to free themselves from illusions and ideologies that undermine self-consciousness and give rise to group spirit and prejudice. The universalhuman as such, independent of national, religious or other affiliation of the individual, ought to determine the spiritual and religious relationships between human beings, for each individual and this is an axiom is a world unto himself. Each human being is his own species this is a universal-human principle applicable to every person. This means that every individual can encompass as much as all of mankind contains. This is the direction for the further development of the individual spirit. It is therefore only reasonable to experience the interests of humanity as ones own. Indeed, man has no choice, the only alternative being the war of each against all and the extinction of humanity. On his developmental path to the higher goal a man passes through various stages that are each valid for a limited time. This is why it is important to think concretely. Up till now the cultural life of human communities for example has successfully borne a national colouring whereby it could fruitfully become part of a common human heritage. National boundaries have long been dissolved where economic life and politics are concerned and thus strivings in the opposite direction the furthering of national group egoism will produce nothing but chaos. But this is exactly what is taking place today, although the selfconscious personality proves to be an obstacle to such manipulations and therefore mighty forces will need to be mobilized in order to suppress and eliminate it. If the manipulation does not succeed, awakened human understanding will manifest in a grandiose way. Let us already give an example here in the Foreword. In his book The Icebreaker Victor Suvorov mentions a fact that if only we pay attention to it can prompt us, if not to re-examine the history of our century, at least to begin such an undertaking. It is the following:3 According to the official version, Suvorov writes, we knew that the war would break out, and the artist Herakles Toidse in righteous anger created the figure of the Mother calling to battle for the Homeland. The poster appeared in the very first days of the war,

On May 29 1905 the Russian-Baltic fleet was almost entirely destroyed in the Straights of Tsushima by the Japanese. This event gravely undermined the authority of the Russian government, which made it easier to unleash the First World War and the Bolshevist revolution. The Second World War and the nuclear bombs on Japan can be regarded as a direct consequence. Japan entered the war with Russia in 1905 not so much out of its own but of Western interests. It calls strongly to mind the recent conflict between Russia and Chechnya (Publishers Note).

Suvorov mentions this fact only in the preface to the Russian edition (Publishers Note).


Foreword to the 2nd and 1st Edition

Crisis of Civilisation

soon attracted international attention, and became the graphic symbol of the war called by the communists the the great War of the Fatherland. But I was told, continues Suvorov, that the poster was not seen in the streets of Soviet cities in the first days of war, but on the very first day. In the streets of Yaroslavl towards the evening of June 22, in Saratov the latter part of the day In Novosibirsk and Khabarolvsk it only appeared on June 23. (Consider the distance!) Suvorov now asks how the artist was informed of the German attack when not even Stalin anticipated it. This is a historical riddle. A second riddle, from our own times, can be added. The Right opposition parties (nationalists, neo-communists, national Bolsheviks) continuously unmask the government of the transformation of society (Perestroika) and, it has to be admitted, often with justification, in that they assert that occult-political circles from the West (of the Freemasonic kind) support it. Many interesting details concerning the world-wide intentions of Pan-Americanism appear here too; concerning the Lodges as its instruments and the fact that Russias collapse in 1917 and also in the 90s was promoted by it. In the ideology of the Right there continuously resounds the emotionally-laden phrase that Germany is the (almost genetic) arch-enemy of Russia. They even admit that Pan-Americanism also wishes to eliminate it, and just for this reason propagate in Russia the idea of eternal enmity with Germany. It follows that the Russian Nationalists, the patriots, are in total agreement on this question with their greatest enemy occult (since it involves the Lodges) Pan-Americanism or Mondialism as it is also called. They agree despite their Eurasian ideology of Terra Firma or Continent being constantly at war with the Ocean. To Americanism only one factor is important where its opponents are concerned: namely, that the mood of hostility in Russian-German relations should not abate, so that they should never Heaven forbid! be able to reach a mutual agreement. During a lecture held before a small audience in Zurich, the author happened quite innocently to use the expression Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch. Immediately several people sprang to their feet and muttered indignantly: What did he say? Slavic-Germanic culture? That is racism! and left the room. This happened in German-speaking Switzerland and the protesters were not at all Moscow Nationalists but Western liberal intellectuals exceedingly admiring of Gorbachev. How can we not ask: Who, in reality, are our leading nationalists? Surely they are not the defenders of Russian interests.

In this way the symptomatological diagnosis of our present times can be illustrated through an example. But the reader who has not yet discarded any of the political trends and epidemics that are constantly spread by international radio and TV-stations will find it hard to bear. It is therefore inevitable that there will be only a few mature souls who have remained steady in the motion of the swing, who in the words of the Evangelist will be able to endure to the end in order to save themselves and civilization from ruin. Our hope rests with them alone. And this book was written so that their numbers might increase. In the following pages we call for a new approach to politology as a science, and demonstrate its legitimacy and effectiveness. The general methodological foundation of the research presented is Anthroposophy. April 1997

Foreword to the 1st Edition

The condition printed on the title page of this book: Only for mature, unprejudiced bearers of the Anthroposophical Movement probably needs an explanation. (This refers to the protective note in the 1st Edition; Publishers Note.) When Rudolf Steiner gave permission to publish his lectures he laid down as a condition that only those who have familiarized themselves with the fundamental concepts, the essential theses, of the spiritual science created by him should have the right to express a judgment. Something similar is meant here, but the condition is posed in a still narrower sense. In order rightly to understand what is said in this book it is not enough to be familiar with Anthroposophy. Rather, its method of knowledge, and, arising out of this, the ability to look without prejudice at the social phenomena of life, the historical facts, has to be mastered. The method of spiritual science allows us at all times and in all situations to advance to the archetypal (Ur)phenomena underlying everything; it allows the phenomena to speak for themselves without being marked with the stamp of our pre-formed conceptions. It is obvious that the phenomena will then reveal themselves in their fullness: as a sensible-supersensible reality.



Foreword to the 2nd and 1st Edition

Crisis of Civilisation

Where objects of nature, the cognition of nature-phenomena is concerned, many anthroposophists are well able to cultivate knowledge in this way. But as soon as the life of society is under consideration, hardly anyone can think Goetheanistically. A tangle of preconceived opinions and passions arises straight away and trivial fanaticism rears its head. If this happens while this book is being read, the author will not, for the rest of his life, be able to free himself from the labels that will be attached to him. In order to avoid this hapless situation it is imperative to state the condition. A productive dialogue with the author is possible only if all that is said in the pages of this book is understood in the sense of the historical symptomatology which was presented as a methodological foundation by Rudolf Steiner in hundreds of lectures. This requirement is not solely or primarily addressed to those who have formally joined the Anthroposophical Society through acquisition of a membership-card, while their life and spirit remain untouched by knowledge of the spiritual world and its nature, of reincarnation and Karma, of the spiritual leadership of nations etc. It is first of all addressed to people who have already acquired this knowledge but mysteriously carry it around as dead ballast and therefore judge their surrounding reality in exactly the same way as those who are subject to media mass-suggestion. Large numbers of anthroposophists of this kind exist, within the Anthroposophical Society (AS, GAS) as well as outside it. And in both camps we meet people with penetrating spiritual-scientific knowledge who are able to judge in a well-founded and mature way, and who keep their spirit wakeful and ever in movement: this book does not concern itself with them but is addressed to them. At the same time it is concerned with people to whom it is not addressed, namely those who bear chaos and destruction into the present civilization, into our Movement and into our Society. Fundamentally, the author makes no distinction between Movement and Society. They are one, as Rudolf Steiner declared at the Christmas Conference 1923/24. But here, as in any other case, the formal must be differentiated from what actually exists. This unity has lived and still lives on only in those who are able to represent the anthroposophical cause in the world. Formal membership of the Society has been devalued so much over the years that, so long as changes for the better are not forthcoming within the Society, it would

not be justified to regard it as an undeniable fact which automatically entitles someone to consider himself an anthroposophist and speak in the name of Anthroposophy. The Anthroposophical Society was created as an esoteric fact at the Christmas Conference. Before the background of eternity its existence is not dependent upon the fleeting play of occult-political or other occult powers, on religious frenzy arising from false beliefs and spiritual errors, but its destiny in the world at a given point in time does depend upon such factors. And since a reversed causality also exists namely, the dependence of the worlds destiny on the development within the Society , anthroposophists have every reason to be seriously concerned and disquieted over just that development. This concern is carried by anthroposophists on earth as well as by those who have already returned to the spiritual world. It is this very concern, indeed this deep disquiet, that is one of the essential characteristics distinguishing a true member of the Anthroposophical Society from a merely formal one. Such members stand out, not as an elitist spiritual group of chosen people, but through their ability to experience immediate pain and sorrow in the face of humanitys situation in a world that is falling victim to collective madness. A book of this kind is to some degree an exceptional case. The task does not fall to every anthroposophist working in the literary field to write something like it, not even once in a lifetime. But on occasions the situation demands that a book like this should be written. The reader will encounter in the text a large number of indications and communications by Rudolf Steiner, even though the author is aware that any statement beginning with the words: The Doctor said increasingly meets with rejection by anthroposophists and often rightly so. The aversion to philistinism and pedantry, to trivial theologizing on the basis of spiritual science, often lies behind this attitude of rejection. But only those who know what the Doctor said should allow themselves to be led by this feeling of aversion. In this case, as soon as ideas of our own have matured, we should also refer to the Doctor without hesitation, at the same time making it quite clear what the authors fundamental assumptions are, so that the reader has a basis for distinguishing truth from error.


Foreword to the 2nd and 1st Edition

Finally, it may even come about that literally everything left to us by Rudolf Steiner falls into oblivion because purely arbitrary ideas and judgments, owing to the forcefulness with which they are presented, gain the upper hand. In such a situation it is imperative that we should recall the foundation upon which our Movement and Society rest. This we need to do, so as to avoid the fateful error of serving God and Mammon at the same time, which almost all spiritual and religious movements do today. It has become a sinister feature of our time. May it not become a feature also of our own Society and Movement. This book was written between September 1992 and April 1993. Since then many important events have taken and are taking place which could, every month, provide material for an extra chapter. To meet this difficulty, the author has included additional comments in the form of footnotes; but it remains the task of the reader to carry the work further. If he does not look upon the book as a collection of sensational items of information, but grasps the method of knowledge presented in it, he will be able to add the possible chapters himself.


Crisis of Civilisation

I. Ships and Destinies

I. Ships and Destinies

At no time since the beginning of the Christian era nearly 2000 years ago, have the unmasking and incriminating words of Christ Jesus spoken towards the end of his life to the Scribes and Pharisees possessed greater relevance than they do in our own day. It seems as though we have arrived at that limit, where the cup of divine forbearance is about to overflow and God Himself speaks to a humanity that has gone much too far: That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth Verily I say unto you: All these things shall come upon this generation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets which are sent unto thee. Behold, your house is left unto you desolate (Matthew 23; 35-38). The God of the New Covenant, however, does not reply with vengeance to the horrors of devastation that humans beings intend to carry out at the holy place, but He offers Himself up in a sacrifice as he undertakes to transform the great evil into a still greater good. Thus it has been since the Mystery of Golgatha. But now the question arises: Can things go on in this way endlessly? We, at the close of the 20th century, ask ourselves with justified apprehension: If so, would not our house really be left unto us desolate and would not all of earths humanity have to prematurely end its journey?! These are our thoughts and our words, for only to us is it given to experience how slender and fragile are the supports of our civilization and culture, together with the whole human environment. Feelings and sensations of this kind were unknown to our ancestors. That nature bears such a potential within it would have been inconceivable to them. With delight, with enthusiasm even, they fought and deceived one another; they slandered, bore false witness, burned opponents at the stake; unleashed religious wars, made enemies among themselves or with other nations. The victims were only in the ten and hundred thousands, then later in the ten and hundred millions. But now those who preside over the fate of humanity have for the first time grown thoughtful and have asked themselves the question: Is it rational to destroy 90 %, or even 99 % of the earths inhabitants in order that the remaining 10 % or 1 % might live better lives?

In times when the crisis in the world is particularly grave and there are few hopeful signs, the divine hand of Providence offers special help. Seen from the point of view of time the latest and greatest gift is Anthroposophy. The Christmessenger Rudolf Steiner came on the eve of this fateful century in order to bring freedom to humanity and thereby infuse culture with a new life-impulse, for at the time of His return the Son of God has no wish to find slaves, but free human beings confessing to Him. Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men, warned the Apostle Paul (1. Cor. 7; 23). Rudolf Steiner came to teach us how we can become truly free men. For: The time is at hand! and from now on only the free spirit who has insight into the meaning and purpose of the World All and into his own being will be able to resist and gain victory over the evil in the world today. If the gift of the spirit is to bear fruit, not only a giver is needed but also one who receives with understanding. Just as, in accordance with this principle, the new message of the angels was able to reach out to all people, so Anthroposophy too, which is the same angelic message, but adapted to the greatly transformed man of today, is in need of those who receive, who can comprehend and make it their own, who can enrich it further and pass it on to others. For this reason, Rudolf Steiner did not restrict his teaching to a small circle of students as was the custom in ancient times, but gave it to the wider public, and later founded the Anthroposophical Society, with its full openness to the world. He always valued the individual freedom of the single human being. He strove to make it possible for anyone who acted out of exact knowledge and free selfdetermination to do so in such a way that the fruits of his work might transcend the limits of individual earthly life, thereby transforming even the cosmic destiny of mankind referred to as Karma, a name borrowed from the Eastern esoteric tradition. The work begun by Rudolf Steiner was a renewed Mystery that stood in relation to the developmental tasks of the new era of Christian Mysteries. Unlike the old Mysteries where the pupils karma was strongly influenced by the teacher or hierophant (he even assumed a large part of the responsibility), Rudolf Steiner, the great hierophant of the new Mysteries, wanted his students to work on their own karma (as all human beings will have to do in time). He accompanied them actively, taught and helped them when necessary, by correcting their steps. For this reason he did not accept the presidency of the first Anthroposophical Society founded by him. The progress of others was of


Crisis of Civilisation

I. Ships and Destinies

greater importance to him than his own success and this reminds us very much of the moral guidelines of the Apostle Paul. But just as, in his time, hearts were blinded and darkened (Romans 1;21), this was also true of the members of that Society, who did not fulfil their task. Rudolf Steiner said that he was faced with the choice of either returning to the path of esoteric Christianity of previous centuries with a small circle of faithful followers and waiting for a later point in time when an expansion on a larger scale would be possible. Or going a step further and uniting his own destiny inseparably with the destiny of the Society. Rudolf Steiner chose the second path. He dissolved the old Society that had become useless and at Christmas 1923 founded a new one and took the presidency upon himself. This had a twofold consequence. First, as Rudolf Steiner said, the decision has been made in the spiritual world, that since the Christmas Conference the founts of the spiritual world are opened more widely than before. Thus the foundations are given for an essential deepening of the anthroposophical movement, provided they are understood by the Society (June 22, 1924, GA 236).1 This means that at a critical time Rudolf Steiner made a decision in which he allowed himself to be guided only by his moral intuition. Only later was it revealed that this decision was right and accepted from the point of view of the spiritual world, the divine hierarchies. But Rudolf Steiner was obliged to take upon himself the entire karma of the Society with its noble as well as its unpurified content. He basically assumed and carried all our sins as a true disciple of Christ. This deed should be a moral ideal for us all and inspire us to transform our lower nature more actively. But many anthroposophists put faithfulness to their bad habits before faithfulness to their teacher. Not all, but nevertheless so many that the karmic burden became excessive even for a great Initiate. For his sacrifice, the ransom to speak in the language of the Gospels he paid for our sins, he received his Gethsemane and the cup of poison. The latter did not kill him immediately, but it broke his strength. The wheel of karma turned down-

ward and submerged the teacher in the waters of Lethe. The deed he had begun of creating a renewed Society remained unfinished. Reading the letters Rudolf Steiner wrote from his sickbed, we are struck by the fact that he says repeatedly that the illness will win the battle. Why did he say this? Certainly not because he feared death. What then did he fear? Or, what disquieted him so much? The answer comes to light increasingly in the decades that follow, in the history of the Society from 1925 until today. For those of us living in Eastern Europe the true history of the Society was unknown until the late Eighties. Everything we knew reminded us of the canonized life-histories of the saints. The picture of a consequential, purposeful, even victorious movement of the Society through this dark century marked by the end of the dark era, the Kali Yuga, arose from the reminiscences shared with us by anthroposophists who came as tourists. When we read the poet Andrei Beliys reminiscences of his life in Dornach we did so with mixed feelings. They were breathtakingly fascinating on the one hand, but on the other a certain irritation mixed with the enthusiasm. Yes, we said, he is a great poet but as a human being he is extremely one-sided. How he loves to criticize! How prejudiced he is! And where on earth does he have all those made-up stories from? We thought and lived in this mood, studied Anthroposophy under enormously difficult circumstances and with this attitude travelled for the first time to Dornach. In a certain way the friends coming to us from the West idealized us as well. They had read the lectures by Rudolf Steiner in which he called Russians the Christ-Folk and they possibly projected this image onto us. Be that as it may, our relationships at that time were thoroughly ideal, heartfelt and brotherly. When we recall those times today we sometimes think: The Lord God shielded us from premature disappointments and so we were able, even if only in a faint inkling, to anticipate the future by living in the mood of the future Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch. Yes, something of that kind had indeed arisen. And for all those involved the experience will remain unforgettable. It showed us that in the souls of men, once they are freed of the harmful influences, the poisonous deposits of our

Brackets contain the date of the lecture and the corresponding No. from the Collected Works. Emphasis in the quotes from lecture cycles originates with the present author.



Crisis of Civilisation

I. Ships and Destinies

time, a wonderful spiritual enthusiasm can grow. This enabled us, united in the love for spiritual knowledge, to experience true brotherhood. We were allowed to experience the miracle of brotherly unity and this came to us in times of utmost political oppression and spiritual privation. Sometimes I ask myself (and I venture to speak in my own name without being an established writer): Was it not the 12 to 15 years of happy connections with Western anthroposophists that made the passionate wish germinate and grow in us to improve the situation in the Society and the Movement as we began to recognize and understand the true state of affairs? People meeting Anthroposophy in the West (and today unfortunately in Russia too) will already encounter, on their first steps on the path to spiritual knowledge, the destructive effect of the most varied kinds of abuse, alienation and petty egoism that permeate anthroposophical life independently of sex, age, nationality and religious persuasion. But thanks to the young age of the anthroposophical movement, all this can still be turned to the better. We have merely to free ourselves from the hypnotic influence of prevailing conditions, dare to face the truth at all times and speak out fearlessly. In the moral sphere Rudolf Steiner says in a lecture Anthroposophy will be the educator of humanity for its obligation to truthfulness (May 30, 1912, GA 155). And in another: So long as it is accepted practice in the Anthroposophical Society to sympathize with the lie, so long, my dear friends, we will not move forward! (July 17, 1921, GA 205). What can be added from todays perspective? One thing only. We are really not moving forward! And, what is still worse: lies move us! We have sympathy because of our love of comfort. It is true today in the outer world as well as in the Anthroposophical Society that one who speaks the truth heaps serious and, at times, dangerous problems onto himself. To stand up for the truth can mean to be hated instead of loved, possibly to lose ones work, ones home etc. And so anyone who still has the courage to insist on truth is advised even by the best in our ranks: Dont play Don Quixote! It is a fact indeed that, to be a spiritual scientist is more a matter of courage than intellectuality today because it also has to be placed in opposition to something moral, namely the moral Fall (Jan. 21, 1923, GA 220). Yet this task can be experienced as an ideal and also as something elevated and beautiful and then it becomes quite natural that we get to know Anthroposophy only in order

to live Anthroposophy (GA 34, p. 449). The following words by Rudolf Steiner then sound altogether obvious: The Anthroposophical Society should exist to counter lurking dangers, through the cultivation of a noble life of feeling It is inconsistent with human dignity to lame insight because one is afraid of weakness of character (GA 37, p. 54). Where are the anthroposophical circles today, in which these words by Rudolf Steiner could be repeated without their being taken abstractly or the speaker sounding ridiculous? Be that as it may, truth, goodness, and nobility of soul can exist only in their unity and thereby create culture; when separated, they wither, bringing about the death of culture. A human being to whom culture means more than barbarism has no choice. This is why we should overcome all fear of the power of the adversary, of the spirit of the lie and of hatred, in however subtle a guise it may face us. This spirit, once lodged in our soul, will indulgently forgive our weaknesses, errors and tendencies to opportunism. It will, for example, whisper in our ear the following persuasive argument: if someone criticizes the situation in the Society it will cast a blot on the Society in the eyes of the outer world. Therefore for the sake of protecting the honour of the Society you must tolerate, conceal, keep silent and, if need be, lie. But this is like a sick person trying to hide a boil under a thick layer of powder instead of opening and healing it; for the time will come when no amount of powder will be able to hide the blemish. The greatest movements in the world have already failed owing to their inability to exercise self-criticism and uncover internal shortcomings. The Catholic Church, failing at the time to condemn the Inquisition and dissociate itself from it, still carries the poisonous sting to this day. In Russia and the countries of the former Eastern bloc, sensible people now call for repentance for the misdeeds committed during the years of Bolshevism. They see in moral purification the most important prerequisite for a spiritual and consequent economic resurrection of Russia and its peoples. The Anthroposophical Society has not brought disasters into the world. Nevertheless it has laden upon itself a burden of guilt towards humanity. The first cause of this lies in the sin of self-isolation, the second in the concessions made to the lower nature of man, so that anthroposophists have shown themselves


Crisis of Civilisation

I. Ships and Destinies

unable to live Anthroposophy but only this would entitle them to represent the anthroposophical cause in the world. Yes, the world sinks into darkness and sin, yet still lives in the hope of escaping this abyss. It yearns for an example of good human relationships or for the appearance of the Spirit who can transform life and the world. The world today says Rudolf Steiner is full of untruthfulness, and the sense for truthfulness has to be cultivated within the Anthroposophical Society if it is to have a meaning, a true meaning of life while it exists no matter how long it can exist under the present circumstances (Jan. 13, 1917, GA 174). It is not important to calculate the date of this statement in a pedantic way, to inquire whether it is from before or after the Christmas Conference. These words express the very crux of the matter. Whoever insists on the continued existence of the Society at all costs is simply repeating the well-known thesis of the End justifying the Means. Such a person will rather hasten the downfall of the Society. There are countless other ways of bringing about the downfall of our cause and some have already been practised too long. So we must ask ourselves how much time we actually have left. If we seek for an analogy to the present situation of the Society the image of a large ocean liner comes to mind, sparkling white outside, furnished inside with comfortable cabins, grandiose halls, restaurants, conference rooms etc. A magnificent ship! Tragically, it is steering directly towards a reef, while a storm that would alarm even a seasoned sailor is building up on the ocean. This hurricane symbolizes the decline of todays civilization, whose front rows, the avant-garde, is already in free fall to a place where no ground is to be seen. On every deck, in each magnificent saloon, people are engaged in manylayered, purposeful activity. In other circumstances we should rejoice over it and support and deepen this activity with all means available. But on a ship that is moving towards a dangerous reef, things appear in a quite different light some lose all sense whatever; others, good and necessary enough under normal circumstances, now only hasten the ruin of the vessel. The motion of the ships propeller, the indispensable means of propulsion on the open sea, must therefore be stopped or reversed without delay.

Let us explain this by means of a concrete example. Waldorf pedagogy, an excellent initiative, is increasingly losing its connection with Anthroposophy. There are already colleges of teachers where the mere mention of the concept Anthroposophy is forbidden. More and more often we experience in pedagogical seminars that people who have appeared there by chance do the lecturing. They talk complete nonsense and leave the participants nothing but disappointment over the new pedagogical method (or attract like-minded students). Yet another example: a communication goes out that there is a wish to bring greater intensity to esoteric work, that a Second Class should be put together, no matter how and out of what sources. In the Societys present situation it is comparable to making holes in the bottom of the ship in order to observe the sea-bed more clearly, or making a fire on deck to warm oneself. Today, therefore, irrespective of the wishes, attitudes, ways of thinking, character, activity and spiritual interests of the passengers we must urgently call out All hands on deck! as sailors do in order to clarify the decisive question the question of the navigation of the ship. At all costs we must find out why the ship of Spiritual Science has altered course. Who bears the responsibility for this? Where are the reasons to be sought with those sitting on the bridge? or did the navigation instruments fail? Maybe someone stove an axe beneath the compass as in the good old days? But what has happened to the crew? The starry heavens could have told them the ship was off course. We are steering towards the Bull instead of the Water Bearer. We are navigating in a direction where the water of life has long flowed away, we are heading for dead rigidity. Consequently we have forgotten to orient ourselves by the stars and no longer trust our own eyes. In this case another command has to follow: All hands to the star-charts! Otherwise the fate of the Flying Dutchman awaits us, and may God have mercy on everyone on board. Abandon all hope, retorts the sceptic. You forget the tremendous inertia potential of an ocean liner. The time left us is far too short. Consider also the widespread unwillingness to change things or even recognize the true situation; consider the ever-present fear of truth. Now I reply to the sceptic , even if you are right, I will write this book nevertheless. I will put it into a stout bottle of thick green glass and entrust it to the waters. And God alone knows whether at some time fate will have it that this


Crisis of Civilisation

I. Ships and Destinies

bottle is washed ashore and found there by the future Philosophers of Freedom, by human beings who base their life on ethical individualism, not servility and cajolery, and who draw their moral intuitions from the spirit a god-like race. They should know that we, few though we may have been, understood very well what was going on around us. That we stood for the truth and remained victorious in our struggle and that this alone is what made their future possible. For the sake of this future, but also for the sake of the heavens, the anthroposophists at the end of the 20th century are under an obligation clearly and audibly to proclaim their articles of faith, their spiritual-scientific credo, just as Rudolf Steiner did at the beginning of his scientific and cultural activity. Such a credo becomes a fact for the divine hierarchies; they experience it as a conscious plan for our life and help us to realize it. I am in no way speaking of a nave faith or a superstition. I speak of an active will that is awakened to deeds through the active cognition of the widest earthly-cosmic connections. It is the faith of which the Apostle Paul spoke. If we live in this faith today we say: I believe because I have come to know. This faith carries the will not only into our muscles; it carries it into our thinking and allows morality to germinate in our soul. Thus the author of this book does not wish to become involved in discussions, empty quarrels or criticism: He will devote his work to the systematic presentation of what, in his opinion, every anthroposophist ought to stand for in the complex relationships of our time if it is his wish to make Anthroposophy his view of the world and of life. It is the present authors most important task to use all the spiritual forces at his disposal to bring to the thinking consciousness of those who are united with him in a brotherly way in their spiritual activity all that is essential, all that became for Rudolf Steiner the foundation for his creation of the structure of Anthroposophy. This is of especial importance and relevance today: the elaboration, the accentuation of the cornerstones of spiritualscientific social and occult-social teaching, which is founded on the totality of our knowledge of the evolution of the world, of the nature of man and the beings in the spiritual world. It is also of decisive importance to understand that Anthroposophy is the unity of knowledge and life. This is obviously the reason why not only our cognitive activity but our everyday life is inundated by the muddied streams of civiliza-

tion in decline. We are constantly accused of things we have not the least to do with. From one dark corner in Eastern Europe for example we were accused of flirtation with Nazism. Hardly had this Bolshevik-shamanic talk subsided, when in the West the theme was taken up of the anti-Communists! Penitent members of the Anthroposophical Society appeared and would not leave it alone. They are victims of a double lie: they do not understand or appreciate Anthroposophy (hence they should not speak of penance and repent for something that did not happen at all). This is another reason that is growing in significance at the end of the century to a degree that we would never have considered possible, and which compels us to clearly formulate our credo and hold fast to it, come what may. Anthroposophists have been subjected to persecution at various times already in the socialist camp and also in Middle Europe. Nor is it likely that we will be spared in the future. But if it should happen that we have to suffer for the sake of Anthroposophy, it should be solely for the sake of Anthroposophy and not a misrepresentation of it. This question is of fundamental importance for all those who have made Anthroposophy the central issue of their life and see in it the means to serve humanity and culture. Only such Anthroposophists are representatives of the anthroposophical cause in the world, not those who pursue spiritual science as a hobby or as a means to arrange their own life comfortably. Because of the conscientious, honest relationship of the first to spiritual science, the responsibility for the destiny of Anthroposophy has been placed into their hands. It remains for us to grasp these facts and act in accordance with the conditions of life in the present time.



Crisis of Civilisation

II. The Question of Christian Ethics

II. The Question of Christian Ethics

Rudolf Steiner was asked: How can we defend Anthroposophy? He answered: For the defence of whatever has been done on the grounds of the anthroposophically oriented spiritual movement we need do no more than speak the truth and not lie! He obviously sensed a certain unbelieving attitude among his listeners because he added: I know this, this can be affirmed. No other defence at all is necessary for anthroposophically oriented spiritual science because it is the duty of every human being to reject what is untrue (Dec. 20, 1918, GA 186). If this answer were to be given today, in a time that compared to the first third of the century is entirely overgrown by the lie, it would be met with hardly more than a wistful smile. For, some anthroposophists would say, if that were the case, we would have to give up all hope for Anthroposophy. Another might add: There are certain circles who started off by saying the same as you (i.e. the author). Now they lie more than all the others. And a third would possibly ask: What is truth? I remember saying in the course of a difficult conversation with a longestablished Dornacher, that we had hoped to find brothers and sisters there. Instead of a reply he only had an ironic smile and everything was mirrored in it scepticism, personal disappointment and an almost Mephistophelean irony towards the simpleton from Moscow. It was as if he wanted to say: Oh, you nave person, you seem to have fallen straight out of heaven. If only you knew what our life here is like! I saw that bitter experience and necessity had forced this person to adapt to everything and become as all are. A problem as old as the world with always the same solution! And yet we from the former Soviet Union have something to counter it. Occasionally we ask: How then can it be that at home, under far more difficult circumstances than you find here, we still did not live as all do? What is at stake for you compared to what we stood to lose? When asked this question some prefer to withdraw in order to avoid a conversation that is becoming embarrassing. Others seek to evade the issue with a compliment to the effect that we, the Russians, are after all stronger than Western anthroposophists and that the salvation of the Society and society as a whole would possibly come from us etc.

And yet the experiences we brought from the Soviet period are indeed valuable. They belong to the sort of exceptions that prove superior to the rule. If we look deeper we have to agree that it is just this exception that keeps the world alive. In our totalitarian, bloody past we did not fear the masses but only the single individual. Is it not strange? After living through this experience it became clear to us: No, it is not at all strange! And here an example from French history. Joan of Arc came dangerously close to the positions of the Godones (how the French named the English at the time, because they always heard their God damn it) and called across to them: In the name of God I tell you: surrender! Scornful laughter, insults and affronts are thrown at her. Sir William Glasdal, leader of the Godones, behaves no better. Joan calls out to him: Glassidas! Glassidas! Surrender to the heavenly King! You call me a whore, but I pity your soul and those who belong to you!1 The worlds practical and pragmatic people cannot fathom speeches of this kind. They have experience of a world that considers only their own speech and activity as right. But, what a miracle! Suddenly experience no longer works. It is the miserable whore who is right. The English are forced to withdraw from France and the whole history of Europe takes an entirely new turn. Another example: Do not live with the lie! Alexander Solzhenitsyn exhorted in The Imperium of Evil and of the lie, where one risked ones head for the truth. And again, as once before the walls of Orlans, scorn, ridicule and insults rang out. But soon they had lost their self-confidence, their triumph, and only the fear was to be heard that people would sooner or later make this simple demand the rule of their life. They might take it into their souls in order to rid Russia of its Godones. If we are not indifferent to historical experience we should ask ourselves: what keeps these exceptions alive? Where is the source of their strength? It is there, whence all things were created (John 1;3). There is to be found the archetypal phenomenon of this law of exceptions by virtue of which the truth, seemingly scattered to the four winds and ever again suppressed by the lie, emerges victorious in the end.

Glassidas! Glassidas! Rend-ty, rend-ty au Roi des Cieux. Tu mas appele putain Jai grande piti de ton me et de celle des tiens; Glassidas.


Crisis of Civilisation

II. The Question of Christian Ethics

Under the compulsion of world-historic illusion this is not easy to recognize. Even the numerous examples from the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles appear to us like fairy-tales, unreal, though we do not always dare to admit it. The fear that we must also take upon ourselves the task of unmasking evil if we want to be like Christ in our life2 keeps us back. Here we must clearly distinguish the concepts of unmasking and criticism. Criticism is based on rejecting the one and simultaneously agreeing to another. It is not only destructive, it can also be very creative. Unavoidably, however, the human being appears in the role of a judge. Many situations in life call for this role. Unmasking on the other hand is a means whereby secret and unrecognized evil and vice are brought to light. Rudolf Steiner once spoke of the human being meeting an unknown being in the spiritual world. He has to ask this being to reveal to him its true countenance. If the being is evil it will simply disappear. Something similar also happens in the physical world. People with secret, evil intentions conceal their true nature. For this reason the law that everyone reveal himself openly should hold in the Anthroposophical Society (AS), an institution concerned with esotericism. It has nothing whatever to do with interfering in an individuals personal life, it concerns only those things he does in community with others. The circumstance that this principle is knowingly trampled underfoot leads us to suspect that the Society has become a means of concealing something unknown. Such a situation needs to be unmasked not only for ethical reasons but also because of the occult laws of the new Christian Initiation. I would even say that it is one of the most essential demands of anthroposophical life, namely the maxim: to live Anthroposophy. The realization of this principle proves to be extremely difficult, however. Fear is the greatest obstacle. The opposing forces, having a great deal to hide from us, see to it that fear is ever present in us and enters flesh and blood. But the feeling of fear, so Rudolf Steiner says, is always the real expression of Ahrimans presence in us. In his utopian novel Invitation to a Beheading Vladimir Nabokov describes a future condition of human society where it is utterly improper to grasp events i.e. have access to ones own I. This faculty is there described as perceptive

villainy, but we should beware of falling into utopias ourselves by promoting our fear and the bad intentions of others. Let us try for a moment to be completely honest with ourselves and in this mood to turn to some scenes from the Gospels. Jesus is invited to eat with a Pharisee. While they are sitting at table, a woman enters the house and starts to wet his feet with her tears and dry them with her hair. The Pharisee said to himself: if he were a seer he would have to recognize what kind of woman this is that touches him. He should see that she is a sinner. Jesus recognized the thoughts of the host and said: I came to your house and you did not wash my feet, you did not kiss me, you did not anoint my head with oil, but she has washed my feet with her tears, etc. (Luke 7; 36-46). If without prejudice we tried now in imagination to place this scene in our own time we would have to say out of the attitude and conceptions of today: Christ has no tact! He was invited as a guest and ought to have shown appreciation towards the master of the house. He should not have spoken thus, especially since the latter only thought and did not speak. Indeed, this is what we would have to say if we could summon up the courage to think our opportunism through to its ultimate conclusion. We arrive at this horrendous paradox, because our conception of Christian ethics has become hopelessly confused and we are paralyzed by fear for our own well-being. It is this fear that, under the veil of decency, makes us refrain from naming the deeds that destroy anthroposophical life in its nature. We are not concerned here with petty nagging or dubious courage, to show up peoples shortcomings, but with fundamental questions of the spiritual development of humanity that allow no room for compromise. The impulses of a deeply esoteric Christianity are active or at least should be through the Anthroposophical Society and therefore not only Christs teaching, but His actions also, form the basis of our ethics. Christs actions were in harmony with His words. He preached love but did not demand that white should be called black in the name of love. Christ neither hates nor unjustly loves, says Rudolf Steiner (June 10, 1915, GA 157). Here lies the key to an understanding of all those passages in the Gospels where Christ becomes the accuser.

Rudolf Steiner recommended to anthroposophists the works of Thomas Kempis.



Crisis of Civilisation

II. The Question of Christian Ethics

The scribes and Pharisees ask Christ to give them a sign. He answers: An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign (Matthew 12;39). And He pronounced to the people and his disciples: The Scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses seat but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on mens shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all of their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplace But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that sanctifies the gold? For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and selfindulgence For you are like whited sepulchres (Matthew 23;2-27). When during a lecture he was giving in the Goetheanum an anthroposophist from the East touched on questions that it would be of the utmost importance to discuss but which are veiled in a cloak of silence, we could afterwards hear the audience call out: Rebel! Rebel! It would be interesting to know what these anthroposophists would have said as members of the nation against whom Christ brought His accusations. And what might have been expected of them if they had been witness to this scene: Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who sold doves (Matthew 21;12)? Of course the scene has an esoteric meaning; but it also took place outwardly. So long as we shut ourselves off from such pictures because we do not grasp the ethical content hidden in the Lords answer to the question asked by Peter: Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? I do not say seven times, but seventy times seven (Matthew 18; 22), we will be forced, even with regards to matters of the greatest importance the scene where Christ announces: If anyone thirst, let him come to me and drink, whereupon there was a division among the people because of him (John 7;37-43): to ask, following again the evil logic of opportunism, why does He aggravate the situation, why is He destroying harmony? Was Lucifer possibly involved?

Such a view of things appears paradoxical only because we are looking at those events from a distance of two thousand years. But we should also ask: from where did the people of the time when Christ was among them, receive the strength and understanding that enabled them not to turn away from him? (Granted some had already turned away.) It is just this force of which we speak. The age-old trial of the soul is repeated to this day every time a human being is forced to represent the cause of Christ under conditions that are new to him. The archetypes of those events have remained the same. As then, the word resounds for us today with the same unaltered force: No-one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9; 62). Behind our backs are concentrated all varieties of atavistic occultism, the entire collegiate of vices that Moses already called his people to fight against. It is probity towards the kingdom of God that led Peter and other Disciples of Christ and showed them the way. Let us observe its activity quite openly. Saint Stephen proclaimed in all forthrightness before the Sanhedrin: Which of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One, of whom you have become the betrayers and the murderers now. How does the audience react to his words? When they heard these things they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed at him with their teeth (Acts 7;52-54). Paul enters the synagogue of Antioch and proclaims to the men of Israel: God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus Beware therefore, lest what has been spoken in the prophets come upon you: Behold, you despisers, marvel and perish (Acts 13; 33 and 40). Assuming that something similar were to take place in the present day, would it not immediately be interpreted as disrespect or even affront of another religion? In anthroposophical circles would not everyone turn away from such a person and call him a fault-finder, a rebel? Not one anthroposophical book or magazine publisher would print a single line he wrote. We would have to assume that, if today the New Testament were to be published in our circles for the first time,3 it would only be possible in Samizdat!4

We are obviously aware that this would be the case in any Christian faith.


Crisis of Civilisation

II. The Question of Christian Ethics

We should not only see what is paradoxical here. On the contrary, we must arrive at this conclusion if we think through everything that makes up the everyday life of the Society and movement. If we wish to avoid these absurd conclusions, we must change the way we act and bring it into harmony with Christian ethics. It means for example, that if in a college of teachers of a Waldorf school some greenhorn not able to distinguish between freedom of action and action out of personal wilfulness, or an insane elder explains that he is in favour of Waldorf pedagogy but opposed to Anthroposophy and therefore prohibits the use of the word Anthroposophy in the teachers conferences, someone has to get up and put these modernizers into their place without worrying about their freedom or the consequences for his own career. If, proceeding from Christian ethics, we look into Rudolf Steiners biography the same style of behaviour as in the New Testament is shown in his actions. And we are no longer surprised about the enormous difficulties this created for him. When he took a stand for Dreyfus he was called a Zionist. But when, as he wrote himself, he commented purely out of spiritual-historic insight, in complete objectivity, without any personal evaluation, on the polemic unleashed in the press by Hamerlings Homunculus, the man in whose house he lived and whose children he tutored said: What you write about the Jews cannot at all be interpreted in a friendly sense (GA 28, chapter 13). It caused discord in the relationship with the family with which Rudolf Steiner had had a close friendship for many years (it was resolved later).5 Rudolf Steiner did not in the name of friendship compromise over a question that even then heralded the approach of great social catastrophes. His attitude in these matters was also for the good of his friends, but this became apparent only much later (but not to everyone it is veiled for some anthroposophists to this day).

Rudolf Steiner made visible the secret background of the First World War. Not a few anthroposophists interpreted this as German nationalism. The world press called him first an agent of the Entente, then of Bolshevism. Even Edouard Schur allowed himself to be carried away by nationalistic frenzy. After the war it turned out that Rudolf Steiner had been profoundly right in his statements. Schur later repented his temporary failure. (To this day there are anthroposophists who are unable to overcome their frenzied state regarding this question.) When Rudolf Steiner began to develop the themes of historic symptomatology and karma of untruthfulness he was faced with an outright opposition within the Society, and it is certainly possible that the main thrust of this opposition is still to come. It is now apparent that courage is certainly needed if we wish to follow the principles of Christian ethics, which encounter opposition everywhere because they contain a life-renewing character. These ethics are supported by a clear consciousness, are positive through and through, but compromises with evil are alien to it. It is like love we can only follow it if we do not expect a reward. Man can become a truly ethical being only out of pure love for truth and justice. If an ethical person rejects something he is motivated by neither antipathy nor hatred. We find wonderful examples of such conduct in the New Testament also; reference to them, however, grows increasingly difficult, even in anthroposophical circles. The bad translations and theology are partly to blame, but we should not lend too much weight to this aspect of the problem. Anthroposophists read Rudolf Steiners commentaries on the Gospels. These do not want to replace them, but help us find a deeper relation to the texts of the Gospels; a relation that is built on the level of the consciousness-soul. It then becomes apparent that Christ and the apostles and prophets preach the ethical individualism to which the Philosophy of Freedom points the way, and this cannot be otherwise when we understand that, with Anthroposophy, Christianity moves from the stage of preparation to the stage of its realization. In our time is not enough merely to seek the truth. Truth must also be realized today. We have to fight for the cause of Christ on earth but follow the principles of Christian ethics unconditionally. There are many Pharisees and Sadducees and scribes, not only in the outer world but also among anthroposophists. They extol the Christ in the loftiest terms and speak of His return but on closer ex35

Samizdat (Russian) (prohibited) literature published in private printing in the Soviet Union; printing and distribution were at great personal risk for all involved (Publishers Note). To all this was added Rudolf Steiner writes , that many of my friends had adopted an anti-Semitic nuance in their understanding of Judaism out of the national conflicts of the time. They did not look with sympathy towards my position in a Jewish household; and the master of this house found only confirmation of the impressions that he had received through my essay in the friendly relations with such personalities (GA 28, chapter 13).


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II. The Question of Christian Ethics

amination give the impression that for them He did not live on earth the first time. How can one put a stop to their floods of empty words that poison everything around? We know one way: we must not allow either the dogmatizing or the profanation of Anthroposophy and must recognize its task ever anew in the changing conditions of the present. We must live through the tragedy of our time with a concerned and often pain-filled heart. Then we will learn to distinguish the liar from one who speaks the truth. And yet something else is needed: we must overcome the fear that lames our will, in other words the overpowering force of Ahriman. Fear and indifference sometimes also take hold of the spiritual researcher and drive him to the abyss of existence. Those who already carry this companion within have difficulty ridding themselves of it because figuratively speaking it can pull a sack over our head. We came to recognize this through the realization that something is forcing us to dance around an issue that we should have understood and left behind long ago. Leafing through catalogues of anthroposophical publishers and programmes of various conferences and seminars what is not to be found there! Social hygiene, social organics, social aesthetics, social understanding, analyses of the crisis of civilization and much more besides. But it seems that, almost as though by agreement, no-one addresses the concrete reasons, the occultpolitical background of the evil that increasingly takes hold. We limit ourselves to general formulae such as: Ahriman exists, he is cunning etc. and then go on to report on the individual manifestations of decline. The essential link in the chain, developed by Rudolf Steiner in his historical symptomatology, is omitted. Today the problem can be stated as follows: either we devote ourselves in all conscientiousness to work with it or we must accept that the following applies to us: You are no more, Than a brief, lying picture Formed by your own illusion (Strader, 1st Mystery Drama). We will be forced to admit, with all the consequences reaching into life after death, indeed into the next incarnation and beyond: that we must not play cat and mouse with Ahriman the existence of humanity is at stake.

Our century is sociological through and through, today all relationships and problems are reduced to the social level. If they are not resolved in these manifestations they are not resolved at all. Here lies the tremendous importance of social understanding which is not possible without spiritual science. Knowledge of history and of cultural history is required too. It is often asking too much of an individual to achieve all this alone, we must help each other. Maybe the true spiritual brotherhood of human beings united in spiritual knowledge and a quite concrete, in no way abstract, concern for the destiny of humanity and of Anthroposophy will arise in this way. As the reader will readily understand, the principles of Christian ethics when viewed in this light do not contradict the spiritually appropriate action that was summed up in the guiding verse of a certain anthroposophical group: When I am truly still, God works within me when I truly act, I rest within myself. Spiritual-scientific knowledge is also the path of individual development. We acquire knowledge in order to learn how to think, feel and act differently. The latter requires the greatest effort. But if we strive to know ourselves without at the same time wanting to become a different person, we squander our forces and will only do harm to ourselves. The condition of rest is attained on different paths. A person can be tranquil, out of indifference to the surrounding world and the cares of others in short: an egoist. Another kind of rest is transmitted by eastern occult practices under the influence of Lucifer. We can come to rest through false mysticism, through renunciation of knowledge or by placing ourselves beyond good and evil. The inner rest we can acquire on the path of Spiritual Science is the more correct and at the same time the most strenuous. It is a stable condition controlled by our I, making the secret of good and evil accessible to understanding and allowing the heart forces to be active. It is clear that this condition does not come of itself and certainly not from the beginning. An imperturbable calm of soul has to be won over the course of years, sometimes even decades, through suffering. We must add a few words on the personal attitude of the author. After publishing the brochure Voice from the East6 he was asked by several anthroposophists whether he had not been led by feelings of antipathy. In all conscience I de6

Stimme aus dem Osten, Moskau-Basel-Verlag, 1992.



Crisis of Civilisation

clare: no, I had not. When I wrote of my concern for the soul-development of those whose behaviour contradicts divine as well as human law, it was indeed not hypocrisy. When a Russian expresses himself emotionally it does not necessarily mean that he bears a grudge in his heart. At times it is just this concern for people close to us that causes us to treat them somewhat more sternly. Now, should we approach evil with force? This is one of the questions in the ethical cosmos of the Russian person. Rudolf Steiner says that I can satisfy the demand of someone begging for my last shirt only under certain social conditions. Under the present conditions it is advisable to think about what the ingenious, famous Russian philosopher and dissident Alexander Zinoviev writes in his essay The Ivan-Gospel7: it is a sin not to confront violence but it is an even greater sin to remain indifferent in the face of violence. Do not forget that silent thought is already a deed. It is just out of the invisible thought of protest that the mighty field of force of protest arises without which a visible deed is unthinkable. Already by your thinking you contribute a quantum of force to the common cause of the defence of man.8 Anyone who wishes to fight against the enemy should turn to politics. A Christian occultist cannot allow himself to have personal enemies. But if someone considers him an enemy, he will send him his blessings. Humanity is One. Whoever understands this and fights for the interests of humanity will think of the friends as well as the enemies of humanitys true interests. This is the principle of Christian ethics.

7 8

Cf. the magazine Voprosy filosofii (Questions of Philosophy), No. 11. This Russian Max Stirner also says much that is contradictory. Sometimes he speaks utter nonsense in interviews; but these shortcomings should not obscure what is fruitful in his world of ideas we have to be able to separate the essential from the non-essential in his statements.


II. The Question of Christian Ethics

Crisis of Civilisation

III. The Archetypal Phenomena of the Social Life of Modern Times

In an age when the spiritual life is invariably turned into ideology, a reader, whatever he takes into his hands, has no choice but to search for the true sense of what is offered in the most varied and at times glittering packages. These packages are designed to lame his attention or distract from an understanding of the innermost nature of things. One of the most favoured packages is to argue endlessly on questions of humanism and morality. Very bad habit! If we know this we should do our utmost to avoid it. Those readers who interpret the conditions on which the author bases his work as mentioned in the beginning of the book, as an ideological chess-move, will misunderstand the essential content of this book. The author appeals to the readers reason and feeling without acting on his will. In this he sees the only rightful means to oppose ideology and allow a dialogue with the reader to unfold. If something or other should sound emotional it is due to the authors conviction that only those thoughts (especially in the social realm) should be voiced that not only have meaning, but also touch us, lend us wings, allow us to experience joy and sorrow. Do they evoke something similar in the reader? May he judge this for himself. A lethargic and apathetic expression of the most important questions, on the other hand, is a sure sign of a sluggish intellect and an indifferent soul that is unable to enter into human destinies, even when these assume an ever more tragic aspect. We are not at all spared such things in the Anthroposophical Society. We are rather (or at least should be) those who experience them, at the same time grasp their meaning, and are therefore able to find a way out of the crisis. It can hardly be denied that mass-suggestion, affecting everyone today, successfully works upon us, so that at times the disquieting question arises: are there still clear-thinking, reasonable people among us anthroposophists? Today this question must be asked publicly. We have to ask: Friends, who still grasps the meaning of what is going on in the world, unswayed by suggestive influence? Is there anyone who is free of the syndrome of group and party opin-

ions and group-egoism? It is a further aim of this book to answer this question also. It is not enough to ask the one or the other anthroposophist: do you understand what is happening to the world and to all of us, and are you able to think independently? In all likelihood the answer would express very little, yet would be in the affirmative. It would be different if a symptomatological analysis were offered as a special kind of sociological investigation. Then God willing it would reveal who is capable of taking the helm of spiritual-scientific insight firmly into his hands amidst the dark and murky streams of the political, spiritual and historical lie and the dulling of human consciousness.. This spiritual-scientific method of knowledge is based, as already mentioned, on the researcher advancing to the archetypal foundations in his investigation of individual phenomena. Only in this way can the forming of simplistic judgments be overcome, also in the humanities. If we believe the mass-media, all causes of the complicated battle within the maze of parties, confessions, Mafialike organizations etc. are trite and trivial. We are told how, deep in the province, in the town of Simbirsk,1 the ordinary boy was born (Vladimir Mayakovsky in the poem Lenin). Early on he recognized the injustice of the Tsarist regime; he fought it and won. Wicked policemen once arrested him and asked: Where are you going? There is a wall in front of you? But he said: A wall, yes, but it is rotten. If one strikes it with a finger it will collapse. He struck it and it collapsed! There we have the cause of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. But then came an evil uncle the monster Stalin and because of his evil tendencies brought the lofty work to nought. But the years went by and another ordinary boy, Misha Gorbachev, was born. He became a high-ranking official of the party-apparatus and was admitted to the nomenclature; but soon he recognized the injustice of developing socialism, fought it and won. This is how we arrive at Perestroika. Another example: owing to their permanent, inborn baseness and tendency to militarism, to wars of conquest, the Germans started a world war. All the other nations wanted to live together in peaceful harmony only they did not! The lofty forces of the Entente tamed the wildest nation on earth, taught it a les1

Todays city of Ulyanowsk on the Volga (Publishers Note).



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son but in vain. It would not stop. It created Fascism and behaved even worse than before. The lofty forces were obliged again to unite this time with the monster Stalin! in order finally to tame the congenital barbarians. But this time they were not only defeated, they were re-educated. Now even the Germans say: we are pathological criminals. That is how truth and justice triumph. But the suspicion remains that Germans are only pretending, they are actually only waiting for an opportunity to jump at the throats of peace-loving and innocent nations like the English, the American, ...the Soviet.2 The majority of people live with such fables convenues, as Rudolf Steiner liked to call them. But it is not befitting for an anthroposophist to be satisfied with these. Encompassing knowledge of the forces that move not only history, but also meta-history and the whole of world-evolution, stands at our disposal. In order to understand our own time we must turn to the cultural epochs through which the fifth post-Atlantean root-race passes in its development.3 The first epochs the ancient Indian and ancient Persian stood under the

leadership of great initiates who drew the motifs for their guidance from the higher worlds. It was similar still in the third, the Egyptian-ChaldeanBabylonian epoch, although a specific stratum of society was already developing that had control of the individual life on the level of the sentient soul. The people of the Greco-Latin cultural epoch went a step further on this path. They gained increasing power over their intellectual soul, began to think in concepts and to set themselves goals of development. The present, fifth cultural epoch, called the European, is based on a complex interplay of all three levels of soul-life, including the highest the consciousness-soul. This enables a human being to acquire a stable centre of his personality the I and, on this basis, to take not only his own, but also the development of society entirely into his own hands. Not every I is ripe for such an activity, but each has the right to it. By passing on the setting of aims to men, the divine world has withdrawn somewhat from human affairs in order to provide each one of us with the possibility to realize the free spirit within. But every advance also contains a lagging behind. What is old and outlived is not willing to give way, and tries to prolong its anachronistic existence by various illegitimate means. Thus destructive forces arise within civilization and culture; forces of decline and disintegration. They are rooted in the individual man as well as in certain spheres of the spirit and are today directed in particular against the strengthening of human individuality. They seek to destroy the human I in one way or another and to bring about a retrogression to group-consciousness. If these forces are not held in check they will destroy everything. They bear within them a danger for the entirety of human existence and it is therefore futile to seek a compromise with them. When we observe Western civilization we can see that here two mutuallyopposed forces are fighting a battle against the rightful goals of human development. The main opponent of both is the independent personality, and thus all relationships throughout the world are permeated by the battle of these forces for rulership over men. One represents a relic from the Greco-Latin epoch, a shadow of the Imperium Romanum so to speak, that refuses to depart this world despite the fact that its time is long past. It succeeded in penetrating our cultural epoch in a new guise, and in taking hold of its most precious possession Christianity. Leading representatives of the Imperium in the declining Hellenis42

One American stands out in the final truth on the German question, Th. N. Kaufman, who became world-famous in 1941 through publication (before the USA entered into war) of the book Germany must perish. He declares openly: Todays war (the Second World War) is not a war against Hitler. Nor is it a war against the Nazis (emphasis by the present Publisher). It is a war of peoples against peoples, of civilized peoples against uncivilized barbarians This is a struggle between the German nation and humanity. (p. 5). Kaufman considers further that at least 15 million Germans (more than 20%) are absolutely innocent in what lies as guilt upon the entire nation. At the same time humanism would not permit the endangering of the well-being of 300 million inhabitants of the earth, civilized, educated, progressive and peace-loving in the highest degree, for the sake of these 15 million who possibly are not barbarians but also civilized people etc. It is therefore unavoidable to sacrifice them as well! (p. 9-11). Kaufmans mode of thinking, though not entirely original, is by no means lacking in a certain genius. At the time of the fight against the Albigensian and similar heresies, at the siege of the city of Bziers, the Papal Legate, later the Bishop of Narbonne, was asked: What should we do with the inhabitants of the city in which, together with the heretics, many devout Catholics live? He answered: Slaughter them all! It will be seen in Heaven who is guilty and who innocent! The American wise man has a Soviet analogue, also world-famous, in the writer Ilya Ehrenburg, who voiced the same opinion as Kaufman with regard to the nation of barbarians. The periodicity of world evolution is described by Rudolf Steiner in Occult Science, an Outline (GA 13).

III. The Archetypal Pheonomena of the Social Life of Modern Times

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tic period had developed a sure sense for the inexhaustible, life-giving forces of the religion of the living God. Young European humanity proved inexperienced in fighting the Imperium. The latter was senile but nevertheless in its own way experienced and, though the Europeans were outwardly victorious, they were defeated inwardly. However, this new humanity the Aryan race originating from old Atlantis was able gradually to curb the Roman influence and to metamorphose the cultural impulse of the Greco-Latin epoch. Thus it was able to begin work on its own task the elaboration of the consciousness-soul and the self-cognitive I. The Middle-European and Anglo-Saxon peoples have a special disposition for the solution of this cultural-historic task. It so happened that in this process a nucleus of the Anglo-Saxon race was constantly forced to fight against the spiritual pressure of Latinism and to struggle for supremacy in the world, with the result that this nucleus succumbed, as it were for the second time, was infected with the age-old poison and became itself an anachronism of our times. Within the Anglo-Saxon race there germinates the intention to eternalize itself, like the Imperium Romanum, to take on the role of a new Papacy and to work against the emergence of I-consciousness as it develops in the Germanspeaking peoples. In addition it is tempted to prevent the metamorphosis of the present cultural epoch to the next, the Slavic-Germanic period. Thus the second destructive force arose. Both forces Latinism as well as Americano-Britannicism have extensive and impressive occult backgrounds from which to draw impulses for political struggle. They are on the one hand the religious-political Orders of the Latin world (one of them is the Jesuit order) and on the other the secret occult Lodges, often called Freemasonry. Here we must make a qualifying remark. Known concepts such as Jesuitism and Freemasonry do not by any means encompass the entire range of those forces today, but serve on the contrary to veil the deeper content of the forces in the background. These terms must be treated carefully. It is more important to understand the forces themselves than to rely on conceptual labels whose content ever changes thereby risking being hypnotized by them. The opposing forces often attach these labels to each other in order to confuse the mass of ignorant lay people and pull them to the one side or the other. But it would also be wrong to think such concepts to be entirely without content.

The Ghosts of the Old Testament (everything in history leaves behind shadows and ghosts) as relics of the Roman Imperium on one hand, and the occult-political forces of the Anglo-Saxon world frozen into group-egoism on the other, constitute in their bitter mutual struggle the primary phenomenon of all disaster in the social, political, economic and spiritual life of the epoch of consciousness-soul. A second the great East-West polarity superimposes itself upon this archetypal phenomenon. One or the other anthroposophist may say: All this belongs to politics and I do not want to concern myself with it. Our anthroposophist is gravely mistaken. Politics is only one of the outward manifestations of the described battle. The attempt to reduce everything to politics proves on closer examination to be a huge lie. This is why anthroposophists do not involve themselves in politics. They investigate the archetypal phenomena (also in the sphere of the sociopolitical life) the spiritual forces and their struggle in the world. The complicated nature of the phenomena is then revealed. Every human being is engaged in this battle, on the outcome of which both our Earthly and cosmic destiny depends. It is not enough to say, I trust in God. Only too often this statement proves to be no more than empty words. We must be quite clear about what we have to do, how we must behave in order truly to serve God and not Mammon. In other words: continuous research into the nature of those forces that lie behind all human relations is of crucial importance. Some might respond that this task of cognition is too difficult for many people. Very well, but then the responsibility borne by those able to grasp historical symptomatology is all the greater. For those who bring forward such objections we will add an example from Soviet history: in our country people were arbitrarily and indiscriminately put into concentration camps; they were not asked whether they were in a condition to bear these events or comprehend them. Some managed to survive and became victors; to others fell the bitter lot of being fertilizer on the soil of anti-history. People have more experience at their disposal today than in the first half of the century, and it is rather a lack of will than of ability if someone does not know the background of events. How many anthroposophists have read the GULAG Archipelago of Solzhenitsyn? Most do not read it because it might disturb their contemplative life or destroy the artificially constructed rose-coloured view of the world..


III. The Archetypal Pheonomena of the Social Life of Modern Times

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An irresponsible attitude towards life also casts a shadow on Anthroposophy. Often people fail to recognize its real importance in the world; they do not know its value, which cannot be said of its opponents. In the higher hierarchies of the Orders, Lodges, societies and brotherhoods the saying goes that a person who takes hold of Anthroposophy will rule the world. It is understood in one way purely materialistically ; but what should keep us from understanding it in the correct sense? My kingdom is not of this world says Christ. Therefore this world awaits its renewal. Anthroposophy contains within itself the power to renew the world in the Christian sense. This is why in the cultural sense world-rule is predestined. But the opposing spirits Lucifer and Ahriman have something different in mind. With the help of people whom they make into blind instruments of their will they try to take possession of the world and rob it of all hope for its future. They definitely have the power to force all of us to take account of their intentions. The battle of these two principles of cosmic opposing forces is visible everywhere in the world. Practically the entire conscious part of humanity is tied into this conflict; the so-called masses will follow without resistance. This antagonism polarizes religious, political and even natural-scientific movements and streams. But wherever the polarity of luciferic and ahrimanic forces is revealed, the human being should not join either side. Neither contains the truth. Truth can be found only where the force of Christ absorbs both sides and neutralizes them. Recent development has taken on such a character that, if we were to live on in a traditional manner, we would sooner or later turn unavoidably into servants of one of these forces. So profoundly have they already corrupted the entire structure of human existence. But the Divine Hierarchies have given us selfconsciousness as a counter-deed to the activities of the opposing forces and it would be a sin not to use this divine gift. It is a still greater sin to place selfcognitive consciousness in the service of Ahriman or Lucifer. Yet wherever we look in the world: we meet the sin of todays most popular apostle Judas the betrayer of the human I. This sin strikes one as especially grotesque in those who to all appearances are already in the service of the God of the human I, the Christ. A certain hopelessness of soul can be experienced in anthroposophists who are already caught

up in the inhuman conflict of atavistic forces, devoid of any positive sense, the struggle of the Roman world against the unbounded group-egoism of the Anglo-Saxon world. When visiting anthroposophical branches in different countries, taking part in conferences and spending considerable time in anthroposophical circles, one has the growing feeling that here too everything is permeated by this battle in which humanity is betrayed. True anthroposophists are regarded as annoying troublemakers by the centaurs locked in a life and death struggle the spiritually corrupted descendants of the old Hellenes and the Pyramid-builders. For them we represent no more than a troublesome misunderstanding, which one is ready to put up with for the time being because one cannot yet put all the cards on the table. We must put an end to this absurdity at all costs, although it is extremely difficult under the present circumstances. For today we are not merely driving the merchants out of the temple, but madmen too, in part. If someone with knowledge of Anthroposophy puts himself in the service of one of the said forces it is equivalent to a special kind of madness. If we dare to address this topic openly we must be prepared to be counted amongst the Right wing, the reactionaries, chauvinists, people who want to track down the Masonic-Jewish heresy etc., etc. The issue is not made easier by the fact that we investigate both sides, i.e. also the radicalism of right-wing reactionaries. But as anthroposophists we do not need to justify anything. We neither create political parties nor do we act behind the scenes, we do not strive for power either spiritual or worldly. The problem lies in our being forced to defend ourselves. All we intend to do is to represent spiritual science and inspire people to meaningful and consistent actions. When someone decides to build a church, why should a cabaret be held there? It would be equally absurd to set up a banking institute and hold church services in it. People who want to be Freemasons are best advised to found a Lodge this is not prohibited in either West or East. People are just as free to become a member of a religious order, that of the Jesuits for example; they will be welcomed with open arms. The anthroposophical movement and Society were called into life to carry the fruits of Spiritual Science into the world with greater success than would have been possible for individuals. Hence it would be quite absurd to transform the Anthroposophical Society into a Lodge or Order. Such pleas are disregarded; certain people even react with indignation to this obvious demand. It is there46

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fore necessary to recognize the nature and intentions cultivated to perfection by those forces. Much that is purely demonic, inhuman is at work, making people into actual instruments. But the manners to put it simply of the devil are well-known: he loves to flatter his way into human company and to imitate human activities of all kinds. In the anthroposophical world he uses the same methods as elsewhere. We must be socially alert to understand what forces we are dealing with, not only in the outside world but also within our Society and movement. If we do not meet this challenge we will destroy Anthroposophy as well as our own eternal destiny. The divine hierarchies await the solution from us to solve it. They sound into our souls: Only your ignorance strengthens the opponents. Take that strength from them and everything will change for the better. In my own specific case I thought it best to elaborate all the significant material that Rudolf Steiner has bequeathed to us for the understanding of the interplay in todays world, for the understanding of the battle of forces waged everywhere against the spirit. Countless books on the subject exist in the outer world but we cannot use them unprepared, as they are governed by half-truths. Rudolf Steiners communications are thus all the more important for us. But how paradoxical! anthroposophists are not familiar with these themes; unintentionally we find ourselves in the role of explorers. But where something of these problems is known in our circles we can often find the same half-truths as in the outer world. Whenever I had the opportunity to speak with advanced anthroposophists in the West (during my first travels I sought out such people in particular as conversation partners), I never omitted to ask them about the events in our Society. Some evaded such a conversation, others reported impressively on the dangers threatening us from the side of Jesuits. When I asked about their antipodes it was as though I had not been heard. In the course of such a conversation I repeated the question several times, always with the same result. I experienced conversation partners who, as a poet put it, with brilliance and sarcasm painted a panorama of todays political life and demonstrated how allencompassing is its permeation by the activity of the Masonic Lodges. When I

pointed out that yet another side must be considered all interest vanished immediately. The conversation grew boring and I had no choice but to leave.4 These conversations made it clear that the seemingly straightforward, natural experience we had fifteen to twenty years before, based on the study of Rudolf Steiners indication that only knowledge of both world-forces mentioned above can bring understanding of the origins of the crisis of civilization, is hardly accessible to people in the West. There are several reasons for this. One is the veil of silence that has, for decades now, kept this theme hidden in anthroposophical circles. Another is a fear of punishment for involvement in such matters. Apparently there are people all over the world who are permitted to occupy themselves with them, while others are prevented as if by a rod of punishment, invisible yet clearly sensed. A third, metaphysical, cause could also be mentioned. It is the fact that the occult-religious and occult-political forces engaged in the struggle over the leading astray of the entire world-evolution are real and not ideological forces. They will not tolerate anyone attempting to see through their true nature. It poses a challenge for them. Certain prophylactic measures are therefore necessary when we dare to advance to such insights. The most important is a clear appeal to the divine hierarchies; which means that we should always have before us the cosmic dimensions of the battle being fought over humanity. We are permitted to place ourselves consciously on the side of the divine forces without wishing to take on their task for this would exceed human powers. The theme of the struggle should become the object neither of superficial conversation nor of empty phrases, nor of manic-obsessive preoccupation. In particular we must always bear in mind that we are dealing here, in as immediate a way as is possible, with manifestations of real infernal forces. It is our task to ensure that we do not move beyond the cognizing of these archetypal forces, but leave the battle against them to be fought by the hierarchies. If someone asks: what can we do for the outer world? I am inclined to reply that under the present circumstances we cannot bring this theme to the general public, if only for the reason that one cannot take hold of the phenomenon

There were certainly other meetings too, in which, at times, seemingly nonadvanced anthroposophists expressed unusually deep and penetrating views.



III. The Archetypal Pheonomena of the Social Life of Modern Times

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without a serious grasp of the fundamentals of Spiritual Science. It is all the more necessary that we achieve clarity about it in our own circles. The consciousness of people who on the basis of Spiritual Science attempt to grasp what is happening in the world, is open to the hierarchies. Therefore its content is important for the world. The hierarchies take upon themselves the battle with the forces of evil. They have the power to do so. We aid them through recognition of the continuously growing manifestations of luciferic-ahrimanic activity in the ever-changing world. Without our cognition these forms and techniques remain an unconquerable power. Knowledge is power. If only enough people would have the impulse today to say: we have first of all to gain insight into these things, the rest will follow! (Dec. 12, 1918, GA 186). Thus speaks a great Initiate of our times who exhaustively proved the objectivity of his supersensible experience and his ability to place it into a right relation to earthly experience. We have accepted his teaching out of a free decision; we must always recognize this. Then we have to follow what we have recognized as truth, as knowledge of the nature of things. This means that we must oppose the attempts to discredit spiritual science and Rudolf Steiners personality, which are now made increasingly in anthroposophical circles too. Our purpose here is not the fanaticism of a blind adherence to an authority but just decency, consistency and logic in the connecting of idea and deed. Halfmeasures, a certain woolliness, the inability to come to clarity about the impulse we have taken up all this leads our movement to ruin. Rudolf Steiner had cause for the plea: Oh, I see quite a few in our midst who would like to sleep especially through those things that appear out of the fullest compassion, out of compassion for what in our time, if left to itself, must to lead to ruin! There are faint-hearted people who join this Anthroposophical Society and then say: yes, spiritual science, I like it; but I dont want to know about social activity, that doesnt belong there (Jan. 1, 1920, GA 195). What can I do? one or another of those people will ask who experience a vague unease over the fact that despite their honest relation to Anthroposophy they may be making a tragic mistake. Rudolf Steiner has an answer again: to respond with understanding to the concerns of the present time in the sense of our anthroposophically oriented Spiritual Science! For no-one is a true anthroposophist who closes his eyes to the monstrous things that are happening

in the present, who wants to let his consciousness be numbed by all those means of stupefaction used by certain wielders of power today, so that they might avoid the need to disclose what they are actually intending (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174). We must keep our eyes open to the forces causing the monstrous things happening in the present. Those forces are awake. And it is up to us to act. We must resolve to understand societys workings, however difficult and dangerous a path this may be. For what we see here explains Rudolf Steiner is the final spasm of a world in decline; but it can still, though this is the final spasm, thrash about like a madman Therefore we have at least to recognize out of what impulses the wild thrashing about arises. With small measures we will accomplish nothing; we have to appeal to what is great. Let us try to be equal to this appeal! (Apr. 17, 1921, GA 204).


III. The Archetypal Phenomena of the Social Life of Modern Times

Crisis of Civilisation

IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

This chapter will look alternately at the reactionary occult forces that have become atavistic and other forces at work in social relationships today which have led to their total breakdown. We turn to Rudolf Steiners encompassing teaching concerning the development of the world and humanity, in which he has shown how human nature in its complexity was formed gradually through many metamorphoses. Even in the earthly condition man remained in the lap of the divinity for long ages, carried and guided by the beings of the divine hierarchies. Gradually God and man became estranged. Centres were created the oracles and mysteries where man could come into a mediated relation to God. Around the middle of the Atlantean epoch the free will began to awaken in the human being and since then the guidance has gradually passed over into his own hands. Human aberrations and arbitrariness arose among men that also affected the relationship between man and God. Black magic arose next to white magic. Errors increased in proportion as the human being learned to use his rational intellect and supersensible perceptions gradually diminished. The task of cultivating a legitimate, conscious connection to God grew more complex because man increasingly felt the right to freely determine his goals, and a multifaceted, secularized cultural-historic life of humanity began to emerge. Today we experience the final stage, the epoch of the consciousness-soul. From a spiritual point of view it is dominated by three streams that propel the impulse of Christianity forward. One leads through Latinism with its religious-dogmatic content; the second passes through Central Europe bringing Goetheanism as the Christianized form of the methodology of science and aesthetics born out of the intricate differentiation of thinking consciousness; the third has taken the esoteric path since the founding of Christianity. Joseph of Arimathia carried it from Palestine to Ireland, from whence it spread across Europe. It is complemented by what as esoteric schools of Christianity was carried into Hellenism

by the Apostle Paul. Knowledge of the Holy Chalice entered the world of the burgeoning new Europe. It found its expression in secularized form in King Arthurs Round Table. The esoteric schools of Europe that turned to Christianity saw a seamless transition from the old to the new Mysteries, in which the path to a conscious, individual relationship to Christ, the Lord of the earth, was taught. The leaders of the schools followed the tradition that found its expression at the beginning of the consciousness-soul period in Rosicrucianism and whose task was expressed by Rudolf Steiner as to be active in the sense of the whole development of humanity (June 10, 1910, GA 121). Rosicrucianism was already prepared before the dawn of Christianity. It owes its special form to the influence of the initiate Dionysios Areopagita who established the mystery-wisdom of Christianity in the esoteric school of Paul in Athens (June 6, 1907, GA 99). The streams of the Areopagite and of the Holy Grail have much in common. One might say that they are two stages of one stream: the stages of preparation and service. Anthroposophy is a direct continuation of this most important spiritual direction. Esoteric Christianity combines in it with another spiritual stream that goes the path of secular culture and is known as Goetheanism. A time will come when esoteric Christianity will pervade all the Christian churches and lead them to unity, to synthesis. When we speak of the major streams of European humanity that come down to us from the distant past we are dealing with the pre-history and history of Christian civilization. It is not at all justified to say that the arrival of Christianity meant a renunciation of the entire heathen past. On the contrary, it is deeply rooted in this past which is by no means confined to the history of the old Jewish nation. The coming of Christ was anticipated in all mystery centres of antiquity. But not all were equal to the enormous metamorphoses unleashed through it in the nature of man and in the surrounding world. To this day humanity is still labouring at the task. True and false hopes, aberrations and secret wishes of antiquity reach down into our time, seeking a realization that is often impossible because they have hopelessly lost their connection to the present.



IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

Anyone truly concerned for the good of the world would do well to come to clarity about this. Such a person would be well advised to understand that already in the Mysteries of antiquity everything essential was determined by the emergence of the I-consciousness. This principle was particularly visible in the period when even in the outer cultural life it was possible to elaborate the first stage of the individual soul the Sentient Soul. This was the old Egyptian epoch. Regardless of all that is important and meaningful brought by the old Egyptian culture, it nevertheless carried within it a seed of decadence and was doomed to ruin. In those times already the teachers of the Mysteries, the priests, began inappropriately to interfere in life after death by fettering souls to the physical by means of mummification. These souls could not free themselves from the earth and enter Kamaloka. A special kind of spiritual being inhabited the mummies, with whose help the priests were able to gain knowledge of the guiding principles of humanitys development and the secrets of nature. This method of gaining knowledge was a kind of dark magic. The Chaldean culture remained aloof from these mysteries of old Egypt. The old Hebrews detested them for the same reason, but through roundabout ways, by way of Moses for example, much of what was Egyptian could still flow into the Old Testament (Sept. 24, 1922, GA 216). It is not justified to regard the Egyptian mysteries in the epoch of their decline only critically. For, in order to be able to retain leadership over their nation, the priests were truly in need of revelations from the spiritual world. However, supersensible experience was extinguished in the souls of those people who acquired the individual I. After the Mystery of Golgatha, around the 4th and 5th century, the last imaginations of the supersensible were lost. Man understood that his soul would simply grow empty if he were to continue to receive his ideas from revelation. He therefore now began to win his ideas through knowledge of nature and later through experiment, though he still retained his striving to draw knowledge directly from the supersensible. Out of this thirst people began to conserve not mummies but old, mainly preChristian, rituals. These took place in occult secret Orders and Lodges. In the rituals and ceremonies held there Rudolf Steiner says there is an extraordinary amount of what was already contained in them in antiquity. But just as there were those among the Egyptian initiates who brought a wrong element

into the education of man and the guidance of humanity out of the communications of the spirits indwelling the mummies in just such a way a wrong impulse is present in the mummified ceremonies of many occult Orders, to achieve this or that in the leading and directing of humanity (ibid.). In modern times there arose again in Orders and Lodges the ancient intention to take the spiritual world by stealth and draw the knowledge needed for the pursuit of aims that do not serve the interest of humanity as a whole. Rudolf Steiner confirms the Freemasons claim that their movement is a continuation of the secret societies and brotherhoods of the Greco-Latin cultural epoch (Oct. 23, 1905, GA 93). We could add, of the Third, the Egyptian epoch too, if by this we mean the period of the decline of the Mysteries that continued into the Fourth cultural epoch. The phenomenon of Freemasonry as a whole is many-layered. In earlier times it had, through a peculiar linkage of conditions, a relation to Manichaeism. The Masonic tradition of naming themselves Sons of the widow originated here. A certain connection between Freemasonry and Rosicrucianism exists also (Nov. 11, 1904, GA 93). Freemasonrys importance lessened in proportion as the world was determined increasingly by the rational element. It is lost entirely in todays Fifth cultural epoch (Dec. 2, 1904, GA 93). It began to devote itself to the entirely inadmissible conservation of old rituals and now lays claim to the leadership of humanity as a whole. Today, says Rudolf Steiner, the Masonic Lodges of the Grand Orient have up to 96 degrees. The occult degrees in the real sense begin with the 87th degree but no-one can attain them (Dec. 16 and 23, 1904, GA 93). So-called JohnMasonry has three stages: apprentice, journeyman and master. It is regarded as the lower kind of Freemasonry; Scottish Freemasonry with the Misraim or Memphis Rite, apparently conserved from the time of old Egypt, is considered high degree Masonry. The John-Masons on the other hand look upon this claim as a comedy, serving only to mask ordinary ambition, a striving for spiritual aristocracy (Jan. 2, 1906, GA 93). John-Masons still speak today of how important wisdom, beauty and force are, but they no longer know that through them are formed the ether-body, the astral body and the I together with their organs (Oct. 10, 1905, GA 93a).


IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

Various symbols are employed in the Masonic Lodges: triangle, circle, setsquare etc. and one often speaks of the Master Builder of all worlds. Rudolf Steiner comments: when we turn to the 9th, 10th, 11th century and look at the civilized world within which these secret societies, the Freemasons Lodges, spread as an elite in civilization, we find that all the instruments that today lie as symbols on the altar of these Masonic Lodges were used to build houses and churches Speeches are delivered in the Lodges of the Freemasons in relation to these objects that have altogether lost their connection with lifes practice and all kinds of wonderful things are said that are completely foreign to outer life, the outer practice of life (Dec. 1919, GA 194). Not too long ago, however, it was not only mummified rites and cultural coquetry that made up the content of Freemasonry. At least into the first half of the 19th century, there still existed very serious connections of Orders in which more was imparted than, for example, the average Freemason receives from his Order today. They were able to transmit more because a certain longing in the hierarchy of angels exists to grasp the world of sense that is not immediately accessible to spiritual beings. And so the angels sent human souls, before they started on their path to earthly incarnation, so to speak as a test to still-existing serious occult Orders (Sept. 24, 1922, GA 216). Goethe belonged to a Lodge devoted to this serious kind of occultism. The other honourable citizens of Weimar relates Rudolf Steiner , at most with the exception of Wieland, Chancellor von Mller and a few others were members of the Lodge just like anyone else. Whoever holds a proper office in Weimar has no choice but to go to church on Sunday and is at the same time, though this is exactly the opposite, a member of the Lodge (ibid.). The membership of outstanding personalities like Mozart, Fichte, Beethoven etc. has to be viewed in a similar light. It is common practice among Freemasons today to take every opportunity to point to the membership of persons of genius. They carefully avoid mention of the fact that these were the exceptions within the general poverty of the content of Freemasonry. We should also remember how truly gifted people like Fichte broke off their connection with the Lodges. In order to characterize Freemasonry as it still existed in the 18th century a work that every Freemason will accept as reliable will now be quoted. George Sand (actually: Amandine-Lucie-Aurore Dupin), the outstanding French writer, knew

Freemasonry very well from the inside. In her novel The Countess of Rudolstadt she lets the heroine Sibylle Wanda, who is able to change the decisions of even the highest ranking of the Lodges through her speeches, report the following. While speaking of her son, Count Albert, who occupies a high degree in the Lodge of the Rosicrucians, she says that he came into contact with the various elements that make up the brotherhoods of Freemasons. He saw aberrations, prejudices, hypocrisy and even dishonesty beginning to invade the sanctuaries, already in the grip of the madness and the vices of the century (emphasis by the Present Author). And further: With bitterness he turned against the methods used in the furtherance of our cause. He demanded that we should immediately stop acting in secrecy and compelling people through fraud to drink from the cup of spiritual rebirth. Remove your black masks he said , step out of the cellar vaults. Wipe out the word secret from the tympanum of your temple you stole it from the Catholic Church Do you really not see that you are using the means of the Jesuitic Order? 1 etc.2 These are weighty, significant words. They were written in the 18th century, which was yet to be followed by the 19th and 20th. In the second half of the 19th century Charles William Heckethorn a great expert on the occult, including the Masonic communities, and himself a Freemason of apparently no mean rank, wrote with even greater emphasis than George Sand concerning the decline of Freemasonry. In the introduction to his book The Secret Societies of all Centuries and all Lands we read the following: Where freedom reigns secrecy is no longer needed for the accomplishment of great and useful aims. Secret

1 2

George Sand, The Countess of Rudolstadt, chapter 34. I advise all anthroposophists to read this novel. A variety of other remarkable revelations can be found in it too. The companion says to Konsuelo on her way to the initiation: We are forced to make use of symbols and subterfuge Europe is riddled with secret Societies The key to these Societies lies with us and we strive to take over their leadership unbeknown to most of the members You will meet powerful personalities and make them into our allies. The means for attaining this goal will be the subject of a special science that we will teach you to master; in raising our souls to our holy zeal, we have to enter into a compromise with some laws of clear conscience.3 Ibid., chapter 31.


IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

societies were once needed for its triumph, now only open unity is needed in order to maintain it. Heckethorn makes a statement at the end of his book that is instructive for his own time as well as for ours. Egoism, partly cool calculation, vanity, worthlessness, gluttony and the urge to secrecy under the pious pretence of brotherly love and enlightening activity this is what draws people into the Lodges today. The ease with which people who are not worthy are accepted into the Lodges and the frequent repetition of these occurrences, the neglect of the statutes, the enmity generally brought towards any brother who presses for renewal, the difficulty in removing members who arouse aversion in us, the introduction of bogus regulations and the deceptiveness of the regulations themselves, designed to awaken curiosity without satisfying it, the emptiness of the symbolism, the worthlessness of the secret that is finally revealed to the candidate and his barely-concealed distaste when he is finally admitted, to look behind the scenes, only to find an entirely rotted canvas whose front is adorned with a grandiose landscape all this clearly affirms that the Lodges have expelled Freemasonry. Like the Orders of monks and knights they have become superfluous. There is hardly anything more to add. He exhausted the topic, we can say in all earnestness, and whenever Freemasonry is spoken of we must now bear in mind that nothing but the name is left. Or, rather nothing but the lesson is left, which must be drawn from it by anyone who wants to socialize his spiritualoccult interests in one way or another. Madness and evil, secrets the accusations against Freemasonry made by George Sand and Charles William Heckethorn will be further discussed with reference to Rudolf Steiner. The moral fall of Freemasonry bears within it the greatest tragedy the loss of the spiritual striving of humanity, without which human existence loses all meaning. The divine hierarchies open themselves to this striving. The connection to them has a character appropriate to the tasks of the time in each epoch. Let us take as an example the relation, as indicated by Rudolf Steiner, between the excarnate human souls and the human fellowship dedicated to spiritual striving on the physical plane. It stands in diametric contrast to that prevailing in old Egypt where one fettered the human souls that wanted to leave the earth to the earthly. Now one seeks for souls approaching incarnation. Lodges exist to this day however in which the pernicious magic of the Egyptian priests is

still practised. The true nature of Christianity is deeply connected to the Mysteries; its power originates in the Mystery of Golgatha. It transforms the old science of initiation into a new one at whose centre stands the God of the human I the Christ , who became man on earth, suffered death and rose again. He is not a teacher, philosopher or Hierophant in a figurative sense. He is the highest God Himself. He became the centre of the new Christian mysteries; by comparison all else is of secondary, supporting significance, or pure atavism. The brotherhood of the Servants of the Holy Grail, the medieval Templars, the French heretics the Albigensians, Waldensians and Cathars , and finally the Rosicrucians (the true ones, whose community never had more than twelve members) all provided or sought access to the new Christian mysteries in a way appropriate to the epoch. Access to these mysteries at the present time can be provided by Anthroposophy alone. In earlier centuries a stream existed within Freemasonry in which political intrigues were not spun in order to make compromises with a clear conscience, but where one seriously devoted oneself to self-improvement and spiritual striving. The Lodges of this persuasion were called Rosicrucian; they were always a thorn in the flesh to the politically-oriented Lodges.4 The true Rosicrucians often used Freemasonry to bring new impulses into cultural-historical development. Through the Lodges the impetus was given to the unfolding of the epoch of Enlightenment. They also provided very strong impulses to prepare European culture for the unavoidable passage through the epoch of materialism. Freemasonry had yet another positive task to fulfil: it created a counter-balance to the deadening influence of the Papacy on the spiritual life of humanity. There was a time when all spiritual strivings appropriate to their epoch, coming into inevitable conflict with the dogmatizing spirit of Latinism, led without exception to the Lodges. The Rosicrucians therefore came to the rescue when Freemasonry was moving towards decline and destroyed itself from within. At the beginning of the 15th century, as Rudolf Steiner relates, Christian Rosenkreutz taught a small circle of initiates and gave them the so-called Temple Legend, which later formed part of the ideology of all Lodges. In it the secret of

Russian Freemasons of the 18th Century tell of this.



IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

two families of human beings is revealed the descendants of Cain and of Abel. It is here that the spiritual battle of humanity actually begins. The sons of Cain are in the sense of the legend the sons of those Elohim who lagged somewhat behind during the epoch of the Moon. The epoch of the Moon is concerned with Kama. This Kama or fire was permeated by wisdom at that time Some of the Elohim did not stop at the marriage of wisdom and fire; they went beyond this. And when they formed man they were no longer filled with passions, so that they instilled in him a quiet, enlightened wisdom. This is the actual Jahve- or Jehovah-religion, the wisdom that was entirely without passion. The other Elohim, in whom wisdom was still united with the fire of the Moon period, are those who created the sons of Cain. Thus we have in the sons of Seth the religious people with their enlightened wisdom and in the sons of Cain those who have the impulsive element, who are set aflame and can develop enthusiasm for wisdom. These two families of mankind are creative through all races, through all times. Out of the passion of the sons of Cain arose all the arts and sciences, from the Abel-Seth-stream all clarified piety and wisdom, without enthusiasm (Nov. 4, 1904, GA 93). The cosmic-evolutionary background of the important spiritual streams of humanity we are here concerned with is made fundamentally visible in this legend. And now we are also shown the sources of the conflict of the sons of Cain, who people the Lodges and Orders, with the sons of Abel the theologians and clerics; the descendants of Hiram-Abiff and those of the priest-king Solomon. The stream of esoteric Christianity has always taken up an intermediary position. It works for restoration of the brotherly bond between Abel and Cain, for the realization of an organic synthesis of wisdom and enthusiasm with piety and love. It is the stream led by Christian Rosenkreutz, the present form of which Anthroposophy was created by Rudolf Steiner. It is based on the fact that Christ became man, which caused the old piety according to Rudolf Steiner , a piety given from above, so to speak, to be replaced by another that was laid into that element which came to earth through Christ. Christ is not merely wisdom, He is love incarnate:56 a lofty divine Kama that is at the same

time Buddhi; a pure streaming Kama that desires nothing for itself but in infinite devotion directs all passions outwards Buddhi is Kama in reverse. Through it a higher piety prepares itself within the type of men who are pious, the sons of wisdom, but now it can also be enthusiastic. This is Christian piety (ibid.). This is how Rudolf Steiner formulated the fundamental principles and tasks of anthroposophical life and activity, a life and activity peculiar to Anthroposophy alone and not comparable to any other one that is sovereign in the highest sense. The sons of Cain made great efforts to reconcile themselves with Abel through the creation of a temple for humanity out of earthly science and art. But the element of the personal, of the intense unfolding of egoism in the present cultural epoch, leading to the war of each against all, has corrupted the templebuilders also and installed in their temple merchants of the new kind who render impossible the fulfilling of the tasks of humanity on the path of Freemasonry. With the arrival of Anthroposophy many honest Freemasons have drawn the logical conclusion and left the Lodges. Freemasonry has been in steady decline since the 18th century. It was increasingly governed by simple and vulgar imaginations of humanitys development and corresponding means of influencing it. Unquestionably prepared in the Lodges, the French Revolution set out to realize the Christian teaching of the kingdom of God in a base outer way. Rudolf Steiner says concerning the Revolution: the spiritual teaching of Christianity: all men are equal before God was converted into a purely worldly teaching: all are equal here (in every respect). This is why Christian Rosenkreutz, in his incarnation as Count SaintGermain in the 18th century, became the guardian of the innermost secret of the Bronze Sea and of the Golden Triangle (spoken of in the Temple Legend). From the height of his position in Freemasonry (a high degree attained by noone before him) he warned: Humanity should develop slowly (ibid.). In other words he turned against the Revolution. Through a lady-in-waiting of MarieAntoinette he tried to move the king to a series of measures to prevent the revolution. European humanity would then have been able to go through the epoch of materialism and emancipation of the personality less tragically, without
him the redeemer of men in the sense that he taught his contemporaries truths which have hitherto revealed themselves to us only dimly! Ibid., chapter 38.

In the Initiation conversation Konsuelo says: Christ he is a God-Man whom we venerate as the greatest philosopher and greatest saint of olden times We may call


IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

enormous bloodshed and social chaos (including the fate of Russia). Subsequent events have confirmed the rightness of Saint-Germains attitude. Despite the depth of the spiritual truths taught by Christian Rosenkreutz as Count Saint-Germain there was no wish to understand him in the circles of Freemasons and he was denied a following. On the eve of the French Revolution he said: He who sows wind will reap a storm. According to Rudolf Steiner he had already made this statement in antiquity and it had been recorded by the prophet Hosea (Hosea 8,7). It applies to our European cultural epoch also, for it means: you will free man; the incarnated Buddhi will unite himself with your freedom and make all men equal before God. But the spirit (wind means spirit = ruach) will first become a storm (war of each against all; ibid.). For this very reason the perfecting of human nature was of paramount importance in the Lodges with a spiritual orientation. But this cannot be changed suddenly, through a revolution. The history of all Orders, brotherhoods and Lodges oriented toward Christianity reveals one thing in common. Their period of flowering always lasts for as long as pure spiritual enthusiasm is able to hold mans lower nature in check, and the service of the spirit and mankind forms the main content of the religious or occult fellowship. As soon as factors of power, enrichment etc. appear, a decline invariably sets in. In George Sands novel we find the extraordinarily instructive confession of the man who accompanies Konsuelo on the path of initiation. In the large numbers of greedy, inquisitive and boastful seekers after truth one finds so few serious, steadfast, upright souls, so few who are worthy of receiving the truth and are able to grasp it.7 We, the people of the 20th century, are eyewitnesses to the catastrophic swelling of the storm of the war of each against all. We see how the freeing of the personality unleashed hell in souls and spills over into social life, ready to extinguish all seeds of a living, free spirit. This process took a deeply tragic turn, beginning in 1879 when the Archangel Michael overcame the dragon Ahriman and cast him down from heaven to earth. The sons of Cain now found themselves in a particularly perilous situation and a new Rosicrucian, the great initiate Rudolf Steiner, offered assistance to the Freemasons, as Count Saint-Germain had done before him. He took on

the highest degree of Freemasonry and gave the Lodges a new cult, a ritual that, had it been accepted by a sufficiently large number of Freemasons, would have renewed the movement, and given it an influx of pure spiritual forces. The hopes of those who have tried to find the spirit on this path would also have been fulfilled. But it was rejected. The forces of darkness, whose power within Freemasonry had in the meantime already grown too great, again intervened. A certain Yarker, who wielded great power and influence in the Lodges started a campaign of defamation against Rudolf Steiner, which forced him to withdraw. Rudolf Steiner writes in his autobiography: in retrospect it is obviously easy to ponder how much wiser it would have been not to connect with an organization that can later be used by the slanderers. But I would like to remark in all modesty that I still, at the age in question here, belonged to the company of those who assumed that the paths followed by those with whom I had to do were straight and not crooked (GA 28, chapter 36). The defamation spread by the others continues to this day and have reached their apogee in the last two decades (only the actions are still awaited). In books and articles Rudolf Steiner has been made an Illuminate, then a member of an occult-political secret society of the kind of the notorious Thule, where he is supposed to have had a session with Adolf Hitler himself. The outrageous lie, spread by members of Lodges as well as by Jesuits and Bolsheviks, takes on a world-wide character despite the fact that Rudolf Steiners relations to the Lodges are well documented. They were described by Marie Steiner, and a special volume of five hundred pages (GA 265) in the Collected Works of Rudolf Steiner is devoted to the theme.8

Ibid., chapter 31.

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Of the most recent publications on this topic the article by Irene Diet Anthroposophical Society and Freemasonry (Info3, No. 3-1995) is worthy of mention. She describes: Rudolf Steiner did indeed join even if purely outwardly the Memphis- and Misraim Order of Freemasonry on November 24, 1905, led in Germany by Theodor Reuss. But in so doing he was merely observing, as when he joined the Theosophical Society three years earlier, an occult law regulating the development of occult communities: the law of continuity. This law says that those who wish to act in the sense of the progress of humanity must consciously place themselves into the living stream of past, present and future; into a stream of time where that which lies in the future rests on the past ,just as what is past has to learn to bear what lies in the future. For, it is only out of this conscious standing in the ether of time that since the Mystery of Golgatha a strong presence in the present can arise It would have been

IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

On another occasion Rudolf Steiner attempted to give to the theosophical movement a Christian-Rosicrucian direction appropriate to our time. He wrote Noone was left unclear about the fact in the Theosophical Society that I would only bring forward results of my own supersensible research. For I spoke of this at every opportunity And I wanted to show that in the old mysteries cultic pictures of cosmic events were given which then took place in the Mystery of Golgatha on the plane of history, as a fact transposed from the cosmos to earth. Nowhere was this taught in the Theosophical Society (H. P. Blavatsky opposed Christianity). With this view of things I stood in complete contrast to the current dogmas of Theosophy, before I was asked to be active in the Theosophical Society (GA 28, chapter 30). But here too, leading personalities in theosophical circles set abhorrent machinations above divine wisdom.9 Rudolf Steiner had to leave. So he founded the Anthroposophical Movement in order to act in the sense of the development of humanity as a whole (June 10, GA 121). The situation in the world is now such, that the other two spiritual streams, the people of the churches and the Lodges, lead the great tasks of humanity in a continuous battle over world history behind the scenes, and will continue to do so. But to find a solution is no longer given to them! From now on these tasks can only be fulfilled within the stream of esoteric Christianity that in the 20th century has taken the form of Anthroposophy. This stream has already been all-determining. It was active in high Scholasticism for a time in the teachers of the School of Chartres. While Rome instigated the crusades it opposed this religious-political imperialism. The Rosicrucipossible to ignore the Order only if it had itself rejected a mutual understanding (GA 265, p. 68). Since this was not the case but, on the contrary, an offer had been made to him on their part, Steiner had no other choice in view of the abovementioned occult law than to join the Order. But he wishes this step to be understood solely from the standpoint of occult loyalty: out of the condition laid down prior to his entry, that any relation he engaged in with Reuss and his Order would have to retain an exclusively outward character. Marie Steiner also bears witness (and who could be better informed about this question?): The acquisition of the charter was the only contact that took place between Dr. Steiner and the Society of Freemasons. Rudolf Steiner has never been a Freemason nor received any directives from that side (GA 265, p. 102). Annie Besant had proclaimed the youth Krishnamurti as the reincarnated Christ

ans inspired the apostle of materialism, Francis Bacon, and the sarcastic master of the thoughts of the epoch of Enlightenment, Voltaire. Rosicrucianism, the bearer of Theo-Sophy, sought to make fruitful connections to the Theosophical Society. It sought to let flow new forces into the great work of the builders of the temple of humanity. But at the same time esoteric Christianity has its own individual character. It is the stream of world-wide synthesis, whereby in the future: Male and female wisdom will be reconciled; Cain and Abel will embrace in brotherhood; Love and wisdom be united in one man. These three tasks are fulfilled in todays world by Anthroposophy it has the form of esoteric Christianity corresponding exactly to the conditions of the world. It would be catastrophic for any human being if, belonging to this movement, he did not fulfil the above-mentioned tasks or if he tried to do so with the help of one or the other form of atavistic occultism. Such a person brings chaos and destruction into our movement. He harms it and at the same time makes his own destiny more difficult, his own karma hopeless. Rudolf Steiner said even of the Christian Community: its founders were not seeking the anthroposophical path, but a specifically religious one (GA 37, p.397). And if this movement for religious renewal were, for shortage of members, to look for them among the ranks of the anthroposophists, then the impossible would be done, something that would of necessity lead to the ruin of both movements (Dec. 30, 1922, GA 219). This was said about the Christian Community what would one have to say about those who seek to combine membership of the Anthroposophical Society with membership of Orders or Lodges, or who try to combine Anthroposophy with yoga, Cabbalism, with the practical magic of Papus, Gurdjieff etc., etc.? Involvement in Anthroposophy requires the highest sense of responsibility because its tasks are so great that even the divine hierarchies look into the world through it. Whoever has found his way to Anthroposophy will always need to bear this in mind. He should explain just as clearly to those who are only approaching Anthroposophy that this Society should not resemble a railwaystation where anyone may come and go at their leisure and do whatever they please (which is not even allowed at a railway-station).


IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

The Society should not be restricted to a small circle of people but it should always be based on the principles given by Rudolf Steiner. These principles will always remain the same, though the manner of their realization in the world will of necessity change, just as the world is continually changing. But precisely here lies the danger of the lower human nature that inclines to arbitrariness and can even falsify the actual principles. This danger can be met effectively only through spiritual wakefulness, through continuous intensive study of Spiritual Science and free discussion of the most important phenomena of life today. There will come a time when human beings who unite the phenomena of Francis of Assisi and Goethe in one person will find their way into our circles; then it will be easier for us all to work. We have an example already, actually a still greater one. Rudolf Steiner himself, of whom a noble anthroposophical heart once said:

These then are our tasks. One question alone remains. Who among us is capable of fulfilling them? And what are we to do with all those who have not yet made contact with the fifth cultural epoch or who are not even mature enough for Christianity? Of course no-one may be turned away; we have no right to leave human beings to their own devices. For if we do so they fall prey either to the forces that aim to destroy civilization, or to their own everyday inclinations. We can help people to grow stronger only through learning to understand them. The members of the anthroposophical movement must feel that every human being who is able to stand on his own feet finds in his I the power of Christ, which is a joy to all but not an object of envy. In Anthroposophy leadership and teaching activity are permitted, but they should never become an end in themselves or a means to exercise power over others or even to hold them up to ridicule. This is the situation of the present cultural epoch. It will be addressed again in a later chapter.

You, who opened to us the way to the Christ.

Can he not be an example to us? Not a sentimental one, not one for display, but a personal one in the realm of deepest being, in a time when, in anticipation of the great union of Manas and Buddhi, we strive in soul and spirit for the union of wisdom and morality. Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the higher Self, is the mystery says Rudolf Steiner that will be revealed when the sixth root-race (the Slavic-German cultural epoch) is sufficiently mature. Then Christian Rosenkreutz will no longer need to stand there admonishing us. Everything that has meant battle on the outer plane will find peace through the Brazen Sea (the union of wisdom with the fire of the astral sphere, with the fire of transformed passions), through the sacred Golden Triangle (Atma-Buddhi-Manas; this is the sign of the Triune God). This is the course of world history into future times. What Christian Rosenkreutz with his Temple Legend had carried by the brotherhoods into the world is what the Rosicrucians (the Anthroposophists we can now rightly say) have taken up as their task: to teach not only religious piety but also science to the world and to gain knowledge not only of the outer world but of the spiritual powers also, and to enter the Sixth Round from both sides (Nov. 4, 1904, GA 93).



IV. Out of the History of the Main Spiritual Streams of Humanity

Crisis of Civilisation

V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Rome and the Human Soul
Every cultural epoch is continually hampered in the fulfilment of its positive task by forces that destroy its creative achievement and are finally victorious, so that the culture disintegrates and dies. But its fruits remain; they pass through a metamorphosis and work on in the following epoch. A stronger hand as it were takes up the spiritual flame of culture when the previous one is growing weak. Thus is revealed the law of the struggle of life with death in the cultural-historical process. It testifies to the living, by no means abstract or chance, nature of the cultures. In the ancient Greek culture, for example, the luciferic spirits attempted to subordinate to themselves the spiritual forces of the Greeks, with whose help they took hold of the old imaginations of the Chaldean-Egyptian culture. These spirits wished to refine the Greek life of soul to such a degree that it would sink entirely, even in everyday thinking, feeling and willing, into the world of phantasms and imaginations with the character of fleeting shadows. They hoped thereby to entice at least a part of the humanity of antiquity into their world which, in comparison with the divine, was a secondary world, without being, a world of mere reflections. Ahrimanic spirits (following the law of polarity) manifested in the founding of the Roman Empire and thereby opposed the realizations of the intentions of the luciferic spirits. For, the ahrimanic forces says Rudolf Steiner reckoned with a certain rigidifying taking place on earth through Romanism, in a blind obedience and blind submission to Rome. The ahrimanic powers intended a Roman Empire to spread over the entire earth as it was known at that time. A Roman Empire that would embrace all human activity, that was to have been governed from Rome with the strictest centralism and the most ruthless exercise of power. A great and extensive state-machine proceeding from Europe so to speak, that at the same time would have assimilated all religious and all artistic life and subjected it to itself It would have let all individuality die out so that

every human being, every nation, would have been only a member in this vast state-mechanism (Sept. 17, 1916, GA 171). These ahrimanic intentions of Rome were again opposed by a luciferic element the emotionalism, the recklessness of the Roman citizens and legionnaires. But it was mainly the invasion of the Nordic peoples which rescued the human I that had matured in the Greco-Latin culture. But the ahrimanic forces of Rome were never fully overcome. When Christianity came to the Roman Empire, it was used by the institution of the Papacy to mechanize culture, now that of modern times (ibid.). In order to understand why in the first centuries of the Christian era a kind of combination of Christian development with the Roman Empire could arise, we have to look to the mighty process of degeneration that had taken hold of the mysteries of antiquity, and which had accompanied the decline of Hellenism and the appearance of the Caesars on the stage of history. The Roman Caesars intended to resurrect the old Egyptian power structures with the priest-Pharaoh as Initiate at the head. Under threat of violence they had themselves initiated into the secrets of the mysteries, although inwardly they were entirely unprepared for it. During this time the first political occultism was born. The claim of Rome to world-domination now rested on supersensible knowledge. The aim arose to consciously prevent all world culture from developing the intellectual-soul, the wish was, to conserve the sense, the feeling sense for the old cults, for the cults that were habitual in Egypt and the Near East thousand of years earlier One wanted to exclude the human intellect, so to speak, to make the human intelligence ineffective, to bring only the sentient soul to development by performing before the people all the important, the great, mighty cults1 that were meant to be effective in olden times, effective at a time when human beings had not yet come to intelligence There were great and significant cults that were to replace reflective thought. They were to inspire in the souls in a semihypnotic state, so to speak, the enlivening of consciousness of God and blessedness in God according to old atavistic customs A mighty cult was to come

Here lies origin and meaning of the grandiose shows of today, the Disneylands, the rock-concerts and other cults that sink the I into the abyss of the sentient soul and the instincts.



V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

from Rome that would lower consciousness throughout the whole world by removing the possibility of the rational soul as well as the later consciousness soul. Whereas the (Arabian) academy of Gondishapur was to have given to humanity (before its time) the consciousness-soul, so as to cut off what was to come later through what was to happen in Rome the consciousness-soul was not to be allowed to develop (Oct. 13, 1918, GA 184). Thus it was during the time of Augustus and also later. When Christianity came to Rome the enlightened Caesars recognized the mighty force hidden within it and immediately first attempts were made to put Christianity into their service, similar to what is attempted with Anthroposophy today. Rudolf Steiner says that already under Tiberius, the successor of Augustus, the politics began, which were followed by the initiated Roman Caesars towards Christianity. Tiberius openly proclaimed his intention to include Christ as a God among the other Roman Gods (Apr. 17, 1917, GA 175). Hadrian tried to carry further the work begun by Tiberius. But the Roman authorities were opposed to this since the form had not yet been found that would have been appropriate to falsify the nature of Christianity, a religion unacceptable to these authorities, and not only to them. Why asks Rudolf Steiner did such a strong antipathy develop in Rome towards what had appeared as Christianity in connection with the Mystery of Golgatha and why did it follow out of these impulses (of antagonism) that the spirit was abolished (at the Council of 869)? Things always have much deeper connections than we actually recognize. For the fact that Marx and Engels are Church Fathers will not be accepted by many people today;2 but that is not a very deep truth. It does lead to a deeper truth if we consider the following: It was primarily Sadducees who acted in the courts of law through which the Christ was condemned by people who wanted to anathematize, to do away with, all that came out of the Mysteries, people who were frightened and horrified by every mystery cult. But they were the ones who had the lawcourts in their hands (Mar. 27, 1917, GA 175). Theirs was the power in Palestine; but in turn they were slaves of Rome. They bought their official function and extorted money from the Jewish people.

The Sadducees sensed for their senses were already made acute by ahrimanic materialism , that what came into the world with Christ was in accord with the nature of the Mysteries and was mighty enough to destroy Romanism. The subsequent war of Rome against the Jews in Palestine therefore had as its goal to extinguish all those who had any knowledge at all of the traditions of the great Mysteries that were not doomed to decline. And there is a strong connection between this extinction Rudolf Steiner continues and the fact that the concept of pneumatic man (pneuma = spirit), the path to pneumatic man, was at first, I would like to say, blocked, closed off. It had become dangerous for those who, also from within Rome and Romanized Christianity, wanted to abolish the spirit. It would have become dangerous for them if many were still to be found, who out of the ancient schools of Palestine knew something about the paths to the spirit, who could still have testified to the fact that man consists of body, soul and spirit. Such people were a hindrance if one wanted to create an outer order that excluded all spiritual impulses. It would not have worked (at all) if too many people had known of the Mystery interpretation of the Mystery of Golgatha. For it was felt instinctively that that which was to develop out of Roman State was to contain nothing of the spirit. Church and the Roman State were wedded together (ibid.). Thus a form arose in which the old Roman Empire could make use of the power of Christianity and falsify its nature. This happened for the first time under Constantine, when the materialistic strivings of the Roman dignitaries, in harmony with the ahrimanizised strivings of the Sadducees, united with the luciferic heritage of the Roman Empire in order to hold humanity at a distance from the consciousness-soul. The word spirit was not excluded from linguistic usage, but it was given a false interpretation. The situation did indeed take a dangerous turn when Lucifer and Ahriman ceased to cancel each other out under the phenomenon of the Roman Church. Since then, although the kingdoms of heaven are with us since the Mystery of Golgatha, the Imperium Romanum remained alongside in a descending development, in a decadent development. It remained what lives in our midst in the present time, permeating the nascent forms of Christianity. That is the spirit of the old Imperium Romanum, the spirit of Roman Imperialism! (Apr. 14, 1917, GA 175).

In our time an understanding seems to be dawning in individual souls in connection with what is known as liberation theology.
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V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

Rome is rigidly set on retaining only that which is of use for the intellectual soul and which prevents humanity from striving towards the consciousnesssoul. But where this goal is achieved already, Rome tries in addition to restore the spiritual conditions of the epoch of the sentient soul, the Old Egyptian epoch with the priest-pharaoh. The Greco-Latin element became dominant in the world around the 13th/14th century, i.e. at the beginning of the epoch of the consciousness-soul. Rudolf Steiner says that from those centuries proceed the impulses that influence the events of the 20th century. We will not understand our own time if we fail to gain insight into the great reciprocal relationships that have been prepared over a long time and flow today into the outer plane of life. As the sun of the old Roman empire set, so did the shadows lengthen that it cast into the epoch of the consciousness-soul, pervading all the emergent state structures in Europe today. The entire character of the states brought into being by the Italo-Spanish peoples is attributable according to Rudolf Steiner to the after-effects of the third and fourth cultural epochs. Particularly in the way, emanating from Rome and Spain, the cult borrowed from the Egypto-Chaldean epoch manifests itself as religion This cultic-hierarchic, ecclesiastical element into which the Roman culture was transformed in the Roman Catholicism that streamed into Europe is one of those impulses which work on as retarded impulses through the entire fifth post-Atlantean period, especially through its first third until 2135, so that the last waves of hierarchical Romanism will last (into the beginning of the third Millennium) (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). The scale of this impulse is truly astounding. And so it is often very hard to acknowledge that it is no more than a shadow of the Giant from Goethes fairy-tale of The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily , an atavism that does not want to depart this life. But this is precisely what it is, and Rudolf Steiner speaks of it in all explicitness. A longer quote from a lecture now follows, to which nothing need be added. If we take this statement seriously, we can no longer live with old conceptions. He says, just as the first Mystery of Golgatha took place in Palestine, so the second was accomplished through Constantinism. For with the eradication of the Mysteries the Christ as a historical phenomenon was crucified, slain for the second time. For the terrible destruction that took place over centuries is such that it was not merely a destruction of the greatest artistic and mystical accomplishments, but it was also a destruction

of humanitys most important experiences. Only, one did not understand what one had actually destroyed in what had vanished outwardly, because the depth of concepts had already been lost. When the Serapis temple, the Zeus temple with their magnificent images were destroyed, people said: Yes, if this is destroyed, then the destroyers are right.3 Because we have been told in the old legends: when the Serapis temple is destroyed, the heavens will fall and the earth will turn to chaos! But the heavens did not fall and the earth did not turn into chaos, even though the Roman Christians razed the Serapis temple to the ground, the people said. Certainly, the stars have not fallen All the tremendous wisdom that spread mightier than the physical heavens in the eyes of the ancients; this is what fell with the Serapis temple. And this old wisdom, of which Julian the Apostate still sensed an echo in the Eleusinian Mysteries where the spiritual sun, the spiritual moon spread out above him and sent down their impulses what the ancients experienced in the Mithras-Mysteries and the Egyptian Mysteries when, in the sacrificial rite, they experienced inwardly the secrets of the moon and the secrets of the earth as they take place in man himself when he comes to knowledge of himself: this is what became chaos. It was true spiritually that the heavens fell and earth turned into chaos: for what vanished in these centuries is indeed comparable with what would vanish if we were suddenly to lose our organs of sense. Rudolf Steiner concludes: And we have to believe in the resurrection if we do not want to believe that all that vanished is lost altogether But for this it is necessary that people take into themselves strong and courageous concepts For people should feel that through karmic, World-karmic necessity centuries have been from certain points of view lived through in vain of course only from a certain point of view is this a necessity , that they were lived through in emptiness so that out of a strong inner urge for freedom the Christ-impulse can again be found ; but people have to cast off the self-complacency in which they live so strongly today (Apr. 24, 1917, GA 175). It can hardly be hoped that the outer world has heard these words, still less understood them. But it must be a cause for amazement that even in anthroposophical circles, where esoteric Christianity is frequently spoken of, a great deal is done to ensure that the coming centuries will also be lived through in vain.

An unusually effective method in our days also.



V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

Man has the tendency to think in alternatives. If he rejects the one, this is already a guarantee that he will choose the other. Only few are therefore able to understand that we owe materialism to the Churches And materialism will grow stronger and stronger if the Churches as religious confessional administrative bodies do not lose their power (Sept. 8, 1919, GA 192). Yes, the Church no longer destroys the sanctuaries of antiquity, but only because they are destroyed already. But it completely bars entry to the living culture of the epoch of the consciousness-soul. It does not oblige people to say that there is no God, but it clouds human consciousness, lets the place of God there, be taken by a luciferic Angel, who leads people to a materialism that is refined and consequently more difficult to eradicate (cf. Nov. 26, 1916, GA 172). Examine, but examine precisely Rudolf Steiner advises us the scientific literature of the Jesuits. In its attitude, its manner of conception, it is the most materialistic imaginable. It strives to keep knowledge entirely within the world of the senses and to strictly separate out the knowledge that has only to do with sense-observation, or with the facts that can be observed through experiment, from that which is to be the object of belief or revelation. No bridge may ever be built between the realm of outer science and the realm of faith (Sept. 21, 1920, GA 197). Already in antiquity there was a circle of people inspired by Lucifer who, translated into the language of today, called themselves the representatives of the material. They made it their task to eradicate the burgeoning science of the time and to obstruct the path of human freedom. When, in those days, knowledge of the supersensible was taught the intention was to suppress all interest in sensereality. And just as in ancient times one did not want mankind to descend completely to fulfil its earthly task, the intention now is to bind it to its earthly task, not to allow it to develop further from the earth. And those today who are the promoters of materialism call themselves spiritualists or the priests of this or that faith, the representatives of the supersensible Today the most powerful source of materialism is not what came from Bchner, Moleschott or the fat Vogt, but this most powerful source is Rome and all that has anything to do with this centre of materialism That the supersensible was to be conquered for humanity through Rome is the world-historic lie of modern times, and this has

to be recognized clearly and precisely! (ibid.). The Protestant and Evangelical Churches are in agreement with Rome on this last question.

Jesuit Catholicism
The last third of the Greco-Latin cultural epoch (until 1413) was altogether pervaded by attempts to prove that it is impossible to understand by means of human concepts what happens in spiritual reality, that the spiritual world can be known only through revelation. Thus the power of the Church was consolidated, and with it the dogma that the spiritual can only be believed. With the transition to the epoch of the consciousness-soul faith grew weaker and finally the supersensible began to be rejected altogether. It was now assumed that man had simply invented the supersensible. According to the guardians of faith of the previous epoch, any mention of the supersensible led unavoidably to heresy and errors; only the world of the senses is knowable. The modern Marxist, the modern social democrat, who is the rightful son of this attitude that is nothing other than the consequence of Catholicism from earlier centuries, says: all science worthy of the name can only be concerned with physical-sensible events. There is no spiritual science because there is no spirit; spiritual science is at most the science of society, the science of human life in community (July 30, 1918, GA 181). Here lies the origin of the actual liberation theology, which supports the Marxist movements in Latin America, and not only there. Of course the Catholic Church does not represent the whole of Christianity; even amongst the Catholics there are people who in their way of thinking follow mediaeval German mysticism and who have kept alive a faith in the living God. But we are speaking here of the world-historic role of Latinism, of its innermost nature, with which is permeated the entire religious-occult-political activity of the Papacy. Its nature is such, that since Paul IV4 we have Jesuitic Christianity (Nov. 1, 1916, GA 292).

Became Pope in 1555. He had clothing painted on the figures of the Last Judgment of Michelangelo. The Inquisition raged in Italy with especial cruelty during his reign. He introduced the Index librorum prohibitorum.



V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

What kind of Christianity is this? Rudolf Steiner gives a truly depressing answer: the society of Jesuitism, the purpose of whose existence is, basically, to drive the Christ-picture out of the Christ Jesus-picture and allow only Jesus to remain, as the tyrant over developing humanity (Aug. 6, 1918, GA 181). In his lecture-cycle From Jesus to Christ5 Rudolf Steiner describes the occult preparatory training of the Jesuits, which is a kind of initiation, since the future Jesuit has to go through a strict will-training, without which he is not allowed to participate in any activity in the world. The novice has first of all in deepest isolation to imagine a person who has made himself guilty of sin and who awaits a terrible punishment. The feeling has to ripen within him: this is I myself, who came into the world and abandoned God and exposed myself to the possibility of the most agonizing punishments! When this experience has been led to the level of imagination it is followed by the picture of the God of mercy who after a time becomes Christ who atones for the apostasy of men. The contempt for earthly existence has to transform in the pupil to a feeling of humility and of despair. The pupil lives for many years in strict discipline, painting in his imagination the pictures from the life of Jesus Christ. They are to work directly on the soul, without the involvement of thinking. According to the law of polarity, such exercises strengthen the will. On the next level the pupil concentrates his attention on the picture of Jesus, no longer of Christ, holding sway over the entire world. Jesus becomes the ruler over this world, as he would have become, according to the Gospels, had he not resisted the temptation in the wilderness. The future Jesuit experiences at this stage the following imagination: in the plain before Babylon he sees Lucifer reigning supreme, seated on a throne amidst smoke and flames. He is sur5

rounded by hosts of fallen angels. Here the soul has to completely immerse itself in the imagination of the danger proceeding from the banner of Lucifer. Thereupon he sees another picture: Jerusalem and the plains surrounding Jerusalem, Jesus the King, his hosts around him. He sends them into battle and they scatter Lucifers hosts. Jesus becomes Ruler of the entire earth: his banner is victorious over that of Lucifer.6 Out of this supersensible experience the Jesuit concludes: we are the hosts of Jesus who is to become Ruler of the whole world. For a soldier of King Jesus it is a dishonour to betray his banner! With the help of such exercises a will is acquired that can work directly, violently, on the will of another human being (Oct. 5, 1911, GA 131). When this is grasped, it is easier to understand the success of the Jesuits in the world. Their activity extends everywhere. And if during the Perestroika, on the wave of supposedly religious revival in Russia, we suddenly hear: Jesus our General!, we can imagine what this means and who is the inspiration behind it. The Jesuits put Lucifer in the place of Christ; consequently Ahriman is in Lucifers place. They sin against the Holy Spirit, says Rudolf Steiner. Catholic Rome initially opposed the founding of the Jesuit Order despite the fact that it stood in unconditional submission to the Pope. The Order was later prohibited, but Frederick II of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia rescued it. It became one of the most important factors in the meta-history of modern times, because there stands behind it a spiritual leadership of which the members of the Order are conscious. Jesuitism lives by the power of the kind of authority that weakens human beings; and only among the weak can the Papacy consolidate its power in the epoch of the consciousness-soul. Today the task of the human being is, by virtue of his I, to transform the astral body into the highest soul-member, in which he experiences universal-human interests as his own. Love for the other will then arise on the basis of an understanding of the unity of the destiny of all humanity. But the power is given to the Jesuit the soldier of Jesus , to put his words in such a way, so to direct the manner of his speech, that what he pre6

The Nachrichtenblatt No. 61/1995 published an intense controversy on the question whether the French National Society could, without being harmed, hold a conference in a Jesuit Centre. Thomas Meyer, for example, argues: With the help of Steiners lecture-cycle From Jesus to Christ, in which Steiner contrasts the ChristianRosicrucian (and spiritual-scientific) path of schooling with the Jesuit training, we could try to form a clear picture of what occult-spiritual potency is inherent in the Jesuit principle of initiation. It is peculiar that just this cycle has in parts been twisted and falsified in a quite incredible way in the only published French version to date. The expressions Jesuits, Jesuitism, Jesuitical appear nowhere in the translation. The unspecified Order is even said to rightfully call itself a Christian path (Publishers Note).

This theme is taken up in the novels The Wrath of God and Death of the Planet by W. I. Kryshanovskaya, a writer of the theosophical stream who claimed that a spirit dictated her works.


V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

sents or what he does, insinuates itself, one might say, into the astral impulses of man (May 9, 1916, GA 167). This way of working is hypnotic in character. Jesuitism works on a large scale. Among todays physicians we see a Jesuitism emerging that barely differs from Jesuitism in the sphere of dogmatic religion. We see how one strives out of a certain medical dogmatism to increase the power of the medical profession (Oct. 10, 1916, GA 168).7 In research of outer nature the Jesuits are opposed to seeking the spirit there. As scientists, they are the most extreme materialists they try to keep the spiritual as far away from natural science as possible. You can observe this tendency at work down into the study of ants by Father Wasmann (May 8, 1920, GA 201). And we would add to the scientific principles of biology over which a fierce battle was waged in the period of Stalinism. Jesuits are not only active where they are themselves present. Through many and varied channels they can also work in places where entry is forbidden them. Therefore nothing is achieved through refusing them permission to travel into a certain area. Only through spiritual science can we understand what is involved here. According to Rudolf Steiner, their activity cannot easily be made visible since various little-known channels must be indicated through which their influence is spread. An example will help us. Rudolf Steiner speaks about the founding of the Jesuit State in Paraguay in 1610. On their journey over the waterways in the interior of the country the Jesuits made the tones of beautiful music resound everywhere, in order to mix into the musical, into the vocal element much of what they knew well from their practice and that spread, so to speak, between the waves of the tones and the voices, something that may be regarded as belonging to religious cult, to sacramentalism.8

The result was that the Indians came completely of their own accord. They assembled in large numbers and it was not long before the priests had gathered a great crowd of people into a kind of state, which they in their own way permeated with organization. They introduced a strict working-regime. After the militarized assembly for morning prayers (Trotsky intended to create something similar in Russia a work-army) the Indians went out into their fields, bearing an icon of the holy Virgin Mary before them. The image of Mary was placed in a generally visible spot during work and was borne back to the settlement in the evening. Everything was pervaded by the cult, by sacrament. Thus the actions of the priest went directly into the astral body of the Indians, and he was so prepared that the entire state-structure was immersed in an aura of symbolism, of the sacramental. (It should not surprise us, therefore, that many people in Russia today simply cannot live without the Communist Party.) The only punishment was the form described in the utopian schemes of Thomas More and Campanella where a person is hanged for not long enough until he is conscious that he must hang himself. (Confessions of the accused in the notorious trials of Stalins time). There one worked concludes Rudolf Steiner into the astral body, and then the brain vibrated with it through these musical and other cultic acts, the Indians were tied to the vibrations coming from these acts. They basically became complete members within a common astral aura (May 9, 1916, GA 167). In other words, it was black magic practised on the scale of an entire state, putting man into the condition of group-soul of that far distant epoch in which he was not yet man, but man-animal. The same experiment, we may add, is done in Russia. The principles of the Jesuit plan of a world-order have been impressively described by Dostoyevsky in the Legend of the Grand Inquisitor (The Brothers Karamazov), by Vladimir Nabokov in the novel Invitation to the Beheading and Zamyatin in the novel We. All these works are critical in their aim, warning humanity of the approaching danger. But Russian literature has another novel
wrote poems and composed songs that were gladly sung by the entire nation, for they seemed indeed to be close to the soul of the Russian people. But with these songs the Bolshevistic ideology crept into the souls unconsciously. We can hear today how similar songs are created and sung in Israel. Without understanding the language, we can still know what is being sung.

We would like to bring a quote from Lenin for further consideration of the reader: The socialist order of society can only be enforced if we succeed in socializing healthcare. They worked in a similar way in the Soviet Union. A large association of composers and poets was created (Dunajevsky, Bogoslovsky, Isaakovsky, Matussovsky, Rozhdestvensky, Frenkel, Solovyov-Sedoi, Pakrass, Fradkin and others) who were able to listen, to recognize by means never clearly understood how the soul of the Russian people reveals itself in the musical and poetic element. They even created the so-called Treasury of Russian Folksong by applying this knowledge. They

V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

on the topic that is not critical but apologetic. It is The Earthly Paradise, written by K. S. Mereshkovsky (not to be confused with the famous D. S. Mereshkovsky). The novel appeared in Russian in 1903 albeit in Berlin and will be hardly known to any specialist today. K. S. Mereshkovsky claims that he arrived, on the basis of considerations of his own, at the Jesuit plan of a new world order and regards this plan as the best that humanity has ever conceived. The way he describes this plan in his novel is an absolutely brilliant illustration of what we have so far gathered from Rudolf Steiners words. But we are not sure whether the author was so nave as he tries to appear, and the fact that the novel was published as early as 1903 is certainly of extraordinary significance. Mereshkovsky writes in the foreword that he represents a world-view which he calls Terrism (from Latin terra = earth). It is to be accepted by everyone, regardless of personal viewpoints whether idealistic, theosophical etc. Accordingly, people have not only the right but the obligation an obligation placed upon them by reason and logic as well as by their feeling, their compassion for human beings to be exclusively interested in earthly things; to occupy themselves with these alone, and to leave it to the inhabitants of heaven should such exist , to devote themselves to heavenly things. The organizing of earthly things, however, should be placed in the hands of only a few. He calls such a social order paternalistic. The novel has been given the form of a Utopia, and this form allows the author to carry it to its logical conclusion, to the most extreme consequences of what existed already in his time as an idea, but which in our time creeps out of every corner taking on a thousand forms in philosophy, sociology, art, politics and, finally, social actions. The hero of the novel, close to drowning in the ocean, loses consciousness and finds himself in a future world, in the 27th century,9 a time where to put it simply Jesuitism reigns over the whole world. The earths population has shrunk to a few million, living exclusively in the equatorial zone; in a warm climate where living-conditions do not demand a complicated technology or a high level of production.

The human beings are extraordinarily infantile. All day they play various games; they are of youthful freshness, spontaneity, and show child-like trust. They live together in small communities, looked after by a few mentors and teachers. In addition there is the caste of slaves whose task is the service of all. In most respects the everyday life of this happy humanity reminds us of antiquity, but works of art are missing and only mechanical music is played. (The author describes this in 1903!) The hero of the novel has a conversation with the mentor of a community and is told how it was possible to bring the world to this blissful state. The 19th century, he says, bore the mark of indecision, it was a mixture of science and blind faith, inventions of industry and militarism, of capitalism and socialism, the heightening of national consciousness and the emergence of cosmopolitanism. Gradually a striving for education to be the same for everyone crystallized out of this and impressed its stamp on the entire 20th century. In the middle of the 20th century intermediate education was compulsory for all citizens in many countries. As a result, the masses of workers had considerably more knowledge than they had bread to eat. The equality of education brought with it a longing for social equality. Countries began to adopt a socialist order. But not all countries joined this movement: England, America, Germany were set on putting these dreamers into their rightful place, and this did not take place without bloodshed. (All this written in 1903!) Since the changes were based not on moral ideals but only on material calculation, the inhabitants of the poor countries migrated into the rich countries until life there became so cramped, and such a surplus of labour existed, that one began to squeeze out the immigrants, made further entry more difficult for them and at times refused them altogether. The solution of economic and other problems was hindered by the human egoism that had become necessary in previous centuries in the fierce struggle for survival, but which was completely out of place under the new conditions. The destructive spirit of individualism and heartlessness was especially marked in the Anglo-Saxon race which in the 20th century had extended its rule almost over the entire earth. The earlier struggle between individuals now gave way to the struggle of human groups, each with its own irreconcilable interests, the struggle of economic blocs.

Utopia sounds similar to the word for drowning in Russian utopitj. In the true sense of the word topia drowning takes place.
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V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

The Anglo-Saxon race based its world-domination on the socialist principle. But in order to be able to retain power and let others work for it, this power had to be expanded without limits, which finally led to the moral decline of those in power. Everything went back to its former state: nothing was left of the socialist order banks, shares, usury, bankruptcy, luxury, gluttony, drunkenness etc. returned.10 And life flowed on aimlessly, without faith and trust, without hope of finding a way. Humanity lived on bread alone. But such a life was more than men of so complicated a spirit could bear; for them it was worse than death. Terrible times began. Those who became aware of the hopelessness of their situation sank into despair. But despair is the mother of bitterness, and this was everywhere present. All concepts became blurred; hatred took hold of people and turned them into animals Truly, the time had come that is described in the Apocalypse But no trumpets sounded, one could only hear the groans of desperation and curses. (An exact description of what is happening in Russia today.) And now the secret Society arose and made a resolve to put an end to suffering humanity. The members of the Society bombed cities, poisoned rivers and caused epidemics to break out. An agent without smell, taste and colour was discovered, that made men infertile. The Society of destruction, renamed the Society of Renewers, decided to eliminate by means of this agent all people whose hereditary make-up was not impeccable. First they wanted to make an experiment in one country. For this purpose the Congo was purchased from the Latin Alliance (philosophical reflections appended to the novel by the author make it clear that he actually means Paraguay!), and experiments were made there openly in the artificial selection of human beings. But the Anglo-Saxons prevented this from being carried through to its conclusion. A wave of genocidal persecution swept through the Congo, but was unable to cause harm to the Society. Thanks to our wealth the mentor tells the hero and our unity we were able to infiltrate our own people and our enemies We had made the resolve to destroy all Asiatics without exception. Neither the Mongols nor the Negro race was to be part of the new, renewed humanity The complete extirpation of the Semitic race and, beyond that, nations such as the Armenians, Persian, Syrians

etc. was planned, as from time immemorial they had been degenerate through and through whose character, steeled through millennia of hereditary succession, it would not have been possible to change by any kind of artificial selection. (It may be remarked here that we, matured by the events of this century, can no longer call the imagination of our writer unbridled. As a result of certain noises in the brains of progressive intellectuals, a society for the development of a new science, eugenics, was founded in London. A eugenicsocialist experiment on a large scale was carried out, from Lenin to Pol-Pot, in which entire strata of society, the flowers of nations, were declared unfit for the creation of the new man and were physically annihilated.) The nations were horrified continues the mentor , when they recognized our intentions and saw that humanity was melting away like snow in the spring sunshine! They remembered how it had been earlier and, filled with hatred, began to search for us We were considered monsters, we were declared outlaws. But it was already too late. The nations were dying out, the members of the Society were multiplying unhindered. The whole affair was accelerated by the invasion from Asia the Chinese and Japanese of Europe, America and Australia. Our brave, gigantic, magnificent conspiracy exclaims the mentor , the conspiracy of a handful of people against all humanity was successful! Now we stood before the task of creating a happy humanity. We had to approach this task with clean hands. It was also necessary to thoroughly cleanse our own ranks, stained by the work of mass-slaughter. (It is remarkable how exactly this corresponds to the speeches of the leader of the bloody Cheka [the first name of Soviet-Russias secret police; abbr. for extraordinary commission for the fight against counter-revolution and sabotage], Dzerzhinsky, and their later practices.) It was further decided that humanity should consist of child-men, simple and nave beings. But as such they cannot be without adults, without protectors and leaders. Out of the most backward, half-animal people, it was decided to create a special race of slaves in whom instinct reigns over consciousness and intellect. Theoretical principles of renewal were elaborated, for example: mankind cannot be happy so long as human beings are not born anew through artificial selection and become like children. Such men cannot live happily without pro82

What a thing to read in the 90s of the 20th century in Russia!


V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

tectors, or a simplified life, or without slaves, because work has always been the root of all evil on earth. The slaves, on the other hand, are to work without becoming conscious of their situation etc. For the creation of a new humanity 650 women and 25 men of the Latin race with a minor admixture of Slavic blood (is the author paying tribute to his compatriots?) had been selected. Finally, however, one single man was chosen and by way of artificial insemination the entire humanity was begotten. (It sounds almost like the Book of Genesis!) This new humanity was few in number there were only about three million people. Ten new commandments were ordained, including the following: Be simple and nave like children. Live on earth in pursuit of earthly joys Love your protectors and listen to what they say. Do not seek to acquire your daily bread through work Do not revere progress: it bears hell within it. Do not multiply without the goal of artificial selection, etc. After having heard all this, the hero, a person of the 19th century who has awakened in the future earthly paradise and is held completely spellbound by it, expresses a doubting thought nevertheless: Dont you think he asks the mentor , that you have lowered the level of the human spirit? Oh, certainly, certainly! he exclaims we have indeed lowered the level of the human spirit! We have simplified it! Our friends (the new people are meant) will never scale the heights attained by men of earlier times we will see to that! All that we have done and will still do, all our principles, everything, absolutely everything is nothing other than the conscious realization of this fundamental idea, the greatest of all ideas ever brought forth on earth the idea of the simplification of the spirit Who knows, the power of this idea may grow still further and spread far and wide maybe it will some day rule the universe In men of earlier times the level of the spirit was too high; such a flight of the spirit, such a flight of thinking and feeling contradicted the nature of man, it was incompatible with life; incompatible with a happy life on earth. Then the mentor expresses something that, for people who with the help of spiritual science are able to look behind the outermost veil of life, is highly

interesting and symptomatic. He says: But you are wrong to reproach us for doing nothing to prepare people for a possible further existence. For, even if everything is as you imagine it, our people will, upon entering another, a spiritual world as those that they are, i.e. as innocent and good children, most definitely be prepared for a new life whatever it may be. It will be a pure and unspoiled material from which one may easily form anything one wishes, and just in the preservation of this pure and unspoiled material lies the nature of our task In this, too, we are right, when we have changed people into children, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven as their great Teacher has said. If, however, it should turn out, the mentor concludes, that life in another world promises not only bliss but also holds sorrow in store, who knows whether we will then not have to do the same work there as we have done here. Maybe it will be our task there, too, to simplify life, to lower the spiritual level with the aim of providing human beings with an albeit simple but constant happiness! 11 We wish to remark here that so far we have found nowhere in literature a more simple, convincing and impressive description of the world-encompassing intentions of Lucifer than in this unknown work by a mysterious Russian author. He writes that his thoughts are ahead of their time (in 1903), but that humanity, at a later time, when it has reached the threshold of absurdity on the path of progress, will look at them with different eyes. And this time has obviously arrived, but in another sense than that meant by the author. His thoughts serve once more as a confirmation of the fact that humanity sleeps, while Rome and the Jesuits, appearing today in the new form of the Opus Dei, are awake. Thanks to spiritual science we understand that political power cannot protect humanity from a reduction, a simplification of the human spirit. Only a spiritual battle can save us. Rudolf Steiner remarks: Everywhere the Jesuits should be allowed to enter, but everywhere the possibility should be given to people in freedom to be as deeply informed in spiritual matters as the Jesuits are informed; then the Jesuits will do no harm. Only when one protects oneself and does not protect the other, but on the contrary fights against it, then Jesuitism will be dangerous. Jesuitism can be admitted everywhere if one lets the battle

Kaspar S. Merezhkovsky, Rai zemnoj, ili Son v zimnjuju noch, Skaza-utopija XXVII veka (The Earthly Paradise or the Winter Nights Dream a utopian Fairy-tale of the 27th Century). Berlin, 1903 Friedrich Gottheiner-Verlag), p. 47ff. A new edition of the German version is available from Moskau-Basel-Verlag, CH-4009 Basel, Switzerland; 1997.


V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

that has to be fought with it unfold in the same freedom and with the same unprejudiced sense as what is coming from the other side. According to the life-habits of the present day we are very far removed from that (Oct. 13, 1918, GA 184). Such is the one side of the question, namely where right-wing radicalism is at work. But there also exists left-wing radicalism. Without a doubt one of its most impressive representatives is Count R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi. Unlike K. S. Mereshkovsky he does not write utopias. His ideological constructions could be characterized thus: he relates what is thought in the secret societies (but certainly not for the sake of the sin of loquacity). In the book published by the Paneuropa-Edition in 1925 under the title Practical Idealism, he writes: The man of the distant future will be a cross-breed The Eurasian-Negro of the future race will be outwardly similar to the old Egyptian The forerunner in modern Europe of the planetary human being of the future is the Russian as Slavic-Tartaric-Finnish cross-breed (!); because he, among all European nations, has the least race, he is the typical polypsychic man with the wide, rich, all-encompassing soul (p. 22-23). The antipode of the Russian is the insular Briton, the human being (here we may convey Kalergis meaning with the words of Mereshkovsky) with the over-complicated spirit. It is interesting that the ideas of both writers the idealist and the materialist come to full accord in the modern ideology of Catholicism. For brevitys sake we will give only one example. Whoever has the opportunity to visit the church of the small village of Bhl (between Guebweiler and Murbach) in Alsace can see, behind the magnificent altar of the 16th century, a new altar (since 1993). A huge fresco in which the literary dream images of both the right-wing Russian author and the liberal, German-speaking Count, are equally well depicted: a racially mixed and entirely child-like humanity revels in the bliss of earthly paradise gathered around a Negroid Jesus at the centre. Rudolf Steiner drew attention to the fantasies, the social utopias of left and right-wing radicalism threatening the peoples not only of Europe but of the entire world. He said One aspires to be able to say at some future time: Centuries ago there existed a legendary humanity in the middle of Europe; they were successfully eradicated. They had to be eradicated because they were terribly haughty. They saw themselves as descendants of the Gods and even called their

major poet Goethe so as to indicate that they had received a spirit sent directly from the Gods (Dec. 30, 1917, GA 180). If only a tiny portion of humanity could awaken to the fact that there exist breeding-grounds of immense concentration of power, where the opinion prevails that 2-3 Billion superfluous, useless human beings live on earth, who are only poisoning the planet! To the narrow circle of the financial, clerical and occult elite these people count for nothing, they are not even useful as slaves!



V. The Shadow of Roman Imperialism

Crisis of Civilisation

VI. Britanno-Americanism, Latinism, Bolshevism

The Tyranny of Inverted Dialectics
It is a widespread peculiarity among anthroposophists to admonish to a positive attitude in every life-situation. One or the other reader is therefore likely to ask: You are looking at global phenomena of world events, but only show their negative sides. Why is this? Is there nothing good and creative there as well? We could reply that instead of a short chapter a weighty monograph ought to be devoted to each one of the problems touched on in this book. But even then the causes of todays crisis would only become more impressively visible, an even more convincing picture of the penetration of radical evil into the world would be drawn. Of course this is only one side of reality. And if we were asked about the other side, then the history of esoteric Christianity, of culture and of philosophy would need to be written. We would have to write about Anthroposophy and social threefolding etc., with which all these forces of evil are quite unconnected except in a negative sense. But here we have set ourselves a different task. Certainly no-one would think of reproaching a physician for a negative world-view because he has made a discomforting diagnosis. We expect of a diagnosis only one thing: it must be reliable so that we know what therapy is called for. Nor will anyone today question the assertion that our civilization is seriously ill. And there will be no sense in dwelling on joyful memories. It is first of all necessary to make a thorough and exact diagnosis of the illness, so that one can then speak constructively about the healing process. Jesuitism, Pan-Americanism (Britannicism), Bolshevism harbour within them mighty destructive forces that are able to send the whole of civilization to the grave, rob the entire earth-development of its meaning; indeed, destroy the whole planet. Most of us think about this only abstractly. But we should become conscious of the fact that if it were really to take place, all human souls would pass over into the supersensible world. After several centuries the necessity would arise for them to incarnate again, but there would be nowhere for the

incarnation to take place. A soul approaching a new incarnation cannot remain in the spiritual world; this world begins to burn it just as a sunbather must seek shade after a while so that the benefit does not turn to harm. Something similar is true for humanity: if it were to lose the earth as the place of its incarnation, it would be condemned to indescribable suffering for millions of years, for as long as it takes for a new heavenly body to be prepared. Only a few the great initiates would not suffer that fate. The Apocalypse describes how, at the end of earthly time, souls who persists in evil, and are not ready to prepare for a prolonged, exclusively spiritual evolution, will suffer this tragic fate. Modern humanism speaks merely of the possibility of a general physical death that can befall humanity. Even such a perspective helps people to learn to understand each other despite differences of faith, nationality, form of groupegoism. What is there to be said about the threat of the second death, the death of the soul? The danger emanating from those forces which we absolutely have to learn to understand threatens also those peoples in whom they have their root. The estrangement of nations and nationalism of any shade give additional support to those forces, because through them people lose their ability to see and understand the all-encompassing general danger. Internationalism and humanism, viewed as an abstract complex of ideas, are of no help either but increase the harm done. Such ideas are altogether falsified as soon as they are taken hold of by the representatives of the destructive forces mentioned here. We can and must come to clarity in this matter by following Goethes maxim, which we have allowed ourselves to change slightly: Consider well the What, The Who still more (Faust II, Act 2). Everywhere there are people who can see the world beyond their own nose. The unquestionably great English writer John Tolkien says in a letter: It is easy to invent a green sun; it is difficult to create a world in which it would be natural. But this is true only for man. For the dark, metaphysical forces of worldcreation there is nothing more abhorrent than our radiant golden sun. These forces have made countless people into their servants. Consequently there is a danger that they might attain a universal, total power over humanity and lead it to a green, maybe even a black sun. Tolkien presented a similar idea, the idea


VI. Britanno-Americanism, Latinism, Bolshevism

Crisis of Civilisation

of the Ring that bestows power to rule over the world, in his famous trilogy Lord of the Rings. One (Ring) for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. There are various forces that wish to assert their claim to rulership over humanity. Two of them are already traditional in a certain sense; namely Latinism and Britannicism as two diametrically opposite forms of spiritual imperialism. The origin of their antithesis lies in the distant past, in the time when the great migration of peoples began after the Atlantean catastrophe. We know from spiritual science that the most advanced in respect of the development of the intellect, thinking consciousness of Atlantean inhabitants, the Aryan race, turned, under the leadership of the great Initiate Manu, towards those regions that extend from the Ural Mountains to the Hindustan Peninsula. Part of this stream formed the beginning of the first post-Atlantean cultural epoch; another remained for millennia in a slumbering state in complete inactivity. At that time Siberia had a warm climate. But then came the time when the entire gigantic continent rose, the cold winds came from the North and thus nature itself brought it about that people migrated from East to West (Mar. 15, 1924, GA 353). The inner cause for the migration was spiritual pre-determination. The migration began approximately two hundred years before the birth of Christ and continued for several centuries. The tribes pressing to the West settled in the South of Russia for some time before they moved on and became known as the East-Goths. The West-Goths settled in the region of todays Romania and Hungary, the Saxons between Rhine and Elbe etc. Europe was peopled at that time by the Celts the descendants of those Atlanteans who did not move further East with Manu. The newcomers pushed them in part to the West or mixed with them. From the South the Roman peoples pressed into Europe descendants of a different migrating stream from Atlantis and displaced the Celts. After some time a mixture of the most varied old-Germanic tribes had established itself in Middle-Europe. From there, as though raying out to the periphery, groups of settlers were sent to the West, North-West, North and South. And, says Rudolf Steiner, in the Lombards and the East-Goths, some-

thing went to the South that we could call: the Wotan-element, spirit and life and this made possible the further development, the further unfolding of this southern culture. With the Franks the Wili-element, reason and movement, went to the West To the British Isles there went what found its later formation in English empiricism in physiognomy, speech, sight, hearing (July 24, 1915, GA 162).1 In another place Rudolf Steiner calls the stream that pressed to the South from Central Europe cultic-hierarchical, the one going to the West politicaldiplomatic and the one moving to the North-West, mercantile. One caste moved to the South, the one with the priestly tendency, the priest-caste priestly in a good and in a bad sense. That which was left behind became the opposition The second caste moved to the West: the warrior-caste, kingly caste, royalty. Only through various anomalies of development did this caste later become republican, remarks Rudolf Steiner (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174). In time the Latin element triumphed over everything that had come from the centre to the South. The Roman became the dominating element to a large degree in France, though not everywhere. But the impulse of Central Europe was preserved in the most noticeable way in the British Isles (cf. July 24, 1915, GA 162). At the same time occult impulses went out from three sides, making use of the priestly, the warlike and the mercantile for their group interests. Two of these forces turn towards the heritage of the third and, partly, the fourth cultural epochs. They follow again the path already trodden, so to speak; the third force on the other hand turns towards fulfilling the tasks of the fifth post-Atlantean cultural epoch (ibid.). We need to reflect that the main task of each cultural epoch is only taken up by a small number of its representatives. The general masses only catch up in the course of development of the following epochs. The same applies to the inhabitants of the new Europe. The greater part is only now developing an individual sentient soul (the task of the Egyptian epoch) and the intellectual soul. For this it needed the above-mentioned mixture of tribes and races. To Middle Europe fell the task of developing the phenomenon of the I as a centre, that draws into a synthesis the experience of the entire triune soul. The

Yet another impulse came from the North Germanic nations which, when it reached Russia, effected the creation of a form of statehood.



VI. Britanno-Americanism, Latinism, Bolshevism

Crisis of Civilisation

Italians learn to master the individual I out of the forces of the sentient soul, the Spaniards and the French out of the forces of the intellectual soul, the Anglo-Saxons out of the consciousness-soul (cf. June 16, 1910, GA 121). In Middle-Europe the national element lives itself as the I. We find a certain anticipation of the future in the Slavic world, in Russia, and therefore this is the region where the I lives itself out although the expression is not entirely correct as Spirit Self (Oct. 31, 1914, GA 157). The task of individually elaborating the Spirit-Self is set only in the next, the Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch. The peoples of Russia therefore live in a mood of anticipation; an apocalyptic mood prevails in their midst. The fulfilment of the present task lies with the Anglo-Saxons and this gives them their character as men of the world. The sentient soul contains in its deeper parts the eternal driving forces of human nature, those forces that pass through birth and death, says Rudolf Steiner (Mar. 7, 1915, GA 159). This is the archetypal phenomenal nature of the eternal city, the centre of Italian culture. Much of what we find in the Russian character is grounded in the nature of the sentient soul, but differently from the Italians. Anticipating the future is only one side of our character; in their everyday life, the Russians live in the element of the sentient soul. The intellectual or mind-soul contains half that is temporal and half that is eternal. This determines the archetypal phenomenon of the entire Roman culture, the archetypal phenomenon of the people of the Church. The consciousness-soul, as it now is, contains mainly the orientation of man towards the temporal so that the British people, according to a wonderful statement by Goethe, has nothing in the nature of deep reflection, but is directed to the practical, the outer, competitive struggle for existence (ibid.). Ideologues of the so-called Eurasian and Atlantean direction attempt to perceive these qualities. But since they reject spiritual science (as ideologues and non-scientists they must of necessity reject it), they do so as in a half-sleeping state. They hopelessly confuse what is evil with what is legitimate, throwing into disorder all judgments without exception an approach that will, we may assume, bring further social chaos of a very special kind. The leadership of humanity gave to the English people the task of evolving the consciousness-soul as it must be developed in the epoch of freedom and mate-

rialism, the epoch of the greatest God-forsakenness. Herein lies the reason why the Anglo-Saxons experience their fellow-men as competitors. But it is the consciousness-soul in particular that experiences in this way the other human beings in the physical world. This is also why the entire British philosophy, as an expression of the individual spirit, has the air of being an observer of life. The greatest herald of the British soul was Shakespeare (cf. Oct. 31, 1914, GA 157). The positive task carried within a nation or race is anchored in its instincts. For this reason, in the sphere of English-speaking nations the intellect, the substance of the thinking spirit, is given as instinct. The economic impulse and the spiritually productive impulse explains Rudolf Steiner , stand entirely in the shadow of what comes out of the instinctive impulse that tends towards the development of the consciousness-soul (Dec. 8, 1918, GA 186). For this reason everything spiritual has to be materialized to a certain degree in these nations. Thus, too, they will incline to the firm conviction that everything mediumistic, i.e. the heritage of antiquity, derives solely from one single nation but not from the universal human nature (cf. Dec. 18, 1916, GA 173). This will give the direction for the occult strivings of the Anglo-Saxon peoples2 now and in the future. But these Anglo-Saxon peoples differ from one another in their inner dispositions. Those who settled in North America owe their existence to the retarded spirit of personality, who does not lead them to a development appropriate to the nature of todays cultural epoch (cf. June 8, 1910, GA 121). This is a fact of utmost importance for understanding American geo-politics and Americanism as a cultural phenomenon. Rudolf Steiner characterized the American soul constitution thus: Overall one can see in the American attitude how souls do not quite sit in their bodies. Thus they want to grasp the body from the outside, and even the study of psychology in America takes on a character in which one basically has no true concept of the I This I-embodiment, as it now happens in the West (i.e. Europe), [will] not be properly developed. What appears then is, that one thought cannot be placed together with another. It is called Association-psychology. Here

Hence the attempts of Eurasians to ascribe this occultism to themselves, Romans or even the German-speaking world seem paradoxical.



VI. Britanno-Americanism, Latinism, Bolshevism

Crisis of Civilisation

man becomes as it were the plaything of thoughts that associate in this way. Curiously, something appears there, which is often quoted in a defamatory way against us [as] the teaching of repeated earth lives: one speaks of the wandering of the soul. But in connection with repeated earth lives we may not speak of a wandering of the soul if it does not happen from a defamatory side (Dec. 14, 1920, GA 202). Rudolf Steiner also said that the souls of people from Europe who gradually settled America were incarnated in Asia in the time before the Mystery of Golgatha. They then spent a long period in the spiritual world and did not incarnate. All of American culture with its love of material values is the creation of such souls who now dive down into bodies where this physicality is alien to them. They are drawn down into the body with the concepts which had already been decadent in the past, and do not understand the body. They view it in a quite primitively materialistic way, and more or less pass the human being by, who has grown alien to them because they basically sought extreme abstractions in their previous earthly life. They cannot find their way into the present incarnation, but carry over from their previous earth-life all that then lives in the often sectarian religiosity that is divorced from the outer observation of nature. This goes even so far as the denial of matter by Mrs. Eddy (founder of Christian Science; Dec. 12, 1920, GA 202). If in addition we consider that something [develops] that tends towards the absorption of Britannicism into Pan-Anglo-Americanism (May 21, 1918, GA 181), and that Jesuitism and Americanism are two very, very related things (Aug. 18, 1918, GA 183), then a certain Doppelgnger aspect of the dialectic law of unity and conflict of opposites will be revealed as a law of the development of the human spirit which leads to infernal sociality and thereby prevails as a law of the total destruction of civilization. In all institutions of Society Latinism (Jesuitism) and Americanism (Freemasonry) are antipodes an expression of the polarity of luciferic and ahrimanic forces. But both are ruled by a pronounced tendency to materialism and are furthermore united in the intention to find an impulse through which one could put oneself in a position to lead people away from an understanding of the Christ (Aug. 19, 1918, GA 183). Therefore we may rightfully speak of a certain inverted dialectic contained in the luciferic-ahrimanic opposition to Christ. In its highest aspect this dialectic

leads to the creative synthesis of opposites, just as it was described with genius by Hegel and divined by Socrates. In its negative aspect Marx used dialectics for his sociology. Nowadays it is called a conspiracy theory and is also discussed in the anthroposophical press. It is disputed whether forces exist that are striving for world-domination, or whether economic conflict or the desire for total control over the spiritual activity of people are the possible motives. We have to examine this question in its all-embracing significance. If reality exists for us as a complicated sense-supersensible interweaving, the concept of the natural must be regarded as synonymous with the concept of lawfulness, which is rooted in both spheres of reality. The laws of dialectics as an organic part of the totality of the laws governing world-development inevitably lose their natural character in their inverted sense, in their reversed application. Thus that which dialectics brings, in the one case, as a revelation of the divine creative intention, is in the other case expressed by it in the usurpation of the divine goal of development, which is the nascent self-conscious, free individuality. Conspiracy theory is therefore immanent in the falsification of the spiritual laws of development of I-consciousness. This is, as it were, its methodological foundation. All earthly events that testify to the existence of a conspiracy are merely a consequence of the meta-historical-cosmic-transcendental conspiracy of the luciferic-ahrimanic forces against the divine hierarchies. The Apocalypse of St. John prophesies the future course of this battle, at whose threshold we stand today. It is something global, world-encompassing. The luciferic-ahrimanic forces falsify not only cultural-historic phenomenology; they strive also to turn the laws of development to their own advantage. It would be helpful for man to know this so as not get burned while playing with this fire, through which we fall out of the human line of evolution and could sink directly into the subnatural realms. The Jesuits are active in two directions: in the dogmatizing of what man should seek for by way of knowledge and by working in science itself, in natural science. And [the Jesuit activity] says Rudolf Steiner wishes for no other inner relationship than that between modern science and Americanism, between modern science and Jesuitism. Jesuitism excels in this: to do work of enormous significance in the physical sciences. The Jesuits are great spirits in the realm of physical, sense-oriented science, for Jesuitism reckons with this elemental


VI. Britanno-Americanism, Latinism, Bolshevism

Crisis of Civilisation

tendency of human nature to fear the spiritual. And it reckons on being able to socialize this fear by telling people something like this: you cannot and should not approach the spirit. We administer the spiritual for you; we bring it to you in the right way (July 30, 1918, GA 181). How they do this we know already through the reduction, the simplification of the human spirit, through the introduction of Terrism to which, in K. S. Mereshkovskys opinion, spiritualists may also confess. And this they do already in every sphere by devoting themselves to parapsychology, suggestion, psychoanalysis, the UFO-inquiry, TV-healing, by developing further scientific-technological fantasy etc. If on the other hand we turn from Jesuitism to Americanism, the latter proves that monotheism was victorious over polytheism because it was cheaper. (We should compare the book The Law of Civilization and of Decline by a certain Brooks Adams, to which Th. Roosevelt wrote the foreword; Rudolf Steiner referred to it on December 16, 1916; GA 173). Protestantism is stronger than Catholicism for the same reason; but atheism is even stronger than Protestantism, for it is cheaper than all religions (cf. GA 65, p. 678). Americanism and Jesuitism thus work inwardly into each other. Rudolf Steiner advises us not to take this in an over-simplified, superficial way. Their immanent affinity has its roots in the entire crisis of European culture. In the threefold constellation: Montaigne, Locke, Comenius (we should recall that the latter belonged to the initiators of the impulse of Gondishapur in an earlier incarnation3) says Rudolf Steiner one can effectually see how the turning away from the Logos and towards the things of the senses becomes the greatest impulse in the civilization of humanity. One was afraid of the idol (Francis Bacon) in words And so we see with what anxiousness Montaigne, Locke, Comenius want to turn humanity away from anything supersensible, that lives in the Logos How they seek to avoid all that cannot be given through the senses, how they strive to bring as much as possible of sense-content to young people through pedagogy. We see how Comenius designs books in order not to act by way of the word, but through artificially made sense-perception We see how our entire civilization can no longer inwardly take up something like In the beginning was the Word, but how humanity attaches its civilization to

the outer facts of the senses and how the Word, the Logos, is taken only because it has become a tradition (Aug. 9, 1923, GA 307). Truly unlimited possibilities are offered for the failure of civilization. In our century in particular one looks for practical ways to make it fail. A new science was inaugurated in 1912, eugenetics, by means of which we allow the human race to grow healthy through selecting, by criteria that lie between those of political economy and anthropology, men and women for the purpose of reproduction. By taking the skull measurements of rich and poor one wishes to ascertain in advance what the human being will be like, depending on the character of his work, and of his working functions (cf. Oct. 7, 1917, GA 177). These are no longer an authors fantasies, but social Darwinism experimented with in real life, that brings baffling successes such as the clarification of organic structures. Rudolf Steiner calls this the noises in the brains of those who have freed themselves from the soul. We meet these people amongst the scientific elite of the Anglo-Saxon world and in the novel of a Russian author propagating the Jesuitic model of the renewal of humanity. And if, as is claimed, eugenic experiments were carried out under the auspices of national-socialism, there is no reason whatever to look upon them as original. Already in the epoch of old Atlantis people were occupied with similar things. At the time one tried to let various beings arise out of the union of man and woman as black-magical foolery (ibid.). It is now coming to life again, even scientifically! The central purpose behind all this is to erect an insuperable barrier on the path to the consciousness-soul. Rudolf Steiner undertakes a comprehensive analysis of our epoch and describes in great detail how this barrier can be overcome. Those who do not want to know about it rob their life of its true meaning because they refuse to fulfil the task for which they were born in the 20th century. In order to fulfil the task of the century, and of the epoch, it is first necessary to master the consciousness-soul. As a personality one has to emancipate oneself from the old group-consciousness, but without simultaneously connecting oneself to a new centre of group-consciousness. This process is extraordinarily complex; it requires joint human efforts, social and spiritual relationship of a special kind. The Anthroposophical Society should actually be engaged in these tasks. If, however, as Rudolf Steiner says, one were to abandon the human being to what is contained in the free impulses of culture in its onward movement,

Some Waldorf pedagogues are now busy rediscovering the treasures of his educational wisdom. The system of Comenius served as a basis for Russian pedagogy to develop, out of it, its method. We all learned at school: A- apple, B- bee etc.

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if one were to let him swim freely on the open sea of the quest for the consciousness-soul, Rome would have attained still greater power. But the human being would lose all connection with his further development. Confirmation of these words can be found at every step. Yet this is not enough. An age-old principle is applied, which becomes effective when the progressive impulses are divested of the force of progress and the old is allowed to prevail. It had been brought from the Orient by esoterically initiated Templars, but originally with a different intention. But after the force of their striving had been weakened there remained what had been brought as culture from Asia By way of many channels there filtered through what the Templars had brought, but the actual spiritual content had often been removed This was essentially the content of the third post-Atlantean period. Catholicism brought the content of the fourth. And that which was propagated as exoteric Freemasonry, the Scottish or York-Lodges or whatever, from which the spirit had been pressed out like juice from a lemon, that which was taken hold of by the false esotericism of the English-speaking peoples, this is the pressedout lemon which therefore, after having been pressed out, contains the secrets of the third post-Atlantean, the Egyptian-Chaldean epoch, and which is now used to send impulses into the life of the consciousness-soul (Oct. 19, 1918, GA 185). In a certain sense something similar is created (due to the repetition of cultures: the third in the fifth, the second in the sixth; the fourth lies in the middle) to that which wants to take place in the world when the esotericism, the cults of the Egyptian-Chaldean era are carried over. But one can now use what is carried over not only to remove by suggestion the independence of the consciousness-soul, but, to subdue, to lame the central driving force of the consciousness-soul (to simplify the spirit) Rome figuratively speaking uses incense and puts people half to sleep through causing dreams to arise in them (ibid.). This is what is done from the one side. From the other, one proclaims the slogan: Liberty, equality, and fraternity! But what is coming from the first side works against an understanding of the whole for an understanding is possible only through the consciousness-soul! When men awaken in the consciousness-soul, then they first of all feel themselves (today) in the body, the soul and the spirit.4 But it is exactly this

that is to be put to sleep. So that we have these two streams within modern history: on the one hand one wants, now that the impulse towards the consciousness-soul is there, fraternity, liberty, equality in a chaotic way (out of the momentum of the French revolution). There is on the other hand the aim of the various Orders to extinguish the awaking in the consciousness-soul, so that a few individualities (the guild of Mentors) can use this awakening in the consciousness-soul for themselves. These two streams merge throughout the entire course of the historical life of modern times (ibid.). Through these streams the luciferic and ahrimanic spirits, who pursue to the detriment of humanity their own exceedingly far-reaching one could even say cosmic aims , penetrate the spiritual life of humanity. These spirits, antipodes by their nature, always appear together. The geo-politicians of a Marxist bent try, as the expression goes, to grab the devil by the tail with the aid of the law of unity and the conflict of opposites. But the unity appears in this case as the phenomenon of penetration of asuric spirits into civilization. The human being needs, not this unity, but the unity that can be attained through Christ, whom today we seek in vain in the Orders and Lodges (Brotherhoods). A modern author writes with reference to the History of Freemasonry of G. J. G. Findel: the representative of English Deism, Toland, proclaimed solemnly: There is no need for a dogmatic teaching. He found support from Shubb: No! To dogmatic Christianity; Bollingbrock went a step further and concluded: There is no need for Christianity at all. It is a peculiarity of man to be incapable of moderation. Because of this failing many noble works have been destroyed. Anthroposophists would do well to impress upon themselves this experience. For in our circles too there are some (people of the older generation) who ever more frequently repeat the statements of Rudolf Steiner concerning Christianity in an abstract, indifferent and hypocritical way. While others say: Leave this theme alone, it only offends people of other beliefs, we subscribe to the principle of tolerance towards all confessions. The younger generation (not that of the Moslems of course) proclaims, or increasingly lives by, the principle: There is no need for Christianity at all.

The New Impulse of Gondishapur

We are approaching the year 1998, where the number of the ahrimanic rhythm 666 will be repeated for the third time. In the period of time around his

The Catholic Church rejects this trichotomy.


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jubilees Ahriman intensifies his striving to anticipate future developments, and prevent their occurrence at the right time. In the surrounding world active preparation is taking place for the second impulse of the Academy of Gondishapur; this time almost on the scale of mankind as a whole. Everywhere the plea for the emancipation of the personality can be heard, for the most extreme individualism to the point of narcissism (Jacques Attali), gentle lawlessness, for the complete intermixing of races, nations and genders. This process has moved forward with especial vigour since the French Revolution. At first the balance tipped quite strongly to the side of Lucifer. Thus everything took place in a stormy way, in crass contradiction to every human rhythm. This called forth a counter-attack by the ahrimanic forces, with the scale inclining strongly to the right. Napoleon appeared a body in which, as Rudolf Steiner remarks, everything was subject to a strict rhythm. The power that is the enemy of mankind works within a rigid seven-year rhythm in such a body: the preparation for the ascent to power lasted seven years, likewise the triumph and the destruction of Europe; and a further seven years of decline (ibid.). The result of this confrontation of luciferic and ahrimanic forces was their mutual extinction. Europe had once more the opportunity to develop the impulse of the consciousness-soul, an impulse that leads to the freeing of the personality and the overcoming of national barriers. But it does this exclusively on the basis of the elevation of the personality, not through the instigation of chaos and lawlessness. Therefore it is futile to look for anything positive in the French Revolution or the reign of Napoleon. But no conclusions have been drawn, nor has the most important fact been recognized, namely, that these two forces of evil extinguished each other and that the path was thereby freed for normal evolution. It was not long before the consequences of this failure materialized. Already in the middle of the 19th century the impulse for the consciousness-soul development of humanity was again extinguished. It lost its autonomy because [of] the opposing stream of the Orders that, especially in England, infect all of public life to an appalling extent, much more than the outer world can imagine. Because of these Orders the unfolding of the free personality cannot progress. And thus we see remarkable personalities appear, like Richard Cobden

or John Bright.5 On one hand they are true bearers of the impulse for the emancipation of the personality, the overcoming of what is national through the personality over the whole earth. They came so far that they touched upon something that could be of tremendous significance politically if it would dare to enter modern historical development, but differentiated geographically But hardly had it appeared than it was completely stifled by the other striving that arose out of the impulse of the third post-Atlantean time. And we see how up to the middle of the 19th century there arises in the West what is usually called liberalism, the liberal attitude soon it will be called free thinking , well, whichever one prefers and (which) died out in the last third of the 19th century (ibid.). For a certain time the impulse of the consciousness-soul brought forth a wave of liberalism whose representatives let themselves be influenced by no-one, and had good control of themselves. But from the middle of the 19th century the fruit of what came out of the Orders and secret societies of the West increasingly showed itself: the putting to sleep, the lulling to sleep of the consciousness-soul as such. Then all that is of soul and spirit is no longer active; only what is present in the outer, physical sense world is active. And this appeared in recent times in all the possible forms of the socialism that is conscious of itself (ibid.). The exercise of power in an ahrimanic form hindered and lamed the development of the consciousness-soul in a large number of socialistically-oriented countries. In the rest of the world the impulse of the consciousness-soul was stifled in the chaos of immorality, of everything is allowed, of participation of the masses in a form of pseudo-art that acts as a substitute for the fury that in other instances can discharge itself in revolutions. The personality is emancipated because the present time demands it and at the same time it is everywhere weakened, only to be hardened in the next moment in an even more rigidly ahrimanized social structure. The next step on this path will be to disconnect people from the leadership of the folk-spirits, the archangeloi,

R. Cobden (1804-65), leader of the Manchester Movement (extreme liberalism in economy: free trade, competition without state interference in the economy), chairman of a party that demanded the abolition of the bread-grain taxes. J. Bright (1811-99), English statesman. After 1843 leader of the Manchester Movement.



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through a mixing of the nations and races, through abolition of a differentiated approach to the question of emancipation. Marxists practised this throughout the earth in Russia, China, Ethiopia, Cuba, Vietnam where they introduced a unified form of socialism. Under the pretence of liberating the personality they in truth subjected it to a form of unified slavery. Today this method appears to have fulfilled its purpose. In its place another is used to create globally and on a unified basis the semblance of the emancipated personality, where in reality emancipated cripples of soul and spirit already now appear. But this means that the new impulse of Gondishapur allows the so-called evil race to arise in humanity before its time. This race is supposed to appear only in the distant future. They would be people who consciously reject the principle of the emancipation that takes place with the help of the Christ-power. They would develop an extreme egocentricity leading to the war of each against all. In that race all that is national would also have been overcome, but in a different way than in the good race, which would then bear the name Michaelic (after the archangel Michael). Human beings would be led to this race by the folk-spirits, by way of the cultural process. And on this path Social Threefolding should become the form of the life of society in our time.

battle it waged everywhere against the clairvoyance of antiquity, which had its rightful place until the beginning of the 15th century. When the ChristianRosicrucian mysteries arose in Europe, which were in part described in the legends of the Holy Grail, they were in no way opposed to the mysteries of antiquity but were their continuation. This was the esoteric path of Christianity, which could be followed only by those who were sufficiently prepared spiritually. In this most genuine Christianity Catholicism recognized its enemy. We can see, says Rudolf Steiner in this connection, that where worldly power and the power of the Church enter into a compromise we speak of Princes and Popes leading the battle against the heretics. Just think of the Waldensians the Cathars; there are such heretical elements everywhere The remarkable thing is that from amongst the heretics people gradually came forward, who looked at Christianity from out of themselves and could recognize that what comes from Rome is something different from Christianity [They were] actually fiercely-persecuted Christians, who often remained quiet, founded all kinds of communities, spread a veil of secrecy over this (Jan. 17, 1918, GA 180). Having degenerated to a purely political force, Rome had to look for means to instil enthusiasm into the masses artificially. The crusades were one of these means, but the heretics took part in them as well. One of them was Godfrey de Bouillon. And for them the aim was initially a Christian one: with the help of the crusades, by founding in Jerusalem a new (spiritual) centre against Rome, they wanted to put a true Christianity in the place of the Christianity of Rome And the secret motto of the Crusaders was: Jerusalem versus Rome. This attempt failed when the Papacy proved to be too powerful. But the Crusaders found the opportunity to widen their horizon; they were able to continue to work secretly, to found Orders and alliances. Actually at that time the difference developed which today can only be met when one is visiting a church in Italy, and in there someone has preached a sermon against the Freemasons shortly before (ibid.). The Reformation also fights this battle with Rome. With the struggle against the heretics and the disappearance of the last remaining elements of legitimacy from Roman Catholicism, the intention grew to extend its domination over the whole of Europe. The ideology developed by Catholicism in the fifth cultural epoch was brilliantly formulated by Count de Maistre (1754-1821). This Jesuit philosopher considered man to be a fallen

Three Papacies
We, the people of the epoch of consciousness-soul, should understand how fundamental are the changes undergone by the soul and spiritual nature of man, and with it all factors of civilization, in the transition from the fourth to the fifth cultural epoch. We need to know that the fourth post-Atlantean epoch, which encompassed Greece, Rome etc. and lasted until the beginning of the 15th century, elaborated in an entirely human way that which had previously been spiritual revelation. In the fifth epoch man began, to a still greater degree, to live entirely for the physical without developing new concepts, but by using what had lain at his disposal in the fourth epoch. Learning how to master the physical plane is, however, a legitimate task of our epoch and the Anglo-Saxon race is best equipped to fulfil it. But the Catholic Church rejects the forces of revelation of antiquity, the old clairvoyance, for entirely different reasons. As we have already pointed out, it is led by fear of the supersensible. Already in the 9th/10th century the universal Church makes its entrance into the entire configuration of Europe through the


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creature. With the beginning of the epoch of materialism, so he reasoned, the whole of civilization has also fallen into decline. Humanity divides into two categories: those who are representatives of the Kingdom of God and those who represent the earthly realm. The people of the first category believe in the age-old truths that have lost their place in civilization since the 15th century. These people are predestined (and St. Augustinus had spoken of this) for salvation. The people of the earthly plane, already given over to superstition in antiquity, turn away from faith entirely today. Their fate will be damnation. All people appear mixed together but the eye of the spiritual world distinguishes strictly between sheep and goats (de Maistre does not use these concepts). This opinion of the French Jesuit is also shared in many aspects by the world-view of the Eastern Church. And in recent years it can be heard increasingly from Islamic fundamentalism and the New Right in Western Europe, and also in Russia where it is made into the basis for a new ideology and geo-political theory. De Maistre developed grandiose ideas with regards to Russia. He dreamed of uniting the Eastern way of thinking, which extends into Russia, with Rome. And it seems as though today the time has come in which de Maistres ideas are the blueprint for a new movement that intends to lead Islam, the Eastern Church and Catholicism to synthesis in a unified Eurasian bloc and place it over against the decaying world of Pan-Americanism. This movement upholds tradition and the imperial form of organizing society, as a counterweight to the process of Western emancipation that destroys the personality. The New Right supports the restoration of the Middle Ages, when the principle of statehood still possessed something of the sacred. In 1810 in Petersburg de Maistre wrote the book Essay on the Creative Archetypal Ground of the State Constitution, in which he basically turns to the Christianity of the epoch before scholasticism, to Augustinianism, for de Maistre is an opponent of Aristotle; he would like to banish him from culture altogether, despite the fact that the Church Father Thomas Aquinas was one of the most fervent pupils of Aristotle. In another work, entitled Concerning the Pope, of which Rudolf Steiner said that it stirs the heart as only spiritually-inspired books can do, de Maistre attempts to present the Pope as the rightful Prince of modern civilization; in other words, as the Prince of this world! The Popes and the Papacy, he writes, are not one and the same thing. In the Papacy there is in a certain way the in-

corporation of what, as the spirit of the earth, is to take over the rulership of the whole planet. When we familiarize ourselves with these things in the face of all that takes place behind the scenes of outer events in our century, we find astounding interweavings of seemingly incompatible things. Two books recently appeared in Russia by a certain Gregory Klimov (hardly known to the wider circle of readers, but all the more so by Western Sovietologists).6 The then officer of the NKVD7 fled to the West in the late Forties and worked for many years in an American institute that carried out research into the Soviet Union. He has now reported for the first time on the Red Pope, the mightiest Prince of this world existing in the very heart of Bolshevism! De Maistres final work is called Evening Hours in St. Petersburg. After recapitulating the above-mentioned ideas, he dedicates the book to the radical struggle against Britannicism, and sides with Roman Catholicism. This time he turns against John Locke in particular. Disciples of de Maistre today have shifted his struggle into the sphere of a not merely spiritual but also political resistance against Anglo-Americanism. Sometimes centuries lie between the ideological seed and its shoots. Rudolf Steiner characterizes de Maistres view of life as follows: de Maistre basically saw the Godhead present in the development of man only into the fourth post-Christian century. He did not want to confess to the continually active Christ he wanted to return to olden times and thus the idea he had of Christ took on something of the old Jahve quality, something of the old heathen Gods; he basically went back to the Ormuzd cult. There, of course, the divine was sought outside the consciousness-soul. De Maistre said that the Gods had a loathing of blood, and if people were to sacrifice it they would be able to be reconciled with the Gods. This might appear ridiculous, concludes Rudolf Steiner, but we should not forget that de Maistre has a great many followers in the Roman Church, that he is an illustrious representative of the French element that revealed itself in the clergy and in politics (May 1, 1921, GA 204). Today we have to add that the illustriousness of the famous Frenchman has blinded

The situation is changing now; the books by Klimov are published in editions of hundreds of thousands (Publishers Note; 1994). NKVD Russ. Abbreviation for Peoples Commissioner of the Internal; Soviet political secret police 1934-1946 (Publishers Note).



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the New Right in Russia. This brightness helps us to explain and understand their truly dark call for the spiritual values of the Orthodox faith, behind which the nostalgic longing for the heathen, pre-Christian past of the Slavs is habitually exposed. And does not de Maistres Zoroastrianism possibly explain the attempt to build a bridge between Christianity and Islam? Of course, in our time all relationships are reduced to the political struggle, in which all means are permitted. But de Maistre was an outstanding thinker. The spiritual succession is unmistakable, however, and it is of the greatest importance that we are dealing here with one and the same basic fact: the shadow of the old Roman Empire that has taken Christianity captive. But Christianity is full of life-forces and that is why Rome, acting in its name, is able to give political and spiritual form not only to Europe but even to all world-wide connections. In Spain, says Rudolf Steiner, this is visible in the cult borrowed from the Egypto-Chaldean epoch. It is the cultic-hierarchical-ecclesiastic element into which Romanism was transformed. It becomes apparent that what gradually ripens in modern times as a state structure is more or less permeated by this Roman Catholicism. We see how the emerging English state structure at the beginning of the fifth post-Atlantean period is, to begin with, in the hands of this Roman-hierarchic-cultic element There exists in Rome the aim to saturate, to completely permeate the culture of Europe, right up to the bulwark that it created for itself in Eastern Europe, with this hierarchical Church element.8 But remarkably enough, such a striving, when it is a retarded impulse, takes on an outward character It flows, so to speak, into the widths and does not have the strength to penetrate its own depths we see, that Roman hierarchism in the countries from which it rays out, undermines its own population, it provides no inwardness (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). To make this clear Rudolf Steiner suggests that one should study the example of France; looking particularly into the way the statesmen Richelieu, Mazarin ceremoniously inaugurated world-politics while the inner hollowness is re8

vealed in the revolutionary uprising of the people the exact opposite of the principle of hierarchic rulership, of the kingdom. From the vantage-point of the experience of the 20th century as it approaches its close it may be added that through its revolutionary upheavals the cultichierarchic principle of Romanism comes to life again in Bolshevik dictatorships. Though one is there forced to forsake Christianity entirely and turn instead to the religion of atheism. But this should come as no surprise when we consider that the whole process boils down to no more and no less than the principle of ruling the masses with the aim of preventing the unfolding of the epoch of the consciousness-soul. For this reason the Roman-Jesuitic principle, in whatever form it appears in the world, will always proclaim the precedence of the group over what is individual. By this criterion one will be able to recognize it behind any mask. This principle that is actually luciferic in nature is everywhere opposed by the ahrimanic nature rooted in Pan-Anglo-Americanism. It is the intention of the latter to prolong the present moment, to eternalize the epoch of the consciousness-soul in its material-instinctual aspect. Ahriman cannot fulfil this task alone. He needs the support of the retarded, ahrimanically retarded (the American folk-spirit is luciferically retarded) spirits of personality, i.e. the Asuras. This is a special problem that has still to be addressed. Suffice it to remark here that the socialistic experiment in Russia is the child of thoroughly abhorrent parents ahrimanized Britannicism and luciferized Jesuitism. It has become, next to them, the third force in the world, and yet is their fruit. Hence its double nature on the one hand, constant dependence on the parents and, on the other, the longing to devour them. This is in its innermost nature an asuric phenomenon. To understand it we have to be able to lift the veil from politics and ideology. This phenomenon can lead a parasitic existence in any ethnic group, not only the Slavs. But let us return to the Anglo-Saxon world. The impulse of Britannicism as such contains much that accords with the tasks of the fifth cultural epoch. Hence the pretension of the British element towards (different) universalcommercial-industrial world domination No-one should believe that British politics will be converted morally and, out of special consideration for the world, renounce its pretension to take the world completely into its hands industrially and commercially. For this reason we need not be astonished to find

For the first time in the history of Catholicism a change comes about in this question. It is as if the bulwark is removed. This is accompanied by the most fantastic transformations of Jesuitism. Which is why it is so extraordinarily important to understand the current events in Russia. But who is capable of this? Who indeed tries at all to do so?


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that those who see through these things have formed associations for the sole purpose of realizing something of this kind, and realizing it by employing means that are at the same time spiritual means. Here we have the beginnings of a forbidden interaction. For occult principles, occult means, occult impulses may obviously not be used to further, to promote, especially not in the fifth post-Atlantean culture, which has to be a purely material culture One wants to further this culture (but not politics) with the help of the impulses of occultism, of the impulses that lie in the world of the non-manifest. Thus one works with occult means, no longer for the benefit of general humanity, but only for the benefit of a group (ibid.). Rudolf Steiner advises in conclusion: When you connect such insights, which arise for you out of deeper knowledge, with everyday events, you will come to a thorough grasp of many things (ibid.). We will then understand that everything with which our times are plagued has arisen and ripened through the course of centuries ripened as great worldopposites that set development in motion. It can also bring it to its grave if people thoughtlessly and without will give themselves over to religious or political fancies which are so tightly interwoven with one another and form unthinkable symbioses that are inwardly torn apart by century-old polarities. Rudolf Steiner elaborates that already in France the impulses of liberty, equality and fraternity collide violently with the pretension of Roman Catholicism.9 We should pay attention to the reaction of the clerics during the social experiments of Gambetta, to what lives in Napoleon III, in Boulangism10, in the struggle over the personality of Dreyfus and what lives on in our own time (in the New Right Authors note). There lives here what is in inner, spiritual, archetypalradical contrast to what is across the Channel and is basically incorporated in
9 10

what is left behind from something else, what has remained behind in the various Freemasons Orders, Lodges. If, on the one hand, we have initiated Roman Catholicism, then on the other we have those secret societal streams that represent the ahrimanic stream. Rudolf Steiner advises us to compare the parliaments in France and England. In France everything arises out of theory, a certain ideology (this was also the case in Russia under the Bolsheviks and the same emerges from the New Right a large-scale theory of geo-politics). In England it is based on the immediate practical relations of trade and industry (Russias present liberals try unsuccessfully to copy Anglo-American capitalism, they will never master it). In France one fights for freedom etc., for the independence of schools from the Church, for a general restraining of the Church. (In the same way one could also fight for the mutual adaptation of Church and State.) But the restraining is unsuccessful because all this lives in the unconscious depths of the souls but is fought out in the realm of dialectics, in a certain debate. In England, on the other hand, the question of power is decisive (May 1, 1921, GA 204). How far does this will to power extend? Rudolf Steiner has the following impressive answer: at the beginning of the 15th century there was a danger that the exclusively physical strivings of Britannicism might mix with the spiritual life handed down from antiquity. This happened at the time when the English sphere of rulership extended across the Channel to include a part of France, while Roman aristocratism advanced towards England. But the rise of Joan of Arc decided Europes destiny. The occult life of Britain, which was no more than a continuation of the occult streams of the fourth cultural epoch, was formed as a result of these processes, which also found their reflection in the War of the Red and White Roses, in the battles of the Scottish, the Norman and the French. The occult schools of England were founded, but their members were not able to advance to supersensible cognition, since the ether-body of modern man has become very inert. But they preserved the old traditions in the occult schools; they preserved what had been handed down by the old clairvoyant observers and sought to penetrate it with concepts. An occult science arose that in reality only works with the experiences of the clairvoyants living in the fourth and even the third post-Atlantean epochs. But one worked this through with purely physical concepts, with the conceptual material that one has if one thinks only

This is also the case in all other revolutions. Lon Gambetta (1883-1882), Prime Minister of France, leader of the left-wing republicans; turned against clerics and monarchists. Napoleon III. (1808-1873) was elected President, later Imperator; the Crimea war and the war against Austria fell during his reign. Boulangism movement of the 80s of the 19th Century; it was led by General Georges Boulanger. This movement was nationalistic and was in favour of war against Germany, a revision of the constitution and dissolution of the parliament. An echo of this point of view can be detected in de Gaulles politics.


VI. Britanno-Americanism, Latinism, Bolshevism

through the physical body (Mar. 28, 1916, GA 167). (This is the work with the symbols that is carried out in the Lodges.) The following dogma was fixed in these schools: The fourth cultural epoch, in which the Greco-Roman element was dominant, was succeeded by the fifth cultural epoch in which the Anglo-Saxon element prevails. The role of Britain was described as being that of a nurse to the child-like Slavic nations. Poland, it was said, has to join the sphere of the Russian element; the independent Slavic nations along the Danube will exist only until the great European war and will then have to forfeit their independence etc. Similar ideas spread through the occult brotherhoods in other countries. And in those days it was understood why an English politician for example publicly expressed his good-will towards a Danubian state that belonged to Austria. At the same time a book was published that contained a string of insults directed against that same state and its citizens in order to undermine what was seemingly built up on the other side.11 This was a devilish, a purely ahrimanic tactic (ibid.). All these methods have been kept alive to the present day. We find them in the period of the Cold War as well as the era of Perestroika. Only they are no longer hidden, they are completely open. What could this mean? We will now try to answer this question. There are in civilization two Papacies who oppose each other in the starkest antitheses: the Roman (old, white) and the British-American (new, black). And above it all there arises as a terrifying spectre the red Papacy mysterious, unrecognized. Three deputies of certain Divinities ahrimanic, luciferic and asuric threaten to settle scores with the entire planet earth. Those who do not wish to know them will not be able to resist them; they will become their slave or servant and it may mean the second death, the death of soul for them.


In this connection we would advise Germans to consider the compliments paid by US-President Clinton in Berlin in 1994, when he declared Germany a major power. Most dangerous, terrible omens lurk behind it. Behind the scenes of world politics it has possibly been decided to assign Germany the role of a European or World scoundrel. In this case the Germans would be condemned instead of the Yankees, which is especially dangerous because Germany has no influence whatsoever on world ideology, which still remains in the hands of the USA.

Crisis of Civilisation

VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

Esoteric and Ecclesiastical Christianity
If the reader has the opportunity to speak about the occult-political manipulations in the world with an ordinary Freemason he will experience that the latter will reject them as the fantasies of Roman Catholic circles. At best he will say that true Freemasonry is represented by the regular Lodges where selfknowledge is cultivated and faith in traditions is preserved etc., but that irregular Lodges exist too, the P-2 Lodge for instance, which is possibly involved in wrong practices. These are neither tolerated nor acknowledged by regular Freemasons. But in truth it has long been the case that in the Lodges there are only a few individuals who remain faithful to the purely spiritual interests. The leadership, however, is without exception entangled in the most varied affairs going on behind the scenes. The tragic destiny of Freemasonry is now beginning to repeat itself in the Anthroposophical Society and movement. Here too the majority of members live in the firm conviction that the work in the branches and the national societies is still done in the spirit of the principles as given by Rudolf Steiner. Sadly enough, in many cases this is not so. But even though nothing is left in the world of the brotherhoods we must not at the same time lose all hope for a healing in our circles. Each individual anthroposophist carries responsibility for this. It is engraved in his karma; it is part of his spiritual being. If we lose hope, then everything will be lost. Anthroposophy is the last hope for the world, so long as the capacity for the renewal of life still lies in it, the power to understand events and find a sure orientation within them. Because the first thing that one can do is to try to understand things, to penetrate them. Then thoughts will be there that are forces and will have their effect (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). For the divine hierarchies hold sway in true thoughts. And however mighty the assault of the ahrimanic-luciferic forces may be, it is secondary and lacking in true being, in relation to the real world of God.

Rudolf Steiner therefore emphasizes in one of his lectures: if only enough people today would have the urge to say to themselves: we must above all gain insight into these things (i.e. the occult-political struggle and its background), all else will follow! And especially if one wants to have insight into social matters, it is essential for waking life that above all we have the will to acquire insight. The stimulation of the will that will look after itself, it will come, for it develops of itself A great deal can be accomplished if only we have the earnest will first of all to gain insight. All else will then come. It is not so tragic that not many people can do much today; but it is unspeakably tragic if people cannot decide at least to get to know the social laws spiritualscientifically, to study them. The rest will come, if they are studied (Dec. 12, 1918, GA 186). But precisely this is not taking place, because not only in the outer world, but also within our Society, thorough measures are taken to exclude social understanding, to disperse the members in groups with differing herd-opinions that are hostile to one another. We simply must understand that the question: to know or not to know? is identical with another: To be or not to be? Many faint-hearted people pale with fright in face of the reality of todays world and fall victim to opportunism. Even behind the mask of a spiritual world-view there often lurks the inhumane attitude born in the horrors of the concentration camps (GULAG): you die today, my turn to die tomorrow! How is one to explain to such people that there is a second death and that it comes to the very ones who decide in this way to put off the first? Indeed, the situation in the world can be frightening. Political occultism is a form of madness of the world. But madness represents the most extreme form of corruption of what constitutes the highest value of the human spirit self-consciousness. Thus it stands with the phenomena that are important for the world. Healthy occultism, the teaching of initiation forms the quintessence of the best strivings of all that which lives in the selfconsciousness of the epoch. At the same time it is the wrong use of occultism that dooms all of civilization to inevitable ruin. Freemasonry is one of the most significant spiritual streams of humanity, but in its present form it is truly the grave-digger of culture as well as of civilization. The situation today is such that it is not only people within Freemasonry who hasten the destruction of the world, but also those who criticize it, not in an


Crisis of Civilisation

VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

objective way, but from a confessional or ideological standpoint. We can only escape this vicious circle with the help of spiritual-scientific knowledge. In Anthroposophy we have been given a profound teaching of the spiritual evolution of humanity, corresponding in the highest degree to the true facts. It speaks of three spiritual streams in which the Greco-Latin culture flows into our fifth cultural epoch. The ancient world rested fully and entirely on the Mysteries. But in proportion as the consciousness that thinks in concepts consolidated itself, the actual initiation principle of antiquity disintegrated. It experienced a fundamental renewal in the Mystery of Golgatha. It gave to a certain category of the Great Mysteries of antiquity the possibility to continue in a metamorphosed form on the path of esoteric Christianity. For the simple people the Church ritual was created as an equivalent to the Lesser Mysteries a possibility accessible to every person to partake in the divine without special preparation (which is not to say that preparation is altogether unnecessary). And we see how in the ancient Orient a deepened, inner veneration for ritual develops very far. The pilgrimages to the grave of the Lord also had cultic significance; it was experienced as the crowning of cultic experience, a great deed of ritual. In the meantime intellectualism was consolidating itself in Europe. Towards the 9th century Rome had finally understood that the inhabitants of Middle- and Western Europe could not remain dependent on simple observance of the cultic-religious ceremonies that merely spoke to the heart. Although these observances (Anschauungen) still gave people the experience of the unity of their soul-world, they became inaccessible to the European. Therefore one began, under Pope Nicholas I (858-867), to give dogmatic forms to the spiritual heritage of the Orient. Words were sought, sayings with the help of which one was able to speak of the experience and, in addition, the utmost was done to hinder the supersensible perception of what was being spoken of. Thus, says Rudolf Steiner, the idea of faith arose (not, of course, in the sense of St. Paul). The idea arose: one has to give to people the content (of religion) in an abstractdogmatic form in which they can believe, without giving them the possibility of perception (Oct., 1, 1922, GA 216). But in the esoteric stream that had gone to Ireland with Joseph of Arimathia, people continued to try to enter with their feeling into the connection of the soul with the spiritual world. They stood before the great question: how can the

human being find his way in the etheric world, in the etheric cosmos? For the visions, which in this way also included the Mystery of Golgatha related to the etheric in the cosmos (ibid.). The second coming of Christ, in the expectation of which the entire Christian world lives, also takes place in the etheric world. Rome too, had knowledge concerning the secret of the etheric cosmos. What moved to the East, however, and became the Eastern Church did not carry within itself the question of the etheric cosmos, but the question how one can bring this into harmony with the etheric organization of man, with the etherbody. But if man explains Rudolf Steiner wants to live with his etheric body here on earth, he can do this only in an external way, when he lives in ceremonies, within ritualism, when he lives within events that are not reality of the senses, of earth. In the East one wanted to live into such events in order to experience the inner peculiarity of ones own human etheric organism (ibid.). The Roman Catholic Church gave the cult a new aspect. Visible symbolism played a special role from then on; one strove to illumine the cult by means of the dogmas. For this reason the Church radically opposes esoteric Christianity because the latter is based on the supersensible vision taught in it. That which went to Eastern Europe was able to preserve something of the mood in which the Christians of the first Christian centuries had lived. To a limited extent it also advanced to the West, where there lived a passionate striving to relate to the Christianity of the Holy Grail, to Rosicrucianism. Here too there was a longing of the human ether-body for the holy act of consecration (Bernard of Clairvaux, Peter of Amiens lived in this mood). With the crusades it also reached Jerusalem; and from there it rayed back to Europe where it fanned out widely in a range of Orders and heretical teachings and gradually took the form of occult societies and Freemasonic Lodges (ibid.). All this it must be emphasized again sought the connection to esoteric Christianity but always remained something different from it. Only very few could ascend the heights demanded of its pupils by esoteric Christianity in connection with the elaboration of a special force of ideas necessary to penetrate the secrets of the etheric cosmos. And this was the main principle of the new initiation. With Goethe it finally enters the wide field of exoteric culture as the doctrine of metamorphosis and of the power of judgment in beholding (anschauende Urteilskraft). In Anthroposophy Goetheanism becomes the teaching


Crisis of Civilisation

VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

of the all-encompassing metamorphosis of being, the teaching of reincarnation and karma, which has very little in common with the seeds sown in the Orient. Thus Anthroposophy represents the newest form in which esoteric Christianity has stepped forward into the wide spheres of human life. It bears within it the power to initiate a metamorphosis in the most important spiritual streams of humanity of which we have already spoken. All are hopelessly outdated, since there is no form of development that could exist eternally. Because of the infirmity of their old age they must either die away altogether or die and become, i.e. go through a metamorphosis in order to become something qualitatively new. For this, and only for this reason, the world received from Rudolf Steiner the great Christian initiate who had realized within himself the principle not I, but the Christ in me a renewed cult as a gift for the Christian churches a cult that can still the longing of the human ether-body, in its present-day constitution as an expression of the fifth cultural epoch, for a holy ritual. This cult was given to mankind through Rudolf Steiner by the Divine Hierarchies themselves. Goetheanism as an all-encompassing theory of science carries the life of the spirit into dead, obsolete, materialistic natural science. It is an illusion to think that a new departure is possible on the basis of parapsychology.

stand should not omit to develop occult-social perspicacity, for in our century all significant spiritual processes unfold in the social sphere. We must recognize what other groups in the world also recognize, whilst we follow a different methodological procedure. When we speak of a decline of traditional spiritual movements we try to penetrate to their archetypal phenomenal foundations and at the same time leave all ideological aspects completely to one side. Thus for example we emphasize, when investigating the decline of the spiritual quest in the fifth cultural epoch, the fact that the ancient Egyptian culture had already brought forth much that was decadent. Dark and magical procedures were used that bound the souls of the dead to their conserved physical form, the mummy. When intellectual culture, strengthened through the materialistic influence of Arabism, began its activity around the 14th/15th century it brought with it a dangerous weakening of the deepest spiritual search in the realm of the ceremonies and cultic acts that enliven the ether-body. Now various Orders and Lodges began to conserve the ancient cults. Rudolf Steiner characterizes it thus: These are truly mummies, just as much as the human mummies of Egypt. They are mummies if they are not glowed-through, warmed-through by the Mystery of Golgatha. An extraordinary amount is contained in such cults and ceremonies, but from what once lay in them in very ancient times they have (now) conserved only what is dead, just as the mummy had only retained the dead form of the human being. And to a great extent it is still the case to this day Just like the ordinary Egyptian, who only felt a kind of shudder when he gazed at the mummy, so a modern man experiences, if not exactly a shudder, something that is not a true feeling of soul when he comes near to these mummified spiritual acts (Sept. 24, 1922, GA 216). Such an experience has a very serious, quite concrete occult foundation. Rudolf Steiner gives an explanation that is not easily accessible to quick understanding. He speaks of the elementary spirits active in the process of human in and outbreathing. Breathing is an extraordinarily spiritual process. In antiquity man gained great spiritual knowledge through developing a conscious relationship to the spirits active on the path of in-breathing. When this experience began to fade, the Egyptian priests turned to mummification; a refuge for the elementary spirits was created in the mummies.

The Spiritual Background of Rituals and Ceremonies

Rudolf Steiner attempted, as already mentioned, to give, for the use of the Masonic Lodges, a renewed cultic-ceremonial ritual which could have led to true spiritual work. But it became apparent that all streams of spiritual life had taken into themselves too much of the force of death and, instead of renewing themselves through a fresh spiritual impulse, threatened to dismember, suppress and dissolve this impulse in their own process of disintegration. And if these things go too far, if the helping hand stretched out from the divine world is rejected or misused for evil purposes, humanity will be faced with the most difficult trials. The 20th century has shown that this bitter and painful process has already begun. Anyone who does not grasp this will obviously have joined the Anthroposophical Society on the basis of a peculiar misunderstanding. Those who do under114


Crisis of Civilisation

VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

In more recent times a conscious relationship to the elementary spirits active in out-breathing is growing in importance, as it is their task to carry the inner form of man into the etheric world. They find this path into the outer world within the ceremonies that are enacted in occult brotherhoods, even if they are incomprehensible and mummified. During the daytime it is still possible for these spirits, whose mission it is to be mans helpers, to live in the breath in an honest way. For in the daytime man thinks and he is at least sending out his intellectual forms of thought with his breath But at night, when man does not think, thought-forms are not going out, there are no little etheric ships on which the earth spirits can go out from man into the world in order to imprint his form there in the ether-cosmos (ibid.). And here, such spirits make use of the mummified ceremonies. This activity would be justified only if it had made a connection to spiritual science. Without spiritual science these activities would be unjustified, particularly since the beginning of the epoch of the Archangel Michael (since 1879; Goethe had participated in these acts at the turn of the 18th and 19th century). In the previous epoch (each of which lasts about 300 years), when the Archangel Gabriel had leadership, the elementary spirits we are concerned with here and whose activity had already begun in the medieval period, were justified in living parasitically in the human consciousness, while people in the secret societies were celebrating rituals or listening to the Mass without comprehending what was going on. These beings thought the deeds that were being enacted by the passive human understanding. But around the end of the 19th century it became dangerous to sleep during religious or occult ceremonies, for with the beginning of the epoch of Michael these elementary beings who thought with the human brain and then, by taking hold of human feelings and bringing about the social connections of the 19th century, actually spun those threads (of the forces working between people), these beings had now had enough. They had fulfilled their world-historic task, or rather satisfied their world-historic need (also of use to man). Ever more people came to earth who hoped for much from earthly life itself, and who had their own ideas concerning the organization of life on earth. Since then, these elementary beings, who once held sway in human thoughts, no longer come to man (cf. Aug. 9, 1922, GA 214). The result was that human beings no longer knew what to do with their thoughts, and this was mirrored in the crisis of knowledge and of life. So long

as thinking had not been entirely independent man appreciated it, but as soon as he was able to dispose of it as he wished, it lost all attraction for him. He began frivolously to play with it and develop various theories without considering his responsibility. Everything became relative for man. And consciousness that had become superficial fell more and more into a sleep in its depths; but out of the subconscious, out of the realm of the dream-pictures, utopian, spectral ideas monsters pressed into the intellect of man. This went so far that, as Rudolf Steiner says, there are really a great number of people who are, fundamentally speaking, not simply reincarnated human beings, but the bearers of beings who show a premature path of development, who are actually only supposed to appear in a human form at a later stage of development. These beings do not use the entire human organism but they preferably use the metabolic system of these Western people Such people also reveal outwardly, to those who can look at life in the right way, that this is the case. For example, a large number of those people belonging to Anglo-Saxon secret societies ... and who are influential, are actual bearers of such premature existences who work into the world through certain people, and who seek out a field of activity for themselves through the bodies of people who do not live in regular reincarnations (Oct. 22, 1920, GA 200). Often these people wield authority in sects with a large following. It is easy to imagine how tragiccomical it is when people who have retained control over their own consciousness try to come to a rational understanding with them. Rudolf Steiner says quite openly: One should not think in an abstract way that human beings everywhere and without exception are subject to repeated earth lives (ibid.). Of course it is inconvenient to have to grapple with such truths. It is much easier passively to follow those in authority. And this is exactly what happens: some want to know nothing, so as not to risk their comfortable existence; others help them to satisfy this wish. But it is urgently necessary to break this vicious circle. Three kinds of spirits today illicitly ensoul a large proportion of those people who know how to forge a path to the levers of power. The first strive especially towards what are, so to speak, the elementary forces of the earth they are able to detect: how is a colonization to be carried out here according to the natural climatic conditions or, how is a trade-relationship to be started, and so forth. A second kind of such spirits are those who make it their special task



Crisis of Civilisation

VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

to suppress self-consciousness, not to allow full awareness of the consciousness-soul to arise, and thereby to produce among others in the environment, where something like this spreads like an epidemic, a certain compulsion not to hold themselves accountable for the true motives of their actions The third kind (make it) their task to make people forget what their individual capacities are capacities we bring from the spiritual world. They allow us just as little to come to individual spirituality; they make us into stereotypes of our own individuality. Empty phrases, lies, hostility to social threefolding, refined egoism, false mysticism all these are attributes that these three kinds of beings cause to arise in us1 (ibid.). They infect civilization powerfully through the secret societies of the Anglo-Saxon race, which are responsible for every kind of spiritual, cultural and political mischief we meet in the world today. It is precisely these beings who promote a continuation of the secrecy of occult societies, even though the reason for it the danger from Rome no longer exists. There are possibly still people in these societies who wish to receive the gifts of the true spirit. But any possibility of openly coming to an understanding with them is out of question. How in these circumstances are we to distinguish between a spirit-possessed occultist and a legitimate one? The only criteria are evidently the striving for power, aloofness, falsity and refined egoism. And these are attributes that increasingly set the tone in our Society and movement people who have to a certain extent been replaced in their consciousness by elementary spirits who have no right to interfere in the spiritual life and in the social relationships of human beings in our epoch. In their mass Rudolf Steiner explains these beings infiltrated people who belong to the Anglo-Saxon race, as a result of what comes from the language, because of the unstable equilibrium which the Germanic nature, transferred to the British Isles, attained at the time. It established itself there, but to a lesser degree than the Latin element that was woven through with the Roman, etc. (The question cannot be dealt with extensively here, since it would divert from the actual theme; the interested reader should study Rudolf Steiner.) In Middle Europe and the Roman world these beings are far more bound, they are not in a position to act arbitrarily (cf. Oct. 23, 1920, GA 200). Therefore the tendency

exists in the world to found Lodges from England, in order to import PanAmericanism with its political and spiritual-cultural criteria. People involved with occultism have to be especially careful in these matters. They risk becoming the prey of these beings if they approach the threshold of the supersensible without the necessary preparation. The preparation is the practice of mastering the consciousness-soul, which seemingly in all its forms of manifestation is opposed by our civilization. But one should not believe that the moral disintegration of humanity is a natural occurrence. The destruction is taking place deliberately and according to plan. And the actual purpose to which everything is directed is already apparent: the creation of favourable conditions for the incarnation of Ahriman. In the outer world the opinion is consistently propagated that Brotherhoods and Lodges are apparently nothing more than harmless playgrounds for slightly eccentric idealists, similar to those described by Leo Tolstoy in his novel War and Peace. For the above-mentioned elementary beings what Rudolf Steiner said about them and the secret societies is unbearable. That is why they also wage their war against us from within our own midst. It is no coincidence that the established anthroposophist Rudi Lissau who lives in England wrote the foreword to a series of lectures published in English translation on this theme, turning practically everything that Steiner says in them to nought.2 But all of Lissaus reproaches against Rudolf Steiner are foolish and completely unfounded (e.g.: that he did not research everything by means of clairvoyance!) and are not at all new. Rudolf Steiner remarks in a lecture from 1920 that when, a few years before, he had started to speak about the secret societies, his communications were met with an ironical smile. But already by 1920 this had fundamentally changed: the matter-of-fact English press, truly not given to special leaps, is now for weeks publishing articles about the existence of secret societies [The Morning Post, London 1920, July 12-30 also appearing as a flyer with the title The Causes of World Unrest, London 1920]. And even if these articles deal with suppositions that are nothing more than a ludicrous Jesuit hoax, one nevertheless has to say: Even if people sense the wind from a completely wrong corner,

We want to advise all readers of the last issues of the Flensburger Hefte (No. 40/41) to consider this when they read the abominable accusations scattered throughout against Rudolf Steiner.

The preface is printed in the weekly Das Goetheanum, No. 11, 1992.


Crisis of Civilisation

one takes notice of such things today (Aug. 15, 1920, GA 199; remark by the R. Steiner Nachlassverwaltung). Not so some present day anthroposophists. For them there is no more wind only the silence of the graveyard. But the more the dusk settles over our waking consciousness, the more distinctly the shadows of what has been condemned to death and is practically dead appear from behind the gravestones. And these shadows begin to guide the destinies of the living.


VII. The Spiritual Life of Europe and the Crisis of Freemasonry

Crisis of Civilisation

VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

Three Forms of Imperialism
When the effect of the elemental beings of the kind mentioned above was added to the conservation of old cults in the Anglo-American secret societies, the new priesthood of the Lodges was seized with the fanciful ambition to assume a leading role in the guidance of humanity with the help of the mummified ceremonies (cf. Sept. 24, 1922, GA 216). Rudolf Steiner describes the three forms of imperialism which arose in various historical epochs and appear simultaneously in a number of different ways today but under social conditions that actually have no room for any of them. We meet imperialism for the first time in the ancient Orient. There it was characterized by the fact that the ruler of the kingdom was revered as a divine being. People did not yet think, as we do today, that the hosts of spirits exist beyond the clouds. In Egypt, for example, the Pharaoh was indeed a son of heaven come down to earth, or actually the Father of Heaven himself. In those days the right of conquest was justified by the necessity to extend the kingdom of God (cf. the Assyrian legends). The subjugated peoples on their part revered the conqueror as God. This, then, was the first form of imperialism. The second form showed the ruler as ambassador of God, he was inspired, pervaded by God. In the first form man had to do with a kind of reality, in the second the ruler appeared in a garment, indicating that such a garment is customary among the Gods. Dionysios the Areopagite describes the Church hierarchy the deacons, archdeacons etc. as mirroring the Divine Hierarchies. This form of imperialism later branched off into two directions. In one case the ruler remained king and priest, in the other he took on a rather more worldly character: the king became the Anointed of God. In historical development the two directions manifested as the unification of the Church on the one hand, and of the State on the other (cf. Feb. 20, 1920, GA 196).

The shadow of the first form the first stage of imperialism remained intact in the Catholic Church, where it condensed into a kind of imperialism of the soul. Consider, Rudolf Steiner reminds us, the monks of Cluny (11th century) who attained great influence in Europe; Pope Gregory VII came from their circle the mighty, imperialistic Pope (cf. Feb. 22, 1920, GA 196). Mohammedanism too has the first form of imperialism: Mohammed is not God but Gods prophet (i.e. the second form). Nevertheless, the spreading of Mohammedanism takes place under the sign of total religious intolerance. Something of the attitude implanted in the souls of the subjects of Russian monarchs, arising again in particular in the new ideology of the restoration of the monarchy in Russia today, derives from the second form of imperialism. The now increasingly propagated thesis, already expressed by Dostoyevsky, that to be a Russian means to be a faithful member of the Eastern Orthodox Church. A throwback to the first, combined with elements of the third form of imperialism yet to be described, is represented by Bolshevism, since a metaphysical will of the people is proclaimed as the immediate, universal, worldencompassing will, a principle transcending all others. The third form of imperialism was formulated by Chamberlain and his associates in the 20th century. The concept of Imperial Federation has been part of official usage in England since the beginning of the 20th century. But its origins are already found in the 17th century, a time when the will of people began to speak and the right to vote was introduced. This form of imperialism arises out of parliamentarianism. What earlier had been a symbol or sign, now becomes a phrase. An abyss opens up between the spoken word and the reality. King-anointed thus remains an empty phrase. The opinion of the majority does not become a reality but is transformed into a phrase. Parallel to this, economic colonization begins to play an important role. An adventurer or vagabond not able to establish himself in the kingdom sets sails, let us say, to Africa, becomes rich, acquires territory and incorporates this as a new possession into the metropolis (cf. the history of Rhodesia). At first he is condemned as an adventurer, but soon this changes and everything is respectable again. This is Western imperialism, but below the surface the second form is preserved. And this is the symbolic imperialism of the secret societies which one tries to keep hidden from the wider populace (ibid.). England Rudolf Steiner says was until the Nineties the exemplary country of honest and upright parliamentari-



VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

Crisis of Civilisation

anism since it depended on the parliament to give impulses to outer politics the public (was) really co-active in outer politics. But then the initiative passed into the hands of the inspirers behind the scenes. The running of foreign affairs was taken out of parliament and out of the ministry of foreign affairs, and entrusted to an inner committee to which only the cabinet office belongs and a certain chancelry of the ministry of foreign affairs (Dec. 18, 1916, GA 173).1 This was basically the final step in a long process which led to the absolute domination of secret societies over politics in the Anglo-Saxon world. Rudolf Steiner points out that Freemasonry within the British kingdom continued to represent very respectable interests. But everywhere in a different way, in many places outside the actual British realm, Freemasonry pursues exclusively or mainly political interests. Such political interests in the most palpable sense are pursued by the Grand-Orient de France, but also by other Grand Orients. One might now say: what has that to do with the English? But view this in conjunction with the fact that the first High-degree Lodge in Paris was founded from England, not France! Not French people but Britons founded it; they only wove the French into their Lodge Then followed, again from England, the founding of Lodges in Gibraltar 1729, Madrid 1728, Lisbon 1736, Florence 1735, Moscow 1731, Stockholm 1726, Geneva 1735, Lausanne 1739, Hamburg 1737. I could continue the catalogue for a long time like a web, though of a different character than in the British kingdom, these Lodges were founded as the external instruments for certain

occult-political impulses. Next to the rapid changes exemplified historically in the fury of the Jacobins, the political activity of the Carbonari, the Cortes in Spain and other similar connections, they also play strongly into culturalhistoric development and grow tendrils that one can trace into the works of the greatest spirits of the time. Think of the nature-philosophy of Rousseau, of the critical philosophy of Voltaire working at first as enlightenment but then growing increasingly cynical, and of the attempts of the Illuminati and similar circles to overcome the cynicism of the time. These progressive circles were crushed by reactionary forces and continued their underground work in many different forms. This means that we must not reject them from the outset as being dedicated to evil. Much of their activity corresponded to the tasks of the initial period of the epoch of the consciousness-soul. But some significance must be seen in the fact Rudolf Steiner continues that the British Freemason can say today: look at our Lodges, they are very respectable and we are not concerned with the others. But if one can see through the historical connection and the driving forces in an interplay of mutual opposition to one another, then it is indeed high British politics that is concealed behind it (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174).

The Anthroposophical Cause

One or the other anthroposophizing reader will rejoin that Rudolf Steiner could err, that he too was a product of his time (R. Lissau). But the explanation for such a statement can only be that the words of Rudolf Steiner are not to the readers liking, for reasons he knowingly keeps to himself. Such a reader will also do his utmost to ensure that this book does not fall into the hands of anthroposophists. Experience has shown that this is indeed what happens to an alarming degree (remark in 1997). Not because false conclusions are drawn, but just because everything said in it corresponds to the truth. It would be saddening if a reader who feels himself to be an anthroposophist were to behave in this way. If he is aware of the responsibility we carry towards Anthroposophy in the difficult conditions of our time he should try, at least to the degree possible in the anthroposophical community in which he is active, to bring about a consistency between these insights and his work.

Among anthroposophists, from England again, a rumour is passed around about a private statement made by Rudolf Steiner to Walter Stein in 1924, according to which the influence of the occult brotherhoods in politics ceased with the victory of the Labour Party in England. This is obviously a lie, representing the distortion of a statement made by Rudolf Steiner at a pedagogical conference on February 5, 1924 (GA 300/c, p. 113). Here are his words: It is amazing how thoughtless humanity is today, so that it lets the most important symptoms go by without giving them a thought. That through the system of MacDonald a century-old tradition was broken within England, is something momentous On the other hand it should be well observed on the part of Anthroposophists how outer events clearly show that the era whose history can only be written from the physical plane, is over. We have to understand that the ahrimanic forces gain ever greater access into historical development. James Ramsay MacDonald (1886-1937) was one of the founders and leaders of the Labour Party. He became Prime Minister in 1924 and established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union.


VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

Crisis of Civilisation

We are not concerned here with the fanatical stirring-up of hostilities but with a methodologically correct knowledge and mode of action, in the way that is usual everywhere in all movements, streams and associations. Why should Anthroposophists be an exception and, because they have made spiritual science the basis of their view of the world and life, act in contradiction to it? Why, for example, should they accept standards of behaviour normal in a Lodge or a Catholic Order? If one of us were to try to be active in such an association in the sense of our principles, he would very soon be asked to give up his membership. I will give an example. In July 1990 in Basle the annual conference of the research Lodge Quatuor Coronati took place, in the course of which our president, Mr. M. Schmidt (Brabant) held a lecture. Despite the fact that the lecture corresponded to the theme and did not contain the slightest hint of what we are speaking of here, the following was said in the report on the conference: The organizers (of the conference) were ill-advised to invite the president of the General Anthroposophical Society to speak on the theme: The future of Freemasonry in the light of Anthroposophy before the members of the Freemasonic Lodge Quatuor Coronati (Germany) As Freemasons they should have been gifted with the instinct (authors emphasis) to realize that a non-Freemason cannot speak about the present, past or, indeed, the future of Freemasonry. It needs to have become a certainty to every Freemason that the inner sanctuary of Freemasonry is veiled to the profane.2 3 When I, an anthroposophist, read this I said to myself: well then, they have the right to see their cause in this light. We are, by contrast to them, an open society, but we should not allow incompetent or ill-intentioned people to judge us either, even when they come from our own circles. Not allow, not in the sense that we should stop their mouths as they do to us (isnt it paradoxical?). But with competent, well-founded and, what is especially important, public exposure of their lies, their distortion of the facts and the methods by which they falsify the form and the content of Anthroposophy.

One should not be shocked by the fact that here we are dealing with the same questions as those on the knife-edge of the purely political struggle. For, firstly, we live in this world and therefore its destiny is the same as ours, and secondly we do it in a different way: we always bear in mind the spiritual aspect of relationships in the world, and strive as Goetheanists to recognize the archetypal phenomena of current events. Our considerations cannot be reduced to ideological slogans or the simple communication of sensational facts. We announce publicly that we have obtained our method from Rudolf Steiner. To us it is neither limiting nor one-sided. On the contrary, all other methods reveal their one-sidedness by comparison. It is not the method that limits us, but at times we lack the spiritual strength to learn to master it fully. Our task always remains a spiritual-scientific one, oriented at the same time towards practical life.

Democracy and Aristocracy

But let us continue with our observations. If, says Rudolf Steiner, we search for the origins of English politics we must turn to recent history. Since the 17th century preparation had already gone on since the 16th century its aim has been to democratize, with more speed in one country, less in another, by taking power from the few and spreading it over large masses of people. I do not engage in politics, therefore I will not speak for or against democracy; I only want to place the facts before you. In recent times the democratizing process has gone forward at a rate that accelerates to a greater or a lesser degree, so that different streams are formed. But it is a mistake wherever several are to be considered, to follow only one Let us say: a green and a red stream are flowing alongside each other, the colours have no occult meaning (and) people are, let us say, usually hypnotized to look always at one stream only and not see the historical parallel stream As a parallel stream to the democratic one there arose the use of occult motifs in the various Orders They are not spiritual, because of their purposes and goals, but, let us say, there developed a spiritual aristocracy parallel to the democracy that was at work in the French Revolution, the aristocracy of the

It is remarkable that in the weekly Das Goetheanum, whose task it is after all to inform us of everything that is happening in the Anthroposophical Society, not a word was said about this interesting and significant event. Report on the annual meeting of the research Lodge Quatuor Coronati (West Germany), July 5-8, 1990 in Basle. Hamburg, 1990 (Christian-Rosenkreutz-Verlag).


VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

Crisis of Civilisation

Lodge developed.4 If one wants as a person of modern times to see clearly in order to meet the world openly and understand it, then one should not let oneself be blinded by democratic logic, which is justified only in its own sphere, or by phrases concerning democratic progress etc. One would have also to point to the interposing of something that reveals itself in the attempt to give rulership to the few through the means available within the Lodges namely, ritual and its suggestive effect. (These words truly contain the key to an understanding of what is going on in the world and with us in Russia today. We can find them confirmed at every step. The question that needs to be asked today is: must we deliberately close our eyes to it?) It seems that one has forgotten this in the materialistic era, but people still pointed these things out before the Fifties. Just look into the works of philosophical historians from before 1850 and you will see that they point to the connection of the French Revolution and all subsequent developments, with the Lodges Emancipation from these conditions and the placing oneself purely into unbiased humanity indeed occurred only under the influence of such great spirituality as was developed on into German philosophy, on the basis of the work of Lessing, Herder, Goethe (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174). People in anthroposophical circles who speak or write about political activity behind the scenes have made it a habit to regard the secret societies as something other than Freemasonry. (Since they keep silent about it we can only assume that they tacitly count them amongst the irregular Lodges.) Rudolf Steiner says the following: If you look back to 1720, you have in England a few followers of these associations. As a rule, followers are merely instruments, the actual operators stand behind them; but even followers were very few at the time. If we look at statistics today we have 488 Lodges in London, 1354 Lodges throughout Great Britain, of Masonic societies, societies that are a useful instrument in the hands of the secret societies First, it is necessary to look at the substantial content of what exists within the Lodge as an instrument for the actual moving forces. And then one needs to investigate the reasons why these forces have to this day been of extraordinary importance (Feb. 21, 1920, GA 196).

Let us add to this, what was already indicated about the Grand-Orients founded all over the world from England. It is also useful to think about the American Lodge that represents the special smithy of the ruling circles of the United States Skull and Bones (also known as bone-men) etc., etc. and the one question still remains: whom or what should we still regard as regular Freemasonry? Has not regularity now become the most radical form of irregularity? Rudolf Steiner concedes that the habit of looking for the origins of Freemasonry in the distant past has a certain validity even though they are, as they are presented, often nebulous, maybe even fraudulent. During the first stage of imperialism Gods did indeed walk in human form among men on the earth. Later this became a symbol, a symbolism that was preserved in the Lodges. In outer exoteric life symbolism has sunk into clich. (We paint symbols on tanks and aircraft). In the Lodges it is elevated to ceremonial clich. But it can happen that people who are especially gifted through their karma can, at some point, arrive at the actual meaning of these symbols. Sometimes even a blind hen finds a grain then they are removed from the secret societies concerned. But steps are taken to ensure that they cannot harm these secret societies. For power is of special importance for these secret societies, not insight (ibid.).

Internal Battle of the Lodges and Orders. Spiritism

It must be admitted that Freemasonry did not surrender its positions at once. A struggle took place in which the healthy forces were finally overcome. In those Lodges or Brotherhoods where people had knowledge of the impulses of human development, some individuals perceived the great event that ended in 1879 with the fall to earth of the forces of darkness conquered by the Archangel Michael. Such people were faced with the question: what must we do if we are to take account of this fact, this new presence of the ahrimanic spirits in the materialism of the epoch? And they resolved to help people to perceive something of the spiritual directly in the physical. Thus Spiritism arose out of a good intention in the Forties of the last century. At that time, when on the earth the spirit of criticism and of the intellect directed only to the outer world became the all-prevailing force, people had to be given at least a feeling for the existence of the spiritual.

It is not by chance that Elite, elite, elite continuously resounds in the present political agitation of all parties in Russia.


VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

Crisis of Civilisation

Other members of the Brotherhoods, who preferred to give no spiritual knowledge to humanity, expressed their agreement with this intention, despite the fact that they formed the majority. Thus the well-meaning spiritualists, all of them members of Lodges, decided and this was a mistake to convince people, with the help of mediums, of the existence of spiritual forces. They intended later to bring higher truths to humanity on this basis, since they hoped that the mediums would speak in general terms of the elementary world. But in the spiritist sances the mediums began to speak of the dead. Gradually the initiators of spiritism found themselves in the minority. But in the Lodges there were still other initiates, known as brothers of the Left, who says Rudolf Steiner [exploit] in the sense of a question of power whatever impulse is given for the development of humanity (Nov. 19, 1917, GA 178). They too had hoped for something from spiritism because in their circles they operated with the souls of the dead who, with the help of the materialistic world-view, had been bound to the Lodges after death. They gradually took control over the entire field. The well-meaning initiates gradually lost all interest in spiritism, even felt ashamed in a certain way. The brothers of the Left also began to discredit spiritism because they did not want to release people at all from the grip of materialism (ibid.).5 It was they who brought about the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and who stand behind all socialistic experiments throughout the world. The greatest and at the same time most decisive damage done to Freemasonry came from the Jesuits. We can basically speak of three levels of initiation in Freemasonry. The ritual enacted on these levels, clothed in verbal formulae, represents a certain reciprocal relation5

ship between the mysteries that existed before the Mystery of Golgatha and the tasks of humanity since that time. A whole series of further levels is woven into them, up to 95 in total. And from a certain point in time what is described below takes place. When there are people in the Lodges who, as they pass through the three stages of initiation, really reflect, then what they have inwardly anticipated in the lower three degrees will be completely destroyed by what is implanted into them in the high degrees. A terrible fog is poured out over all that can in some way be feelingly anticipated in the three lower degrees. And while the people are usually lacking any kind of clarity about it in their consciousness, they are confused in these high degrees This is because in certain periods, at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, but also on into our times, certain people infiltrated themselves into Masonic Orders, worked within them and carried into them these high degrees, developed these high degrees within Freemasonry People are gullible, often even when they are initiated into those things. And those who smuggled themselves in, those are the members of the Society of Jesus, they are Jesuits So that you will find Jesuitism not only where Freemasonry is railed against or where one preaches against Freemasonry, but you will find in the high degrees very, very much of the purest Jesuitism. It does no harm from the Jesuits point of view that one attacks what one has set up oneself, because in this realm it belongs to politics, to the right steering of men. If one wants to guide people to a particular goal, a clear one, a goal clear to man then it is good if one takes hold of them from just one side and shows them one path to this goal. If, on the other hand one wants to keep them as dull and sleepy as possible, one shows them two paths or maybe several, but two are sufficient at first. One path goes this way, another that way (see drawing). One is a Jesuit by officially belonging to the Society of Jesus and goes this way ( ), or one is a Jesuit and belongs to some high-degree Masonic Order and goes this way ( ). Then a man takes a look at this (he will hardly be able to know what is going on). It is very easy to confuse him (July 3, 1920, GA 198). This, one may say, is the main methodological principle behind the activity of all secret societies in the world today. Without knowledge of it we keep coming up against contradictions in the, at times, relentless struggle waged by representatives of one Order against another. In this conflict the physical elimination of members of the opposing Lodge, of those on the profane level, is permitted, not

In a further lecture Rudolf Steiner gives the following explanations: Since the I as well as the astral body of the medium is suppressed by the hypnotist or inspirator, it cannot gain access in a healthy way to the realm of the dead. This is why the purely luciferic teachings arose via the mediums, combined with exclusively ahrimanic observations; and therefore one had to give up the spiritists. The leading personalities of the Theosophical Society were also active in the sense of the above-mentioned compromise, i.e. they received their knowledge of the supersensible (Leadbeater i.a.) through mediums, and this was not legitimate. The greatest hopes of well-meaning initiates of the middle of the 19th Century found their realization in Anthroposophy transmitting spiritual knowledge only through an awake Iconsciousness (cf. May 11 and 13, 1915, GA 254).

VIII. Freemasonry, Britannicism and Jesuitism

to mention the masses living in the territory governed by the warring Lodges. But at the same time we can observe in the first place a certain unity of goals in the superiors of bitterly antagonistic Orders.6 And secondly, against all those who are knowingly or unknowingly caught up in this battle one uses the tactic of two daggers. Whoever draws back in fear from the one must himself dash into the other. Anthroposophists have the task to do neither of these. But first of all it is necessary to stop hoodwinking us and throwing dust into our eyes. Everyone is led by the nose, who, even if only passively, swims in the current of public opinions spread abroad just as much by the anthroposophical press as by many of our power-wielding educators. We need to understand that we then serve at least one, if not both adversaries, whatever we may proclaim in flattering tones. If the Lord God has not robbed us of our senses as a punishment for our egoism, then let at least the tragic experience of others be a lesson so that it will not be repeated in our circle. Let us investigate the history of the destruction of Freemasonry and learn from it, for healthy spirituality in the world is always fought against with the same methods.

Actions of this kind proceed from both sides. It could be rumours suggesting that the present Pope may be a figure of Western Lodges are not without foundation. Todays struggle behind the scenes has been driven to such a devilish absurdity that it assumes no longer an occult-political, but rather an occult-mafioso character.

Crisis of Civilisation

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

The Soviet Wise Men and Psychoanalysis
In 1946, shortly after the Second World War, an officer of the Soviet secret police, Gregory Klimov, escaped to the West. With much inside knowledge of the phenomenon of Soviet power he then worked for many years on what was known as the Harvard Project in Munich. The aim of the project was to study the phenomenon that Alexander Zinoviev later called Homo Sovieticus. In the foreword to the novel The Prince of this World by Klimov, published in Russia in 1992, the Russian migr professor at Stratford University S. P. Novikov says that the project had a bad reputation among Russian migrs. They said of it: the wish is to save Mother Russia from the Bolsheviks with the help of the Trotskyists and Mensheviks.1 As the leader of one of the most high-security special projects of the CIA, Klimov had the opportunity inside the project to compare the work of Soviet and American counter-espionage. He concluded that in the fields of psychological warfare and social psychology they use exactly the same scientific principles namely the psychoanalysis of Freud and Jung! It is good for the reader to know that Jung already revealed his religious credo (and this is little known) in the very earliest stages of his work. In the first edition of his book The Psychology of Unconscious Processes he writes: The concept of God is an absolutely necessary psychological function of irrational nature that has nothing whatever to do with the question of the existence of God. For the latter is one of the most stupid questions one could ask.2 Klimov shows how this Jungian conclusion is valued by the Soviets from the point of view of dialectical materialism and how it establishes that the Biblical devil,

whose number is legion, is simply a complicated, complex social illness.3 Illness is the devil himself; thus conclude the psychoanalysts and dialecticians who work in the depths of the KGB. Correspondingly health equals God. In various ways and for many centuries humanity has been battling with this principal illness which signifies the decline of the human race. The Fathers of the Inquisition sought a cure for it, as did the Soviet secret police! The author of the foreword to Klimovs novel thinks that the religious approach is the most rational in this case, because whenever other alternatives were sought one ended up with purges, concentration-camps and gas-chambers. Jung also thought that the question regarding the existence of God belonged to the most stupid questions, but that religion is nevertheless necessary as a means applied by psychiatry under certain conditions for the treatment of pathological complexes. Another book by Klimov, The Protocols of the Soviet Learned Elders, is a summary of lectures of high sociology said to have been delivered by the black professorship before the most powerful members of the Soviet Hierarchy. The world wonders and disputes over whether Klimov wrote these books, or whether they are the fruit of collaborative work. What are his sources? Does he rely on existing documents or intuitions of genius? From our personal experiences in the Soviet Union we would say that in spirit the Protocols are genuine. They are the totally undisguised expressions of the ideology of the new dark-spiritual force whose synthesis carries out a substantial piece of work for Ahriman and Lucifer in cultural-social life and reveals itself as the asuric force. Of this Rudolf Steiner says that as it encroaches into the social life of men it does irreparable harm to the human I. This force so to speak tears pieces out of the I, and it will not be possible to remove the consequences of this process in the course of future incarnations. Reading the Protocols poses a difficult spiritual and ethical test. But they should be read. They show that the Eastern side is playing va banque in that it makes visible what has its origin in the West and finds its practical expression in the East: namely the noises in the brains of Western intellectuals that are carried to their logical conclusion and even make the hair of the Western Marx-

The origins of todays Perestroika can be found here. The Mensheviks were the minority in Russian social democracy from 1913, forming the contrast to the majority led by Lenin, the Bolsheviks. C. G. Jung, Die Psychologie der unbewussten Prozesse (Psychology of the Unconscious Processes), Zrich, 1917, p. 210.

Gregory Klimov, Knaz mira sego (The Lord of this World), Moscow, 1992, p. 17.


Crisis of Civilisation

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

ists and Freudians stand on end. Why this va banque step was taken 20 to 30 years ago is only becoming transparent today. But more of this later. In the introductory lecture, Protocol No. 1, a professor in the uniform of a KGB General tells his audience highest Party and State functionaries that a number of special laws are to be revealed, that guide the destiny of the world In principle it is the same as what used to be called God and Devil.4 Several interpretations of the Bible, he continues, exist in Protestant sects as well as in Freemasonry, which put the Devil in Gods place and swear by the Bible. The time has come for us to look at them with the help of dialectical materialism. In accordance with this view devil, demons and evil spirits are to be regarded as objective realities. They are nothing other than various forms of illness of psyche and soul. The soul that is the spirit. Illness of soul is the evil spirit, the devil. Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin all of them are the work of the devil. In the good old days such people were called warlocks and sorcerers in the worst sense. The devil represents an involved and complex process of degeneracy or retrogression that in the main consists of three parts: sexual deviations, psychic illnesses and some physical deformities of the organism. The number of humans already afflicted with this degeneration is legion it is that legion of which the devils speak to Christ. With the help of sociological and psychological tests the American Dr. Kinsey5 calculated that in American and any other society the percentage of legionnaires is on average 37%; among intellectuals 50%; among poets, writers and the intellectual lite as much as 75%. Thus the question arises: who rules the world? The dialecticians from among the psychoanalysts reply: the Prince of this world. And they formulate one of the fundamental laws of the new Soviet system of belief, dialectical Christianity: 90% of all criminal acts, including political crimes (all Soviet dissidents are considered political criminals Sacharov, Solzhenitsyn etc.), 90% of all evil and all misery of the human race starting with the simple divorce of husband

and wife, up to world wars and revolutions are the result of the hereditary degeneration manifesting in psychic illnesses and sexual deviations.6 The authors of this law admit readily that they are not its inventors. Already in 1932, during an international congress of eugenics, Professors of the University of Columbia, Dunn and Dobzhansky (non-communists) made the following statement: There is no doubt that, if the law regarding sterilisation were to be applied more widely in the U.S.A., in barely 100 years we would have eliminated at least 90% of criminal acts, insanity, mental retardation, idiocy and sexual deviations, not to mention the many other forms of defects and degeneracies. In this way mental hospitals, prisons and psychiatric institutes would be almost freed of the victims of human pain and suffering within the course of a century (Heredity, Race and Society, New York, 1957, p. 86).7 If we recall at this point the dreams of the Russian utopianist K. S. Mereshkovsky, who had come to these conclusions already in 1903, the circle will close between some of the alarming endings and beginnings. Alarming, because the statistical results on which they are based correspond to reality, while the conclusions drawn from them are an expression, to the highest degree, of the decline of the human spirit. Behind it, as its source, there stands a truly demonic power. The ingenious theories serve this power merely as a camouflage. The black professor of highest sociology tells his listeners: comrades, we will place into your hands the Biblical keys to the knowledge of good and evil, of
6 7

Gregory Klimov, Protokoly sovetskich mudrekhov (Protocols of the Soviet Learned Elders), San Francisco, 1981 (Globus Publisher), p. 2. Alfred Charles Kinsey, 1894-1956 attempted, by means of a system of anonymous questionnaires, to collect information about sexual behaviour in civilized society. Reports appeared in the media lately claiming that Kinsey faked the statistics. There are no scientific counter-arguments to refute this (Publishers Note).

Ibid., p. 11. The entry regarding Eugenics in the 1976 edition of The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, (15th edition) is of interest. The Englishman Sir Francis Galton was the pioneer, making the first investigations in London in 1904. In 1926 in the U.S.A. men who represented then-fashionable attitudes founded the American Eugenic Society. They investigated how through sterilization one could eradicate inferior elements, criminals and mentally handicapped. After one had succeeded in proving statistically that such defects are hereditary the matter was pursued vigorously and by 1931 sterilization laws had already been passed in 27 [US]-states. By 1935 laws were in force in Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Norway and Sweden These laws were rarely drastically enforced in the US-states, and only in few cases did the number of sterilizations exceeded 100 per year (and state). California was the exception, with more than 350 sterilizations annually, totalling 9,931 by 1935, and some of the Southern states with quite high rates of sterilization per head of population. With scientific progress these laws were increasingly called in question (Publishers Note).


Crisis of Civilisation

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

reason and madness, of life and death, the keys to happiness and misery. But remember that these keys are poisoned and that one needs to handle them with great care. We have already had in this connection a number of murders and suicides. And this is quite understandable if we put ourselves in the position of a person who, so far used to the continuous consumption of a certain poison dialectical materialism , is now suddenly confronted with the task of actively and, what is even more important, independently, perverting the Iconsciousness, because he is told: this has nothing to do with the Brief Outline of Party History you once studied as the bible of communism and which now proves to be a falsification of history. This person does not find the strength to experience the metamorphosis of the devil in oneself in his own soul, and abandons the game. Christ asks: can the demonic power remain intact if it splits in two? In our century the demonic power replies: Yes, it can! corresponding to the dialectical law of the unity and conflict of opposites. In the language of spiritual science this means the appearance of the Asuras. This is why the life of a human being in the 20th century is associated with an enormously high risk. And one sees oneself obliged to speak of this again and again. It is truly not the time for complacent, negative criticism in an epoch where human beings are about to lose their I-substance.

In face of the monstrous reality, from Lenin to Pol Pot, and whose end those alive today will not live to see, no-one will dare to call this an exaggeration. The ideologies of the end of the world as we may call them are constructed in the light of the objective laws of development, though these are either turned back-to-front, or transferred into a sphere to which they have no relation. This is the method of the luciferic-ahrimanic spirits who, with their spectral existence in the world of secondary reality, strive to compete with the Divine creative force. But they can only do it in their own way, out of the opposite principle, in that they reject the highest, the truly real. Just consider the law of unity and conflict of opposites discovered not by Marx, but by Hegel. But Hegel meant only the pure phenomenology of the spirit, not class-conflict. Marx, who had learnt from Hegel, transferred the law to social-economic conditions. The primacy of the spirit over matter had been transformed in the course of evolution into a primacy of ideology over concrete life. This is how the business is done not amateurishly in the least. In the secret societies of the West, says Rudolf Steiner, Hegel is meditated inwardly and in depth, there his works are considered esoteric (cf. Dec. 4, 1920, GA 202). The practising dialecticians of secret societies and Orders know very well that if one wants to launch into a world-wide adventure on one side, it is necessary to create for oneself a counter-effect from the other side. Reduced to its simplest terms, this means that as soon as we let the dogs off the leash on one side, the same has to happen on the other; it will not work otherwise. But both the one and the other have to be controlled from a unified centre. Only outwardly can everything, though always within the limits of the planned experiment, be given over to the free play of forces. When Rudolf Steiner analyzed the so-called Testament of Peter the Great (a forgery), he explained the effect of the principle of the two daggers. He said that, in the Testament, two things had with historical genius been combined, that work together with extraordinary effectiveness sympathy and antipathy. (The human being lives through the most deeply Russian, i. e. most deeply national, relations as well as the hostile surrounding world.) In these situations, Rudolf Steiner continues, it is such that one activates not just one stream but lets one stream always be crossed by another, thereby causing both to influence each other in some way (Dec. 9, 1916, GA 173). Thus a confusion can be made to arise in which nothing can be clearly identified; the socio-political scene of action can be transformed into a minefield with the safe paths known only to the select few.

The Dialectics of the Secret Societies

Modern man is under massive attack from two sides. This is done with the help of means that at first sight appear to exclude each other. On the one hand everything possible is done to speed up the processes of decline in the human being: the noise and stomping of pop-culture grows ever louder, the sexual revolution marches on triumphant. On the other hand the materialistically-thinking eugenicists point their finger at these phenomena and speak of the necessity for artificial selection. It is tempting to believe that these things are entirely opposite, which to a certain extent is true. However, these polarities are already being woven into a certain synthesis, into a dialectical-materialistic Christianity a Utopia which aims to turn the whole of human life into a nightmare, to create a parody of evolution and to drive humanity into the Eighth sphere, into that infernal world where the anti-substance of the future planetary cycle is woven.


Crisis of Civilisation

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

The various occult directions sometimes take on entirely opposite tasks. Rudolf Steiner speaks of Belgium as a country between Holland and France in which at a given time, when something important was taking place, certain people [acted] under the suggestive influence of certain Masonic societies which had an occult background. Then it was a matter of obscuring the traces. Therefore some Jesuitic influence was led to the same place so that Masonic and Jesuitic influence met. For there certainly are people in higher places who are Freemasons as well as Jesuits, Imperiums (it only remains for us to interpolate a certain country that lies between Japan and Poland), that can make use of Jesuitism as well as Freemasonry in order to achieve what they wish through the working together of both (ibid.). But in the collaboration with Freemasonry, only a select few gain entrance. The fact is important that Freemasonry as well as Jesuitism basically has three stages of initiation. If 33 stages are mentioned, it is not the decimal, but another system that is meant. The number 33 reads 3 x 3; nine stages of initiation. But among Freemasons or Jesuits there is hardly anyone able to pass through the nine stages. A few are able to advance beyond the first three stages to the next three. These people form within certain brotherhoods not all of them, of course, only certain ones a kind of association where it is absolutely possible, for example, for a superior of a Jesuit community to belong to this society. The Jesuits, of course, fiercely oppose the communities of Freemasons, the communities of Freemasons fiercely oppose the Jesuit communities; but superiors of the Freemasons and superiors of the Jesuit community belong to the higher degrees of a special brotherhood, form a state within a state encompassing the others. Rudolf Steiner concludes: Just think what can be achieved in the world when one has an apparatus of this kind at ones disposal (Apr. 4, 1916, GA 167). Rudolf Steiner expresses these thoughts in 1916; four years later he defines them further. I now speak he stresses , and I want to say it again, not of the high degrees in general, but of certain high degrees of certain Orders of Freemasons and other occult societies, the Order of Oddfellows etc. For in this sphere it is extremely difficult to distinguish what is genuine from what is not; but I speak of certain widely distributed streams in this sphere (July 3, 1920, GA 198).

This fact should always be borne in mind, so that we do not copy the Jesuits in their indiscriminate denunciation of Freemasonry. At the same time we must not forget that it is only those of high degrees who lead the destinies of the occult Orders and of world politics. Already since the end of the 18th century newcomers have entered the Lodges and set up high degrees; and you find very, very much of the purest Jesuitism in the high degrees8 (ibid.). In the same lec-

We would like to quote another source that in this case can hardly be surpassed in objectivity. The Freemasons Dictionary of Lennhoff/Posner from 1932 says under the caption Jesuits: While one has to see in the Jesuits the most militant opponents to Freemasonry within the Catholic camp, the thesis that the Societas Jesu had called to life Freemasonry towards the end of the 17th Century or had tried to steer it into a certain direction soon after the formation of the first Grand Lodge (especially in France and Germany), has been adhered to for quite a while. Bode, Biester, Knigge, Schrder, Nicolai in Germany, Nicolas de Bonneville, Rebold, Ragon in France, Capt. Smith in England were main advocates of the theory of decisive Jesuit influence on Freemasonry. Bode was the first to write about it in its most far-reaching form. He called the Jesuits the inventors of Freemasonry Ludwig Friedrich Schrder did not share the opinion that the Jesuits had founded Freemasonry, but he too tried to decipher, in accordance with the purposes ascribed to the Jesuits, the mystical content of the Scottish Degree said to have been invented by them. Most adherents of the Jesuit theory tended to the view that the Jesuits took control of continental Freemasonry for the purpose of politicizing it in their sense, to bring the exiled House of Stuart back to the English Throne and Catholicism to power again in the British Isles and strengthen it in the other Protestant countries. In order to prepare souls for this purpose, the unknown Superiors had created a Catholic ritual out of Protestant English Freemasonry with its three degrees rooted in Building symbolism, by grafting onto it High Degrees put together by them. They invented the Masonic Legend of the Masters of the Temple, pervaded the Lodges with their own emissaries and attempted by all available means to bring the whole of Freemasonry under their control. If again and again it was stubbornly asserted that the Jacobite (Stuartist) Chevalier Ramsay, active in France, invented the Templar degrees of Scottish Masonry, and made this known in his Discours, then it is intimately connected to assertions regarding its supposed Jesuit origins. To the opponents of Jesuitism Ramsay was a fervent disciple of Loyola, as was Baron von Hund, Johnson, Gugomos (brought up by Jesuits), the cleric Starck, who were believed to have spread their Freemasonry only in the interest of the Catholic Church. The combining of Strict Observance with the clerical system of Starck, which undoubtedly pursued catholicizing tendencies, seemed especially flagrant, no less the fact that after the abolition of the Order of Jesuits by Clement XIV (1773), many ex-Jesuits indeed sought and found entrance to the Lodges (par. 775-777).


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IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

ture Rudolf Steiner warns that all kinds of cliques want to introduce nonsense and false mysticism into our circles as well. To discuss the superiors of these Lodges with ordinary members is quite pointless, since every means including occult methods of influencing conscious-

ness has been applied to arouse in them unqualified trust in the holders of high degrees. Rudolf Steiners communications are basically the only untainted source from which true knowledge can be drawn. The members of the special brotherhood of high degrees have an exceptional status of inviolability. They confer this status also upon those who immediately carry out their intentions their life is guaranteed, regardless of the development of the game they are playing. Such figures were, for example, Kerensky and Trotsky. No-one would have ever touched the latter if he himself had not driven the game a bit too far. The younger brothers are granted unrestricted liberty to kill each other off in the name of world-wide dialectics. We must try to understand Rudolf Steiners words if we do not wish, as anthroposophists, to be drawn into this terrible dialectic, and to find ourselves on the side of one or the other power while they settle their scores under the leadership of a unified centre. This does not mean that our life becomes free of danger. No, our task is different: it is to be representatives of the purely anthroposophical task in the world despite all disagreeable outer conditions. For then the opponents of Anthroposophy will have less to do with us than with the Divine Hierarchies themselves. With regards to our personal fate, all may be left to the will of God. It is important not to be so foolish as to serve ahrimanic or luciferic forces. Already at the beginning of the century people had an inkling of the existence of a certain highest centre of power behind the scenes. On several occasions Rudolf Steiner speaks of the Austrian writer Hermann Bahr and his novel Himmelfahrt (Ascension). The novel tells of an Englishman who travels the entire world in search of the key to an understanding of human destinies. Finally he discovers certain invisible threads woven as a unified power around the whole world. The Englishman has the wish at all costs to penetrate to the inner circle of this power. It says in the novel, that he was not averse to holding the Jews in high esteem and occasionally voiced in all seriousness his suspicion that maybe in the innermost circle of this hidden world-web Rabbis and Monsignori sit together in perfect concord. Rudolf Steiner adds to this quote from the novel: And you can be quite sure Hermann Bahr got to know this Englishman! All this is from life (Dec. 10, 1916, GA 173).

Christian church in Mexico (photo from a travel brochure; note symbol on church tower!)



Crisis of Civilisation

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

At the end of the 20th century the existence of a unified centre of power invisibly guiding the affairs of the world is no longer a secret. Articles are written about it in newspapers and magazines. But this is done by people acting on the instructions of this centre. Such publications therefore merely serve the purpose of disguising still further the true state of affairs. One will not be able to understand it at all without the help of spiritual science. This is also why Rudolf Steiner says: The more we show in certain circles that we have the truth, the worse the opposition will be; and the more this truth proves effective, the more intensively it will appear (Sept. 22, 1918, GA 184). Such are the prospects for our relationships to the outer world. To undertake to explain the true state of affairs to someone there, would be a futile and dangerous exercise. Not so with anthroposophists, who have a consciousness directed to the Divine Hierarchies. Before the supersensible world they have to testify to the true situation on earth. Hence with them any error is transformed into guilt with far-reaching karmic consequences. We are obliged in our process of cognition to reach through to the archetypal phenomena, but not to crave for sensations or raise cowards to heaven. Rudolf Steiner emphasizes that in the unified circle of Western secret societies there is a direct orientation towards Ahriman. Christ is known there and is believed to be weaker than Ahriman. From there earthly civilization is being prepared through mass-culture and the most varied monstrosities that destroy morality and the relationships of people to their spiritual and historical past in such a way that the best conditions are being created for the incarnation of Ahriman. Nothing in the course that all forms of spiritual life, politics and economic relations have taken in the 20th century is arbitrary, coincidental or natural. In very recent times it has been written about with great openness in the media of the so-called New Right. Many facts indicated by them correspond to reality. For instance, it has been correctly pointed out that Ahrimans number 666 is cunningly exploited, that humanity is educated to anti-aesthetics and antimorality, that the traditional concepts of beautiful and moral are turned into their exact opposites etc. But an entirely wrong aim is pursued through such publications. All this represents no more than the game that is being played with the conflict and unity of opposites. These media declare openly that the coming of Ahriman is imminent. But it is done in a purely luciferic way

harmless to Ahriman in order to arouse fear in people, to herd them behind the walls of a church or a new ideology, or unite them under a banner bearing the already familiar slogan Jesus our General! The unmasking of occult societies, all of them allegedly worshipping Baphomet, is pursued to the same end. In practice this is equivalent to saying: Beware of that occultism and join ours. To this the other side replies: If you are not so primitive as to believe these fabrications, then come to us. Simply put, it speaks again of the familiar tactic of the two daggers. A third has recently been added to the two, and has made the situation even more complicated. Dense swathes of lies poison like a smog the whole atmosphere of social life. Who will survive in such conditions? Who will endure to the end? If one wanted, with the help of commonly-used terminology, to formulate a conclusion that might serve as guideline for those who strive to be awake in the present it would have to sound something like this: Through the Inquisition the Catholic form of Christianity was compromised absolutely and irrevocably. Through the French Revolution and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia Freemasonry was compromised absolutely and irrevocably. Regardless of whether there are still truly faithful Christians in the Catholic Church, whether honest people dedicated to a spiritual quest still exist in the Lodges both directions have been usurped in their essential being through the hierarchy of power by the forces of evil. The Masonic elite plays with hell; the Catholic (the Jesuits, the Opus Dei) consciously wages war against heaven. The first proclaiming internationalism sets nations under the power of the ahrimanic double of the folk spirits. The second, proclaiming political nationalism, battles against the archangelic leaders of the peoples in order to subject them to the leadership of the luciferic double the demons of nationalism. Both directions come to a synthesis in the asuric spirit of the time, which stands in total opposition to the legitimate time-spirit the Archangel Michael in that it strives to disconnect culture, the spiritual life, spiritual creativity, from of the inspirations of the folk spirits and the genius of language (since it is internationalist); and in that it attempts to subject sociopolitical, inter-state relations to the narrow-minded egoism of nations, the nationalistic striving for isolation, which was intended to play an increasingly subordinate role.



Crisis of Civilisation

IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

It is the Janus-headed, asuric character of the distortion of Christian civilization in its entirety that confuses those people who try to understand events. The Russian philosopher, historian and sociologist Konstantin Leontiev encountered this problem already in the 19th century. He wrote in his article Tribal politics as an Instrument of the World-wide Revolution, published in 1888: How is it that people seek for something, but then find something entirely different? I intend to write a short political history of this great and almost universal fraud The political outcome is obvious; the course of events is clear, although convoluted. The causes are mysterious. Then Leontiev goes on to analyze the national movements of his time the national struggle for freedom of the Serbs and Greeks, the Italians, the national uprisings of the Poles, of Hungary, the unification of Germany etc. and he concludes: All these nations, these states, have taken a mighty step in these 30 years (from 1859 to 1889) on the path of egalitarian liberalism, democracy, equal rights, on the path of the inner mingling of the classes, provincial powers, ethics, laws etc. But at the same time they have progressed mightily on the path to great similarity with other states and other societies. All societies of the West have in these 30 years become more similar to each other than they were before. A grouping of states according to tribes and nations, in part greater, in part purer in comparison to before is therefore nothing but a preparation that is baffling in its clarity and force, for the transition to a cosmopolitan, at first Pan-European, later possibly a world-wide state (latter emphasis by the present author). This is terrible! But still more terrible in my opinion is the fact that to this day there is no-one in Russia who is willing to see and understand this. Today, after more than one hundred years, we still confront what Konstantin Leontiev recognized, despite the fact that his purely emotional exclamation terrible! has been transformed for us into the incarnated horror of the 20th century. The staunch democrat of today does not tire of repeating that there is nothing wrong with nations forming closer links with each other culturally. And it is quite impossible to make him, a cultivated barbarian, understand that his objection bears no relation to culture. We will quote Leontiev once more: Italy he writes in the same article , was still famous in the first half of the century for its uniqueness and variety. Very close to France and Spain in language and

ethnic composition, it was nevertheless entirely distinct from them in laws, spirit, customs and traditions etc. A benevolent patriarchal nature and wild cruelty; disorder and poetry; naivety and cunning; ardent piety and refined vice; deep antiquity and the flaming up of an entirely revolutionary spirit All this was united in the most original way in the Italy that was divided up into individual states and was partly oppressed. Was there anyone in those days whom it did not inspire? Byron, anticipating with the genius of his instinct the approaching democratic banalization of the civilized lands of Europe, fled into the savage gardens of Spain, Italy and Turkey. There he could breathe more freely! Goethe owes to Italy his Roman Elegies and the famous character of Mignon; Pushkin dreamt of Italy and wrote about it. George Sand Alfred de Musset Gogol They all agreed that Italy was not grey, bourgeois, stereotyped For the English, French, Russians and Germans a true wonderland began beyond the Alps. As Italy became unified and politically independent, it began to resemble France or any other European country As Italy grew more powerful it almost immediately lost its cultural uniqueness. After 1866 and 1871 the face of Germany also began to change; to change for the worse, as with the growth of political unity, independence and international superiority its actual national-cultural character was transformed. Leontiev writes the following about Russia. (Since the Sixties) we have thought much about Slavic nationalism within as well as outside Russias borders, when in our institutions and customs we began suddenly and rapidly to come closer to Pan-Europe We even put the French tchako on our soldiers heads; this is a very important symbol! The process of inner alignment and outer conciliation of peoples, which began already in the second half of the 19th century, was by no means a natural process. At the time the frightening symptomatology of political manipulations could already be recognized behind it. In the widest sense it was possible then to anticipate what the world is going through today. In our day and in the course of the following years we shall probably bear witness to the correctness of Leontievs predictions regarding the creation of a World state, just as we already had the opportunity to recognize that his anticipation of the events at the beginning of the 20th century was entirely accurate. The conflict with Ger145

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many he writes is inevitable for France in the near future and it is hard to believe in her glorious victory. And even if what the French dream of came true, even if they were to fight in an alliance with Russia, it seems to me that the same would happen to them as happened to the Italians in 1860. The Germans would defeat them, but they would possibly come out victorious after all thanks to the fact that the Germans would possibly be defeated by the Russians. And, I hasten to add, I do not believe in our victory because I understand much about our preparations for war, nor because I count on a numerical superiority of the united Franco-Russian force over the military forces of the MiddleEuropean League. But because Russia will in this case be serving the principle of tribes, national-cosmopolitan politics, the deceitful Proteus of universal mixing. For us, the war will nevertheless be about the Slavs, about our rights to Bulgaria and Serbia. Let us suppose that there is a war with Austria; if it does not occur to Germany at the right moment to deceive her allies, but she really comes to their assistance, she will suffer terribly, just as all others have suffered, who set themselves against the tribal stream. This is how a Russian philosopher perceived world events 35 years before the beginning of the irrevocable, total destruction of Europe, the world-wide drama whose final act is imminent.


IX. The Unity of Shadow Occultism

Crisis of Civilisation

X. World and Power

Dictatorship and the Anglo-Saxon World
The ancient Kingdom of Klingsor, the epicentre of ahrimanic initiation, builds today a kind of black sun of civilization and stands in opposition to the entire cultural-social sphere of the normal evolution of humanity, which is moving towards the consciousness-soul. It was not the romantic fantasy of the medieval poets that brought forth the theme of the two basic principles light and darkness. Their contrast becomes effective today in individual souls as well as in the entire structure of social relationships. Klingsor is celebrating cruel victories in our time. It is he who, like a Grand Inquisitor or a high degree Master, is the creator of the ideologies of totalitarianism, who provides the buttress for violence over personality, who sends an altogether disreputable Kundry into the world to inspire the sexual revolution and pop-culture and to celebrate black mysteries of the frenzy of the masses. Only what is able to appeal to the Holy Chalice, the Mystery of Golgatha, can withstand the world-wide unity of Ahriman. But, for this, spiritual freedom is necessary, the ability to penetrate the secrets of the world right down to their archetypal phenomena, as well as the ability to bring life to moral intuitions. These are the qualities of the members of todays brotherhood of the Grail; they lay the foundation for the service of the Christ in spirit and in truth. And this alone enables us to act against the complete destruction of culture and the enslavement of the human I. It is not enough to study the history of the Mysteries of the Grail, visit the places where men served it in times long past. We must work on ourselves. If anyone desires to come after me says the Christ let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it (Matthew 16; 24-25). Hypocrisy is of no use whatever, only the development of the three attributes mentioned above. Only through acquiring them will we be able to realize Goethes die and become at every moment of our life, which means nothing else than to practise periphrastic self-denial and follow Christ.

The main attribute of our opponents those, too, within the Anthroposophical Society is the utter inability to take such a step. Here lies the source of the superabundance of empty phrases and corruption in the world. Countless simple souls are altogether taken hold of by the idea of the limitless growth of consumption. They are willing to do anything for the sake of its realization because it has already become the global existential philosophy and an article of faith. And the masses of the profane who populate the lower degrees in the Orders and Lodges are convinced of it. Fear of death, followed not by resurrection but by absolute nothingness, leads souls to be reconciled to known evil. It lets them blindly follow the doctrines sent down to them from the mysteries and awesome high degrees. The rest is taken care of by strict discipline and the unprincipled exploitation of human weaknesses. It seems that it is already beyond mans power to halt the stream of this deathbringing development. But it is equally impossible to do nothing. For there is no condition that could not become even worse. Formerly Rudolf Steiner said in a lecture held in early 1917 , there was a tyranny by which certain people were obliged, for a time, only to hold true what was recognized by Rome. The tyranny will be far greater when the time comes where not what the philosopher decides, not what the scientist decides, is the basis of faith, but what the organs of those occult brotherhoods will allow one to believe: that in no mans soul anything else will be believed than what is prescribed from those quarters, that no other conduct can be introduced into the world from any other side. This is what these brotherhoods strive for. And it is a nave belief of many idealists when they imagine that these things are only temporary and the possibility of averting such things lies only in the clear, proper understanding of what is; all the rest is pointless. Therefore it will be necessary, even though from a certain side one will not like to see and hear, and measures will be taken to oppose it, that there should always be people who really point out the whole, full intensity of what is happening; who are not afraid to point out the whole, full intensity of what is happening (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174). In Russia the things that Rudolf Steiner anticipated soon became reality. But despite all the horror done to us, this was no more than a beginners writing attempt: an experiment for future realization through the entire world. There are still only a few details that remain to be corrected. The brotherhoods are at present thinking through in a comprehensive way the results as well as the miscalculations of the experiment so that a universal net can now be woven, whose


X. World and Power

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meshes will be so tight that not even the smallest fish will slip through. Once the net is complete, the whole of humanity will be enclosed in it. Only few people notice this and when it has become clear to many, it will already be too late. The greater part of humanity will continue to be influenced by America, but not the America we know today. It will not be long after the year 2000 has come round, that not a direct, but a kind of prohibition on all thinking will issue from America, a law whose purpose will be the suppression of all individual thinking (Apr. 4, 1916, GA 167). Rudolf Steiner made this prediction in 1916. Only a few years are left until 2000. Should someone today still not recognize the ominous signs that point to the prediction soon becoming reality, he should at least not force his foolish will on others. On the other hand, those who understand what is going on, but continue to tolerate and support the death-bringing tendency, ought to think about another statement of Rudolf Steiner: truly, not only Germany and the middle countries and Russia, but the whole civilized earth, will gradually be encompassed by a terrible bond of slavery, and never become happy again. For, through what comes only from the past, the world is at an end! Something new must come from the spiritual world (Dec. 31, 1918, GA 187). And the new is coming. It is enough, in devotion to knowledge, trustingly to open our hearts to the new and develop the capacity of soul to be unprejudiced, something practically no-one is willing to do. Wherever we look, spiritualscientific communications are received in very peculiar ways as though they had nothing to do with real life and the concrete destiny of human beings. People nod their heads, give their assent: Yes, indeed, mass-culture is generally pervaded by magic; yes, they really exist, these dark occult brotherhoods. But as soon as the concrete deeds of these brotherhoods, taking place right next to them, are pointed out, or when the behaviour of concrete people is described, one is brusquely pushed aside, accused of prejudice and envy etc., etc. Thus no choice is left but to trust the small flock of people who do not let themselves be intimidated. For the lack of willingness to acquire concrete clarity about these things is rooted mainly in fear, springs therefore from the presence of Ahriman in the soul. He is the spirit of the lie, the spirit who sows fear in us. But despite having accepted spiritual science into themselves, people continue to think that fear is the product of a given state of electrons and their behaviour towards the atomic nuclei. It is deeds that inform us about the spirit of a human being.

To those who are able to overcome fear, who are able to put aside their narcissism excessive self-love Rudolf Steiner gives insights such as the following: The Anglo-American world has its initiates, it has people who know how to appreciate spiritual forces In the Lodges of initiates these people said: we in the West are preparing everything, so that in future, with all the means that can be won from the spiritual world but illicitly for the elevation of national pride we have obtained people who may become their rulers, individual people on a plutocratic basis (June 22, 1919, GA 192). The initiates and the plutocratic principle this is the all-destroying alliance that has arisen in Klingsors latest kingdom and, if it is not overthrown, it will not only destroy culture but also cause a global ecological catastrophe similar to that which befell Atlantis when a number of initiates had betrayed the Mysteries. The spiritual and ethical world of man is closely linked to the elementary spirits of nature. If we destroy this world, we also destroy the physical basis of the earthly existence of human beings. Above all the Anglo-Saxon nations must gain clarity in all these matters because Rudolf Steiner has already raised his voice in warning. I wanted to differentiate between this British people and those whom I call, to use a trivial expression, wire-pullers, who stand behind what happens It is also not necessary to identify oneself with these impulses even though it can obviously not be my task to prevent someone from identifying with them Only, he should say what is true and not that he identifies with the ideals of the right of small nations and so on; but he should be clear that it is his will to rule the world (Jan. 6, 1917, GA 174). But why is it the English-speaking nations in particular who have become the field of activity of the wire-pullers? A certain logic can definitely be recognized. Rudolf Steiner gives the following explanation: These occult brotherhoods do not work out of a special British patriotism, but ultimately they want to place the entire earth under the domination of mere materialism. And since, according to the laws of the fifth post-Atlantean period, certain elements of the British people (today it would be more correct to say: of Anglo-Americanism) are most suited for this as bearers of the consciousness-soul, they want through the use of grey magic to bring these suitable elements as promoters of materialism Other components of the nation could never be used in the same way, as material for the transformation of the whole earth into a realm of materialism



X. World and Power

Crisis of Civilisation

This is why one must place ones foot on the neck of this component of the nation and divest it of all spiritual striving (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). We have already indicated that these aims did not fall into the lap of the English-speaking peoples overnight. At first there germinated again by virtue of the instinctive mastering of the consciousness-soul the ideas of the third form of imperialism. Gradually they were woven through by ahrimanic spirits who began to look for those personalities who are able to wait, who prepare their actions not over years but through decades, when they are the actions of high politics. But today a spiritual discipline already rules in the Englishspeaking world in the highest degree. It is so strong that it can make men like Asquith (English Prime Minister, 1908-1916) and Grey (Minister of Foreign Affairs in Asquiths Cabinet) who are basically innocent rabbits into its puppets, its marionettes A colleague in the ministry said about him (Grey) a long time ago : he is a person who always wears an expression of concentration because he never had a thought of his own. But such people are sought out when one wants to have the right puppets for the world theatre (June 22, 1919, GA 192).1 This is the present state of affairs with regard to our instincts and traditions. We should not thoughtlessly break off all connections with them, but it is far more dangerous to submit to them without reflection. This applies to the individual as well as to entire peoples. We need to have precise knowledge of the past and

where the origins of todays events lie.2 We should make the evolution of the world and of man an object of spiritual-scientific investigation and history an object of symptomatological research.

The Origin of the Idea of World Rule

If we want to understand our century we need to know that the time when Christianity became a state-religion is of special importance. The roots of the tragic processes of our time lie in the Byzantine Empire. In 325, at the First Ecumenical Council summoned by Constantine in Nica, two interpretations of faith collided irreconcilably. Advocate of one was the Alexandrian Presbyter Arius, while the deacon and later Alexandrian bishop and Church father Athanasius proclaimed the other. What the Church reveals about the conflict of these two men does not at all clarify the root of the phenomenon that has left deep traces in Europes history. Arius taught that God, when he created the world, also created a mediator between himself and the world the Son of God. Athanasius, on the other hand, declared the Son of God to be the same in nature as the Godhead of the Father for all eternity. These different opinions regarding the Holy Trinity reveal in essence that the population of Europe was, already in the 4th century, a complex configuration of widely diverse spiritual attitudes and views of life and world. What Arius taught Rudolf Steiner explains can be brought to people through the appeal to certain feelings the noblest feelings. That which lies in the creed of Athanasius speaks very little to the human sense of understanding. In order to make people receptive it has to be prescribed and made into a law similar to a worldly law. This is what took place. The utterly incomprehensible and strange conception of the oneness of the Son with the Father, who are both from all eternity and in the same measure God, and so forth, this was also later approached in such a way that it was said, one does not need to understand it, one must believe it. It is something that can be prescribed. It was also possible to introduce the Athanasian creed into a political Church organization In this way, what came up from the South, from Athanasianism, merged with the tendency to

How great is the number of these always-concentrated people in the governments of Eastern Europe in the times of Perestroika! Indeed, even in the USA a person was made President, who is the spitting image of our young renewers. The first thing to be immediately noticed with all these people is their subservience. None of them gives the impression of being an independent person. Their faces reflect their unbroken attention to what certain elders are whispering in their ear. But times have changed and newspapers openly reported that Yeltsin (one of the experienced ones) was received as a knight into the Maltese Order. The ceremony was performed by the Georgian faith healer (a medium) Djuna, authorized representative of the Order. We must wonder who Gorbachev actually is. (Though all this is only mummery.) The tragi-comic reality is that if in Russia an inhuman dictatorship returns or a civil war should break out and the USA pushes the world to the edge of a world war, the unknown scientific advisers and the man whose rightful position would be that of captain of a small basketball team, and who plays the saxophone at home a bit, are the ones who carry the blame!

It is not by chance that history, as taught in the State (and not only in State) schools in Germany is distorted beyond recognition. I had the opportunity to meet young people who have gone through this. They present a tragic picture because we recognize how far manipulation of the human soul can be driven.


X. World and Power

Crisis of Civilisation

prescribe, with the instinct for organization (Nov. 3, 1918,GA 185). On this basis the peoples of the Church arose. In the Anglo-Saxon world (and later in America) one had preserved a relic of an old spiritual attitude that was rooted formerly in the princely-aristocratic element. Over time this became visible in the striving to found societies permeated by the spirit of a unified organization. But an organization is best founded by spiritual means on the condition that others know nothing about it; otherwise one has to decree. The issuing of decrees was first tried in the Roman world and in Middle Europe. Organizations in the form of Lodges spread as a form of rulership in the North-West, where the early-European Celtic element had found its continuation. Here arose the peoples of the Lodges in whose essential character we can recognize that which does not organize humanity as a whole, but brings together in the form of societies, in the form of Orders. The bringing-together in Orders lies in the continuation of what connects to the Arthur-legend. In the course of development, however, a fusion of different phenomena occurs so that finally the entire principle of Lodges, which has created its monkey-like caricature in the Freemasons, is inwardly related to Jesuitism (ibid.). Ignatius of Loyola also had Celtic blood in his veins. In Jesuitism the principle of issuing decrees took on a Lodge- or Order-like character. And this tendency is even more pronounced today, when in the Catholic world the basically secret occult society Opus Dei is founded. Regarding the other side, it led Rudolf Steiner to exclaim: If you ask me: who belongs to this Enlightenment-Deism? Well, strangely enough it turns out that a purest type of this Enlightenment-Deism is Harnack3 in Berlin! (Ibid.). Thus a certain unity forms beneath the surface of the polarizing of the confessions and the differing opinions in matters of faith and knowledge. But if the first (the polarization) represents the natural path of development of the consciousness-soul, the second (unity) gradually becomes an insuperable obstacle on this path. Out of the chaotic experience of the consciousness-soul in the first moment of its appearance arises the wish to be pope and king at the same time. The contradictions deepen steadily. Rome rigidifies in the striving to prevent by any means an emancipation of the personality. The idea is born, of simplifying the spirit, in order to manage it more easily and lead humanity back to

the archetypal conditions of group-consciousness. With the English-speaking nations, due to the instinctive working of the consciousness-soul, politics moves to the foreground and is pursued on a world-wide scale. So that, as Rudolf Steiner remarks, self-seeking and political purpose coincide entirely, so that all politics can be put into the service of self-seeking in a quite nave way. The Anglo-Saxons do not thereby experience any feelings of guilt in their actions. And the world begins to see English politics, the English parliament, as an ideal. But this indicates, and it must be acknowledged, a certain worldhistoric necessity, for to rule through force will be accepted as something quite obvious in the fifth post-Atlantean period (Dec. 8, 1918, GA 186). Added to this are the attempts to rule on a universal basis of commerce and industry. But through the founding of secret societies one attempts to realize ones own aims with the help of spiritual associations, which is already illicit. These are the essential ingredients out of which was born the idea of worlddomination. In his book Lord of the Rings J. Tolkien tried without success to discover the origins of this idea. We have found an answer to the question. It was taught as an obvious truth in the occult brotherhoods already at the time of James I. (1566-1635) (during the lifetime of Gollums great-grandmother), that all world-domination in the fifth post-Atlantean period has to pass to the Anglo-Saxon race, so they will find a system in the overcoming and elimination of the rulership of the seas by others (Dec. 26, 1916, GA 173). Rome once laid claim to world-domination, and this was partly justified in the time of the Greco-Roman culture (until 1413). To appear as a world ruler in our epoch means to take over the forces of destruction, the forces of the sickness of man (for we live in the epoch of materialism), to live within them And responsibility falls on the side to which world rule is granted (Dec. 14, 1919, GA 194). That this is the truth of the situation was precisely sensed and wonderfully presented by Tolkien in his trilogy. But how great is the number of Hobbits and people of the Middle Land that have understood this too? A feeling of great responsibility accompanies the claim to world rulership. Where such a tendency exists, the striving must also be present to imbue everything one aims to do with the spiritual impulse demanded by humanitys present development. Otherwise one will lead the development of humanity to its downfall (Jan. 30, 1920, GA 196).

Adolf Harnack (1851-1930), evangelical liberal Church historian; author of The Nature of Christianity.


X. World and Power

Crisis of Civilisation

It is highly regrettable to see that where this claim to guide the destiny of the world is made, the very opposite course of action is followed, and in a way that could not be worse. Rudolf Steiner remarks: It must be seen as a mockery that in the British Isles (we should always bear in mind that England is part of PanAnglo-Americanism today) an economic empire is established over the whole world and that then, if one wants an especially deep mystical spirituality, one goes to those one has conquered economically, those whom one economically exploits, and acquires this spirituality from them (Feb. 22, 1920, GA 196). Some people would reply that the aim of world rule is to bring an end to all wars in the world a noble aim. But if the price to be paid for this is the simplification of the spirit, it is a dangerous utopia. And the freedom striven for by industrial-commercial society is this the freedom mankind hopes for? At times, says Rudolf Steiner, this love of freedom can take on peculiar forms. One declares: I dont want to harm you, I will not even touch a hair of your head, I will only lock you up in a dark cellar and give you nothing to eat! If someone is not pleased with the domination of the world by commerce, then this is absolutely unacceptable for the other side. The love of freedom shown by commerce stops at this point (cf. Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). We who live at the end of the 20th century can only add: It has already stopped!4 And one is now on the way to the establishment of not only a commercial, but a spiritual world dictatorship. Anthroposophists (and not only they) should thus take note of the following thought: Some kind of society may arise here or there with wonderful programmes, splendid ideals But in them lives, without their realizing it, not only what they speak of, but there are ways and means of letting flow into all these things that which the initiates (the aberrant ones) wish to instil into them Within the circles of [these] initiates those frightful, terrible things that have engulfed the civilized world (i.e. the First World War and its consequences) were forecast with great accuracy. All these things were by no means

hidden from the initiates of the English-speaking people, and the following discrepancy goes through all the discussions: on one hand, lofty exoteric ideals, the ideal of humanity with the genuine belief in this ideal of humanity in the most varied forms on the part of the uninitiated. And on the other hand the doctrine, the conscious, strictly taught doctrine that all that is Roman, all that is Middle-European culture has to disappear from modern civilization, that the culture of the English-speaking peoples must prevail, must ascend to worlddomination (Jan. 9, 1920, GA 196). These are alas! no mere words, but a methodical path of action arises out of them, in consequence of which Hegel is declared a Teutonic philosopher, Richard Wagner a racist, and the continuous evolution of culture is undermined, as an African impulse is made to penetrate into it, which has the effect of extreme decadence, glorifies the unconscious etc., etc. What is intended for the Slavic world? A new kind of tutelage by the Papacy, and something else in addition but this will be dealt with later. The striving for world rule gave an absolutely new character to civilization in the 20th century. The evolutionary principle of development was replaced by a revolutionary principle with the following consequence: the elimination of all boundaries to lower human nature, the striving for freedom on the basis of arbitrary will and, necessarily connected with this, the selection of the worst in the structures of power; but in this case there remain as the only means of retaining power , thought-control, compulsion and violence. All states throughout the world are robbed of their sovereign development. The psychology of a small criminal group the Mafia extends into all large social communities and takes on a world character. The conspiracy spreading out in the form of social carcinoma becomes the basis and norm of all international relations, even of spiritual and religious life. All this is the inevitable consequence of the operation of those laws which belong to the revolutionary (in the modern sense) course of development, but which have nothing to do with the renewal of the world. How can we escape from the closed circle of unnatural law? This is the main question, upon whose solution possible only through Social Threefolding the very existence of our planet depends.

James Warburg made the following statement in 1950: Whether you like it or not, we will have a world government either with universal consent or through the use of force. The age-old intention to bring happiness to mankind by compulsion speaks through these words. The Grand Inquisitor in Dostoyevskys novel The Brothers Karamazov already expressed it, and the Bolsheviks did nothing else in those 70 years than to keep us by force in the earthly paradise. Obviously the time has now come for all of humanity to drink this draught of happiness to the last drop.


X. World and Power

Crisis of Civilisation

XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

The true Nature of Materialism
The history of the epoch of materialism is an important theme in itself. In it are united all the complex problems of modern times: the emergence of Iconsciousness, the crisis of civilization, the crisis of knowledge, and even the problem of the end of history, as well as the transformations that are taking place on the level of meta-history. This latter theme will only be touched upon here insofar as it relates to the complex of questions indicated in the title of this book. The complete incarnation of man in I-consciousness presupposes a mastery of the experience of sense reality, an understanding of the material universe in all its unquestionably grandiose variety of macro- and micro-world. But two serious dangers await any one who pursues this path of knowledge. On one hand the material world, beyond the boundaries of I-consciousness, presents in the language of philosophy an otherness of the spiritual world, i.e. a non-being from the standpoint of real being. The world of otherness maintains its unity within itself, since the higher worlds allow this as an opposition against itself the world of the true God. This opposition, entirely justified in the sphere of the inorganic and partly also the organic world, gradually extended into the realm of I-consciousness, where not opposition, but unity with God is the task of development. On the other hand since the beginning of the epoch of the consciousness-soul, man to an ever-increasing degree is afforded the right to shun the guidance of higher powers and, supported by his own experience and his thinking, to determine, himself, the course of cultural-historical development of the whole of civilization. In the epoch of materialism, particularly in the last 150 to 200 years, the Great Masters of Wisdom and the Harmony of Sentiments, also known as the White Brotherhood, have withdrawn to the Eas. (the word East is used here in the sense of a technical concept), and no longer have influence upon Western civilization (cf. Sept. 3, 1916, GA 170). (Representatives of Eastern occult streams in Europe say much about them, including much that is false, since

they mistake them for a certain group of luciferic initiates.) To help man, they bequeathed to him knowledge, knowledge of the spirit in the first place. But the materialistic attitude Rudolf Steiner warns is increasing and will continue to increase for four to five centuries. And those occult brotherhoods who advance the opinion that materialism is in decline only contribute to its further progress (cf. Nov. 18, 1917, GA 178). All that the mass-media present today as parapsychology, faith-healing, psychotronics, Ufology etc. has as its goal not a striving after the spirit, but the creation of a still more universal, allencompassing, materialistic world-view into which one can mix all spiritual views that have existed, after they have been re-interpreted (and not rejected) in terms of endlessly refining energies that in their essence are nonetheless materialistic. Spiritualists, Rudolf Steiner warns, should be clear that there are no means whereby materialism can be proved false. One cannot prove from the portrait that the original exists. Just as little can one prove on the basis of the material counterpart of the spiritual world that spirit exists. There is no refutation of materialism. There is only one way to point to the will active in the quest for the spirit as such. One has to find the spirit quite independently from matter, but then one also finds it creatively active in the material world. But the spiritual can never be deduced through any description of, or logical inference from the material world, because in matter everything exists as a reflected image of what is in the spirit. The historic conflict between idealists and materialists cannot be resolved by way of demonstration, but only by way of power (May 5, 1923, GA 225). One might add even through violence, to which Marxism resorted in the course of its social experiment. The origins of the materialistic world-view lie in the far distant past (but not with the ancient Egyptians or with Heraclitus). The first significant impulse towards materialism came, in the 8th century, from that part of the world in which Caliph Haroun al Rashid (766?-809) had brought the Academy of Gondishapur to an especially high cultural flowering. Rudolf Steiner is the only one to have revealed the true meaning of this academy and its importance for the spiritual life of Europe. He said that at that time something grandiose though not in the positive sense happened to humanity. It happened at the time that humanity, which was subject to the impulse of Gondishapur, this new Persian impulse which brought back the Zarathustra impulse at the wrong time, that the whole of humanity, if I may put it so, if I may express myself trivially, was

XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

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stricken with an inner deformity right down into its physical nature. Humanity received at that time an impulse that enters right into physicality, and which we continue to bring back with us at birth The illness was injected into humanity which, when it lives itself out, leads to the denial of the Father-God (Oct. 16, 1918, GA 182), i.e. to complete atheism. When members of the Soviet secret police obtained this communication by Rudolf Steiner, in which he speaks of disbelief in the Father-God as an illness, they even felt insulted, as one of their articles shows. One can understand them for, after all, they were used to calling everyone who believed in God, sick, and they had never met anyone who would have questioned their own health of soul. But it is just as Rudolf Steiner says: disbelief in Christ means a great misfortune for the human soul, while disbelief in God reveals no less than an illness of soul and spirit. Only a sick human being becomes a real atheist. The wise men of Gondishapur wanted to make man great and wise here on earth. But when they gave him earthly wisdom, it was their aim to have the soul partake of death, so that as it crossed the threshold of death it would lay aside the wish to participate in the life of the spiritual world and also in future incarnations. They wanted to conserve man in his earthly life, sever him from all development and prepare him for the ahrimanic world. Only the Mystery of Golgatha saves the human being from this relationship with death. But in order to prevent men from recognizing this, Lucifer lent his help to the ahrimanic intention. The Catholic Church, so we learn from Rudolf Steiner which stood very strongly under what remained of the impulse of the Academy of Gondishapur, decreed dogmatically at the Universal Ecumenical Council of Constantinople in 869 that one is not to believe in the spirit because it did not want to enlighten about the Mystery of Golgatha, but to spread darkness over the Mystery of Golgatha (ibid.). It is of interest to know in how complicated a way the preparation of the materialistic conception took place, by means of which a very concrete caste of initiates hopes to thrust cultivated humanity into barbarism in order to rule over it without difficulty. Already in the 18th century an association of people was formed which still exists today. They know in advance what will enter the world in one or two centuries time, and already in the 18th century were preparing certain thoughts, certain views that are insinuated into human souls and become active forces in the realm of what such societies want, and then enter

social life, determining how people behave towards each other. The people concerned do not know where the things come from, that live in their emotions, their feelings and their impulses of will. But those who understand the principles of development know how to conjure forth these impulses and emotions (Oct. 20, 1917, GA 177). People in these circles worked on a book, for example, in which it was asked which part of the various animals belongs to the devil. And when Darwinism arose in the 19th century and people acquired the idea of mans descent from animals, many had in their souls the idea that an animal is the devil. This method is applied everywhere today: in film, literature, advertising etc. It is called allusions (a concept of our time). In the Soviet Union a special censorship committee existed whose task it was to check every cinema production for possible unplanned, foreign allusions. The Bolshevik insurrection was prepared with the help of allusions. A great master in their construction was N. A. Rubakin (1862-1946), known in the outer world as an amiable person, an intellectual, a connoisseur of literature, and bibliophile.1

From 1907 he lived, like Lenin, in Switzerland. From 1930 (during the time of darkest Stalinism) he received a pension from the Soviet government. He was buried in Moscow. A further example to clarify the concept of Allusion. When we had read Issue No. 32 of the Flensburger Hefte we were firmly convinced that its title was Anthroposophy and National Socialism. We were very surprised to discover later that it read: The Anthroposophists and National Socialism. But all this became clear when Issue No. 41 appeared under the heading: Anthroposophy and Racism. What do we mean by this? That we had not been mistaken when reading Issue No. 32, because even there Anthroposophy was meant and not just individual anthroposophists. Only at the time they did not yet dare to openly admit this. They still feared that a wave of indignation could arise, so the word Anthroposophy was encoded on the level of the unconscious and the journal and its contents designed in such a way that the eye saw one thing but the soul perceived another. Having satisfied themselves that there was no indignation, they decided to come forward openly. As a preparatory step Issue No. 40 had already been published under the title Nationalism, Racism, Xenophobia. The word Anthroposophy did not appear at all, but everyone knows that this is a product of the anthroposophical press. We think it need not be stressed that the xenophobic violence in Germany should be thoroughly condemned, yet something else is important in this connection. Just look at the photographs that appeared in this issue, especially on pp. 49 and 53 they can mean all kinds of things, one could put any caption whatever underneath them. In the context of the Flensburger Hefte, however, they work as Allusions. It is deeply regrettable that the human beings who have taken


XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

Crisis of Civilisation

When we have recognized the background of materialism we can observe the process of alienation and of the destruction of morals in the West from a somewhat different point of view. No anthroposophist can be truly creative if he remains a creature of outer circumstances, not even when these are transposed into our own anthroposophical midst. Hidden barbarism and the sting of materialism, with which we are born these are the prerequisites each one of us carries within. The ordinary person of today as a product of school education and of mass-culture is implicitly the total destroyer in every sphere of activity. For this reason civilization in its present form is doomed to ruin and Anthroposophy bears within it the only hope for the salvation of the world, for it alone provides the means for the transformation of man himself. Therefore in those anthroposophical associations where everything proceeds mechanically in ordered channels, and where compromises are made with the forces of death, Anthroposophy as such does not exist. The secret forces that work with materialism know as a rule what signs are given by the times, what should rightfully take place on earth, and they allow more or less free rein to the rightful impulses in order then as from an ambush to distort, profane and divert them. The epoch of materialism was unavoidable. But this does not apply to the ethical consequences drawn on the basis of materialism, that have led to atheism and to the complete ahrimanizing of mans soul and spirit. A detailed analysis of the way materialism is worked with in the secret societies in order to gain power and manipulate the destiny of the whole of mankind, would lead too far here. Therefore we will look at only two particularly important aspects: the role played by the English-speaking peoples in these manipulations, and ceremonial magic. The secret occult societies who are preparing the incarnation of Ahriman intend to subject the entire earth to the rulership of materialism. And since according to
upon themselves the task of standing wakefully in the present, should leave their unconscious unguarded and, just like any other person of today, expose themselves to the suggestive influences. Compare: No. 32: Anthroposophists and National Socialism No. 40: National Socialism, Racism, Xenophobia No. 41: Anthroposophy and Racism This is the way an Allusion is built up!

the laws of the fifth post-Atlantean time certain elements of the British people we already spoke of are, as bearers of the consciousness-soul, most suited for this, they want to bring it about through grey magic, that these suitable elements are used as promoters of materialism Other elements of the population could never in the same way be useful as material for transforming the whole earth into a realm of materialism, no other nation, no other section of the people. Thus it is the aim of the occult brotherhoods to make the physical plane allprevailing. And of a spiritual world one wants to speak only as an outcome of the revelations of the physical plane (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). The work is done from two sides. While on the one hand the strong tendency exists to scleroticise the human being ahrimanically, an especially Jesuitic tendency;2 on the other exists the decided tendency to place the luciferic beings in the service of the materialistic world order, so that through materialism a luciferic spirituality, a spiritualization will result, which is luciferically oriented (Sept. 22, 1918, GA 184). We would like to add that there is no more profound thought than this, in that it unveils the nature of what in Russia today is called spiritual resurrection, but which is in reality the unleashed luciferic spirituality which in the near future will be channelled entirely into the sphere of materialistic interpretation. We are standing at the threshold of a global materialistic view of life and the world, compared to which the most diehard dialectical materialism appears like childs play. The entire Bible is already interpreted in the materialistic sense: Christ is declared a superman the astronaut from another star; one attempts to understand his miracles through bioenergetics etc. This is the latest phase of what has long been prepared. Rome works towards the new doctrine with dogmas; for example, the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope or the bodily ascension of Mary. Working from the other side, while taking Rome into account, there is an occult centre that has a strong influence on the English-speaking people The occult Freemasonry, that is anchored in this centre and has great influence on the course of the outer culture of the entire civilized world, promotes materialism in the same way i.e. with a con2

Our aim in bringing forward the phenomena described here is, as we mentioned above, to illustrate the appearance of the Asuric spirits of darkness who determine the complex interplay between the luciferic and ahrimanic forces. The luciferic for example can appear in Jesuitism as ahrimanic etc. These questions do not permit a simplification but require thorough study.


XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

Crisis of Civilisation

scious penetration of things as Rome has promoted it. Through the doctrine of infallibility (and the bodily ascension) Rome wanted to erect a dam against the inflow of spiritual truths from the spiritual world. The centre we speak of promotes consciously the spread of materialism in the modern cultural world and the strange thing about this phenomenon is that, as a rule, when the Anglo-American initiates grumble about Rome, they are right in what they say. Exactly the same applies to Rome when it complains about this centre, about occult Freemasonry (ibid.). Thus the work is done from two sides. The occult laws are heeded on both sides, and each tells the truth about the other. The human being is tossed, now to the ahrimanic, now to the luciferic side and is unable to grasp anything because: he sees that truth is spoken everywhere! And woe betide anyone who tries to explain the principles (or lack of principles) in this game. He is met by a wave of hostility and hatred. Nevertheless, actions of this kind must never be tolerated, especially not in Russia: for there will connect itself to the materialism that lives itself out in the industrial-commercial impulse, that which is being driven ever deeper into materialism out of other retarded impulses the Chinese-Japanese, particularly the Japanese element. When Rudolf Steiner said this, he was asked whether the secret societies did not consider that the Japanese were advancing from the East. His reply was: Yes, the people who belong to these societies do not regard it as something bad , but as a support for materialism. For, what is coming over from Asia will be a quite special form of materialism (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). In view of this, the mission of Roerich in Russia will also be seen quite differently; his glorification of Mahatma Lenin, the statements in favour of materialism (in his book The Community), according to which even Buddhism is supposed to be a materialistic teaching etc. And today a Roerichian has been appointed Culture Minister and, without any knowledge of the subject, inveighs perfidiously against Anthroposophy. The picture becomes especially clear when we bring the invasion of the Gurus from East to West in relation to what in the Far West resonates in the occult novels of Carlos Castaneda and wins enormous popularity. All this is woven into the fabric of a universal occult-materialistic teaching an ideology that is destined to regulate all relations in the future evil race of human beings when, as Rudolf Steiner says, all will be fettered together by a chain and no-one will

experience joy. The struggle today has therefore to do not with matters of taste, but with the fate of humanity.

Magical Materialism and Power

Materialism in our time is already taking on the character of the sub-natural. It is not materialistic science that is growing in strength, but the magic of materialism, the occult manipulations with electricity and magnetism. It is the aim of certain occult brotherhoods to over-materialize materialism in a special way. One of these brotherhoods, Rudolf Steiner tells us, which is very widespread in the West and again appears in many different varieties, embraces organizations that enact ceremonial magic, in fact, ceremonial magic of the worst kind. Through it a certain influence is exerted in these brotherhoods on the physical body of their own members. The cerebrum, the ganglion system is influenced through certain magical acts. It is in this way that the spiritual world gains influence on people who take part in such ceremonial procedures. This means that a possibility is created for the dead, in addition to other spirits, to affect those who are woven into such a ring created by ceremonial magic. This is how in our time materialism can be as it were over-materialized. Imagine that a person is altogether materialistically inclined, not just in his world-outlook, but also in relation to his whole sentient life, his life of feeling, and there are enormously many such people in the West. This materialistic attitude now intensifies to a high degree. This person will then have the urge, not only to exert an influence on the material world so long as he is living in the physical body, but even beyond death In our time there are already people whose materialistic drive is so strong that they strive to acquire the means that will enable them to exert an influence in the material world after death these are centres of a certain ceremonial magic. We are speaking here of something that has tremendously wide implications. For just imagine that a number of people are brought together to form a certain brotherhood. These people know at the moment: others have gone before us, who have developed such strong thoughts of the power to dominate others, that a lifetime was not enough to realize them For them we will create a circle and through what we do, through the acts of ceremonial magic we perform, they will work into our bodies. We will gain stronger power than we now have; when we come face to face with other, weaker people from outside such socie164

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ties, we will be able to exercise a certain heightened magical power over them. When we utter a word, when we deliver a speech, then these dead souls will be working through us, because we are prepared through having been entwined in the rituals of ceremonial magic. There is a great difference whether a person, let us say, is standing honestly, simply in the cultural processes of our time and holds a parliamentary speech or whether a person is involved in circles of ceremonial magic, is thereby strengthened with the power-impulses of certain dead souls and now with these impulses holds the parliamentary speech or writes the newspaper article (Jan. 20, 1917, GA 174). A person who becomes entangled in these manipulations attains immortality, as it were. But it is of a purely ahrimanic nature and the price paid is renunciation of spiritual evolution and separation from it, leading ultimately to the complete dissolution of the human monad in the sphere of sub-natural forces. But one who has already started out on this path will no longer listen to explanations. However, the actions of such people are, at the same time, in the highest degree harmful for all of humanity. Rudolf Steiner indicates that there are already a large number of them in the West. But in his words do we not also find the hidden meaning of all that is taking place in the East, for instance the meaning of the mummification of the corpses of the heads of state in the countries of the so-called socialist camp? Could it not be that these mummies indicate the scene of operation of the occult Lodges where ceremonial magic of the worst kind is practised? Let us ask the following question: What does the cemetery in Red Square in Moscow actually represent? What is contained in those ritualistic, regularly-recurring popular festivals before the tomb of the mummy in which, as we learn from the technical literature, the cells retain their natural moisture-content, something not even the ancient Egyptians with their occult science were able to achieve? Was it not perhaps the eternal PolitburoBrotherhood with the eternal General Secretary at its head, that assembled in Red Square, where some of the members rest in urns in the Kremlin Wall, while the others, the so-called living, appeared before the eyes of millions from out of the tomb (through the doorway of the Mausoleum)3 a few times a year, in order, standing on top of the tomb, to reap the fruits of the general fanaticism that had been skilfully arranged in the Square the temple of Idols? This is the

reason why even in the epoch of liberalization the mummy is not removed from the Square. An especially infernal power4 is concealed within it, which is sorely needed by the forces of both the Left and the Right.5 They were no empty words that were instilled into us: Lenin is still today more alive than all the living! Yes, so it was and so it is today: The power of the dead governs the actions of those who carry forward their cause on earth. And it is utterly foolish to say that some are better than the others. The murder of ones own people also had an occult meaning. Before his execution Marshal Tuchatchevsky called out (voluntarily) in the face of death: Long live Stalin!6 Indeed, something of the rituals of the old Incas, of their ritual murders, found its way into the ritual magic of the Bolsheviks and this is what made this terrible phenomenon so unshakeable.7 Its founders Lenin, Trotsky, Lenins female partner, and other com4

An underground passageway probably leads from the Kremlin into the Mausoleum.

In the 70s and 80s it had been made a general custom to accompany newly-weds straight after the wedding ceremony to the Mausoleum, where they were allowed special entrance to the mummy (since there is always a long queue). Moscovites exchanged the sinister joke: The medieval right of the lord to the first night with the bride had been re-introduced. Imagine what the souls of the yet unborn children, already hovering above the heads of the parents, live through in this popularized form of ritual magic, what kind of shock this means for the souls before their entrance into the earthly sphere. On May 9, 1995 all the democratic and liberal leaders in Moscow who are now constructing capitalism instead of the former socialism, crept up onto the tomb to review the parade. What else was a person to call out, who used poison-gas against the peasants during the suppression of the revolt in the government district of Tambov? Today one tries to present him as a Eurasian, a fighter for the true interests of Russia. In Western Europe it is debated whether the Incas and Aztecs really did make human sacrifices and carry out ritual murders, or whether this was merely propaganda invented by e.g. the old Spaniards to discredit the original population of America. Like much else, this question is part of the intensifying ideological battle at the end of the 20th Century. The discussion is interesting insofar as it can show how superficial and lacking in perspective the exoteric science remains, which does not consider the spiritual foundations of life, and knowledge of the historical and social reality. The culture in old America was (and this is quite natural) no less tragic and contradictory than the culture of the old and the new Europe. Various mysteries existed there. In some of them gruesome ritual murders were indeed carried out on human beings. The entire social life in the spheres where black magicians of these kinds of


XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

Crisis of Civilisation

rades such as the millionaire Helphand, nicknamed Parvus (the small) were pupils of the Western brotherhoods, where they were introduced into the circle of ceremonial magic: Trotsky in America, Lenin in Zurich. Without an understanding of these facts, whatever one might say about the origins of Bolshevik power is no more than superficial chatter ideally suited to conceal the true state of affairs. A very special kind of human being is created with the help of ceremonial magic, because it has nothing to do with either bribery or the striving for power. No, an answer is offered to the question of the meaning of existence as a whole. Hope for ahrimanic immortality, Rudolf Steiner tells us, lives today in more people than you might think. The thought of assuring an ahrimanic immortality for oneself which consists in being active not only as a single individual, but in acting through the instrument of such a society. Such societies exist in the most varied forms, and people of certain degrees within them know: through such a society, together with the forces which I would otherwise have to give up at death, I become to a certain degree immortal, they are active beyond my death. Through what these people experience in the ceremonial magic they are, admittedly, stupefied to such an extent that they are no longer disturbed by the thought that would of necessity arise before the soul of one who takes these things in real earnestness and with true dignity. For in the same measure as one grows in immortal mortality in ahrimanic immortality, so does one lose consciousness of the other, the true, genuine immortality. But materialism has taken hold of many souls in our time to such an extent that they are not deterred, they are stupefied and indeed strive for ahrimanic immortality. Such societies are, as a rule, so organized that the ceremonial magic is intended to work particularly on the unsuspecting, on those who have a certain need to come into relation with the spiritual world through all kinds of symbolic acts. There are many such people (obviously the ones who regard themselves as the regular Freemasons, devoted to the spiritual quest). Those who want to attain this goal are truly not of the worst kind. Such people are now received into
mysteries (of Taotl) ruled was terrible, and recalls some of the dictatorships of the 20th Century. But there existed at the same time the mysteries of the good, light-filled gods (of Tezkatlipoka) who resisted the black-magical mysteries of evil, fought against them and thus prepared the American continent for the acceptance of Christ. The interested reader can find an unusually telling description of the Mysteries of early America in Rudolf Steiners lecture of September 18, 1916 (GA 171).

the circle of ceremonial magic, and then a small number gather together, who actually only make use of the others as their instruments (Jan. 20, 1917, GA 174) In this way one tries to gain power in the realm of the dead and obtains ahrimanic reinforcement; one gains access to the retarded spirits of the Egyptian-Chaldean epoch, to its retarded angels. Therefore such societies strive to carry remnants of the third cultural epoch into social life. Hence, when the communist dictatorships resort to the ceremony of mummification of the dead, it quite clearly has nothing in common with socialism. The origins of their socialism lie in the ancient imperial realms of the Incas and Aztecs with their black-magical mysteries of ritual murder. All these things exist in the West as well; but for the present they are still hidden behind the mask of parliamentarianism, free elections etc. Regarding those who bring about ceremonial magic, the masters of the Lodges, they are as Rudolf Steiner remarks definitely not so naive as to believe in simple matter (as little as N. Roerich did, for example). But they want to fetter to the Lodges after their death as many as possible of those who have gone through them, so as to extend the power of the occult association. Thus the brotherhoods create (as did the priests in ancient Egypt) a clientele of souls of the dead, who remain in the sphere of the earth and are thereby robbed of the possibility of passing through a higher spiritual evolution. For the attainment of this end, the general, inactive members of the brotherhood are presented the theory of the higher nature-forces, of magnetism, electricity, which are declared to be the basis for mans psychical activity. You see, Rudolf Steiner continues, it is a higher materialism: it is a materialism that not only denies the spirit but wants to force the spirit down into matter There you have the beginning of something that will intensify more and more over the next five centuries. The evil brotherhoods have limited themselves to this time-span;8 but they will continue if nothing is done to prevent them. They can only be prevented if complacency towards the spiritual-scientific world-view is overcome (Nov. 18, 1917, GA 178). When reading this, it is difficult not to relate them immediately to Soviet reality. For all of them dozens of those who bear the main guilt for the crimes of

Even this is very long. Five centuries of what we have had for 70 years?! The ills will increase, since evil develops ever further.


XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

Crisis of Civilisation

Bolshevism, and who lie buried in Red Square, are indeed here, they are bound to the materialistic occult community and there is no way of escape. The pressing question arises: Are those who stand behind the scenes of Perestroika basically just the same kind of participants in ceremonial magic willing and able to destroy the magic circle? And the new ideology? Today we see under the badge of spiritual freedom the establishment of what is literally the highest materialism, which no longer denies the spirit, but enslaves it. When this is once recognized, it is easy to understand what is to be expected in Russia in the near future. Where the anthroposophical movement is concerned passivity has become the general rule. We must startle the slumberers out of their sleep with no compunction. And those in our circles who as the saying goes go for the throat of Anthroposophy: the dark masters, the inspirators who remain in the background, those who circulate lies; all these need to be put into their place. Let us not understate the magnitude of the problem: the destiny of humanity hangs in the balance. No price is too high.

knows very well that they are an immensely effective means to awaken antiChristian faith and divert people from the normal Christian path of development. A third way is to alter the relation between national and individual. Christ says Rudolf Steiner died for the individual human being. We must regard this as something that belongs very essentially to the Mystery of Golgatha. The Christ has an important deed to accomplish in the fifth but also in the sixth post Atlantean period: namely here on earth to become a helper (for human beings) to overcome, to finally overcome all that arises from the national principle (ibid.). The said Brotherhoods, in their fight against Christ, proclaim the principle of national self-determination. This is basically the work of Ahriman himself, who, as Rudolf Steiner tells us, was incorporated (not completely incarnated or a mere inspirator, but representing the human I, displacing it) in Woodrow Wilson. All that has taken place in recent years in the former Soviet Union, in the Caucasus and the former Yugoslavia is the direct continuation of the 14-point programme of Wilson. Not only nations, even small national groups shut themselves off in their national egoism, and in this way a wall is erected to hinder the approach of the next, the Slavic-Germanic, cultural epoch. At the same time the development of the consciousness-soul is paralyzed. The increasingly violent racial mixing of the European peoples is proving to be the new destructive factor for the culture of the consciousness-soul the second dagger-point in Wilsons politics of the self-determination of nations. The racial principle will one day be overcome; but in the present outcry against racism there is not the slightest indication of a true interest in upholding the rights of the personality, only the intention to anticipate the future, so that its healthy, normal approach is made impossible. The same purpose is served by the whipping-up of real racism: the doctrines of racial superiority and the attempts to put them into practice. Both represent the impulses of Gondishapur coming to life again in ever new variations. An especially effective means whereby direct magical influence is exercised in the world by the ahrimanic brotherhoods is the spreading of lies that are virtually identical with the truth. Most anthroposophists, too, are powerless against this. People are very willing to swim with the stream of propaganda that has been thoroughly instilled into them by the mass-media, and of opinions,

The Methods of Magical Materialism

We have neither the factual basis nor the right to entertain false hopes with regard to the aims of the Orders, brotherhoods and Lodges that have fallen into the most extreme atavism. Their high-degree Masters know no less than we that Christ is God and that everything written in the Gospels is true. But they say to themselves: We no longer want as our leader the Christ, who is the leader through this normal world; we want a different leader, we want to be in opposition to this normal world. Such people, trained by means of ceremonial magic, receive the idea that this world of ahrimanic forces is actually a much stronger spiritual world (than the world of Christ). That, above all, they can continue what they have acquired here in physical life, that they can make immortal the material experiences of physical life (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174). The masters of ahrimanic immortality pursue their aims in various ways. Here we may point to Mrs. Besants attempt to declare Krishnamurti the reincarnated Christ. (Several dozen false messiahs exist today; interviews with them are held on Moscow Television.) The dogmas of Papal infallibility and the bodily ascension of Mary present another way. From the standpoint of the first Church fathers these dogmas are an open blasphemy. But in certain occult circles one

XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

Crisis of Civilisation

ideas and judgments that have become habitual. Because these have already found entrance into the ether-body, people are indignant, furious even, when facts are presented, which expose lies that have already become a part of themselves. We will now speak of the press and the mass-media. Rudolf Steiner describes them as black magic and tells of the existence of a whole range of editorial offices (the overwhelming majority today), which have two doors: the usual one and the sliding door, through which one has access to the occult brotherhoods (cf. Dec. 26, 1916, GA 173). In these one is aware of the great occult force that lies hidden in the false ideas in which people believe. Thus in the case of a great deal that is published today the question is not so much, what the author wants to express, but who pays for the one or the other opinion? (Cf. Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174.) But by now the Adversary of humanity has grown so subtle in his approach that he openly quotes Rudolf Steiner. Soviet ideologists evaluated all Western publications according to this same principle. But they did this, while they themselves were thoroughly deceitful, paid servants of the ruling ideology in which they did not believe. This is how complex the technique of the lie has become. A direct lie is rare today. Mostly one lies with various false facts and corresponding ideas. It can also happen that a lie is mendaciously refuted by means of a lie. How can the individual still find his way? Whom can we believe whom can we trust? If things are going to develop in this way everywhere, one could sink into despair. A way out of this situation is found only if one begins to experience the problem of the universal crisis as a truly serious one. Only in the broad perspective is its highest significance. This lies in the fact that at the time of the greatest opposition Christianity will have to develop its greatest strength. In the resistance that has to be developed against the abolition of the soul the strength to know the spirit again will also be found (Mar. 27, 1917, GA 175). The Mystery of Golgatha is also the impulse of world healing against the materialization of the soul. The way of Christ Himself lies entirely outside the will and the intentions of men. Thus no man, however great his knowledge, nor even any Initiate, has influence over what is done by the Christ in the course of the 20th century, leading to his reappearance. Christ will be present as an etheric being in the earthly sphere. And for human beings it is important how they

meet the Christ. No-one, not even the mightiest Initiate, has any influence whatever on the reappearance of the Christ. It is coming, Rudolf Steiner affirms, I ask you to remember this. But one can make preparations so that the Christ-event is received in this or that way, that the Christ-event has this or that effect (Nov. 18, 1917, GA 178). The brotherhoods do everything in their power to ensure that the Christ passes by unnoticed in the 20th century, that human beings do not recognize His coming as an etheric individuality (Ibid.). To this end world wars and revolutions are unleashed, financial crises created, Wilsonianism, Leninism, Trotskyism, Hitlerism, Stalinism and a multitude of other isms arise, right up to the various trends of mass-culture. They emerge in our century, for the natural development of cultural, spiritual and historical life has been forcibly interrupted. It has happened for the first time, but people did not want to see this. The mighty occult-political forces had as the purpose of their activity to conquer the sphere of influence that is to come through Christ in the 20th century and beyond, for another being, who has never appeared in the flesh at any time All those procedures with the dead and so on, ultimately serve such aims: to divert the mind of men away from the Christ who went through the Mystery of Golgatha and to hand over the rulership of the earth to another individuality (Ahriman). This is a very real battle relating to the intention to install another being in the place of the Christ-being in the course of humanitys development, for the remainder of the fifth post-Atlantean period, and for the sixth and seventh. It will be the task of a healthy, an honest spiritual development to eliminate, to do away with, such strivings that are in the most literal sense antiChristian. But only clear insight can achieve anything, because the other being whom these brotherhoods wish to make ruler they will call him the Christ Yes, people who observe life only on the surface, especially the outer discussions about Christ and the Jesus-question and so on, do not look into the depths. It is a fog, it is a smokescreen that is conjured up before peoples eyes, just in order to distract them from the truth of the situation (Ibid.).9 Modern

This theme must be examined further from the standpoint of the experiences of our time. There is, for example, a statement by Rudolf Steiner that throws light on the question of the so-called anomalies, and explains what path technology will take. Rudolf Steiner says: The side that will want to install the Antichrist as Christ tries to exploit what in particular can take effect through the most material forces, but



XI. Materialism, Ceremonial Magic. The Battle Against Christianity

Crisis of Civilisation

prophets, such as Billy Graham, attract thousands of listeners and do little more than make jokes on the subject of Christ and unleash the phenomenon of simplification of the spirit, usually with elements of mass-suggestion. Nor does it look well with speeches about Christ in the Anthroposophical Society. Here too, not everyone who utters this name is a servant of Christ. People speculate without scruple for the sake of momentary advantage, of building up their prestige, for the sake of disguise, or for quite other reasons, about the most sacred things. Our dozing along in the branches of the Society and the blind allegiance with which we follow those who seize positions of power in our movement can in no way protect us from enslavement by our adversary. In our dealings with people from within our circle as well we can always observe at least two things: First, that those who today are spoiled, ruined by certain occult brotherhoods, are in a way those whom it has hardly any sense whatever to speak to (Nov. 26, 1916, GA 172); and secondly, that today we suffer from the selection of the worst, who always rise to the top. This too is something that belongs to a healthy sense of reality and thus also to healthy common-sense: to realize this fact of the selection of the worst (Nov. 24, 1918, GA 185a).

At all costs something must be done in our Society and movement to ensure that the best people come to the top.

spiritually. Electricity and especially earth magnetism (particularly strong in America) are used to bring about effects over the entire earth. I showed you how the forces of the earth ascend in what I call the human double It will be an American secret to apply earth magnetism in its double aspect, in North- and South-magnetism, in order to send directing forces, acting spiritually, over the earth Spiritual beings are constantly active from a certain compass direction; one needs (according to the Brotherhoods) only to place these spiritual beings into the service of earthly existence. Because these spiritual beings, active from out of the cosmos, can transmit this secret of earth magnetism, one will be able to acquire knowledge of earth magnetism and effect much that is of significance for group-egoism, with regard to three things: gold, health and longevity. It will be a matter of summoning the doubtful courage needed for these things. The courage will be found in certain circles to counteract this influence! It is the task of healthy science to detect certain forces that come to earth from the cosmos, from Pisces-Virgo (horizontal). Dark science is oriented to Sagittarius-Twins (vertical) and places these forces in the service of the double (cf. Nov. 25, 1917, GA 178). The questions of parapsychology, of the psi-weapon, Ufology can all be referred to the statements of Rudolf Steiner quoted above. But how many anthroposophists are able and willing to think them through from this aspect? When all of this has to do with the reappearance of Christ.
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XII. Middle Europe

The Spiritual Tasks of the Peoples
The three most important spiritual streams flowing down from antiquity into the epoch of the consciousness-soul are brought gradually into a close and comprehensive connection to the geo-demographic structure of Europe. Catholicism erects its fortress in the Romanic world; the peoples of the Lodge arise in the Anglo-Saxon world. Middle Europe, the German-speaking people, become guardians of the essential kernel of esoteric Christianity. Out of this third group is born the guardian of the Grail Parsival and the poet who sang of the holy brotherhood Wolfram von Eschenbach1 originate here. At the beginning of the epoch of the consciousness-soul Christian Rosenkreutz chose Middle Europe as the place to lay the foundation of the new Christian mysteries. Out of the impulse of esoteric Christianity, Goetheanism and an outstanding school of philosophy arise in the external culture of the German-speaking peoples, and finally, Anthroposophy appears. The spiritual countenance of Middle Europe is impressive by its greatness. When the European section of humanity was sufficiently mature to receive and absorb the substances of cosmic intelligence on earth, it was above all Thomas Aquinas and the German scholastic Albertus Magnus who took it into their soul. Parallel to this there ripened Christianity as an inner path of the soul. Its most important representatives were the German mystics Meister Eckhart, Johannes Tauler. Then arose the mighty culture of music from Bach to Wagner, the aesthetics of Schiller, the poetic science of Goethe, and much more. In trying to enumerate the spiritual fruits of Middle Europe we are in danger of losing ourselves in enthusiasm because we have an entire universe before us, the grandiose revelation of the highest spheres of the spirit, access to which was mediated by human creativity based on the individual I-consciousness. But the highest amazement in face of these treasures changes to an amazement of the

opposite kind when we hear the statement, uttered with great inner satisfaction by representatives of German-speaking nations, that German history has finally been set aright and now looks more like a great catalogue of crimes. This judgment sets a seal on the complete and irrevocable spiritual capitulation of Germany, and indeed of the entire German-speaking world. But in this case we should be consistent and remove from all concert programmes not only Wagner but other Teutons such as Beethoven; even Bach, Schumann and Weber. In the history of philosophy we should do without Hegel and Fichte, already disqualified not only as teutonic but also as nationalists, indeed almost as forerunners of national socialism etc. But what is there left? Or: what does the spiritual life of humanity stand to lose? An essential simplification, a lowering of the human spirit will come about! That is why the relation to Middle Europe has become the yardstick by which hostility towards individual consciousness, towards the phenomenon of the I itself, can be measured today. This hostility has attained such huge proportions in our time, and influences so many events, that it is impossible to give an exhaustive analysis of it in 20 to 30 pages. But neither is it absolutely necessary or essential to deal with its outer aspect, its outer effects. If the will is there, we can grasp the essence of this problem, by penetrating, with the help of spiritual science, to the archetypal phenomena of its hostility. Rudolf Steiner does not make negative or belittling judgments when he speaks of historical symptomatology. He merely describes, characterizes, the occultpolitical phenomena and most importantly teaches us the method whereby knowledge of them can be acquired. The phenomena also invariably contain something that is justified, something that is determined by the karma of the world and by the task of the development of the free spirit. It is important for the student of spiritual science always to remain a realist and call white white, and black black. If we observe in this way, criticism has a constructive character. If Rudolf Steiner says of God the Son: Christ neither hates nor does he unjustly love (June 10, 1915, GA 157), then neither should we hold our alternating between hatred and unjustified love as a virtue. In order to understand the entire tragedy (but not the catalogue of crimes) of Middle Europe, we must first come to clarity regarding the development of the highest soul-member the consciousness-soul and, connected with this, the revelation of the self-cognizing, autonomous I.

One can observe even in the French esoteric tradition the overriding role of the oldGermanic, but not the Latin element. The attempt by Thomas Malory, author of tales of the knights, to put the English knight Galahad in Parsivals place is an expression of the spiritual rivalry to Middle Europe already appearing at that time.


XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

In the spiritual history of humanity we can compare the single peoples to human individualities who are united with one another in some form of community. And just as, when human individuals come into mutual relations with one another, spiritual equality does not exist, so is this also true of nations. It is simply an ideological fiction when someone speaks of the spiritual equality of all men and all nations. Such a view is put forward in order to mask the activity that would destroy the principle of equality in the sphere to which it rightfully belongs the sphere of rights. And when this is followed by discussion of economic and political freedom, no-one can understand the meaning of events any longer, not even those who have made spiritual science the basis of their lives. Anthroposophists sometime embrace prejudices of our times even more intensively than those people who live without spiritual knowledge. This applies incontestably to the question of German history and the mission of the peoples of Middle Europe. Recently an article with the mocking title: Again the History of a Chosen People2 appeared in the central weekly journal of the Anthroposophical Society, Das Goetheanum. It speaks of the Germans, and we find the following, for us in all respects impossible, statement: For a human being partaking in the developmental stage of the I at the present time, it is shameful, a prison, to be a member of a chosen people, namely the German or Austrian people. Let us imagine for a moment that all those who share this opinion (maybe two out of three Members in the Society) were to take this statement literally. What would they have to do? They would have to leave the prison at once, cast off the shame: change their nationality, learn a different language and dedicate the rest of their life to the organization of a new crusade of nations to eliminate this criminal people. But if they do not emigrate, they enter, with their family, the ranks of the Red Army Fraction etc. In Russia, for example, when Bolshevism was rejected (we had enough sense to not equate it with the Russian people), this is exactly what happened. In the first months of war the German army was welcomed with bread and salt, on the assumption that the invasion from outside was better than the one from within; in the Sixties and Eighties people tried to use any opportunity to emigrate. But since the exponents of the abovementioned opinion do nothing like this, but continue, on the contrary, to live a carefree life in prison, concealing their shame in all tranquillity, earning

wages that three-quarters of humanity dare not even dream of, and thriving well on organically-grown produce etc., what else is there to be said about them? Basically the same as what is now said everywhere in Russia today about the Bolshevik propagandists who, before the revolution, declared Russia a peoples prison in which any decent human being should be ashamed to live. When they finally came to power they turned the entire country into a single, gigantic concentration-camp. It is not by chance that we had to go into this episode at such length. For we wish now to deal with a theme that can only be discussed with a very limited circle of people. The majority either responds with frivolous nonsense or is busy thinking up various methods of psychological indoctrination that will rob people of every trace of healthy common-sense when they touch upon this accursed topic. In the final analysis we are dealing here with the phenomenon of mass psychosis, which renders impossible any participation in the present stage of I-development. But no-one has the right to put this participation at risk, so I have no choice but calmly and factually to illuminate this puzzling phenomenon. First of all we must clarify what is meant by the term chosen. When we speak of the development of the consciousness-soul we know that the highest spiritual leadership of men has chosen the Anglo-Saxon nations for this task. The Slavic nations have been chosen to prepare the future epoch of the Spirit-Self. The chosenness of the Germans is connected to the development of the I. And anyone who uses his healthy common-sense can now say: God grant that this people can bring its folk-mission, the task for which it has been chosen, to a successful conclusion! In ancient times the Israelite people was chosen to prepare the soil for God to become Man. The ancient Greeks were the chosen people for the rational soul; later it was the Romans. The latter brought much evil into the world obviously not the people themselves, but their mad Caesars, the decadent Roman aristocracy; but let us recall what is most important that the Romans brought the concept of civil rights, which today has become the cultural heritage of all peoples. In every culture there are peoples who have to fulfil the essential tasks, and those who are entrusted with secondary ones. But every single people, indeed every

Das Goetheanum, No. 46, 1992, p. 487-489.

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XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

single small splinter of a people has its special task (June 16, 1910, GA 121). As with individual human beings, so it is the case with nations and even races, that they cannot always be on the same level with respect to the fulfilment of developmental tasks, because some have fulfilled them in the past; others are maturing now. Others, finally, are still preparing themselves to make an important contribution to spiritual progress in the development of humanity in the future. The race can remain behind, a community of peoples can remain behind, but the souls (of individuals) move (on the path of reincarnation) beyond the single races (June 21, 1908, GA 104). Within the limits of single incarnations a man has the right to say to himself: Through my karma I am united with this nationality because it is part of (my) karma (Jan. 7, 1917, GA 174). Now we can easily understand how absurd, indeed how nonsensical the above-mentioned article from Das Goetheanum is. But this is only a small tip of the iceberg which we are now about to examine. The question of karma needs to be considered in detail. We must know and distinguish exactly what kind of archangel or spiritual being guides this or that people, what tasks are fulfilled in the universal-human sphere by higher hierarchical beings, and how far they can keep in step with their own development. Nor should we neglect the enormous difference between man and the beings of the hierarchies, the folk-spirits and folk-souls, from whom each human being, through mediation of the angels, learns to know the content of his individual obligations towards his own nation and its spiritual leaders (cf. June 9, 1910, GA 121). Man, rooted in his folk for only one incarnation, bears within himself at the same time infinitely more and also infinitely less than what is in the folk-soul (Dec. 17, 1916, GA 173). From which it follows that we have to overcome the principle of the national, but especially that of blood-relationship (nations exist in which the racial principle is even stronger than the national). But only through growing beyond it, through seeing the interests of humanity as the interests of ones own nation and ultimately as ones own personal interest also. In short, we must develop into internationalists according to, not the Marxist, but the spiritual-scientific method. Rudolf Steiner gives the following characterization: Anglo-America has the talent for cosmogony; Europe the

talent for freedom; Asia the talent for altruism, for religion, for a socioeconomic order. These three attitudes of mind must blend together for all of humanity. We must become world-citizens and act from the standpoint of world-citizens (Oct. 10, 1919, GA 191). This is no simple task, but one that has the character of a true path of initiation. It is a task of which our armchair internationalists have absolutely no conception. It would be good if they would at least understand that the tasks of world development have never been fulfilled with the help of slanderous speeches and the promotion of ideological neurasthenia.

The Germans
In order to fulfil the task of his karma that is rooted in the national element, it is necessary for the human being to combine self-knowledge with understanding of the different peoples. Through self-knowledge objectified in history a man can ascend to the consciousness-soul. This is why the forces standing in opposition to the development of the consciousness-soul epoch try to falsify the history of nations in every conceivable manner. In this way the emergence of the personality can be distorted with great effectiveness. A special but populous class is created we would call it the junk-intelligentsia that is influenced by the suggestive working of the mass-media and historical lies. This social class, to which the majority of young people already belong, represents a huge threat to the spiritual development of the whole of humanity. It is divided into two groups and works in its destructive way from both sides. One side says: Blood and soil above all else! And there is always someone who adds: Yes, indeed that is the case, but not every nation has the right to say it. On the other side everything national is trampled underfoot. We can hear from a junkintellectual of this kind for instance: I am German myself, but I hate this loutish nation!3 Also in Russia today every healthy word about national culture is condemned as an expression of Russian Nazism. Thus, normal people are forced into silence and neo-Bolsheviks appear as the only representatives of national interests, to the obvious satisfaction of the people of the Left, who call themselves democrats because today all of them have become dialecticians.

This is a concrete statement of an anthroposophist.



XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

Consequently, the question is not about chosen or not chosen in an abstract sense; we must rather ask what being chosen implies. With regard to the Germans (with whom this chapter is concerned) Rudolf Steiner, who has given much attention to this question, should be permitted to speak.4 He said with emphasis: The Germans are the avant-garde of the sixth sub-race (i.e. the future Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch) and will become increasingly aware of this mission. Is this not chosenness? But it will be said read on and compare this to what the Germans did in the 20th century. But Rudolf Steiner goes on: They should do this in all humility. They should steep themselves in the writings of their own idealists Read your great idealists: J. G. Fichte etc. (GA 264, p. 85). It must be admitted that the Germans do not read their idealists. In the course of re-education in the post-war years the thought was implanted into them that one ought to be ashamed of these idealists since they were misused by National Socialists for their ideology. This initial postulate must be placed at the very beginning, even before clarification of the various questions of guilt. It is nothing but an ideological trick if we make an incidental remark such as: Yes, yes, there were quite a lot of things in their historical past, but and accusations follow, all of them leading to the already mentioned ideas of shame and prison. The nature of the German people itself is declared criminal and thus we cannot speak of the fruits of the spirit of this people. This is the prevailing ideological attitude in the world towards the Germans. Of all else of guilt we speak only when mentioning the facts that confirm this main conclusion. But this conclusion is entirely false. It is insisted upon because there is a wish at all costs to prevent the coming of the next cultural epoch. And all who support this ideology are opposed, for better or worse, to the development of humanity. There are many people today who are prepared to barter their spiritual birthrights for a dish of lentils. These are the fruits of relativism and agnosticism the latest conclusions arrived at by science and ethics. But the conclusions of spiritual science are quite different. And it is of these we wish to speak here.

Mobility, says Rudolf Steiner, is characteristic of the German nature. It can be explained out of the peculiar connection of the Germans to their folk-spirit. But this is also the reason why other nations find them so difficult to understand. With deeper understanding, however, the other nations will grasp that what they hate is the good qualities of the German people; it is difficult to understand them only because they are not quite usual and the unusual evokes antipathy. Rudolf Steiner shares the opinion of Ernest Renan, which the latter expressed to D. F. Strauss in 1870: Germany has a historical role of the utmost importance. But Rudolf Steiner knew the times in which he lived and felt obliged to add the following: One might say: when someone in Germany says this, then it also proves that German chauvinism exists: Why otherwise should a German speak appreciatively and with praise about the German nature?! If this were the case, then these lectures would not be held (Mar. 16, 1915, GA 157). In other words, Rudolf Steiner had the courage to call white white, and black black, and as little as this was forgiven him in the past, it is not forgiven him today. It is necessary to specify what Rudolf Steiner concretely meant when he spoke of the German nature (Wesen). Let us therefore go back to the beginnings. As we have already mentioned, a peculiar mixture had arisen in Middle Europe as a result of the great migration of peoples from the region of Siberia to the West. It has says Rudolf Steiner long been usual for the representative people of this primal pot-pourri to call itself the deutsche nation. The peoples of the West have already taken revenge on this nation so to speak, by refusing to call it by the expression which it uses for itself and which denotes a deep instinct. They are called Teutons, Allemands, Germans, all kinds of names, but when speaking in a language of the West, one does not want to say Deutsch, while it is precisely this name that is deeply united with the nature of this people (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174). The reason for this reaction, as for much else too, lies in the fact that streams of people moved radially from Central Europe in the various directions, and there were several quite natural reasons and psychological attributes of the nascent peoples which caused them to adopt a stance of opposition towards the centre. As the peoples settled, the Middle European impulse showed itself in the fact that two spheres of interest began to form. One was represented by the people who were utterly indifferent to the doings of this or that circle of knights; they wanted to work their plot of land, trade in their immediate environment and

As already indicated, I formulate here a spiritual-scientific credo, containing no more than the quintessence of the problems that have been mentioned. But each one of these problems can, if necessary, be presented with the required thoroughness and concreteness.


XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

develop the crafts. The other sphere of interest was based on a professional attitude to war. The interests of farmers and craftsmen came increasingly into conflict with those of the knighthood. As a consequence of this the free cities were created and their inhabitants developed a strong feeling of freedom and a sense for the immediate value of the person (Dec. 20, 1904, GA 51). In rural areas, however, savagery and the rule of might prevailed (cf. Dec. 20 and 28, 1904, GA 51), (strongly reminiscent of Russias past). In the battles for freedom and independence waged by the cities against the princes and knights, nothing other is expressed than the struggle of the free personality (Oct. 18, 1904, GA 51). This was the German Middle Ages. A wide gulf separated the medieval German burghers from the aristocracy. If the former were descendants of those Atlanteans who had migrated with Manu to the East and carried the impulse of future Christian renewal with them, the latter were those who had retained something of the old inner wildness and primitivity of soul of the Nibelungen people, the backward people of the epoch of old Atlantis (Nibelheim). People who today live out within themselves the Nibelungen-character in a decadent form carry above all what was the content, the human content of the house of Habsburg No-one really understands the tragic happenings of our time (in the 20th century), who is not able to take account of a deeper factor at work in history namely, that through the course of centuries the more advanced section of the Middle European population has been ruled and administered by the part that in its decadent form has retained the soulcharacter of the old, wild Nibelungen people These are two entirely different spiritual potencies. They lived side-by-side in past centuries like two different races, maybe even more strongly differentiated than two different races. We must have the courage to face the fact of such a deep undercurrent of history (Apr. 12, 1919, GA 190). We need to summon still more courage and free ourselves from all prejudice in order to understand that in the place of the old hereditary aristocracy a new one the aristocracy of the Lodges enters the world today. Under the veil of the process of democratization since the 16th century says Rudolf Steiner , there has grown increasingly the striving of a few to acquire rulership over entire peoples. To this end, the materialistic world-picture, as created by science, has been made into the social world-view (the step from Haeckel to Marx). Euro-

pean and American culture as a whole does not wish to know about the earths connection to the spiritual forces of the Cosmos. This knowledge is to be kept for oneself within certain castes, among the members of the high degrees of occult secret societies, thereby making such circles comparable to the old Egyptian priestly caste. And such circles can then hope to rule the populace that barbarically degenerates under materialism (May 9, 1920, GA 201). These are extraordinarily far-reaching aims. Rudolf Steiner indicates that already in our age the conditions are being created for the division of humanity into two races: the evil and the good race. All those who cannot overcome materialism, the magic of materialism, will in time belong to the evil race. Today the ancient struggle is being repeated though on a far more dangerous level of the atavistic elements from the distant past, with that section of humanity which has to fulfil the new tasks of development. Aristocrats of a different kind now take the place of the aristocrats of the Nibelungen the guardians of the suggestive rituals and cults of the third and fourth cultural epoch. For this aristocracy it is important to subjugate three nations in particular: the English, the German and the Russian. The Anglo-Saxons did not take the heritage of the Nibelungen with them when they left Middle Europe, hence it was possible for them to develop the instinct to unfold the consciousness-soul and at the same time a propensity for political activity, which became in the course of time a kind of pitfall for them, leading them to fall to the bottom of materialism, as we have already described. What is being done to the Russians is there for all to see. The impression grows, that only the German-speaking peoples are still somehow able to prevent the downfall of civilization. But they are torn apart by mighty conflicting forces. Rudolf Steiner remarks that the characteristic traits of European life appear with grandiose clarity in the following contrast: on the one hand, the flower of spiritual life in the 18th century Klopstock, Lessing, Herder, Schiller, Goethe , and, on the other, the whole decadence of the Nibelungen heritage in the figure of Frederick the Great.



XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

The Distortion of History

From 1200, on into the 20th century, says Rudolf Steiner, all that resulted from the natural development of Middle Europe stood over against a Luciferism, which was the wild, retarded element of the Nibelungen. This should be viewed in connection with the ahrimanic element of modern industrialism, with technology and capitalism [and with the way] the co-operation of industrialism with the old territorial supremacy, the nobility, arose in the last decade of the 19th and the first decades of the 20th century This is what brought Middle Europe to its downfall: the marriage of industrialism with territorial princely authority, the political administrators of Middle Europe. This marriage is an insuperable obstacle for the Germans on the way to the fulfilment of their mission (Apr. 12, 1919, GA 190). The occult forces of the West immediately made use of the spiritual weakening of Middle Europe and began to work on its destruction. They worked simultaneously from the outside and from within. What was on the inside? Habsburg says Rudolf Steiner was of the oldest Middle Ages and unfortunately thoroughly united with the oldest Middle Ages with respect to Romanism, to that Catholicism which had come to life or had at least been brought to something similar to life through the counter-Reformation. And over against this declining empire of the Habsburgs there stood something ultra-modern the Prussian-Hohenzollern imperial house which represented Americanism within the German world, Wilsonianism before Wilson. We need to study these things if we want to understand what has taken place and what will still take place (Nov. 15, 1918, GA 185a). Let us hold this will take place firmly in our memory. Such is our world, but no-one wishes any longer to study these things, not even the Members of the anthroposophical movement. It has become risky! One can be punished and hindered in ones career. It is easier to accept the ready-made clichs and nod politely. Maybe the time of flowering will last long enough for us. Therefore: Down with all trouble-makers! The problem does not arise from a shortage of historical facts, or because someone is expressing a wrong opinion (false judgments are refuted through scientific analysis), but because of the furious rejection of any attempt to uncover the true meaning of German history (and of any other too, but German history occupies a special place). One had even tried to overthrow Rudolf

Steiner. As soon as he started to speak of historic symptomatology he was attacked from the Left and the Right. But the task of research he gave to us has become even more relevant at the end of the century. We who wish to continue the cause of Rudolf Steiner will therefore fulfil this task wherever in the world we may happen to live. German history has been distorted to a degree probably comparable only to that of the Soviets. But Germans are not permitted to correct the official version, the dogma of history. Once we had the opportunity to hear a Berlin anthroposophist say: We Germans are treated like a bundle of reeds they pick it up and break it; then they pick up a second one and break it too. And then a third is taken, but it will not break. Aha, they say, those are Nazis! The situation is still worsened by the fact that sometimes those in particular who want to rehabilitate National Socialism see through these truths. It is then easy for the Left once again to confirm its directive forbidding any deviation from the official version of history, and to prosecute those who do not hold to it. It is astonishing that literally the same thing is practised in the Soviet Union. Even the age of Perestroika has changed little in this regard; only the methods of distortion have been altered. The situation appears to be quite hopeless. The Anthroposophists would seem to be the only ones able to reconstruct the true history of their nations, only within their own circles. But it appears as if here too it is no more than a possibility. Are we going to make use of it? Rudolf Steiner has shown in a multitude of examples how not only the history but the entire spiritual life of the Germans is misrepresented. Let us go back to Fichte who is also denounced in the West today. Let us look at his Speech to the German Nation. What is the aim that Fichte has in mind? The selfeducation of the German people! He wants the Germans to be gripped, he wants them to make themselves better In the same way that the most grotesque thing is made out of the harmless national anthem Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles which means nothing else, one need only read the following lines, than to love ones native land (let us call to mind what is made out of it today), similarly one can misunderstand Fichte if one wishes to do so, for he begins his Speech to the German Nation with the following words: I speak only for Germans and only of Germans. But why does he say this? Because Germany has broken up into many small, individual states and he [did not want to] speak to Prussians, Swabians, Saxons and, who knows, Olden-


XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

burgers but to Germans (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174). Let us add here that Rudolf Steiner considered patriotism, the love for ones homeland, a healthy feeling that has nothing to do with nationalism, and that he explained, on the basis of the doctrine of the archangels who guide the nations, why this is so.

The Family of European Nations

Rudolf Steiner gave us a wealth of knowledge that is of inestimable value for the historian as well as the ethnographer concerning the being of the German nation as such and its relation to other European nations. He says for example: The Italian folk-spirit looks back to his experiences as Egyptian-Chaldean folkspirit; with his soul-being he dives down into the Egypto-Chaldean folk-spirit, just as we submerge in our body upon awakening, when we receive our selfconsciousness. In the French folk-soul the being of ancient Greece lives itself out, coloured by Romanism. Thus Voltaire is the dry intellect permeated by feeling (Gemt), while Molire incorporates feeling (Gemt) carried by the intellect. The souls of the other nations we read in the same lecture have first to grow beyond the beings of the folk-souls if they wish to raise themselves to a dialogue with the spiritual world. But the folk-soul being contains the tones of the spirit, proclaims the spirit as it speaks with the individual soul of the Middle European population. Goethes Faust is especially characteristic of the spirit of the German people. Shakespeares Hamlet best portrays the British folk-soul. The entire activity of the British folk-soul is such that it makes the human being into an observer, because it fosters in him the faculty of observation, particularly in the forming of the consciousness-soul. In order to understand this, it is enough to compare the philosophy of J. S. Mill with that of Fichte. The British folk-soul shows its mission to observe what is outer and stop before the abyss of the supersensible. The influence of Italian culture, perceptible up to the work of Drer, and Goethes longing to travel to Italy, all this reveals the interaction of the I with the sentient soul on the one hand, and the interaction between the German and the Italian folk-spirit on the other. The interplay of the I with the rational soul of the French is revealed in Leibniz (Nov. 27, 1914, GA 64).

We can consider another aspect and compare the physical bodies of the Germans with the ether-bodies of the English. We then see that in them one and the same impulse is alive, and, viewed spiritually, there is no greater love between incarnated souls than that between the souls of Middle-Europe and those of the British Isles; the strongest love from the spiritual standpoint is present, and this is expressed outwardly in what we see unfolding before us now. This is how involved such things are (Nov. 15, 1914, GA 158). Indeed, they are terribly involved and only spiritual science can point out a way to disentangle them. All we need to do is put things back into their places and let them speak for themselves. This Goethean principle of knowledge is not foreign to other fields of research. It is not to be the task of this book to give an exhaustive answer to the question why the German-speaking peoples have an especially important role in todays cultural epoch. But we will try to come decidedly closer to it. Let us bear in mind the key-statements of Rudolf Steiner which imply that the other nations must do everything in their power to help the Germans to fulfil their mission, to guard the cultural impulse of Middle Europe from occult-political manipulations, because the latter will, if they succeed, result in the suspension of evolution, in the debasing of the human spirit to the level of group-consciousness. In contrast to this, Goetheanism offers the only means whereby the entire culture of humanity can be renewed, the human spirit elevated to the experience of true freedom, or in other words: the doors opened to a Christianizing of civilization as a whole. Only a person of ill-will would call what is said above Germanophilia and it would only occur to a fool to feel ashamed to be German. It is an elementary truth: any nation is good and evil at the same time. It all depends upon how the persuaders, who remain behind the scenes, treat that nation. Have we not had enough tragic experiences in our century, to finally understand this obvious truth? It is time to think differently and of something different the missions of the peoples. Nationalism will then be overcome and it will be recognized that through the destruction of Middle European culture whether by war or Americanization the most important element is lost, that can be gained in the development of the human I. A dawning of the Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch is at the same time absolutely excluded, because without the fructifying influence of Goetheanism the Russian culture cannot mature sufficiently to



XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

undertake the entirely new task with which the following cultural epoch is to be inaugurated. If the Germans are robbed of their future, it is also taken from the Slavs and thus from civilization as a whole. Any discussion with those who do not understand this is pointless, because they will continue in future to saw at the branch on which they are sitting. Not we but the divine hierarchies have ordained that each individual nation, at its appointed hour, should create something that is of the highest value for humanity. We need only understand this lofty divine plan and strive, in whatever circumstances, to act in harmony with it. It would be strange to hope that the peoples who accomplish the tasks of the world should be left undisturbed by the forces of world-evil. Quite the opposite is the case: the life of these peoples can become a veritable hell. Should it really happen that we too, the anthroposophists, place ourselves on the side of the infernal forces and help them to bring about our own downfall?

general expressions of approval the Morgenthau-Plan will be realized, or the Germans will be scattered over the other lands and continents.5 Though we are overstating the matter somewhat, everything indicates that, in principle, this is the direction development is taking. This is also the reason why the whole world has been convinced of the existence of age-old German militarism. No other nation than the Germans, with the possible exception of the Jewish people, is judged in so undifferentiated a way. The Second World War is taken as the starting-point, and everything else is judged on this basis, right back to the Middle Ages. The war itself is interpreted as the quintessence of what the German nature has brought forth over many centuries. Even some anthroposophists spread this ideology, for example the already mentioned R. Lissau in England and C. Lindenberg in Germany. They proceed from the following consideration: if we accept as correct everything that Rudolf Steiner said about the First World War, this casts a certain shadow on the concept of help by the Allied forces with regard to the Second one. But if one compels people to accept this concept without reservation, then a shadow is cast on Rudolf Steiners whole teaching of historical symptomatology. Compulsion is applied by the black magic of the world-press. We need only reach out and take what is already there and introduce it into anthroposophical circles. Jurisprudence takes over where the press is insufficient. All means are justified to reach the one goal to re-educate the Germans so that they themselves loosen their connection to the folk-spirit. Only then can a nation be driven from its soil; otherwise we run the risk of receiving a strong counterblow from the spirit. People active in an occult way in politics know this and act accordingly, while taking historical experience into account. Why, for example, was it possible for the Romans to drive the Jews out of Palestine? Only

The Spiritual Paralysis of Germany, and its Causes

The forces of evil approach the human being in a cunningly refined way, so that he finally loses any understanding of who is actually serving whom. This should be clarified with the help of an example. Many anthroposophists accept what Rudolf Steiner says about the spirit of the German people. Others, but only a few, agree with the arguments brought forward by Rudolf Steiner showing that Germany was not guilty of unleashing the First World War. But they continue this was true in the past. The Second World War was started by the Germans, and they did everything of which they are accused by the EnglishSoviet-American coalition. It has become an axiom for all anthroposophists, and before this background there now appear laymen by Gods grace who explain to us that the spirit of the German nations has apparently withdrawn from the Germans, and that this nation no longer has a mission! The conclusion is obvious: branches are chopped off and thrown into the fire. Rudolf Steiner warned that the situation might come where the Germans are driven out of their native land and scattered over the entire earth. If we understand the dark spirit that rules in our time, we can say that the realization of this plan is already conceivable. It is enough to activate the radical Right-wing parties in Germany a little and unleash a corresponding campaign in the world-press and under

There is a statement by Goethe to Wilhelm Riemer, the teacher of his son August, containing the following: Who knows destiny will beat them (the Germans) because they betrayed themselves and did not want to be what they are. It will scatter them over the earth like the Jews. And rightly so! For the best of them live in exile and only in exile, in dispersion, will they develop the wealth of good that lies within them, for the benefit of the nation, and be the salt of the earth! And Trithemius of Sponheim writes in De septum mundum regnatibus Archangelis: The descendants of Lohengrin will be numbed and destroyed The Germans, scattered throughout the world like gypsies, will have to muster all their strength to retain culture for the earth as pupils of Michael (translation from the Latin by Karl Luttenberg, 1943; Publishers Note).



XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

because they had fulfilled their spiritual-historic mission and the spirit of form, Jahve, the spirit of the Jewish nation up to this point, withdrew, and no other hierarchical being took His place. Representatives of the secret societies which are active behind the scenes of world politics admit openly: Not in the year 1945 but forty years later we defeated the Germans through re-educating them. It is useful to take a closer look at the fruits of this re-education. The nation and this time really the entire nation, not just its regents and Nibelungen has acknowledged that from now on it is and forever will be guilty of the crimes of the National Socialists. This means that whole generations will enter the world with an inborn feeling of guilt and the natural wish to get down on their knees and cover their head with ashes. These guilt-feelings are shared also by people whose grandparents, let us say, went missing in concentration-camps or remained forever in the snowcovered wastes of Russia where they had been sent as cannon-fodder against their will and without being asked what they themselves wanted. But we, the people of the closing 20th century, should ask: Is it possible for individuals who, furthermore, are quarrelling amongst themselves however many of them there may be, to do anything whatever against the will of the gigantic apparatus of oppression that is prepared to sacrifice the population of a whole country in order to remain in power? When the war in the Persian Gulf began, it was supported by the entire population of the USA apparently of their own free will. While the world-press was silent (formerly only the socialistic press had been able when necessary to be so unanimously silent), several hundred-thousand peaceful civilians had been killed in a short space of time. And the American people the avant-garde of humanism believes to this day that it was necessary for the sake of the happiness of the peoples of Iraq and Kuwait, and it is not alone in this belief. And when in Cambodia approximately every third or fourth inhabitant was killed, the American people said nothing. For many hours we could cite examples of this kind and one picture would come out ever more clearly: people do not want to think, they do not want to be consistent, they do not want to think things through to the end. They do not want to understand that, with this kind of conduct, they place themselves entirely in the service of evil.

In an interview recently granted to the German magazine Info3 by the perspicacious historian Renate Riemeck, an anthroposophist and woman of great lifeexperience, she said: But I never liked being a German. Why not? she was asked. Because there was a Hitler, she replied. We freeze in astonishment when reading these words. For if they are not just empty phrases they must contain a certain logic, and, if we apply this, then every Russian would have to say that he never liked being a Russian because there have been at least three people who were in no way outmatched by Hitler Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin. The Italian would have to be ashamed to be Italian because Mussolini existed; the Spaniard should be ashamed because of General Franco. If we follow the indications of the world-press, the Chilean had to blush with shame at his nationality until recently, because of Pinochet. But now it appears so the liberal newspapers in Russia report that Pinochet saved Chile from Bolshevik ruin, that he was not a dictator and Fascist but that the humanist Allende was a dubious personality. Thus the Chileans, who were previously ashamed, should now be ashamed of their previous shame. And what do we make of Stalin, who after all belonged to the avant-garde in the struggle against the Nazi scourge? What are the Americans and the English to do when they get to know who has brought them under subjection and acts in their name? On the other hand, what does it mean if we like to be Russian, Chilean, American, Italian, English? Does it mean that we are all unscrupulous people, the pawns of dictators and men of violence? R. Riemeck offers a noteworthy example of the fruits of the re-education of the Germans. But she is an experienced historian; what can we say of German youth, since practically no history is any longer taught in schools in Germany today? It is a peculiar education whose sole purpose is to deform the personality. And that is inhumane in the highest degree. For if it is a sin to kill a human being, then it is a mortal sin to destroy a soul. And further: how could it happen that we who condemn evil have not noticed how we have become a tool of evil ourselves? Living in the West we never cease to wonder at how thoroughly and inhumanly the European has already been re-educated in the spirit of the new ideology. Let us look for instance at the phenomenon of language. There are many indeed who feel themselves compelled to speak the language of the nation they hate. What can one do, especially in the case where the entire spiritual treasure (we mean spiritual science) is given in this language and it is therefore necessary


XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

not only for those born in Middle Europe to master it? We can observe people using language in the same way as characters in George Orwells novel 1984, who live together as man and wife and have been educated by the Party. I quote the passage where he describes the relationship between Winston and his wife: as soon as he touched her she seemed to shrink back and freeze. When she was embraced it was like embracing a wooden doll. And strangely enough, he even had the feeling as if she would simultaneously push him away with all her might when he pressed her to himself. She lay there with closed eyes, neither resisting nor experiencing but only consenting. It was outwardly hindering and even terrible after a while. And in another place: The sexual drive was dangerous to the party and it had learned to put it into its service. One had proceeded in a similar way with the sense of family. Even though the family could not be abolished entirely The children on the other hand were systematically set against their parents Family life had in truth become an extension of the thought-police. Quite often some curious representatives of the I-culture experience themselves precisely in the role of Winstons wife when they speak in the language of Goethe, Schiller and Steiner. But this is no mystery. They are all simpleminded victims of the (new) world ideology that realizes that the family, as opposed to language, cannot yet be abolished. And some particularly clever people in our midst have already begun the restoration of the tower of Babel and with it the equalizing of all languages into a language that has probably been worked out for us by intelligent,. thinking people, i.e. computers, after which the universal sympathy for language will spiritualize all people. In the interview mentioned above, R. Riemeck admits that her own parents voted for the National Socialist Party in 1932. They realized soon after that it was a mistake, and yet they must have had reasons of some sort to favour this party. She speaks of her father characterizing the Nazis in exactly the same way as the communists did, though he himself was not a communist. Why then are these facts not enough for R. Riemeck the historian to examine more closely the past of her own nation instead of promoting the eternal rituals of atonement? It is easy to see how unacceptable my words are, in view of the mood prevailing at present not only in Germany but in the entire Western world. And if the author were not an anthroposophist and did not know a few facts about what is necessary

for the development of the human race, what is helpful to it and what is harmful, indeed what can be a mortal danger to us all, he would probably have said: What do I care about the Germans, who came to us twice with war and who so it says in our history-books even in earlier times continuously threatened the Russians? We read recently in a newspaper article that they were more dangerous than the Mongol-Tartar yoke. The devil take them all! If they are ashamed to be Germans, they should commit mass Harakiri as a nation, to relieve their conscience and free the other, virtuous, nations from the threat of eternal militarism! If I were to say this, I would not only relieve myself of a burden of problems but also make an outstanding career as an academic. But I say to myself the following instead: Thank God that I did not live my life with such thoughts; what a tragedy it would have been. It seems to me that there is no special merit in seeing, as I do, a profound meaning in the words of Rudolf Steiner who said, allying himself with the German mystic Ennemoser: I [beg] you, [not] to lie on a bed of sloth as you quote the prophetic words of Ennemoser: Germany will fulfil her mission or sink most shamefully into ruin, taking with her the whole of European culture. Germany [will] fulfil her mission when people are found who have the strength to bring the German spirit to life within themselves, not chauvinistically, not nationalistically, but as a part of the world-spirit, in the sense of which we have to work between East and West ( June 22, 1919, GA 192). But there is the crux the objection comes not chauvinistically! The Germans behaved chauvinistically. But we can also put the question in another way: could it be that the Germans were exposed to such a temptation because it acts counter to their mission? If we only want to condemn, this question seems beside the point. It is easy for the voice of reason not to be heard when the din of the frenzied mass is raging. But if we have not yet lost our reason we should ask ourselves: Who in Germany today would dare to speak of the German Spirit? Insinuations, defamation the armoury of effective means for the battle against the spirit is well stocked. This can hardly surprise us at a time of which Rudolf Steiner said to Count Ludwig Polzer-Hoditz shortly before his death (Mar. 30, 1925): The battle against the spirit has always been, and will in future remain, in the background of all outer events. And from the other side of



XII. Middle Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

the ocean, from the opposite pole, echo the worlds of F. D. Roosevelt: Nothing happens by chance in politics! And when an event takes place, we can be certain it was planned. It only remains to add that all events in our time are politicized through and through. But the battle with the rightful Spirit of the epoch is not a harmless occupation. The tragic consequences will overtake all those who have the dubious courage or the imprudence to become protagonists in this struggle. The greater the victory over the time-spirit, the more horrible the consequences will be. Several times in the 20th century Middle Europe was defeated and condemned from outside as well as from within. It was not only robbed of its state sovereignty, but its spirit and its will to self-consciousness were broken, and with them the will for cultural work. (It has already happened that in a German theatre, on the stage as part of the spectacle connected with the content of the play an actress was actually injured.) Do the peoples, parties, Lodges and Orders of the victorious nations now have reason to triumph endlessly? In this connection Rudolf Steiner asks (after the Second World War the question sounds even stronger): since the German nation will be excluded from the experience of those things through which the outer world will be governed in the future, what is actually happening? The sense of responsibility falls away. Not that of the individual, the national sense of responsibility falls away from those who are downtrodden, for this is what they are. Nor can they raise themselves again. Anything that is said in this direction is short-sightedness. Responsibility falls away. All the greater is the responsibility on the other side. That is where the actual responsibility will lie. Outer domination will be easily won. It is won by dint of forces that are not of ones own making For the question is already written in the book of karma of humanity: will a sufficiently large number of human beings be found, who feel the responsibility which is bound up with the role of Anglo-American domination? (Dec. 14, 1919, GA 194).6 But to us, who live at the end of the century, it remains only to state: we see no trace of such people there. In short, from whatever side and whatever perspective we consider the role and mission of Middle Europe, two contrasting opinions stand in opposition to each other. On the one hand, that which was founded and developed by Rudolf

Steiner, and on the other, practically everything that was formulated by the press of the Entente and then confirmed once more by the English-SovietAmerican coalition. The views of the ultra-Right in the last resort also further the second opinion, but according to the principle of the two daggers. The spiritual-scientific mode of observation allows us in our interpretation of historical facts to recognize their double i.e. sensible-supersensible nature, and to think it through with the help of strict scientific-historical method. But we will not be able to explain the meaning of events to people who cannot relate to Goetheanism or to the reference to supersensible reality. No-one can be compelled. Nor should anyone compel us to subject ourselves to the means of mass-hypnosis. Rudolf Steiners teaching of meta-history, of historical symptomatology, of the causes of the crisis of present civilization, the decline of the occult Orders and brotherhoods, the crisis of the epoch of materialism this is the comprehensive spiritual-scientific foundation which gives us the possibility and the right to judge the social-political life of the present day. In the political life that is sustained by occult powers behind the scenes, it does not happen that an open or veiled dictatorship, once in power, would allow any single individual to determine his direction in accordance with his own whim. At the same time the manipulation of world history is by no means an elementary process. It is not unusual for one form of evil to be supplanted by another. It is therefore nave to want to see good in one of the mutually opposing sides. Good comes into the world against the will of both. The history of Germany in the 20th century (already prepared in the 19th) is a unified whole. In it there works as an essential motif the relentless striving of occult Orders and brotherhoods to deprive Middle Europe of the possibility of fulfilling its spiritual and cultural mission to bear into the world the continuously-evolving phenomenon of I-consciousness, of the selfcognitive I. I f M i d d l e E u r o p e s u f f e r s d e f e a t i n t h i s b a t t l e , civilization will lose its meaning and this will bring endless grief to all nations of the earth, that no-one w i l l b e a b l e t o a v o i d . Humanity is a unity and just as an individual, however highly developed he may be, with the loss of his I also loses his reason, so does humanity, in view of the plight of Middle Europe, stand in danger of losing the centre of its self-consciousness. Knowledge of this fact does not

In this lecture Rudolf Steiner was speaking in particular to a number of friends from England.


XII. Middle Europe

make the cultural mission of other nations appear less significant, for the phenomenon of self-consciousness can only develop in the threefold soul, when its members are in harmony with each other. Mankind is a unity.


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

It is not uncommon to hear anthroposophists make the following objection: Why should we bother with scenery (and what goes on behind it Trans.)? God is mightier than any scenery! This is basically an objection of the sentient soul which the crude expression may be allowed here is afraid of contact with the consciousness-soul, as the devil is afraid of holy water. But to speak of God and remain within the sentient soul means to speak sentimental nonsense that has absolutely nothing to do with God. Certainly, God is almighty, but we have to know and consider exactly how his might is revealed at different times, in different epochs, and in the various nations and human individuals. God expects this of us! We cannot love God according to our own fancy, for this might prove to be no more than the love we bear towards our own weakness. Only if we grasp the great reciprocal relationships within evolution and world history not just abstractly with our intellect, but with a compassion-filled heart can we reach the sphere of the consciousness-soul, and then the secret of the reciprocal relationship between God and man will be revealed. This is one of the methodological foundations of Goetheanism, which includes within it the science of history.

being. No, his problem (which he shares with many people in the East) is a different one: he has simply not developed the organ that would allow him to understand why the destiny of mankind depends upon the destiny of Anthroposophy. For him, the spiritual-scientific communication, for example, that every incorrect idea, particularly in the soul of a human being who has crammed into himself a great quantity of occult knowledge, brings about destruction in the world of the spirit, of the hierarchies, is no more than empty words to which he nods his head occasionally. But nothing happens in the mirror of his soul, not the slightest stirring. This is not intended as criticism, but as an invitation to understand the situation when as Rudolf Steiner says gradually the forces of evil will appear. Under these conditions, however, the human being is naturally, in every sphere, far more inclined to surrender to evil rather than engage in the battle to place what appears to him as evil into the service of the good world-development. But without this the sixth post-Atlantean, the Slavic-Germanic, cultural epoch cannot fulfil its task, which consists above all in a continuous perception of the spiritual world, and in spiritual impulses. Connected particularly to this task relative to evil in the 5th post-Atlantean Period, a certain kind of personal darkening can arise for the human being (Nov. 19, 1917, GA 178). One does not need to be a great esotericist to grasp, at the close of the 20th century, that the personal darkening has already begun and is spreading like an epidemic. Is it not the duty of those who have not succumbed to this darkening to help others to avoid this tragic destiny? We do not mean those people who consciously destroy Anthroposophy from without or within. These we can only help by preventing them from doing evil. But all others are called to save the world through understanding. One of the essential questions to be understood in this connection is the spiritual oppression of Middle Europe. Of himself, the author could say that he is far from approving of everything that is German. He too dislikes the German four-squareness, which has never appealed to the Russians (and which Marie Steiner herself refers to in the foreword to the Russian edition of Theosophy). But he also understands the other side, namely that Russians too have many traits that may be disliked by other nations. Would this not be a fundamental topic for conversation at a time when the danger grows that the world cultures are losing their common connections because they are levelled down and severed from their spiritual origin, and the

The Forbidden Theme

If what has been said in this book is, for some readers, no more than a conceptual game or verbal sparring, a flow of information that is already forgotten, it is pointless for them to continue. It would only stress their nerves and disturb the comfort built up through long years of political and, in some cases, of occult conformism. Outer and inner comfort at any price: this existential principle is adhered to by the modern European who so we hear quite often in the West even pursues Anthroposophy as a hobby. And if the Anthroposophical Society and all anthroposophical initiatives, if even Rudolf Steiners books were to disappear the man in question would simply change his hobby and collect stamps or stickers. This does not mean that such a person is not a good human


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

danger thus exists that the cultural impulse of Middle Europe is entirely eradicated? All this is of course not only due to a conspiracy of dark forces. Antipathy for the autonomous personality is growing everywhere. The emergent individual I calls forth rivalry and opposition. So it was in the Middle Ages, when the collision of egos often ended in a contest with the lance. Gauntlets are continuously thrown down in our century, only in a different form. Life in the Anthroposophical Society is full of examples. We can note at every step that the weak, the spiritually helpless, are given preference, not with the best of intentions, but simply because they are easier to deal with. Scarcely anyone finds an independent anthroposophist interesting. He is more likely to be viewed with antipathy, especially if at the same time he does not have power. What takes place in the relationships between individuals is carried over into the relations between the peoples. It is easy to stir up antipathy towards the Germans, simply because in everything they do they strive to rely entirely on themselves, on their own I. Whether the result is in every case noble or perfect is not important. It is bad that nearly everyone, even the person who knows nothing about philosophy, readily nods his head in agreement when Hegel is called a teutonic (in Russian it almost sounds like burglar) philosopher, when Nietzsche is dragged through the mud, and tasteless anecdotes are told about Goethe etc. I recall an incident in the early Seventies when, during a concert at the Moscow Conservatoire, several Jews left the hall as a sign of protest because music by Wagner was to be performed. The trivial consciousness is easily influenced by an ideology that knows how to exploit human ignorance. It is only because of this that the idea has been imprinted in peoples consciousness that the Germans have been preparing themselves for National Socialism for centuries and now forever remain its secret adherents. The implication is plain: We must keep a firm grip on them and ceaselessly beat them about the head if not directly, then at least in the figurative sense so that they doze on in a half-conscious condition. This condition is called reeducation. Who in the entire world (Germany included, of course) would want to be bothered with the fact, already observed by Mark Twain, that the German language contains only very few harsh, aggressive expletives? Compared to the English boom, burst, crash, roar, blow, thunder, explode, he says, the German equivalents sound like a lullaby.

In the same vein Fritjof Haft, professor at the University of Tbingen, writes in his book Introduction to Juristic Learning (Bielefeld 1988): There exists a sphere where the German language is of unsurpassed force of expression, i.e. when it is concerned with such things as love, family and nature. At the same time even the English toothbrush has greater sound-intensity than the German word Ausbruch (outbreak; p. 145). This surely, one might think, is worth reflecting upon. Indeed, how could such an anomaly come about? Did a nation with an inborn criminal tendency, with a genetic disposition to warmongering, not create the linguistic counterpart of this attitude? On the contrary, the language of this people contains the most astonishingly fine nuances for description of the experience of love, nature and family relationships! But there is no-one in our time who wants to think about this. We prefer to follow the dull total antipathy spread by the suggestive instruments of mass-culture and information, not only towards the Germans but towards the spirit of Middle Europe in general. The press presents such attitudes as a natural process of development in a democratic society. Anything else that wishes to make its way to peoples consciousness is dismissed as conspiracy theory. A theory is a theory some like it, while others do not. It cannot be otherwise. How many theories there are! And every one of them, even the most absurd, still finds supporters. Such things are also heard from the anthroposophical press, despite the fact that there exist dozens of lecture-cycles by Rudolf Steiner on historical symptomatology! A particularly amusing variation on the conspiracy theory is in No. 32 of the Flensburger Hefte. It is based on the following uncomplicated argument: A secret society is an unknown society. Therefore we have no right to speak of secret Masonic Lodges, of Bilderbergers, Trilaterals etc., because they all exist quite publicly. As an empirically-working historian so C. Lindenberg sums up this line of thought I would therefore prefer not to bring hypotheses about secret societies into the discussion, because in so doing one places an All-Operator into the world, i.e. a quantity that is logically applicable to anything. As a scientific historian I have to reject this.1 We are tempted to ask Herr Lindenberg: If an All-Operator were not placed into the world, what would you then say about this hypothesis? But what kind

Flensburger Hefte, No. 32, p. 129-130.



Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

of empirically-working historian is this, when what we are seeking is the interpretation of facts that is dependent on the political state of affairs? What is the meaning of this lack of logic? What is secret, is unknown; therefore nothing can be said about it! It is just as though a stone were being aimed at someones head, but because the stone is wrapped in a towel no-one dares to speak of it, since it does not exist empirically, it is invisible. And if someone is aiming this at the head of a person one happens to dislike, then it is enough to hold strictly to the principle of scientific empiricism, in order to expose this head to the assault with the stone. How easy one likes to make things for oneself! The ideal embodiment of this empirically-working scientist is the proverbial ostrich that tries to avoid imminent danger by burying its head in the sand. It is unclear what a scientist of this kind can have to do with spiritual science. Here a great deal is not empirically given in the sense that we cannot see, hear, photograph it, etc. (this is how Lenin defines matter). The folk-spirits for example what right has an empirically-working historian to speak of them? The historian-positivist is at least honest when he declares them to be complete and utter nonsense. We can also understand him when he speaks of contradictions in Rudolf Steiners communications, because the word Initiate is a meaningless sound to him. Rudolf Steiner was no less an authority on Operators than Herr Lindenberg, and for this reason bequeathed to us a comprehensive teaching concerning the background of world politics, thus making possible a healthy, realistic way of looking at things, so that people are shown the true face of the world and are not turned into puppets in the hands of the occult-political manipulators. But now empirically-working scientists appear on the scene, who are wiser than the great Initiates. Unaware of the grotesque nature of their situation, they merely vary the words of the Grand Inquisitor (from Dostoyevskys novel) who says to Christ Himself: We know better than you how to become masters of humanity. Rudolf Steiner says: In many places outside the actual British Realm, Freemasonry pursues exclusively or mainly political interests. And further: The Lodges knew how to find the channels for imprinting certain directions into peoples thoughts then one only needs to press the button and the thing carries on working. In what direction? Towards seizure of power by the few, using the means that are known in the sanctuary of the Lodge (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174).

Rudolf Steiner made countless statements that are equally specific. Some more examples: When we look around us today , then we have Freemasons societies that are an effective instrument in the hands of the secret societies (Feb. 21, 1920, GA 196). The Anglo-American world has its Initiates (June 22, 1919, GA 192). This is just what is characteristic, that in the West the organization of state cannot be understood at all and France and Italy are entirely infected by it , unless one takes into account its permeation by the Lodges, just as in Middle Europe one has to take into account the permeation by Jesuitism or other influences (Nov. 3, 1918, GA 185). Even precise details are given: It is a fact that when someone, a powerful minister let us say, needs an Under Secretary of state, it is obviously more to his liking if he can appoint his brother Mason, rather than some other person (Feb. 21, 1920, GA 196). A natural basis for corruption thus emerges. As to the question of secrecy, we can occasionally hear when one or the other name is mentioned: Yes, he is not on the lists of Freemasons. They have the list already, but are unaware of the fact that the most important people are possibly not on those lists (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174) etc. So one could continue indefinitely. But it is not the point to quote dogmatically, nor is it our task to convince people like Herr Lindenberg (they know all this very well and just for this reason throw sand into peoples eyes). What we want to show here is that only with the help of spiritual science will one be able to penetrate the terribly neglected affairs of humanity and understand that not only the Divine Hierarchies are active but that people are very strongly attacked by ahrimanic and luciferic beings. It is not our business, as anthroposophists, to show how the Jesuits deride the Freemasons and vice-versa, how the Bolsheviks insult both groups and are abused in turn by them. All this is the well-organized wrangling on the lower levels of the occult societies. But why should we not pay attention to the facts they occasionally divulge in the excitement of their world-wide game of dialectics? We have our own methods of cognition. They are strictly scientific spiritual-scientific. Only with the help of this method is a conversation possible concerning the life and death of our civilization.



Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

The Cartography of Political Occultism

In order to help us understand the meaning and importance of the First World War, Rudolf Steiner describes its spiritual background. He speaks of the ring of the Midgard-Snake, ahrimanic in its nature, encircling Europe as a result of the movement of the Norman, Celtic, Germanic and Latin elements in the European population (cf. Feb. 21, 1915, GA 159). We will let this indication suffice, in order not to stray too far from the essential content of the book, and turn to times closer to our own. Rudolf Steiner says in 1918: Can one actually wish that humanity should have simply lived on, without this catastrophe, as it had imagined itself living until 1914? He then refers to what he had already said in Vienna before the war: , that, if one has a clear survey of what lives in the world of men, then the relationships between people, social life, appear like a social carcinoma, like a cancerous growth creeping through humanity. but from the aspect of eternity things look very different They must by no means be taken lightly or superficially. Just as it is true that it is infinitely sad that this catastrophe came, so is it equally true that through this catastrophe humanity was saved from a terrible submergence in materialism and utilitarianism. Even if it is not yet visible today, it will be; it will show itself especially in the middle lands and in the East, where instead of an order that had taken materialism into itself, a chaos is developing. One can certainly not speak without an undertone of suffering, of this chaos that has come over the middle lands and the countries of the East, and which offers little immediate prospect of being transformed outwardly into harmony. But something else is happening. Wherever this chaos spreads, there will be a world that will in the near future give as little as possible to men through the outer physical plane. The blessings of the outer plane will not be great in the middle lands and in the lands of the East. All that can come to men from outer forces will be very scant. The human being will have to take a grip of himself within his soul in order to stand firm and he will be able to make the decision to go towards the spirit, from which alone the health of the future can come (Dec. 21, 1918, GA 186). This is the higher view of things. The future of which Rudolf Steiner speaks is beginning in our day. He also says that the human being must learn to stand firm. It must be borne in mind that the forces which engender chaos do everything possible to rob men of this steadfastness. In truth, humanity is sawing off the branch on which it sits. Not God condemns humanity to the battlefield, but humanity has forgotten God. And men thereby place themselves in the service

of those forces that are hostile to the development of humanity. These forces make use of crises of development, so that renewal cannot arise out of them. In 1915 Rudolf Steiner speaks of countless young people who lost their lives in the war and laid aside their ether-bodies still filled with great life forces. These return again to the world and work for its good if human beings will turn their thoughts to the spiritual world (cf. Jan. 26, 1915, GA 157). But if everything remains unchanged, the sacrifices of the war will have been for naught! In our examination of social understanding we have here arrived at a point of the utmost importance. The secret occult societies see their principal task in the battle for humanity not only in the use of developmental crises to instigate wars, but also in not allowing the power of sacrifice to be transformed into a noble service for humanity. It is for this reason that the true history of the wars is falsified in every imaginable way, that re-education of the Germans and all the peoples of Russia is pursued so intensively, that materialistic mass-culture is propagated, reckless economic enterprises are launched etc. It does not require much intelligence and strength to see how all social illnesses are generated, how after the Second World War the wave of spiritual resurrection and renewal in West and East was extinguished. All this is a unified complex of measures, designed to destroy the fruitful co-operation between those who are living on the earth and those who were obliged to leave it, not out of their own karma but out of the karmic necessity of the world. And then the attempt is made to detach the nations from their hierarchical Leaders. All this must be vigorously resisted, for otherwise there will be no end to suffering. At every news-stand today, every meeting of atheists, monists, politicians, we encounter ritual black magic. And often we find it in anthroposophical gatherings too. It is even delivered to peoples homes free of charge, and this continues until a man himself consciously says: It is enough! And if anyone thinks that he has to keep silent for the sake of balance and harmony, which are in any case nonexistent, then this advice can only be followed by one who has neither reason nor heart. Rudolf Steiner is not one of them. But it is possible he says for things to be striven after in different ways. Thus it would have been necessary for others to rule than the agents of the brotherhoods of which I have spoken. For then we would be in the middle of peace negotiations today, the Christmas call for peace would not have been shouted down! (Jan. 30, 1917, GA 174).

Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

Rudolf Steiner told the anthroposophists of a map of Europe that had been drawn by the secret societies already in the Eighties of the 19th century. With the aid of this map the members of the societies were trained for special tasks preparation of the First World War. This map also foresaw the division of Austria-Hungary, the formation of a Slavic confederation in the Balkans, the shifting of the eastern border of France etc. Rudolf Steiner closes his account with the words: compare this map with what is already contained in the note from the Entente to Wilson. It is what was then regarded (and intended for implementation) as the ideal way of dividing up Europe (Jan. 14, 1917, GA 174). The map says desert in the area occupied by Russia. There it was decided to conduct socialist experiments. And this in the Eighties of the 19th century! Whole libraries of books were later to be written, and mountains of corpses piled up, as arguments for and against communism. This process is still not finished. When the Perestroika was announced, no-one said that the experiment was now concluded. The experience of recent years shows that it continues, only the method has been altered. If we wished to judge these things in the spirit of Herr Lindenberg, we would have to say: My Goodness! Just look at the All-Operator Rudolf Steiner brought into the world! And we would have to express regret over the fact that because of it we can no longer read a newspaper hoax with indifference. But there is yet another way one can bring forward additional arguments. In the Seventies an anti-Semitic blockbuster, printed in France in Samizdat and entitled Dezionization, was in circulation in the Soviet Union. In it the said map was reproduced. Is this not reason to shout: just look how these communications are used for ones own purposes! When Rudolf Steiner spoke of the map he gave the following explanations: Truly, I speak of this in order to communicate facts of knowledge to you, and not in the least because I want to act in an agitating or political way I am very far from wanting to frighten anyone, to persuade anyone to believe this or that or to become anxious in this or that direction And if I say these things, I do so on the assumption that you are sensible enough to take them in the right way (Ibid.). And this we are doing thanks to spiritual-scientific knowledge we aim to disperse the pernicious effect of the ahrimanic assault on the spiritual and social life of humanity. With calm assurance we cast aside all taboos of knowledge,

Map of Europe: Excerpt from The Kaisers Dream, The Truth 1890


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

the First World War, pay the greatest attention to the indicators of economic development. At the beginning of the century in Russia with its inexhaustible natural resources, an industrial development was under way, that in time would certainly have made it economically the most powerful country in the world. It was clear that even world wars would not be able to arrest this process. The only possible alternative was to turn Russia from within into a desert. Rudolf Steiner explains that in Germany export [from Jan. to June 1914] was to the value of 1,045,000,000 Pounds, while that of Britain was 1,075,000,000 Pounds If the world war had not taken place German export might have been greater than the British. This was not to be allowed! (Dec. 4, 1916, GA 173). Rudolf Steiner also points to the fundamentally important fact that Middle Europe with its population of 150 million inhabitants in a territory of 6 million square km was surrounded by the 777 million inhabitants of the Entente States in a territory of 68 Million square km (cf. GA 65, p. 448). Three quarters of the earths population lived in the states of the Entente. This figure alone cannot but be of significance for anyone who looks at realities (Jan. 6, 1917, GA 174). In addition, behind what happened in Austria in July/August 1914 there indeed stood financial powers whose origins are possibly not in Austria itself, but for which Austria was an instrument for the achievement of certain things. It was not especially difficult to realize them when one was dealing with the ruling Nibelungen. But by and large there stood behind the totality of outer and inner factors that led to the unleashing of the world war the expansion of the imperialism of the English-speaking realms , that which was able to lead, from every corner, to reasons for declaring war if one so wished, that is the transformation of the so liberal politics, the politics that had become so liberal in the middle of the 19th century, into the English imperialism of the 20th century (Nov. 9, 1918, GA 185a).
Map from the book Entente Freemasonry and World-War by Karl Heise

well aware that Ahriman flees those centres where human beings recognize a lie and kindle the light of spirit knowledge. We also have to take into account says Rudolf Steiner that this map, i.e. this division of European affairs, has the tendency to serve the formation of the commercial-universal monarchy to found commercial world domination (Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). For this reason we must, if we speak of those guilty of

Of course its expansion would not have been crowned with success if Europe and Russia had preserved their spiritual health. But that is another problem. The crises of world development can be resolved in different ways. The very emergence of Anglo-American imperialism, occult-political in its innermost nature, is itself a consequence of the spiritual crisis of civilization, the crisis of knowledge. Therefore the path to its resolution lies solely in true knowledge; but only spiritual science is in a position to remedy the lack of knowledge. And if its representatives do not do this, no-one will. At the


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

same time we should not be surprised that in anthroposophical circles the piledup wall against true social insight will continue to grow ever higher. Indeed, it is precisely in our circles that the hysterical cries will sound louder than anywhere else in the world against anyone who seriously studies Rudolf Steiners historical symptomatology and dares to try and apply it to current situations. We will not elaborate further in how thorough and comprehensive a way Rudolf Steiner has proven the innocence of Austria-Hungary and Germany in the preparation and unleashing of the First World War.2 Only an extremely prejudiced, and, in most cases, ill-intentioned person who serves entirely different

We must mention a few more facts. Rudolf Steiner says: For me a most important basis for judgment is given, when I know that the personality (Moltke) singled out by circumstances to make the decision: Must we attack now or not? was four days earlier in no position at all to concern himself with the situation in Europe, but is spending a carefree time in a resort (Karlsbad) (Nov. 10, 1918, GA 185a). The German ambassador in London, Lichnovsky, asked the English Minister for Foreign Affairs on August 1: Would England remain neutral if the Germans did not infringe the neutrality of Belgium? And this question was given an evasive answer! (The treaty regarding Belgiums neutrality was signed in 1839, but Germany was founded as a State in 1871.) When he did not receive an answer, the German ambassador asked a further question, namely what the conditions are for England to remain neutral. This means: England was permitted to lay down the conditions under which it would remain neutral Great Britain did not want to give an answer to any such inquiry. On August 2nd, the following day, Edward Grey spoke before the English Parliament and did not mention a word of the conversation with the German ambassador. If he had said something about it, this session of Parliament would have taken a different turn! (Dec. 30, 1916, GA 173). And what did the Nibelungen do? For example, Kaiser Wilhelm was caricatured in the newspapers during the war as a cannibal, ready to devour the entire world. In 1908 he said in an interview with the English Daily Telegraph: England has only one friend in Germany myself. He explained further that an alliance had been suggested in previous years by Russia and France, and England owes it to him that this alliance did not come about so much does he love England. When the invasion of Belgium was being prepared, it was kept secret from him, the Emperor, the Commander-in-chief until July 29, 1914. They knew: if he had been told today, tomorrow the whole world would have known about it, if Sven Hedin and so on, who so admired him, had come to see him (Nov. 16, 1918, GA 185a). This Sven Hedin (1865-1952), well-known as a Swedish traveller, played a significant part in preparations for the Bolshevik revolution in Russia; at the same time his name appears in the annals of the history of the National Socialist rise to power. Years later, symptoms become visible to which Rudolf Steiner had already pointed.

aims can convey the impression within our circles that he finds Rudolf Steiners communications unconvincing. Let us conclude our discussion of this theme with an indication of the programme which Rudolf Steiner presented to the public during the war. It would have been quite different he said if in the middle or even in the autumn of 1917 this [social] threefolding had been acknowledged by a country of importance, either Germany or Austria, as a declaration of the impulses of Middle Europe, over against the so-called 14 Points of Woodrow Wilson which had been drawn up from an American standpoint. This would have been a historical necessity at that time. I said to Khlmann: 3 You have the choice, either you attend to reason now and listen to what is being heralded in the development of humanity as something that ought to happen or you will see a time of revolutions and cataclysms.4 Instead of listening to reason, we got the treaty of Brest-Litowsk, the so-called Peace of Brest-Litowsk. (And later, one might add, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.) Just think how it would have been this can be said without presumption if at that time, in opposition to the so-called 14 Points, the voice of the Spirit had sounded into the thunder of cannon. All of Eastern Europe anyone familiar with the forces of Eastern Europe knows this would have understood the idea of substituting for Tsarism the Threefolding of the social organism. Then what was actually supposed to happen would have come about (Apr. 21, 1919, GA 192). But one did not listen to the voice of the Spirit; the Bolshevik revolution took place in Russia, while in Germany National Socialism came to power. Thus the evil chain of events began: some loved England, the others loved Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg. The victory over German militarism became the sacred goal of West and East, and therefore the impulse of Social Threefolding could not assert itself in Middle Europe in order to save Russia from the Bolshevism which, in its turn, drove Germany into National Socialism; and then came the Second World War.

Richard Khlmann (1873-1948) Secretary of state in the Foreign Ministry in 19171918. At times anthroposophists come to us in Russia from the West, who tell us that Rudolf Steiner had thought like Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg, and that many of his statements even accord with those of Gorbachev! No-one contradicts them, because they are still in a profound sleep socially, as in the time of Bolshevism. In the outer world Anthroposophists are accused of magic, conspiracies and Heaven knows what else. The Orthodox Church Council (the most secular council of the Orthodox Church abroad) does not allow them to take part in Holy Communion.


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

Social Threefolding
The lessons of the past were not learnt; people are simply prevented from understanding them rightly. Thus they will be repeated over and over again. And life in the world will progressively worsen. In this way, not only the epoch of the consciousness-soul will be utterly destroyed, but the future of the entire earthly aeon. All that the peoples of the world can now do is to follow the path of mutual understanding and mutual positive influence, mindful always of their individual tasks in the spiritual evolution of the world. At present this can best be understood by those who turn to spiritual science. The more knowledge we draw from it, the greater the weight of responsibility we bear for what happens in the world, and of guilt whenever we refuse to understand the social reality within which all great concerns of humanity now unfold. There is already a great deal that we have failed to do. But at least we now grasp that the Socialism of the Bolshevik kind and National Socialism are two caricatures, two hideously distorted images of the idea of social Threefolding. If the task of social threefolding was to create favourable conditions for a conscious awakening to the Second Coming of Christ, an event that has taken place in the world of ether-forces since 1933, then Bolshevism and National Socialism represent two forms of the ahrimanic-luciferic resistance against the Christ in His second appearance.5 These two monstrosities brought endless suffering upon mankind in order completely to divert mans attention away from the spirit. The First World War was the result of a grave spiritual crisis.6 It demonstrated clearly that the time of the social world-systems from the epoch of the regency of the Archangel Gabriel had expired with the beginning of the epoch of the Archangel Michael. For spiritual reasons, therefore, and not for the reasons

The map is taken from the book Occult Lodges by Karl Heise, Leipzig 1921

A stern historical lesson was taught, demonstrating how dangerous it is not to take account of the spiritual mission of nations, and how closely the peoples are bound together in a common destiny. It is an extremely dangerous illusion to believe that the good of one nation can be achieved at the expense of others.

In our book Triune Man of Body, Soul and Spirit in the Light of Anthroposophy we have addressed at length the question of why the Second Coming began in 1933. The relationship of time and space plays a role here, in its totality expressed in the number 19 (12+7), etc. Literature has handed down to us an impressive picture of this crisis. Think only of the novel Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain) by Thomas Mann, in which it is shown how the two world-forces of which we speak, wage a battle over the I that belongs to Middle Europe.


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

thought out by Marx, capitalism had to give way to social Threefolding.7 But the 14-point programme of Wilson who, as we know, is the bearer of the ahrimanic incorporation was set against it. Parallel to this a socialistic experiment was prepared by the secret societies and exported to Russia. It was known in the occult societies that the impulse of the new sociality streams from the Spirit, that the conditions for this had matured on earth and that the developed self-consciousness of man is no longer willing to endure the last form of slavery the sale of human labour. It was becoming dangerous to ignore the decree of the spirit and it was impossible to do away with it entirely. Therefore the impulse was given free rein, but in an ahrimanic sheath. From the beginning both Russia and Germany were subject to attack. It is especially important to know this, in order to understand Russian-German relations in the 20th century. First, one made use of Nibelung Ludendorff,8 who allowed Lenin and his comrades passage to Russia in a sealed carriage.

This secret is revealed in the world today. Documented reports are shown on television, but they are always presented in such a way as to awaken the impression that Germany alone is guilty of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, that Germany alone provided the Bolsheviks with money. Of course, the participation of Germany in these events cannot be denied altogether. But it has to be rightly interpreted and understood. It was Germanys role to lay a noose around the neck of everything that united the destinies of Germany and Russia, of everything they had in common, with the help of the German Nibelungen such as Ludendorff. At the same time, Germany was to be compromised with regard to the more distant future that has only now begun. The Russian Nibelungen played into the hands of the German Nibelungen. After they had formed an interim government consisting of members of Masonic Lodges, they proclaimed on the one hand: Fight the war against Germany to the victorious end! But on the other hand they began to transfer power to the Bolsheviks. An entire system of Lodges laboured at this, including princes and earls of Norman descent, such as Rurikides and other aristocrats. But there were also healthy spiritual forces in Russia; the support they needed was of a different kind. They needed an ideal and this ideal was to have been the realization of social Threefolding in Germany. But the Germans were afraid. If your suggestion were realized Rudolf Steiner was told in high Wilhelmine places, the Emperor will have to abdicate. Well he replied , if that is what circumstances require, then so it has to be. One did not dare to take this step, although the Emperors time was already over consequently he had to go, but the right moment had been missed. Something similar happened in Russia. Here the alternative Tsar or social threefolding did not apply, the idea had no representatives among the Russian intelligentsia but the Tsar ought not to have abdicated just at the time when Kerensky had already handed over all positions of power to the Bolsheviks. The Tsar should have held out to the very end (though it is difficult to judge whether at that point there was any hope at all for Russia).

This is why only a dimmed consciousness could perceive a connection between Rudolf Steiners views and those of Rosa Luxemburg and Mikhail Gorbachev. Socialists of all shades (at least in Russia) maintain now that Marx evaluation of capitalism was wrong, that the future belongs to capitalism! It may be of interest to learn how Rudolf Steiner characterized Ludendorff. He emphasizes that the judgment that Hindenburg and Ludendorff were great men, truly spread with the force of an epidemic, when in truth they were no great men at all, not even from the standpoint of their profession [In Berlin] there stands a hideous wooden effigy of a person, the Hindenburg, big, gigantic, into which every patriot had to drive a nail (GA 186). One year later he says about his logic: He is the one to have earned the great distinction of having been decisive in Lenin being transported through Germany and into Russia in a sealed carriage. He is the actual importer of Bolshevism into Russia. He does not dare to deny this openly in his book, although he dares a great deal. This is why he says the following: To bring Lenin to Russia was a military necessity; but the political leadership should have averted the terrible consequences; this it failed to do. You see, that is the logic of this gentleman (Nov. 14, 1919, GA 191). The intention of Rudolf Steiner to set up a news agency in Zrich in 1916, to establish an independent information service, so that something would be there to counter the wild flood of lies about Germany in the Allied press, was prevented by the same Ludendorff. Rudolf Steiner says on Jan. 2, 1921: It had progressed so far that it looked as though we might be able to move to Zrich within the next few days in order to set up the press agency. The next day the annulment came from the main headquarters with the information that so many people in Germany are waiting for such a post that an Austrian cannot be selected for it (GA 338, 1986; Publishers Note).

Germany Between the Treaty of Versailles and the Bolshevik Revolution

The combined working of the German and Russian Nibelungen was crowned by the Peace-Treaty of Brest-Litovsk through which Russia was handed over to


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the arbitrariness of the Bolshevik terror. The peace given to Germany was not much better. Ludendorff explained that, if Germany did not lay down its weapons within 24 hours, the greatest catastrophe would happen. But five days later when the capitulation was already signed he admitted that he had erred there had been no reason to lay down weapons! How tragic was this mistake? Today we base our judgment on the conditions of the war that was waged then. And here we must realize that the outcome of the war was decisive for the world-situation in the post-war years. By the end of the First World War the forces of the Entente were already greatly weakened, but the most important thing was that everywhere there arose the greatest resistance to the continuation of the war. All means of propaganda were insufficient to hide the fact that it was no more than meaningless slaughter. The millions of human casualties led to the collapse of the whole of Europe. If Germany had held out a little longer, the conditions of peace would have been very different from those laid down in the Treaty of Versailles. Germany would not have been crushed under the burden of enormous reparations, her borders would not have been pushed back at the whim of the Entente. It is not our intention here to prove the view, almost universally accepted today, that it was the Treaty of Versailles that created the pre-conditions for the Second World War. Another important fact must be taken into account: the danger of a Bolshevik uprising, which threatened the exhausted country. There is much material to confirm this, but here too the author wishes to remain faithful to his principles and refer to the statements of Rudolf Steiner, also in the present case. In a lecture given in 1920 he refers to the letter of a German, printed in the Basler Nachrichten, on April 2, 1920. It says: We in Germany must accept that it is necessary to go through Bolshevism. Once we have gone through Bolshevism something better will come we know not from where! (Apr. 18, 1920, GA 334). In another Basle newspaper Vorwrts there appears on April 2, 1920, the article The Politics of the Soviet Government in the Sphere of Religion. The author signed with his initials only and in it we find the following passage: Religion, which represents a fantastic reflex in the heads of people concerning their relationships to each other and towards nature, is doomed to natural decline through the growth and the triumph of the scientific, clear, naturalistic view of reality that will evolve parallel to the building, according to plan, of the new society. Rudolf Steiner remarks: How many people read this in

a newspaper article and recoil as though stung by a viper, because it is the most terrible symptom that can be expressed in such sentences? For one does not think what will come about on earth if what lies within the word: Religion were to be realized in practice (June 13, 1920, GA 197). What can we say today? There is no-one who would recoil! Two years ago the autumnal Festival of the Archangel Michael was celebrated in Dornach under the motto of a statement once proclaimed by Rosa Luxemburg. The weekly Das Goetheanum wrote about it and no-one recoiled as though stung by a viper.9 This can only mean that the Members of the AS/GAS are asleep. This kind of provocation serves as a form of medical evidence to prove the death of the patient beyond a doubt. But here we are digressing too far from the theme. In 1921 Rudolf Steiner spoke of a Jesuit book in which we read: For all those who take Christian principles seriously, those to whom the well-being of a people is a concern of the heart, those who have taken the words of the Saviour Misereor super turbam (I have pity on the masses) deep into their souls, for all these the time has now come where, borne along on the undercurrent of the Bolshevik tidal wave, they can work with and for the nation with far greater success. Do not be hesitant. Radical and all-round opposition to capitalism, therefore! to the exploitation of the people and its impoverishment through usury; greater emphasis on the duty to work, also for the upper classes; the provision of decent living-quarters for millions of compatriots, even if this means the occupation of palaces and larger dwellings; the exploitation of natural resources, of water and air power, not for trusts and syndicates but for the benefit of all the use of the idea of the system of councils (Rtesystem) alongside parliamentary representation of the masses in order to prevent the isolation of the masses from the state apparatus, rightly criticized by Lenin (Apr. 29, 1921, GA 204). A Russian, reading these words, will exclaim: Pah, that is Bolshevik propaganda through and through! True enough, so much has been achieved with and for the nation! But what have the Jesuits to do with it? And who told them

Although we know that the world-view of Karl Marx is a purely ahrimanic one (Sept. 8, 1918, GA 184). Rosa Luxemburgs world-view was Marxist.


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about the profound nature of the system of councils as a form of State serfdom?! If we still remember the content of the earlier chapters of this book, we can answer this question without difficulty. Think of the deep affinity between Jesuitism and Americanism, of the Russian author K. S. Mereshkovsky, remember that Rabbis and Monsignori sit together quite amicably in the high degrees, and, finally, remember the tactic of the two daggers. It was not in vain that Lenin waited so long in Zrich, in a bourgeois country. When one searches through the archives and libraries of Western Europe, scans the bundles of newspapers from that time in English, German and other languages, it is easy to conclude with certainty that Germany was threatened by the Damocles sword of a Bolshevik revolt. Our dictators of the proletariat, feverishly busy at the time carting entire waggonloads of gold, diamonds and art-treasures from Russia to Europe, were proclaiming loudly that Bolshevism would soon have gained victory there too, and one would then be able to bring everything back. Clara Zetkin wrote openly in Berlin how the streets would be renamed once Bolsheviks were in power. Thus Germany too, after untold sufferings, was threatened with the reign of terror that had already descended upon Russia. How terrible, how insatiable this reign is in the perpetration of evil, was known in Europe right from the beginning. In the first years after the revolution in St. Petersburg hundreds of thousands of emigrants came to Europe and told of the unimagined misfortune that had come over humanity, and spoke of it as something without equal in world history. The situation in Germany in those years reminds us literally of that in Russia from February to October 1917. In order therefore to understand the choice made by Germany10 at that time, one must make a comparative analysis of the events in both States. In Russia it had only become clear after the Bolshevik revolution what kind of power was ruling the state. One had meekly accepted much fine-sounding talk, similar to that in the Jesuit book (compassion for the masses, etc.). On the other hand a gigantic conspiracy (not a conspiracy theory) was at work and invaded like a cancer all cells of society. With the help of this conspiracy it was possible to eliminate all rational thinking forces in

Russia. The masses were subjected to the influence of inspirations and suggestion; the press and public proclamations were used and tasks assigned to specially-trained agitators and speakers. But the use of a hitherto unknown terror opened the eyes of many and they stood before the question: How can the plague of Bolshevism be overcome? Under those conditions there was only one way the setting up of a military dictatorship and the declaration of a state of war in the land. In our time, where only cries for democracy can be heard in East and West, it is extremely difficult to come to an understanding of such questions. In making such a statement we do not wish to step forward as an opponent of democracy, nevertheless it is our conviction that a true democracy is only possible under the conditions of social Threefolding; in the absence of these it is no more than a convenient pretext for groping in the dark. Here too we would refer to a statement of Rudolf Steiner. This so-called democratism (of the English kind) he says in an article is suited only to make the people of Middle Europe into a part of English-American world domination, and if in addition we were to become involved in the so-called inter-State organization of the present Internationalists, we would have, as Middle Europeans, the wonderful prospect of being always outvoted within this inter-State organization (GA 24, p. 340). This is the holy truth! No other verdict is possible. Exactly the same applies to Russia. It is no less than the formula of the Perestroika. But in former times too, in the period of the so-called cold war, the principle was used, if in a veiled form. The origins of all phenomena of this kind are to be sought in the first quarter of our century and even in the last third of the previous one. In this way the darkness that spread over Europe in 1914 turned in 1917 into an Egyptian darkness. Only through the strictest discipline could the assault of the infernal forces be arrested. In Russia the search began for a personality able to assume the powers of a dictator. General Kornilov was approached. He was at first undecided even amongst the generals the spirit of democracy prevailed at the time. But finally circumstances forced him to act. The atrocities of the Bolsheviks were gaining the upper hand and there was simply no choice. Thus the White movement was formed, but the moment for setting up a dictatorship

Among them the parents of Renate Riemeck.



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had already been missed and the civil war broke out.11 Kornilov put himself at the head of the White Army, but a programme was lacking that could have inspired people, that could have aroused more enthusiasm than the false promises of the Bolsheviks to share out the land and factories. Loyalty to the Entente was proclaimed, and it was just this Entente that brought the downfall of the White Army by sending its advisors, through whom it worked in the interest of the Bolsheviks. All this is described in detail in the books of those who participated in the events. General P. N. Krasnov for instance, participant in the White movement and author, reports openly in his novel From Double Eagle to Red Banner that the representatives of France and England in the White Army were members of Masonic Lodges and, through the mediation of Russian Freemasons, were active on both the white and the red side. General Denikin indicates the same in his memoirs. This is how events unfolded in Russia, and exactly the same would have happened in Germany. The Germans, however, knew what a Bolshevik victory would have meant: the complete physical annihilation of entire social strata not only the bourgeoisie, but also the intellectuals, the clerics, a large part of the farming community, the entire middle class, small business entrepreneurs, the petty bourgeoisie and the merchants. For in Russia even those were destroyed who had completed a secondary education, and, under the pretext of the economic elimination of farmers with large estates, the healthiest stratum of the peasantry was eradicated. Lenin declared openly that the Bolsheviks were ready to eliminate as much as 90% of the population for the sake of retaining power in their own hands. It seems as though they would even have sacrificed 99%, because after all no more than a few specimens of humanity are needed for the artificial breeding of a new man, the happy inhabitant of the earthly paradise. The German communists had similar views.12 Meanwhile chaos, hunger, unemployment ruled the country, cities and industry were destroyed, and on top of all this there lay the burden of the immense reparations. When the Golem of

Bolshevism raised its head over the devastated country, no great intelligence was needed to understand that Germany, like a person facing certain death, had to make some desperate movement in the hope of a last chance of survival. This is how it was in France, when the Vende, driven to despair by the terror and the dictatorship of the Jacobins, armed itself for an uprising. Shortly after this, Napoleon was enthusiastically embraced by the entire nation, which followed him in his adventures. So it was in Russia, where the desperate selfdefence before Bolshevism continued until 1941, when even the attack from outside was experienced as a liberation, and 4 million soldiers not only surrendered but were ready to fight against the hated power in their own country but it turned out that what came from the West was just as much of a plague. We must always keep these things in mind if we want to understand why the Germans supported their dictator who declared himself to be an enemy of Bolshevism. The first fascist organizations were formed as resistance-groups against the communists, and for a long time there was sporadic street-fighting between these groups, with the communist assailants thoroughly beating the national socialists. A dictatorship is certainly not an ideal way out of a situation. But what else can one do if the choice is between two dictatorships, one of which has already shown its savage face? More recently the Americans made a film about Stalin in which they show that Stalinism was worse than National Socialism. The Americans say today that Stalin outdid Hitler in evil. (Churchill said after the war that the wrong pig had been slaughtered.13) We may therefore conclude that Germany chose the lesser of two evils. Thus Russia is experiencing today a wave of renewed pogrom-propaganda, behind which the outlines of a new dictatorship grow visible, whereas Germany is strengthened again and has been able to provide its citizens with decent living conditions! Germany did not have to pay so dearly for the consequences of National Socialism as Russia did for those of communism, which continue to this day and will, so it appears, finally bring us to the grave after all. At least the National Socialists did not eliminate millions of their own compatriots. Officers and Generals knew how to take care of their soldiers during the war. For the Bolsheviks the war was simply a convenient way to continue the genocide. One tries now to make Stalin responsible


The president of the interim government, Kerensky, proclaiming the General outlawed and thereby allowing the Bolsheviks free rein, played a large part in the failure of the movement. Attempts are now made to represent them to the Anthroposophists as being of like mind with Rudolf Steiner.

On July 30, 1952 before the House of Commons.



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for all this, as though the senseless operations of Kharkov, Kiev and the Crimea that costs hundreds of thousands of human lives had been solely the work of his hands. But it has been frequently noted that wherever another leading member of the ruling clique, Voroshilov, had a part to play, the Soviet army had to suffer overwhelming defeats etc. As a result of the war the USSR lost 27 million lives on the fronts alone Germany lost six million, more than one million of these at Stalingrad, where a prominent Nibelung Paulus led the military action. After imprisonment as a p.o.w. he remained in the German Democratic Republic.14 After the war nearly one million German soldiers and officers all of them young died in the prisoner-of-war camps of the Western Allied forces. One million Russian emigrants were forcibly handed over by the British via Vienna to the Soviets where certain death awaited them as was generally known. Thus are revealed the secret, the true aims of the war. They consisted in the widest possible elimination of the population of Middle and Eastern Europe. Why? The purpose behind such a course of action has been explained here in detail.

How could this happen? Simply because the Nuremberg Trials took place immediately after the end of the war and in the general confusion it was possible to wipe out all the evidence. Under present conditions the question can be asked: Who are the judges? It became clear in Honeckers trial that he had intended to bring something to light; but Ceausescu had to be executed swiftly, without court proceedings or lawful judgement. It is not difficult to guess that, if the Germans had won the War, Roosevelt, Churchill etc. would be spoken of as Nazis are spoken of now. And it would be entirely justified. Let us remember Dresden. In the course of a single night hundreds of thousands of women, children and old people are killed for a single reason: Germany must be punished! Then Japan is punished.15 The war has already ended, but the number of casualties grows still further by millions! But double-standards are applied. Let us take the example of General Vlasovs army and the Red Chapel.16 Vlasovs soldiers tried to fight against Bolshevism but not against Russia with the help of the Germans. The Red Chapel fought against the Nazis for the victory of Bolshevism in Germany with the help of the Bolsheviks. Nevertheless, Vlasovs soldiers are regarded as monsters, traitors, whilst the members of the Chapel are heroes; this is also the way Anglo-American propaganda presents it. The examples could be continued indefinitely, and still no-one becomes wiser.

The Crisis of Social Understanding, and its Causes

From whatever point of view we look at it, all this is cruel arithmetic. But noone should accuse us of leniency to National Socialism. We merely recommend that the events should be looked at as they actually took place, because mankind is about to see them repeated. The hellish face of Bolshevism was more terrible than the Nazi regime, but a Nuremberg Trial has not to this day passed judgment on it. Some farcical proceedings were arranged in Moscow and Berlin, and the court decided: The Party you see! overstepped its authority. This was the only offence! The cannibals forgot to use a knife and fork!


The Moscow journal Cherniy Yashchik reported in 1994 that all the German soldiers who were captured at Stalingrad were packed into goods waggons and left standing in the frost until they were dead. According to German reports only 6000 prisoners returned home. As to Paulus, a similar figure existed in Russia in the First World War. The outstanding Russian general Brussilow (also an aristocrat), loved by the Tsar (as Paulus by Hitler), deserted to the Bolsheviks after their successful revolt. The question: Could he gain victories in a World War? Of course not. He did not win, with one exception. But then, Paulus, too, advanced as far as the Volga.


In his voluminous work Tragedy and Hope A History of The World in Our Time (London/New York, 1966) Carroll Quigley concludes the chapter on the 2nd World War with the words: All this personal tragedy and material damage of untold billions of dollars was needed to demonstrate to the irrational minds of the Nazi, Fascist, and Japanese militarists that the Western Powers and the Soviet Union were stronger than the three aggressor states and, accordingly, that Germany could not establish a Nazi continental bloc in Europe nor could Japan dominate an East-Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere. This is the chief function of war: to demonstrate as conclusively as possible to mistaken minds that they are mistaken in regard to power relationships. But, as we shall see, in demonstrating these objective facts in order to change mistaken subjective pictures of these facts, war also changes most drastically the objective facts themselves (S. 827). C. Quigley was Professor of History at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University (the leading Jesuit university in the U.S.A.) formerly taught at Princeton and at Harvard. Bill Clinton called Prof. Quigley the father of his political ambitions (Tagesanzeiger, Zurich, 5.11.1992; Publishers Note). Red Chapel an espionage organization operating in Western Europe from 1936. It worked for the USSR and was directed from Moscow via Paris and Brussels (Publishers Note).


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XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

Rudolf Steiner warned: things that make up the modern life of culture cannot be maintained in the long run, if something enters this modern cultural life that has arisen out of it, but contradicts it in the most radical way. But absurdity lies in the fact that things are brought forth out of life itself, that then contradict it. We must therefore prepare ourselves for the eventuality that difficult times may come for our movement also. They will not lead us off the right course if we have taken into ourselves inner certainty, clarity and the right feeling for the meaning and the nature of the movement; if in such difficult times we are able to look beyond the individual-personal if we are able to turn our gaze towards the matters of critical concern for humanity. The greatest is this: to gain an understanding for a mode of thinking that is true to reality. Everywhere, at every step, we see the impossibility of finding a mode of thinking that is true to reality. The heart has to be engaged in such a question, then we will not be led astray through all kinds of egoism (Jan. 30, 1917, GA 174). It is egotistical when many anthroposophists respond with nothing but an expressionless gaze and a polite nod when the fact is mentioned that Bolshevism cost us 100 million human lives. If they are asked: Did you read the GULAG Archipelago? they answer: Yes, I know that book, I leafed through it once. But read it? Oh no, it is too thick. Why do you Russians always write such thick books? But when the conversation turns to German history, together with the key to understanding we have given here, then something happens to this same person that forces us to change the subject, so as to prevent them from having a brain seizure. It is understandable why this should be. The lie has already struck the ether-body of the human being. When a true word is spoken, irregular beats occur in the interplay of nervous system and circulation, resulting in hysteria. The spirit-being of the lie causes a mutiny in the astral body, and cannot be exorcised by arguments or explanations since it is already rooted in the ether-body, into which it enters by way of the rational soul which has been suggestively influenced by the press. A person of this sort, when confronted with truth, experiences fits of suffocation and a rush of blood to the head. A discussion with him is therefore senseless, foolish and dangerous. To stick to his old prejudice to the lie is for him a question of being and not only of consciousness. We can find these people everywhere today: in Germany, Russia, politically engaged or non-political; and not a few are to be found even among anthroposophists. One must learn to grasp that they are not anthroposophists, as little as, for instance, the Jesuits are Christians.

Rudolf Steiner spoke of the above in Jan. 1917, before the monarchy was overthrown in Russia. It would be wrong to believe that he was merely pointing to the imminence of this event. He was, of course, referring to a whole complex of events that we are unable to disentangle even today because we try to do this in too simple a way. But we need to consider and to grasp wide historical connections. Already in the years 1870-71, says Rudolf Steiner, the so-called Alsace question arose between Western, Central and Eastern Europe as an insoluble problem. People who stand within reality knew already that this is an insoluble problem There stood before the gaze of their souls what special preconditions were being created for the future of Europe through what happened there, they saw how the urge will arise in the West to call upon the entire East (Oct. 19, 1918, GA 185). Since then we have learnt that these pre-conditions were enough to unleash two World Wars, and they are not exhausted yet. No! the anthroposophists immediately reply only one! Maybe one can with some reluctance accept Rudolf Steiners claim that Germany was not responsible for starting the First World War; but the Second is the fault of Germany, and only Germany! The facts are powerless in the face of this outcry nevertheless we should always return to the facts. Those who cry out will come and go but the human race endures, and so will its history.

Who is to Blame for the 2nd World War?

It has generally become an axiom in the world at large that the Germans are always guilty of everything. For mass-consciousness this is a very convenient formula, a role popularly called by the name whipping boy. Such a boy is always there as someone to vent our spleen upon and to pull the chestnuts out of the fire for us. Once in a while an anthroposophist is required as a whipping boy then people start to talk of Rudolf Steiners mistakes. He foresaw this too. For we must be clear he said that the time can come again today I choose my words very cautiously and therefore say: can come , when, because peace is not wanted at all, the conflict will be ferocious, maybe still more ferocious than it has already been, if something does not come from one side or another to prevent this ferocity. Then the possibility will be found again to talk of the atrocious deeds of Middle Europe, and under the ruins and the rubble one will bury the fact that one could have prevented these atrocious things oneself if one had not responded to the appeals for peace with the bellowing of a bull. It lay after all in the hands of the forces of the periphery to bring


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about peace. But the time will come where it will again be said: The Germans are doing this or that in violation of all rights of nations (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174). These words have to do with the Second World War! There is a lecture by Rudolf Steiner in which he speaks directly about the Second World War, or more precisely about the Second World War in its inseparable connection to the Third. Our research merely confirms the correctness and depth of his foresight, the view of the world founded this time not on supersensible experience, but on an analysis of the political, cultural and spiritual tendencies in the world during the first third of our century. He says: There are a number of people already and this number will quickly grow , who grasp that it is entirely impossible to go through anything else but a revolution if one continues to work in the old sense. Just as in the old sense people were told: we have to wage a war in order to quell the revolution in our own country, so nothing other is meant than that work has to be done, particularly amongst those people of the West who are versed in the old way of thinking, to prepare the ground for the Second World War. There is no other way than, in order to overcome inner Bolshevism, to work in the West towards the Second World War. You can hear the cry from the lower strata of society: World-revolution! This idea of world-revolution can only be shrouded in a fog through the unleashing of this Second World War catastrophe. There cannot be any other way (Jan. 2, 1921, GA 338, Dornach 1986). It is an astonishing fact that there is one (only one) person not in the West, not even in Middle Europe, but in Russia who exposed the lie of the Second World War. We refer to Viktor Suvorov and his book The Icebreaker. Destiny prepares strange paths indeed for the people of this century. We can say that this man walked by the throne of Satan himself and yet was able to reach the light of day through his own strength. As an outstanding military specialist and an unusually sharp-minded analyst he proved irrefutably that the Germans started a preventive war against the USSR. We will not go into details of the book here, as it needs to be read in its entirety.17 Discussion is impossible with anyone who does not do this (it is published in various languages). Many in Russia as well as in Germany will not read this book, for the reason given above: It

triggers off irregular heartbeats in the interplay of nervous system and blood circulation. A person who has adopted the English-Soviet-American version of the cause of the War risks suffering a collapse after reading this book. Suvorovs position is unshakeable in that he refers to sources accessible to the public, and to the testimony of Soviet generals. For example, at the end of the book he quotes Admiral Kuznetsov, a witness of the highest rank: J. V. Stalin made preparations for a war extensive and all-round preparations Hitler thwarted his plans. (This is one eyewitness testimony out of hundreds!) On the other hand, Suvorov writes, General Field Marshall W. Keitel said: aggression was prepared by the Soviet Union. Germany merely protected herself from the unavoidable aggression by carrying out the preventive strike. Both say the same thing! In this connection Suvorov asks a question of tremendous importance, he addresses the conscience of his contemporaries, wherever in the world they may live. But to this day conscience has remained silent, thus bearing witness to the stark and merciless character of the spirit of our times, the spirit of cowardice, betrayal and opportunism. Suvorov writes: It is clear to me that the judges of the International Tribunal in Nuremberg did not have the wish (or the professional honesty) to find those truly responsible for the war. But I cannot understand why the same judges did not immediately re-assemble in Nuremberg after the revelations of Admiral Kuznetsov, in order to lift a part of the guilt from Keitel, Jodl, the German Wehrmacht, and from Germany as a whole? My Lord Judges, would you please explain to us your strange attitude? The accused of Nuremberg did not plead guilty to aggression against the USSR. The offended side has admitted that no-one carried out an act of aggression against them, that on the contrary, the offended party was preparing an attack. How can it be, Lord Judges, that you were in such a hurry to hang Keitel and Jodl but that you are now in no hurry to hang Kuznetsov, Zhukov, Molotov? Why, Lord Judges, do you maintain your accusations against Germany, but hesitate to press charges against the USSR?18 19

Published in English The Icebreaker, Viking Press, 1990, ISBN 0241126223, currently out of print. Volume II was published in Moscow in 1994 under the title The Day M.

If we have retained a last shred of historical conscience it is impossible to ignore a further, essential aspect of the question. It is of the kind described by one of its most eminent representatives, the first President of the Jewish World Congress, Nahum Goldman, in his book The Jewish Paradox (Hamburg, 1992): During the War the Jewish World Congress in New York had founded an Institute for Jewish Questions


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

Bolshevik and National-Socialist Chess-Moves

But who are the judges? we ask again. Today it is all those who repeat at every opportunity and without a second thought: the Germans committed a crime against all international rights; all those who are ashamed to admit to being Germans. You didnt see so goes their cry that the Germans gave unanimous support to Hitler! No, I didnt see it I reply , but I have seen unanimity enough of the Soviet peoples in their acclamation of a whole gallery of tyrants and torturers. And I know what this unanimity is worth. I am not the only one to have noticed that these two kinds of unanimity are alike as twin brothers. There are differences too, but they have to be sought for where it is forbidden to look. Let us trespass against this restriction. First of all we would remark that the impulse of social threefolding in Middle Europe was the only alternative to the slide into chaos. And it had the same significance for Russia. Those in the occult societies who prepared the world war were preparing mainly for war against social threefolding. Thus it was not so much the economic destruction of Germany and Russia that was the primary goal of these forces, but rather the falsification of social threefolding, which represents the greatest obstacle on the path to their far-reaching goals. In Russia an experiment is begun an ahrimanized caricature of social threefolding. Owing to the spiritual conditions in Russia the experiment soon starts to founder. So antisocial is the condition that arises, that as Rudolf Steiner says neither the English, nor the North
Its leaders were two Jews from Lithuania, Jacob and Nehemiah Robinson. According to their plans two absolutely revolutionary ideas were developed: The Nuremberg Court and the German reparations. The meaning of the International Court in Nuremberg is not quite correctly evaluated today. For according to international law it was impossible at that time to punish military personnel who had been carrying out orders. It was Jacob Robinson who had this extraordinary, sensational idea. When he put it to the jurists of the American Supreme Court, they thought he was mad. What did the Nazi officers do that was so unusual? they asked We had great difficulty convincing the Allies; the English were inclined to oppose it, the French were uninterested Finally we were successful because Robinson succeeded in convincing the American Supreme Court Judge, Robert Jackson (p. 166ff). Viktor Suvorov, Leodokol (The Icebreaker), Moskau, 1992, p. 487-489.

American, not to mention the French or any other government will find a means to counter it But one power can cope with it: and that is the power of Rome Rome is able to impose a system of domination, because Rome has the necessary instruments of power to do so (June 6, 1920, GA 198). Rudolf Steiner says this on June 6, 1920. But then the decision had already been taken to part company with the Lenin Guard. Thus the seizure of power by Stalin and his clique was already predestined! In 1920 a transfer of power began, from the representatives of the Western secret societies to the representatives of the occult-political forces of Rome; naturally the decision came from the highest unified centre. Romes means of power are known the lowering of the spirit to the level of primitive catch-phrases and slogans, the play on national ambitions, the rearing of happy idiots and all this in a situation where we already feel the axe in the back of our neck. With Stalin Russia virtually entered its Paraguay-Phase. Events took a different course in Germany. There the forces of the Western secret societies had been rebuffed right from the beginning, and one would assume that the forces of Rome had a hand in this. With good reason Rudolf Steiner speaks of Middle Europe as being pervaded by Jesuitism (cf. Nov. 3, 1918, GA 185). Through taking advantage of the natural aversion of the Germans to Bolshevism, Jesuitism created a luciferized caricature of social threefolding. In Russia the call went out to renew everything. In Germany the restoration of the Middle Ages takes place, to the sounds of the music of the old Nibelungen-inheritance. In either case, the two world powers reap the dividends, which can be easily proven. Rudolf Steiner says: If the ideals of Berne social democracy (meaning the Congress of Berne of 1919) were to be fulfilled, then towards free America all free forces would of necessity drain away [so that] Europe falls into pauperism and America becomes rich; not through some injustice, but through the folly of European social politics (Feb. 15, 1919, GA 189). At the time it was not possible to realize those ideals; their success was all the greater in 1945. Though outwardly Russia stood irreconcilably against the world bourgeoisie, for years it supplied the latter continuously with cheap raw materials etc. Consider the value of the grain imports from the USA alone over the past 30 years, with the simultaneous conscious destruction of ones own agriculture! On Jan. 6, 1993 the most liberal newspaper Moskovski Komsomolets reported that, owing to the critical situation in the capital, it had been decided to bake bread with the imported flour which, however, becomes



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XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

hard and inedible after two or three days one had no recipe for baking bread with American flour. And this one had woken up to in 1993! What then had happened to the imported grain from the USA in the previous years? Had it been fed to the cattle? But on the one hand this would have been terribly expensive; on the other there is no meat either! R. Riemeck writes in her excellent book Middle Europe Balance Sheet of a Century of the three forces that have determined the fate of Europe The United States, Russia and the Vatican. That which was not yet possible in 1919 was accomplished in 1945: the destruction of the Middle. Through the First World War the Danubian Reich was dissolved (thanks to the right to selfdetermination), through the Second World War it was possible to crush Germany (with the involuntary collaboration of Hitler). Looking at this event we must think again of the secret maps of the Eighties of the 19th century.20 And she ends her book with the following words: Neither in the First nor in the Second World War did everything go according to plan.21 R. Riemecks statement that Germany has become a victim of its own ruling class is true. In addition to this, however, the fruits of re-education start to show, there are disorders, rhythmic disturbances in the spiritual and organic structures, and R. Riemeck arrives at the following conclusion: Germany heaped upon itself a heavy burden of guilt not only towards other nations but also towards its own folk-spirit.22 These are contradictions through which Western thought is led into a blind alley and we dare to assert calls up a third world-wide conflict, after which the human capacity to think will most likely be abolished altogether. But so long as things have not reached this point it is our task with unstinting energy to take the path out of the blind alley and the wilderness, forwards to the path of history and evolution. When the socialist experiment was being prepared in Russia, alternative possibilities had also been thought of. Rudolf Steiner pointed for example to banknotes bearing the Swastika, that had been seen in the possession of Russian

diplomats.23 If the civil war had dragged on, or the Bolsheviks had been routed between February and October 1917 who knows whether the world would not today speak of a Russian Fascism? In Germany the Bolsheviks had not been allowed to come to power, hence one of the alternative solutions was applied here. It must not be forgotten that, since the First World War, no people of the earth can resist any manipulation whatever that is undertaken against it. George Orwell wrote a utopian novel, but it should be clear to everyone that all that he describes could in reality just as well be done to England.

21 22

Renate Riemeck, Middle Europe, Balance-Sheet of a Century, Freiburg, 1992, p. 316-317. Ibid. p. 153, 177. Ibid. p. 178.

Speaking of the above-mentioned map Rudolf Steiner remarks: Nothing special has been said about the Scandinavian peoples; it seems as though they will probably be granted a really long period of clemency (Jan. 14, 1917, GA 174). This is the solution to the riddle of the relatively happy liberalism existing in the Northern European countries. But of the U.S.A. Rudolf Steiner says that free thinking will have come to an end in the year 2000. Of this there can be no doubt. It will then become apparent that not only the Russians, with their inclination to slavery, and the eternal militarists (the Germans), are capable of creating Imperiums of evil, but the freedom-loving Anglo-Saxons have this capacity too.

In the first years of the Perestroika such banknotes could be bought in Moscow second-hand shops.


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

These are the realities and we cannot fail to grasp the fact that in these worldwide games the peoples have been assigned the role of eternal martyrs of history, and that with modern methods of oppression it is enough to bring together a small number of the mob that exists in every nation, in order, with their help, to rule over millions of people, torment them in camps, execute them, slaughter them with pickaxes (Cambodia), convert them into living dead, into zombies etc. Rudolf Steiner wrote in 1920 that, if one were to continue state-political activity in the traditional sense in Europe, in Germany, then one would see in the near future another monstrous form arise out of declining Bolshevism. A form to which they (those active in this way) would have a closer affinity than Russian Bolshevism (GA 24, p. 185).24 And that is what happened. The principle of the two daggers works on the level of entire nations. In their flight from the Golem of ahrimanized Bolshevism the Germans were unable to keep their balance and realize Rudolf Steiners idea of social threefolding, but fell into the arms of the luciferic Golem of political Romanism. That this is what it was, can be gathered from a lecture of Rudolf Steiner that is very well known among anthroposophists, in which he says that the representatives of the principle of the Catholic Church were intending in the very near future to reconstruct the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation with the aim of eradicating the anthroposophical heresy with fire and sword. And National Socialism was this ludicrous attempt: Under the guise of reconstructing the Imperium there occurred a virtual repetition of the Thirty Years War, instigated at that time by the Jesuits with the aim of eradicating the heresy of the Reformation (Feb. 1, 1920, GA 196). For the reader who needs confirmation, through later testimonies, of Rudolf Steiners social-historical communications we would like to quote a remarkable source a book that already existed in the anthroposophical Samizdat 40 years

ago. The authors name has so far not been revealed to us; he signs only with the initials S.C.R. Written in 1956, it has nine chapters, all of which are devoted to the same complex of questions as the present book. In one chapter S.C.R. presents an article by the Finnish historian Dr. Werner Knapke entitled Jesuit Power Politics the Rise of National Socialism which, despite some onesidedness, provides a very good illustration. S.C.R. writes in his introduction: Whoever takes the trouble to study Catholic literature and the journals of the Catholic world, in Germany and abroad, from the period 1932-1938, will find, from this side too, the connection between Jesuitism and National Socialism absolutely proven It is clear to anyone who looks, even a little, behind the scenes of the history of the past few decades, that Hitler was an instrument of Jesuitism and other forces, which, through the use of ceremonial magic to influence him via the ganglion system, prepared him for the task of destroying the German nature and character that Hitler was a manifest instrument of certain occult forces with a definite task, the destruction of the I-impulse of the Germans Hitler was made executor of the will of Wilhelm II, as Lenin and Stalin were executors of the will of Tsarism. Concerning the books of Karl Heyer (When the Gods Forsake the Temple) and Prof. Wilken (Spiritual Scientific Lines of Development) S.C.R. says that they provide an excellent characterization of the nature and meaning of National Socialism. But they do not advance to the real connections, and its relation to Jesuitism and Americanism. In the article by Dr. Werner Knapke we read: Who was the great victor in the First World War? Only the Papacy. The House of Hohenzollern was shattered as the supreme power of Protestantism Tsarism also was destroyed as the support of the Greek-Orthodox Church! Regarding the Second World War Knapke speaks of Jesuit-led Axis-Fascism and quotes Stampa, June 9, 1941, to the effect that Hitler and Mussolini are organizing Europe in accordance with the Papal Encyclical of Pius XII. Rerum Novarum. Knapke further says that no-one had access to Hitler in the fortress of Landsberg, only the Jesuits went in and out, day and night, to see him. The first to pave the way for him was the Jesuit Brning who was unable to stay in power, as wakeful Prussian Protestantism felt instinctively repelled by this Jesuit. Another figure had to appear the Jesuit of highest degree von Papen whose appointed task it was to pave the way for the man who wanted to be a new pseudo-socialistic Ignatius of Loyola. Who does not recall how Hitler hurried to the German Papal

The quote is from the book Thoughts during the Time of War. Herr Lindenberg wishes to convince us that Rudolf Steiner regretted having written the book and expressed his unwillingness to print a further edition. Rudolf Steiner, he writes, did not want the book to be published in a second edition. Personally I regret that he did not say openly I do not want to see this book published because in it I proceeded from assumptions that are untenable. But he did formulate this implicitly. (cf. Flensburger Hefte, No. 32, p. 133 and also the rororo Monograph by Lindenberg on Rudolf Steiner (where on p. 110/111 he suggests this attitude; Publishers Note).


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XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

observer immediately after every Reichstag election, or to the personal friend of Pope Pius XI Cardinal Faulhaber, and to Pacelli (the present Pope Pius XII)? [Von Papen] brazenly declared that the Third Reich would realize the principles of the Papacy in theory and practice On the Day of Catholics 1939 in Frankfurt am Main all German and foreign Catholics are admonished to support Hitlers Nazi dictatorship. And Knapke points to Hitlers first governmental act: Concordat with Rome! (p. 2-7).

whereby 90% of the population is expendable if only the goal is attained. Whether it be Lenin or Trotsky, Hitler or Stalin, or the leaders of the AngloAmerican nations they are all beyond good and evil in their actions where the destruction of the living spirit is concerned, and we should not deceive ourselves. Bormann wrote in 1939: [The] Fhrer [has] decided: members of the Anthroposophical Society are still more dangerous than members the Lodges, because they infect far more people with their ideas.25 26 It would be good if anthroposophists would at least learn from these examples to stand towards their actions with a true sense of responsibility. Very often the foes of Anthroposophy understand better than its friends the great importance it has in the world. In the enemies eyes the greatest sin of Anthroposophy lies in its daring not to be guided by the forces behind the scenes. And a relentless battle is waged against this sin of ours. Only the methods change. It seems as though we have now arrived at the fatal threshold. At any moment they will have made virtuous people out of us and we will be like all the rest: easily led by the Brothers of Shadow. Among themselves (in the high degrees) they have no insoluble problems, whatever turn the battle may take in the laymens world. The decisive battle is being waged against the heavens. Everything possible is done in the world to obscure this fact. Much can be discovered over the course of years, but not this so they think. Hence the enormous difficulty in gaining clarity about the true causes of the World Wars. The devil shows his hooves in order to hide his horns, then presents the horns in order to distract from the hooves. Who can seize the devil by the horns and hooves simultaneously, and cast him into Gods wide world? Only on this condition can human beings devote themselves again to their own true concerns. R. Riemeck writes in the above-mentioned book that Hitler had not intended to fight a war in the West. As late as August 1937 he said: I want to live in peace with England and conclude a final treaty. When he marched into Poland he did not expect England to declare war on Germany. The interpreter who handed

Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, the later pope Pius XII., and Franz von Papen (on the left) signing the concordat between Berlin and Rome on the 20th July 1933.

Here we conclude the quotes from this Samizdat-book, which ought really to have been published long ago. Its author to an extraordinary degree understood very shortly after the war the questions discussed in our book. Only social indifference, intellectual laziness or cowardice can make it possible for us to imagine the history of the 20th century as it is presented by the interested powers behind the scenes, through historians, journalists and numerous anthroposophists. The entire history of the Roman battle against the spirit bears the imprint of a unified style. During the Thirty Years War, which has been thoroughly erased from European memory, everything living was stifled at birth. The entire population of Europe was punished, apparently according to the Leninist principle


With people of this kind the truth is always mixed with the lies whatever they say. Unfortunately, Anthroposophy attracts far fewer people than the Lodges at a rough estimate, two to three hundred times fewer. The reason is that Anthroposophy contains within it a real spiritual force capable of disturbing the activity of the forces of darkness. Quoted from: Flensburger Hefte, No. 32, p. 70.

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XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

Hitler the note from the British Government, Schmidt, reports: Hitler sat there as though transfixed and stared into space After a while, that seemed to me like an eternity, he turned to Ribbentrop who had remained motionless at the window. What now? Hitler asked. Thereupon Schmidt entered the vestibule and reported what had happened. Gring said: If we lose this war may God be merciful to us. Goebbels stood in a corner silent and Schmidt concludes with the words: All around I saw downcast expressions.27 What does this show? These are, so to speak, the hooves. The horns peep out on the other side: eyewitnesses speak of the despondency of Stalin, of alarm in the Kremlin. What an unusual case! Nothing but surprises and unexpected events! These people are directing world politics, have knowledge of the enemys every move through a wide network of espionage operating deep in their territory and, when the other acts, it comes as a complete surprise. Even Suvorovs book brings only partial clarity in this matter. If Hitler did not intend to fight against England in 1939, still less did he intend to invade the Soviet Union at this point, nor yet one year later, because scarcely a year lay between the elaboration of the Barbarossa plan and the beginning of the war. What then did Hitler want? If one looks at the events occurring on the surface, which were greeted with enthusiasm even by those at the pinnacle of power half-amateurs as they were after all then the plans of National Socialism extended no further than the establishing of a kind of Holy Roman etc., but on a new socialistic basis. This was sufficient to completely paralyze a free spiritual development in the centre. In the East Stalin and his comrades pursued the same goals. The seeds of the spirit were negligible in the Anglo-Saxon world. But if we were to assume this intention to be the final truth of the matter, then this would mean to forget the map and to ignore the socialistic experiment that leads the secret societies of the West to world-domination. In 1941 the world came into a situation reminiscent of George Orwells novel 1984, which also speaks of the necessity of concentrating the global battle-concept in a unified centre. This is exactly what happened in 1941, and it is vitally important to understand this above all else. In addition, world occurrences since 1914 must

be recognized and grasped as a sequence of events linked together through a process of reciprocal determination.

The Russian-German Tragedy

Let us look again at the connecting links. The February Revolution takes place in Russia. It meets with no resistance worth mentioning, either from those in power or from the people. The entire system of power, the army included, was caught in the web of the Lodges. The Russian people had in the past joyously welcomed any form of liberation from the monarchy. They always considered that the organization of the life of the community on earth does not require a supreme power. But behind the February Revolution something different was hidden, and only few knew of it. The designated interim government headed by Kerensky all of them Lodge members had the task of transferring power to the Bolsheviks. When the act of treachery became apparent Russia rose in revolt. But all sacrifices were in vain. The Bolsheviks emerged victorious from the civil war and Bolshevism, with its plans of a world revolution, began its advance as an all-conquering force. Supposing the White movement had won in Russia, the card of National Socialism could possibly have been played with us, and Bolshevism would have come to power in Germany. Then Germany and Russia would have exchanged roles. A new Entente would have come from Germany and destroyed the hydra of Russian Fascism.28 The war would have taken place nevertheless, but the fate of Russia after the war might have been similar to that of West Germany. But this would have meant the rise of Russia, which was not to be permitted, and so the Reds won. The role of our Whites passed to Germany, for National Socialism was experienced in Germany as a kind of white movement fighting the red pest. But then we have to understand the Second World War as a continuation of the civil war in Russia. With the only difference that the civil war was more difficult to control than the Second World War. There were still relics of the old state sovereignty existing at that time.


R. Riemeck, Middle Europe , p. 173.

That a Russian Fascism could have existed is easily proven. Think for example of the history of Baron Ungern who was proclaimed the highest spiritual ruler of Mongolia, etc.


Crisis of Civilisation

XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

The plan of the Second World War was as follows: The principle task always remained the same the greatest possible destruction of the population of Middle and Eastern Europe, because it is the bearer of spiritual renewal. These are, and we stress the fact yet again, the same goals as those pursued in the First World War and the Thirty Years War, and also by Rome through the Crusades. It would be ridiculous to believe that the clique of Lenin and Stalin, which pursued a policy of genocide against the peoples of Russia, would spare the population in an external war. On the contrary, it saw in this a welcome opportunity to continue the genocide. In Germany in 1944 a revolt could have taken place that would have brought an end to Hitlerism the main evil, in the view of the Allies (if they are to be taken at their word29). But the opinion is not silenced yet, that the English side betrayed the conspiracy which seems entirely plausible, since the war was fought against the German people, and the aim was to achieve the greatest possible destruction and unconditional surrender. Something similar happened recently in the war of the USA against Iraq. This war too, as stated in an issue of Das Goetheanum, was founded on the principle that the USA first created a dictator in order then to go to war with him. Victor Suvorov analyzed in precise detail and proved beyond a doubt that the Soviet Union put all its strength into preparing the war against Germany with the aim of spreading Bolshevism over the whole of Europe, just as it had been spread over the whole of Russia as a result of the battle with the White Army. Could this correspond to the wishes of the Anglo-American world? Of course not. Because since the Eighties of the 19th century it had been inscribed in the plan that a desert was to arise in the place of Russia, a stage for socialistic experiments. Obviously the game of experimentation had gone somewhat too far. The outcome a dragon was becoming a threat to the shameless parents. It had to be tamed by means of the forces of Middle Europe, and at the same time the opportunity would be taken to make these amenable once again. For the attainment of this goal Hitler was given the opportunity to subjugate the whole of Europe with comparative ease. To set Germany alone against the Soviet Golem would have been naive on the part of the Soviet Union. Readers are again urged to study Suvorovs book, because he describes

there in great detail the mighty battalions of war that were made ready in the Soviet Union for the invasion of Germany. But it was not enough to reinforce Hitler with the resources of the whole of Europe. He also had to be given the opportunity to attack first. That a war would in any case have ended in defeat for Germany is very convincingly argued by Suvorov. But to ensure that both sides would thoroughly exhaust their forces and destroy each other, Hitler had to deliver the first blow. Preparations for the invasion of Germany were conducted in the USSR in such a way that everything possible was done behind the scenes to prevent the USSR from delivering the first stroke. In fact the successful attack of the German army was arranged in the USSR under the cloak of preparations for the war. This explains the mystery of the terrible defeats of the Soviet army in the first months of the war. Suvorov describes how good roads led from the centre of Russia to its borders, how all defences had been destroyed, barricades on the frontier were dismantled, etc. Outwardly it looked as though the mouse did not stand a chance the USSR was preparing an attack. But there are a few nuances to this whole story. The great pogroms in the highest command of the army belong here as well. There were too many people there who took Trotskys idea of the permanent and world-wide revolution too seriously. Even Suvorovs book leaves a number of questions open in this connection. We are inclined to believe that he deliberately omitted some things, so as to give the reader the opportunity to think for himself. Let us consider, for example, the episode of the destruction of the mighty fortifications that extended from the Baltic to the Black Sea. They were mightier than the Mannerheim-Line and, as Suvorov rightly says, had the German army encountered it in 1941, the Soviet army would have been in Berlin much sooner. This whole line of defence was blown up. Why? Suvorov writes that it could have been kept for an emergency, as in England, for example, defences were not destroyed even after the war. Indeed, when preparing an offensive war the risk of a retreat can never be ruled out entirely. Suvorov writes that the system of defences prevented the masses of Soviet troops from concentrating secretly at the German border [because] it would have hindered the provision of the Red Army The secured territories as it

Here again: Which of their words if we think of T. N. Kaufmans book?



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XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

were pressed together the transport columns.30 This explanation does not stand up to critical examination. We therefore find it hard to accept that Suvorov, the gifted analyst, believes this version. The defence system consisted of bunkers well hidden under the ground, and of underground passages. Only the small safety-trenches of the shooting ranges were outwardly visible. Countless transit routes could have been made through this defence system. Furthermore, Suvorov himself says: we have absolutely no answer not even a false one to the question: Why was it destroyed?!31 Or another riddle: The commander-in-chief of the troops of the NKVD32 in White Russia, I. A. Bogdanov, decides on June 18, 1941 to evacuate the families of army personnel. Why does he do this? If one is so sure of a successful invasion that even the defences are destroyed, which guarantee the safety not only of the families of army personnel, but of the entire nation, then after the outbreak of war, the families could have remained behind in the hinterland which was receding even further from the theatre of war. But now what do we read? Suvorov says the following: Meretskov, Zhukov and Beria are to blame for the German armys advance to the centre of the country. Did Stalin have them shot? No, soon afterwards they were all raised to the rank of Marshal.33 During the session of the Politburo on June 21, 1941 the head of the military secret service (GRU), Golikov, is asked whether he can guarantee that Germany would not attack. He gives this guarantee. What did Stalin do to Golikov? Suvorov asks. Already on July 8 Stalin authorizes Golikov to travel to Great Britain and the USA and gives him personal instructions. After the successful visit Golikov takes over the chief command of armies and fronts , etc. After Stalins death Golikov rises still higher and becomes a Marshal. When we recall the fate of his predecessors concludes Suvorov during whose terms of office nothing had happened comparable to the invasion of German troops, and we compare it to the fate of Golikov, then there is no end to our amazement.34

Suvorov presents several more facts which suggest thoughts to the reader, that he himself does not express. Before the war, for example, enormous tunnels for a government control-point are dug under the strictest security measures into the rocks of Shiguli (a hill on the Volga) not far from the city of Kuibishev. In order to deceive German intelligence a hydroelectric power-station was built right next to it, and in Sverdlovsk the foundation-stone was laid for a bogus project. What, one asks oneself, is the purpose of the control-point on the Volga, if all defences on the Western frontier are destroyed and one is preparing for a war exclusively on enemy territory? It can only mean that everything was a gigantic bluff! The intention was to fight differently, and the tunnels were used as planned. Or another, seemingly trivial but nevertheless significant event. Zhukov, on the point of travelling to the troops standing by for the invasion is purely by chance held up in Moscow for several hours. Failing this, he, the supreme commander, would have been caught up in the midst of the terrible slaughter of the German attack. Hitler had thus been provided with all the conditions necessary for a successful first strike, and thereby the chances on both sides were somewhat balanced out. But everything was prepared for the subsequent defeat.35 Hitler began

30 31 32 33 34

V. Suvorov, Icebreaker, p. 104. Ibid., p. 95. Later known as the KGB. Ibid., p. 83. Ibid., p. 311-312.

In May 1995 the memoirs of G. Klimov in which he describes his escape to the West appeared for the first time in the Moscow bookstores. The book had already appeared in Germany in 1952 under the title The Berlin Kremlin. Klimov describes how the first period of war between the USSR and Germany began on the day of the signing of the Soviet-German friendship treaty (p. 57). Every Soviet general-staff officer will laugh out loud if someone insists that Germanys attack on the Soviet Union came as a surprise to the Kremlin Several weeks before the outbreak of hostilities on the Soviet-German front, many people in the Soviet Union heard reports on the English radio about the gathering of 170 German divisions on the eastern borders of the Reich. And the innocent lads in the Kremlin would have had cotton wool in their ears?! The Kremlin knew the balance of power very well, far better than the German High command. Despite the immense preparations for war it knew itself to be at a disadvantage. The only chance of avoiding a catastrophe was to wear out the enemy in a long-drawn-out war, making full use of the endless expanses of the country and Russias material and human reserves (p. 57/58). The intended lines of retreat were already at this time determined in broad outlines, estimated casualties and available reserves were weighed up; the outermost point of retreat was already marked as Stalingrad. Dozens of millions of human lives were cold-bloodedly operated with on paper. Already then the war was divided into phases. Already then it was calculated exactly what had to be kept in reserve for the


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Operation Barbarossa without no preparation! Suvorov writes. Why Hitler did this is likely forever to remain a mystery Hitler did nothing to prepare his army for war with Russia.36 There was no warm clothing for the soldiers; the weapon-grease was not frost-resistant. Where the lines of defence were concerned the German generals behaved similarly to the Russians. The imposing security installations along the old German border (the Siegfried line) were abandoned and never again occupied by troops.37 This was the situation. Consequently neither Hitlers nor Stalins actions seem mysterious any longer. We need only to add that the survival of people chosen for the conscious execution of plans of this magnitude, is guaranteed. Thus it would be according to our personal opinion nave to think that Hitler shot or poisoned himself. The people who brought those lives to an end were either amateurs or they were eliminated in the last moment. But those who were blind instruments in the hands of the mighty, and carried out orders in ignorance, were simply hanged. The bitter truth of the history of the Second World War is that, if Germany had not invaded the USSR on June 22, 1941, the Soviet army would have occupied Berlin two or even three years sooner say, on May 9, 1942. Two weeks later they would already have marched into Paris and Rome and, another month later, into London. It is said that Bolshevik-Socialist Russia freed the world of the Fascist pest. Let us suppose that this was the case. But then the contrary
third phase. Everything else was condemned to be sacrificed in the second phase. When the war broke out the soldiers were sent to the front with old, utterly useless equipment; even the unsurpassed Model 1891 rifles were not available. At the same time dozens of millions of complete sets of the most modern equipment, rifles and automatic weapons, lay hidden away in sealed arsenals, packed carefully for long-term storage It happened that such arsenals burned out under gunfire or fell into German hands not once did they come to be distributed in time to the troops Sixty-year-old men and women were sacrificed to the defensive phase, while the reserves for the third phase, the phase of attack, waited in the far East of the country, with rifles at the ready, for their deployment. It was no secret to the staff-officers that in 1945 huge quantities of weapons came to the front, a large part of which bore a production-mark from pre-war times (p. 59/60). If we make just one correction in Klimovs work, regarding the search of the Kremlin for the supposed only chance, then we arrive again at the same conclusion. Ibid., p. 314. Ibid., p. 102.

assertion is also true, namely, that National-Socialist Germany saved at least a part of Europe from the Bolshevik pest. Anyone who does not agree with this conclusion must subscribe to the corresponding orthodox-Soviet position hailing the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 as the most glorious moment in Russian history, which was followed by decades of ever more unbounded happiness and which, furthermore, was about to spread across the whole world, etc. National Socialism would then be a natural product of decomposing capitalism, whose most glowing representative is the USA the bastion of freedom and democracy!38 In order to find a way out of this truly diabolical dialectic, we need to grasp that 20th century mankind has been condemned to the immeasurable sacrifices of human beings for the sake of one goal: to allow criminal politicians in their pact with the infernal forces to rule over this humanity with complete arbitrariness. And so long as one celebrates the victory of Bolshevism or American democracy over Fascism, (ambiguities suggesting a victory of the people are no more than a deceptive chessmove), of Humanism over the Forces of Darkness, etc., so long as human beings do not recognize the true origins of their sufferings then these sufferings and the dark occult-political stratagems of war will never cease. Solely by reason of utter irresponsibility, of lack of morality, of boundless stupidity, blame will invariably be heaped on the head of this or that nation, or nations.


36 37

It is symptomatic in the highest degree that regardless of the extreme antagonism of the so-called democrats, neo-Bolsheviks and Nationalists of various shades in Russia today, they all agree on one point namely, that Germany represents the eternal enemy of Russia and a permanent threat from the West. In 1994 a memorial to Victory Day was erected in Moscow with the utmost haste, which consumed vast sums of money (newspapers reported that the project had been developed in Germany and with it Hitler wanted to immortalize his victory over the USSR). Those of the Left as well as the Right considered this construction more important than help for the starving, dying population. Antipathy towards the Germans unites the warring groups in an amazing way and this is also the reason why it is not put to rest. In this way one can, after all, torment the starving country at ones pleasure, in order then to lift it out of the mire a little and say: Rejoice! You saved the world from the Fascist pest! And this land even if it is already half-unconscious will jubilate for the hundredth and thousandth time, after which it can be exposed, now from the left, now from the right, to new adventures again.


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XIII. Germany and the Two World Wars

Nationalism in Germany: its Nature and Origin

At the close of this chapter a few words need to be said about anti-Semitism, which constituted a significant part of national-socialist ideology. We do no more than repeat a proverbial truth, no doubt, when we say that any ideology that works with means of mass-suggestion has to be extremely simple and provide an elementary picture of the enemy. This picture of the enemy needs to work more strongly than that propagated by the rival ideology. In Russia this had not succeeded, because the white movement was a natural protest movement and the groups of which it consisted were inspired by a variety of different ideals. Within its very broad spectrum was to be found a continuation of all the manifold spiritual, social, political and religious ideals that were alive in Russia before the revolution. Not so in Germany. The natural protest against the onslaught of Bolshevism was taken there merely as a basis for the substitution of the picture of the bourgeoisie as the enemy of all peoples, developed also by the German communists, by the picture of world-Jewry also as the enemy of all peoples. As to the immediate motive that led to the choice of this particular picture as a target for hostility, this was quite clear to everyone. Now we have to touch on a question, at the risk of unleashing a whole avalanche of extremely emotional charges of anti-Semitism. Such charges will be fabrications, as we will attempt to demonstrate with the utmost thoroughness, though in most cases this proves to have no effect. This we simply have to accept, for what would be the meaning of a quest for truth if, even in one case, we were to be untruthful? We will begin by stating a fact that is common knowledge in Russia, but whose mention is taboo. There is no official prohibition, nor has there been any attempt to refute it (which is hardly possible since it is an easily-proven historical fact). In spite of this one has succeeded in bringing it about that anyone who draws attention to it is immediately labelled an anti-Semite. But we will point it out nevertheless. In the years following upon the Bolshevik October Revolution of 1917 more than 90% of the upper echelon of government power in Russia the Russian Central Executive Committee, the ministries (commissariats), the Cheka consisted of Jewish personalities, many of them emigrants who had come to Russia in 1917. There is no reason whatever to consider this a mere coincidence. Nor can it be looked upon as natural. In the USA for instance one would not say that it is obvious that the

highest echelons of government should be staffed with Blacks, nor would the French willingly accept to be governed by the Arabs, etc. But in this connection we must recognize that the Marxist-Leninist International began its triumphal progress across the planet according to the racial principle. It therefore called forth its antipode National Socialism according to the same principle. Thus the strictly racial selection of the citizens of the state of Israel, the racial integration of the Arab world and also of the Black people in the USA etc. can clearly be traced back to this race-Internationalism. This hapless initiative simply does not come to an end or rather, its end is imminent as a complete breakdown of civilization, which threatens to degenerate into a world-wide racial conflict. Hence it is by no means the anti-Semitism of ill fame that makes it necessary to examine this question. It is far too comprehensive to be confined to some antipathies between the nations, even though all the radio and TVstations in the world are dedicated to the single task of glossing over the causes of this world tragedy. But if we do not want to repeat the mistakes of history we must recognize and acknowledge them. This was therefore the tip of the iceberg of Bolshevik power, the circle of people the work of whose hands was the Bolshevik revolution, terror etc. In the lower levels of the hierarchy of power their involvement was less, but still astoundingly high; and besides, these people usually held the key positions. Altogether the Bolsheviks were actively supported in the country as a whole by around 1.5 million Jews. And this circumstance undoubtedly represented their national tragedy, since without this support the Bolsheviks could not have remained in power. Even the oppression wich the Jews had to endure in Tsarist Russia cannot be accepted as an excuse, since the February revolution had already granted them all civil rights. There exist numerous authentic documents no-one has so far discredited. For example the words are known of the American banker Jakob Schiff, who telegraphed the following message to Milyukov, a member of the interim government: Allow me, an irreconcilable enemy of the autocratic tyranny that has relentlessly persecuted our co-religionists, to extend my congratulations to you and thereby also to the Russian people and to wish you personally and the members of the government every imaginable success in your great work. Another member of the interim government, Prince G. E. Lvov, said in a response to the greeting of N. M. Friedman, the president of the Jewish Political Bureau, on April 16, 1917: You were absolutely right when you


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pointed out that it was a great honour for the interim government to take from the Russian nation the shame of the absence of rights for the Jews. State-duma (parliament) Member N. S. Chkheidze, one of the most active participants in the February Revolution, can also be quoted. He said that one of the most important results of the revolution was the destruction of the main citadel of autocracy the oppression of the Jews. But for some reason all this proved not to be enough. Immediately after the Revolution a Samuel Roth wrote quite candidly in a book with the suggestive title Now and Forever, New York, 1929: Where once we were oppressed and persecuted, we are now the proud and merciless persecutors We, the Jews, have gained freedom [in Russia] and have mightily avenged ourselves on our enemies. The question remains whether we can dismiss declarations of this kind as empty chatter, for which no-one is responsible. Can we judge history by pretending that these statements and documents do not exist? We would be glad to hear a variety of constructive opinions on this, but it is unlikely that anyone will be eager to divulge them. On the other hand we can, already now, imagine the terrible breathing-difficulties they have provoked in some of the few readers who have advanced thus far in the book. We can assure you that we would much prefer to write about more pleasant things, but not at the price of serving the spirit of Ahriman. However, the spirit of truth also requires that I dismiss those who overemphasize the idea of the Jewish quest for world-domination. Otherwise we would call in question everything that has been said in this book so far. This we will not do. We still adhere to the principle according to which a people cannot be blamed for what a small part of that people does to it and to other peoples. If the Russians are offended when someone speaks of Russian Bolshevism, then why should other nations not have the right to react in this way too, in similar situations? But this cannot always be done openly. Thus the Jews also are, with respect to the manipulations to which some of them have yielded, almost as unfree in their criticism as the Russians were in the time of Bolshevik rule. The time will certainly come when the Jews themselves will say quite freely what we are describing here. For already now there are individuals among them who use their healthy common sense and have the courage to break some of the taboos forbidding one to call things by their proper name.

Strange as it may seem, in the first years after the Bolshevik revolution Winston Churchill came out openly on their side. In 1920 in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of February 8th he wrote.: there are the Jews who, dwelling in every country thoughout the world, identify themselves with that country, enter into its national life, and, while adhering faithfully to their own religion, regard themselves as citizens in the fullest sense of the State which has received them. Such a Jew living in England would say: I am an Englishman practising the Jewish faith. In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. Then we read further in Churchills article what we have already said on the basis of other sources. Thus anyone who wishes to accuse us of prejudice will have to redirect his accusation to Churchill, who continues: There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. (Lenin is no exception either.) Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Chicherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the


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power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krasin or Radek all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people (emphasis by the present author). We merely repeat a generally-known fact when we say that a certain section of the Jewish people allowed themselves to be made into tools of occult Orders and Brotherhoods, who had begun a terrible social experiment in the world. This fact is documented from start to finish.39 And now we should call to mind the forerunners of Soviet Bolshevism and the people who prepared the Bolshevik uprising in Germany. They were Marx, Engels, Lassalle, Bernstein, Katsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin etc. If we are able to think realistically it must become clear to us that the Nazis, in their attempt to oppose communism, could not do otherwise than to use the card of anti-Semitism; which was played into their hands in the most unrelenting way. In order to complete the picture we refer again to Count Kalergi. In the first part of Practical Idealism, which he wrote in 1920, he makes the following declaration: the Jewish leaders of Socialism to these Jewish prophets of the present day, who are preparing a new world epoch, the Ethical is paramount in every sphere: politics, religion, philosophy and art (p. 27-28). What reason does he give for this? Because Einstein is at the forefront of modern science

Mahler at the forefront of modern music Bergson at the forefront of modern philosophy Trotsky at the forefront of modern politics (p. 51-52). For our own part we wish to emphasize straight away that it would never have occurred to us to think of Mahlers nationality, because his music is deeply rooted in the musical tradition of Middle Europe. Regarding Einstein we would remark only that no article could be published in the Soviet Union regardless of its scientific accuracy that criticized or corrected his theories. To place Bergson at the forefront of modern philosophy is simply ridiculous; if Trotsky is placed at the forefront of modern politics, our only reaction is to weep. But Kalergi makes no such assumptions when he continues: The Jews are the lap out of which a new, spiritual aristocracy of Europe arises (p. 51). A view of the history of the Jewish people explains its advantage in the struggle for the leadership of humanity (p.49). The Jews as a people experience the eternal battle of quantity against quality, of inferior groups against superior minorities (p. 52), etc. With his doctrines this strange but by no means stupid Count builds the foundation for a peculiar racial theory. Normally he writes the rustic human being is a product of inbreeding, urban man of miscegenation (p.20) and further: incest strengthens the character, and weakens the mind cross-breeding weakens the character, and strengthens the mind creates original personalities (p. 22-23). And now the reader must recall the declaration by Kalergi quoted earlier, about the Euroasiatic-Negroid mixed race into which all mankind40 has to be transformed, and we arrive at a kind of end result to which he wants to lead us. According to his doctrine it is more auspicious and progressive to be of mixed race than a product of inbreeding, which is why the races are to be mixed. But not all of them: the Jews [are] inbred people. And the same time they are chosen: to be in their most outstanding representatives the leaders of urban

Rudolf Steiner also pointed this out to his listeners. In one lecture he speaks of those involved in the signing of the Brest-Litowsk pact. A certain Mr. Joffe and a certain Mr. Kamenev, actually called Rosenfeld, were among them. Trotskys name is Bronstein; Joffe is a rich merchant from Cherson. The lawyer Kerensky (later President of the interim government) was successful in 1915 in the lawsuit against Kamenev, in providing evidence that the accused had not prepared the downfall of Russia, but had always fought against the Lenin secret pact (Jan. 8, 1918, GA 180). Rumours go around today (in the anthroposophical press) that Rudolf Steiner may well have been inclined to anti-Semitism. No-one is spared this ideology. But in his lifetime, the newspapers styled him the protector of Judaism (cf. Oct. 1, 1917, GA 177).

In the course of the present civil wars in the Caucasus and in former Yugoslavia the huge number of rapes is often mentioned. The question arises: is this already the beginning of the realization of Practical Idealism, the program of general cross-racial mixing? I ask this without any black humour. For what humour could there be, when the leading ideologist of Pan-Europe, supported by another at the forefront of politics (Churchill), declares quite seriously that the Russians owe their best soul qualities to the rape of the Slavic women by the Mongols and Tartars?


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humanity (p. 28); the superiority of their spirit predestines them to be a primary factor of an aristocracy of the future (p. 49). Thus it appears that humanity, strengthened in mind though racial mixing, mutates to original personalities, who are ruled by the Jewish aristocracy with its weak mind as a consequence of inbreeding! It is pointless to search for any kind of logic in Kalergis racial studies. His ideology is such that it can last only as long as it is forbidden to think anything but what the State allows. It is therefore not by chance that Churchill founded the European Union together with Kalergi in order to promote the realization of the latters ideology. But if, in spite of this, we think about it in a logical and unprejudiced manner, we arrive at the conclusion that there is no substantial racial-ideological difference between the works of T. Kaufman, the book Practical Idealism, and Mein Kampf. And if there were differences who could explain them? But, please, only with facts at your disposal, and not with eyes popping out of your heads with anger. We, the inhabitants of Russia, have a right to ask such questions, because Russia has immeasurably more to do with the Jewish leaders of Socialism than any other nation. Many books have been written about its ethical and qualitative superiority as against the quantity of inferior groups of the Russian population. Let us recall just one fact: when the man at the forefront of politics, Trotsky, organized the Red Army under total force, he gave the order to shoot the entire family of anyone who fled from this army or deserted to the White Guard. It is a human tendency to banish the past from memory. The process is hastened by the fact that everything possible is done in our world to make us lose our connection to the past. One can scarcely find an older person today who would recall the contents of the newspapers of the Twenties or Thirties. But if someone still does have memories, no argument takes place, otherwise quite indisputable facts would come to light. Thus people who have retained their memory are stigmatized. These are evil political machinations that do not belong in the circle of anthroposophists. We suggest to the reader who has accepted the far-reaching conclusions regarding inborn German militarism and racism that he test himself, by guessing who made the following statement: The impending world war will not only

make the reactionary classes and movements, but entire reactionary peoples, vanish from the face of the earth. And this too is progress! It is a statement by Karl Marx. Let us turn to times closer to our own. In the Daily Express of March 24, 1933 the bold headline appeared on the front page: JUDA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY Jews Of All The World Unite In Action BOYCOTT OF GERMAN GOODS. Was the German capitulation to be expected immediately thereafter? But matters took a still more serious turn. The Jewish Chronicle said (Mar. 3 Issue) in 1939: The Jews will not allow peace, however much the statesmen and pacifists may strive for it. In 1934 an eminent representative of the Zionist movement, V. Shabotinsky wrote in the Jewish newspaper Our Language: Germany is trying ambitiously to become a great nation and to retrieve her lost territories and colonies. Our Jewish interests, however, require the contrary a final elimination of Germany. The German people as such represents a danger for us. Therefore we cannot allow that Germany under its present government should become even stronger than it already is. The declarations quoted here should not only be justified by the seizure of power by Hitler. In 1932, before he came to power, Bernard Lecache (Lekah), President of the Jewish World League in Paris, delivered a statement that was repeated later, in 1935, in The Jewish Bulletin of July 27: Germany is, for us, State-Enemy No 1. And it is our task to declare war on it without mercy.41 We the Jews are the strongest nation in the world because we have the power and know how to use it. In 1938, in the June issue of the journal The American Hebrew, the following frank admissions appeared (p. 108): The coalition of England, France and Soviet Russia will sooner or later halt the triumphal procession of the Fhrer inebriated by success. By chance or intentionally, each of these nations has a Jew in a most important position.


This question has yet another aspect. If we take seriously all the declarations of war against Germany quoted here and we have no reason to do otherwise then we must bear in mind that all of them were successful. This being so, however, the responsibility rests with the victors, as indicated by Rudolf Steiner in a quote given at the end of chapter 12.


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The lives of millions lie in the hands of non-Aryans. President Leblanc is no more than a figurehead, but Duvalier took the burden on to himself for only a short time. Lon Blum (the French Prime Minister) is an outstanding Jew; he alone is to be reckoned with. He can without question still become a Moses leading the French nation at the right moment. And Litvinov (the Soviet minister of foreign affairs, mentioned by Churchill) He is a great Jew, the right hand of Stalin, that little tin soldier of communism (emphasis by the present author). Litvinov has become so important that he outshines every comrade in the (socialist) International, apart from the palefaced guardian of the Kremlin (Lazar Kaganovich) It was he, who bought Roosevelt And Hore-Belisha (war minister in England) These three sons of Israel will join together to send the mad Nazi dictator to the devil Europe is doomed.42 If someone claims that statements and declarations of this sort, as they were often made in the Twenties and Thirties and which were unquestionably known in Germany, were not grist to the mill of anti-Semitism, then he is, or is at least pretending to be, stupid. But something else is true also. By no means all Jews, maybe only very few, condoned such provocative statements. Since they were uttered all the same, we must grasp the fact that those responsible for the forged document, known to us as the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, in no way confined themselves to forgery but are working tirelessly to this day to make the forgery appear to be an original! A Soviet song says: We are born to make the fairy-tale come true. Bolshevism has seemingly been pushed off the stage of world events. But the uncanny fairy-tale of the Protocols is burgeoning into a frightening, spectral existence.

To free them from this existence, it is necessary meticulously and exactly to research the historical facts and distance oneself loudly and audibly from any untruth. For Rabbis and Monsignori sit together somewhere and throw the world from one catastrophe into the next. They are Internationalists in the sense that they are almost indifferent as to who is serving as cannon fodder for their occult-political manipulations Germans, Russians, Americans, Jews, Serbs, Arabs or others. Who is not accused of anti-Semitism today? Yet we need to investigate the origins and purpose of these accusations. The Russians were accused even before the Germans. The opinion was held that the Russian White Guard, which resisted the frenzy of Bolshevism, was imbued with anti-Semitism. But these people simply saw who the Bolshevik commissars were, who led the divisions of the Cheka43 throughout Russia, etc. But the White Guard by no means turned against all the Jews, because among them there were quite a number who refused to defect unconditionally to the Bolshevik camp, and they were subjected to reprisals, or forced to leave the country. But someone will object you say nothing about the annihilation of the Jews in the Second World War! No, this is not the case. It will be spoken of later. In conclusion we would emphasize that the Germans as also the Russians can find the way only vertically out of the present situation, i.e. through an appeal to the spirit, which includes an appeal to the truth. And it is just for this reason that they are so mercilessly bent down towards the earth so that they cannot find this way out. Everybody has to decide for himself whether he wishes to further this tendency to bend them down. Nothing will be accomplished on the outer plane. There can be no restoration of State-sovereignty or of independent politics. From our own subjective point of view we even tend to sympathize with Chancellor Kohl. He continually gives in, makes compromises. But he has no choice, and after all Germany exists and is at least economically successful.44 If it were to show the slightest recalcitrance, the most radical Right-wing groups would immediately assemble as if

Remarkable things of another kind can also be found there, which we will speak about in due course. The article The crucifixion of the Jews has to end was published in the same magazine on October 31, 1919 by a certain Martin H. Glynn, former governor of the State of New York. He writes: From across the sea (i.e. Europe) six million men and women call to us for help, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread. six million men and women are dying from lack of necessities; eight hundred thousand children cry for bread In this threatened holocaust of human life because of a war that is being fought to throw despotism into the dust because of this war for democracy six Jewish million men and women face death by starvation on the other side of the ocean, and eight hundred thousand Jewish infants cry for bread.


Cheka Russian abbreviation for Extraordinary commission for the fight against counter-revolution and sabotage; from 1922 GPU, then NKVD, now KGB (Publishers Note). But in the world everything is full of alternatives. Let us remember again Clintons declarations during his visit in Berlin in 1994.


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by secret command, they would shoot out of the ground like mushrooms and win victories in the elections. Or a wave of terrorism would sweep over the country. The world press would begin shouting: Look, the Germans again harbour bad intentions against all the nations of the world! The most varied sanctions would be put into place with the help of the UN. Kohl hopes to buy himself freedom from all this. He can for the time being. But the moment when it is decided behind the scenes to make an end of Germany, he will be unable to avert. The Germans will then go into exile and the downfall of civilization will be imminent, for it is as impossible for civilization as it is for the human individual, to exist without an I. but such a future can be forestalled if enough people can be found to direct their plea for the sake of humanity in spirit and truth to the divine hierarchies.

esting because its author, no doubt in retaliation for the breach of convention, brings forward facts that were kept secret even in the most tense periods of the cold war. He writes: In practice it, normally happens that the defeated side is declared guilty. But if we proceed strictly from the point of view of history, then France and England started the Second World War when they declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. This is a historical fact (p. 175). Lanschikov accuses Suvorov of being influenced by the official, entirely false doctrine of Agitprop.45 An admission of this kind, in which the post-Soviet Right is in agreement with the Left the democrats is very remarkable. But what the Moscow author then writes goes, to an extraordinary degree, against the grain of neo-Bolsheviks as well as all the Western and pro-Western democrats: Of course the Agitprop will yell straight away: Germany attacked Poland first, and only then did England and France This is all true, but we observe that Hitler first of all made some territorial claims on Poland. And if a Munich-38 was possible, why not also a Munich-39? I understand, the Poles are not Czechs, the Poles are a proud and combative people. But in addition to the Polish national peculiarities there was the Franco-Polish convention of May 19, 1939, which said that France would lead an offensive action against Germany with the remainder of its troops15 days after general French mobilization. But on August 23, 1939, four months after the signing of the convention with Poland, the French General Hamelin suddenly reports to his government that the army would not be ready to carry out a serious attack for another two years. And Field Marshal Keitel testified before the Nuremberg Court: We, the military, were always expecting the French attack during the Polish operation, and were very surprised when nothing happened In the case of an attack the French troops would have encountered very weak resistance and not a serious German defence. If in 1939 we did not experience a shattering defeat General Jodl confirms then only because during the Polish operation around 110 French and English divisions, stationed in the West, took no action against 23 German divisions.

Addendum to chapter 13
With the publication of The Icebreaker Suvorov broke, whether consciously or unconsciously it is not for us to judge , the secret convention that for 50 years has made East and West keep silent about the true background of the two World Wars. Therefore it was interesting and important to see how the other side the post-Soviet Eurasians, the Polarians (we will speak of them in chapters 17 and 18) would react to it. Now they have reacted at last. An article by the Moscow author Anatoli Lanschikov appeared in the magazine Nash Sovremennik (No. 5, 1994) entitled The Icebreaker sails to Ramm. In view of its overall content it can certainly be considered significant. It is of course tendentious, has been commissioned for ideological reasons and is therefore not written for the sake of finding the truth. It is significant because the side that to this very day has held to the original Soviet version of the beginning and origins of the Second World War lays aside the rules of Soviet etiquette so to speak, and admits to having access to a fund of information that flatly contradicts the official version. For Lanschikov, Suvorov is a traitor who placed himself in the service of the West and is therefore widely commended there. But this is not true. For also in the West The Icebreaker has largely met with a hostile response and a conspiracy of silence. Historians speciously promise to look into Suvorovs arguments at some point. But for us something else is of importance. The article is inter-

From Agitation and Propaganda. An institution for the ideological indoctrination of the masses (Publishers Note).


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The American journalist William Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, assesses thus the war of Germany against Poland: Nothing happened in the West soon it (the war) was being called the peculiar war. On September 20, 1939 Shirer wrote in his diary: All the Germans I have spoken to are utterly convinced that not a month will go by before we will have peace. They had every reason to think so, since Hitler had declared one day earlier: I have no intention to fight a war against England and France. The Italian foreign minister Ciano Galeazzo remarked at that time: For Mussolini the thought that Hitler wages a war and what is even worse wins it, is simply intolerable. Lanschikov also mentions other facts. But above all he writes the French were expecting peace (the majority of the Cabinet Ministers spoke in favour of a peace conference). This is understandable. As a result of the defeat in the German-French war (1870/71), France was forced to pay Germany five billion Francs in reparation, but as a result of the victory in the First World War the allied payments of France to the United States and England were four times higher than this reparation. And Lanschikov addresses the following words directly to the author of the Icebreaker: Thus the French will wait in safety on the Maginot Line, the English on their islands and the Russians on the Stalin Line (blown up immediately before the war!) while Hitler begins his stroll through the rest of Europe Is this not marvellous indeed? It surprises you, Mr. Resun (Suvorovs real name), that the government of the USA for some reason sold the license for the production of the S-47 tank to Stalin before the beginning of the war. Are you not, Mr. Resun, equally surprised for example by the circumstance that the Americans prepared an enthusiastic reception in 1937 for the Soviet military flyers Chkalov, Baidukov and Belyakov, who were the first to complete the Moscow-North Pole-Vancouver flight without a stop, and that they soon after welcomed another group of military aviators (Gromov etc.) who dared to fly the same route? The Soviet military aviators reconnoitred the route, the path into the USA the Americans ought surely to have panicked, but they rejoiced, welcomed the Russian aces. And in addition sell the license to produce the newest type of tank to the USSR. What a foolish nation

We cannot help but think of the intimidating military parades on Red Square and the flying demonstrations in Tushino.46 These were after all held for the diplomatic corps and the foreign guests: the potential allies were to rejoice the enemies tremble. I cannot speak of the enemies, but the potential allies rejoiced, and not too little. The USSR was virtually flooded by authors like Barbusse, Romain Rolland, Feuchtwanger The latter wrote at the time: When one comes from the oppressive atmosphere of lying democracy and hypocritical humanitarianism into the pure air of the Soviet Union, then breathing becomes easy Lanschikov also demands a revision of our ideas concerning the annexation of Czechoslovakia by Hitler. Again he quotes W. Shirer: President Benesch had no other choice than to submit. England and France had betrayed his country; nay, they were even on Hitlers side. At the same time Hitler conceded after the destruction of the Czech defence system in the Sudeten: What we got to know about Czech military power after Munich appalled us we exposed ourselves to great danger I now understand why my Generals were holding me back. Field Marshal Manstein testified during the Nuremberg trial: If Czechoslovakia had decided to attack, its defence system would have held without a doubt since we had no means of breaking through it. Poland too was not so helpless, by far, as we have been led to believe. There are a number of other historical facts of the pre-war period that challenge the traditional image of the polarizing crystal-pure forces of good and the forces of absolute evil. Hitler allowed Poland to occupy small parts of Czechoslovakia (the Teshin region with a population of 228,000), which Poland did. He allowed Hungary the annexation of Ruthenia with a population of 772,000. Or the following: After the signing of the peace-treaty between the Bolsheviks and the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) the latter were freed from the repayment of any debt to Russia and were paid sums totalling 22 million gold rubles by a country that was itself in great need. Another conclusion drawn by Lanschikov is of great interest. In 1937 Stalin received, despite the show-trails, much strong support from the European antifascist movement, to which not only the communists belonged. The great ma46

The old airport in the close vicinity of Moscow (Publishers Note).



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noeuvres in Spain (meaning the war) made visible the final constellation of forces: Hitler, Mussolini, General Franco on the one side; on the other the bloc of anti-Fascist states within which the Soviet Union bore the role of the most important military force, i.e. the force of attack. This is where the reasons must be sought, for the glorification of Stalin, for the attacks on the Russian anti-Communist emigrants in France, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria If Hitler did not start the Second World War, then, according to logic and facts it was started by the bloc of anti-Fascist states, within which the roles were very clearly determined in the year 1937. Lanschikov introduces a number of nuances into his article, which prove the necessity of the Soviet preparations for war and are meant to show Stalin to be Russias, albeit cruel, but only saviour. But if the reader has understood our book he will not run into this dagger. The supplementary remarks to this chapter show once more the abundance of historical facts and well-founded reasons for the conclusions regarding the aims, the causes, and character of the two World Wars, also regarding the question of blame, which we have already arrived at on the basis of spiritualscience. To those who are unprejudiced but are still unable to free themselves from the hypnotic effect of the mass-media we suggest that they should reflect upon two questions put by Lanschikov to Suvorov: Who is the most guilty for, and at the same time the actual instigator of, the First World War; Stalin, after all, was at that time still in political swaddling clothes and Hitler folded in political nappies? 47 Why did the very good Roosevelt and the merely good Churchill forge an alliance with the very bad Stalin and not with the merely bad Hitler, who so much sought friendship with England?48

2nd Addendum to chapter 13

After the publication of Suvorovs new book The Last Republic (Why the Soviet Union Lost the Second World War; part I) in early 1996, we cannot do otherwise than present some facts that will startle and, as historical facts, still further confirm the conclusions we have already come to. Suvorov brings substantial arguments to challenge established opinion concerning the seizure of power by the National Socialists. He writes: In July 1932 The National Socialists obtained 13,7 million votes, but not an absolute majority. This was the high point, followed by a decline. In the space of four months Hitler lost approximately two million votes. But the losses continued at an even greater rate. By the end of 1932 the distribution of political forces in Germany looked like this: National Socialists 11,8 million, Social Democrats 8,1 million, Communists 5,8 million (p. 109 of the Russian edition). Now the fateful question arose: with whom will the communists form a coalition? They had two choices: The first, to form a coalition with the Social Democrats in order to win the elections Then, to share the portfolios: the larger part of the ministries would go to the Social Democrats, the smaller to the communists The second: to support the National Socialists. The outcome of this was easy to predict: Hitler, after coming to power, would send the Social Democrats, and also the Communists, to concentration camps. Herr Thlmann put forward exactly this he supported Hitler (p. 113-114). He did so, in order that the German Communist Party would become a respectable political force, but it did not draw its strength from the tenement houses where workers lived in Berlin, or from the steelworks of the Ruhr but from communist Russia At a time when the National Socialistic ideologist Alfred Rosenberg had not even picked up his pen to write about the inferiority of the Slavs, the Soviet communists were already destroying millions of them Our concentration camps were the invincible economic force, the granite foundation for the German communists (p. 90-100). The other fact in Suvorovs new book relates to the beginning of the war. The reader can be deeply struck by the frank approach of the author and his symptomatological insight. He speaks of the topographical maps with which all mili259


The recent work of Thomas Meyer on Moltke provides much additional material on this question. In 1995 the war historian Volkogonov (Moscow) and G. Gorodietsky a specialist connected with Institutes devoted to Russian affairs research in Tel Aviv and elsewhere in the West tried to refute Suvorov. Volkogonov appeared on TV, Gorodietsky published The Icebreaker-Myth. Both merely showed once again that there are no facts to refute Suvorov. This is a great pity, because the more unanswerable Suvorovs position is, the smaller the hope grows, that the worst prophecies for our time will not come true.


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tary units are always supplied (in great quantities) since an army without such maps remains blind. Suvorov describes how many of the Soviet troops, who had been assembled at the Western border on June 22, 1941, were left entirely without topographical maps. He lists a number of eyewitnesses. One of the statements: The only copy of the map (division commander General Major H.J. Biryukov writes in his memoirs in 1962) that I could beg from the Chief of staff of the 21st mechanized corps, was taken away from me by our corps leader General Major J. P. Karmanov (p. 249). Stalins son Yakov, who had been taken prisoner, said during the interrogation: The maps misled the Red Army because contrary to all expectations the war took place on the Eastern side of the border (p. 288). As a war-expert, Suvorov proves irrefutably: The lack of maps in units, troops, and divisions of the Red Army had catastrophic consequences. It is impossible to guide them without maps. No matter how well-armed the division, how clever the commander, how courageous and experienced the soldiers, the division without maps remained an aimless herd. Such a division will suffer defeat and expose the hinterland to the enemy, where more strong and mighty, but undirected and therefore useless divisions are waiting. The Soviet field artillery had the best cannon in the world and more of them than all other armies combined. But because of the lack of maps it was impossible in the first months of war to use such an artillery. A non-steerable infantry without the support of artillery was forced to retreat (simply run) thereby baring the front. After the infantry had had to abandon the front, it also surrendered to the enemy the shooting ranges and strategic supplies, border airfields, artillery which are defenceless without coverage from infantry. The tanks without maps wandered about That was the end of the professional army (p. 254-255). But why did the army not have these topographical maps? They had been printed in time and in vast quantities on the best paper and brought to the border regions where they were destroyed upon retreat or fell into enemy hands. Several thousand tonnes of these maps, around 200 million copies, had been prepared for all fifteen armies of the top strategic level. This was a case without example in world history. Unable to find an explanation for this event, Suvorov presents a dialogue, that sounds like black humour, between General M. K. Kudryavtsev the head of

the military-topographical service in the country and army General G. K. Zhukov. Kudryavtsev : Georgi Konstantinovich (i.e. Zhukov), I have just decided to send off all our supplies of maps to the German border. Zhukov: Hah! Thats fine! But what for, Markus Karpovich (i.e. Kudryavtsev )? Just like that, I just had the idea. Did you not think of a reason? I am in an awkward predicament. All day long I think, all night I think, I cannot come up with a reason. I have just decided to send them all to keep them there. There is no necessity or reason for it. I am sending all 200 million. When the Germans come, all the maps will fall into their claws with one swoop. Do you understand? Yes, I understand, I understand. Very well then. I will follow the order, Georgi Konstantinovich. Good, Markus Karpovich. Take all our supplies of maps straight to the border. As close to it as possible! Suvorov concludes: Funny, isnt it? How I could think up such a situation! (p. 264). Nobody has been punished for this misdeed that caused the loss of the entire professional army, Suvorov exclaims in amazement. Therefore, he continues, I make the following offer: let us publicly proclaim Zhukov Georgi Konstantinovich an idiot. Let us pull down his statues and smash them to pieces, or let us together search for the reason why the places where the maps were stored (as well as the staff, information centres etc.) were situated as close as possible to where they were lost in the first exchange of fire with the enemy (p. 268). Marshal Zhukov was of course no idiot that is an axiom. All we have to do is look for a fitting cause for the unparalleled mistake. Let us imagine: For days and weeks the core troops travel in thousands of trains to the Western borders. They are ordered to disembark at an unknown destination, far from large towns, often in deep woods. In this case officers would at least casually study on the maps the future destination, where at least some war exercise would await them. The topographical maps are travelling in the same direction as the officers, but separately, in other carriages! We now ask, what kind of maps were


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they? Suvorov does not answer this question. Let us assume that they were maps of Poland, Germany etc. But even in this case maps of the border regions of the Soviet territory would need to be available since the troops absolutely had to find the connection at every new point of transfer. And finally, even if only the Soviet invasion was planned, which Hitler preempted by one or two weeks, this undertaking was not only dangerous but also senseless: to delay the supply of topographical maps to the troops until the very last moment, only to stand before the impossible task of delivering 200 million maps to fifteen armies within a few days! Under complete secrecy the maps could have been distributed in sealed packages where they were needed: with the troops. Maps that covered an area of no more than 50-100 km of foreign territory (assuming the scale of 1:100,000 for topographical maps) could hardly arouse suspicion. From all that has been said and much more that Suvorov describes in his books, there is only one logical consequence to be drawn: The Soviet cadre army, consisting of millions of soldiers, was not only blind but bound hand and feet and transported to the Western frontier for one purpose: its destruction. For we repeat the main purpose of the Second World War was the greatest possible destruction of the population of Eastern- and Middle Europe. In order to prolong the war and balance out somewhat the chances of Hitler and Stalin it was necessary to sacrifice the entire cadre army of the USSR and then put together an army of reservists. Therefore the theory that Stalin had prepared an attack on Hitler, but that the latter had forestalled him, is also no more than a half-truth. Suvorov sees as his main task the exploding of the myth of the Soviet Unions non-preparedness for the war. He never ceases to be astonished at the colossal forces that support and spread this myth in the writing of world history. This puzzlement would vanish immediately if Suvorov could understand that the way to the solution of the riddle leads behind the scenes of the Pandoras box that has showered our century in such abundance with unspeakable suffering. If the five to six million people who died or were taken prisoner in the first few months had been killed by Stalin and his helpers or had been sent to the GULAG, it would not find special mention either in Soviet or in Western historiography. But since this took place with the help of another country in a state of war, a quite new working-principle of world power was demonstrated. The

elimination of human beings, the destruction of countries formerly the unavoidable and tragic consequence of war is from now on the principal aim. The elimination of peoples, the battle against humanity this was demonstrated by the tragedy on the Soviet-German border in the summer of 1941 (and then throughout the entire World War). Anyone who has read with inner participation Solzhenitsyns GULAG Archipelago and the memories of those who witnessed the Bolshevik revolution, of the civil war and the purges is in a position to understand this horrific truth. Those who came to power in Russia in 1917 demonstrate a unified style, a unified goal: the relentless battle with the peoples of our land and mass-destruction with all available means. At the beginning of the Second World War this style and goal acquired a worldwide character, a character reaching beyond the boundaries of the sense world, as will be shown in the following chapters, particularly in chapter 16. We wish to conclude this addendum with a further thought. We may possibly live to witness the unveiling of all or nearly all of the secrets connected with the revolution in Russia and with the Second World War. To find the answer to the question, who will do this and why, and what will happen after that? is the task of independent research.


Crisis of Civilisation

XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

We wish to open this chapter with a reminder of the fact that this book is not intended for a wide readership. The wide readership today adheres exclusively to the political, national etc. superstition in which it has been nurtured. It clings fanatically to this superstition and experiences any view of things that differs or deviates from its own as heretical. This is an expression of the crisis of knowledge in our time. The author by no means harbours in his soul the most ardent wish that this book may be used as an argument in quarrels with the fanatical adherents of the current aberrations. On the contrary, we believe that people who have already fallen victim to the black magic of the press should not have access to this book at all. All that the author still dares to hope for at present is that there may exist a small circle of people whose sense for truth is not extinguished, and who are willing to make every effort to ascertain what are the methods of spiritual science and the nature of its fruits of knowledge. Such people should, on a purely ideal basis, unite together in the world. They should create an oasis in which contemporary life in all its manifestations can without restriction be thought through on the basis of spiritual science, in the assurance that the brother in spirit present at ones side is also solely guided by the search for the means that will bring healing to our life, that will free it from death-bringing prejudices and guard us from the fall into the abyss. How and where we can stand before the public with our knowledge this is a far-reaching question requiring independent consideration, that will only be answered if there are people in anthroposophical circles who are not led by superstition, who are unprejudiced and who are not so superficial and negligent as to demand a revision of spiritual science before they have even mastered it. They will then be able to take on the mighty task of developing the moral technique referred to in the Philosophy of Freedom. In the present epoch it is necessary to master this technique almost to perfection if one is to speak to the world of the causes of the madness into which it is falling. Much precious time has already passed by unused, and the worst thing is that the impulse of move-

ment within cognition, elaborated by Rudolf Steiner, has been lost sight of. This is the point that lies at the source of, amongst other things, the immense difficulties we face in making possible an unprejudiced view of the world. But we must not relax our efforts towards this goal, any more than we can question the need to breathe. We recall how, already in the Seventies, the theme of historical symptomatology was put on the agenda for the first time in the Soviet Union, in an anthroposophical group in Moscow. We worked at it for more than two years. Not only did we work on all that Rudolf Steiner has given us on this theme, but we also discussed all the events of importance that took place at home and in the world at large. We did so in the knowledge that every word we spoke was monitored and recorded on tape by the secret police, and although I saw that one or another of the friends paled and fearfully hung their head when it was said who the dictators of the proletariat really are, who imported the revolution etc. Not all were mature for this work, indeed we must even admit that no oasis of knowledge grew out of this, that the ahrimanic spirits succeeded in taking revenge on the few for their audacity of cognition; but something else is important here. Looked at externally it is nothing short of miraculous that it was possible in the dark Seventies to study these profound and far-reaching questions without being arrested. Of course there was persecution the present author was regularly interrogated by the KGB. But not a single time was he asked about the content of our work. The leader of the investigations knew all too well that everything spoken about in the group was true. But we sensed that our work was blessed by the spiritual world, the hierarchies, who protected and surrounded it as if by a wall of light. We saw our work as a contribution to the courageous and sacrificial battle that the dissidents of that time were waging against the terrible power. Every individual sought for his own form of battle. We turned to cognition as the force that is capable of truly overcoming evil, and we were not mistaken. When times changed, many dissidents stood helpless before evil that had changed its face but not its essential being. They were lacking in knowledge and the power of discrimination it can provide. But what we sowed on fertile soil at that time is now unfolding. And despite the hindrances encountered, we can experience that the quest for truth is growing, because it is the wish of the Gods themselves.



Crisis of Civilisation

XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

The Ancient Hebrews and the Reflective IConsciousness

In the complicated world struggle, taking place on many levels, between the powers of light and darkness the forces of good are by no means always opposed by the forces of evil. As a global factor in world connections there works first and foremost the great antagonism of the luciferic initiates of the East and the ahrimanic of the West. Within Western civilization there lives the contrast between the Romanic and the Anglo-Saxon world. This contrast created a third factor Bolshevism. At different times the various peoples are now an instrument, now a battlefield of the forces mentioned. Then the peoples are struck by misfortune. The Jewish nation is no exception. Those responsible for the afflictions do everything in their power to remain in the background, so that the peoples blame not them, but other peoples for their sufferings: the Jews blame the Germans, the Germans blame the Jews, Germans and Jews blame the Russians, the Russians the Germans and the Jews, etc. Rudolf Steiner was reluctant to speak on this subject. It is difficult he admitted to speak about a theme that arouses much passion. Spiritual scientific truths leave no room for sympathy and antipathy if they are to be taken up properly.1 And what is one to say about the present, when a vertical civil war of opinions is being waged on this question? Clearly we have to strive for peace and manysided understanding under the principle formulated by Pyotr Chaadayev: The truth is more precious than our native land. We will take as a starting-point for our discussion of the question of Messianism the article The Founding of the State of Israel as a Mirror of Europes Tragedy by A. Reuveni, published in the magazine Info3 (No. 1-1992). The article is interesting in that the strong, correct views on the problem we are about to examine combine in it in a particularly expressive way with the weak and incorrect views. This becomes especially clear when we compare the article with the book The Riddle of the Jewish People by Ludwig Thieben, first published in 1930, and reprinted in a new Edition in 1991. Thiebens book it can be said without exaggeration was an heroic deed. The author was successful in an extraordinarily difficult, even dangerous, undertaking. He was able as an Anthroposophist to raise himself above national and

racist passions and speak purely out of the spirit of truth. How difficult this is, only those will know who have worked on other problems that are equally surrounded by countless ahrimanic spirits of the lie, of hatred, chaos and destruction. The entire strength of ahrimanic spirits, their existence itself, is based on human ignorance, and so these spirits will not tolerate a consciousness that is audacious enough to wish to examine their nature more closely. Whoever does this all the same will experience in his soul an incredibly refreshing, liberating effect surging in great waves over the world of all that is true. Thus, after reading Thieben we were able to experience in our soul something of the mood described in the Acts of the Apostles: Then were they all of good cheer (Acts 27;36). Let us look first at Reuvenis article. In it he analyses the development of the individual thinking consciousness in the Jews of antiquity, who at the beginning of our era were at a stage reached by the other (European) nations only many centuries later. Here, however, it must be pointed out for the sake of precision that the Greek philosophers had already in the 4th and 3rd century B.C. attained the highest level in the development of conceptual thought, the principal aim of the entire fourth cultural epoch. Still more questionable is Reuvenis assertion that the Jews were able under the guidance of Jehovah to bring the new forces of the I so far, that an incorporation of the Christ into a human body became possible. We ask why the author, when he turns to spiritual-scientific analysis, does not make the crucial distinction between the concepts of incorporation and incarnation. We also know that the I of the great initiate Zarathustra was incarnated in the body of Jesus of Nazareth until the baptism in the Jordan. It should be emphasized that an I of this nature could not incarnate in any body imaginable. Where the Christ himself is concerned, the Nathan soul became his godfather (Taufvater). We also know of the participation of the Nirmanakaya of the Buddha in the process of God becoming man. In short, the best that had been developed in the evolution of all of humanity by its great leaders Zarathustra, Buddha, Moses, Abraham united, so that God was able to live for three years as a human being. But Christianity, in Rudolf Steiners words, was born into the soul of the Jews, into the spirit of the Greeks and the body of the Roman Imperium (Dec. 24, 1918, GA 187). This into the soul of the Jews makes it difficult for us to agree with Reuveni when he states that the Jews were ahead of other nations in the development of thinking consciousness. The Greek culture was, after all,

Margarita Voloshina, The Green Snake, Stuttgart, 1968, p. 205.


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the godfather (Taufvater) of Christianity. Not for nothing did Augustine call the Greek philosophers Christians before the coming of Christ. The spirit of form, Jahve, gave the spark of the I to all of humanity. It was this spark that even determined the evolution of the threefold body the physical, etheric and astral in the epochs of the root-races, the Lemurian, Atlantean, etc. In the post-Atlantean root-race the mastery of the individual I took its course through the cultural epochs. The rational-soul, developed by the Greeks, is basically identical with the I, but only a few individuals in Greece, generally the philosophers, had mastered it. The development of the Jews in antiquity, even in the old Egyptian epoch, is in many respects an exceptional phenomenon. The most important factor distinguishing them from all other peoples of that time, was that the spirit of form a being of, not the third, but the second hierarchy! assumed the leadership of this people. This mighty spirit had a tremendously strong influence on the formation of the physical brain of the Jews, which was endowed with the capacity for abstract thinking sooner than other peoples. What does this imply? That all humanity of ancient times moved on the path of evolution through the continuous development of the sentient-soul and later the rational-soul to the challenge of the I. In this process cultural work played the most important part. It represented a temporal process of gradual ascent from the group-consciousness to individual consciousness. The structure of the threefold body of the Jews was transformed, under the mighty influence from above, so to speak into the vertical, with the line of inheritance being woven into it. And in this lay the importance and uniqueness of their development. They acquired the body that was able to be the bearer of the I-consciousness, in the line of inheritance and not through individual development. The latter took place on the level of the sentient soul or even the soul-body. This made possible the incarnation of the two Jesus-children, whereby in the one, the Solomon-child, there dwelt the most advanced human I (that of Zarathustra), whilst the innocent part of the soul of humanity that had remained completely untouched by individual earthly development was incarnated in the other.

A development somewhat similar to that undergone by the Jews in ancient times takes place in the Middle European peoples within our own cultural epoch. In the recent past the spirit of the German people was Michael an Archangel who stood already on the level of an Archai, a time-spirit (but not a Spirit of Form). Under his influence the Germans received the impulse for the development of the I not of the I that is identical with the rational-soul, nor yet the universal-human and highest I that was bestowed by the Spirit of Form, but the I as the mobile centre of self-consciousness, that is able to control and synthesize the activity of the threefold soul. This I creates a bridge between the I that is developed (horizontally) in the cultural-historical process, and the Christ-I that descends to us (vertically) from above. Reuveni has obviously not made all this clear to a sufficient degree, and so he continues: Through the premature development of the I and of the power of thinking, the Jews became a robust and self-enclosed people A paradox arose in history when the Jews had already fallen into a decadence of their onesidedly developed I-forces, when the other peoples of Europe especially Middle- and Western Europe were taking their first steps in this direction. This thought is not without originality, but its basic assumption is false.2 Before the coming of Christ the Jews merely experienced an illumination through the lighting up of the I. It acted as a uniting, tribal basis or principle, as a consolidating member, right down into the physical body, but did not lead to an individual development of the I. This process is comparable to what the Russians are living through now. The heavens, says Rudolf Steiner, speak in mysterious runes to the Russians through the mirroring on the earth. This causes an instinctive experience of the wisdom of the Spirit-Self to germinate in their souls,

Without an understanding of the complicated and manifold processes through which in the course of evolution man gains his individual I in history and culture, through the racial and national element as well as in individual spiritual work, the theme of ethnography, of occult sociology, is better left alone. It is not for nothing that we have addressed our book to thinking people with the capacity for knowledge. It is important for us to enter into a dialogue with people who have already in some way made the methodology of spiritual cognition their own, without which none of the themes discussed here can be understood. It took us many years to understand the fundamental question of the evolution of the earthly aeon the development of Iconsciousness. The results of our study are presented in the book The Triune Man of Body, Soul and Spirit in the Light of Anthroposophy. And we refer to the conclusions arrived at in that book when we speak of the special character of the incarnation of the I in various peoples in the different cultural epochs.


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XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

but it is in no way the fruit of individual striving. These inspirations have a certain influence on our threefold body, above all the astral, and prepare this for the future cultural epoch. With regard to the development of the individual I and the threefold soul, the Russian has the same task as any other European (obviously with certain nuances). Let us recall that the first seeds of sentient and consciousness-soul were implanted in man at the end of the Old Moon aeon, when racial differentiation did not yet exist. It is clear that these souls a gift of the Spirits of Movement formed an intermediate link between the spirit-self, which had also been bestowed on the Old Moon, and the threefold bodily nature. They worked out of the spirit on to this threefold nature and were thus the mediators for the creative impulses of the Spirits of Movement. It is clear that such a soul acted as a demiurge, super-personally. All that man makes his own as a personal acquisition has already long before worked into him out of the spirit. When Moses received the Commandments from the Spirit of Form itself, they became an integral part, not of secular society, but of a system of religious education. Of course this was a special religion the religion of the approach of the future I that through its deeds can resurrect the dead. For this reason Christianity confesses not only to the New, but also to the Old Testament. But just as in modern times by no means every Christian is equal to the lofty demands of the New Testament, only few of the Jews of antiquity were able to hold the I in another human being in high regard, as it is written in the Commandments of Moses. The tragic destinies of the prophets testify to this. At the time of Christ the religious condition of Jewish society, and above all its spirituality, was in a state of general decline. Christ speaks of this many times. And this was so when the Elohim Jahve was still the spirit of the Jewish people. The religious education of the Jews appealed to conceptual activity.3 In the synagogues they practised the commenting and interpreting of the articles of faith, of the laws and traditions. There was nowhere else in the ancient world where anything like this went on. It is only today that religious practice of this kind has become a common and familiar image. Truly, the Judaism of the Jews

of antiquity was a religion of the future. But the majority of the Jews lived in the sentient soul as it had been developed in the third, the Egypto-Chaldean, cultural epoch. They were educated in the commandments through religion, through direct influence on the etheric body, which in its turn promoted the development of the physical brain as an instrument of abstract thinking. Thus the Jews found their relation to the rational soul in a very specific way, while the direct approach to its development in Greece and Rome led through the unfolding of astral and etheric body with the help of the increasingly secular culture and the various forms of societal life. There the ether-body was formed through cultural activity and philosophy, and the first beginnings of the book of common law. These are a few guiding thoughts towards an understanding of the mission of the Jews. Their development in ancient times was an exception, not in the sense that they had anticipated evolution but in the sense of the fulfilment of a special task that is not realized by the forces of the immanent lawful structure of earth evolution, which takes place through a series of metamorphoses, each consisting of seven stages. This evolution had reached the lowest point of its descent to the earthly plane in the fourth cultural epoch. And now the development of the entire aeon stood before the task of gathering forces for the ascent. Now transcendentally, from above, the immanent lawfulness was corrected. God Himself united with man and the kingdoms of nature, and into all he implanted the impulse of ascent. This is the intervention from above that occurred only once in the evolution of the world, and which was of decisive significance for the development of the Jews in the pre-Christian era. Normally the lawful structure of earthly development changes in Pralaya, and in order for this to take place, the phenomenal world has to be spiritualized. Christ brought the great Pralaya immediately into Manvantara: he altered the lawful structure of the material world. In correspondence to this mission of the Christ the Jewish people was also led: As a result of this, not earthly evolution changed, but the transcendental force. Here it is essential to take into account the following methodological consideration. In every cultural epoch a given nation (or several nations) has to fulfil the main task of development, working on the levels of evolution, culture and civilization. It fulfils this task through a process of creation, for which concrete life-forces are needed. Through this activity these forces are used up, and shortly before the fulfilment of the task the etheric aura of the nation is ex271

Comparable to the way one appeals in Russia to the wisdom coming from above, the revelation experienced by a saint.


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hausted. As the seed-leaf wilts when the impulse of metamorphosis moves upwards with the stem of the plant, a folk that has fulfilled its task falls into decadence, whilst the impulse of cultural creation passes to another folk, or several others. One can see for oneself that this is so, through comparing the culture of Persia, Egypt and Greece today with their cultures in antiquity. There is nothing belittling or offensive in this observation, or in the circumstance that the lifeforces of an aging person are in a process of decline. Development follows the path of sacrifice, and to this belong birth, flowering and passing away. The Jews prepared the body for God and thereby fulfilled a special task of development. This demanded of them an extraordinary expenditure of life-forces. At the moment when God finally became man these forces were well-nigh exhausted. Because of the great abundance of life-forces required for this task, it is not conceivable that just any Jew could have made possible the incarnation of the God. The enhanced use of life-forces was necessary because the entire nation was as it were raised above the general human development where the gradual unfolding of the three-membered soul was taking place, and it was subjected to an influence of the higher I such as otherwise only occurs in the process of preparation for initiation. Work was done with the Jews, in the same spirit as Socrates when he taught his pupils, as an esoteric exercise, to think in concepts. In those days it was truly a task of initiation pointing to the future. In the case of the Jews the development of conceptual thinking, as we have already mentioned, was accomplished on the path of religion, i.e. by using not astral, but the etheric forces. But from the moment of the exodus from Egypt, to God becoming man, the whole people was treading the path of Initiation. The Old Testament is not history in the usual sense of the word, but the story of a path of initiation, of trials of initiation on the path to the mystery, at the mid-point of which God Himself appears. With the event of the Mystery of Golgatha the end of this path had been reached. In the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz we read how on the final day he simply returns home. And similarly the seventh alchemical seal (key) portrays a scene from everyday life, where a pupil who has passed through the complicated and movingly instructive path of initiation is shown in his laboratory amongst his instruments and books absorbed in his experiments, and as the only reminder of his experiences, sun and moon are shining together through the window. This is the law of every rightful initiation: After its completion

the pupil returns to the circle of his fellow-men and devotes himself to their service. Thus it happened too with the old Israelites. This people in its entirety had travelled the path of initiation where everything is different from the everyday world. After the resurrection of the Lord it had the task of returning to the cradle of humanity in order to become the soil through which everything new that had been received through the greatest of all mysteries might be brought to humanity. On this new path the Jews had to bridge the gap in the development of the threefold soul as it evolves in the cultural-historic process, and thus attain a certain perfection through combining that which in the Old Testament pointed into the future, to the epoch of the consciousness-soul, with the New Testament, with the impulse of Golgatha and with all that had been achieved at that time by the Greco-Roman culture. In other words: the Jews had to give something to the world, and they had to receive something from the world. Therefore they were scattered over the world; it became their task to adapt to other peoples, to be assimilated and to dissolve in them. The chosenness was ended, the goal of initiation attained, through which they were qualitatively distinct from the other Semitic peoples. They had accomplished something that was of service to mankind as a whole, and that had to be brought to mankind as a whole. It was not appropriate for them to live like the other Semites, as peoples of the third Egyptian-Chaldean cultural epoch just as little as a person who has gone through an initiation can continue to live as others do. But luciferic and ahrimanic spirits had their part in the initiation process. Their intention to tempt Christ in the wilderness was also directed towards all the Jews. What they failed to achieve with Christ, was crowned by no mean success in the case of the clerics the Pharisees and Sadducees. One ought to make some effort to grasp the fact that man, when he thinks in concepts, does something God-like he creates out of nothing. In its initial manifestations conceptual thinking had, furthermore, a substance of a luciferic nature. Jewish antiquity overcame Lucifer through cultic service to Jahve the countenance of Christ. But after Christs coming everything was new. One had either to accept Christ, or one succumbed to luciferic-ahrimanic temptations without the support of Jahve, who at that time ceased to be the spirit of the Jewish people.



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In this constellation of forces is rooted the phenomenon of the human being who wished to be God Ahasuerus. It was all the easier for this phenomenon to arise because the ahrimanic forces harboured a special antipathy against the Jews since they had fulfilled their mission. When the Mystery of Golgatha was accomplished Ahriman craved revenge. Under his influence there was conserved in a great number of Jews an attitude of expectation of a Messiah who is yet to come, which prevented them from being assimilated and from accepting Christianity. The Mystery continued therefore, but it took on a tragic character; it became a Mystery in reverse. If the Jews had not had a mission to fulfil, they would have been quite indistinguishable from the rest of the Semites. If they had only had to fulfil the task of the Greco-Latin culture, they would also have gone into decline together with that culture. If Ahrimans hatred alone had prevailed, they would have been completely destroyed. But if they had accepted Christianity, they would have dissolved entirely in European and Asiatic humanity and the entire history of Christian civilization would in a certain sense have more successful. But, as so often happens in life, something far more complicated came about: The elements of all the variants mentioned here combined in the destiny of the Jews.

tendency implanted in the people as a whole to develop towards intellectualism caused the old clairvoyant capacities to die out. They were replaced by the thinking which grew out of the forces of heredity. This capacity channelled all the interests of this people towards the earthly. Rudolf Steiner calls the worldview of the ancient Jews geology. God created for Himself a physical body for the earthly incarnation. It was a matter of creating a form in which a spirit could exist which came, not from below upwards, i.e. out of evolution, but from above downwards, from that realm where something inconceivable to our earthly imagination Pralaya exists. Every consciousness that has become Christian ought to come to terms with this fact. Man normally directs his attention from the earthly to the heavenly. But only now can he do this out of his own strength and in freedom, because once the ascent to the heights (to what is above) was accomplished by means of a deepening of the connection with the physical earth (to what is below). Such a development stood in stark contrast to all the principles of initiation in ancient times. The Jews fulfilled their special task. They kept the principle of heredity pure, and created the physical body best suited for the descending God, a body that is permeated through and through with the I-force of the Spirit of Form, which works by way of the blood (and thus mainly through the ether-body). Outwardly the people, living under the conditions of the ancient-culture, was in an altogether pitiable state. At the time it was as though not of this world deprived of clairvoyance, given over to everyday life with its purely materialistic interests much more than others, bound hand and feet by blood relationships unsuited for the development of conceptual thinking. Rudolf Steiner gives a description of the life of Jesus from the 12th to the 18th year when his soul penetrated the Jewish teaching ever more deeply, and was less and less able to be satisfied by it. Indeed, it increasingly caused him pain and suffering (Nov. 4, 1913, GA 148). The luciferic-ahrimanic influence made itself felt in him ever more acutely because the Jews were, sooner than all the other peoples, immersed in the earthly element to an extreme degree. But they were also the first to sense the impulse of liberation from the earthly, the impulse of a future elevation, although the old in its downward movement had already become very strongly subject to the law of inertia. How was this later mirrored in the Christian world? The ideas we are told by Rudolf Steiner that were current in the Old Testament the ideas of Old Testament Judaism that were made worldly in Romanism although it stands in contrast to Juda275

The Man of the Old and the New Testament

Rudolf Steiner says that the ancient Jewish people was kept in a culturally immature condition until the coming of Christ (but the Buddha could not simultaneously have appeared in this people). The Jews were unable to experience the law given to them through revelation, as having arisen in their own soul. As a result of this delayed development it was possible for the mission to be fulfilled at the right moment the fruit had become ripe. We can understand the role in development of the old prophets who introduced the law, when we bear in mind that with their supersensible being they were lifted out of their bodily nature, their earthly incarnation (cf. Sept. 20, 1909, GA 114). Even in Moses intellectuality lit up in the form of the old clairvoyance, although he already mastered the new impulse (cf. Mar. 9, 1911, GA 60), the impulse of the individual I-consciousness. The prophets had, as the leaders of the Jewish people, to preserve the connection to the supersensible, from which, as the Egyptian priests before them, they received the knowledge that enabled them to guide the people. But the basic

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ism; in the worldly sphere it is what Judaism is spiritually, these ideas have come into our present time via the roundabout path of Romanism, they steal in like spectres. This Old Testament thinking that has not yet been Christianized must be sought, as to its true origin, in human beings ... This thinking is dependent on what can be passed down from generation to generation through the blood our thinking falls into two members, two parts. One kind of thinking is that which we have through our development up until birth, which we inherit from our fathers or from our mothers (so it is to this day, and in it is revealed the activity of the Spirit of Form who gave the I to humanity). We are able to think as men thought in the Old Testament because we were embryos. This is also the essential feature of the old Jewish people, that in the world that is lived through between birth and death it did not want to learn more than what is acquired as a faculty through the fact that one has been an embryo until birth. The second, the earthly mode of thinking can only be acquired by man as an occultist, when he works through his experience in the spirit of the Philosophy of Freedom and Knowledge of Higher Worlds, because the Mystery of Golgatha in its unique character can never be grasped with the thinking that one has by virtue of ones embryonic development. [it] has to be understood not from what is of the moon, but from what is of the sun This is the great difference between what is Christianized and what is not Christianized (Nov. 29, 1918, GA 186). In this way the element with which the Jews first had contact the development of thinking now entered the evolutionary process fully and completely, just as the sentient and rational-soul had entered it at an earlier stage. But this thinking is not able to lead man out of the closed circle of evolution. It is geocentric and egocentric. It is only capable of grasping what is given to man from nature. In ancient times it was the primary task of the human being, who was still a group being, to develop this Jahve-thinking. Already in the distant past Jahve for this reason removed from the earth the influence of the other six Elohim who, when the sun separated from the earth, remained on the sun. Thus, so Rudolf Steiner tells us, the knowledge of these Elohim that had remained on the earth was transposed into the sphere of fantasy. With the help of the elemental beings of nature Jahve began to counteract the activity of the sun-Elohim who, as a consequence of this, were able to express themselves solely through the Christ-impulse.

A world-wide historical necessity was active in the work of Jahve the physical body (but not the spirit) had to be elevated for the God who was descending towards man. Expressed in modern terms, this was a movement upwards on a ladder that led downwards a movement that is unique and unparalleled in its perfection. And it had its karma. Already in the middle of the 19th century A.D. (in the Forties) it happened that Jahve Himself in his influence on human consciousness (not only of the Jews) was gradually overwhelmed by the power of the spirits he had invoked So that the earlier quest for the one God in nature, through the influence of the forces working in opposition, went over to mere atheistic natural science, into mere atheistic natural-scientific thinking and, in the practical field, into mere utilitarian thinking in the field of social thinking it became Marxism and suchlike (Ibid.). So strongly do the accents shift in the course of evolution. People today who are not willing to develop the new way of thinking want to bring humanity not to individual culture but, merely to folk-cultures, which already started to become an anachronism two thousand years ago. One should not believe that only National Socialism and the later Bolshevists pursue this goal. The call to divide the peoples into separate national entities was heard from America and resounds deafeningly in the Russia of the post-communist epoch. Wilsons call, as characterized by Rudolf Steiner, is the ahrimanically retarded call for the founding of a culture where all peoples represent only folk-cultures; that is, cultures of the people of the Old Testament. All the peoples throughout the earth want to become similar to the Jewish people of the Old Testament, that is Woodrow Wilsons call (Dec. 7, 1918, GA186). And apparently with the aim of realizing this, the most nationalistic state in the world is set up at the height of Western democracy the immediate revival of the Old Testament Jewish nation. But with a way of thinking gained only through heredity, one cannot understand how atavistic such an initiative is. Everywhere in the world, towards the end of the 20th century, the banners of state self-determination, arising from the influence of Jahve, are hoisted out of the force of nationalism. But this regression to the old religion of Jahve does not bring liberation. Behind it is concealed the deep spiritual and social crisis of Christian civilization, whose nature Rudolf Steiner describes as follows: People of the present time have, because they have lost the old mystery-wisdom that could point to the Mystery of Golgatha, more or less accepted the Jahve-



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religion under the leadership of the liberal-worldly Chief-Rabbi Wilson! (July 11, 1920, GA 198). At the same time, Rudolf Steiner emphasizes, it is important to point out that for the last time mighty, far-reaching attempts of the Jahve-impulse will take place in what is understood as the international socialism of the proletariat. It is basically the final death-struggle of the Jahve-impulse. We stand before the peculiar fact that every nation will become a Jahve-nation, and every nation will at the same time claim the right to spread its Jahve-cult, its socialism over the entire earth (Dec. 7, 1918, GA 186). We would observe that it was for this reason that, for example, Russias border with Poland was no less secured than that with Turkey or China. Despite all the assurances of the brotherly unity of the nations in the socialistic camp, each nevertheless sat in its cubicle. And later came the quarrels over the various models of socialism. And if under different circumstances a process of liberation takes place, as propaganda says, the end result, as in the Balkans, is invariably the same again: peoples are barred up in national cages like individual species of animals. In the sphere of spiritual life Rudolf Steiner says , rabbinical theology (not
Old Saturn

of Judaism, of course; the nature of European science is meant, as well as of theology) will always reinterpret through the intellect what is spread throughout the sense world as forces of heredity, and for which one should train oneself through spirit-perception, so that one may already in the inherited traits discover the spirit in the sense world (Oct. 6, 1918, GA 184). Here lie the origins of racial theories. Finally it happens, says Rudolf Steiner in another lecture-cycle, when you go into those societies, into the Masonic Odd Fellows-Societies for instance, that do not have the new spiritual-scientific knowledge but their old knowledge [that you] find above all the Jewish element in them, the so-called Cabbala and so on (May 8, 1924, GA 353). In this way the crisis of the entire civilization of today is determined by a universally active syndrome that may be called the Jahve-syndrome. But this arose because, since the time of the creation of the world on Old Saturn, an impulse of movement was given to evolution from above to below from spirit to matter. In the course of this linear or, rather, half-circle movement (see figure) humanity was simultaneously endowed with the impulse of the I together with the threefold body. This I was brought to man partly from above through revelation, but primarily through a process of interweaving into the immanent structural law of the evolution of species. The biogenetic law had a partial effect also on soul-development. This law is a unified chain of metamorphoses moving forward in time: life processes sense perceptions sensation sympathies and antipathies judgments. This entire path of evolution leads man to acquisition of the lower I that can only unfold within the material world and can only work in the forces of heredity, because its genesis is rooted in the organic. With the coming of Christ, transcendental laws of development were bestowed on I-consciousness, and with it the impulse to ascent, to the spiritualization not only of civilization, but of the universe. Whatever is not willing to take up these forces will move further downwards, into the sub-material, and will fall out of the normal course of evolution. The three future aeons will have a kind of mirror-image or double in the ahrimanic-luciferic sub-natural world. But we cannot say that nothing good was done by Jahve when be brought the impulse of the I into the forces of heredity. In post-Atlantean times human culture arose as bridge between blood relationships and the highest spiritual

Christ becomes Man

fut. Vulcan

Old Sun

fut. Venus

Old Moon

fut. Jupiter



Figure 1
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element. This enabled the developing threefold soul to free itself increasingly from the tribal. It had then to go through the epoch of materialism, which resulted in the final completion of I-consciousness within the world of sense experience. But two thousand years earlier the mighty force of ascent, of upward striving, had already entered the forces of earth development. Thus we can imagine the principle of earthly development as a cross. Along the horizontal axis moves what is known as the evolution of species, not in the over-simplified Darwinist sense, but in the way it is described by Rudolf Steiner in Occult Science, An Outline. The hierarchy of descending and ascending sevenfold metamorphoses is active here. Each of its cycles has the form of a chalice, as depicted in the diagram. On one level of evolution there arises the chalice of the seven root-races. The Spirits of Form, the Elohim, guide each of the seven members of this cycle of metamorphosis. Jahve who, as an exception, became the leader of the Jewish people, caused the mood to arise in this people that it was not a nation, but a race. Jahve rules in the combined development of all seven cultural epochs that together form the fifth post-Atlantean root-race, but as a result of his acceptance, as a folk-spirit, of the role of an Archangel, his negative karma formed Ahasuerus. The overcoming, the transformation of Ahasuerus frees Jahve from karma, which a Spirit of Form may not have. But Ahriman, the spirit of matter, made Ahasuerus his instrument, and approaches his incarnation conscious of the cosmic legitimacy of his activity. In his opinion the coming of Christ viewed cosmically was an infringement of all laws, and the basis for this point of view can be seen to lie in the fact that the hierarchies allowed the existence of Ahriman only in the horizontal plane of world evolution. That is why he acknowledges only this evolution, by which he understands the force of descent, the densification of the spirit which, after having passed through a certain zero-point (the point of the material), has to go over into the sub-material, into sub-nature. In order to bring about such a transition, Ahriman must strive to incarnate in the physical world. Through the deed of Christ becoming man, which took place on the basis of the law of vertical evolution (the evolution of the free spirit, but not of species), the evolution of species acquires the force of ascent, of spiritualization. For Ahriman this means that chaos is brought into the logically-constructed chain of the evolution of species. To him free-will is an absurdity. Even the angels,

Ahriman seems to want to say, do not have free will and now it is to be given to man, of all beings! Only through the stream of heredity shall man attain the I, whose highest point is abstract thinking. To Ahriman the absolutely free I of man seems unnatural, an affront against all the laws of nature. Ahriman is obedient to God the Father because the Father entrusted him with the role of consolidator of matter, but he is an opponent of God the Son and is unable to understand that the Father sent the Son into the world. Ahriman experiences the Christ after the Mystery of Golgatha as a kind of thorn in the body of the earth, as a being who violates the laws of the existence of matter, who frees the human being from the destiny allotted to him by Ahriman, of sinking down into the sub-physical, into the so-called eighth sphere. Ahriman believes that the Father entrusted the world to him and not to Christ. He errs, but he errs cosmically. In the chalice of evolution on the level of the life-condition (the rounds, the kingdoms), the previous three, and the half of the fourth round in which the world is today, are so to speak a guarantee that he is right. They are at the same time the justification for his claim to send the remaining three and a half rounds into the anti-world and eliminate the vertical component of evolution. In the struggle for his goals of development, now immediately connected to his incarnation, he sets great store by Ahasuerus. Therefore Ahasuerus must be taken from him. The most important part to be played in the fulfilment of this task of development falls to the Jews. Thus anyone who rejects them on account of national traits drives them directly into the arms of Ahriman-Ahasuerus; Zionism does the same. Under this aspect and for this reason the question of the Jewish people has become a question for all mankind, indeed the entire world. The world today is going through a crisis because all old impulses of development are exhausted, they have come to an end. The human being is drawn out of evolution under their influence, and because the power of transformation given by Christ lives within him at the same time, he experiences an inner conflict of soul-forces, as in Goethes Faust: Two souls, alas, reside within my breast, And each would fain be parted from the other In the course of the last 150 to 200 years this separation has taken on a deeply tragic character that is also made use of by the dark occult-political forces.


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They promise restoration of the lost unity by offering simplified schemes for an understanding of the world the ideologies. They all lead away from evolution. Catholicism, National Bolshevism, Britannicism, Socialism-Bolshevism, materialism, secret societies they represent that gigantic association of atavistic forces, where the ghosts of the Old Testament hold sway. And only in a true affirmation of the Christ, to which Anthroposophy leads, are contained the new forces of development that are able to overcome the crisis. For this reason, all working with Anthroposophy is a matter of great responsibility. It may not be pursued superficially, according to whim, or in a mood of self-complacency or false egotistical positivity, at a time when the world is standing at the threshold of most important decisions, on whose outcome the continuation or the downfall of man and earth depends. Expressed in modern language one might formulate it as follows: in a certain sense an earthly-cosmic referendum is taking place. Three forces are involved. One comes from the heights it is the force of Christ. It explains to people how things stand, and leaves them free to decide. The other two forces are opposed to a normal development. They are the forces of Lucifer and Ahriman. They use lies, intimidation and compulsion. A decision must be take by individuals as well as by entire nations. We are here concerned with what the opposing forces do to the nations; and also with the battle to save the human individual and mankind as a whole through the dissemination of spiritual knowledge. The Jews have a central place in this chapter. Their risk is here no less than that of the Anglo-Saxons, Germans, Russians, Italians etc. But in the destiny of each nation there is also something specific and this needs to be understood, because otherwise it is very difficult to understand what is specific in the idea of redemption.

luciferic qualities. But the spirit of the Jewish people was the Spirit of Form. The scale of the activity of such beings has a planetary character. Once, and only as an exception in the role of a folk-spirit, the Elohim Jahve required a mediator who would moderate, so to speak, the immense power of his spirit, that was directed to a nation. The Archangel Michael became such a mediator between Jahve and the Jewish people. What would have become of the Old Testament Jewish people Rudolf Steiner asks if, instead of approaching Jahve through Michael, it had wanted to approach Jahve directly? It would have resulted in an intolerant, national-egoistic people, a people that can only think of itself. For Jahve [reveals himself] in the being of a nation (not the individual-human). Only thanks to Michael was the Jewish nation prevented from becoming so national-egoistic that not even the Christ Jesus could have come forth from the midst of this people (Dec. 25, 1919, GA 195). So complicated is the weaving of the pattern of evolution. And it would indeed be strange to expect it to be otherwise, if only we observe the development of an individual human being. Michael was the countenance of Jahve. After the Mystery of Golgatha he became the countenance of the Lord, the countenance of Christ. And the peoples who formed no connection to the development of the new Michaelic thinking are a prey to national egoism, from which the Jews of antiquity were protected. Their separation from the other peoples did not take place out of nationalistic feelings. It arose from the necessity to maintain the purity of the line of heredity, as a body was prepared for the God. We always need to bear in mind that this nation was rooted in the earthly in a special way. At that time (but not today) the Jews truly constituted another race, even within the Semitic peoples. In the period after the Mystery of Golgatha the Jews also forfeited the mediating help of the Archangel Michael. Only the after-effects of the Jahve-impulse remained: the tendency to continue striving towards the earthly, although this striving no longer has any sense; on the contrary, actually becomes dangerous! But as it insisted, the nation received leadership, and Ahasuerus became its leader, a human being who desired to be God. The appearance of this exceptional phenomenon was due to the one-sided working of the law that had fallen into decadence. Let us recall how the Apostle Paul said that by virtue of a law he considered himself a perfect and, by impli-

Jahve, Ahasuerus, Christ

We have already spoken of the fact that Jahve ceased to be the spiritual guide of the Jewish nation after the Mystery of Golgatha. The nation forfeited its higher I and, as in the case of an individual human being, who cannot live without his I, it ought to have dissolved, dispersed. This was also the peculiarity of the ancient Jewish people. Other nations, after fulfilling their cultural mission, do not lose their archangelic leader; he merely withdraws somewhat and takes on


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XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

cation, a divine (?!) being. Thus even the most legitimate impulse turns into its opposite when the task of development requires something new. Paul escaped the tragedy because he understood that his former perfection was as nothing before the countenance of Christ, since it had no forces within it that could transform and resurrect the body. But another ancient Jewish initiate, Ahasuerus, did not avoid this error. Just as Christian tradition Rudolf Steiner tells us points to Christ Jesus, the God who lawfully became man, so, in connection with Christ Jesus one can also speak of Ahasuerus, the man who has unlawfully become God, and who has laid aside the mortality of human nature (in the astral) It exists, this Ahasuerus-figure the eternal Jew The human being will perhaps not always recognize him; he may take him for something else. But it is just as possible that the eternal Jew appears to a person, as it is possible (in another case) for the Christ to light up for someone when he looks into his own inner being (Mar. 24, 1922, GA 211). Ahasuerus wanders constantly over the earth in astral form. He appears as an astral spectre. This human being who becomes God, but a truncated God who loses the possibility of dying the God who remains on the physical plane develops the characteristics that may really only be developed in the land of dreams. It is something tremendous, something spirit-filled that is placed before our souls. That to the God is added the man who has become God who within earthly development also receives the principle that the Godhead is not to descend to the physical plane: Judaism, the Old Testament world-conception (in the Christian era). We encounter a mystery here. Whoever has insight into these things knows that Ahasuerus is a real being Ahasuerus exists, and Ahasuerus is the protector of Judaism after the Mystery of Golgatha Ahasuerus, who goes through world-development as a being, but as a spirit-being, and who continuously hinders man from returning through the Christ the way that is appropriate to his development to the spiritual world he left behind when he lost the atavistic clairvoyance (Mar. 21, 1922, GA 211). In the following lecture Rudolf Steiner draws the following conclusion: Thus we have the polar opposite to Christ Jesus in Ahasuerus. Ahasuerus wanders around over the earth wanders from nation to nation sees to it for example that the Hebrew faith does not die out (Mar. 24, 1922, GA 211).

If we look at these things without superficiality, if we do not misuse or make a sensation out of them but think of them in the light of spiritual science, we cannot take them in without an inner concern. Inevitably the question arises: What are we to do with this knowledge? Rudolf Steiner gives an answer, but under present conditions it should rather not be brought into the public arena. All hell will break loose, we will be accused of every mortal sin, because our entirely Jahveized civilization (in its essence, not through a supposed world-wide conspiracy of the Jews) seeks to play the card of Ahasuerus in a very big way. It is particularly regrettable that passionate players of this kind also exist in anthroposophical circles. During a lecture Rudolf Steiner was asked about the mission of the Jews in the world today. He replied that, as soon as one only starts to speak on this theme, one is accused of agitation. But if we want to be entirely objective, we must say that the Jews did extraordinarily much to prepare the ground for the Christian development. For the sake of this they had to confess to the one God Jahve. The one God could have no image; he could only be grasped in the inmost soul, through the understanding. But it is also easy to see that, with this, human egoism was condensed to the highest degree; for the human being becomes a stranger to all that is outside him if he sees the spiritual only in his own person. And this indeed brought forth a certain folk-egoism in the Jews, it cannot be denied. The Jews, especially those who came from Persia to Europe, played a very great part in the development of medicine. But medicine thereby became monotheistic. We no longer know how a particular remedy works, just as little as it was known in Judaism what the individual nature-spirits are like. In this way an abstract spirit, an abstract Jehovah-service entered medicine, that is actually still in medicine today abstract Jehovah-medicine is actually suited to their whole thinking; it is attuned to them. Of course all this arouses antipathy towards the Jews, as always happens when a person is different from others. But today, Rudolf Steiner continues, it is important to realize that this way of holding culture together and not letting it fall apart, as it has been practised for centuries by the Jews, will no longer be necessary in the future, but in the future this has to be replaced by a strong spiritual cognition Then a single people will not need to work in the unconscious. That is why I found it a matter for concern from the beginning, that the Jews, when they were quite at a loss, founded the Zionist movement. To set up a Jewish state means to be reactionary in the most appalling way, in the most shameful way to return to a reac285

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tionary attitude and in so doing one offends against everything that is necessary in this realm today (May 8, 1924, GA 353). In conversation with a Zionist Rudolf Steiner asked: Are you not again separating out a part from humanity as a whole? And in the lecture quoted above he explains further: Let an answer be given to the assertion that everything has to develop, not out of the universal-human, but out of the national. It was the wish to separate that led to the world war. Thus the greatest tragedy of the 20th century has arisen out of what the Jews also want. We can say: Since everything that the Jews have done could now be done in a conscious way by all people,4 for example, the Jews could actually do nothing better than to be assimilated with the rest of humanity, to mix with the rest of humanity, so that Judaism as a people would cease to exist. That is what would be the ideal. But it is opposed on the one hand by the habits of the Jews, and on the other hand by the antipathies of others. Both must be overcome. This fate of exile came about for the Jews through their own character; they are resilient and maintained themselves in foreign lands. This is why it was noticed so strongly in later times. The Jews themselves contributed much to the fact that they were seen as different from others. Today these things are not to be viewed nationally, but from the aspect of the universal-human (Ibid.). Thus the Jahve-element is today an integral part of the nationalism of all peoples, including those who, unlike the Jews, should not as yet be assimilated. European thinking as such has in many respects preserved its Old Testament character. The overcoming of all this is furthered by culture and by the true Christianizing of life. The folk-spirits, the archangels, the spirits of language have a moderating influence on the materialistic and abstract spirit of the epoch. The Archangel Michael the countenance of the Lord leads the human beings who can take their development into their own hands, beyond the national, beyond the folk-element, to the level of the universal-human. This level has absolutely nothing in common with Internationalism in the socialist sense. But it has become fashionable today also with many who are active as teachers among anthroposophists to preach this homelessness,

this supra-national ideal in a purely Marxist sense. But the wish simply to break with the national on an ideological basis is just as dangerous as when everything is done only out of the national. Our task is simply to grow beyond it. In the Gospel Christ calls Nathanael the true Israelite and it means the level of initiation where the pupil experiences what is common to the whole people, as something deeply personal. Only afterwards can the pupil raise himself to the level of identification with the universal-human. On the general exoteric cultural path we can rise to the universal-human only when the consciousness-soul is realized in us in the spirit of Michael, i. e. through the Christianizing of the soul, through laying aside our own ego in favour of the I of the Christ. The Marxist as well as the new Pan-American Internationalism are based on the sentient- and (partly) the rational soul (materialism), and obstruct all paths to the consciousness-soul. A human being who, in his development, has never seen the finest products of his national culture, who has not learned to experience deeply the aesthetics, poetic fantasy, mode of thinking and inner nuances of his own culture, which is inspired not only by the nations Archangel but also by the Spirit of the Time, will not learn how to appreciate all this in other cultures. He has no basis for comparison. But there exists also a one-sided national-egoistic experience of culture; this is the other extreme. Humanity has not yet grown culturally beyond the stage of national being, but it has outgrown the stage of the uniformity springing from blood relationships. One should not confuse these things! Brotherhood in spirit must triumph over blood brotherhood. That is the Michaelic impulse. In cultural life human beings have to bring the rich variety of nationally-coloured cultures into the spiritual possession of all humanity. Otherwise the nations will be rejected by their leading archangels and, instead of Christ, will be subject to the ahrimanic spirit of the epoch. Owing to their unique, specific folk-destiny the Jews no longer have a leading archangel. If they wish to free themselves from the rulership of Ahasuerus, they must realize themselves in the impulses of those national cultures to which their incarnation has led them. Individual personalities like Spinoza and Lessing then appear; in Russia there were the artist Levitan, the composer Anton Rubinstein and others. When this does not take place, the working continues of the abstract-universalistic impulse that is acquired solely through the forces of heredity and makes of the Jews the element of decomposition in modern civilization. It is no coincidence, says Rudolf Steiner, that the men who by their sharp,

In the former Soviet Union there are several dozen national groups who want to build their own Israels. And the same problems of the Palestinian refugees arise, of confrontation etc.


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XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

clear, but altogether materialistic thinking had the greatest influence in recent times on the European masses, Marx and Lassalle, were Jews (GA 262, p. 62). There can be no differences of opinion in the question of anti-Semitism, just as little as in the question of Russophobia or Germanophobia etc. But the fanatical insistence that everything said or done by Jews is always right, that other peoples are always to blame for their misfortune, can also lead to no good. Such assertions merely carry the illness deeper into civilization and worsen the crisis all the more. The people who base their lives on the knowledge given by spiritual science must come to understand that the striving of the Jews to become a nation, or even a race, leads them unavoidably to the ruling influence of Ahasuerus. This is an occult fact that provides the basis for a fruitful conversation; from those who accept it we may expect judgments that accord with sense-supersensible reality. We must understand that the Jews will not be able to escape this danger without the support of other nations. But compassionate sighs with regard to their national separation are not productive of good. Complete national tolerance must be guaranteed for those Jews who wish to assimilate with the nations in whose midst they were born and grew up, not to mention those who have long acted in this way. In Russia, for example, before the Agiotage5 concerning emigration to Israel was set afoot, these were as many as 80%, maybe more. This is one side of the problem. The other is the sting of Ahasuerus within the Jews themselves. Only they can overcome it. Ludwig Thieben writes: The tragic riddle of the Jewish people lies in the fact that the glory of the anticipation of Christianity became its shadow. This shadow took on the nature of a being, in Ahasuerus, the nurturer of post-Christian Judaism. To transform him from his sombre, stooping form into a being of light who joyfully serves the Christ is the mission of present and future Judaism.6 Thieben, himself a Jew and a European, was conscious of the fact that the destiny of Ahasuerus is a threat to the destiny of European humanity as a whole. But on the other hand the false immortality of these nations [is] the answer

of the cosmos to the denial of the resurrection.7 In his uncompromising study Thieben provides the question with a consistently esoteric foundation and even rejects the Judaeophilia of Count Kalergi, which we would add had a purely political background. Thieben recognizes very precisely the lie of Zionism, which tries to work out of the principles of blood and soil and would turn merchants and agents, journalists, lawyers and doctors into farmers again.8 Zionism and the idea of a mission Thieben concludes are spiritually irreconcilable. The mission of the Jews consists in tearing asunder the chains of Ahasuerus, in order to be able to follow the universal-human path to the central Being of our world, i.e. to Christ.9 It is by no means only a question of religious persuasion whether or not we should follow the Christ. The question of personal salvation, which came into the world with Christ, is connected with the ordering of our own karma, and of another karma that works within the progressive stream of incarnations. However, a progression is possible only if in each new incarnation the individual human spirit is active in a different nation or race. Thus a one-sided striving towards a particular nation should be avoided during life on earth. We should develop a concrete interest in, and sympathy for, other nations and races, and indeed for mankind as a whole, so that Christ can become the Lord of our karma. For if a human being, as Rudolf Steiner says, rejects such a leader of mankind, [he] will appear again (on the earth) in the same form. And if the same way of thinking (fixation in the national, earthly, this-worldly, in the one-only existence on earth) lives in him again, then he will in the next incarnation again reject the leaders of mankind, and he will appear again and again in the same form because (in this case) he has only been able to create that one form. This, on a deeper level, is the idea of Ahasuerus, who must always appear in the same form because he rejected the hand of the greatest leader, the Christ. Thus the human being has the possibility either to fuse together with the nature of one incarnation, to reject the leader of mankind, or to go through a transformation to ever higher perfection. Races would not grow decadent or pass away if there were not souls that cannot advance further But for those who
7 8 9

A very popular expression used figuratively in Russian-speaking parts: The business of speculation normally through exploitation of exchange-rate fluctuations applied to social life. Ludwig Thieben, The Riddle of Judaism, Basle, 1991, p. 219.

Ibid., p. 189. Ibid., p. 216. Ibid., p. 194, 203.



Crisis of Civilisation

XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

want to remain behind, who want to merge with the race, the possibility exists that with their own gravity they descend and dissolve in the material world. There are sixteen ways of merging with the race. They are called the sixteen paths to ruin (May 16, 1908, GA 102). Of the sixteen paths Jewish racism is the most dangerous. The deep compassion brought to it by the whole of progressive humanity which supports Zionism, can evoke nothing but shock for, through expressions of sympathy, the peoples of the world are digging the grave of cosmic death for their human brothers. Premonitions of such approaching catastrophe moved Ludwig Thieben to write his book. Many anthroposophists have brought him understanding and sympathy. We cannot move forward to freedom armed with 365 prohibitions and 248 commandments of Maimonides, a reviewer observes. But in the anthroposophical press we frequently hear the old song of Herzls Zionism as a reaction to German hyper-nationalism, which has by now become a refrain (The words are written by the new Publisher of Thiebens book in his epilogue). It would thus appear that Zionism arose through the fault of the Germans not the National Socialists, but the entire nation, as Herzl started his work already before the First World War.10 Not even the Zionists themselves make such a claim. For the new Publisher it is as though Thiebens book had never been written. The Ahasuerus syndrome shows itself with such startling clarity, when people continue to deny, even when they say Yes to certain things. This means that the syndrome can be eradicated only under the conditions of unprejudiced selfknowledge. But this problem does not in any way concern the Jews who are not affected by such a syndrome. This distinction, too, is important.

The self-knowledge of the Jews is greatly disturbed by the world forces of which we have already spoken. But it would be absurd to speak of their Judaeophilia, because these forces do not love any nation. Love is not at all their prerogative. Dominant in the Anglo-Saxon world, they oppress the Englishspeaking peoples just as in the Latin world they oppress the Romanic peoples; in Eastern Europe they persecute the peoples of Russia etc. For these forces it is helpful if one speaks in the world of the striving of the Learned Elders of Zion, rather than of Pan-Americanism, for global domination. For others this concept is also a welcome means to gather unconditional supporters. Generally speaking, the world-wide official voice of the media including (as a rule) the anthroposophical press which is dedicated to the struggle against anti-Semitism, serves only to aggravate it. The opposing side openly propagates antiSemitism. The assertion that the Germans, and now the Russians too, are to blame is just as absurd as its opposite viz. that the Jews are to blame for everything. We would like to illustrate this battle against anti-Semitism by means of an example. The Swiss Institute for Eastern Studies published in 1963 a brochure with the title Anti-Semitism in the USSR. It reports a conversation with a Jewish Moscow student, who is alleged to have said: the Russian nation, which is chosen to rule, and the Jewish nation, which is chosen to be hated.11 As a citizen of the USSR we can say in all conscience that whoever would have declared in the Sixties or would in Russia declare now, that the Russian nation is chosen to rule, is in serious danger of being considered insane. The author of the brochure also gives statistics indicating that 61% of those condemned to death in 1961 for economic crimes, in particular for theft in especially serious cases, were Jews. The author, when presenting this as proof of anti-Semitism in the USSR, was counting on the complete ignorance of the Swiss reader. If something like this were reported to Jews in Russia, they would merely tap their finger against their forehead.12 This does not mean that anti-Semitism does
11 12


In No. 1-1992 of Info3 an author writes the following: Because of Hitlers diabolical Final Solution, the Solution of Theodor Herzl cannot be questioned. The People of Humanity must become a Nation again. From a purely materialistic point of view this argument sounds entirely convincing. But not so when we work with spiritual science, which provides us with knowledge of the spiritual configuration of folk communities. The ease with which some people who speak in the name of Anthroposophy treat spiritual beings is quite alarming. In the one case they state clearly that a folk-spirit, an Archangel, distances itself from its people, and in another case they impose upon the folk-spirit their earthly will, for the founding of the State of Israel was only possible with Stalins approval, and only after this was given did an archangel in the spiritual world support it. But such a thing could never happen, for reasons that have been discussed in this chapter.

Hans J. Pommer, Anti-Semitism in the USSR, Berne, 1963, p. 1. We will present a concrete case as an example in particular for Western readers. At a Jewish concert in the autumn of 1993, broadcast by the central TV-station in Moscow, the master of ceremonies asked the audience: Why are we (the Jews) in the minority in all countries, but the majority in all institutions? In medicine the majority, in music the majority?


Crisis of Civilisation

XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

not exist in Russia. It does, just as it exists in all other countries of the globe. But we can only overcome it if its causes are analyzed from all sides. Indeed the most varied kinds of anti-Semitism exist. Kol Israel (The Voice of Israel) broadcasts regular reports on, not only German, but also English and American anti-Semitism etc. Does this mean that all the nations are bad? If we consider everything that has been discussed here, then we must reply in the negative. It is customary in the world to blame entire nations for what only a few have done. That is how the Jews are treated as well. So let us take courage and examine this question in more detail. For in following this path it will be possible for us to cut through the Gordian knot of racism and chauvinism.

this not perhaps a demonstration of power? A humiliation of the Spaniards? In this case it would be the duty of every Jew with healthy common sense to protest against the apology, which will sooner or later have unhappy consequences. It is also incomprehensible to us why no-one looks to the fact that the children of Ahasuerus (we use this term, in order not to generalize, and to make it clear that what we say is not applicable to all Jews) build their State on the atavistic principle of blood and soil, which is after all what the National Socialists attempted to do. Why are some allowed to do this, while it is forbidden to others in the most categorical way? Why is it not forbidden to everyone? Instead, one prefers to keep silent and to use various ideological tricks. How much more honest then is Salcia Landmann. She writes openly that Zionism shares the views of racists of all shades (!), since it proceeds from the principle of the chosenness of the Jewish people, who neither can nor should be eliminated through however ardent a preparedness to be assimilated into the various nations of the world.15 This clearly-formulated opinion allows for an equally clear formulation of the consequences to be drawn from it. The linking together of such factors as chosenness and racism, unquestionably presupposes that the chosen are set over against those who are not chosen, that equality of the races is denied, and this can only lead to racial and national confrontation. Each side is in its own way right and wrong at the same time. Each one may proclaim its racial superiority; under the rules of the racial game one racist is not better and no worse than the other. What right do we have to condemn National Socialism? S. Landmann does not condemn it either. She objects only to the wish to solve racial problems by violent means. But this wish is simply nave. It is not racial chosenness that helps humanity forward, but the spiritual and cultural mission of the peoples. Occasionally spiritual chosenness comes about. One or the other people fulfils a cultural task in the interest of humanity as a whole. All must have an interest in the fulfilment of such tasks. For they find their realization in the form of the national culture, but in their content they go beyond this and pour out into the whole world. Goethe is a German poet and thinker. It is hard to imagine that the phenomenon Goethe could have arisen on

The Internationalists of Chauvinism

Would it not perhaps be a good idea to allow an exception for at least one form of racism? someone may ask. We will not argue about this, but rather let the facts speak for themselves. They should be able to provide an answer to the question. Salcia Landmann, the Swiss internationally recognized Judaist, as the press puts it, writes in her book The Jews as a Race: The Spanish Jews were successful in convincing the Moslems that an expedition into bountiful Andalusia was worthwhile. A large army of Arabs, Berbers and Jews went to Europe. The army defeated the West Goths, and then the Arabs and Jews settled on the Pyrenean peninsula. Soon a cultural symbiosis took place between them. The Jews did not assimilate with the local population as did their brothers in Germany, but it happened that they formed a kind of aristocratic upper class and they were fervent Zionists.13 Furthermore they were the most devoted servants of their Sultan, and the Spanish Christians were treated badly by them.14 A recognized Judaist writes this, not an anti-Semite. And she does so for the simple reason that she does not want to falsify the historical truth that is recorded in a multitude of documents. But how can we understand the following: The public apology made last year by the Spanish King for the expulsion of the Jews from Spain five hundred years ago after the termination of Arab rule? Is
13 14

We point this out especially to Thiebens new Publisher. Salcia Landmann, The Jews as a Race, Olten and Freiburg, 1981, p. 256-270.

Ibid., p. 335.


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XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

English or French soil, but still more improbable is Goethe as a purely German phenomenon. The absolute opposite to spiritual chosenness is racial or national chosenness each of which has its roots in blood relationships. This basis is atavistic through and through. It corresponds to the half-animal stage in the development of humanity. Unavoidably there re-echoes in it the sound of the struggle of the species, which in connection with the intellect made and makes this struggle appear in a terrible light. Zionist racism is no exception. The historical occurrence in Spain is a logical consequence of the racist attitude. In our century the old Spanish experiment was repeated in Russia. It was of course conceived on a larger scale to begin with (as we have already mentioned) but in its realization it was the same. This can easily be proven by means of documents and eyewitness reports. We have already touched on this question, but an argument backed up by documentation is never superfluous. Therefore we present a further document. In 1919 a White book was published by the English government. In a chapter devoted to the events in Russia an account is given of a report of Udendeyck, the Dutch ambassador in Petersburg, to Balfour. In it he wrote (in 1918): Bolshevism has been organized and realized by Jews who have no nationality, whose only aim is to destroy the existing order, to their own advantage. At the end of the 1960s the famous Soviet poet of Armenian descent, Marietta Shaginian, wrote in the newspaper Novi Mir that Russia must be grateful to the Jews for the realization of the October Revolution (at the time it was still declared the greatest boon for humanity). The same article informs the Soviet public for the first time that Lenin is of Jewish descent on his mothers side. After the October Revolution of 1917 a government was formed in Russia which consisted exclusively of children of Ahasuerus. Today, since the activity of that government is widely verified and discussed, the bold initiative of Marietta Shaginian is judged to have been over-hasty. We are now told that the atrocities of the Bolshevik terror had their origin in the innate characteristics of the Russian people (i.e. the question is dealt with in all variations on a racial basis) but that the composition of the government was purely coincidental. But this is not of central importance. The more crucial question is how that government acted in Russia. It unleashed a terror never before known in the entire

history of mankind, and it was the first in history16 to set up concentration camps. Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes in the GULAG Archipelago that the names of the worst criminals, of murderers, should be displayed by laying out stones on the slopes of the Volga-Baltic-Canal, which was built by prisoners of Soviet concentration camps: Semyon Firin, Matvei Berman, Naftali Frenkel, Lazar Kogan, Yakov Rappoport, Sergei Shuk,17 behind each one of which around forty thousand lives should be inscribed. All of them children of Ahasuerus. Already in the first winter 100,000 prisoners died of exhaustion and malnutrition on that building site! Frenkel, a millionaire from Turkey, developed in the land of the victorious proletariat a special theory of the rational use of prisoners, where he shows that it is most practical to make each one work so that he does not last out more than 2-3 months. Scarcely anyone knows that the first inventor of gas-chambers was also an Ahasuerite, Isai Davidovich Berg. In Russia in the Twenties there was no gas. So he had the idea of crowding prisoners into a van with a closed-off compartment, leading the exhaust gases into it and driving around Moscow for several hours, after which the corpses merely had to be dumped into a trench. It could be objected that this was a clique of murderers who should not be equated with the Jewish people! But we do not equate, we merely offer to examine the facts. The murderers who carried out their work in Russia also had representatives of the intelligentsia on their side. The famous Soviet poet E. Bagritsky, now almost a classic, whose poems can be found in any schoolbook, wrote the following verses: My Jewish pride sang I would give much, If my ancestors in the long chalat, With the fox-cap, under which appear The Pesah in grey spirals and the scales fall down like clouds


We would draw this to the attention particularly of an anthroposophical author, who writes in Info3 (No. 12/1992, p.31): When we speak of a prelude with regard to concentration camps, the main act most certainly took place under the direction of German politics. Unfortunately this fact is most uncertain and before daring to write an article of this kind one should first study the sources. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The GULAG Archipelago, Part 3, chapter 3.


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XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

Would recognize their descendant Searchlight and bayonet fly over him The fellow who stands there like a tower! In his poetic opus Bagritsky describes how during a razzia on a brothel he recognized one of the inmates as a girl who before the revolution had been a highschool pupil and the secret love of the poet whose affection, however, she did not return. Now he says to her: I: Now what? Does she recognize me? Silence. How much does it cost? Silence still. Without opening her mouth she says: Have pity on me; keep your money! But I fling the money at her And charge in, without taking off Boots, shirt, holster. I take you because my epoch was hesitant, And I was timid, For shame of my poor forefathers As my revenge on the world I take you, Where I could accomplish nothing. Receive me into your empty womb, Where not even grass grows and maybe My nightly seed will flourishes in your desert.
This classic of Soviet poetry advises in another opus:

terror; actively participate in the forced recruitment for the Red Army; and take the place of the eliminated Russian intelligentsia in economy and industry? The answer is silence. But in questions of this importance silence is dangerous. And once in a while we can also hear people say: The Holocaust Gods punishment of the Jews for the crucifixion of Russia. Without question an oversimplified and therefore false conclusion. Nor can the statistical facts alone explain the nature of events in Russia after 1917. But instead of investigating these things thoroughly, one simply denies them or interprets them in an entirely one-sided way. There is no-one who dares to look behind the scenes, because such attempts are closely watched and measures are taken to thwart them before anyone can even open his mouth. People prefer not to gain knowledge, but rather to accuse one another of chauvinism, where the age-old law prevails: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, blood for blood. And several things from the present day are added too, for instance the appeal: Away with idle intellectual reflection! But however deep may be the abyss into which humanity is thrown by some of its representatives, there is yet another, far deeper abyss. And sooner or later we will have to climb out of it again rather sooner than later , and it is hard to understand the people who do not realize this. The examples given are not the only ones, either in number or in kind. But there are others that are different in principle. In Berlin in 1923 a collection of contributions by Jews who were not carried away by the dubious success of Bolshevism was published under the title Russia and the Jews. The authors wrote that the mass-participation of Jews in the Bolshevik revolution was an undeniable fact, that the Russian person now sees the Jew as a judge and hangman, but that one should not think that the honest uncovering, the acknowledgement of the facts and the fight against them could harm the Jews. silence cannot be helpful to the Jews, but their removal can, although among the Jewish intelligentsia a certain over-sensitivity, a certain laming of the motor-will and conscientiously-judging mechanisms appear in this question.18 These are tremendously important words. And to this very day they have not lost their actuality, nor will they lose it in the future, for as long, that is, as people exist who allow themselves to be led by the inspirations of Ahasuerus. For these do indeed cause a laming of the motor-will and conscientious-judging mechanisms.

When it is necessary to lie lie! When it is necessary to murder murder! These are facts of our history, or rather, of our falling out of history, which began on October 1917. It can in no way be justified with an alleged hypernationalism of the Russians, because the first revolution in February had already granted the Jews the same rights as all other citizens of Russia. This is why people ever more frequently ask in Russia today: Why did the Jews so massively support the Bolshevik revolution by helping, for instance, to crush the numerous riots of farmers and workers protesting against the Bolshevik

This collection appeared in the magazine Volga, No. 3-6, 1992.


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XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

The children of Ahasuerus hold the Germans responsible for the genocide of the Jews. The peoples of Russia have no less reason to hold the children of Ahasuerus responsible for the same crime. But on this path we drive the crisis still further down a blind alley. It is vitally necessary that within all races and nations people can be found who are able boldly and without prejudice to lay open the history of modern times with all that works in the background, and to found a counter-movement that can lead us out of this blind alley. This can be achieved through knowledge and moral purification which are asked of the Jews as well as the Russians and Germans, for the Russians bear responsibility for the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, as do the Germans for that by the National Socialists. In Germany the process of repentance started long ago and has now been inaugurated in Russia. Solzhenitsyn spoke of the need for the Jews to recognize their share in the responsibility, and repent also. But events show that such a step is quite out of the question. The world press tries to persuade us that owing to their consistent love of violence, fawning and despotism the Russians, and only they, are to blame for not only their own misfortune, but for that of other nations too. In frightening consonance with E. Bagritsky the voice of D. Markish sounds today from Israel: I speak of us, the sons of Sinai We ate bread from them (the Russians) but the price was blood. The account is kept, but not settled. We take revenge with flowers on our heads From their Nordic country. At the birch-coffin (of the Nordic country) we will Stand guard of honour. So, now we live in the expectation that the account will be settled with us; that flowers will be laid on the birch-coffin of our country, and apparently on all its inhabitants as well. But what would the poet say if the inhabitants of the Nordic country were to try not to lie down in the coffin? Or if a poet from the other side were to write something like: They ate bread, but the price ? Would it not be considered necessary in such a case to take international measures? Or will only the Russians be put into the grave? But the problem to be addressed here has yet another side. The wife of the poet Osip Mandelstam, Nadezhda Yakovlevna, who has sympathy for the Jews who were subjected to reprisals

without a court ruling, said openly: Who could have guessed that, when we suspended the rule of law in the first years after the revolution, we suspended it for ourselves as well? Echoing a well-known Russian proverb we could say: What the inspirators behind the scenes intend, this is spoken out by their victims who, after a special treatment, have become neurasthenics. When we read this poem the question immediately arises, whether the author possibly mistook us for someone else? Or whether he wanted to address it to someone else? But then it becomes clear that here no mistakes were made, that here someone is in urgent need of a Russian anti-Semitism to enable him to realize his plans. But in this case we should reflect fundamentally on anti-Semitism of whatever kind what is it actually? But if we take everything as it was written, then we must ask the unfortunate poet: To whom did you pay the price of blood? To a Solzhenitsyn, a Shalomov, Marchenko, a Merab Kostava or the millions who, before them and after them and to this very day, have suffered and died for the sole reason that, as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, an endless social experiment is conducted on us? Six million peasants of the Ukraine paid with their lives because they ate no bread they were simply made to starve. What were they paying for? What offence did they commit against the sons of Sinai? Madness shows its face openly in the world today. Sooner or later each individual will stand before the choice of joining in, succumbing to madness, or rejecting it, whatever this may bring. But we can already guess how our prejudiced opponent would like to fling at us his angry counter-argument: You only bring these examples because you are an anti-Semite in the first place! Do you think they should be completely ignored? I reply. Yes, of course! Because they have nothing to say? Because anything at all can be proved with examples!



Crisis of Civilisation

XIV. The Problem of Messianism in the World Today

But your argument is completely abstract I reply. Can we gain any knowledge at all if we ignore experience? And if statements about this kind of racism have nothing to say, then anti-Semitic statements should be ignored too. By judging in this way you prove again that you are anti-Semitic my opponent says reproachfully. Unfortunately, this is the level on which everything discussed in this chapter is condemned and rejected, in reality. But if someone were to advise us to drop the discussion, for us to agree to this would mean to leave the structure of knowledge we have erected open on one side at least i.e. with no inside wall. Something would arise that is contrary to nature and which would collapse under the slightest pressure of criticism, because its builder would be called a liar and opportunist. No, one should not do such a thing. Zionism is a quite essential component of world politics, especially that behind the scenes. Of course, it has its special features that need to be known. It is considered all-powerful but is in reality, in the dubious, exaggerated politics of the 20th century, rather like Mata Hari, passed from one to another, wanted by everyone but ruinous to whoever had her and in the end she was the only one to blame. Anyone who is carried away by the slogan: The Jewish people and Zionism are one!19 is past helping. But to all the rest, the reasonable people who are independent of their racial affiliation, this is only an expression of mass-psychoses corresponding to the Soviet slogan: Party and people are one! Despite our harsh enough criticism of Anglo-Saxon and Latin political occultism, it is unlikely that anyone will accuse us of Anglophobia, Italophobia or consider us an Anti-Latinist, or an Anti-Anglist etc. Yet any critical word addressed to political Zionism is equated with racism.

When nationalism grows stronger it plays a repulsive psychological trick on people. It whispers to them: Take revenge on whoever you wish and in whatever way you wish; and dont worry about the consequences, for you there will be none. And thus the lowest and most evil nature gains the upper hand. Even a naturally good person who previously was never vengeful will begin to search inwardly (especially if he is encouraged again and again to take revenge) and sift through the past in order to find something for which he can take revenge on somebody.20 There were numerous examples of this during the Second World War. In the occupied areas the Germans appointed as policemen local people whom they did not supervise at all. And it turned out at once that a person who had been known from childhood to all the inhabitants of the village and who had been deeply and persistently insulted by many, now began violently to take revenge and to behave worse than any member of the occupying forces. Something of the psychology of such policemen can be heard in the poems of Bagritsky, Markish and similar intellectuals. Some time it may be possible for this or that person to hear what is essentially the old Marxist formula in the following seductively renewed form: Jews of all lands, unite! A non-Jew cannot understand a Jew. Only a Jew can understand a Jew. Therefore renounce individual consciousness and unite in the group , in the racial consciousness with those who are close to you in blood. Renounce the spiritual, the cultural values that you acquired when you lived among other peoples. Despise these values and the cultures, and with them the peoples themselves. You are the only sufferers in history. All peoples of the



Such a unity is far from being supported by all Jews. Rabbi Beck for instance, an activist of the Naturae Charta movement writes: Zionism is a relatively new movement, founded on the dross of Judaism. He also states that the Jews swore (and here he refers to the Talmud) not to rise against the nations of the world not to take part in actions that hasten the end of the world not to return to the land of Israel all at the same time.

The comedian Gennadi Khazanov, already famous during Soviet times, was asked in a TV interview: Why cant you feel yourself to be a Russian now? He answered: Because I was once taunted in my childhood for being a Jew. What?! exclaimed the reporter You cannot forget an insult from the far-off days of childhood? No! confirmed the comedian I am quite incapable of forgetting and forgiving insults. That is my character. I find it hard to believe the journalist insisted could there be any other reasons? There are others as well Khazanov admitted. I had a difficult childhood, I grew up without a father! Thus we see how the psychological trick works, even with people who are reasonable and intelligent. What shall we say about the mob?


Crisis of Civilisation

earth are guilty before you. Seek for self-affirmation. Seek for self-affirmation at any price! The right to this is granted you by the old God Jehovah. All the elements of this formula are repeated millions of times, in every imaginable manner, in the form of the most varied supplements, and seasoned with the most varied sauces, over and over again in the mass-media of the world. And if there is someone who does not grasp that this formula is worse than its bloody prototype Workers of the world, unite! then we can only gather enough patience and courage, and wait until life itself will make it quite obvious. But this formula can also be challenged. As a response to it something different can be heard, something that is in accord with the real life of our times. It is the statement that speaks of social and historical understanding and of the will to solve, not to aggravate, the social problems: Jews of the world, isolate yourselves no longer, no longer be cocooned up in your racial unity. Through living among other peoples, through speaking their languages, assimilating with their culture, you have received the inestimable gift of the autonomous personality, to which it is given to ascend to unbounded spiritual freedom. Treasure this gift. Treasure the cultures in which you were nurtured, make your contribution to their healthy development, because their destiny is also yours. Outside these cultures you will find no happiness, no higher purpose of existence. Use the conditions of today that have never been so favourable for assimilation with the peoples in whose midst you were born and educated, and with whom in truth you already form a unity. Lend all your forces so that all peoples of the world may live in dignity. Be happy in the measure possible in the place where karma has placed you. Do not carry the arbitrary will of dark politicians into the realm where the cosmic laws of the eternal human spirit hold sway.


XV. Who is to Blame for What?

Crisis of Civilisation

XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

The National as a Factor of Development
The time has now come for us to shed light on the purely esoteric background that permits us to speak of a spiritual mission of Middle Europe. But as this concerns the archetypal, Ur-phenomenological foundation of the culturalhistorical process, the many-faceted social-political phenomenology of life today will receive, for the purposes of its comprehension, a certain methodological form (Gestalt), which will take the place of an ideological, speculative, subjective and consequently false approach. A materialistically-minded politologist will undoubtedly pay no attention whatsoever to what is presented here, or will dismiss it as a form of occult-political error. But it has already been sufficiently demonstrated here that a politologist of that kind is not taken seriously by any of the deeply occult, mutuallyopposing powers. The most patent confirmation of this fact is the making public of their own occult, even deeply occult, positions by the Soviet Eurasians those who yesterday were, without exception, Marxists, atheists and materialists. Thus it is left to the reader to decide whether he chooses to remain on the level of superficial political gossip, or to penetrate the esoteric depths of life. It must be borne in mind that even in the latter case we will encounter a broad palette of ideological doctrines of the occult kingdom, the occult EurasianAtlantic conflict, etc. whose most important ideological credo is based on the principle of he heard a ringing but does not know where the bells hang, because, as a rule, it is the work of Philistines. Owing to the all-encompassing character of anthroposophically-oriented spiritual science, which has proved beyond question to be the universal methodology of knowledge of the senses as well as of the supersensible and thanks to the fact that Anthroposophy in the truest sense of the word is a doctrine of the nature of knowing (Wissenschaftslehre) ignorance of this fact is not sufficient reason for its denial we have the possibility of penetrating to the archetypal phenomenological depths of the social-political sphere, thereby avoiding occult

indoctrination, which in its essence is more dangerous than any superficial political gossip. A single, short chapter does not of course allow us to present all the spiritualscientific foundations that provide the basis for the forming of political judgments. But no science can expect to demonstrate its entire content at every point. When working on new problems it refers back to what already exists as content. We will proceed in the same way, in the hope that the interested reader will call to mind again what has been said in this book, and will himself turn at least to such fundamental works by Rudolf Steiner as Occult Science, Goethes World-View, or some of the lecture-cycles on the social question. Rudolf Steiner bequeathed to us a great deal of material to enable us to understand the course of the spiritual development of humanity. The most important factor in this development is the destruction of the forms of consciousness pertaining to the group, and the emergence of the self-cognizing autonomous personality. The evolution of earth and man passes through a number of different stages, which are under the influence of a variety of spiritual cosmic forces. These spiritual forces are the Divine Beings, the Hierarchies, who bring about a periodical densification of spiritual substances down to the state of matter, followed by its spiritualization. Life thereby continuously renews its forms, so as to become in the course of evolution an ever more suitable vessel, or bearer, of the individual spirit, i.e. thinking, object-consciousness. As the life-conditions change, so also do the form-conditions of being change on the path of metamorphosis. Within the framework of the spatio-temporal evolutionary cycle closest to us, spiritual-scientific teaching speaks of a sevenfold chain of metamorphoses whose elements are called Root Races. The word race appears here in its older, original meaning, rather than that which it is given today. The concept of root-race (which has long been used in occultism) indicates a certain stage in the development of earth and man, where, together with the spiritual, an essential part of the biological evolution of man takes place. The rootrace also represents one of the forms of differentiation of the universal human group-consciousness. According to the world-embracing plan of Divine creation the human being was, we might say, conceived as a unified form that was to extend over the entire earth. A hierarchy of spiritual beings of immense power the spirits of movement (Dynamis) who did not wish to be involved in the temporal devel-



XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

opment of the world (and thus remained in a certain sense faithful to eternity; but it is not possible to go into this in more detail here) held aloof from this development and assumed a luciferic character. They spurned a creation of man that presupposed his descent into matter. But since these spirits acted from various planets of the solar system, the unitary human form became differentiated, with the result that the various races spoken of by modern science formed out of the unified humanity (cf. May 13, 1912, GA 136). Thus we must seek the primary cause for the division of humanity into races not only in the processes of earthly development, but also in the cosmic forces. The luciferized Spirits of movement worked upon the ether-bodies of human beings, and as there are seven kinds of ether-forces seven races developed also (cf. Jan. 9, 1916, GA 165). They emerged in the course of an evolution which encompassed a time-span of four root-races. In this time the universal nebula differentiated out into a variety of planetary forces and planets, heavenly bodies, while man passed through a series of conditions of materialization from the condition of warmth down to the mineral , which is described in the Bible as the expulsion from Paradise.1 A particularly intensive formation of races took place in the period of the Lemurian and Atlantean root-race. At that time the Malayan race formed through the working of the backward Spirits of movement living on Venus; the Indian (red) race arose in America, where the working of the spirits of Saturn was dominant; the forces of Mercury brought into being the black race in Africa etc. Following the retarded Spirits of Movement, the retarded Spirits of Form also became active in the creation of races. They influenced the human physical bodies. Those among them who live on Mercury had a special influence on the glandular system, resulting in the formation of the black race. In the Mongolian race the Spirits of Form of Mars worked in a specific manner upon the blood. The spirits of Jupiter influenced the nervous system of the European and Arian

peoples by way of the impressions of sense and feeling (cf. June 12, 1910, GA 121). In the hierarchy of the spiritual beings through whom the divine creation is realized, on the levels below the Spirits of Form there stand the Spirits of Personality (Archai) and then the Archangels (Archangeloi). Retarded, luciferized beings exist among them also. Through their working the differentiation of races into individual nations came about. The individual human being experiences the influence of these supersensible leaders of nations by way of the blood blood-relationships and heredity. This is why the pathos, the passion, the emotion with which the human being feels his belonging to a nationality will appear with a certain elementary force. A man will not try to apply logical reasons or judgments, when it comes to establishing or experiencing his belonging to his nationality. The blood, and the heart, which is under the influence of the blood, unites man with his nationality (in the Mongolian race the working on the blood takes place in a different way, in the direction of his physical nature), brings him to live within his nationality. The impulses we are concerned with here are subconscious (Jan. 7, 1917, GA 174). Until a certain stage, or a certain moment, the working of the spiritual beings mentioned above was, despite their luciferic character, lawful and necessary. On the path of evolution to individual I-consciousness, the passage through the levels of the universal human, the racial, the national, the transition from the group-consciousness of the race to the group-consciousness of the tribe, the folk and the nation was a mighty advance for humanity. But from the moment that man learned to master I-consciousness the previous conditions change fundamentally. The connection to the Folk-spirit through the blood now gives way, as mentioned above, to a connection founded on personal karma. Nationality becomes a part of the personal karma of the human being. Thus a man now inwardly experiences two streams: the one bears him from incarnation to incarnation, so that he is here concerned with his destiny and his individual task of development; the second stream determines his obligations toward the nation in which he incarnates. Of these he learns by way of his individual spirit-guide the Guardian Angel from the Soul or Spirit of the Nation (cf. June 9, 1910, GA 121). Thus a human being who has acquired mastery of individual consciousness enters into a purely spiritual relationship with the spirit-guide of his nation (and

Spiritual-scientific research of this kind provides the critics of Rudolf Steiner within the Anthroposophical Society with reasons to accuse him of racism. Their reasoning in truth is hardly more than an etymological speculation of the following kind: a scientist who works with the doctrine of races, is a racist. It then follows that people who study communism may be called communists; people who study capitalism are capitalists etc. The tragedy, however, lies in the fact that this is not a bad joke, but in the case of some particularly advanced anthroposophists, is equivalent to a reality.


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

also with another hierarchic being the Genius of language). He understands that he is rooted in this nation only through one incarnation, but he bears in his own individual being something quite different, he bears infinitely more and also infinitely less than what is in the folk-soul. To identify with the folk-soul has no meaning whatever where reality is concerned, if it goes beyond what is contained in the words: love for the Fatherland, love for ones homeland, patriotism etc. (Dec. 17, 1916, GA 173). Within the context of this legitimate experience of his national connections he devotes himself to cultural, spiritual activity in order to serve man on his path towards I-consciousness. From a certain point onwards the nations are led by the Archangels of rightful development, whilst the luciferic Archangels or even the retarded spirits of personality appear in the role of their shadow-like doubles (there exist also ahrimanic doubles of the rightful spirit-guides of nations). So long as a man remains true to the rightful Archangel, the spirit-leader of the nation, he will not conflict with other nations but will strive to serve the interests of the whole world. Thus Rudolf Steiner told the Russian anthroposophists that you have this task, to show yourselves worthy with regard to the Russian Folk-soul You should come to know the yearning of the Russian Folk-soul for impersonal Anthroposophy Do not hesitate to seek the way to your own Folksoul. Regarding the sense of responsibility towards mankind, he said: The Folksoul has already taken on this responsibility towards mankind on your behalf. You only need to find it, this Folk-soul. You need merely let it speak through your thoughts, feelings and impulses of will, and if you feel the responsibility towards your Folk-soul, you will at the same time fulfil your obligation towards humanity (Apr. 11, 1912, GA 158). It should not be difficult to imagine how fateful and irreparable a mistake a Russian makes, who abstractly declares himself to be an Internationalist. We live in the epoch of the consciousness-soul. Next to the descending movement toward the individual, objectively thinking spirit, an ever stronger upward movement is taking place. Whoever is unable to distinguish between them will not be able to tell the difference between a justified feeling of nationality, and nationalism or even racism. Only spiritual science can give us the help we need. The doctrine elaborated within it concerning the races and nations promotes the understanding of a development that frees the human being from the tribal principle arising from blood relationships, and has nothing to do with incitement to nationalism, as the authors of the Flensburger Hefte, who call them337

selves anthroposophists, wish to believe. It is the task of the friends of Anthroposophy to foster an understanding of the world and man as a creation of the Divine, which has arisen from the good and is led towards the good, up to the moment when he becomes himself an autonomous source of good and no longer needs any kind of leadership from the outside.

The Individual as a Factor of Development

Within the sevenfold chain of metamorphoses which has been described from many aspects in other works of the present author the entire earth was, during the first two Root Races (called in Occultism the Polarian and Hyperborean), in a half-spiritual condition. Substance first densified to the state of warmth, then to that of air. Then man remained in a stage between animal and actual human being. It would be absurd to speak of the existence of any occult centres of earthly human development during this time. Earthly substance condensed in the third, Lemurian epoch to the watery state. The earth was covered with a world ocean that was the home to human beings who bore no trace of an individual consciousness or of individual purpose. This whole development was guided from the outside by the Divine Hierarchies and their helpers the elemental spirits of nature, as well as humanoid beings who were so far ahead of general development that Divine leaders could incorporate (but not incarnate) in them. The entire spiritual aura of the earth had at that time an unusually strong influence on all life-forms. The physical forces leading to mineralization of substance worked predominantly from North to South. For this reason the continents lie mainly on the Northern hemisphere. The etheric or life-forces worked predominantly from the South. The astral aura of the earth worked most strongly from East to West and West to East; the cosmos of astral forces worked into the earthly aura, accelerated the individualization of the human monads and led to the development of an individual consciousness. The Lemurian root-race concentrated where today we find the wide expanse of the Indian Ocean. There were no continents, but the state of the surface of the watery sphere was not homogeneous. The human being had a cartilaginous spine and did not yet master the upright posture.


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

The next, the Atlantean, root-race developed where we find the Atlantic Ocean today. Continents began to rise out of the ocean for the first time. Man emerged from the watery element and settled on the land. In the process, and this is of particular importance, his spine assumed a vertical posture relative to the earths surface, man became an upright being. Mans uprightness, according to Rudolf Steiner, is due to the migration from East to West, from the realm of the Indian Ocean to the region of the Atlantic Ocean. He had to move counter to the astral forces of the earth, so that their effect could multiply and could alter the as yet plastic, easily moulded reciprocal interaction of the sheaths of man, his physical, etheric and astral bodies. But man owes not only his uprightness to the migration from East to West. In the process of settling the Atlantean continent (which took place over a sufficiently long time), the speech-organs of man developed the larynx , and in the course of the seven Atlantean sub-races (cultural epochs) he acquired the gift of speech, of language. The Atlantean Root-race was followed by our own, the post-Atlantean (fifth) Root-race, which has no particular name. The Atlantean continent was destroyed by natural catastrophes, and most of its population migrated to the East. The new migration was not only unavoidable, but also necessary. For the astral aura of the earth could thereby work on the human astral body, so that the sense of thinking, the sense of mental picturing could develop (cf. Oct. 27, 1909, GA 115). In the course of the post-Atlantean Root-race development turned westwards again and extended itself over the entire gigantic Eurasian continent as well as the North of Africa. The movement of the cultural epochs from East to West brought about a refined soul-spiritual working of the earthly aura on the human being. His bodily nature was already not very receptive to this kind of influence of the earth-aura, but meanwhile the cultural work within civilization had been added to the refined working of the cosmic forces.2 As a result man developed

the threefold soul the Sentient, Rational and Consciousness-soul. Humanity, says Rudolf Steiner, was not only to come to mental picturing, but also to concepts Humanity takes the direction eastwards in order to acquire pictorial thinking, while pure concepts could only be won by means of a movement back to the West (Ibid.). A brief summary may be permitted. In Ancient Lemuria the development of humanity passed through seven sub-races; followed by the migration of the most advanced part of humanity to the West, whereupon man acquired uprightness and the ability to speak. The development of humanity also passed through seven sub-races or cultural epochs on Old Atlantis, after which a further migration occurred eastwards. It took place in three streams across North Africa, and through Southern and Middle Europe. The separation of the streams was due to differences in the occult-religious education that the groups of human beings had received on Atlantis through the various oracles oriented to the different planetary spirit-leaders the spirits of Jupiter, Mars etc. The great Initiates received from the corresponding Atlantean oracles the impulses of leadership, which the Gods were at that time gradually beginning to place in the hands of human beings. The stream of migrants who took the path through Europe and into the South of Russia were the Aryans. They spread as far East as Lake Baikal. Their vanguard reached India. In the region of todays Gobi Desert the great Initiate Manu, the leader of this entire stream of Aryan migrants, founded a new Mystery centre from which further Initiates arose, who became the founders and leaders of the post-Atlantean cultural epochs.
of humanity, the Europeans. Some might object that part of the migrants from Atlantis (the Indians) moved to the West but also have mental picturing today, and that following the Lemurian epoch not all of humanity on earth settled in the West and yet all acquired uprightness. To this one can reply that it is precisely objections of this kind that should move us to come to clarity on the criteria that determine development. Indeed, with the passage of time everything that is acquired by the most advanced part of humanity becomes the property of all, but in a qualitatively different way without individual effort, solely through the spirits guiding humanity. But the time will come when a development that is not based on I-consciousness will be entirely impossible. But it is hardly possible to explain to a materialist that the intellectuality of a Japanese, for example, is qualitatively different from that of an English person or a German, although something of this could already be inferred from an analysis of the personal pronouns.

The development within the Root-races also has the character of a sevenfold metamorphosis. In traditional occultism the parts are known as sub-races; Rudolf Steiner calls them Cultural Epochs, which is especially pertinent with respect to our own and the previous Root-race. All such phenomena of development can only be treated here in a very compressed form, whereby the overall pattern and the essential aspects are described with regard to the development of I-consciousness as it shows today in the most advanced part

XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

At the time of Old Atlantis the Aryan race was characterized by the fact that it lost its declining clairvoyant abilities more rapidly than the representatives of the other races. We must note that supersensible faculties constituted the main characteristic of the aristocratic elite on Atlantis. This is why the Aryans as a race were generally despised in times long past. The faculties germinating in them, all that we master as logic and conceptual thinking today, were not appreciated at that time, and so the Aryans were counted among the lower castes. After the migration some of them settled in the Southern area of the vast Siberian region, between the Urals and Lake Baikal (cf. Chapter VI, p. 89). Others continued their migration further to the South. It would appear to be a result of this movement against the stream of etheric forces of the earth that the first post-Atlantean, Old Indian culture was passive and lived in a half dreamlike state. But in the course of this epoch man developed the individual ether-body and this meant the final overcoming of the animal-stage of human development. Seven Holy Rishis were sent from the Mystery centre of Manu to the Indian peninsula, in order to lead this culture. The Old Indian cultural epoch lasted 2160 years (the time taken by the earth to move through a sign of the zodiac, as a centre of mighty forces that work down into earthly development). From there the cultural impulse went over to PersiaIran (the earth moved from the sign of Cancer to that of the Twins). The great Initiate Zarathustra was sent from the initiation centre of Manu to the people living there. He taught them how to work metals and use the soil for farming, and sense-perceptions received a strong developmental impulse. The bonds of the astral body began to loosen and the human being acquired an individual astral body the bearer of the individualized sense and feeling perceptions and of desires and passions. In order to lead the third, Old Egyptian cultural epoch, a next great Initiate was sent Hermes Trismegistos. Human beings now began to develop the individual sentient soul, and, bound up with this, individualized feeling and experience, and individualized tendencies and drives. At the beginning of the fourth, Greco-Latin, cultural epoch the Mystery centre in the region of todays Gobi Desert had already lost its earlier importance (but the memory lived on in the tradition of Shambala). The cultural development, and that of history which had now begun, now had a momentum of their own.

The Greeks partly took over the spiritual impulses from Egypt, but also developed them in part out of their own strength. With the advent of the fifth, European, cultural epoch (in 1413 AD) culturalhistoric development underwent a peculiar transformation. In contrast to the earlier cultural epochs, when the great Initiates came to those special regions that since the Atlantean migration were settled by people, now the population itself came to Europe and displaced its original inhabitants the Celts, a deeply spiritual people which was, however, not suited to fulfil the tasks of the European culture. In the 2nd-1st century B.C. the descendants of the people who had once migrated with Manu to the Siberian region the Germanic and subsequently the Slavic tribes returned to Europe. For millennia they had remained as it were in a culturally static condition, untouched by the development undergone by other peoples through the course of three-and-a-half cultural epochs. At the same time the leadership of these tribes was so constituted, during the epoch of Old Atlantis, that out of the cosmos impulses streamed down to them, which prepared the coming of the Christ the God of the human I to the earth. These peoples retain the forces with which they have been endowed, until the moment when the general cultural development of humanity, whose central motif is the elaboration of the threefold soul, is ready to carry its elements to a unity by way of individual I-consciousness. We have to point out again that the development of the cultures is in a certain way comparable to the spiritual development of the individual human being. In order to create new and independent cultural phenomena a people has to set to work the ether-forces given to it specifically, which, as we have described, are used up in the course of cultural activity, so that with its completion we have on the one hand a mature culture, on the other, a people or group of peoples who created the culture, but who are now weakened as to their life-content, and as though burnt out. They offer themselves up as a sacrifice, as it were, on the altar of the spiritual development of mankind, and other peoples must take their place, men of a different constitution of spirit and soul, who are able to carry further the cultural impulse which, with the exhaustion of the final developmental stage, undergoes a profound metamorphosis. Here lies the origin of the concept of senile, ageing and young nations. The Persians, Egyptians, Jews, Greeks of today are senile peoples. Their blossoming or, let us say, national youth lies far in the past. The young nations link on



XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

to this past through the exercise of spiritual economy, so that they do not have to begin all over again. But it is they who will themselves create the new in the spiritual development of humanity and who will have to expend their lifeforces, whereby in time they too will grow old. In this way the senile nations serve the new culture solely with the spiritual values they have created. Any claim for spiritual leadership on their part, or the wish to create something fundamentally new, is the death of culture. Of necessity these nations must learn to follow others, for those who create the new culture have been prepared for this task through millennia by the higher spiritual leadership, and have an entirely different soul-spiritual constitution. An analysis of culture provides ample evidence for this fact, so long as it is not falsified by political and nationalistic doctrines. For those peoples who are approaching the challenge of new spiritual tasks the Divine Hierarchies create a special etheric-astral aura which corresponds to the entire physical-spiritual constitution of those who will be subject to their influence. This again is similar to the situation of an individual human being incarnating on earth. It is entirely justifiable to speak of the incarnation of a people into culture. It is the special purpose of the development of the European cultural epoch to provide the human being with the possibility of unfolding the last and highest member of the soul the consciousness-soul. But simultaneously with the development of all three soul-elements the divine world places the spiritual leadership of humanitys earthly evolution into the hands of man, who stands before the task of developing an individual I that can be the centre of an autonomous, universal self-regulation, self-determination of the personality, which requires him to master pure thinking. In other words, the possibility is opened up for the first time in evolution, for the attainment of freedom by the individual spirit. And the third task of the European culture is that man, after development of the threefold soul has been accomplished, can begin to work individually on the threefold spirit, consisting of Spirit Self, Life Spirit and Spirit Man or, to use the concepts of Old Indian esotericism, Manas, Buddhi and Atma. The Germanic and Slavic tribes that came to Europe were prepared for the fulfilment of these three tasks. None of the previous epochs had such a wealth of tasks to fulfil, and none was at the same time so full of changes. For the qualitative change of the course of

evolution stands in relation to the quantity of tasks. Up to the 16th century A.D. man was only approaching the development of individual I-consciousness. In our modern cultural epoch he learns to master it, not as an initiate, but as a simple participant in the cultural process.

The Primary Law of the Development of Civilization

The mastery of I-consciousness is not only of cultural-historical, but also of evolutionary significance. This capacity belongs in a series of developmental stages, such as the learning of the upright gait, speech, and thinking. Consequently in the fifth cultural epoch changes are beginning to occur, that may be compared to those which accompany a change of root-races: The cultural process comes into close relation to a re-orientation of the working of planetary forces, of the forces of the entire earthly aura, in their influence upon human development. This is the reason why, already during Old Atlantis, the Aryan peoples were exposed to a special instreaming of the Christimpulse, which came down from the cosmos at that time. They developed the inclination to make earthly experience their own, to think it through, and on this basis to develop a thinking consciousness, the autonomous I. It should be noted that the Aryan race surrounds itself with the entire Indo-European family of languages, with its manifold variation with respect to geography, history, and religion and many other factors. It therefore makes little sense to give special emphasis to the racial origin of the folk-groups that migrated to Europe at the beginning of our era. Membership of the Aryan race is of significance only with regard to the starting-point, the initial predispositions with which it was endowed by the Divine leaders of humanity. One of these predispositions the most important for our time is that the Old Germanic and the Slavic peoples carry within them the seeds for the overcoming of every racial principle. After their migration to Europe, the Germanic and Slavic tribes were separated in accordance with the three tasks mentioned above. They were separated (passive, Trans.), for at that time they had neither an individual nor a national self-consciousness of any kind. From the spiritual leadership, those who remained in Central Europe received the task of developing the autonomous I; or rather: Middle European cultural development had this character. That part of the Germanic tribes which went to the North-west the Anglo-Saxons was given the task of developing the consciousness-soul. The task of bringing about


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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the transition from the development of the threefold soul to the development of the threefold spirit and thus, in the first place, the Spirit Self, is accomplished by the joint working of Middle European and Russian culture. All the other peoples of Europe have to fulfil secondary tasks relative to the three principal ones mentioned above. Development is carried forward not only by mutual assistance but also by contradictions. Thus, what once arose from Central Europe created in time an opposition to it. In the course of history the group-egoism of the mercantile (Anglo-Saxon), the ecclesiastical (Latin) and the warlike (Gallic) principle grew. But these contradictions need not become irreconcilable. More important is what makes Europe into a unified, complex organism, not a Pan-Europe. This organism cannot be understood if the racial and national differences are over-emphasized or denied. Either case leads to an absurdity comparable to the intention of a physiologist to examine a human organism while ignoring the difference between heart and lung etc. on the grounds that it is all made of cells; or alternatively, to examine single organs without studying their relation to the others. The spiritual and the national configuration of Europe can only be understood when the great laws of world development are known. Closest to us appear the laws that govern the development leading from one root-race and one cultural epoch to the next. They can even be discerned on the basis of what has been presented in an extremely condensed form.3 If we take a geographical map and mark the course of evolution within the last root-races we find a very interesting pattern which is repeated on different levels. The movement of the rootraces and cultures on the earths surface follows the form of simple or meandering spirals. This is not surprising, as the spiral has been known since primeval times as the symbol of development, and symbols are derived from supersensible observation. Seven sub-races combined to form the Old Lemurian root-race. Then, as we have already mentioned, development made a leap. It moved to the region of

Atlantis, but in such a way that the movement of the human monads from East to West itself led the human being to the upright posture; he developed the speech organs and learned to master the word. Seven cultures form the developmental spiral on Old Atlantis, and man was thus prepared for a new metamorphosis or, in the language of biology, a mutation. The population of Atlantis moved eastwards and, under the influence of the spiritual forces of the earth and the spiritual forces of the cosmos transmitted by way of the earth and the entire planetary system, man acquired mental pictures, the perceptions given in thought-images. And now, proceeding from the Mystery centre of Manu, the spiral of post-Atlantean cultures arises. The first four cultures move from East to West: the direction through which man had previously become an upright and speaking being. This time he does not raise himself in a physical sense, but in his soul he develops the threefold soul as his very own possession (formerly he had experienced its inspirative influence from the cosmos), and the present brain-structure which allows us to think in concepts. Beginning with the European cultural epoch the impulse of spiritual development again moves from West to East. This is of fundamental significance for all earthly relationships. This shift means that the astral aura of the earth is itself involved in mans learning to master the individual Spirit Self, in his transition from pure to imaginative thinking. Formerly the Spirit Self worked out of higher worlds, because in the old cultures man did not experience himself fully as an individual. He knew: Ex oriente lux (The light comes from the East). This is why in occultism one speaks of man faring to the eternal East when he dies. The Messiah, the Divine Logos, came from the East. As post-Atlantean humanity, migrating eastwards, moved in the direction of His approaching impulse, it acquired, in a special way that was in keeping with the epoch of the complete individualization of man, the ability to gather earthly experience and think it through. And then, beginning with the Old Indian culture, humanity moved in the same direction as the Christ in His descent to earth. They met in the fourth, Greco-Latin, culture and man confronted the task formulated by the Apostle Paul: learn to sacrifice the lower I and experience the Not I, but Christ in me. The European cultural epoch is dedicated to the fulfilment of this task. The human being must learn to identify in his lower I with the cosmic I of the

The author has worked more extensively on these questions in his book The Awaiting Culture Esoteric Outlines of Russian History and Culture (Die wartende Kultur; Basle, 1995).


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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Christ. It therefore became necessary to turn the movement of the cultural impulse to the East again, but from now on in a different sense: Ex occidente lux (The light comes from the West). Mastery of the individual Spirit Self in the sixth, Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch will be entirely the task of single individuals who will to take their development actively into their own hands, who go the path of self-knowledge and self-education under the motto: The Kingdom of heaven must be taken by storm. What has been presented so far can be clarified by means of the following drawing (Fig. 2). We have now found the fundamental law of world evolution within the context of the seven root-races, similar to the bio-genetic fundamental law in biology.

German philosophy and Goetheanism are in part a transitional phase, but are also partially a product of creativity in this sense. Otherwise the entire remaining cultural heritage of Europe has, despite its grandeur, arisen out of the impulses of the Greco-Latin culture, and is at best a re-working of the old heritage by the young genius of Europe. Goetheanism and Anthroposophy alone are new creations that have arisen wholly out of the forces of the fifth cultural epoch. Only in these has it begun to fulfil its own tasks; all else, with few exceptions, must be regarded as a preparation. The situation of Middle Europe, particularly that of Germany, reminds one of the ships wheel on the sailing vessel of European civilization. All that once radiated from the centre of Europe in all directions (the Germanic tribes), has in essence maintained its connection to the spiritual task of the centre; it became something equivalent to the spokes of the wheel, providing all the other peoples of Europe with an orientation in their task of turning the wheel of history and culture. This too shall be clarified by means of a diagram (Fig. 3). This is the general principle of the reciprocal interaction of the European national cultures. Figure 3 Only a person of ill-will could see in it a disparagement of any nation. The laws of development also presuppose the coming into being of morality and freedom, but do not determine them. Each national culture has to fulfil its specific task within that of humanity as a whole, and thus Europe represents a special spiritual-organic, anthropomorphic entity. In it the Italians develop the sentient soul as it ought to be in the fifth cultural epoch, the Spanish and French the rational soul, the Anglo-Saxons the consciousness-soul.4 The North Germanic, Scandinavian nations work on the task of bringing complex nuances to the phenomenon of the I. The mission of the Finno-Ugric peoples is quite remarkable. As part of the Mongolian race they moved along the Southern route (via North Africa) from Atlantis to the East, then some went to the North and reached Europe again along the shore of the Arctic Sea. Thus, like the Aryans, they have not taken part in the development

Figure 2

We have thereby also built a foundation for an understanding of the spiritual task of Europe, Middle Europe having doubtlessly the most important role to play in its realization. There one is working not only on the development of the individual I, i.e. on the all-embracing synthesis of cultural-historical development hitherto, but the strength must also be found to lead this development towards the East, in a qualitative sense, in that cultural creativity formerly inspired from higher spheres has to become a thoroughly individual process, arising as the fruit of the realization of the lower I in the highest I. Classical

The culture of the USA has meaning and importance only in so far as it is also working on this task. Everything else it brings is either useless or harmful.


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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of the previous cultural epochs. They had a cultural epoch of their own on Atlantis and reached Europe by their own route, where they formed a small enclave in the North-east. It is the task of Russia to take on the cultural impulse of Middle Europe and then carry it further. It will fulfil its own original spiritual tasks in the sixth cultural epoch and lives therefore in the anticipation of its coming. The West Slavs are the vanguard of this culture. Hungary too was not by chance a part of the great Middle European Reich, at one period. The Turkish peoples wish also to join in fulfilling the European cultural mission. This is why they settled in the Balkans. It is a cruel folly that the Western European and American camp is inspiring wars there. When we speak of the unification of Europe in the spirit of Kalergi or of PanAmericanism it is as if we wanted to inflict a deathblow on the whole of civilization. Europe will be unified only through the spiritual and cultural tasks, which presuppose the greatest possible variety and uniqueness of the individual national cultures. The reciprocal interplay, the mutual enrichment of the cultures of the individual European peoples will be fostered for quite a long time yet by the inspirations of the Archangels the spirit leaders of the nations. However, these will no longer come through the blood but on the path of individual spiritual efforts. There is in Europe already a conscious interaction (this does not necessarily have to be a supersensible experience) of culture-creating individuals with the Archangel. Anthroposophy makes it possible for us to add supersensible experience to this. But since everything now takes place on an individual basis, the preconditions arise of themselves, for mans ascent from a national being to the universal-human for his ascent, not for some kind of wild, arbitrary leaps, which are in reality regressions to the group consciousness, the ideological, the mediumistic.

karma) of the entire soul-spiritual constellation of the individuality. Therefore with this as our starting-point, we can only raise ourselves to creativity in the universal-human sense inasmuch as I-consciousness is developed. But since man is still weak and this very seldom happens, the spiritual leadership the Spirit of Age, the hierarchical being who guides the development of the entire epoch realizes the task of humanity nationally through the Archangel. For this purpose entire peoples are woven into a national aura of a given configuration. Here it is especially important for us to consider and compare the auras of the Russian and the German peoples. Of great significance for an understanding of the character of the aura of the Russian people is a lecture by Rudolf Steiner from April 9, 1914 where he speaks of the coming into being of the Kiev Rus and of the Finnish epic. It contains a drawing that, without a doubt, represents the supersensible form into which the Slavs were woven in their migration from the region of the Balkans and Carpathians to the North-east, and which then became their national aura. The form appears as two interlocking ovals, the lower of which was formed through the working of the great initiate Skythianos who, in order to fulfil this mission, incarnated close to the Caspian Sea. To the deeply occult deeds of Skythianos there was added somewhat later the Byzantine cultural-religious influence, which came to Russia with the conversion to Christianity. Thus arose the aura of the Kiev Rus. (The interested reader is again referred to the communications of Rudolf Steiner in GA 158 [Kalevala] and to the book by the present author The Awaiting Culture). The substance of the aura was predominantly etheric. Further northwards the working of its etheric forces becomes

The Aura of the Russian People

In our time it is extremely dangerous to ignore the fact that the culture of humanity is in the stage of transition from group to individual consciousness. Nothing here should be under or overestimated. We should be guided in our judgments by a sober realism which is founded on knowledge of the truth. The modern human being, if he wishes to participate in cultural evolution, takes on an entirely individual task. But to begin with this bears the seal and the specific quality of the national culture and, correspondingly also (by way of


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weaker and more refined. In the upper oval the astral forces predominate, while their effect weakens toward the South in the region of the lower oval (though naturally it does not cease altogether). In the area where the ovals overlap, where eventually the city of Moscow appeared, the aura took on a complex character and formed something in the nature of what the individual human being possesses as soul-body, the sheath in which consciousness first arises. The Southern oval calls forth in the human being the mood of the unified soul, and finds its reflection in the character of the Southern Russians, in the culture of the Ukraine. The northern oval furthers the development of the threefold soul. The so-called stem of the soul passes through the entire aura. It arose on the path followed by the Varagans through Russia to Byzantium. They brought to Russia the principle of statehood, and the ferment for the development of I-consciousness. The stem of the soul is a kind of axis of national selfconsciousness for the peoples who settled in Russia. At present the aura of the Russian people, as Rudolf Steiner described it, corresponds only to the European part of Russia. But even in that great aura which encompasses the gigantic Siberian continent and the Asiatic border-region of Russia, it is of decisive importance, for it determines everything that promotes Russian self-consciousness by way of culture and spiritual creativity.5 The remaining part of Russia, larger than its European part, is absorbed in a mood of anticipation of the future Slavic-Germanic culture. Even a climatically gigantic region of the earth (the North, Siberia) has so far been preserved from masssettlement and resultant ecological destruction. But this is not an idle waiting. As Rudolf Steiner says, even the Asiatic border regions of Russia are involved in preparing the future culture of the Spirit Self. But here something else should be accentuated, namely that the original aura of Russia has the same configuration as the aura of a single human being it is anthropomorphic. It stretches like a giant Anthropos from the Black Sea to the Barents Sea.

In one of his lectures Rudolf Steiner called the Russians the Christ-people. But Christ is the God of the human I. All of His activity for the sake of man has an individualizing character. It is a grave error to want to experience him as a national God or a king. The anthropomorphic aura of the Russian people (or, more precisely, the aura of the population of Russia) would have us seek longingly for the image of the ideal, perfect man, of man as he will be when he masters the Spirit Self. Only through such human beings will Christianity move from the stage of preparation to the stage of realization. It will be possible on a large scale in the sixth cultural epoch, but for single individuals the way is already open.

Germany in the European Community of Peoples

If the future cultural epoch is to follow the right path of development, the entire course of cultural-historic development must be altered qualitatively. Above all, Middle Europe has to provide the seed of the fifth cultural epoch Goetheanism and Anthroposophy with enough strength to grow; so much strength, that from it an essentially different culture can arise than the one that is nourished with the juices of antiquity and Hellenism (where it is not even doing this, everything is sinking into barbarism). Middle Europe also faces the task of turning the movement of culture eastwards again, and gradually passing on the spiritual impulses for its future metamorphosis (today already this must be done actively). Without the help of all the European peoples, these tasks cannot be fulfilled by Germany, or even by all the German-speaking peoples; though Germany is prepared for the task to a special degree through the configuration of its aura. In order to understand it we have to turn to a whole series of statements by Rudolf Steiner. As a characterization of Middle Europe he said that we find there what is always becoming and never is, that the I seeks through mutual relationships to connect with the cultures of the neighbouring peoples and realizes an all-encompassing exchange of forces with the Sentient, Rational and Consciousness-soul (cf. Oct. 31, 1914, GA 157). Thus he remarks, for instance, that Shakespeare is understood better in Germany than in England. Rudolf Steiner says further, that the German nation works everywhere as a ferment, because it is peculiar to the I to swing in different directions. Other nations say resentfully of the Middle European that he is here (on earth) only to plough the soil and search in the clouds This is why he tries in a certain sense already in his striving during earthly life to discard what has to be dis352

We understand very well how the apologists of regional sovereignty on the one hand and the adherents of the Soviet monolith on the other will take ideas such as these. The spiritual-scientific viewpoint does not accord with either opinion, for it is not based on doctrines but springs from the truth that is drawn from spiritual reality. The time will come when the spiritual-scientific view on the Russian question will be visible to everyone, and revealed as true. We can only hope that by then it will not be too late.

XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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carded when one goes through the portal of death into the spiritual world (Ibid.). In a certain sense only those have accomplished the task of the Germans, who have taken their self-education into their hands. The mere instinctpeople remain behind in a certain sense (Dec. 8, 1918, GA 186). Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, who meet with such hostility today, created a thinking that is admittedly not yet spiritualism, is not spiritual science, but which is the seed of spiritual science, which, so to speak, if it is meditated through, truly leads to spiritual science. But for this reason the German national character has to remain fluid, it has to allow us to say: One is an Italian! One is a Frenchman! One is an Englishman! But one is always becoming a German! (Mar. 14, 1915, GA 159). The cultural historian of the future will certainly ascribe the same importance to the German spirit for the cultural education (Bildung) of modern times as one does today with the Greeks for that of antiquity (GA 30, p. 244). If the Norman-Germanic element had purely been active for itself, then today it would be easier to emphasize the justified monotheism that does not accept the abstract One God, but accepts the sequence of hierarchies, Angeloi, Archangeloi etc. (Nov. 23, 1918, GA 185a). We may think that the nature of the German folk spirit is such that it continuously takes the path down to the nation and up again into the higher world that thereby especially within this folk-being the forces are to be called forth that in the most palpable sense lead to spiritual science. When the folk-spirit descends it brings about a strict folk-character in the physical world. When the folk-spirit ascends again and leaves the national character in a fluctuating state, then [the nation] learns to recognize that all being dissolves between the sensible and the supersensible world. The time of Fichtes activity was the time when the folk-spirit descended most strongly to earth. Only then was a creativity possible in such concepts and ideas as were revealed in the I-nature of Fichte (Mar. 16, 1915, GA 157). By contrast, Jakob Boehme, although he is called the Teutonic philosopher, is a man independent in time of what his folk spirit is (May 9, 1915, GA 159). It is not possible here to mention everything said by Rudolf Steiner about Middle Europe, and so a small selection of quotations should suffice to indicate the problem area; a study of which is to be validated by an analysis of the entire phenomenology of the German spirit history, culture and language. Then and the author is quite sure of this, because he has already partially examined it

what to a certain degree can only be stated hypothetically will become still more apparent.

A thoughtful study of the statements of Rudolf Steiner concerning Middle Europe, the overview (Anschauen in the sense of Goethean method) of its history and culture, allows the aura of the German people to appear in a form that in contrast to the aura of the Russian people is oriented from the earth to the heavens (Fig. 4). That which forms the stem of the soul in the Russian aura the axis of the coming into being of I-consciousness through the development of the soul-element that is connected to the earth and even to its configuration is, in the German aura, directed from below to above, from the earth to the heavens. Along the axis of the I a gigantic whirling and pulsating storm rises up from the earth. This is how the etheric forces of the German people are oriented, and this endows the German I with a mighty impulse of spiritual uprightness. Counter to the movement of the etheric forces, there descends earthwards from the heights a storm of the astral aura, in which the



XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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inspirations of the folk spirit are revealed.6 If one tries to represent the configuration of the aura as a form, then a geometrical figure, or rather a symbol, an image appears the hexagram. In the fifth cultural epoch this truly inexhaustible esoteric symbol belongs to Central Europe. In contrast to the third, Egyptian-Chaldean-Babylonian cultural epoch, a seventh element is now added, which expresses the mystery of the growing individual I. Occult symbols have been at all times an expression of purely spiritual, not national or political, constellations of development. They should not be equated with badges or military distinctions that are awarded for warlike deeds of heroism. Still less can they serve as symbols of nationalism. Formerly the Archangel Michael was the countenance of Jahve. Now he is the countenance of God. The old Star of Solomon was an expression of the state of the astral body of a human being who possesses group-consciousness. Today it symbolizes the character of the aura of the German people, or of entire Middle Europe, where the astral body of the individual is being transformed into the Spirit Self through the force of the lower I appealing to the higher I. Individual striving to develop is accompanied by the working of the aura of the people, the peoples of Middle Europe (we have to distinguish many nuances here). Hence the German (and in an extended sense the Austrian, the Swiss, possibly all the peoples of Northern Europe) strives simultaneously to work the soil and to seek in the clouds, always to be in process of becoming. Meanwhile the folk spirit draws near to the earth as though pulsating, only to withdraw again continually, thereby bringing it about that the spiritual strivings of the German are formed in accordance with the folk-character, but are then freed from it again. In this way the national is not active as something group-like but as an inspiring principle in the I, because the astral storm, in its descent to the earth, does not spread out over the surface but is fixed in individual centres of self-consciousness.

When we observe the aura of the German people from above, it has the form of a two-petalled lotus flower as represented in the red stained-glass window of the Goetheanum. In the traditional representation this lotus flower has the appearance of a Swastika rotating from left to right, clockwise from West to East.7 Thus we arrive at a deeper understanding of why this ancient sacred sign has been so degraded and has been impressed upon the consciousness of humanity as a symbol of evil. (Something similar is happening today with the hexagram.) In truth, the sign of the Swastika rightfully belongs to Germany and to the whole of Central Europe, because Germany is the third eye of the world, that centre of modern civilization through which it can establish the conscious supersensible connection with the world of the spirit. The highest creation of the Middle European spirit Goetheanism and Anthroposophy must be seen from the aspect of this task, and Middle Europe as the point of all the forces of humanity that strive to fulfil this task. This is the reason why, in the circle of the German-speaking peoples, so many souls of genius are born who through their karma are connected to the folk-soul and to the great tasks of human development. An oppression, a destruction of Germany and Middle Europe, the falsification of its spiritual nature, would mean to sever the connection of earthly civilization with the spiritual world, to cast it into the darkness of materialism. A distortion of the spiritual nature of Russia, the dissolving of its connection with Central Europe is tantamount to robbing the world of its future. These are the truths that must be understood above all, regardless of how and to what extent an understanding of the history of human relationships has been falsified in our century.

In the Russian aura the spiritual forces descend as in a chalice, in many respects still hovering above the folk-element. Thus they work in a way that is more spiritual (like the revelations) but less individualized.

Through the development of the two-petalled lotus flower the lower I of the human being comes into relation with the higher, cosmic I. It is just this relation that is expressed by the Swastika. It has nothing in common with the symbol of the cross. Its horizontal component can be recognized as a crab-like spiral the sign of evolution in the course of which man develops the individual I. This spiral appears in the red stained-glass window as a symbol of the two-petalled lotus flower. The higher I descends from the spirit to man. This is why the I-line of the Swastika can only be formed in thought, in imagination. If the sign is drawn completely, it would have the following form: Esoterically the Swastika is represented with a right-to-left rotation because it then expresses the processes that flow to the astral world. Great caution is needed in dealing with this form. In a further aspect the Swastika symbolizes the four-petalled lotus flower.


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

Culture and Initiation

The essential nature of every cultural epoch is determined by the character of the science of initiation, which itself is always brought into strict correspondence with the evolution of the human being above all with the evolution of his soul and spirit. Anyone with even a little contact with esotericism will know that the levels of individual consciousness are closely related to the development of the lotus-system in the human being. The two-petalled lotus flower is intimately related to thinking consciousness. For this reason consciousness does not sink into a trance through its development, but becomes imaginative a super-consciousness that is revealed in the normal state of mind of the human being only in moments of enthusiasm. Following the two-petalled flower the human being must develop the sixteen-petalled flower, located in the area of the larynx. Its development requires, in addition to the perfecting of oneself as an individual, a harmonizing of social relations. Rudolf Steiner says that the social relations of mankind as a whole depend on the condition of the sixteenpetalled lotus flower. The so-called Eightfold Path of Buddha has in our cultural epoch to become an accepted social factor of everyday life the sixteenpetalled lotus flower can unfold only within social and cultural relationships, but not in ascetic solitude. With the help of the image of the ships wheel mentioned above we have tried to illustrate the character of the peoples of Europe. It is the image of the sixteen-petalled lotus flower, which was represented in the Gothic and Romanesque churches in the form of the rose window above the entrance (cf. figures). In the Romanesque churches the roses were often shown with eight petals. To the person approaching the temple was immediately revealed the architectonic idea of the whole church, which was also eightfold (see diagrams in figures). This is how the ancient principle of the eightfold path of Buddha, who five hundred years before the physical coming of Christ had brought the teaching of love and compassion to men, was given to the emergent selfconsciousness of Europe. But this does not mean a return to Buddhism. No, for Buddhism itself comes to life again in a metamorphosed form in the Christian culture of Europe, where the relations between human beings must be built up on the basis of the virtues of the eightfold path of Buddha in a new colouring, which has been shown by Rudolf Steiner in its correspondence to the Christian path of initiation. He also

said that the experience of these virtues is bound up with the development of the sixteen-petalled lotus flower, which in its turn determines the degree of social harmony over the entire earth. Esoteric Christianity brings the positive experience of the spiritual development of the past to a synthesis within itself and raises it to a qualitatively new level, as the architectural genius of Middle Europe proclaimed to the entire world already before the beginning of the fifth post-Atlantean cultural epoch. The esotericism of the Romanesque and Gothic churches is in no way inferior to the esotericism of the Egyptian temples. Anyone can recognize this. It is enough to analyze geometri-

Chapel in Palace of Charlemagne; built 796-804 under direction of Einhard (thin lines show later reconstruction)

cally the faade of Strasbourg Cathedral alone (see figure) in order to recognize the image embedded in the architecture of the temple, of the individuality raising himself spiritually on the path of development of the lotus flowers. (The reader who is especially interested in this theme can also analyze geometrically the obelisk of Sesostris I in Heliopolis. It is known that the obelisks were
Single Roses, Strasbourg Cathedral



XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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the symbols of man raising himself physically into the upright posture.8) Thus we have before us the real phenomenology of the Middle European cultural impulse, which spread throughout Europe and gave it the character of a living organism in which, as opposed to a mechanism, no part can be replaced. And if we disregard political speculations and ideological interpretations of culture, we arrive at a profound understanding of the significant and Cathedral at Auch, Rose at West Front unique role of each European people in the development of the cultural impulse of our epoch, which has its focal point in the human I. Purely out of an understanding of the nature and meaning of Middle European spiritual creativity, and not out of the wish to defer to nationalism of any kind, we must assume that the symbol of the sixteenpetalled lotus flower still belongs to Central Europe today, and not to the East. It takes up its initial position in Central Europe, as it were, and from here strives, through the combined work of the nations, outwards in all directions,
Strasbourg Cathedral. Triangulation of Erwin von Steinbachs plan

sense to Eastern Europe, and to Russia first and foremost. Thus it is of crucial importance for Eastern Europe to take part in the cultural life of Europe, and for the cultural life of Europe as a whole to prepare for its impending metamorphosis, which is to be realized in the transition from the fifth to the sixth cultural epoch.9 This is the path of development of humanity that is rightful and in harmony with world laws.

The Archetypal Phenomenon of the Occult-Political Battle

Beside the legitimate and progressive course of development there is always an accumulation of forces of inertia, which cause the cultural impulse either to move in only one direction or to move in one spot, repeating itself endlessly and ossifying in a given state. If we look once more at that loop in the evolutionary spiral, which embraces our present cultural epoch, we can recognize the most impor-

Rose-window, Strasbourg Cathedral

through the entire world: Ex occidente lux. The next stage in the development of the individual spirit, of consciousness, is connected with the twelve-petalled lotus flower. Its symbol belongs in a certain
9 8

Cf. Otto Schubert, Gesetz der Baukunst, (Law of Architecture), Leipzig, 1954. Vol. II, p.36, 303.

If Russia were to go its own, autonomous path the twelve-petalled lotus flower would from the point of view of initiation-science be developed earlier than the two- and sixteen-petalled flowers. This would have very tragic consequences at the threshold to the supersensible world.


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

tant directions of inertia and stagnation (Fig. 5). All modern occultpolitical forces that hinder development through their activity behind the scenes are based ultimately on the partial justification of their strivings. It is of extreme importance to understand this peculiarity of the world-wide struggle in our time. This partial justification proves in reality to be Figure 5 worse than complete error, because it is rooted in the laws of development but stands in their way. Thus the ideology of Rome Jesuitism is based on the premise that Christ came at a time when the greater part of humanity was still in the condition of group-consciousness. The rationality of Rome represented the highest form of individualization for that time. And because Rome took up Christianity, the Csaro-Papacy must be regarded as the highest form of societal and religious life. That which comes from the North brings, according to Rome, only destruction and chaos in the far-distant past it was these very barbarians from the North who destroyed the glorious Imperium the flower of civilization. Later, it was they again who, with their reformation, did irreparable damage to the most perfect Christian Church. The Latin race is better suited than any other, they believe, to bear Christianity into the world. The main enemy of Christianity is Central Europe with its seductive call to knowledge, secularization and freedom as also its offshoot the Anglo-Saxon world that is sunk in materialism. Anglo-Saxon political occultism builds on the many thousand years tradition of the cultural movement from East to West. Its leading occultists (where and in what form does not concern us here) say: We are the only rightful heirs to the Greco-Latin culture. The Gods themselves, and the stars, look favourably upon

us in our striving to rule the world. The time of the Latin race is over, and it must disappear. Central Europe stagnates and keeps us waiting. Admittedly it brings something to culture, but has to be held in a firm grip, its conservatism must be destroyed, it must be economically weakened and politically lamed so that it cannot prevent America from realizing the world rule to which it is destined. As to Eastern Europe, its importance is, in the end, limited to the reserve of genetic forces, which are considerably weakened in the rest of the world. The Nordic ideology arose in the wake of the cultural impulse in its movement from the South of Europe to the North. It is to an unimaginable degree reactionary, because it appeals for the restoration of the ancient Hyperborean, if not even the Polarian root-race. Only to Lucifer can the deeper meaning, the content, of an ideology of this kind be known. But its human bearers are only dreaming, they are possessed by it because not a single conscious mind among them is capable of establishing any reasonable relation to that in the highest sense spiritual planetary being of humanity as a unity devoid of all individual characteristics. Nordic ideology also has an ahrimanic component it is Louhi, the Queen of the North (Kalevala). Finally, the ideology of Eurasianism, whose popularity has grown enormously over recent years, represents the intention to allow the sixth cultural epoch to ripen before its time, to anticipate it at least in part, at a time that is in no way appropriate for it, and thus to place it into utterly unsuitable conditions, to drain the life forces of the Eastern European peoples and render them incapable of cultural creativity at the time when the Slavic-Germanic cultural epoch begins. For this reason the occultists everywhere in Russia today are saying that the age of Aquarius will begin in the coming century. We have in Eurasianism a repetition of the impulse of Gondishapur. The Eurasians intend to build a bridge directly from Rome to Moscow (the Third Rome) and thereby cause Middle Europe to fall out of development entirely. Here is to be sought the origin of the two world wars, in which the aim was realized to incite Germany and Russia to war with each other. In the Eurasian ideology hostility towards Germany will always outweigh resentment towards the USA, not in its phraseology which is oriented to political fashion, but in essence. Rome regards Eurasianism with mixed feelings. On the one hand the Third Rome is a competitor, for here the first two are deemed sufficient. On the other

XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

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hand, Rome sees in Eastern Europe, in Russia, an effective weapon in the struggle against Central Europe and America. The Americans for their part consider Russia a strong weapon in their struggle against Rome, against Europe and against the East in the widest sense. If we bring all that has been said so far about the occult-political world-picture into a system, we arrive at the configuration in which the main spiritual forces on the world stage stand in relation to the true forces of development (Fig. 6).

towards their one and only goal: to turn back the universal development of mankind. To this end the paralysis and oppression of Middle and Eastern Europe is essential. On the one hand wars further the attainment of this goal, and on the other, unions the mixing of all the peoples of Europe, and later the races, into a grey mass. But other methods are also projected. The Swastika, which was elevated to a political symbol or sign for Germany, expressed (for one who knows) this unity. It moves against empirical time within which evolution is realized; it turns evolution backwards this is ultimately what Pan-Americanism strives to achieve. The esoteric meaning of the Swastika was carried from the astral plane to the external plane of history. Therein also lies the origin of all ideas regarding the hallowing of life in society (cf. Ch. 17 and 18). In contrast to this, a rightful development on the historical and cultural plane is expressed by the Swastika which rotates clockwise. It is the symbol of the twopetalled lotus flower opening gradually on the exoteric path, in proportion as each individual human being attains the capacity for freedom and moral autonomy, whereby he will begin to draw the motives of his actions from the world of moral intuitions, as Rudolf Steiner has described in the Philosophy of Freedom. The picture given above would not be complete if we did not show its connection to the higher spiritual plane, of which Rudolf Steiner says: Four mighty, exalted figures stand in universal space, each at one of the four points of the compass. Thus they form the cosmic cross. They lead and guide events in the world and are servants of the One who is the life of the Sun (Christ). In the course of each cosmic day the Sun spirit inspires each one of them in turn. They are the primordial forces which are mirrored in the three forces of thinking, feeling and willing in the cosmos and in the human soul (GA 265, p. 336). These figures are the four Archangels. In the following (Fig. 7) are shown the main principles of their working, and their connection with the four Festivals of the year. Michael, who stands in the East, brings the forces of the three other Archangels into harmony and he is the Countenance of God. As he imparts his inspiration he invites human beings to be active with him. The human being acting out of free will in accordance with the intentions of the Archangel Michael becomes the bearer of the principle Ex occidente lux. The four forces of political oc364

Figure 6

The small circle in the figure expresses the wheel of history, that with the help of social-cultural and historical endeavours will be turned from West to East by all the countries of Europe and the entire world, thereby bringing about the succession, the metamorphoses of the cultural epochs. These justified efforts are to a greater or lesser degree opposed by the unified forces of the antispiritual and anti-historic impulses (outer circle on Fig. 6). The period of their emergence as separate entities has come to an end, as shown by the appearance of the Asuras in the political and cultural life of humanity. The unity of these forces is clearly manifest in the 20th century. Events like the wars of Germany with the USA and Russia may outwardly represent a contradiction, but they are at the same time merely episodes in the advance of these forces


XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

cultism enclosed within the ring of the Midgard-snake become its instrument. While Midgard surrounds Europe in an ever-widening noose it strives to isolate her spiritual and cultural life from the working of the four leading Archangels. For this reason the forces of political occultism want to fill human thoughts, feelings and motives of will with their ideologies and suppress selfconsciousness with the help of mass-suggestion.

Have patience, the time will come when Germany will fulfil its culturalhistorical task, and then retire into the background and make way for others. But God grant that the latter does not happen today. For this would mean that the secret societies of the West would have succeeding in diverting the cultural impulse before its meeting with the Spirit Self, in forcing it further westwards. In this case one would have succeeded in making the fifth cultural epoch, in which the Anglo-Saxon race with full justification plays a leading rle, eternal in a certain sense, in endowing it with a peculiar ahrimanic immortality. If this were to happen says Rudolf Steiner the sixth cultural epoch would indeed begin, but it would be transposed to South America and take effect only in a modified form. It would then come into contradiction with the spiritual laws of earth and cosmos. Only the human beings with the greatest strength of spirit would be able to attain the Spirit Self individually, through efforts having the character of an initiation. As to the rest of the inhabitants of the earth, their fate would veritably be a gnashing of teeth. The emergence of the evil race, as prophesied in the Apocalypse, would move forward at an accelerated pace. The black-magical Mysteries of Taotl would come to life with renewed force. The signs of a possible future of this kind can already be recognized in our century, because it is being decided today what course the whole further evolution of the earth will take. People who are not afraid of knowledge are quite capable of grasping this themselves. And we should not be surprised to see all demons of evil let loose to destroy Germany, to spiritually lame Russia, to prevent Europe from fulfilling its spiritual task. The publications of PanAmericans we have already mentioned indicate this very clearly; in them we meet the world-wide lies, distortion and calumniation of the history of the people and their character. Anyone who still falls for the illusion of an abstract humanism should read these books. Next to Th. N. Kaufmans book, mentioned in chapter 3, one ought also to make acquaintance with the work of another American wise man Louis Nizer. It was published in 1944 (Chicago-New York) under the title: What to do with Germany. The author asks: What should we do with millions of murderers, with a criminal nation whose entire culture (including Fichte, Novalis etc.) right down to its folk-songs, is pervaded with biological militarism? Our reply says the author, would be: One cant convict a whole people, you cant kill 80 millions. But, what should be done with them? If they are not destroyed, should they not at least be subjected to racial sterilization? If 20,000 physicians were each to conduct 25 operations daily,

Figure 7

These are in a very condensed form some of the essential elements of the methodology of modern politology. Anyone who does not master them is given over to empty quarrels and enmities. But those whose sense of national self-worth is undermined by the development of the actual state of affairs can merely be told:



XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

the entire procedure of making 50 million fertile Germans sterile would take about three months. Maybe more time needs to be allowed for women. With a natural death rate of 2% per year the German nation would then vanish from the face of the earth within two generations. But the author says we will have to forgo a project of this kind. Why? Well, because Germans would then assume the role of martyrs, but mainly because mass uprisings could take place (!) and after all, only the fate of future generations could be resolved by means of sterilization, not that of the living. President Truman demanded that every American should read this book, and Eisenhower ordered his officers to write summaries of it. We do not want to quote the entire content of this book,10 in the place of which the American wise men should rather have written a different one entitled What have we done with America? At the end of this chapter we would only say the one thing that should have become clear to anybody possessing healthy common sense that the path to the overcoming of nationalism and chauvinism leads only through the unmasking of lies of this kind. The farther back they lie in the past, the more the ultimate source of the world-wide lies takes on the character of an unshakeable truth, that is as though sanctified by tradition. It becomes progressively more difficult to arrive at the actual truth, and reeducated humanity is less and less inclined to change. It is as the poet said: All honour to the madman, Who feeds humanity with golden sleep! Have not these words become the final universal dogma, in which all the warring world-forces, all the contradictions of civilization join together in peace? But if someone cannot sleep, if he has enough strength to clear the way to a number of sources, only horror awaits him. But at the same time he will understand that a human being of our time, whether he wishes it or not, is faced with the choice of either erecting the humanistic society of the future on the night10

mare of the lie inflated to hypertrophy, or laying aside his night-cap and applying all his strength to the search for the true grounds of life, in order, after physical death, not to experience a second and far more terrible death that of the soul. No proof is surely needed that it is utterly necessary to choose the second option, even if we are then reviled as a Fascist, a Chauvinist, a misanthropist, etc. Let us be certain of it: The Prince of this world understands very well that he is the spirit of the lie. We should not expose ourselves as fools in his eyes. 150 years ago the outstanding Russian philosopher-Prince V. F. Odoyevsky wrote: In the madness of materialism the West delivers its great thinkers to the graveyard of thoughts, and tramples those in the dirt, who wish to abjure this madness with strong and holy words. Could he have guessed that his words would become especially relevant at the end of the 20th century?

The book goes on to develop the promising solution of the German problem reeducation instead of physical destruction applied after the capitulation. May those above all read it, in whom, owing to a repressed chauvinism, certain chapters in our book prompt an outburst of uncontrolled anger. May they then be persuaded that their impaired spirit is borne by lies, possession, and hostility towards the true interests of humanity, and that their humanistic mask is likewise hypocritical through and through.
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XVI. The Spiritual Configuration of Europe

Crisis of Civilisation

XVII. Russia and the Socialistic Experiment

The Experimenters
For an understanding of the destiny of Russia in the 20th century, it is particularly important to have knowledge of the map that played a role in the occult societies in the 90s of the last century, where desert is marked instead of Russia. We are still today witnessing the turning of Russia into a desert, because this process has not yet been completed. It has, so it now appears, two phases. The first phase was conceived as a confrontation. Rudolf Steiner spoke of this even before the February Revolution of 1917 had taken place, and this is what makes his statement so very valuable. In a lecture on January 15, 1917 he said: If we want to set up commercial-industrial world rule, then the main region involved has to be divided into two parts Thus there cannot be a commercial domain without a region that stands over against a commercial domain this is a great, a gigantic thought of those occult brotherhoods of whom I have spoken. It is a gigantic thought of world proportions to create the antithesis, compared to which anything else will seem as nothing, this antithesis between the British (today we can justifiably say the Pan-American) Imperium of commerce and the one that will arise out of Russia with the preparation, arising from its spiritual disposition, for the sixth post-Atlantean epoch. expressed trivially, a more wonderful contrast could scarcely be imagined, to what developed in the West as the highest flowering of commercial and industrial thinking, than the future Russian Slav, who will in the future certainly be still less inclined than he is today to be professionally active in commerce Thus we are dealing here with a division of the world into two parts (GA 174). Rudolf Steiner further describes the character of peaceableness with which Anglo-Saxon commerce is active in the world; we have already mentioned this. It is this, that was hidden behind the false rhetoric and cynical propaganda of Lenin, Trotsky and their comrades, who branded the whole of humanity, with the exception of the proletarians which again was a lie , enemies of the new power. But we will see what else stood hidden behind these lies.

In our book The Awaiting Culture we described those events at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century which served as a prelude to the revolutions of the 20th century in Russia. The politicising of a certain section of Russian Freemasonry was mentioned, and this was possible through the influence of England. We have already spoken of Freemasonry being brought to Russia from England. Here is a further witness: T. A. Bakunina, who, with full sympathy for Freemasonry, writes concerning the history of this movement: in Captain John Philips we see the first Grand Master chosen for Russia by the Grand London Lodge. Ten years later he was replaced again in this lofty post by an Englishman, the General in Russian service, James Keith whose name has become famous as that of the Founder of Freemasonry in Russia.1 Since 1745, the post of Grand Master had been placed in Russian hands and a direction emerged that was devoted to the spiritual quest (Yelagin, Novikov, Schwarz), but the English influence was stronger. Towards the end of the 19th century Russia was literally woven into a web by the political Lodges. They came forward as fighters for the equality of the Jews and in this way drew them on to their side. Preparation for the revolution began in the Lodges. The revolution of 1905 was a failure the army put an end to it. Then special attention was given to preparation of the army. The French occultist Papus (friend of the Tsars family!) recruited members for the Lodges in the highest social circles. At the beginning of the First World War almost all the generals including General Alekseev, who presided over the general staff of the Russian army and later commanded the White Movement , the highest aristocracy Princes Yusopov, Trubetskoy, the Grand Dukes were all members of the Lodges and in one way or another supported the preparation of the revolution. This was the great temptation of Russia, and Russia did not recognize it. The Russian Nibelungen (whose ancestry reached back as far as the Normans, or who were direct descendants of the German Nibelungen) had within them too many decadent, disintegrating forces. The non-aristocratic intelligentsia, who were not able in the short time available to unfold the individual I, proved incapable of distinguishing the legitimate striving of the Russian people for a

T. A. Bakunina, Russkie volnye kamenshiki (The Russian Freemasons), Paris, 1934, p. 35.



XVII. Russia and the Socialist Experiment

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new social order, from the intentions of the demons of Marxism and Atheism, as Dostoyevsky described them. The deception was only recognized between February and October 1917, but it was already too late. The interim government, which consisted entirely of Lodge members, paralyzed all security functions of the state and handed over the power to the Bolsheviks, whose highest level also consisted of Lodge members, albeit of the more radical direction. Anyone who finds it difficult to understand the events in Russia at that time should reflect deeply on the recent events of the Iranian revolution, which took place in the more recent past. In it the same scenario was repeated exactly, that led to the destruction of Russia. First a bourgeois revolution takes place, which leads to the overthrow of the Shah. A provisional government is installed. The head of state is an exact copy of Kerensky, and correspondingly so is the rest of the government. Then a fundamentalist is imported into the country, prepared this time in Paris, not Zurich, who seemingly speaks, not in the name of Marxism but of Islam. But this is no more than a factor specific to the country. The essential mission of the leader is the same: The country is to be completely destroyed from within. The head of the interim government disappears abroad like Kerensky, and is forgotten (and this when we consider the consequences suffered by the Shah, who had had the audacity to emigrate). Then war breaks out between Iran and Iraq that is to go on for many years (an analogy to the Second World War) whose main purpose is to destroy as many people as possible on both sides and undermine as far as possible the economy of both countries. Then follows the severing by the European states of diplomatic relations with Iran, then renewed acceptance etc. (The Germans ought to follow the events in Iraq more closely, because in the plans of the world-powers it is in some way an Arab analogy to Germany.) Within the machinations behind the scenes during the revolutionary events in Russia, parallel to the Bolshevik cadres, whose central core was prepared in the Lodges, the Jesuits were also active participants. We have already spoken of their method, first to let the Freemasons attain their original goals, in order then to appear as it were out of the background, infiltrate the ranks of the Freemasons and seize power for themselves by placing their own people in the leading

positions without interfering with the power-structures as such.2 A scenario of this kind was already prepared in the prelude to Dekabrist Revolt in 1825. Parallel to the working of the Freemasons, the Jesuits also prepared the revolt through the Society of the United Slavs.3 In 1917 the scale of the conspiracy was entirely different. It now included within it the world-wide relations. But when events assume this scale the organizers behind the scenes in some way lose control of them. And then no-one knows how what has been set in motion will turn out. This is what happened in Russia. The Trotskyites and Leninists, once they had seized power, saw themselves obliged to retreat and to reintroduce elements of the capitalist economy. But now, despite all the catastrophes that had overtaken Russia there was a danger that it might recover and throw off the socialistic experimenters. In wide sections of the population there were stirrings of hope for a spiritual liberation. In millions of simple folk there arose the wish to become culturally active, to join in the transformation of society according to the principles of equality and freedom. Somehow this had to be brought under control. And so at the centre where Rabbis and Monsignori sit very amicably together it was decided that the leadership of the experiment should be placed in the hands of the Jesuits. Their representatives were Stalin and his helpers. Stalin had been recruited when he was being taught in a theological seminar. There, already, representatives of the Catholic lobby in Orthodoxy had taken note of the, in their eyes, gifted young man, and had smuggled him into the circle of Bolsheviks. V. Maximov, a former Soviet dissident, told this story in artistic form (how else? Jesuits do not have the habit of leaving documents behind!) in his novel Quarantine.

Fantasy novels and horror films today tell us how cosmic aliens conquer civilization on earth from within and replace to a great and allegorical extent the I of the human being. An interesting phenomenon may be noted here: In anthroposophical initiatives that advance from the West to Siberia, we hear ever more frequently that the memory of the Dekabrists is evoked. The Western reader will se nothing unusual in this. But to us it has a very peculiar ring. This is because, despite all the polarization of forces that has occurred in recent years, both the Right and the Left hold fast to the old pillar of Soviet ideology according to which the Dekabrists were the forerunner of the Bolsheviks and the Renewers of Russia, and had almost saved the country as far back as 1825.



XVII. Russia and the Socialist Experiment

Crisis of Civilisation

Russia is caught in the iron grip of militant communism (as this change of power was referred to by media propaganda). The terrible process began of destroying the Russian village. The old experimenters were no longer suited to this new departure in policy. It was decided to sacrifice them through creating the picture of the enemy without, because the enemy within was on the other side of the impervious borders and his picture threatened to pale in the consciousness of the duped masses. Trotsky was allowed to be the only exception. He appears to have been the only one in the entire original leadership who was absolutely untouchable and thus part of the highest circle of world power. He was later done away with after all, but this was, so it seems to us, his own fault he did not want to keep quiet, similar to Kerensky. All the parties of Trotskyites, Social Revolutionaries (SR Party), Constitutional Democrats (CD Party) known to us from the history of the CPSU, were really no more than the cloak behind which were hidden the red Lodges. The Right in Russia openly writes about it today in order to veil the nature of the forces that came to power with Stalin and at the same time wash them a little of their crimes. One of several further sources is the book by the Freemason Michele Moramarco La massoneria. Ieri e oggi, published 1977 in Milan and 1990 in Moscow. He writes: Cuba. Freemasonry is active in Cuba. Castro, who is involved in the traditional Freemasonry which does not interfere in politics, considered it expedient not to oppose it (Chapter 10). And now let us imagine the neighbouring state of Cuba, the USA swarming with Freemasons; then Cubas friend the USSR, the greatest enemy of the USA; the Khrushchev affair with the stationing of nuclear bombs, which is said to have cost President Kennedys life,4 the Bolshevik threat, through revolutions in Latin America started in Cuba and much, much else which, one might have thought, would have excluded the activity of Freemasonry on the Island of Freedom (USSR propaganda). And yet it apparently flourished there. It could not have stood outside politics, if only for the reason that in the socialist camp everything was politicized. Thus the second plan of history taking place behind the scenes is revealed to us by the Bolshevist Freemasons themselves. However the mixture is even more complicated if we consider Castros Catholic past, etc.

Now began the trials, and the toppling of the leadership as well as of the members of those parties. Many were banished to the concentration camps they had helped to create. For the most part they were children of Ahasuerus. In connection with this undeniable fact we refer again to Winston Churchills statement from 1919: There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The authors of the experiment, when they decided to turn Russia into a bloody battlefield, had not placed a great deal of confidence in the Russians; they had a premonition that they might not be up to the magnitude of the task of destroying their own countrymen. For the immediate carrying out of murders mentally-ill people were used. A mysterious regiment known as the Latvian Guard was mobilized, which was to all appearances an order of professional murderers showing no trace of any conflict of conscience. Using such cadres, one now began to experiment in the spirit of Socialism. It is interesting to note that when today on radio and television relatives are mentioned of the dictators of the proletariat, who were once subject to reprisals, the great majority of them are Jews. For this reason the attempt was made to give Stalinism an anti-Semitic note. However, the new ideologues soon discovered that this could become dangerous, because the deeper backgrounds of Bolshevism would then be revealed. This would have been quite unavoidable. Let us take, for example, the fact that next to Stalin the second man of the state was called Kaganovich, that the wives of almost all of Stalins helpers were Jewish, etc. We emphasize again that Churchill, the contemporary whom noone yet dared call an anti-Semite, confirms this. But it would be a mistake to blame only Jews for the Bolshevik Revolution. Yes, the hard core of the conspirators and executors was recruited from their ranks, but what happened from the mid-Twenties onwards makes it clear that they too were merely tools in someone elses hands. When the mass-terror began people were picked up in unbroken succession by the secret police. It no longer mattered what gender or age they were, what was their religious belief, or to what nation they belonged. In truth: when it comes to murder, the Bolsheviks are and always have been Internationalists. After the advance into Latvia

A rumour that could very well be more a case of disinformation than information.

XVII. Russia and the Socialist Experiment

Crisis of Civilisation

in 1940 the invaluable contribution of the Latvian Guard did not make for a moderating influence on the fate reserved for this people. German, Spanish and many other communists made acquaintance with the Cheka prisons. Only those who were sufficiently cunning and who recognized the far-reaching changes in the leadership of the experiment were spared. We need to make all this quite clear, not in order to sow national dissention, but to hold in our memory the terrible lesson, and avoid a repetition of the old mistakes that are death-bringing to all who allow them to happen. For the world is today poised at the threshold of a repetition, only this time on a still bigger scale.

It all began with Russia being torn by Leninism-Stalinism out of the normal course of world history, excluded by it from civilization (desert on the map), and placed on the rack of the yawning heights (an expression of Alexander Zinoviev). The destruction of entire nations was begun and thus the struggle for survival became the most important thing, because the human being did not possess the right to life. The state decided who was to have it and who was not. After Stalins death the Khrushchev era began. Russia appeared now to move in step with the general course of history, but in fact everything remained within the sphere of social-economic fantasy, of progress on the yawning heights. At the same time the mere attempt to move parallel to history brought an approximation of conditions to reality in the Soviet Union, and the time of stagnation began. The dragon slowly lost its strength and thus a hope for freedom was born that found its expression in a struggle for civil rights. As during the time of the NEP, the danger arose again that Russia, in defiance of everything, might stand on its own feet.5 So the experiment was given another new turn. The leadership was taken from the Jesuits and placed again in the hands of the representatives of the Western brotherhoods. These appeared to be continuing the struggle of the dissidents for a return of Russia to the lap of civilization and world culture. But in reality the total destruction of the means of production and all state structures began, which posed a threat to the very national existence of Russia. Under the cover of the Perestroika we are as a national entity finally erased from world history. All stages of the events of recent years are plainly steered by the political occultism issuing from the same black core of the planet from dark ceremonial magic. All this obviously shows things in a very dark light, but it cannot be otherwise when we reflect that our century has heaped up mountains of corpses owing to factors that are not entirely coincidental. Just imagine what those people must carry in their souls, who think up such experiments and put them into practice. Merely to contemplate this, is enough to remove any trace of naivety with regard to political occultism. And the opportunity to contemplate it is provided at every step

Method and Plan of the Experiment

All that came with Stalin one tries today to revamp into a truly national affair of the representatives of Russia, who were purportedly deeply concerned over the historical role of the country, and who made it into a world power. But we have learnt, meanwhile, that Leninism-Stalinism had been planned as one manifestation before the experiment began in order to create an antithesis between America and Russia. The vision for Russia within this antithesis can be shown by means of a diagram (Fig. 8):

NEP New Economic Policy; economic policy in the Soviet Union after 1921 as a reaction to economic ruin and internal political unrest; in the course of a rigorous socialization of the economic conditions, private enterprises were first put under State control and later partially legalized again (Publishers Note).



XVII. Russia and the Socialist Experiment

Crisis of Civilisation

An example: English children were recently asked by sociologists what they think of horror films. 85 % of the children thought that they have a bad influence on their behaviour, and 35 % even said that they encourage them to commit crimes. Children admit this! And the adults? They continue to stuff their children full with these films. Does this not show beyond a shadow of doubt that such inhumanity becomes habitual in accordance with a definite plan? Through the entire course of the socialistic experiment in Russia, two forces are permanently at work whatever dramatic changes it undergoes, and regardless of who happens to be killing whom: the Western secret societies and religious-political Romanism. From time to time one of them defeats the other, but it never happens that one force carries off the final victory; this would be beside the point. If the one side wins economic and spiritual relief is the result, if the other side comes to power then the NEP reverts to war-communism. The dissidents have long observed this constant fluctuation. But it is important to look at the shared attribute that, despite all changes, always remains the same. Professional responsibilities gave us, over a long period, access to scientific circles and at the same time to the highest sphere of the Soviet trade unions.6 And, thus we had the opportunity to gain some insight into the developmental process of Soviet politics. Throughout this time we were also pursuing a thorough study of historical symptomatology as taught by Rudolf Steiner in Anthroposophy. It was not long before we noticed, to our amazement, that the system of power in the Soviet Union was not at all a monolithic block, but that on the contrary two forces oppose each other irreconcilably. Later it became clear to us that we were governed by a force that, though very much the opposite in form, was in spirit absolutely identical with what is called Jesuitism in the Western world; its most important strongholds were the trades unions and the army. There, as everywhere else in the world, the spirit of subordination, of the authoritarian regime, of strict subjection was introduced by this force; one played on peoples national feelings and behaved in a pastoral spirit, as a shepherd of the flock of the little ones of the workers who were mercilessly exploited and held under an iron rod. At the same time it was stressed repeatedly that their superiors were like fathers to them, who could not sleep for nights on end, were concerned about their well-being etc. When the book

Aquarium by Viktor Suvorov was published we not only found our conjectures confirmed, but we also discovered something entirely new: the fact that this force even had its own counter-espionage service Chief Administration for Intelligence (GRU) a secret order with a very remarkable rite of initiation, only mentioned in passing by Suvorov. The members of the Western secret societies control the Academy of Sciences, journalism, medicine, and further education. The Party and the KGB are both as it were twofold. In school education as well as in Marxist and atheistic propaganda both forces work hand in hand. On the level of advanced science (nuclear physics) there were always scientists who, despite all the draconian secrecy regulations, were able to travel from the West into the Soviet Union as easily as we, living in this country, could travel, say, from Moscow to Kiev. The entire 75-year history of the Soviet Union is an expression of the cooperation and battle of these two forces. Times of relative calm mark the preparation for revenge being made behind the scenes by the force that is, at the moment, slipping behind. It is always easier to organize underground; the ruling power is always in the public gaze. Thus we have the secret recruiting of their agents, the gradual replacement of outside people by ones own, in the positions of responsibility. Once these preparations are complete, the force operating underground launches the attack and the world witnesses the beginning of a change in the Soviet Union. When the Bolsheviks staged their revolt in 1917 with the help of Western secret societies, and stirred up civil war and mass-terror, a pro-Jesuit grouping was already preparing behind its back to seize power from within. This process is described in detail in various publications, but in the language of Aesop. During the regime of Stalin a pro-Western group armed itself underground in readiness for attack.7 The first attempt to seize power was made with Khrushchev. Actually it was more like reconnaissance in battle. It was doomed to fail, since the opposition did not have enough agents of influence in the army (as in 1905). After an interregnum, the Right rose to power again, but this time its rule was milder than Stalins since its power was already partially undermined. The Left resumed its activity in the succession Andropov7

This organization had around 120 million members at that time and was numerically the second largest in the world after the Catholic Church.

The well-known dissident General Grigorenko wrote a book with the apt title You Meet only Rats in the Underground.


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Gorbachev-Yeltsin. When they came to power, the Right went underground and worked from there as the Left did previously. This hidden working is, as before, far more successful than the work of the Left above the surface, and this fact became very clear through the congresses of the representatives of the people in the parliamentary sessions during the time of the Perestroika. In view of this we may ask: Why can not one of the forces gain a decisive victory over the other? Because that third force, which strives to bring about a dialectical collaboration of the two forces issuing from it, does not intend this to happen.

festations, allegedly confirmed by trustworthy witnesses, and, parallel to this, critical observations are made of the occult-political forces in the world; patriotism is propagated. The popularity of this magazine is growing enormously, and its reports come ever closer to the totally absurd, so that now only a schizophrenic can take it seriously. And at the same time the paper is designed, together with the black magic of journalism, to make use of the direct magic of dark occult manipulations: the magazine is charged with energy, etc. From another direction there rings out ever more loudly the propaganda for spiritual freedom, for human rights. This attracts people in their swarms who live under the yoke of oppression in the sphere of rights and the spiritual life. But here too they are led astray. They are soon told: If you love freedom you should love it in all its manifestations, including the freedom of sexual licence, and the right to commit crimes. The free press is starting to publish small ads like the following: Looking for a boy, white or yellow it does not matter, provided he looks like a cute dandelion. This is not just a bad joke. A Mafia, going entirely unhindered and unpunished, is active in the enslavement of children to wealthy, sex-crazed criminals. The television broadcast a report of an attempt that had been uncovered,8 to export children to foreign countries as raw material for organ transplants (how many have remained secret?). Anyone who protests against these unbelievable crimes is branded an enemy of democracy, a nationalist, a chauvinist, or a member of the Right. From a third direction believers are inculcated with the idea of the alleged traditional unity of Orthodoxy and army. At the opposite pole, practical occultism is unleashed and countless groups, often international, are formed in which spiritually aware people meet to work with magicians of the darkest kind. It is impossible ever to free oneself from this kind of group because their magic is intimately bound up with the gangster world. In no other country in the world have the mass-media worked so intensively to destroy the structures and relationships of society. People lurch from one side to the other and meet only what is abhorrent. Infernal caricatures stare at them; grimacing, mocking, baring their teeth and poking out their tongues. There was

The Perestroika
In Russia today there is nothing to outdo the naivety of those who believe in the existence of some kind of attempts at reform, whose aim is to strengthen the countrys economy and build up a democratic society. Oh no, the Perestroika is designed to ensure that all the forces in power consciously further the destruction of all spheres of life. This is easily proven through an analysis of the edicts, resolutions, and changes in law that have issued from the government in the last three to four years. The corrupt elements from before are guaranteed full freedom of action and now grow beyond all bounds. With incredible speed a clan of the new financial elite is forming. It buys up the currencies entering the country as credit and deposits it in personal accounts with Western banks (a billion dollars and more disappear from the country every month!). The country is left only with the mountain of debt that is already so vast that Russia will never be able to repay it. A newspaper reported that the countrys population is declining with increasing rapidity. In the first three months of 1992 alone hundreds of thousands of people voluntarily ended their lives or attempted to do so. Even in times of war such losses were rare. Suicide is committed not by the Party-nomenclature they are entirely successful in business but by simple people whose already miserable standard of living is today three or four times worse than before! A no less destructive assault is directed at the spiritual life. Centres are set up in which different spiritual interests are as it were accumulated and then profaned. Thus, for example, someone who is keen to exploit the Russian inclination to mysticism and apocalypticism, publishes the journal Voice of the Universe. In it astounding prophecies are publicized, reports are given of supersensible mani379

Reports on such unique criminal acts often serve the express purpose of popularizing such crimes and inciting to them. It is not only the prospect of quick financial gain that provides the incentive here, but also the perverted idealism of wishing to be a progressive criminal (Publishers Note).


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a similar situation in Russia before the revolution and in the years immediately after it. Today it seems as though the tactic of the two daggers has increased tenfold, as though the time of the pluralism of barbarous deeds had begun. But this is only apparent. In reality a system becomes visible behind the chaos; just two hands, as before. The world of dialectics has not ceased to exist; it is merely undergoing a transformation. And an incredible success awaits it. Recently there has been a general change of mood: people are starting freely to yearn for a return to what they so long and quite justifiably hated!9

The Spiritual Beings and the Events behind the Scenes of Politics Today
For an understanding of all that is happening in the world today it is of fundamental importance to know that we live in the epoch of a twofold coming: the decisive coming of Christ in the world of the etheric forces and the imminent coming of Ahriman in the physical body. The first takes place in full freedom for the human beings who confess to it; the second works by means of lies and violence. The world and human souls are woven by the servants of Ahriman into a complicated web of ideologies, temptations, exploitation of the instincts etc. If this web is not broken, we cannot speak at all of a conscious experience of the coming of Christ. The Lesser Apocalypse says of our time: And let him who is on the housetop not go down into the house (Mark 13;15). This means that only on the level of the consciousness-soul where narrow-minded egoism (also in the realm of opinions) is overcome, can we understand world events today without drowning in the tide of lies that create the only acceptable ecology for Ahriman. Rudolf Steiner says: It is now the time to gain insight into these things because there are many different ways of forcing the human being out of his right development. It is not easy to speak about this, not even of things that lie very close at hand, because one touches upon something, of which people do not suspect in the least that it is, in that it diffuses itself through human souls, an occult impulse of immensely powerful influence (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174). At times people (especially anthroposophists) sense these impulses and fearfully flee, flee therefore from social understanding. But Rudolf Steiner also said: It was a source of great pain to me in recent years, where it would have been so very necessary for these things to be understood in the appropriate places, that these things were not understood. But the truth is that if one knows these impulses, if one is willing to take hold of them, if one receives them into consciousness, they are in a certain way rectified, they can be steered in a different direction (Dec. 1, 1918, GA 186). So we see that the central issue is always the same: faithfulness to the meaning, content and mission of Anthroposophy. In the world today one can no longer fight for the good out of naivety and worthy intentions alone, because all

In the years of the struggle of the dissidents against the regime in the Soviet Union, the name of the priest Dimitri Dudko, who courageously spoke out for the rights of believers and rejected any compromise with the atheist authorities, became widely known. The freedom-loving priest had to suffer much at the hands of the secret police, he endured the most subtle methods of torture and nothing could break his will. But now, in 1994, he writes: I think that the destiny of communists and Christians is somewhere the same As a rule they stand up for the people, they are concerned for its well-being they remind one in their heroic courage of the Christian martyrs Truly, sheep and wolves graze next to each other. The Chekists ask for forgiveness. At least of me I close my eyes to all the offences I have suffered and say to the Chekists: Forgive me for driving you to bitterness, intentionally or otherwise. The Soviet power is the only one, since it is clearly given by God. We needed such a power. It all comes down to this: Everything is given by God; the Bolsheviks and the executioners of the Cheka are sent to us by God; and the devil too, and, if he is given by God we will accept him in peace and bow down before him! It is indeed true that if God wants to punish someone, he deprives him of his reason. If the entire tragedy of Russia were limited to the offences committed against Father Dudko, then we would certainly have to forgive. But what would the millions who have been tortured to death, what would the victims of the GULAG say if they could read what Father Dudko writes today? He would no doubt advise them to ask their executioners for forgiveness for having inconvenienced them so much, that they unintentionally caused them to interrogate, torture, and shoot them and then, as if that was not enough, have to heave around mountains of corpses. In his time as a dissident Dudko sought discussion with the anthroposophists. Only he asked to be brought to a youthful audience to whom he quickly wanted to prove that Anthroposophy is heretical through and through. It is certain that he does not regret this error to this day. Moreover if he had the power today, he would not be satisfied with discussion prison-cell as well as stake would be holy to him again. But if the Bolsheviks come to power again and shoot the priests and desecrate their churches, what will Dudko do? Will he apologize again to the warriors of Bolshevism? So effective is the tactic of the two daggers.


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relationships and factors of life have been dislocated and falsified. We can sustain the good only with the help of strong, effective means. And this Anthroposophy has. Of course attempts are made to falsify or at least weaken it. It is a serious hindrance for us today that the first generations of anthroposophists neglected to do important things. For instance, they were not able to awaken an understanding for the events of that time, when Rudolf Steiner himself was speaking about them. To have to start doing this right at end of the century is extraordinarily difficult, but necessary, because we are still in the midst of the battle that has grown ever more intensive since the end of the 19th century.10 At the end of the 20th century the old tactic of the two daggers is used still more openly and a number of new factors have been added. A fundamental change in the meaning of the terms Right and Left has taken place. The forces that until recently praised socialism to high heaven have now become furious apologists of the restoration of capitalism and present their views under the heading of Left liberalism. The Right are gathering under their banner the remaining socialists, Marxists, Neo-Bolsheviks or plain Bolsheviks, as well as monarchists and nationalists, and form the Right block that stands for the restoration of Socialism, but this time with a human face, and occasionally without a human face. Polarization of the two camps grows ever more extreme. The Left wing of democracy, capitalism, and of course Pan-Americanism, has shifted to attack on all fronts, thereby abandoning the tacit convention of a dynamic balance of the mutually-opposing forces in the world. A revenge of the NEP took place in Russia, somewhat comparable in its scale to the revenge of Stalinism at the end of the Twenties. The Right turns in this situation to unconventional methods of combat. For example they place, figuratively speaking, their trumps on the table and offer to play with open cards. This shows itself in the fact that the secrets from behind the scenes are unveiled. Information appears openly in the press, beside which everything that one had previously guessed at pales into insignificance. But it would be a fateful mistake to take this information at its face value. With the necessary preparation, if one has acquired the method of

historical symptomatology, much can be gleaned from it, that brings into clear relief the outlines of the occult-political world-picture. We should not be deterred by the fact that the source of information is mainly to be found on the Right. This is not to say that it should be accepted uncritically. And at the same time todays Left is mostly using the methods of former Bolshevik propaganda. In the last two years the main forces of the Right opposition (they call themselves: spiritual opposition) have gathered around the weekly The Day;11 some irregularly appearing journals are also issued by its publishers. Everything in this paper bears a markedly publicist character and is designed to shock the Left camp, with the result that so far they have been unable to react appropriately. They tried to react with mockery and scorn but the laughter became a grimace; and if they were to resort to denial, this would provoke further revelation of the secrets behind the scenes. The ideology of the Right opposition is coming to coincide with that of the New Right in the West. Another kind of new unified front of the opposites is beginning to emerge in the world. For the present it is still possible to reach clarity on things, but soon on all sides every trace will be obscured. In Russia this opposition declares that it claims the right and freedom openly and calmly to speak about themes that have hitherto strictly been tabooed or have been the object of raging criticism. These themes are: the connection of secret societies to political regimes, the influence of various sects and neo-spiritual streams on politics and economy, the actual theological background of international and geo-political transformations, the contacts of Jewish mystical-political organizations with the Masonic Lodges, the mystical forms of racism and anti-racism. If someone were now to ask: Is not all this made into an All-Operator? we have to answer: yes. Moreover, it happens not infrequently in the world of high politics today, that one speaks openly on matters that appear at first sight to correspond to what is known to us from statements by Rudolf Steiner. If we are not attentive, we will, whether we want it or not, be drawn into politics and divided up into the different camps and parties. Only activity within the process of cognition will enable us to maintain our spiritual sovereignty. An

Someone from anthroposophical circles asks sceptically: Will Rudolf Steiners words still be valid in a thousand years?! Of course they will still be valid because we are only at the beginning of the emergence of the good and evil race. The tragic events of the 20th century cannot be overestimated. But there is no point in discussing this with phrasemongers.

Later the journal was prohibited and re-appeared under the name Zavtra (Tomorrow).


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external coincidence in the selection, in the accentuation of facts from history, sociology and politics has in itself no significance whatever, since politicians and occultists of every shades and colouring are avid readers of spiritualscientific literature today. What is of essential importance is the interpretation of the facts, whereby for us (and, so it turns out, only for us) no falsification is allowed. In this book we have several times pointed out the immense importance of this task, the fulfilment of which is an almost religious service to humanity. And we never cease hoping that the anthroposophists who use their healthy common sense will read this book to the end and, when they have thoroughly grasped it, will understand our disquiet with regard to the situation of Anthroposophy. Christ

of which one can only say: Heaven preserve us from it! For the synthesis here means the appearance of asuric beings. Only when we understand this synthesis, can we understand the great significance of the other the synthesis in Christ. The esoteric, Ur-phenomenal image of the present world is represented in figure 9:12 Only the strong, spiritual-scientific understanding that includes within it selfknowledge and conscious work on oneself, enables us to unite with the power of Christ which holds in balance the opposing luciferic and ahrimanic forces and leads to their mutual cancellation. (All this was brought to expression in the sculptural group The Representative of Man created by Rudolf Steiner). All else is driven into the infernal synthesis in the sphere of the Asuras, into radical cosmic opposition to the Christ. In this field of tension of forces will take place the incarnation of Ahriman, whose task it will be to push humanity entirely into the abyss and create an irreversible tendency to fall out of normal evolution. Only through the power of the Second Coming of Christ can humanity escape this terrible fate.



Incarnation of Ahriman


Zionism National-Socialism Bolshevism

The Hidden Background of the Perestroika

Todays struggle of Right and Left in Russia and throughout the world must be understood in the light of the principle we have tried to illustrate in figure 9. The one as well as the other weakens the human being by robbing him of a unified understanding of things, and replacing it with various one-sided ways of viewing the world. On a certain level of blindness, one-sidedness can appear to be unified. The ideology of the Left is primitive and superficial but it pleads for liberation from the GULAG; and therein lies its strength. Here it has been thoroughly understood that people are capable of great sacrifices, simply to prevent a repetition of the past. And these sacrifices are demanded of them, but in such a way that they never end. To the material sacrifices are added the moral ones, and this will continue to the point of accepting freedom from the hand of Ahriman. Left-wing propaganda tries to persuade us that a higher party-official like Gorbachev is enough to make the entire system collapse. And the American and other bankers, entrepreneurs people of crystal purity sup12


Figure 9

The violent madman of whom Rudolf Steiner speaks, and by which he means our present civilization, is moving into a phase of decisive action. His mental disorder is of a special kind it is the logic of the ahrimanic intellect which is altogether inappropriately applied to the social life of human beings. We must get to know this logic. And then will be revealed to us the meaning of the events that are building up on a kind of anti-dialectics in the direct confrontation of the luciferic and ahrimanic forces, which is dissolved in that synthesis

Let us not forget that the world-battle between light and darkness is fought solely over Man, the microcosm, whose sign is the pentagram. To turn, as it were, his development upside-down means: to practise black magic.


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posedly dream of a flowering, sovereign, free Russia moving as one with the progressive, democratic, capitalistic lands of the earth. Such a concept appears entirely credible also to many Western anthroposophists. The Right paints a different picture of events, one that in its factual content is three-quarters credible. (Why this should be so has already been pointed out.) Thus, for example, they correctly note what Dostoyevsky already described: The International has decreed that a revolution shall begin in Russia. And it will begin. The instability of the new world order proclaimed by America is explained by the Right through the fact that the USA is a chimerical, antiorganic, transplanted civilization that has no sacred tradition of state.13 And is this not so? By contrast, the mysterious nature of any (other) people corresponds to a certain supra-human archangelic figure, identifies with and blends with it.14 In other words, the concept of the folk-spirit as a being of the hierarchy of archangels is brought into the everyday world of a political battle!15 The Right opposition gives a description of the primary phenomena of the socialistic experiment that is entirely correct in many points. They say that the Bolsheviks, from the first day of their rule, never once thought of realizing their programme. One principle was of central importance: the Order has to stay in power, and it promotes and exposes others, but itself always remains within the sphere of the heroes. The structure of this power, created in 1917, is reminiscent of an order of Jesuits and Freemasons (!). It had originally been part of the system of the international order of Social Democracy. For the ideology of the Order Marxism is merely a transitory stage, a stage peculiar to the epoch, a special case of social-democratic religion. Its actual content however is the occult-cabbalistic doctrine of the transformation of the world and the acceleration of general evolution. The entire terminology, the content of Bolshevik symbolism, has Masonic traits. And today the previous gems of red Freemasonry the red banner, hammer and sickle, drums of pioneers, heads severed from bodies (the busts of the leaders) are hidden in the darkness of
13 14 15

the subterranean mysteries. New ones have been put in their place. But people have forgotten that the Bolsheviks also said: Onward to a democratic republic! etc.16 This truly devastating criticism of Bolshevism issues from the Right in the combination given above. It is very interesting and is based on true facts. Its one mistake, which undermines its significance completely, even turning into its opposite, lies in the fact that it is arguing from a purely luciferic position, and that it is describing an asuric phenomenon which within itself also leads this criticism to a synthesis, as we will go on to demonstrate. But for the moment we will continue to examine the Right spiritual opposition. Literally all organs of propaganda it states are packed tight with well-nourished young men and women from the Orders, and here we must ask: Why then should we not glorify Goebbels and Hitler if we are allowed to glorify their far greater teachers Lenin, Bronstein, Apfelbaum and Rosenfeld? Why is it Fascism there, while here it is the dawn of October?17 Indeed, why? The question seems reasonable. But it only appears to be so, although this is not easy to fathom. The Soviet idea, the Right continues, was sent out in 1917 to make an excursion in history, to level the ground, to atomize the peoples with a view to an attempt in the future to erect a world-Temple.18 One of the ideologues of the Right gives a very simple explanation, which is again not lacking in truth, for the complete misery and starvation the country is being led into today. He writes that there is a world-wide Gosplan19 (analogous to that in the USSR) which formerly divided all the raw materials of the world into three unequal parts: the greater part was destined for the golden billion (the states of Europe, the USA and Canada), the second went to the countries of the socialist camp, the third to the Third World. Today, because the reserves are exhausted, the second category of rations was abolished, and the entire socialist camp is being transferred to the third category.20


Newspaper Den (The Day), No. 2, 1992. Den, No. 28, 1992. This again might be a welcome occasion for Herr Lindenberg to oppose Rudolf Steiners doctrine of the folk-spirits, so that the world will not think badly of us. Other anthroposophists are already fighting this battle, incidentally.

17 18 19 20

Ibid., No. 30, 1992. Ibid. Ibid., No. 31, 1992. Gosplan State Planning Committee of the USSR (Publishers Note). Ibid., No. 45, 1992.


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Indeed this sounds quite plausible and seems to be very close to the truth; if we seek facts to corroborate it we will find them in abundance. The position of the Orthodox Church is close to that of the Right. There are socio-economic as well as metaphysical reasons for this. The Church also says that an entire country, a people, is facing ruin, that the government behaves like an occupying power; it is futile to fight against it with arguments. But the Church sees still more. Representatives of the priesthood and the monks of the Troiza-Sergius-Monastery delivered a statement on June 22, 1992 which says: The Highest Planetary Capital the global Masonic-democratic structures the militant anti-Christianity in the world do everything in their power to prepare the coming of the false Messiah the Antichrist in the near future, to receive him solemnly and lead him to power; he will govern the world through the final three and a half years of world history, before the Second and Blessed Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.21 It is not unthinkable that the starting-point for this kind of explanation was the supersensible experience of some monks. It is atavistic in nature, i.e. luciferized, and therefore they do not see that Christ is already revealed in his Second Coming in the ether-world. But they can already recognize Ahriman as the antipode of Lucifer, as well as his imminent incarnation. The authors see a way out of the situation that has arisen, in an alliance of Church and army. It is not difficult, so it seems, to recognize the error in this kind of orientation. Nor is it hard to understand that events now threaten the existence of the people of Russia, threaten the existence of the Russians as a nation. The present situation in Russia reminds us most strongly of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919-1920. We are constantly led to a kind of Versailles Treaty which leaves us with no prospect whatever for the future. It is though if we had really lost a third world war, ratified the terms of unconditional surrender, and now compensation is demanded of us, reparations are exacted at a level that means enslavement compared to which the slavery of Soviet rule fades into nothing. Through the working of Wilsons Fourteen Points the country is torn, in a direct (by no means indirect) sense of the word, into national pieces that isolate, encapsulate themselves in their national egoism. (But only the Russians are reproached for nationalism or chauvinism.) More than 25 mil21

lion Russians are becoming foreigners in their own land (similar to the Palestinian refugees). The national borders in Russia abstractly put together by Lenin, turn into supposedly historical ones. In some (the Baltic) republics judicial arbitrariness rules, in others (the South), a real physical threat is added. The history of the Sudeten-Germans and East Prussia is repeated on one sixth of the worlds territory with a population of nearly 400 million. Stated baldly, it seems as if the new regents would give a sigh of relief if 30 million Russians who have suddenly become superfluous would all somehow perish. This is the glorious outcome of the epoch of humanism and democracy. And is this outcome not itself a terrible reproach against all that spreads throughout the world under the mask of humanism? It is nave to hope that in a country that has been driven into such a hopeless situation everything will still change for the better. In Russia pressure is building up for the explosion of resistance which we repeat can be compared to the defensive reaction of a living organism threatened by death. Millions of simple people cannot understand world politics but see chaos, hunger and moral decline grow to unimaginable proportions, while those in power support it and think only of their personal enrichment. Under these circumstances the most fantastic dictatorship can arise at any time. The historians will later seek for its root cause in a genetic defect of the Russians, and no-one will remember that these Russians were driven to utter hopelessness. The impression grows ever stronger that this hopelessness is created intentionally, in order to herd all the peoples of the former USSR together again, this time under the yoke of a new dictatorship such as National-Bolshevism, Sacral-Orthodox Socialism, Eastern-Orthodox Papacy etc.

Eternal Rome versus the Eternal Carthage

Propagation of the new ideology of the Right in Russia began in 1992, in issue No. 2 of the newspaper The Day, with publications from a Round Table Conversation that took place in the editorial rooms, and was attended by representatives of the New Right from Western Europe Alain de Benoist, the French sociologist and chief editor of a series of magazines, e.g. lments, and the Belgian geo-politician and chief editor of the journal Vouloir, Robert Stoickers. The Russian side was represented by Alexander Dugin, introduced as

Ibid., No. 29, 1992.

389 390

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a geo-politician and metaphysician and Sergei Baburin, influential deputy of the Supreme State Council, and others. In the course of the event the conclusion was drawn that the earlier stage in the Perestroika, between 1985 and 1989, marked the onset of a geo-political crisis, and that the year 1991 became the year of geo-political collapse. A unique Islamic-Christian Eurasian community fell apart, the ties of East-Slavic unity were broken. The most important task of America, Pax Americana, is not to permit any state of Eurasia to exercise a dominant role. As in all else, the Right also here combines a courageous analysis of the present situation with distortion and falsification of the facts. What IslamicChristian association, for instance, can we speak of in a state where total atheism prevails? It would also be appropriate to shed light on the way the bonds of East-Slavic unity were tied. But, let us repeat, under the conditions of extreme crisis only very few are in a position to give attention to such subtleties. Either this concept is swallowed without chewing, or it is spat out, together with all the rich material of facts. From a statement of the present situation, the Eurasians as the Right of this variety calls itself move on to a presentation of their future plans. The participants in the said Round Table conversation decided that the principal and common enemy of all peoples is the project of the political and social unification of all mankind (this project really exists) in view of the absolute primacy of technological and economic consumption relative to all other aspects of life (Benoist). At the same time, they said, over the last two centuries a fundamental opposition of two continents America and Eurasia , two antithetical geopolitical and geo-cultural poles, has arisen. The principle of this opposition is: Europe joins with Russia against America Europe as a continental force, as the traditional conglomerate of peoples, stands opposed to America, the mightiest hypostasis of cosmopolitan, non-national civilization. In order to weaken Eurasian unity, America stirred up wars in the Near East, in the former Soviet Union etc. They all threaten to escalate into total catastrophe. Only one force can be held up to it the Islamic-Christian alliance. The concept of the Eurasian world envisages the creation of the geo-political axis Russia-GermanyChina. We must concede that quite a few patriotic hearts will want to follow this call, and no-one will understand that such a call in this context is nothing less than one of the already well-known daggers.

The ideologues of the new doctrine absolutize the continental opposition of America and Eurasia into sheer infinity, and we must ask whether this is to become an Ersatz for the old opposition of British-American commerce and the Marxist political economy imposed on the Russians, of which Rudolf Steiner spoke (cf. Jan. 15, 1917, GA 174). Alexander Dugin now a prominent Eurasian ideologue writes: Over against Atlantism, which embodied the primacy of individualism, of economical liberalism and democracy of the Protestant type there now stands Eurasianism which, with compelling necessity, represents authoritarianism, the hierarchical principle and the precedence of the principle of community, of national statehood, over purely human, individualistic and economic interests.22 In this way the human being is placed before the free choice between these two wholly unacceptable alternatives. On the one hand pressure is applied on him through hunger and the destruction of all spheres of life, while on the other he is enticed, through conversations about national interests and cultural traditions, back into what in the last resort is the well-known Marxist realm of freedom which is necessity become conscious. Orwells freedom is slavery is already discernible as the next step. But let us see out of what elements the sirens of Eurasianism piece together their ideology. They regard Mackinder as the founder of the ideology of its counter-stream of Atlantism. He elaborated the strategy of the new Carthage (meaning the USA) which is valid for all agents of influence, all secret and occult organizations, all Lodges and semi-public clubs that have served the Anglo-Saxon idea in the 20th century and will continue to serve it by infiltrating all the continental Eurasian powers with their network. They could all be called participants in the Atlantic conspiracy who serve not only a single country, but also the metaphysical doctrine.23 That such a doctrine exists there is no doubt whatsoever. But is only Mackinder its originator? In all probability not. It did not arise within a specific decade; its metaphysical character stems from the circle of ceremonial magic of which we have already spoken. Dugin also seeks for its roots in the history of the Western Lodges. He writes that the secret order of Atlantis goes back to the
22 23

Ibid., No. 4, 1992. Ibid.



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ancient Egyptian communities of initiates who venerated the God Seth whose symbols were the crocodile and hippopotamus (water animals in the alchemical sense) and also as the red donkey. Later (Dugin refers here to Claude Grasse-dOrsay) the sect of Seth was taken forward in Europe by the so-called Minstrels of Morvan, whose emblem was dancing death (danse macabre). Then came: Balsamo, Memphis-Misraim, etc.24 The Russian and German Eurasians had we merely quote here already in the Twenties discovered the logic of the alternative continental strategy, the secret of the imperial idea on the continent, the staff of Rome The Order of Eurasia versus the Order of the Atlantic block (Atlantis), Eternal Rome versus the eternal Carthage. An occult Punic War that rages invisibly through the millennia. A planetary conspiracy of the Continent against the Ocean, of earth against water, of authoritarianism and the idea against democracy and matter.25 At this point we would call to mind the statement of Rudolf Steiner, in which he speaks of the intention to let the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation arise again. Now we see the stage scenery shaking; hands reach forward and begin to throw their cards on the table. At the same time it is worth contemplating the proportions that old occult-political fantasies are taking on at the end of the century. The error of Pan-Slavism, Dugin continues (and here he is drawing close to the ideology of the New Right), is the thesis of the blood that ranks higher than the soil. Konstantin Leontiev, a leading Pan-Slavist (in the 19th century) supposedly said that if the main emphasis had been placed on the soil, this would have inevitably led to an alliance of Russia with Austria and to peace with Turkey and Japan. In rejecting this, the Pan-Slavists began unwittingly to play into the hands of the Atlantists; moreover, they provoked the upsurge of Hitlers anti-Slavic expansionism, which did not exist with Haushofer. Finally, says Dugin, the Atlantic Lobby was victorious in the leadership of the Third Reich. It exploited the racist theses and sought, under the pretext that the English are Aryans and thus related to the Germans, to turn Hitlers at-

tention to the East.26 Pan-Germanism played into the hands of Atlantists just as did Pan-Slavism. In the conflict with Russia Admiral Canaris played a big part. Bormann on the other hand was a Eurasian. Eurasians existed also among the German National Bolsheviks Ernst Nikisch, Ernst Jnger, Lufenberg, Petel and others. As to Russia, Dugin continues, Lenin himself in his emigration period sought contact with German politicians and economists. His Internationalism had a Eurasian dimension. Trotsky on the other hand was an Atlantist.27 There existed, says Dugin further, an unbroken continuity of Russian Eurasians in pre- and post-revolutionary times. The creation of the Red Army itself was the work of the agents of Eurasia and a masterstroke of theirs was the creation of a main administration for espionage (GRU) under the leadership of a former Tsarist officer. The French author and metaphysician Jean Parvulescu apparently presented at a Round Table gathering an analysis of the GRU connections to the secret Orders of Eurasia. During the war, agents of the GRU apparently made contact with the head of the Office for Jewish Affairs, Walter Nicolai, and with his help gained access to the highest leaders of defence, SS and SA. The central figure in this whole network was Martin Bormann himself. Dugin claims that this fact was well known to the Allies during the investigations prior to the Nuremberg Trial, many of them assumed with certainty that Bormann had disappeared to the Soviet Union, and it is known beyond a doubt that Nicolai deserted to the Russians in May 1945.28 On the Soviet side the generals (and later marshals) Voroshilov, Timoshenko and Zhukov were Eurasians like Bormann, who is claimed to have said on the first day of war: Non-existence has overcome existence on this day of June All is finished All is lost. 29 They had not wanted to believe in the possibility of war since they knew of an Eurasian Lobby in the Third Reich. What is truth here and what is invented in an attempt to adjust the past to fit a new ideological doctrine? We can form a judgment to some extent. We have
26 27

24 25

Ibid., No. 6, 1992. Ibid., No. 4, 1992.


28 29

Ibid., No. 5, 1992. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid., No. 6, 1992.


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already spoken of people who had investigated more closely the course of the Second World War, and had noticed that such figures as Stalin, Voroshilov and Molotov acted as though they were interested in the defeat of the Soviet Union and as though the war was being won against their will. But here we must take into account the contribution of Viktor Suvorov regarding the course of the war, as well as what he did not see namely, that both sides were working for the destruction of peoples, and that the outcome of war was settled before it began. Undoubtedly there were both in Berlin and Moscow various kinds of lobbies, but in the end it was not they who decided what was essential the destruction of Central and Eastern Europe through internal conflict. Some time ago a book in the series The Lives of Outstanding Personalities, devoted to Voroshilov,30 came into our hands. It contained a photograph of the meeting between Voroshilov, Kekkonen and Paasikivi (see next page). The three are sitting at a dinner table. Paasikivi is eating soup from a silver bowl; Kekkonen is speaking to Voroshilov with the help of an interpreter. Both Finns are wearing black dress-suits, Voroshilov a black suit. On their chests the three conversation partners are wearing splendid massive gold chains with many Swastika symbols hanging from them. Parts of the swastikas are touched up, but in such a way that the touching-up is easily detected. Apart from the swastikas there are other signs on the chains, which doubtlessly indicate the occult rank of the bearer. Large Maltese crosses hang on the chains. In Voroshilovs case, the cross is hidden behind the edge of his jacket and only the upper part is visible. At the time when Kekkonen received the international Lenin-award, his photograph appeared in newspapers (possibly in the West as well), where he could be seen in a dinner-jacket, and again with the same chain, only that the Swastikas had been effaced altogether; and only the initiated were given any indication of who this person really was.31 Possibly they were the members of the Order of Polars, of which the Right spiritual opposition speaks today. To judge by the symbolism, this Order is an offshoot of the Lodges that emerged in

on the British Isles at the beginning of this century (Thule and others), but the modern Eurasians demonstrate their radical opposition towards the West.

Banquet hosted by the President of the Republic of Finland in honour of K. E. Voroshilov, on Aug. 21st 1951. U. K. Kekkonen (right), J. K. Paasikivi (left)

30 31

V.I. Kordashev: Voroshilov. Moscow, Publisher Young Guard, 1976. In this connection it would be interesting to examine more closely Kekkonens resignation from power, the true nature of the Soviet-Finnish war 1939, as well as the fact that Andropov began his ascent to power within the party-elite of the Karelian Autonomous Region. A version exists, according to which the plan of the Perestroika, including its outcome, was elaborated under the guidance of Andropov.

What the dissidents recognized as the periodical changeovers from the NEP to militant communism in Soviet history, is explained by Dugin as a shift of power between Eurasians and Atlantists. Khrushchev and Andropov belonged to the latter; today it is Gorbachev and Yeltsin; Brezhnev and Chernenko were Eurasians. During his time as ambassador in Ottawa, the Atlantist Alexander Yakovlev (the right hand of Gorbachev), former member of the Politburo, worked out with David Goldstcker the Atlantean strategy of the Perestroika. This made him, already at the beginning of the Seventies, one of the most important ideologues of Atlantism in the USSR. A. Prokhanov32 (of whom the journal The Day openly reports that he is a member of the order of Polarians) writes that, on the other hand, the Soviet-Eurasian strategists worked seriously in the late Seventies and the first half of the Eighties on projects of a new continental-cosmic civilization, which were to be founded on

A well-known Soviet author who devotes his novels mainly to the theme of war and the glorification of the Soviet army.


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the co-operation of spiritual, local and metaphysical traditions of Eurasia with an ultra-modern technical, cosmic style and a global system of new communications, and which were meant to be a kind of response to the American Star Wars.33 Finally, says Dugin, the Eurasians prepared a revolt for the winter 1991/92, and the revolt in August was merely a counteractive measure of the Atlantists, who were provoking the conspirators to premature action. The greatest mistake was apparently made by defence minister Yasov who had capitulated to the head of the KGB (whom the Right nevertheless proclaims a hero and martyr today). It is even considered possible that Yasov was influenced occultideologically and parapsychologically.34 In the view of the Eurasians the final battle is imminent, and the servants of the ocean are to be pushed into the ocean. But they have their truth as well and we ought to pay respect to the deeply metaphysical choice they have made. But the determination of the Eurasians, their anger cold and passionate cruelty should not be allowed to suffer because of this.35 Soviet ideology, based for more than seven decades on the only true teaching of Marx and Lenin, on dialectical materialism, has performed such an unexpected pirouette, as we may call it. This should not surprise us in the least when we know that the occult secret societies stand behind the socialistic experiment. Something quite different is surprising: Three times the Soviet intention to radically change the world has ripened and, in the process, built up extraordinary strength and three times it fell back into dust and ashes before a single practical step could be taken in that direction. The permanent revolution of Trotsky, victorious on one sixth of the globe and passionately longed for in Germany and France, ends its days behind Stalins prison walls. The armada of Stalin, which is ready to devour Europe in an unprecedented Blitzkrieg, is delayed by a week or two. The idea of a new continental-cosmic civilization ripens, acquires unbelievable military power, is supported by the whole of progressive humanity and turns out to be a colossus on feet of clay.

The ordinary boy Misha Gorbachev comes along, pushes against the clay structure, and the whole thing collapses. Events on a world scale remind us of a game of soap bubbles. This bubble or that grows to an enormous size and bursts all the more easily. The repeated, phenomenal growth of the Soviet power potential and its periodical destruction are a telling expression of world politics, at whose centre stands a unified force, which on the lower levels divides into two or three parts, while these parts wage a devastating war with each other. The metaphysical basis for a politics of this kind derives from the constellation of forces shown in figure 9. This analysis will be carried to its conclusion in the final chapter. At the close of this chapter we would remark that Sovietism also bears within it an asuric power of its own, which is yet to be revealed in its full force. To this power the Eurasianism of the Right spiritual opposition is just as unacceptable as is the Atlantism of Gorbachev, Yakovlev or Yeltsin.

33 34 35

Ibid., No. 11, 1992. Ibid., No. 13, 1992. Ibid., No. 15, 1992.
397 398

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XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

The Components of Eurasian Ideology
Much truthful information exists indicating that the Perestroika, just like the revolution of 1917, was conceived and then imported to Russia by the Western occult brotherhoods. But we need to understand it and separate out the chaff from the wheat. The press occasionally quotes statements of former leaders of political Freemasonry, which can shed light on the origins of todays events. Thus Albert Pike probably from the circles of the high degree occult aristocracy said in 1871: Three world wars will be necessary for the complete victory of Freemasonry; in the course of the third the Moslem world will be destroyed and then we will provoke gigantic social upheavals which will demonstrate the abomination of atheism we will simultaneously destroy Christianity and atheism. The following toast was offered at the general meeting of the Grand Orient de France in 1923: To the future World Republic the daughter of world-wide Freemasonry! The following statement by Papus is also known: Revolution this means, to apply the constitution of the Lodges to society as a whole. Similar statements exist not by the dozen but by the hundreds. We would admit from the outset that many of them issue from Jesuit sources, but something else needs to be borne in mind, namely that, as a rule, when the Anglo-American initiates scold Rome, they [spoke] the truth. And Rome also tells the truth when it speaks about the centre, about occult Freemasonry (Sept. 22, 1918, GA 184). Occult-political forces of any kind, that become a tool of ahrimanic or luciferic spirits or of their new manifestation, the Asuras are willing to use any means available to attain their goal. In one of his lectures Rudolf Steiner speaks of the occult foundations of terrorism. He speaks of how, through prepared mediums, secrets of the spiritual world are gained with the help of the souls who are violently forced out of their bodies; how one gains knowledge of what wants lawfully to take place in the world, in order then by means of expert

knowledge to falsify the healthy impulses of development. The same purpose is served by the binding of the souls of the dead to the earthly plane through mummification of their bodies.1 Through these and similar means certain people are entrusted with the secret of rulership over the masses It is a secret how the masses, who take little interest in outer events, but who nevertheless have the spiritual gifts to serve the preparation of the sixth post-Atlantean epoch (meaning Russia), how absolute rulership is to be realized over these masses, how the technique of rulership over them can be placed in the hands of a small number of individuals (Nov. 6, 1917, GA 178). These words provide the key to all that has happened in Russia in the 20th century. Rulership over peoples who have a great spiritual-historic mission to fulfil is no simple matter. We can get our fingers burned if we try to take hold of them. This is why they are tossed back and forth like a burning coal from one hand to the other, as the devil does in Gogols short story. Of course, one tries to package the ruthless intention in the most varied profound ideologies, such as the one that says that the outdated Roman Papacy must be replaced by an Anglo-Saxon Papacy, which is then to exercise guardianship of the Slavs. But Rudolf Steiner advises us that we have to be clear whether these ideologies can be of use to humanity. If not, they must be corrected (cf. Dec. 17, 1916, GA 173). Transfer of the Papacy into different hands is a complicated affair. When the Western secret societies began to lose control of their experiment of 1917, and the coal began to burn, it was handed over to the Jesuits, for them to apply the finishing touches and let it cool off. Something similar is taking place today. Therefore another difficult period of militant communism is imminent. Confirmation of this is suggested by a macro-detail. The greatest exponent of Pan-European unity, Count Coudenhove-Kalergi2 bases the necessity of his doctrine on a single argument. He writes in a book published in the late Six1

There is no event of recent years that augurs so badly for the future. After long discussions in Moscow about what to do with Lenins mummy, it was again made accessible to the masses. A director made a film about Lenins corpse; he did not incline to mysticism, and reported afterwards of the influence, sometimes tragic, which otherworldly forces exerted on the entire camera team during the work. He founded the Pan-Europe-movement as early as 1922.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

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ties: The alternative for Europe is: a Europe of free people in a union of free states or a communist Eurasia (emphasis by the present author) without freedom.3 It is also symptomatological that he regards the Soviet Union as a Church State ruled by communist cardinals. We now know that this is not a metaphor, but a statement of fact. But in addition to the Red Papacy there have always been the influential agents of the Western brotherhoods. Kalergi was aware of this. When studying his books one should always bear in mind that behind the cover of a popular ideology he is hiding concrete statements about the plans of the secret societies, to which he undoubtedly had access. Thus he writes: In history anything is possible. Even the fall of communism. But even after the fall of communism in Russia nothing would be more improbable than the triumph of freedom. The successor of communism would probably be a military dictatorship (emphasis by the present author), which would be just as dangerous for Europe as communist world revolution.4 Two elements in this prophecy of Kalergi (the prognoses of contemporary astrologers are feeble in comparison) have already been realized. Realization of the third is imminent. But let us now turn our attention to something else. We must conclude that the unification of Europe under US tutelage (as preached by Kalergi) is in urgent need of a threat from the East. And the Atlantist Kalergi called it Eurasian long ago. Thus he wrote in Der Tag, 20 years before the above-mentioned articles: On Europes Eastern horizon there looms a dark thundercloud: the shadow of a Eurasian world Imperium stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok under the hegemony of the Soviet Union: the end of European freedom.5 And today we witness the improbable come true the threat from the East no longer exists, and Europes obedience instantly vanishes. Does this not mean that the shadow will be restored in a maybe somewhat reduced, curtailed form? In this way important symptoms can be recognized long before they manifest concretely in outer life. The Eurasian ideology, as it is formulated today by the New Right in Eastern and Western Europe, consists of three elements: the Islamic, the Slavic (mainly
3 4 5

Russian) and the Romanic. China and Japan are spoken of as very desirable future partners in the alliance, but this will only come about in the future. Their mention is unfounded at present, since the Eurasian ideology has so far not struck deep roots there. As to Germany, it is acknowledged on the one hand that it was the first country to have waged war on the Atlantists, but on the other hand one is always trying to get it to play second fiddle. All too long now have the Soviet Eurasians, together with the Atlantists, made a fiend incarnate out of Germany not only for adults but also for children. It is difficult now to alter the psychology of the masses. Even so prominent an ideologue of Eurasianism as A. Prokhanov, in criticism of the Perestroika, frightened people a year ago with the menace of the German military-industrial giant looming over the world.6 Even in their relationship to Russia the Eurasians are not of one mind. Alain de Benoist believes that particularly in Russia the foundations of a new political ideology, the ideology of the 21st century, have to be created.7 Others regard the Russian factor as no more than an albeit important element of Western European, Romanic-Eurasian politics. Geidar Dshemal, for example, political advisor of the president of the Islamic Party of Resurrection in the former Central Asiatic republics of the USSR, shares this opinion. The European right, he states, have immense experience in the study of Russia, reaching back to Joseph de Maistre. They have a carefully worked-out theory of Russia. Russia on the other hand does not have a working theory of Europe.8 To Dshemals last assertion one would wish to respond: That depends entirely! Maybe this theory does not only exist in the new ideology of Eurasianism, because it would have to be romanocentric, as openly postulated by Jean Tiriar. As to the Red Papacy, it does possess such a theory and it has, too, the immense experience in the study of Europe and America. The opinion of the Eurasians concerning religion diverge even further. Suffice it to say that Baron Julius Evola, recognized by them as an unconditional authority, was firmly opposed to Christianity, and another authority Ren

Richard Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, World Power Europe, Stuttgart, 1971, p. 56. Ibid., p. 57. Ibid., p. 9.

7 8

This could be heard in 1996-97, with the formerly harsh tone of Soviet times, in the ideology of the Polarians. Den, No. 17, 1992. Ibid., No. 38, 1992.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

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Gunon converted from Christianity to Islam. The Russian Eurasians try somehow to circumvent a cliff of this kind. A. Dugin presents Gunon as a thinker who showed the way in Kali Yuga, and as we are living at the end of Kali Yuga (it has not yet ended for Eurasians), which corresponds exactly to the Christian teaching of the coming of the Saviour immediately before the end of the world, Gunon was unconsciously a Christian. To accept his ideology is not in contradiction with the view of Christ, the Sun of the world, our true God the God of Russia.9 Moreover, Dugin makes every conceivable effort to find common elements in Christianity and Islam. In the Islamic Hadjas, he states, it is written that at the end of times Mahdi will appears and at the same time Christ will descend to earth, which corresponds to the Christian understanding of the Second Coming (meaning, of course, the physical reappearance; note by the present author). In the battle of Mahdi (with the AntiChrist) Christ has to destroy the Anti-Christ, Dardjal.10 All this seems very dubious, but it clearly shows the scale of the game that is again being played. It is no longer the historical materialism, or the materialism of science in the spirit of Bchner. Traditional conceptions have to be stretched so far that hardly anything of them is left. We discover for instance that we cannot consider the new cults of Eurasia if we ignore the unified complex of shamanism, and that Christianity owes its success to the correspondence of the Gospel story with the mystery rudiments of shamanic imaginations! Etc.11 It is interesting to observe that the breadth of Eurasian views on religion harmonizes with the Ecumenism of the Atlantists. But both are confronted by the Red Papacy, which leads them to a kind of impossible synthesis, and in these new conditions subjugates the Eastern Church, politicizes it and drives it into opposition to Catholicism in a spirit of the most extreme religious intolerance. This is not surprising, since religion is making all these world-forces into its instrument in the occult-political battle. For its part, the system of belief of the New Right inclines on the whole to a neo-paganism with an entirely fantastic Ecumenism, a mass hysteria of a new type into which they introduce the elements already known to us.
9 10 11

By this we mean not only a repetition of the ideological myths of National Socialism but also, peculiar as this may sound, what can only be drawn out of spiritual science. Thus it is easy to guess that the ideologues of the New Right also study Rudolf Steiner, but of course in their own way. This is by no means improbable, because every side in the occult-political battle is seeking for real forces, not for abstract ones. This is why Christianity, and even esoteric Christianity, are flirted with as well. The following example makes this clear: We were born in the cruel East We march beneath the banner of Zoroaster Gautama gave us the gift of alabaster Wise Mani gave us Fayence We are the great sons of Genghis Khan Hold in remembrance the sunken island But Destiny now lies in the East 12 13

According to this Destiny it is the lot of the Moslems today: all must follow the laws of the Sharia and submit to the laws of the Sharia courts; the European peoples are destined to return to the central role of the Church within the state.14 And then the Eurasians no doubt say among themselves we will see what happens.
The ideology of the Eurasians is characterized by a methodological profundity that at times borders on the comical. Dugin for example sees in Khrushchevs seizure of power the victory of the subjective-Kantian line over the hitherto prevalent totalitarian-Hegelian line.15 The gnoseological roots of Eurasianism he sums up in the words: Non-being is primary to Being in every respect. G. Dshemal adds: Negation is the most fundamental of all realities.16

12 13

Ibid., No. 28, 1992. Ibid., No. 26, 1992. Ibid., No. 38, 1992.

14 15 16

Magazine Giperboreya (Hyperborea), Vilnius, 1991 (Publisher Fravarti), p. 41. Now we return again to the theme of the All-Operator. If one follows its logic of the compromise with fear, then one has to renounce not only historical symptomatology, but also the spiritual-scientific teaching of the evolution of the world. Already today it is reactionary to be a Christian. But if one speaks in Western Europe of the rootraces, of Lemuria, of Atlantis, one can almost expect to be put in prison for it. Magazine Miliy Angel (Precious Angel), Moscow, 1991 (Publisher Arktogeya), p. 2. Den, No. 10, 1992. Miliy Angel, p. 24.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

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It must be said that the comedy of this ideology is entirely lacking in a sense of humour. As soon as we investigate it more closely it sounds ominous, because it is concerned, not with gnoseology, but with the restoration of some kind of dark death-mysteries. It began to influence the life of society in the whole country already during Brezhnevs time. The esoteric background reminds one strongly of the black magical mysteries of Taotl in Ancient Mexico. Our final chapter will address this aspect in more detail. We will now continue to discuss the ideological packaging of the new, alternative ideology of the Red Papacy. In this connection we would cry out: Poor Hegel! The Marxists turned him upside down for one and a half centuries, and now the Eurasians turn him over from one side to another. It is very important though, to all concerned, that no-one should heaven forbid! stand Hegel on his feet. This would on no account be tolerated, for Eurasians, Atlantists and Communists operate with occultism in utter seriousness. This is also the reason why we anthroposophists, who have the audacity to engage in occultism without being integrated into one of these systems of strict subordination and discipline, are so much a thorn in their flesh. The Eurasians declare: if religion is not constantly corrected inwardly through pure esotericism, its central object changes into an idol, a fetish.17 But, that is one or the other anthroposophist will say what we maintain! Then to this they reply: So much the worse for you! Why? For the simple reason that the esotericism that is to correct religion, we understand to be esoteric Christianity, the revelations of the hierarchies and of Christ Himself, brought into the world by the great Christian initiates. But those of the Right and Left mean the dark, atavistic esotericism of the secret societies, Orders and Lodges. Because we know of this, we will not fall for any illusions when we read about the sorrow of the Eurasians, that orthodox authors criticize the doctrines of initiation, that they reject the idea of the unity of the higher I with God.18 We have indeed entered a new world, where a broad web of lies is cast over literally all spiritual conceptions of mankind, so that in future not a single little fish may swim in freedom. By the New Right this web is camouflaged behind faithfulness to traditions, to the spiritual values of the past; in Germany
17 18

they even ascribe to themselves the ideas of the conservative revolution. They advocate a restoration of the world of tradition and understand by this the whole of the body of knowledge whose source is divine and not human. This knowledge is attained on a path of initiation, which represents the return of the intellect to the eternal origin by way of realization of the Adamic condition, which corresponds to the Lesser Mysteries of the ancients, or the alchemical Work in White (Albedo); then follows the ascent beyond oneself, to God. This corresponds to the Greater Mysteries, or the alchemical Work in Red (Rubedo).19 In order to accelerate the ascent, practice of the Hatha-Yoga breathing-exercises is recommended (and this in politology!). Rudolf Steiner often spoke of how deeply Christianity suffered when it destroyed the connection to the mysteries of antiquity, because it was unable to renew them through the impulse of the Mystery of Golgatha. The Eurasians, so it would appear, intend to correct this mistake (!), but do so in an entirely unacceptable way. Their flirtation with Anthroposophy has a narrowly limited and goal-oriented character: They want to make use of its teachings in a fragmentary way, bring it into connection with the atavistic occultism of the Orders and Lodges, and exclude entirely any possibility whatever of understanding the working of Christ and the Mystery of Golgatha. Through placing the ideals of initiation at the centre, the ideologues of the said Eurasian civilization draw from them the strength for their social radicalism, which publicly they call reactionary. The average human being of today, they claim, is a victim of counter-initiation and a tool of world-wide subversion, recruited on a refined level and placed on the side of hell. Over against such a human being there stands the differentiated or disconnected (Evolas terminology) person the absolute counter-revolutionary. He declares absolute war on this world in all aspects. He has nothing more to defend and nothing that he could regret; there is nothing left for him to love, and nothing that mobilizes his sense of duty,20 etc. In other words: Here we have a human being of the luciferic abysses standing over against the man of materialistic, ahrimanic civilization. But the Eurasians insist that such a counter-revolutionary is the work of the Lord himself. But what kind of Lord is this? It is the God of the occult war

Ibid. Ibid., p. 64.


19 20

Ibid., p. 65. Ibid., p. 79-80.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

of the Signori in the cause of tradition in that world in which the exiled children of the Diaspora and the children of the widow hold everything in their hands. The goal of the counter-revolution of the Signori is: victory, power, initiation. Whoever is able to endure in the struggle against todays world up until the apocalyptic secret of lawlessness, he can bridle the tiger of modern dissolution (the concept originates in initiation-science).21 The world of tradition is the subordination of the social to the spiritual, and this spiritual element appears in the form of the immanent transcendental, i.e. the Divine King, the Hero, the Imperator. Lower down there follows the caste of priests, then that of the warriors, the craftsmen, and finally that of the slaves. The economy is subordinated to imperial ethics. The ultimate goal of all such traditional societies is the realization according to initiation, which bestows immortality and raises man to the rank of the heavenly beings, the angels, the gods.22 This implies a direct restoration of the social structure of the Old Egyptian cultural epoch, a fact which is proclaimed openly. And when one reads this it is hard to believe ones eyes. But one is compelled to believe, because behind the new ideology there stands a continuously growing movement which finds widespread support in many, if not all countries of Western Europe. According to its inner nature this movement is a direct expression of occult Latinism in its opposition to the Anglo-Saxon world. Jesuitism is shifting to out-and-out opposition to the secret societies of the Anglo-Saxon world, because the latter have now begun, after the war of positions (the cold war) in which they were slowly but surely moving towards defeat, to launch a broad open attack.

tion, unemployment, and to the spread of civil wars on an ever widening scale. Anything the democrats intend to do in this situation will only deepen the crisis. And now a group is emerging that offers a radical programme to save the nation, but on a National-Bolshevik basis. It was already mentioned that, if the Bolsheviks had not won in Russia in 1917, they would probably have come to power in Germany, while Russia might have been overtaken by Fascism. Today we have reached a point where the Bolsheviks have again had to suffer defeat, but as it were from a historical point of view. They have arrived at absolute nothingness and yet, absurd as it may seem, they are actually attempting to play the card of Russian Fascism. If we recall K. S. Mereshkovsky we will realize that his ideas are living, that, quite really and practically, ever new ways are sought to destroy the greater part of humanity, in order then to pursue social Darwinism, artificial selection for the creation of the humanity of the future. If it were possible to set the AngloSaxon and Eurasian worlds against each other, there would be very little remaining on the earth after the conflict. If this proves impossible, the experiment can be altered and National-Bolshevism can be given a different direction. For example, a world-coalition against it could be created. This would lead to the unconditional capitulation of Russia, the unhindered partition of its territory, and an irredeemable debt towards humanity. Thus the politologist S. Y. Kurginian, in his criticism from a Right position , of the New Right, judges correctly: Then (in the event of their seizure of power) there would follow the rescue of the world from the Fascists, outside intervention, internal uprisings in the country, followed by de-Nazification in the German manner, and the partition of the country.23 Through engaging in discussions of this kind we are, of course, very far from taking seriously the ideological exercises of the post-Soviet new Right, the Hyperboreans. It would be more true to say that here we have to do with a curiosity of history, which consists in the fact that seemingly every revolution whether of the Sansculotte, proletarian, or conservative variety of necessity brings forth its own Bukharin (or at least a mini-Bukharin) a demonic theoretician, a thanatophile and advocate of the evil good who calls upon mankind to dice with death, but who clings with every fibre of his being to his own marvellous existence, whose guiding star is the faint hope of being found

National-Bolshevism and straightforward Bolshevism

Today it is said that the situation in Russia is reminiscent of that in 1917. It reminds us not only of that year, but also of the situation in Germany in the late 20s and early 30s. As then, we are seeing the complete collapse of the state, of industry, of financial systems and institutions of power; this leads to infla21 22

Ibid. Ibid., p. 67-69.


Magazine Moskva, No. 11-12, 1992, p. 153.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

worthy some day to experience the welling up of an erotic-comatose state (A. Dugin). That is legionary theory, pure and simple, G. Klimov will perhaps say, as he reads the works of our Polarians. Maybe. A conservative provocation, with which post-Soviet Russia reacts to the amusing intellectual games of the West. (Another provocation is Zhirinovsky.) But unfortunately the West also provokes, and our super-wise lite pulls, as usual, the chestnut out of the fire with its own hands: starting with the gnoseological (epistemological Trans.) abominations of a Marx and Lenin, and reaching right down to the freedom struggle of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. For this reason we must look for the secret of the times on deeper levels. We must remember the, above all, peculiar and essential affinity between Jesuitism and Americanism. Much of what the New Right says in the West not in Russia speaks for itself. Thus, for example, the former leader of the panEuropean movement South Europe, Jean Tiriar, who died only recently and was a friend of Evola and Ceausescu, advised the Right to risk a cunninglythought-out manoeuvre and sign the Treaty of Maastricht. Let the European horse-traders he said prepare the bed. Others will sleep in it, not they.24 (Interesting picture: bed and sleep.) This is of course ingenious, but by no means new. It is always the same old tactic of Jesuitism, to deceive the Freemasons and seize power from within. Unfortunately, in both cases, any kind of extreme experimentation with world history invariably serves the aims of one single force. Tiriar makes no attempt to hide this. As opposed to Kalergi he advocated the unification of Europe from Dublin not Lisbon to Vladivostok (words are symbols here, making all of them important) and he assumed that in this Europe one language would be spoken, namely English and caps will bear a single star, not a yellow, but a red one.25 Tiriar also believed that four or five autonomous continental blocks need to be formed, and humanity, now wiser through experience, should be able easily to recognize in this the intention of returning to the concept of the three world super-powers as described by Orwell in his anti-utopia.

The New Right favours an alliance with the communists. Stoickers reports that they marched side by side with Roger Garaudy and even Georges Marchais in the anti-American demonstrations against the Gulf War. But here we note that they meet with much cowardice. Bolshevism is not provocative, but deeply occult, and is after all not the Weimar Republic! The whole of modern Jesuitism with its luciferized racial theories, sacral imperiums and all else, becomes no more than a constituent part of the force that has arisen in the East of Europe as a result of the socialistic experiment. At the present time the Bolshevist ideology is only partially identical with the ideology of the New Right, but in spirit they are completely different. In Russia it has been grasped, not without reason, that under the guise of a new patriotic ideology a relentless ideological war is being waged against Russia, and that the two stages of this war first the liberal and then the fascist are interwoven, and that the war, which the West is forcing on the patriots under the pretext of a battle against America and liberalism, is again a Western game.26 27 In changed times the Bolsheviks must of course disguise themselves and make partial confessions, which they do not find especially difficult. When they proclaim that the acts of the forces of reform are a mechanism of the selfdestruction of Russia and not at all of the communist system the latter could have been dismantled unnoticed and without much to-do,28 then this is basically the plain truth. But not the whole truth. The old Bolshevik dogmas about Germany as the eternal enemy of Russia, about the decaying West, which is doomed to ruin etc., are again brought forward repeatedly. Fascism Kurginian writes is a perversion of the lofty dimensions of human existence in the stranglehold of pragmatism, scientism and the petty bourgeoisie of the modern West. This is the karma of Western civilization (all of them atheists, Marxists and others are, as we see, occultists too) This is the triumph of darkness (Tamas) over light.29 But the light, we must assume, is with those who broke

27 28 24 25

Den, No. 34, 1992. Ibid.



S. Kurginian writes thus in the article If We Want to Live, where he demands that the New Right, should come to their senses. The article was published in the magazine The Day, but apparently only in consideration that it would be bad if Kurginian had published his article with the Left, since he is of the Right. Den, No. 1, 1993. S. Kara-Murza, Unichtozenie Rossi (The destruction of Russia). In the magazine Nash Sovremennik, No. 1, 1993, p. 133. Den, No. 1, 1993.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

the back of Nazism Bolshevik Russia. And it is a great sin, a confederate of Kurginian complains, when an unjust campaign is led in order to discredit Marshal Zhukov, who has been canonized in the consciousness of the nation (emphasis by the present author).30 According to the representatives of old ideology, one is speaking here, by and large, not about a struggle with communism, but about a destruction of those archetypes of the collective subconscious which determine the cultural genotype of the Russian people (and the majority of the other peoples in the USSR).31 Statements of this kind are eloquent and significant. They uncover those deeper layers of Soviet ideology which G. Klimov described in his Protocols of the Soviet Learned Elders. It is hard to speak about this book (as well as that of Viktor Suvorov) with someone who has not read it. In our opinion it is a kind of catechism of a previously non-existent religion that is approaching the world by stealth and is inspired by the Asuras. This book, so it seems to us, is as it were the antitheses of the Bible; it is the must abominable book in the history of mankind. And it is written in a special way. The author is himself a representative of this religion. He writes from the position of the critics of the Soviet regime and at the same time says to the others: You criticize too weakly, too superficially; I will show you something that will make your meek reproaches pale into insignificance. Indeed, he demonstrates unimagined facts and then asks us again: Well, you will admit, wont you, that all this is the truth? The conclusions of the black professorship are confirmed by statistics, by experience. It is the human species that is so bad, not we, the secret State police of the new young Russia. We have preserved humanity from decline since the time of the Holy Inquisition. We burn and shoot the contingent that, as the Gospels say, is possessed by the legion of demons. Marxism is only necessary as an instrument of foreign policy. We learn, where necessary, to think psychoanalytically. Concerning one of the black professors, Archbishop Pitrim General of State Security in secular life, Klimov writes the following: He is the supreme head of the Order of Soviet Jesuits and the right hand of our Red Pope As is befitting in a really good Inquisition.32

Humanity again and again underestimates its past. One holds to the belief that the Catholic Church, which destroyed hundreds of thousands of human lives in the name of Christianity and does not even regret this (formal assertions are of no account here), could continue to exist as a positive force. Or one believes that the Western secret societies who inspired the execution of many millions of people in Eastern Europe, could now emerge as their benefactors. No, the only true outcome of political Romanism and of Britannicism is the red Inquisition of Bolshevism, the black asuric Lodge that uses the mummies of their leader-magicians in ceremonial magic. This may sound frightening, but far more frightening still is the reality of this power. What makes a particularly strong impression in the Protocols of Klimov is their unusual perspicacity, the intellect of the animal-human heartlessly clever which by human criteria constitutes madness. Yes, this is a sect of politicianmagicians who commit ritual murders; who cross over the line to the second death, the death of the soul. In their essential nature they form the symbiosis of luciferized Jesuitism and ahrimanized Freemasonry. Soviet Bolshevism is a spiritual phenomenon that cannot be eliminated by political means, and there is no-one who could do this, because the initiators of the Perestroika are themselves the godless parents of their monster-offspring which is ready to devour them for their own good, so it believes. Today this offspring has seized in its fangs the Eastern Church, and presents itself as the only defender of Russias national interests. But Russia is worth no more to it than their Paraguay was to the Jesuit padres. As a demonic being it is a changeling, capable of assuming any form and of leading a parasitic existence within any ethnic group.

Russian Unrest: Instigators, Executors and Victims

And what do the liberators from the Bolshevik dictatorship in Russia represent? As an axiom we must state at the outset that they are, without exception, Atlantists. Let us look at their true nature by means of an example. Over many years Russias dissident movement was supported by the, as it likes to call itself, free Radio station Liberty, financed by the House of Representatives of the US Congress. When the Perestroika began the station also began to change in that, where for many years we saw the countenance of freedom, there now appeared the hypocritical grimace of dirty political intrigue. Lately

30 31 32

S. Kara-Murza, Unichtozenie Rossi, p. 136. Ibid., p. 140. G. Klimov, Protocols , p. 152, 40, 33.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

a programme entitled The Russian Idea has been broadcast regularly. Compared to our New Right or simply the Right, it appears to be speaking from an opposite pole, but the same things are being discussed we are taught to think psychoanalytically.33 Once you blockheads have learned to do this we are taught you will see for yourselves that your entire culture from Pushkin to Solzhenitsyn was created by paranoiacs, by overt or secret homosexuals etc. The programmes of this radio station attach an Oedipus or Electra complex to everything of spiritual value in Russian culture, and this is done with the same ease and scientific depth as was already the case in the Protocols of the Soviet Learned Elders. And just as the Elders do not shrink from the destruction of the idols of the proletarian dictatorship when, with the help of Dr. Freuds method, they show up the legionary character of Marx, Lenin and Stalin, so do the liberals of the Liberty radio station criticize them from the same positions, and add the following: For the sake of liberation from Bolshevism one can certainly sacrifice Russian literature, which has already ceased to exist! But what has this to do with Russian literature? And why must it be sacrificed? In the opinion of the broadcasters on this station such questions reveal the reactionary and chauvinistic nature of the one who raises them. Yes, cruel indeed is the image of the Orwellian boots that trample on the human countenance, but still more cruel is the filthy shoe of the intellectuals, which is planted on the face of culture. It is worth looking at the faces of the stations broadcasters, as they constantly appear on the post-Soviet television screen: inflated, haughty, but most important ominous, pervaded by the dark spirit of the occult political background, and demonstrating with their whole being what the black magic of journalism is. The way they interview political opponents reminds one very

much of the notorious Troikas of the Stalin epoch tribunals of three people with the unchallenged right to condemn anyone swiftly and arbitrarily. We are tempted to think what does it matter? , they are only journalists! But they are treated by all in Russia with the utmost respect even by right-wing nationalists, who otherwise seem to fear neither death nor the devil. But if this is the last word of the free press, of the free democratic world, then the collapse of Bolshevism in the USSR is in reality its escalation! There is no such thing as an unusual occurrence if we understand, not the devil of degradation (Klimov) but the devil himself, the unified materialistic basis of all occult-political streams of our time, the Jahveization of civilization in all its forms. Freud and Jung laid the foundation of the method of occult materialism. Hence neither the Right nor the Left can do without them, for while they possess a unifying affinity to one another, they also exhibit flagrant, irreconcilable contrasts which are rooted in the nature of Lucifer and Ahriman. This is why they bring with them nothing but destruction; but the reconciliation, promised by the victory of the Asuras, is worse than death. Let us turn once again to the words of Rudolf Steiner in order not to lose our orientation in the terrible maelstrom of ideologies. He says: If a spiritualscientific tendency did not pervade the world, the East would gradually lose the capacity to manage an economy of its own or develop economic thinking. The East would only have the role of producer i.e. directly tilling the soil, immediately preparing natural products with the tools provided by the West. But all that manages economy out of the human intellect would develop in the West. And seen from this point of view the recent world catastrophe is nothing but the beginning of the tendency to permeate the East economically from the West; that is, to make the East into a region where people labour, and the West into a region where one works economically with what the East brings out of nature. Where the boundary lies between East and West need not be fixed, as this is something variable. If todays tendency were to continue, it would not be spiritually infused the entire East [would] become an object of economic exploitation for the West. And this course of development would be considered a given fact for humanity on earth. It would be looked upon as entirely natural and just. As a way of countering this tendency to make one half of humanity into helots and the


The New Right leaves Freud to the Left and claims Jung for itself. Jung, they argue, is not at all the pupil of Freud; by all accounts he can be compared to Merlin; he opened up one of the most destructive paths of initiation and lived submerged in the Indo-European subconscious. (The Bolsheviks on the other hand are submerged in the Eastern European subconscious!) Jung wrote in 1936 in the Observer newspaper: German politics is a revelation through the mediation of Hitler. He is the voice of the gods The members of the SS are gradually becoming the ruling Lordly caste Stability is not possible without an aristocratic ideal. After 1945, of course, Jung became afraid and recanted.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

other half into users of these helots, no other means exists than to permeate the earth with the common spirituality which man must strive to regain. Rudolf Steiner concludes his thought with the observation that people are not inclined to penetrate these things. They ask: What difference will it make if I know how the East is penetrated by the economic life of the West? (Nov. 14, 1919, GA 191). How do we respond to this at the end of the 20th century? That down this path anything can happen; that the open declarations of the New Right about the Signori and the slaves in no way counteract the deeds of the Left, which are turning Russia finally and irrevocably into an economic colony of the West. Why finally? Because the Bolsheviks have also worked in this direction, even if behind the mask of irreconcilable confrontation with the West. But those who live in Russia are threatened from yet another side. Rudolf Steiner warned: Do we not see, even when we look superficially, a storm looming, that long ago rose up towards us from the East? [that] this East contains within it mighty forces of which we can see already that, as they show themselves now, their intention is ultimately to dismember, to destroy European culture. At present we can only surmise the degree to which this is the case (Mar. 13, 1915, GA 159). Rudolf Steiner also said that if now the Chinese, after they have broken from their fetters, we might say, flood over the Western worlds, then [with them comes] a spirituality that is indeed the successor the unalloyed successor [even] of old Atlantis (Apr. 11, 1912, GA 158). An Imperialism is preparing in Japan , that will perhaps be far mightier than that of Empires hitherto. In the course of his lecture Rudolf Steiner quotes a hymn that was printed in a Japanese newspaper. It said: For rulership, Japan, you are born Torn apart by hatred and blind fury Europe sinks in its own blood (Jan. 8, 1917, GA 174) In anthroposophical circles things of this kind are viewed differently today. In Rudolf Steiners lifetime R. Riemeck writes the so-called yellow peril still existed. We no longer speak of the yellow peril, but of the threats that arise in

what is known as the Third world.34 But as a historian R. Riemeck should know that in the East there is serious discussion of the Japano-centric system, Pax Japana. Five years ago the editor of a Hongkong newspaper wrote: Some Japanese look upon Europe as a fashion studio, America as a kind of farm or barn, Australia as a mine for raw materials. And he quotes one of Tokyos leading politologists, Naohiro Aijama, who reflects as follows: Let us assume that a certain world-wide corporation exists in which the USA plays the role of president and Japan that of vice-president. There are situations which are uncomfortable for the vice-president. But there is only the choice of either continuing to support the President or stepping into his place through the acquisition of nuclear weapons and creation of a universal ideology. Since we cannot go that way, Japan has to listen to the boss, even if at times his instructions appear unwise. The Hongkong editor continues that in Japan one is also considering what should be done if the decline of the USA takes place too rapidly and Japan would have to make plans for its own security and fight for a place in the sun etc.35 It is not befitting for politicians and historians to have a short time perspective when they are considering great world-encompassing connections. Under the conditions of war in 1917, when Germany and Russia were confronting each other in a world conflict, Rudolf Steiner said: Russia, can it disarm? Certainly not easily, because behind it is Asia, and if it were to disarm it would not have a bulwark against the encroachment of the Asiatic peoples, who would certainly not disarm; [Russian disarmament] is out of the question (Jan. 6, 1917, GA 174). The possibility exists that Russia will not be entirely destroyed, but that a certain reserve of forces will be retained. But will these not ultimately be used to let Russia play the role of a Kamikaze in a future war between East and West? If at some point this were to happen, the sources of such an occurrence would have to be sought in another resistance between East and West, where Russia would be playing the role of the East.

34 35

Info3, No. 10, 1992. Quoted from the publication in Literaturnaya gazeta (Literary magazine) from March 23, 1988.



XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

Today we can understand the nature of the forces active in Russia only with the help of Rudolf Steiners historical symptomatology. When he was explaining it to his listeners he gave the following example: Attention must be paid to how strongly the impulses of freedom, equality and brotherhood conflict in France with what lives in Roman Catholicism. One must inquire how clericalism reacts within the field of social experimentation of the left-wing republicans, etc., for in all this there lives the spiritual ultra-radical opposition to all that is embodied in Anglo-Saxon Freemasonry. When initiated Roman Catholicism appears on the scene, then from the other side there works the stream of those secret societies which represent the ahrimanic stream. In France all affairs are transacted within the realm of a certain dialectics of discussion. In England, on the other hand, the question of power is paramount. In the Anglo-American world the tendency to the spirit leads through super-materialism (cf. May 1, 1921, GA 204). All this is revealed today in Russia in the battle between Eurasians and Atlantists which we have described in detail. Despite the most stubborn contradictions the evil occult associations standing behind them ultimately bring them together. Whether it be the Polars or Thule,36 danse macabre or Skull and Bones, everywhere one seeks an alliance with Ahriman and Lucifer, whereby the attempt is made so to influence the human being, that one causes visionary experiences to arise in him in a voluptuous way, calls forth visions that are stirred up from within. What is thus consciously called forth in bad occult circles, what is entered into as an alliance with Ahriman and Lucifer, this is of course also practised through the working of Ahriman and Lucifer into the human subconscious (Aug. 28, 1916, GA 170). When several sides engage in an activity of this kind, they often get in each others way. If their acts are criminal they try to put the blame on the political opponent in question. But the world is unaware of what is going on. Over the last fifty years we have been told of terrible Nazi experiments on human beings. Recently, however, it has become known that still more horrific experiments were conducted on people in the Soviet Union, and the contacts of these scientific circles lead to somewhere in the Anglo-Saxon world where a new

science eugenics was already created at the beginning of this century. If we now add to this the conclusion of psychiatry and psychoanalysis that all geniuses are sick people, then it becomes clear how little the Russian author K. S. Mereshkovsky was indulging in pure fantasy, and from what source originates the scientific foundation of the highest sociology of Bolshevism, of which the Protocols of the Soviet Learned Elders tell us. As to the socialistic experiment which is being practised on us, it is, to use a modern turn of phrase, complex. Western leadership, says Rudolf Steiner, is clearly manifested in it, and not solely because Lenin and Trotsky were spiritual (we are inclined to add: and occult) pupils of the West, but also on direct evidence: under the supervision of Parvus-Helphand they were imported into Russia in a sealed carriage.37 What is one trying to achieve with Eastern European culture? asks Rudolf Steiner, and he gives the following answer: The attempt is being made to eliminate everything human, the human entity which incarnates in the human bodily nature, and to harness together Lucifer and Ahriman in their quintessential being.38 If this were to be realized in the East today, a product of the collaboration of Lucifer and Ahriman would arise, to the exclusion of all that is favourable to the individual human being. He would be yoked into this luciferic-ahrimanic culture like a piece of a mechanism in the workings of the machine. Only, a part of a machine is lifeless and can be fitted into the whole, while human nature is inwardly alive, is endowed with soul and spirit, and cannot fit into a purely luciferic-ahrimanic organization, but must be destroyed by it (Jan. 1, 1920, GA 195). This latter circumstance gave rise to the Perestroika. It is no more and no less than the attempt of the surgeons and eugenicists of this world to keep the guinea-pig on the laboratory table. For so we must ask why should the experiment be suddenly broken off when it is so close to completion? It is, after all, being conducted in the interest of all progressive humanity. This experiment is not our misfortune alone. Trotskyism and Leninism bring into a sick


It is said that this was the name of the capital city of the legendary Hyperboreans. But we know that the earth was still in a condition of warmth and air during the Hyperborean epoch. What kind of cities could one be speaking of here?


Only in our time is this carriage referred to openly. Earlier no-one, either in the East or the West, would have dared to mention this political secret in the press. But even today these statements serve a false aim, namely to prove that only the Germans financed the Bolsheviks. Here we would remind the reader of what was said above about the appearance of the Asuras.


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

condition the entire cultural development of Europe says Rudolf Steiner (May 11, 1929, GA 301). Human beings are easily led astray if they are only subjected to the influence of one adversary, while the other plays the role of an ally, or when one of them, or both simultaneously, slip into a new skin etc. Of someone who has no connection with spiritualism and occultism one cannot make special demands in this regard. But it is quite a different matter with those who know about the collaboration of adversary powers. In view of this we should not only continuously direct our gaze to East and West but upon Christian civilization as a whole, and the forces which oppose it. Only then will one understand that Nationalism (of any kind, of course) [is] the luciferic form of anti-Christianity, and the ahrimanic form of anti-Christianity [is] that which culminates in Leninism and Trotskyism. These are the spades with which the grave of Christianity is to be dug today: the Nationalisms and the Leninisms. And wherever culture is activated by Nationalisms and Trotskyisms, even in a weakened form, there the grave of Christianity is being dug; there prevails, to those who understand, a mood that is in the true sense an Easter Saturday mood (Apr. 3, 1920, GA 198). The foolish admirers of the Michaelite Gorbachev39 will answer: But it is all over with Leninism and Trotskyism in Russia. Why do you speak only of Russia? we must ask in reply. And what makes you convinced that it is all over? Even in our General Anthroposophical Society Marxism is propagated. And, worthy opponents, do take the trouble to read the Protocols of the Soviet Learned Elders.40 In this work the Marxist Elders in person proclaim that Marxism is for them merely a tool for foreign politics, that the secret police of the new (written before the Perestroika!) and young Russia are interested in the works of Professor Lombroso, that it is learning to think psychoanalytically etc. Can we really believe that the luciferic-ahrimanic alliance is exhausted in Marxism?

We do not wish to categorically assert here that the retarded time-spirit the Asura is immediately active in Bolshevism, but we have no doubt that things are being guided in that direction. Bolshevism is just as much at home in the Vatican as it is in Washington. Is it accidental that the Americans who have access to the secrets behind the scenes (Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, George Kennan) have said more than once that Russia, not the Soviet Union, is a threat to the West. Bolshevism prescribes an authoritarian-pastoral form of rulership of the masses and at the same time places itself in opposition to the capitalist-imperialistic striving of Britannicism and Americanism, which comes very close to the goals of initiated Catholicism. On the other hand, it is entirely permeated by materialism and technicism, and is hostile to Clericalism, which in its turn is very pleasing to Anglo-Americanism. In other words, gain is raked in on all sides. Does the West need Russias raw materials, its gold resources? It was never refused, either under Stalin or Gorbachev. The splitting off of the Eastern Church does not please the Vatican? But look, pogroms against the Church are conducted with a degree of destructiveness that is hardly possible even in the conquest of a country. But on the occult level Bolshevism has shown itself to be definitely capable of finding a common language with both the Lodges and the Orders.41 But Bolshevism has something that is peculiar to it alone it is the special, asuric method of initiation: materialistic through and through, and sharpening I-consciousness to such a degree that the human being lives from then on in the consciousness-soul and becomes a tool nevertheless of the elemental spirits of the sub-natural world. In such an initiation something of a planetary, universal human significance is revealed, but in an entirely negative sense; the anti-spirit of the epoch comes to expression, that is, the Asura. Rudolf Steiner made statements of tremendous importance concerning the nature of the asuric forces. In early 1917, still before the February Revolution in Russia, he spoke in an entire lecture-cycle about occult manipulations in the brotherhoods. People who are subjected to this kind of manipulation, with its character of ritual magic, are unable, when they have crossed the threshold of



There are those who are by no means simple, who, under the guise of their own deep conviction, follow the instruction given by their Lodge to defend Gorbachev. It would be a good and honorable task for anthroposophical publishers to publish symptomatological works without looking to their political and spiritual orientation, because, after all, we anthroposophists are all grown-up people. But there is no chance of this happening, least of all in the fifth cultural epoch.

The Seventies are regarded as the dark years of the cold war, of confrontation with the West. But particularly during that time a web of Lodges of American-English orientation extended over the country. Concerning the connection of Moscow with the Vatican we very much recommend the highly interesting book Moscow and the Vatican by Renate Riemeck (Basle, 1988).


XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

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death, to continue to take part in evolution in a normal way. They lose what the soul has to receive after death from the being of the hierarchy of the Archangels. Instead, the soul is instilled by something of a quite different kind. They are permeated by something that comes from the Archai who have remained on the level of Archangeloi They ought to have become Archai in the normal course of development, but remained behind on the level of the Archangeloi. This means that they are pervaded to an extreme degree by ahrimanic powers. One must have quite accurate conceptions of the spiritual world if one is to grasp the full significance of this fact. When the attempt is made through occult means to secure world rule for a single folk-spirit (Archangeloi that have passed through normal development act as folk-spirits), this means that effects (occult-political in the secret societies) are to reach right up into the spiritual world, it means that one sets in the place of the justified rulership of the Archangeloi over the dead, the unjustified rulership of the false time-spirits the Archai who have remained Archangeloi. And with these one has attained an ahrimanic immortality (Jan. 22, 1917, GA 174).42 Thus we see drawing together: the retarded spirits of the epochs, of time, i.e. the Asuras the name of the Archai in antiquity , the problem of immortality, world domination and Ahrimanization. The prolonging of life, a question that is explored intensively by American scientists and occultists, is a problem relating to time. If it is resolved in an ahrimanic sense, it needs for this purpose the unlawful, ahrimanized spirit of time, i.e. the Asura. Since it is retarded, it functions on the level of a folk-spirit, but it claims rulership over the entire epoch. In this way the Asura, forced to be active within a nation, inspires the claim of that nation to world rule. Here is the source of the insane idea that is destroying the social life of humanity. Through appearing in the guise of an Archangeloi, the Asura is the double of the folk-spirit; but at the same time it is not simply a luciferic or an ahrimanic double. These are beings who have remained behind on the level of an Archangeloi or Angeloi. They play their part in the Jahveization of peoples, in their isolation in the national element, and in the reduction of the national to the principle of tribe and blood-ties. Not

so the Asuras. Their aim is to seize hold of all humanity. They are Internationalists, with an ahrimanic, Marxist or Pan-American character. Why has Russia been chosen for this experiment? Amongst other reasons, because it is a state of many peoples and therefore a model of humanity as a whole. The Asuras are fond of the Anglo-Saxons because the latter are not so much a folk, but are almost a race; correspondingly the attitude that prevails among them is open to the world as well as being egocentric and materialistic. Echoes of the asuric attitude can also be recognized in the attempts of some Jews to regard themselves not as a nation but as a race, although racially, as is generally known, they belong to the Semites. In the spiritual world one kind of being consists of others and forms their higher unity. In the hierarchies such a mode of existence does not mean that the lower beings forfeit their individual consciousness; on the contrary, they additionally partake in a higher consciousness. We can analogously say that, even if in the totally opposite sense the Asuras consist equally of luciferic Angeloi and ahrimanic Archangeloi, they form their, in the negative sense, more significant unity. And since in the Asura the ahrimanic Archangeloi is active as the higher element, this means that the Asura is ahrimanically permeated to the highest degree. If these factors are taken into account it will be easier to form a comprehensive picture of the whole socialistic experiment and to understand Rudolf Steiners warnings regarding this experiment. Then we will also understand why the experiment required an initiate who placed himself in the power of another sphere, a cosmic sphere that is foreign to human evolution, and who thus, after his death, is more living than all that lives, while the system he created continues to observe the cult of the dead. The more dead there are, the better for this system, because the consciousness of the living can be completely filled with memories of these dead. But it is filled with purely materialistic memories, in order to prevent those who have died from actively helping the human beings living on earth. The Second World War was a mighty impulse to extend the cult of the dead; and thus the de-heroicizing of it, as advocated by Solzhenitsyn, would be a great loss to Bolshevism; but even the left-wing democrats are on the side of the Bolsheviks in this question. Something else is also easier to understand the claim of Bolshevism to world domination. As soon as an Asura is involved

In addition a battle for the souls who have died in war is waged for the sake of their re-orientation in an asuric sense. This is the archetypal phenomenon of the odious, purely ideological spectacle of the war veterans, the main purpose of which is to prevent those who in the past went through a forced death at their side from working on at the healing of our world from out of the spiritual world.

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this is inevitable. Bolshevik Internationalism was also inspired by the Asuras. And yet the socialistic experiment in Russia is merely a phase of preparation, a series of trials within the context of another, a truly world-wide experiment, for which the Anglo-Saxon peoples the representatives of the consciousnesssoul are chosen as the main bearers. The Russians are ill-suited for such a role. It is for this reason that Bolshevik Internationalism was thoroughly imbued with the spirit of isolationism. Now, at the end of the century, we must prepare to meet the Asuric impulse as it appears from the West. This is the reason why Pan-Americanism and all the forces and movements that accompany it are unacceptable. So much for the preliminary sketch or outline of the most important theme of the present time. In order to be able to elaborate it further with sufficient depth and comprehensiveness one must develop in oneself systematically the ability to perceive the signs of the times and recognize the symptoms. It should be very clear that compromises with the Asuras are of no help whatsoever. Bolshevism will always be hostile towards Middle Europe, because the asuric beings harbour greater antipathy towards the culture of the I than do the luciferic and ahrimanic beings. The accusation that Bolshevism is anti-Semitic is quite unfounded in many regards. We should not forget that Stalin stood at the cradle of the founding of the State of Israel. Todays Neo-Bolsheviks say the following: If the Jews want to have their own state, Russia is certainly interested Various elites will exist in this state too; a political struggle of their own will begin. So with God: fight, war against each other, live. Only one thing is unacceptable to them: We will protest if you behave in a fascist manner, but our protest will be the same as with fascist tendencies when they flare up anywhere else in the world.43 A difference exists of course between Left and Right, but it must not be seen as absolute. Over against new, young Russia with its psychoanalytical thinking there stands a new, thoroughly progressive teaching of the democrats of Perestroika Freudianism! Some contrast Lenin with Trotsky, others Trotsky with Stalin and rehabilitate Bukharin supposedly a decent man and true

Marxist. This is what the people do who wish to topple communism, those who advocate the restoration of capitalism as the only progressive economic system. The helmsman of this restoration, Yegor Gaidar, was once asked: What would your grandfather say, who eagerly shot the opponent of the proletarian state, the hydra of capitalism? He answered: I dont think my grandfather would have condemned me; he would have understood me!44 But let us also try to understand what only appears outwardly to be an almighty confusion, but bears within in a being who is truly terrifying. Rudolf Steiner warned after the First World War that if what is now beginning in Russia were to come to realization, this would mean that the earth would lose its mission, would be robbed of its task, would be taken out of the cosmos and ahrimanized (Aug. 22, 1919, GA 294). These words should be reflected upon by the advocates of easy compromise, who hope to find all kinds of things in Anthroposophy, but not themselves. Great, incalculably great will be the measure of their responsibility for every untrue word. Socialism of Marxist persuasion has always been alien to the soul of the Russian people. Never have greater contrasts collided than the soul of the European East and anti-human Trotskyism or Leninism (Apr. 30, 1918, GA 182) which came to us from the university podiums of the West. This is the child of Western bourgeois society. In Russia it had two to three hundred thousand supporters who succeeded in forcing it upon several hundred million people, said Rudolf Steiner. The others have to obey them (the Leninists) at present much more than the Catholics ever had to obey their bishops (July 9, 1920, GA 198). Rudolf Steiner asks what is a human being in the eyes of a Trotskyite? It is the Old Testament human being who today can only exist spectrally as the

Magazine Nash Sovremennik (Our Contemporary), No. 2, 1993, p. 156.


Gaidars grandfather was the most popular Soviet author of childrens books. They appeared in millions of copies, found their way into every textbook and became a cornerstone in the Soviet education of children and youth. But the author of these books, as was recently made public and proven by documents, was psychically ill, a pathological murderer. In the bloodiest days of the red terror one was forced to expel him from the party because of his atrocities! In order to understand the entire monstrosity of Gaidars statement, one should read the documentary short story The Dead Lake by V. Soloukhin (Nash sovremennik, No. 4, 1994) in which documents are published demonstrating the moral countenance of our author of childrens books.


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shadow of Old Testament man (Dec. 8, 1918, GA 186). In the zeal of their struggle with the democrats, the neo-Bolsheviks have said so much in recent years that a satirist characterized their position as follows: The October Revolution came about as the result of a Jewish-Freemasonic conspiracy that was bent on destroying Russia. But we will not allow anyone to take from us the achievements of October the dawn of the newly risen Russia! What is this? Schizophrenia? Of course not. This is dialectics according to the method of the Soviet Learned Elders. This slogan is created by the same principle that we lived with in the Seventies and Eighties: We will put up with any difficulties, so long as we are spared war! These are tricks of the Bolshevik kind. The Democrats from the other side soothe us: Do not expect any rapid improvement! If you want to be free, fight for your existence and leave the weak to die! In no other country of the world have men in power ever contributed so much to their own downfall as those who occupy the Kremlin today. In order to demonstrate this very crucial symptom we will continue to describe the character of the destructive forces which are provoking the country to rebellion. We will provide a few examples, which only a person of extreme indifference can brush aside. On September 7, 1992 Channel I television showed a live pig being brought into the studio with the comment: This pig is the living expression of Russia with its eternal complexes that cannot be solved but only slaughtered!45

Then the pig was killed before the eyes of millions of viewers, hacked to pieces, and these were distributed among the participants of the programme. Another kind of provocation (pure provocation because this process is not at all natural) takes place through the propagation of sexual immorality. In all the media, auditory and visual, they do not only argue, but people are almost implored: Come on, try at least for a while to lay aside your false modesty! We promise you, you will be grateful to us afterwards. Thats how it was in the West. At first they were afraid, too; but thats all now a thing of the past. They are not jaded but their relation to sex has calmed down. They have even lost interest in it. Anyone who does not give in to these arts of persuasion is pilloried in the most ferocious manner, indeed, such people are called chauvinists and neo-Bolsheviks! The most relentless fighters for the rights of the so-called sexual minorities are found among the representatives of the truly Russian intelligentsia. They conduct their apologia with a thoroughness that clearly betrays the intention to
be. Regarding the Russian ethnic group it is by no means clear whether it is following a traditional course of development, which would require the evolution of a somatic personality-constitution that is genetically quite distinct, or whether one can speak of it as an absolutely open genotype, that realizes itself through assimilation into other ethnic groups. The first variant carries with it the danger that the Russian ethnic consciousness will assume the character of a hardened, non-programmable nationalism within the framework of a powerful state structure. The second [variant] would contribute to the development of a peculiarly international consciousness which would manifest in a mass migration syndrome and also in the trend towards inter-ethnic marriages. We are of the opinion that both tendencies are inherent in contemporary Russia and that both threaten it with decline. The European part of Russia is likely to consolidate itself into an ethnocentric national state, which under the conditions of struggle for its national market will deteriorate into a fascist state; and the Siberian great-Russians, whose value-orientation is fundamentally different from that of their European compatriots, will form the Russian State proper (emphasis by the present author). This article amounts to a declaration, in pseudo-scientific terminology and in a veiled form, of ethnic war on Russia. In the past, as we recall, only an economic war was declared on Germany this by way of comparison. In such cases there arise unavoidably, as historical experience shows, dictatorships and an erupion of anti-Semitism. The reader should call this footnote to mind when, further on in this chapter, he reads about the world-map of the future.

Yes, he did say this! The heightening of national and racial tensions in the country, including anti-Semitism, is first provoked by the Left, democratic side, the Perestroika, which naturally calls forth the corresponding reaction from the side of the Right. A typical example of such a policy is the article by the director of the Centre for Social Prognosis and Marketing, published in Nr. 1-1995 of the Newssheet of the Russian Academy of Science (the academy recently approached by Yeltsin with the request to define the concept of racism for the anti-racism law which was being prepared). The article bears the heading Perspectives for Development of the Russian Ethnic Consciousness, and contains the following statement: The main shifts in the social structures [of Russian society] and the changes they bring about in the ethnic consciousness, will occur quite rapidly in the space of two to three generations. Regarding the development of ethnic consciousness as a result of the integration of the country into the international system of division of labour, it seems to us that this process will unfold in a historical conflict between two superethnic groups: the Jewish which has reached its prime, and the Russian genotype which is still in process of development, but is the dominant one. A similar rivalry between the Jewish ethnic group which had become dominant, and a Germanic which was completing its ontogenetic development, almost ended in tragedy at the beginning of the 20th century. Only time will show what the behaviour of the superethnic groups of today will

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make these minorities into the majority. Let us illustrate this with an example from one of the TV programmes dedicated to the re-education of the youth, to their liberation from the eternal complexes of Russia. Usually the round-table discussion of a club appears on the screen. The participants are for the most part representatives of these minorities, an expert is invited and an adroit journalist mediates between him and the audience. In one of these broadcasts he asks an elderly gentleman of honourable appearance: How often have you loved? Twice the man answers. Which of your love relationships was the more intense? The second. Why? I loved a man! Bravo! calls the journalist and the audience applauds. There follows an interview with a lesbian and a conventionally religious girl professing to the faith. The first utters, one might say, wisdom that is ready for print, the second can only produce a helpless stammering. Then follows the report of a young married couple living with another couple. The man relates (with decided frankness): When my friend satisfies his sexual wishes with my wife I feel lonely and left out, therefore I unite with his wife. But if I unite with another woman, my wife is present in a mystical way, and therefore this is not unfaithfulness. Then follows the comment of the expert: People who give their love only to one other person are usually psychically disturbed. The age between 7 and 14 years is the most beautiful age for sexual love. Take a leaf out of the book of Romeo and Juliet! The famous sexologist Igor Kohn (an ex-communist and a luminary of Soviet sociology) writes in one of the leading newspapers: The level of homophobia in Russia (i.e. the negative attitude towards sexual perversions) is the highest in the world. it is a phenomenon of the same kind as racism, and not admissible in a democratic society! The newspaper reports further that in August 1992 Kohn organized an international gay and lesbian conference in the

course of which the Russian gays (again: what have the Russians to do with this?) gave a brotherly slap on the shoulder to visiting gays from America.46 This is the moment of truth, as lawyers say. It is the end result that the worldwide hysterical struggle against racism is striving to achieve. The aim is to force humanity into the life of immorality which, as prophesied long ago, will herald the approach of the Anti-Christ. And the impression grows that it will not be long before someone who tries to prevent a sexual criminal from seducing and violating a child (or adult) risks prosecution on the grounds of racism. Such incidents occur daily in the Russian schools. So far such types can still be chased away, but they cannot be legally charged. But if the process of democratizing carries on in this way, then the teachers and parents who try to protect their children will be brought to justice. And the West is still surprised that the Russians lend so little support to their liberators Gorbachev and Yeltsin? This is how conditions in Russia are being stirred up, brought to the boil. In the past, in Russia before the revolution, nationality was never a matter of importance to the intellectuals. Spiritual awareness and a high ethical standpoint, enthusiasm in the defence of the ethical foundations of life were the factors that counted above all. What is happening today can be summed up as: the devils merry-go-round. You can change your seat as much as you like, but so long as you are on it, you move according to its laws. On this merry-go-round one thinks of everything. You have had enough of dictatorship? Well then, shift over to the democrats, but close your eyes to the destruction of the country, to famine and wars. Do not take offence at someone preaching ethics today, who was recently a professional criminal, and who only yesterday had a razor in his pocket, but today employs a ring of bodyguards and owns a mansion on Lake Geneva. Keep calm as you read how child-trade for brothels is flourishing, and do not take to heart the fact that contempt for the human being issues today from the liberals in power. Hope that one or the other victim will escape this cesspit; just fight in free competition for your own place in the sun of freedom. Of course, there is not room for all, but that is the price of democracy: May the unlucky one weep and curse his fate (Pushkin).

Newspaper Moskovskiy Komsomolets, Aug. 15, 1992.



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If you want Russia to continue, and you appreciate the fact that its peoples used to live in peace, that there was no nationalism, that healthcare and education were free; if you like the material situation of the last twenty years, won by dint of terrible sacrifice, where, after all, no-one was allowed to go hungry or starve to death, then join the communists. Stand beneath the red banner on which Lenin and Stalin are again united, hear how concerned the KGB generals are about the interests of Russia, etc. If you support friendship with Germany, then go to those who are today developing a new theory of rulership of the seigneurs; etc.47 But if someone asks: Is it not possible for Russia to remain undivided; after all it is not an Imperium; and can it not, at the same time, manage without the Bolsheviks? Can one not improve the economy without passing it from the hands of the party-nomenclature-Mafia to those of another Mafia? Can we not maintain at least the earlier, very modest standard of living under the conditions of the Perestroika? Can we not belong to the democrats without destroying the fundamental ethical values of society? The person on the merry-go-round will always receive a negative answer to all these questions. And no-one, neither democrats nor Bolsheviks nor Eurasians, will explain to him why it is impossible. Not because they dont know. On the contrary, all know only too well how Russias situation could be improved, how it could be turned into a blossoming, free and independent country. But then there would be no need for all these left, right, centrist and half-centrist directions within the parties. And each of them says: Oh, let Russia go to the devil, and all its peoples with it, if our party has to give up power for the sake of its well-being. It is easy to

understand why they think so. Russia is no needle in a haystack. It is an important figure in the world-wide game in which everything is staked upon one main factor the human soul itself! For a clear-minded person today there is no more important task that to find a way to get off this devilish merry-go-round. Only then will its true nature be revealed to him. This will bring with it great inconvenience. One is forced to admit to oneself that in the modern world hardly anything exits that is entirely good or entirely evil. The chaff has constantly to be sifted from the wheat. But only the path of understanding, of the ability to distinguish, can lead today to a true brotherhood of man. The ideal aim for the association of human beings must be ethical individualism, with its chosenness only on the grounds of spiritual development, with its democratism which is understood to be love of ones fellow-man, with its striving for freedom which leads the human being to act towards others as he would expect them to act towards him. Sooner or later associations of people of this kind will really come about. They will not write statutes or form central councils or power institutions of charismatic scoundrels. God is above us, and ethics, love and spiritual freedom are in us these are the words that will grace the non-material banner of this highest order of humanity. On the path to this union, mountains of ignorance, fanaticism, evil and hatred are piled up. And only he who endures to the end, as the Gospels say, will be saved. Will Russias strength last out? We must say that we do not know of a single group or party, or intellectual or spiritual centre of forces that would give even the slightest ground for hope. In the petty warring of the parties one can see through the fog of the political pluralism that is presented for show, the Bolshevik struggle against those who are connected to Yeltsin, as the one and only reality. Once in a while it comes about that the forces of evil neutralize each other in their struggle. This did happen once, when the unleashed luciferic passions within the legions destroyed the ahrimanic magic of the Roman senate. It is highly probable that Russia is facing something similar. The unleashed worldforces of evil will cancel each other out. But this path is terrible, so terrible that, as the saying goes, one would not wish it on ones own worst enemy. Only

Here we would add some passages from the centrist (essentially Left-wing) press which characterizes the situation in the country (we have already said that once in a while reasonable voices can be heard): The nation will not accept this outrageous appropriation of its wealth. It will not accept that billions of dollars flow into private accounts in foreign banks, that its hard-earned personal savings become worthless, it will not accept the new masters We are not only on the brink of hunger, cold and dictatorship, but of mutual extinction. We stand before the threshold of a gigantic human meat-grinder Well, here they are, the symptoms of catastrophe: in the ideology a thinking that puts extreme emphasis on confrontation, aggression, readiness for mutual destruction; in the economy the market of speculation and protection rakketeering; the bureaucratic privatization that underlies the appropriation by the new ruling elite of the wealth generated by the people; in politics, the re-forming of the neo-totalitarian system (Independent News, August 22, 1992).


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through trust in God will one endure the trials that await us. But in this trust one cannot sit back and relax; one must rather build up an active, concrete and real relation to the spirit. Future generations will say (if they exist) that the Bolshevik dictatorship was the last one that was able to hide its own misdeeds. After this, evil comes out into the open in a flagrant and cynical way. And it is always the same evil that has existed in the world since October 1917. The stirrings of change that now take place on the surface, do not affect the depths. But when we look into the depths we realize that Leninism too [has] a peculiar kind of initiation science In Leninism the cleverness of the human animal, the cleverness of human animality is working up to the surface of human development Lenin, Trotsky, and similar people are the tools of these ahrimanic forces. This is an ahrimanic initiation that simply belongs to a different world-sphere than ours. But it is an initiation which bears within it the power to eliminate human civilization from the earth, to eliminate from the earth everything that has formed as human civilization. We have to do here with three directions of initiation: two of which are on the plane of the development of humanity, while one lies below this plane, but is immensely strong in will an initiation with almost unbounded strength of will (June 13, 1920, GA 197). By the two other initiations Rudolf Steiner, who in this case is speaking only of those of the darkness, means the initiation of Jesuitism and that of the secret societies of the West. This is how the initiation of Leninism was at first, but later, when the luciferic element of Jesuitism combined with it, the unmistakably ahrimanic character was lost. Rudolf Steiner is really speaking of this when he alludes to a third line of initiation next to the other two. He does not directly identify it as asuric, for then he would have been obliged to develop this theme. He wished to avoid this, in order not to bring to peoples consciousness too much of what was still barely emerging at the beginning of the century.48 It is different now at the end

of the century. Today it grows increasingly apparent that the anti-synthesis of ahrimanic and luciferic initiation in the Asura sets itself over against the highest synthesis of the two ancient paths of initiation (the Apollonian and the Chthonic, Dionysian), which was realized in Christ (cf. Fig. 9). Each of the former is, by itself, evil enough. But in synthesis they represent an extraordinary danger to the existence of our planet as such, as already described by Rudolf Steiner. Thus there is no alternative to the wish of human beings to overcome and eliminate Bolshevism. Unfortunately, it lingers behind as a kind of deposit or remainder in the occult-political accounts of the forces active in the world today, which are dedicated to evil alchemy. The deposit of the Perestroika cannot be dissolved either on the Romanic or the Anglo-Saxon side. It was clearly manifest already at the Allied conference in Yalta, also in Potsdam, and in the course of the Nuremberg trial. The Nineties have shown that there is no-one able to remove the living corpse of the initiate of a worldsphere alien to humanity from the mausoleum, and bury it in the earth. Even if it is removed, it will not be difficult to hide it in the catacombs of the special centre of luciferic-ahrimanic initiation, and from there continue the sessions of the eternal politburo. Today there is no reason to doubt the truth of all this, and no further proof is needed from our side. In March 1997 (No. 12) the journal Zavtra press organ of the Polarians (the Eurasians) published an article from which we quote. It says: To many observers, analysts and politologists the demand made by Yeltsin during a news conference, to remove Lenins remains from the mausoleum, appeared unexpected and strange. Some saw it as an attempt, through the highlighting of these old questions, to divert public opinion from the real problems and guide it to the level of archaic discussions. Others interpreted this statement as an intensified anti-communism on the part of the former first secretary of the Obkom (Regional Party Committee) and candidate for membership of the Politburo, as a routine attack on the Reds. Some sighed with relief, as they believed that this heralded no less than the restoration of the monarchy and the ascent to the throne of a new Tsar.
Bolshevist domination, and which [is striving] to incorporate itself into the entire development of mankind (Sep. 29, 1921, GA 343).

Only in the restricted circle of those who were founding the Christian Community a circle of mature Anthroposophists did Rudolf Steiner indicate in 1921 that one can experience the hordes of Sorat in that which [is forming] as a core in the realm of

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But there is yet another interpretation of this event. In addition to the usual, clearly recognizable history familiar to analysts and politicians, journalists and adventurers, there has always been another, parallel history. It is esoteric, occult: The Egyptian priests and Tibetan magicians, the Templars and Rosicrucians, the Freemasons Lodges and the secret societies such as the Grand Orient and the Green Dragon, Rudolf Steiner and Cagliostro. It is just this occult history which provides an explanation that is easy to grasp, for all the irrational, inexplicable and apparently meaningless sides of official history. What, then, is the reason why Yeltsin suddenly remembered the remains of Lenin, and unexpectedly an argument arose about the remains of who-knowswhat deceased persons found near Katharinenburg? (these are the alleged remains of the Tsars family.) Could it be that the state authorities despaired of their ability to break Russias back with the usual familiar means (the non-payment of wages, privatization, collapse of industry, wars) and then decided again to resort, as it did in 1991 and 1993, to the most powerful magic ritual? Why were the monuments dismantled and the stars removed from the faades with such fervour in 1991? Only because everything Soviet was hated? Why did Chassidic Cabbalists move in a strange dance in the dark, sooty ruins of the White House deep in the night of October 5th? To esotericists and magicians it is no secret that the mummified body of Lenin has long been, not simply the remains of a human being who was once alive, but has become the mightiest energetic and mystic talisman of this strange and mysterious red civilization. And this talisman, set in a no less bizarre and strange mausoleum, where the number of surfaces, the degrees of the angles, the colour, the corners and steps were calculated by the most eminent red occultists, surrounded by a necropolis of great red leaders and warriors, watched over by gigantic glowing stars this talisman is not dead. Its energy continues to support the pillars on which red civilization rests; and this energy slowly burns up the rotten chambers of the new power. What do the magicians want to make of the Kremlin? Do they simply aim to destroy the heart of red civilization? No. Their intentions are far more terrible.

Destruction alone is not enough. They intend to replace the relic and the foundation-stone, throw out Lenin and install in his place the remains found near Katharinenburg. Even if we assume that these really are the remains of the murdered Tsar, from the mystical point of view they wish nevertheless to replace the stronger (the victorious red, the talisman that murdered) with the weaker (the murdered, the defeated). Whereby they not only weaken Russias mystical pillar, but quite simply hew it away at the bottom and incline it like the Tower of Pisa. And supposing these remains belonged to some nameless individual or frozen forced-labourer?! It would be terrible to build up the Russia of the third millenium, right from the beginning, over the remains of a cave-dweller, a forced labourer or an Old Testament Rabbi. Rudolf Steiner describes the spiritual reality that stands behind the phenomenon of Leninism. In the East, he says, which begins at the Volga, service of the Gods was gradually replaced by the worship of idols. (We would add that both, Lenin and Kerensky, came to the world on this border, that many things began in the town of Simbirsk-Ulyanovsk.) Northern Asiatic, Eastern magic, i.e. shamanism (to which, according to the Eurasians, Christianity owes its success) and sorcery are practised by certain ahrimanic etheric-astral beings. Throughout Siberia, through Central Asia across the Caucasus, there whirl about, in the sphere immediately bordering the earthly, terrible ahrimanic, etheric-astral beings, who practise an ahrimanic magic that has been transferred into the astral and earthly realms. It works infectiously on human beings. Meanwhile in the West there arose the beings of an astral world who absorb into themselves everything that has been developed there as dialectics, logic, the human sense of well-being which we acquire in sens-existence, and also as religious life. These are the beings who, out of the astral plane, caused the Lenins (who had the inheritance of shamanism in his blood from his fathers side) and their comrades to be possessed by them. Rudolf Steiner explains further that these two orders of beings strive in the region extending West of the Urals and East of the Volga for a kind of cosmic marriage whereby they strive towards each other in all cosmic voluptuousness and create a frightful, clammy astral atmosphere, again causing human beings to be possessed by them. The beings of shamanism appear in imagination as something between bears and goats (recall how Margarita Voloshina describes her experience of the dicta434

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tors of the proletariat in her book The Green Snake), but with entirely unclear head-formations. The luciferized beings of the West have the form of ordinary intellectual heads49 that fly in the astral world from West to East. In the region between Volga and Urals the headless bear-goats bodies without heads strive towards the heads without bodies coming from the West and merge into one being (cf. July 15, 1923, GA 225). Much of what has taken place in Russia since 1917 is rooted in this imagination, as in an archetypal phenomenon. There are three things that we need to explain here in more detail. Firstly, the luciferized abstract intellectualism of the West (it is not by chance that the democrats are accused of continuing to think Marxistically). Secondly, the ahrimanized shamanism standing behind the Eurasians. In the above-mentioned lecture Rudolf Steiner speaks of the beargoats as the degenerating former satyrs and fauns of antiquity, who have settled in the East. This is why the shadows of the Roman Imperium seek support for the new ideology with them in particular. The third kind of beings at work within political occultism do not simply bring beings of luciferic-ahrimanic nature into reciprocal activity, but into a symbiosis of polar opposite forces. This is made possible through an exchange of roles, whereby the luciferic beings act ahrimanically and vice-versa. From their fusion arises a species of elementary beings of an asuric nature. The occult-political forces behave in the same way physically as changelings as in the creation of the symbiosis. The drawing down of humanity to the forms of group-consciousness of ancient times is accompanied by intensified intellectual activity. The intellectualism of material culture, where everything is determined by measure, number and weight, is engulfed by erotic licentiousness and criminality that refuse to accept restrictions of any kind. But the National-Bolsheviks intend to put a stop to all this, and they do so dialectically. Their ideal aim has been described by George Orwell and K. S. Mereshkovsky. Gregory Klimov has set out the religious-ideological principles

that have long been practised. The books of all three authors are not utopias or anti-utopias. They merely register the fact of the premature emergence of the evil race of mankind, spoken of by John in the Book of Revelations. Premature, because the good race, for which the impulse was given by Anthroposophy at the beginning of the century, has not yet arisen. There is much that those have neglected to do, whose duty and immediate task it was to make spiritual science their own, in order to bring it into effect in all spheres of life. In addition to this there are objective factors that have prevented its realization. This is the inner nature of todays crisis. The situation is not without hope if humanity does not reject the helping hand of the Divine Hierarchies that is held out towards it through the work of Rudolf Steiner.

Russia in the Games of World-Politics at the Turn of the Century

If we do not know the past it is impossible to understand the present. An understanding of the present provides the basis for an objective discussion of the future. Concerning this, much is written today, but here relationships of cause and effect must concern us above all. The global factor of world-wide relations that has emerged in the 90s, brings with it the complete collapse of the power structures that prevailed hitherto. As a result of this, in the former mutual confrontation of Europe and America, that factor has now disappeared which once paralyzed the independent will of Europe, for even internally the USA stands before many questions that are difficult to solve. The well-known American politologist R. Cohen stated for example that since the end of the cold war the Americans have fallen into a nation-wide depression. When the Soviet Union fell apart he writes in the Washington Post the Americans lost more than an enemy; we lost a fellow-warrior engaged with us in the search for the meaning of existence. If we see no meaning in life, then of course life cannot continue. Consequently, America seeks for it with increased intensity. As always, that meaning can only be something of a quite arbitrary nature, anything but the true meaning of human existence. Amnon Reuveni reported in a very interesting article in the weekly Das Goetheanum on Sept. 28, 1993 (No. 48) on the direction followed

These heads of the head of state, the busts in the shape of a super-intelligent head, have inundated the whole all of Russia. And still today it proves extremely difficult to get rid of them; they constantly flit across the TV screen when the various political events are being broadcast. Before the Perestroika they were often painted on huge surfaces along the streets, and this created the optical illusion of a head flying through the air.

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in the American search for the meaning of its future existence. He writes that the influential American journal Foreign Affairs published in the September issue of 1993 the article The Clash of Civilisations? by Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington. Reuveni compares it to another, published in the same magazine in July 1947, that characterizes the beginning of the cold war. He concludes that in the recent work we are dealing with a publication of the world press that expresses under the mask of a private opinion a global political doctrine which is to be realized in the future. In which case such an article is nothing other than an instruction for certain political forces to act upon. Samuel P. Huntingtons article was also reported on in the Russian press, namely in the democratically oriented newspaper Moskovskye Novosti (Moscow News; No. 10, March 1994), which published quotes from the article, an interview with the author, and the ten main theses that characterize Huntingtons overall attitude, as well as the map contained in his article, which shows the line of the future watershed between West and East. It is of special interest to us that Huntington too should put forward this opinion. He explains that Russia belongs, not to the European, but to the Euroasiatic civilization. The iron curtain that separated us from the West disappeared with the end of the cold war. But with Europe no longer divided ideologically, the boundary between the cultures has arisen anew: Western Christianity on one hand, Orthodox Christianity and Islam on the other. Huntington considers the boundary to which Western Christianity extended up to the year 1500, to be the most important dividing line in Europe. This line follows todays Russian border with Finland and the Baltic

States, cuts through the middle of Belorussia and the Ukraine, separating Western Ukraine with its mostly Catholic population from the Eastern Ukraine, populated mainly by Orthodox Christians. From there the dividing line moves sharply to the West, separating Transylvania from the rest of Romania, and then passes through the former Yugoslavia where it almost corresponds with todays border between Croatia and Slovenia on the one side and the rest of Yugoslavia on the other. In the Balkans this line coincides with the historical boundary between the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires. To the North and West of this line the nations are Protestant or Catholic. They have a common historical past: feudalism, Renaissance, Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the industrial revolution. Their economic level is generally higher than that of the countries lying to the East. They can today, Huntington believes, reckon on greater inclusion in the economy of unifying Europe. The peoples to the East and South of the line are Orthodox or Muslim, and it is highly unlikely that stable democratic systems can be established there. And Huntington warns: If the Russians, once they no longer behave like communists, reject the model of liberal democracy and begin to behave as Russians and not as members of the West, the relationship between Russia and the West could again become distant and laden with conflict The velvet curtain of culture has replaced the iron curtain of ideology as the critical dividing line in Europe. As events in the former Yugoslavia show, this is not merely a boundary of differences, but at times also a boundary of bloody conflict (emphasis by the present author). Moskovskye Novosti characterizes S. P. Huntington as a bookish scholar, but one should say that the main problem lies in the fact that all Western political doctrines born in the occult Orders and brotherhoods have an artificial character. They are used as guidelines for that political action which turns the world into new rivers of blood. That is why all thinking people have every reason to pay careful attention to what, in all parts of the world, arises out of decadent political occultism. In the article mentioned above, Reuveni compares the map of the world printed in 1990 in the English weekly Economist (Sept. 1 Issue) with that which appeared at the end of the last century (Rudolf Steiner also referred to it) in which the political future of the world is illustrated in a half-humorous and halfserious manner. Russia appears on the 1990 map with a strange outline (as with



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Huntington) towards the South-west, and without the Baltic Republics (drawn thus already in 1990), and is marked Eurasia. In the European section we see a figure in Orthodox vestments apparently a symbol of the power expected to prevail here. In the Eastern part, Siberia, dancing Cossacks are portrayed as a symbol. Developments over the last five to six years in Russia, Europe and Asia give us ample reason to assume that this map represents a guideline for action. We will try to give further reasons for this point of view.

stroika) is realized in a purely nationalistic way, no space will remain for the imperial world-view. The Russians will close themselves off within their borders and begin to expel the immigrants [We] need the orthodox elite without delay! orthodox and Russian superiors We must venerate the Church elder, the head of the brotherhood, the leader of the nation and army and obey him no less than we do the councillor, the minister, the mayor or the chief of police (!). The Russians are entitled to their own guards, and the Orthodox to theirs. The Russian [needs] daily education in the absolute veneration of his professor and teacher. The Russians need, not intellectuals, but a ruler. This is Jesuitism in its present manifestation in Russia, fashioning the new ideology of totalitarianism. Just as every ideology needs a classic author, so in this case the outstanding Russian philosopher and politologist Ivan Ilyin is used (obviously in a very distorted form). The sentences quoted above originate in a lecture given during a conference devoted to his work. When the brotherhoods gradually lost control over the socialistic experiment in the 20s, they handed it on to the Jesuits. The same is happening again today. Then we would have to reckon with the setting up of an orthodox inquisition in the medieval style, which would lead orthodox Christianity into the abyss. Concentration camps will be awaiting the mass of lay people, the NeoNOP men will be shot, KGB members will replace the red five-pointed star with the crucifix etc. In other words: Orthodox fundamentalism awaits us under the banner of the Orthodox Monarchy, accompanied by a new wave of terror.

Cartoon from a Russian Newspaper. The placards bear the following slogans: 1985: Thank the CPSU! 1995: Thank God!

The creators of the new world order formulate their task, so to speak, in general terms; the detailed interpretation rests with the natives of the countries and continents concerned. The newspaper Rus Dershavnaya (Mighty Russia), as press organ of the Moscow Patriarchy, has uncovered the meaning behind the figure of the patriarch i.e. what Russia can expect if a nationalorthodox dictatorship is installed. We read the following in No. 3/1994: There is no state Church, but the state can be Orthodox the national element is a quite indispensable part of the Orthodox world-view Then something puzzling follows: If the potential of national wrath (against the people of the Pere-

Deeply religious Russians warned already before the Perestroika period: Now the Communists forbid the people to go to church; the time will come when people will be forced to go to Church but one must not go then, because the Anti-Christ will be enthroned there. My God, are we to expect another bloodbath? And not only ourselves, maybe? Behind the colourful and, at first sight, even contradictory rhetoric of political phantasts, the same idea as that described by George Orwell forty years ago appears again and again: the idea of world government according to the laws of evil dialectics. Precisely as shown on the map from the Economist, which originates in circles of Anglo-American politics, and in which five continental national-political blocks, civilizations as S. P. Huntington calls them appear.


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Between these blocks the principal conflicts will, in his opinion, unfold in the near future, and will be longer and more destructive than those within the individual civilizations. Is there any means to prevent this catastrophic world development? Theoretically yes; but in practice anyone reading the news with intact reasoning faculties may find an answer to this question himself. The West admonishes the Russians: You are not allowed to behave as Russians. But we behave, as though in defiance, only as Russians. We should put double inverted commas, because as Russians means the characteristics the West particularly dislikes, and which bear absolutely no relation to our national life, to the being of the Russian people, its traditions, its culture, its soul-nature, etc. But the West already has free rein to protest innocence in whatever moment it seems convenient, to distance itself from Russia, to make relations with Russia confrontational, with the explanation that democratic political systems are impossible in Russia as Count Kalergi wrote already in the Sixties. And then we Russia in full decline and all the peoples inhabiting it will then find ourselves caught again between two enemies of the true Russia, the inner enemy and the outer. At bottom it is only the methods that vary, through which Russia is destroyed; they are altered in view of what was not completed in the past. For example, the presumed extension of the velvet curtain towards the South-west means that in the new phase of the experiment the heresy of Orthodoxy, the falling away of the Eastern Church everywhere, Greece included, will be wiped out. Outwardly it will at first appear as if the boldest dreams of not only Slavophiles but also of pan-Slavists will come true: the unity of civilization, the political unity of the entire orthodox world will be restored, the Testament of Peter the Great will be realized. A nuance will be added to the old dreams: fundamentalism. The occult newspaper of the Bolshevik opposition (such publications exist today) Golos Vselennoy (Voice of the Universe; No. 3-4/1994) writes concerning the present Patriarch, who is clearly not suited to be the orthodox Khomeini. He is the one who is automatically considered the Patriarch of all Russia and Soul-Shepherd of Orthodox Russians, who for more than a year has pursued the policy of the destruction of the Orthodox Church in Russia the policy of the gradual weakening and fragmentation of the Russian Orthodox Church, its subjection under the cloak of ecumenism to the Vatican and

the Jewish High Council ruling the world (this is how former Marxist-atheists express themselves today). This comes from the one side. And from the other in the journal Ryzary Very (The Knights of Faith; No. 4/1994) which is published by a certain Fund of the New Holy Russia we learn that in Russia the Church of the Mother of God exists, with its roots extending far back to the time of the Apostles It is the Orthodox-Catholic Church to which Tsar Nikolai II (!) belonged etc. This is the unity and conflict of opposites. John, the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, who recently ascended rapidly to authority and recognition, gives a preliminary summary of the situation. Already the ancient Greeks, he said in an interview with the newspaper Zavtra (Tomorrow; No. 10/1994), introduced into philosophy the concept of catharsis, the cleansing through tragedy, man pays for his spiritual growth through suffering. Seen from this perspective the battles in front of the White House in Moscow in October 1993 mean that when this or that divine principle is realized in life, it unavoidably meets with the most stubborn resistance This is no more than a hindrance occurring on the path towards Russias rebirth. The Metropolitan continues: For centuries the fundamental principles of Russian life have been determined by the motto Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nation (emphasis by the present author). This is, in the opinion of the Metropolitan, the perfect threefold structure of Russian society, in which absolutism is simultaneously the political mechanism and the ethical-religious condition of society, of the Russian congregation of souls. In other words: Our ideal is the return to the Csaro-Papism of the Roman Imperium, or even the social structure of Old Egypt. In this case we can only agree with the Metropolitan that the Russian people does not need any system of rights, since it crowns the entire statestructure with the figure of the divinely-anointed Russian-Orthodox Tsar. We will not quote the Metropolitan John further, but only remark that it is basically a more intelligent and better-formulated exposition of the theme addressed in a superficial and undisguised way by the author of the abovementioned article in the journal Rus Dershavnaya.50


On November 2, 1995 the Metropolitan John died quite unexpectedly during an official reception in St. Petersburg. The opinion is spread abroad in the land (and this


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And what do the dancing Cossacks represent in the Asiatic region of Russia? Our media reported at the beginning of November 1994 that the individual circles51 of Cossacks had joined together in a unified Cossack-Association of Asian Russia. At the same time it was reported that Greece was willing to enter into the closest economic and political relations with the Russian Federation. And in the Ukraine one hears the following: If our nationalists do not want to unite with Russia, they may leave! These are the symptoms. It is also possible to arrive at some clarity concerning the inner structure of the emergent super-blocks of the political powers. In the article The Image of Europe in the Making (Das Goetheanum, No. 42/1994) A. Reuveni investigates the formation of a New Holy Alliance under the aegis of the Vatican, embracing France, Germany and Poland. If this alliance comes about, the author writes, all of Europe will be able to serve as a bulwark of the Roman spirit The forming of such an axis [Paris-Berlin-Warsaw] will also be greeted enthusiastically by occult circles in the West. For the potential of cultural cooperation between Middle Europe and the East Slavs could, at least for a time, be practically suppressed. It is entirely possible that this will not be the only alliance in Europe. Another will arise beside it. This second alliance is spoken of in the article Who has become a Monarchist today? in the journal Molodaya Gvardiya (The Young Guard; No. 9/1994) which belongs to that variant of the Right opposition in which the ideology of the Red Pope is brought to expression with the greatest clarity. But as has already been stressed: We merely select the facts and try to grasp them with the help of our own method. This article, which is based on Western sources, sets out to prove that there exists an intention to restore the Habsburg monarchy. For various reasons the idea of the forming a Danube Imperium in the centre of Europe has won an enthusiastic response from the Americans and from the European Movement (founded by Count Kalergi) which is controlled by them. It is characteristic that Otto von Habsburg, as general secretary of this organization and possible Austro-Hungarian successor to the throne, embodies two seemingly contradictory tendencies. On the one hand his European Movement has brought into the foreground the idea of the
not without reason) that he did not die entirely unaided. His death represents a world-political event in any case. The traditional form of Cossack self-government is called a circle.

establishment of unified states of Europe in a cosmopolitan spirit, while at the same time from the same source a call is heard, to undermine the said system through dismemberment right at its very heart. Is there a contradiction here, or is it a question of the formation of a certain core, whose task it is to draw in towards itself the rest of the European geo-political region? The article states further that the situation in Austria has changed drastically since the disintegration of the communist block. The author quotes the Neue Zrcher Zeitung (New Zurich News) which apparently said that Austria has returned to Central Europe and has perhaps become its centre. Otto von Habsburgs intention to set up a federation of states at the border of West and East is only a stratagem. Behind it lie the political plans of the occult societies; the Grande Orient of Austria and the Grand National Lodge of Austria are members of the international hierarchic stream of Freemasons. These branches acknowledge the supremacy of the two international centres of Freemasonry the Grande Orient de France and the Associated Grand Lodge of England, both of which are under the control of American Lodges. The main role in the forming of the Danube federation is played by the Order of Prieur de Sion, which works, not directly, but through the Swiss Lodge Alpina. One cannot predict with certainty whether such alliances will emerge on the political map of Europe. But we can nevertheless draw a methodologically based conclusion from information in the newspapers blurted out in the heat of the battle only of the printed word, so far by parties, Orders and Lodges. It is the following: In the task of setting up the New World Order, the Jesuits and the secret societies of the West, one could also say Rome and Washington (and, in a more hidden form Moscow) work together, and at the same time each pulls in its own direction. In this, all are successful because the field of work on the entire globe is very extensive. If now on the one side an alliance arises under the protection of the Vatican, then something similar, arranged by the brotherhoods, must unquestionably be looked for on the other, and, on the third side, we must also observe, from this background, what is going on in Moscow. All these things together will then serve the new principles of world rule. However, it does not promise social harmony, either at the end of this century or at the beginning of the next. The article by the chief of the central council of the National Republican party of Russia, N. Lysenko, can provide a powerful illustration of the conclusion we



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have drawn. This was also published in the journal Molodaya Gvardia No 9/1994. Lysenko is engaged in polemics against Francis Fukuyama regarding The End of History and finds in it a basic error: Fukuyama, he says, founds his analysis on only two elements of social-political existence the economic and the ideological. He does not even mention the third fundamental element the national. But it is important to realize that the most essential antithesis in the world at the beginning of the 21st century does not consist in the opposition between proletariat and capitalism (and not, therefore, liberalism versus communism) but first and foremost in the opposition between the nations, between the worlds of the races and religions. (Remember the note at the end of chapter 17.) Lysenko says that it is a question not of racism but of ethnocentrism. (We could add: of Woodrow Wilsons principle of the nations right to selfdetermination, with the figure of Khomeini at the forefront rather than Lenin.) He says that in the world the white race is being weakened and the Mongol (Eastern) and Negroid (African) race are growing stronger; Islam is gaining in strength as Christianity fades. In Europe and America national depression increases, as the activated mechanism of consumption, the highly developed political and technical establishment, can only be sustained through the military might of the USA. East and South filter increasingly into the West. The strengthening of the Islamic factor is demonstrated by the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations in which Israel is suddenly becoming the side which defends itself and constantly retreats. And yet another factor: The Anti-DefamationLeague, created to defend the Jews against anti-Semitism, has expended much effort since the Fifties in support of the black peoples struggle for equality in America. But now in January 1994 Halil Abu El Muhammed, chief advisor to Louis Farrakhan and leader of the black organization The Nation of Islam in the USA, accused the Jews in a public lecture of every mortal sin and used Nazi terminology. He also called for the complete elimination of the white people in South Africa. But Rabbi Meir Kahane wrote in his book Never again!, published in Jerusalem in 1989: The masochistic flattery of the Jewish liberals towards black intellectuals will only provoke further attacks by the blacks against the Jews. Lysenko draws the following conclusion: The Chechens and other Caucasians in Russia, the Moslems in Serbia, the Turks in Germany, the Arabs in France, the Blacks and Latinos in the USA they will all have the same mission at the end of the 20th century: to blow up the European world from within, to inaugu-

rate those world standards that will correspond to the future world-wide tendencies at the beginning of the 21st century. One should therefore wait for the counter-movement on the part of the European nations. The slumbering national forces will inwardly awaken, possibly leading to the formation of the new Alliance of World Nations for the protection of the European Spiritual Heritage, something like a new Komintern (a Communist International), but opposite in its aims. In characterizing the ethnocentric group-forces in the world, Lysenko uses the concepts complementary (able to cooperate) nations, and non-complementary (irreconcilable, always with opposing interests). Russians and Tartars, Russians and Germans, Russians and Jews, Russians and other European nations are the relatively complementary nations. Lysenko considers the entire Arab world, including the population of the former Central Asiatic republics of the USSR, of the North Caucasus and, what is worthy of special attention, the Baltic republics to be non-complementary with respect to the Russians. Noncomplementary towards the West are: Islamistan (if we use the terminology of the map), the nations of the Orient (i.e. Confuciana and others), and Africa, the black race. Because the West is growing ever weaker, and since it does not wish to take account of the new opposition of South, East versus North, West, the only hope rests with the Ultra-Nationalists in Europe, who will transform the European political climate, after which Europe will see in Russia the leader of the new world order. Our author also writes that the national resurgence in Russia and Europe will call forth a strong resonance in the countries of the East and the Islamic South. It will probably lead to a deeper rift in the position of the regional Islamic super-powers Turkey, Iraq and Iran Any strengthening of Iran will be observed with hostility by Turkey and Pakistan, who in these circumstances will no doubt attempt to form an Islamic-Turkish Super-Imperium extending from Tashkent to the Golan Heights. In such a case a preventive armed response by Russia will be historically inevitable (emphasis by the present author). The more precisely we analyze the articles by N. Lysenko and S. Huntington, the greater our astonishment at the similarities. They go so far that we can characterize the outgoing assumptions of Lysenkos article by means of theses presented by Huntington. They are:



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The future world is determined by the interaction of 7-8 different civilizations (put more simply: by racial contrasts; Huntington avoids this concept because of the political current state of affairs): of the Western, the ConfucianJapanese, the Islamic, The Hindu, the Slavic-Orthodox, the Latin American and the African. The confrontation of civilizations will replace the struggle of ideologies and other forms of conflict. If another world war takes place, it will be a war between civilizations. The future main conflicts occur along the lines of cultural differences between the civilizations (and have already begun: Caucasus, Bosnia etc.). The attempts by the West to propagate its democratic and liberal values as universal throughout the world, to maintain its military supremacy and assert its own economic interests will lead to counter-reactions in other civilizations. The formation of efficient international-political, military-political and economic organizations within individual civilization systems is more probable than between such systems. The elite of a number of those countries which are inwardly split in their relations qua civilization (such as Russia, Turkey, Mexico) will try to make them into a part of the West, but in this will encounter all but insuperable obstacles. The main conflict of the near future will be between the West and a number of countries that belong to the Islamic and Confucian civilization, and already challenge the values, interests and power of the West, etc. Let us now ask: Where lies the solution to the riddle, that such close agreement should be found in the opinions of polar opposite camps? It lies in the fact that the innermost core of Bolshevism, which is based on the cult of the dead, which mummifies its leaders; the Bolshevism of the Red Papacy, is ready and waiting to realize the plans indicated on the map, it is simply begging to be used for this purpose. For a period of seventy years it has unerringly led the socialistic experiment, to the complete satisfaction of those who ordered it. Why should those who function well, not be entrusted with another task why not let them look after a further historical period? Hardly three years go by 1997 has now begun and we see that the associates of the Red Pope are already hired, as the above-mentioned geo-politician S. Kurginian informs us. In

high indignation, he writes in the newspaper Zavtra (Apr. 1997, No. 17) that in his opinion the press should leave alone the theme of secret societies and behind-the-scenes events, and addresses in a threatening tone those who still hold the reins of power: Citizens of our fatherland, who have been endowed by it with special powers and possibilities You, who are responsible for its security, have allowed yourselves to engage in an ambivalent game That game in which the powers given to you, the right to more (i.e. occult) knowledge (from behind the scenes) and great freedom of action drawing on resources of a special kind, were used in a particular way in Karabakh and Baku, in Kuzbas and Vilnius, in Moscow in 1991 and 1993 but do not grow presumptuous! Keep your sympathies and antipathies to yourselves. Send to the devil all the poorly-digested theorizings about possible and impossible geo-political games which you are in any case unable to seriously play in the present state of affairs. Stop intoxicating yourselves with ambiguity. Remove (painful though this may be) the crust of cynicism that has eaten its way into your flesh and blood (we know this very well) And follow with close attention the statements of the Russian politician Alexander Lebed (who may or may not be to your liking, but in many respects he is no better and no worse than many others). On April 12, 1997 in London he spoke at the public international forum for problems of economic development in countries of Middle and Eastern Europe (and not in some conspiratorial apartment) and said literally the following: Regarding this power, everything is quite clear. The question is only how to remove it without bloodshed so that, as in 1991, it can collapse within three days like an old shack. And dont feign stupidity, by pretending to yourselves (oh, this devilish subconscious it can squirm out of any situation!) that it is only a dutiful boot clumping along. He is not a boot but a clever, intelligent fellow who knows the value of words and consciously does not overstep the limits but demonstratively entered the PARA-STRUCTURES (on the television, as you know, they spoke of a certain Lodge!). He will give the signal. He will give it to you, you gentlemen from the Lubyanka and Poleshaevskaya Street52 who have fought

KGB buildings.



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above your weight. For in 1991 not communist power but the old shack of the great Russian state apparatus collapsed. That is the USSR. You are not called upon now to assist in the collapse of one or the other power whose qualities hardly anyone would be able to judge in a vindicatory manner, even if he were friendly towards the state. You are called upon to pull down the shack of the small and last Russian State apparatus. This means: todays badly-tailored and in many respects deficient Russian homeland, which clings to life regardless. These words of Lebed are much quoted in the electronic media Churchill is claimed to have said that every politician has his Danzig Corridor, i.e. the line beyond which all questions of sympathy and antipathy, of cynical insight, of ambiguous geo-political smokescreens etc. cease. Then everything becomes clear and obvious. Here is the Danzig Corridor, gentlemen and comrades. There will be no other. Make your choice! And once you have chosen, do not complain about somebodys intrigues and the evil blows of fate suffered in consequence. Events are visible, come out into the open. We can read and hear everything. Every choice will be grasped and evaluated. And everyone who has chosen will have only himself to blame. The near future will show whether everything will come about as described in this newspaper article, or whether alternatives are possible. But in its essentials it is quite correct. It is said that history takes place twice: once as a tragedy, the second time as a farce. But this is said only in relation to history. But of the history that no longer exists, everything that once was, history is turning into a deeply tragic farce, and so it would be good if people began to reflect a little and to understand whither we are being led, and for what, and by whom. Much help towards an understanding of the purely political and economic changes that hide behind the cloak of the term Perestroika can be gained from Ivan Ilyin, the outstanding Russian thinker and emigrant (he died in Effretikon near Zrich). Already at the end of the Forties, i.e. right at the beginning of the cold war, he described the nature of what is happening to us today. In a collection of writings published for the first time in Paris in 1952 under the title Our Tasks he wrote: The following directive was formulated as early as 1919 in

the council of Soviet commissars: The essence of the revolution consists in the open disregard for any principle of right, this includes the revolutions own decrees. And now, owing to these directives, officials are now becoming corrupt robbers and corrupt people, and the dregs of society are elevated to the rank of officials. The cornered Russian citizen as a means of self-defence under the conditions of revolutionary robbery has made nepotism the natural and the unavoidable method in the struggle for survival. From above everything was done to confuse mine and thine, mine and the states, to throw them into a chaotic heap in order to uproot from the souls all lawfulness and honesty in matters of property. What kind of democracy can come of this theft? The Communists do all they can, even today, to rob the people of the Russian national view of history and replace it with a world-wide revolutionary frenzy, with the arrogance and self-assurance of the international adventurer One needs to know nothing about history and understand nothing about politics if one wants to build up a democracy on this depravity. The Russian has never lived off the thoughts of others. He has always preferred to think foolishly but independently to go his own way and suffocate in contradictions, but never to blindly trust an outside authority. And now for nearly four decades, through revolutionary schooling, hunger, fear, intrusive propaganda and the press monopoly of the party, the capacity for independent thinking has been thrashed out of him. His education is entirely robbed of its deeper content, is distorted and mendacious; in his individual world-view, everything is dead, schematic, godless and immoral. For whole generations he has been separated from true knowledge from knowledge of himself as well as of other nations. In politics he is blind and often does not know it, and increasingly regards this blindness as the highest understanding, as seeing. To entrust this man with rule by the people is possible only for someone who hopes to replace the totalitarian scheme of the communists with a new party scheme that is likewise totalitarian. What can be more abhorrent to a true democrat than this kind of distortion of rule by the people? Or will they try to create a new democratic Fascism, in order, while singing the praises of freedom, to trample it underfoot, in the name of a new pseudo-democracy never seen before? What kind of psychological naivety is needed to make someone believe that the Russian people, who were always lacking in character, force of will, discipline, mutual respect and mutual trust, will now after these long years of slavery and moral decline, summon up this incredible self-control, this incredible restraint,

XVIII. Russia in the Antagonism of Eurasians and Atlantists

Crisis of Civilisation

this superhuman will and almighty solidarity, in order to realize the democratic state? All the spiritual and social foundations of democracy have been shaken down to the rootedness to the native soil, to the belief in work, and respect for rightfully earned property. The fabric of national solidarity is torn to shreds. Unimagined thirst for revenge has built up everywhere. The masses dream of throwing off the hypnosis of base fear and of responding to the organized terror of decades with passionate unorganized terror. And in this moment the following proposals are made to them: 1. 2. 3. democratic freedom; the right to self-determination; the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people.

could be described as follows: It is the terrible illustration, extending over decades and woven out of the infinite suffering of millions of human beings, of the correctness of the only true doctrine of Marx-Lenin-Stalin. For a period of seventy years tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of preachers of the Marxist-Leninist faith have depicted in all the colours of hell the Hydra of capitalism and the illusion of Western freedom the freedom to die of hunger and with no work, etc. And this very Hydra was incarnated in the Perestroika years. Previously it had only flashed up in the delirious imagination of the ideologues as the antithesis of world happiness, but now it could be realized in practice. No-one doubts that capitalism is an instrument of theft, a device for exploitation; but never before was it allowed to take on the form that it now has in Russia: consciously bereft of every creative principle. But the aim of this experiment is plain to see. After the peoples have been virtually deprived of the basis for existence, they will be gladdened with the return to the original socialist experiment, with the return to the planned state economy, total control of the cultural life (Geistesleben), and with other special features of the earthly Paradise or the thousand-year kingdom, which amounts to the same thing. And the only means to save the peoples of the world from this scourge will be to turn to the ideas of the threefolding of the social organism. We must try with all the strength at our disposal to incorporate these ideas in life and thereby to give back to history its real meaning and restore to human existence the natural laws. The powers of evil have brought history to a standstill, in order to extinguish the autonomy of the human personality. Therefore our most urgent task today is the reinstatement of the free human spirit. The threefold social order provides in our century the best possible conditions for the fulfilling of this most urgent need of our time.

Who will bear the responsibility for the unavoidable consequences? (Emphasis by the present author). Ivan Ilyin wrote this in 1948, and we see from it that he was already then in a position to understand the events that would of necessity occur at the end of the century something that most of our thoughtful contemporaries cannot do even today. Only after we read these passages by Ilyin could we grasp why Gaidar was so sure that his grandfather a radical communist would understand him, the radical exponent of capitalism. We also thought: If one can see so deeply into the nature of things without mastering the Goethean method, without historical symptomatology, how much more can we expect of anthroposophists! It is given to us to transform the powerful thoughts of social threefolding into the real, healthy sense of history, which is none other than a form of human existence in which man determines the meaning, the tasks and goals of his development. This is the reason why the forces of evil have brought history to a standstill in order to abolish the autonomy of the human personality. This is also why it is most important to help the human spirit to come to its rightful existence again. Social threefolding creates the ultimate conditions for the fulfilling of this most urgent task in our century. But one must also reflect upon what Ilyin was unable to foresee: the aims of the Perestroika programme and what follows from it. And if one can rise above the particulars, above the dense web of lies that is continuously put out by the mass-media, then a picture emerges of the totality of events in Russia, which



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