Years 1 and 2 : All Students

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Updated: 8/2/2013

Mechanical Engineering
Starting at University Park

Years 1 and 2 (All Students)

1st Semester
CHEM 110 Chemical Principles MATH 140 or 140E Calculus I ECON 102 or 104 (GS) ENGL 015/030 or ESL 015 (or EDSGN 100) First-Year Seminar GA, GH or GS course 3 4 3 3 1 3 17

2nd Semester
^CHEM 112 Chemical Principles MATH 141 or 141E Calculus II PHYS 211 Mechanics EDSGN 100 (or ENGL 015/030 or ESL 015) GA, GH or GS course 3 4 4 3 3 17

3rd Semester
MATH 231 MATH 220 PHYS 212 CMPSC 200 +E MCH 211 CAS 100A/B Calc. of Several Var. Matrices Electricity & Magnetism MATLAB Statics Effective Speech 2 2 4 3 3 3 17 +M E 300 MATH 251 PHYS 214 +E MCH 212

4th Semester
Engr. Thermodynamics I Ordinary & Partial Diff. Eqns. Waves & Quantum Physics Dynamics Strength of Materials + E MCH 213 Health & Physical Activity (GHA) 3 4 2 3 3 1.5 16.5

1. Years 1 and 2: All students should follow the academic plan shown above. 2. Years 3 and 4: Two suggested options are shown on the following page. Students are encouraged to follow the curriculum based on the first letter of their last name, either A-K or L-Z. These suggested options are offered to equalize access to specialized laboratory courses including ME 340, ME 345, IE 312, and ME 440W/441W. 3. International experience through the Department of Mechanical Engineering Semester Abroad Program is strongly encouraged. The programs offer instruction in English and provide the opportunity to study abroad for one semester. Seamless curricula have been developed with prestigious partner universities allowing you to graduate in eight semesters. Please visit for more information regarding the Semester Abroad Program.

Courses listed in boldface italic type require a grade of C or better for entrance into this major. + Courses listed in boldface type require a grade of C or better for graduation in this major. E MCH 213D may be used instead, if offered. ^ Students may substitute Biol 141 for Chem 112.

Updated: 8/2/2013

Mechanical Engineering
Starting at University Park (continued)

OPTION A: Years 3 and 4 (last name begins with A-K)

5th Semester
+M E 370 +M E 345 I E 312 E E 212 MATSE 259
Vibrations of Mechanical Systems

6th Semester
3 4 3 3 3 16 +M E 360 Mechanical Components Design +M E 340 Mech. Engr. Design Methodology +M E 320 Fluid Flow Mech. Material Response E MCH 315 ENGL 202C Technical Writing Health & Physical Activity (GHA) 3 3 3 2 3 1.5 15.5 8th Semester 3 3 1 3 3 3 M E 440W or 441W Design Project *M E Lab Course ENGR Technical Elective (ETE) 2 General Technical Elective (GTE)3 GA, GH or GS course GA, GH or GS course 3 1 3 3 3 3 16

Instrumentation, Measurements, and Statistics Product Des. & Manuf. Processes Intro. to Elec. Measuring Sys. Prop. & Proc. of Engr. Materials

7th Semester +M E 450 Modeling of Dynamic Systems +M E 410 Heat Transfer *M E Lab Course M E Technical Elective (METE)1 ENGR Technical Elective (ETE) 2 GA, GH or GS course

16 Total Credits - 131

OPTION B: Years 3 and 4 (last name begins with L-Z)

5th Semester
+M E 320 Fluid Flow +M E 340 Mech. Engr. Design Methodology +M E 360 Mechanical Components Design E MCH 315 Mech. Response of Engr. Materials ENGL 202C Technical Writing Health & Physical Activity (GHA) 3 3 3 2 3 1.5 15.5 7th Semester M E 440W or 441W Design Project4 +M E 410 Heat Transfer *M E Lab Course M E Technical Elective (METE)1 ENGR Technical Elective (ETE) 2 GA, GH or GS course 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 8th Semester +M E 450 Modeling of Dynamic Systems *M E Lab Course ENGR Technical Elective (ETE)2 General Technical Elective (GTE)3 GA, GH or GS course GA, GH or GS course 3 1 3 3 3 3 16 +M E 345 +M E 370 I E 312 E E 212 MATSE 259

6th Semester
Instrumentation, Measurements, and Statistics Vibrations of Mechanical Systems Product Des. & Manuf. Processes Intro. to Elec. Measuring Sys. Prop. & Proc. of Engr. Materials 4 3 3 3 3 16

16 Total Credits - 131

+ Courses listed in boldface type require a grade of C or better for graduation in this major. * To graduate a student must take at least two of the following lab courses: M E 315, M E 325, M E 355, M E 375, E MCH 316. If M E 445(4) is taken as a technical elective, one credit can be used as an M E Lab Course. 1 M E Technical elective - 3 credits of 400-level M E courses except M E 410, M E 440W, M E 441W, M E 450, M E 494 or M E 496. 2 Engineering Technical Elective is a 3-credit 400-level course in the College of Engineering including a non-required Mechanical Engineering course. 3 General Technical Elective is 3 credits of engineering, science, or math courses beyond the level required for the major. See department list. Three credits of Co-op can be used for the General Technical Elective after completion of three Co-op rotations. Six ROTC credits may be substituted for 3 credits of GHA and 3 credits of General Technical elective upon completion of the basic ROTC program. 4 ME 410 is a prerequisite for ME 441W. Students that wish to enroll in ME 441W may do so in the 8th semester by interchanging it with ETE or GTE. Only use this curriculum plan for first and second year course scheduling. Your degree requirements are defined when enter the major and may be different than listed on this page. Please refer to the ME Planning Manual for your Entrance to Major year

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