Lab Manager December 09
Lab Manager December 09
Lab Manager December 09
Volume 4 Number 10
Motivating a 21st
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2009 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.
Researchers worldwide protect more than two billion samples inside Thermo Scientific cold storage equipment. With +4C refrigerators to -196C cryogenic freezers and Thermo Scientific Nalgene and Nunc consumables, youre free to concentrate on your work without worrying about your valuable samples. Thermo Scientific Revco high-performance laboratory refrigerators and freezers are engineered for the laboratory, providing: SecurityOur IntrLogic microprocessor-based control system manages setpoint and actual conditions, providing the highest level of security EfficiencyAdvanced defrost sensors minimize frost built-up, maintaining coil efficiency VersatilityA variety of sizes from undercounter to upright models is available to meet your space requirements So relax and choose Thermo Scientific Revco laboratory refrigerators and freezers. Visit
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There is hardly a company in the world that hasnt been affected by the global economic downturn. In an economy such as ours, management should help alleviate the stress put on employees worrying about job security. Communication is key, and when staff members are aware of an organizations goals, productivity and motivation improve.
Richard Daub
The U.S. imports food from more than 150 countries and territories. Much of it is fresh produce and seafood, which can carry microscopic contaminants. While these contaminants become smaller and more sophisticated and food safety laws become stricter, food testing laboratories are coming up with new technologies and processes to detect chemical toxins before they reach the consumer.
Bernard Tulsi
SURVEY SAYS: In our recent Lab Manager Magazine First Annual Business Management Study, we asked our readers: Compared with 2 to 3 years ago, do you see a greater need to take a businesslike approach to your research operations? The vast majority, 70.2 percent, answered yes. When asked whether they expect their management responsibilities to increase over the next 1 to 2 years, 67 percent said they did, while 24 percent expect those management responsibilities to remain the same.
of Nature Made nutritional supplements. And when it comes to meeting regulatory requirements and releasing nal product, he cant afford to lose time. Thats why he and his team rely on Waters solutions, including ACQUITY UPLC. Its high throughput enabled them to reduce a 45-minute Biotin assay to 10 minutes. And Waters Empower software enables his company to get results to regulators quickly. With advantages like these, Lunetta can continue to keep his customers happy and his business healthy.
2009 Waters Corporation. Waters, ACQUITY UPLC, Empower, and The Science of Whats Possible are trademarks of Waters Corporation. Pharmavite and Nature Made are registered trademarks of Pharmavite LLC.
Chillers Freezers Washers Ovens
Analytical Balances
48 50 56 60 63
The latest equipment, instrument and system introductions to the laboratory market
EasyChem Discrete Analyzer
The how, when and what for a meaningful lab safety audit. Vince McLeod
Obtaining Cost-effective and Precise qPCR Chemistries Sample Preparation for the Detection of PAH and Phthalates Predicting Central Nervous System (CNS) Drug Penetration Sample Security
69 68 70
Lab Manager Magazine (ISSN: 1931-3810) is published 10 times per year; monthly with combined issues in February/March and July/August, by LabX, P.O. Box 216, 478 Bay Street, Midland, ON Canada L4R 1K9. USPS 024-188 Periodical Postage Paid at Fulton, MO 65251 and at an additional mailing office. A requester publication, Lab Manager , is distributed to qualified subscribers. Non-qualified subscription rates in the U.S. and Canada: $120 per year. All other countries: $180 per year, payable in U.S. funds. Back issues may be purchased at a cost of $15 each in the U.S. and $20 elsewhere. While every attempt is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, the publisher and its employees cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of information supplied, advertisements or opinions expressed. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Lab Manager Magazine , P.O. Box 120, Georgetown, CT 06829. 2009 Lab Manager Magazine by Geocalm Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publica tion may be reproduced without permission from the publisher.