Rice Review 2013

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Rice Review
Dinner Highlights

29th All-Alumni Dinner and Adbook Honors 6 Students and 6 Alumni at Carmody Center - Unites Old Friends - Raises New Funds Tom Mitchell Carried in Lasting Memory
John Powers 63 Jerry Aguiar 73 Rick Cunningham 73 Marty Grogan 73 Bob McDonough 73 Leo Novosel 73

An hour before the opening reception, Vice President Mike McShane 87 led a very wellreceived tour of the school into classrooms staffed by teachers, Al Filan, Brother Hayes, Sandra Jones, Sue Stanley, and Mike Dolan, all recruited by Principal Jim Antos, who later joined many fellow Crusaders in raising funds for Brother Rice by raising his hand at the live fund raiser.

meeting of old friends recalling old stories, and capturing the attention of these friends for an hour for other purposes. And yet, everyone who attended the 29th All-Alumni Dinner on Friday, November 15, 2013 would agree that Master of Ceremonies Tom Gorman 85 was the best possible choice for the task at hand. He delivered a very long script with a personal touch that felt like he was a member of every family whose son, brother, husband, father, brother-in-law, or uncle was duly honored. Then, he somehow found enough passion and energy to raise another $10,000 in needed funds, to help bring improvements for the track to the nish line. Alumni Director Jim Casey 70 misspoke when he introduced Tom as one of the few who has been inducted into two school halls of fame, because he is one of only two who has in fact been inducted into all three. Tom began the fund-raising by thanking this years adbook sponsors (http://alumni.brotherrice.org/ adbook/) for investing more than $14,000 Continued on page 2 When Tom Mitchell died suddenly last January, the outpouring of appreciation for his life was so widespread, that the school had to host his wake. Along the line that wound and spread from the Main Gym and down the pool corridor were printed testimonials enlarged for those in line, and the content for which remains online at http://www.brotherrice.org/?s=Tom+Mitchell The 55 testimonials written and submitted by former players and many more who were positively impacted by Tom, represent a small sampling of the profound appreciation that continues to be expressed about what Tom meant to Brother Rice at large. Toms inuence was so powerful that we lead our Rice Review 2013 with a continued pledge to remember him as the ultimate example of Acting Manfully in Christ Jesus. Contact Coach Brian Badke 92 for information about the Tom Mitchell Society.

Marketing Director Brian Barkowski 95, Brother Tom Collins, along with Tom Sr. and Tom Killoran 95 captured the event on lm, while Barko also set up a continuous video. The ever-growing Brother Rice Band lled the length of the newly refurbished Carmody Center, into which the Class of 1963 enthusiastically paraded to a robust rendition of the ght song and to a standing and spirited reception of fellow Crusaders. Some could reasonably argue that a reunion is a tough venue to honor twelve people, promote other events, while also raising thousands of dollars. There is an inherent conict between the

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Dinner Highlights

29th All-Alumni Dinner Continued from cover

Jim Casey observed for himself and heard from many others that upcoming scripts for the program need to be and will be greatly shortened. Jim is also joined by an overwhelming chorus of alumni who hope Tom Gorman remains available to honor outstanding Crusaders, as we continue to raise new funds, while meeting old friends. Sixty-three members of the Class of 1963 reunited, along with forty guys from 1973, joined by fteen alumni from 2003, fourteen men from 1964, with guys from 68, 78, 83, and 88 also forming tables that surrounded the honorees and their families. along with many fellow board members like Joyce Sterk, who ONCE AGAIN led the way in the funds raised at the dinner and in the adbook, in addition to their continued support throughout the year. With fellow Foundation Board member Tom Gorman on stage and also as a lead ad and prize donor himself, it was especially gratifying to witness more than 120 alumni and friends join them in raising new funds, while meeting old friends. Terry Barton, Larry Heavey, and Mike Elwood, along with VP Joe Kenny 87 and the always active and generous Treasurer Joe Ferrick 75 and BRAIN Chair Gary Stubits all assisted Tom with the fund raising, while Mike Elwood also sponsored a table and donated the Kindle for the live rafe, while Dustin Odelson 05 donated the rst prize iPad. Larry returned to his table so that he could also raise his hand for a donation. For these efforts and more than can be mentioned, an additional $11,000 was raised to bring the track to the nish line, thanks to those many Crusaders willing to raise their hands for Brother Rice.

in todays Crusaders, with special messages published in the program booklet. The book was lled with messages of support from alumni and friends who have been with us for many of the previous 28 books, along with brand new and upgraded donors, as this years book raised $4,000 more in net proceeds than last year. Alumni Association President Mike Elwood 74, was again joined by the everpresent Vice President Larry Heavey 71 in making phone calls, and they were joined this year by Jim Walsh 86 and Gary Stubits 82, but all agreed that it was the new kid in this years ad drive, Terry Barton 69, who led the way in producing a 68% increase in ad book revenue. But Terry et al admit that once they reached potential advertisers, it was an easy sell, because supporting Brother Rice is a fun thing to do. Tom also thanked everyone who paid $65 for increasing their gifts to the school by $10 each this year, and the crowd was just as large (330) as last year.

Brother Rice President Dr. Kevin Burns was deeply disappointed that a cold and u prevented him from welcoming honorees, their families and friends, and alumni, as he has proven to be such a strong advocate of alumni, that many believe him to a be fellow graduate. And speaking of someone often believed to be a fellow graduate, Board Chair Burt Odelson was joined by Foundation Chair Jim Kramer 64 and Foundation President Tom Harrigan 64,

Tim OConnell 03 Seeks Alumni Support for Recruiting Efforts

Once again, Brother Rice High School has proven to be the clear number one choice for boys attending all-boys Catholic high schools. We could not say that without the support of alumni who make donations of time, talent, and treasure. Because of this support, we are able to build and rebuild the best high school for boys in our area. Why is Brother Rice High School the rst and best choice for boys in our area? In a nutshell, it is because our tuition remains competitive, even though we constantly upgrade our technology, our curriculum, and our academic and athletic facilities, while continuing to maintain and hire inspiring teachers and coaches. We ask more alumni to continue to build their alma mater with whatever you can give of your time, talent, or treasure. There are many ways to build Brother Rice by helping Admissions Director Tim OConnell 03 spread the good word to grade school boys. Tim can provide you with all the facts you need to understand and communicate to others what has been done recently to explain why Brother Rice is the number one choice for boys. All you need to do is contact Tim at [email protected] or at 773-429-4323. Tim can then help you decide how best to spread the good word to your son, brother, neighbor, nephew, cousin, and their friends. We know from recent and historical experience, that this is an enjoyable way to build your alma mater.

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Twardy and Richardson Retire

Brother Rice, which traces back to when he was in grade school at St. Catherine of Alexandria, is as high as ever, as he continues to attend games and other events at a pace that exceeds most, fellow Crusader fans. Those who know him, also know that Bob is among the rst and foremost to visit the sick, among many other acts of Christian kindness. 24 years, he was Coach Richardson to them. Many, if not most of them have remained close to each other and to Coach throughout the last 24 years, because its rewarding to hold onto something that special, and continue learning from this master teacher/ coach, who has worked as hard or harder than anyone to not only convey what he knows about his sport and his subject, but also by example to show how success is won by hard work. Go to http://www.brotherrice. org/?s=Richardson to learn more about Pats coaching career as written locally at the time he announced his retirement. His record of achievement is of and by itself a story about excellence, but to learn even more about Coachs impact on players, talk to them and talk to his assistants. From the day he was interviewed for the job 24 years ago, people who know Brother Rice knew this Marist grad would be a great t for Brother Rice, but even they were surprised to see how much Pats performance and results would exceed their loftiest expectations.

Joe McCarthy 13 wrote a commendable piece (http://www.brotherrice.org/?s=twardy) that took on the challenge of capturing the 41-year career of Bob Twardy 65, but anyone who knows Bob knows that he is impossible to capture, for he is an original, whether as the conscientious coach and teacher or as the former DJ known as Wild Thing. As a teacher and coach, he was the consummate professional, but as a DJ, a friend, or a family member, he was and is the life of the party, always willing to partake and inspire laughter. He has already proven that his spirit for

Fortunately for about 120 students, Pat Richardson has not left the building, for he continues to be a full time history teacher at Brother Rice. Fortunately for approximately 120 varsity basketball players during the last

Dinner Highlights

Six Seniors Honored as Juniors of the Year Finalists

After Brother Collins brought all into a prayerful memory of alumni lost this past year, who would have celebrated their anniversary, the honors program began. who best represent the qualities of a good guy, a good student, and a good Crusader. Ten top vote getters are then presented to the faculty and staff, who narrow the eld to ve or six if a tie (like this year), who are then interviewed by a panel of alumni, led by VP Larry Heavey 71, who decide the winner by consensus. Once again, these alumni were presented with nalists who were all qualied to win the award, including Matt Cusack 14, Matt Gagner 14, Luke Mueller 14, Will Saas 14, and Dan Scanlon 14. Ultimately, Mitch Strahlman 14 was deemed the winner. The Brother Rice Alumni Association planned to provide $2,500 for the winner, and $500 for the other nalists toward their senior tuition. Since Mitchs mom is a math teacher at Brother Rice, they were offered a stipend for books and other bookstore items, since tuition is covered for the sons of veteran teachers. Rather than accept any stipend, Mrs. Strahlman instead asked if Mitchs $2,500 could be divided among the other 5 nalists toward their tuition. As a result, the ve other nalists doubled their winnings this year. Tom Gorman also made a point of asking Mrs. Strahlman to stand and take a bow for being an outstanding teacher, an assessment he based on his son Jacks experience in her classroom. Then, the nalists were presented plaques by Larry on stage, a visual reminder that the Alumni Association exists to support the current students of Brother Rice.

Ever since the Alumni Dinner was moved from the Spring to the Fall in 1998, the John P. Leahy Awards for Outstanding Juniors have been awarded to seniors who won the honors as juniors. The process began last Spring with the junior class voting for two classmates

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Dinner Highlights

Six Alumni Enter the Brother Rice High School Alumni Hall of Fame
There are three ways to become a member of the Brother Rice High School Alumni Hall of Fame: (1) By being an alumnus who has devoted so many years to the building of the Brother Rice community, that he is selected to be named a Man of the Year. (2) By being an alumnus who is viewed by the Alumni Association Board of Directors as having distinguished himself in society in an outstanding way. (3) By becoming an Honorary Alumnus whose devotion to Brother Rice students and alumni was and has been especially outstanding and inspiring in ways remembered by a wide range of alumni, from many graduating years and for many reasons. All of the past inductees are listed in the adbook (http://alumni.brotherrice.org/ adbook/), where there are complete proles for those who were inducted at the dinner November 15, 2013. John did not let a 68 (back when report card grades were percentages) in geometry discourage him. In fact, he used his verbal skills to convince the powers-that-be that a 68 was good enough to delay his summer school makeup work to the following summer. This personal insight into the powers of his verbal persuasion could have been an early indication of what eventually led him to be so honored, because unlike many of us, John went on to distinguish himself as an outstanding writer and public speaker. Many of us, Rice grads and Catholics in general, rst enjoyed Johns infectious narrative style in presenting Catholics from Mt. Greenwood, when we read Last Catholic in America in 1973, and then again with Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reect Up? (1975), The Unoriginal Sinner and the Ice Cream God (1977), and The Junk Drawer, Corner Store, Front Porch Blues (1992). Many of us also enjoyed the libretto John wrote for the musical, Do Patent Leather Shoes Really Reect Up?, which still runs at various venues throughout the country. According to the Chicago Tribune, the musical was a monster hit for the Forum Theater in Summit, Illinois, from 1979 to 1981, a record for a locally created show at the time. Many of us also know or remember Johns work as a motivator, through his talks on stage, having once appeared on as many as 100 stages per year in every state, including Alaska, and also in Costa Rica, the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada and South America. If you never saw his live performances based on his belief in what he called, Odditude, you owe it to yourself to go to http://www.johnpowers.com/videos/. Its hard to miss, that even though John had come a long way since he was in the lowly sparrow reading group in 4th grade, his PhD from Northwestern failed to chase the Mt. Greenwood out of him. To see and hear him say the words, the kinda caahhr ya drive in the Diversity video reminds us how unwilling he was forsake his roots, but how willing he was to keep improving in many ways, including as what his wife Janelle called the greatest father in the world and to what the American Bar Association described as having received

the highest ratingof all their speakers. Any Rice grad or any Mt. Greenwood native should appreciate http://www.johnpowers. com/ for personal reasons. Many of us will feel proud that he grew up in the same place, not just because he is a successful author from the neighborhood, but also his writings teach how to learn from listening, not judging, because you cannot do both at the same time. We also recommend Googling and reading articles written about John in the Chicago and Lake Geneva newspapers at the time of his death, to learn what others wrote and thought about him. In a copy John donated of the third of what some call the Eddie Ryan Trilogy, The Unoriginal Sinner and the Ice Cream God, he inscribed: To the Students of Brother Rice High School. May your lives be the Bobs, your loves, the Parachute Ride. And your afternoons free of RM 107. John R. Powers Hopefully, those of us sinners from the 60s, 70s, and early 80s take the time to explain to younger alumni the topical references, for John captured an era and a culture by writing from his own address in Mt. Greenwood, one that greatly populated the halls of Brother Rice. He did so with a humor that actually seemed bold at the time, but would seem tame by the standards of many of todays humorists and their audiences, for his tone was never raunchy or mean-spirited. On the contrary, whether the speaker was his narrative voice in one of his novels or his stage persona, he always seemed like more of a listener, and ironically, this is what made him such a compelling speaker, who actually lifted our faith in ourselves and in our fellow human beings, while making us laugh out loud.

John Powers 63 Like some of us at Brother Rice, John Powers 63 did not begin as a good student, and like many more of us, he did not make the baseball team when he tried out. Eventually, John discovered that he enjoyed running, but always ran better when he was by himself. He would carry his passion for solitary workouts throughout his life, right up to his death last January, when, as a result of a fatal heart attack, he did not come upstairs from riding his recumbent bike, less than two months after his 67th birthday. One week earlier, John received a call at his home in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, when he learned that the Brother Rice Alumni Association wanted to induct him into the Alumni Hall of Fame. Like many fellow graduates,

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Three pages into The Unoriginal Sinner and the Ice Cream God, the reader could surmise that John expressed a personal wish of his through the 13-year-old character Tim Conroy, who said, I hope everyone laughs at my funeral. A very small percentage of Johns appreciative audience could have been there in January of 2013, but it is probably a safe bet that his wish came true. Among many admirable characteristics, this sparrow turned PhD and best-selling author and playwright and two-time Emmy winner and acclaimed motivational speaker, maintained an undying compassion for the heart and soul of a teenage boy, faced with the

struggle to embrace his own uniqueness. That this compassion could become one of his lifes passions and thereby inspire a hall full of lawyers and hundreds of other halls lled with corporate audiences, along with thousands of readers and playgoers is why the Alumni Association proudly inducted John Powers 63 into the Brother Rice Alumni Hall of Fame. Johns award was accepted on stage by his daughter, Joy, while his wife, JaNelle stood at her table. Joy was articulate, succinct, charming, and proud as she reminded the audience that her dad won many awards, including two Emmys, but she then lled the room with Rice

Pride when she added that this award was the one he valued the most, and that he valued his education and experiences at Brother Rice as among the best in his lifetime.

Facts Support a Promising Outlook for Brother Rice Football Future

When a varsity football team nishes with a 3 7 season, one might question the future of the program, but upon further review, Coach Brian Badke 92 has made remarkable strides in just his second year as the head of the program. First, it seemed like the Crusaders had a chance to win every game, even during much of what eventually became a blowout against Marist and most of the Loyola game, both of which advanced to the 8A semi-nals, with Loyola nishing 2nd in State. State 7A Champion Mt. Carmel, along with highly ranked St. Rita and Providence beat the Crusaders by a combined 17 points, and Fenwick beat us twice by a combined 11 points. Not a believer in moral victories, Coach Badke makes no excuses, and he leaves it up to others to talk about how his team featured only ve seniors as starters, but he openly agrees with what Crusader fans said all year this team played hard and they were very entertaining. Turnovers killed us and Coach is the rst to acknowledge that needs to be xed, but lets get back to the future. As reported at http://athletics.brotherrice.org/ category/athletics/football/, the freshman and sophomore teams made Brother Rice history as they both won Chicago Catholic League Blue Championships since the forming of this conference, the toughest in the State, while also defeating neighborhood rival Marist on both levels. The facts support those who see a promising future for Brother Rice football.

Dinner Highlights

The Class of 1973 Shows Up

Jerry Aguiar 73 Rick Cunningham 73 Marty Grogan 73 Bob McDonough 73 Leo Novosel 73

With 526 graduates, the Class of 1973 is the second largest in Brother Rice history. It is also a class that shows up for many events and donation appeals in support of Brother Rice. This year we are proud to honor ve classmates who have continuously demonstrated how to show up, each in his own way. These men are the 2013 Alumni Men of the Year and since they are alumni, they are also being inducted into the Brother Rice Alumni Hall of Fame. They are Jerry Aguiar 73, Rick Cunningham 73, Marty Grogan 73, Bob McDonough 73, and Leo Novosel 73.

Jerry Aguiar 73 First and foremost, Alumni Man of the Year, Jerry Aguiar 73 is a grateful man. He thanks his wife Donna, his sons Jeremy 02 and Jason 05, and his daughter Jennifer for never complaining about the thousands of hours away from home at Brother Rice. A man of Jerrys caliber as a devoted volunteer could not possibly do what he does without his family support. Jerry is also grateful for the role models who inspired him, including the late Coach George Sedlacek, the late Joe Perry, Ed Doc Staron,

and Rich Marse. He is grateful on behalf of Jeremy and Jason for Brother Hayes, Coach Pat Richardson, Jim Antos, and once again, Rich Marse. The Brother Rice community is grateful to Jerry and family for 15 years of devotion, beginning with his rst encounter with the late and great school hall of famer John Hosty, who introduced him to another school hall of famer Mr. B, and he became hooked. It started with Jerry working the chains on Saturday football games and continued with him working more events than he can count.

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Dinner Highlights
said to put him down for all of them as either an individual player or for a foursome with eleven Corporate Sponsorships, or if he could not be with us, he told us to put him down as a Hole Sponsor for eight different years. If a special collection was taken or a special event took place over the last 25 years, Rick told us to put him down for that. Rick still carries a profound respect for the teachers and priests in his life, and his school spirit extended well beyond his own football teammates, as he recalls supporting great teams like the 1972 wrestlers and the 1973 hockey team. Friends know Rick as someone who always worked harder than everyone else at staying healthy and staying busy. After 25 years with the Chicago Fire Department, Rick plans to retire in December, while continuing to referee Chicagoland grade school and high school football and lacrosse games. Rick also owns and operates the End Zone Tap on Western Avenue and manages apartment buildings. Rick learned at the University of Iowa that hard work paid off, as he ended his football playing days as a starting right guard for the Big Ten school. Rick is never too busy for Brother Rice, and because he can always be counted to do what he can for his alma mater, it was time to put him down for recognition as a 2013 Man of the Year and induct him into the Brother Rice Alumni Hall of Fame. Marty was a devoted athlete, who played on Rices rst soccer team for two years. However, he excelled in football for four years and was named Defensive Player of the Game, as a senior in the Catholic Championship Game, which was the rst time an MVP was named from a losing team. Marty became a devoted coach at Brother Rice; he coached football at every position at every level for 20 years. Martys devotion to tennis has him on track to be the longest continuously serving head varsity coach in Brother Rice history. Since 1989, Marty has been awarded two Lawless Awards, coached two teams that won state sectional titles, and had 38 players qualify for IHSA State Tennis Finals. Marty is a devoted teacher of Mechanical Drawing, which has evolved into Computer Aided Design (CAD), and his colleagues and friends are amazed at his overall devotion, including his continued leadership with retreats, and his offers to help at many Brother Rice events. Marty is a devoted father of two daughters, Lani and Colleen, who prefer the Brother Rice training facilities to spend more time here working out with their Dad. Marty sees them as daughters of Edmund Rice by osmosis, and views his time with them at Brother Rice as one more way to be with them as they create their own happiness, fulllment, and meaning in life. Marty feels blessed to have remained a part of Brother Rice for so many years. To Marty, Being inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame means I have come a long ways from freshman year, when I knew nothing of what my purposes would be. I have found my way belonging to something that creates a love that will never end. For that and more than we can recall here, Marty Grogan 73 was named a 2013 Man of the Year and inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame. Marty Grogan 73 In 8th grade, Marty thought he had a vocation for the priesthood, but little did he know that his true calling would be to serve through devoted service to Brother Rice High School. Bob McDonough 73 Most of us know him by his familiar voice and trademark calls like We need you now, Crusader fans! We need you now! Brought down by a HOST of Crusaders!

Jerry was elected to 3 terms as President of the Dads Club in 2000, 2002 and 2003. In 2010, the Dads and Alumni Dads elected Jerry into their respective Halls of Fame. While working with many great volunteers, Jerry and the Dads regularly returned over $30,000 annually to the school while also making major purchases. Jerrys dedication continues today as Vice President of the Alumni Dads Club, and he AGAIN expresses gratitude for the opportunity to work with Joe Chocola, Ed Kalata, Leroy Legerski, Joe King, and Brother Toole. For all of this and more, and for also attending Alumni Golf Outings and Dinners for 20 years, it is overdue that we thank Jerry for his tireless service. Therefore, the Brother Rice Alumni Association named Jerry Aguiar 73 a 2013 Man of the Year and inducted him into the Alumni Hall of Fame.

Rick Cunningham 73 Since 1985, it is hard to imagine that anyone has repeated the words, put me down for that, more often than Rick Cunningham 73. For thirteen different All-Alumni Dinners since 1985, Rick said, put me down for that, along with 24 ads for 24 separate adbooks. Since 1990, when receiving a mailing or a phone call for the Alumni Golf Outing, Rick

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admits that he did have a tendency to get even more excited when announcing his sons names, but they always laughed and appreciated my support of them and their teams. Bob said, As the PA announcer, I have the utmost respect for the student athletes from both Brother Rice and our opponents. I do my best to announce as many names as possible in hopes the families in attendance will appreciate the recognition that their sons receive, Bob added. A clear homer for the Brother Rice football and basketball teams, Bob McDonough 73 completed his 19th year as the varsity football announcer, and is in the middle of his 17th year as the varsity basketball announcer. As the rst of two brothers to attend BRHS, along with Jim 80, and as the father of Matthew 99, Kevin 01, and Michael 03, it could be said that Brother Rice has been raised up by a HOST of McDonoughs! Bobs Rice Pride comes through clearly when he discusses how grateful he is to his parents for valuing Catholic education for his siblings and him, and how in turn how proud he and his wife, Suze, were that the choice from Most Holy Redeemer to Brother Rice was so easy for their three sons. Bob ran on the varsity cross country team as a freshman, nishing 5th in the Catholic League Championship that year, earning a letter that was as big as he was at 14. A series of surgeries hampered the rest of his high school running career, but he always enjoyed remaining a part of the team, wearing his lettermans jacket with pride. He credits Coach Mike Coffey for teaching him the mechanics of running distances. Bobs closest friends today are fellow graduates, regrouping after college to join the Brother Rice Alumni Softball League. It was a Sunday tradition to connect our families for an entire day with our friends playing softball, Bob said. Bob loved the competition and considers his team, the Red-Is to be legendary, having won 3 championships, beginning with the rst one in 1982. Bob credits the late Ed Hosty with recommending Bob as a good PA announcer. Bob Bob has also been a steady donor since 1991, having recently become a member of the Crusader Alumni Athletic Club (CAAC) by signing up for monthly donations that help Brother Rice independently build its sports programs, so that tuition dollars can address other needs. For the seventh time, Bob joined fellow alumni for the All-Alumni Reunion Dinner, where, for his 40+ plus years of Brother Rice community building, Bob is a now a 2013 Man of the Year and one of the newest members of the Alumni Hall of Fame.

his high school years, Leo cheered for other Crusaders as well on the baseball, basketball, and wrestling teams. As a student, he did not have time to focus on more than football and grades, because he also worked sweeping BRHS classrooms, while also working other jobs, and while also volunteering to work on the occasional Saturday morning with other Rice rapscallions. He attended every game he could. Not just an observer, Leo is a doer and a positive contributor. In 1998, after twelve years of unbroken support, he created the Corporate Sponsor concept for the Brother Rice Alumni Golf Outing, which became the most signicant factor in the events rapid growth and sustained viability. During that fteen-year period, Leo continued his unbroken string as a Corporate Sponsor and as a major supplier of soft beverages. Throughout his alumni years, Leo also worked the concessions and attended fund raisers, buying more ads, rafe tickets and contributing more prizes along the way. He also served as a Vice President on the Alumni Association Board, and is currently an advisor to the Tom Mitchell Society. Leo names positive and formative inuences from his student days like Mitchell, John Langan, Brother Sloane, former Brothers Paikai and McGraw, the late Joe Perry, Mr. Arumugam, Rich Marse and the late John Hosty from Dads Club and Jim Casey from the Alumni Association for recruiting him to stay involved during his alumni days. It is because Leo has never stopped showing his gratitude by remaining a positive force in the building of Brother Rice, that he was named a 2013 Man of the Year and inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame.

Leo Novosel 73 Leo Novosel 73 became a Crusader fan when he was 9, when Dan 68 rst attended Brother Rice. Later, John 70 entered and their dad became active with the Dads Club. So, next year will mark 50 years since Leo rst started cheering for Brother Rice, a relatively unbroken string of continued support. There was never any question that Leo would go to Brother Rice. He could not wait, but he says the choice to keep coming back was made because of the friends he made here, the teachers and coaches who dedicated themselves to his development, and the choice his son Lee 96 made to also go to Rice. But it was not just his brothers, father, friends, teachers, coaches, and son who inuenced Leo to embrace Brother Rice for almost 50 years. Since he was 9 and later during

Alumni Website

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Brother Rice Alumni Host First Professional Alumni Event at Union League Club
with a generous donation, Marty teamed up with Brian to create the concept and then recruit sponsors and committee members for the First Professional Alumni Event at the Union League Club on Thursday, December 5, 2013. Seventy-two alumni, spanning 48 years of graduating classes gathered to learn about Brother Rice High Schools progress and results from President Dr. Kevin Burns, longtime Science Department Chair Brother Patrick Hayes, alumnus Ken Furlough 09, and student Spencer Scott 15. An inspiring video presentation, We are BR, an evolving production created by students of Marketing Director Brian Barkowski 95 then set the stage for a compelling appeal from Vice President Mike McShane 87, who made the case that all that is great about Brother Rice can only become greater with more support from todays and tomorrows alumni. Sponsored by Marty, Dr. Joe Brosnan 71, and Kevin OConnor 94 of Neal, Gerber, & Eisenberg, additional time and talent was also donated by committee members, as Marty and Brian were joined by Barkowski, Brosnan, McShane, and OConnor who also met throughout the year and planned the event with Mike Battaglia 92, Tom Gorman 85, Dan Maloney 94, and Vince Winters 92, while the Alumni Association also spread the word. The event was so well-received that attendees are already anxious to host continuing gatherings of professional alumni in the South and West Suburbs.

When Dr. Marty Burke 81 agreed to meet with Brother Rice Major Gifts Ofcer Brian Badke 92 early in the year, Marty presented his alma mater the hat trick of charitable giving time, talent, and treasure. Along

Circle of Champions Builds Momentum

The Athletic Department again hosted an outstanding Circle of Champions, but this is hardly a one-night affair, hosted annually on the second Saturday of April. Athletic Director Phil Cahill and Induction Event Chairperson Susan Stanley lead a team of event directors and ofcers, and other school administrators and teachers, from Homecoming in the Fall to the Induction Ceremony and Dinner in April, collaborating toward nominations, selections, receptions, biographies, announcements, press releases, ad sales, dinner preparations, and more than can be identied. No one knows more about all that is involved than Sue Stanley, whose dedication is unsurpassed in bringing more alumni together for the related events. The special focus on athletes and coaches whose accomplishments were so memorable, has Crusader fans everywhere continuing to circle back to those memories, with 600 plus doing so together annually at a combination of the Homecoming Announcement Ceremony and at the Induction Dinner.

April 13, 2013 Circle of Champions

As these men entered the third Third Annual Circle of Champions, they became united with outstanding accomplishments that span 55 years of school history, representing nine different sports, so we unite them here by listing the 2013 winners alphabetically. The following proles are abbreviated excerpts from the 2013 Circle of Champions program book. More complete proles with pictures of these men can be found at http:// athletics.brotherrice.org/circle-of-champions-class-of-2013/.

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Tony Allen 74 Basketball As the leading scorer, captain, and MVP at Brother Rice, Tony became an All-Catholic, All-City, All-District, and All-State selection as a senior before also leading the Northwestern Wildcats as team captain, leading scorer, and MVP , before being invited to the LA Lakers camp, and playing professionally for two years. Mike Billish 89 Cross Country & Track Mike was a two-time team MVP and Lawless Award (Chicago Catholic League MVP) winner in both cross country and in track and eld after running to his way to becoming a 5-time Chicago Catholic Champion, 2 in cross country and 3 in track. Mike was also a 4-time State Meet qualier, 2 for cross country and 2 for track, while also becoming the rst sectional champion in school history. After holding two BRHS records, Mike also set a record in steeplechase at Loyola U in Chicago, while serving as their team captain in cross country for two years, where he was the top runner in MCAC/Horizon League. Britt Booker 95 Basketball Britt started every varsity basketball game for four years for Coach Pat Richardson, a feat matched only once in BRHS history by John Tracy 64. Britt holds the record for most varsity games played (107). As a sophomore he led the team in blocks in the 1992-1993 season, and was voted the best defensive player on the team as a sophomore and junior, while nishing his career with 1,180 points, third in school history, second in freethrows (241), and fourth in steals (126). After playing for two Catholic League Champions and the teams rst Sectional Champion, Britt was all Catholic for two years and All-District and All-State as a senior, before playing for Colorado State University on a full scholarship. Bob Demes 70 Football Bob played basketball and ran track for three years, but distinguished himself in Football as an All-Catholic League and All-State halfback as a junior and senior. As a junior, Bob was the leading scorer and Most Valuable Back in the Chicago Catholic League, scoring 106 points for the 1968 team that averaged 29 points a game, a school record shared with the 2011 team. As an outstanding long jumper, Bob helped the 1969 team capture a Chicago Catholic League title. Tom Evans 68 Baseball Toms 0.21 ERA for 67 1/3 innings is not only an Illinois High School Association record that still stands, it also stands as a record in the National Federation of State High School Associations. Tom is ranked second in the National High School Sports Record Book for lowest Earned Run Average

over a career (1967-68). Tom had committed to play on scholarship to Webber State University; unfortunately injuries from a car accident ended his baseball career. He then enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served a tour in Vietnam.

college helped in his being selected Head Varsity Basketball Coach at Brother Rice. Brother Paul Ickes CFC Volleyball Coach A 1982 graduate from St. Laurence High School Paul Ickes has been an Edmund Rice Christian Brother for 32 years, with 24 of the them at Brother Rice H.S. In 1992, Brother Paul, Brother Jay Toole, CFC, and Dan Dwyer 88 spearheaded the effort to add indoor boys volleyball as Brother Rices 14th interscholastic sport. With Ickes as head varsity coach, Brother Rice has captured 9 Chicago Catholic League titles, 15 IHSA Regional titles, 5 IHSA Sectional titles and Elite Eight appearances, and a 3rd Place nish at the IHSA State Championship in 2004. Brother Paul and staff have also won 10 Tony Lawless Awards, along with Coach of the Year honors by the Southtown in 2006, with 517 wins, 238 losses, and 2 ties, for a .683 winning percentage, which ranks 2nd in State. Bill Judge 88 Baseball Bill hit at a .409 clip, helping lead the Crusaders to a 1987 Catholic League Championship, while earning a spot on the All-Catholic League. Bill nished his Crusader career hitting .387 as a senior, setting a school record for most RBI in a single game (9), and again being named to the All-Catholic League team, while also being named to the All-Area and All-State team, and earning a spot to play in the 1988 State All-Star game. At North Central College, Bill was an All-American selection in both his junior and senior seasons for the Cardinals, before being drafted by the Chicago Cubs. Chris Kozlarek 02 Volleyball Chris was named All-Catholic League his sophomore, junior, and senior seasons, leading the spiking Crusaders to a Catholic League Championship and a Regional Championship as a junior. As a senior, Chris earned the Lawless Award and was a unanimous Player of the Year selection from the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, and the Southtown, and he was selected to the Chicago Tribune All-State First Team and as a Fab 50 player by Volleyball Magazine. At Loyola University Chicago as a junior, Chris was an All-MIVA First Team, pacing the Ramblers to a MIVA regular season championship. As a senior, he was the MIVA Player of the Year, as the Ramblers won their second consecutive MIVA regular season title, and was selected AVCA First Team All-American, before beginning his professional career, where he has played at least one volleyball match in 12 different countries. Jack Malone 74 Cross Country & Track Jack was a two-time All-Conference selection in

Bill Gleeson Football and Track Coach Beginning as a student teacher in 1980, Bill bounced back and forth to Brother Rice, before settling in as a teacher and assistant coach for Tom Mitchell, before becoming head coach of the Crusader football program from 19941998, which included the 1994 Prep Bowl Champions, the 1995 Chicago Catholic League Champions, and IHSA state 6A qualier for 1994-1995, earning the Lawless Award in 1994. As the head track coach, the team won the Outdoor Catholic League Champions in 1995, and he received the Lawless Award for Track in 1993 and 1998. Bill was elected into the Chicago Catholic League Hall of Fame in 2008. Bill Harmon 61 Football Bills four-year football career at Brother Rice included the opportunity to help the varsity squad qualify for the playoffs when he was a junior, the rst team to do so for the Crusaders. Bills outstanding high school career also led to him playing fullback in the same backeld as future NFL Hall of Famer quarterback Bob Griese, while at Purdue University, while playing for the schools all-time winningest head coach, Jack Mollenkopf. Rick Harrigan 02 Basketball Ricky was an All-State selection in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times & Daily Southtown as a senior and team MVP, averaging 24 points, 6 rebounds, and 3 assists per game, making 80% of his free throws and 48% of his 3-pointersl, completing his career as a player in the Wendys All-Star Classic, the IBCA All-Star and City/ Suburban All-Star games, after scoring school season records in most points and highest average. At Augustana College, Rick ranks 17th on the schools all-time scoring list. His many and varied playing and coaching stints since

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cross country and track. He nished second in the Catholic League conference cross country nals and was the rst Crusader to break 15:00 minutes in the 3 mile. In a single day at the Catholic League conference track meet, he set a record in the one-mile (4:27) and the two-mile (9:27), which stood as a Catholic League record for two years and a Crusader record for 33 years. Jack led the 1974 Track team to the Catholic League Championship, earning a scholarship to Loyola University Chicago for track and eld and cross country, where he is listed as one of the Ramblers all-time letter-winners. Tony Michalek 78 Football, Basketball, Baseball to NFL Ofcial Tony played for 4 Circle of Champion coaches (Mitchell, Kellogg, Sedlacek, and Petrak), and as a junior, Tony played on the 1976 State Baseball Championship Team, but it was as a quarterback, that Tony was All-Catholic. As a three-year varsity football player, Tony played in the 1975 Prep Bowl Championship game and was selected to be team captain for his senior season, before going to Indiana University on a football scholarship and playing on the 1979 Holiday Bowl Championship Team. After college, Tony ofciated in the Chicago Catholic League, then the Big Ten, and then the NFL, where he is now in his 12th season as an umpire, a position he ofciated in the 2007 Super Bowl. Frank Mulcrone 89 Swimming and Water Polo A four-year varsity member in both sports, Frank qualied for the state swimming meet in 1988-1989. He started and was named All-State all four years on the varsity water polo team, leading the team to four CCL Championships and three State Championships. Continuing both sports at East Coast powerhouse Slippery Rock University (SRU), Frank earned AllAmerican Swimmer honors in 1990-1991 as a school record holder in the 200 Freestyle and a member of a record-setting freestyle relay team. Frank was the PSAC Champion in the 100 Freestyle and earned All-PSAC honors in the 100 Freestyle and 200 Freestyle Relay. In water polo, Mulcrone was a two-time All-American, setting the SRU record for goals in a single season. The Eastern Water Polo Association selected Mulcrone as the Most Valuable Player in 1993. Frank competed in the United States Olympics Committee Sports Festival on the water polo team in 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1994 and led the team in scoring for the 1994 squad, earning a gold medal.

Cliff Petrak 60 Baseball, Hockey & Bowling Coach As a member of the rst varsity bowling team in 1960, Cliff received a bowling scholarship from DePaul University, where he also played shortstop, before graduating and becoming the rst graduate to coach at Brother Rice. Cliff coached baseball on the frosh-soph and varsity levels for 35 years, including an undefeated 1974 sophomore team that became state champions two years later. Cliffs sophomores had winning seasons for 23 out of 24 years, and four of his varsity teams won Chicago Catholic League Championships, while he earned four Lawless Awards. In hockey, Cliffs varsity teams were 65-25-5 in eight seasons with three CCL Championships and three Kennedy Cups. In bowling, Cliff became the leagues rst Lawless Award winner in 2003. Dr. Scott Plaehn 83 Baseball A four-year player, Scott helped lead the 1982 to an IHSA Regional Championship game. As a senior, Scott batted .383, as the Crusaders won the CCL Championship and then swept the IHSA Regionals and Sectionals en route to becoming the 1983 IHSA Runnersup. As team captain at Illinois Benedictine College, Scott was also a three-time NIIC All-Scholastic selection and a two-time All-Conference selection, before completing his career as a Regional All-American, and also receiving IBCs most prestigious award as the 1987 Procopian. Joe Schissler 92 Baseball and Football A two-sport standout, Joe began pitching for the varsity team as a sophomore, before throwing a perfect game and a no-hitter as a junior, before nishing his baseball career ranked fth in the IHSA with eleven consecutive strike-outs. As a senior, Joe was the varsity football team captain and MVP, while also garnering All-Area and Player of the Year honors for The Reporter, The Star, and the Coca-Cola/Southtown also named him to their All-Area Team. Named the CCL All-Star Football Player award in 1991, the All-Catholic running back holds the Brother Rice season rushing record for attempts (289) and yards (1,619), before becoming an Elmhurst College MVP in 1995, and an All-Conference Honorable Mention for two consecutive years. Randy Schwartz 77 Baseball As a junior, Randy was a member of the 1976 Baseball State Champions, before becoming All-Catholic and All-State Honorable Mention as a senior team

captain on the 1977 CCL Championship team. Recognized as one of the best shortstops in the state, Randy garnered a prep All-American Honorable Mention, before a scholarship to Creighton University led to a career as a four-year starter, when he consistently led the Bluejays in ve offensive categories. As the team captain in his senior year, Randy ranked fourth nationally in batting average, hitting at an incredible .457. His career .385 batting average stands as the third-best on the Bluejay all-time list, where he also earned rst-team All-Missouri Valley Conference and Academic All-American Honorable mention honors. Tom Tracy 65 Basketball and Track As a CCL and Rice Relay hurdles champ in junior and senior years, Tom was also an All-Catholic and All-City basketball player in 1965, when he was a captain for both the track and basketball teams. Tom went on to play basketball for NCAA Hall of Fame Coach Ray Meyer at DePaul University, where he was a three-year starter, becoming a team Co-Captain his senior year. Toms most memorable and clutch performances were in victories against future NBA stars like Calvin Murphy of Niagara and NBA Hall of Famer Bob Lanier of the highly favorite St. Bonaventure. Richard Yanz 64 - Football Richard (known by friends and family as Dick or Charlie) was a three-time letter-winner for the Crusaders and a member of the 1961 Catholic League two years before being named captain as a senior, when he made the All-Catholic team and was a CCL All-Star, and a member of the Chicago Tribune All-Star team. He nished his career as the teams Most Valuable Lineman, while also being honored as an All-State Honorable Mention, before earning an athletic scholarship to University of Michigan, where he won the Morton Meyer Award for Most Improved in Spring Practice in 1967. A Graduate Assistant coach at University

Charlie 64 and Vic 00 Yanz


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of Michigan in 1968, he would later volunteer as a coach for Christ the King from 1995-2010. Vic Yanz 00 Football Vic was a member of the baseball, basketball, and track teams, but excelled a football player, as one of only two players in Crusader history to have earned the distinction of Most Valuable Back as a junior and senior, when he became team captain, All-Catholic, All-Area. As a senior, Vic was a two-way standout as he led the team in rushing, receptions, touchdowns, all-purpose yards, scoring, and interceptions. While at Cornell, Vic

was a three-year letter-winner at wide receiver and special teams, improving every year, leading to schools Harvey Simpson Award for most consistency throughout a career. Cesar Zambrano 03 Soccer Cesar led the varsity in scoring throughout his four-year career as a midelder and team MVP. As a sophomore, Cesar was named to the IHSSCA All-Sectional Region I and The STAR All-Area team in 2000. With 22 goals and seven assists as a senior, Cesar was named to NSCAA/Adidas High School Boys All-Region V, and the Chicago Tribune

All-State Team in 2002, and he was a two-time Illinois High School Soccer Coaches Association (IHSSCA) All-State selection (2001, 2002), a 2002 Daily Southtown/UPS All-Area player, and a 2002 All-Midwest Team honoree. Playing for UIC, he earned All-Horizon League First Team honors as a sophomore. As a senior, Cesar led the team in goals (6), assists (7), and points (19), earning him All-Horizon League First Team honors, before he was drafted by the Colorado Rapids in the 2008 Major League Soccer supplemental draft.

2014 Circle of Champions Announced at Homecoming

The 2014 Circle of Champions, to be inducted on April 12, 2014, were announced and invited to process with friends and family members in front of a large crowd at the Brother Rice High School Homecoming 2013 game, on Friday, September 27, 2013. They are Jim Augustine 72, Brent Cunningham 03, Pat Folliard 73, Lee Fry 64, Terry Garvey 63, Bill Gleeson 01, Vince Greene 00, Pat Harvey 98, George Horn 84, Steve Klutcharch 77, Tom Kurzawski 75, Coach Nick Markulin, Dan Nicholson 04, Kevin Padden 69, Jim Padden 72, Mike Padden 74, Mike Redden 72, Bill Roche 63, Coach Raymond Schul, Tony Scheurich 69, Br. Jay Toole, CFC, Mike Troy 70, and the 1976 State Championship Baseball Team.

New Crusader Basketball Era Loaded with Alumni Coaches

of 24 brothers and cousins to have attended Brother Rice over two generations. After playing at Augustana, Harrigan played professionally for two years before coming home to coach at Gallaudet University, Elmhurst College, and nally back at Augustana, before returning to Brother Rice. Since the beginning of his rst practices, Harrigan said, We are looking to build upon the success and foundation built over the last 25 years by Coach Richardson, who took the program to new heights, and we are looking to not only get back to those levels, but also exceed them. Joining Coach Harrigan on the varsity staff are Ryan OReilly 01 and Tim Harrigan 04. OReilly played college basketball at Iowa Wesleyan and won a Chicago Catholic League (CCL) title as a senior. Tim Harrigan graduated from St. Ambrose, where he played golf, and as a Crusader, was a key player in the schools rst CCL undefeated team. Were absolutely thrilled to have Rick at the helm, Brother Rice president Dr. Kevin Burns said. He brings so much to our program. I know hes going to do a great job for us. I am very excited to have both Ryan and Tim on staff, said Coach Harrigan. They come from Crusader basketball lineage, bring lots of energy, and are valuable assets to the team. Also on that 2003 04 undefeated CCL team were sophomore coaches Dave Wills 04 and Jim Murtaugh 05. Both of these Crusaders are returning coaches and have earned 6 CCL titles, as players and coaches, combined. We expect to be very good with a balanced effort, Coach Wills said. Our offense should be fun to watch. Rounding out the freshman staff are the experienced Mark Klutcharch 82 and Bob Alberts 85. Alberts is coming out of coaching retirement for this assignment, and Klutch coached the sophomore team last year. Both have been coaching at Brother Rice for 20 years, and between them have a combined 505 wins 193 for Klutcharch and 312 for Alberts.

A new era in Crusader Basketball is underway, as Coach Rick Harrigan 02 became the fourth head basketball coach, and the rst alumnus, in Brother Rice history. As a senior at Brother Rice, Rick was named the Most Outstanding Player in the Chicago Catholic League, as well as the Lawless Award Winner, when he scored school records in most points (704), eld goals made (244), three-pointers made (115) and highest scoring average (24.3) in a season. Rick is also a member of the schools rst Alumni Association Distinguished Family


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Six Alumni Join a History of Brother Rice Legends into School Hall of Fame
Since our last Rice Review, the inductions of alumni Tony Byrnes 71, Greg Papiernik 76, Marty Grogan 73, John Wakerly 66 and Bob Alberts 85 join 84 other inductees into the Brother Rice High School Hall of Fame, comprised of a combination of teachers, administrators, staff, and volunteers who have spanned the history of the school. Mark Klutcharch 82 and Jim Casey 70 were inducted before our last newsletter, but we did not report it in the Rice Review. The stories for many of the most recent inductees, including honored teachers and other volunteers can be found at www.brotherrice.org.

Dr. John Wakerly 66

BRAIN for Business Enjoys Breakout Year, Hosting Four Events in 2013
increased business and employment opportunities with each other. As the year progressed, Alumni Director Jim Casey 70 and Gary were joined by Jim Walsh 86, Larry Heavey 71, Terry Barton 69, Kevin Murphy 07, Dustin Odelson 05, Dave Chocola 77, Jeremy Saenz 03, Mike Rodriguez 80, Tim Meloy 08, meeting and planning three more events including meetings at Sam Bucas in Palos Heights in June, Home Run Inn in Darien in September, and a Christmas Cheer at Gilhooleys in Chicago in December. The common thread among all sites is that they are all owned or operated by alumni or alumni parents, a feature toward which BRAIN will continue to seek, along with varying the locations. Barracos and Sam Bucas were also sponsors of rst two events as Fran Barraco, Vito Barraco 04, Joe Schalasky 11, Charles Mafoe 82, and Dominick Buscemi 85 extended noticeable discounts for food, service, and drinks. Other sponsors for the four events included Tony Michalek 78, Gary Stubits 82, John Spitkovski 82 Joe Kenny 87, Jim Walsh 86 and the Alumni Association. Tony, Joe, Jim, and Ed Sochacki 91 were also guest speakers. To date, more than 100 BRHS alumni have gathered in support of BRAIN for Business, during our rst 8 months. To learn more about BRAIN for Business, contact BRAIN Chairman Gary Stubits at 847-420-0966 or Jim Casey at 773-429-4456 or [email protected]. Next BRAIN for Business meeting, Tuesday, February 11 at Jennys in Chicago Ridge, 6:00 p.m. http://alumni.brotherrice.org/brainforbusiness/

The Brother Rice High School Alumni Association launched Brother Rice Alumni Interactive Network for Business (BRAIN for Business), on April 25, 2013 with its rst meeting at Barracos in Evergreen Park. The brainchild of Gary Stubits 82, the focus of BRAIN for Business is to encourage and nurture business relationships within the Brother Rice community. BRAIN for Businesss mission is to connect alumni to

Summers Filled With Alumni Softball and Alumni Golf

Alumni Softball Commissioner Bob Amedio 93 is already looking forward to the 40th Annual Alumni Association Softball League, the longest-running league of its kind, while maintaining the goal of keeping the league in our own backyard on the campuses of Mother McAuley and Brother Rice. Sunday league play begins before Memorial Day and continues throughout July, and will continue the tradition of combining friends with family. Regular schedule and other updates will also be featured at http://www.brotherrice. org/?s=Softball. Alumni interested in joining the league in 2014 can contact Bob at ramedio@woway. com or Jim Casey at [email protected] or 773-429-4456 for more information. News about our rst meeting will be posted and sent in January, so start now to line up your sponsor or sponsors, especially if a potential sponsor is a favorite winter gathering place. Mark your calendar for the 29th Alumni Golf Outing, Friday, June 20, 2014 at Gleneagles, where alumni of all ages enjoy a full day of memorable golf and lots of laughs. Two


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consecutive shotgun starts are available in the morning and afternoon, with a full buffet meal to follow, replete with door prizes and shot-maker prizes for golfers of every caliber, from excellent to not-at-all excellent. No one is allowed to take the day seriously, and participation ranges from individuals meeting new alumni friends, to large friend and family groups hosting an outing within an outing. Again, the age range spans more than fty years of graduating classes, including more and more father/son combinations.

Other golf outings hosted throughout the year include the Brendan Murrihy 90 Memorial Outing in July, the CAAC Golf Outing in August, the Bruce E. Sloan 76 Golf Outing in August, and the Foundation Classic at Beverly CC at the end of August. An estimated 700 to 800 golfers will raise thousands of dollars for todays and tomorrows Crusaders throughout the Summer, while thoroughly enjoying themselves in the process.

Platt Family Delivers Personal Time, Talent, and Treasure in Abundance to Sophomores
Every sophomore benetted from the experience of Larry and Bill discussing the family international business, RQA Inc., and what they have learned rsthand about the value of receiving written reports that make sense. They not only outlined the details of the contest, they also emphasized key points about how important it is for students to challenge themselves to present themselves well in writing and speech. Larry and Bill told the members of the Class of 2015 that they were one step ahead of the game by attending Brother Rice, and they will fully realize that when they go to college and when they start looking for a career in six short years. English teacher nor the Platts knew anything about the students themselves, as they were all given pseudonyms and told they would be disqualied if they revealed anything about themselves, other than how they could express themselves in an essay on a given topic. Soon after Larry began recovering from knee surgery, he and Mary Ann, a former VP with Monsanto, both read all the essays separately. They then went back and read them again, scoring them (again, separately) without discussion before comparing notes, to ensure even more objectivity. With Larrys background as a chemical engineer and Mary Anns as a scientist who double majored in both chemistry and microbiology, it may seem surprising that they would sponsor essay contests. However, in their business correspondences, they have encountered too many scientists that have not expressed themselves clearly, so they wanted to address this deciency by further motivating Brother Rice students to build strong writing skills before they graduate from high school. After spending an entire day inspiring sophomores, the Platt family was just getting started. For the 11th straight year, Larrys wife and business partner, Mary Ann Platt, was also his scoring partner, as they both read and scored 90 essays for the overall effect, after grammar and structure had been scored by an anonymous English teacher. Neither the Apparently, the Class of 2015 was among the best in the last 11 years, with many good essays, especially among the top 12, which included the following sophomores: First place winner Spencer Scott 15, who won a $4,000 scholarship for this year and next year; second place winner Pat Hosty 15, who won a $2,500 scholarship for this year

The 11th Annual Platt Family Foundation Essay Contest was held Thursday, April 23, 2013, where 90 members of the sophomore class competed for $16,900 in scholarships and prize money. From the introduction to the awards dinner, the family commitment to Brother Rice sophomores has been truly remarkable, for the 11th consecutive year. Larry Platt 68, who began funding the scholarship in 2003, has been joined by his brother, Bill Platt 69, in making presentations all day in the sophomore English classes. According to Alumni Director Jim Casey 70 and English teacher Michelle England, these presentations have made a huge difference in inspiring so many students to give it a shot. Casey and England, along with sophomore English teachers John Letierre and Tim Daniher 74, agreed that Larry and Bill delivered a compelling message about the need for communicating well in business, proving their point through their own speaking skills.


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and next year, and third place winner Ryan OConnell 15, who won a $1,500 scholarship for this year and next year.

Just before everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal, Dr. Burns asked for a moment to express his impressions of Larry and family: Larrys willingness to give signicant dollars is certainly impressive, but in addition to that, his personal interest and the family involvement has presented a learning experience for students that is unique in all my years in education. With their presentations to all sophomores, their scoring of the essays, this dinner, and their offers of internships, our students have been interacting on many fronts with some of the top business minds in the country, and it is especially noteworthy to see how much the Platt family has been engaged.

ment, from start to nish. They never said a word about our omissions, because they all seem to appreciate what they give as much as those who receive their gifts, without any need for recognition. From collaborating in the selection of the topic and the creation of the scoring rubric, to personally introducing the contest to thousands of sophomores, to reading and scoring hundreds of essays, to preparing certicates, to hosting a wonderful awards dinner, to training and employing student interns, to writing big checks, for eleven straight years, the Platt family members have built into their busy and interesting lives a considerable investment into Brother Rice students. When asked what he observed about the Platt family when he won the 2013 contest, Spencer Scott said, It was obvious when the Platt brothers gave their presentation about the contest that they are passionate about what they do. They emphasized that attending Brother Rice was a step towards success, and that in order to continue with that progress towards success, students were being offered a chance to receive a substantial amount off of their tuition. Talking with Mrs. Platt at dinner made it clear that the entire family, not just those who attended Brother Rice, had the same passion for helping students. Even being as successful as they are, the Platts are incredibly down to earth. With this contest going for the past 11 years, they have donated an incredible amount of time and money to help ensure the future successes of students. In these hard economic times, coupled with rising tuition, the help could not come at a better time for many. All of this with the Platt personal touch, leaving an impression for hundreds of Crusaders that is certain to last a lifetime.

The following nine students are 2013 honorable mention award winners. Each of them received a certicate they can present it to the bookstore for $100 in bookstore products. They can then keep and frame their certicates: Marcus Aubin 15, Sean Campbell 15, Declan Kennedy 15, Ian OConnor 15, Casey Primozic 15, Pat Reilly 15, Luke Simon 15, Dan Sweeney 15, and Jeremy Tryban 15. As if the Platt family had not already given enough of a personal touch, Spencer Scott, Pat Hosty, and Ryan OConnell were invited, along with their parents, to a private awards dinner at Francescas in Palos Park hosted by Mary Ann and Larry. Joining them were Mark Platt 71 and Christine Platt (Gary Platts wife), who also have key positions with RQA, Inc. At the dinner, Larry reiterated an offer he presented to all sophomores last spring, inviting the winners to consider an internship with RQA, Inc., during vacation times. The Platt family also invited Brother Rice President Kevin Burns, Mr. Casey and Mrs. England to this dinner, the 11th consecutive one.

Throughout the dinner, Larry, Mary Ann, Mark, and Christine Platt further engaged the students, exchanging questions about each other and sharing the gifts of life experiences. Like previous years when Gary and Bill were also at the dinner, this event felt like a family party, where everyone was related, even people who met for the rst time. We have written and published details about the contest itself in previous years, but this is the rst time we explained more about the full range of the Platt family involve-

Is There Another High School More Engaged With Alumni?

We do not have the time to thoroughly research every high school, but if you know of one anywhere that provides more opportunities for alumni to be involved, please let us know. When we add all that is hosted by the Alumni Association, the Athletic Department, individual coaches, teachers, and administrators, plus our constant stream of communication from emails and social media, and over a million hits at www.brotherrice.org, the best high school website anywhere, we doubt that any other high school comes close to providing so many ways to connect. To nd out for yourselves, go to http:// alumni.brotherrice.org/ and/or contact Jim Casey at 773-429-4456 or [email protected].


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Brothers Farrell in John Carroll Magazine

We were proud to run an article on our website and in an emailed newsletter that ran in John Carroll Magazine because it featured three of our own. For 25 years, Brother Rice has been receiving unbroken and generous donations of time, talent, and/or treasure from one, two, and/or all three of the Farrell brothers. Individually, they have been recognized as outstanding physicians each in a separate eld, while also distinguishing themselves as outstanding philanthropists. Bill 73 was the football team physician for ten years, working at his alma mater on numerous weekends after a full week as a prominent orthopedist, while Brian 74, a prominent otolaryngologist, is in the Brother Rice High School Alumni Hall of Fame for more reasons than can be listed here, and it would be difcult to nd a better known internist in Southwest Chicagoland than Rick 75. We offer a small excerpt of the John Carroll article, along with the link to the complete article, while also extending the offer to send a complete print version to anyone who cannot otherwise obtain one. Thats what those in the Farrell family called JCU because of brothers William 77, Brian 78, and Richard 79. Their almost identical educational path led them to become medical doctors at Little Company of Mary Hospital in Evergreen Park, Ill., where they were born. Dr. William Farrell is an orthopedist; Dr. Brian Farrell is an otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat); and Dr. Richard Farrell is an internist. Their lives have come full circle. While growing up in the 60s and 70s in Evergreen Park in a house with seven kids and a father, William, who was a pediatrician, the phone rang constantly in the Farrell household. The family had two phone lines one for hospital calls and one for nonmedical calls. We grew up immersed in medicine, Bill says. Everyone in the family ended up involved in health care in some way. The Farrell sisters three older and one younger than the brothers are a dietician, speech therapist, dental hygienist, and nurse. As kids, the brothers attended Mass on

Drs. Rick, Brian and Bill Farrell. Photo and article courtesy of John Carroll University. Sunday with their father, ate breakfast in the cafeteria at Little Company of Mary Hospital afterward, and then played in the playroom in the pediatric wing. Read More at http://sites.jcu.edu/magazine/2012/08/08/the-brothers-farrell/

Chicagoland Sports Hall of Fame Inducts Mark Donahue 74 and Coach Bill Weick
Article Courtesy of SouthtownStar | Jeff Vorva Sports Hall of Fame during a ceremony Wednesday night at Hawthorne Race Course in Cicero. Former Brother Rice football star Mark Donahue 74, former Thornton football star Napoleon Harris, St. Xavier womens basketball coach Bob Hallberg, former Bloom track star Elzie Higginbottom, former Sandburg and DePaul basketball player (and current sports announcer) Sarah Kustok and Brother Rice wrestling coach Bill Weick were inducted. Read more at http://southtownstar.suntimes. com/sports/15247345-419/chicagolandsports-hall-of-fame-inducts-class-of-2012.html Just call them the Southland Super Six. Six south suburban area coaches or former athletes were inducted into the Chicagoland Anyone who needs a full print version of this please contact Jim Casey at [email protected] or 773-429-4456.

Mobile Applications for BRHS

Brother Rice High School announces the availability of version 2.0 of our mobile applications in the Android Market and Apple App Store. These apps are free to download and are supported by Crusader advertisers. Contact Brian Barkowski at [email protected] if you wish to advertise. Some of the features include athletic scoreboards, photos, videos, news, and Facebook and Twitter integration. There are also direct links to the Brother Rice website and Edline. The applications were built and designed by John Welch, of Prep Connect Mobile. Prots from the sales of the ads go directly to the Brother Rice Annual Fund which supports todays Crusaders.


2 0 1 3 A l u m n i N e w s l e t t e r A Ye a r i n R e v i e w

Career Day XX Scheduled for March 12, 2014

This kind of career day is unique to Brother Rice, because it provides students with a minimum of ten presentations from alumni who once sat in the same desks and walked the same hallways, demonstrating with personal passion that there are many choices and opportunities for Rice men to become successful. Every alumnus has a different story to tell, no matter what the career choice, because every graduate takes a different path and practices his profession differently. Alumni are asked to discuss their specic career paths and what they noticed along the way about career choices in two or three separate twenty-minute presentations. They are also asked to come early and stay late to mingle and network with fellow alumni, teachers, and administrative team members. After previous career days, Casey and Donna Eastman of Alumni Services received a steady stream of thanks from students, teachers, and alumni. Thats right. Even though alumni generously give their time and share their expertise, most of them emphatically thank us for arranging the event, and look forward to returning to improve on their teaching skills. Please contact Jim Casey at 773-429-4456 or [email protected] or Donna Eastman at 773-429-4340 if you would like to be a part of Career Day XX.

Its hard to believe we are approaching our 20th Career Day, said Alumni Director Jim Casey 70. In many ways it is my favorite event, because students, faculty, and alumni are engaged all day in meaningful conversations with each other, Casey added. Last year 90 alumni, spanning 47 years of graduating classes, who took a wide variety of career paths from Brother Rice to where they are today, shared their life experiences with at least two classes of juniors and/or seniors.

Carlos Cortes 93 Wins Two Emmys in Los Angeles for News Photography
remember Carlos as a track team member who helped bring teammates together to capture the Catholic League Championship. Principal Jim Antos said, Im not at all surprised that Carlos is successful. He was always a class act here at Brother Rice. Carlos is still a class act, as he remembers his childhood interest in photography gaining an added spark at Brother Rice, when in between his many athletic and academic duties, he hung around the media department and helped out the ubiquitous Hugh Neary 93. Carlos continued to run track at Southern Illinois University, but his budding career took root when he majored in Television Production there. His career eventually brought him to LA where he shot Lakers and Dodgers games, and multiple crime scenes. I shot all the crazy stuff you see in LA, Carlos said. Carlos is in the process of publishing a book of his still photography, including highlights from his trip to East Africa. Some of these photos and more of his work can be seen at his website. A good photographer lets the image capture him or her, Carlos says on his home page. Perhaps this explains why he is remembered at Brother Rice as someone who saw and was captured by the big picture and did what he could to bring out what was best about that picture. From Brother Rice to SIU, to CNN in Atlanta, to KABC and KLTA in LA, and to the forthcoming publication of his work, Carlos has clearly let images capture him, so that they could, in turn, capture the interest of those of us who view and appreciate his work. His work speaks for itself as to how he has developed into a good photographer, as do two Emmys in the last two years.

Those who taught or coached Carlos Cortes 93 remember him as a great kid. The great kid is now a grown man with three sons and two Emmys (2012 and 2013) for News Photography at KTLA in Los Angeles. Coach Pat Richardson remembers Carlos as a good point guard on his rst winning team, and said he was also a great teammate and friend. Carlos liked everybody and everybody liked him, Richardson added. Coaches Bill Gleeson and Don Molenda


R i c e R e v i e w A n o t h e r G r e a t Ye a r 2 0 1 3

Upcoming Events and Seasons Worthy of Alumni Participation and Attention

Alumni Night, Friday, January 31, after Varsity Basketball Game vs. St. Francis de Sales. BRAIN for Business, Tuesday, February 11 at Jennys in Chicago Ridge, 6:00 p.m. Career Day, Wednesday, March 12, at Brother Rice Circle of Champions, Saturday, April 12, at BRHS Alumni Golf Outing, Friday, June 20 at Gleneagles
Look for Crusader Hockey team to try for the hat trick against Marist on January 30th, and then look for state qualiers in Swimming and Wrestling advancing into late February. This Spring, look for the always excellent Rugby, Volleyball, Waterpolo, and Track teams to be joined by also excellent Bass Fishing and Lacrosse teams to capture well-deserved attention. Not only does Coach John McCarthy expect continuing excellence from his Crusader baseball program, many other observers are also predicting a return to championship caliber form at all levels. The schedule is already available at http://athletics.brotherrice.org/athletics/springsports/baseball/schedule-results-baseball/ Contact Brian Barkowski at [email protected] to ensure you are continuously informed about BRHS student and alumni activities.

Mike Vanier 69 and Friends Honor the Honorable Tom Carmody 69

pledged enough to pay for the Carmody Center, while also contributing to the Lifeguard Fund, for students enrolled at Brother Rice whose families experience unexpected nancial distress and need tuition assistance. To make necessary improvements without using tuition funds and to help students complete their education at Brother Rice, is a ttheir friendships with Tom, a man who lived a lifetime of bringing friends and relatives together for a good cause or for a good time. The Tom Carmody Fund will continue to help Crusaders in need, for as long as his friends so choose, knowing that their generos-

When Judge Tom Carmody 69 was posthumously inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame in 2008, seven months after he died suddenly, Mike Vanier 69 began discussing with friends how best to remember their friend, Tom. Mike and a core group met and discussed a few possibilities, but eventually it was decided that with Mikes lead gift and with other signicant gifts to follow, Toms friends could remodel and refurbish the Brother Rice cafeteria and call it the Carmody Center. All toll, more than 75 people (counting friends, spouses and family members), with gifts ranging from six to two gures, gave and ity already stands as a lasting tribute to their unforgettable friendship with Tom. ting honor for Tom, who devoted many years as an Alumni Association Vice President and Alumni Dinner Master of Ceremonies. Mike and friends and family gathered together on May 15, 2013 to dedicate the Carmody Center, the actual place where as high school students, some actually forged or reinforced To learn more about the Tom Carmody Fund contact Jim Casey, another one of Toms many friends, at 773-429-4456 or jcasey@ brrice.org.


2 0 1 3 A l u m n i N e w s l e t t e r A Ye a r i n R e v i e w

Brother Rice Announces Illinois State Scholars

group of Illinois State Scholars, said Eric Zarnikow, ISAC Executive Director. These young people dont just represent the best in educational excellence in Illinois. Their hard work and continued success are going to be keys to the states economic well being in the future. While this prestigious recognition does not include a monetary prize, recipients are encouraged to cite the honor on applications for college admission and scholarships. Congratulations to the following Brother Rice Illinois State Scholars: Paul R. Balich 14 Thomas V. Berzins 14, James M. Brosnahan 14, Matthew G. Brown 14, Paul R. Carlson 14, Anthony D. Curbis 14, Matthew J. Cusack 14, James J. Durkin 14, Jack T. Gorman 14, Connor P. Jones 14, David J. Kelly 14, James K. Kenny 14, Brian J. Kobiernicki 14, Hector Macias Nuno 14, Matthew A. Moulton 14, Luke D. Mueller 14, Quinn N. Niego 14, Timothy B. OConnor 14, Zachary R. Pakula 14, Michael T. Pufunt 14, William C. Saas 14, Daniel E. Scanlon 14, Leonardo Serna 14, Matthew L. Sweiss 14, and Tabare Torres 14.

Brother Rice President Dr. Kevin Burns and Principal James Antos are pleased to announce that 25 Brother Rice students have been recognized as 2014-2015 Illinois State Scholars. This prestigious recognition, given annually by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), honors the academic achievements of 19,300 high school students from across

the state. They join the ranks of thousands of top Illinois students honored as State Scholars since the designation began in 1958. Illinois State Scholars represent approximately the top ten percent of high school seniors, hailing from 675 different high schools across the state. Selection is based on ACT exam score and class rank at the end of their junior year. Its always a pleasure to announce the new

We Remember the Life of George Sedlacek Jr.

Alumni Hall of Fame by virtue of becoming the second of only four men to be named an honorary alumnus, and as an inaugural member of the Brother Rice Circle of Champions. When George retired from coaching varsity high school baseball in 1989, he had more wins (609) than any other coach in Illinois high school history. He never had a losing season in 28 years as Head Varsity Baseball Coach, beginning in 1962. His teams were Chicago Catholic League Champions in 13 seasons. The 1983 team made it to the Downstate Eight, the 1981 team was the State Runner-up and the 1976 team was the State Champion. During those years, George also served as an assistant basketball coach for 16 years, the dean of students for 15 years, and assistant principal for another 15 years, while also teaching science, physical education, drivers education and history. Many alumni consider George to have been the best teacher they ever had, while many teachers and staff considered him to be among the most likeable and efcient colleagues in the school, with an upbeat humor, balanced by a low-key approach with well-timed intensity. In a 2001 article written when George was named Honorary Alumnus, he cited Joan and his daughter, Becky as the two major turning points in his life, without knowing that the next twelve years would require more of their care and support than he could possibly imagine. A committee of former players and coaches is being formed to organize a memorial in appreciation for George and in support of Joan Sedlacek. Please contact Bob Alberts 85 at [email protected] for more information.

George J Sedalcek Jr., the legendary Hall of Fame coach, teacher, dean, assistant principal, and Christian Gentleman at Brother Rice High School, died on December 17, 2013 at age 77 after many years of progressive illnesses, under the constant care of his wife Joan and family. George was inducted into SIX halls of fame: UIC, IHSA, Chicago Catholic League, Brother Rice High School Hall of Fame, the


R i c e R e v i e w R e s t i n P e a c e

Rest In Peace Brother Rice Alumni

12/25/95 11/11/08 2/11/10 12/2/10 9/11/11 12/15/11 3/5/12 3/21/12 4/13/12 7/6/12 8/5/12 10/7/12 10/8/12 10/9/12 10/12/12 1/14/13 Charles E. Szczepkowski 66 G. Nicholas Mader 65 Gregory M. Roche 64 Edward G. Gabriel 67 George L. Kadar 61 Thomas M. Poynton 62 Wesley A. Warren 62 James A. Mannion 63 John D. Lascoe 61 Thomas R. Shaughnessy 64 John J. Dietrick 61 John J. Cooney, Jr. 71 Paul G. Reycraft 61 Thomas J. Coyle 69 Andrew A. Weishar 09 Christopher M. Ulrich 87 1/14/13 1/17/13 1/25/13 1/26/13 2/15/13 2/28/13 3/16/13 3/18/13 4/5/13 4/16/13 4/21/13 4/22/13 5/8/13 5/18/13 5/20/13 5/26/13 William C. Scott Jr. 66 John R. Powers 63 Thomas V. OConnell 82 Bernard B. OConnell 76 Ronald S. Murray 73 Richard G. Carey 61 John B. Tracy 64 Lawrence A. Roth 70 John Jack M. Dapkus 68 James F. Dwyer 65 Frank J. Wojciechowski 64 Denis J. McNamara 73 John R. Ullman 64 James M. Staller 61 Bernard J. Lattyak 68 Robert M. Sheridan 66 6/20/13 6/30/13 7/13/13 7/30/13 8/9/13 8/11/13 8/27/13 8/30/13 9/8/13 9/16/13 9/22/13 9/30/13 10/26/13 11/15/13 11/20/13 11/27/13 Joseph R. OSullivan 60 Lawrence J. Hanson 69 Philip M. Bonelli 60 Jon Eric OConnor 89 James G. Madden 99 Michael J. Ruggiero 82 George S. Gianakas 83 Robert J. Jorfe 73 Daniel J. Sebek 73 James Kevin Kelly 64 Ryan S. Pazier 07 William C. Miernicki 89 Martin M. McGreal 72 Mark D. Reilly 95 Donald J. Bush 71 Francis R. Frank Szczepkowski 64

Rest in Peace Family and Friends of Brother Rice

8/13 Brother John Paul Medvit C.F.C. 8/26/2012 Dolores L. McNulty (Craig M. McNulty 69). 8/28/2012 Mary L. Novosel (Dan A. Novosel 68, John L. Novosel 70 and Leo J. Novosel 73, Daniel J. Novosel 04, Joseph L. Novosel 05, James R. Novosel 09, Leo J. Novosel III 96). 9/2/2012 Marie E. Paulius (Michael J. Paulius 69, Thomas D. Paulius 72, Thomas E. Paulius 12). 9/16/2012 Marilyn B. Bush (Thomas L. Broderick 78, Colin T. Broderick 12 and Patrick 15 ). 10/1/2012 Richard E. Billish (George R. Billish 60, Earl F. Billish 61, Thomas P . Billish 64, Joesph R. Billish 88, Michael R. Billish 89, Brian A. Tiernan 84). 10/18/2012 Joanne B. Henneberry died October 18, 2012. Coach William Gleeson. 11/9/2012 Jack E. Caveney (Thomas J. Caveney 72 ). 12/9/2012 Mary Rita Costin (Timothy E. Costin 69, Michael J. Costin 70, Lawrence R. Costin 72, Daniel P . Costin 80, Sean F. Costin 83). 12/29/2012 Eileen Ward (John G. Ward Jr. 70, James M. Ward 75, Timothy J. Ward 77, Thomas P . Ward 79, Luke F. Botica 67). 12/31/2012 Dolores C. Killham (Michael G. Killham 77, Steven J. Killham 79, John E. Killham 81, Eric J. Killham 11, Nicholas S. Killham 11). 1/11/2013 Mary C. Lynch (James R. Lynch 77, Kenneth J. Lynch 88). 1/22/2013 Thomas R. Mitchell (Timothy J. Mitchell 83 and Thomas R. Mitchell Jr. 83). 4/2/2013 Ave Maria Hayes Green (Dr. Christopher J. Green 75, Dr. John M. Green, Jr. 78, Dr. Gavin J. Green 79, Hugh J. Green 88). 4/23/2013 Kathy Gibson (William R. Gibson 78, Joseph T. Gibson 06, Thomas R. Gibson 09, Dr. Thomas V. Powell, Jr. 76, Matthew R. Powell 82, Thomas Powell V 15, Matthew R. Geary 04, John P . Jake Geary 06, Luke P . Geary 09, John J. Gibson 75, Mike 80 and Pat 81 Cullen). 4/23/2013 James E. Dwyer (Daniel K. Dwyer 88). 4/28/2013 Michael K. Yuen (Michael A. Yuen 13). 5/27/2013 Donna M. Fendler (Michael E. Fendler 81). 7/21/2013 Edward J. OMalley (Brendan Ford 01, Connor Boyd 12, Jim Casey 70). 7/29/2013 James P. Augustyn of Alsip, IL died on July 29, 2013. James is the brother of Brother Rice teacher Joseph J. Augustyn. 9/2012 Melissa Mundo PhD and 8/31/2013 Richard L. Mundo (Richard. L. Mundo, Jr. 83, John P. Mundo 84, Kevin J. Mundo 88, James J. Sexton 94, John Sexton 01). 9/2013 Frederick S. Fred Shannon (Bruce A. Shannon 88). 10/4/2013 Mary J. Coffey (Michael J. Coffey II, Raleigh Kean 60, James Kean 62, Michael Coffey 87, Brian Coffey 91). 10/18/2013 Richard G. Ickes (Brother Paul Ickes). 11/15/2013 Lauren Claire Kitchen (Mark L. Platt 71, Lawrence E. Platt 68, William C. Platt 69). 11/19/2013 Brother Jude Mooney, C.F.C. 12/10/2013 Robert M. DuMais (Thomas P. DuMais 66 and Brian 93). 12/13/2013 Mary R. Simik (Nicholas A. Jorge 15). 12/17/2013 George J. Sedlacek of Downers Grove died on December 17, 2013. George is a former faculty member of Brother Rice High School. 12/17/2013 Manuel Osorio (Manuel E. Osorio 14) 12/20/2013 Richard M. Hanisits 12/24/2013 Dorothy V. Frystak Jaros (teacher Lynda Jaros, Peter 10 and Sam 12 12/25/2013 Joan Sulzen (Bob Alberts 85) 1/10/2014 Mary Lou Murphy (Dan Murphy 71)


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2 0 1 3 A l u m n i N e w s l e t t e r A Ye a r i n R e v i e w

Message to Vintage Alumni and Friends Who Prefer a Full Newsletter You Can Hold
Call Alumni Director Jim Casey 70 at 773429-4456 if anyone you know wants the alumni newsletter mailed to them. We are presenting the complete publication online, but we would be glad to copy and mail a version of this to someone you recommend. Or, if you see an abbreviated excerpt of a particular article in this Rice Review, and you would appreciate a complete one, contact Jim. Many of us are only recently reading more of our news electronically, while many of us still like to hold and read printed publications. So please contact Jim for a copy of all or part of the full newsletter, and we will mail it. For those of you who prefer receiving regular emails with school and alumni news, but are not on our email list, please email your request to [email protected] or [email protected], and please include your name and graduation year. We save valuable funds, while providing much more news by regularly sending emailed newsletters and by posting timely stories at www.brotherrice.org, the best high school website we have seen. Many of the articles in this Rice Review will also contain links to more complete articles elsewhere at www.brotherrice. org or on the alumni page at http://www.brotherrice.org/category/alumni. The Search space is one of many useful tools for nding complete articles that remain available.

Read More About Many More Alumni from 1960 - 2010 at http://alumni.brotherrice.org/category/alumni/alumni-news/

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