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Guidelines Ch5 Soilwater

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Soil and water management in spate systems

This chapter discusses soil and water management in spate irrigated areas. Compared to other farming systems soil and water management in spate systems is vital for two reasons. The first reason is that in spate systems soils are largely man-made. They are essentially built up from the sediment that comes along with the spate flows and is forced to settle. The water holding capacity and fertility of these soils is usually excellent, but soil management is required to counter land rise, maintain fertility and in some areas avoid soil crusting and compaction. The second reason is the importance of moisture conservation in crop production. In spate irrigation pre-planting irrigation is the main source of crop moisture. Conserving moisture is essential to crop production. Moisture conservation has not received the attention it deserves in spate systems, yet it can have an impact on production as large if not larger than the improved diversion of water. This chapter first discusses the development of spate soils and the management of soil quality and next field water management strategies and moisture conservation techniques. 5.1 5.1.1 Soil management Development of spate soils

Soils in spate areas are largely built up from controlled sedimentation in the early years of development of a spate system. They are further affected by the constant sedimentation, that is inherent to spate irrigation. Spate soils are the result of a number of factors: irrigation practices, climate, parent material, climate, vegetation and time. A relatively flat stony area can be developed into suitable spate soils in the course of a few years by passing spate flows over the land. Soils of 50 cm thickness have been known to be developed over a period of 3-4 years. Kowsar (.) has compared selected soil properties of fields, that received flood flows for six years under a flood spreading pilot project in Gareh Bygone in Iran with a control plot. Table 5.1: Soil properties after flood spreading in Gareh Bygone, Iran Soil property Sand % Silt % Clay % Saturation % Organic C % Total N % Available K ppm Available P ppm Control plots 73.2 14.5 12.2 23.4 0.17 0.034 156 4.4 Plots flooded for 6 years 23.0 60.0 17.0 61.0 2.06 0.208 250 45.6

Source: Kowsar (.) In developing new soils fields are bunded with the material that is available locally. Silt-laden flows are allowed to settle in the bunded fields. In plain areas, embankments are made stronger by applying a mixture of soils. In hilly areas soils with good viscosity are preferred for the bunds and the embankments may be strengthened with stone pitching. The location of the bunded plots affects soil thickness and soil texture. Sedimentation tends to be higher in the upstream areas. Tesfai and Sterk (2001), while measuring sedimentation in Sheeb (Eritrea) found that sedimentation rates ranged from 8.3 to 31.6mm/year in upstream fields, 6.0 to 18.0mm/year in midstream fields to 5.2 to 8.6mm/year in downstream fields. These differences are explained by the generally higher frequency and larger size of floods and the deposition of heavier

particles in upstream areas. In Balochistan even higher silt deposition rates are measured above 50 mm in four small mountain systems (Kahlown and Hamilton 1996). Haile (1999) observed sedimentation rates up to 100 mm in the Bada system in Eritrea. Picture: New Land Development Sheeb Kateen (Eritrea) Heavier sediment particles (with higher bulk density) tend to settle out near the riverbeds and are often deposited in the upstream fields to form coarse sandy soils. Finer sediments (with lower bulk density) tend to be transported further and are deposited on downstream fields. As a result water retention capacity differs within the spate system with soils in the middle part of the wadi alluvial fan normally having the best water retention capacity. For Wadi Abyan in Yemen water retention capacities for different soil texture classes were compared (see table 5.2), highlighting the relatively low water retention capacity of the upstream areas. Table 5.2: Available water in different soils in Abyan Delta Soil textural class Loamy sand Sandy loam Silt loam Clay loam Silty clay loam Available water in 1 meter of soil (in mm) 39 83 163 170 202

Source: Rijks (1965), quoted in MuAllem (1987) The constant sedimentation of spate systems can turn from a blessing into a curse, as it causes field levels to rise and go out of command. Where land gradients allow so, this can be compensated by moving intakes further upstream or by constructing bunds in flood channels that force the water up. In many long established spate systems, however, one finds areas that are abandoned as they can no longer be irrigated. To mitigate land rise farmers while levelling their fields move soil to the field bunds (see box). In Pakistan material is scoped from the inner side of the bund, leaving a depression of typically 6 to 8 meters wide on the inner bend of bund. This depression holds the first thrust of water and helps to control sedimentation. This practice is called kambel in the spate regions of Pakistan. Box 1: Operating a soil scraper or scoop (mehar) Fit the double head yoke to the oxen and tie the mehar at the centre of the yoke. Before using the mehar. plough the ground from which the soil shall be moved to facilitate the loading of the soil onto the mehar. Let the animal move the mehar forward from the point where you want to start scooping out the soil. As the mehar moves forward, start loading the soil by keeping a firm grip on the tail of the animal and by using your leg to push down the mehar blade so that it digs the soil shallowly. When the mehar is full, lift the adjustment handle of the mehar and let the animals move forward to where you want to unload the soil. During unloading, lift the ropes slowly so that the soil is spread over from the bottom to the top of the bund.

In general however land levelling is done coarsely. Unlevelled fields may cause gully erosion. They may also suffers from overwatering and leaching of plant nutrients at lower levels in the fields and underwatering at higher levels, resulting in a poor water use efficiency and typically uneven crop growth and yields within the same field (Goldsworthy, 1975; Williams, 1979; WS Atkins, 1984; MuAllem, 1987). Crops in the low lying flood irrigated fields do not grow well and suffer from nitrogen deficiency (MuAllem, 1987). Farmers assume that the floodwater will level the lower spots of the fields by depositing more sediments but this is not always the case (Tesfai, 2001). The actual process of moving floodwater from field to field leads to irregularities in the land surface, making it impossible to regulate the depth of water application (WS Atkins, 1984). In several areas it is common practice for fields to be maintained at a slope. In Balochistan (Pakistan) this is done to ensure that any rainfall will collect at one edge of the field. This makes cultivation possible in part of the plot in years when there are no significant floods (van Steenbergen, 1997). Also, individual fields may retain a minor slope to enable water to flow easily from field to field (Makin, 1977b). In field-to-field irrigation systems plots are inundated for a short period. Field bunds are breached to allow water to travel to the next plot, even before all water is infiltrated in the first field. Under these circumstances fields do not need to be fully levelled. Recommended practice Counter land rise by building field bunds from deposited sediment Land levelling to cause even inundation of lan Create slight slope in field to concentrate rainfall and to facilitate field to field flow Make slight depressions on inner side of field bund to control the thrust of water Soil management


Soils in spate systems have generally good water holding capacities: loams, silty loams, sandy loams and sandy clays are common. In some areas such as the Wadi Abyan in Yemen - wind erosion has had a negative impact on soils, because of the sand layers deposited in the soils, reducing water holding capacity. Wind erosion has also caused fine particles on well established loamy areas to be blown away. This problem is more severe in areas that are only cultivated infrequently in particular the tails of the spate systems. Infiltration rates in spate irrigated areas vary with soil texture, density and soil management (Williams, 1979). Infiltration rates range from 7.5-20 mm/hour in highland systems in Balochistan (Kahwlon and Hamilton 1996) to 39 mm/hour in Sheeb, Eritrea (Tesfai, 2001) to 40-60 mm/hour in Wadi Rima, Yemen (Makin, 1977a). They are reported as moderately rapid to rapid in Wadi Bana and the Abyan Delta (WS Atkins, 1984). As discussed in larger detail in section 5.2.2 pre-irrigation ploughing can importantly improve infiltration rates. In soil management in spate areas fertility is in general not a major issue. Fertility is ensured by the regular replenishment of silts, carrying organic material and fine silts accumulated in the river bed and the catchment in general1. Farmers in spate systems are often able to correlate the sediment contents of the flood to the section of the catchment from where the flood originates. In some exceptional cases farmers even apply a policy of closing the system for spate flows that are for instance known to carry large quantities of salt.
Soil fertility may also be influenced by the differences in temperature of spate water earlier and later in the season (Mehari Haile, pers. comm.).

Schoolchildrens assessment of Wadi Laba Caption: In the Wadi Laba system in Eritrea there was large concern among farmers, that the sediment trap that was constructed as part of the modernization of the system, would also intercept the fertilizing silts even though in reality only a fraction of the fine sediment was trapped. The most common soil fertility problems are the low availability of phosphate and unavailability of some micro-nutrients (WS Atkins, 1984; Tesfai, 2001). As the floodwater deposits sediments regularly, there is no time for weathering and pedogenetic processes to take place (Tesfai, 2001; Tesfai and Sterk, 2001). Some deep soils may restrict root growth (particularly taproots) because of stratification caused by frequent textural changes in the soil profile (MuAllem, 1987). Soils in spate systems are often relatively low in organic matter content 0.8 - 0.9% in the Sheeb area, Eritrea (Tesfai, 2001) and less than 1% in most surface horizons in Wadi Rima and elsewhere in Yemen (Girgirah et al., 1987). Organic matter is one of the major sources of soil fertility particularly for nitrogen and phosphorus. The low organic matter content of the soils is often related to the sparse natural vegetation in the catchment. The small amount of organic material available moreover is decomposed rapidly by the high temperatures that prevail in many areas. Soil fertility can be improved by incorporating organic fertilisers and crop residues into the soil (this is only feasible if other types of fodder are available); by growing leguminous crops; and by practising crop rotation (Tesfai, 2001). Recommended practices: Ploughing and breaking of soil crust prior to irrigation to improve absorption capacity Incorporating organic fertilizer and cop residues in the soil to improve soil fertility and structure Minimizing impact of wind erosion by concentrating area under cultivation 5.2 Field water management and moisture conservation

Field water management and moisture conservation in spate systems are as important as effective water diversion. As much as possible the flood water should be spread in a controlled, non-erosive manner. Moisture conservation is important because crop yields can be severely depressed by moisture deficit. Farmers in the Sheeb system in Eritrea estimated that someone owning his own bullocks would have a yield that was 30-100% higher. The reason for this difference was that with draught animals of ones own one could plough fields and repair bunds after every irrigation, hence vastly maximizing moisture retention. Research in Yemen suggests that if land is not ploughed within two weeks after irrigation 30-40% of moisture may be lost. So far interventions in spate irrigation have concentrated on improving the diversion of spate flows. Water management within the command area has often been treated as a black box. In spite of substantial potential gains, there has been little attention to command area development, improved water distribution or facilitating moisture conservation. This section discusses water distribution within the command area, field water application and moisture conservation measures. 5.2.1 Field water distribution strategies

The very nature of spate irrigation means that farmers are not following a predetermined irrigation schedule where water quantities are measured and applied to a crop when it is needed (Makin, 1977b). This however does not mean that water distribution within the command area is haphazard and unplanned. The water distribution is regulated by prevailing water rights and rules (see chapter ..) and generally seems to follow a number of principles: Spreading the flow and avoid that the spate water rapidly disappears in low-lying areas Dividing the floods in manageable quantities so as to avoid erosive flows and gully formation

Ensure at the same time that command area flows have sufficient volume to reach the far ends of the command area.

Picture of command area structure Sheeb Beyond these general principles water distribution within the command area is discerned on two dimensions: Whether water is distributed field-to-field or whether a controlled system is used in which case each field has its own inlet from a flood channel Whether the flood supplies are concentrated in a small area or spread over an extensive area Field-to-field or controlled irrigation In field-to-field irrigation there are no secondary or tertiary canals, and instead water is distributed from one field to another. Once an upstream field is irrigated, water is released by making a cut in downstream field bund to release water to the next field. The alternative is the controlled system, whereby fields have their own inlet channels. In Yemen and in the Eastern Lowlands in Eritrea fieldto-field systems are common, whereas in Pakistan controlled systems are the norm. The dividing line is not very absolute though and both systems occur side by side. In literature field-to-field systems are sometimes considered less efficient than controlled systems, but this statement needs to be qualified. Some controlled systems have field channels that supply very large plots, creating inefficiencies of their own. Kahlown and Hamilton (1996) describe plots of 5 ha for four small spate systems in Balochistan. Using a contour map they calculated application efficiency for one of these systems, Bara Bund. On the basis of the contours they computed the relationship between flood flow volume and the distribution of water, assuming that 200 mm of moisture was stored in the root zone. Because the fields are uneven, most of the irrigated land is either overirrigated or underirrigated. Taking the current levels of the field in Bara Bund they estimated that a flood volume five time in excess of moisture storage would need to be applied to achieve 200 mm moisture storage. The rest would be lost to deep percolation, partly for groundwater recharge. Interior bunds can correct some of the inefficiency. MacDonalds (1989a) qualify the assessment of field irrigation efficiency. They point to research in Pakistan that suggest that some of the moisture stored in deeper layers moves up as temperatures go down in the winter season, typically the maturing stage of spate crops such as sorghum. A similar phenomena has been suggested in research from Yemen. The advantages and disadvantages of field-to-field and controlled systems are compared in table 5.3. The inefficiency of the field-to-field system is particularly related to the inaccessibility of lower areas, once cultivation has started on he upstream fields. Picture (satellite images) Table 5.3 Advantages and disadvantages of field-to-field systems and controlled systems Controlled systems In comparison to field-to-field systems downstream land users have larger freedom from upstream land users, particularly when the fields are level with canal beds Land is required for secondary and tertiary canals though at the end of season this land is also sometimes cultivated In long and deep flood channels channel bunds may obstruct water supply to tails Intakes to lands may be damaged by the force of

Field-to-field irrigation Farmers at top of system receive relatively large quantitities of water, while those at tail receive smaller amounts or nothing at all No land required for channels, but possible damage to upstream lands in case of second or third irrigation Smaller floods later in season not diverted because upstream plots cultivated In-field scour on lands and damage to the field

bunds result from breaching of downstream bund Smaller floods do not reach tail end plots Timing of breaching can be source of conflict. Damage of upstream field bunds may jeopardize flows to lower areas though compulsory maintenance often regulated by local rules/ laws

the inflow and may take time to restore When plots are large, lack of levelling will create uneven irrigation Group water supply is not vulnerable to breaking of individual field bunds Sedimentation in flood channels may affect their ability to provide water to the tails

Often field to field irrigation is contrasted to controlled systems. Yet there is a third more rudimentary way of field water distribution; the use of guide bunds. Guide bunds spread flood water over a large area, but as fields are not bunded they do not allow the water to be impounded and slowly infiltrate. Spate systems with guide bunds are found in the Western Lowlands in Eritrea, where most of the spate irrigation is very recent. Much of the irrigation is on land that was rain-fed earlier and soils are already well-developed. The guide bund system otherwise does neither allow soil development nor high irrigation efficiency. Extensification or intensification A second parameter that discriminates water distribution strategies is whether irrigation is spread widely or concentrated in a small area. Whereas in extensive systems a single irrigation is common, fields may be irrigated twice or thrice prior to cultivation when floods are concentrated on a small area. Local varieties are well-adjusted to moisture stress, but even so, there is evidence that at least for some crops the yield produced from two or three irrigations would be greater than two or three times the yield from a larger area irrigated once. Makin (1977b) and Williams (1979) suggest so for sorghum in the Tihama in Yemen and a similar phenomena is reported from Sheeb in Eritrea. In Las Bela in Balochistan If farmers can control floodwater, they will put as many floods as possible onto castor (MacDonald, 1987b). In other cases farmers avoid irrigating their land for a second time, particularly if a crop is on the land. In Lasbela District, sorghum may be irrigated twice, but if it is mixed with pulses or sesame, farmers say that crops are damaged by the flooding and subsequent disease. The same is the case in Sheeb in Eritrea. Once the crops come up, farmers are hesitant to put floodwater on the land, as it would damage the young plants. Similarly later in the season when the crop stands are higher there is the fear that additional irrigation would invite pests and prolong the growing season. Floods that come postSeptember may be diverted to other areas. The choice for intensive or extensive system may be related to the flood pattern and to the agreed water rights. Only when there are a series of floods, an intensive strategy comes into purview. Concentrating spate supplies on a small area will also make it easier to decide where to plough prior to the spate season with the aim to improve infiltration rates on those fields where irrigation comes. Some systems however are not amenable to intensification. The spate systems in the Suleiman plans and Kacchi plains in Pakistan depend on a single soil bund, that is supposed to be broken when the irrigation is over. As long as the bund stands land is irrigated, but after it is breached there may not be a second chance. Moreover, some smaller spate rivers carry not more than one substantial flood in a year. 5.2.2 Field water application

As a ball-park figure it is generally assumed that irrigation application should result in an average of 400 mm net stored in the soil (Camacho 1987). According to MuAllem (1987), the application of 600-1000 mm of water in a single pre-planting irrigation is sufficient to raise all spate irrigated crops, provided that the moisture holding capacity of the soil is satisfactory. In other areas the preference is for several irrigations. Especially in field-to-field irrigation the bunds surrounding the fields tend to be

lower and a single field may be irrigated more than once. In Eritrea, arable fields are flooded using several spates. Fields are flooded to a depth of about 0.5 to 1m or a wetting depth of about 2 to 2.4m in the soil profile. According to Tesfai and Stroosnijder (2001) cumulative total of up to 1000 mm of water soaks into the soil, providing residual moisture for two or sometimes three crop harvests. The fields are flooded to saturation, and some water is lost to deep percolation. There is a relationship between the height of bunds and the availability of water. In Wadi Rima, in locations where crops can expect to receive just one irrigation, the bunds are high and the depth of water application averages 400mm. In locations closer to the wadi, which can expect two irrigations per crop, bunds are lower, and the amount of water absorbed for each irrigation averages 300mm (Makin, 1977b). In the controlled systems with large plots bund heights maybe considerably more. The height may easily reach two meters, whereas nearer the main channel or hill torrent the height of embankment is higher and even can reach up to 4 meters easily, if measured from outer side. This is done to allow for the difference in levels across the large plots. The security of irrigation is also very much a function of the strength of the field bunds. To make strong bunds moist soil is compacted and rat proofing is done. Overflow structures and gates are used to control the in and out flow of the spate streams and minimize the chance of unplanned breaches. In several spate systems penalties are in place for farmers not maintaining the field bunds as this effects the downstream transport of water. To a large extent, the depth of water impounded in a bund affects the choice of crop grown. In Balochistan (Lasbela District), if 300mm are impounded then guar (cluster bean) alone is sown, mainly as a fodder. If 750-900mm are stored then castor is sown. Otherwise a mix of sorghum, mung and sesamum/guar is sown. Farmers generally do not aim to achieve depths of over 900mm. Mustard is only planted when two or more floods can be impounded on the same plot, prior to cultivation (MacDonald, 1987a). In Kachhi District, Balochistan, when there is little floodwater, the land is inspected after the water has receded. If the depth of wetting is insufficient, crops are only sown in depressions or adjacent to unbreached bunds (MacDonald, 1987a). In Nal Dat (Balochistan) where the depths of water applied are insufficient to meet the optimum crop water requirements for all crops, rainfall is banked upon to meeting the deficit (Halcrow, 1993b). In parts of Bateis command (Wadi Bana, Yemen), farmers apply more than 750 mm of water to cotton, 250 mm more than is required by the crop. Not all this water may be absorbed by the soil the balance recharging aquifers. Box on improved bunding, overflow structures and gates 5.2.3 Moisture conservation

As mentioned moisture conservation is not less important than water conservation. Moisture conservation is essential to secure a reasonable crop yield. Soil moisture is affected by the overall moisture balance in a region. One important effect of the intense use of groundwater and the lowered groundwater tables is that it has increased field water requirements, as soil humidity has gone down. On balance this increases the propensity to utilize the spate water in the upstream regions. Gully formation will have the same effect of lowering groundwater tables locally and increasing field water requirements. In conserving soil moisture there are three important techniques: Ploughing prior to irrigation Ploughing after irrigation Conservation tillage Breaking soil crusts Breaking the topsoil through ploughing land prior to irrigation greatly increases infiltration rates. Makin (1977b) reports that infiltration rates for Wadi Rima in Yemen increased from 40 mm/hour to 50-60mm/hour (Makin, 1977b). Pre-irrigation ploughing also makes cultivation much easier and quicker to carry out once the floodwaters arrive, which is important as a lot of labour is required to

cultivate the land after irrigation (Williams, 1979). In the cotton growing coastal spate systems of South Yemen pre-irrigation ploughing used to be mandatory even, because it was also assumed to reduce the incidence of cotton pests. This discipline has now disappeared, however. There is a strong link between the practice of pre-ploughing irrigation and the reliability of water supplies. In areas where the probability of irrigation is low, it is unlikely that farmers will invest in soil preparation. The topsoil should also be ploughed loosely after irrigation or rainfall in order to conserve water (Williams, 1979). However, as the soil is wet, it may not be possible to plough the land for 8-12 days after irrigation, and some moisture will inevitably evaporate (Makin, 1977b). The common recommendation is not to prolong ploughing for more than two to three weeks, to avoid water loss through evaporation or deep percolation. Extending post-irrigation beyond that period may cause a moisture loss in the region of 40%. In the Kachhi District in Balochistan, where soils are relatively clayey, fields tend to dry out at the surface. It then becomes important to drill seed deep into the soil. Farmers can only plough fields once and the seedbed is often too cloddy for good, even germination and establishment (MacDonald, 1987a). Box 5.2: Bury the irrigation

Small farmers in coastal South Yemen reportedly bury the irrigation, when the floods come out of season. They plough the land and ensure the topsoil is loose. In some instances they even cover the land with sorghum stalks to further reduce evaporation losses. A third techniques is conservation tillage. In the Sheeb area (Eritrea) this is called mekemet. It is is practised in the (approximately) 10-day period between the last flooding and the sowing of seeds. Farmers plough the fields about 0.15m deep to create a tilth soil which conserves the soil moisture by reducing the evaporation losses from the soil surface (from 2mm to 1mm). At sowing time, the tilth layer is broken down by shallow tillage followed by drilling the seeds in rows. (Tesfai, 2001). The same practice is reported from Yemen, where farmers try throughout the growing season keep the topsoil loose to reduce evapotranspiration. Particularly in areas with silt soils or calcareous soils, soil crusting can be affect water use efficiency and special measures are required. In the Piedmont Plains of the Sulaiman Range (Pakistan), clayey soils, including silty clays, clays and silty clay loams, form a major part of the rod kohi land (Khan and Rafiq, 1990). They are generally more difficult to till and are prone to surface cracking. The soil crust, that develops, reduces the infiltration rate, increases runoff, restricts seedling emergence and reduces crop yield (Nizami and Akhtar, 1990). Appropriate management and agronomic techniques are required (WS Atkins, 1984). These include appropriate tillage practices, surface mulching, increasing the soil organic material (by applying manure and incorporating crop residues, where possible), seeding at appropriate depth, planting on ridges and use of mechanical crust breakers (Nizami and Akhtar, 1990; Tesfai, 2001; cited in Tesfai, 2001). Silt soils are also prone to compaction, if they are cultivated when wet with machines. Soil compaction slows down root penetration. Soil water and nutrients become less accessible to the plant and crops on compacted soils will show the effects of drought stress first. In response to this, farmers will re-irrigate their whole field earlier than would otherwise be necessary, thus using water inefficiently. Continuous flood irrigation may also lead to a hard compact layer at a depth of 30-40cm. Clay particles carried in the floodwater are washed down the profile making it difficult for plant roots to reach water, leading to a reduction in productivity. Every 2-3 years, the hard pan should be broken up by chiselling using a heavy power unit (MuAllem, 1987; cited in MuAllem, 1987).

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