Guidelines Call For Proposals Eac s17 2013 en

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Culture Sub-programme


WARNING: The present call for proposals/ guideline is subject to:

the final adoption of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014-2020) hereafter referred to as 'the programme' by the legislative authority without significant modification, a positive opinion or lack of objection by the committee established according to Article 23 of the Regulation on establishing the Creative Europe Programme, the availability of the appropriations provided for in the draft budget for 2014 after the adoption of the budget for 2014 by the budgetary authority or as provided for in the system of provisional twelfths

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. Introduction Objective and priorities 2.1 Objectives and priorities 2.2 Targeted projects Timetable Available budget Eligibility criteria 5.1 Formal criteria 5.2 Eligible countries 5.3 Eligible applicants 5.4 Eligible projects 5.5 Eligible activities 5.6 Eligible period Exclusion criteria 6.1 Exclusion from participation 6.2 exclusion from award 6.3 Supporting documents Selection criteria 7.1 Operational capacity 7.2 Financial capacity 7.3 Audit report Award criteria Funding conditions 9.1 Contractual provisions and payment procedure 9.2 Guarantee 9.3 Principle of non-cumulative award (Double funding) 9.4 Funding method Sub-contracting and award of procurement contracts Publicity, Communication and dissemination Data protection Procedure for selection of applications 13.1 Publication 13.2 Registration in the Participant Portal 13.3 Submission of grant applications 13.4 Evaluation procedure 13.5 Award decision 13.6 Rules applicable 13.7 Contacts Glossary Audience development Mandatory documents - checklist

3. 4. 5.



8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13.

Annex 1 Annex 2 Annex 3

All the necessary documentation to apply, in particular the online application form (e-form) and applicants' guide, can be found at:




These guidelines are based on Regulation N XX of the European Parliament and of the Council of DD/MM/ 20XX establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020)1. The European Commission is responsible for the implementation of the Creative Europe Programme (hereafter "the Programme") and for the decision to grant individual European Union funds. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (hereafter "the Agency") manages the Culture and MEDIA Sub-programmes on behalf and under the control of the European Commission. General background information about the Creative Europe programme can be found at:

2.1 Objectives and priorities The main specific objectives of the European platform projects are the following: to foster the development of emerging talent and stimulate the transnational mobility of cultural and creative players and circulation of works, with the potential to exert a broad influence on the cultural and creative sectors and to provide for lasting effects. to help increase recognition and visibility of cultural and creative artists and creators with a strong commitment in terms of European programming through communications activities and branding strategy, including, where appropriate, the creation of a European quality label.

In order to achieve the above mentioned objectives, the platform projects shall focus on the following priority activities:

fostering the mobility and the visibility of creators and artists, in particular emerging ones and those lacking international exposure; stimulating a genuine Europe-wide programming of cultural and artistic activities with the view of facilitating access to non-national European cultural works via international touring, events,exhibitions and festivals, etc.; implementing a communication and branding strategy, including, where appropriate, the development of a European quality label (or an equivalent recognition activity) to identify and promote the members of the platform having demonstrated a strong and high quality professional commitment towards the objectives of the platform in particular and the objectives of Creative Europe, in general; contributing to greater audience development through extensive use of information and communication technologies and innovative approaches. To find out more about the audience development priority, please refer to Annex 2 of these guidelines. providing visibility to Europe's values and different cultures, thus creating greater awareness about the European Union (hereafter "the EU").

Unlike under the European networks scheme, the objectives and priorities of the support to European platforms are more "business to consumers" oriented in the sense that priority is given to the identification and visibility of artists and creators and in particular emerging artists and the cultural organisations committed to showcasing and/or presenting them. The scheme supporting European

Regulation N XX of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Creative Europe Programme was published in the Official Journal of the European Union on DD/MM/20YY (OJ XX/pX).

networks is more "business to business" oriented in the sense that it aims at encouragingactivities with which cultural professionals will help other cultural players to professionalize themselves through networking, peer learning, exchanges, etc. 2.2 Targeted projects This scheme offers support to cultural and creative organisations showcasing and presenting European creators and artists, especially emerging talent, through a genuinely Europe-wide programme. These organisations shall join together within a platform with a view to bringing to the fore their common artistic vision, in line with the objectives of the Sub-programme, and to helping their members to improve their audience development techniques. Through the medium of a legally constituted coordination entity, the platform should conceive and implement joint activities between its member organisations in order to implement the above objectives and priorities. The coordination entity shall develop a framework programme covering the common cultural and social values, artistic ambitions, and joint activities all of which their members should adhere to. This will result in a set of criteria used to select and/or guide the member organisations in pursuing the above objectives.The coordination entity will make sure that each member of the platform complies with this set of criteria throughout the duration of the project, and it will be responsible for the selection of new members. It may also award financial support to those members who comply with the above criteria. The criteria as well as the definition of emerging artists and creators shall be established by the coordination entity and adapted to the sector(s) in which the members of the platform operate. The criteria shall nonetheless correspond to the priorities defined in section 2.1 of the present guidelines. To support the activities of those platforms whose activities are in line with the above mentioned objectives and priorities, the platform scheme will be implemented through framework partnership agreements2 to be signed in 2014 (for 3 years), 2015 (for 2 years) and 2017 (for 4 years). The maximum grant per specific agreement awarded under the framework partnership agreement will be EUR 500 000 per year. As the scheme is intended to foster critical mass and a structuring effect, only a limited number of platforms will be supported, with a view to getting a balanced coverage across different cultural and creative sectors. The intention is not therefore to support numerous platforms within the same sector. This consideration will be taken into account by evaluators in the evaluation process. The scheme shall support, in particular, not-for-profit projects. Further to the specific features of the scheme and in compliance with the principle of subsidiarity, the supported projects shall contribute to create European added value as defined in Article 5 of Regulation XX establishing the Creative Europe Programme. 3. TIMETABLE

The indicative timetable for the duration of the programme is the following: 1st call for proposals (three year framework partnership agreements): Publication of the call for proposals

Deadline for submission

Evaluation period

Information to applicants

Framework partnership agreement

Start date of the action

See section 9.1.1 for more information on the functioning of framework partnership agreements.

December 2013 Third Wednesday of March 2014 6 months September 2014 October/ November 2014 October 2014 until December 2014

2nd call for proposals (two year framework partnership agreements): Publication of the call for proposals December 2014 Deadline for submission Fourth Wednesday of February 2015 Evaluatio n period 5 months Information to applicants July 2015 Framework partnership agreement August 2015 Start date of the action August 2015 until December 2015

3rd call for proposals (4 year framework partnership agreements): Publication of the call for proposals July 2016 Deadline for submission First Wednesday of October 2016 Evaluation period 6 months Information to applicants March 2017 Framework partnership agreements May 2017 Start date of the action May 2017 until December 2017

If the deadline for submission falls on a public holiday in the applicant's country, no extension will be granted. Applicants must take this into account when planning their submission. 4. AVAILABLE BUDGET

The total available budget for the co-financing of projects under this measure is estimated at 6 % of the total budget for Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme (i.e. EUR 454,8 million) which amounts to around EUR 27 million over the period 2014-2020. Each year throughout the duration of the Programme, the European Commission and the Agency will publish a work programme indicating the budget devoted to platform projects for that particular year. Financial contribution from the EU cannot exceed 80% of the eligible costs of a platform project. The remaining amount shall be secured by the applicants. The Agency reserves the right not to distribute all funds available. 5. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA

Applications which comply with the following criteria will be the subject of an in-depth evaluation. 5.1 Formal criteria Only applications fulfilling the following conditions will be considered: submitted in one of the EU official languages, using the online application form (e-form), completed in full, with all the required signed annexes (original signatures or equivalent required); and accompanied by an application package sent by post or by express courier service by the deadline (the postmark serves as proof for post and the registered delivery receipt of the mail service serves as proof for express courier service). The application package must include an

official letter (cover letter) signed by the legal representative of the applicant organisation, as well as all other mandatory documents (see list in Annex 3). 5.2 Eligible countries Applications from legal entities established in one of the following country categories are eligible as long as all conditions referred to in Article 8 of Regulation N XX/2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme are met and the Commission has entered into negotiations with the country: 1. EU Member States and overseas countries and territories which are eligible to participate in the Programme pursuant to Article 58 of Council Decision 2001/822/EC3; 2. Acceding countries, candidate countries and potential candidates benefiting from a preaccession strategy, in accordance with the general principles and general terms and conditions for the participation of those countries in Union programmes established in the respective Framework Agreements, Association Council Decisions or similar agreements; 3. EFTA countries which are parties to the Agreement on the EEA, in accordance with the provisions of the EEA Agreement; 4. The Swiss Confederation, on the basis of a bilateral agreement to be concluded with that country; 5. Countries covered by the European Neighbourhood Policy, in accordance with the procedures defined with those countries following the framework agreements providing for their participation in EU programmes. The Agency may select proposals from applicants from non EU countries provided that, on the date of the award decision, agreements have been signed setting out the arrangements for the participation of those countries in the programme established by the Regulation referred to above. An updated list of countries that fulfil the conditions referred to in Article 8 of Regulation XX/2013 and that the Commission has started negotiations with can be found at:
5.3 Eligible applicants 5.3.1 The coordination entity and the members of the platform must be active in the cultural and creative sectors as defined in article 2 of the Regulation n XX of European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Creative Europe programme. Proof of this activity will be required (such as for instance statutes). Applications must include letters of intent from member organisations confirming their participation (original signatures or equivalent required). Platforms involving exclusively members from the audiovisual sector are not eligible for funding under thisscheme. However, platforms primarily constituted of members from non-audiovisual sectors which include members from the audiovisual sector, are eligible. The platform will have to prove that its main aim is to support the objectives and priorities of the nonaudiovisual cultural and creative sectors (see article 2.1). 5.3.2 When submitting their application, applicant organisations must be in a position to demonstrate their existence as a legal person for at least 2 years on the date of the deadline for submission referred to in section 3 of these guidelines.

Council Decision 2001/822/EC of 27 November 2001 on the association of the overseas countries and territories with the European Community ("Overseas Association Decision") (OJ L 314, 30.11.2001, p. 1). 6

Natural persons may not apply for a grant. 5.3.3 Platforms shall comprise a coordination entity and a minimum of 10 member organisations. The coordination entity shall have its legal seat in any of the country categories referred to in section 5.2 of these guidelines.Member organisations must be legally established in at least 10 different countries from any categories referred to in section 5.2 of these guidelines, of which at least 5 must be one of the countries referred to in paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 of section 5.2. Proof of the number of member organisations will be required. The number of member organisations might grow over the duration of the framework partnership agreement. If new members of the platform are selected, this must be done in accordance with the present guidelines and in compliance with all the set provisions. Inclusion of additional members will only be possible once a year, when the coordination entity will present its simplified grant application (please refer to section 9.1 for the functioning of framework partnership agreements). The coordination entity will have to explain how and on the basis of which criteria the new members are selected, as well as identify them in the simplified grant application. The Agency reserves the right to reject the simplified grant application if it found that the required provisions are not met. 5.3.4 In order to submit an application, applicants must provide their Participant Identification Code (PIC) in the application form. The PIC can be obtained by registering the organisation in the Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Participant Portal.4 The Participant Portal allows applicants to upload or update the information related to their legal status and attach the requested legal and financial documents. See section 13.2 on Registration in the Participant Portal for more information. Coordination entity: The coordination entity is a company, association or organisation active in the cultural and creative sectors, fully responsible for the implementation of the project. The coordination entity shall be responsible for the selection and monitoring of the platform's members according to a set of criteria which complies with the requirements defined under section 2.1. The coordination entity shall enter into a written agreement with the platform's members defining their respective roles. It may also award financial support to those members who comply with the above mentioned criteria. The coordination entity has to be capable to represent the members of the platform in any contractual relationship with the Agency that may be concluded if the platform is selected. In this context, the coordination entity must be able to present all relevant information concerning each member of the platform necessary for the implementation of common actions.

Platform's members: The platform's members are companies, associations or organisations active in the cultural and creative sectors whose aim is to showcase and promote European creators and artists of the nonaudiovisual cultural and creative sectors and their works. To be eligible , the platform's members shall already comply with the set of criteria set out by the coordination entity in the application at the time

The organisation has to register in the Unique Registration Facility (URF) hosted in the Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Participant Portal. The Unique Registration Facility is a tool shared by other services of the European Commission. If your organisation already has a PIC that has been used for other programmes (for example the Research programmes), the same PIC is valid for the present call for proposals.

of the submission (please refer to section 2.1 of these guidelines) and must have showcased at least 30 % of emerging artists as defined by the coordination entity in the previous twelve months. Proof of this compliance will be required. Considering the objectives of the platform projects, the coordination entity must ensure that this threshold of 30% is respected over the life time of the project. 5.4 Eligible projects A call for proposals will be launched in 2013 for establishing 3-year framework partnership agreements, in 2014 for establishing 2-year framework partnership agreements and in 2016 for establishing 4-year framework partnership agreements: The application for the framework partnership agreements must include a specific, measurable and relevant set of criteria for the selection/monitoring of the members of the platform as well as a work plan for the platform activities, including joint activities between the members of the platform to be implemented or facilitated by the coordination entity covering the entire duration of theframework partnership agreement. The set of criteria as well as the work plan must be fully explained and detailed in the submitted proposal. The projects covered by the framework partnership agreement must also include a full description of activities to be carried out during the first year. For the subsequent 2 years (2014 applications), 1 year (2015 applications) or 3 years (2017 aplications), applicants selected under a framework partnership agreement will be invited by the Agency to submit a full description of activities for each specific year. The specific annual grants awarded under the framework partnership agreement shall not exceed EUR 500 000.

For information, the financial support to be allocated to the members of the platform must not exceed EUR 60 000 per member organisation and must be related to the eligible activities defined for the platform's members in section 5.5. The set of criteria, the work plan and the full description of activities to be carried out during the first year will be assessed according to the criteria laid down in the present guidelines and in particular according to the award criteria laid down in section 8 and following the procedure detailed in section 13.5 of the guidelines. If successful, applicants will be awarded a framework partnership agreement and a specific agreement for the first year. For the subsequent 2 years (2014 applications), 1 year (2015 applications) or 3 years (2017 aplications), the full description of activities to be carried out during the year will be assessed annually by the Agency until the end of the framework partnership agreement according to the same award criteria. Only those applicants who meet the award criteria to the same extent as they did for the award of the framework partnership agreement and the specific agreement for the first year will be awarded with annual specific grants the following years. Beneficiaries who have an on-going framework partnership agreement and who are re-applying under the 2nd or 3rd call for proposals should ensure that there is no overlap in timing between the duration of an existing grant under this scheme and the start date of a potential future grant. 5.5 Eligible activities Eligible activities are the activities which intend exclusively: - to achieve the objectives set in section 2.1 of these guidelines; - to implement the targeted projects described in section 2.2 of these guidelines. In particular,

As regards the coordination entity, the eligible activities are those in relation to: coordination, monitoring, promotion, evaluation and supervision of the platform members' activities as well as the activities in relation to the sustainable development of the platform, as for an example, the selection of new members; conception and implementation of a communication and branding strategy (including where appropriate the creation of a European quality label); provision of financial support to third parties (members of the platform) implementing eligible activities.

In addition to the above, eligible activities may encompass coordination and monitoring activities led by the coordination entity to facilitate joint activities between the members of the platform. These joint activities must in particular be related to: circulation of creators and artists, especially emerging talent, and their works among the members of the platform; networking activities and peer learning among cultural managers of the platform members with a view to achieve the objectives of the platform; fostering the mobility of creators and artists in particular those lacking international exposure by supporting strong European programming; increasing the promotion and showcasing of emerging talent from other European countries; contributing to greater audience development; contributing to sustainable networking activities within the platform; providing positive visibility to Europe's values and different cultures, thus creating greater awareness and helping increase citizens' sense of identification with the EU.

As regards the platform members, the eligible activities are those in relation to: -

The activities must relate to the cultural and creative sectors as defined in article 2 of Regulation XX (2014-2020) with the exception of purely audiovisual activities. However, audiovisual activities may be eligible as long as they are ancillary to activities from the non-audiovisual cultural and creative sectors. 5.6 Eligible period For applications selected in 2014 under the 1st call, the maximum duration of a project is 3 years. Activities must start between October 2014 and December 2014. For applications selected in 2015 under the 2nd call, the maximum duration of a project is 2 years. Activities must start between May 2015 and December 2015. For applications selected in 2017 under the 3rd call, the maximum duration of a project is 4 years. Activities must start between May 2017 and December 2017. However, a EU grant may be awarded for a project, which has already begun only if the applicant can demonstrate the need to start the project before the agreement has been signed. In any case, the Agency will have to approve the justification of the need to start the project before the agreement has been signed and the project cannot start before the date of submission indicated in section 3 of these guidelines.

The activities covered by the specific agreements for subsequent years5 may not overlap with the eligibility period of the previous specific grant agreement. No grant may be awarded retroactively for projects already completed. Furthermore, applications for projects scheduled to run for a longer period than that specified in these guidelines, will not be eligible. No extension to the eligibility period beyond the maximum duration will be granted. 6. EXCLUSION CRITERIA

6.1 Exclusion from participation Applicants will be excluded from participating in the call for proposals procedures if they are in any of the following situations: (a) they are bankrupt or being wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for in national legislation or regulations; they or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct by a judgment of a competent authority of a Member State which has the force of res judicata; they have been guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which the responsible authorising officer can justify including by decisions of the EIB and international organisations; they are not in compliance with their obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those of the country of the the responsible authorising officer or those of the country where the agreement is to be performed; they or persons having powers of representation, decision making or control over them have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering or any other illegal activity, where such illegal activity is detrimental to the EU's financial interests; they are subject to an administrative penalty referred to in Article 109(1) of the Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and the Council of October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union6 (hereinafter "the Financial Regulation").






6.2 Exclusion from award Applicants will not be granted financial support if, in the course of the grant award procedure, they: (a) (b) (c) are subject to a conflict of interests; are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required by the Agency as a condition of participation in the grant award procedure or fail to supply this information; find themselves in one of the situations of exclusion, referred to in section 6.1 above.

In accordance with Article 109 of the Financial Regulation, administrative and financial penalties may be imposed on applicants who are guilty of misrepresentation or are found to have seriously failed to meet their contractual obligations under a previous grant award procedure.

5 6

See section 9.1.1 for information on the functioning of framework partnership agreements/decisions. OJ L 298, 26.10.2012, p.1


6.3 Supporting documents Applicants for a grant exceeding EUR 60 000 must sign a declaration on their honour certifying that they are not in any of the situations referred to above and in Articles 106(1) and 107 of the Financial Regulation. The signed declaration on honour must be attached to the application form. 7. SELECTION CRITERIA

Applicants must have stable and sufficient sources of funding (financial capacity) to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the project is being carried out and to participate in its funding. Applicants must have the professional competencies and qualifications required to complete the proposed project (operational capacity). Applicants must submit a declaration on their honour, completed and signed, attesting to their status as a legal person and to their financial and operational capacity to complete the proposed activities. In addition to the declaration on honour, applicant organisations applying for a grant above EUR 60 000 must submit together with their application, the following documents: 7.1 Operational capacity copies of the applicant organisations activity reports of the last two years. Applicants who have issued only one activity report on the date of submission due to their date of establishment shall be authorised to provide this report only.

The Agency will assess and verify the level of subcontracting activities used by applicants to implement the proposed activities. 7.2 Financial capacity the financial capacity form; the financial statements (including the balance sheet, the profit and loss accounts and the annexes) for the last two financial years for which the accounts have been closed. Applicants who have closed only one financial year on the date of submission shall be authorised to provide financial statements for this year only.

If, on the basis of the documents submitted, the Agency considers that financial capacity has not been proved or is not satisfactory, it may: require a guarantee (see section 9.2 of these guidelines) provided by an approved bank, a financial institution or a joint guarantee by a third party; offer a grant agreement without pre-financing and make an interim payment on the basis of eligible expenses already incurred when the project has been partly carried out.

The Agency reserves the right to reject the application if neither of these two options can be implemented, irrespective of the reason. The verification of financial capacity shall not apply to public bodies or to international organisations. 7.3 Audit report All grant applications must be accompanied by an external audit report produced by an approved external auditor.


This report shall certify the accounts for the last two available financial years. This obligation does not apply to public bodies and international organisations under public law. This obligation may not apply to education and training establishments if decided by the competent authorising officer on the basis of his analysis of management risks. 8. AWARD CRITERIA

Eligible applications will be assessed on the basis of the following criteria: Criteria 1. Relevance Definition What is the quality of the platform's concept and do the set of criteria defined by the coordination entity ensure that selected members can make appropriate contributions in line with the objectives and priorities of the scheme? How is the project implemented? What is the platforms approach to communicating and establishing an appropriate branding strategy? What is the quality of the relationship between the coordination entity and the platform members ? Maximum points 25

2. Quality of the content and activities 3. Communication and dissemination

25 30

4. Quality of the platform


1. Relevance (25) This criterion evaluates the relevance of the platform towards the objectives and the priorities of the measure and in particular, the suitability of the set of criteria established by the coordination entity to ensure that the selected members can contribute to the objectives and priorities of the scheme, have high cultural profiles, are committed to promoting the visibility of the EU's values. The set of criteria and the definition of emerging artists and creators shall be adapted to the sector in which the platform operates. How relevant is the set of criteria against the following objectives of the platform: Fostering the mobility of creators and artists in particular those lacking international exposure by supporting strong European programming; Increasing the promotion, showcasing and presentation of emerging talent from other participating countries (including defining what is an "emerging talent"); Contributing to greater audience development through extensive use of information and communication technologies and innovative approaches; Providing positive visibility to Europe's values and different cultures, thus creating greater awareness and helping increase citizens' sense of identification with the EU. How relevant is the set of criteria and the definition of emerging artists and creators to the specificities of the sector(s)? How specific, quantifiable and realistic are the criteria?



2. Quality of the content and activities (20) This criterion evaluates how the project will be implemented in practice (quality of the activities, deliverables, and experience of the staff in charge of the project and working arrangements). How concrete and well-defined are the activities that are to be implemented or facilitated by the coordination entity for the members of the platform to be able to undertake them jointly? Is an assessment of the results foreseen? If so, how clear and appropriate is it? How relevant is the experience of the team taking part in the project in terms of, for example, organisational skills, experience and track record in the cultural and creative sectors, communication and language skills? To this end, the CVs of the people carrying out the main tasks within the coordination entity and members' organisations, will be assessed. How appropriate is the budget and human-resource allocation to the activities? How clear and realistic is the project timetable?

3. Promotion, communication and branding strategy (30) This criterion evaluates the platform's approach to promoting and communicating the activities of the members. The aim is also to maximise the structuring effects of the project by developing and implementing a branding strategy identifying the members of the platforms as high cultural operators committed to promoting the values of the EU and objectives of the Sub-programme. How clear and appropriate is the platform strategy for the communication on the activities of its members, i.e., the objectives, target groups, tools, channels, media, impact and timeline? How concrete and relevant is the branding strategy of the platform, i.e., the creation, visibility and communication on a quality label? How will the coordination entity ensure that platform members will contribute to the overall communication strategy of the project? How will EU support be made visible throughout the duration of the project and beyond?

4. Quality of the platform (25) This criterion evaluates the extent to which the general organisation and coordination of the project will ensure the effective implementation of the activities. How concrete and relevant is the selection and monitoring process of the platform members? Is there a quality-assurance plan to ensure the appropriate implementation of the process? How is the relationship between the coordination entity and platform members defined, including the written agreement that they should have signed (see section 5.3 of these guidelines)? How concrete and relevant will be the joint activities in particular to ensure the proper achievement of the platform's objectives? This aims, in particular, at activities that will be implemented such as peer learning among cultural managers from the platform members, their conribution to greater audience development and networking activities to achieve the objectives of the platform, etc. How will the platform be made to last beyond the duration of the project? How does the platform plan to foster the participation of members drawn from a wide geographical range of participating countries? FUNDING CONDITIONS


An EU grant is a direct financial contribution, by way of donation, from the budget in order to finance an action (also referred to as "project") intended to help achieve an EU policy objective. Grants are


based on the principle of co-financing. The EU grant supplements the applicant organisations own financial resources, income generated by the action or financial contributions from third parties. Acceptance of an application by the Agency does not constitute an undertaking to award an EU grant equal to the amount requested by the beneficiary. Furthermore, under no circumstances may the amount awarded exceed the amount requested. Applicants may be asked to amend their programme of activities and their forecasted budget accordingly (see section 13.4.2 of these guidelines adjustment phase). The award of a grant does not establish an entitlement for subsequent years. 9.1 Contractual provisions and payment procedures 9.1.1 Contractual provisions In the event of definitive approval by the Agency of the submitted project, a framework partnership agreement for 2014-2016 or 2015-2016 or 2017-2020 will be signed between the Agency and the beneficiary. The set of criteria and the work plan for the platform activities (including the joint activities between the members of the platform to be implemented or facilitated by the coordination entity) presented in the selected application and covering the entire duration of the framework partnership agreement (2, 3 or 4 years depending of the call under which the proposals is selected) will be annexed to this agreement. The framework partnership agreement formalises a partnership between the Agency and the beneficiary for 2, 3 or 4 years, to enable them to achieve their long-term objectives. It is aimed at organisations whose actions are stable in particular in terms of objectives, format, target group and methodology. Subsequently a specific agreement detailing the conditions and level of funding for the first year will also be signed between the Agency and the beneficiary. The full description of activities to be carried out and the budget for the first year will form the basis for awarding an annual action grant for this precise year. The maximum annual grant amount will not exceed EUR 500 000 and 80 % of the total eligible costs of the project for that year. Two copies of the original framework partnership agreement and the related specific agreement will be sent to the beneficiary for signature and must be returned to the Agency immediately. The Agency will sign them last. Information on the functioning of the framework partnership agreement for the subsequent years

Six months before the end of the previous specific agreement, applicants selected under a framework partnership agreement will be invited by the Agency to participate in a a restricted call for proposals by submitting a simplified grant application. This application should detail the activities to be carried out as well as identify the new members of the platform if there are any. If new members have been selected, the application should detail how and on the basis of which criteria they have been selected. The application should also detail the budget for the following year. This simplified grant application must be in line with the set of criteria and the work plan for the platform activities (including the joint activities between the members of the platform to be implemented or facilitated by the coordination entity) annexed to the framework partnership agreement and must comply with the provisions of the present call for proposals. If, at the stage of analysis of the simplified grant application, it is found that it does not comply with these requirements, the Agency may reject the simplified grant application.


Each year, the simplified grant application will serve as a basis for the award of a specific agreement. As for the 1st year of the framework partnership agreement, specific agreements will detail the conditions and level of funding for the project. The annual award of a specific agreement is subject to the adoption of the annual EU budget by the budget authority. Please note that the calculation of the maximum grant amount to be indicated in the specific agreements will be based on the estimated costs (estimated budget) to implement the annual activities. The estimated budget must be provided together with the simplified grant application and must comply with the principles listed in these guidelines. The maximum annual grant amount will not exceed EUR 500 000 and the maximum percentage of co-financing foreseen for the 1st year. Each year, two copies of the related specific agreement will be sent to the beneficiary for signature and must be returned to the Agency immediately. The Agency will sign them last. 9.1.2 Payment procedure If the financial capacity requirements are met (please refer to section 7 for the assessment of the financial capacity), a pre-financing payment corresponding to 70% of the grant amount will be transferred to the beneficiary within 30 days of the date when the last of the two parties signs the specific agreement, provided all possible requested guarantees are received. Pre-financing is intended to provide the beneficiary with a float. If the financial capacity requirements are not met, the Agency may make an interim payment on the basis of eligible expenses already incurred. Interim payments are intended to cover the beneficiarys eligible expenditure on the basis of an interim report when the action has been partly carried out. The Agency will establish the amount of the final payment to be made to the beneficiary on the basis of the final report (see section 9.4.2 of these guidelines). 9.2 Guarantee In the event that the applicant's financial capacity is not satisfactory, the Agency may require any organisation which has been awarded a grant exceeding EUR 60 000 to provide a guarantee in order to limit the financial risks linked to the pre-financing payment. The purpose of this guarantee is to make a bank, a financial institution or third party stand as irrevocable collateral security for, or first-call guarantor of, the grant beneficiary's obligations. This financial guarantee, in euro, shall be provided by an approved bank or financial institution established in one the EU Member States. When the beneficiary is established in a non EU Member State, the Agency may agree that a bank or financial institution established in that country may provide the guarantee if it considers that the bank or financial institution offers equivalent security and characteristics as those offered by a bank or financial institution established in a Member State. The guarantee may be replaced by a joint and several guarantees by a third party or by a joint guarantee of the beneficiaries of an action who are parties to the same grant agreement. The guarantee shall be released as the pre-financing is gradually cleared against interim payments or payments of balances to the beneficiary, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the grant agreement. This requirement does not apply to: public bodies and international organisations under public law established by intergovernmental agreements, specialised agencies created by such organisations,


the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

9.3 Principle of non-cumulative award (Double funding) Each action may give rise to the award of only one grant for the same application from the budget of the EU. To ensure this, applicants must give details in their application form of any other grant requests related to the same project which they have submitted or intend to submit to the EU stating in each case the budgetary year, the budget heading, the Union programme and the amount requested. If a proposed action is found at any stage of the process prior to the signature by the Agency of the grant agreement to receive funding for parts of the activities proposed from other Union programmes, the Agency will request modifications to the concerned activities, even by reopening an already closed refinement phase, or may reject awarding a grant to the application, notably if changes necessary to avoid duplicate funding would entail unequal treatment vis--vis unsuccessful applicants. 9.4 Funding method 9.4.1 Flat-rate grant Not applicable. 9.4.2 Budget based financing The system of financing is a budget-based grant (eligible costs). General provisions Budget-based grants are calculated on the basis of a detailed estimated budget. The budget attached to the application form must be complete and in balance, i.e. estimated expenditure must equal total revenue, including the grant applied for from the Agency. The budget must indicate clearly the costs that are eligible for EU funding. The EU grant is limited to a co-financing rate of 80% of eligible costs per specific grant agreement. The budget must be drawn up in euro. Applicants not based in the euro zone must use the exchange rate published in the Official Journal of the EU on the date of the publication of the calls for proposals. Part of the estimated eligible expenses must be financed from sources other than the EU grant. Applicants must indicate the sources and amounts of any other funding received or applied for in the same financial year for the implementation of the action concerned. The amount of the own resources indicated in the revenue part of the estimated budget is regarded as secured, and this amount, as a minimum, must be entered in the revenue section of the final report. The allocated amount may not exceed the amount requested. The EU grant may not have the purpose or effect of producing a profit for the beneficiary. Profit is defined as a surplus of receipts over eligible costs incurred by the beneficiary. Where a profit is made, the Agency is entitled to recover a percentage of the profit corresponding to the EU contribution to the eligible costs actually incurred by the beneficiary. This provision does not apply to grants lower than or equal to EUR 60 000. Eligible costs To be eligible for this call, costs must correspond to eligible activities as defined in section 5.5 of these guidelines. Eligible costs of the action are costs actually incurred by the beneficiary, which meet the following criteria:


they are incurred during the duration of the action as specified in the grant agreement, with the exception of costs relating to the final report and the report of factual findings on the final financial report; they are indicated in the estimated overall budget of the action; they are incurred in connection with the action which is the subject of the grant and are necessary for its implementation; they are identifiable and verifiable, in particular being recorded in the accounting records of the beneficiary and determined according to the applicable accounting standards of the country where the beneficiary is established and according to the usual cost-accounting practices of the beneficiary; they comply with the requirements of applicable tax and social legislation; they are reasonable, justified, and comply with the requirements of sound financial management, in particular regarding economy and efficiency.

The beneficiary's internal accounting and auditing procedures must permit direct reconciliation of the costs and revenue declared in respect of the action with the corresponding accounting statements and supporting documents. Eligible direct costs The eligible direct costs for the action are those costs which, with due regard for the conditions of eligibility set out above, are identifiable as specific costs directly linked to the implementation of the action and which can therefore be booked to it directly. In particular, the following catergories of direct costs are eligible, provided that they satisfy the criteria set out in the previous paragraph: the cost of staff assigned to the project, comprising actual salaries plus social security contributions and other statutory costs included in their remuneration, provided that this cost does not exceed the usual remuneration policy of the beneficiary. NB: staff costs must be actual cost incurred by the beneficiary. Staff costs of other organisations are eligible only if they are paid directly or reimbursed by the beneficiary. Staff costs must be in line with the activities and proportionate to the budget. The corresponding salary costs of personnel of national administrations are eligible to the extent that they relate to the cost of activities which the relevant public authority would not carry out if the project concerned was not undertaken; costs of travel and related subsistence allowances, provided that these costs are in line with the beneficiary's usual practice and do not exceed the scales approved annually by the Commission; depreciation cost of equipment (new or second-hand), provided that it is written off in accordance with the tax and accounting rules applicable to the beneficiary and generally accepted for items of the same kind. Only the portion of the equipment's depreciation corresponding to the duration of the project and the rate of actual use for the purposes of the project may be taken into account by the Agency, except where the nature and/or the context of its use justifies different treatment by the Agency; costs of consumables and supplies, provided that they are identifiable and assigned to the project; costs entailed by other contracts awarded by the beneficiary for the purposes of carrying out the project, provided that the conditions laid down in the grant agreement are met; costs of financial support to third parties provided that the conditions laid down in the grant agreement are met; costs arising directly from requirements linked to the performance of the project (dissemination of information, specific evaluation of the project, translations, reproduction, etc.); costs relating to a pre-financing guarantee lodged by the beneficiaries of the grant where required; costs relating to external audits where required in support of requests for payment; non-deductible value added tax (VAT) for all activities which are not activities of the public authorities in the Member States.


For actions involving costs relating to a third country (i.e. costs relating to natural persons who are citizens of a third country, organisations based in a third country and activities taking place in a third country), the relevant costs incurred by the beneficiary must not exceed 30% of the total eligible budget. Eligible indirect costs (overhead) A flat-rate amount, not exceeding 7% of the eligible direct costs of the project, is eligible under indirect costs, representing the beneficiary's general administrative costs which can be regarded as chargeable to the project. Indirect costs may not include costs entered under another budget heading. These costs encompass the following categories: premises and related expenses (e.g. rent, insurance, ), office expenses and consumables (e.g. telephone, postal services, photocopies, ).

In case the applicant organisation receives an operating grant under the budget of the EU, indirect costs are not eligible under specific actions. Ineligible costs The following costs shall not be considered eligible: return on capital; debt and debt service charges; provisions for losses or debts; interest owed; doubtful debts; exchange losses; costs of transfers from the Agency charged by the bank of the beneficiary; costs declared by the beneficiary in the framework of another action receiving a EU grant. In particular, indirect costs shall not be eligible under a grant for a project awarded to a beneficiary who already receives an operating grant financed from the EU budget during the period in question; excessive or reckless expenditure; contributions in kind; deductible VAT.

Calculation of the final amount of the grant and supporting documents The Agency will establish the final amount of the grant on the basis of the following documents: a final report on the implementation and results of the project (final technical report) and related documentation, including a public summary/report as foreseen in section 11.2 of these guidelines; a final financial report of costs actually incurred ("final financial report").

Additionally, if the EU grant is more than EUR 60 000 and lower than EUR 750 000 The beneficiary is required to submit, in support of the final payment, a report of factual findings on the final financial report - type I produced by an approved auditor or in case of public bodies, by a competent and independent public officer. The procedure and the format to be followed by the approved auditor or in case of public bodies, by the competent and independent public officer, are detailed in the following guidance notes: The use of the report format set by the guidance notes is compulsory.


If the EU grant is below or equal to EUR 60 000

The beneficiary is required to submit, in support of the final payment, a copy of the following underlying documents: Staff costs: the three highest consolidated staff costs for the whole eligibility period. The three highest value subcontracts. 25% of the highest costs declared under travel and subsistence.

If it results from the calculation of the final amount of the grant that the eligible costs actually incurred by the beneficiary are lower than anticipated, the Agency will apply the rate of co-financing stated in the grant agreement to the expenditure actually incurred. The Agency also reserves the right to reduce the amount of the grant if the organisation has not fully implemented the agreed action (as set out in the specific grant agreement). In the event of non execution or clearly inadequate execution of activities planned in the action plan attached to the specific grant agreement or in the event the information requested in the grant agreement is not submitted, the final grant will be reduced accordingly. Where applicable, the beneficiary will be required to reimburse any excess amounts paid by the Agency in the form of pre-financing. 10. SUB-CONTRACTING AND AWARD OF PROCUREMENT CONTRACT Where implementation of the action requires the procurement of goods, works or services (implementation contracts), the beneficiary must obtain competitive tenders from potential contractors and award the contract to the bid offering best value for money, or, as appropriate to the tender offering the lowest price, taking care to avoid conflicts of interest and to retain the documentation in the event of an audit. Sub-contracting is the externalisation to a third party of specific tasks or activities which form part of the action as described in the application. Sub-contracting must satisfy the conditions applicable to any implementation contract (as specified above) and in addition to them the following conditions: it may only cover the implementation of a limited part of the action; it must be justified having regard to the nature of the action and what is necessary for its implementation; it must be clearly stated in the proposal or prior written authorisation from the Agency must be obtained; the estimated costs must be clearly identifiable in the estimated budget.

Sub-contracting shall concern only supporting activities. The beneficiary remains legally and financially responsible for the project. The beneficiary remains liable for the conception and the development of the action, the attainment of its objectives, the implementation of the action plan and the use of appropriate tools. Please note that the Agency will assess and verify the level of sub-contracting activities used by applicants in particular while assessing the operational capacity of the applicant/beneficiaries to implement its action. In the event of sub-contracting exceeding EUR 60 000 the beneficiary must clearly document the tendering procedure, submit a copy of the relevant documents together with the final report at the end of the action and retain the documentation in the event of an audit. Costs are based on a verifiable estimate or on the basis of an offer.


11. PUBLICITY, COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION 11.1 Publicity All grants awarded in the course of a financial year must be published on the Internet site of the EU institutions no later than the 30th of June of the year following the financial year for which the grants were awarded. The information may also be published using any other appropriate medium, including the Official Journal of the EU. The beneficiary authorises the Agency and/or the European Commission to publish the following information in any form and medium, including via the Internet: - the beneficiary's name and locality, - the amount awarded and rate of funding, - the nature and purpose of the grant Upon a reasoned and duly substantiated request by the beneficiary, the Agency may agree to forgo such publicity, if disclosure risks threatening the rights and freedoms of individuals concerned as protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU or harm the commercial interests of the recipients. Beneficiaries must clearly acknowledge the Unions contribution in all publications or in conjunction with activities for which the grant is used. Furthermore, beneficiaries are required to give prominence to the name and logo of the Creative Europe Programme on all their publications, posters, programmes and other products realised under the co-financed action. Please note that if these requirements are not fully complied with, the beneficiarys grant may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreement. 11.2 Communication and dissemination To maximise impact, projects should have a clear and strong strategy for communication and dissemination of their activities and results, and applicants must provide enough time and resources to communicate and interact appropriately with peers, audiences and local communities as appropriate. Beneficiaries will be required as stipulated in the grant agreement to produce a public summary/report in English providing information about their work and the results of their project. The public summary/report must be included in the final report submitted to the Agency. The report may be used by the Commission to provide information on the results of projects. The European Commission, together with the Agency, may identify good practices and prepare relevant dissemination materials to be shared within and across all participating countries and beyond. Data and results from projects will be made freely available to be used by stakeholders, policy makers and others in a wide range of ways. Beneficiaries may be required to attend and to participate in events organised by the European Commission or the Agency to share their experience with other participants and/or policy makers. Please note that if these requirements are not fully complied with, the beneficiarys grant will be reduced in accordance with the provisions of the grant agreement. 12. DATA PROTECTION


All personal data (such as names, addresses, CVs, etc.) will be processed in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data.7 Unless marked as optional, the applicant's replies to the questions in the application form are necessary to evaluate and further process the grant application in accordance with the specifications of the call for proposals. Personal data will be processed solely for that purpose by the department or Unit responsible for the Union grant programme concerned (entity acting as Data Controller). Personal data may be transferred on a need to know basis to third parties involved in the evaluation of applications or in the grant management procedure, without prejudice of transfer to the bodies in charge of monitoring and inspection tasks in accordance with European Union law. The applicant has the right of access to, and to rectify, the data concerning him or her. For any question relating to these data, please contact the Data Controller. Applicants have the right of recourse to the European Data Protection Supervisor at any time. A detailed Privacy statement, including contact information, is available on the Agency's website: Applicants and, if they are legal entities, persons who have powers of representation, decision-making or control over them, are informed that, should they be in one of the situations mentioned in: the Commission Decision of 16.12.2008 on the Early Warning System (EWS) for the use of authorising officers of the Commission and the executive agencies (OJ, L 344, 20.12.2008, p. 125), or the Commission Regulation of 17.12.2008 on the Central Exclusion Database CED (OJ L 344, 20.12.2008, p. 12),

their personal details (name, given name if natural person, address, legal form and name and given name of the persons with powers of representation, decision-making or control, if legal person) may be registered in the EWS only or both in the EWS and CED, and communicated to the persons and entities listed in the above-mentioned Decision and Regulation, in relation to the award or the execution of a procurement contract or a grant agreement or decision. 13. PROCEDURE FOR SELECTION OF APPLICATIONS 13.1 Publication For the year 2014, calls are published on the website of the European Commission As from 2015 and following the adoption of the annual Work Programme(s), calls for proposals will be published in the Official Journal of the EU and on the Internet site of the Agency. 13.2 Registration in the Particpant Portal Before submitting an electronic application, applicants will have to register their organisation in the Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). The PIC will be requested in the application form. The Participant Portal is the tool through which all legal and financial information related to organisations will be managed. Information on how to register can be found in the portal under the following address:

Official Journal L 8, 12.1.2001.


The tool also allows applicants to upload different documents related to their organisation. These documents have to be uploaded once and will not be requested again for subsequent applications by the same organisation. Details on the supporting documents that need to be uploaded in the Portal can be found in Annex 3. 13.3 Submission of grant applications Applications must be made through an online application system. Grant applications must be drawn up in one of the official EU languages, using the online form specifically designed for this purpose. The online forms can be obtained on the Internet at:

Applications must be submitted by the deadline mentioned in the call for proposals, and this before 12:00 CET/CEST (Midday, Brussels time), using the online application form referred to above.
No other method of submission of an application will be accepted. Applications submitted in any other way will be automatically rejected. No exceptions will be made. Applicants should ensure that they have officially submitted their electronic application form and that they have received an e-mail acknowledging receipt of their submission. The application package must be sent: or by post (the postmark serves as proof), by express courier service (the registered delivery receipt of the mail service serves as proof), delivered in person, by applicants themselves, not later than 16.00 on the set deadline. In the latter case, a receipt must be obtained as proof of submission, signed and dated by the official in the central mail department who took delivery. This department is open from 08.00 to 17.00 from Monday to Thursday and from 08.00 to 16.00 on Friday; it is closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Commission holidays8. For security reasons no applications are accepted at the premises of the Agency.

The application package to be sent to the Agency must include a USB stick or CD-Rom containing all requested documents and mandatory annexes (please see Annex 3). The ones that cannot be provided on CD-Rom or USB stick (for example, copies of the activity reports, etc.) must be sent on paper. Application packages are not returned at the end of the evaluation procedure. No changes to the dossier can be made after the deadline for the submission of applications. However, if there is a need to clarify certain aspects, the Agency may contact the applicant for this purpose. Address to which the application package must be sent (or delivered in person): Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency Creative Europe Programme (20142020) Culture sub-programme Platform projects Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOUR 04/02)

1 January (New Year's Day), 2 January (day after New Year's Day), Easter Monday, 1 May (Labour Day), 9 May (Europe Day), Ascension Day, Whit Monday, 21 July (Belgian National Holiday), 15 August (Assumption Day), 1 November (All Saints' Day), 24 December (p.m. Christmas Eve), 25 December (Christmas Day), 31 December (New Year's Eve).


BE 1049 Brussels Belgium 13.4 Evaluation procedure 13.4.1 First step of the evaluation procedure: evaluation of the eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria Only applications that fulfil the eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria will be considered for a grant and will be assessed by experts against the award criteria. If an application is deemed ineligible, a letter indicating the reasons will be sent to the applicant. Applications which do not fulfil the eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria will be informed in writing. Applications that fulfil the eligibility, exclusion and selection criteria will be ranked according to the scores obtained in the different award criteria (defined in section 8 of these guidelines). Within the limit of the available budget, applications obtaining the highest scores will be selected. The assessment will be made solely on the basis of the documents sent by the relevant deadline. Nevertheless, the Agency reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant. 13.4.2 Second step of the of the evaluation procedure: evaluation of award criteria . This part of the evaluation will be carried out by experts that will be appointed by the Agency further to a call for expression of interest. The conditions to be appointed as expert and the procedure of the call for expression of interest are published on the website of the Agency under the following link: a) Individual evaluation

At this stage the experts are acting individually; they do not discuss the application with each other, nor with any third party. The experts record their individual opinions in a report, giving scores and also comments against the award criteria as defined in section 8 of these guidelines. Signature of the report also entails a declaration that the expert has no conflict of interest in evaluating that particular application. b) First consensus meetings Once all the experts to whom the same application has been assigned have completed their reports, the evaluation progresses to a consensus assessment, representing their common views. The consensus discussion is moderated by a representative of the Agency and/or the Commission. The signing by the experts of the consensus report completes the first consensus step. Signature of the report also entails a declaration that the experts have no conflict of interest in evaluating that particular proposal. c) Second consensus meeting An additional consensus meeting is organised to allow the experts to have an overall view of the applications with a view to optimising the balance across sectors, without however compromising on the quality of the applications.


The second consensus discussion is moderated by a representative of the Agency and/or the Commission. The signing by the experts of the second consensus meeting report completes the consensus step. Signature of the report also entails a declaration that the experts have no conflict of interest in evaluating that particular proposal. d) Adjustment phase The reports of the experts and their opinions will be assessed by the Evaluation Committee. The Evaluation Committee is composed of staff from the Commission and the Agency. The authorising officer responsible may invite an applicant to adjust its proposal in the light of the recommendations of the evaluation committee. The authorising officer responsible shall keep appropriate records of contacts with applicants during the procedure. The overall purpose of the adjustment process is to agree on the technical details of the project, to collect financial and legal information needed for preparing a grant agreement as well as for the project management and reporting on the project execution. The outcome of the adjustement phase shall not result in changing the substance of the application to the extent that they would alter the result of the evaluation and thus entail unequal treatment vis--vis unsuccessful applicants. 13.5 Award decision On the basis of the reports of the experts and their opinions the Evaluation Committee will make a proposal for the selection to the authorising officer. The authorising officer (from the Agency or from the Commission) remains solely in charge of awarding the grants. The evaluation procedure will be finalised only after the completion of the above mentioned procedure and the adoption by the authorising officer of the grant award decision. All applicants will be sent a letter formally informing them of the decision taken by the Agency or the Commission (award decision), as well as of the independent experts' assessment for each award criterion. A list of the selected applications will then be published on the Agency's and the Commission's websites/dissemination tool. Once the award decision is adopted, all the technical, legal and financial issues are verified and agreed upon and a grant agreement is drafted and sent to the selected applicants for signature. 13.6 Rules applicable Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 298, 26.10.2012, p.1). Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1268/2012 of 29 October 2012 on the rules of application of Regulation (EU) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union (OJ L 362, 31.12.2012, p.1). Regulation (EU, Euratom) No X/ 2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of XX Month 2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020) concerning the implementation of a support Programme for the European creative sector (Creative Europe).



13.7 Contacts For any further information please contact your Creative Europe desk:
Contact within the Agency: [email protected]


ANNEX 1 Glossary: Definitions applicable to all measures (including as per financial regulation): Call for proposals: This is one of the means of implementing EU programmes. A call for proposals is published annually and specifies a number of elements: the objectives pursued and the annual budget allocated to the type of support action concerned, the eligibility, exclusion, selection and award criteria, as well as the relevant supporting documents to be submitted, conditions for obtaining funding from the EU, conditions for the submission of proposals, possible start-up dates for co-financed actions and the timetable for the award procedure. Calls for proposals are published on the website of the institutions of the EU and in the Official Journal of the EU. The conditions published therein are legally binding. For Creative Europe, the present guidelines form the basis for these calls for proposal. Conflict of interest: (Art. 57 of the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union): 1. Financial actors and other persons involved in budget implementation and management, including acts preparatory thereto, audit or control shall not take any action which may bring their own interests into conflict with those of the Union. Where such a risk exists, the person in question shall refrain from such action and shall refer the matter to the authorising officer by delegation who shall confirm in writing whether a conflict of interests exists. The person in question shall also inform his or her hierarchical superior. Where a conflict of interests is found to exist, the person in question shall cease all activities in the matter. The authorising officer by delegation shall personally take any further appropriate action. 2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, a conflict of interests exists where the impartial and objective exercise of the functions of a financial actor or other person, as referred to in paragraph 1, is compromised for reasons involving family, emotional life, political or national affinity, economic interest or any other shared interest with a recipient. 3. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 210 setting out what is likely to constitute a conflict of interests together with the procedure to be followed in such cases. Contribution in kind: A contribution in kind is any non-cash contribution to the project by the project leader, the partners or a third party, which can be given a measurable cash value and which is not paid for by the project leader or any of the partners (i.e. costs which are not recorded in their accountancy). It may be a contribution in the form of durable capital goods and equipment, putting at the disposal of premises, raw materials, unpaid charity work by a private individual or corporate body, or staff seconded from and remunerated by another organisation (other than the project leader or partners). Contributions in kind shall not constitute eligible costs. Cultural and creative sectors (Art. 2 of the Regulation establishing the Creative Europe Programme): Cultural and creative sectors means all sectors whose activities are based on cultural values and/or artistic and other creative expressions, whether these activities are market or non-market oriented and whatever the type of structure that carries them out and irrespective of how it is financed. These activities include the development, the creation, the production, the dissemination and the preservation of goods and services which embody cultural, artistic or other creative expressions, as well as related functions such as education or management. The cultural and creative sectors include inter alia architecture, archives, libraries and museums, artistic crafts, audiovisual (including film, television, video games and multimedia), tangible and intangible cultural heritage, design, festivals, music, literature, performing arts, publishing, radio and visual arts. Eligibility period: The period during which eligible costs can be generated. It is stipulated in the grant agreement/decision. Public body: Public body means a public sector body or a legal entity governed by private law with a public service mission providing adequate financial guarantees. By public sector body is meant the


State, the regional or local government or any organisation governed by public law acting on behalf and under the control/responsibility of the State. The grant agreement: The grant agreement is a bilateral act. On the one side of the legal relationship established through the agreement is the Agency, on the other one or more beneficiaries. In order to produce its legal effects the agreement needs to be signed by both parties of this legal relationship. The grant decision: it represents an act of public law. It is a unilateral act which establishes between the Agency and the beneficiary a clear public law relationship. By definition, the parties in such a relationship are not equally placed as is the case in a contractual relationship. The Framework partnership agreement/decision: The Framework partnership agreement/decision is a bilateral act (see 'grant agreement' above) which formalises a partnership between the Agency and the beneficiary to enable him to achieve his long-term objectives. It is aimed at organisations whose actions are stable in particular in terms of objectives, format, target group and methodology.


ANNEX 2 Audience development priority: Audience development is an important new priority in Creative Europe which helps European artists/cultural professionals and their works reach as many people as possible across Europe and extend access to cultural works to under-represented groups. It also seeks to help cultural organisations adapt to the need to engage in new and innovative ways with audiences both to retain them, to build new audiences, diversify audiences including reaching current "non-audiences", and to improve the experience for both existing and future audiences and deepen the relationship with them. In some cases, developing audience development skills and capacity may be one of the aims of the project itself. In other cases, for example projects involving co-creations, co-productions, performances touring seeking to help artists/cultural professionals with their careers, projects should have a clear strategy for audience development to accompany the project, so that they do not focus solely on the "supply" side and to ensure that the activities have the largest possible impact. Similarly, projects with artists in exchange programmes and residences should seek to interact with local communities and audiences, rather than confining their mobility experience to their immediate peers. The approach to audience development will play an important role in assessing the quality of the projects and their contribution to the objectives and priorities of the programme. In developing a strategy for audience development, some of the questions which you might consider include the following (non-exhaustive): Why? - What are your motives for working on audience development? Economic necessity An obligation imposed by funders The conviction of the organisation of the importance of this dimension of your work What? - What is the aim of your audience development work? To widen your audience (i.e. attract more people with the same profile as the current audience)? To diversify your audience (i.e. attract people with a different profile from the current audience)? To deepen the relationship with your current audience (i.e. to create a better experience for your current audience, such as helping them understand complex work)? Who? - Do you know who your existing target groups are? - Which new target groups do you wish to reach and why? - Do you research your audience and non-audience, and if not, why? How? - Is audience development integrated fully into your work? Do you have an explicit strategy? - How do you intend to develop audiences? Upstream by involving them in programming, creation or crowd-funding; In the process through participatory art; Downstream through dialogue about the works afterwards (eg through physical meetings with the artists, etc, or through social media, etc) Developing partnerships with other sectors/ other cultural organisations Through volunteering - How will you attract your current non-audiences? - Do you have staff members who are assigned specifically to audience development tasks? - Do you have training on audience development for your staff? - Is audience development embedded in the management of your organisation? Will you evaluate the progress and success of your audience development activities?


ANNEX 3 Mandatory documents - checklist Note: Where documents need to be signed, the signature has to be the one of the legal representative of the applying organisation. Note: For documents with an * mandatory templates are to be found at :
Attached to the e-form: Budget form* (Excel) Detailed descrition of the project, describing in particular - the work plan for the platform activities (including the joint activities) covering the entire duration of the project * - the set of criteria to select and monitor platform members and to award a grant to platform members troughout the duration of the project* - the definition of emerging creators and artists Signed declaration on honour on legal status and operational and financial capacity* Signed declaration on honour concerning exclusion criteria* (only if grant > EUR 60 000) In the application package: Signed cover letter, including adequate justification in case of early start to the project Statutes of the coordination entity Declaration on honour concerning the platform from the coordination entity that: the platform members have at least two years of legal existence and that they are established in one of the participating countries to the Culture sub-programme - the platform members are active in the cultural and creative sectors as defined in article 2 of the Regulation n XX of European Parliament and of the Council on establishing the Creative Europe programme. - the platform's main aim is to support the objectives and priorities of the nonaudiovisual cultural and creative sectors Proof that the platform's members comply with the set of criteria set out by the coordination entity and that they have showcased at least 30% of emerging artists in the previous 12 months Signed budget form for the first year of the project* Letters of intent of the member organisations Written agreement between the coordination entity and the platform members CV's of the people carrying out the main tasks within the coordination entity and member organisations External audit report produced by an approved external auditor, certifying the accounts of the Coordination entity for the last two available financial years Copies of activity reports of the last two years (only if grant > EUR 60 000) Signed financial identification form* and the required annexes Financial capacity form* (only if grant > EUR 60 000) Financial statements for the last two financial years for which the accounts have been closed (only if grant > EUR 60 000) Uploaded in the Unique Registration Facility Signed legal entity form* and the required annexes -


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