Nc790 - Introduction To Systems Development l2 Sup QP 2009

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This question paper consists of 9 pages and an annexure.

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________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answer ALL the questions. Read ALL the questions carefully. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper. ANNEXURE A (attached) The list of controls is NOT necessarily complete. Write neatly and legibly.

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QUESTION 1 Various possible options are given as answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A - D) next to the question number (1.1 - 1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK. 1.1 The term processing is best described as the gathering of information and then processing it all, usually at the end of the working day when the computer is idle. A B C D 1.2 online batch direct reservation

A comment written as part of the code to explain the purpose of a program statement is called documentation. A B C D external extra internal unnecessary


Which ONE of the following concepts does NOT belong to Object-Orientedprogramming? A B C D Polymorphism Encapsulation Multiprocessing Inheritance


A variable is an example of numeric variable. A B C D character boolean string integer


The symbol = in programming, means A B C D equals to. assign. both side of the equation are equal. comment.

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is an example utility software. A B C D Mcafee Virus scanner MS Powerpoint MS Word MS Access


UML is the acronym for A B C D Unite Maintained Language. Unified Meta Language. Unique Modeling Language. Unified Modeling Language.


The logical operator inverts input and produce output which is the opposite of the input. For example, it will change an input of 'True' to 'False', and vice versa. A B C D AND OR XOR NOT


In OOP environment, a/n is an instance of a class. A B C D room object board bench


ASCII is the acronym for A B C D A Special Character In Information. American Standard Code for Information Interchange. American Standard Code Information for Interchange. A Special Character In Information and Interchange.

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QUESTION 2 Various possible options are given as answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write TWO letters (A - E) together, next to the question number (2.1 - 2.5), in the ANSWER BOOK. 2.1 and are examples of System Software packages A B C D E 2.2 MS Word McAfee Linux Windows XP Pastel

Program Language generations evolved over a period of time. Select the TWO valid generations from the following list: A B C D E 1GL (First-Generation) 0GL (Zero Generation) 12GL (Twelve Generation) 8GL (Eighth Generation) 4GL (Fourth - Generation


Select the TWO statements that will convert the Integer variable named, testScore to a String. Then assign the result of the conversion to the Text property of a Label control called totalLabel. Each answer contributes part of the solution. A B C D E Dim testScore As Boolean = 75 Dim testScore As Integer = 75 totalLabel.Size = Covert.ToString(testScore) totalLabel.Text = Covert.ToString(testScore) totalLabel.Size = Covert.ToInteger(testScore)


The TWO structures that best describe the concepts of iteration (loops) in a programming language are and A B C D E For Next. Do While. If Then. Case Select. Call Return.

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and are TWO quality assurance (QA) processes implemented to ensure the software are of high standards A B C D E Velocity Volume Verification Validation Victory

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QUESTION 3 Indicate whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Choose the answer and write only 'true' or 'false' next to the question number (3.1 - 3.10) in the ANSWER BOOK. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 The logical expression 'True' (1) AND 'False' (0) gives an output of 'True' (1). General description of how a program works, algorithms and training manuals all form part External documentation. In event driven programming, the program does not respond to the events, even though a button is clicked. Variables are called storage areas inside computer memory where a program places data during processing. A constant is a fixed value that will not change during execution of the logic. The end of an IF statement is indicated by the word 'endif'. Software maintenance changes are made to the code of a program to improve the effectiveness of the product. The purpose of Software Quality Assurance is to detect and correct errors while they are still inexpensive to correct. Application software can run on a computer without the operating system. OOP languages are not effective at recycling code. (10 1) [10]

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QUESTION 4 4.1 Describe ANY application software program you have encountered in your studies. Give ONE example of the software you are describing. Your answer must take the following format but you must describe different application software, that is, DIFFERENT from that given in the sample answer: Presentation Software. Allows users to create visual presentations Example MS Power point 4.2 4.3 4.4 List and briefly describe the purpose of any TWO features common to all application software. List any TWO advantages programming languages. and TWO disadvantages of High-level (4)

(3) (4)

Identify the data types by selecting the most appropriate answer from the list provided. Boolean; Text; Date and Time; Decimal; Binary; Character; Integer; Byte Write your answer next to the letter in your ANSWER BOOK. Example: (G) Binary DATA (A) 45 (B) True or False (C) 'My first Name' (D) 123,56 DATA TYPE

(4) 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Documentation plays an importantly role in the program development life cycle. List ANY THREE principles to consider when documenting programs. Show how you would convert the decimal number 456 to Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). A number of techniques/steps are suggested when one embark on a problem solving exercise. List any THREE of these techniques. Algorithms play an important role in a problem solving situation. 4.8.1 4.8.2 4.8.3 Define an algorithm. Explain what an algorithm is used for. Pseudo-code is one way of documenting an algorithm. List ONE other way to document an algorithm.
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QUESTION 5 SAMPLE SCENARIO DEFINE the variables decHours and decRate to be of the type: Decimal. WRITE a statement to calculate the wages by multiplying decHours by decRate and assign the answer to the Text Property of a label control called WagesLabel SOLUTION Dim decHours, decRate As Decimal WagesLabel.Text = decHours * DecRate 5.1 Study the example and solution above and write simple statements to act as solutions to the following scenarios: 5.1.1 Define TWO variables decTest1 and .decTest2, to be of the type: Decimal. WRITE a statement to calculate the average of these TWO tests and STORE the average in the text property of a label control called AverageLabel Define a variable chaGender of the type: Character. WRITE a simple IF statement to test the content of this variable. If the variable contains an 'F', then ASSIGN the text 'Female' to the Text property of a label control called, GenderLabel





To include the date and time, one could select a DateTimePicker from the attached toolbox (ANNEXURE A) and make it part of the Form in your project. USE the attached copy of the toolbox to SELECT the best control to use in each of the following cases. Write only the number (5.2.1 - 5.2.5) with the NAME of the control, in your ANSWER BOOK. (Example: 5.2.6 DateTimePicker) 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 To provide a space for a user to enter an input value To provide a quick way to display information to the user To allow the user to display the companies logo on the form To allow the execution of a event when the control is clicked To allow the user to select only ONE option from a group of the same controls displayed on the form (1) (1) (1) (1) (1)

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In your mathematics class, you are required to calculate the area and the perimeter of several different rectangles. Since the calculations of these values are repetitive, you decide to embark on creating a program to do these calculations. You analyze the problem on discovering that the only input you will need, is the length and the width of each rectangle. USE the length and the width you need to CALCULATE the area and perimeter of the each rectangle. You also need to ensure that the current Text Properties of the TextBoxes are cleared BEFORE the length and the width of the next rectangle is entered. REMEMBER to display the area and the perimeter of the current rectangle to the user BEFORE the textboxes are cleared. 5.3.1 Draw an IPO CHART in your ANSWER BOOK. USE the information described in QUESTION 5.3 to COMPLETE the CHART. Write the Pseudo code to solve the situation described in QUESTION 5.3 Make a neat hand drawing in your ANSWER BOOK to SHOW what the user interface for above problem would look like. You will need the following controls (components): PURPOSE User Interface Length Width Calculations (Perimeter Area) Clear TextBoxes Exit from Program Display Area Display Perimeter CONTROLS (COMPONENTS) NEEDED 1 Form 1 Label and 1 TextBox 1 Label and 1 TextBox & 1 Command Button 1 Command Button 1 Command Button 1 Label 1 Label

(7) (8)

5.3.2 5.3.3

ALL your controls must be fully LABELLED. Marks will be allocated for the neatness, as well as, the logical LAYOUT of the controls on your interface.

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