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(offered by the Department of Criminology) Telephone number 012 429 6003


The risk control ocer, potential forensic criminologist, crime prevention consultant, victim counsellor, correctional services ocer, police ocer, security ocer, teacher and youth worker will benet by enrolling for Criminology. A keen interest in crime matters, victims and the administration of criminal justice is recommended for these modules.

Credit for a degree is granted for either CMY101 and 102 or KRM100.

General Information Transitional Arrangements

Students who have passed papers in Criminology not mentioned below, without completing the relevant level must contact the Department of Criminology to determine which outstanding modules must be taken. Study unit passed KRM100 KRM201 KRM206 KRM307 KRM308 KRM309 Modules/papers which may not be taken CMY101, 102 CMY201 CMY202 CMY302 CMY304 CMY303 CMY202 CMY201 CMY301, 303, 304, 305 CMY301, 302, 303, 305 CMY301, 302, 304, 305 Outstanding modules/ papers

Criminology as a Major Subject

Compulsory modules for a major subject combination:

First level: CMY101, 102 Second level: CMY201, 202 Third level: CMY301, 302, 303, 304, 305

CMY101B Introduction to criminology: victims and reduction of crime (year module) Purpose: to equip students with knowledge about the crime problem, oenders and victims. CMY102C Introduction to criminology: causation, explanation, prevention and reaction to crime (year module) Co-requisite: CMY101 Purpose: to equip students with knowledge about the causation, explanation, prevention and reaction to crime. CMY103D Introduction to criminology: reaction to crime (year module) Purpose: to gain knowledge about societys reaction crime.


Prerequisite: CMY101, 102 (or KRM100) or any FOUR rst-level modules CMY201E Personal, social and environmental crime perspectives, crime prevention and victimisation* Purpose: to equip students with knowledge about personal, social and environmental crime perspectives, crime prevention and victimisation. CMY202F Contemporary crime issues and reaction to crime* Purpose: to equip studetns with knowledge and skills about contemporary crime issues and reaction to crime. CMY202F Principles of crime prevention, reduction and control (S1) (from 2009) Purpose: to gain comprehensive knowledge and problem-solving skills concerning the prevention, reduction and control of crime.


CMY203G Child and youth misbehaviour (S2) (from 2009) Purpose: to gain sucient knowledge on matters of risk, pertinent issues, prevention and policy pertaining to youth oending and to apply this acquired knowledge in practice to contribute to the intervention and control of young lawbreakers. CMY204H Dealing with young offenders (S1 and S2) (from 2009) Purpose: to gain knowledge, problem-solving skills and competencies about juvenile justice in South Africa. CMY205J Reaction to crime: alternative dispute resolution (S1 and S2) (from 2009) Purpose: to gain knowledge, problem-solving skills and competencies about alternative dispute resolution as a reaction to crime.

Prerequisite: CMY201, 202 (or KRM200) or any FOUR rst-level modules CMY301H Crimes of violence Purpose: to equip students with knowledge and insight into selected aspects of crimes of violence. CMY302J Theories of crime and crime prevention: traditional to postmodern approaches Purpose: to equip students with knowledge about theories of crime and crime prevention: traditional to postmodern approaches. CMY302J Crime typologies (S2) (from 2010) Purpose: to gain comprehensive knowledge and problem-solving skills concerning the various typologies of crime including their nature and extent. CMY303K Contemporary crime issues: priority crimes in South Africa Purpose: to equip students with knowledge of selected aspects of priority crimes in South Africa. CMY303K Technological developments and criminology (S2) (from 2010) Purpose: to gain comprehensive knowledge, understanding and problem-solving skills concerning technological developments and the impact it has on crime and criminology. CMY304L Reaction to crime: sentencing; children and crime victims in the criminal justice system and specific issues Purpose: to equip students with knowledge and insight into reactions to crime: sentencing; children and crime victims in the criminal justice systems and specic issues. CMY304L Formal reaction to crime (S1 and S2) (from 2010) Purpose: to gain comprehensive knowledge and problem-solving skills concerning formal reaction to crime including an understanding of the process of the adjudication and disposition of oenders, the penal motives, the reintegration process and performance appraisal of the criminal justice system. CMY305M Research methodology Purpose: to equip students with knowledge and skills to conduct fundamental research in criminology. CMY305M Victimilogy (year module) (from 2010) Purpose: to gain comprehensive knowledge and problem-solving skills concerning victimology as a sub-eld of criminology. CMY306N Contemporary criminological issues (year module) (from 2010) Purpose: to gain comprehensive knowledge and problem-solving skills concerning contemporary crime issues, including an understanding of the incidence of violent crime in South Africa, the causes of various categories of violent crime, theoretical explanation of violent behaviour and the prevention of crimes of violence. CMY307P Research methodology in criminology (S1 and S2) (from 2010) Purpose: to gain knowledge and skills to conduct fundamental research in criminology.


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