Scaleup of Agitated Thin-Film Evaporator

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Thin-film evaporators can concentrate, distill, strip or deodorize liquids. Bench-scale testing is good for feasibility but pilot-scale testing is needed for accurate scale up.

A thin-film evaporator consists of a heated body and a close-clearance rotor.

The process fluid is distributed over the heated wall by the rotor and turbulent flow is generated to rapidly evaporate volatile components.

Engineering Practice

gitated thin-film evaporators are
attractive for the concentration,
distillation, stripping or deodor-
ization of liquids in a broad vari-
ety of chemical-process-industries
(CPI) applications where the process
streams are temperature sensitive
(and must have only brief exposure to
heat), viscous, or tend to foul or foam.
When this type equipment does seem
to be the right choice in a given situa-
tion, the common, and sound, ap-
proach is to ask an evaporator manu-
facturer to conduct an evaluation and
make an equipment quotation. The
quality of such an evaluation will de-
pend on the type and quality of the
data that the manufacturer receives
from the potential customers engi-
neers; and, perhaps to some extent, on
those engineers familiarity with the
evaluation process itself.
The thin-film process
That familiarity begins with an un-
derstanding of what a thin-film evapo-
rator is and how it works. A vertical
thin-film evaporator consists of two
major assemblies: a heated body and a
close-clearance rotor (Figure 1). The
process fluid enters the unit tangen-
tially above the heated zone, and is
distributed evenly over the inner sur-
face of the body wall by a distribution
ring mounted on the rotor. The rotor
blades spread the product over the en-
tire heated wall, and generate highly
turbulent flow conditions in the thin
layer of liquid (Figure 2).
The product spirals down the wall,
while the turbulent conditions devel-
oped by the rotor blades generate opti-
mal heat flux, rapidly evaporating
volatile components. The resulting va-
pors flow upward through the unit
into a centrifugal separator, which re-
turns entrained droplets or froth di-
rectly back to the heating zone. Clean
vapors pass through the vapor outlet
ready for condensing or further pro-
cessing. Meanwhile, the concentrated
liquid stream leaves the evaporator
through its bottom conical outlet. Con-
tinuous washing by the bow waves
generated by the rotor (Figure 2) min-
imizes surface fouling of the thermal
wall, where the concentrated liquid or
residue is most prevalent.
Thin-film evaporators are commer-
cially available in various basic or stan-
dard versions. They can have vertical
or horizontal designs, with cylindrical
or tapered bodies and rotors. The rotor
can employ any of several zero-clear-
ance designs, or a rigid fixed-clearance
design, or an adjustable-clearance
type. The basics for scale-up from the
manufacturers pilot testing program
are the same or similar for all.
The evaluation procedure
The goals of a pilot testing program
should include the maximum heat and
mass transfer and product yield and
quality (purity, color, other parame-
ters), coupled with a minimization of
operating cost (mainly energy con-
sumption) and of capital cost (evapo-
rator size). One key goal is to deter-
mine the minimum heat-transfer
surface needed. The pilot-scale evapo-
rator should be large enough for all
the important factors to be evaluated,
yet small and simple for economy.
The parameters to be considered
during testing and scale up are those
of process design (usually partially
fixed by the end-product specifica-
tions), mechanical design (the physi-
cal configuratoion of the evaporator),
and the physical properties of the
Vapor (counter-current)
Rotor drive bearing mechanical seal
Scaleup of
FIGURE 1. The key elements of a vertical
thin-film evaporator are shown here
Process-design, mechanical-design
and physical-property parameters
must all be taken into account
William B. Glover, LCI Corp.
The rotor blades
not only deposit
the liquid on the
wall, but also
turbulence in
the liquid layer
Engineering Practice
process fluid. These parameters are
interrelated: the value of a given para-
meter can affect the values of other
parameters, as well as the overall per-
formance of the evaporator.
The process design parameters in-
clude the degree of separation or con-
centration required, the feedrate and
temperature, the operating pressure,
and the type and temperature of heat
transfer fluid (the heating medium).
The mechanical design parameters
are the required materials of construc-
tion, material thickness, rotor speed,
rotor clearance, body inside diameter
and length, and liquid and vapor rates.
Aso relevant here are the aforemen-
tioned operating pressure and type and
temperature of the heating medium.
Among the needed physical-prop-
erty parameters are the latent heat of
vaporization, viscosity, thermal con-
ductivity, specific heat and density, of
both the heating medium and the
process fluid. Additional process-fluid
data needed are its solids content,
fouling tendencies, thermal sensitiv-
ity, and foaming characteristics.
Either pilot testing or available
data from already-operating plants is
almost always required to determine
the optimal heat-transfer area re-
quired. Typical variables investigated
during testing are feed temperature,
feed rate, internal operating pressure,
rotor speed, and heating temperature.
After a test run, product samples are
taken and analyzed to see how well
they conform with specifications. Once
the conditions that give the required
product specifications have been con-
firmed, the process can be scaled up to
commercial requirements.
Heat transfer calculations
For that scaleup, the engineers need
to know the overall heat transfer coef-
ficients obtained in the agitated thin-
film evaporator during testing. The
process-related heat duty is first ob-
tained, by calculations from the prod-
uct properties and the test data. It
consists mainly of the sensible heat
needed to bring the feed to the initial
boiling point, the latent heat needed
to boil up the feed, and the superheat
for any boiling-point rise as the liquid
becomes concentrated. Next, the
scaleup involves the basic equation for
the transfer of heat by means of con-
vection and conduction between two
media separated by a wall:
where: Q, the heat duty, is fixed by
process requirements as just described;
U, the overall heat transfer coefficient,
depends on the physical properties of
the process material and heating
medium and the mechanical configura-
tion of heat transfer device; A is the
heat transfer area; and T
, the loga-
rithmic mean temperature difference,
is fixed by the inlet and exit tempera-
tures. The value of T
is affected by
the internal operating pressure (which
changes the boiling points of the
volatile materials) and the inlet and
outlet temperature of the heating
Likewise, based on Fouriers Law, U
is a function of the resistances to the
flow of heat from the heating medium
to the product. These resistances gen-
erally consist of the inner product
film, inner fouling factor, the metal
wall of the vessel, the outer fouling
factors, and the outer heating medium
film. Proper design, plus the cleanli-
ness of the heating-medium system
and the cleaning effect of the agitated
thin-film evaporator rotor, generally
allows neglecting the fouling factors,
so the relationships simplifies to the
well-known equation:
1/U = 1/h
+ t/k + 1/h
As just discussed, the value of Ucan
be calculated from data developed
during the pilot plant testing. From
the mechanical configuration of the
test evaporator and the heating
medium used, and from conventional
calculations for fluid flow and heat
transfer, the outside film coefficient,
, can be calculated. Since the thick-
ness, t, and thermal conductivity, k, of
the wall material are readily avail-
able, the inside heat transfer coeffi-
cient, h
, obtained during pilot testing
can be calculated straightforwardly
from Equation (2).
From scaleup factors developed by
vendors over many years of testing and
operating commercial evaporators, the
inside heat transfer coefficient, h
, to
be expected in the full-size evaporator
can be calculated (the subscripts 1 and
2 refer, respectively, to the pilot-scale
and full-scale evaporator):
= fh
Finally, knowledge of the mechanical
design of the larger evaporator and the
heating medium to be used allows the
calculation of the heating-wall resis-
tance, t
, and the outside heat trans-
fer coefficient, h
. From these values,
for the full-scale evaporator can be
calculated from Equation (2). Finally,
with the use of U
, the required area,
, for the full-scale evaporator can be
calculated from Equation (1):
= Q
The benchtop option
For commercial scaleup, the minimum
size used for testing is conventionally
about 0.1 to 0.13 m
. In most cases, a
unit of this size has the same physical
configuration as, and is heated with
the same heating medium as, the
forthcoming full-scale plant. Feed
rates for a pilot plant of this size are
about 2070 kg/h, and the units need
many hours of running time to allow
for stabilization between process
changes, in order to get accurate prod-
Q = Heat transfer rate (duty), W
U = Overall heat transfer coefficient,
A = Heat transfer surface (wall) area, m
= Log mean temperature difference
between process and heating
streams, K
= Film coefficient for heating medium
outside wall, W/(m
= Film coefficient for process fluid in-
side heating wall, W/(m
t = Heating wall thickness, m
k = Heating wall thermal conductivity,
f = Scaling factor for h
FIGURE 3. Small-scale benchtop
evaporators, such as this one, have several
advantages (as well as some limitations)
for testing and scaleup
uct samples. This sequence requires a
large amount of feed.
Nowadays, however, the need for
such pilot-scale (not to mention
fullscale or semiworks) testing is un-
dergoing much more scrutiny, due to:
the escalating costs of equipment and
its installation and operation, todays
ever-shorter business and time-to-
market cycles, and environmental
compliance. Companies have become
much more selective about how, when,
and to what degree their processes
should be pilot-plant tested. The type
of the process, type of product, avail-
able data, and experience with similar
processes usually dictate the amount
and type of testing needed to provide
enough information for a process de-
sign and scaleup.
If a project is at a preliminary stage
and only its feasibility is in question, a
benchtop-sized thin film evaporator
can provide much information. One
such unit appears in Figure 3. This
unit has 0.023 m
of heat transfer sur-
face, is heated electrically by a resis-
tance type heating mantle, and re-
quires only 1 to 7 kg/h of feed.
Benchtop equipment can be in-
stalled relatively inexpensively in a
small area. Other major advantages
include these:
Only minimal feed needed for test-
ing (this feature is particularly at-
tractive during initial development,
when only laboratory-produced
quantities may be available)
Little labor needed to operate the
Minimal production of byproduct
waste material
Faster installation of the test system
Faster development of the process
Ability to provide initial operational
Ability to demonstrate the process
Ability to uncover some process lim-
On the other hand, there are also
some limitations of benchtop evapora-
tors, especially when processing vis-
cous, fouling, foaming, temperature-
sensitive, or high-boiling products:
Optimization of a process may not
be practical from the benchtop data
The scaledown of equipment to
miniature size may distort critical
operating behavior; examples in-
clude vapor/liquid flow, heat trans-
fer and pressure drop
Care must be given as to how any de-
veloped information is interpreted,
and how it is used to predict behavior
of larger pilot plant, semiworks, or
commercial scale processes
Lines might plug when tubing or
very-small-diameter pipe is used.
Lines may freeze up, because trac-
ing or insulation is in many cases
difficult or impractical
Materials transport at small scale is
Instrument scaledown is difficult,
and errors in measuring devices can
be significant.
Besides these general limitations, addi-
tional cautions with benchtop units
should be kept in mind when the pur-
pose of the full-scale plant involves ei-
ther distillation or liquid concentration:
The heat flux is restricted to the
maximum electrical rating of the
heating mantle and/or the inability
to effectively trace or jacket small
Heat transfer coefficients are re-
duced by the air-gap/contact area of
heating mantles
Liquid and vapor flow restrictions
are greatly increased, due to the
mechanical design limitations with
getting an agitator into the small di-
ameter of the heating zone. Such re-
striction can affect the hydraulic ca-
pability and limit the internal
operating pressure
Power-consumption predictions can
be skewed, due to the relatively high
ratio of no-load to full-load power
(This limitation relates to such de-
signs as those of bearing and seals.)
During scaleup, the limitations in
mechanical or process design may
affect the interdependence of the
length-to-diameter ratio, rotational
speed, residence time, Reynolds
number, surface fouling, fluid veloc-
ity and pressure drop
Some benchtop results
Even though they have their limita-
tions, benchtop units can, under the
right conditions as noted above, give
reliable predictions as to the feasibility
of a process, and allow for a go/no go de-
cision for continuing to develop a
process. A sense of the kind of informa-
tion obtained from benchtop evapora-
tors appears in Figure 4, which com-
pares the heat transfer coefficient
obtained from tests in the aforemen-
tioned 0.023-m
benchtop unit with
those from a pilot plant (0.13 m
heating surface) and from a full-size
commercial (8-m
) unit when heating
and distilling water. The benchtop unit
was heated with a 1,500-W heating
mantle whereas the pilot plant and
commercial units were heated with
steam in jacketed heating zones.
The overall heat-transfer coeffi-
cients (U) developed in the 0.13-m
evaporator, when corrected using con-
ventional heat transfer equations, cor-
responded well with the actual coeffi-
cient obtained under plant conditions
in a similar 8-m
evaporator. On the

Feedrate, kg/(s)(m
Actual, 0.13 m
Actual, 8 m
Actual, 0.023 m
0.13 m

scaled to 8 m
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20 0.25



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.20 0.25
8 m
0.023 m
0.13 m

Feedrate, kg/(s)(m
FIGURE 4. Here are heat-transfer
coefficients with water as the feed,
determined on benchtop, pilot-plant and
full-scale commercial thin-film
FIGURE 5. Confirming the conclusion
conveyed by Figure 4, the concentration
ratios on identical feed differ across
benchtop, pilot and full-scale units
Engineering Practice
other hand, because the heat flux in
the 0.023-m
benchtop unit was lim-
ited by the capacity and contact effi-
ciency of the heating mantle, its heat
transfer coefficient was not optimized
and could not be scaled up with confi-
dence to a larger commercial process.
Another illustration of the results
from benchtop units appears in Figure
5, relating to the concentration ratio of
an aqueous feed (the percent of feed
that appears in the distillate). A par-
ticular process required the concentra-
tion of an aqueous solution of a phar-
maceutical from 20% total solids to
60%. This requires that 67% of the
feed be distilled off. As can be seen in
Figure 3, all three evaporators can
achieve the desired result, but the ob-
tainable feed rates on a per square
meter basis cover a wide range. This il-
lustration supports the axiom that
while bench-size testing equipment is
excellent for demonstration of feasibil-
ity, care must be given when using
data for scaling and optimizing the op-
erating parameters.
In short, use bench-scale testing for
what it is: an excellent tool for obtain-
ing a relatively quick and inexpensive
determination of the feasibility of a
process or a process step, and a cost-
effective technique for confirming that
you are on the right path to success
before taking the next step of testing.
For obtaining accurate numerical
scaleup information, however, the use
of full scale pilot plant evaporator is
instead recommended.
Finally, be aware that for quick, ac-
curate scaleup information, many
suppliers of agitated thin-film evapo-
rators will operate their own pilot fa-
cilities. This option makes sense for a
customer, in light of the high cost that
the customer would incur by buying,
and operating such system itself, es-
pecially if for one-time use.
Edited by Nicholas P.Chopey
William. B. Glover is engi-
neering consultant and for-
mer vice president of process
engineering for LCI Corp.
(P.O. Box 16348, Charlotte,
NC, 28297; Phone: 704-398-
7878; Fax: 704-392-8507;
Email: [email protected]).
His has served with LCI for
40 years. He is a specialist in
process design, distillation,
and heat transfer in the food,
pharmaceutical, chemical and polymer indus-
tries. A member of AIChE and a registered en-
gineer in the State of North Carolina, he earned
his B.Ch.E. at North Carolina State University.
1. Freeze, H.L., and Glover, W.B, Mechanically
Agitated Thin-Film Evaporators, Chem. Eng.
Prog., Vol. 75, No. 1, p.53, January 1979.
2. Mutzenberg, A.B., Agitated Thin-Film Evap-
orators, Part 1. Thin-Film Technology, Chem.
Eng., pp. 175178, September 13, 1965.
3. Hyde, W.L., and Glover, W.B., Evaporation of
Difficult Products, Chem. Proc., February, 1997.
4. McCabe, W. L., and Smith, J. C., Unit Oper-
ations of Chemical Engineering, p. 418, Mc-
Graw-Hill, New York, 1958.
5. Kern, D. Q., Process Heat Transfer, p. 6, Mc-
Graw-Hill, New York, 1950.
Reprinted from CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, April 2004, copyright 2004 by Access Intelligence with all rights reserved.
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