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TMA Arts Rubric B

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Criteria B: Application

Student: Title: _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Grade: ______________ Date: ______________

Students should be able to: develop an idea, a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of realization, expressing and communicating their artistic intentions apply s ills, techni!ues and processes to create, perform and"or present art#

The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors given#

There is "er# li ited expression and communication of artistic intentions in the student$s %or , %hich may not have reached a point of realization#

There is li ited expression and communication of artistic intentions in the student$s %or , %hich has reached a point or partial point of realization#

The student is able to elaborate an idea, a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of realization# There is $ati$%actor# expression and communication of artistic intentions# S ills and techni!ues are applied at a $ati$%actor# le"el of proficiency#

The student is able to elaborate an idea, a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of realization# There is evidence of &ood expression and communication of artistic intentions# S ills and techni!ues are applied at a &ood le"el of proficiency#

The student is able to elaborate an idea, a theme or a personal interpretation to a point of realization# There is evidence of p'rpo$e%'l expression and e%%ecti"e communication of artistic intentions# S ills and techni!ues are applied at a hi&h le"el of proficiency#

Idea/The e !e"elop ent

()ill$ and Techni*'e$

S ills and techni!ues are applied at a "er# li ited le"el of proficiency#

S ills and techni!ues are applied at a li ited le"el of proficiency#

Application o% Arti$tic +roce$$e$

The student atte pt$ to apply the artistic processes#

The student sho%s a ini al ability to apply the artistic processes involved in creating art#

The student sho%s a $ati$%actor# ability to apply the artistic processes involved in creating art#

The student sho%s a &ood ability to apply the artistic processes involved in creating art#

The student sho%s an e,cellent ability to apply the artistic processes involved in creating art#


."idence o% proce$$ /or) %or criterion B %ill include extracts from the developmental %or boo sho%ing %or from the beginning of the process to a certain point of realization, and materials and artifacts that relate to the %or such as diagrams, photos, texts, visual influences# 'eflection and evaluation assessed using criterion ( %ill lin directly to %or produced in relation to criterion ) and should be placed together in the student$s folder# This assessment criterion needs to be clari%ied for students according to the outcomes for the unit of %or or tas , providing them %ith details of %hat they need to sho% or attain at different levels for tas s assessed using criterion )#

Criterion B &pplication


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