Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources: 1. 19th Amendment. N.d. Preceden. History of Voting Rights. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. <>.

This picture shows the 19th Amendment. 2. 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Womens Right to Vote. 19 May 1919. U.S. National Archives. National Archives. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. < 0U.S.%20Constitution:%20Women%27s%20Right%20to%20Vote>. This picture shows the 19th Amendment signed and passed by Congress. 3. 1848 Declaration of Sentiments. N.d. Friends of Women's Rights National Historical Park. Web. 22 Jan. 2014. <>. This is an image of the Declaration of Sentiments with a list of signers below the document. 4. Abigail Bush.1850. Wikipedia.Wikipedia. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>. This website shows a picture of Abigail Bush. 5. Anthony, Susan B. "Quotation by Susan B. Anthony.", n.d. Web. 24 Jan. 2014. This is a quotation by Susan B. Anthony at the 26th annual convention of the National Woman's Suffrage Association, regarding the struggle women have gone through in order to gain equal voting rights. 6. Becker, John. Hunts Tea Party. N.d. Womens Rights. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows the five ladies that attended Jane C. Hunts tea party to discuss womens rights. 7. BrainyQuote. BrainyQuote, 2001. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.< tml>.This website has a quote from Susan B. Anthony. 8. BrainyQuote. BrainyQuote, 2001. Web. 26 Jan. 2014 <>. This website provides quotes said from William Lloyd Garrison, who helped advocate for womens rights.

9. Carol.Waterfall Wall. 19 June 2011. Flickr. Flickr. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>. This photo shows a wall with names of the signatories of the Declaration of Sentiments inscribed in the wall. 10. Chandler, Otis, ed. GoodReads. Goodreads, n.d. Web. 6 Jan. 2014. <> . This website displays quotes from Elizabeth Cady Stanton. These quotes help show that Elizabeth Cady Stanton advocated for womens rights. 11. Declaration of Sentiments. 2007. Information Please. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.<>. This photo shows the Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions Stanton mainly wrote. 12. Democracy at Work: The Ratification of the 19th Amendment. N.d. Voices Compassionate Education. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows women celebrating during the year of 1920 when the 19th Amendment was ratified. 13. Douglass, Frederick. North Star. 28 July 1848. Library of Congress. American Treasuries from the Library of Congress. Web. 14 Jan. 2014. This is an opinionated, persuasive article, in favor of woman's suffrage. The document explains how it is unfair that blacks have rights yet women still do not, and urges people to understand that if the USA is a free country, then all people's should be free. Shows the woman's rights movement within the context of other movements. 14. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, A History of Woman Suffrage , vol. 1 (Rochester, N.Y.: Fowler and Wells, 1889), pages 70-71. The Declaration of Sentiments was drafted by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and modeled after the Declaration of Independence, as well as read at the Seneca Falls Convention as part of the movement. The List of Grievances helps to communicate all of the wrongs that the women feel and is, overall, a cornerstone of the movement. All in all, the Declaration of Sentiments was one of the most important documents in the woman's rights movement, as it was the thing that started it all. 15. First Unitarian Church of Rochester. 31 Aug. 2011. Wikipedia.Wikipedia. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. <>. This

picture shows the First Unitarian Church of Rochester (after a new building plan) where the Rochester Womens Rights Convention was held. 16. Furness, William Henry. Lucretia Mott. 1858. Historical Library of Swarthmore College. Quakers & Slavery. Web. 12 Jan. 2014 < owse_and_search.php>. A photo of Lucretia Mott. 17. Harpers Weekly. Ye May Session of Ye Womans Rights Convention - Ye

Orator of Ye Day Denouncing Ye Lords of Creation. 11 June 1859. Library of Congress. Web. 6 Nov. 2013
<>. This image shows how the Seneca Falls Convention looked like inside the Wesleyan Church. This changed how I think about my topic because I thought all women respected the purpose of this convention, but some women are slouching and seem really bored. Overall, it shows that the topic of womens rights is controversial, even at the conference. 18. Haydon, Benjamin Robert.World Anti-Slavery Convention. 1841. National Portrait Gallery.Wikipedia. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows male delegates at the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London during 1840. 19. Ingraham, Tony.Wesleyan Church. 22 Jan. 2011. Cayuga Lake Heritage. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.<>. This photo depicts the Wesleyan Church, where the Seneca Falls Convention took place. 20. Let Her Come. New York Times [New York City] 1897: n. pag. Print. <>. This poem shows how much overall improvement there would be in the world if women had the right to vote, which supports the womens suffrage movement. Furthermore, the reasons that women should be able to vote stated in the poem help demonstrate why Elizabeth Stanton strongly supported womens suffrage. 21. National Association of Colored Women. N.d. Wooton Desk. Shoportunity. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows members of the National Association of Colored Women.

22. NationalWomans Party. 1917. Library of Congress. Washington D.C. Wikipedia. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows the National Womens Party picketing the White House. 23. Newspaper Articles. 27 July 2010. Library of Congress. American Treasures of the Library of Congress. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>. This website displays multiple newspaper articles that talked about the Seneca Falls Convention. 24. Our Roll of Honor. Listing Women and Men Who Signed the Declaration of Sentiments at the First Woman's Rights Convention, July 19-20, 1848. May 1908. Miller NAWSA Suffrage Scrapbooks, 1897-1911. Lib. of Cong., Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. This is a list of people who signed the Declaration of Sentiments on July 19-20, 1848. Notes are written in handwriting on the top by Harriot Stanton Blatch, Elizabeth Cady Stanton's daughter. 68 women and 32 men signed the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments. Useful for obtaining information on who signed the Declaration of Sentiments and how many people signed the Declaration in order to analyze the success of the Convention. 25. Palmer, Rhoda J. Rhoda J Palmer's Memories of the 1848 Woman's Rights

Convention. 18 May 1908. Lib. of Cong., Washington, D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. This primary source provides a quick overview
of the Seneca Falls Convention, including the speakers present and the order of events that happened. The author expresses an overall good feeling about the movement, and the tone is positive. 26. Post Civil War era images of Brinley Hall on Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts. WWHP. Worcester Women's History Project, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014. <>. This is an image of the hall in which the First National Women's Rights Convention in Worcester, MA was held. It is used in the timeline part 2. 27. Remember the Ladies. N.d. History of Voting Rights. Web. 13 Jan. 2014.<>. This picture shows a letter Abigail Adams wrote to her husband regarding womens rights. 28. Report of the First Woman's Rights Convention. Rochester: John Dick at the North Star Office, 1848. The Library of Congress. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. This

pamphlet is a full report of everything that happened in chronological order on the day of the Convention. The 12 Resolutions are listed out and so is the Declaration of Sentiments. Useful for getting information on exactly what happened the day of the Convention as well as copies of two of the most important milestone documents in woman's history. 29. Rider, A. Second Great Awakening. 1835. New York Historical Society. New York City. Sources. Web. 28 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows women gathering as a result of the Second Great Awakening. 30. Seneca Falls. N.d. Library of Congress. Web. 9 Jan. 2014.<>. This photo shows an example of a newspaper article that summarized the events of the Seneca Falls Convention. It demonstrates that the press was beneficial to the convention as it spread its publicity. 31. Seneca Falls Convention. Declaration of Sentiments. 20 July 1848. MS. < nts.html>. The Declaration of Sentiments focuses on why women feel deprived of their rights and believe they should have equal rights because it was intended so by God. To solve these complaints, they also wrote 12 Resolutions. It helps show the overall purpose of organizing the Seneca Falls Convention, and why women fought for their rights for the change they demanded. 32. Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. Seneca Falls Convention. New York. 19 July 1848. Speech. < awsan7548.db&recNum=5>. This speech shows how society makes people believe women are lower status, and therefore women feel angered by this. Since this speech is delivered by a feminist, it shows how woman felt about their current position back then and why they wanted reformation. 33. Stanton, Elizabeth. Solitude of Self. 18 Jan. 1892. Speech. < .html>. This speech is about how woman should have rights because they are individuals and will have to face situations on their own, so they shouldnt be dependent on men. This demonstrates why women fought for their rights - not only because being lower status compared to men is unjust, but

they need to advocate for themselves in order to accomplish the change they want. 34. Susan B. Anthony. N.d. Library of Congress. Huffington Post. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>. This website shows a picture of Susan B. Anthony and quotes she said as well. 35. The Day Women Won the Right to Vote. 26 Aug. 2011. MPL. Web. 13 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows two women hold a banner that supports the National Women Suffrage Association. 36. The First Convention. 19 July 1848. Library of Congress. Web. 6 Nov. 2013 <>. This image shows a flier Elizabeth Stanton and her friends put up to announce the Seneca Falls Convention. It explains the specific topics of womens rights to be discussed at the convention, which are social, religious, and civil rights. 37. The First Women. N.d. US Navy.U.S. Navy. Web. 24 Jan. 2014 < >. This website has many photos that show how women have accomplished a great deal since the 19th Amendment. 38. The National American Woman Suffrage Association. 3 Mar. 1913. Bryn Mawr College Lib. The National American Woman Suffrage Association. Web. 25 Jan. 2014 <>. This website shows a picture of the National American Woman Suffrage Association hosting a parade. 39. The Seneca Falls Convention Calls for Equal Civil and Political Rights for Women. N.d. Library of Congress. National Constitution Center. Web. 30 Jan. 2014 <>. This photo shows Elizabeth Cady Stanton giving a speech at the Seneca Falls Convention. 40. Today in History: The Seneca Falls Convention. 20 July 2011. Library of Congress.TPS- Barat. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture displays the 12 Resolutions.

41. Veeder. Elizabeth Stanton. 1902. Library of Congress. Wikipedia. Web. 12 Jan. 2014. <>. This shows a photo depicting Elizabeth Stanton. 42. Waging the American Anti-Slavery Campaign. N.d. Lighthouse Books. Lighthouse Books, ABBA. Web. 17 Jan. 2014. <>. This photo shows pictures of William Lloyd Garrison and Lewis Tappan. In addition, it gives information on their viewpoints on women rights, which helps support my argument that they had opposite views about women in society. 43. Wesleyan Chapel- Seneca Falls. 1 July 2009. Flickr. Flickr. Web. 20 Jan. 2014. <>. This picture shows the remains of the Wesleyan Chapel of 1848. 44. Womens Rights Convention at First Unitarian. 8 Sept. 2011. Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. <>. This website shows a picture of the plaque that commemorates the womens rights convention in Rochester, NY. 45. Womens Trade Union League. Jan. 2011. Triangle Fire. The 1911

Triangle Factory File. Web. 25 Jan. 2014.

<>. This picture shows members of the National Womens Trade Union League.

Secondary Sources: 1. Anderson, Bonnie S. "The Lid Come Off: International Radical Feminism and the Revolutions of 1848." NWSA (1998): n. pag. Expanded Academic ASAP. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. This scholarly article puts the US women's rights movement in an international context. It claims that the women's rights movements in the US were actually sparked by international revolutions in the beginning of 1848. It helps one gain insight into the more international events going on at the time of the Convention. 2. Cruea, Susan M. Changing Ideals of Womanhood during the Nineteenthcentury Woman Movement. ATQ (The American Transcendental Quarterly) 19.3 (2005): n. pag. General OneFile. Web. 15 Nov. 2013.

<>. This journal article explains what True Womanhood to men was considered was during the nineteenth-century and what purpose they served. It helps support the argument that women need education for not only intellectual growth, but to help solve marriage problems, an issue brought up during the Seneca Falls Convention. 3. Harris, Jennifer Chapin. Celebrating Womens Herstory: The Story of Seneca Falls. Off Our Backs. Vol. 28. N.p.: Off Our Backs, 1998. 9. JSTOR. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>. The journal article gives general information of the Seneca Falls Convention - who started it, what happened there, why it began, how it affected history. The quotes given in this journal article can help me show why women were upset with their rights and the purpose of the convention. 4. Hill, Jeff. Womens Suffrage. Detroit: Omnigraphics, 2006. Print. This gives a nice overview of the Seneca Falls Convention and specifically about how it impacted the future of the womens suffrage movement. This source helps me support the fact that the Seneca Falls Convention motivated women to fight for suffrage as one of their rights, which made women feel finally equal to men. 5. I Am Woman. Prod. Jay Senter. Composed by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton. Rec. 1970. Capitol, 1972. MP3 file. This song by Helen Reddy celebrates the role of females in society and serves as female empowerment and took a large part in the feminist movement. It is perfect, as it relates to the woman's suffrage movement by celebrating the rights and responsibilities of women. 6. McMillen, Sally Gregory. Seneca Falls and the Origins of the Women's Rights Movement. 2008: Oxford University Press, 2008. Print. Pivotal Moments in American History. This book is highly detailed. It supports my argument that the Seneca Falls Convention was a milestone for womens suffrage movements and their rights. However, only the sections regarding the Seneca Falls Convention and events occurring directly before and after were read used. 7. Penney, Sherry H., and James D. Livingston. "Expectant at Seneca Falls." New York History 84.1 (2003): 32-49. JSTOR. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. This source provides a detailed biography of Martha Coffin Wright. Although Martha C. Wright is one of the most important women in the woman's suffrage movement, she is not credited enough in the Seneca Falls

Convention, and this source provides a great amount of information on all of her accomplishments. She is portrayed as a strong, witty, woman, and great knowledge can be gained through this source. 8. River Campus Libraries. U of Rochester Lib., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2014<>. This website gives a summary and report on what happened during the Rochester Womens Rights Convention. This convention shows how women took the initiative to start their own conventions for their rights. 9. Sean, Bill, and Ellen Carol DuBois. Forming the Movement. Turning Points

in World History - Womens Suffrage. By Brenda Stalcup. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000. 69-80.
Print. This book talks about the Seneca Falls Convention in terms of why suffrage was very important to women. It helps shape the argument that the public mocked the convention as there were many quotes from specific newspaper articles and why suffrage faced much opposition. This has changed how I think about my topic since before I thought the press was just lightly joking about it, but now I understand the magnitude of their insults and understand why some women withdrew from the convention. 10. "Seneca Falls, NY." Map. Google Maps. Google, n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. This modern day map shows where important historical places, such as the Wesleyan Chapel and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's House were located. It is a good visual to see the distance between the places. 11. Sigerman, Harriet. Elizabeth Cady Stanton: The Right Is Ours. New York: Oxford UP, 2001. Print. This book shows womens rights from Elizabeth Cady Stantons perspective, as she was a main contributor to the Seneca Falls Convention. This source helps justify why women should have the right to vote, even though many men opposed it back then. In addition, this book argues that women should be able to protest about their limited rights because it is their responsibility to create change. 12. Solan, Linda. Convention Days. N.d. A Celebration of Womens Rights in Seneca Falls, NY. Web. 30 Jan. 2014. <>. This photo is used for a background cover -- it shows statues of women at the Seneca Falls Convention with a church in the background. 13. Stalcup, Brenda, ed.Women's Suffrage. San Diego: Greenhaven, 2000. Print. Turning Points in World History. This book provides insight into the

origins of the women's suffrage movement and why it happened, as well as the many important events that were a part of the movement. Chapters are devoted entirely to one specific part of the entire movement. 14. Stansell, Christine. The Seneca Falls Convention. Days of Destiny :

Crossroads in American History : Americas Greatest Historians Examine Thirty-one Uncelebrated Days That Changed the Course of History. Ed. James M. McPherson and Alan Brinkley.
N.p.: n.p., 2001. N. pag. Print. This book describes what the motivated women to organize the Seneca Falls Convention, and some topics discussed at the convention. Quotes from women in the book show why women wanted more rights, and how they felt toward men. Moreover, this book explains why many people in the convention, even Stantons organizers (of the convention), opposed to womens suffrage in the Resolutions. 15. State of Idaho. 30 July 2011. Wikipedia. Wikipedia. Web. 25 Jan. 2014. <>. This website provides pictures of the states Idaho, Utah, and Colorado on a US map. 16. Ward, Geoffrey C., and Kenneth Burns. Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. New York: Knopf, 1999. Print. This source includes primary source documents, images, and quotes from the many people who were a part of the Woman's RightsMovement. It mostly examines the lives of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, two of the most prominent figures in the movement. Overall, it is a good visual resource, as the both the text and the pictures combine together to make a very educational experience. 17. Wellman, Judith. The Road to Seneca Falls: Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the First Woman's Rights Convention. Urbana: U of Illinois, 2004. Print. Women in American History. This source provides a background of the events that happened before the Convention in order to provide an analysis of how and why the Convention happened. The life of Elizabeth Cady Stanton is also looked at in order that we may know how and why she wanted to make women's rights reforms. Culminating in the Seneca Falls Convention, this book is a very thorough resource. 18. "Women's Rights Movement in the U.S.: Timeline of Events (1848-1920) |" Infoplease. 20002013 Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. 24 Jan. 2014

<>.This timeline provides people with the important events regarding woman's rights. It starts in 1777 and ends in present day. Every event on the timeline is described, giving the basic facts and ideas of each event.

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