A Study On Training & Development

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The key takeaways are about the history and evolution of cement and the importance of training and development for employees and organizations.

Cement has been used widely since ancient times by various civilizations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. The Romans were able to manipulate cement properties for special applications.

Training and development is important for employee career growth and performance. It helps increase productivity, confidence, and competitiveness of organizations.



Throughout history, cementing materials have played a vital role. They were used widely in the ancient world. The Egyptians used claimed gypsum as cement. The Greeks and Romans used lime made by heating limestone and added sand to make mortar, with coarser stones for concrete. The Romans found that cement could be made which set under water and this was used for the construction of horbours. The cement was made by adding crushed volcanic ash to lime and was later calledpozzolanic cement, named after the village of Pozzuoli near Vesuvius. In place such as Britain, where volcanic ash was scarce, crushed brick or tile was used instead. The Romans were therefore probably nthe first two manipulate the properties of cementations materials for special applications and situations Organizations are made up of people of functions through people without people organization cannot exist an organization means five important Ms namely money, material, men, machine, and market.

It is an effective combination of these factors that the success are failure of an organization depends of all the factors the management of men is very important & in their challenging job. It is because of the dynamic nature of the people, people close not mean an assembly or a group people which are now technically called human resources represent the feeling of various peoples. Therefore human resources mean the

knowledge, skill, creative abilities, talent and attitude obtained in the population there for there is a need for tactful handling of the people. This is known has human resource management.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


H R M is one of the functional areas of management, of course, a relatively recent concept of the study as compared to the study of management. The evolution and development of H R M as inter relationship with that of management. Evidences are available to cite that the history of management of people in the organization as been quite old. To quote, the concept of minimum wages rate and incentive plans where very much included in the Babylonian code of Hammurabi around 1800 b.c even in India, Koutilays arthashasthras says that there existed a sound base per systematic management of people as early as in 320 b.c however, in India, the origin of H R M is traced to the beginning of the 20th century with labour welfare in factories since 1920s since then there has been continues changes / developments in the concept of H R M in India. For the convince of our understanding, an attempt as been made in the following sections to chronicle and development of the subject H R M since the 1920s.


Some 50 years back the rate of the TRAINER was relatively simple the more common terms in use were INSTRUCTOR Or TEACHER with all the employees on techniques that these terms suggest. In Britain there has been shortage of skilled workers since world war II and many companies shifted their responsibilities for training employees. contributed towards the slow rate of economic explosion. This situation has

The Government attempt to deal with the problems of skill shortage because companies were suffering from lack of training and development programmed keeping this in mind, the INDUSTRIAL TRAINING ACT, 1964 was introduced to supplement the good work of the INDUSTRIAL TRAINING FEDERATION which was established in 1958 by the trade union Congress, gave root to establish training boards for each industry.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.

A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT During 1960 and 1970 there was a great programs in training techniques and improved method has introduced and also existing technique use in training method was modified.

During 1987 the Government announced new proposal and decisions affecting the role and composition. Their roles was to improve competitiveness and support the growth of employment and job creation by fostering the development of a better and were adaptable work force. The training and development activity has become an essential in the present fast changing technology and high competitive environment providing in the industry and other section training also helps to increase the abilities, potentialities of employees and the production in an organization and also to get higher profits. Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or potential job occupant can meet this requirement, training is not important, but when that is not a case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adoptability of employees. Inadequate job performance or declines in productivity change resulting out of job redesigning or a technological breakthrough require some type training and development. As the job become more complex, the importance of employees development and increases. In a rapidly changing technology employee training and development are those only in activity that in desirable but an activity that organization committee resources, if it is so maintain a viable and knowledgeable words farce.

Training and Development: Training is a short term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-managerial personal learn, technical knowledge and for definite purposes. After recruiting the new employees MCL shall give training for the employees about their job. Development of employees attitude towards highest st andard of

housekeeping in factories. Madras Cements Ltd. gives its core philosophy of making its work men as knowledgeable workers imparts structured training both in behavior sciences as well as

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.

A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT skill development. Besides this training on quality of work life are also organized both for the employees and their family members.

In addition to internal training given to employees are also sponsored to the premier technical institute NCBM confederation of Indian industry for having their on the job skills. The personnel department identifies the training and prepares for training and evaluates instructor programmers. The training programs are both for the employee initiated and management initiated.


On the job training method: Off the job training:

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Among all the factors of production the human resource is the most important factor as without them there can be no progress in the organization. Money, materials and machine alone cannot produce anything. It is only when human resources are assigned with definite roles in the form of products of services which could be the ultimate goal of any organization. The attempt in this project study is to find out to what extent training and development program has gained importance in the minds of the employees and organization. Training is one of the most important activities of marketing both individual and organization should develop and progress simultaneously gather survival and attainment of organizational growth successful candidates placed as the job needs training to perform their duties effectively and efficiently in order to achieve both organization individual development. MCL limited in a production and marketing company it is importance that people have to be trained and develop effectively and efficiently. The main focus of their project is that helping the management in solving problems at the source and beginning inferable work ultimate where by collective wisdom of member in utilized to achieve remarkable results.


1) Find out the effectiveness of training and development in MCL at Mathodu. 2) Study the existing T & D Act MCL 3) Find out the scope for improvement in training and the MCL product.


1) To identify the training needs required by the organization. 2) To study the training and development program to know the skill and knowledge of employees in MCL. 3) To help to increase the productivity of employees through training in MCL.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.

A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 4) To measure the competence level of the employees. 5) To know how the training program is helping the development of employee career. 6) To determine training program effects on employees. 7) To know what are the strategies implemented by the company to develop the competitiveness and skills of the employees. 8) To suggest the remedial measures to attain employee effectiveness.


The study deals with all the matters and things related to training and development enough to suit the conditions of the workers. The study brings out the credibility of H R Management personnel management in the organization and its various approaches to study the components of training and development. It cover the accepts of training and its implication towards the growth of human resource and the vital necessary of imparting various training methodology and technique. This study at MCL covers the training program for employees, its importance and implication and on the growth of organization and individual development. Limited employees i.e.,50 members are taken for the purpose of conducting survey as sample over 140 members.


There are 140 employees working at MCL in Mathodu, I have surveyed 50 employees on random basis. I have research on study Whether the programmers conducted is resent to their application those in employees. Try to find out various methods to explain the concept in better way adopting the employees.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.

A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Methodology can be defined as the study of data causation any study an research request a proper method for it success, any systematic and scientific study or research can give a clear picture of the report.The methodology place highly expressive and significance role. HRD Manager understand that employees what other programs they are need. Majority of the respondents nearly 56% of the respondents say that are sponsored for training program on the babies of their needs and they were also given opportunity to attaining program majority of the employees i.e. 82% agree that the training program is evaluated and improved every year and they also agree that feed back session will be conducted for a trainees after the training program.

Sampling is one of the tactical technique of collecting and selection of the part of the self for the purpose of analysis of the study. Only the responsibilities items from the man are collected. There are 140 employees working at MCL.,Mathodu. It is quite impossible to do survey for this 140 employees and therefore I have taken 50 employees at random from the strength for my analysis regarding various aspects of training at MCL., The analysis is based on the response given to the questiones by the 50 randomly selected employees.



DATA WAS COLLECTED BASED ON THREE SOURCES. Interviews Questionnaires Observations

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


Interview: Face to face interview of some workers was conducted in work place
and outside the work place. The workers were enthusiastic and responsive out side the work place. In the face to face interview officers who were highly

knowledgeable and experienced were met to get expensive information about the concerned and organization an a whole.

Questionnaire: The questionnaire in used as a tool to collect the appropriate data.

A structured and undisguised questionnaire was prepared with a combination of close and open ended questions.

Observations: I also observed the training facilities, which were provided by the
company and by the staff and employees of the organization.

After collecting the primary data, secondary data help me to correlate my study to primary data. The Secondary data was collected from broachers, records, text books and Internet.

Madras Cement Ltd one of the manufacture Company 140 Employees are working in this company I taking 50 employees at random from the strength for my analysis regarding various aspects of training.

The analysis is based on responsible given to the questionnaire by the 50 randomly selected employees.

Findings and suggestions are based on descriptive method that means asking questions to the employees and made graphs and tables based on their response.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



There are some limitations in this study some of them are list out as under Study was limited to MCL Mathodu unit only. Due to time constraint wider scope of training aspect couldnt be covered. Frequent visiting to various department & collecting information was not possible. Interaction with employees / executives was very limited because of their busy work schedule. Study was conducted under the assumption that the information given by the respondents are all correct. The sampling respondents are selected randomly where sampling in restricted to 50 employees at different level in an organization.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Every organization needs to have will trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. If the current or potential job

occupant can meet this requirement, training is not imparting. But when this is not the case, it is necessary to raise the skill levels and increase the versatility and adoptability of employees. Inadequate job performance or declines in productivity or changes resulting out of job redesigning or a technological breakthrough require some type of training and development efforts. As the jobs becomes more complex, the importance of employee development also increases. In a rapidly changing society, employee training and development or not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization most commit resources or to it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable workforce. Training, Education, development are three terms frequently used. On the face of it, there might not appear any difference between them, but when a deep thought is given, there appear some difference between them. In all training there is some education and in all education there is some training and the two process cannot be separated from development. In the field of human resource management, training and development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. It has been known by several names, including human resource development, and learning and development. Harrison observes that the name was endlessly debated by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development during its review of professional standards in 1999/2000. "Employee Development" was seen as too evocative of the master-slave relationship between employer and employee for those who refer to their employees as "partners" or "associates" to be comfortable with. "Human Resource Development" was rejected by academics, who objected to the idea that people were "resources" an idea that they felt to be demeaning to the

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT individual. Eventually, the CIPD settled upon "Learning and Development", although that was itself not free from problems, "learning" being an overgeneral and ambiguous name. Moreover, the field is still widely known by the other names. Edwin flippo Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Advice Saint, Training is includes any efforts within the organization to teach, instruct.Coach, develop employees in technical organization. Dales S Beach, Training is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and\ or skills for a definite purpose. Michael J.Jucius, The term Training is used here to indicate only process by which the aptitudes. Skills and abilities of employees to perform specific jobs are increased. Planty, Mc. Cord and efferson, Training is the continuous systematic development among on levels of employees. If that knowledge and this skills and attitude which contribute their welfare on that of the organization. Litchicfeld,Training is the product of increasing the skills and knowledge individual and organizational performance. skills, knowledge,

principles, techniques and to provide insight into and attitude towards the

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



CHAPTER OVERVIEW Chapter 1: Introduction

In this chapter an effort is to give a brief description about various aspects pertaining such as meaning definitions. This chapter given an outline of the whole project i.e scope of the study methodology adopted objection of the study, statement of problem, Review of literature etc.

Chapter 2: Organization Profile.

This chapter contains the bird view of the organisation as a whole.

Chapter 3: Training and Development In MCL

This chapter provides the information about the training and development in MCL.

Chapter 4: Analysis & Interpretation.

One of the methods was used for data collection was distribution of questionnaire. Employee based on the response given for the questionnaire on analysis of various facilities and programs provided at a M C L. Chapter 5: Findings Suggestions and Conclusion Conclusion has been made on the basis of questionnaires and interpretations, analysis are done. This is my opinion in practical regarding various training programmed provided at M C L to its employees and also suggestion are given in these areas. Where the employees have given their Positive responses.

Annexure, Questionnaire, Bibliography.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




Madras Cements Limited is the flagship Company of Ramco Group established in 1957 with the first factory at Tamil Nadu with an initial kiln capacity of 200 T P D. The main product of the Company is Portland cement manufactured through the four advanced production facilities spread over south India. It was upgraded to 600 TPD in 1963. In 1977, the first largest single dry process kiln of 1200 TPD in India was installed here. Today its turnover is close to Rs. 4000 million, a golden testimony to the futuristic vision of the company. In 1986, the company commissioned its second unit at Jayanthipuram in Andhra Pradesh with an installed capacity of 8 lakh tones per annum, this plant uses the FUZZY logic software system, and other advanced DBMS techniques & all that is latest in cement technology. The plant has been recently upgraded to 11 lakh tones. Both these plants are considered to be models in the cement industry for energy heat consumption and uniform cement quality. The third cement plant of MCL was commissioned in March 1997 at Alathiyur near Thiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. This cement plant is a pride of Madras Cements Ltd. It is one of the most modern cement plants in the world and easily the best in the country. The plant has adopted new technologies like vertical mills for cement grinding, surface miner for clean mining operation, cross but analyses for 100% continuous chemical analysis of raw material. The vertical roller mill for cement grinding can produce cement of high fineness with very low power consumption our cement plants are lacked up by diesel generation power stations to meet the power requirements in case of grid failure. The fourth unit is at mathod, the sick unit owned by KMMC Ltd. established in 1985 closed and referred to BIFR was taken over by Madras Cements Ltd. in 1999, recommissioned in 2000 expansion in phased manner from the year 2001 onwards. The consented capacity of the plant was increased to 1000 TPD of cement from 200 TPD during the year 2001.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The plant operations are totally computer controlled with sophisticated QC equipments.


a. b. c. d. Production & quality improvement. Reduction in power consumption. Reduction in emission levels to within the specified limits. Utilization of industrial waste such as fly ash, mould & chemical gypsum.


1957: The company near incorporated at Rayapalayam in Tamil Nadu. The company manufactures cement and allied products. Cement marketed vender brand of Ramco Portland cement 480 - 6.25% preference and 295 numbers of equity shares issued without payment in cost arrears Rs. 63,428. 1967: The company issued 6000 right equity shares at par and 20,000 right redeemable preference shares 25 (equity preference) during 1962-63. 1878: Division on all reference shares raised to 11% during 1975-76, 28,000 equity shares issued during the year. 1982: 44,375 number of equity shares issued at par and allotted to financial institutions upon part conversion of their loans during 1982-83. 1985: The company undertook to replace the cement units at its Ramaswamyraja Nagar works, which were 20 year old, by a single new combidan cement mill. The mill was commissioned towards the end of the year. 1988: Two D.G. sets were installed in the middle of the year of meet 60% of the units power requirement at Jayanthipuram.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



1990: The company decided to expand the capacity of Tamil Nadu factory by one lakh tone per annum considering the growing demand for cement in southern stated and the potential for exports to Srilanka and Maldives.

1994: The company upgraded the capacity of the Jayanthipuram unit to 1.1 million tones and also upgraded the cement mills capacity in RR Nagar & J.P. units.

1995: 27 more wind mills with a total additional installed capacity of 10.5 MW were set up at Poolkaradi in Tamil Nadu.

1997: 149 shares allotted pursuant to a contract without payment being received in cash. MCL has satisfaction commissioned its third cement plant in Alathiyur the second in Tamil Nadu.

1998: MCL embarking on farmer integration by setting up a Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) plant near Chennai. The plant to be located at Medavkkam, will have a capacity of 45,000 cumters.

The company has tied up with Vishakapatnam Steel Plant (VSP) for procuring slag, blast furnace residence and a crucial input for slag cement.

1999: MCL is one of the largest cement companies in south India with 3 manufacturing facilities.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Company was taken over the 4th cement plant at Mathodu, the silk unit owned by KMMC Ltd. established in 1985.

2000: The company has launched the Ramco super steel cement in Tamil Nadu. 2003. Madras Cements members approve stock split of the existing equity shares of Rs.100 to 10 shares of Rs.10 each.


Manufacturing of cement that is Port land Pozzolana Cement (PPC) 43 grades. Ordinary Port land Cement (PPC) 43 grade. The companys core belief is, achieving productivity through technology, quality of product and service. The companys quality audit department functions independently and reports directly to the president / chairman of the company. The company has been the first to introduce surface miner for clean and efficient mining operation, first to effectively use cross belt analyzer where 100% continuous chemical analyses of the raw material is done before feeding into the stacker recliner. The company is also the first to install X-ray analyzer with computer back up as part of quality control for instant analysis of clinker and cement produced, way back in 1981 itself. The cement production capacity is 6 million tons per annum. The Company is sixth largest producer in the country and the second largest producer in the south India. The main product is Ramco super grade cement, which is a world class blended cement and one of the most popular cement brand in south India. MCL also produces ready-mix concrete and dry mortar products. In addition the company also operates one of the largest wind farms in the country. As on 31st march 2006 the Company has a fixed assets base of 1013 crores and has a fixed assets base of Rs.1641 crores. It has won many prestigious awards and is considered as one of the most energy efficient company in the country. Madras Cements Limited is one of the recognized businesses of Ramco Group. The companys principle activity is to manufacture cement. The company product 16

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.

A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT includes blended cement, ready mix concrete and dry mortor Mix. The Company also generates power from windmills. It exports mainly to Srilanka and Iran. Madras Cements Limited has reported 19.7 percent growth in sales and 20.3 percent increase in net profit for the year ended 31st march 2001 over the previous year. It has reported a net profit of Rs. 48.40 crores on a sales turnover of Rs. 618.33 crores against a net profit of Rs. 40.22 crores on a turnover of Rs. 516.17 crores the previous year. Other income for the year was Rs. 442.64 crores depreciation Rs. 52.73 crores provision for taxation Rs. 11.64 crores. According to company officials the actual tax payment for the year would be 5.2 crores for the balance 6.4 crores. The company would take credit out of minimum alternative tax (MAT) paid in earlier years. According to press release, the second unit at Alathiyur with capacity of 15 lakh tones per annum was just 9 months from the start of pile foundation. The cdfent mill was commission owned in May. The kiln fitted with cross bar cooler was the first of its kind outside the US, Company said in the release. The versatile mill for cement grinding was the biggest of its kind in Asia. The second kiln at RR Nagar was upgraded in May 2001, with the installation of fixed segment to the cooler. New calciner and modifying preheated cyclones, thereby increasing the capacity of the unit from 10 lakh tones per annum to 11 lakh tones of blended cement. The Companys aggregate cement manufacturing capacity which was 18.50 lakh tones per annum in 1997 would increased to 61 lakh tone per annum at the end of 2001-02. In spite of increase in Diesel and furnace oil prices due to better sales realization, cost control, reduction in the cost of borrowing and reduction in overhead costs. Mr. Dharma Krishnan said the company last year repaid Rs.160 crores of high cost loans mainly to IFCI. The loans had been obtained at interest rates of 19 - 19.5%. The Company also ventured into dry mortar products such as renders and skim coat and dry concrete. This plant proposed to be located near Chennai was expected to be

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT commissioned in January 2002. The cost of project was Rs. 15 crores. To spend 20 crores on Karnataka plant. Madras Cements Ltd. which took over Gokul Cements located at Mathodu in Chitradurga Dist. of Karnataka will spend about Rs. 40 crores to increase the capacity of the plant to 3.40 lakh tones per annum. Gokul cement which belongs to Karnataka Minerals and Manufacturing Company limited was a mini cement plant with a capacity of 300 tons per day. The plant was not operating and referred to the Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction. The acquired plant now a division of Madras Cement was formally commissioned on September 3 2000. After refurbishing and debottlenecking, the capacity of the unit was increased from 0.66 tones to 1.5 lakh tones per annum. Madras Cement had also acquired the right for about 80 million tones of limestone close to the Mathodu plant.



Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




Sri P. A. Ramaswamy Raja INTRODUCTION: Rambai and Co. Ltd. is the first group of company started its operation in 1957. Since then the company has diversified its operations in many areas including manufacturing, property development and hire purchase and other fields. Although the companies were managed as separate units and the policies remain same in all units providing the best possible products and services to their clients. RAMCO engaged in diverse fields of manufacturing like textile, cement, fiber, cement sheets, steam less pipes, biotechnology, surgical products, software etc. The Ramco group is well known across the world and selected parts of the world for its business ethics, professional management, management awareness, and philanthropic activities. The turnover of the group is 225 million U S Dollar.As per the saying that every big thing has a modest and humble beginning. Ramco group also had its origin in the form of a small textile mill by name Rajapalyam Mills Ltd. established in the year 1938 by the late visionary Sri P. A. Ramaswamy Raja as a public limited company at the time when the reverberations of industrial revolution had not reached and the concept of share holding was not popular in small and agrarian village like Rajapalyam in Tamil Nadu. He proved his vision successful as the founder of the group. His son present chairman Sri. P. R. Ramasubrahmanya Raja has been carrying on his fathers dreams and converting them into reality and converging various operations under one single group. His ambitious and broad outlook add new feathers to the crown

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT of the group and make it the most sought after cater to the varied needs of consumers world with the perennial rejuvenated looks. RAMCO Group is found by Ramaswamy Raj. Ramco Group of industries is one of the best performing highly efficient group has diversified its operations in many areas including manufacturing. Textile business is the first business venture of Ramco Group. Sri. P. R. Ramasubramanya was its chairman; Sri. P. R. Venkatarama Raja was Vice chairman of this group when it was started.

PRODUCT PROFILE In a market, where more than 80% of the consumer is ignorant about the chemistry of cement and concrete, it is natural that an average customer in India gets carried away by the various advertisements that is offered to him promoting the use of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) Ramco group has a strong belief that Portland Pozzoluma Cement (PPC) has got definite advantage over OPC for many applications. manufacturing 100% PPC for the last 30 years. It Jayanthipuram plant also, they have been modeling around 25,000 to 30,000 tanner of PPC every month in fact, Ramco is the only Manufacture of PPC among the Andhra Pradesh leased comment plants. Mathodu plant also has been producing PPC. PRODUCTS: Ordinary cement Portland Pozzoluma Cement The various positive aspects of PPC over OPC resulting in betterment of concrete. The basic difference between OPC and PPC is that, OPC cement contains around 95% of cement clinker and 5% of Gypsum but in PPC, a portion of the Clinker is replaced (10 to 25%) with pozzolanic material like fly ash, volcanic lava burnt clay etc., at the end of the grinding process 5% Gypsum is to be added. In Madurai, they have been

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Researches and tests have conclusively proved the definite advantages of ppc over opc in many developed countries of the world. In fact, in most of these countries nearly 70 to 80% of the cement consumed is blended cement. Many of the major constructions of the world like the underwater euro tunnel between France and u. K. The famous dykes of the low lying holland, the well known nasa launching sites, innumerable airports, bridges, subways, etc., are all constructed out of blended cement. Even in india, many of the multinational companies setting up projects have shown distinct preference for blended cement over opc. Even the indian consumer is increasingly becoming knowledgeable and is showing a marked preference for ppc over opc.


The diversified areas of Ramco Groups are... Textile industry Cement industry Ramco system Wind Power Energy System

Cement roofing sheets Software development Wine sector Cement pipe industry Textile industry: Textile industry is the first industry of this group. The Rajapalyam mill was started with meager spindles of 6000 with all machinery being imported. The growth of Ramco textile division is phenomenal today with the spindlage increased to manifold. Being committed to customers ecstasy, the division has been modernized with the latest state of art machinery from world renewed manufacturers like Rieter, Savio etc.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The division has never hesitated to venture by converting the concept to its business success.


Rajapalyam Mills Ltd. Sudarshanam Spinning Mills Sri Vishnushankar Mills Ltd. Sandya Spinning Mills Ltd. Thanjavur Spinning Mills Ltd. Rajapalayam Spin text Sri. Ramco Spinners Rajapalayam Textiles

Cement industry: Ramco Group presently running four cements producing plants across the India. Cement industry is the money minting industry of this group.

Ramco systems: Ramco is a global provider of software and services that create global class business applications for a variety of enterprises. Ramcos Business Process Delivery System (B P D S) enables fast flexible deployment and change on demand of processes and applications for maximum flexibility so when your business changes your system changes too. Ramco systems has office in 9 countries and over 300 customers in 1000 locations worldwide across multiple verticals including banking, insurance, discrete, process, manufacturing, aviation, transportation, logistics, healthcare, e- Governance, retail, and more.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Wind power: Ramco Group again to set up an 18 MW coal based wind power plant at its Jayanthipuram in Nagonda District of Andra Pradesh. The plant is expected to cost about Rs. 60 crores and will come up next year. Through this Ramco took initiative to balance the energy shortage conditions.

Corporate vision is a short inspiring statement of what the organization intends to become and to achieve some point in the future. Vision refers to the category of intentions that are broad all inclusive and forward thinking. It is the image that a business must have its goals before it sets out to reach them. It describes aspirations for the future. Ramco Group continually adapt to its competitive environment. There are certain core ideals that remain relatively steady and provide guidance in the process of strategic decision making. Ramcos vision can be understood by understanding three elements. They are: Core values Core purposes Goals Core values: The following are the core values of Ramco Group: Excellent customer service. Pioneering technology. Creativity. Integrity. Social responsibility. Core purposes: The core purposes are the reason that the firm exists. purposes are relatively unchanging and for many centuries Core

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




Clean and green environment in and around the factory. To provide quality services this maximizes client results. To conduct our business according to the highest level of ethics. To do all in our power to pack the customer poundful of value, quality and satisfaction. To maintain a management culture that is action oriented, always flexible and never beaurocratic. To continue to train ourselves and our associates so that service we give will be more and more intellectually performed. To be the efficient everything that we do. Our client success is our genuine concern. Goals: The visionary goals are the lofty objectives that the firms management describes to pursue. This vision describes same milestone that firm will reach in the future and may require a decade or more to achieve. The goals of Ramco are highlighted below: Reaching qualitative and quantitative sales targets. To become role model for others in the field. Internal transformation. To increase stake holders value.

The Company lays great emphasis in continuous up gradation of technology to improve the quality of its production and productivity to achieve newer and better products for total customer satisfaction. If there is no customer, there is no business; customers continued satisfaction and sensitivity to their needs are the companys source of strength and security.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




To position ourselves in the cement business as a pace sector and grow in the same and related businesses. To seeks green field location for growth on the basis of developed synergies of the existing operations. To continuously improve productivity through quality, technological renewal and customer focused operations. To continuously seek quality enhancement in product, processes, and response to various stakeholders. To conserve protect and enhance quality of life for employees and community. To preserve the credence in companys molts company real resources are the human assets.


Ramco Group is running to serve certain objectives. The following are the important objectives of the company: PROFITABILIY: This is the very important objective of Ramco Group. Company continuously strives to increase the profitability of the business. ADEQUATE LIQUIDITY: This is second objective of the Ramco Group. Company maintains adequate liquidity in the organization. It increases the credit worthiness of the company. GROWTH: Growth is the third objective of the Company. Company undertakes series of plans to lead the growth of company. DEVELOPMENTS: The fourth objective of Ramco Group is the continuous development of business. For this purpose it taken all the initiative.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



organizational environment for initiative, innovation and productivity and also to ensure a fair return to the employee with human approach. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTS: To generate adequate profitable business by utilizing the existing resources to the maximum extent.

The organization of MCL consists of four levels. They are as follows: Top level: Managing and Technical Directors. Middle level: General and Senior managers. Bottom level: Deputy Managers and Officers. Fourth level: Clerks, Assistant and workers. . As MCL is a manufacturing concern of a moderately large size we can see here function wise departmentation. It facilitates effective utilization of manpower and

resources and it is a simple economical and reasonable.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.
















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General administration of the entire mills including routine inters departmental co-ordination of Deputy General Managers, senior managers and managers of all departments at the unit (Mill) level. Performance of the entire mill including both production & other service departments. Routine management information like daily reports and correspondence with Managing Director and other General Manager. Refrain his position for personal benefit from the employees. Main lain the confidentiality of the companys information that has come to his notice except where disclosures is authorized in writing be the management. Obscene all prescribed safety and environmental related norms.


Being the departmental heads at the unit level, there will be ultimately responsible for the performance of their departments. They will assist and advise the General Manager on their departmental functions. They will co-ordinate the functions of managers, Deputy Managers and other officers working in their departments. They will report to General Manager and be under his administrative control. However, they will be under the Functional control of the respective Vice-president / General Managers and will seek functional guidance from them.

Planning their sections work in advance to achieve the targets and norms under various operations and activities. Coordinating with manager of other sections to remove and enable smooth functioning in his section. Directing officers and staff working under him, involving them in the decision making at the shop floor with a view to get their commitment.Motivate the employees for the willful participation by involvement; develop a better report with the employees helping them in self development, building team spirit ultimately making the employees self motivated and self directed.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT STAFF: Staff means that the company has hired people trained them well and assigned them to the right jobs for which they are least suited according to their qualification, skills, knowledge and experience. Among all the 7-5, staff is one where employees work together under the control and direction of one department head who guide them in their routine business.

RAMCO GROUPS is a public company. The total deposits from the public outstanding with the company as on 31st March 2008 were Rs. 8.07 crores including the deposits renewed in accordance with section 58A of the companies Act, 1956. This also includes 144 deposits aggregating to Rs. 43.51 lacks. The company shares are

listed in Madras Stock Exchange, Bombay Stock Exchange limited and National Stock Exchange of India limited.

Sri.P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Raja The Chairman and Managing Director, Sri. P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Raja heads the Board of Directors. The Board consists of eminent persons with considerable professional expertise in various fields such as Administration, Banking, Law, Finance, Engineering, etc. The Board has 7 Directors out of which 6 Directors are Non-Executive 57% of the Board of Directors consist of Independent Directors as against 50% required by the Code of Corporate Governance. For this purpose, Directors nominated by Institutions are deemed

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT to be Independent Directors. There is no pecuniary relationship or transaction of the Non-Executive Directors vis--vis the company.

PLANT: Bag Filters for Coal Mill and Cement Mill. ESP for cooler. Bag filters for all de-dusting points. Covered storage yards for Limestone, Coal, Clinker and Additives Closed silos for Fly ash. Plant ensures stack emission level within the norms prescribed by KSPCB. Provided covered sheds for storage after production. Revamped raw material grinding circuit with separator and self-lubricating systems. ROADS: Well-developed 2 kms approach road from main road, 1.7 kms of plant internals concrete roads and 1 km of colony roads. Total pollution control equipment of Rs. 2.25 crores. GREEN BELT: Well-developed green belt in and around plant to have aesthetic look and also to suppress the dust from spreading. Plantations of about 85,000 saplings in and around the factory and colony for keeping the area green.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MINES: Noise and dust generation in mining is minimized by proper water spraying facilities. TECHNOLOGY: Automated samplers and X-ray analyzers installed for quality control and quality assurance during manufacture. Complete automation of the plant. POWER: Installed 3.19 MW capacity captive power plants. Power generated by its own wind power generation plant near to the site.


The Companys Units secured many Awards during the year in Environment and Mineral Conservation, Mines Safety and Quality Circles. The Alathiyur Unit was awarded Excellent Energy Efficiency Shield by the Confederation of Indian Industry. National Award for Excellence in Energy Management 2006, for the Eighth successive year. The mines have regularly winning awards during Safety weeks and environmental weeks conducted by DGMS and IBM. Overall performance - 1st prize. Afforestation at mines - rolling shield. Dust suppression management 1st prize.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




Ramco always believes in services to social development as the principle in its overall objective. It is running much educational institution to impact better education to all sections of the society especially under privileged children. The institutes include: PAC Ramsey Raja Polytechnic College. Ramco Industrial Training Centre. PA Chinnaih Raja Memorial Higher Secondary School for Boys. PACZ Ammaniammals Higher Secondary School for Girls. Chimaya Vidyodaya (nursery).


Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



The various departments of MCL are: Purchase Department Production Department Personnel and Administrative Department Finance Department Marketing Department

In every manufacturing industry nearly 60-70 % of the cost is incurred towards materials and its control including carriage, insurance and freight etc.Purchase department in MCL has given special consideration to control materials. Purchase to avoid unnecessary wastages was created. The proper purchase of materials and

merchandise and the procurement of the materials at the right time are of greater importance to the organization as it reflects the cost of production.

PURCHASING POLICY AND GOALS: The functions of purchasing department is to ensure continued supply of

required raw-materials, spare parts at the most favorable terms so as to reduce the ultimate cost of the product.

Production means conversion of inputs into outputs or production means conversation of raw-materials into finished goods. FUNCTIONS OF PRODUCTION DEPARTMENT: Lime stone handling. Raw grinding. Raw material storage and homogenization. Preheating and grate cooling.

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A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Coal / lignite grinding and firing system. Cement grinding. Cement storage and packing.

MINES Blasting sizing of lime stone Lump sum to small size Vehicle Transportation

Crusher Primary & Secondary

Raw Mill hopper ADDITIVES Raw material handling RAW MILL






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Manager - Mines

Manager - Mines

Mines Foreman

Asst. Mines Manager

Asst. Supervisor Mines Blaster Driller - 1 Attendant Expl. Van Driver - 1


Driller - 1

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESSING DEPARTMENT: Processing department is nerve centre in the Mathodu plant. All the raw materials purchased will supply to processing department. These raw materials are stored in the convenient place. These raw materials are processed with the automated plant.

THE FOLLOWING RAW MATERIALS ARE USED TO MANUFACTURE THE CEMENT: Lime stone Silica Ply ash Gypsum\ Potash Some chemicals. Kokane


Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.






Senior Assistant

Personal Assistants


MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: This department is operating in the organization to maintain the plant effectively and efficiently to work all the plants and machineries. The following functions are absorbed: Maintain and update master list of machineries Prepare preventive maintenance schedule covering all materials Maintain list of spares for all critical machines and machine history sheet. Carry out breakdown/preventive maintenance and record the same.

ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: Engineering department which controls & regulate every machine during the production in the Ramco Cements they are supposed to control Raw mill, coal 7 pollution control etc., the main functions of the departments are as follows: Control workshop, garage Diesel generator etc. Control Raw mill, coal & pollution control system.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Managing Director

General Manager Works

Deputy General Manager Engineering



Human resource management is a management function that helps managers to recruit, select, train and develop the required members for an organization. Chart no -5


Sr. Mgr (IR & PA)

Manager (PA)


Sr. Officer (T & D)

Welfare Officer

Sr. Med. Officer

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT THE DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS ARE: Recruitment and selection Salary and wage administration Training and development Welfare activities Health and safety Organization development interventions Personnel and administration Industrial relation Public relations Employees data base The part of management which deals with human resource in the organization is known as HRD. Human resource management is the process of achieving the best fit between individuals jobs, organization and environment. The management of manpower is a very important and challenging job not of managing men, but of administering a social system. TRANSFERS: In MCL both inter and intra departmental transfers takes place based on the requirements. For Vacancies management no needs to pay extra. Usually transfers will be affected once in a year preferably in the month of April and May.

FINANCE DEPARTMENT: Finance is the lifeblood of every organization. It is concerned with managerial decision making. This department is concerned with proper utilization of cash. identifies the sources of finance where to borrow. Finance department is concerned with the essential financial activities for the organization to carry out activities in effective way. This helps the organization to achieve soundness in working and dealing with others. Finance is required from the beginning of the organization to the successive stage of organization. It

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Financial management is concerned with the efficient use of an important economic resource, namely capital funds. Finance is that business activity which is concerned with acquisition and conservation of capital funds in meeting the financial needs and overall objectives of a business enterprise. General Manager (Accounts)

Sr. Manager (Accounts)

Manager (Accounts)

Accountants/accounts officer

ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT: In Mathodu plant, all the financial activities are run by the accounting department. The annual income earned by Mathodu plant is directly go to the finance head office at Chennai.

MARKETING DEPARTMENT: The basic function of business is marketing, which helps in identifying the identification of prospective customers by knowing their needs and wants. Customers value and satisfaction are at very heart of marketing thinking and practice. In the field of marketing management process, Ramco basically consists of four steps: Analyzing marketing opportunities. Selecting target markets. Developing the market strategies. Managing the market effort.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Chart No-6

VP (S & M)


Mgr (Depot)

Mgr (Site)

Mgr (Excise)

Depot Staff

Site Staff

Excise Staff

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



When conducting strategic planning for any company, it is useful to complete an analysis that takes into account not only your own business but also your competitors business and the current business environment as well. The following description will highlight the strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats of the Madras Cements Limited.

Organization: The management of MCL with all precaution with future 25 years requirements has planned in such a way that there are no shortcomings in the raw materials and labour requirements. And timely investment of capital by the management has accelerated the production and achievement both in the field of quality and quantity of cement industry. Capital: Its oil to the productive machinery. Ramco Group has invested 96.25million (385crs) capitals in the Mathod unit. This has grown the company into one of the biggest and largest producer of OPC. Transportation: -The Company is established in a place where it can have advantage of transportation facilities. railways is abating to the industrial place as well as national highway, four ways NH-4 is passing just adjacent (35km) to the industrial place which makes the transportation convenient with the unit. Labour: - The northern part of Karnataka was industrially backward area. When the MCL was established there were no opportunities in rural mass. And labour class was available as such the industry developed and achieved more than expected progress, in production and expansion.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Land: - Esteemed Ramco sponsors the industry. It has got abundant land at a cheaper rate in which it uses to grow its raw material that is limestone. The land is available both for extension and establishment. It has utilized the land for establishment of staff colony and for labour purposes. H R professionals comprising of commendable background thus providing a platform for continuous improvements in all the H R related activities. Need based behavioral / technical training is imparted to all employees. Appropriate infrastructure for condition of training. Partnership with various technical and management institutions, for providing a Continuous supply of fresh graduates. Stream lined system of recruitment. Industrial and legal relations are very conducive for the smooth functioning of the unit. Providing the necessary welfare facilities for the employees in the comfort zone and increase in the retention level of employees. Healthy competition within the Group in terms of quality, quantity and cost.


Madras Cements Limited is the Market leader in cement industry. MCL is the lowest cost producer among the peers. MCL giving good after sale service. MCL is having good packaging and logistics management. MCL is having strong distribution network. MCL is having good connectivity. MCL is in sound financial position. MCL automated its operation. Quality production. Low cost energy generation. MCL won so many Environmental awards. 43

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


It is the area where Madras Cements Limited has to struggle. What customer complaints about Madras Cements Limited? Cements Limiteds Sales force? The following are some weaknesses of Madras Cements Limited: MCL under utilizing available capacities. MCL facing wastage problems. MCL not completely modernized. MCL is having excess staff in plant. Employment generation is very low in MCL. Lack of procedural awareness among workers. Poor scrap maintenance in MCL. Ownership issues (Authoritativeness). Political interference. Technical problems What are the unmet needs of Madras

It is area where Madras Cements Limiteds strengths are not being fully utilized. The opportunities which are in front of industry: Growing construction industry. Increasing demand. Excess capacity in plant. Well connected road network. Availability of skilled workers. Policy support. Government support. Huge export opportunities. Other producers are in problem. Access for latest technology. Market share expansion.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



These are inside and outside things, that there could damage the business of industry. They are: Tight competition from other producers. Fluctuating policies of the Government. Ecological imbalances. High cost of installation of plant. Availability of raw material. Threat from Govt. officials. Other cement industries surrounding the area. Competitors are coming with new technology.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.





Terms of H R D in M C L

Are three frequently used an the game of it, there might not appear any difference between them. But when in deep though the term seems to be same, there appears some, there appears some difference below them. In all training there in some education and in all education there in some training and the two process cannot be separated for the development. Training: Training starts with the identification of needs. Training need start from an equation which shows that a factor is missing and the training event satisfies that missing factor. The existence of training need shows that change is necessary. The change may be from a situation or performance which the change agent is the training event. These are many such factors which can be influenced by the training event. All in all, a properly conducted need assessment and analysis can have a profound impact on the organization & its performance in any economic scenario. Tit improves the quality of training programs as well as the need for traini8ng function ultimately. It can be said that proper need assessment improves on organization performance by discovering training and on training problems & their areas of influences. Training can be defined as The acquisition of skills, concepts or attitudes that result in improved performance in an on the job situation. Training is closely concerned with the theories or principles of learning and a skill since training has, or should have the goaloriented performance at some specified task. Learning is therefore a necessary but not a sufficient condition for training to take place.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a particular job. Training is a short-term, educational process and utilizing a systematic & organized procedure by which employees knowledge, skills, behavior, aptitude & attitude towards the requirements of the job & organization. Training refers to the primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire & apply the knowledge, skills & abilities & attitudes needed by a particular job & organization. Training bridges the differences between job requirements & employees present specifications. Training at the start of ones assimilation & understanding of the culture, the systems, the customs, convention, rules, procedure, values & output expectation.


A systematic training program offers the following advantages to a company: 1 2 It helps in improving the quality of workers output. It enables the worker to make the most economical and best use of materials and equipment. This reduces spoiled work and damage to machinery. 3 It develops in the worker-effective work habits and methods of work, thereby reducing the accident rate and the need for close supervision. 4 It gives a sense of satisfaction to the worker and makes him feel that he is being properly cared for. As a result workers morale and his relations with superiors improve. 5 It facilitates promotion of workers to higher job and increases their market value and earning power. It instructs the worker towards better job adjustment and reduces the rate of labor turnover and absenteeism. 6 7 It helps the bright but dronish employee to formulate his goals. It makes the worker committed and loyal to the organization by educating him about the culture, philosophy and policies of the organization. 8 It helps in creating a pool of trained personnel from which replacements can be drawn to fill the loss key personnel at any time.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Training leads to improved profitability. It improves job knowledge & skills at all levels of the organization. It improves morale of the work force. It helps people identify with organizational goals. It helps to create a better corporate image. It fosters authentic, openness & trust. It improves interpersonal relationship & enhances subordinate

development. 8 9 It provides information for future needs in all areas of an organization. Organization gets more effective decision making & problem solving employees. 10 It stimulates preventive management & takes risks. 11 It creates an appropriate climate for growth and communication. 12 It aids in handling conflict. 13 It helps employees adjust to change.

BENEFIT OF THE TRAINING TO THE INDIVIDUAL 1. It helps the individual in making better decisions & effective problem solving. 2. Through training motivation variables of recognition, achievement growth
responsibility & advancement are internalized & operationalised.

3. It aids in encouraging & achieving self-development & self confidence. 4. It helps a persons handless stress, tension, frustration & conflict. 5. It provides information for improving leadership, knowledge, communication,
skills & attitudes.

6. It increases job satisfaction & recognition. 7. It helps a person to take risk. 8. It makes the organization a better place to work & line.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



OBJECTIVES OF TRAINING 1. To train the employee in the company culture pattern. 2. To train the employee to increase his quantity and quality of output. This may
involve improvement in work methods.

3. To train the employee for promotion to higher jobs. 4. To train the employee to avoid social mistakes. 5. To train the employee towards better job adjustment and high morale. TRAINING NEEDS OUR IMPORTANCE 1. Training increases the efficiency of employees, which increases the quantity of
production and improves its quality.

2. Training teaches the employees of the enterprise the method of doing their job in
the best possible manner. As a result of it, they make the best possible utilization of the materials and machines of the enterprise.

3. A trained worker can do his work more efficiently. Thus the training reduces the
need of supervision to the minimum.

4. Efficient workers do their works the best possible manner. They make the
minimum utilization of materials and machines. Thus the cost of production is reduced.

5. As the trained workers are capable in doing their job in most suitable manner and
can understand the producers and methods easily, it increases there morale. It has given them satisfaction in their work.

6. Trained workers know the methods of doing their jobs in the required manner.
They know how to use the machines in the best possible manner. It reduces the possibility of accidents to the minimum.

7. As there is minimum need of supervision it helps the managers of the enterprise to

concentrate upon the important problems of enterprise. They need not waste their valuable time on supervising the workers.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




Training Need Assessment diagnoses present problem and future challenges to be met through training programmer, without conducting needs assessment may be making errors. Needs assessment occurs at two levels group and individuals. An individual needs training when his or performance falls short of standards i.e., when there is performance deficiency caused by absence of skills of knowledge can be remedied by training. Assessment of training needs must also focus on anticipated skills of an employee. A technology changes fast and new technology demands new skills training will help to acquire new skills. This will help to progress in his/her path. Training is essential to prepare the employees to handle more challenging tasks.


Performance appraisal is one of the important methods by which training needs can be assured. It contains both the individuals i.e. appraises strength and weakness and at the same times the training the individual requires to improve his performance. Performance Appraisal also contains his immediate boss and his department heads opinion about his performance. They also recommend training programs to improve the individuals performance.

Once the assessment of training need is over, next step is to provide the needed training to individuals through a number of programs available. These programs are classified into on the job training & off the training program.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




1. On the Job training. 2. Off the job training.


1. Job rotation 2. Coaching 3. Job instruction 4. Training through step by step 5. Committee assignments 6. Induction 7. Orientation 8. Apprentice 9. Internship 10. Management trainee


1. Vestibule training 2. Role-playing 3. Lecture method 4. Conference method 5. Programmed instruction 6. Case study 7. Simulation 8. Business games 9. Computer based training 10. Projects 11. Internal aided instructions

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



ON THE JOB TRAINING PROGRAM: Under this method the

individual is placed on a regular job & the skills necessary to perform that job. This type of training, also known as job instruction training on the job training has the advantage of giving firsthand knowledge & experiences under the actual working conditions. While the trainee learns how to perform a job, he is also a regular worker rendering the services for which he is paid. The problem of transfer of trainee is also minimized methods include job rotation, coaching, job instruction or training through step-by-step & committee assignments. Job rotation: This type of training involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge & gains experience from, his trainer in each of the different assignments. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problems of employee on other jobs & respect them. Coaching: The trainee is placed under a particular supervisors functions as a coach in training the individual often the trainee shares some if the duties & responsibilities of the coach & relieves him of his burden. A limitation of this method of training is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas. Job instruction: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method trainer explains the trainee the way of doing the jobs knowledge, skills & allows him to do the job. Committee assignment: Under the committee assignment, group of trainees are given & asked to solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly it develops teamwork.

OFF THE JOB TRAINING PROGRAM: Under this method of training,

trainee is separated from the job satisfaction & his attention is focuses upon learning the material related to his future job performance. Since the trainee is not distracted by job requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning the job rather than

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT spending his time in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees off the job training methods are as follows: Vestibule training: In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a classroom, materials, files & equipment those are used is actual job performance are also used in training the duration of this training ranges from days to few weeks, theory can be related to practice in this method. Role playing: It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior in imaginary situations. This method of training involves action doing & practice. The participants play the role of certain characters. The method is mostly used for developing interpersonal interactions & relations. Lecture method: The lecture is a traditional & direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the material & gives it to a group of trainees in the form of a talk. To be effective the lecture must motivate & create interest among the trainees. An advantage of lecture method is that it is direct & can be used for a large group of trainees. Conference or Discussion: This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine & share facts, ideas & data test assumptions & draw conclusions, all of which contribute to the improvement of job performance. Discussion has the discussion involving two-way

communication & hence feedback is provided. Programmed Instruction: In this method, the subject matter to be learned is presented in series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from, simple to more complex levels of instruction. The trainee goes through these units by answering questions or filling the blanks. Development : Is related process It covers that only those activities which improve job performance but all those which bring about growth of the personality help in dividends in the progress towards maturity and atomization of their potential capabilities so that they become not only good employees but and better men and women. In organizational terms, it is intended to equip persons to earn promotion and hold greater responsibility 53

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.

A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT training a person for a bigger and higher job in development and his many well include that only imparting specific skills and knowledge but also including certain personality and mental attitudes. Educations : In the understanding and interventions of knowledge. It does not provide definite answers, but rather it develops a logical and rational mind that can determine relationships among pertinent variable and there by character and understanding of basic principles and develop the capabilities of analysis, synthesis and objectivity usually education is outside the scope of an organization functions. It involves a range of skills and expertise which can be provided only by educational institutions. An organization makes use of such institutions in order to support and supplement its internal training and development efforts.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.





Table No- 1 Table showing the number of the years worked by the employee in the company. No of years Below 2 years 2-4 years 4-8 years 10 years above Total Sources: survey data Graph No -1 Graph showing the number of the years worked by the employee in the company.
35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 Series1

No. of employees 3 4 10 33 50

Percentage 6 8 20 66 100

Interpretation: From the table it is clear that 66% of the employees are working from 10 years above which formed the highest percentage, 20% of them are working from 4 to 8 years.8% of them are working from 2-4 years. 6% of the employees fill in the 2 years below.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No- 2 Table showing the sex of the employees in the company. Sex Male Female Total Sources: survey data Graph No -2 Graph showing the sex of the employees in the company. No. of employees 50 0 50 Percentage 100 0 100

100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2


Interpretation: When a question uses asked regarding the employees it was revealed that 100% of the ware male. No female employees

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No-3 Table showing training is necessary for new employees Opinion Yes No Total Sources: survey data No. of employees 46 4 50 Percentage 92 8 100

Graph No -3 Graph showing training is necessary for new employees


1 2


Interpretation: When question was asked to employees 92% of employees answered that training is neseccery for a new employees and very less (that is 8% of employees)answered that training is not necessary new employees

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No-4 Table showing the report about employees satisfied with their work system. Opinion Satisfied Not satisfied Total Sources: survey data Graph No -4 Graph showing report about employees satisfied with their work system. No. of employees 45 5 50 Percentage 90 10 100

10% 90% 10%

1 2

Interpretation: Above table shows that the employees give their opinion about their working system It shows that most of the employees oproximentely 90% are satisfied with their working system and very few are not satisfied.i.e., 10%.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No-5 Table showing development programme increase the performance.

opinion To little extent To some extent To agreat extent Total

No. of employees 5 10 35 50

Percentage 10 20 70 100

Sources: survey data

Graph No -5 Graph showing development programme increase the performance.



1 2 3


Interpretation: Interpretation: The table showing the opinion of the employees about the training program helps to the employees towards developing their careers. And it is opinioned that more than 48% of the employees are agreed that it helps in that way and remaining are different opinion as the table showing above that.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No-6 Table showing training is an essential component career development.
Opinion To a little extent To a some extent To a greater extent Cannot say Total No of employees 12 10 24 4 50 Percentage 24 20 48 8 100

Sources: survey data

Graph No -6 Graph showing training is an essential component career development.

8% 24% 1 2 3 48% 20% 4

Interpretation: The table showing the opinion of the employees about the training program helps to the employees towards developing their careers. And it is opinioned that more than 48% of the employees are agreed that it helps in that way and remaining are different opinion as the table showing above that.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Table No-7 Table showing training programme help to increase productivity.

Productivity To a little extent To a greater extent To a some extent Cannot say Total No of employees 8 36 4 2 50 Percentage 16 72 8 4 100

Sources: survey data

Graph No -7 Graph showing training programme help to increase productivity.

3 Series1 2

1 0 10 20 30 40

Interpretation: The table showing the opinion of the employees towards the training program helps in increasing the productivity. And it is opinioned that more72% of the employees are agreed that it helps in increasing the productivity.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No- 8 Table showing training will help to build confidence in the actual process of work.
opinion Agree Strongly agree Disagree Cannot Say Total No.of Employees 22 24 0 4 50 percentage 44 48 0 8 100

Sources: survey data

Graph No -8 Graph showing training will help to build confidence in the actual process of work.

25 20 15 Series1 10 5 0 1 2 3 4

Interpretation: The table showing the opinion of the employees towards training will build the confidence level of the employees. And it is true that more than 48% of the employees are agreed that it helps in building the confidence remain are opinioned as above.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No-9 Table showing type of training program employees is under grown in this company.
Type of training On the job training Training by superior Vestibule training Apprenticeship training Job instruction training Demonstrations Others specify Total No. of employees 35 5 0 6 2 0 2 50 Percentage 70 10 0 12 4 0 4 100

Sources: survey data Graph No-9 Graph showing type of training program employees is under grown in this company.
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Series1

Interpretation: The table showing the details of types training program which are held by the company to its employees.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Table No-10 Table showing training programm is suitable only to a particular industry.
Opinion Yes No Total No. of employees 40 10 50 Percentage 80 20 100

Sources: survey data

Graph No-10 Graph showing training programm is suitable only to a particular industry.

1 2

Interpretation: The table showing the opinion of the employees towards is the training program is suitable for only particular industry or not. And most of the employees are opinioned that it is true that it only for particular industry

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.





FINDINGS: 1. It may be seen that most of the employees are at the age between 40 & 50

2. The qualification of majority of the employees is SSLC. So they must be

trained well and they must be given encouragement to get additional qualification.

3. Employees feel that training program provided is relevant to the job


4. The training hall is good at the organization. 5. The training materials provided during the training period is satisfied for the

6. Methods adopted for training is easy & clear. It is well suited to the

7. Training helps the employees to improve their interpersonal skills, problem

solving skills & it also helps to change the attitude of the trainees.

8. Training also help the employees in adopting the changes , reducing

supervision, preventing accidents& also handling stress& tension

9. Regarding training programs concern 100% of the respondents are awarded

the training & development program is useful in the workplace in the organization.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



10.According the employees suggestion the staff needed to be given attention /

trained on the following areas i.e. Common Skills, Job Knowledge, Motivation & Time management.

11.According to majority of the employees they have undergone Conference

method & Class Room training.

12.It is found that majority of the employees are sent for training Once in a year &
the employees suggest they should be frequently sent for training to improve their overall performance.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Training is important to improve and update knowledge of the job and other
related need based training is more important

2. While conducting training program it is important to take into consideration the

individual difference in training needs.

3. Selecting and preparing proper reading material on the training issue would be

4. Training sessions should be conducted 6 monthly, as majority of employees


5. Company should provide professional trainees to make employees more careers


6. Training should be more interactive and innovative. 7. Modern methods of training & development programs should be introduced
which bring more effectiveness & efficiency in training program and created motivation in supervisions.

8. The training program should be short and logistic that means the objectives
should be clearly set and realized.

9. The qualification of the majority of the employees is SSLC. So they must be

trained well and they must be given encouragement to get additional qualification.

10.The latest computer programs should be introduced in the training syllabus, which
is helpful to the supervisions, the job , related members

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



11. The training & development has helped the employees by giving the knowledge,
but the training & development programs should bring to change & improve the technology.

12.Effective improvement in the training programs in future. 13. A refresher course has to be planned & implemented keeping in mind the latest
economic trends

14.The determination of training needs is very important in the training process. 15.Each session must have feedback through appropriate feedback forms 16.Training audit should be undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of training

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Training is an activity where we impact knowledge, skills and attitude to the people. In case of organization, knowledge, skills and attitude are imparted to the employees in the organization so that they can do the work efficiently and effectively. Training program in MCL helps to familiarize the employees with their work. There is no formal agenda for discussion among the employees. Training is a stage where employees are freely allowed to express their ideas and they are not required to see the superior and subordinate relationship between them. Thus, in MCL Training and Development Program is effective according to the executives

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




I am PAVITHRA. A.B. 4th sem M.com Student, Government First Grade College, Hosadurga, affiliated to Davangere University has undertaken A Project Work A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN MADRAS CEMENTS LTD,MATHODU. As a partial fulfillment of my M.com Post Graduation. I request your kind Co-operation in answering all the Questions, which will be a great help for me in completion of the Project Report successful. The information given by you will be used only for academic purpose and we will keep it confidentially.

Date: Place:

signature ( PAVITHRA. A.B)

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.




a) Name b) Address

:.. : ... ..

c) Age d) Designation

: : :

e) Educational Qualification f) Department g) Marital Status :



h) No. of members in the family : i ) Sex : Male Female

2) Since how long have you been working in this industry? a) Below 2 years b) 02 04years c) 04 08 years d) Above 10 years

3) Do you think training is necessary for a new employee? a) Yes 4) Are you satisfied with your work system? a) Satisfied b) Not satisfied b) No

5) Have you undergone any training programmed in the initial stage (when you joined the company) ? a) Yes b) No

6) Do development progresses increase the performance? a) To little extent b) To some extent c) To a great extent

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 7) Do you think training is an essential component of career development? a) To a little extent b) To a great extent c) To a some extent d) Cannot say

8) Can training programmer help to increase productivity? a) To a little extent b) To a great extent c) To a some extent d) Cant say

9) Do you think effective training will help to confidence in the actual process of work? a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Disagree d) Cant say

10) Do you agree that training is necessary irrespective of the nature of Job / Experience / Qualification / Designation? a) Agree b) Strongly agree c) Disagree 11) What type Training programmed you have undergone in this company? a) On the job training b) Training by superior c) Vestibule training d) Apprenticeship training e) Job instruction training f) Demonstration g) Other specify d) Cant say e) Strongly Disagree

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 12) Does the above mentioned method of training help you to increase your performance? a) To a little Extent b) To a great Extent c) To a some extent d) Cant say

13) Can you remember recent training programmed you have attended? a) Yes b) No

A) Please specify when you have attended the training programmed Months: ________ 14) Are the training programmer conducted by? a) In have members b) Outside expert 15) Do you have a separate training and development department? a) Yes 16) Is the training programmed conducted? a) Department wise b) Division wise c) Both d) Cant say e) Others specify b) No c) Both Years: __________

17) Do you think training programmed is suitable any to a particular type of Industry? a) Yes b) No

18) Do you agree training is called Encouragement? a) Yes b) No

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


A STUDY ON TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT 19) Do you want on the job training? a) Yes b) No

20) Do you take active part in the training programmed? a) To a little Extent b) To a great Extent c) To a some extent d) Cant say

21) Relationship with higher authorities? a) Excellent b) Good c) Normal

22) Are you satisfied lunch facility provided in your organization? a) Yes b) No

23) Are you satisfied medical facility provided in your organization? a) Yes b)No

24) Are you satisfied about safety equipment facility provided in your organization? a)Yes b) No

25) Are you satisfied gratuity benefit gratuity benefits provided in your organization? a)Yes b) No

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



26) Can you give preference for any other method of training? a)Yes b) No

27) Give your suggestion to improve training method?

Date: Place:


********Thanking you********

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.



Books for reference Books Human resource personal management Research methodology Human Resource management Author K. Ashwathappa C.R.Kothari Dr. S.S.Khanka Publication Himalaya publication Himalaya publication

Dictionary and Newspapers MCL Company Brochure and Pamphlets. Literature from madras cements ltd, Mathodu plant. Websites: WWW.ramco.com.

Dept. of PG Studies in Commerce,G.F.G.College, Hosadurga.


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