Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

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Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

Guide Release 12.1

May 2012

Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide, Release 12.1 Copyright 2010, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Gowri Arur Contributing Author: Rajshekar Ayyadevara, Vinod Vishwanathan, HCM Core Architecture Development Team, Bina Kulkarni, Prem Armugam, Krishna Mohan Gowripeddi Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are "commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.


Send Us Your Comments Preface 1 Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

Using Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR....................................................................................... 1-2 Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR.............................................................................................. 1-2 Using Talent Profile as Managers in Oracle SSHR............................................................... 1-5 Using Talent Profile as Workers in Oracle SSHR............................................................... 1-20 Generating Printable Talent Profiles in Oracle SSHR.........................................................1-33 Enabling Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR................................................................................ 1-36 Enabling Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR............................................................................. 1-36 Setup Steps to Implement a Custom Version of the Talent Profile Feature in SSHR......... 1-37 Completing the Configuration Steps for Talent Profile in SSHR....................................... 1-49 Personalizing the Talent Profile Page................................................................................ 1-55 Displaying Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions...........1-58 Displaying Person Special Information Types (SITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions........ 1-60 Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Page Regions..............................................1-63


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Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide, Release 12.1 Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. Your feedback is important, and helps us to best meet your needs as a user of our products. For example: Are the implementation steps correct and complete? Did you understand the context of the procedures? Did you find any errors in the information? Does the structure of the information help you with your tasks? Do you need different information or graphics? If so, where, and in what format? Are the examples correct? Do you need more examples?

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Intended Audience
Welcome to Release 12.1 of the Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide. This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following: The principles and customary practices of your business area. Oracle HRMS. If you have never used Oracle HRMS, Oracle suggests you attend one or more of the Oracle HRMS training classes available through Oracle University Oracle Self-Service Web Applications. The Oracle Applications graphical user interface. To learn more about the Oracle Applications graphical user interface, read the Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide. See Related Information Sources on page viii for more Oracle E-Business Suite product information.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit


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1 Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

Related Information Sources

Oracle HRMS shares business and setup information with other Oracle Applications products. Therefore, you may want to refer to other user guides when you set up and use Oracle HRMS. You can read the guides online by choosing Library from the expandable menu on your HTML help window, by reading from the Oracle Applications Document Library CD included in your media pack, or by using a Web browser with a URL that your system administrator provides. If you require printed guides, you can purchase them from the Oracle store at http://oraclestore.oracle.com. Guides Related to All Products Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide This guide explains how to navigate, enter data, query, and run reports using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite. This guide also includes information on setting user profiles, as well as running and reviewing concurrent requests. Guides Related to This Product Oracle Daily Business Intelligence for HRMS User Guide This guide describes the dashboards and reports available for HR Line Managers, Chief HR Officer, Budget Managers, and Benefits Managers using Daily Business Intelligence for HRMS. It includes information on using parameters, how DBI for HRMS derives values, and how to troubleshoot dashboards and reports. Oracle Daily Business Intelligence for HRMS Implementation Guide This guide provides basic setup procedures for implementing and maintaining HRMS-related dashboards. Oracle Daily Business Intelligence Implementation Guide This guide describes the common concepts for Daily Business Intelligence. It describes the product architecture and provides information on the common dimensions, security considerations, and data summarization flow. It includes a consolidated setup checklist by page and provides detailed information on how to set up, maintain, and troubleshoot Daily Business Intelligence pages and reports for the following functional areas: Financials, Interaction Center, iStore, Marketing, Product Lifecycle Management, Projects, Procurement, Sales, Service, Service Contracts, and Supply Chain. Oracle Daily Business Intelligence User Guide


This guide describes the common concepts for Daily Business Intelligence. It describes the product architecture and provides information on the common dimensions, security considerations, and data summarization flow. It includes a consolidated setup checklist by page and provides detailed information on how to set up, maintain, and troubleshoot Daily Business Intelligence pages and reports for the following functional areas: Financials, Interaction Center, iStore, Marketing, Product Lifecycle Management, Projects, Procurement, Sales, Service, Service Contracts, and Supply Chain. Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide Learn about the capabilities of the OA Framework technologies. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your enterprise. This includes setting up your organization hierarchy, recording details about jobs and positions within your enterprise, defining person types to represent your workforce, and also how to manage your budgets and costs. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to represent your workforce. This includes recruiting new workers, developing their careers, managing contingent workers, and reporting on your workforce. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Payroll Processing Management Guide Learn about wage attachments, taxes and social insurance, the payroll run, and other processes. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Compensation and Benefits Management Guide Learn how to use Oracle HRMS to manage your total compensation package. For example, read how to administer salaries and benefits, set up automated grade/step progression, and allocate salary budgets. You can also learn about setting up earnings and deductions for payroll processing, managing leave and absences, and reporting on compensation across your enterprise. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide Learn about extending and configuring Oracle HRMS, managing security, auditing, information access, and letter generation. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Implementation Guide Learn about the setup procedures you need to carry out in order to implement Oracle HRMS successfully in your enterprise. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems FastFormula User Guide Learn about the different uses of Oracle FastFormula, and understand the rules and


techniques you should employ when defining and amending formulas for use with Oracle applications. Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide Set up and use self-service human resources (SSHR) functions for managers, HR Professionals, and employees. Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide Learn how to set up and use performance management functions. This includes setting objectives, defining performance management plans, managing appraisals, and administering questionnaires. Oracle Succession Planning Implementation and User Guide Learn how to set up and use Succession Planning functions. This includes identifying succession-planning requirements, using talent profile, suitability analyzer, and performance matrices. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Deploy Strategic Reporting (HRMSi) Implement and administer Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Intelligence (HRMSi) in your environment. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Strategic Reporting (HRMSi) User Guide Learn about the workforce intelligence reports included in the HRMSi product, including Daily Business Intelligence reports, Discoverer workbooks, and Performance Management Framework reports. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Approvals Management Implementation Guide Use Oracle Approvals Management (AME) to define the approval rules that determine the approval processes for Oracle applications. Oracle Human Resources Management Systems Window Navigation and Reports Guide This guide lists the default navigation paths for all windows and the default reports and processes as they are supplied in Oracle HRMS. Oracle iRecruitment Implementation and User Guide Set up and use Oracle iRecruitment to manage all of your enterprise's recruitment needs. Oracle Learning Management User Guide Use Oracle Learning Management to accomplish your online and offline learning goals. Oracle Learning Management Implementation Guide Implement Oracle Learning Management to accommodate your specific business practices.

Oracle Time and Labor Implementation and User Guide Learn how to capture work patterns, such as shift hours, so that this information can be used by other applications, such as General Ledger. Oracle Labor Distribution User Guide Learn how to maintain employee labor distribution schedules, distribute pay amounts, encumber (commit) labor expenses, distribute labor costs, adjust posted labor distribution, route distribution adjustment for approval, and manage error recovery processes. You also learn how to set up effort reporting for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) compliance. Other Implementation Documentation Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide This guide explains how to complete the setup steps necessary for any product that includes workflow-enabled processes. It also describes how to manage workflow processes and business events using Oracle Applications Manager, how to monitor the progress of runtime workflow processes, and how to administer notifications sent to workflow users. Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide This guide explains how to define new workflow business processes and customize existing Oracle E-Business Suite-embedded workflow processes. It also describes how to define and customize business events and event subscriptions. Oracle Workflow User's Guide This guide describes how users can view and respond to workflow notifications and monitor the progress of their workflow processes. Oracle Workflow API Reference This guide describes the APIs provided for developers and administrators to access Oracle Workflow. Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide This guide provides flexfields planning, setup, and reference information for the Oracle E-Business Suite implementation team, as well as for users responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Oracle E-Business Suite product data. This guide also provides information on creating custom reports on flexfields data. Oracle eTechnical Reference Manuals Each eTechnical Reference Manual (eTRM) contains database diagrams and a detailed description of database tables, forms, reports, and programs for a specific Oracle Applications product. This information helps you convert data from your existing applications, integrate Oracle Applications data with non-Oracle applications, and write custom reports for Oracle Applications products. Oracle eTRM is available on My Oracle Support.


Integration Repository
The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service endpoints exposed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner. The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment. You can navigate to the Oracle Integration Repository through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.

Do Not Use Database Tools to Modify Oracle E-Business Suite Data

Oracle STRONGLY RECOMMENDS that you never use SQL*Plus, Oracle Data Browser, database triggers, or any other tool to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data unless otherwise instructed. Oracle provides powerful tools you can use to create, store, change, retrieve, and maintain information in an Oracle database. But if you use Oracle tools such as SQL*Plus to modify Oracle E-Business Suite data, you risk destroying the integrity of your data and you lose the ability to audit changes to your data. Because Oracle E-Business Suite tables are interrelated, any change you make using an Oracle E-Business Suite form can update many tables at once. But when you modify Oracle E-Business Suite data using anything other than Oracle E-Business Suite, you may change a row in one table without making corresponding changes in related tables. If your tables get out of synchronization with each other, you risk retrieving erroneous information and you risk unpredictable results throughout Oracle E-Business Suite. When you use Oracle E-Business Suite to modify your data, Oracle E-Business Suite automatically checks that your changes are valid. Oracle E-Business Suite also keeps track of who changes information. If you enter information into database tables using database tools, you may store invalid information. You also lose the ability to track who has changed your information because SQL*Plus and other database tools do not keep a record of changes.


Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-1

Using Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR
The Talent Profile feature of Oracle SSHR helps enterprises to obtain a complete picture of the talent profile of their workforce to manage and execute their talent processes. Talent Profile captures and displays complete worker talent details on a single-interface enabling enterprises to attract, develop, and retain the best talent.
Note: Oracle Self-Service HR provides you with a minimal Talent

Profile function to only view the talent profiles of your workforce. The Performance Matrix (9-box) that is available on the Oracle SSHR Talent Profile page of a worker enables manager to view the performance profile of the selected worker only. Enterprises require Oracle Succession Planning license to: Compare Talent Profiles of workers. Compare Profile is a list of value in the Select an Action list, Talent Profile page of a worker in Oracle Succession Planning. Use performance matrices (9-box): Performance Matrix (Potential) and Performance Matrix (Retention) to assess the performance and retention potential of workers in a manager's hierarchy. Performance Matrix (Potential) and Performance Matrix (Retention) are list of values in the Select an Action list, Talent Profile page of a worker in Oracle Succession Planning. Use Suitability Analyzer

Talent Profile Features

Enterprises can use the following Talent Profile features to develop and manage succession plans for their workforce:

View Complete Talent Information

Talent Profile displays worker information such as personal information, photograph, contact information, and employment details. Talent Profile obtains relevant data from talent management products and presents the information in the following regions: Competencies Qualifications

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Other Professional Qualifications Previous Employment Learning Certifications Training Details Appraisals Performance Objectives Succession Plans Job History Career Path Work Preferences Salary Benefits Monetary Compensation Compensation Statement Other Information Performance Ratings

View 9-Box Matrix for Potential and Retention

Managers can view the performance profile of a worker in the Performance Matrix (9 Box) that indicates performance and growth potential. Performance Matrix displays information using the following matrices: Performance vs. Potential: This matrix provides information on performance and leadership potential. Performance vs. Retention: This matrix provides information on performance and risk of loss.

Enterprises can define the performance, potential, and retention rating scales according to their business requirements.

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Print Talent Profiles

Managers can print talent profiles of workers. The application provides a default print option with all the configured regions. Managers have the flexibility to select required talent profile regions and print a custom view of the talent profile.

Maintain Notes
Workers and managers can create and update notes to record important information about their talent profile such as notes about appraisals or learning plans.

Create and Use Tags

Workers and managers can create tags that are similar to keywords. Tags help categorize and group talent. Workers can create tags that match their individual profiles. Managers can create tags that match with the talent profiles of their workers.

Perform Self-Service Actions

Managers and workers can perform self-service actions. For example, when a manager views the talent profile of a worker, the manager can change the pay of the worker by selecting the Change Pay self-service action directly from the Talent Profile page.

Use Talent Profile Based on Role Requirements

As managers and workers have different business requirements, Talent Profile delivers views based on their roles. For example, only managers can view the Succession Plan and Performance Matrix (9-box).

Use Flexible Search Options to Search for Talent Profiles

Managers can directly search for the worker whose talent profile they want to view with out having to navigate through the entire hierarchy. The search displays the talent profile of the selected worker. Horizontal links display the complete hierarchical relationship of the worker and the manager. A saved view of recently viewed profiles helps managers to return to recent records without having to perform the search again. The application saves the recently viewed profiles only for that specific session.

Key Concepts
The following topics provide conceptual and procedural information about using Talent Profile: Using Talent Profile as Managers in Oracle SSHR, page 1-5 Using Talent Profile as Workers in Oracle SSHR, page 1-20 Generating Printable Profiles in SSHR, page 1-33

1-4 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Using Talent Profile as Managers in Oracle SSHR

When managers navigate to the Talent Profile page, the page displays their own talent information. The Talent Profile page of a worker provides managers with information required for succession planning. To view talent profiles of workers in their hierarchy, managers can select a worker either from the hierarchy list or quick search region.
Note: Currently, Talent Profile supports only supervisor hierarchy.

As a manager, when you navigate to the Talent Profile page of a worker, you can: View worker details View talent information presented in different regions Print talent profiles Perform self-service actions

View Worker Details

You can view employment details such as the organization, job, position, supervisor, and the hire date. The contact details include address, phone numbers, and e-mail address. You can also view a photograph of the worker, if available. If the worker has added tags to the profile, then you can view the tags.

View Talent Information Presented in Different Regions

This section lists the talent regions that managers can view for their workers.
Note: Your enterprise may display all the regions or hide some of the

regions according to the business needs and processes.

Competencies Appraisals Performance Objectives Qualifications Learning Certifications Training

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-5

Other Professional Qualifications Job History Career Path Benefits Work Preferences Previous Employment Monetary Compensation Succession Plans Other Information Salary Compensation Statement Performance Ratings

The Competencies region displays the current competencies of the selected worker. You can view the level and status of the competencies.

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Screenshot of the Competencies Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Competency Profile page of the worker to view or update the existing competency profile. When you update or add competencies for a worker, the updated information is visible on the Talent Profile page. For information on competencies, see: Competency Profile, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

The Appraisals region displays the appraisal information using a bar graph. The bar graph is a column chart where the x-axis shows the appraisal period end date and the y-axis shows the appraisal rating of the worker and the total rating value. You can easily distinguish the rating of the worker and the total rating value as the bar graph uses different color codes. Talent Profile displays information only from appraisals that are given an overall rating, regardless of whether the appraisals are created using the Appraisals function or appraisals are created as part of performance management plans. The bar graph displays information for five appraisals.
Note: Talent Profile does not display information from self appraisals.

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Screenshot of the Appraisals Region

Click the More link to navigate to the View Appraisals page for more information on the worker's appraisals. On the View Appraisals page, you can view completed and in progress appraisals. For more information on appraisals, see: The Appraisal Process, Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

Performance Objectives
You can view worker objectives for a specific performance management plan. By default, the Plan Name field displays the latest published performance management plan. The Performance Objectives region displays the plan name, plan period, objectives, and objective start and end date. The Complete % field helps you to track the progress of the worker's objectives.

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Screenshot of the Performance Objectives Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Performance Management page of the worker. For each performance management plan, you can view a list of tasks. The application enables these tasks at appropriate times during the performance-management period. View Performance Objectives of an Indirect Report When you view the Talent Profile page of an indirect report (a worker reporting to your direct report), and click the More link, the application enables you to view and carry out the performance management tasks as the indirect report's manager. For example, Dan Bird is Sales Manager, Vision Corporation and Alice Taylor, the manager of Store A reports to Dan. When Dan views the Talent Profile of Alex Smith who reports to Alice, Dan can perform Alice's performance-management tasks. For more information on manager performance management tasks, see: Manager Performance-Management Tasks, Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

The Qualifications region displays the education qualifications information such as qualification type, title, and status.

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Screenshot of the Qualifications Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Education and Qualifications page of the worker to create or update qualifications. The Talent Profile page displays the updated qualifications information. For more information, see: Education and Qualifications, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

Learning Certifications
You can view the learning certification details such as the certification name, status, progress, and renew date.
Screenshot of the Learning Certifications Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Learner Home page of the worker. On the Learner Home page of the worker, you can view details such as additional certification details, classes that the worker has currently enrolled in, and learning paths that the worker has subscribed to. For more information, see: The Learner Home, Oracle Learning Management User Guide

This region displays the training information of the selected worker. Details include the

1-10 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

course name, course delivery method, enrollment status, and enrollment dates. You can use the Filter values to view all, completed, or upcoming training.
Screenshot of the Training Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Learner Home page of the worker to view additional training details. You can also enroll the worker in required training. The Talent Profile displays the updated enrollment information. For more information, see: The Learner Home, Oracle Learning Management User Guide

Other Professional Qualifications

You can view other professional qualifications of the worker such as an award. This region does not display academic qualifications, which are displayed in the Qualifications region.
Screenshot of the Other Professional Qualifications Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Other Professional Qualifications page to add new professional qualifications or update existing professional qualifications. The

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-11

Talent Profile displays the updated professional qualifications information. For more information, see: Other Professional Qualifications, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

Job History
The Job History region displays the details of previous jobs of the selected worker in the same enterprise. You can use this information to analyze what the worker has gained from each role in terms of experience, skills, and professional development. When creating succession plans you can use the job history details to evaluate the work experience summary of the worker.
Screenshot of the Job History Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transaction as the More link is not available.

Career Path
You can view the proposed career path of the selected worker from the current job level. Managers can learn where the worker is in their career. They can analyze the worker's career path and plan for suitable training to meet the future role requirements.
Screenshot of the Career Path Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transaction as the More link is not available.

You can view the benefits enrollments of the worker such as programs, plans, and options. You can also view with the benefits' coverage start date and coverage amounts.

1-12 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Screenshot of the Benefits Region

Click the More link to launch the Self-Service Benefits Enrollments function. The subsequent Benefits Enrollments pages that you view depend on the configuration choices that your enterprise makes. For more information, see:Self-Service Benefits Enrollments, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Work Preferences
You can view the work preferences specified by the worker in two regions: Domestic Options and International Relocation Options. You can gather information such as whether the worker is willing to accept international travel or relocate domestically. You can also view preferred work hours and work schedule.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-13

Screenshot of the Work Preferences Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Work Preferences page of the worker to add or update information. The Talent Profile page displays the updated work preferences details. For information see: Work Preferences, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

Previous Employment
This region displays the work history in previous organizations. You can view previous employment details such as the previous employer, previous employment period, and employer location. The previous employment details provide valuable inputs such as the employers that the worker has worked with. You also get an idea of the worker's experience in each industry if the worker was employed in various industries. You can evaluate how the previous roles are useful for career management and succession plans for the worker.
Screenshot of the Previous Employment Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transaction as the More link is not available.

1-14 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Monetary Compensation
You can view a graphical representation of the monetary compensation details of the worker. Monetary compensation can include components such as allowances, bonus, and salary. You can view a list of all compensation related sections (defined with a chart or graph) from the latest Total Compensation Statement (TCS). You can select any one of the values to view a graphical representation of the selected monetary compensation section.
Screenshot of the Monetary Compensation Region

Talent Profiles uses the Total Compensation Statement information to display the monetary compensation graph. If there is no Total Compensation statement available for the worker and a graph for cash compensation has not been included in the statement, then the application does not display any information in the Monetary Compensation region. This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transaction as the More link is not available.

Succession Plan
In the Succession Plan region, you can view two tables: Successor For: This table lists the workers for whom the selected worker is identified as a successor. Information includes readiness level and the earliest succession date. As Successor:

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-15

This table lists the workers identified as the successors of the selected worker. Information includes readiness level and the earliest succession date.
Screenshot of the Succession Plan Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transactions as the More link is not available.

Other Information
For your workers, you can make notes about their achievements and contributions. Click the More link to navigate to the Attachments page where you can add attachments. You can create attachments in different ways. You can attach a file, provide the location of the directory in which you saved the document, or provide a text description.
Screenshot of the Other Information Region

You can add tags for your workers. The tags that you add for a worker appear on that worker's Talent Profile page. Tags help group and categorize talent.

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You can view details of the current salary. Details include salary rate and annualized salary.
Screenshot of the Salary Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transactions as the More link is not available.

Compensation Statement
This region displays the worker's total compensation information including compensation awards and benefits. Compensation information can include monetary awards such as salary and bonus awards as well as non-monetary awards such as stock options. Benefits information can include medical and dental benefits (optionally showing the cost to your organization). Talent Profile uses Total Compensation Statement to display information in this region. If there is no Total Compensation statement available for the worker, then the application does not display any information in this region.
Screenshot of the Compensation Statement Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transactions as the More link is

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-17

not available.

Performance Ratings
The application hides this region by default. Your enterprise can display this region, if you use Oracle HRMS to rate performance. HR Managers can enter performance of their workers using the Performance window in Oracle HRMS. The Performance Ratings region displays the information that HR managers enter in Oracle HRMS. You can view details such as the main appraiser and rating.
Screenshot of the Performance Ratings Region

Note: If your enterprise uses Oracle Performance Management to

evaluate workforce performance, then your enterprise can hide the Performance Ratings region . In this case, use Appraisals region to view performance ratings.

View Performance Matrix (9 - Box)

On the Talent Profile page of the selected worker, you can view the performance profile using Performance Matrix (9 - Box). Performance Matrix displays performance profile of the worker using the following matrices: Performance vs. Potential: Provides information on the performance and leadership potential of a worker. You can view the Performance rating on the horizontal x-axis on a scale of 1 to 3 and the Potential rating on the vertical y-axis on a scale of 1 to 3. Performance vs. Retention: Provides information on a worker's performance and risk of loss. You can view the Performance rating on the horizontal x-axis on a scale of 1 to 3 and the Retention rating on the vertical y-axis on a scale of 1 to 3.

Talent Profile uses information from the following products to plot the rating scales on the Performance Matrix ( 9 - Box). Performance: If your enterprises uses Oracle Performance Management, then the application derives the Performance value from the Overrall Rating field on the Give Final Ratings: Main Appraiser page of the Appraisals function. Otherwise, the

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Performance value is derived from the Performance window in Oracle HRMS. Potential: If your enterprise uses Oracle Performance Management, then the application derives the Potential value from the Readiness Level field in the Advancement Potential region on the Give Final Ratings: Main Appraiser page of the Appraisals function. Otherwise, the Potential value is derived from the Succession Potential field of the SSHR succession planning feature. Retention: If your enterprise uses Oracle Performance Management, then the application derives the Retention value from the Retention Level field in the Advancement Potential region on the Give Final Ratings: Main Appraiser page of the Appraisals function. Otherwise, the Retention value is derived from the Risk of Loss field of the SSHR succession planning feature.
Important: The values that you view on the Performance Matrix are the

values that your enterprise defines for performance, potential, and retention rating scales. For example, your enterprise can define the following rating scales for performance, potential, and retention: Performance 1: Needs Indicates that the performance is significantly below the required level. 2: Meets Indicates that the performance is good and in-line with job requirements. 3: Exceeds Indicates that the worker has exceeded the required level of performance. Potential 1: Limited Indicates that the worker shows little or no potential to move to the next work level. 2: Growth Indicates that the worker shows potential to advance to the next or higher work level. 3: High

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-19

Indicates that the worker has requisite skills and expertise and exhibits leadership qualities. Retention 1: Low Indicates that the risk of losing the worker is high. 2: Medium Indicates that the risk of losing the worker is moderate. 3: High Indicates that the risk of losing the worker is minimal.

Print Talent Profile

Managers can print the worker's talent profile. Select Printable Profile in the Select an Action list and click Go. Then, click Generate Report to generate the talent report. The printable profile is a PDF document. You can view the profile of the selected worker for multiple criteria such as competency profile, appraisal ratings, and compensation. The profile report displays the workers's performance and potential matrix that helps evaluate talent. The performance and retention matrix helps to understand correlation between performance and possibility of the worker's separation from the enterprise. Managers have the flexibility to print required talent profile regions. See: Generating Talent Profiles, page 1-33

Perform Self-Service Actions

The Select an Action list displays the list of actions that you can perform as a manager for the selected worker. For example, you can perform self-service actions such as transfers, change manager, change worker status, and manage absences.
Note: Your enterprise configures the self-service actions that a manager

can perform.

Using Talent Profile as Workers in Oracle SSHR

As a worker, when you navigate to the Talent Profile page, the page displays your talent information. On this page, you can: View employment details

1-20 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

View talent information presented in different regions Perform self-service actions Print your talent profile

View Employment Details

You can view employment details such as the organization, job, position, supervisor, and the hire date. The contact details include address, phone numbers, and e-mail address. You can also view your photograph, if available. You can also view tags that you have added to your profile.

View Talent Information Presented in Different Regions

This section lists the talent regions that you can view on your Talent Profile page:
Note: Your enterprise may display all the regions or hide some of the

regions according to the business needs and processes.

Competencies Appraisals Performance Objectives Qualifications Learning Certifications Training Other Professional Qualifications Job History Career Path Benefits Work Preferences Previous Employment Monetary Compensation

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-21

Other Information Salary Compensation Statement Performance Ratings

The Competencies region displays your current competencies. You can view the level and status of the competencies.
Screenshot of the Competencies Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Competency Profile page to view or update the existing competency profile. When you update or add competencies, the updated information is visible on the Talent Profile page. For more information, see: Competency Profile, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

The Appraisals region displays the appraisal information using a bar graph. The bar graph is a column chart where the x-axis shows the appraisal period end date and the y-axis shows your appraisal rating and the total rating value. You can easily distinguish your appraisal and the total rating value as the bar graph uses different color codes.

1-22 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Talent Profile displays information only from appraisals that are given an overall rating, regardless of whether the appraisals are created using the Appraisals function or appraisals are created as part of performance management plans. The bar graph displays information for five appraisals.
Note: Talent Profile does not display information from self appraisals.

Screenshot of the Appraisals Region

Click the More link to navigate to the My Appraisals page to view or update your appraisals. The Appraisal Process, Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

Performance Objectives
You can view objectives for a specific performance management plan. By default, the Plan Name field displays the latest published performance management plan. The Performance Objectives region displays the plan name, plan period, objectives, and objective start and end date. The Complete % field helps you to track the progress of your performance objectives.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-23

Screenshot of the Performance Objectives Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Performance Management page to view your Performance Management Task List. The tasks are those appropriate to the performance management plan (PMP) and can vary from one PMP to another. The application enables these tasks at appropriate times during the performance-management period. For example, you can perform the appraisal-management task during the appraisal-task period only. For more information, see: Worker Performance-Management Tasks, Oracle Performance Management Implementation and User Guide

The Qualifications region displays your education qualification information such as qualification type, title and status.
Screenshot of the Qualifications Region

1-24 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Click the More link to navigate to the Education and Qualifications page to create or update qualifications. The Talent Profile page displays the updated qualifications information. For more information, see: Education and Qualifications, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

Learning Certifications
You can view the learning certification details such as the certification name, status, progress, and renew date.
Screenshot of the Learning Certifications Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Learner Home page to view additional certification details. On the Learner Home page, you can view classes that you are currently enrolled in, view learning certifications and learning paths that you have subscribed to, track the status of pending enrollments, and communicate with instructors and other learners using forums and chats. For more information, see: The Learner Home, Oracle Learning Management User Guide

This region displays your training information. Details include course name, course delivery method, enrollment status and enrollment status, and enrollment dates. You can use the Filter values to see all, completed, or upcoming training.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-25

Screenshot of the Training Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Learner Home page to view additional training details. Use the Catalog page to browse categories, search for and enroll in courses, or request enrollment from an approver. After you enroll in training, the Talent Profile page displays the updated information. For more information, see: The Learner Home, Oracle Learning Management User Guide

Other Professional Qualifications

You can view other professional qualifications such as an award. This region does not display academic qualifications, which are displayed in the Qualifications region.
Screenshot of the Other Professional Qualifications Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Other Professional Qualifications page to add new professional qualifications or update existing professional qualifications. The Talent Profile page displays the updated information. For more information, see: Other Professional Qualifications, Oracle SSHR Deploy

1-26 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Self-Service Capability Guide

Job History
The Job History region displays the details of your previous jobs in the same enterprise. You can use this information to review each role in terms of experience, skills, and professional development.
Screenshot of the Job History Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transactions as the More link is not available.

Career Path
You can view your proposed career path from the current job level. You can use this information to assess your skills and experience and create an action plan on updating your skills to meet your career goals.
Screenshot of the Career Path Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transaction as the More link is not available.

You can view the benefits programs, plans, and options in which you are enrolled in along with the coverage start date and coverage amounts.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-27

Screenshot of the Benefits Region

Click the More link to launch the Self-Service Benefits Enrollments function. The subsequent Benefits Enrollments pages that you view depend on the configuration choices that your enterprise makes. For more information, see: Self-Service Benefits Enrollments, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Work Preferences
You can view your work preferences in two regions: Domestic Options and International Relocation Options.
Screenshot of the Work Preferences Region

1-28 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Click the More link to navigate to the Work Preferences page of to add or update your work preferences information. The Talent Profile page displays the updated work preferences details. For more information, see: Work Preferences, Oracle SSHR Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide

Previous Employment
This region displays previous employment details such as the previous employer, previous employment period, and employer location.
Screenshot of the Previous Employment Region

This is a view only region and you cannot perform any transaction as the More link is not available.

Monetary Compensation
You can view a graphical representation of your monetary compensation details. Monetary compensation can include components such as allowances, bonus, and salary. You can view a list of all compensation related sections (defined with a chart or graph) from the latest Total Compensation Statement (TCS). You can select any one of the values to view a graphical representation of the selected monetary compensation section. Click the More link to navigate to the Total Compensation Statement page and view details.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-29

Screenshot of the Monetary Compensation Region

Talent Profiles uses the Total Compensation Statement information to display the monetary compensation graph. If there is no Total Compensation statement available or a graph for cash compensation has not been included in the statement, then the application does not display any information in the Monetary Compensation region. Click the More link to navigate to the Total Compensation Statement page to view more details.

Other Information
Use the Notes feature to add any information about your talent profile, for example, your achievements and contributions. Click the More link to navigate to the Attachments page where you can add attachments. You can attach a file, provide the location of the directory in which you saved the document, or provide a text description.
Screenshot of the Other Information Region

You can view details of your current salary. Details include salary rate and annualized

1-30 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Screenshot of the Salary Region

Compensation Statement
This region displays your total compensation information including compensation awards and benefits. Compensation information can include monetary awards such as salary and bonus awards as well as non-monetary awards such as stock options. Benefits information can include medical and dental benefits (optionally showing the cost to your organization). Talent Profile uses Total Compensation Statement to display information in this region. If there is no Total Compensation statement available, then the application does not display any information in this region.
Screenshot of the Compensation Statement Region

Click the More link to navigate to the Total Compensation Statement page to more details.

Performance Ratings
By default, this region is hidden on the Talent Profile page. If your enterprise uses

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-31

Oracle HRMS to record performance ratings, then your enterprise can display this region. Using the Performance window in Oracle HRMS, HR managers can enter the performance ratings of their workers. The Talent Profile's Performance Ratings region displays the information that HR managers enter in Oracle HRMS. You can view details such as the main appraiser and rating.
Screenshot of the Performance Ratings Region

Note: If your enterprise uses Oracle Performance Management to

evaluate workforce performance, then your enterprise can hide the Performance Ratings region. In this case, use Appraisals region to view performance ratings.

Perform Self-Service Actions

The Select an Action list displays the list of actions that you can perform. For example, perform self-service actions such as manage payroll payments, create absence, or update your resume.
Note: Your enterprise configures the self-service actions that you can


Print Talent Profile

You can print your talent profile, if the Printable Profile option is available in the Select an Action list. Select the option and click Go. On the Talent Profile page, the Include in Report check box is selected by default in all the talent regions. You can choose to print selected talent regions. When you click Generate Report, the application displays a printable profile in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format. See: Generating Printable Profiles in SSHR, page 1-33

1-32 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Generating Printable Talent Profiles in Oracle SSHR

Managers can print the talent profile of workers when they view the profile of workers in their hierarchy. Individual workers can also print their own talent profiles. When you select the Printable Profile option as a worker or manager, and click Go, the printable version page appears. On this page, the Include in Report check box is automatically selected for all the talent information regions. You can select only the required regions and click Generate Report. The application generates a printable profile in the Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Contents of the Printable Profile

The talent profile information that managers and workers view differs. Only managers can view the following information for their workers: Succession Plan Performance Matrix (Potential) Performance Matrix (Retention)

The talent profile PDF displays information for multiple criteria such as competency profile, work preferences, and compensation. You can view a graphical representation of the appraisal ratings and the cash compensation. The report includes certification details, job history and salary information of your employees. You can also view the compensation statement and training details.
Note: The Printable Profile report displays only those regions that have

data. For example, if no data is available for Appraisals, then this region does not appear in the report.

Viewing Performance Matrix (Potential) and Performance Matrix (Retention)

Managers can view the performance profile of workers using the following matrices: Performance Matrix (Potential): Provides information on performance and leadership potential of a worker on a rating scale of 1 to 3. Performance Matrix (Retention): Provides information on a worker's performance and risk of loss on a rating scale of 1 to 3.

Talent Profile uses information from the Succession Planning feature, Oracle Performance Management or Oracle HRMS Performance window (depending on the product to assess workforce performance) to plot the rating scales on the Performance Matrix ( 9 - Box).

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-33

Important: The values that you view on the Performance Matrix are the

values that your enterprise defines for performance, potential, and retention rating scales. For example, your enterprise can define the following rating scales for performance, potential, and retention: Performance 1: Needs Indicates that the performance is significantly below the required level. 2: Meets Indicates that the performance is good and in-line with job requirements. 3: Exceeds Indicates that the worker has exceeded the required level of performance. Potential 1: Limited Indicates that the worker shows little or no potential to move to the next work level. 2: Growth Indicates that the worker shows potential to advance to the next or higher work level. 3: High Indicates that the worker has requisite skills and expertise and exhibits leadership qualities. Retention 1: Low Indicates that the risk of losing the worker is high. 2: Medium Indicates that the risk of losing the worker is moderate. 3: High

1-34 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Indicates that the risk of losing the worker is minimal.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-35

Enabling Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

Enabling Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR
Talent Profile is a comprehensive and integrated talent management feature that helps enterprises to obtain a complete picture of the talent profile of their workforce. Talent Profile captures and displays complete worker talent details on a single-interface. Oracle Self-Service HR provides you with a minimal Talent Profile function to only view the talent profiles of your workforce. You require Oracle Succession Planning license to: Compare Talent Profiles Use performance matrices (9-box): Performance Matrix (Potential) and Performance Matrix (Retention) Use Suitability Analyzer

Talent Profile Based on Role Requirements As managers and workers have different business requirements, Talent Profile delivers views based on their roles. For example, only managers can view the Succession Plan region.

Talent Profile Menus

To meet the different talent requirements, Oracle SSHR supplies the following Talent Profile Menus:
Menu SSHR Talent Profile Manager Access Menu (HR_SSHR_TP_MGR_MENU) Talent Profile Employee Access Menu (HR_TP_EMP_MENU) SSHR Menu For All Seeded Report Template Functions (HR_SSHR_TP_TEMPLATE_MENU) Talent Profile Launch Menu (HR_TP_LAUNCH_MENU) Description Enables managers to view talent profiles of workers in their supervisor hierarchy. Enables workers to view their talent profiles.

Enables managers to print the talent profiles of workers. Workers can print their own talent profiles. Launches the Talent Profile page.

1-36 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Enabling Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR

To enable managers, workers, and HR Professionals to use the Talent Profile feature, complete the following steps:

Add the Talent Profile function Add the function Talent Profile HR_TALENTPROFILE_SS to the appropriate menus of the self-service responsibilities. For example, you can add the function to the supplied or the configured Manager Self Service menu. Use the Menus window of the System Administrator responsibility to complete this task.


Assign the Talent Menus to the self-service responsibility menus To enable managers and HR professionals to use Talent Profile, add the following menus to the manager and HR professional self-service responsibility menus: SSHR Talent Profile Manager Access Menu (HR_SSHR_TP_MGR_MENU) Talent Profile Employee Access Menu (HR_TP_EMP_MENU) SSHR Menu For All Seeded Report Template Functions (HR_SSHR_TP_TEMPLATE_MENU)

To enable workers to use Talent Profile, add the following menus to the appropriate workers' responsibility menus: Talent Profile Employee Access Menu (HR_TP_EMP_MENU) SSHR Menu For All Seeded Report Template Functions (HR_SSHR_TP_TEMPLATE_MENU)

Setting up a Custom Version of the Talent Profile Feature

If you do not want to use the supplied Talent Profile menus, you can create menus based on the predefined menus and, if necessary, add or remove functions so that the menus accurately reflect your business processes. You can base your configuration on the sample menus provided although you should not change the predefined menus directly. For information on setting up a custom version of the Talent Profile feature, see: Setup Steps to Implement a Custom Version of the Talent Profile Feature in SSHR, page 1-37

Setup Steps to Implement a Custom Version of the Talent Profile Feature in SSHR
This topic describes the implementation steps to set up a custom version of the Talent Profile feature:

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-37

1. Create Copies of Supplied Menus

Using the Functional Administrator responsibility, create copies of the following supplied menus for Talent Profile. SSHR Talent Profile Manager Access Menu (HR_SSHR_TP_MGR_MENU) Talent Profile Employee Access Menu (HR_TP_EMP_MENU) SSHR Menu For All Seeded Report Template Functions (HR_SSHR_TP_TEMPLATE_MENU)

You can base your configuration on the sample menus provided although you should not change the predefined menus directly. You must create your own menus using the predefined menus as examples. Otherwise, your changes may be lost during an upgrade.

2. Set up the Talent Profile Regions

Talent Profile displays talent information in individual regions. As managers and workers have different business requirements, Talent Profile delivers views based on their roles. For example, only managers can view the Succession Plans region. By default, Talent Profile displays a set of regions for workers and managers, called Employee View and Manager View. Each of the regions is assigned a region code and a sub-function with the same name as the region code. The sub-functions for each of the regions control the security of the region. These sub-functions determine whether the application can display that region in the particular profile view or not. When a user logs in to Talent Profile, the application determines whether the user is a worker or manager. Then, the application checks whether the corresponding worker or manager sub-function for the view is granted. If the function is granted, then the application will display the region for the worker or manager.
Supplied SSHR Talent Profile Manager Access Menu (HR_SSHR_TP_MGR_MENU) Name Talent Profile Career Path Manager Talent Profile Cash Compensation Manager Function HR_TP_MGR_CARE ER_PATH_SS HR_TP_MGR_CASH _COMP_SS Type SUBFUNCTION Functionality Region



1-38 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Name Talent Profile Certifications Manager Talent Profile Competency Manager Talent Profile Compensation Statement Manager Printable Profile



Functionality Region









Talent Profile Job History Manager Talent Profile Performance Matrix Manager Talent Profile Performance Objectives Manager Talent Profile Previous Employment Manager Talent Profile Qualifications Manager Talent Profile Salary Overview Manager Talent Profile Succession Plan Manager



















Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-39

Name Talent Profile Additional Information Manager Talent Profile Appraisal Manager Talent Profile Awards Manager Talent Profile Work Preferences Manager Talent Profile Training Manager Talent Profile Global Search Enabled Talent Profile Show Person Hierarchy Enabled Download Export XML Button Security Renderer Talent Profile More Link Manager



Functionality Region
















Reporting Action



More link configuration option for Manager Action

Printable Profile ( Full ) Talent Profile Benefits Manager Talent Profile Performance Ratings Managers







1-40 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Supplied Talent Profile Employee Access Menu - HR_TP_EMP_MENU Name Talent Profile Additional Information Employee Talent Profile Appraisal Employee Talent Profile Awards Employee Talent Profile Career Path Employee Talent Profile Certifications Employee Talent Profile Competency Employee Talent Profile Job History Employee Talent Profile Performance Objectives Employee Talent Profile Previous Employment Employee Talent Profile Qualifications Employee Talent Profile Training Employee Function HR_TP_EMP_ADDIT IONALINFO_SS Type SUBFUNCTION Functionality Region



























Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-41

Name Talent Profile Work Preferences Employee Talent Profile More Link Employee Talent Profile Cash Compensation Employee Talent Profile Salary Overview Employee Talent Profile Compensation Statement Employee Printable Profile



Functionality Region













Compare Profile



Printable Profile ( Full ) Talent Profile Benefits Employee Talent Profile Performance Ratings Employee







3. Configuring the More Links in the Talent Profile Regions

The Talent Profile page regions provide a More link using which managers can navigate to the relevant self-service pages of workers. For example, when a manager clicks the More in the Qualifications region, the application displays the worker's Qualifications page. Similarly, when workers view their own Talent Profile page, they can navigate to the self-service pages using the More link. Talent Profile delivers predefined More links for manager and employee views using the following sub-functions:

1-42 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Manager View Talent Profile More Link Manager (HR_TP_MGR_MORE_LINK). This sub-funciton is included in the SSHR Talent Profile Manager Access Menu (HR_SSHR_TP_MGR_MENU)

Employee View Talent Profile More Link Employee (HR_TP_EMP_MORE_LINK). This sub-function is included in the Talent Profile Employee Access Menu (HR_TP_EMP_MENU).

You can configure the More links to display different application pages instead of the default configured pages. Each region has a predefined unique code defined for More links. This code is different from the region codes. The region codes are used for security of the regions. The More link code is used to specify the destination page when the More link is clicked. Note: If you do not want users to navigate to any application page from the More link, then you must leave the parameter value blank. To map the More link code to the destination function, navigate to the Form Functions window. Query the Talent Profile form function that you have set up. Click the Form Tab region and configure the Parameter as follows: MoreLinkMapMgr=<user defined sub-function name>&MoreLinkMapEmp=<userdefined sub-function name>, for example: MoreLinkMapMgr=HR_TP_MGR_MORE_LINK&MoreLinkMapEmp=HR_TP_EMP_M ORE_LINK The two parameters: MoreLinkMapMgr and MoreLinkMapEmp derive the destination for the More links. The value for both these parameters is a user defined sub-function. These sub-functions contain the mapping of region More link code to the destination function. The following sections provide information about the predefined parameters supplied with the HR_TP_EMP_MORE_LINK and HR_TP_MGR_MORE_LINK sub-functions.

Talent Profile More Link Manager (HR_TP_MGR_MORE_LINK)


Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-43

More Links on the Talent Profile Manager View Regio n Displ ay Name Other Infor matio n Appra isal Other Profes sional Qualif ication s Benefi ts Career Path Region Code (Manager) Parameter in the More Link Code Default Parameter Value Page that the More Link Displays




Add Attachment page.




View Appraisals page Other Professional Qualifications





Self-Service Benefits Enrollment More link is not available in this region More link is not available in this region


Cash Comp ensati on Learni ng Certifi cation s Comp etenci es







Learner Home




Competency Profile

1-44 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Regio n Displ ay Name Comp ensati on State ment Job Histor y Perfor mance Object ives Previo us Emplo yment Qualif ication s Traini ng Work Prefer ences Perfor mance Rating s

Region Code (Manager)

Parameter in the More Link Code

Default Parameter Value

Page that the More Link Displays




More link is not available in this region




More link is not available in this region Performance Management page of the worker.







More link is not available in this region




Education and Qualifications




Learner Home


Work Preferences




My Employee Information

Talent Profile More Link Employee (HR_TP_EMP_MORE_LINK)


Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-45


More Links on the Talent Profile Worker View Regio n Displa y Name Other Infor matio n Appra isal Other Profes sional Qualif ication s Benefi ts Career Path Region Code (Employee) Parameter in the More Link Code Default Parameter Value Page that the More Link Displays




Add Attachments




My Appraisals


Other Professional Qualifications




Self Service Benefits Enrollments More link is not available in this region Total Compensation Statement


Cash Comp ensati on Certifi cation







Learner Home

1-46 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Regio n Displa y Name Comp etenci es Comp ensati on Statem ent Job Histor y Perfor mance Object ives Previo us Emplo yment Qualif ication s Salary

Region Code (Employee)

Parameter in the More Link Code

Default Parameter Value

Page that the More Link Displays




Competency Profile



Total Compensation Statement




More link is not available in this region Performance Management







More link is not available in this region




Education and Qualifications




More link is not available in this region This region is not available in the Employee view Learner Home

Succes sion Plan Traini ng







Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-47

Regio n Displa y Name Work Prefer ences Perfor mance Matrix (Head er is not shown ) Perfor mance Rating s

Region Code (Employee)

Parameter in the More Link Code

Default Parameter Value

Page that the More Link Displays




Work Preferences




More link is not applicable




My Information

You can display EIT, SIT, and custom content on the Talent Profile page, see: Person Extra Information Types (EITs) See: Displaying Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions, page 1-58 Person Special Information Types See: Displaying Person Special Information Types (SITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions, page 1-60 Custom content See: Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Page Regions, page 1-63
Note: The EIT, SIT, and custom content regions do not support More


4. Grant the Custom Menus or Add the Custom Menus to the Responsibility
To enable managers and workers to use the Talent Profile features, you must grant the custom Talent Profile menus to the Oracle SSHR responsibilities assigned to the users.

1-48 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

You can grant the custom menus using the Functional Administrator responsibility. Grants enable managers and workers to access the Talent Profile functions. For information on creating grants and using permission sets, see: Grants and Permissions Sets (Oracle E-Business Suite System Administrator's Guide - Security) You can also add the custom menus to the Oracle SSHR responsibilities assigned to the users using the System Administrator responsibility

Completing the Configuration Steps for Talent Profile in SSHR

After you set up Talent Profile, you carry out the following configuration steps: Define Lookups for 9-Box Matrixes, page 1-49 Configure the Quick Search and Hierarchy Regions, page 1-54 Configure the Region Icon in the Talent Profile Regions, page 1-55 Personalize the Talent Profile Page, page 1-55

Define Lookups for 9-Box Matrixes

Using Talent Profile, managers can assess workers' potential, performance, and retention. The Performance Matrix displays performance profile of the worker using the following matrices: Performance vs. Potential: Provides information on the performance and leadership potential of a worker. The application plots the Performance rating on the horizontal x-axis on a scale of 1 to 3 and the Potential rating on the vertical y-axis on a scale of 1 to 3. Performance vs. Retention: Provides information on a worker's performance and risk of loss. The application plots the Performance rating on the horizontal x-axis on a scale of 1 to 3 and the Retention rating on the vertical y-axis on a scale of 1 to 3.

To assess workers' performance, potential, and retention using the 9-box matrixes, you must complete the following steps:

Define lookup types required for Talent Profile, page 1-49 Define lookup types for 9-box matrixes, page 1-50 Define mapping between Talent Profile and 9-box lookups , page 1-52 Define Lookup Types Required for Talent Profile Define the following lookup types to assess performance, potential, and retention:

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-49

PERFORMANCE_RATING: Indicates the performance rating of a worker, such as, Excellent, Average, and Poor. PER_SUCC_PLAN_POTENTIAL: Indicates the succession potential of a worker and promotion to the next higher role, such as Emergency Stand-In and Promotion in 1 Year. The Succession Potential segment of the Employee Career Management Information person EIT uses values defined in this lookup. PER_SUCC_PLAN_RISK_LEVEL: Indicates the retention potential of a worker, such as High, Medium, and Low. This lookup stores the values for the Turnover Rate segment of the Job Career Management Information and Position Career Management Information EITs. The Risk of Loss segment of the Employee Career Management Information person EIT also uses this lookup values.

If these lookups have already been defined, then you must verify that the information meets your business requirements. For information how to add lookup values, see: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Define Lookup Types for 9-box Matrixes To display values in 9-box matrixes, you must add values to the following lookup types. When adding the lookup values, you must specify the code so that the application can display the relevant rating for a worker in the 9-box. If you do not enter the code, then the 9-box does not display the rating. Define a maximum of three codes on a scale of 1 to 3. PER_9_BOX_LEVEL This lookup type is used to display the performance rating for a worker. The following table provides an example of how you can define lookup values for PER_9_BOX_LEVEL.
Code 1 Meaning Needs Description Performance is significantly below the required level. Performance is good and in-line with job requirements.


1-50 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Code 3

Meaning Exceeds

Description Worker has exceeded the required level of performance.

PER_POTENTIAL_9_BOX_LEVEL Indicates the potential level of workers such as limited, growth, and high. The following table provides an example of how you can define lookup values for PER_POTENTIAL_9_BOX_LEVEL:
Code 1 Meaning Limited Description Worker shows little or no potential to move to the next work level. Worker shows potential to advance to the next or higher work level. Worker has requisite skills and expertise and exhibits leadership qualities.



PER_RETENTION_9_BOX_LEVEL Indicates the retention prospects of workers such as low, medium, and high. The following table provides an example of how you can define lookup values for PER_RETENTION_9_BOX_LEVEL:
Code 1 Meaning Low Description Risk of losing the worker is high. Risk of losing the worker is moderate.


Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-51

Code 3

Meaning High

Description Risk of losing the worker is minimal.


Define mapping between Talent Profile and 9-box lookups The various matrixes do not directly use the lookup codes that you define in Step 1. The matrixes display ratings on a scale of 1-3 only using the 9-box lookup codes. To correctly represent workers' performance, potential, and retention dimensions, you must map the talent profile lookup codes to the 9-box look up codes. Use the following table to identify the 9-box lookup type that is associated with a talent profile lookup type:

The following example looks at why you must map a talent profile lookup type to a 9-box lookup type: In your enterprise, you have defined the following values for the PERFORMANCE_RATING lookup type to assess performance of workers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Below Average Average Sastisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding

You have defined the following values for the PER_9_BOX_LEVEL lookup to represent performance in the 9-box matrix:

1-52 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Code 1

Meaning Needs

Description Performance is significantly below the required level. Performance is good and in-line with job requirements. Worker has exceeded the required level of performance.



As the application uses only three levels in a 9-box, you must map the six PERFORMANCE_RATING lookup values to the three PER_9_BOX_LEVEL codes using the User Types and Statuses window. You can define the following mapping:
PERFORMANCE_RATING values Below Average Average Satisfactory Good Excellent Outstanding 3: Exceeds 2: Meets Mapped to PER_9_BOX_LEVEL 1: Needs

Follow these steps to define mapping between talent profile and 9-box lookups:
1. 2. 3.

Navigate to the User Types and Statuses window. Select a lookup type, for example, PERFORMANCE_RATING. In the System Type field, select the lookup value that you want to extend. For example, select the Satisfactory system type. Enter a description of the new user type or status. For example, enter Meets as a description.


Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-53

5. 6. 7. 8.

Enter a code for the new user type or status. For example, enter 2. Click the Further Info field. The Share Type Information window appears. Select the 9 Box level that the user status applies to. Repeat the steps to map the PERFORMANCE_RATING 'Good' value with the PER_9_BOX_LEVEL value 'Meets'. Save your work.


See: Creating User Types and Statuses, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Configure the Quick Search and Hierarchy Regions

By default, the Talent Profile page displays two regions: Quick Search and Hierarchy that managers can use to navigate between talent profiles of workers. These regions are configurable and can be removed from the Talent Profile page. The following sections explain the regions and how you can configure them.

Configuring the Quick Search Region

The Quick Search region displays two search options: Search Profile Displays profiles that logged in user can access. Users can select one of the profiles and click the Show Profile button to view the talent profile details. Recently Visited Profile This option displays recently viewed profiles. Currently, the visited profiles information is stored only in the transaction and this information is lost once the transaction ends. To display the region, you must grant the HR_TP_VIEW_GBL_SEARCH_SS function to the user. Details of the Function User Function Name: Talent Profile Global Search Enabled Type: SUBFUNCTION

Configuring the Hierarchy Bean

The hierarchy bean appears at the top of the profile below the Quick Search region. The hierarchy bean lists the workers in the supervisor hierarchy of the logged in user.

1-54 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

To display the hierarchy bean, you must the grant the HR_TP_VIEW_PER_HIERARCHY_SS function to the user. Details of the Function User Function Name: Talent Profile Show Person Hierarchy Enabled Type: SUBFUNCTION

Configure the Region Icon in the Talent Profile Regions

All the Talent Profile regions display icons that indicate the regions content in a graphical representation. You can add the required icons using the Personalization function. Each region is shared region and a separate XML document. Place the icons that are going to be used in the Talent Profile Regions in the OA_Media folder. Locate the region icon item and navigate to the PhotoCellRN page element. The Photo item of PhotoCellRN is an image type item. This item has an Image URI property, which is set to a blank image, by default. To display another image, personalize this property to point to the required image to be used on the region by starting with '/OA_Media/' followed by the icon file name of the icon being used for this region.

Display Regions on the Talent Profile page

Display regions on the Talent Profile page to view additional person specific details: Person Extra Information Types (EITs) See: Displaying Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions, page 1-58 Person Special Information Types See: Displaying Person Special Information Types (SITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions, page 1-60 Custom content See: Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Page Regions, page 1-63
Note: The EIT, SIT, and custom content regions do not support More


Personalizing the Talent Profile Page

This topic provides information on personalizing Talent Profile regions and region columns.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-55

See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide for more information on personalizing OA Framework pages.

Talent Profile Regions

Use the information in the following table to create or rearrange regions on the Talent Profile page (/oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/webui/TMProfileRN):
Note: TMProfileRN represents the entire page. Therefore, you cannot

add this region, for example, in the Appraisals region of the Talent Profile page.

Region Display Name Other Information

Region Path /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/additionalinfo/webui/Additio nalInformationRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/performance/webui/Appraisal ChartRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/qualifications/webui/Awards OverviewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/benefit/webui/BenefitsOvervie wRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/careerpath/webui/CareerPath RN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/empsalary/webui/SalaryCash CompGraphRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/learning/webui/CertificationsS ummaryRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/competency/webui/Competen cyOverviewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/empsalary/webui/SalaryComp onentsRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/employment/webui/CareerHis toryRN


Other Professional Qualifications Benefits

Career Path

Cash Compensation



Compensation Statement

Job History

1-56 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

Region Display Name Performance Objectives

Region Path /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/perfmanagement/webui/Perfo rmanceManagementRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/prevemp/webui/PrevEmploy mentOverviewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/qualifications/webui/Qualifica tionsOverviewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/empsalary/webui/SalaryOverv iewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/successionplan/webui/Success ionPlanOverviewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/training/webui/TrainingOverv iewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/workpreference/webui/WorkP referenceOverviewRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/performancematrix/webui/Ni neBoxSwitcherRN /oracle/apps/per/talentprofile/performance/webui/Performa nceRatingRN

Previous Employment



Succession Plan


Work Preferences

Performance Matrix (Header is not shown) Performance Ratings

Talent Profile Region Columns

You can personalize the supplied Talent Profile region columns to suit your business requirements. For example, by default, the Competencies region displays the following columns: Competency Name Current Proficiency Level Status Start Date End Date

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-57

If required, you can add columns to display different information. Using personalization, you can change labels, hints, tips, and messages. See: Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide, Extensibility chapter.

Displaying Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions
To view additional details of workers, you can display the Person Extra Information Types (EITs) as regions on the Talent Profile page. You can display a maximum of 10 EIT regions. Use the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature to display EITs as regions. On the Talent Profile page, you can add the EIT region and then configure the Flex: Descriptive Flex (HrEitDescFlex) item in this region to display contexts and segments of your choice.
Note: The EIT region does not support More link.

To display EITs as regions, complete the steps explained in this topic.


Set up the following profile options to enable the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature: Personalize Self-service Defn FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled Self Service Accessibility Features

For information on the profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

Set up descriptive flexfield segments to record EIT data. EITs are defined using descriptive flexfields. See: Extra Information Types in the Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Displaying EITs as Regions

Example 1 In this example, you display the Passport Details region on the Talent Profile page. To display this region, you must have defined the required flexfield segments such as Country, Passport Number, Issue Date, and Expiry Date before carrying out these steps:

1-58 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

1. 2.

Navigate to the Talent Profile page. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears. Select the required Personalization level and click Go. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the EIT region. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region. The Add Content page appears.

3. 4. 5.


Select any one of the available Extra Information Types regions. 10 EIT predefined regions are available for Talent Profile. Oracle recommends that you select only one EIT region for each flexible layout. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page. As a next step, configure the EIT region to enter the title.


8. 9.

Click the Personalize icon for that region. Scroll to the EitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Passport Details and click

Apply. You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.
11. Click the Personalize icon of the Flex:Descriptive Flex item. 12. Enter the EIT context and the flexfield segments that you want to display. Use the

following format when specifying the context and segments: For example:
ContextName|SegmentName1|SegmentName2 Passport Details|Country|Status|Passport Number|Date of Issue|Expiry Date 13. Click Apply to save your changes.

Example 2 In this example, you display multiple EITs: Employee Succession Planning Information and Tenure Status Details. Note that you must have defined the required segments for these flexfields before carrying out these steps:

Navigate to the Talent Profile page.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-59


Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears. Select the required Personalization level and click Go. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the EIT region Click the Add Content icon to add the new region. The Add Content page appears.

3. 4. 5.


Select any one of the available Extra Information Types regions. 10 EIT predefined regions are available for Talent Profile. Oracle recommends that you select only one EIT region for each flexible layout. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page. As a next step, configure the EIT region to enter the title.


8. 9.

Click the Personalize icon for that region. Scroll to the EitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Passport Details and click

Apply. You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.
11. Click the Personalize icon for the Flex:Descriptive Flex item. 12. Enter the multiple EIT contexts and the flexfield segments that you want to display.

Use double pipe || to enter two different contexts while the segments can be separated by single pipe | For example:
ContextName|SegmentName1|SegmentName2||ContextName2|SegmentName1|Seg mentName2 Employee Succession Planning Information|Succession Potential|Retention Potential||Tenure Status| Tenure Status|Date Determined 13. Click Apply to save your changes.

Displaying Person Special Information Types (SITs) as Talent Profile Page Regions
To view additional details of workers, you can display the person Special Information Types (SITs) as regions on the Talent Profile page. You can display a maximum of 10

1-60 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

SIT regions. Use the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature to display SITs as regions. On the Talent Profile page, you can add the SIT region and then configure the Flex: Key flex for Sit (HrSitKeyFlex) item to display contexts and segments of your choice.
Note: The SIT region does not support More link.

To display SITs as regions, complete the steps explained in this topic.


Set up the following profile options to enable the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature: Personalize Self-service Defn FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled Self Service Accessibility Features

For information on the profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

Set up key flexfield segments to record SIT data. SITs are stored in a key flexfield combination table where the combination of segments must be unique. See: User Definable Key Flexfields in the Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Displaying SITs as Regions

Example 1 In this example, you display the Visa Details region on the Talent Profile page. To display this region, you must have defined the required flexfield segments such as Visa Type and Purpose of Visa.
1. 2.

Navigate to the Talent Profile page. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears. Select the required Personalization level and click Go. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the SIT region. Click the Add Content icon to add the new region.

3. 4. 5.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-61

The Add Content page appears.


Select any one of the available Special Information Type regions. 10 SIT predefined regions are available. Oracle recommends that you select only one SIT region for each flexible layout. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page. As a next step, configure the SIT region to enter the title.


8. 9.

Click the Personalize icon for that region. Scroll to the SitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Visa Details and click Apply.

You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.
11. Click the Personalize icon of the Flex:Descriptive Flex item. 12. Enter the SIT context and the flexfield segments that you want to display. Use the

following format when specifying the context and segments: For example:
ContextName|SegmentName1|SegmentName2 Visa Details|Visa Type|Purpose of Visa 13. Click Apply to save your work.

Example 2 In this example, you display multiple SITs: Vehicle Profile and Work Environment. Note that you must have defined the required segments for these flexfields.
1. 2.

Navigate to the Talent Profile page. Click the global Personalize Page link. The Page Layout Personalization page appears. Select the required Personalization level and click Go. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the SIT region Click the Add Content icon to add the new region. The Add Content page appears.

3. 4. 5.


Select any one of the available Extra Information Types regions. 10 SIT predefined regions are available for Talent Profile. Oracle recommends that you select only one

1-62 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

SIT region for each flexible layout.


Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page. As a next step, configure the SIT region to enter the title.

8. 9.

Click the Personalize pencil icon for that region. Scroll to the EitFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Passport Details and click

Apply. You specify the required flexfield context to see the EIT data for that context.
11. Click the Personalize icon for the Flex: Key Flex for Sit item. 12. Specify the multiple SIT contexts and the flexfield segments that you want to

display. Use double pipe || to enter two different contexts while the segments can be separated by single pipe | For example:
ContextName|SegmentName1|SegmentName2||ContextName2|SegmentName1|Seg mentName2 Vehicle Profile|Vehicle Type|Issue Date|Plate Number|State Issued||Work Environment|Location|Plant|Field|Home 13. Click Apply to save your work.

Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Page Regions

On the Talent Profile page, you can use custom regions to display business specific details. You can configure custom regions if you need to use information structures other than EITs or SITs. Use a SQL Statement to retrieve the business specific information from the database and then configure the custom regions to display the content. You can configure a maximum of 10 custom regions on the Talent Profile page.
Note: The custom region does not support More link.

To display custom content as regions, complete the steps explained in this topic.


Set up the following profile options to enable the Oracle Application Framework Personalization feature:

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-63

Personalize Self-service Defn FND: Personalization Region Link Enabled Self Service Accessibility Features

For information on the profile options, refer to the Oracle Application Framework Personalization Guide

Create a database view based on one or more tables in the database. Consider security and information requirements before creating a database view. You can use the Additional WHERE clause to display the data of the worker whose profile is being viewed, if the database view returns data for all workers. This clause uses specific parameters that are passed dynamically. Following are the parameters: ##PERSON_ID## - Person ID of the currently viewed worker's profile ##PRIMARY_ASSIGNMENT_ID## - Assignment ID of the currently viewed worker's profile ##LOGIN_PERSON_ID## - Person ID of the logged in worker who is a manager ##BUSINESS_GROUP_ID## - Business group ID of the currently viewed worker ##EFFECTIVE_DATE## - Effective date in the format "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS"

Following rules apply when you create a database view:

1. 2.

Views can be based on any database table. Create an alias starting with 'D_' or 'd_' for the view columns that you want to display on the Talent Profile page. Use the HR_TP_NAME_TRANSLATIONS lookup type to create a lookup for each column that is created as an alias in the previous step. The lookup code must be the same as the column alias. Provide a user friendly value in the Meaning column as this value appears as the column header in the custom region of the Talent Profile page. Example of Lookup Codes


1-64 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide


Meaning Full Name Party Identifier


Write a SQL statement to retrieve data from the database view.

Displaying Custom Content as Talent Profile Regions

Example 1 In this example, you display the Worker Information region that has two columns: Name and Party Number. The Additional Where clause in this example has a person_id IN clause where the login_person_id and the person_id of the worker whose profile is being viewed are passed.
1. 2.

Navigate to the Talent Profile page. Click the global Personalize Page link. As you have set the Self Service Accessibility Features profile option, the Page Layout Personalization page appears. Select the required Personalization level and click Go. Click the Content tab and select a layout where you want to add the custom region Click the Add Content icon to add the new region. The Add Content page appears.

3. 4. 5.


Select any one of the available Dynamic View regions. 10 Dynamic View predefined regions are available. Oracle recommends that you select only one dynamic region for each flexible layout. Click Apply. You can view this region on the Talent Profile page. As a next step, configure the dynamic region to enter the title.


8. 9.

Click the Personalize icon for that region. Scroll to the DyncVwFlexRN<#>.TextCellRN row and click the Personalize icon of the Static Styled Text item.

10. Change the Prompt field with the desired title such as Worker Information and

click Apply.

Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR 1-65

The Dynamic View has three parameters that you must configure to display data in the region: Layout Style: Valid values are: TABLE - Table Layout and FORM - Message Component (Form) Style Layout DyViewName: The database view name that you created to show the required data in the custom region. DyWhereClause: Any additional where clause that is required to further filter the data retrieved from the view.

11. Click the personalize icon of the DyViewName item to specify the database view

12. Change the Prompt field with the desired database view name for the region and

click Apply.
13. Click the personalize icon for the DyWhereClause item to specify the additional

where clause.
14. Change the Prompt field with the desired additional Where Clause for the region

and click Apply.

1-66 Oracle Talent Profile in Oracle SSHR Guide

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